#sounds like something i’d do
ihearnocomplaints · 9 months
I am. So stupid dude. I clicked on your blog and saw your bio thing and was like "It's 19 ??? I thought it was 18 ?????" HEEELLP
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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Howdy hello- guess who made a wings au :)
More to come with this eventually- I’m working on my designs for other characters at the moment, but for now we’ve got Red-Tailed Hawk for Curt and Eagle Owl for Owen.
For DMA I had Barn Owl wings because a) Barn Owls are beautiful and I wanted to draw the wings for them, and more importantly, b) Owen would probably want to disguise his wings, and it would make sense if it was as a different type of owl. I just assume he’d dye his feathers in some way or another. Look- just don’t think about it too much.
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dilftesbiggestfan · 6 months
No cause it’s so offensive to not defend your close friend who you know did nothing wrong WHILE on vacation that THEY took you to.
Why didn’t Garroth, Travis, and Nana jump in and say anything? Didn’t Garroth literally just mention a few episodes ago that Dante hasn’t dated anyone since Nana in Highschool? And Nana confirmed it by punching him, fully debunking the cheater propaganda and then Jess remembered that and showed us that he in fact didn’t cheat contradicting herself again for the 200th time. nah cause they were so fake to Dante I can’t believe he took them to a one week 5 star cruise afterwards none of them deserved it he’s better than me fr most annoying part of that season was when aphmau came in with her 4 foot self involving herself in something that had nothing to do w her and talking about some “where’s Dante I gotta teach him a lesson1!1!1 🤬” girl you barely reach his kneecap he can literally pick u up and throw you out of a window sit down you have much more important struggles to worry about like how your boyfriend can’t be around kids and how you almost dated your half brother. Now be grateful you’re even here in love love paradise mrs grown woman who swims with toddlers in the kiddies pool and Nicole.. you also grow up you’re crying childishly cause he doesn’t date you 💀 it’s not the end of world seriously get over it y’all never were and never will be a thing leave that man aloneeee there are many fish in the sea go date Katelyn instead if you want one with blue hair so badly
As usual Zane and Lucinda were the only reasonable, logical and smart two to not involve themselves in this mess
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jame7t · 9 months
I had a dream where we met in irl and you were really tall and handsome, and then we got on laptops and did a real-time fandub of some transformers game together
I’m in your head + it’s so over for youuuu yay ^_^
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alluralater · 3 months
so i’m thinking of getting a taser
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whereismyhat5678 · 2 months
Nah man, I really gotta stop doing certain things
If you don’t wanna read you don’t have to, I’d say it’s KIND OF a vent but not really because I can’t take myself seriously like at all-
First things first there is one major thing I gotta stop and it is I HAVE TO STOP SAYING SORRY 24/7 my PARENTS have told me to STOP BUT I DONT- ITS INFURIATING. It’s like- you ever like try to go cold turkey on a habit that you do but you end up still doing it even if that cold turkey didn’t last for even an hour? YEAH ITS LIKE THAT- it’s a habit that I’ve built slowly upon and now it’s become a problem because anytime I DO say sorry over something minor my parents tell me to stop. I get they’re trying to help me, I love them for that, but it’s difficult when you assume anything you do and that you get a look for is your fault. Not their fault either if anything it’s mine for creating the habit but I’m telling you I just can’t stop it. It’s hard, and I hate it 💀
Second, I am a yapper. And there ain’t anything wrong with yapping first of all it’s just a problem and issue for me because I realize that I ain’t a multitasker. When it comes to be narrating to myself while doing something, chances are, I ain’t getting anything done because im too busy telling my life’s story to A WALL. And it’s especially become a problem because my mom (although is very interested with what I have to say) always tells me that I really just need to get stuff done and over with. I respect that, so im REALLY gonna try and just shut up. And I gotta be honest here I talk way too much for one person dude I just need to stop 😭😅
AND FINALLY, something I’m really trying to stop but it just keeps coming back to me!
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Listen if I had the ability to clone myself: I would sit her down and give her a lecture on what she does sometimes ain’t very smart and I REALLY gotta stop doing it.
But I gotta wait, cuz time does take a little bit and I know it’s gonna be a slow process getting these habits to stop. But you know what, that’s okay. I’ll be patient with myself, I’ll try to be. I’m gonna be okay. We’re all gonna be okay together.
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handmemyshovel · 1 year
“this fucking old👴 random dude just comes up to the table🍽 and my mom🧍‍♀️says hi😄 to his dog🐕 next thing you know i’m fucking 🪤LOCKED🔒 into a social interaction that i—i did ❌not❌ consent to😓. and this man🧍‍♂️ is breathing down my neck😖, he’s practically fucking just — just — he’s fucking — he’s gonna get his fucking dandruff🌨 on my french fries🍟. like — his body is spilling🫗 over onto my cuisine🍝, like he’s this close🤏🤏 …… and — and i fucking hated it and i couldn’t tell that my parents👨‍👩‍👦 genuinely wanted to speak🗣 to this man👴 who is a stranger🚶‍♂️ to me but apparently they knew⁉️
i didn’t realize💡 this, but i was being polite🙂 so i was like “okay☝️ i’m gonna take responsibility here😌. i’m gonna take on the responsibility of not contributing to the vibe that is making this man feel welcome😊” SO. I look dead ahead😐😐, i don’t make eye😑 contact with this beast🐆, i don’t fucking say hi👋 to him, i just — i’m like a stranger👽 on the fucking subway🚊: we ❌don’t❌ know each other😒, we’re ❌not❌ gonna know each other😤, just don’t. fucking. talk to me. 😊
and… and he leaves🍃. after like ten years🗓. and my parents just fucking jump🤬🤬 down my throat😱. “what the fuck?!! 🤬🤬what was that face you were making😤😤?!??”
and i was like, “i — i don’t know this man!!😰 i didn’t know him and i didn’t welcome him!”
and they were like, “well.. we knew him!😠”
and i was like “🥹well i—i—i- whatever 😐😐” i thought💭 i was do— i thought i was ⚔️protecting⚔️ them by being the ☝️one guy in the group who does— who is trying to be clear with their body language🖕.”
(episode: road dogs from life in the world to come)
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halfricanloveyou · 1 year
ok ok ok like i thought “the chosen” would suck cause “blah another series about the life and times of jesus” like we GET it it’s been around for CENTURIES you guys make the same damn movie all the time
but it’s actually legit really good? lots of pretty good representation! not everyone in the movie is white. actual portrayals of jewish culture instead of just ignoring that part. disabled people. matthew being autistic. characters that aren’t just two dimensional. the people in it feel like real people. there’s actual jokes, jesus cracks a few and they’re really funny?? so far nothing hateful, no gay or transgender bashing. it calls out the church for being judgemental and hateful in a way that’s very tasteful
it’s not perfect tho. jesus is…still white for some reason? despite mary not being white? and no one else around him being white? no gay people in it which is kind of a bad and a good thing…but it’s a portrayal of jesus and the people around him as human. as real life people who felt things and made jokes and rolled their eyes and stuff. also the guy they cast as jesus is pretty hot as are all the disciples. which isn’t the point or whatever but i can’t say i’m complaining. it’s free online and i think it’s worth a watch!
#it’s an adaptation of jesus that is more realistic#ofc he’s perfect and doesn’t sin but the point was that he was loving and kind and considerate and people all wanted to be around him#he doesn’t hesitate to walk straight into the dangerous or sketchy areas#he genuinely connects with and loves everyone he meets#they take liberties ofc but none of them are bad and add to the series as a whole#also as always i’m still gay and transgender as ever so no trad catholics or whatever touch this pls#but as a christian it makes my heart feel warm#it’s taken so so long to get an adaptation of any kind that depicts jesus as the kind of man who genuinely loves the people around him#not as some deity but as a human being loves other human beings#he is very human in this. it’s something christian’s don’t like to talk about#but if he went around talking like they do to other people#he wouldn’t have been able to last 10 seconds in the areas he was at#he wouldn’t have been welcomed there#it feels more faithful to the actual bible then they ever make him sound in any church service i’ve ever been in#the chosen#seriously check it out! it’s a genuinely good watch#especially if you have an interest in religion in general#i thought i’d hate it but i love it#pls know i’m being genuine abt this#and also the dudes they cast actually could pass as the age the actual apostles and actual jesus were#instead of being like 40-50 lmao#and them being hot is like just an added bonus sorry i have eyes
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randum-famdoms · 4 months
Hhhhhh I wanna do a dnd campaign so baddddd but I don’t have enough friendsssss
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Finding out the Dungeons and Daddies crew are going on tour but you don’t live specifically on the US West Coast:
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episodeoftv · 1 year
EDIT: ending this early bc I’m impatient. Here’s the tiebreaker poll!
If we do Most Episode s2‚ I’ll allow episodes to be resubmitted‚ except for the top 8-16, which will join the new bracket later. It will be a smaller bracket‚ definitely no more than 128‚ but probably capped off at 64.
Also this is just deciding which bracket to do first‚ I anticipate doing some of the runners-up later. (If this poll doesn’t have a clear sweep I’ll do a second poll with the top 2/3)
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autumn-opossum · 1 year
How come nobody told me Narrator from Rebecca was so relatable to us social anxiety havers
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inga-don-studio · 4 months
Since I pretty much tore the headcrab zombie mask down to just the base yesterday, I'm trying to figure out the best angle & pose for the new rigid forelimbs. I want them to look like they're jabbing into the host's chest while at rest and in an aggressive threat display when raised. I think I finally got it looking about how I want it, at least from the side profile-
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Story time with Lucile Desmoulins compilation
The Violet It was the first day of spring, and I walked out, descending into a valley filled with willows, which, alas! were not yet green. I turned away my eyes from the sight of those melancholy trees denuded of their leaves, and thought only of seeking amid the fresh-springing grass for the first flower of the fairest season. I walked a long time without finding anything, but at length, as far off as my sight could reach, I perceived a violet, one single violet! Oh, how beautiful it was! I flew to the spot, and was about to pick it, when, (what was my surprise!) the humble flower stirred, and seemed to endeavour to extricate itself from beneath my fingers! Fearing to deceive myself, I stretched out my hand. Then a voice, as sweet as its perfume, made itself heard, ”What are you doing, Lucile,” it said to me; ”why would you tear me from the earth? Alas! suffer me to live yet awhile; no one here treads me underfoot; you will soon find thousands more beautiful than I; in a bouquet I should be lost, mixed up with others, and I should add nothing to its size; let me end my days here.” Touched by such affecting language, I replied: ”Fear nothing, gentile flower, I would never be so cruel as to destroy you; let me only inhale your breath.” Then she lifted her odorous head, and her leaves unfolded themselves. Moved to tears, I allowed one to fall into her calix. She said to me: ”Your tears recruit my strength; I shall live longer than my fellows.” Then I said, ”I will come every day and moisten your leaves with sweet pure water.” ”Come,” she replied, ”but come always alone.” I promised her this, and every day I went to tend her, and to inhale her delicious perfume. Alas! I shall never see my friend again! My charming violet — one evening — in vain I sustained her bending stem, in vain slightly sprinkled her with water drops to revive her; her last hour had come. I shall visit that valley no more, but I shall ever think of my sweet violet.
First cited in Camille Desmoulins and his wife: passage from the history of the dantonists by Jules Claretie (1876) page 128-129
What I would do if I were in her place If destiny had placed me on the throne, if I was queen, and, having brought pain to my subjects, a just death for my crimes had been prepared for me, I wouldn’t wait for the moment when an unrestrained population came to tear me from my palace to drag me unworthily to the foot of the scaffold, I would prevent their blows, I say, and would like by dying to impose them on the entire universe. I would have a large enclosure prepared in a public place, I would have a stake erected there and barriers surrounding it, and three days before my death I would let the people know my intentions. At the back of the enclosure and opposite the stake I would erect an altar. During these three days I would go to the foot of this altar to pray to the great master of the universe, on the third day I would like all my mourning family to accompany me to the stake, this ceremony would take place at midnight by light torches.
First cited in Les Autographes et le goûts des autographes en France et à l’entranger (1865) page 301-302
The Aviary Cloé had only seen the revolution of the twelve months of the year twelve times. Her only occupation, her only amusement during this happy period of her life, was to look for nests in the woods and to see these young broods growing under her eyes and by her care. The little birds had grown big, she didn't have the courage to get rid of them; she kept them all and fed them as best she could. Her parents, who were not wealthy, were forced to interfere with their daughter's innocent pleasures. The aviary had become considerable and required a fairly large quantity of grain, which the young shepherdess obtained only with great difficulty. She had even had to steal more than once. One morning the young Cloé had gone out to find some new broods. What a sight awaited her on her return! She arrives very happy, in her hands a pretty nest of warblers. She runs to her aviary: the door to it was wide open, and not a bird inside... The merry finches, the bullfinches, the frank sparrows, the goldfinches, the tender warbler, the nightingale... and you too, faithful pigeon, all had taken their flight: not a single one had awaited the return of their poor master! How to paint Cloé's despair? At first she remains motionless and mute. A moment later, rage seizes her, she tears out her blond hair, she is flooded with tears; then she overturns and breaks the cage under her feet; she goes, comes, walks out and returns almost immediately. Several times one sees her following the birds in the air with her eyes, hoping to distinguish some of those in her aviary. She can no longer eat, and throws away all the objects that could remind her of too dear memories. At twenty, she was no more distressed when she learned of the infidelity of her beloved shepherd. One hears her exclaim: “Ah! Alas! They gave up their beneficence… Even though nothing was missing. These ingrates! What had they to desire? I shared with them the bread that was given to me for myself alone. I made them eat it out of my hand. How many times didn’t I go to the garden to pick up for them the fruit that had fallen from the tree! I spent whole hours looking for new worms for them that they love so much! How many times have I exposed myself for them to the reproaches and threats of my parents! Every morning, every evening I took care of them, as a mother takes care of her little children. I caressed them in turn; I warmed them in my bosom. How many times have I disturbed my sleep to go discover some companions for them at dawn, through brambles and thorns! They were all my pleasures. Near them I forgot the hour of the dance. They even recognized me and returned my caresses. During the winter, when the snow covers the fields, where will they take refuge? They will die of cold and hunger… if the bird-catcher does not trap them to give them to cruel children, or else the inhuman hunter… O my poor little birds, how I pity you! Alas! You miss me. Cruel parents, it is you who cause us all these evils!”
An elderly shepherdess, her neighbour, had heard the lamentations of the young Cloé. Touched by her good heart, she came up and said to her, embracing her: 
”Console yourself, beloved child, do not cry over the fate of your lost birds; all your care did not make them happier... 
”My dear, what more did they need? I could have given it to them.”
”Liberty, my dear daughter: it is the greatest of goods. For her, we face the rigor of the seasons, the traps of the bird catcher, the gun of the hunter. For her we forget her benefactress, and the benefactress has no right to call ungrateful those who prefer only liberty to her.”
”So you mean that, free, they can be even happier than they were with me?”
”Yes, Cloé.”
”You assure me, my dear?”
”Yes, beloved child.”
”Well, if it is as you tell me, I am willing to forgive them.”
First cited in Paris en 1794 et en 1795: histoire de la rue, du club, de la famine, composée d’après des documents inédits, particulièrement les rapports de police et les registres du Comité de salut public, avec une introduction par C-A Dauban (1869) by Charles-Aimé Dauban, page 335-337.
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brittlebutch · 6 months
i hate that there is Work Behavior and Home Behavior and that the two do not overlap it’s sucks; they should get rid of that immediately and forever
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kaazukado · 8 months
Hazbin Fuck My Life
i adore hazbin hotel, i think it’s amazing, but i can’t help but wonder if i just have low standards or am an absolute dumbass because clearly it has issues that i never spotted until someone brought it up, and even then i thought it was fine(like the pacing for the eps. in general i’m cool with it but i will admit - five months passing in five eps? like are you fucking serious??? that’s insane, what the hell)
and then when i feel smart about deciding that gee, alastor was uncharacteristically crude in ep 5, suddenly i feel like the idiot again because all the comments on videos of him cursing lucifer out are saying how it’s such a good way to show how much lucifer pisses him off. i mean, i saw that too, but it still felt incredibly jarring at the time. and now i’ve conformed to public opinion and i genuinely think it’s fine too. go me. (that or it’s that the shock has worn off and i just think alastor saying “fuck you” is funny)
i fucking hate everything here. i don’t want to be one of viv’s blind stans but i don’t want to be one of her blind haters either, nor do i want to go down the rabbit hole of “what fucked up shit has she done in the past decade” or whatever the hell it is that makes people despise her so much. am i lazy? am i willfully ignorant? or am i making the wise choice to avoid potentially meaningless and petty discourse?
i don’t know why this is so stressful. i don’t know what’s wrong with me
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