#south buyers club
catgirltoes · 1 year
I think Alberta may be the only place on the planet where an eighteen-year-old can buy weed from a dispensary. In Québec you have to be twenty-one (fucking CAQ), everywhere else in Canada you have to be nineteen, and of course you have to be twenty-one in the States. Of the other countries with legal recreational usage, I don't think any have dispensaries or other models where weed can be produced or sold commercially.
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omg-snakes · 6 months
What is Okeetee biologically? How does it work and what does it do?
(Also tysm i love your blog you are amazing)
Hiiiiii and thank you and we love you, too!
Okay so Okeetee is a selectively-bred color morph that was discovered at the Okeetee Hunt Club in South Carolina.
Most recognized color morphs in corn snakes, like Amel, are simple recessive traits. That means one gene with two switches (alleles) in the "on" or "off" position.
Both on is called homozygous, and the gene is expressed visually.
One off, one on is called heterozygous, and the snake looks normal or "wild type" but can pass the "on" allele to their offspring.
Both off, homozygous, wild type snake.
Genes code for everything, from the size of a snake's organs to the length of their tail to the amount of pigment on each individual scale, and most of the genetic instructions are minute and subtle. Like, snake A has saddle borders that are the tiniest bit wider than snake B. It's the result of natural variation within a species, just like how a human person and their siblings all look similar but also distinct.
A selectively-bred color morph means not selecting for one single major gene mutation that affects the entire organism, but instead a whole suite of minor genes that do little things, and emphasizing those traits over many generations. That's how most dog and cat breeds were developed and that's how locality morphs like Okeetee work. It's a lot of genes that have been emphasized to create a snake that has the best fitness for their environment and/or the best likelihood of being selected to produce the next generation.
In the case of the Okeetee locality, snakes have high contrast colors, bright reds, and thick black saddle borders. These traits have been emphasized by choosing the highest-contrast snakes with the thickest, darkest borders and breeding those together. The result is a strikingly beautiful snake. By introducing the simple recessive Amel gene with selectively-bred Okeetee, we get Reverse Okeetees with thick white saddle borders and bright oranges.
The issue, however, is that Okeetee is not an on/off genetic mutation like Amel. It's a selectively-bred emphasis on naturally-occurring variation. That means it can be easily diluted if an Okeetee-type is bred to a non-Okeetee-type snake, and there's no heterozygous form of the morph because it's not one gene.
Think like if you had two cups of apple juice that sell for $1 each and you poured half from both cups into a third cup. The third cup is also apple juice, and it's worth $1! But if you have one cup of apple juice and one cup of just water, which is free, and you mix those, the result is a diluted apple drink that's half water. Should you still charge $1 for it? Is that morally ethical? What if you continue to dilute the apple drink, pouring half of what was in the last cup and half water, over and over until it doesn't even smell faintly of apple? At what specific point did this cease to be apple drink, and when do you stop charging a dollar for it? A less scrupulous or uneducated seller might even sell a cup of mostly water for $1 as "het apple juice" when that's not even a thing.
That's what I so frequently see happening with Okeetees and that's why I don't like them. A low-quality Okeetee from a heavily diluted bloodline is just a normal wild-type corn snake, but folks still price them as if they were the real deal, and naïve buyers will pay for the name when they really don't even know what they're looking at.
Again, sorry to the Okeetee fans. You're not wrong for liking a pretty snake, it's just the popularity and the lack of breeding ethics surrounding them that makes my nose wrinkle.
Plus I prefer Sunglow, which is the opposite of Okeetee with no saddle borders, so my opinion is heavily biased.
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careyakane · 2 months
Big Sur - July 3rd
Spent a night back on Paulo Colorado road just south of Monterey. Big Sur is a women I’ve come to understand. Just after sunset all you must do is look at her silhouetted bluffs as they fall from the sky into the sea and you will understand what I mean. We set up camp just above Lyods house. He passed a few months back and now the home he built with his own two hands lies in limbo between friends and potential buyers. The scrap yard has been cleared and the orchards are growing thick with weeds. Time as always is passing. This place as it always has is changing. All that is different is my noticing of it, my account of it… Otherwise this is no different than anywhere else at any given time. And even then, someone is noticing.
Two friends (Kayla and Jules) from back home rode with me from Santa Barbara. Kayla was an unexpected friend after school. A perfect example of how insignificant relationships can become one of the few friends you have in a short period of time. She never asks anything of me and in some ways she reminds me of Ella. Her brightness and bloom in this life contrasted by an ability to become cold and sharp at the drop of a hat around the wrong people. She has loved and I feel I only have time for those who have loved lately. I don’t have to explain myself as much to these sort of people. I don’t need to justify my actions to them.
Jules flew with me from New York. She has been a good friend for close to a decade now. I have no intention to sleep with her and I thought she was under the same understanding but yet last night she lodged herself close to me and I grew stiff and weighed the consequences of sleeping with her. I decided against it for many reasons and woke up glad at that decision. She is a rare breed of friend and far from what I want in a partner. I find it hard to imagine as I’m sure many religious folk would understand, sleeping with anyone I cant see as a long term partner. We all spent the majority of the day driving along the coast stopping at odd pull offs. One took us under a familiar eucalyptus grove occupied by monarchs. We waded through a stream that led us out to the sea. It’s rare on this stretch of coast to find yourself on the shoreline. Cliffs hundreds of feet tall seem to barre the way protecting their precious sea. Nonetheless a handful of people had found their ways out to this lone stretch of sand. A group of three girls who dressed as if they were headed to a country club or sorority gathering and Two young boys of maybe seven who stared like stones at Jules as she lay unclothed under the sun. I laughed at the sight of a familiar experience painted into boyhood. (Story continues in my head)
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somethingkindazainy · 19 days
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♡ Pairing: Minho x Jisung ♤ Genre: Mafia AU, Romeo x Romeo ♢ Chapter Warnings: Graphic descriptions of Violence, foul language throughout, alcohol use, non-con(mxf) ♧ MINORS DNI
♤ ♡ TASTE Synopsis & Chapter List ♢ ♧
<< Chapter 1 - Parley ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ Chapter 3 - Broken Compass >>
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Chapter 2: The DLC
♢ ♧January - 2024♤ ♡
Minho leans against the bar, sips his water, and studies his surroundings.
The club he’s in, The DLC, has recently come up for auction, and Minho is here to assess it for potential investment. Unlike other buyers, he didn’t come here when the place was empty. It’s a nightclub, in his opinion, nightclubs are best viewed at night when it’s filled with customers. 
Assessing property is usually Seungmin's niche. Seungmin can look at things, know in his mind what it will cost to put things right, and whether it could become a viable, profitable enterprise. Seungmin would’ve visited when it was empty, a tape measure and calculator in hand and asked smart questions about turnover, footfall and margins. But Seungmin is very much a thinker, a planner, a to-do list maker. Minho is a move first, ask for forgiveness later kind of guy and doesn’t have anything except an instinctual gut feeling.
Instinctively, he feels it has potential. So far, Minho likes the location. It’s in a good area of Seoul, just south of the river and the place is heaving. The security is a little lacking, he is currently sitting at the bar with a knuckle duster in one pocket and his knife in a shoulder holster. Security would definitely need improving, but Hyunjin could easily see to that. The DJ is good, adapting his noisy music to suit the crowd. Minho would keep him on if their bid is successful, perhaps see if he’d split his time between venues. There are male and female dancers on podiums high above the dance floor, wearing little more than glitter and body paint, their gyrations keeping the crowds entertained and invigorated. He wants to keep them too. His Father will hate it. Which is another reason Minho wants it.
“Sammy! Scotch on the rocks,” a panting voice to his right says to the barman.
Minho glances at him, only a second, but within that he captures the honey colour of the young mans skin, adorned with silver jewellery, the beads of sweat on his forehead. Black hair pasted to the nape of his neck and a black silk shirt. He sees all that in one brief glance.
“Oh, hello new face,” the young man says now. A hand with several silver rings, fingers Minho’s tie. “Not the usual dress code for a night on the town.”
Minho slews his gaze over to him. The young man is facing him now, his face is sort of round, his eyes large and dark, in part because he’s wearing heavy eyeliner. Minho quite likes his smile. It’s wide and bright. 
“I’m working,” Minho says coolly. 
“Oh,” the young man lets go of his tie. “So this is very much a business not pleasure visitation? Or are you mixing the two?”
Minho sips his water, averts his gaze, “Very much business.”
The young man hums, “Well that’s a little disappointing.” He leans back against the bar, his elbow only a hair width from Minho’s own. “Now, what line of business could you possibly be in, wearing a suit to a nightclub? Don’t tell me—” he theatrically purses his lips. “Maybe you’re a talent scout for one of those big companies, out here looking for the next big thing in k-pop?” he steps in front of Minho’s eye line, and now Minho can see him in his entirety. He’s wearing a black silk shirt, tucked into black torn jeans which are in turn tucked into black almost knee high combat boots. His legs are slightly bowed and his waist is grabbable. “I could be him!”
Minho snorts.
“Judgemental,” the young man says, but he’s still smiling that smile. “I’d be an ace, just so you know.”
“Your drink, sir,” says the barman from behind Minho.
“Thanks Sammy,” the young man steps forward, steps between Minho’s legs, his hand flat against Minho’s chest and Minho is fighting to keep his breath even, but knows that his heart rate is betraying him. The young man smells of whisky and sweat and something else, not aftershave, but something that is very warm and pleasant, almost earthy.
“I’m not buying what you’re trying to sell,” Minho says into his ear and he sees the young man’s lip quirk. Probably because he knows Minho is lying. Perhaps he can sense that Minho wants him to.
“Oh, sweetheart, you couldn’t afford me if I were selling,” he pushes himself away, Minho’s tie slipping through his fingers as he drinks from his whisky glass, his throat bobbing. “And I don’t give it away either,” and he winks as he turns away, disappearing down the stairs back to the dance floor.
Minho swallows, takes a breath. Clears his throat. He feels like he’s done five rounds in the ring with Nikko. Part of him is annoyed that the young man had the audacity to touch him. The other, slightly larger part, is annoyed that he had enjoyed it. He raises his bottle to his lips, but the bottle is empty. 
“Another, sir?” The barman is good. Minho decides he’ll keep him on too.
“No thanks,” Minho stands, pulls out his wallet. “Sammy, is it?”
“Sam, sir,” the barman is close to Minho’s age. He has intricate tattoos on his forearms, a warm smile and soft brown eyes. He’s well built, muscles pulling at the seams of his shirt and a whole head taller than Minho.
“You know the gentleman that just ordered the scotch on the rocks?”
“Jisung? Yes, he’s a regular, sir. He comes here every Friday.”
“Why Friday?”
 Sam shrugs, “Probably the DJ, sir. His set is Friday. Friday’s are our most popular night.”
Minho absorbs this little tit-bit. “Would your manager be available to speak with?”
“Uh, we don’t currently have a manager, sir. Is there a problem? Perhaps I can assist?”
“No, no problem,” Minho hands Sam his business card, “I’m thinking of buying this place. I’m just wondering if there’s a reason I shouldn’t.”
Sam considers his business card for a moment. Eyes him warily.
“All confidential,” Minho assures him.
“You seem like a decent fella, so I’ll tell you why you probably want to look elsewhere,” Sam tucks the card into his pocket, leans forward on the bar. “We’ve had some trouble with the Park family. Have you heard of them?”
“I’m familiar.” There’s always a fucking catch. “What kind of trouble?”
“Drugs, mostly. They’ve been in here pushing, claiming whatever pill they have is something it’s not. We had a few OD’s last year. The owner put things in place to help prevent harm to the punters. The dancers are linked to security through ear pieces, they have a good vantage point of the surroundings, see. We have staff in the toilets now. We’re doing what we can, but I think the owner received some threats, and that’s why he’s dipping out. I don’t really know more than that.”
“Where is the current owner?”
“Last I heard, he ran off to Jeju with his family. Then this place went on the market the very next day. Wasn’t a nice way to hear you’re about to lose your job.”
“But you all stayed?”
“A few cut and run, including the managers, but I’ve been here six years. Many of the dancers too. I care about this place, and the staff. It seems unreasonable just to leave because there’s some asshats trying to ruin things. And…” he hesitates. “We’re LGBTQ+ friendly, sir.” Minho keeps his expression neutral. “There aren’t many places like this in Seoul. I don’t think many new buyers will be okay with that. The people that stayed, stayed because there isn’t anywhere safe for them to go. There isn’t anywhere else where they can be themselves.”
Minho decides he really likes Sam. It’s a gut feeling. “Thank you, Sam,” he drops some money on the bar. “Get yourself a drink.”
“Thank you, sir, but I don’t–”
“Give it to charity, if you’d feel more comfortable.”
Sam nods.
“And,” Minho drops more money on the counter. “Get a drink for Jisung.”
“Of course, sir. Shall I say it came from you?”
Discreet too. If Minho’s bid is unsuccessful, he’s finding somewhere for Sam. He’d find somewhere for all of them. “Tell him it’s from the talent scout.”
“’Talent scout’, yes, sir.”
“And Sam, if the Parks start trouble, don’t waste your time calling the police, you reach me on the number on that card.”
Sam smiles, reaches behind the bar and pulls out a baseball bat studded with nails, holds it on the counter. “I think I can handle a few thugs, but sure, if something crops up that I think we can’t handle, I’ll give you a call.”
♤ ♡ ♢ ♧
“You bought this place?” Seungmin is massaging his temple with his fingers. 
It's been a month since his first visit. A week since the paperwork was signed and sealed and now The DLC is officially Clowder owned. There was no auction. Minho just made an offer too good to refuse. After that, everything happened swiftly. He’s feeling really rather proud of himself. “Yes.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Seungmin sighs and it’s quite amazing that his sigh is audible above the bass of the electronic music.
Minho chuckles, “It’s not that bad.”
“It’s not viable,” Seungmin says. “Cosmetics alone will put this place in the red.”
“We’ll make it back,” Minho says. “Look at it! It’s popular.”
“It’s south of the river.”
“So? We’re expanding.”
“Father will hate it,” Seungmin pointedly nods at a tall male dancer with chocolate coloured skin, on a podium wearing metallic silver short shorts and angel wings. Nothing more. His female counterpart is wearing devil horns, a red thong and platform heels. Seungmin has gone a pretty shade of pink.
“He doesn’t like any of our places. And the fact this is south of the river means he’s unlikely to stop by for a visit. And there’s ten flats above this that I now own as well.”
“Well,” Seungmin considers this. “That’s good. The rent from them will keep this place afloat. What’s the return on each?”
“Nothing, the tenants all work here. Their last landlord stiffed them, so I’ve said they only have to pay their electric, water  and rates. In exchange they keep this place clean and going. It’s a win-win.”
Seungmin’s side eye is next level. “I am running out of fucks. You literally have no business sense.” Seungmin pinches the bridge of his nose. “Well, I suppose you’ve gone and done it now, so I have to come in and sort out the mess you’ve made.”
“That’s our dynamic isn’t it?” Minho signals at Sam who is hovering at the far end of the bar. “Seungmin, this is the manager, Sam. Sam, this is my brother Seungmin.”
Sam bows courteously, “Pleasure to meet you, sir.”
“Hello,” Seungmin says soullessly.
“Sam, will you show Seungmin the books? He’ll want to see everything you have, so I’d prepare some coffee. And be candid with him. There’s no secrets when it comes to my brother. He’s like a dog with a bone when it comes to getting to the truth of things.”
Seungmin rolls his eyes.
“Of course, sir. If it’s okay with you, I will arrange some cover for the bar and we can go to the office?”
Seungmin nods and Sam walks to the far end of the bar.
“Why’s the manager working the bar?”
“He doesn’t like being idle and he was the barman when I took over. I’m not about to argue with him.”
“You kept the original staff?”
“Yes and made Sam manager. The staff like him, and they trust him and so do I. He seems like a good man. And I’ve bought the exclusivity of the DJ. He’ll only perform at our clubs going forward. Hyunjin's coming in over the weekend to work on tightening the security.”
“This is getting worse,” Seungmin sighs and stands. “I should have brought two red pens.”
“You love it,” Minho winks at him. “I bet your nerdy little soul is getting hard just thinking about all those receipts out of order and dusty account books and—”
“I can not emphasise this enough: fuck you,” but he’s smiling. 
“—spreadsheets,” Minho groans, then laughs when Seungmin thwacks him on the shoulder.
Sam returns, he’s found a female member to cover the bar for him. “Shall we, sir?”
“Sam, every time you call me ‘sir’, I get heartburn and turn around looking for my old man. You can call me Seungmin.”
Sam smiles, “Of course. If you’d like to follow me?”
“I’ll speak to you tomorrow,” Seungmin says with the air of someone threatening one’s life. As he passes, he very deliberately hits Minho’s knee with his briefcase. Smirks.
Minho flips him off.
“That’s not very demure,” a familiar voice says now. 
Minho is smiling before he turns to look at him. Tonight Jisung is wearing a silk leopard print shirt over a tight black top. His waist pinched in black trousers. He’s wearing his usual combat boots. “Have you been lurking?”
“Me? No, I’ve been on the dance floor.” He looks Minho up and down, “Oh, dear, you’re still working. Do you ever get a night off?”
“I literally just clocked off for the night.”
“Hmm,” Jisung reaches over and loosens Minho’s tie. Undoes the top button of his shirt, his fingers feel warm as they brush Minho’s skin. “That’s a bit better. Now you look like someone who’s just clocked off.” He leans against the bar on one elbow. It accentuates the curve of his waist, his hip jutting out just so. He knows exactly what he’s doing and it takes an incredible amount of effort for Minho not to look. “Who was the cutey you were with?”
“Have you been watching me?”
“Maybe,” Jisung smiles, nods to the lady behind the bar, who immediately starts preparing his drink. “Are you going to drink tonight?”
“I’m driving.”
“I’m starting to think you don’t know how to have fun. And you haven’t answered my question about your handsome male friend.”
“He’s my brother,” Minho says simply. “And you sound like someone who doesn’t know how to have fun without alcohol.”
“Sometimes, alcohol just makes things feel better.” Jisung looks at the glass of whisky that the bar staff has just placed in front of him. His smile has cooled, his eyes taking on a far off look. He looks kind of… sad, which doesn’t suit him. “Can I tell you a secret?” His fingers are touching Minho’s now, feather soft, ticklish touches. His finger tips are calloused, but still softer than Minho’s
Minho watches Jisung's thumb trace his scarred knuckles. Waits.
“I’m actually a very shy person in the real world.”
“I don’t believe that for one second,” Minho says, allowing his fingers to trace the creases on Jisung’s palm. 
Jisung smiles at him, let’s go, starts to walk backwards, “Maybe I’ll see you on the dance floor?” and too soon he’s gone, lost in the throng of the revellers. 
“Well, there’s a first time for everything,” the girl behind the bar says. “He didn’t take his drink.”
Minho unknots his tie, wraps it around his hand and drops it into his coat pocket. He’s warm, and he knows it has very little, if anything, to do with the temperature of the club. He walks over to the railings overlooking the dance floor. It doesn’t take him long to find Jisung in the centre, dancing with two female companions. A girl wearing a scarlet mini dress is at his front, a girl in a royal blue bodysuit is behind him, both grinding up on him. Jisung’s hands are on the girl-in-red’s thighs, the girl-in-blue is kissing his neck and he is biting his lip. As Minho watches, the girls alternate between kissing each other and kissing Jisung’s neck, their pretty little hands smoothing over Jisung's chest, his waist, his thighs. Minho feels heat rising in his chest. His knuckles whiten against the railings. And now Jisung opens his eyes and he looks directly at Minho. No, not at him, into him. Even from here, he must be able to sense Minho’s desire. Minho’s jealousy. 
Feeling hot and going dumb, Minho pushes away from the railing, walks to the exit onto the rain slicked street. Grateful for the coolness of the late night air. He turns right into the alley running alongside the club, to cut through to his car, parked a block away. It’s a habit he hasn’t broken out of since one of his brother's cars was firebombed a few years back.
“Didn’t you enjoy the show?”
Minho pauses, glances over his shoulder at Jisung who is walking towards him, looking fine despite the lip gloss staining his throat. Minho pushes his hands into the pockets of his coat. “Not really my thing.”
“The girls, or me, or the combination?” Jisung asks teasingly. 
Minho knows he already knows the answer to that, but still makes sure to smirk at him, “All of the above.”
Jisung is very close now, he smells of warm whisky, sweat, perfume and that other smell that underlies all that. That intoxicating one. A heady, earthy smell. “Hmm, he lies too,” Jisung says, his fingers and thumb rubbing the fabric of Minho’s coat collar. “So why don’t you tell me what it is you do like?”
“I think you’re drunk,” Minho tells him.
“I assure you I’m not as drunk as I should be,” Jisung's fingers brush Minho’s belt and Minho seizes hold of his wrist, wrenches it away, which takes a lot of effort and willpower on his part. Jisung pouts and something about the look suggests to Minho that he’s someone who is used to getting what he wants. It’s wrong of him to show that. In part, because Minho finds the look a bit of a turn on, “What are you scared of?”
“I think you have that the wrong way round,” Minho leans forward, his breath warm against Jisung’s ear. “I don’t think you’d be able to handle me even on your best day.”
“You quite sure about that?” Jisung says and his lips brush the spot below Minho’s ear which is somehow directly connected to a spot behind Minho’s belly button. He’s grateful Jisung can’t see his face at this moment.
He releases Jisung, steps back, reaches into his pocket for a business card and pen. Scribbles his personal number on the back. Holds it out.
Jisung snatches the card from him, looks at it. “Lee Minho.”
“Call me when you’re not pissed, Jisung.”
He takes a moment to marvel at the look of confusion on Jisung’s face that he already knows his name, turns on his heel and walks up the alley. 
♤ ♡ ♢ ♧
At his car, he pulls off his coat, lays it in the back seat. Slides in, starts the engine and sits there. Hands tight on the steering wheel as he tries not to think about his dick, which is very much still contemplating Jisung.
His head is filled with Jisung’s scent. His skin still tingles where Jisung had touched him. Jisung had been willing, and Minho had wanted so badly to do unspeakable things to him in that alley. Why the fuck didn’t you do anything about it? 
His phone buzzes in his pocket and he taps the touch screen on the centre console to read the message.
Unknown Number: I am pissed, as in angry. Hence the text. J.
“Who the fuck says hence anymore?” Minho wonders aloud as he saves the number into his personal contacts under the pseudonym, Ace. He taps a quick reply.
LM: Yeah? Why’s that?
His phone rings, he answers on the car's bluetooth handsfree. “Hey Seungmin. Are you done already?”
“Hardly. I’m taking some books and a hard drive home with me.”
“You dirty boy.”
“Fuck you,” Seungmin says, but Minho can hear the amusement in his voice. Through the line he can hear the bass of the music. Can imagine he’s still sitting in the back office of the club, arms deep in a bag of receipts.
“How’d you get on?”
“We might have a bit of a problem.”
“With Sam?”
“No, you’re right about him, decent bloke. I met a few of the staff and they all respect him. Sam already had the books and all that organised after you made him manager. Took him a week to sort through. Apparently the other managers were a bit nonchalant about bookkeeping. But Sam seems to know what he’s doing.”
“Oh, lord, did I find your ideal? Can I be the best man at your wedding?”
“If I ever get married, you won’t be invited.”
“But I already have the perfect calculator picked out.”
“Min, can you stop pissing about and listen to me for a second? The problem is the Parks.”
“Yeah, Sam mentioned the drug problem last year, but it seems like that’s died off since they put new measures in place.”
“Yeah, well, there might be a reason for that. It looks like the previous owner was syphoning off some of the profits and paying them off.”
“For fuck’s sake,” Minho slaps the steering wheel. “You are kidding me?”
His phone buzzes and a new message flashes on the console. 
Ace: you got me all horny and left me.
“No. It’s the only thing Sam and I can come up with. Every week, until the place went up for auction, there’s been a cash payment. No name, no reference, just a circle. It’s not a small number either. Sam reckons it’s started at about fifteen percent of the weekly intake, but it’s been steadily increasing. I haven’t looked at the numbers too closely, but from what I’ve seen, I don’t think Sam’s wrong. The most recent payments sit at about forty percent. The only time it differentiates is if there’s a missed payment. The following payment almost triples.”
“Late payment fee,” Minho is staring at the ceiling of his car, cursing the Parks, the higher powers and himself. 
“Looks like it. And that’s before rates and wages and stock— ”
“— fuck.”
“Yeah,” Seungmin sighs. Minho realises that Seungmin sighs a lot when Minho’s involved. “It’s not good.”
“Protection money?” no wonder why the previous owner practically bit his hand off on the first offer. Minho considers ways he can find him, maybe make him see the errors of his ways…
Ace: I’m adding tease to the list of your qualities.
“That’s what we think. Sam reckons the start of the payments tally about the time the problems with the violence and the drugs seemed to have faded out. Which he’d always thought was a bit odd, but he didn’t know what was going on behind the scenes and whenever he asked about it, he was fobbed off. It’s one of the first things he spotted when he was trying to get the books in order for you. Apparently he tried to talk to you about it, but you said something along the lines of ‘I’m not interested in the accounting side of things’.”
“He told you that, huh?”
“No. He didn’t say a thing. I filled in his discreet silence with words I can hear you saying.”
Seungmin; forever the smartest. What a pain in the arse. 
“I think that’s a form of entrapment.”
“I think you need to look before you leap next time,” Seungmin says. “So far there are five weeks unpaid, so there’s trouble round the corner. At least you bought it under the family name, it might make them hesitate to do anything stupid.”
“Ah, well… the thing about that is—”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“It was quicker doing it directly, through my own solicitor. I figured I’d transfer it to the family once things were up and running—”
“So the club isn’t even under the protection of the family banner? You do know you’ve fucked up, don’t you? That you’ve made a big fucking mistake?”
“Yeah, Seungmo, you don’t need to tell me—” 
“—huge, colossal, major–”
“– I said you don’t need to tell me,” Minho sighs. When the fuck did he start making mistakes like this? He’d always trusted his gut, and now… “Well this is fucking great. Make sure Hyunjin gets there first thing tomorrow. I really want the security on that place reviewed.”
“I already messaged him and gave his number to Sam. He’ll be there before ten tomorrow. I’ll see if we can speed up the transfer to the family. Which means Father will have to get involved.”
“Great. I’ll look forward to that bollocking.”
“Sucks to be you. And somewhere in between all that I’ll dig into the rest of the accounts over the weekend, see if there's an indication of where the payments went.”
“Yeah, well, use protection.”
“Fuck you,” Seungmin says and ends the call.
Minho stares at the hood of his car for several moments. Lifts his phone from his pocket, rereads the messages from Jisung, taps out his own.
LM: You’re making a list? What you got so far?
The response swoops back almost instantly.
Ace: It’s a work in progress. So far, you’re Trouble. Capitalised.
Great, even a stranger knows what a fucking liability I am. 
Ace: I want to do terribly explicit things to you. LM: I told you, not even on your best day…
“I’d make you beg,” Jisung says as soon as Minho answers. There is the sound of traffic and voices on the other end of the line. 
“Well, ‘hello’ to you too,” Minho says in response.
Jisung hums down the phone, “I’m really not that drunk, you know.”
“Ah, but you’ve been drinking and I’d prefer you to be fully aware of what I’m doing to you in the moment.”
“I'm totally compos mentis, if that’s what you’re worried about. You could do anything you want to me without any guilt.” The traffic noise has quietened significantly, replaced by the sound of footsteps echoing off walls. The sound of raised voices in the distance. “I’d let you do anything.”
Minho leans his head back, adjusts his trousers. 
“You still there?” 
“Hmm. Keep talking.”
Even through the phone, Minho can hear the smile in his voice. Can picture it. His pretty lips. “Is it the sound of my voice you want to hear, or certain words and phrases?”
“I like the sound of your voice, but I like the things you’re saying.”
Jisung chuckles and the sound travels straight down between Minho’s thighs. “What are you doing now?”
“Sitting in my car.” Trying not to think about my dick.
“Just sitting? Don’t you have anywhere to go?” the shouts on the other end of the line are growing louder.
“I’m debating whether to come and get you.”
“Why the debate? Come and get me,” Jisung says. 
Fuck. “I’ll ruin you.”
“Is that a promise?”
 Fuck. “Tell me where you are.”
“I’m east of— hang on— OI!” Jisung's sudden shout is jarring. “What the fuck? Get the fuck away—”
There’s a male voice, “Fuck off!”
A different male voice, “Mind your business!”
A female scream, which sends a cold chill down Minho’s spine. “Jisung? What the fuck’s going on? Where the fuck are you?”
“I said get the fuck away from her!” there are more shouts, the sound of scuffling, a hard crack and the line goes dead.
Minho jams the car into drive, tyres screeching as he speeds eastwards in the direction of the club, scanning alleyways and side streets as he passes, looking for any sign of Jisung and no clue about where he was or where he was headed. He stabs at the console, trying to call Jisung back, but a feminine robotic voice says: I’m sorry, but the person you are trying to call is unavailable right now. Please try again later.
“FUCK!” Minho slaps the steering wheel, and catches sight of a young woman wearing a black dress sprinting into the road in bare feet. His tyres screech and smoke as he comes to a stop, the girl’s hands flat on the bonnet of his car. Her face stained with mascara, her lip bleeding, her left eye swelling. Minho reaches over to the passenger door, pushes it open. “Get in the car!” he yells at her.
She hesitates for only a second or two, looking over her shoulder before scrambling into the passenger seat. As soon as she is in, the door barely closed, Minho is jerking the car in the direction she appeared from, his lights illuminating a long alley too narrow for his car, and towards the back, he can see the silhouettes of five figures. 
Minho drops his phone in the woman's lap, “Call the police!” he tells her as he leaps out of the car, his left hand in his pocket finds the birthday present Felix had gifted him last year; his brass knuckle duster.
He knocks the first guy out with a teeth shattering, blood splattering left hook, before the others realise he’s even there. He disarms the second one by dislocating his shoulder, then his knee for good measure. And now he sees Jisung, wide eyed and fucking furious, his lip is split and his teeth red. He’s standing on the neck of a third man, whilst punching the shit out of the fourth. Minho grabs the fourth into a headlock, digs his knee into his spine and Jisung punches him so hard Minho feels the impact in his chest as the man slumps and falls unconscious to the ground. 
Minho bends forward, hands on his knees, the adrenaline firing through his blood. Jisung walks over to the right wall, where the fifth man is cowering, face bruised and bloodied. Judging by the unnatural angle of his hand, he has a broken arm. Bracing a hand on the wall, Jisung draws his foot back like an American football player and kicks the man full in the groin. It makes Minho wince. The cowering man slides sideways and curls in on himself and Jisung lines up another kick, but Minho steps forward, drops a hand on his shoulder.
Jisung, fist clenched, whirls on him, but Minho expects it, his forearm blocking Jisung’s. “That’s enough,” Minho says. 
Jisung doesn’t look convinced, but his shoulders relax. He backs off from the man and starts scanning the floor of the alley, nudging arms and legs with the toe of his boot.
Minho looks at the carnage, “You tried to fight—” he counts quickly, “—six men? On your own?”
“I wasn’t trying, I was doing a bloody brilliant job. Ah-ha, found it,” he crouches down, lifts an object from the floor. It’s a mobile phone, he shows it to Minho, the screen is cracked. “Cunts.”
And Minho can’t help it, he laughs. 
“We should find the girl, make sure she’s okay.”
“She’s in my car, calling the police.”
“Hyung,” Jisung whines, his lips pouting, as he gestures to the bruised, bloodied and broken men at his feet. “The police? Seriously?”
Minho sees his point.
Jisung rolls his eyes, starts walking towards the car at the top of the alley, the headlights shining through his silk shirt, so from here Minho can see the silhouette of his tiny waist. Jisung raises his hands level with his shoulders, approaches the car like you would approach an injured animal. He stoops down near the passenger door, “Hi my dear, are you okay? You’re safe now.”
Her wailing is too high pitched for Minho to understand her.
Minho pulls off his knuckle duster, drops it into his trouser pocket, and starts to walk back towards the car when he almost trips over a silver shoe. He figures it belongs to the woman in the car, looks for the other one, finds it a few feet away and a small black purse with a chain link handle. When he reaches the car, the passenger door is open and the girl is leaning against Jisung sobbing against his shoulder as Jisung strokes her long black hair and makes soft soothing noises against the top of her head. Minho passes Jisung the shoes and the bag, reaches into his back seat and pulls out his coat, “Here,” he says, as he drapes it over her shoulders.
“Thank you,” her tiny voice says, as she sniffles. The entirety of the left side of her face is purpling and swollen. Her tiny legs are cut and bruised and there are notable bruises on her arms that look like hand marks. Minho feels sick and angry and he really hopes that he and Jisung have succeeded in killing one or two of those cunts. His urge to go back down into the alley to ensure they had been successful is cut off by the sound of sirens in the distance.
“My dear,” Jisung says gently. Cupping the girls head and looking her in the eye that hasn’t swollen shut. “I am so so sorry, but we can’t be here when the police come. You understand that, don’t you?”
The girl sniffs, takes a shaky breath and nods. She steps out of the car and Jisung supports her and helps her sit on the pavement. She tries to take the coat off her shoulders, “No,” Minho says as gently as he can. “You keep hold of that.”
Her smile is wan as she nods and pulls his coat tighter around her shoulders. 
Minho scans the area, the sirens drawing closer. “See that broken lamppost over there?” he points at a side street across the road. “We’ll be right there. We won’t go anywhere until we know you’re safe.”
The girl nods again and Jisung smiles warmly up at Minho.
Minho gets into the car, reverses it a few feet with the passenger door still open, lifts his phone off the passenger seat and waits for Jisung who is still speaking to the girl. Stroking her hair gently. The sirens are uncomfortably close now, Minho can make out the lights reflecting off buildings in the distance.
Finally, Jisung jogs over to the car, slips in and pulls the door closed. His eyes never leave the girl as Minho pulls alongside the side street, reverses into it to stop under the broken streetlight, just as he promised her. He kills the engine, blanketing them in darkness. 
A police car arrives first, a female officer sits on the pavement with the girl and holds her as she sobs and her colleague, flashlight and gun drawn, enters the alley. He returns a minute later, speaking into his radio and they are clearly asking the girl what happened and she is pointing the opposite direction to where Minho’s car is sitting. 
“Good girl,” Jisung says quietly.
Another police car arrives and the male colleague of the female officer points in the direction the girl had. Sirens wailing, the second car tears off in that direction. Now, an ambulance arrives, and the female officer, with support from a paramedic, help her into the back of it, and now the girl looks at them, smiles feebly and waves and Minho can breathe again, knowing that she is now safe.
“Did they…” he can’t bring himself to finish the question.
“No, I came across them before they…” Jisung can’t bring himself to finish the answer.
They remain in the car, watching from a comfortable distance as more police cars and ambulances arrive. They can hear the groans and moans of the men as they are loaded onto stretchers. It appears to Minho that the paramedics, especially the female ones, aren’t too worried about giving them pain meds or being gentle with them. Each ambulance departs carrying one patient and one police officer.
Jisung looks down at his hands. Blood is crusted on his skin, his knuckles torn to shreds. He looks at his shirt, blood spatter joining the leopard print spots. “I really liked this shirt,” he sighs.
Smiling, Minho starts the engine, pulls out of the side street slowly, wary that there may be officers still in the vicinity. 
“Where are we going?”
“My place.”
“I’m really not in the mood.”
“Neither am I. But you look like you could do with something to eat. Maybe a shower?”
“Hmm,” Jisung leans his head against the passenger window. “I am hungry.”
“Put your seatbelt on.”
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TASTE M.List & Sypnosis
Chapter 1 - Parley
Chapter 3 - Broken Compass
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p0ltergeistinyourroom · 11 months
South Park Headcanons :))
Kenny McCormick ;)
- sells magazines as a black market business at school and has Clyde as his best buyer
- Listens to hyper pop
- has a dirty blonde mullet
- cannot afford a haircut so cuts his own hair
- has a massive crush on Marjorine and flirts with her a lot even though she is clueless
- shortest out of his friends
- any pronouns
- would do ANYTHING for 10 dollars
- really close to his siblings and very protective of them
- drummer of the band
- not popular but well liked
- not good at school but surprisingly smart
- Probably high most of the time
- most popular band fandom ship is kenjorine
- always breaks his bones and saves his casts
Marjorine <3
- transfem
- deals with cartman’s crap but in the end stands up
for herself
- best friends with Kenny mccormick
- likes reading and hello kitty
- favourite colours are blue and pink
- wears light makeup
- good at drawing
- her mother divorced her father and Linda became a better person
- taller than Kenny
- works at Claire’s
- probably autistic
- listens to Mitski
- follows back everyone
- band Artist
Kyle :)
- germaphobe
- slightly paranoid
- has a complex hair routine and spends an hour trying to flatten it down
- supports his friends and is the most responsible in the group
- first to get his driver’s license
- transmasc
- still close to his brother Ike
- Still Stan’s sbf
- has matching profile pictures with Stan and has friendship bracelets
- band bassist
- writes some songs
- has freckles on his nose
- has a crush on his sbf but will not confess (or will he?)
- dry humor and is extremely funny to his friends
- got a growth spurt over the summer and is really tall
Stan marsh :)
- still depressed but goes to therapy
- band guitarist, lead singer and writes most songs
- dyes his hair a LOT
- Campaigns for causes on his instagram
- probably a vegan
- responds to fan mail a lot
- has a large crush on his sbf but doesn’t know what to do about it
- openly bisexual
- has a good fashion sense
- still good friends with Wendy
- wears nail polish
Eric Cartman
- still bigoted and an asshole (unfortunately)
- still bitter about Heidi
- smells of cheesy poofs and Mountain Dew
- never got his drivers license and begs people to give him rides
- second tallest in the group
- has a lot of acne
- online troll
- getting banned is his hobby
Jimmy Valmer <3
- Has braces
- shaggy hair
- Does comedy shows for charity
- backup singer in the band and plays the drums with Kenny
- sometimes looks on Pinterest for interesting costume ideas to make an entrance to his shows
- dramatic and likeable
- loves his band
- will become a comedian
Clyde Donovan
- good friends with Kenny
- dumb but funny
- great at football and basketball
- wears baseball jackets all the time
- sends dumb memes all the time
- fan of skibidi toilet (this pains me so much)
- Friends with Scott malkinson
- flunked math
- surprising rizz
- always buys magazines from Kenny
Wendy testaburger
- raging feminist
- still wears berets but adds pins to them
- leader of the debate club
- cheer captain
- works at a fancy restaurant
- good friends with Stan
- buys band merchandise to support the band
- donates to charity a lot
- has a tiny crush on Bebe
Bebe Stevens
- has amazing wavy blonde hair
- spends loads of time on TikTok and Pinterest
- watches loads of hair, nails and makeup tutorials
- tans easily
- best friends with Wendy testaburger
- likes Wendy a teensy- weensy- eensy bit
- kind of a feminist
- has 40 k instagram followers
- good cheerleader
- likes red racer
- is dating Kevin stoley
- skater
- has long hair
- wears beanies
- usually nice person
- uses 💀 as a laughing emoji
- Craig tucker’s cousin
Craig tucker
- autistic
- loves space and red racer
- watches red racer with Red
- has red racer merch
- dating Tweek
- has shoulder length fluffy hair
- usually calls Tweek honey, mi amor , etc
- still flips people off a lot and has a shirt of a middle finger that Tweek got him
- has braces
- really empathetic towards Tweek
- dry af texter
- Works at the coffee shop with Tweek
- trying not to drink coffee (hard challenge though!)
- dating Craig tucker
- trembles a lot
- bites his nails and stationary
(In the canon he has ADHD so it’s not really a headcanon(
- wears Craig’s hoodies
- surprisingly tough but anxious and paranoid
- does boxing 🥊
- never brushes his hair so it’s really knotty
- works at the coffee shop
- usually calls Craig dude, man, bro , etc
- known for hosting all the parties (classic teen au)
- calm mom friend
- normal person
- voice of reason
- will probably become a lawyer
Scott Malkinson
- Has a crush on Clyde
- Stands up for himself
- has fluffy hair
- Friends with Clyde
- wants to become a filmmaker
- gets beat up a lot
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frogfrizz · 2 years
FreenBecky (BeckFreen) and WLW representation after Gap the Series
I’m once again pulled into the world of Gap the Series, but in particular, the rich, warm fandom that has become FreenBecky or on occasion, BeckFreen, in its wake. As we all grapple with Gap the Series finally ending, the fandom seems to have gravitated towards the main stars, namely Rebecca “Becky” Armstrong and Freen Sarocha. This is a thing unto itself and vastly different from the fan service that the Rich Man’s Daughter gave us.
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Here, we find an army of fans translating nearly all content from the actors across Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, and Weibo from the Thai language to others’:
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It’s a concerted effort among a web of individual to fan-club-run accounts that drum up enormous coverage, enthusiasm, admiration, funds for billboard ads or fan projects, and even gifts for the pair.
The fan community is self-sustaining in its growth; it is massive in Southeast Asia and South America, hashtags trending in one country or another, and even globally nearly every day. I have the impression that this fandom never sleeps and there is new content to traverse and giggle over every 12-hour cycle. It’s refreshing to see this level of self-sustained, growing adulation for actors of an LGBT show in countries that have traditionally been so conservative in their views and sorely underrepresented in mainstream media.
But it isn’t just the fans. There is consistent, honest regard in Freen and Becky’s interactions with each other, a world of memes and a language of their own that they share between themselves and with the fans (ex. “mami” and “honey” lines, the “phi-nong” interactions *wink-wink*).
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We have so little of this attention and enthusiasm for and in the LGBT community with mainstream actors, but these two! They demonstrate a commitment to the fans that is unwavering and unprecedented. They are clear and vocal about their acceptance of the LGBT community, which make up so much of their fan base, trumpeting their advocacy at every opportunity simply by showing up together.
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And oh! Do they have opportunity. They sell record amounts of product as the faces for a variety of brands on live streaming –from make-up, to magazines, to something as innocuous as seaweed chips.
Together or individually, they are constantly being promoted in magazines or on bright, LED billboards in Thailand and even so far as New York’s Times Square:
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A magazine seems to be released nearly every week, and it has left fans languishing with empty pockets as they faithfully try to collect every single one. Though these magazines aren’t distributed internationally, an informal network of locals purchase them for international fans (or interfans, as they’re called), and ship them out at the buyer’s expense, which interfans are more than willing to cover.
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Freen and Becky are adored, loved, and fiercely protected. It’s an amazing phenomenon to watch, and even more extraordinary to contemplate that their popularity has brought their relatively new promoters IdolFactory tremendous exposure and a mountain of ad cash. To an extent, because of such exponential growth, the company has been criticized for poor security and an inability to cater for a large fan base during events as it continues to hire woefully small, inadequate venues.
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We deserve to be heard. LGBT content, specifically wlw content, is valuable, loved, adored. If it came to just the bottom line, it is also incredibly profitable. What a message to send to media creators, to brands! I want this to be heard loudly, and for media executives to realize that they are missing out by cancelling so many wlw-centred shows on their streaming services:
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I wish FreenBecky every success, good health, and happiness.
I want Gap the Series to have even more exposure and recognized as the phenomenon that it is –as the first wlw web series that has breached more than 17M collective views on YouTube. It is the singular show pushing very, very hard against the norm: whether against the persistent cancellations of many wlw shows, catering to a mainly Western audience, or the more Western narrative perpetuated in majority of famous LGBT media today.
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As You Wish - Eddie Munson x Stoner!Reader
Y’all I’m sorry if this isn’t too good, I literally wrote it tonight because I couldn’t stop thinking about how me and Eddie would meet and this is probably how it would go in the beginning lol hope you guys like it.
Part Two
Word count-3.6k+ words
Warnings-marijuana use, swearing, that’s about it
A puff in your chest you walk through the cafeteria doors, eyes darting for a certain club you’ve only heard about. Well, heard about the leader, not so much the club.
You transferred to Hawkins for your senior year, having only been here a whopping two days before hearing of the infamous Eddie Munson. Moving to a new town, the first thing to find is a new dealer. And how can you beat one that just so happens to also be the dungeon master of the DND club here at school?
Your eyes meet with a table all in matching shirts with “Hellfire” in big bold letters. Jackpot
The clunk of your brown beat up combat boots is deafening to you as you walk across the cafeteria of teens to the end of the table, most eyes at the table on you besides the ones you were searching for.
“Hey, are you this Eddie I keep hearing about?” The smile on your face is bright as you lean your hands on the table to get a closer look. His eyes pierce yours, scrunching with the big smile on his face.
“The one and only. Not scoping out the ‘Freak’ are you?” His tone slightly wavers, but the smile never breaks.
“Nope, you’re the exact person I was looking for. Meet me in the parking lot after the final bell? We’ve got some business to attend to~” Slipping into a sing song voice, he holds back a chuckle before leaning on the table.
“You’re not a murderer are you? You seem a little too sweet.”
“Nope! Doesn’t mean I couldn’t be one if needed though.” You smile before walking away, turning around and putting two thumbs up towards Eddie.
As you leave the cafeteria the table has gone completely silent.
“Dude who the hell was that?” Mike gripes, confused on the new face that just stood so confidently before them.
“I have no idea.” Eddie laughs, completely confused by the entire exchange.
“Guys it’s that new girl, moved here from the south or something.” Lucas butts in, having heard about you during basketball practice.
“Hold up, you’re telling me she’s from the south and she’s just gonna walk up to the Hellfire Club?”
“Well?” Dustin looks at Eddie questionably, waiting for a response from the homie(yall I blanked and had to).
“Well what?” His eyes go wide, having zoned out for most of the conversation.
“Are you going to meet up with her?”
“Uh, yeah. I’ll just be cautious but I’m sure it’s just a sale or something.” He shrugs, going back to his lost train of thought.
As the final bell rings you jump from your seat, ready to head to the door of the school to wait for Eddie. Picking at your nails, you just feel a poke to your shoulder.
“Hey there?” He says looking a little nervous.
“Oh awesome you actually came! Oh shit okay, there’s a lot more people here then I expected so I’ll start with my first question.”
“Oh? There’s a lot more people leaving the school when school lets out then you expected?” He gives you a grin before you pushed his shoulder lightly.
“Shut up, I’m scatter brained I’ve been sober way too long!” He laughs before a light bulb goes off in his head.
“Here follow me I have a feeling I know what this is about.” You follow him to the patch of woods near the parking lot. After a few short minutes you’re at a picnic bench perfectly placed in the middle of the clearing.
“Ah so this is where the deals happen gotcha.” You smile at him before looking around.
“I like it, makes me feel like there should be a creek nearby.” The nerves spitfire as you word vomit, holding your hands together behind your back.
“Yeah, less likely to be interrupted. So how much you need. I’ve got a half for 10 since you’re a new buyer and all.”
“That seems cheap, I’ll go a gram. Probably have to see you again in like a week if that.” You hand him a twenty before he pulls out his lunchbox, grabbing a gram for you.
“Now on to my next question, any chance I could join Hellfire? Haven’t played dnd in a couple years so I’ll need to make myself a character still. I usually go halfling bard for shits and giggles but if y’all need a specific type I can play around. Or I can just sit in if y’all have already started the campaign.” He smiles at your word vomit.
“Well, we’re currently in a campaign but we have roughly two more sessions until it’s done. We’ve gotta make sure you end up a good character though. How about after next session you can show me what you’ve already got?” He smiles widely, making you sigh in relief as you slump into the seat.
“Oh thank god! Dude it’s so fucking hard here. Like I thought it was hard to make friends in the south Jesus Christ. I tried to talk to someone in bio today and she looked at me like I was insane.” He chuckled before nodding with you, sitting next to you and leaving a safe distance.
“Well you’ve heard my infamy so I get it. Honestly it would’ve just taken you sitting alone at lunch for me to come swoop in. I’m known for saving lost sheep.” He nudges your shoulder before looking directly at you.
“I guess me coming to you first shows I’m not a lost sheep. Just a stoner with geeky interests. I mean my favorite movie is the Labyrinth.”
“Oh god please tell me you don’t have the hots for David Bowie.” He rubs his face dramatically.
“I like his music and he is very attractive but eh, not really my thing.” As he stands he holds his hand out for you, assisting you in getting up.
“Well you are giving off hippie flower child so I guess liking his music is sort of fitting?” He says it as a question, what with not really listening to anything other then metal and rock to really know.
“I think that stereotype is more Fleetwood Mac and Abba, which I do listen to a lot. I’m assuming you’re more Metallica, Black Sabbath?” He looks at you stunned, smiling ear to ear with a big nod.
Without realizing, you make it back to the parking lot. You look around for your ride, who you told you would be a little late out of school. Once you see the familiar car you turn to Eddie.
“Well thank you for a better first week and I look forward to seeing more of your little group.”
“Wait, I don’t know the fair maiden’s name?” He stops you, waiting for a response.
“Oh it’s (y/n), see you around Eddie.” You run off to the car, the passenger door opening to reveal Steve Harrington in the driver’s seat.
Eddie was dumbfounded, the former king of Hawkins knows you?”
As you and Steve pull out of the school parking lot he looks at you like an alien.
“Why on earth would you be coming out of the woods with Eddie Munson?” He asks, eyes mostly on the road, but he continues to dart back to you looking for an answer.
“Chill out, I needed a new dealer and I joined Hellfire. Besides, isn’t your son Dustin in the club?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you should be hanging around them. I mean you just moved here and you’re here to finish your senior year with ‘no distractions’ per your mom’s request.” He eyes you at the red light as you sigh in response.
“Well I was tired of no one talking to me! I’d rather have majority of the school hate me and have a group of friends then spend my entire senior year being invisible.” After some long silence you pull up to the Family Video Store parking lot.
“I guess I can pick you up whenever I pick up Dustin, but you have to find a ride when I can’t just like Dustin does.” You nod smiling before getting out of the parked car.
“Thank you again for getting me this job Steve.”
“No problem Cus’ just don’t make me regret it please.” Robin’s shift had started an hour before you and Steve’s. She was slumped on the front desk before peeking up at the sound of the bell on the door.
“Oh it’s just you guys! You ready for your first shift?” Her eyes peer to you, smiling with a thumbs up.
“Ready as I’ll ever be!”
Twenty minutes left of shift before closing and as robin swept and Steve put back returns, you were rewinding all the tapes. As you slip The Shining back into it’s case you hear the bell go off.
“Welcome to family video, how can I help you?” The curly headed kid looks confused before a look of surprise dawns him.
“Wait you’re the girl from lunch!” He points at you, awestruck.
“Oh you’re part of Hellfire! Wait. Curly hair, dopey smile. Hat. Dustin, right?”
“Oh my god how do you know me? Wait did Eddie-“
“Henderson what are you doing here?” Steve perks up, rubbing Dustin’s head.
“I see you’ve met my cousin?” You swore Dustin’s eyes were going to pop out of his head.
“You’re related!? Holy shit Steve you didn’t tell me your cousin went to my school!”
“She’s a senior I didn’t think you guys would intermix until she decided to just walk up to your lunch table.” As they kept talking about you, Robin came up next to you and smiled.
“Dude you know the whole school was watching you talk to Eddie today right?” You whipped your head at her confused.
“Because everyone was saying how you were such a quiet southern belle and then all of a sudden you’re walking up to ‘the devil’ with a smile on your face.” Your face scrunches at southern belle, uncomfortable with the choice of words.
“Dude I’m a stoner dressing like I’m going to Woodstock while cussing like a sailor.” You deadpan as she giggles at the choice of words.
“You’re right, you’re right. I mean your accent is almost non existent except for the ‘y’all’ you like to throw out there.” She over exaggerates y’all, making you laugh.
“What’s so funny over there?” Steve says defensively.
“Have you heard Robin’s southern accent? It’s horrendous.” She starts singing Delta Dawn, causing the video store to erupt into giggles as you all continue closing. Once 8pm rolled around, you turned off all the lights while everyone grabbed their stuff. Steve locks the door behind everyone before all piling into his car.
“How did I end up with all three of you?” He asks, starting the engine.
“Eddie dropped me off here.”
“I always ride with you.
“I live with you.” You all three say as he huffs.
“Wait does that mean I cant come stay in your guest room anymore Steve?” Dustin asks, brows furrowed.
“You get the couch.” Dustin whines a little before you lean over to him.
“You can sleep in my room when you come, I’ll take the couch.”you whisper to him. He looks at you confused before smiling back at you. Something about your eyes make you seem so genuine.
“I’ll take the couch, i-it’s fine. Thank you though.” He looks away before you smile triumphantly to yourself. One more hellfire member befriending you.
After dropping Robin and Dustin home you jump in the front seat before heading to Steve’s.
“If you’re not careful you’ll have that boy drooling over your southern charm.” Steve jokes, waving as Dustin walks backwards to his door.
“Please, I heard all about Suzie poo at work. If anything, he’s probably still confused on how someone as nice as me can be related to you.” You giggle as Steve drives away.
Walking into the apartment you throw your bag on the couch lying face first next to it.
“Steve we need to demust your place.” You say, rolling over.
“Would you prefer it smelling like weed?” He asks, pulling out rolling paper.
“Yes, definitely. What kind of question is that? Do you know how long it’s been for me? Too fucking long.” You grab the baggie of bud from your bag and throw it his direction. He catches it and instantly starts to get it all set up to roll.
“Eddie does have the best stuff. He gets it from Reefer Rick. Plus you can’t really beat 30 for a gram.” You’re eyes widen at the price.
“He charged me 20 but he said it was because I’m a new buyer.” You say, sitting up to look at him.
“Hm.” He just continues rolling, no reaction on his face. Your brain whirls as the thoughts keep coming. Why just ‘hm’? Before you can overthink too much, Steve holds the joint to your lips, waiting for you to react before he lights it. You inhale slightly before pulling away, inhaling a little more through your nose and breathing out.
“God I needed this” you take another before passing it to Steve.
“I could tell, your brain was going a mile a minute it looked like you were reading the wall.”
You keep passing back and forth before putting it out on the ashtray. You slide off the couch, stretching your limbs before lighting a few candles you brought and grabbing your backpack.
“I’m gonna do some homework.” He nods in a acknowledgment before you went to your room and closed the door.
The hammering of Steve on your bedroom door woke you up the next day. Pulling the pillow over your head didn’t help the cause.
“I swear to god if you don’t wake up you won’t have time to smoke and we’re not hotboxing my car!” You groan before getting up, getting ready for the day. When you finally emerge from your room you walk over to the tray to see he had rolled an extra one last night. You quickly light it and inhale, waking up for the day. After finishing half of it you put it out, and stick it in your bag for later.
“Don’t forget breakfast!” He throws a orange at your before ushering you out the door. You both get in the car and finally can breathe. As he gets it started and pulls out of the parking lot you start to peel your orange.
“Steve this was a terrible breakfast choice where do I put the peels?”
“Damn, I don’t know. Put it in that grocery bag!” He continues driving towards the school as your finish your orange.
Pulling into the school you glance at the car clock and see you have just enough time to get to class.
“Jesus you reek dude, spray some of that girly stuff before you go in.” You huff a goodbye before you leave the car, spraying a little bit of perfume, not too much though, before heading inside. Once you get to your locker and get to class the bell rings and you shuffle to your seat quickly. As the teacher takes attendance you stare off at your pencil, shaking it slowly to make it look like rubber.
“Fun trick huh?” You look up to see the dark curls sitting next to you, bright smile on display.
“Makes time go by for sure.” You smile back, looking up to see the teacher starting the lesson. You try your best to take notes and pay attention but a note gets slipped onto your desk and suddenly you can’t pay attention.
Knock knock
Who’s there?
I wish
I wish who?
You see from the corner of your eye as he scribbles as small as possible on the tiny scrap of paper. It takes a minute and suddenly you’re wondering how long this punchline could be.
Goblin king goblin king wherever you may be take this child of mine far away from me
“That doesn’t even start with I wish!” You whisper yell as quiet as possible. He points at you with a surprised face as you fell for finishing the line. You’re cheeks go slightly pink and you quietly giggle. Without even realizing how much time had passed, the bell rings and you sigh having to leave the fun you were having. You both stand up, heading towards your next classes.
“So wanna sit with us at lunch?” He looks at you hopefully.
“I assumed that was already happening?” You say smiling. You continue talking about anything and everything as you teach your next class.
“Oh do you have history too?” You ask, standing at the door.
“Nope, just had to walk the fair maiden to her next venture.” You thank him before heading inside, smiling at him through the closed doors little window.
Lunch time rolls around and you’re all to excited to sit with the club. You practically bounce to the table, sitting next to Eddie as the first two there.
“Well hello again.” He smirks and you curtsy in your seat.
“Good to see you m’lord.” His cheeks go slightly pink at the nickname before he chuckles.
“Why is she in my seat?” You turn to see one of the members standing above you.
“Sorry dude, didn’t know there was assigned seats.” You go to stand up but Eddie stops you, lightly pushing your shoulder back down.
“Gareth there’s plenty of seats, you’re fine.” The member huffs before sitting a few chairs down. Soon, Dustin sits next to you smiling from ear to ear.
“(Y/n)! You’re sitting with us now?” He looks between you and Eddie.
“Yep, she’s joining the club!” You smile at everyone around the table, waving at the ones you haven’t met.
“Wait, you’re Steve’s cousin right? My sister Nancy said you were moving here.” You smile at the boy, you now know is Mike and nod.
“Yep! You must be Mike since Nancy is your sister. Good to meet you.” He gives you a small smile before talking with Gareth about something.
“Oh so that’s why Harrington is your ride.” Eddie says, pulling your focus.
“Sadly, I live with him too. Good thing is I can smoke inside.” He pats your shoulder and can’t pull the smile from his face.
“Woman after my own heart.” You giggle and turn towards Dustin who’s been poking your shoulder.
“Are you coming to hell fire tomorrow?”
“You betcha! I can’t wait to see how y’all do things.” You high five him and he starts telling you all about his character.
“You won’t believe it, Eddie had us all thinking we had killed off all the monsters and then all of a sudden a gelatinous cube comes out of no where!”
“Damn those are not easy!” His excitement of telling you the story almost erupts as he slowly starts standing up getting to the climax of the story.
“So Lucas pulled out this sharp blade someone at a tavern gave him as a joke and sliced that thing until it was the size of a pea!” You dramatically fall back into your seat.
“No way! I can’t wait to see this first hand.” You look behind you do Eddie and catch him staring at you. Pink comes to your cheeks as you give him a little wave before being absorbed back into Dustin.
After school you were going to be walking to the apartment because Steve had to work. As you pulled your half joint out on the side of the road you hear heavy metal coming closer. You stopped walking, staying as close to the curb as possible before the loud van slowed to a stop next to you.
“What are you doing walking m’lady?” The voice of Eddie has you sighing in relief.
“Jesus I thought you were a kidnapper! Steve had to work so I’m walking home, gonna finish this on my way.” You wave the joint at him and he chuckles.
“You’ve only got half there. How about I give you a ride? We can smoke while I drive.” You smile and nod before he jumps out of the car. He jogs around the the passenger side and opens the door.
“M’lady” he says with a bow.
“M’lord” you curtsy and get in while giggling. He shuts the door and jogs back around, ready to get on the road.
“Care to light this for us?” He uses one hand to hand you one of his joints and a lighter while he starts to drive. You put it between your lips and light it, inhaling the thick smoke deeply before holding it as long as you can. He shifts his eyes to you a few times to make sure you were good before he saw you handing it to him. He takes a few puffs before handing it back, getting to Steve’s relatively quick. He parks in front of the building still smoking with you.
“You wanna come in? We can have a little after school snack.” He stops the car and smiles at you.
“Sounds good to me.” You both leave the van as you pull your keys from your bag. You go to unlock the door, Eddie right behind you.
“How’d you know where Steve lives?” You ask, getting the door open and leading him in.
“I’ve dropped Dustin off here a few times.” You give a faint ‘ah’ before opening the fridge.
“I can offer strawberries, kiwis, or-“ you close the fridge and open the cabinet to scan.
“Cereal.” You finish, looking at Eddie.
“What kind of cereal?”
“Honey combs.”
“Jackpot!” He smiles and you pull out the box before grabbing two bowls. As you make you both some cereal he comes up to help you put the box away. You both end up on either end of the couch, using the arms as tables while you watch Little Shop of Horrors
“I can’t believe Family video had this, i love this show.” He looks confused at first, watching the movie intently.
“I thought it was a movie?”
“It is, but it was a Broadway musical first. I actually was in my school production of it sophomore year.”
“Oh of course you’re a drama kid!” He chuckles before drinking the milk from his bowl.
“That obvious? Showtunes just really do it for me.” You laugh, going to take both your bowls to the sink.
“Hey have you worked on your character? We could try to get some of the basic stuff done.” He exclaims, smiling widely.
“Okay but first homework because I have to graduate.” He huffs while you pull your textbooks out.
“Come onnn, what’s one days of homework?”
“Something tells me it’s more then one days worth for you.” You tease, writing down some answers to the questions on the work sheets.
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drogba-prospect · 2 years
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Greetings Bernard Arnault,
Charmed Circle Services
If you refer to a group of people as a charmed circle, you mean that they seem to have special power or influence, and do not allow anyone else to join their group.
A protection racket is a type of racket and a scheme of organized crime perpetrated by a potentially hazardous organized crime group that generally guarantees protection outside the sanction of the law to another entity or individual from violence, robbery, ransacking, arson, vandalism, and other such threats, in exchange for payments. 
Green Crime is illegal activity that involves the environment, biodiversity, or natural resources. There are generally five types of major environmental crime: illegal logging, fishing, and mining, and crimes that harm wildlife and generate pollution.
State-corporate crime is a concept in criminology for crimes that result from the relationship between the policies of the state and the policies and practices of commercial corporations.
Tax Haven Lobbying
State-corporate crime is a concept in criminology for crimes that result from the relationship between the policies of the state and the policies and practices of commercial corporations. 
Organized transnational crime is organized criminal activity that takes place across national jurisdictions, and with advances in transportation and information technology, law enforcement officials and policymakers have needed to respond to this form of crime on a global scale. 
Government Joint Venture 
Example: Government Part Owned Coal & Diamond Mines
international corporation that specializes in coal & diamond mining, coal & diamond exploitation, coal & diamond retail, diamond trading and industrial coal & diamond manufacturing sectors.
Example: Debswana Diamond Company Limited Influenced
Debswana is a joint venture between the government of Botswana and the South African diamond company De Beers; each party owns 50 percent of the company
Ecological Preservation Company
Farmland Real Estate
Gross Margin
China Big Four Influence: Industrial and Commercial Banks, Construction Bank, & Agriculture Banks (Ag Banks)
Finance and insurance, consumer banking, corporate banking, investment banking, investment management, global wealth management, private equity, mortgages, credit cards
Gross Margin Loan
In exchange for farmland development or startup give cash for gross margin %
LVMH Digital Wallet
Air Miles Credit Card
Client Card (Gift Card/Social Club)
Drop Shipping
Isolated Investment Platform/Newsletter
Distributors Type
Wholesale distributors provide that liaison, buying large quantities of products from manufacturers, storing them and then supplying them to retailers and other businesses.
Distributors have a business relationship with manufactures and have partial ownership of the product they sell. Some distributors buy exclusive rights to buy a company's product to ensure that they are the sole distributor of that product in the area. Distributors often sell to wholesalers and retailers, creating minimal contact with the final buyers.
Indirect selling
Indirect selling is when a company uses an intermediary to distribute and sell its product. Indirect selling marketing channels can use varying amounts of intermediaries. In the most direct distribution route, the manufacturer can sell their product to an intermediary who then sells the product to a consumer. However, they may sometimes involve more than one intermediary in the distribution of a product.
This marketing channel encompasses many of the examples of intermediary channel uses, including shopping malls and chain retailers.
LVMH Distribution & Cash Conversion Cycle
Big Pharma Distribution Model
Wholesalers purchase drugs from manufacturers and distribute to a variety of customers, including independent, chain, or mail-order pharmacies, hospitals, long-term care, and other medical facilities.
Wholesale Distribution Clients
Drop Shipping
Modeling Agencies
Wedding Directors
Private Schools
Social Club
Art Auctions
Film Production Companies
Car Dealerships/Shows (Collaboration)
Jewelers (Gift Card Distribution for Store Credit)
Political Cabinet
Tennis Clubs (Dress Code)
Dinner Hall Rental Companies
Hair Salons (Gift Card Distribution for Store Credit)
Investment Banks (Gift Card Distribution for Store Credit)
Wholesale Client Requirement
Retailer Fair with Retail Advisory Groups Collaboration Business Incubator
Business incubator is an organization that helps startup companies and individual entrepreneurs to develop their businesses by providing a fullscale range of services starting with management training and office space and ending with venture capital financing.
What Can Companies Do To Improve Cash Conversion Cycle Times?
Invest in Real-Time Analytics.
Encourage Earlier Payments.
Speed Up the Delivery Time.
Make It Easier To Pay.
Simplify Your Invoices.
Rental and Recruitment
Graduation and Wedding Rentals allows for customer experience turning dreamers into clients
Wearing LVMH for the first time at Graduation is Emotionally Symbolic
Celebrations release the feel-good chemicals oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins, which lower the stress hormone cortisol. This doesn't mean you simply are in a better mood, though your mood will improve. It also means you'll have clarity of thought and feel more in control.
Oxytocin is known as a social bonding hormone, unfortunately, though, it can also be the trigger to addiction.
Golf & Tennis Endorsement
Endorsement Wear Contracts (Product Placement Scheme)
This Bridges the LVMH Brand and Logo to Future Athletes where Nike isn't that Popular compare to other Nike endorsed athletes
Golf and Tennis are posh so the endorsements fit LVMH target audience
Rugby Kit Sponsor
Secure South African Athletes and Create a Larger Presence in South Africa (Natural Resources)
Athleisure Wear
Big and Tall Athleisure Clothing
Minimum Net Worth Condos with Luxury Strip Malls
Gift Card Program Drop Shipping : Promotion Program, Have a grace period for gift card top up (treat like a prepaid rewards credit card); Curated accessories promotional codes. Cash is acquired without product sold. (Starbucks with a twist)
Trade Shows: Promotional Model, This type of model books jobs that help sell or promote a certain commodity. Promotional models are often found at trade shows and other live events. As a whole, these models must be personable, outgoing, and have a strong knowledge of the product they are representing.
LVMH Inclusive (Minimum Spending) Social Club: Cross-functional Collaboration Based Shopping
Cross collaborate through divisions to create a specific project. Projects are a curation of a series of products from multiple divisions. Goal is to have people attached to projects, not products. View Projects as Different Personalities. (Harvard Business Review)
Landscaping & Gardening Expos
Festive Activities for Consumers
Natural Resources Humid Subtropical Climate Farming with Security Operations (SecOps)
Material Sourcing
Porter's Model Pharma Industry
Porter's model can be applied to any segment of the economy to understand the level of competition within the industry and enhance a company's long-term profitability. The Five Forces model is named after Harvard Business School professor, Michael E. Porter.
Porter's 5 forces are:
Competition in the Industry
The first of the Five Forces refers to the number of competitors and their ability to undercut a company. The larger the number of competitors, along with the number of equivalent products and services they offer, the lesser the power of a company.
Suppliers and buyers seek out a company's competition if they are able to offer a better deal or lower prices. Conversely, when competitive rivalry is low, a company has greater power to charge higher prices and set the terms of deals to achieve higher sales and profits.
Potential of New Entrants Into an Industry
A company's power is also affected by the force of new entrants into its market. The less time and money it costs for a competitor to enter a company's market and be an effective competitor, the more an established company's position could be significantly weakened.
An industry with strong barriers to entry is ideal for existing companies within that industry since the company would be able to charge higher prices and negotiate better terms.
Power of Suppliers
The next factor in the Porter model addresses how easily suppliers can drive up the cost of inputs. It is affected by the number of suppliers of key inputs of a good or service, how unique these inputs are, and how much it would cost a company to switch to another supplier. The fewer suppliers to an industry, the more a company would depend on a supplier.
As a result, the supplier has more power and can drive up input costs and push for other advantages in trade. On the other hand, when there are many suppliers or low switching costs between rival suppliers, a company can keep its input costs lower and enhance its profits.
Power of Customers
The ability that customers have to drive prices lower or their level of power is one of the Five Forces. It is affected by how many buyers or customers a company has, how significant each customer is, and how much it would cost a company to find new customers or markets for its output.
A smaller and more powerful client base means that each customer has more power to negotiate for lower prices and better deals. A company that has many, smaller, independent customers will have an easier time charging higher prices to increase profitability
Threat of Substitutes
The last of the Five Forces focuses on substitutes. Substitute goods or services that can be used in place of a company's products or services pose a threat. Companies that produce goods or services for which there are no close substitutes will have more power to increase prices and lock in favorable terms. When close substitutes are available, customers will have the option to forgo buying a company's product, and a company's power can be weakened.
Understanding Porter's Five Forces and how they apply to an industry, can enable a company to adjust its business strategy to better use its resources to generate higher earnings for its investors.
What Are Porter's Five Forces Used for?
Porter's Five Forces Model helps managers and analysts understand the competitive landscape that a company faces and to understand how a company is positioned within it.
Porter's Five Forces is a framework for analyzing a company's competitive environment.
Porter's Five Forces is a frequently used guideline for evaluating the competitive forces that influence a variety of business sectors.
It was created by Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter in 1979 and has since become an important tool for managers.
These forces include the number and power of a company's competitive rivals, potential new market entrants, suppliers, customers, and substitute products that influence a company's profitability.
Five Forces analysis can be used to guide business strategy to increase competitive advantage
Adrian Blake-Trotman
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nerds-in-wonderland · 2 years
🌈History Is Gay Books🌈
How To Survive A Plague
By: David France
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"A riveting, powerful telling of the story of the grassroots movement of activists, many of them in a life-or-death struggle, who seized upon scientific research to help develop the drugs that turned HIV from a mostly fatal infection to a manageable disease. Ignored by public officials, religious leaders, and the nation at large, and confronted with shame and hatred, this small group of men and women chose to fight for their right to live by educating themselves and demanding to become full partners in the race for effective treatments. Around the globe, 16 million people are alive today thanks to their efforts.
Not since the publication of Randy Shilts's classic And the Band Played On has a book measured the AIDS plague in such brutally human, intimate, and soaring terms.
In dramatic fashion, we witness the founding of ACT UP and TAG (Treatment Action Group), and the rise of an underground drug market in opposition to the prohibitively expensive (and sometimes toxic) AZT. We watch as these activists learn to become their own researchers, lobbyists, drug smugglers, and clinicians, establishing their own newspapers, research journals, and laboratories, and as they go on to force reform in the nation s disease-fighting agencies.
With his unparalleled access to this community David France illuminates the lives of extraordinary characters, including the closeted Wall Street trader-turned-activist, the high school dropout who found purpose battling pharmaceutical giants in New York, the South African physician who helped establish the first officially recognized buyers club at the height of the epidemic, and the public relations executive fighting to save his own life for the sake of his young daughter.
Expansive yet richly detailed, this is an insider's account of a pivotal moment in the history of American civil rights. Powerful, heart-wrenching, and finally exhilarating, How to Survive a Plague is destined to become an essential part of the literature of AIDS."
~Alice 🌌
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naturecoaster · 4 days
Visiting Michael Allman’s Half Eaten Peach: A Journey in Time and Music Space
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People ask Michael Allman, “Where’d you grow up?” The eldest son of Gregg Allman, founding member of the Allman Brothers Band, answers, “As soon as I do, you will be the first to know.” My journey to Michael Allman’s Half-Eaten Peach Records, Instruments, Live Broadcast and Videos store and professed ‘man cave’ was a trip down memory lane, a visit to a museum of collectible and playable instruments, and a journey into the independent artist’ music business of today. It seems to combine the vibe of hallowed ground with the atmosphere of a smoking lounge that classifies as “retail.” “My dad told me two things, ‘Don’t sign anything and don’t sign anything.’ So, I own my record label with Floyd Skinner. Everything I do I put out on my own. If you go with someone else, they tell you where to go and what to do. I have one rule: Michael does what Michael wants,” shares Michael Allman in a recent interview with NatureCoaster. Michael Allman’s Half-Eaten Peach in New Port Richey The Half-Eaten Peach is open for retail sales by appointment. To get an appointment, you need to email or call 727-241-0372. It is located at 7139 US 19 in New Port Richey in a nondescript strip center. “I have instruments for sale and strings and such, but it’s turned into more of a creative space for me and my band. I have all kinds of memorabilia here, and the space for a few friends to bring chairs and hang out while we practice and create,” Michael explains. There are posters from out-of-town concerts for the Michael Allman Band, copies of Allman Brothers concerts from the soundboard, posters and photos, backstage passes, and some really weird stuff that just finds its way to this music man with a famous name. A view of the interior of The Half-Eaten Peach with its musical instruments, small stage, massive record collection, and myriad of Allman memorabilia. Image by Pat Manfredo. “Everything is for sale but understand that I love the things that are in here, so the prospective buyer has to love that thing more than I do,” explains Michael, “The Half-Eaten Peach isn’t intended to make tons of money. It’s my place. Guitars start with a story here. You walk out the door with a guitar and a story.” “Young uns come in here and ladies who want to play bass. Someone who wants to play can come in here and grab something, and I can have the guitar set up to be ready to play,” he continues. “I would like to put in a live recording studio,” Michael Allman explains. “That was my intention, but there is not enough room in here as it is. The live stage. Six to eight people here to make noise, and we could make a video for the musicians to share with their audiences, but after COVID the demand dropped off quickly and people began going out to see live music again.” Michael Allman in his favorite place, The Half-Eaten Peach at 7139 US 19 in New Port Richey. Image by Pat Manfredo. About Michael Sean Allman Michael Sean Allman was born in 1966 to Mary Lynn Sutton. At age 6, she told him that his biological father was Gregg Allman. He had a rough childhood, went to military school and then moved in with his famous father at 15, while his mother fought cancer. He worked in the club business, as a DJ and soundman, and then in construction. “My dad told me not to go into the music business. He said, 'Do not go into this business.' I tried working as a framing carpenter and then as an electrician. I married way too young and had two sons, trying to be a good provider. We didn’t make it,” he shared with what appeared to be a twinge of regret. At one of his DJ gigs, he was attacked and had over 300 stitches from the incident at a club in South Carolina. Michael was diagnosed with cancer in 2002. “I was told I had 3-5 years to live – that I needed surgery, chemo and radiation. I got the surgery, and then my ex-wife let me move in. I figured I had a year and a half to two years left and my children were adults. I went to Michigan to say goodbye to my kids. While I was there, the doctors monitored me, and they told me that I was doing well. I thought, “I had better get living again,” and left to pursue my musical career. Michael Allman went to Georgia to work on his first album, Hard Labor Creek. Michael Allman's Blues Travels Fast MMXX album is available for purchase in the New Port Richey store. Image by Pat Manfredo. Hundreds - or thousands - of records are in The Peach. Vintage, classics... ooh... Image by Pat Manfredo. Why is Michael Allman in New Port Richey? After his first album came out in 2009, he was headed to Sarasota to set up shop “for no particular reason.” A friend contacted him en route and said, “You have got to come meet Mark Shane. There is a guy who plays guitar here that you have got to come meet!” Michael Allman drove to New Port Richey to meet Mark Shane. “Mark is phenomenal. He is excellent. I stayed in New Port Richey to work with him. He is my right hand in music. I have different bands in the places I play because I am a frontman… a lead singer… an entertainer,” Michael says. “My second album came out, originally titled MMXX (2020) but COVID came and we changed the name to Blues Travels Fast. It was the second-best year of my career on paper. I had 36 shows scheduled to support the album. Thirty-six shows were canceled due to COVID,” Michael explains, disappointment still sounding in his voice. So, he pivoted. “I was going to open a record store because I love records. I love collecting records and The Half-Eaten Peach started with records and a handful of guitars and then it evolved into my big old man cave,” he shares with a big grin. “I set up this stage, we have room for small bands to play and we can record them to video, put it up on my internet pages and they can share the music with their followers” Michael explains, “Because of COVID, I thought that would go great, but it’s kind of petered out and so I am moving in other directions.” Michael Allman loves Whiskey River on the Water for local places to hang out - and play at. The large, somewhat open restaurant and bar on the water in New Port Richey is an easy walk from his house and the Peach. He said, “It’s my go-to place. Part of the ‘Allman Triangle’. I own the record there for the largest crowd and the most sales from when I brought my band to play there. I played there for my birthday in July. There were people lined up outside and we had a blast!” Backstage and VIP passes are part of the scene at Michael Allman's Half-Eaten Peach. "Guitars start with a story here. You walk out the door with a guitar and a story." Image by Pat Manfredo. Making Music with The Michael Allman Band Most of his live shows have been heavy with Allman Brothers Band hits, interspersed with a few Michael Allman originals. The Michael Allman Band songs I listened to are blues-based rock, in the genre of ABB, but different enough to stand on their own. While some say that he sounds like his father, Michael is creative and has made his own way. He has two albums out and another ready to break. “I write about half of the songs on my albums. My new album, Creature of Habit, is coming out this month. I am very excited about it! The first song, called Bokeelia is live on my YouTube channel,” Michael shares with me, “and our kickoff show is scheduled for September 20 rock Ka`Tiki on Sunset Beach in Treasure Island, Florida. This band includes  Mark Shane, Michael McMahon, Ephraim Lowell, and Scott Brown. We are going to It’s going to be great!” Road trip anyone? The newest album was created at Farmadelica Sound, a studio in the pine trees of Pine Island (off Fort Myers beach) that his friend, “Boo Boo” introduced him to. Michael reminisced about the place and the process, “It’s a great space, relaxing, I love it. A hammock. We make food, hang out, and make music. It’s beautiful out there.” “We talked about making an instrumental on my upcoming album to be funny (because Michael doesn’t play instruments… he sings…) Michael Allman at Bokeelia instrumental… so we created an instrumental flow with a little bit of words and it progressed… within a couple of weeks… to this.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qxzF9UUp5c Michael Allman’s new project offers a way to use more of his original music while performing live. “With three albums of original music, I want to share more originals and less Allman Brothers Band hits on my setlists. Right now, this experience is only available in Florida but stay tuned... I’m going to bombard Florida and then look out world. Scott Brown and Friends will be opening and then the band will back me up as the Michael Allman Band,” he shares. “My father told me years ago,” Michael continues, “ ’Boy, do not get in this business’ but all I ever wanted to do was sing, perform, entertain.” Michael Allman's Half-Eaten Peach is a Gem of a Find in New Port Richey Michael Allman looks a lot like his famous father, but he is making his own way in the music business from New Port Richey, Florida. He is thin and tall, has the look of someone who has seen and done a lot in his years on this earth, and has a charming smile. Michael Allman sharing stories with Diane Bedard of NatureCoaster for this article. Image by Pat Manfredo. “I like it here. I’ve lived here for 12-13 years now. That’s a long time for me,” he told NatureCoaster. Michael is working on improving his health now. He has beat death a few times and is living his best life ever here on Florida’s beautiful Nature Coast. Read the full article
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creativeera · 29 days
Windsurf Foil Board Market is Unleashing the Trend of Hydrofoiling
The windsurf foil board market comprises boards specially designed to be used with hydrofoils that provide a dynamic windsurfing experience by lifting the hull of the boards above the waterline. Equipped with lightweight yet durable composite or carbon fiber materials, windsurf foil boards offer rigid planing hull designs to enable a smooth and stable hydrofoiling experience. The attachment of hydrofoiling foils underneath the boards allow windsurfers to efficiently carry their momentum into waves and skim the water effortlessly.
The Windsurf Foil Board Market size was valued at US$ 167.4 Mn in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 268.6 Mn by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% from 2023 to 2030. 
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the windsurf foil board market are Lift Foils, F4 Foils, Horue Foil, Cabrinha, FANATIC, JP Australia, Neilpryde Windsurfing, North Sails, RRDFoils, Starboard, Slingshot Sports, Phantom Boards, Duotone, Naish International, Tabou, Exocet, and GA Fins. Key players like Lift Foils and F4 Foils are investing in advanced foil innovations and sponsoring elite windsurfers to promote the sport of hydrofoiling. The growing demand for adventure water sports and lifestyle accessories is fueling the sales of Windsurf Foil Boards Market Size across global markets. Enthusiasts are increasingly attracted towards foil boarding for an adrenaline-pumping water sport experience. Several windsurfing clubs and sailing communities have started organizing hydrofoiling classes and events to spread awareness. The market is witnessing strong expansion across Asia Pacific and Latin American countries with China, South Korea, Brazil, and Mexico emerging as lucrative regional markets. Regional watersports equipment manufacturers are launching affordable foil board models to cash-in on the growing popularity of the sport internationally. Market Key Trends One of the key trends gaining momentum in the windsurf foil board market is the development of beginner-friendly efoil models. Manufacturers are innovating boards integrated with electric hydrofoiling systems for effortless liftoff and minimal learning curves. Battery-powered foils allow first-time riders to experience the thrill of hydrofoiling safely without expertise in rigging or strong wind conditions. Windsurf Foil Board Companies is expected to expand the potential customer base and drive higher market revenues over the forecast period.
Porter's Analysis Threat of new entrants: High upfront costs of starting a manufacturing plant and high R&D required to produce innovative products act as barriers for new companies. Bargaining power of buyers: Individual buyers have low bargaining power due to availability of large variety of products at various price points from different manufacturers. Bargaining power of suppliers: The windsurf foil board industry relies on limited number of raw material and components suppliers which gives them higher bargaining power. Threat of new substitutes: Technological innovations like hydrofoiling boards and efoil boards pose a threat of substitution. Competitive rivalry: The market has some prominent global players however there is intense competition to provide latest design features and technologies at competitive prices. Geographical Regions North America accounts for the largest share of the windsurf foil board market currently. This is majorly due to higher participation in water sports and strong presence of manufacturers in the region. However, Asia Pacific region is expected to emerge as the fastest growing market in coming years led by China, Japan and Australia. Rising incomes, growing interest in adventure sports and hot weather conditions suitable for water activities will drive the demand in Asia Pacific region. Europe holds the second largest market currently due to high popularity of windsurfing as a recreational activity in countries like France, Germany, Netherlands and UK. However, future growth prospects are stronger in emerging economies due to growing middle class population and increasing tourism promoting water sports.
Get more insights on Windsurf Foil Board Market
About Author:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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Miami Beach Homes for Sale: Your Ultimate Guide to Paradise Living
Miami Beach, a coastal resort city in Florida, is synonymous with luxury, style, and vibrant living. Known for its iconic Art Deco architecture, stunning beaches, and dynamic nightlife, Miami Beach is more than just a tourist hotspot—it's a dream location for those seeking a high-quality lifestyle. The city's real estate market is diverse, offering everything from opulent waterfront mansions to modern condos with breathtaking ocean views.
Types of Homes Available
Miami Beach offers a wide variety of homes for sale, catering to different tastes and budgets:
a.) Luxury Waterfront Homes: These properties often feature private docks, pools, and expansive views of Biscayne Bay or the Atlantic Ocean. They are perfect for those who love boating or desire a serene coastal lifestyle.
b.) Historic Art Deco Homes: Located in areas like South Beach, these homes are part of Miami's rich architectural history and often come with unique design elements that blend classic charm with modern amenities.
c.) Modern Condos: High-rise condos in Miami Beach offer luxurious amenities like rooftop pools, fitness centers, and direct beach access. Many of these buildings are designed by world-renowned architects and provide a cosmopolitan lifestyle.
Benefits of Living in Miami Beach
a.) Beachfront Living: Residents enjoy easy access to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, perfect for sunbathing, swimming, or simply relaxing.
b.) Cultural Diversity: Miami Beach is a melting pot of cultures, offering a wide range of international cuisines, festivals, and cultural events throughout the year.
c.) Vibrant Nightlife: With its famous clubs, bars, and restaurants, Miami Beach is the place to be for those who enjoy a lively nightlife scene.
d.) Outdoor Activities: From water sports like jet skiing and paddleboarding to golfing at world-class courses, Miami Beach offers endless opportunities for outdoor fun.
e.) Proximity to Miami: Just across the bridge from mainland Miami, residents can easily access all that the city has to offer, including its business districts, shopping centers, and cultural landmarks.
Tips for Home Buyers
a.) Research Neighborhoods: Each neighborhood in Miami Beach has its unique vibe. Explore areas like South Beach, Mid-Beach, and North Beach to find the one that suits your lifestyle.
b.) Work with a Local Realtor: A realtor with experience in Miami Beach can help you navigate the market, understand pricing trends, and find hidden gems.
c.) Consider Future Value: Miami Beach is a popular destination, and property values have historically been appreciated. Consider both your immediate needs and the potential for long-term investment when purchasing a home.
Miami Beach is a paradise for those looking to combine luxury, leisure, and vibrant city life. Whether you're seeking a tranquil waterfront retreat or a bustling urban condo, Miami Beach has something for everyone.
For more details, visit https://thefloridarealestatespecialist.com/buying-a-home-in-miami-beach-fl/.
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signatureglobalindia · 2 months
Delhi-Mumbai Expressway Set to Elevate South of Gurugram as a Real Estate Hub
The southern part of Gurugram is on the brink of a transformative era, driven by the groundbreaking Delhi-Mumbai Expressway. This strategic infrastructure development promises to revolutionize connectivity and spur unprecedented growth in the region. Nestled near the scenic Aravalli Hills, South Gurugram has already made significant strides in real estate, attracting a wave of investors and homebuyers looking for property in Gurugram. With its enhanced connectivity, robust infrastructure, and rising demand for residential properties, South Gurugram is rapidly evolving into a thriving micro-market within the Delhi-NCR region. This article delves into the profound impact of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway on South Gurugram's real estate landscape, highlighting key developments and investment opportunities that are set to redefine the area as a premier real estate hub.
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Infrastructure Development: A Game-Changer
A pivotal infrastructure development, the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway, is set to further elevate South Gurugram's status as a coveted real estate hub. As the entry point for the expressway, this area significantly boosts real estate activity across Gurugram. This new connectivity is expected to benefit the entire area, spurring economic growth and enhancing property values of existing and upcoming projects in Gurgaon’s southern region.
Strategic Connectivity Initiatives
The Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) has ambitious plans to further integrate South of Gurugram with major urban centers. The Chief Minister recently approved a Rs. 750 Crore project aimed at connecting three highways to the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway. This project will provide direct connectivity to Delhi, Faridabad, Mewat, Mumbai, and Gujarat, significantly boosting the region's development.
Key Developments
Under this project, an interchange will be built at Vatika Chowk, linking eight new sectors through a cloverleaf design. Major junctions will be established in sectors 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 74A, 75, and 75A. This infrastructure upgrade will also connect the Dwarka Expressway near Kherki Daula on NH 48, facilitating direct access to Delhi Airport, Dwarka, Kundli, Narela, Bawana, and Rohini. This development is anticipated to significantly boost the real estate sector, leading to an increase in residential and commercial projects in Gurugram.
The cloverleaf will connect major roads, national highways, and state highways. Vehicles heading towards Delhi from NH 48 can use the SPR at this junction to reach Mehrauli, while those heading towards Jaipur can access the Rajasthan and Mumbai Expressway from Kherki Daula, bypassing Rajiv Chowk.
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Luxury Real Estate Developments
In response to the rising demand, real estate developers are capitalizing on the opportunity by introducing luxury projects in the Gurugram’s southern region. These developments are tailored to provide spacious and independent homes that cater to the needs of high-net-worth individuals and affluent families. Here are some notable projects in and around South Gurugram that potential property buyers and investors should consider:
Signature Global Titanium SPR
Signature Global Titanium SPR in Sector 71, SPR, Gurugram is a development that features 608 uber-luxurious condominiums. It offers premium 4.5 and 3.5 BHK flats in Gurgaon, each designed with a Singaporean flair. The towers, soaring 40 floors high, offer over 55 top-notch amenities, including seven lagoon pools, a top-tier club, multiple sports courts, pet gardens, outdoor gyms, senior citizen lounges, jogging tracks, and more. The project dedicates 91% of its area to green and open spaces, designed with a biophilic approach to promote well-being and a strong connection to nature. Titanium SPR ensures unparalleled security with a 5-tier system, subterranean parking, grand triple-height entrance lobbies, private elevators, and expansive decks, meticulously designed for residents' utmost comfort.
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Signature Global SCO Plots 36, Sohna
Signature Global's SCO Plots 36 in Sector 36, Sohna, South of Gurgaon combines office and retail spaces, featuring multiple floors for shops. With excellent connectivity to Sohna-Gurgaon Road and the DMIC, it offers a prime location for businesses. Surrounded by luxurious residences, affordable housing, and renowned educational institutions, these SCO plots in Sohna create a perfect environment for business growth with its strategic location and superior infrastructure.
Signature Global Park 4 & 5
Signature Global Park 4 & 5 epitomizes luxury living, offering 2 and 3 BHK independent floors in Gurgaon designed to harmonize natural beauty with unmatched comfort. Set against the tranquil backdrop of the Aravalli foothills, residents enjoy stunning views and ample natural sunlight, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere.
Investing in South Gurugram, particularly in luxury residential projects, presents a unique opportunity for discerning homebuyers and investors. The region's strategic connectivity, driven by the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway and other major highways, has positioned it as a burgeoning hub for real estate development. The impressive appreciation rates and growing demand for high-end properties underscore the area's potential as a lucrative investment destination.
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tradedmiami · 3 months
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SALE IMAGE: Ian Bruce Eichner DATE: 06/20/2024 ADDRESS: 1819 & 1855 79th Street Causeway MARKET: North Bay Village ASSET TYPE: Development Site ~ ACRES: 3 BUYER: Ian Bruce Eichner - Continuum Company SELLER: Jesta Group LENDER: Longline Financial SALE PRICE: $75,000,000 NOTE: Continuum Company, led by Ian Bruce Eichner, has acquired a 3-acre site at 1819 and 1855 79th Street Causeway in North Bay Village for $75 million, encompassing Shuckers Waterfront Bar & Grill and a Best Western hotel. Longline Financial provided a $67.5 million loan for acquisition and pre-construction development. Continuum plans a mixed-use project featuring condos, a luxury hotel, a members-only club, restaurants, and a marina, aiming to replicate its success in transforming South Beach's South-of-Fifth neighborhood two decades ago. #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #NorthBayVillage #DevelopmentSite #JestaGroup #Ian BruceEichner #ContinuumCompany #LonglineFinancial
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tsasocial · 3 months
Intertextile Shenzhen wraps up three days of trend, innovation, and sustainability exchange amongst key asian textile players
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From 5 – 7 June 2024, the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (Futian) was the sourcing hotspot of South China’s apparel textile industry. Nearly 1,000 exhibitors from 11 countries and regions showcased various garment-related products, with major categories covering ladieswear, functional wear, and accessories. Together, Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics and Yarn Expo Shenzhen 2024 welcomed nearly 20,000 visits from 45 countries and regions, including two buyer delegations from Malaysia and one from the European American Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Witnessing an influx of brands, manufacturers, and regional designers, the apparel fair’s Trend Forum, fringe event venues, sustainability-centric display areas, and key Asian zones and pavilions all proved high-traffic platforms.
Speaking at the show’s close, Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, said: “The fair has been very effective for international and domestic suppliers to showcase their innovations to the South China market – likewise, we have had a very strong response from ASEAN-based buyers and brands seeking on-trend products in between two traditional sourcing seasons. As organisers we couldn’t be more pleased, having delivered a business-friendly trading platform for players from across the value chain, and given a stage to experts sharing insights across a range of innovative industry topics.”
At Talking Point and Textile Dialogue, Intertextile Shenzhen’s two seminar venues, topics ranged from the transformative impact of AI in the textile landscape to upcoming fashion trends for both S/S 2025-26 and A/W 2025-26, equipping buyers with key product and industry information. Across three days of insight sharing and trading, key international sourcing brands included the likes of Club Monaco, Diesel, lululemon, Ralph Lauren, Quiksilver, ZARA, and many more.
Three international buyer delegations crossed paths with exhibitors, including delegates from EA Chamber representing six countries, the Malaysia Knitting Manufacturers Association, and the Malaysian Garment Marketers Association. Meanwhile, with some travelling less than 50 kilometres and some from further afield, 12 domestic delegations visited the fair, such as China Top 10 Designers, Shenzhen Jinhui Nanyou Fashion Creative Center Visiting Group, and Guangdong Garment & Apparel Industry Association Buyer Group.
Including both individual brands and various delegates, over 250 business matching meetings with exhibitors took place across the three-day show. The buyers included 20 Shenzhen-based designers and managers, from brands such as DAQINGLIU, CHICCOMAO, DiLiUnbound, and Yishangshi. Representing the likes of Annil, Dayang, and Marisfrolg, many other domestic brand buyers visited the early summer showcase.
On the show floor, the Spring / Summer 2025-26 Trend Forum by Fabrics China gave buyers a visual anchor for future vogues. Meanwhile, the Sustainability Zone provided insights into different brands’ applications of sustainability policies, as did the debut of featured display zones Eco Trends by Intertextile x Sateri and Functional Sustainability by Intertextile x Idole.
The early summer textile platform also included the Japan Zone, with exhibitors displaying accessories, cotton and man-made fabrics for menswear, ladieswear and sportswear; the Korea Pavilion, featuring jacquard, mixed woven, and more; and the Taiwan Pavilion, with a focus on high-quality lace, embroidery and yarn. Whether sourcing or showcasing, a range of exhibitors, visitors, and speakers offered positive assessments.
Exhibitors’ feedback
“Our buttons are made with very unique materials – palm tree seeds which can only be found in Ecuador, that are durable and eco-friendly. Although more expensive than plastic buttons, the product attracts many high-end fashion brands from Europe, the US and China due to its sustainability, quality and uniqueness. We have received very positive feedback at Intertextile Shenzhen; many designers have enquired about the product. With the help of the fair, I hope more and more players in the fashion industry will choose to use sustainable materials in the future.” Mr Wilson Chiu, Managing Director, Yee Fung Hong Ltd (PRO ECUADOR co-exhibitor)
“This edition of Intertextile Shenzhen is better, as the location is different, and the number and quality of visitors have increased. At this fair, most of the visitors are manufacturers based in Shenzhen. Our main fabric here is voile, used for party dresses for example, and so many buyers have requested this item. Being part of the Korea Pavilion is better than in an individual booth. Buyers can see the Korea Pavilion, identify where we’re from and it helps generate more interest.” Mr Jay Hwang, General Manager, SK Tex Co Ltd (Korea Pavilion)
"Most of our products are fabrics produced in Japan, and we have also brought our spring and summer collections to this fair. Since we have an office in Shenzhen and many of our apparel industry clients are from South China as well, we decided to exhibit at Intertextile Shenzhen to look for new customers in the Greater Bay Area, and increase our brand exposure. Today we have connected with many Chinese buyers, and visitors from Europe and the US have also come to our booth to learn about our products.” Mr Tomokazu Matsuda, KITATI Co Ltd (Japan Pavilion)
“Our collection comes from Italy, and the quality is very well-known. We are about 200 years old and supply brands such as Chanel, Max Mara, Celine, and Gucci. In China, our presence is growing due to the rise of online brands, with buyers interested due to our association with Europe. For autumn, most of our products are wool, mohair, alpaca, while for spring we use cotton, polyester, and more. At Intertextile Shenzhen, we are showing S/S and A/W fabrics together, and buyers have been looking for both.” Mr Dongbo Han, Dongyu Chengxin International Fashion Fabric (Lanificio Paoletti agent)
Visitors’ comments
“At this fair, our association members want to communicate with yarn, fabric, accessories and other exhibitors, keep up to date with the latest industry developments, and discover new products and advanced technologies. We made good progress and found many interested potential partners, and we will follow up with them after we return. This year's visa-free entry policy is very conducive to business exchange between Malaysia and China, making it easier to come here, and greatly enhancing sourcing efficiency.”
Mr Kuan Chee Tan, President, Malaysia Knitting Manufacturers Association
“Perhaps 70% of our customers are online brands with thousands of stock keeping units, and we help them procure fabrics and finished garments, store them, and handle logistics. We develop systems software for e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, AliExpress, and Amazon. Some of our clients are very interested in new fashion industry trends, and products such as eco-friendly, recycled fabrics, and nature-friendly accessories. I’m exploring jacquard for airline uniforms, Italian booths for R&D and trends, and bridal wear. As an EACham member, this is probably one of the best shows I’ve been to but I need to explore more.”
Mr Dileep Kumar, Director, ExPlus Logistics (Member of European-American Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
Speakers’ insights
“The presentation today was about our self-developed innovative functional fibre yarns that are super strong and tough. Afterwards, attendees can visit our booth to exchange thoughts and learn more about the relevant technologies, therefore holding concurrent seminars is useful. At this fair, there are more of our target buyers who have consulted with us, and many manufacturers are now looking for such functional materials. We also noticed buyers from Europe and the US are more interested in sustainable fibres.”
Mr Kang Zhang, Technical Manager, Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited (Speaker at Bioinspired Super Fibre with High Strength, Toughness and Damping Performance seminar)
“My key point was the use of AI technology for high-speed recognition of materials, colour, garment type, and construction, which are important elements for textile recycling. I also promoted technology to draw fibres from existing garments, and ensure they are as long as possible, in order to recycle garments to yarns. The industry audience here was informed, drawing links between what I said and their situations. This was a good platform to share that recycling technology already exists and it’s time to step up in this area.”
Mr Raymond Chiu, Senior Research Manager, The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (Speaker at Threads of Innovation: Textile x AI Exploration and Prospect seminar)
Held concurrently with Yarn Expo Shenzhen and PH Value, Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; Messe Frankfurt (Shenzhen) Co Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Textile Information Center.
Other upcoming shows:
Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition / Yarn Expo Autumn 27 – 29 August 2024, Shanghai.
Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies 26 – 28 February 2025, Ho Chi Minh City.
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akkii23 · 5 months
Courting the Globe: Overseas Sports Broadcasting Audiences
The landscape of football transmitting has undergone a significant change lately, powered by scientific advancements and transforming customer preferences. Probably the most notable improvements has become the emergence of Overseas soccer broadcast (해외축구중계), that contain transformed just how fans eat are living football articles from around the world.
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The days are gone when fans were required to depend on high-priced cable packages or high quality internet streaming solutions to observe overseas soccer complements. Nowadays, an increasing number of platforms and broadcasters are providing free of charge channels of suits, making it easier than ever before for supporters to remain connected to their favorite crews and athletes.
One of many key factors driving a car the excitement of cost-free overseas football broadcasts may be the proliferation of electronic digital internet streaming systems. With all the increase of providers like Youtube . com, Twitch, and Facebook Are living, broadcasters currently have an expense-efficient way to reach an international viewers without making use of traditional syndication routes. It has paved how for niche broadcasters and information creators to get in the current market, catering to the varied passions of soccer followers around the world.
Moreover, improvements in technologies made it simpler to develop substantial-high quality are living channels from virtually all over the world. Whether or not it's a grassroots tournament in South America or even a younger years academy match in The european countries, followers are now able to accessibility live football content material from imprecise sides from the globe with just a couple of mouse clicks.
Another driving force behind the recognition of totally free overseas soccer programs is definitely the increase of social media and electronic digital residential areas. Programs like Youtube, Reddit, and Discord are getting to be hubs for soccer fans to discuss reports, illustrates, and reside channels of fits in real-time, fostering a sense of camaraderie and that belongs among followers scattered across the world.
In addition, the improving demand for services for stay soccer articles has triggered leagues and night clubs to discover new methods for interesting with followers outside their classic market segments. By partnering with broadcasters to offer you cost-free international broadcasts, leagues can tap into new profits streams while simultaneously increasing their world-wide supporter bottom and enhancing their brand existence on the worldwide stage.
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To summarize, free international football programs stand for a seismic shift in the manner supporters ingest stay soccer information. They feature unparalleled accessibility, range, and interaction, enhancing the entire enthusiast practical experience and bringing enthusiasts closer to the video game they enjoy. As technological innovation will continue to progress and buyer preferences change, we could anticipate free international football broadcasts to keep a foundation in the contemporary football media landscape for years.
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