ozarkfleajunksales · 11 months
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lastconcourse · 1 year
Tornado Recipe UltraJune
(Symphony Futility in Z major)
Unstageable play
Regiondirect→Camereye stood parallel
A kitchen in an upper middle class home. It’s a dim noon. The counters+sink are lit by adjustable lamps on two aluminum racks overhead. In the middle of the room there is one center island; marbletopped, with two wood doors that open for access to inner-cabinet storage. The sink is in the back at stage right. There is a window above the sink. The Readers can see on the outside that there’s a dreary dusk sky, plus a cloud above. All the cabinet doors are white, the sinkfaucet is gold color, the cabinet doors are gold color. A rack of silver soupladles+spatula+tongs+whisks+tablespoons is mounted on the wall over a blender and beside a black air fryer. Right side: Out of the refrigerator come both hum and icerumble sounds. A windchime sings in parallel with nearing thunder.
(egg timer, stove, junk drawer full of rubberbands, unused tools, a tape measure, whole drawerfull of clean knives+forks+spoons, a dishwasher, a spice rack with one hundred flavors, a microwave, )
Flying soup ladles calmly stir a pot of boiled tin foil. The air fryer cheerfully pops its door open. A gantry crane lowers its chain from the ceiling, on the hook is a red wicker basket full of leather wallets. Two big bowls spin slowly like tops on the center island, one full of ice cream and the other full of fresh soup. The airfryer drops its door open and slides out its metal rack. A forklift made out of an exercise machine takes the basket and dumps the wallets on the airfryer’s rack, which is stuck out like a tongue. A flying pair of tongs with biplane wings serves rolls of bread from a tray out of the oven. The air fryer timerknob is now switched on and the timer is making its quick chatter sound. Icecream and Soup bowls drift and bounce together a bit like careening tops, and now the leather bakes.
Regiondirect→Stage right (Begin ruination of a birthday lunch)
A cardboard box full of embarassing memories is spilled down the stairs: Thousands of ruled paper sheets with awful poems written on them go wafting into the kitchen where they float around and fold into paper airplanes, then they land on the center island in perfect rows like jets on a battleship.
Poemjets: We’re here to attack your confidence with this cringey reminisence.
A stolen medalion flies through the air and crashes into the stained glass sconce of an antique wall lamp which is mounted in the living room: Sconce is shattered when it hits it. Shard after shard of red and blue crystal-cracked glass falls into a steel cauldron on a wheeled cart on a line of railroad tracks sitting on the carpet: The cart drives and the cauldron is taken to a forge by the fireplace where the glass is melted down and poured into a mold that shapes it into a skull: This forms the skull of a clueless fool, this is the first and most important skull.
Blue+Red Glass Shards
Blae+rued Gless Sharides
Blaew+Rueld Gleessh Shparides
jBlaw+Ruelld Gleetssh Sparidens
jblaw+rulled Gleethss Spaidens
Jblaw+krulled tGleeths Spidens
Jlaw skulled tleeth Spienes
Jaw skulled Tleeth Spines
Jaw Skull Teeth Spine
Jaw, Skull, Teeth, Spine
Regiondirect→Stage middle; from mouth of humanactor one
(activate buffoon here)
I am going to get this job. Before they mock me and I evaporate. I am going to get my job. j’andob→And keep my job once I have it; I will have a job: this job I am applying for, I will not be mocked or evaporate→ I am applying for a lifetime career→My choices are God’s design→I am not a deadbeat+/or wastrel ‘l ‘el ‘l ‘rel ‘l
Regionpoint: High up at stage middle:
Four cabinets above a stove open and reveal a long television screen behind them, the screen plays a panorama video of the inside of a grocery store on a time lapse, rapidly showing shoppers moving around and down aisles through a full day. So the commerce source of groceries plays inside the storage destination of groceries.
Regiondirect→Stage left+downstage
Foolllessclue walks like a desk, heavily skulking: A Huge wooden desk in the office room walks like a heavily skulking crab from its place in the office into the doorway of the kitchen. The desk Stomps and sprouts two claws made of stationary: Protractor joints, fountain pen fingers plus inky venom in nibs and two eyeballs on stalks that are webcams.
Deskrab: I make my next shell out of your hard work and notes. If you ever do any hard work again.
Foollessclue stands in the doorway and contemplates going back to bed. Then an idea comes to him:
Foollessclue: Eureka! Wow! Golly! Lord Almighty! The truth has arrived!
A wrecking ball made out of a soccer ball weighing six tonnes falls from the ceiling and crushes the center island: obliterated the bad poems, marble landing strip, and cabinets, instantly.
Chunks of marble fall into a plexiglass gutter and the camereye view changes
Regiondirect→ Camera is now low and pointed upwards: the reader can see through the stage floor to where a plexiglass gutter runs from stage right to left, with cold green water thrashing through it toward a previously hidden now→revealed underground room where a cashregister with bulldozer tracks and an abacus with centipede feet are seen watching the deluge of marble chunks and water fall from a sewer pipe above them into a trough before them.
Hot water spinning in a blender elsewhere.
Rock and Water dropping top right to bottom left.
Cash register bell ding sounds when the drawer pops→slides.
The cash register reaches out with a thin alu-wire appendage, picks pieces of marble out of the wet junk, and carefully organizes them into its drawer compartments. The abacus keeps record while a gooseneck lamp uses square chalk to write mathematical figures on the wall.
Two haggard bowls spin slowly like tops on the plot of the destroyed center island: Now one is filled with pinecones+dry ice and the other full of burning coals+dominos.
A bookshelf gets into a fistfight with the front door. The front door comes unhinged and walks backwards into the stage right of the set while the bookshell follows it and throws punches with arms made out of desk lamps. Sound: of bulbs shattering on punch-contact. The door topples against the fridge: KO. The Shelf keeps punching with lampfists until the door is busted full of holes, then the door breaks almost in half and crumples on the floor up against the fridge.
Regiondirect→ Camera cuts back up to oblique angle of Foollessclue frantically scribbling ideas in a big leather planner
Foollllessclue: I will invent a way to cure all diseases: I will socialize with the society. I will take pictures of every single thing that has ever existed. I will get a job making Christmas cards.
Foolllllessclue gets on his moped and rushes down to the job office. Each of his pockets is jammed with crumpled social security cards, resumes, a half eaten highschool diploma, and a computer eyeball.
A framed photo falls from the kitchen wall and lands face-down: Nothing breaks. The framephoto begins to crawl around on the floor like a bug and bites at the ankles of a chair which kicks and stomps back. Both of them go in circles around the left side of the kitchen.
The leftover marblewater swirling in the trough that couldn’t be fit in the cash register’s abdomen was scooped up by a bucket held by the abacus and laid out on a table. The gooseneck lamp sprouts a tungsten arm and starts using epoxy and bolts to connect the pieces of marble together, end to end, particle by bit, until the dusty chunks are two long bars. The cash register now takes out a chisel and rapidly sculpts the repaired marble bars into two legs, this makes the first pair of legs.
Marble Chunks Bolts
Mairble Chaunkes Beoelts
Mahirble Caunkes feBoelts
Mahigrbles Cankes febelt
mathigrbles Cankves febet
maThigbles Caves feet
aThighles Calves feet
Thighles Calves Feet
Thighs Calves Feet
Foollllllessclue uses his two marble legs to walk into the job store. But his foot gets caught on the doorway and he trips→and his pockets spill their garbage contents everywhere. ←↑→
A suitcase with eight thick-tired wheels (The front two bigger than the rear six) drives like a semi onto the middle kitchen tile at stage middle: and parks. And honks a horn.
Now there’s a sound of two numberlock clasp unclinching, the hinged clasps pop up: then it’s door-like top half opens on the hinge, it drives back/steers to readjust a bit: top half all open: A water fountain sprays out, cubes of ice and a layer of sleet float in the cold, cold water inside this case. A rope net with many small buckets hung on loops at the knots of its threads, is lowered by a golfclub seesaw, gently, into the case, from where it snatches a small portion of water.
(Certain parts of the rear set walls are actually transparent television screens with translucent texture applied to them to give the illusion of tile and drywall. To give readers in the audience the ability to see scenes in the backyard, the screens are turned off, and are looked through.)
Regionmention: Dry ice smoke still looms around in levels, the whole set has developed it’s own climatology with clouds in layers of various hot smogs. The stormcloud aboutside the windows is now flinging billiard balls onto the roof, and into the windchimes and birdfeeders. The windchimes panic and take flight in an instant, the chime goes off stroking through the sky like a squid, hanger upwards, decorations and metal pipes flexing like thick kite streamers beneath. One of the square metal birdfeeders falls from its hanger and starts spinning aggressively on the grass like a top, then starts cutting the soil like a tornado, then shoots off like a flying saucer, and crashes through the window: slowed by the exploding glass: drops into the sink with a bang-loud clang.
Birdfeeder: I was made to feed dinosaurs, but now I’m run aground.
The hail is destructive: Little bombastic billiard balls coated with razor blades and ice start to punch like bullets through the ceiling of the set, fall down on the floor, and shatter out as colored dust and airborne metal while the kitchen tiles start sliding left like a conveyorbelt.
Regiondirect: → (Pathetic here)
Foolllllllessclue: I need a new pair of arms. See? These two limbs are a fool’s impliments.
The kitchen tiles start to undulate aggressively like a solid white ocean.
Kitchentiles: Out! GET OUT! No more of this nonsense. I am meant to be walked on, I am not a landfill.
The Air Fryer’s door falls open and the ExerMach Forklift grasps and moves the tray of melted, smoking, burning leather-walletpile up into ↑ the air. A sentient cloud of smog floats down like a jellyfish and mingles with the rising fumes of fired leather. The sinkfaucet tries to spray the wallet tray with water to put the flames out but only succeeds at waterboarding the birdfeeder in the sink.
A huge pair of hands both wearing motorcycle gloves descends from the ceiling; fingers pointed at the back of the stage, one hand at stage right+one at left, they descend on the rack of burnt leather. A cabinet door above bangs excitedly. The blender swirls hot water. The ExerciseForklift bows and condescends→moves to stage left→into the shadow a bit. Readers see the gloved hands scoop up the leather and stretch it: Outward streetching burnt, charred moneywallet, streeetching out a whole rectangular platterworth. Down below, hot coals and smokey dry ice are getting flung everywhere when the two bowls get mad and attack each other. Up above the GlovedHands form the hot wallet material into two arms→starting at the elbows and strexpanding outward toward the hand and shoulders. A flying pair of tongs with helicopter rotors hovers over and helps be blacksmith→it pulls and sculpts out the leather to form two palms and ten fingers. A third hand holding a bottle of wood glue descends between and squirts it in the folds of the leather and a serpent made out of thick twine with a blowdryer for a head is charmed by a tornado siren to rise out of a low cabinet. The blowdryer snake sprays heat onto the glue to dry it: This is the first pair of arms.
Wallet Leather Ash
Wallcet Leathear Ansh
Wallicet fLeatohearm Andsh
bwallicep florhearm hAndsh
ballicep forhearm handsh
bllicep forearm hands
Blicep forearm Hand
Bicep Forearm Hand
Foollllllllessclue: I will use my arms to get a job making Christmas cards. I will mail my Christmas cards to every person on Earth. Everyone will love me. I’m going to make a lot of money. Money will be given to me out of love. People will pitty me. I will make money from love.
Stage right side of the kitchen implodes in a shower of blasted apart ceramic plates, tossed around silverware, twigs + leaves off tree branches, atomized drywall; flung up tiles. The whole upper floor comes down
A set of bedroom furniture is dropped into the destruction. a king size bed plummets with sheets+blanket flapping.
The Cash Register, Abacus, and Lamp respond with alarm to the sound of destruction above. A dark storm cloud, floating not more than 15 feet above the ground, coasts through the exposed hole in the house and then starts to rapidly pour floodsurge levels of water into the kitchen scene. Eventually the water reaches the translucent gutter and starts to pour from high right to low left into the secret room belonging to the Abacus, Lamp, and Register.
Abacus: We’re going to drown. I guess I can count the water by volume.
Lamp: This downpour is erasing my chalk. I can’t work in a flood.
Register: I will rust and jam shut. The marble will be lost within me.
A huge billboard with the words “Too Bad So Sad" and "I Don’t Feel Bad” written in bright blue on a yellow background crashes through the stage wall from right to left like a battering→ram: tosses bedsheets, wood and tree chunks around while swinging across the set.
Regiondirect→From stage right (With happiness)
Foollessclue runs into the kitchen waving around a stack of Christmas cards while loudly exclaiming “I have the solution! I have the answer! I will find success and happiness!” Right as the ceiling collapses and buries him under the entire set. The water continues to rise until the whole room is a flooded half-floating landfill. Burnt things and wall studs floating on rain. The lights extinguish. Try again.
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s0upladle · 3 months
This is how it would go if I met Squidward
Me: Wow, Squidward, you are so awesome. Squidward: Thanks, soupladle. Me: You're welcome, Squidward.
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goldenhopevintage · 4 years
Vintage Ladle with Bakelite Handle
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Read the full article
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wikagirl · 2 years
I went to the antique store today with one of my besties with the intention to get some cute old jars and cups as pots for our succulents but instead I come back home with a tiny bzone cauldron, an unnessacary high amount of wooden spoons, forged metal soupladles idk what metal tho I have to polish them up first they are so heckin dirty, a bunch of tiny lil broken jewelry pieces to craft with, a massive key that is also a cork openener and.....a morningstar...that is also a bottle
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I'm gonna be the most fashionable and well hydrated person on the battlefield
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kingfisherdes · 7 years
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This ladle is big - about 20" with the bowl 6" across. It holds about 2 cups. #outdoorcooking #tailgating #gourmetkitchen #outdoorcooking #chililadle #soupladle #chowderladle #cookingtools #eatingtools #kitchentools #cheftools #kitchengadgets #copperladle #servingpieces #copperservingpieces #handmadeservingpieces #tableware #catering #simplelgnc #kingfisherdesigns
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bigboxofbees · 5 years
The Atlas Vampire
Well, I might be biased since this story takes place in Sweden and involves a prostitute with whom I share a last name. But I promise, it's an interesting story regardless.
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As mentioned, this story takes place in Sweden. The murder took place in the Atlas-area in Stockholm in the year of 1932. It is known as "Vampyrmordet" (trans: "The vampire murder") and "Atlasmordet" (trans: "The Atlas murder"), but internationally the case is best known as the case of the "Atlas Vampire".
In May of 1932 Lilly Lindeström was found brutally murdered in her apartment. Lilly Lindeström was a 32 year old prostitute. The last person to see Lilly alive was her friend and neighbour Mimmi Jansson, 4 days before Lilly's body was discovered. The same night Lilly had gotten a phonecall from a man who asked if she was Lilly Lindeström and he said he was nearby and wanted to come see her (Lilly was more of a call girl, clients were supposed to contact her). Lilly agreed to the meeting and Mimmi went downstairs to her own apartment. Lilly went down to Mimmi at two separate occations to ask for a condom, and the second time was the last time Lilly was seen alive.
Mimmi attempted to get hold of Lilly several times, but got no response. At first she assumed Lilly had just gone off with a client, but later she got so worried that she went to the police. The police broke into Lilly Lindeström's apartment and found her dead. It was determined that she had likely been dead for a couple of days. But this was not an ordinary murder case. The apartment was nice and tidy, Lilly's clothes were folded neatly on a chair and on top of the body the couch cushions were neatly stacked. Lilly had recieved three hard blows to the head and a soupladle with blood was found. The ladle was too light to have been the murder weapon, this lead the police to believe that it had been used to consume the victim's blood. However, it is possible that the soupladle had nothing to do with the murder. There was also little blood found at the scene, despite the brutality of the crime.
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The police interviewed 9 men, but none were deemed a suspect. The police were never anywhere close to solving the murder, no clues to who the killer was were ever found. With modern DNA analysis the murder would probably have been solved.
Was it a vampire? Highly unlikely. But the case has been unsolved for almost 90 years and remains one of the most notorious murders in swedish history.
Sources: 1 2 3
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greatlakesmade · 4 years
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Hand carved wooden ladle Get this and more unique things from Remsburgler by clicking the link in our bio or visit https://market.greatlakesmade.com/shop/home-living/home/kitchen-dining/dining-serving/serving-utensils/hand-carved-wooden-ladle/?feed_id=5776 #cookingutensil #handcarved #ladle #michigan #michiganmade #soupladle #spoon #utensel #woodspoon
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wikagirl · 2 years
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A so THAT is why those soupladles were so hella expensive. I spent a good two hours scrubbing away on these fuckers but the grime on the inside of the ladle won't budge, gonna ask my brother if he has some more effective ways of deepcleaning these, considering that they are (probably) made from the same material contact cleaner might be a good choice.
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kingfisherdes · 7 years
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Poole say they are "Too pretty to use." They are meant to be used by you and be passed down to future generations. #chililadle #soupladle #chowderladle #outdoorcooking #outdoorkitchen #gourmettable #cookingtools #cheftools #luxurykitchen #kitchen #kingfisherdesigns #diningin #homecooking
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I’m really pleased Adrian Malone- A Highland Rustic has joined us in the Bothy. Adrian is a very talented woods craftsman , sourcing mainly naturally felled timber locally , usually around Dunrobin, Golspie and producing exquisite wares. Here are a few of his rustic oak and sweet chestnut spoons - ideal deep ladles for salad or soup spoons. Working in the ‘green’ Adrian instinctively works with the nature of each piece of wood to produce some unique practical wares. All finished with food safe flax oil.#woodenspoons #sweetchestnut #sweetchestnuts #oakspoon #oakspoons #rusticdecor #inthegreen #soupladle #countrykitchen #countrykitchens #dunrobin #golspie #saladspoons #madeby
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lizardbeans · 9 years
soupladle replied to your post: Well since I’m still getting angry spi...
I think it’s bc some people equate this with them not loving their animal… but you can love the animal you already have and not breed or buy anymore of the morph yanno?
Yes! This is the same as with my leatherback bearded dragon, I don't support it (though this is not as extreme as morphs that have physically seen problems) but I love her dearly and plan on having her until she dies of old age. But I wont buy another leatherback or breed any leatherbacks. 
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reptiliaherps · 9 years
soupladle replied to your post:even tho i don’t get my period anymore bc of my...
this reminds me of how i was at this little zoo & got my period and i went in the ladies’ room & there were 3 moms in there… THEY GOT SOO EMBARRASSED WHEN I ASKED FOR A TAMPON OR PAD. luckily the receptionist hooked a bitch up thank the lord jesus
i never understand why women would get embarrassed i mean its kinda a fact of life u gotta live with when you're born w/ a vagina i just remember the feeling of total relief after panicking when someone helped me out when i spontaneously started bleeding and if at any time i could help someone w/ that then i'll be happy bc it really does suck to be in a position where you're not at home/in public and 100% unprepared for what's happening to you yanno
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just-call-me-ella · 10 years
soupladle replied to your post “soupladle replied to your post “soupladle replied to your post...”
oh my god this looks so good, it almost reminds me of flan? hell yeah, thanks for the recipe bb!!!
I have never had flan actually :O so idk! i really want to try it though.
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kingfisherdes · 7 years
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Copper soup ladle - heirloom meant to last for generations. #servingpieces #copperservingpieces #cheftools #diningandserving #gourmetdining #finedining #kitchentools #entertainingathome #kitchendecor #kitchenrennovation #dinnerparties #handmadeservingpieces #tableware #kingfisherdesigns #outdoorcooking #tailgating #gourmetkitchen #outdoorcooking #chililadle #soupladle #chowder #ladle #cookingtools #gourmettable
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