#i like how the first and last sound like lucile thought:
Story time with Lucile Desmoulins compilation
The Violet It was the first day of spring, and I walked out, descending into a valley filled with willows, which, alas! were not yet green. I turned away my eyes from the sight of those melancholy trees denuded of their leaves, and thought only of seeking amid the fresh-springing grass for the first flower of the fairest season. I walked a long time without finding anything, but at length, as far off as my sight could reach, I perceived a violet, one single violet! Oh, how beautiful it was! I flew to the spot, and was about to pick it, when, (what was my surprise!) the humble flower stirred, and seemed to endeavour to extricate itself from beneath my fingers! Fearing to deceive myself, I stretched out my hand. Then a voice, as sweet as its perfume, made itself heard, ”What are you doing, Lucile,” it said to me; ”why would you tear me from the earth? Alas! suffer me to live yet awhile; no one here treads me underfoot; you will soon find thousands more beautiful than I; in a bouquet I should be lost, mixed up with others, and I should add nothing to its size; let me end my days here.” Touched by such affecting language, I replied: ”Fear nothing, gentile flower, I would never be so cruel as to destroy you; let me only inhale your breath.” Then she lifted her odorous head, and her leaves unfolded themselves. Moved to tears, I allowed one to fall into her calix. She said to me: ”Your tears recruit my strength; I shall live longer than my fellows.” Then I said, ”I will come every day and moisten your leaves with sweet pure water.” ”Come,” she replied, ”but come always alone.” I promised her this, and every day I went to tend her, and to inhale her delicious perfume. Alas! I shall never see my friend again! My charming violet — one evening — in vain I sustained her bending stem, in vain slightly sprinkled her with water drops to revive her; her last hour had come. I shall visit that valley no more, but I shall ever think of my sweet violet.
First cited in Camille Desmoulins and his wife: passage from the history of the dantonists by Jules Claretie (1876) page 128-129
What I would do if I were in her place If destiny had placed me on the throne, if I was queen, and, having brought pain to my subjects, a just death for my crimes had been prepared for me, I wouldn’t wait for the moment when an unrestrained population came to tear me from my palace to drag me unworthily to the foot of the scaffold, I would prevent their blows, I say, and would like by dying to impose them on the entire universe. I would have a large enclosure prepared in a public place, I would have a stake erected there and barriers surrounding it, and three days before my death I would let the people know my intentions. At the back of the enclosure and opposite the stake I would erect an altar. During these three days I would go to the foot of this altar to pray to the great master of the universe, on the third day I would like all my mourning family to accompany me to the stake, this ceremony would take place at midnight by light torches.
First cited in Les Autographes et le goûts des autographes en France et à l’entranger (1865) page 301-302
The Aviary Cloé had only seen the revolution of the twelve months of the year twelve times. Her only occupation, her only amusement during this happy period of her life, was to look for nests in the woods and to see these young broods growing under her eyes and by her care. The little birds had grown big, she didn't have the courage to get rid of them; she kept them all and fed them as best she could. Her parents, who were not wealthy, were forced to interfere with their daughter's innocent pleasures. The aviary had become considerable and required a fairly large quantity of grain, which the young shepherdess obtained only with great difficulty. She had even had to steal more than once. One morning the young Cloé had gone out to find some new broods. What a sight awaited her on her return! She arrives very happy, in her hands a pretty nest of warblers. She runs to her aviary: the door to it was wide open, and not a bird inside... The merry finches, the bullfinches, the frank sparrows, the goldfinches, the tender warbler, the nightingale... and you too, faithful pigeon, all had taken their flight: not a single one had awaited the return of their poor master! How to paint Cloé's despair? At first she remains motionless and mute. A moment later, rage seizes her, she tears out her blond hair, she is flooded with tears; then she overturns and breaks the cage under her feet; she goes, comes, walks out and returns almost immediately. Several times one sees her following the birds in the air with her eyes, hoping to distinguish some of those in her aviary. She can no longer eat, and throws away all the objects that could remind her of too dear memories. At twenty, she was no more distressed when she learned of the infidelity of her beloved shepherd. One hears her exclaim: “Ah! Alas! They gave up their beneficence… Even though nothing was missing. These ingrates! What had they to desire? I shared with them the bread that was given to me for myself alone. I made them eat it out of my hand. How many times didn’t I go to the garden to pick up for them the fruit that had fallen from the tree! I spent whole hours looking for new worms for them that they love so much! How many times have I exposed myself for them to the reproaches and threats of my parents! Every morning, every evening I took care of them, as a mother takes care of her little children. I caressed them in turn; I warmed them in my bosom. How many times have I disturbed my sleep to go discover some companions for them at dawn, through brambles and thorns! They were all my pleasures. Near them I forgot the hour of the dance. They even recognized me and returned my caresses. During the winter, when the snow covers the fields, where will they take refuge? They will die of cold and hunger… if the bird-catcher does not trap them to give them to cruel children, or else the inhuman hunter… O my poor little birds, how I pity you! Alas! You miss me. Cruel parents, it is you who cause us all these evils!”
An elderly shepherdess, her neighbour, had heard the lamentations of the young Cloé. Touched by her good heart, she came up and said to her, embracing her: 
”Console yourself, beloved child, do not cry over the fate of your lost birds; all your care did not make them happier... 
”My dear, what more did they need? I could have given it to them.”
”Liberty, my dear daughter: it is the greatest of goods. For her, we face the rigor of the seasons, the traps of the bird catcher, the gun of the hunter. For her we forget her benefactress, and the benefactress has no right to call ungrateful those who prefer only liberty to her.”
”So you mean that, free, they can be even happier than they were with me?”
”Yes, Cloé.”
”You assure me, my dear?”
”Yes, beloved child.”
”Well, if it is as you tell me, I am willing to forgive them.”
First cited in Paris en 1794 et en 1795: histoire de la rue, du club, de la famine, composée d’après des documents inédits, particulièrement les rapports de police et les registres du Comité de salut public, avec une introduction par C-A Dauban (1869) by Charles-Aimé Dauban, page 335-337.
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naughtyneganjdm · 1 year
One Time Thing
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Summary: With every meal, a member of Alexandria that Negan finds himself affectionate for comes down to visit him. On this day, Negan lets Y/N know how he feels about her leading to a sexy moment between the two of them.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC, third person), etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47527771
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, smut, oral (male and female receiving), etc. 
Notes: I made a challenge for myself to write a short one-shot to go along with a smut prompt sentence. I was given "*this is a one time thing* negan x reader but the one who falls in love first is daddy Negan" ... I hope the person that requested this enjoys it! And if you liked this in any way, please let me know! Y/N means your name or whatever name you want to add. Do I have to keep saying this or is it pretty well known at this point? Oh well, either way. Enjoy!
Laughter echoed throughout the small, mundane cell that Negan had been locked up in for God knows how long at this point. Pulling his eyes away from the book that he was reading, Negan looked to the window that they had given him to see that sun was pouring in. It was hot. Uncomfortably hot for him at least. It felt like he was being baked inside of his cell, but out there? Kids were playing soccer together having fun. From where Negan was seated at the corner of his cell, he felt a sense of loneliness fill his body when he tipped his head to the side.
The sounds outside reminded him of when he was younger. When him and Lucille lived in their small little home. Every summer the kids would get together and play sports in the middle of the street with one another. Closing his eyes, he still vaguely remembered what it was like back then, but the memory was somewhat of a blur and he hated that.
Huffing, Negan set his book down beside him and pulled apart the buttons of the blue long sleeve that they had him in. Tossing it on top of the small cot, he got more relaxed and slid his feet further out onto the floor. Stretching out his long legs, Negan looked to the door of his cell. Usually he would be having someone coming down to give him his lunch right about now. Most of the time he didn’t care much for visits, but Negan especially looked forward to his meals. Those were the times of the day when someone who had really caught his attention would visit him. Most people at Alexandria snubbed their nose at him. Mocked him or just plain out ignored him. But Y/N, she never did that. In fact, she always initiated a conversation with him. Listened to him. She empathized with him when everyone else just saw a monster.
See the thing is, Negan without meaning to had developed feelings for this woman. With her kindness and her gentle touch, Negan found himself in awe of her. She was beautiful, sweet, charming…everything that was far too good for him, but he couldn’t help having feelings for her. Of course he never told her because he knew that if he did, nothing would come from it. No one would want to be with him. Not when the whole town would shame her if they found out. Getting lost in his thoughts, Negan let out a long sigh. At this point in his life Negan knew he was too far gone for someone else to love.
This morning when it was breakfast time, someone else had showed up with his food which was extremely disappointing. Especially since she was the thing that made his morning for him. Getting information from the Alexandrian that came in this morning was hard, but he was promised that she would be back for lunch. Truthfully? It worried him when she didn’t show up because she had been the one doing it consistently over the last few months. So just knowing that she was okay? That’s all that mattered to him. The only problem was, with her not showing up on time for lunch it just made him worry more.
Forcing himself to start reading again, he knew that if he let his mind linger, he would just start feeling bad for himself again. It was painful enough being locked up here inside of Alexandria. The last thing he needed was his own mind beating the shit out of itself.
“There she is,” Negan’s voice rumbled when the sound of someone’s footsteps pulled him away from the book following the sound of a door closing. Excitement flooded his veins when Y/N finally made it into the room that held his cell. When their eyes connected, Negan set the book down beside him and offered her up a big, cheesy toothy smile that made her smirk. “I didn’t think you were coming. I was worried about you.”
“You? Worried about me?” she spoke up, her eyebrow arching in curiosity when she made her way toward his cell. “Why would you worry about a gal like me?”
“Why wouldn’t I worry about a gal like you?” Negan replied noticing the way that her cheeks flushed over with his comment back. Unlike the others, Y/N would actually unlock his cell and take the time to come in to talk to him during his meal which was something he really liked. Loneliness had eaten away at Negan for so long that Y/N had helped heal some of that for him. “You’re the best part of my day.”
Getting into his cell, Y/N brought Negan’s serving tray in with her and closed the door behind her. Holding out the tray, she waited for Negan to accept it before carefully lowering down in beside him so they could sit together, “I’m one of the most boring people here Negan.”
“Not for me you aren’t,” Negan hushed her, his thick eyebrow arching in amusement when she got comfortable in beside him. Noticing that she was wearing a V-neck shirt, it made a wolfish smile press in over his handsome features and he snorted. “Did you wear that for me?”
“I wore it because it’s balls hot outside Negan,” she swatted at his shoulder, getting more comfortable with her back pressed against the wall. “I’m sweating like a pig. I’m sure that’s very appealing to you.”
“You have no idea,” Negan rumbled grabbing the sandwich from his plate and groaning outwardly. “Sandwiches. My favorite.”
“Beggars can’t be choosers,” she nudged him playfully with her elbow hearing him snort before taking a big bite of the egg sandwich that she had brought him. “At least I try to give you variety with your sandwiches.”
“True,” Negan agreed with a mouthful holding his sandwich out for her to take a bite. With a huff, she took a bite making him smile before taking a few more big bites on his own. “You know you like sharing lunch with me.”
“Sometimes I think you make me eat your lunch so you know that I’m not poisoning you,” she watched him finish off the sandwich. Placing her hand over his knee, she caressed over it tenderly making Negan swallow down hard. “I’m just glad you’re eating now. You scared the hell out of me when you weren’t eating.”
“You’re what made me start eating,” Negan whispered poking at one of the sides she had brought him with his meal. It made her turn her head toward him and he cleared his throat. “When you cried about me starving myself to death…I never wanted to see you cry again.”
“I looked that bad, huh?” she hesitated hearing Negan snort before rolling his eyes. “I didn’t mean to cry. I just didn’t want the person I was taking care of to die under my watch.”
“Oh, so you didn’t just care about me or anything?” Negan teased her, setting the tray out in front of them after he finished his lunch. Pouring some of the water she had brought for him out into his hands, Negan splashed some of it onto his face and grumbled. “It’s fucking hot. Between being baked and not being able to come, I think y’all are trying to kill me here.”
“What?” she blurt out, an amused laughter falling from her lungs when he bobbed his head about. “You’re not able to come?”
“Not at all,” Negan alerted her with a frown making her roll her eyes. “Do you know how hard it is to wake up every day with an erection and not be able to do anything about it? I don’t know if it’s because of the environment or what…”
“You’re full of shit,” she chuckled seeing Negan shake his head.
“I wish I was. You can ask the father, more times than I care to admit he has come down here seeing me try to beat one out, but I can’t…” Negan snickered making her cover her eyes and drop her head back against the wall while they both laughed. “I know I’ve had to make him uncomfortable.”
“You’re unbelievable,” she smacked at the center of Negan’s chest making a deep rumble of laughter fall from his throat. “So that’s why I see him going into the church praying so hard? You just burned that image into his soul for life.”
“I think of it as a gift, but it is what it is,” Negan shrugged noticing the way that she looked him over and his nose wrinkled. “What?”
“Sometimes I think you bullshit me to show off,” she explained sliding in closer to Negan making him turn his upper half toward her. Shaking his head, Negan’s dimples sank in and he let out a tsking sound. “See, now…you’re making me jealous that Gabriel has seen you naked.”
“Jealous?” Negan repeated her words with a smirk. “If you want to see my cock Y/N, all you have to do is ask. I’m kind of head over heels for you if you haven’t noticed. So all you have to do is say jump and I’d ask how high.”
“Bullshit,” she breathed out again making Negan’s expression turn very serious. With his eyes gazing over her lips, it made her heart skip a beat and she felt hot at the way he was looking at her. “You’re just charming and flirty.”
“I am those things, but I don’t lie to you,” Negan assured her pressing in closer to her so that their faces were close enough to one another. The warmth of his breath lingered over her lips making a shuddering sound escape her. “I’ve never lied to you. And I never will.”
Faintly his lips skimmed over hers, just barely touching them. It was bold of him to try this because he knew that he might upset her and she would never come back, but he had to let her know how he felt about her. When she didn’t push him away, he brought their lips together and he claimed her mouth in a kiss that was delicate. Taking his time, he allowed her to get used to the sensation of him kissing her before he deepened the kiss. Curling his finger in underneath her chin, he managed to get her to tip her head back. The movement had her lips parting allowing him to brush his tongue over hers in a tempting, teasing flick. With the sound that followed, he felt a fire flooding his veins when he tried to deepen the kiss. Wincing, he felt her hand placing firmly over the center of his chest and he frowned. “Sorry.”
“Place your hands on the floor,” she instructed him making his hazel eyes narrow, his jaw flexing when he didn’t get why she was telling him to do it. “Flat on the ground.”
“I don’t understand,” Negan panted, his heart hammering inside of his chest when she ordered him to put his hands at his side. Licking at his lips, Negan could see that her eyes were dilated with lust so he didn’t think he did anything wrong. “Y/N?”
“Hands flat out on the ground beside you,” she ordered and instead of fighting her, Negan did what she told him to do. There was a slow, uneasy motion in the way he did it, but when his palms flattened out over the ground, she moved in closer to him. Swallowing down, Negan watched her hands reaching out toward his pants to start undoing his belt making a sharp breath escape his lips. “Good boy. We’ll see if we can make you come.”
There were so many things he wanted to say. So many wise crack remarks, but with her fingers swiftly pulling apart the belt in his pants, he found his heart hammering in his chest. It had his body shaking. His lips were parted, the sound of his heavy breaths filling the air around them. With ease she unhooked his belt, tugging it out before reaching for the button in his pants to yank it apart.
“You don’t have to do this,” Negan groaned when she jerked at the material of his pants. Arching his hips up toward her in order for her to be able to do what she wanted when she pulled down the zipper. Licking at his lips, Negan saw that there was determination in her eyes when she pushed the material apart and reached inside to snake her hand between the slit of his boxer briefs in search of his semi-erect form. Pulling Negan’s cock out into her hand had him moaning out. “Y/N.”
“Don’t move,” she demanded when her fingers wrapped around the shaft of his cock, starting to pump his flesh in her grasp. Negan’s head tipped back against the hard wall making her smile. It was taking everything inside of Negan for him not to respond to what she was doing right now. Sliding in closer to Negan, she leaned in to press wet kisses over the side of his neck and heard him growl when she did it. “This is a one time thing. You understand that, right?”
Nodding once, Negan moaned out when she bit at the side of his neck. Licking his lips, Negan wanted to bounce his hips up toward her caress, but he knew that she was specific in telling him what she wanted him to do. Sheathing him in her grasp she took her time to pay attention to Negan’s reaction to every touch. Peppering her kisses up over his jawline, her lips met Negan’s feeling his tense against the kiss making her laugh.
“Relax,” she encouraged making his body loosen up when he eagerly kissed her with everything he had inside of him. In no time she had managed to get him solid within her grasps. Pulling from the kiss, she stared down at Negan’s erection finding her mouth watering at the way he ached in her grasp. The veins were prominent going up the shaft and she took the chance to trace over them making Negan’s hips arch up toward her touch. “You have a nice cock.”
“I know,” Negan noted making her roll her eyes. Stroking her thumb across the ridge of the swollen tip, she couldn’t help but enjoy having her way with Negan like this. “If you think it’s nice like that, you should see how nice it is inside of you.”
“Bold,” she slid in closer to him, leaning in to kiss over his bottom lip. A deep, raspy moan escaped his parted lips when her fingers curled around his girth again working her touch over his distended flesh. “When did you have a bath last?”
“This morning,” Negan responded finding it hard to keep his palms flat on the ground. At this point she had a steady, firm pace that she was jerking him off and his body felt like it was on fire. It had been so long since someone had touched him like this. “Why?”
“Because I want to make sure that what I’m putting in my mouth is clean,” she answered against his lips, unhurriedly lowering herself down making a sharp exhale fall from his throat. Outstretching her tongue, she dragged it over the tip collecting the taste of him with a hum. Lazily taking her time to circle her tongue around the ridges of the tip of his swollen cock had him moaning out. “You have to be quiet.”
“Yes ma’am,” he obeyed her when she lifted her eyes up to give him a firm glare with her hand stroking over his tip. Already he was exceedingly sensitive with her touch so it felt fucking amazing having her doing that. Biting into his bottom lip, he gave her a nod of approval making her smirk. Dropping her head back down, she placed wet kisses over the tip with her tongue dragging out over the flesh in unhurried flicks. It took everything inside of him not to make a noise. Considering she was the first person to touch him in years, he thought he was doing a pretty good fucking job. “Fuck, Y/N.”
“Mmmm…” she hummed taking just the tip between her parted lips making his hips flex, pushing them up a bit toward the wet warmth.
She was teasing him with the drags of her tongue around his tip, down over the length of his shaft and back again. Shaking on his unsteady hands, Negan felt a fire burning through his veins and he couldn’t avoid the faint raspy moan that escaped him when her mouth finally took him in. Bobbing her head down and pulling back lazily while dragging her tongue along his erection had him tensing up beneath her. Keeping his eyes on her movements, Negan wondered if he had fallen asleep and this was something that his mind had conjured up. Having her stroking his shaft in circular motions with her palm with his cock in her mouth was something he could have only dreamt of before. Yet here she was doing what she could to get him to come.
“Please, can I touch you?” Negan begged knowing that she had ordered him to keep his hands on the ground. With a wet sound, Y/N pulled her lips from his glistening length. A line of saliva trailed from her lips to the tip of his cock and it made him moan. Licking her lips, her eyes surveyed him over and she could see the desperation in his big hazel eyes. “Please.”
“Just one,” she allowed with a nod of her head wrapping her other hand around his shaft to pump his girthy length in her grasp. Raising his right hand, Negan stroked his fingers through her hair before his thumb caressed in over her jawline. With her eyes connected on Negan’s, she leaned down enough to take the bulbous head back between her wet lips making him moan out. Every movement over his body, she had her eyes locked on him to see what it did to him making him realize she was a whole lot naughtier than she acted.
“God,” Negan fell forward when she took him as far back into her throat as she could. Palming in over her shoulders, he caressed over her body noticing that she deep throated him a few more times. Panting, Negan looked up toward the window to make sure that no one was noticing the two of them. Right now would have been one of those times where he wished that window didn’t exist. Sinking his fingers into her hair, Negan gave it a gentle tug getting her to pull away from his aching manhood with a smile. “I’m not coming. I think you’re going to have to try harder.”
“Oh?” she marveled her eyebrow arching in curiosity. “Well, if I try harder. You’re going to have to make me come too. I can’t put in the work and not be paid back Negan.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan pulled her up to him stealing a kiss from her full, wet lips. Suckling at her bottom lip, Negan palmed in over her sides making her purr against his lips. “Get on your knees.”
“Now you’re giving orders?” she quipped, smiling against his lips when he nodded his head. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”
“You can control the ending,” Negan insisted with a rumble, his handsome smile tugging at his lips. “You’ll be thankful. I promise you.”
“I better be,” she retorted getting up to her knees making Negan’s eyes gaze over her. Snickering, he got on his knees and reached out for his pillow. Putting it on the hard ground before his cot, Negan grabbed a hold of her and made her face the cot. Bending her over the cot had her breathing heavily as he made sure that her knees were resting on the pillow. Grabbing the back of her pants, Negan tugged on the material getting it down over her bottom and to her thighs along with her panties. “Negan?”
“Shh…” Negan hushed her palming up over the small of her back pushing the material of her shirt up. Teasing his rough fingertips down her spine had her arching her back up while she braced herself on his cot. “You are so fucking gorgeous.”
Tipping forward he pressed faint kisses over the center of her back while his hands found their way to her hips. Caressing over the flesh with small squeezes had her cooing and it made him wonder what things were like for her outside these walls. Was she with someone out in Alexandria? Was this her first time in a long time too? Grunting, Negan forced her to put her head further down against the cot and pulled her ass up further. Leaning back on his knees, Negan caressed at her full bottom testing the flesh in his grasp.
“You have such a pretty ass baby,” Negan proclaimed lowering down to nip at her flesh making her gasp, but it was followed by an amused sound. Pushing her cheeks apart, Negan moaned at the sight of her before him. “Now that is a beautiful sight.”
Mewling out, her eyes slammed shut when Negan buried his head between her thighs, his tongue lapping at the length of her wet heat. Grasping the sheet that was over his cot and curling it up in her fingers, she was doing everything she could to stay quiet. It was a strange feeling with Negan’s short beard rubbing up against her flesh while he pleasured her, but she liked it. Between the strong flicks of his tongue and the sucking at her flesh, he had her purring and panting with every touch. What made everything even more sensual for her was the way that Negan was moaning against her pussy while he ate her out.
“Negan,” she cried out his name knowing that she would damn herself if someone outside heard her, but she couldn’t keep herself quiet. With how hard her heart was pounding inside of her chest, she didn’t know if she could keep this up. Slurping, wet sounds filled that small cell while Negan had his way with her. He was wild with reckless abandon as he pleasured her like it was the first meal he had in years. Gasping, she felt him pulling away from her to squeeze over her bottom giving it a small spank followed by another squeeze. It had her wiggling her hips back wanting his mouth back over her. A deep rumble of a chuckle followed, but he gave her what she wanted. Dragging his tongue from top down, repeating the motion of his tongue flicking over the length of her sex. “Please…please…”
“Please what?” Negan slurred against her body, sucking at her sensitive flesh feeling her buck back against him.
“Fuck me,” she begged of him feeling everything inside of her aching. Excitement fell from Negan’s throat with him pressing one final wet kiss over her core. Getting up on his knees, he moved in behind her and firmly brought her hips where he wanted them. Looking back over her shoulder at Negan, she watched him reaching for the gray shirt that he was wearing to pull it from his body. Pushing his pants down to the bottom of his waist, Negan curled his long fingers around the base of his cock and teased a line with the tip of his cock between her wet folds. It made her bounce her hips back and a wicked smile flooded his features. “For fuck’s sake, please…”
“Please what?” Negan snorted, tracing his cock up and down several times over her. It was torture and he wasn’t giving her what she truly wanted. Tapping his hard cock against her bottom felt heavy with the smack it gave against her flesh.
“Fuck me now or I will never come back down here to see you again,” she warned with a hiss making Negan frown, his expressive eyebrows adding to his pout.
“Well that’s mean,” he huffed leading the swollen tip of his cock to her entrance. Pushing forward, he slid into her with ease with how wet he had already gotten her making both of them moan in unison. Dropping her head into the sheets, she tried to silence her moan with the way he filled her with his thick length. Pulling back his hips and then pushing forward had her bouncing forward with him filling her to the brim. Each thrust he made got more confident and harder with his hands leading her hips back against him. The smacking sound of their flesh filled the tiny cell while Negan pounded into her. Watching the way his cock filled her made him happier than ever seeing that her arousal was coating his cock. “Fuck…”
Surrounded by the tight walls of her body, Negan found himself lost in the moment while bucking up against her bottom. Her gasps were repetitive with his movements from being stretched by his girthy cock. Digging his fingers into her flesh, Negan wondered if it would be enough to leave marks because he was so desperate to feel all of this.
“Your cock is so big,” she whined biting down on her bottom lip, gazing back over her shoulder at Negan who seemed proud to hear that comment. “Goddamn Negan.”
“You’re not going to want this just to be a one time thing,” Negan rumbled sliding his palms up her sides. Adjusting his body, he leaned over her, hooking his fingers with hers keeping them closer together while he slowed down his tempo. Rolling his hips, Negan took his time making her breathless with every move he made. Kissing over the side of her neck and over her jawline, Negan could tell the change in position had affected her greatly because her cries were more desperate. “Not with how good this feels.”
“Please,” she pleaded with him, squeezing her fingers around his harder trying to bounce back into his movements. “I’m begging you.”
“You’re gonna come?” Negan growled making her nod and desperately kiss him looking to have that connection with him. With his cock rubbing up against her g-spot with every roll of his hips, there was just enough pressure that it was driving her wild with desire. Abandoning inhibitions, all they both focused on was the pure blissful pleasure that they were feeling. Sucking at her bottom lip, Negan hissed and brushed his tongue out at the wet flesh making her whimper. “Come on baby…”
Squeezing her eyes shut, she arched her hips further up toward his loving the sounds it made with his cock plunging into her tight canal with every thrust he made inside of her. Once her thighs started to shake, it seemed like Negan caught onto it with him starting to thrust faster. Letting go of one of her hands, he curled his fingers firmly around her mouth to keep her silent when she cried out into his hand. What sounded like a squeal vibrated against his flesh when Negan was forced to pull his hips back when a hot liquid rush flooded from her and down her thighs. A wet sound filled the air along with the awe that came from Negan when he just had her hit an orgasm that had her a shaking, trembling mess on his cot. Before she could even register what he had just done to her, he was back inside of her pumping away after she came, but everything was so sensitive that she was mewling out. Everything felt like it was spinning and she desperately reached back to try to grab a hold of his hips to get him to move faster. Eagerness flooded her wanting to have that friction again. It was an addictive feeling and she wanted more of it.
Desperately clinging to his other hand had him chuckling in his amusement, “You just made me come. Hard.”
“You don’t say,” Negan mocked, nibbling at her earlobe. “You’re not used to squirting, are you?”
“Get up,” she pulled her hips away from him, surprising him when his cock slid from her warmth. Shakily standing up on her legs, she felt like they were Jell-O. Barely being able to stand on them, she knew if she didn’t get him where she wanted, she would undoubtedly fall. Pointing toward the cot had Negan immediately getting up to scramble to the cot. Sitting at the center of it, Negan braced his back against the wall while she worked her pants completely off along with her shoes. With a smirk, she saw that Negan’s pants were bunched up at his ankles. This was a sight in itself. Negan naked, stroking his engorged cock while he stared up at her. It was a sight to be seen. One she would likely never forget. Crawling in over Negan, she hooked her left arm around his shoulders and reached with her right to lead his throbbing cock back to her entrance. Once she lowered down over his length, it had Negan growling out, his brow line creasing. “Goddamn.”
“Oh, it feels so good, doesn’t it?” Negan grumbled, his eyes desperate to take in her reaction to him getting her to squirt. “I’m jealous. I haven’t had an orgasm yet.”
“You’re going to. I never fail,” she smacked lightly at the side of Negan’s face making him chuckle when she braced herself over his knee with her right hand. Supporting her over him, Negan’s arms wrapped around her while she started to bounce her body over his manhood. Everything tingled and ached, but fuck she wasn’t going to give up until Negan came. “Fuck.”
“You love that big cock, don’t you?” Negan mused his eyebrows bouncing up when he leaned in to kiss her with all the passion that he could build up. “You’re welcome to come down here anytime you’re looking to have an orgasm. My mouth and cock are yours and very willing. Now that I know you’re a squirter, I’m more determined than ever.”
“I bet,” she started quickening her movements over him making the small cot squeak with the movements they were making. “We might break your cot.”
“I don’t care,” Negan panted, his head dropping to watch his cock slipping in and out of her wet core. “I’ll live if it breaks. Just don’t stop…”
Sharp breaths fell from both of them. They were both left aching for more while their movements got harder and rougher. Burying his head against the side of her neck, Negan grasped her hips tightly holding them in place when he started to smack his slender hips up underneath her plunging his lengthy cock inside of her repeatedly. Digging her nails into the center of his chest, she braced onto him with everything that she had knowing that he was trying to make her come again.
“Negan, fucking…” she wailed pulling her hips up and away from him once he managed to get another one out of her. Smacking at his abdomen had him laughing while she tried to brace herself over his body. An immense pressure filled her head, her eyes fuzzing over forcing her to close them to break that feeling of passing out. Being quiet after experiencing what she just had twice was so incredibly hard. “You’re going to fucking kill me.”
“From what?” Negan chuckled, kissing up over the side of her neck while she tremored over him. Negan’s cock twitched with anticipation, eager for a release itself with how dark red the tip looked. “Coming too much?”
“Dehydration,” she responded making Negan burst out in laughter, curling his arm around her waist to bring her back to him. Laying down, he gave her full range to do what she wanted when she braced her hands over his chest again. Taking things easy, she knew that she was so damn sensitive already. Dropping her head back, she could hear the wind from outside and wondered if someone had heard them in here. Even if they did, she didn’t care. This was the best experience she had gotten in years and she was going to get as much out of it as she could. With a wince, Negan lifted his head watching her ride him and the vein at the side of his neck started to bulge with his abdomen sinking in. “There we go…”
“Almost,” Negan’s fingers squeezed over her bottom helping to aid her movements over his pulsating length. Roaring out, Negan felt his climax rippling throughout him with his cum spurting out from the tip. With every downward thrust, Negan watched his arousal with hers covering his aching cock until he pumped her full of his release making her fall over onto his chest. The cot made a hell of a sound that made them both lift their heads half expecting it to break, but when it didn’t it made Negan drop his head back and laugh out. “That was…”
“Incredible,” she finished for him, stroking her fingers through the wet hair covering his chest. “I’m going to be feeling that for days.”
“You don’t want seconds for dinner?” Negan looked down at her, his hazel eyes hooking with hers making her smile. “Trust me, I have a whole lot more cum to give and fill you with. After years of nothing, these suckers are ready to give back…”
“You are so immature,” she watched Negan reach down to drag his fingers over his testicles. A groan fell from his throat when she hit him at the center of his chest. “I’m sorry about your pillow…and your bed.”
“Don’t apologize for that,” Negan placed a kiss over her forehead, his chest rising and falling rapidly while he tried to calm down. “I’m actually fucking proud of that. So never apologize. I wear the dampness with honor. Not only are you the first to make me come in a long time, but you’re also the woman I find myself having feelings for.”
“You…” she lifted her head up to see the nervousness in his eyes. “You what?”
“I love you,” Negan was quiet in the way that he delivered it, unsure of how she would respond. “And not just because I made you squirt and you made me come. Because I love you. You’re the one thing that I look forward to every day. And I’m sorry if that ruins this whole thing for you because I really fucking love you, but with the way shit is these days you never fucking know if something is going to happen so you should really get that…”
“Negan,” she covered his lips after he started to ramble off in a worried panic. Smirking, she shook her head and smiled. Lowering her head down, she rest it in over his chest to get comfortable.
At this point he didn’t know if she felt the same way, but with her cuddling into him, he didn’t take that as a bad sign. Nor was he going to turn her down. Wrapping her up in his arms, Negan knew that at any time someone could come down here and see them together, but he didn’t care. This was fucking perfect and he was going to cherish it for as long as he could.
Tags: @slutlanna976​​​ @fuckthis-and-fuckthat​​​ @jennydehavilland​​​ @de-gabyconamor​​​ @ibelongtonegan​​​ @smallsadjellyfish​​​ @labyrinthofheartagrams​​​  @msjamesmarch​​​ @thebeautysurrounds​​​ @hotfornegan​​​ @redmercysugar​​​ @caprithebunny​​​ @tuttifuckinfruitty​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​ @a-girl-interupted​​​ @akumune​​​ @stoneyggirl2​​​​ @xsarcasticwriterx​​​​  @insertneganhere​​​​ @haleygreen23​​​​ @xhannahbananax03​​​​ @sanctuaryforthelost​​​​ @burningredaffair​​​​ @killaweiser​​​​ @dead-of-niight​​​​  @ayumi-wolf​​​​ @hollyismentallyillhelp​​​​ @nt-multi-fandom​​​ @tone-stark​​​​ @strawberryslutera​
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in season 7
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The floorboards of your bedroom stare back at you, creaking with what feels like sympathy as you stand up. It feels like your strength is drained simply by taking the two steps from your bed to the window. Not even an echo of him stands in the doorway watching you, but you turn around so quickly, with just a moment’s hope. And just like every morning, it falls flat. Tears collect themselves in your eyes, the sensation no longer one of stinging, because your body is so used to it by now. What day is it?
The sound of a truck pulling up to the gates of Alexandria brings you back down to the melancholy bedroom that has been yours alone for far too long. Spencer opens the gate to see who it is, and all you catch is a glimpse of the sun reflecting off of the barbed wire around that bat, and your body is alight. You’re running, pulling clothes on at random, grabbing the ring from your bedside table that you stole from a walker that no longer needed it, because if you had any chance of doing this, you needed a plan.
By the time you make it out of the house, Negan is walking at Rick’s side, Rick carrying a pained expression, his entire body tense. But your eyes barely focus on him, because behind Negan, keeping his head down, clad in a filthy outfit fit for a prisoner of war, is him. Not a ghost, not an echo, not something that disappears before you even have the chance to blink. Daryl. Your heart breathes a sigh of relief at the mere thought of his name, but at the sight of him it shatters into millions of shards of glass, creating a path to him that wounds you with every step. Assessing the situation, you realise Negan must have set some rules in place for Rick to not be communicating with Daryl right now, and for Daryl to be following behind him so solemnly. You try your best to walk as calmly as you can, until you’re standing directly in front of Negan.
“Oh my goodness! It’s the lady that couldnt keep her eyes off Daryl in the lineup! Shit, not much has changed about you!” Negan greets you, noticing how your eyes linger on the man a few feet behind him.
“Hi, Negan.”
It’s only at the sound of your voice that Daryl is pulled from whatever horrible cage his mind is trapped in, and he looks up from the ground, his eyes finding you immediately. Even from a distance, you can see the agony in his eyes alone.
“You’re a big fan of deals, I was wondering if I could make one with you.” You finally meet Negan’s gaze, catching a glimpse of Daryl scowling at you, thinking you’re going to do something stupid like offer yourself in his place. If only it was that simple.
“Let me hear what these deal is first, sweetcheeks.” Negan sticks his tongue in the side of his mouth, slouching casually.
“Could you please, please let me hug Daryl, for three seconds. Just three, that’s all I ask.” You present his side of the bargain, trying to play into Negan’s hands by giving him the feeling that he’s in control of this. You dont want him to be, but he is, and he loves it, so you may as well use his ego to your advantage.
“Well, what do I get in return?” Negan tilts his head, his smile cruel, but curious.
“My wedding ring.” You lift your left hand, and Negan takes it, examining the ring on your finger.
“Oh-ho-ho shit! You guys are MARRIED!?!” Negan uses Lucille to gesture between you and Daryl, before he settles his focus back on you. “That’s not a bad offer, but Im not sure I can do three whole seconds.”
If he was anyone else that you happened to despise, you’d make a joke about how you’re certain he cant last three seconds, but you refrain.
“Two?” You offer up, your heart pounding against your ribs, using everything you have to hold your eye contact with Negan. If you look at only him, it’ll fuel his ego even more. Even after only meeting this man once, you know him far too well.
“Hmm...” Negan is beyond cruel, but you cant argue with him or you wont get anything.
“Just one second, then. Please.“ You plead with your eyes, your own honest desperation leaking into your voice and bringing up the pitch.
Finally, Negan nods.
You make a show of handing him the ring, pretending that it hurts you, closing your eyes in a pained blink as you drop it in his hand as though you cant bear to look. Those of the group that are witness to this are sure to applaud your acting later. Negan grins obnoxiously, closing his leather bound fist around the ring, celebrating what he believes to be another victory of humiliation for Daryl, because he’s under the illusion that he’s actually taken something from you.
But none of that matters. Your eyes meet Daryl’s, and he’s staring at you in disbelief at what you just managed to pull off. Knowing you quite literally dont have much time, you pull him into your arms. His head drops to your neck, but he doesnt wrap his arms around you, he cant, or he risks being unable to let you go and making you pay the price.
You manage to whisper a quick “I love you” and leave a small kiss on his shoulder, just under his prison clothes. A secret, hidden kiss, something that Negan will never be able to take from him.
“And your second is UP!” Negan cheers, and you and Daryl jump apart, even though it was you who moved closer to him. In an effort to make sure it was definitely clear you only hugged him for a second, to protect you, he jumped from you anyway.
“Nice doin’ business with ya, sweetcheeks.” Negan smirks at you, patting your shoulder.
You nod in reply but dont say anything, and he gets distracted by a conversation with Rick so he doesnt notice you continuing to look at Daryl. A Saviour clears his throat, diverting your attention and making you aware that you are being watched, and are not supposed to be looking at Daryl. So you walk away. Just to the other side of the street, but far away enough for you to sit on a random porch and pretend to be looking at other things, despite anyone who knows you recognising there is nothing else you want to see but him.
It is torture of an unknown degree, watching Negan work Daryl like a servant, aiming a gun at his head for nothing more than his own amusement. You know he could snap and kill Daryl at any moment, and although you doubt he would do that because it would bring hell down on him, your body is swarmed with paranoia. Your leg is bouncing anxiously up until Negan heads back to the gate with his minions. Pushing yourself back up, you jog over to stand beside Rick. Daryl is loaded into the back of a truck, and hearing you suck in a painful breath behind him, Rick reaches for your hand, and you grip it fiercely.
The truck pulls away, and you drop Rick’s hand, sprinting after the truck until Rick grabs you and you collapse to your knees. Daryl’s tearful eyes watch as you physically reach out for him, until a cloud of dust masks you from his view and he turns away, unable to look back without risking it all.
A shocking realisation awakens you abruptly from sleep that night, and you sit bolt upright in a cold sweat. Packing a bag as quickly as you can, you grab a pencil and piece of paper to write Rick a note. Then you’re on the back of a horse, not needing to say anything to Rosita for her to know that whatever you’re doing is absolutely necessary, as she opens the gate for you.
When Rick wakes up the following morning, he finds a note posted under his door. It’s rushed handwriting, but he can make out what it says.
“He wont come back here, first place they’ll look.”
Rick knows you well enough to understand what you’re referring to, and he’s quick to tear up the note so that nobody else finds it. Michonne walks up behind him, rubbing his back gently.
“Everything alright?” She asks him in a hushed voice.
“(Y/N)’s gone.” Rick looks over his shoulder at her so that Michonne can see he isnt upset.
“Where?” She frowns.
“To the Hilltop.” And then, Rick smiles.
It’s your only option, realistically. But Rick knows that your quick exit means you have hope, you are waiting for Daryl, because you believe that he’ll get himself out somehow before the group figures out a way to free him. Alexandria is where you are, where Rick is, where Daryl’s family is - it’s the first place the Saviours will look for him, so Daryl wont go back there, and you should wait for him elsewhere. Knowing that hope had been a lost concept to you ever since Daryl was taken, Rick couldnt be happier to find out that you were coming back to yourself.
Maggie is surprised to see you, neither of you saying anything as you share a look that you both understand. What she has lost, and what you are without, creates a bond that extends your deep friendship in a way you never imagined.
You spend a few days at Hilltop, mainly wasting time by pissing off Greggory and doing your absolute best to be of far more help to the people of Hilltop than he is. Which, let’s face it, isnt a difficult task. When you’re not pissing off Greggory, you’re usually out on runs. You want to earn your keep, obviously, but Maggie and Jesus both know that the only reason you continue to come and go so frequently is because you’re hoping that maybe, just maybe, while you’re out there, you’ll find him in the middle of his escape. Or that when you return to Hilltop, he’ll be waiting for you.
This is the first run you’ve done that has lasted more than one night, you treasure the time completely by yourself because being around others reminds you of his absence more. When it’s just you and the trees, it’s ever so slightly less excruciating.
Your horse approaches Hilltop, and you see trucks outside. Before you know it, your horse and your wide eyes are almost flying through the gates. Jumping off your horse, you run as fast as your legs will carry you into the mansion. Greggory is just leading Simon into his office when you appear, and Simon stops dead in his tracks, frowning at you.
“Dont you live in Alexandria?” He asks, looking at Greggory suspiciously.
Thinking on your feet, you smile. “Nah, I pretty much live here now, cant keep myself away from my man.” You saunter over to Jesus, who plays along and wraps an arm around your waist.
He leans close to whisper in your ear, everyone else viewing it as a kiss on the cheek. “He’s in the basement.”
Feeling goosebumps erupt across your entire body and your stomach flip, you hurry to mask your shock. You nod and giggle, patting his chest. “I’ve missed you too, babe.”
All of the Saviours seem to believe you, rolling their eyes and scowling at what appears to be a scene of an innocent couple.
“I was just out hunting, got some rabbits if you guys want them?” You offer to the Saviours, your eyes lingering on Simon, who smiles back at you.
“What a kind offer! Where are they?” Always so greedy.
“Strapped to my horse outside, you can just grab them on your way past, dont let it distract you from whatever you’re doing.” Your smile widens almost unnaturally, and Simon chuckles, shaking his head.
“Y’know, I always liked you. It’s a shame you’ve already moved on from that redneck piece of shit.”
Your fists shake at your side, and Jesus wraps his hand around yours to calm you, and hide your fist.
“She figured out what’s good for her.” Jesus says, shooting you an apology with his eyes.
Simon seems satisfied with that answer, and goes back to following Greggory into his office.
You make a casual exit from the scene, heading into another room to grab a torch before you leave the mansion. The bones in your legs feel weak all of a sudden, like they’ll snap on your way to the basement doors. You open them carefully and jump right in, the daylight streams in for just a moment before you close the doors behind you, then your torchlight is your only vision.
Searching the room frantically, the miniature spotlight finds him. Curled up in a corner, shielding his eyes from the light, looking almost like he’s cowering. He thinks he’s been caught again.
“Daryl.” You breathe his name and his hands leave his face.
The torch falls from your hand as you run to Daryl, falling into his lap and cradling him, the two of you clinging to each other with an intensity that should probably be painful. But after everything, this is the only way to know that you’re really together again.
You can hear Daryl’s heart pounding against you, his tears leaving trails down your skin beneath your shirt as he nuzzles into you, his hands trembling. Running your own shaking hands through his hair, you lift his head gently to kiss his forehead with such tenderness that Daryl’s eyes close, more tears falling from them.
Neither of you address the elephant in the room, this isnt the time. The Saviours are still outside, and right now is the time for tearful smiles and kisses. They’ve already taken so much from him, you wont let them take this by making you talk about what they’ve done.
To your surprise, it’s Daryl who speaks first.
“Y’know, when I was in that cell, I saw you.” He begins, sniffling and wiping his eyes, resting his head against your chest as you sit sideways on his lap, drawing patterns on his arm with your fingertips. “Thought I was goin’ crazy, but now I think yer the only thing that kept me sane.”
Daryl remembers it all too well. The sound of his cell door opening was so haunting, and he was so exhausted by the torture that his own mind played tricks on him. Daryl would hear the door open, and he’d see you walk in, crouch down in front of him and hold his hands, telling him it was time, that he was free. But when he’d try to hold your hands, to lean up to kiss you, you would disappear, and so would the image of his open cell door. Other times, he would wake up from one of the short-lived naps he was allowed, and you’d be sitting beside him, humming a tune, any tune to anything at all while smiling down at him. It didnt matter that the view around him wasnt the bedroom you shared, all he needed to see to feel alright was you.
There’s no time for you to reply, because Simon is calling out for you, wondering where you‘ve disappeared off to. You break free from Daryl, grabbing a case of beer while you run to the basement doors. Daryl comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your neck from behind, an action that he’s never done before because of his hesitance towards initiating affection.
“Don’ go, please.” Daryl’s husky voice is broken just like him, in a way that he’ll only ever let you witness.
You turn your head to kiss his cheek “I will be right back, I promise you.”
With that, you force yourself out of the basement, Daryl running to hide as you jog over to Simon.
“Sorry about that, I was just trying to find this for you guys, thought it’d go well with the rabbits!” You cheer, noticing the Saviours have already taken the rabbits that were previously strapped to your horse.
Daryl gingerly makes his way back to the doors, watching the scene unfold through a tiny hole in the wood, confused as to why Jesus wraps an arm around your waist from behind. But then he Daryl notices you tense up, and it isnt because Jesus makes you uncomfortable, he’s one of your best friends. It takes Daryl a second to understand why he’s reading your body language as so uncomfortable, but then he realises, you hate pretending that you’re not his.
But just like the ring that wasnt really yours, just like the man beside you that wasnt really your boyfriend, and just like the bottles of beer in the crate werent intended for the Saviours, you will lie about whatever you have to do in order to keep Daryl safe. Even if it means pretending that you’ve moved on from him. Despite the idea of that bringing a new sadness to his heart, Daryl cant hold back the small smile from his face. You really do love him, after everything he’s done.
With the Saviours gone, you take Daryl’s hands and pull him out of the dark, in more ways than one. He lands in your arms, this time unafraid of being incapable of letting you go, because there arent any consequences that could result in hurting you.
“I love you too.” Daryl tells you the words he was unable to say the last time he saw you, and you pull away from him slightly to stare up at him, smiling with tears in your eyes.
“Maybe I should’ve kept that ring after all, huh?” You tease, and you bring out the first laugh from Daryl that you’ve heard in what feels like an eternity. Laughing through tears.
“Aint need no damn ring to call ya my forever.” Daryl sniffles, smiling down at you as he holds your hands, his thumbs tracing over your knuckles.
You wonder if he’s going to say anymore, you’re his forever what? But the more you think about it, you realise that Daryl has said something truly profound. You arent his forever partner, lover, or even friend, because that implies that you are simply part of forever to him. What he’s telling you is that you are his forever, in its entirety, and that speaks louder than a ring ever could.
“You’re my forever too, Daryl.” You lean up to kiss him, and Daryl feels himself fall against you, his hands meeting at the small of your back while yours find solace in his hair. He pulls away first, resting his forehead against yours with his eyes closed, feeling his tears finally drying and his heart starting to heal.
Even if he has forever to search for them, Daryl will never be able to find the words to express how much he loves you.
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antiquatedsimmer · 3 months
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"You… had me."
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Josephine's lip quivered as she spoke, "I don’t have anything, Lucie. I have a husband."
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"My family doesn’t even respond to my letters... The only connection I get is through Silas, who helps my father keep tabs on me."
"I was sent away for years and then immediately handed over like livestock to your family."
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Lucile gently reached out, her hand lightly touching Josephine's arm. Josephine continued, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.
"You need time to think of the right words? Maybe I would need time to figure out how to live without my best friend!"
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Lucile’s heart sank. In her mourning, she had been unknowingly selfish. These past months had been difficult for Josephine too: the wedding, the farming, caring for her parents, living with Silas, complying with his demands, and still finding time to check on her...
"Josie... I’ve been so selfish."
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"I had no idea," Lucile whispered, "I wish you had told me. I could have been there for you."
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Lucile stepped forward, looking down, caressing her hands while Josephine stifled her sniffles to reply. "Perhaps I’m at fault as well. I didn’t want to put any more pressure on you… You were already so wracked with worry."
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Josephine lovingly stroked Lucile's fingers. "If we ever see each other again… I hope we can talk more."
The word "if" struck Lucile painfully, a sharp pang in her heart. If was right; this might be the last time she ever saw or heard Josephine. An overwhelming fear gripped her. Should she risk ruining the moment further?
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Without hesitation, Lucile reached up, brushing wet strands of hair from Josephine's face.
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"Josephine, you are the last person I wanted to leave behind. I dreaded this every day since Mama and Papa's passing."
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"You’ve been my first thought every morning. You’ve filled my mind at the most inopportune times, to the point where I could hardly think or work properly."
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Her fingers tightened around Josephine’s. "You have been the shining sun in my life, the only thing that’s kept me going."
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Josephine caught her breath, her hand suddenly pulling back.
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"You make me feel akin to a sunflower," Lucile continued, her eyes softening. "If I were to lose sight of you for too long, my heart would cease to beat, and I would wither away."
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"Please forgive me. "
" I was scared of disappointing someone I love so dearly."
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Josephine stepped away, her gaze downcast at the soaked grass. A long moment of silence followed, filled only with the sound of the rain and the soft huff from Lady as she shook her head and stomped her hoof.
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Thinking any hope of reconciliation was surely gone, Lucile turned to leave, feeling the sting of rejection, Josephine suddenly grabbed her wrist.
"Lucile, wait!"
"In the kitchen’s left cabinet, that’s where we keep the good silver. It’ll fetch a good price."
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" I couldn’t- " "Silas would only take his anger out on you for not stopping me."
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" Nonsense. "
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" We’ll be long gone before he even realizes we’ve left."
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LETS GOOOO GODDD Do you have an idea how long I've been itching to have these sims have their first kiss. literally months. The slow burn game play was so worth it tho, I'm excited for what comes next. It's funny how this ended up being able to post in pride month! HAPPY PRIDE :D
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zipzapzopzoop · 2 months
There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
Chapter 35: Guardian Angels
Gaston twitched when he heard metallic creaking.
He was still curled up on the concrete floor of his cell where they had left him not long ago. He was still soaked to the bone, but at least they were kind enough to throw a heavy blanket over him.
He carried matches and a lighter on him at all times, but those were ruined in the water.
The cold had drained every bit of strength he had, and now all he could do was lay here and get it back. Gaston was a spitfire, and they had doused him with frigid water.
His flame may have been weak, but it did not go out.
Billie and Grandma Lucille crawled in through the vent and stood over the shivering stuntman. “Gaston. Can you hear me?” Billie shook his shoulder. He grunted quietly and slightly opened his eyes. It wasn’t much, but it was all he could do.
“Do not worry, Gaston. We’re here to help you,” Billie assured with a smile. The Framagucci responded with a small sound and a weak smile back. He shuddered and curled up even tighter.
“I know what to do. Billie, throw that sheet over him. I’ll be right back.” With that, Lucille disappeared back into the vent. 
Some of the cells had mattresses while others didn’t. Some just had single sheets on the ground to be used as blankets. Gaston’s cell, however, had a mattress. Billie rushed over and pulled the sheet off of it, moving to instead carefully drape it over Gaston. It was hardly anything, but hardly anything was better than nothing at all.
“How’d… you get in here…?” Gaston asked weakly.
Billie shrugged. “I don’t know! The vent just… popped open! I had tried to get them open  before but wasn’t able to. Lucille said the same thing.”
Slowly, Grandma Lucille reemerged from the vent, dragging behind her the sheet from her own cell, along with the hospital blankets she had been brought in with. 
“You are a genius!” Billie quietly cheered as she moved to help the woman lay the blankets over Gaston.
“When I hiked in the Himalayas…” Lucille draped the first blanket over him. 
“They had warned us about the biting cold. It practically drains the life outta you…” she continued, grabbing another. “One of the hikers fell through ice… and ended up like him. Well worse, obviously, but still…” 
With Billie’s help, she laid the last blanket over him. “And we all gathered together to warm her…”
Billie and Lucille gathered around Gaston to help him get warm.
“This family… we need each other. We’re no good left alone,” Lucille smiled.
Gaston already seemed to be getting some color back in his face, and he seemed more relaxed. He was still shivering, but it would take a while for that to stop. That’s okay.
His family is here, and that’s what matters.
“How’s it looking?”
“Good. They’re helping him. Thank God. I thought he was a goner for a minute there.”
“Well let me see!”
“There’s not enough room to back up. Let’s just get out of here before the scientists find us too. We gotta check in on the others, anyway.”
“Yeah, they weren’t looking good earlier. You know the way to the observatory?”
“Sure do. Follow me.”
Check out the chapter on my Archive!
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itsscatballou · 2 years
The End Will Justify It All - Chapter 4
A Negan Series
Chapter 3 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 1
Warnings - mention of death, mention of torture, other Walking Dead themes.
Part of me wants to apologize that these chapters are going so slowly, but I don't think I will. I do hope you're enjoying them, though! Feedback is always welcome.
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She awoke the next morning, the sun higher in the sky than she’d expected, and a dread in her stomach like a rock. She fought to shake the grogginess of the two sleeping pills she’d taken last night – the first time she’d used the gift from Shery, although Sherry left a new supply in her room after every dinner with Negan. As the fog in her mind began dissipating, her memory wasted no time filling the open space with the events of the day before. She’d seen Daryl, worn down and abused, and decided to do exactly what Negan had asked of her. She wouldn’t let him be tortured more than he already had. Not because of her.
So she’d gone to dinner that night, not touching the food, and told him everything she was willing to risk. She drew the layout of Alexandria for him, noting the armory, the make-shift infirmary, and Rick’s house. She’d told him all about Rick. She told him about his love for Glenn and how hard his death would have hit Rick, about his family, the things that made him angry, the things that made him happy, but most importantly, the fears that drove him – the love for his people and the responsibility of protecting them. Negan wanted his next move, and she gave it to him. Keep driving home that he could take any of Rick’s people from him, threaten even one of them, and he’d fold like a lawn chair. She’d told him all about Carl and his recklessness. She’d even gone as far as to suggest that guns were known to be unaccounted for, from time to time.
Negan leaned back in his chair when she finished talking, nodding and staring at her, eyes narrowed as if he could see everything in her mind. “I think you’re holding out on me,” he said after studying her for a long minute. Her stomach dropped, but she gave no physical sign of nervousness. He leaned closer to her.  “Tell me,” he demanded, lifting her chin with his thumb grazing her lip. Her stomach fluttered at the touch. Nerves, she’d told herself, nothing more than fearing him.
He had guessed right. She did have another idea. She knew where it had come from, and she wasn’t proud of it. It had come to her while she soaked in her pre-dinner bath, from a part of her that had hardened and darkened after the world fell. A part of her she’d buried deep enough that she hadn’t felt its presence in months and thought she never would again. She hated it, hated the idea it had given her. She didn’t want to tell Negan. If she told him, if she put it out there, there’d be no pretending this dark part of her didn’t exist. No denying it ever again. She feared what it might unleash within her again.
“Tell me,” he said again, his voice a little softer, purring a little. She felt herself flush at the sound of it.
“Make him hold it,” she said finally. “The bat. Lu- Lucille.  Make him hold it for you the next time you visit him. For as long as you can, make him carry it around for you.”
Negan sat up straight in surprise. “That,” he said, pausing as a wicked grin crept across his face. “That is sexy. as. hell! Somehow, I knew you had that in you. Man!  have never been more turned on than I am right now.” Again she felt that flutter in her stomach, and waited for his next move.  But it never came. He’d simply poured them both a drink, laughing to himself as he did. She drained her glass quickly, and walked as fast as she could to her room when he’d dismissed her, where she took her pills and laid shaking in her bed until she was dragged into a dreamless oblivion.
She made her way down to the kitchens for some coffee and breakfast, noting the lack of guard at the wives’ dorm door. That was a first in the 4 days she’d been here.
As she made her way down, she noticed… well, she noticed that she didn’t notice anyone. It was eerily empty in the halls for this late in the morning. When she reached the ground level, she exited the building and found - where there would typically be no less than 20 saviors hanging around - there were only two guys standing guard. She walked around the building to the area where they all parked their bikes and trucks – empty. Except for one box truck and a few pickups that were now being loaded with what seemed to be the remaining Saviors.
She noticed Simon talking with one guy and heading for a truck.
“Simon!” She called after him. He stopped and turned, waiting for her to catch up to him. She and Simon had only had a few short interactions since she got to the Sanctuary, but she’d developed a small sense of safety with him. She liked him, or thought she could if she spent any time with him. “Where are you headed?” She asked as she approached him.
“We are going to see a guy that’s supposed to be dead.” He answered, chuckling a little.
Greg… Hilltop. She remembered the deal Rick had made – the event that marked the start of this whole mess. 
“Is everybody else already there?” She asked him, gesturing to the empty – well, everything.
He chuckled again. “Nah, Negan took a big crew to visit your old pals a little earlier. I imagine they’ll be gone most of the day.”
Her heart sank. She knew Negan wouldn’t ignore her advice, but she didn’t know he’d implement it this fast.
She watched as the last of Simon’s crew loaded up and he turned to go, too. “Can I come with you?”
Simon stopped again and turned to look at her. He sighed as he said “I would love to take you along; I think you’d be valuable. But Negan hasn’t okayed you to be on a crew yet.” And with that, he finished his trek to his truck and got in. He gave her a sympathetic look and a nod as they drove past her and out the gate.
When the last truck was out of sight, she turned on her heels and sprinted back to the building.
This was her chance. With the place all but empty – at least of Saviors – she could get Daryl out. They’d still have to be careful not to be seen by any of the workers or people who lived here, but that shouldn’t be hard.
She knew where they were keeping him – she’d followed Dwight at as careful of a distance as she could manage after seeing Daryl in the hallway yesterday. She’d watched him put him in a dark room, lock the door, and start playing some godawful song that sounded like it was from a 70s sitcom on a boombox outside his door.
She almost slammed into a wall turning the corner into his hall. And there it was – his door. His door was open. Wait. Open? She rushed into it and immediately deflated. In the light from the hall, she could make out a puddle of vomit in a corner. It was completely empty otherwise. Of course Negan had taken Daryl with them. What better way to remind Rick that Negan could hurt his people than by bringing the one he now owned? She thought for a moment, before quickly making her way to a room she had barely registered as an office when she ran past. She grabbed a pen and found a small piece of paper. She scribbled out a note to him. She needed him to know she was still with him, still working on a plan.
Stay strong. I’m coming for you soon. -Sunshine
She folded it as small as she could and pulled the door behind her in the cell just shy of closing. She followed the small stream of light from under the door and placed the note on the edge of it. No one else would notice it, she hoped.
She took one last look around his cell. Fury rose in her as she pictured him sleeping on the cold concrete for the last 3 nights. Her shoulders sagged and she felt suddenly exhausted as she made her way back to her room. How long could she go on like this? How long could she hold onto hope that she really would get Daryl and herself out of here? Back in her room, she crawled into bed and stared at the wall until she let herself slip into a restless sleep.
She didn’t know how long she’d been asleep, but when she opened her eyes again it was dark outside. She blinked away the blur of a long nap, and almost shouted when she heard a throat clear in the dark.
“You’re awake.” Negan. In her room? Her pulse quickened. He was back, which meant Daryl was back… had someone found her note after all? Was he here to punish her? She slowly moved into a sitting position with her back against the headboard, and looked to where he sat in the armchair in the corner of her room.  She furrowed her brow in a question.
“I wanted to tell you something,” he said in answer, “but I found you asleep. Sherry said you’d been asleep since 2pm. I was worried you might be sick.” She saw what looked like genuine concern in his eyes. He was worried about her? He waited for her to respond.
“I’m fine.” She croaked out, with a dry mouth.
“Good!” He exclaimed suddenly and stood to walk to her bedside. He sat down beside her, grinning that wicked Negan grin. “I have good news for you! I went to see your old friends today, and I have to say, it went so. much. better. than I had hoped. And that is all thanks to you!” He patted her leg on the last word, a little high on her thigh, and a jolt shot through her from the touch.
“I just did what you asked,” she answered humbly.
“Oh, you did more than that,” he chuckled, “and like I told you, I am a generous husband. You start with Simon’s crew bright and early tomorrow morning!”
She was still processing the information; stuck on a question she was too afraid to ask. He must have read it on her face.
“Well, I had hoped for a little more gratitude…” he said pointedly.
He sighed. “What is it? I thought you’d be happy to get what you wanted.”
“No, I am. Really. I just…” she looked into his eyes, let him see her concern. “You saw…everyone? How was Maggie doing? She was the sick one the night everything happened.”
He went still, his face serious. He shook his head slightly, “she didn’t make it.”
She tried to hold back the tears stinging her eyes, but there were too many. She turned her head away from Negan to wipe them.
He watched her, and when she finally turned back to him, she was surprised to see sympathy on his face.
“I liked Maggie,” she explained, closing her eyes to stop more tears. “She accepted me faster than the others, quickly became my friend. We got close.” She didn’t tell him about the baby – that secret wasn’t hers to tell. Especially not with him.
She felt the bed shift, and suddenly Negan was scooting beside her, wedging himself between her and the headboard. He wrapped his arms around her, and she found herself resting her head on his chest, unable to stop her crying now. She hated that he felt… good, with his arms around her, comforting her. Even though she’d slept most of the day, she felt exhausted with the weight of grief. He held her while she cried, rubbing her shoulder with his hand. She cried for Maggie and Maggie’s baby. She cried for Glenn and Abraham – she had not let herself feel that until now. She cried for Daryl and the unimaginable things he was experiencing. She cried in fear that she might not be able to pull this off after-all, that she might have taken on more than she could handle. And she cried for herself, for the change she could feel blooming in her. It scared her - what she might become. So she kept crying, and Negan kept holding her, until she fell asleep against his chest.
She awoke again a few hours later to feel him standing from her bed and making his way to the door.
“Thank you, Negan,” she said softly as she settled into her pillow. Whether she was thanking him for letting her join a crew, for telling her about Maggie, or for offering her comfort in her grief, she wasn’t sure. Maybe a little of each. “I really am grateful.”
“You can show me tomorrow how much,” he answered from the door, and she could hear that wicked grin in it. It didn’t register that she grinned, too.
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neonshrike · 1 month
Director's commentary on chapters 1 and 2 of your Hulk cryptid AU please?
I’m going to be skipping through a lot to the parts where I have the most to say about because two chapters. The first chapter is my favorite since it has the three separate POVs, but the second just has a lot of suspense and is where things really get going.
Buckle up for a long director's commentary.
Chapter 1:
Mistfield, Montana was a small, tight-knit community aside from a house at the edge of town, right next to the woods. Beside the sounds of nature and occasional shouting coming from inside the house, the street was quiet and completely empty most of the time.
Originally, the comic starts in Kentucky, but since this was an AU based off Gravity Falls (where the title is from) and the cryptid stories I’ve heard myself, I set it in the Northwest United States in a made-up small town. Charlie still grew up there, but just moved to Montana over a year before the events of the fic.
It was nearly midnight, but a dim light shined through one of the windows as Charlie lifted up the bangs of her long red hair and grimaced. There was a large burn mark, starting from the outer corner of her left eye all the way to her ear. She wet a washcloth and placed it over her eye, taking in a sharp breath as she felt her skin sting.
I consider all three of the main characters the protagonists, but I think Charlie shines the most out of them. We don’t know the full story of how she got her scar in the comics, but I thought having the night it happened as the prologue would make things interesting.
Charlie quietly opened the window, crawled onto the roof, and slid down the storm drain, having done this countless times when she needed to get out of the house. She snuck outside and knelt down to take a closer look at the trash cans. She studied the dent, stifling a gasp as she saw what looked like the indent of a thumb and index finger on it, and her mind started racing at the different possibilities. She remembered when a neighbor’s trash was raided by bears, but this looked completely different.
How it all begins! Since the Avengers and other heroes don’t exist yet in this universe (Cap is still on ice) there had to be another thing to inspire Charlie, like cryptids. She has an obsession with the Hulk and his strength, and it carries its way over into this AU.
Lucille sighed as she reached Mistfield, having driven for almost two hours. She looked at the faded welcome sign, it already felt like a sign of what was to come. If her payment for her freelance audio editing job wasn’t running late, she would have kept going and stopped somewhere nicer, but she was used to having to deal with unexpected plans and desperate situations.
When it came to adapting Lucille into this AU, where she came first and then the idea of adapting the comics, I went back to how she was in the beginning of Soundbite. She worked in radio, was on the run, definitely a loner.
“How many times do I have to tell you?” she reprimanded as Charlie followed her, opening the door with more force. Her bangs now completely covered her injured eye and she wore a navy blue hoodie to conceal herself even more.
The first instance of not just her father being cruel to Charlie, but the rest of the town. Those two things are a little interconnected, her father's abuse kind of leads into the town's perception of her.
Charlie’s eyes widened and she took it out so that she could get a closer look and pointed to a specific spot. “I just took that one last night, that’s not a tree trunk over there. Here,” she explained as she grabbed a napkin and a pencil that the waitress left behind, tracing an outline over the picture. “It’s an arm.”
You can already tell that Charlie is very creative and intelligent, even if she’s studying something like cryptids. It’s something that will help connect her with a certain someone later on…
The diner was silent for a few moments as she ate, then Lucille turned back to the girl who looked very frustrated at this point. “Honestly, you’re pretty good at your little cryptid research. I’m Lucille by the way,” she introduced with a sympathetic smile. Charlie looked over at her in surprise and smiled back. “Thanks, I’m Charlie. So what are you doing in this hellhole of a town?” she asked, earning a glare from Linda.
I feel like Lucille was a little bit of a weird, slightly nerdy kid growing up. She sees a bit of herself in Charlie, and knows a little of what it’s like to be an outcast.
She thinks a little compliment wouldn’t hurt, and as you can see, it makes a big difference in Charlie. She’s one of the first nice people she’s met in a long time.
“I really don’t get what is it with you, moving out of the city and that nice job of yours just because you didn’t agree with something. Come back and apologize and we can forget this ever happened, okay?” Her mother didn’t care at all that she was fully capable of making her own choices when it came to her life, career, and especially her relationships. She was getting stressed, burnt out, and her old life felt suffocating. One day, Lucille decided to just figure things out on her own against her family’s advice, and never looked back.
In the main universe, Lucille’s parents basically disowned her when they found out she had powers, but she was on pretty thin ice already since she came out as bisexual. Here, it’s kind of the same with toxic and close-minded parents. She hasn’t had a family in years and doesn’t really plan on having one in the future.
In the past year he stayed in this mansion, the place became more livable over time, with running water and electricity, and he had a near-permanent place to stay. It made hiding out and working on finding a cure for his condition easier, even if he made little progress. There were various objects that could be repurposed for the rudimentary lab he built in the basement, old appliances he could either use or take apart, and a surprising amount of food waste from the diner and market, perfectly good ingredients wasted because they weren’t to their standards.
This is basically just an exposition dump, but there’s a few interesting parts. Besides the comics, my main source of inspiration was the 2008 film where he was on the run and did whatever it took to survive.
It was the mansion’s master suite with plenty of open space, with moonlight shining through the window. Bruce changed into a white T-shirt with tears at the shoulders and a pair of flannel pajama pants that were faded and riddled with moth holes before laying down in his makeshift bed with a sigh.
I tend to play with the realism of Bruce’s size. Sometimes things make sense, like how he sleeps on a pile of mattresses since he would break a bed, and others aren’t such as normal clothes fitting him. Hulk is about 20 feet tall in the new comics, but I just added an extra foot to his MCU size, making him about 8’6.
He didn’t make any progress with his research today, something that carried over from the past few weeks, and the place needed some repairs. Part of the staircase finally collapsed, and after a particularly frustrating day, he tore a door off the hinges.
Even though Bruce and Hulk didn’t fully separate in this universe, there’s times where he gets more qualities of the Hulk such as rage and the urge to destroy. I would say that he’s not fully in control like you see when he’s Professor Hulk, just a man cursed to look like a monster and has no control when he starts to act like one.
Chapter 2:
The shop was small, definitely in business for years, and only run by one person, a gruff middle-aged man named Earl. Because of that, her car wasn’t going to be ready until the end of the day. Lucille accepted her temporary delay in her plans and made her way out, but not before stopping at a small, framed picture on the wall of the mechanic and the teenager she encountered yesterday. Unlike how she remembered Charlie to be, both of her eyes were visible and she didn’t hide herself with a hood. Earl looked up at his client staring at the wall. “That’s my Charlene,” he pointed out as he gathered his tools and headed out to the garage. “Don’t mind her little flights of fancy if you see her, bless her little heart.”
Oh, Earl... At the time of writing this chapter, the third issue of the comic came out, but in issue 4 we get Charlie's last name (Tidwell) and the fact that she had a younger brother named Earl. I'm surprised for predicting she had a relative with that name.
I came up with the name from two things that had an abusive douchebag named Earl in it: Waitress and The Chicks' song, "Goodbye Earl". If I rewrote this, I would add in Earl Jr. to the picture, and make him a bit of a mystery for a while.
Charlie's father and everyone else in town calls her by her full name, Charlene, and only Bruce and Lucille use the name she prefers to use. It's a good way to show the divide between her unhappy home and the unconventional, but kind people she will eventually meet.
Plus, the little "bless your heart" and what it really means.
Lucille moved closer and shook her head. “Ran into some car trouble, but your dad promised to fix it by the end of the day,” she explained, not noticing how Charlie’s body went stiff at the mention of her father.
A lot is still on Lucille's mind, and I also think Charlie would be the kind of person to hide what's going on with her, thinking she would be strong for taking it all on herself.
Charlie shrugged, closing her notebook and looking up at her with a frown. “What if I am?” she asked in a defensive tone, used to how everyone in town patronized or judged her for her hobby.
One of her defining characteristics in the comics is that she's generally a very angry person, both from her upbringing as well as trying to impress the Hulk.
In the night, Bruce carefully moved through the trees into a clearing not too far from his safehouse, deciding to just walk the rest of the way. After spending all day inside, staying hidden as he tirelessly worked to cure his condition, a walk in the empty woods helped him clear his mind. 
This is probably my favorite scene of Bruce in the entire fic, because I really get to showcase that more monstrous side of him. I have the idea that he gets compelled somehow to just wander the woods.
It circled around him, then stood up on its hind legs, ready to attack. Bruce stood up taller, moving his shoulders back as he stared the animal down. A low growl escaped his mouth, hoping it would be enough to send it on its way, but instead it lunged forward. He let out a roar as he pushed the bear aside with one arm, and it backed away before running away toward the road. Bruce stood there as he took deep breaths to calm himself, he didn’t enjoy tapping into the more monstrous, feral side of his transformation. The bear whimpered, slamming into a tree with great force as it scrambled to escape.
I love writing action! Bruce gave the bear a chance to get away, but used his strength when he had no other option, which is pretty on-brand for him. He doesn't like his growling, or the fact that he can overpower and scare a large animal.
What she didn’t expect to see was a bear slamming into a tree up ahead, the force causing it to splinter and fall onto the road.  She swerved out of the way, but her car pulled back and started to go off the road, rolling down the small hill and deeper into the woods. Lucille felt like she was slowly spinning for a long time until her car came to a stop, landing upside down and pinning itself against a tree.  Lucille breathed heavily as she waited for her vision to stop blurring and her dizziness to subside before unbuckling her seatbelt, landing on the ground.
I had to do a bit of research on car accidents to write this scene to get the exact motions down, as well as have it to where she's definitely trapped but not seriously injured for the rest of the story.
As the sounds of the bear’s retreat got quieter, Bruce turned and started to make his way back home until the sound of a car crashing echoed through the quiet woods a minute later. His first instinct, the one of a human doctor he held onto, was to go and see if anyone needed help. Bruce shook his head, reminding himself that he needed to stay hidden and away from others for his own survival, but as the decision still weighed on his conscience, he thought for a moment.  The nearby road was far away from any of the surrounding towns, it would be a while before any assistance arrived, and that was assuming anyone was alive or conscious. He decided to walk in the direction of the road, survey the area to see if there was anyone in desperate need, then go from there. 
My favorite quality about Bruce is his selflessness! His reintroduction in the first Avengers movie was perfect, where he was working as a doctor in Kolkata. Even though it was a trap set by Natasha, he still had the heart to treat a child's sick parent.
Bruce looked at the car, then back down at the driver and sighed, hoping he wouldn’t regret the decision to take her back to the mansion and treat her wounds. The thought of walking away and leaving her defenseless pained him, even after his transformation into a monster, his bleeding heart still remained. 
That last line is a really good one, the phrase "bleeding heart" has a slightly negative connotation, he shouldn't care about her at all, he's a monster. His kindness is a bit of a weakness in his eyes, something that's getting in the way of his survival. But just like his anger and monster half, it takes over.
He set the car back to a normal position and scooped up the woman into his arms and gently laid her in the backseat. It was difficult to restrain her with the size of his arm and hand, but he managed to do so. He took a deep breath before lifting the car again as he began his journey back to his safehouse. The journey was quiet as the driver laid still the entire time.
Lucille is just referred to by a diminutive the entire scene since this is Bruce's POV and she's nothing more than a stranger to him at the moment. Little does he know...
He froze, unsure of what to do in this moment, then made the hasty decision to hide in the nearby study. Bruce sat in the chair, thinking about his next move. It was very likely that she would discover him soon, so the real question was how he should approach what would be his first human interaction in over two years. 
There's a slight sense of awkwardness here that's very Bruce, he just decides to run and hide instead of face things head-on. He has to prepare himself a little bit, make sure not to scare her too much, he's definitely overthinking this situation a lot.
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faith-less-one · 3 months
Hey lovely!
For your WIP game (SO glad you joined me in this!) anything you'd like to share about 'So It's You'? <3
Oh, you KNOW I want to share stuff about "So It's You". ♥
For those of you not in the know... this passage was in my very first Brennan/Cassandra fic (Stargazing) - which I wrote over four years ago:
Unconsciously, he wonders what it would be like if they hadn’t met the way they did. If he didn’t have the anchor in his hand and the fate of the whole world on his shoulders. If he wasn’t a mage and she weren’t a seeker. If he’d just been introduced to her at an Ostwick ball, some very minor member of Nevarran royalty who his mother thought would be an excellent match for her second-eldest son. Would they have flirted? Danced? Would he have stolen her away to a deserted corner of the grounds he barely remembers, to lie and stargaze like this?
And I always had in my head that someday, I might write that AU. No Inquisition, no titles, no powers... Not a mage, not a seeker. But the whole rest of my canon universe kept happening, and so it was always just... a thought.
Then, a little over two years ago, I wrote a short modern AU Brennan/Cassandra ficlet on my birthday (Glad You Exist). And it was so much fun, that on my birthday last year, I was like - "I should write that Ostwick ball fic!". So I started it. And... it ballooned.
It ballooned into a Fantasy-meets-Regency, highly Bridgerton-inspired literal novel (over 75,000 words!). Utterly indulgent, probably entirely ridiculous, and so, so much fun.
Technically I finished it last November, and commissioned ART for it, but I had it in my head to write an 'epilogue' in the style of the Bridgerton second epilogues. Except I kept stalling out and rewriting over and over again, and nothing felt as good as the initial fic did. So I dropped it for a few months. And then recently, I decided eh, fuck it, it doesn't need the epilogue.
But how to post it? It's fourteen chapters and (as I said) 75,000 words, so I didn't want to post it on my normal schedule, because it would take half the year, and that's a long time to go between updates of my regular series. Then, the other day, after posting this WIP game, I decided eh, fuck it. I want to share it!! (With more than just @ooachilliaoo !) So... yup, starting next Friday, I will be. And then a chapter every other week (alternating with my regular fic chapters) right up until Christmas. :D
And in case you've read all of this and aren't horrified... A short, highly indulgent snippet under the cut!!
He hears some soft grumbling coming from the other side of one of the hedges. Too quiet to make out any words, but it sounds distinctly… grumpy. And feminine.
“Uh… is everything all right?” he calls out, deciding that announcing his presence is better than attempting to continue to eavesdrop and try to figure out who it is. No one he recognises immediately, at any rate.
There’s a surprised, somewhat irritated gasp from the other side of the hedge. “Excuse me?”
She sounds more confused than outraged, thank the Maker.
“Hello!” he responds, trying his best to sound bright and non-threatening. “Do you need any help?”
He waits for a response, but there is none. Perhaps she’s just in a bad mood and he’s disturbed her from a perfectly acceptable bit of alone time before the ball starts. He grew up with three brothers and a sister, he understands how important a little solitude can be when you’re feeling stressed.
“Sorry!” he calls back, after a few long moments. “I’ll just… I didn’t mean to disturb you. Ignore me. I’ll leave you be.”
“No, wait!” The voice sounds a little frantic. With a Nevarran accent, perhaps? One of Great-Aunt Lucille’s guests. A damsel in distress? “You know your way around this blasted thing?”
“I do!” And then, after a beat. “Would you like me to show you the way out?”
He’s careful not to say the word ‘lost’. It seems like she might be the type of person to take such a thing badly.
There’s a short delay to her response, as if she doesn’t want to admit that she needs his help. And then finally, she makes a sort of grumbling noise.
“I’ll take that as a yes, shall I?” he says, and then, because he imagines she’ll probably want to get this encounter over sooner rather than later, he adds, “Just stay where you are. It’s a bit twisty, but I’ll be with you in a minute.”
Then, without waiting for another response, he continues on, deeper into the maze, toward her. Though he’s still a little wary of coming across other people on the way, he decides whatever embarrassment he might cause would be worth the trouble.
Less than his promised minute later, he turns the corner and finds a lady standing with her back to him. Right where his mysterious damsel in distress should be.
“My lady?”
She turns sharply, and he gets his first look at her.
His heart nearly stops.
This is it, he thinks, when he recovers the power of thought a moment later.
This is that spark he’s been waiting his whole life to feel...
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superprincesspea · 1 year
The Arrangement
Chapter 2 - Perception
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The next time you see Joel, you’re up on stage. Lights, camera, action.  
You think of days like these as a circus except there isn’t any big top and the only clowns are the dolls in six-inch heels.  
‘Welcome to Negan’s horrific spectacle.’  
Come one, come all, and, for the low low price of silence, everyone in the Sanctuary can have a front row seat to the greatest show on Earth. Losing the last shreds of your humanity is free and vomiting is optional.  
You laugh grimly but the sound is barely a snort of a breath meant only for yourself. The truth is nothing about this is funny. The room is thick with tension, the entire Sanctuary squeezed onto the factory floor. 
You can’t distinguish between the hushed whispers of the audience and the wives standing beside you aren’t talking. So, in this room of people, you’re alone. Your feet sore, sweat gathering between your breasts and your spine aching for the chance to sit down.  
After a while, whispers turn to grumbles but it's all part of the show. The long anticipation before Negan’s grand entrance and, finally, it’s time for curtains up.  
He winks at you as he steps onto the stage and his smile is all bright white teeth and devilish charm. You’ve always admired Negan’s confidence even when his actions disturbed you beyond belief and today is no different.  
With Negan in full view of the audience, everyone has become impossibly still, choked by the kind of quiet where no one even dares to breathe. The silence makes your stomach churn, your heart race but Negan is relaxed, his smile still captivating as he saunters from left to right with Lucille balanced on his shoulder.  
“Now, I bet you’re all wondering why I’ve gathered you here today,” he begins, the ringmaster in full command of his crowd but you don’t need to hear his reasons. You already know. You’ve already seen Dwight, bound and gagged, waiting just out of view. 
You also know why. Know that he dared to love Sherry and run away. But what you don’t understand is, why had they been caught? Why hadn’t they been smarter? And most of all, why couldn’t Negan just let them go?  
Sherry is still missing and though you like to think she’s out there somewhere, surviving despite losing Dwight, you’re not holding your breath. If surviving was easy, everyone would do it. You would do it.  
Pushing away the thought, you look back towards Negan, still in command, still effortlessly poised as he finishes his run down of Dwight's charges in a court where he is judge, jury and executioner. Then all eyes are on Dwight. But not yours- you can’t look. Won’t look. 
You’d like to say you don’t recognise the stink of flesh as it bubbles and cooks like meat in a skillet, but you do. Sour and fatty, the smell makes your stomach twist into knots so tight you’re sure you’ll never eat a morsel of food again- but you will.  
Survival is so hardwired into your brain that you know you’ll do anything to keep breathing. Even love a man like Negan and you had loved him for a while. Far longer than he really deserved but, after The Duke, he’d felt like Prince Charming and, like every woman everywhere since the dawn of time, you’d thought you could change him. Make him better, make him love you back but when did that really work?  
So, while Dwight's face is melted with the hot end of a poker, you try to let everything fade to black but not Joel. He’s standing in the middle of the packed crowd, and he isn’t looking at Dwight either, he’s looking at you. You hadn’t noticed him before and now you’re not sure how you saw anything else. 
His dark eyes seem to burn onto your skin and while the rest of the audience is still captivated by the show, your eyes lock with Joel’s and neither of you break contact until it's all over. The sizzle, the screams, Negan’s speech on loyalty and penance.  
You’ve heard it all before, but this is Joel’s first time and there’s something on his face which tells you he won’t be here for the next one. If only you could say the same.  
Instead, you say nothing, do nothing and the show is over. The players exit the stage and you’re no exception. You get in line with the rest of the wives and follow Negan up to the apartment where he heads straight to his bedroom, leaving you and the other girls to hover outside the door.   
You glance around, hoping one of them will make the first move to follow him but they’re too upset. Tears on cheeks, sobs trapped in chests and the smell, that awful smell must be burned into their noses likes its burned into yours.  
“I guess I’ll go,” you sigh, and Tanya squeezes your shoulder before you force yourself over the threshold and click the door shut behind. 
Negan is settling Lucille in her usual spot, and you don’t know why today is any different from any other day, but you can’t take another minute of pretending.  
“I didn’t like that,” you say and though something stronger, something more rebellious is brewing under your skin, your tone is still cautious. 
Negan turns, his eyes widening, “neither did I, baby.”  
His words sound sincere but you’re not sure what to think anymore and though your tears have run dry, your voice still cracks when you ask, “then why?” 
“You know why.” 
“You could have just let them leave. You didn’t have to hunt them down and-” 
“And what?” He lets the question linger in the air, but he doesn’t want you to answer it. You’re certain he doesn’t even want to begin this conversation or any conversation at all. Still, he’s not the kind of man to back down from a challenge even a challenge as inconsequential as this.  
He moves closer, his eyes levelling with yours and they’re stern, narrowed in to hold tightly onto your gaze. “Maybe I should let every fucker in the Sanctuary think he can do whatever the fuck he wants? Maybe one of them will decide they want to fuck you, should I let them get away with that?” 
Again, he doesn’t want an answer just like you don’t want to challenge him anymore, so you look at your shoes, strappy, flimsy and in complete contrast with Negan’s heavy boots.  
Your submission works, his voice is softer now, but he’s still pissed.  
He paces the floor in front of you, his arms gesturing for effect, “maybe I should let every fucker with half a brain cell decide they can just walk the fuck out of here and get themselves killed? Or worse- let them bring back an army to take what's ours?”  
You dare to look at him.  
“You know the fucking score just like everyone else.” 
Now his hands are on your cheeks, his touch so gentle you could mistake it for love. 
“Say it,” he commands. 
“I know the score,” you whisper and Negan sighs, his shoulders losing some of their tension. 
His speech might have been more for his benefit than yours but honestly, he’s right. You all know the score. Negan’s way or no way and you don’t even hate him for it. Society, as you knew it, is gone. This is Negan’s world where he is King, President and God. At some point, you’d all agreed to the new world order.  
There’s no old school penal system for those who broke the rules, no review to make sure Negan’s punishments aren’t cruel and unusual. They are. They’re supposed to be and that’s the point.  
The sad thing is, you don’t even care about Dwight. There probably wasn’t a person in the room who did. Everyone watched his face melt and thought the same thing- I’m glad it isn’t me.  
But you’re done with safety in exchange for oppression and you’re done with Negan.  
Just not tonight.  
Tonight, you’re still his wife, his best girl and honestly, you’re not even mad about it. Negan is familiar. A port in the storm even if he’s the one creating the storm. 
He moves closer, pushing the strap of your dress down your arm to kiss your shoulder.  
His beard tickles your skin, his lips are hungry, desperate to taste and find something satisfying for both of you.  
“I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to get so-” he murmurs into your neck. 
“I know,” you brush your fingers through his hair and down the soft supple leather of his jacket, pulling him closer.  
Negan isn’t a monster; you know that much. He might enjoy the theatrics, but he doesn’t seek to maim and hurt people. There are only three rules in the Sanctuary which carry such corporal punishment. Rape, Murder and Stealing.  
Dwight and Sherry might be in love, but he stole her from Negan whether Negan wanted her or not.  
Perception is everything. Rules are rules.  
Negan doesn’t say anything more, he’s worn out from the theatrics, and he doesn’t want to fight. He wants this- flesh and pleasure.  
He pushes you onto the bed, legs spread, ankles dangling over his shoulders. He isn’t a selfish lover and maybe that would have made him easier to hate. But he’s on his knees for you, burying his face into your pussy and putting that charismatic mouth to good use. Stealing your thoughts, bringing you to the peak of pleasure before his cock finally pushes inside. 
His jeans are still clinging to his hips, the bite of his zipper nicking against your bare ass with every thrust. He comes fast, a quick release of tension before the real fucking begins.  
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puella-peanut · 1 year
Random Lakreese thoughts since I reread your cute little fic of the two of them bickering, I love how they refer to each other by their last names when they're fighting even though this is a totally different au. Lol.
John thinks of Daniel as a kitten a lot, I wonder if he ever calls him that in bed?
An as of untouched trope we're sleeping on- uniform kink.
I wonder what Lucille's reaction was to her little sunshine boy settling down with a man like that. If at first she was shocked by the age difference and didn't think John was worthy of Daniel, thinking he was just a grumpy old man.
Random Lakreese thoughts since I reread your cute little fic of the two of them bickering, I love how they refer to each other by their last names when they're fighting even though this is a totally different au. Lol.
So, they're not married in the original ficlet (only because it's the 90s, and gay marriage has not been legalized yet) but...
If they are married, it’s just their snippy little way of reminding the other that their hyphenated, shared surname can go back to being just their own respective surname if the other isn’t careful! 
“Yeah? Well I think I like the sound of LaRusso better than LaRusso-Kreese anyway! So there!” *Angry little pout*
“Fine with me. And it is, or was—Kreese-LaRusso, kid.” *Brooding intensifies.*
If not, they’re just being shits to each other. 
John thinks of Daniel as a kitten a lot, I wonder if he ever calls him that in bed? 
I am so partial to Prima Donna being John’s petname of choice for Daniel—especially if it starts off as something condescending (like in KK1), and then evolves over time into a term of total, if teasing, endearment. Like here. 
As for kitten...
So, John’s so not a cat person, in fact, he dislikes them, cold-hearted little bastards that they are. If anything, he’s fine with dogs—big ones, powerful ones, strong and useful ones like Rottweilers and Cane Corsos, etc. (Disclaimer: Daniel loves all dogs, huge and tiny and in-between with an unholy passion. Yes, even Chihuahuas!). Moving on, John is also rather partial to reptiles. Snakes, especially...heh.
But, like you said, he does think of Daniel being kitten-like a lot. After all, the boy is small and fussy, always in-and-out of trouble; loves snuggles and cuddles and being petted. He curls up just like a kitten would on a chair, or a cushion, or against John himself—which is something John looks forward to after a long day at work. (Not that he’ll say that outloud.) Also: Daniel is agile and quick on his feet, light, skittish, and surprisingly graceful. He laps up affection and tenderness like a kitten would milk. He sits where he pleases—the countertop, the ladder outside, the hood of his their cars. Plops himself onto John’s lap whenever he feels like it, and plays with his chest hair like a kitten would a ball of yarn. And he is very cute in the morning, when his hair is all tousled, and he’s curled up in John’s arms, warm and soft and pliant, and mumbling, still more than half-asleep, just five more minutes, John...
(No, Daniel is the only “cat” John tolerates, aka—can’t live without.)
Anyway, John’s not huge on nicknames (or more than one petname, that's excessive) and besides, Daniel is a perfectly reasonable name. He most certainly doesn’t call him Danny, or sweetheart, or darling (that’s for Silverusso land), but if he’s gotta have one, then Prima Donna is his go-to, especially when Daniel is being...just that. 
He does occasionally call Danial a kitten, but only in the bedroom. John can’t help it—the little mewls of pleasure Daniel makes when John has him at his mercy, the higher-pitched sighs and cries, the tiny nips on his skin, and nail-shaped-scratches he leaves on John’s body, especially his back. The way his pupils dilate in his haze of lust, swallowing up the brown as if it never was. Then those soft little purrs of contentment in John’s arms after he’s been fucked good. And his eyes, always so large and pretty, turned all soft and glassy when he looks up at John under his lashes afterwards with a lazy smile. 
Oh, he’s a kitten all right. John’s very own, adorable little pet.
(And if John came home one day to find Daniel in a simple collar, or maybe a red satin ribbon with a little bell at his throat—well! Well, well, well.)
An as of untouched trope we're sleeping on- uniform kink.  
Mm, Top Gun AU anyone? An Officer and a Gentleman AU? 
John has...preferences, but, bless him, he either doesn't know or care about kinks. He likes what he likes, and does what he likes and that's it. He's anything but fuss and feathers, and while he's Very Good in the bedroom, it's without added effects. Daniel's gotta provide that if he wants to add a bit more fun to the (admittedly great) sexytimes.
I can totally see Daniel having a thing for John in uniform. Getting John to wear it and roleplay is the hard part, he’s such a deliberate, un-imaginative, serious man and not showy. Maybe Daniel can drop a few choice words when things start getting hot like “soldier boy”, “Captain”...maybe act like a distressed, helpless civilian in need of rescuing or something from this rugged army man. Acts of service is John’s love language after all, and calling him Captain is definitely a huge turn on for him. Just keep pushing John slowly in that direction Daniel, and you’ll probably succeed in getting him to rail you good in his military best. Or like, just up the brat factor for an attitude reset delivered by your favorite Captain via prostrate. 
(Anyway, before they officially get together, Daniel probably comes across Kreese’s military pictures, takes one look at this strapping, macho man in uniform and...)
Daniel: Drop everything and rail me now while wearing this.
John: ?
Daniel: ...Please, Captain.
John: !
I wonder what Lucille's reaction was to her little sunshine boy settling down with a man like that. If at first she was shocked by the age difference and didn't think John was worthy of Daniel, thinking he was just a grumpy old man. 
Well damn, you’re the third person who has deposited something along these lines in my inbox after I wrote the ficlet—clearly I need to write something about this too! :3
Thanks for the ask! :D
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ereiniel · 2 years
First of all, your titles all sound gorgeous! “Your Pain, Seared on My Heart” and “The Convergence of Sea and Sky,” perhaps?
OH BOY.  I’m so sorry it took so long for me to answer this, because I had to go back into my notes and sort through everything to figure out what exactly I was thinking all those months ago with those two fics.  The files are pretty sizable, and I had to make sense of a lot of what I’d written there before I could give you a proper answer.  I started writing these concept treatments when I first started writing for the fandom last year and had all sorts of ideas just thrown in there, some of which were good, some of which I look back on and am like, “what the hell is this?”  I haven’t looked at them in months, ever since I dropped everything to work on my current active WIP.
These fics have gone through a few different iterations, and when I first received your ask, I thought both titles were still part of the same Lawrusso fic series, but it turns out I separated Your Pain, Seared on My Heart from A Prize Beyond and The Convergence of Sea and Sky at some point.  Clearly, this is still very much a work in progress, and between now and the time I write it, it may change yet again, but this is how it stands right now:
The Convergence of Sea and Sky was the first longfic concept I started working on last year, inspired by some of my All-Valley 100 ‘Brick Wall’ entries.  It’s a Lawrusso KK3 AU where Johnny and Daniel are already together, and they work together to bring down Terry and Kreese and Cobra Kai.  Terry is a really nasty piece of work in this one, and Johnny knows Mike from All-State (he came in first, Mike second, in 1983-84), so he knows how dangerous Mike can be.  Daniel training with Terry puts a real strain on his and Johnny’s relationship, not least because Johnny knows what’s going on from the injuries Daniel comes home with (since they’re a lot like the ones he himself used to get from Kreese), but Daniel is trapped by Terry and can’t leave without causing even more trouble for everyone.  Some character details, like Johnny being a sports medicine major, ended up in my current fic, which I may or may not keep for this one as well.  My concept notes are a lot angstier and so much darker than I remembered 😬 but at least I have an idea for a happy ending planned for them. 
Your Pain, Seared on My Heart is a KK1 Lawrusso soulmate concept AU, in which Daniel and Lucille move to LA because of Lucille’s new job with the in-house IT department at Dynatox.  It starts in Newark, where we get to see Daniel and Lucille’s life before they move, with Daniel’s grandparents and extended family and friends (and Judy!), as well as seeing Lucille finally get her computer science degree that she put on hold when she met and married David. 
As part of the perks for working for Terry Silver, they’ve received a company house in Encino Hills, a fancy company car, and the use of Terry’s personal facilities (pool, hot tub, sauna, tennis court, private dojo, etc.) whenever they want.  As expected, Terry takes a shine to Daniel right away when they first meet, and makes arrangements for him to join Cobra Kai to ensure he has friends in LA.  Terry is very much involved in Cobra Kai and teaches alongside Kreese, though not as often as he’d like due to his other business commitments.
Daniel is introduced to Johnny and the Cobras as a new member of their karate class; due to his limited karate background, Terry gives him ‘extra private lessons’ outside of class to ‘catch him up’ to everyone else.  Little does Daniel know that Kreese is doing the same sort of ‘extra lessons’ arrangement for Johnny, and when they find out about what’s happening to the other and how they’ve both been trapped, they help each other through it and, through that, develop a deeper and closer relationship.  They immediately feel a deep connection to the other when they first meet, and as their relationship develops, can feel the pain the other is feeling when they’re dealing with Kreese and Terry.  It’s their connection and combined strength that give them the courage to fight back.
Mr. Miyagi is a groundskeeper/maintenance employee at Dynatox, and his duties include maintaining Terry’s house, the company homes, and the dojo space.  It’s how he gets to know Daniel, and how he finds Daniel and Johnny in the dojo on several occasions after they’ve been hurt by their teachers, and he takes care of them and helps them and their friends get away from Cobra Kai.
This is the WIP that most resembles a proper fic concept, and the one I was seriously working on and getting ready to write when Rain That Tastes Like Wine popped into my head and I had to set this one aside.  I had to put these fics on hold because Terry is a creepy, nasty piece of work in both and very different from the Terry I am currently writing, and I didn’t want to confuse the characterizations and write them incorrectly.  This is the fic I think I’m most looking forward to writing after I’m done with my current one, so thank you for bringing it back to the forefront of my consciousness.  I’m just trying to focus on one fic at a time right now!
Thank you so much for the asks, and I love that you love my story titles! 💖💖💖
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Baby Lucille meets Dustin!
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Dad!Eddie Munson x Mom!Reader
Tw: Eddie has little bit of anxious thoughts regarding Lucy’s godparents, Dustin’s mom is judge mental, pet names.
Dad!Eddie masterlist!!
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Before Lucille had even been born, her godparents had been picked out wether they liked it or not, after her birth all that was left to do was inform said godparents of their titles.
When Eddie walked up to you one late night informing you he still hadn’t made up his mind on who exactly he wanted to be her godfather simply because he wasn’t sure if you’d be ok with his choice. He knew you had picked out wonderful people to be Lucy’s god parents, I mean you picked out Robin to be her godmother!
“What’s wrong? Why haven’t you decided yet?” You asked concerned.
When you had first assigned Eddie the task he had been so excited telling you he knew exactly who he was going to pick but the sudden change in demeanor startled you a bit since once Eddie had decided something he didn’t usually change it just approached it a little differently.
“Baby, i want Dustin to be her godfather…” he mumbles his voice being muffled by the fabric of your shirt as well as he has his face laid against your baby bump while you lay on the couch(he’s almost like in your lap but your both laying down? Hope you guys know what I mean😭😭)
“So than you did pick?” You ask raising your eyebrow as you push his bangs away from his eyes.
He looks up at you for a moment, “I mean I guess?” He says sounding a little confused.
“That’s fine than.” You smile at him and he feels all the concern from before melt away.
Flash foreword a few months later and now Eddie is nervously shifting his weight between his feet as he holds Lucille in her carrier with you beside him. He stops moving when he hears her coo lightly knowing she had been sleeping when he got her from the car.
Dustin was the last godparent to be informed that they were a godparent. Eddie saved Dustin for last because he wasn’t so sure he’d agree, he wasn’t ready to have to go through the stress of finding a new god parent he was almost certain he didn’t have that many friends!
He knocked on the door nervously and when Dustin’s mom opened the door she just looked Eddie up and down only a tad bit judgementally she had heard about this Eddie kid from her son only she didn’t expect this Eddie ‘kid’ to be a grown man with a wife and daughter.
“Is Dustin here?” Eddie asks messing with one of the toys attached to Lucille’s carrier as he pushes it with the hand holding it.
She nods stepping aside and Eddie makes his way towards Dustin’s room, this confuses Claudia a bit because to her knowledge this is the first time she’s ever seen Eddie or you.
Eddie knocks lightly on Dustin’s door and for a moment he catches himself hoping Dustin wouldn’t awnser the door and that maybe his mom would have been wrong but he knows that she isn’t when the door swings open and Dustin smiles seeing Eddie.
He sees you from over Eddie’s shoulder and gives Eddie a questioning look until his eyes glance down to Lucille and he shoots him a look of confusion.
He pulls the three of you into his room and that’s were it begins.
The two of you sit on Dustin’s bed while he sits on his chair elbows on his knees as he listens to Eddie recount every detail of the situation up until the conversation about godparents intentionally leaving it out.
“And this has to do with me how?” He asks sitting back.
“That’s the thing I’m about to get to Dustin.” Eddie leans down unbuckling Lucille from her car seat and holding her gently as he moves her tiny arms away to show her little face to Dustin.
“We” Eddie says motioning between the two of you and you roll your eyes softly, “were thinking, that you could maybe be her godfather” you watch as Dustin’s eyes light up happily a smile spreading across his face.
“Are you serious?” He asks happily looking towards Lucille.
“Only if you’re ok with it” Eddie hurry’s to clarify.
“Ok with it? This is great! I can teach her so much stuff!” He explains happily.
“Woah there Dustin, don’t go trying to make her a nerd now!” Eddie jokes.
You watch as the two of them playfully bicker knowing that Dustin would be possibly one of the best godfathers to Lucy.
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Tags~ @miracleboysel , @jessyballet
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antiquatedsimmer · 1 year
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Eddy and Silas made their way towards the barns, the morning mist still clinging to the air.
"Now, listen close, son," Eddy began, his voice steady. "I don't want no whinin' or backtalk. We're gonna do the work that needs to be done. But don't you worry, I'll make it a learnin' experience for ya." Silas stayed quiet, matching his father's pace.
( Long post today! just warning ya!}
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Eddy led Silas to Millie, their beloved cow, and stepped back, observing closely as his son approached the large animal.
"Now, Silas, when it comes to brushin' Millie, ya gotta be careful," Eddy advised, his voice low and measured. "Use the soft brush, like this one here, so ya don't irritate her skin. Just gentle strokes, boy, like you're pettin' her." Silas nodded attentively, taking the brush in his hand and following his father's guidance.
Eddy then moved to Millie's side and showed Silas the proper technique for milking. Silas watched intently as Eddy demonstrated, his young hands mimicking the movements carefully.
Millie stood there calmly, seemingly content with Silas' efforts. She didn't make a sound or show any signs of distress, which reassured both father and son.
"Good job, Silas," Eddy commended with a proud smile. "You're takin' to this like a natural. "
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While Eddy and Silas ventured out to tend to the chores on the farm. Helena, on the other hand, rose from her slumber and swiftly prepared herself for the tasks that awaited her inside the house. With a tune humming softly on her lips, she adorned her working attire, ready to tackle the daily household responsibilities.
With broom in hand, Helena began sweeping the floors diligently, sweeping away the remnants of dirt and dust that had settled overnight. The rhythmic swish of the broom filled the air, creating a comforting cadence in the otherwise quiet house. As she moved from room to room, ensuring every nook and cranny was free from debris, Lucile, their young daughter, joyfully played and explored in the corners of their cozy home.
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Silas, his eyes heavy with sleep, struggled to find his footing on his first day of farm work. But he pushed through the fatigue to complete the responsibilities his father laid out before him. He collected eggs from the coop, a delicate and essential chore, and learned how much grain to feed the chickens each day.
Eddy, taking on the role of mentor, stood beside Silas, guiding him through the process. He demonstrated the proper technique, emphasizing the importance of handling each delicate egg with care.
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As Silas reluctantly followed his father's instructions, his mind wandered to thoughts of sleeping in or engaging in playful adventures. Despite his initial silent protest, Silas found himself adapting to the farm tasks with surprising ease, akin to a natural-born farmer.
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Inside the Harrington household, a troubling discovery unfolded as Helena witnessed the aggressive behaviors that had taken root in their daughter, Lucile. The influence of Silas's bullying had taken its toll, manifesting in Lucile's tendency to bite and resort to kicking instead of using words.
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Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Helena fervently hoped that Eddy's plan to instill responsibility in Silas would yield positive results. She knew that curbing Silas's negative influence on Lucile was crucial to prevent her from adopting further ill-mannered habits. The thought of both her children becoming difficult to raise weighed heavily on Helena's heart, instilling a sense of fear and concern.
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In the midst of this apprehension, Eddy entered the room, catching a glimpse of Lucile's actions. With a determined expression, he swiftly took charge to address the behavior, refusing to let their daughter fall prey to the same destructive path as Silas. They had already witnessed the challenges of raising one child who strayed from the right path, and the last thing they needed was a second child following suit.
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After the rest of the work was done, Eddy and Silas found respite in the comforting embrace of the kitchen, where Helena had prepared a hearty lunch for them. Silas, wearied by the day's labor, silently consumed his meal, while Eddy observed him intently.
"You've done well today, son," Eddy commended, his voice carrying a paternal warmth. "With time and practice, the work will become easier for you." Silas nodded in acknowledgment, his fork idly pushing around the eggs on his plate.
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Eddy's tone softened as he imparted words of wisdom. "I want you to understand, Silas, that this is not a punishment," he emphasized. Silas's eyes met his father's gaze, curious and attentive. "Someday, your mother and I won't be here. It will be your responsibility to care for this land, to ensure its prosperity. You're reaching an age where you must learn the ways of the farm, to carry on the legacy. I want your future children to experience the same happiness we have here."
Silas replied with a mixture of reluctance and determination, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "I understand, Father. I will do my best."
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As they continued to savor their meal, Silas felt a whirlwind of emotions stirring within him. The weight of his impending responsibilities bore down on him, raising doubts about the path he was expected to follow. "Do I want to be a farmer?" he pondered silently, his thoughts muddled with the prospect of marriage and the future that awaited him.
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little-diable · 3 years
Good deeds - Dean x Reader x Sam (wincest smut)
Shamelessly inspired by @negans-lucille-tblr Christmas imagine. This is just pure wincest smut, porn through and through. I didn't edit this, all mistakes are my own. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader filmed Dean fucking Sam, a video she touches herself to. At least till her brothers find the video, asking her to join in on their fun.
Warnings: 18+, sex, blowjob, wincest, brothersxsister, don't like it don't read it
Pairing: Dean x fem!sister!reader x Sam (2k)
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With her phone in her hand, (y/n) locked her door, eyes staring down on the dimmed down screen to watch the video she had recorded last night. A video of both her brothers. Fucking. For what felt like hours on end.
Dean and Sam had thought that she was fast asleep, not noticing a thing as Dean sunk into Sam’s ass, cock buried inside his brother. But their moans had been anything but silent, echoing through their motel room, praying that her drunken mind wouldn’t pick up a thing.
(Y/n) had woken to the first moan that had spluttered from Sam’s lips like a confession spoken in a church, attracting sinners from all over the country. A call one chooses to follow, just as fucked up as the younger Winchester brother. It also hadn’t been the first time she had been awoken by the sounds of her brothers fucking, sounds that would ring in her ears for days, forcing her hand to disappear in her panties, rubbing her clit with her mind set on the things the two had done. She had been grateful for falling asleep with her phone in her hand, still somewhat drunk, mind drowsy and fogged up as she slowly turned her phone camera into their direction, recording the last moments before their orgasms had rumbled through them.
Tonight she had asked for a room for herself, had mumbled something about periods and how she wanted to be alone for a few hours. A perfect excuse to stay on her own while she would coax one moan after another out of her parted lips, fingers rubbing her pulsing clit with Dean and Sam’s name burning on her tongue.
Her back met the uncomfortable mattress, momentarily having to place her phone down, undressing herself with trembling fingers. (Y/n) couldn’t focus on anything but the sounds her phone had recorded, starting the video over and over again. Not one drop of shame lingered in her system, no guilt flooded through her as she came to their moans, she had been forced to accept their fucked up ways years ago, slowly coming to terms with it.
“Fuck, Sammy. I can’t wait to fill you up with my cum.” She tried to imagine how Dean would murmur into her ears the words he had spoken yesterday night, how his cock would pound into her with her fingernails clawed into his back. A mere dream that left her sweating, even after the third and fourth orgasm that rumbled through her.
(Y/n) was making a mess on the sheets, her arousal clung to her fingers and thighs, glistening in the faint light. But she didn’t care, didn’t stop the movements of her fingers, desperate to keep on relieving the ache inside her body. Being around the two had been pure torture, every time Dean had spoken Sam’s name, her clit had pulsed, begging for some attention as her mind thought back to last night.
“(Y/n)? Can we come in?” The words were followed by the sound of Sam impatiently knocking on her door, ripping her out of her state. Clumsily she pulled on her panties and shirt, calling out a loud “one moment” as she washed her hands, not daring to look at herself in the mirror.
Sam brushed past her, with Dean hot on his heels, stepping into the room with a few boxes of pizza and some cans of beers carried by the two. Neither Dean nor Sam addressed her state, murmuring something about wanting to eat dinner together as they would take care of her.
“I’ll be right back.” (Y/n) disappeared into the bathroom, leaving two slightly confused brothers behind. She didn’t hear how Dean walked closer to her bed, letting his gaze wander to her phone screen, momentarily freezing as he noticed what she had been watching. (Y/n) also didn’t hear the moans that now echoed through the bedroom, Dean had pressed play - only to make sure that he wasn’t just imagining something.
“Is that?” Sam’s words got stuck in his throat as he stepped closer to Dean, watching the video with wide eyes.
“I fucking knew it. I thought she had fallen right back asleep, but of course she’s just a kinky little whore, like her younger brother.” Sam didn’t get the chance to reply to Dean’s teasing, heads whipping towards (y/n) who was standing frozen, not knowing what was going on. But as her gaze wandered to her phone, placed in Dean’s hands, she felt her heartbeat stopping, palms sweaty. Heat kept on streaming through her, wandering up and down her body.
“Anything you have to say for yourself?” Dean forced her phone into Sam’s hand, stepping away from his brother - only to move closer to a trembling (y/n). She didn’t reply, lips forced together by the waves of embarrassment that now flooded through her, only a small “I’m sorry” managed to roll off her tongue, clashing against Dean who now stood pressed against her front.
Like the devil sent from the eternal flames, burning his touch into her skin to rip her sinning heart right out of her chest, he stared at her, wondering what they should do with their sister.
“Did you touch yourself while watching it?” Dean’s raspy voice grew heavier with every word he spoke, hand placed on her chin to force her gaze back to him. The nod of her head told him everything he needed to know. Dean had always guessed that she was just as fucked up as he and Sam, though he had waited for the right moment to address it, wanting for her to feel comfortable enough to share what she was thinking about her brothers.
Before (y/n) could react, she felt Dean’s lips colliding with hers, eyes momentarily finding Sam’s dilated pupils, he was confused, couldn’t understand why his cock began to harden at the thought of (y/n) making herself cum to the sound of his moans. Dean’s tongue ran along her lower lip, getting tangled with her as a whimper rumbled through her, wanting to feel both of her brothers pressed against her.
Wordlessly she reached for Sam’s hand, hoping that he would give in and lay his hands on her body like Dean was doing at that very moment. It took the younger brother a few moments to react, hand finding hers, letting (y/n) pull him into her side.
“What should we do with you, sweetheart?” She wanted to beg them to fuck her, to stuff all her holes - to pump her full with their cum. Just like Dean had told Sam, wanting to leave his stain on his brother. But her mouth was unable to move, lips meeting Sam’s for the first time. He was more careful than Dean, exploring her lips as their older brother watched the two with his twinkling green eyes.
“I want to see her lips wrapped around your cock, Sammy.” As if he was watching a movie, Dean plopped down on the all too uncomfortable chair that was placed in the corner of the small room, arms crossed. (Y/n) dropped to her knees, wordlessly taking off her shirt, exposing her chest to Sam and her bare back to Dean. The groans that rumbled through both brothers were sinful, straight from hell, sounds that could force a blush onto the devil’s cheeks.
Sam helped (y/n) with his trousers, wide eyes studying her hands, how they moved up his thighs, to his boxers that were stretching over his hard cock. (Y/n) couldn’t help but tremble as she grasped his cock through the thin fabric. She had always wondered how her brothers would look like naked, but the feeling of Sam’s cock pressed against her palm left her speechless. Carefully she pulled his boxers down his legs, admiring his red tip and the drops of precum that glistened on the skin.
“Look at that darling, be a good sister and suck Sammy off.” Dean was having a field day, enjoying this as much as he was enjoying a freshly baked pie and a few bottles of beer - the epitome of heaven.
The sight of (y/n)’s tongue running along the vein that pulsed beneath the thin skin of Sam’s length coaxed a moan out of the younger brother, head rolling back, Adam’s apple bobbing as he took a deep breath. Her skilled fingers danced up and down his cock, pumping him with her lips wrapped around his tip, tasting the salty drops of his cum. She could stay right there for the rest of the night, with his cock resting on her tongue, with Dean’s eyes burning holes into the back of her head. Anything to satisfy her two brothers.
“Fuck, don’t stop, please.” Sam whimpered with his eyes closed and his hand buried in her hair, guiding her further down his cock. She choked, she gagged, she smiled - proud of herself for making her brother feel like this. The sound of Dean undoing his trousers echoed through the room, he spat into his palm before he began to fuck his hand, moving in sync with the movements of her head.
“Dean,” she pulled herself off Sam’s cock, while her hand kept pumping his length. “I need you.” (Y/n) wanted to feel Dean’s hands on her body, his calloused fingertips that could rub her clit to push her over the edge within a few moments. She was desperate for his touch, wanting to experience what his hookups had been able to live through with the handsome hunter. The sound of Dean ripping a condom packet open left her walls fluttering, hoping that he would finally fuck her.
“Onto the bed, sweetheart.” Both Sam and (y/n) moved towards the bed, repositioning themselves for Dean to press himself against her behind - while she pushed Sam’s cock back into her mouth. Her eyes rolled back into her head as Dean brushed his fingers through her dripping folds, gaze hooked onto her hole, watching it swallow his digits. (Y/n)’s moans vibrated on Sam’s cock, leaving the tall hunter shaking in her grasp, he would cum soon, not able to drag out his orgasm any longer.
“You’re so good at sucking my cock, fuck. From now on you’re ours, you won’t touch another man.” She wasn’t used to hearing her younger brother speaking like this, but the moan that followed his words answered all questions that were still burning on his tongue. She was theirs. Till they’d no longer want her.
Without another warning Dean pushed his cock into her heat, forcing her walls apart with his girth. For a second (y/n) stopped moving her head, eyes fluttering close to let the new sensation wash through her. He was bigger than the other men she had been with, not leaving any space as he fucked into her, set on a fast pace.
“Don’t stop, sweetheart.” Dean’s words ripped her out of her trance, sucking Sam off as her walls kept clamping down on Dean’s cock. Her insides were burning, melting her skin with the immense heat that brushed through her system with every thrust. Dean’s set was ruthless, using her cunt for his own needs, set on making them cum with his fingertips leaving prints behind on her skin.
“I’m close, baby. Will you swallow for me?” Sam’s hand cupped her cheek, forcing her gaze up to his. “Such a good sister, aren’t you?”
It took him a few more thrusts before his orgasm rocked through him, cum filling her cheeks as she kept moaning around his girth. Dean’s hand had found its way to her clit, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves, while snapping his hips against her behind.
Greedy as one can be, (y/n) swallowed every drop of Sam’s cum, she stuttered their names, upper body crashing against Sam’s, having to hold onto him as her own release overcame her. Her walls fluttered around Dean’s cock, begging him to let go, to give into his own orgasm.
And he did, with the heaviest moan rumbling through him, eyes fluttering close as his pace began to falter. He filled the condom, heat streaming through her as he pressed a kiss to her spine, eyes finding Sam’s exhausted ones. All three were a mess, limbs tangled as they fell to the mattress, wordlessly basking in one another’s company.
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nyxerebus · 3 years
Not Him (Negan X Grimes!Reader)
A/N: I have a other Negan x Grimes reader series, but this is NOT a apart of that series, just a one shot i wrote :) You can read part 1 of that series here: I'm Her Daddy Now
TW: Gore, Make out, Blood, Angst
Her back was pressed to the RV. The Saviours had started to force the people from Alexandria to kneel in front of it in a half circle. They hadn't noticed her yet. Would they recognize her? She had changed a lot since the last time she saw her dad and younger brother. Her hair was longer and darker, and her scarf was covering half her mouth and nose. She had started to look more and more like her father though, the famous Grimes stare would stare back at her in the mirror every morning. A cruel reminder of the family she had lost. The family she thought she had lost, until she saw them in front of her now.
Her eyes wouldn't leave her baby brother, how much he had grown! He was not the scared 11 year old she got separated from all those years ago, now he was a tough young man. And by the looks of his eye situation, it had been a long and rough journey since they last saw each other.
“Are we pissing our pants yet?” She rolled her eyes at Negans extravagant entrance. He was always like this, so much. “Boy do I have a feeling we're getting close”
She had been with The Saviours the past two years, been with Negan for one. She wasn't a wife, she was more than that. She was his girl, his right hand woman. By the look of how her father was staring at Negan, telling him about their relationship would be a tough talk. But nonetheless she looked forward to talking with him, to be able to be a family with them. She prayed they would forgive her for being on The Saviours side. Considering what was about to happen. This wasn't the first ‘punishment’ she had been a part of. She knew what was going to happen. She droned out when Negan went on with his speech about how they needed punishment, and how he owned them now. It wasn't until he was deciding who to kill that she focused on the conversation.
“eenie ... meenie ... miney ... mo '' Her blood ran cold when Lucille landed in front of her younger brother. “No!” She heard her father exclaim. “Shit, man. I’m usually not happy about child murdering, but Lucille is a thirsty woman!” He raised the bat. Her body acted before her brain could tell it no. She took long strides and placed herself protective in front of Carl, shielding his body from Lucille.
“Not him” She hissed out. Negan was taken back, usually (Y/N) wouldn't have trouble when he had to punish new communities. “The hell you saying?”
“Not. Him” She glared at him, she would rather die than let anything happen to her brother. Negan leaned down so only she could hear what he was saying. “You know him?”
“He's my brother,” she whispered. Negan took a step back and rubbed his beard. “You know I have to punish them” He gave her a stern look. “You want to kill him? You have to go through me. Take somebody else”.
“Listen folks” He was addressing his men. “Now some new information has occurred and it looks like my girl here knows this boy. Now I am a gentleman” His famous smirke etched its way to his face. “You all know I can't say no to my girl, but my other girl demands some punishment for their actions. Now I want to please both my girls at the same time. So, we spare the boy, but my girl has to choose who will take his place AND finish the job” He held out the end of Lucille to her, while the men in the back murmured in agreement and some even cheered her on.
She grabbed Lucille. “Go get em BabyGirl”. She turned around and faced Carl. He was crying now. She tried to give him a reassuring smile, but it didn't seem as if it helped. Her eyes danced between the group that was kneeling. Her eyes landed on the large redhead, he pushed up his chest, as if he presented himself as a sacrifice. She walked over and stood in front of him. The dark skinned girl next to him cried out when she realized what was about to happen. (Y/N) was standing in front of him and leaned in, whispering so only he could hear. “I’m sorry”
“Don't worry, if it saves the boy. I’ll gladly take it” She raised the bat. and with all her might swung it down. The sound of the cracking of a skull was a sound all too familiar to her, but she had never heard it when she was the cause. it almost made her stop. But she couldn't stop. She took swing after swing. Knowing how Negan wanted him to end up, to end up in a mess of blood and brain goo. Blood splattered everywhere, and she had to fight back her dinner making its way up when she saw his skin tear and expose his brain. The bat felt heavier and heavier after each blow down onto the man's head. Christ, she didn't even know the name of whom she was killing. Cries and cheers filled the silent night. When she heard the splattering sound of the bat hitting the brain goo, she stopped. She turned around to face Negan, avoiding her family's gaze.
“Look at my dirty girls!” He exclaimed, and pulled her towards him, her back pressing against his chest. Blood had splattered on her face and upper body, but Negan didn't care. He never cared about blood getting in the way. He grabbed Lucille from her and turned her head sideways, so he could whisper into her ear: “Good Girl”
“(Y/N), I, what-” Rick was trying to speak, the shock of the situation still not leaving him. “I have to say, seeing my girls work together like this, just warms my heart-” He squeezed her closer; “and tickles my balls” He grinned at his men, who mostly chuckled at his crude words. “You can go to him” He whispered and realised his grip on her. She was about to walk away, but was stopped when he grabbed her arm. “Wait” He pulled her back so they were chest against chest. “Give me a kiss first” She just rolled her eyes, knowing he wanted to rub it in Rick's face that his daughter was with them, with Negan. Standing on her toes, she reached up and kissed him, she was going for a simple peck. But he tightened his grip around her and deepened the kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth and she had to bite back a moan. When he pulled back a string of saliva was still connected between them God, how he loved the look on her face. Covered in blood, with a post makeout haze still in her eyes. He laughed out and realised her. And without being pulled back, she walked over to Carl and kneeled down in front of him.
“Hey” She whispered out, he stared back at her with a dirty glare. But tears of seeing his sister for the first time after thinking she was dead was pressing on. But then one of the guys in the line up jumped up and punched Negan in the face. You gasped and were about to stand up. But Negans men handled it and held him down. “No, nope. Put him back”
She knew what was going to happen, Negan was going to kill one more. She wouldn't let Carl see that, see it again. “Don't look” She pulled him closer so his face was pressed against her chest, face turned the opposite direction of the group. Carl was fighting back, but gave up after his sobs got the best of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and cried into her chest. “Shhh”. The sounds of someone else getting beaten and the all too familiar cries filled the air once again. “No!”
“Its going to be okay” She tried to comfort him, “I won't let them hurt you” His sobs got louder when he heard the stuttering of the man who was being beaten; “Maggie I will find you”. He whispered the name of the dead man into her chest. “Glenn” Negan speaking and the cries of the group became just background noise. All she cared and focused on was her brother. She rubbed his head and back, trying to lull him into a calmer state. But she was pulled from her work on comforting her brother when Negan grabbed Rick and pulled him away. “No!” Carl shouted, sitting straight up and separated from her. (Y/N) held Carl back from punching up and attacking Negan. Negan sent (Y/N) a small nod, which she returned with her own nod. They were telling each other without words:
‘I can't promise he wont die’
‘As long as Carl lives, I don't care’
“Calm down Carl!” She held her back. He started to cry again, the fear of losing her father taking its hold on him. (Y/N) wiped his tears, bur cringed when some blood from her fingers stained his cheek. “Come here” He fell into her arms again. She didn't know what to do. She hoped Negan saved her father, but her father was a grown man. Her primary mission now was to secure her brother. And she would be damned if she didn't succeed.
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Hey everyone I hope you’re all doing good! I finally have half term off of college so I can do some writing and catch up on requests! Thank you so much for the on going support! And as usual requests are open! Much love, Amber x
Can I have one where the reader goes to try and hurt Negan instead of Carl? You can do improv for the rest of it! Thank you
Apologies if this one is a bit rusty and shorter than usual<3
The hatred you had for Negan was understandable. He had brought agony to your family and you from the first day he killed Abraham and Glenn promised to make his life a living hell and so you truly did make that a promise. As long as Negan lived he’d regret he never hurt you and your family. You had been planning it for months Rick and daryl both trying to stop you from doing anything stupid but if nothing was done then Negan would continue hurting everyone and you couldn’t have that. You had already lost Glenn, Abraham and others. You couldn’t lose anymore.
“Y/n this is stupid please don’t” Rick spoke gazing down at you worriedly however you just shook him off if you didn’t do this then everything would go wrong and so you knew you had to do it. Rick would always try and stop you but you wouldn’t ever listen. You were stubborn and if you wanted revenge you’d get it that’s why you easily slipped into the back of one of the saviours trucks a loaded gun in your hands as you awaited the perfect time to strike your eyes flicking around at many of the boxes holding food and water in them. Maybe it was the wrong thing to do but at this point you were desperate to get revenge. But not only revenge. You wanted justice- justice for your friends who didn’t get to get the revenge and justice they would’ve wanted. The sound of the trucks tires on the ground was quiet at first but as it became more rough and loud you knew you were entering the saviours land. You carefully stood up gripping onto the gun the truck slowing down being your cue and so you jumped from the truck immediately firing at any saviour you saw. The bastards deserved it. Many ducked for cover but you didn’t dare stop. If they wanted to fuck with you and your community you’d make them regret it if it’s the last thing you did.
You wandered around the building looking for the asshole. You walked into a large office finding him sat there cleaning Lucille off and without even looking at you a smirk appeared on his lips “I thought you Alexandrians were smarter than this,” he let out a slight chuckle placing Lucille down on the desk as he kicked his feet from off of the desk standing up as he stared at you. “I’ve been waiting for you sweetheart. You wanna know why? Because you’re Alexandria’s most prized nurse… and they can’t save one another if they don’t have you hm” how did he know that? Yes you were a nurse but only for the bad injuries. “Oh there’s that look that confirms it all” he smirked watching as you raised the gun to point at him and he slowly in a mocking way raised his hands up “oh no I’m so scared” he spoke sarcasm laced in his tone “now now there’s no need for that.” He spoke with a amused laugh “is there?” He spoke and you kept your ground glaring into his eyes “you killed my family. So I’m going to kill you.” You spat out and he listened sizing you up as he tilted his head to the side “let me rephrase that. I did what was right. If you would’ve just listened then no one would’ve been hurt. Blame your leader. Prick…. Rick?” He spoke smirking knowing he was getting on your nerves and he loved it “hm. Gods sweetheart you’re one dumb girl. Who knew one could be so stupid. But I like it. I like you. I’m keeping you.” He said a cruel grin tugging at his lips and in that very moment you knew you had totally fucked up. He slowly stepped towards you his hand finding a place on your chin as he lifted your chin to make you look at him. “You helped the alexandrians right?” You nodded your head a slight smirk tugging at his lips.
“Well sweetheart you’ll be helping me from now on.”
Your eyes widened ever so slightly “no…” you whimpered and he smiled “yes…” he stroked his thumb against your cheek before dropping his hand back down by his side. “You will abide by my rules now. You’re mine now. I don’t care whether you want to go home. You’re home now. Aren’t you?” You glared into his eyes “I’ll never be home with a murderer like you. fuck you” you spat attempting to shoot him but he twisted your wrist forcing it upwards as the bullet slammed into the ceiling and he shoved you back “pull that again and I’ll put a bullet in your mouth. Is that understood.” He threatened and you trembled in fear nodding slowly afraid any abrupt movement would cause him to belt you over the head with lucille. You should’ve listened to Rick… you should’ve… you were terrified and just wanted to go home be with your family again and live in the community you missed. You regretted even attempting to take out Negan. You should’ve known you’d ultimately fail. You looked away trying to figure out what to do or how to get out of the situation but there was simply no way you could get out of it.
Being muddled up in the saviours felt like you were betraying your family but especially Glenn and Abraham it was a massive slap in the face however it was nice in some ways. Negan made sure you ate every day and you had a nice warm bed. But the bed that was Alexandria’s bed first and the food… that all came from Alexandria. It felt like you were betraying your family and you hated it. It should be the perfect life but life will never be perfect without the people who helped you survive. That day was going as usual however Negan was now sat beside you in the truck not telling you where you were going. “Negan where-“ he cut you off by giving a horribly scary look and you fell silent staring down at your hands. After a while of silence the truck stopped, grabbing your attention your eyes finding the familiar gates. Alexandria. Hope filled your heart as you quickly scrambled out of the truck him following you closely as the Alexandrians opened the gate all of them forming a human wall as they stared at the saviours all their eyes cold as their gaze met yours. You searched for Rick and Daryl’s eyes and when you found them you saw the relief mixed with anger in their eyes and guilt wrapped around you. You just wanted to be home. You looked at negan begging him to be able to just go home and as he shook his head a smirk on his lips your heart sank. “Hug? Please?” You asked quietly his eyes searching yours for a moment before he sighed grabbing onto your jaw “are you going to be a good girl?” You nodded your head frantically and he smiled “good. Go on then.” He patted your back and without even hesitating you sprinted towards Rick slamming into his chest as you gripped onto him squeezing your eyes shut tears leaking down your cheeks as he held onto you “I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry.” You said heartbrokenly however Rick stayed quiet not daring to say anything “please don’t let him take me back… please… I don’t want to go back with him.” You begged and Rick closed his eyes holding onto you tighter. “I cant help y/n…. But we’ll get you out soon. Eventually. Just hold on” he whispered trying to comfort you as best as possible but nothing could ever comfort you anymore. You were hurt. You just wished you had a time machine so you could go back in time and not be so dumb about everything. Maybe then everything would be okay.
You heard the sound of boots growing closer and you held onto rick tighter as Negan grabbed onto your bicep yanking you off of him “family reunion can continue later on at some point… but for now y/n you’re coming home with me. Isn’t that right?” You begged rick to help you but his hands were tied. “Don’t hurt her” rick spoke and Negan chuckled “why would I hurt a precious thing like her?” Rick looked away and negan smiled “she knows where she belongs. Y/n where’s your home?” He asked and you looked at him knowing he was trying to get a reaction out of you. Out of everyone. “With you.” You whispered and he smirked “good girl.” The look of disgust was obvious on everyone’s features and you just wished you could fix it but you couldn’t. You belonged to Negan now. No one else had a say and until the day he or you died… you’d be his.. for eternity. You begged for help through your eyes but no one couod do a thing because if they did then everyone would get hurt and you couldn’t risk getting everyone hurt so you’d simply have to deal with the fact that you were no longer apart of the Alexandrians you were a part of the saviours. You were one thing… and one thing only.
A saviour.
Part 2 coming soon.
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