#source: my friend playing KH3 lmao
incorrect-hermits · 2 years
Tango, at a loose Wither: Here’s an idiot!
Tango, realizing there are multiple loose withers: OH VOID THERE ARE MULTIPLE IDIOTS-
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r1ku · 5 years
@notchy tagged me! 🤗
🎂: May 28 !
Zodiac: Gemini ♊
Height: 5'3
Last Song I listened to: Gurenge - LiSA
I woke up thinking of this song today lol, because I'm still shocked Brendan Urie from Panic! At the Disco sang to it and watches the show lmao
Hobbies: talking to gaming pals on discord, playing mobile games, working on that webtoon recommendation document on Google doc, playing toontown rewritten, day dreaming, always typing down ideas and dreams to write or draw ONE DAY, in Google notes on my phone.
Favorite color: Purple ! 💜
Favorite Book: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Tis the only book I have read a few times for sure. You know, I often thought I'd love to be a bookworm and wholeheartedly have several favorite books, but I'm not. I like the idea of it tho, I haven't read books in a long time. I mainly read manga and webtoons.
Last film I watched: The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson
My friend and I have a lot of movies to check out, mainly horror flicks of korean or japanese films or martial arts films to watch. But that day he dropped this film to watch and I was able to and had never watched before actually. And we enjoyed it, it's very whimsical and comical.
I almost debated putting the last episode of kanata no astra, since it was like an hour long finale and One can watched several hours of 30 min episodes and not think of it as a movie, but when u think of an episode longer than 23 or 27 minutes, it FEELS like a movie lol even if its not 2 hours long. But nah lol
Dream Job: I haven't really, really thought about it. I've seen a few inspirational, thought provoking posts and tweet threads.
About how for some people you shouldn't make your passion your job, cuz you might end up hating your passion.
Or the one post that said they admired the character, Garry Gergich from Parks and Rec, for choosing a job that's decent pay and few but full hours, that allows him to spend time with his family.
Or the one tweet that talked about you should have several passions to look forward to like boxing or some other activity so you can spread out your feels and not be in a pit of negativity.
That said, I find myself to be a jack of all trades kind of person, I adapt well and if taught well, learn quickly to do just about anything right.
If anything, I will not think of the chains of reality and honestly answer this question focusing on dream part of dream job.
And thats to be a CEO of my own company that I made and create an animatiom company that can revolutionize the animation industry and crack the hammer of justice in various places that mistreat and mismanage and poorly pay hardworking animators and give them the lifestyle they deserve and lift people up and support them and not become a gate keeper. Da Drem *drops mic*
Meaning behind my url: I've had various urls, this url came from my bestfriend cat, who wanted the namine url, when i got her into kingdom hearts, but it's in limbo hell, I remember she waited 9 months for its release but its still like unavailable to obtain, idk now tho, that was a year ago.
I forgot what my url was before, maybe it was hong-seol and I finally, after 8 years, moved on from the spiel I had in firmly loving the character Sul, I still and always will even tho I dislike the comic's last season and how heavily the author suddenly gave us flashbacks all at once.
I told cat that KINGDOM HEARTS IS LIFE, I LOVE RIKU SO MUCH and she said "oh i was typing around and found r1ku is available" and i was like WHAT and i typed it and surely enough, it was available to my great surprise. And I am forever grateful for her and her mind. I ain't letting this go, as such its a personal blog and riku appreciation blog, I'll reblog all that I see and like.
I recently updated the mobile look, desktop look is perfect so i wont change that, but i had destiny islands gif from khnyctophiliac and that riku icon, that I have sources for in my about l sadly dont have time to update my about pages.
But I updated the icon to this destiny islands trio that has amano's kh3 manga art since it has riku in it and i love trios, from the khinsider website that posted icons ro choose from.
The bg is Phoenix Ikki from the Netflix Saint Seiya adaptation's ending, I love how dramatic that shot was with the song. I wish it could be longer, but I have no idea how people edit out credits for gif segments. I only used a quick gif making website that requires the video and can make cuts and speeds.
As for my sideblog, pink4walls, I am still, to this day enamored by f(x)'s - 4walls and especially their pink outfits in their live performance. This blog ia dedicated to hopefully making a thorough navigation system to find specific posts that inspire me to create. A creativity blog, if you will with things that caught my eye and references I want to use.
Thank you Notchy! A well deserved break from routine, helped me try to get more reblogs put there from my enormous 22k drafts, and gives people an update of sorts of me.
I tag @antheiafemme @ughliegirl @alfiethesnip
You may if you choose to, and its okay if you don't ! But first three mutuals to tag off the top of my head.
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deeeepsteep · 6 years
Alright now that I had like an hour or two to process what actually happened I think I can summarize my thoughts and feelings on Kingdom Hearts III...though it may be all over the place lmao
This is full of spoilers and it’s also very long so take that as a warning
This isn’t new and people have been complaining about it all over the internet but LMAO THEY REALLY DID KAIRI DIRTY DIDN’T THEY?????? She and Lea get this ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE THAT’S ALSO SUSPENDED IN TIME so they can train and meet Riku and Sora’s skill levels but we hardly get to see them do anything lmao plus we don’t even get to play as her even though we briefly got to play as Riku a couple times. Also Nomura really pulled a Luna on Kairi and fucking killed her off for the sake of plot development - which shouldn’t be surprising at all because it’s Nomura we’re talking about and this isn’t the first time he’s given a female character the short end of the stuck but whatever, I guess that means he lied to us after all and KH3 won’t be Sora’s final journey...but maybe this also means that this is the beginning of Kairi’s, and the next game will be about her saving him for once???????? I’d like to think that’s what he’s planning but I can’t keep my hopes up because lol it’s Nomura
Now that I think about it, Namine and Xion were kinda useless too. Aqua’s the only female character out of the main roster who really had an impact on the story and actually did shit in KH3 - and even then, she was kind of in a “damsel in distress” kind of deal where Riku and Sora had to save her. I mean, there’s a good reason why they had to save her, but still. Again, I think Nomura just doesn’t have a fucking clue what he’s doing when it comes to writing for female characters lmao
I don’t necessarily think the Sora/Kairi stuff was forced, but I do feel like it was unconvincing seeing as they barely got any screen time together. It was established from the very first game that the both of them have a special bond - whether it’s romantic or platonic I don’t really care lmao, but I can’t deny there’s a unique closeness between them - and it’s reinforced up until KH3 for some reason. Like...suddenly Sora and Riku kinda just forget they’re best friends with her???? And Riku and Kairi didn’t even talk to each other the entire fucking game!!!! Sure, Kairi pretty much saves Sora from death and it’s obvious she’s the “guiding light” in his life but like...........there’s no substance to that at all. At least not in KH3. I dunno. It just felt very hollow to me. There wasn’t any buildup that made their last scenes together look or feel significant. 
Also, I know Roxas and Namine only briefly interact with each other in KH2 but it’s obvious that they still share a strong bond since they’re reflections of Sora and Kairi - so it was weird not seeing them interact in KH3. They promised they’d meet each other again and that they’re looking forward to seeing each other again, but that never fucking happens. It’s almost like at the end, Nomura suddenly realizes he created way too many fucking characters and he’s overwhelmed with trying to find conclusive, happy endings for all of them so a lot of shit just slipped through the cracks during the writing process.
So in the ending, Kairi’s the one that stays and Sora’s the one who disappears. Does that mean the beach scene is set after Sora goes and rescues her????? Nomura decided to fuck things up further in KH3 when he introduced time and space manipulation so literally anything is fair game at this point. I swear to God though if this is a “there’s multiple dimensions” sort of thing I’m going to fly over to Japan and hunt Nomura down myself
Aside from all of that bullshit, the ending was wholesome. Everyone partying on the beach???? Xion and Namine looking for seashells together????? A frisbee game??????? Ven accidentally breaking Donald’s sand sculpture of himself???? So wholesome!!!
Isa coming back to the light and returning to Lea!!!!!! They can finally be the gays we all knew they were meant to be!!!!!!! And they can raise their children Xion and Roxas in peace!!!!
I hope Aqua keeps Terra chained to a basement or something so he doesn’t run out and do dumb shit ever again - other than that I’m so glad the Wayfinder Trio are finally reunited
Soooooo the secret ending shows Sora and Riku in Shibuya????? At first I thought that they were going back to TWEWY but then I saw that Verum Rex dude so idk...but if that’s the case idk how I feel about it lmao, it’s kinda corny. I’d rather we just see them reunite with Neku and the gang - which reminds me, I should really replay TWEWY lmao
I stopped playing KHX a long time ago because the game got boring really quick, but I quickly read up on it so a few things make a little more sense re: The Dandelions, Ava, the Unions, why Ven hugged Chirithy etc. So is Xigbar gonna be the new bad guy now??? ALSO WE NEVER FUCKING FOUND OUT WHAT WAS IN THAT GODDAMN BOX....guess we gotta wait another 17 years for the next game!!!!!!
I find it weird that Corona and Arendelle were basically just re-hashes of the movies, but all the other worlds had their own original storyline that feels more like an add-on to their original sources. I’m assuming there’s a licensing/legal thing with Disney, but it really doesn’t explain much. I thought Elsa would’ve been a fun ally to have; it would’e been neat to see her ice powers in combat alongside Sora. And it’s lame that you lose Rapunzel as an ally after her hair is cut; that would’ve been avoided if Corona got another storyline so that she could develop abilities outside of her magic hair. Meh. 
Toy Story actually was the worst world for me??? The story dragged on a lot longer than it needed to and I got SO bored with the gigas shit. San Fransokyo was my favourite, not just because BH6 is one of my favourite Disney movies but also because the world was JUST SO BIG and I felt like I could spend forever just roaming around the place. It had an open-world feel to it. 
I actually didn’t mind Arendelle so much lmao, the mountain climbing was kinda fun - but I have bad memories tied to Frozen (I worked at the Disney Store when the movie came out so I was forced to put up with the hype, the annoying children, and their unbearably demanding parents...not to mention I had to listen to Let It Go a billion times a day) so that dampened my experience a bit.
Ok all in all the game was enjoyable for the most part. I loved the actual gameplay; the battle system was great and so delightfully chaotic!!! There were like 3249872 things happening all at once and it was so fun. The attractions were annoying sometimes but they’re a quick fix if you’re in a bind so I quickly got desensitized to them, and they finally (sort of) fixed the camera issue by giving you the option to re-centre the camera on Sora when it moves away which I was eternally grateful for.
This is just a jumbled mess and I know I’m leaving stuff out but I’m sure I’ll complain about them later when I remember lmao
KH3....maybe a 7/10??? Idk that feels a little generous. 6.5???
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regalia-of-wisdom · 7 years
Why Vanitas and Marluxia can come back if they want to and Nomura didn’t retcon.
‪Ok so on twitter I said that I wasn’t gonna write this bc I didn’t wanna be called a KH3 apologist but then my friends were like “you’re a kh3 apologist anyways just do it” so I did it. I love KH and theorizing and analyzing everything and it’s great, but also it’s 2 am, and also Nomura really needs to consider writing these things down somewhere before releasing these games. Also stop recycling villains, dammit.
Sorry that I can’t line break. I’m writing on mobile rn :/ it’s a long post.
‪Ok I’m too lazy to go on the wiki or something and re read these but on the very first KH (or maybe it was in the Secret Ansem Reports in KH2...?? ANYWAYS IN ONE OF THOSE) it is stated that, according to the metaphysics of the Kh universe, a person is made up of a body, a heart‬, ‪and a soul. Bc the main lore of kh doesn’t mention it much not many players seem to remember or know what the “soul” is, especially since it’s clearly not supposed to be the same thing that westerners think of as a soul (that would be a heart in KH-metaphysics)‬.
‪So all we ever get in the series is people losing their hearts, which is synonymous to someone going fucking catatonic and emotionless bc they don’t have a soul (think Kairi in KH1), or just overall disappear bc of darkness related hijinks that cause complications.‬
‪Like, Kairi in KH1 was alive, y’all. She had a breathing pattern and open eyes and everything, she just didn’t have a heart. She’s the only example we have of this (unless you want me to include Aurora in BBS lol), because she’s the only one whose body wouldn’t react to darkness related hijinks (Darkness, as you all know, is quite annoying).‬ This means that, clearly, not having a heart doesn’t mean you’re a corpse. It’s probably more like you going in a coma. Nobodies in Org XIII aren’t walking corpses. They’re just ppl without a soul. (AKA a heart). They’re like, psychopaths? Sam in that one season of Supernatural? you know, just a bunch of ppl that don’t have to deal with pesty issues like guilt or ethics.
(If you’re wondering why Kairi’s catatonic body in KH1 isn’t a Nobody it’s bc Nobodies are dependent on Darkness. Only hearts that have turned to heartless (darkness) create Nobodies, and Nobodies are born with the ability to open dark corridors and control heartless and do whatever they want. Like, they technically have access to both light and dark (and. Void? I guess?) but they’re very obviously leaning more towards the side of darkness. Not that they’re inherently dark creatures, but that they are just yet another life form in KH that owes its existence to Darkness. Kairi, as we all will never forget, has no darkness bothering her and complicating her life. Sora’s the one that had enough darkness and body and soul to spare to create two nobodies out of thin air. What the fuck dude.)
Of course if you played DDD you’d be like “uh, but Xemnas said that Nobodies can grow hearts uhhh” and id be like yeah he did and it makes a lot of sense especially if you had watched/Played Re: Coded and payed attention to the juicy lore bits instead of the main plot like I’ve been saying forever. However unimportant the plot is, Re: Coded’s storyline literally exists to say that anything with a Body and a (what KH calls a) Soul (Like, say, the person made out of data that you’re playing as throughout the game) has the ability to grow a heart and become a person. The entirety of Jiminy’s Journal becomes a world a la Winnie the Pooh, obtaining its own heart. Like, it’s a book and it was made and it’s kind of fake but it developed its own sense of self, and developed a heart. Like, it was literally pointed out to us. Data Sora lives beyond his programming (just like, hey, Tron.) bc he developed a sense of self. A personality. A heart. He even makes his own Keyblade, that’s how much heart he mad. With a lesson like that being thrown at us, why wouldn’t the Organization XIII Nobodies eventually be able to develop their own sense of self? To go beyond what they thought their “original” selves were like, and become able to feel? Not to say they do, mind you. I think a lot of them, or all of them, like Axel in the beginning of Days, were so stuck on what they thought their original self was like that they were just following through the motions and doing what a data program would consider its “programming”. Axel only began to grow a heart once he stopped trying to be Saïx’s friend, and started to go beyond what his memories were telling him he should act like and do what he felt like he needed to act like.
Anyways now at this point you’re probably like, “what does this have to do with Villains in KH always coming back…” and I’m gonna get to that jeez hold on a minute, I just felt like I needed to explain what a heart was for this to be clearer to people. What are the functions of a heart, and what it ultimately serves. I needed to explain this, because losing a Heart does not mean you are dead, losing your Soul does.
The Soul in KH should probably be referred to as Spirit, as I think it reflects the idea better, while keeping basically the same word. (Unfortunately we already have things called Spirits in KH, and they’re adorable darkness creatures, so.) It’s supposed to be the energy that makes something move. It’s the Will to Live. The fact that the soul seems to be synonymous with will is important, bc only people with a “Strong Will”, that become heartless, create Nobodies. The Will in this case is clearly the energy source that provides a body with sustenance. With life. Pinocchio was given a soul by the blue fairy so he could move (the heart, I think, he made himself due to Geppetto's own feelings). The love of children give the toys in Toy Story a will to protect, love, and be played with. Terra’s will was so damn strong, it reanimated his armor. Terra’s Will to live makes his armor move on its own. Look, it’s even called The Lingering Will. What does this mean? That only a body and a heart that has lost its soul, that loses its energy source (its lifestream, I suppose) undeniably dies.
No one, absolutely no one in KH, has lots their soul. Ok, not true, obviously there are some exceptions, particularly regarding the Disney villains, but I’m talking abt the story original characters that Nomura loves to recycle so much. No one has lost it bc pretty much almost no one we fight is ever a complete human being. They’re always missing vital parts of themselves. Ansem the Seeker of Darkness was humanoid Heart walking around. Xemnas and the Organization were a few bodies and souls walking around with maybe a mini heart or two. Vanitas is literally the most incomplete being I can think of. He’s literally half a heart, half a body, and half a soul. The dude is a mess. Master Xehanort… MX is clearly using loopholes and luck to keep himself surviving this long. By now, he’s made a complete and utter mess of Terra, who got literally split into 3 entities for 10 years, while he himself is really only a floating heart and a soul ruining everything. Young Xehanort is a complete being that should probably watch out for decapitation or something, but we can certainly rule out that Riku would kill him because I mean. Y’all have met Riku, right? Also he’s just obviously alive lmao.
The fact that these beings are incomplete is important bc the keyblade, our weapon of choice, is a mysterious artifact that serves very specific functions. It opens and locks anything, specifically the hearts to a world and the pathways that lead to other worlds. It seems to exist to bring balance and stability to… anywhere it’s at, really. It’s a magical item with magical intentions. Now, I’m not gonna sit here and say what I’m about to say as if it’s proven fact that I read in an interview or deduced myself or something, I will admit that my next point is in theoretical territory, but that doesn’t make it any less likely or probable. And that is that the Keyblade can not kill people. That is to say, it can not kill a soul. It can only break apart, or reunite parts of a person, but not destroy them. “Killing” heartless restores them to their original state: a heart, and killing nobodies does the same. Xehanort and Sora stabbed themselves to get their hearts out of their bodies and created heartless and nobodies in the process. It’s like the laws of thermodynamics or something. It seems to me that that is the nature of a keyblade.
So, inclusion, nobody has died in KH. The end. This is unnecessarily long but I get like that sometimes. There is one last point that I have to address but I might do that tomorrow, if anyone gives a shit by then. Good night!
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