#south pacific power trip
warwickroyals · 1 year
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King George and Queen Alexandra surrounded by the family of their eldest son, Nicholas, The Prince of Danforth, at Woodbine Castle, circa 1900
The 1900s was a general period of tranquillity for the royal family. King George had been on the throne for over 40 years and remained robust despite his increasing age. His growing family reflected a nation that was also growing—rapidly industrializing as the 19th century drew to a close. Sunderland's westward expansion of the last century and been settled, and with Sunderland stretching from the Pacific coast to the Great Lakes, it now looked to assert itself as a world power. The King and his Romanov wife, Queen Alexandra, had nine children and over 40 grandchildren, many of whom would marry into the world's most affluent families, solidifying George's political reach across North America and Europe, as well as the vast wealth of the Warwick dynasty. The King's son and heir Nicholas shared his father's ambitions, plotting to marry his eldest son, Prince Louis, to a foreign princess. These plans were shattered when Louis died of malaria during an expedition to South Africa following the Second Boer War. Young Louis's death expanded the gulf between Queen Alexandra and the Princess of Danforth, Matilda-Mary. Alexandra blamed her daughter-in-law, as she had been the one who had permitted Louis to embark on the trip in the first place. Tensions between the two women remained high until Alexandra's death. Sunderland's ambitions to become a world power persisted into the 1910s and would eventually lead her to the Western Front during the First World War.
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wvbaandtheboys · 9 months
hi folks!! happy new year!! I’m Impatient ™️ so here, as a new years delight, have all the rest of the Branch A Pokemon descriptions/Pokedex entries I made :3
CW for graphic desc later on down the line!
Kaiser - Pumphund (The Firearms Pokemon)
Name derived from pump, the pumping motion of racking a gun’s slide (referencing the sfx in Kaiser’s contender fight) and the German word hund, meaning dog. A pure Steel type.
The second evolution of Kleinkuter, this Pokémon’s body rebuilds itself to create the form necessary for Pumphund. It is always billowing dark smoke from its mouth and ears as its body constantly burns fuel it acquires from its nutrition. The tail of a Pumphund is what allows it to utilize the storage of artillery within its body; when necessary, a Pumphund will wind up its tail to ready the mechanism, making a clicking sound. In one swift motion, it will move its tail downwards and open its mouth, unleashing a blast that will severely injure whatever is struck by it. If not eating or firing off its shells, a Pumphund will never open its jaws.
Despite the ferocious nature of Pumphund being quite frightening, this Pokemon can be surprisingly timid when not in battle. Trainers who own a Pumphund have said that the Pokemon tends to stay away from other Pokemon in their trainer’s care and refusing to interact with them, almost as if it were scared.
Disco - Frenzwatt (The Fluid Pokemon)
Derived from the word frenzy, periods of extreme excitement, and the term watt from electricity. A pure Electric type.
The second stage evolution of Groovolt, this Pokemon is renowned for its ability to dance. A graceful and animated creature, it loves to perform for and dance with other Pokemon. Even the most aggressive Pokemon can’t resist its infectious positive energy, hence wanting to and more often than not proceeding to follow suit with the dancing. When dancing, Frenzwatt’s curly fur on top of its head begins to progressively glow brighter and create sparks that fizzle as it moves. When threatened or needed to fight, Frenzwatt will weave through its opponent’s attacks and discharge the full force of the electricity stored in its fur that is powerful enough to shut down entire power plants.
This Pokemon is a positive influence for baby Pokemon and humans alike. As such, Frenzwatt is a decently popular Pokemon amongst older trainers with young siblings or children.
Hippo - Thalapota (Bearing Forme) (The Prosperity Pokemon)
Derived from thalassic, anything to do with the sea, and -pota from hippopotamus. A Water-Fighting type.
Thalapota is a Mythical Pokémon worshiped as a deity in the eyes of several adjacent islands in the South Pacific. It is said that it provided the islanders with conditions to survive, including sunlight, food and fire. Though it has rarely been seen in person by the residents, it is depicted to be adorned with different types of nourishment including fruits, marine life and protein. It is also said that though Thalapota appears to possess a cold expression and an air of royalty, it is incredibly merciful and will readily help any poor Pokémon or humans it finds. However, should any person bring disrespect or foul intent to the paradise Thalapota worked to prosper, it is rumored that it will swiftly punish them, and they shall become one with the land.
Thalapota allegedly possesses another form referred to as its Isle Forme. This form has been attested to existence by a group of islanders who set sail on a small boat one day on a fishing trip. In the midst of their trip, a fierce thunderstorm capsized their vessel. They claim that a mysterious mass of land suddenly rose up beneath them and lifted them out of the water, high above the vicious waves, carrying them back to their home. When one dared to peer over the side of the mass, they saw the face of Thalapota staring straight ahead.
Hondo - Lupushi (The Guarding Pokemon)
Derived from canis lupus, the scientific name for a wolf, and senshi, the Japanese word for warrior. A pure Fighting type Pokémon.
The evolution of the baby Pokemon named Koinution. The only known way for a wild Koinution to evolve into a Lupushi is for it to have its makeshift weapon, a thick branch, grow sharper through battles and training. However, it is also said that some Koinutions have been seen with a shadowy figure, resembling that of a much larger Pokemon than itself, waiting as the Pokemon sharpens their weapon for them.
Lupushi is said to be a wise and helpful Pokemon. It is spoken highly of by those who have traveled through woodlands. It is said that trainers and civilians alike who have encountered a Lupushi are always followed by it as long as they are in the woods, with the Pokemon politely leaving as soon as it has seen the person out. It possesses a frightening gaze beneath its headband that deters other Pokemon from attacking.
But, as docile as it typically is, it should be known that Lupushi are far more experienced sword users than their previous evolution. Its willpower prevents it from submitting to defeat, instead continuously and strategically attacking. Trainers who have attempted to capture a Lupushi have ended up having to flee after the Pokemon defeated their teams. However, those that have succeeded in capturing Lupushi say that it is quick to adapt to its new surroundings and grow bonds with its trainer.
Hugger - Mossardian (The Gentle Giant Pokemon)
Derived from moss and guardian. A Ground and Grass type Pokémon.
This Pokemon is said to be the reincarnated spirit of a kindly lumberjack that met an untimely demise in the forest. It is an overseer of all that goes on in the woods and a guardian of forest life. It is rather warm-hearted and friendly, known to assist lost people at night by comforting them with the voice of a loved one while guiding them through the forest. But, should one incur its wrath by bringing harm to the forest or its inhabitants, Mossardian will transform the offender into a small, defenseless Pokemon and leave it to perish.
The markings on Mossardian’s body emit a gentle glow that brings serenity to life around it. This Pokemon has never once been attacked before in the wild, having easily quelled the aggression of its foes. Mossardian is able to blend in with forest scenery thanks to the moss on its body, staying out of the sight of Trainers wanting to capture it. This Pokemon is hesitant to join a trainer on their adventure as they do not want to leave other Pokemon to potential harm in their absence.
Tiger - Dhundhather (The Astral Pokemon)
Derived from dhundhala, misty in Hindi, and ether, referring to the sky’s boundaries beyond the clouds. A Psychic and Ghost type.
This Mythical Pokémon is renowned for its immense power, being a common folktale shared amongst those who live in rural areas. It is said to only emerge during dawn and dusk, gracefully floating down from the clouds above. Those who are fortunate enough to witness Dhundhather gliding through their area are left with a sense of courage that lasts for hours, even days. However, those who have a face-to-face encounter with this Pokemon are blessed with good luck for an extensive period of time.
Dhundhather is especially revered in those places that are struck with natural disasters, as the fortune it brings along with it allows villages to recover swiftly. The empty hole on its forehead holds a plethora of different gems that marks the large artillery of power Dhundhather has. Being a misty animal-like apparition, the markings on its body begin to glow brightly with the selected gem color if it is on alert. Its spine and tail are adorned with jewels. Dhundhather itself does not seem to particularly show much emotion, being a rather poised Pokemon to encounter. Its regal like aura prevents other Pokemon from trying to attack it or steal the jewels on its back.
Don - Ferfuego (The Compassionate Pokemon)
Derived from fervent, displaying a strong passion, and fuego, the Spanish term for fire. (Literally means like “flames of passion.”)
Ferfuego is a Legendary Pokémon that has supposedly existed for over a millennium. History speaks of it preventing a series of world endangering events at the hands of human conflict and corruption. A tale that is often quoted said that when two forces were at odds with each other with hours remaining before a catastrophic war could be put into motion, a mighty chirrup was heard from the sky, from which Ferfuego fluttered down to the Earth for the first time. It radiated an aura of such intensity and compassion that it caused the congregation of fighters to weep uncontrollably.
Ferfuego is depicted as extremely loving and beloved by all living things. The few times Ferfuego was in battle, if it lost, though it would be upset for a while, would ultimately move on and strive to perform better. It is said to emerge in times of need, when humans become hostile towards other humans or other lifeforms such as Pokemon. As such, it has not been seen in decades. Its well cared for and vibrant plumage, while tempting to feel, is rather hot. Although Ferfuego is known to be very compassionate, breaking its heart has been observed to come with dire consequences. There was only one such occurrence in history where the effects of Ferfuego’s presence did not prevent a tragedy. In the end of such period, it is said that the Pokemon scorched the entirety of the settlement it took place in.
Aran - Gabbra (Buck Forme) (The Feared Pokemon)
Derived from gabhar, the Irish term for goat, and umbra, meaning the inner dark part of a shadow. A Dark and Fairy type.
Gabbra prances about the lands in search of trouble to cause. You will know when a Gabbra is near when you hear the chattering of its teeth, like chilling laughter. It takes a liking to frequenting hilly areas, targeting plantations and their farmers. Once it spots a plot of land, it will trample and uproot the crops, leaving it for the farmers to find. The soil Gabbra steps on allegedly becomes infertile, turning a desaturated hue and hardening like stone. Farmers have been forced to abandon from their old homes both in search of a new plantation and in fear of Gabbra attacking them, as there have been stories about the Pokemon doing so before in the dead of night.
This Pokemon always wears a smile on its face no matter the situation. It can also appear as other animal-like apparitions, altering its appearance for the sake of assisting itself in its mischievous agenda. Most commonly, it is seen in its Buck Forme. Beware a face-to-face encounter with Gabbra. If you have valuables on you, it will steal it and try to lure you into chasing it to get it back. Its arguably favorite thing to steal are Pokeballs. As such, Trainers who live in such areas where Gabbras roam are advised to stay away from the wooded areas, and if they need to go outside, to release a Pokemon from its Pokeball and take it with them.
Gabbra has 3 other forms: Jack Forme (a hare), Tom Forme (a cat), and Stal Forme (a horse). It is rumored to have an evolution, but none have been able to confirm this.
Soda - Slushzver (The Saccharine Pokemon)
Derived from slush, the term for slightly melted snow, and zver, Russian for beast. An Ice/Poison type.
Slushzver lives in the cold regions of the world. This Pokemon is made of a hardened material comparable to that of crushed ice used for slushies, one that requires the frigid conditions to properly flourish. It spends most of its day to day in solitude, as its large stature greatly frightens most that encounter it. The times that it emerges, it spends it helping those that have been trapped by the harsh elements of the cold, often digging lost Trainers and their Pokemon out of the deep snow.
Should any Pokemon decide to try and harm Slushzver, it has a defense mechanism: when attacked, this Pokemon will partially melt the part of its body being targeted. A chunk of its flesh easily comes off into a Pokémon’s mouth, or on its hand. The Pokemon will feel compelled to swallow it thanks to the sweet scent it gives off. However, this substance is extremely toxic: once it is ingested, the aggressor Pokemon will perish, bombarded with an overly sweet taste in their throat and their insides being frozen over.
Bull - Bruhaya (The Ruthless Pokemon)
(pronounced “brooh-hai-ya” lol)
Derived from brutish, and hayalet, Turkish for phantom. A Fighting/Ghost type.
Bruhaya is the reincarnation of a human who died long ago in a tragic event. This Pokemon is forever plagued with an intense rage, rising from the ground every night in restlessness. It is drawn to strong negative emotions, especially vengeance and grief. As such, Bruhaya may be spotted in places of tragic occurrences and graveyards. Its presence instills a horrible sense of dread into any near it. Despite its anger, Bruhaya does not attack unless provoked, seeing no need to commit unnecessary violence.
Bruhaya possesses fearsome horns on its head which it uses to fight. Once it is aggravated, it loses any sense of control and won’t stop its onslaught of attacks until it has violently ravaged its opponent. When wandering, any human or Pokemon that looks into its eye is immediately paralyzed with horrifying hallucinations, and is unable to move until Bruhaya retreats at sunrise.
However, it is said that Bruhaya has been spotted interacting peacefully with other Ghost Pokemon. It seems to feel a connection to them.
Macho - Peladraco (The Champion Pokemon)
Derived from pelagic, anything to do with the open sea, and draco, a word meaning dragon. (So basically, sea dragon)
Peladraco is a Legendary Pokemon revered for its countless victories in battle, as it has never once lost to any foe. It rides on sea currents at high speeds, using the motion to propel itself out of the water in order to fly. Once in the air, the scale-like markings on its body shimmer brightly in the light of the elements to bewilder its opponent. It is able to strike most foes down with a single, fierce blast of water from its mouth. Once its foe is defeated, Peladraco has been witnessed repeatedly emerging and submerging from the sea, doing various tricks while making a high pitched cry to celebrate its victory.
Peladraco seems to be acutely aware of its immense power, and even appears to be rather cocky. Its confidence in its power has even led it to stop mid-battle to taunt its opponent while leaving itself completely open to harm. Expectedly, this has led to Peledraco more than occasionally giving its opponents a free hit. This angers the Pokemon, who immediately dives back into the sea only to launch itself back out and spear directly into its foe, more often than not sending them and itself crashing into the water. Or also, sometimes, impale them with the sharp protrusions from its head.
However, it seems that Peledraco may have a lurking foe awaiting a rematch.
Sandman - Yanmare (Crib Forme) (The Vengeful Pokemon)
Derived from yawn, in this case meaning expansive or deep, and mare from nightmare. (Basically deep nightmares.) A Ground/Ghost type.
Yanmare is a dreaded Legendary Pokémon that has not been seen in decades much like Ferfuego. Once a prodigal hero-like Pokemon of immense power and adoration, it held the title of being undefeated with great pride. It was flattered when people dreamt about it, as it could tell when they were. The sand that fell from its body was said to bring restful sleep to those that spread it on their pillows. All this was until it fought a fierce and extensive battle with the challenging Peladraco before being defeated. After that day, no one had seen the Pokemon until long afterwards. And something was deeply, deeply wrong.
The loss against Peladraco brought Yanmare unspeakable amounts of anger that slowly boiled within it over a period of time as it watched them find its new idolized Pokemon. Trainers and all others forgot about it overtime, until the only one they admired was Peladraco. This anger eventually overflowed and caused its form to morph from it, developing into its Terror Forme. It emerged into the place it was once known, and caused a string of hysteria, which started from it tormenting a Pokemon professor to the point of near death with its horrid screeching and loud rattling noises of its cage-like container.
This Pokemon makes anyone it sees asleep have vivid nightmares of failing in their lives, most often at their greatest aspiration. A handful of Trainers have quit pursuing success as the nightmares were too intense, leaving them uncertain and afraid.
Mac - Minicidae (The Headstrong Pokemon)
Derived from mini and cercophithecidae, the scientific name for monkey. A Normal/Grass Mythical Pokemon.
Minicidae’s existence was questioned by much of the world even in ancient times, as it had only been sighted once scaling up a massive cliff side. In modern times, it had become a sort of urban legend as some had been able to supply a few blurry but decently readable photos of this Pokemon. It had been seen quickly swinging through trees in deep rainforests and battling Pokemon much larger than itself.
Minicidae is said to be extremely tough despite its lacking stature. It would fight those who seemed impossible for it to beat and actually put up an amazing fight. Seeking to grow bigger and stronger than it already is appears to be this Pokémon’s main goal. Though it looked to be training its arms so it could swing high into the air. Its reason for wanting to do this is unknown.
However, Minicidae was fully proven to exist when it was captured by Yanmare. It encountered the Legendary Pokemon when it was well above the stratosphere. Threatened by it, Minicidae attempted to stand its ground. However, Yanmare’s new form quickly ensnared the Pokemon in its trap, causing Minicidae to undergo a frightening transformation where its body became overrun with shadows, turning it into a wispy, black creature. It rattles the bars of the cage its in, screeching for help that will never seem to come.
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blue-disco-lights · 1 year
✨Gallacrafts: Throwback Theme ✨
For the @gallacrafts second anniversary project, I was so lucky to get to work with the talented @grumble-fish - who created this ✨gorgeous art ✨
“Stargazing” is our theme, and we thought it would make an amazing picnic blanket. 💜
I wrote an accompanying drabble to set the scene….
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The lavender expanse of sky is littered with a million flecks of light.
These days, Mickey has no problem blurting out how he feels to his husband.
But at the moment… he’s speechless.
They’d made a promise to each other on their wedding night. Leave Chicago twice a year.
Destination: anywhere. As far as the Pacific Ocean, or as close as the next town over.
This freedom of mobility, time and space; the power to decide where and when.
So much of that taken from them early on. The joy of reclaiming it now, with a road trip, camping gear, hot coffee, and a view.
Ian had fought a smile when Mickey first suggested it. An unconscious throwback to a hot summer night; fresh-cut grass, cheap beer, falling in love under a big star-less sky.
Mickey finally finds his words again, turns to Ian, and says:
“We never get a view like this on the South Side. Wanna spread a blanket out and look for shooting stars?”
They were finally free.
The assignment!
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1863-project · 1 year
NJ Transit 40th Anniversary Weekend Extravaganza!
Pay your engineers and give them a contract.
Okay, now that that's out of the way...
This weekend I got to spend some time with my dad aboard NJT's 40th Anniversary Express, a special train they put together in conjunction with the United Railroad Historical Society of New Jersey to commemorate 40 years of NJT's rail service. Normally I'd have just been content to watch, but they hooked me with a GG1 reference so naturally I had to go because I will do anything for a GG1.
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The URHS of NJ loaned the Hickory Creek out for the event, along with a few other passenger cars they own. It was weird to see it at Penn Station instead of in Grand Central Terminal, but they still rolled out the red carpet for it as if it was attached to the 20th Century Limited. (This is where we get the phrase "red carpet treatment" from, by the way. It has nothing to do with Hollywood and everything to do with one crack passenger express train.)
I did not ride in the Hickory Creek itself because I do not have that sort of money, but Dad and I were in the Tavern Lounge No. 43, another New York Central car. It was a lovely ride.
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The highlight of the trip was in South Amboy. Historically, electrification of the North Jersey Coast Line ended here. Today, it ends in Long Branch. Here's where the GG1s come in. There would be an engine change at South Amboy. The GG1s, electric locomotives, would be switched out for other locomotives to go further south. It was steam at first, and sadly became diesel later. Yesterday, they recreated this engine switch for us, complete with an NJT heritage unit painted to look like a GG1. This is the closest I'll likely get to seeing one running within my lifetime, so I'll cherish it.
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The engine change. NJT 4636 stood in for my beloved GG1s, and two of the first locomotives built for NJ Transit, a pair of F40-PH2s (4119 and 4120), took over. You rarely see the latter in passenger service these days because they usually pull work trains, but they're the last two members of their class in NJT service.
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Much to everyone's delight, we got to watch some brakeman work in action, because they manually flipped the switches. Note the heavy-duty gloves the conductor is wearing for this purpose.
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It takes quite a bit of setup...
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All clear!
Once the locomotives were swapped, we all boarded again and went on down to Bay Head. Since it was cold and rainy out, a few of us had some hot chocolate, which hit the spot and was incredibly wonderful.
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Eventually, we made it to Bay Head. This is how I found out the president of NJ Transit was on the train with us, because the NJT engineers are ready to strike because there's no contract right now, and a group of them were protesting down at Bay Head because they knew he'd have to see them. Excellent move.
At Bay Head, we got to go around the loop in Bay Head Yard, something passengers don't normally get to do.
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So we had views that most people don't get to have, and that was really cool.
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At Bay Head, they fed us and gave us NJT swag. There were also some vintage buses from Public Service there, which was great because nobody stopped me from getting into the driver's seat of them.
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My right hand is on the gearshift in this photo - it was huge and came out of the floor. Neither bus had power steering - that's a relatively new feature in motor vehicles.
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I can and will attempt to drive anything.
Back to trains - after lunch, everyone got back aboard and the 40th Anniversary Express made its way back up north to Newark Penn Station. Whilst we were at Newark, we were allowed to get out and take some photos, so I investigated the staff car and was delighted to see that it had a conference table with a PRR K4 pictured above it.
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You know me, I love my 4-6-2 Pacifics.
Eventually, the train came into Hoboken Terminal, and that was the end of day one.
Today, the entire heritage fleet was on display at Hoboken Terminal, so I made my way back for more photos.
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I love GG1s and wanted to thank my new friend for giving me the opportunity to come so close to that experience yesterday.
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4101 and 4109 are the surviving sisters of NJT 4100, a locomotive I'm rather attached to. It was nice to get good photos of them instead of the ones I usually have to snap through the window when I'm actually out on the rails!
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Erie-Lackawanna 3372 is a labor of love for the URHS of NJ. They've done a beautiful job restoring her so far, but there's still a lot of work left to do.
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The thing that really did me in was this old Pennsy diesel here, an E8A numbered 5711. She's in incredible condition for something built in 1952, and they had a cast of an old Penn Station eagle next to her, too, just to break my heart into a million pieces because I'll never be over what happened to Penn Station.
In all, I had an amazing weekend, and NJT and the URHS of NJ knocked it out of the park with this. It was just wonderful to be surrounded by other railfans for a couple of days.
Some other highlights:
Talked about trains the entire ride with the folks in our car. At one point we all got to sharing cat photos. An older couple had a cat named Lake, short for Lake Shore Limited. I cannot tell you how much that delighted me.
I love being around other railfans. It's one of the rare places I can be myself, since there's inevitably going to be a lot of other autistic people there besides me so I don't have to mask. I cannot even begin to articulate what it means to me to be in a place where I don't have to mask.
The hobby has actually changed a lot since I was a little kid - and in a good way. I wasn't the only woman there, for one. I was still greatly outnumbered gender-wise, but there are a lot more women in the hobby now, and it's also a lot more racially diverse than it was back then. Additionally, I saw a LOT of young people - it's going strong! It doesn't feel like it's being gatekept by the old white men anymore. It's really wonderful. Trains are for everyone. They always were, but now you can visibly see it.
When we were on the platform at South Amboy getting set up to take photos, someone yelled "Everybody smile!" behind me and I nearly died. Because, you know:
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Whoever you are, give me your phone number.
As a final addendum, of course I brought them with me, as per usual when I go out to do railroading stuff. Here they are seated in Tavern Lounge 43!
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This was just an absolute banger of a weekend and I hope more events like this happen because it's so fun to engage with history hands-on and see other people who care about it as much as you do. It's the best! Perfect!
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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IMAGES: USAF F-35 jets are the first 5ª generation fighters to land on the ally Brunei
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 05/03/2024 - 23:55in Military
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) F-35A fighters paid a visit to Brunei on March 1º, the first time that fifth-generation stealth jets landed in the small Pacific island nation.
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Two F-35s made the journey from Eielson Air Base, Alaska, to Rimba Air Base, Brunei, a visit that coincided with a diplomatic visit by the Deputy Deputy Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, Jedidiah Royal. The trip was also made by Major General Mark Weber, assistant to the National Air Guard of the PACAF commander.
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Members of the Royal Air Force of Brunei, including Commander Brig. General Dato Sharif saw the aircraft, which was on static display, and asked the USAF aviators questions. The aircraft left for its return flight on March 2.
The F-35 visit took place 40 years after the U.S. officially recognized Brunei, after its independence from the United Kingdom, which took control after World War II, when the nation was occupied by Japanese imperial forces. The visit takes place at a time when the United States intends to strengthen cooperation with a wide range of allies in the Indo-Pacific.
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Brunei and the U.S. signed a memorandum of understanding on defense cooperation in 1994 and have been conducting joint exercises regularly since then. The air forces of the two countries worked together in September 2023 as part of exercise Pacific Angel 23-3, focused on humanitarian assistance and humanitarian aid in disasters. As part of this exercise, the U.S. Air Force unfolded an HC130-J Combat King II, an HH-60G Pave Hawk and a C-17 Globemaster III to Brunei.
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— PACAF (@PACAF) March 4, 2024
In December 2023, the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command received Brunei officials for bilateral talks that included the signing of a "Section 505 agreement," a prerequisite for the granting of military training or equipment to a foreign nation.
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Although it has only 5,765 square kilometers - a little smaller than the state of Delaware in the USA - Brunei claims a slice of the South China Sea that is less than 1,600 kilometers from China. As China is its largest trading partner and foreign investor, according to the U.S. Peace Institute, Brunei has sought to "protect" its dependence on China by building a stronger relationship with the U.S., wrote researcher Sufrizul Husseini.
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However, in the growing competition of great powers between the two, the U.S. wants to build ties with countries throughout the region and has used the visits of USAF fighters and bombers as one of the ways to demonstrate its commitment to the allies.
Just a year ago, for example, the U.S. Air Force F-22s were sent to the Philippines, becoming the first fifth-generation fighters in that country. In April, two B-1B Lancers bombers participated for the first time in an exercise with the Indian Air Force. And in June, a B-52 landed in Indonesia, another novelty. And in October, a B-52 landed in South Korea, the first landing of its kind in more than 30 years.
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These strategic visits send a message about security cooperation and partnership aimed at deterring China from risking a broader conflict through expansion into neighboring territories.
Photos: USAF / Tech. Sgt. Eric Summers Jr.
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IIUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air ForceWar Zones - Indo-Asia-Pacific
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
The Saudis had infuriated the US last year by siding with Russia to cut oil production in a move that Biden feared would spike domestic inflation. Biden told Saudi Arabia there would be "consequences" for their decision, echoing campaign trail rhetoric in which he had pledged to make the crown prince a "pariah" over the assassination of dissident Jamal al-Khashoggi. But Crown Prince Mohammed's decision to draw closer to China, the US' arch global rival, has shifted attitudes in Washington — and it looks like Biden has made a u-turn.
The US has replaced its threats with lucrative contracts for the crown prince as part of a high stakes power game being waged over dominance of the region. Biden last weekend dispatched his national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, to Saudi Arabia, for discussions with Saudi officials. He was the most prominent US official to visit the kingdom since Biden himself made the trip last summer. [...]
"For the Biden administration, challenging China's rising influence in the Middle East and other parts of the world is a high priority," Giorgio Cafiero, CEO of Washington DC based consultancy Gulf State Analytics told Insider. In an indication of the rapidly-shifting power dynamics in the region, Sullivan offered the Saudis lucrative infrastructure investment to improve links between railways and ports in Gulf states and India, one of the world's fastest growing economies and a geopolitical rival of China, reports say, [...]
According to The Wall Street Journal, the crown prince believes that by playing rival superpowers against each other, he'll be able to secure valuable concessions from the US in areas such as nuclear technology.
10 May 23
The current reality supports a framework for the ongoing, unprecedented alignment between India, Israel, and the Sunni Arab states (UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt) to balance the rising Eurasian powers of the region and prepare a US shift towards the Indo-Pacific. Two major obstacles were the Arab-Israeli conflict and the India-Pakistan conflict. As the world is drifting towards a multipolar system, pragmatism is prevailing and legacy relationships with no strategic purpose are running out of time — paving the way for the Abraham Accords in 2020 and more interest-based relations between India and Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt. [...]
Saudi Arabia and India established a Strategic Partnership Council in 2019 for cooperation in defense, security, counterterrorism, energy security, and renewable energy. Both sides aim to enhance overall defense cooperation by expanding military-to-military engagements, such as joint exercises, expert exchanges, and industry cooperation. The current robust relationship between Saudi Arabia and India signals a departure from Riyadh's longstanding strategy of leaning towards Pakistan in South Asia. This shift can be attributed to the pragmatic approaches adopted by the two largest economies in the region and their increasing global strategic and economic importance.
12 May 23
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Parker Lake, BC (No. 4)
In the early 1950s the first five acres were sold to locals, which marked the start of the community as a separate entity from the military. Oil and gas exploration in the early 1950s provided Fort Nelson with the industrial sector that it required to jump-start expansion of the community into what would eventually become the village of Fort Nelson in 1971. However, due to collapse in oil price in 2014, most gas fields and associated rigs have been shut down and put out of operation on an indefinite basis. After the completion of BC Hydro's natural gas power plant to provide electricity to the region, Fort Nelson experienced true growth. A railway was built by the Pacific Great Eastern Railway (BC Rail) up to Fort Nelson in 1971 which allowed efficient transportation of the local industry's major products (lumber, and gas) to larger markets in the south. The railway was left in abandoned state due to lack of use in the 2010s and was subsequently closed down. No facility has since been built to replace the railway to ship commodity to markets. Renewable energy company Peak Renewables is currently in negotiations with the provincial government and CN Rail to make improvements to the rail line as they develop their Pellet Plant in Fort Nelson.
Fort Nelson held its first annual Northern Lights Festival in March 2019. The community welcomed hundreds of international visitors to experience the northern British Columbia lifestyle. The festival included dog sled races, trips to Liard Hot Springs, northern lights viewing, indigenous handgames and cultural celebrations, concerts from celebrated Canadian musicians, and many other events.
Source: Wikipedia
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ralfmaximus · 2 years
When your nuclear submarine springs a small leak:
USS NAUTILUS experiences a small saltwater leak in one of the steam condensers shortly after leaving Groton, Conn., as the NAUTILUS heads south toward the Panama Canal to transit to the Pacific for her expedition to the North Pole. After passing through the Canal and experiencing a fire on May 4, 1958, the NAUTILUS puts into Mare Island Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, Calif., for repairs. However, the source of the leak cannot be pinpointed and the ship proceeds to Seattle, Wash. During the trip to Seattle, the captain decides to use the same type of additive that is sold for leaky car radiators to try to repair the leak in the condenser. Upon arriving in Seattle, 140 quarts are purchased and half are poured into the cooling system. The reactor plant is started and the leak is stopped.
70 quarts of this stuff:
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Note that this was not a jackass move, but the considered troubleshooting strategy of a nuclear engineer. Because in order to command a nuclear powered ship in the US Navy, you need a nuclear engineering degree.
He probably saved the Navy a few million bucks in repair bills.
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newstfionline · 9 months
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Officer Grinch gives speeding drivers in Florida a choice: a fine or an onion (Reuters) Officer “Grinch” was in a generous spirit in the days ahead of Christmas. Colonel Lou Caputo of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office donned the Grinch costume and worked with other deputies to pull over speeding drivers on the Florida Keys Overseas Highway at Key Largo. Those who were only a little over the speed limit were given a choice by Officer Grinch. “Because it is the holiday season, if they’re just going a few miles an hour over the speed limit what we’ll do, we’ll give you a choice of the citation or an onion,” said Caputo. As well as being handed an onion, offending drivers are given a lesson on slowing down. “Even though you’re hectic, it’s busy. Slow down. Let’s keep our kids safe throughout the holiday season,” he said.
Mexico launches coast-to-coast passenger and cargo railway (Reuters) Mexico on Friday launched operations on a train line that crosses the country’s narrowest point from the Gulf coast to the Pacific Ocean, kicking off a flagship government project as the administration enters its last months in office. The “Inter-Oceanic Train,” which will carry both passengers and cargo on a three-hour trip from the coastal hub of Coatzacoalcos in Veracruz state to the Pacific port of Salina Cruz, is part of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s plan to bring investment to the country’s poorer south. Officials have pitched the train line as a potential rival to the Panama Canal, which curbed operations this year due to a historic drought.
Volcano eruption dashes Iceland families’ Christmas hopes (Reuters) Families from the Icelandic town of Grindavik won’t be going home for Christmas this year even after the tremors from this week’s volcano eruption died down and the lava stopped a few miles short of their front doors. They were allowed back briefly on Thursday to collect presents and belongings and check on their properties. But authorities say it is still too dangerous for the fishing town’s 4,000 residents to move back full time.
Russia Makes Small Battlefield Gains, Increasing Pressure on Ukraine (NYT) Russian forces have scored small territorial gains along Ukraine’s eastern front in recent weeks, using their manpower advantage in grueling battles and prompting the Ukrainian authorities to consider a push to mobilize up to 500,000 soldiers to sustain the exhausting fight next year. The chief of Ukraine’s military intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, said this week that he saw no alternative to a large-scale mobilization to make up for Ukraine’s losses. And President Volodymyr Zelensky said his army chiefs had asked him to mobilize 450,000 to 500,000 men. “This is a serious number,” Mr. Zelensky said at a news conference on Tuesday, adding that a plan still had to be drawn up before he could make a decision. Although many Ukrainians have yet to be drafted into the military, the authorities are reluctant to resort to mass conscription for fear of stirring up social tensions.
China's Henan province hit by shortage of winter heating after cold wave (Reuters) Several cities in the central Chinese province of Henan are facing a winter heating supply crunch after a cold wave swept through a swathe of areas, bringing blizzards and sending temperatures to near historic lows. Persistent cold snaps have put thermal power suppliers under strain in Jiaozuo, a city in Henan, with a breakdown of heating boilers in one of the major suppliers leaving some areas in urgent need of more heat supply. The city will suspend heat supply for most businesses except essential service providers such as hospitals and senior centres to prioritise residential heat usage. However, some residential compounds will still be affected during the device maintenance period, the media reports added.
U.N. Passes Resolution on Gaza Aid but Does Not Call for ‘Suspension of Hostilities’ (NYT) The United Nations Security Council on Friday adopted a resolution that would allow more aid to reach desperate civilians in the Gaza Strip, ending nearly a week of intense diplomatic wrangling intended to prevent the United States from blocking the measure. But the resolution stopped short of past attempts to impose a cease-fire. The vote was 13 to 0, with the United States and Russia abstaining. The resolution was adopted after diplomats repeatedly delayed the vote this week and reworked the measure in heated negotiations aimed at winning support from the United States, which previously vetoed two resolutions that called for a cease-fire in the war between Israel and Hamas. The measure did not impose a legally binding cease-fire and instead called for “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days to enable full, rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access.” It also dropped from earlier drafts demands for the “urgent suspension of hostilities,” replacing them with more watered-down language that recommended creating “the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities.”
A Times Investigation Tracked Israel’s Use of One of Its Most Destructive Bombs in South Gaza (NYT) During the first six weeks of the war in Gaza, Israel routinely used one of its biggest and most destructive bombs in areas it designated safe for civilians, according to an analysis of visual evidence by The New York Times. The video investigation focuses on the use of 2,000-pound bombs in an area of southern Gaza where Israel had ordered civilians to move for safety. While bombs of that size are used by several Western militaries, munitions experts say they are almost never dropped by U.S. forces in densely populated areas anymore. In response to questions about the bomb’s use in south Gaza, an Israeli military spokesman said in a statement to The Times that Israel’s priority was destroying Hamas and “questions of this kind will be looked into at a later stage.” The spokesman also said that the I.D.F. “takes feasible precautions to mitigate civilian harm.”
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mariacallous · 1 year
As much of the world was focused on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s high-profile visit to Moscow last month, it was lost to many observers that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was in Kyiv at the same time on an equally consequential visit. Making an unannounced trip to see Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Kishida offered Japan’s solid support.
Three themes immediately stood out from the simultaneous presence of Xi in Moscow and Kishida in Kyiv. First, it pointed to East Asia’s active and growing role in shaping European security, perhaps for the first time since the medieval Mongol invasions. If China joins Iran in more actively supporting Russia in Ukraine, it would have profound implications for the course of the war—and the map of Eastern Europe. South Korea has emerged as a major weapons supplier to Poland, which is transforming into NATO’s most important military frontline state. The presence of the so-called AP4 (Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea) at NATO meetings is becoming routine.
Second, Kishida underlined that China’s view of the war in Ukraine is not necessarily the view in the rest of Asia.
And third, the parallel visits exposed the hollowness of Xi’s claims to be a neutral peacemaker in Ukraine. Even as some European leaders, like French President Emmanuel Macron, have hailed Xi as Europe’s savior who can mediate an end to Russia’s war, Kishida’s meeting with Zelensky served to highlight the one-sided nature of Beijing’s so-called peace initiative in Ukraine.
Traveling to Ukraine seems to have given a bounce to Kishida’s sagging ratings at home, but it also underlines the definitive break from decades of Japanese passivity on the world stage. Although it was perhaps coincidental that Kishida found himself in Kyiv at the same moment that Xi was in Moscow, his trip to Ukraine illustrated Japan’s emergence as a geopolitical actor to be reckoned with.
To be sure, the remaking of Japan as a key power in the security sphere began under the late Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister who undertook the onerous task of getting Japan to rethink its role in Asia and the world and shake off the political shackles of the past. Abe made much progress on revamping Japan’s national security policies during his two tenures as prime minister, from 2006 to 2007 and from 2012 to 2020.
But few expected Kishida to build on Abe’s strategic legacy. Abe’s shoes were big to fill, and Kishida was widely viewed as weak. The Ukraine crisis, however, offered a huge opportunity that Kishida seized with both hands to radically reorient Japan. If Abe had to struggle to get his ideas accepted by the political class, Russia’s attack on Ukraine has heightened popular awareness of the fundamental changes in Japan’s security environment. That a major power armed with nuclear weapons could invade a neighbor with impunity, seeking to unilaterally change borders by force, shook Japan to the core. Kishida’s plans to double defense expenditure over the next five years; modernize the military to better deter North Korea, Russia, and China; and take on a larger regional security role have thus found less resistance.
Long viewed as passive and pacifist, Japanese foreign policy seemed to produce few strategic ideas of its own. Tokyo was happy to follow Washington’s lead while avoiding challenging Beijing. Over the last decade and a half, however, Japan has begun to develop new geopolitical approaches, promote them, and get them accepted by allies and partners.
None of Japan’s foreign-policy innovations are more important than the invention of “Indo-Pacific” as a geostrategic concept and the establishment of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (or Quad), both of which are now integral to Asian geopolitics. Abe first outlined both ideas in an address to the Indian Parliament in August 2007. It was one thing to frame new ideas in a speech—and entirely another to get others to see their merit.
The initial international response to both ideas was skepticism among Japan’s friends and outright hostility from Beijing. But Japan’s sheer persistence and a rising China’s growing assertiveness saw Tokyo’s Quad partners—Australia, India, and the United States—come around to accepting Abe’s ideas.
In late March, Kishida also traveled to India to offer an upgraded vision for the Indo-Pacific that outlined a range of ideas to strengthen the region’s security, and he presented a more ambitious Japanese contribution to realizing it. This includes joint military training, and cooperation on maritime security.
A third important innovation from Japan was to transcend the “hub and spokes” system that defined the postwar U.S.-led security order in Asia. While Japan attaches great significance to its bilateral alliance with the United States, it has recognized the importance of directly connecting the spokes. Japanese efforts to build bilateral strategic partnerships with other countries in the region complement Tokyo’s alliance with Washington and deepen the basis for regional security amid growing Chinese military power and diplomatic assertiveness, with its destabilizing impact on the region. The strongest of these new regional relationships are with Quad partners Australia and India, but ties to South Korea and the Philippines are strengthening as well.
A key goal of Japan’s regional strategy is to strengthen the defense infrastructure and capabilities of Indo-Pacific states. If the Abe administration sought to give Japan’s substantial overseas development assistance a strategic character, Kishida is now developing a framework for overseas security assistance. These new Japanese initiatives have full U.S. support, with Washington eager to see its allies and friends become stronger by collaborating with each other and making themselves more capable in coping with the challenge from Beijing.
Just as important as Japan’s role in developing a new security architecture for Asia are Tokyo’s efforts to tie Europe to the Asian security order. Similar to the way Abe’s Indo-Pacific concept imagined the strategic unity between the Indian and Pacific oceans, he also recognized the deep interconnection between security in Europe and Asia.
It was nearly five years ago that Abe was inviting Britain and France, Western Europe’s leading military powers, to contribute to Asian security. Abe understood that isolationist pressures on U.S. foreign policy—which became so visible during the presidency of Donald Trump—meant that Asia couldn’t rely solely on the United States for its future security. Abe looked beyond the region for further partners to manage Indo-Pacific security challenges.
Since then, many European powers, including France, Britain, Germany, and the Netherlands, have outlined Indo-Pacific strategies. The 2022 U.S. National Security Strategy issued by the Biden administration also underlines the need for allies and partners in Europe and Asia to work together.
One of Abe’s last acts before his life was cut short by an assassin was to raise the question of Washington’s extended deterrence in Asia and to call for a debate on deploying U.S. nuclear weapons in the region. So far, Kishida has rejected nuclear sharing with the United States, and he has repeated the Japanese commitment to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation. But the issue of a U.S. nuclear security commitment to Asia is unlikely to go away as China continues to modernize and expand its nuclear arsenal.
Underlying Japan’s new security vision is a clear recognition of the Chinese threat to Asia. Unlike many of its European peers who were or still are unwilling to come to terms with Russia’s or China’s aggressively revisionist ambitions, Tokyo has not let its massive economic exposure to Beijing get in the way of dealing with it. Proximity surely helped Tokyo perceive the problem clearly, but Japan had to overcome the inevitable constraints presented by the dangers of sharing a contested maritime frontier with China.
Equally significant has been Japan’s decision to highlight the implications of Russian aggression against Ukraine. In arguing that “Ukraine is the future of Asia,” Kishida has pressed Japan and Asia to see the implications of a nuclear-armed power unilaterally changing the territorial status quo.
With its increasingly clear-eyed security policies, Japan is reminding the West—especially Europe, which had become geopolitically complacent in the decades after the Cold War—that coping with the challenges presented by China and Russia demands greater discipline. This includes a much needed strategic outreach to the global south, where Kishida has called on other G-7 countries to do more to address developing countries’ own concerns and priorities instead of projecting Western policies and preaching to them about how to run their affairs.
As it rises to become a major geopolitical actor in Asia and the world, Japan has become the unlikely actor persuading the West to rethink its strategic assumptions. As France’s Macron and other European leaders struggle to come to terms with the challenges presented by Russia and China, Japan has injected a much-needed sense of clarity to the strategic discourse in Europe and Asia.
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As promised threatened... @yeet-didnt-start-the-fire (lol I've had bourbon and I started trying to tag you with your old username)
Reminiscing (Alternatively: Scent Is A Powerful Trigger)
"What scent is this?"
"Bay rum," I answer, matter-of-factly.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes...reminds me of our time in the South Pacific."
It kinda did for me, too, with its mix of citrus, musk, and spice. Although there'd been some drama on the trip, some of which being my own with adjusting to my job as well as being with him, overall I held many good memories of those nine months.
"Yeah that was a good time." I smile.
"Especially once you finally calmed down. Then we certainly did have a pleasure cruise."
"Dude everyone wanted to bang me! Like...I got eye-fucked every time I went into the wardroom, right in front of my pint. Nearly had to yell 'do not perceive me' at them. I'm not even that hot!"
He laughs. "It was hilarious seeing you get awkward about it."
"I can't believe I did half that shit, especially with the CO," I admit. It was the most extroverted I'd been in the streets and in the sheets. "Was some of the best sex we've had though."
"Mmm it was, yes." There's a hint of arousal in his voice, and my suspicion is proved correct as I feel him getting hard against my thigh. "You were quite the lay. Still are, actually." He starts nibbling on my ear as his hand wanders, sliding over my chest and briefly teasing my right nipple (nerve issues sometimes are a blessing; that one's hella sensitive), before finally settling around my dick.
"Hang on," I say quietly, "let get the grease..." I reach over and grab the bottle of lube from my bedside table, and squeeze some directly onto myself, because there's no point in making unnecessary mess with my hand. Sir smiles at me, clearly approving of my efficiency. I sigh as he works to get me hard, the warmth of his hand and the slickness combining to make an arousing yet relaxing sensation. As the tingling gets more intense, I reach down and wrap my hand around him, and give him a gentle squeeze, the resulting sound he makes gets my dick to twitch.
"I still can't get over how big you are," I tell him with a smile on my face.
"I can't get over how...you're such a bloody tease," he says, a bit breathless, as he rolls on top of me, both of us gasping at the feeling of our cocks making contact. He kisses me, a bit rough yet passionate, as he starts working his hips, grinding against me with te occasional circling motion.
"I liked watching you do this on tour, with the commanding officer." A slight tone of embarrassment is in his voice, sharing such information being new to him.
"I liked you watching...and I loved sucking you while I did it." Knowing how much I turn him on, and how much he's also grown in this relationship, has me with a near constant grin.
"Christ you're such a slut for me." He quickens his pace.
"And you love it."
His breathing quickens, unusual within such a short time given his stamina. Sir lays down against me, and I wrap my arms around him, relishing in the motion of his hips and the comfort of his weight on me. He becomes more vocal, his movements slightly more erratic. I drag my nails down his back ever so slightly, enough for him to feel it but not enough to leave marks.
"Don't stop," I whisper in his ear as I enclose both my hands around us, gently squeezing at random.
Sir promptly extends his arms so he's now hovering over me, his eyes piercing with an almost feral level of arousal. That alone sends me over the edge, and I do my best to hold his gaze as my climax hits me.
"Yes siiirrrr," I moan, titling my head back, knowing the effect that has on him.
"Fuck," he gasps, before sitting up and shooting onto my stomach, his vocalizations becoming louder as stroke him through his orgasm.
"Wow, that's hot. You should cum on me more often." I sit up and kiss him gently.
"For someone with anxiety you're a right kinky bastard," he chuckles.
"Huh, I wonder who made me that way?"
"What it is you say, 'no ragrets'?"
I smile at him and kiss him again. "None at all."
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swldx · 21 days
RNZ Pacific 1109 3 Sep 2024
9700Khz 1058 3 SEP 2024- RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 55333. English, s/on w/bellbird int. until pips and news @1100z anchored by Koroi Hawkins. § The Papua New Guinea parliament is sitting this week and top of the agenda is again the plan by the opposition to try and remove Prime Minister James Marape. A series of efforts by the opposition to bring a vote of no confidence so far this year have come to nothing and Marape said he has the numbers to avoid removal. Last week, he said he was "relaxed" and "confident" at the possibility of being ousted. The opposition is yet to name its alternate for the prime ministership. § The Pacific Islands Forum has submitted to China's demand to remove the mention of Taiwan from the final communique of the leaders' summit that concluded in Tonga this week. Kiribati wants to see consequences for whoever is behind the Taiwan communique bungle, after Beijing's special envoy to the region cried foul at the inclusion of Taipei in the outcomes document. § The Cook Islands are trying to legally license the starlink internet connectivity. § Over 200 members of the Samoan community in Aotearoa gathered at Le Maota o Samoa last week in South Auckland's Mangere to discuss the citizenship bill. They shared their views with Acting Prime Minister Vaovasamanaia Winston Peters and the NZ First Party to ensure Green MP Teanau Tuiono's bill to restore the citizenship of Samoans that was removed by the Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act 1982 bill will go through the second and third reading. § A Samoan coroner has ordered an inquest into the tragic death of the 47-year-old linesman who was electrocuted while working on a power pole in July and succumbed to his injuries on 3 August 2024. The incident wasn't properly reported to authorities. § Pope Francis lands in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, kicking off a historic trip to the Asia Pacific region. He will also travel to Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste and Singapore as part of his visit, which is expected to focus on inter-religious harmony. The 12-day trip will mark the longest time the pontiff has spent away from the Vatican. § Russian President Putin arrived in Mongolia Monday evening without incident, despite the host country being legally obligated to arrest him on an International Criminal Court warrant. § Sports. @1108z "Pacific Waves" anchored by female announcer. Cancer rates around Guam epidemic levels due to American nuclear weapon tests post WWII. Backyard fence antenna, JRC NRD-535D. 100kW, beamAz 325°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0558.
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newsmarketreports · 28 days
Japan Tourism Source Market Analysis: Trends, Insights, and Future Prospects
Japan’s tourism industry, renowned for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and advanced technology, has always been a major player in the global tourism market. The recent shifts in travel behaviors, coupled with economic and social factors, have significantly impacted Japan as both a source and a destination market. In this article, we delve into a comprehensive analysis of Japan’s tourism source market, exploring the trends, key drivers, and future prospects.
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Overview of Japan as a Tourism Source Market
Japan, with its affluent population and high standard of living, is one of the world's most significant tourism source markets. Japanese tourists are known for their preference for quality experiences, cultural exploration, and shopping, making them a valuable demographic for global tourism destinations. The tourism trends from Japan are influenced by various factors, including economic conditions, cultural interests, and evolving travel preferences.
Key Drivers of Outbound Tourism from Japan
1. Economic Stability and Affluence
Japan’s strong economy and high per capita income are major drivers of outbound tourism. The country’s affluent middle and upper classes have the financial capacity to travel frequently and spend generously, making Japan a lucrative source market for global tourism destinations. The stability of the yen also plays a crucial role in maintaining the purchasing power of Japanese tourists abroad.
2. Cultural Interests and Global Exploration
Japanese travelers have a profound interest in exploring different cultures and experiencing new destinations. This cultural curiosity drives Japanese tourists to seek out unique experiences in foreign lands, from historical sites in Europe to natural wonders in South America. The emphasis on cultural enrichment often leads Japanese tourists to participate in guided tours and educational travel experiences.
3. Demographic Factors and Travel Preferences
Japan’s aging population is a significant factor shaping its tourism source market. The older demographic, with more disposable income and time, tends to prefer longer, more leisurely trips. In contrast, younger generations are increasingly seeking adventure travel, eco-tourism, and off-the-beaten-path destinations. Understanding these demographic preferences is crucial for tourism operators targeting Japanese travelers.
Challenges Facing Japan’s Outbound Tourism
1. Economic Fluctuations and Consumer Confidence
While Japan’s economy is generally stable, it is not immune to global economic fluctuations. Economic downturns can lead to decreased consumer confidence, which in turn affects discretionary spending on travel. The recent impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is a prime example of how external economic shocks can temporarily reduce outbound travel from Japan.
2. Health and Safety Concerns
Health and safety are paramount concerns for Japanese tourists. The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened awareness around travel safety, leading to increased demand for destinations that prioritize hygiene and offer comprehensive health measures. This shift in consumer priorities may influence the future patterns of outbound travel from Japan.
3. Environmental and Sustainability Considerations
Japanese consumers are increasingly conscious of environmental issues and sustainability. This awareness is influencing their travel choices, with a growing preference for eco-friendly destinations and sustainable travel practices. Destinations that align with these values are likely to attract more Japanese tourists in the coming years.
Popular Destinations for Japanese Tourists
1. Asia-Pacific Region
The Asia-Pacific region remains the most popular destination for Japanese tourists due to its proximity, cultural affinity, and diverse attractions. Countries such as South Korea, China, and Thailand are top choices, offering a blend of cultural experiences, shopping opportunities, and culinary delights. The region’s accessibility and frequent flight connections also make it a convenient choice for Japanese travelers.
2. Europe
Europe is another favored destination for Japanese tourists, particularly for those interested in history, art, and architecture. Countries like France, Italy, and the United Kingdom are popular, offering a rich tapestry of cultural experiences and world-renowned landmarks. Japanese travelers often partake in multi-country tours, taking advantage of Europe’s well-connected transport network.
3. North America
The United States and Canada attract a significant number of Japanese tourists, especially to major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Vancouver. The appeal of these destinations lies in their vibrant urban culture, shopping, and entertainment options. Additionally, Japanese tourists are drawn to natural attractions such as the Grand Canyon and the Canadian Rockies.
Future Prospects and Growth Opportunities
1. Rise of Digital Nomadism and Remote Work
The shift towards remote work and digital nomadism presents new opportunities for Japan’s outbound tourism market. As more Japanese professionals embrace flexible work arrangements, there is potential for longer stays abroad, combining work and leisure. Destinations that cater to this trend by offering coworking spaces and reliable internet connectivity are likely to attract this emerging segment of Japanese travelers.
2. Sustainable and Responsible Travel
As environmental concerns take center stage, the demand for sustainable and responsible travel is expected to grow among Japanese tourists. Destinations that promote eco-friendly practices, conservation efforts, and community-based tourism will likely see an increase in visitors from Japan. This trend aligns with the broader global movement towards sustainability in travel and tourism.
3. Technological Advancements in Travel
Japan’s tech-savvy population is keen on adopting new technologies that enhance travel experiences. The use of travel apps, virtual reality tours, and AI-powered travel planning tools is becoming increasingly popular among Japanese tourists. Destinations and travel operators that leverage technology to offer personalized and seamless experiences will be well-positioned to capture the Japanese market.
Japan’s tourism source market is characterized by a high-spending, culturally curious, and environmentally conscious population. Despite challenges such as economic fluctuations and health concerns, the market presents significant opportunities for growth, particularly in the areas of sustainable travel and digital nomadism. As the global tourism industry continues to evolve, destinations that understand and cater to the unique preferences of Japanese travelers will be best positioned to attract this valuable market.
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vancouverescapes · 2 months
Rest and Relaxation: Ucluelet’s Best Vacation Rentals with Sauna Access
Ucluelet, a picturesque town on Vancouver Island's west coast, offers more than just stunning natural beauty. It's an ideal destination for those seeking a blend of outdoor adventure and serene relaxation. Choosing a vacation rental with sauna access in Ucluelet enhances your stay, providing the perfect way to unwind after a day of exploration.
Why Choose Ucluelet?
Ucluelet’s allure lies in its diverse range of experiences and natural wonders. From dramatic coastlines to lush rainforests, this town is a gateway to some of the most breathtaking landscapes on Vancouver Island. The proximity to Pacific Rim National Park and the Wild Pacific Trail makes it a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Here, you can hike through old-growth forests, explore rugged shorelines, and witness the area's unique wildlife.
In addition to its natural beauty, Ucluelet offers a variety of activities that cater to different interests. Whether you’re interested in whale watching, fishing charters, or exploring local attractions like the Ucluelet Aquarium, there’s something for everyone. The nearby Broken Group Islands and Kennedy Lake provide opportunities for kayaking and scenic boat trips, while the area’s beaches are perfect for surfing or simply relaxing with an ocean view.
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Vacation Rentals with Sauna Access
A vacation rental with sauna access in Ucluelet offers the ultimate in relaxation. After a day of hiking the Willowbrae Trail or exploring nearby beaches, there's nothing quite like retreating to a cozy cabin with a sauna to soothe your muscles and unwind. These rentals often feature beautiful wooden designs, incorporating cedar, fir, and pine, which blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings.
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Many of these rentals are designed to offer a blend of comfort and luxury, with modern amenities that include new appliances and spacious living areas. The addition of a sauna enhances the relaxation experience, allowing you to indulge in a spa-like atmosphere without leaving your accommodation.
A recent guest shared their experience: "Very nice, upscale, comfortable condos with breathtaking views of the ocean. There was plenty of room for the four in my party. Will ask to stay in these condos on the next trip back."
Local Attractions and Activities
Ucluelet is not just about relaxation; it also offers a wealth of activities and attractions to fill your days. The town’s proximity to South Florencia Beach and Halfmoon Bay provides easy access to stunning coastal scenery. A short drive takes you to North Florencia Beach, ideal for surfing or simply enjoying the ocean view.
For those interested in winter storm watching, Ucluelet’s location near the Florencia Beach Trail offers one of the best vantage points to experience the power of Pacific storms. The local area also features spa and massage services, including cold plunge options, to complement the sauna experience.
When it comes to dining, Ucluelet offers a range of excellent restaurants serving fresh, local seafood. For a special treat, consider visiting the town’s renowned eateries where you can savor the flavors of the region.
Accessibility and Convenience
Getting to Ucluelet is straightforward. It’s a 35-minute drive from Tofino or a 25-minute flight from Vancouver to Tofino, followed by a short drive to the town. Despite its proximity to busy Tofino, Ucluelet maintains a quieter, more relaxed atmosphere, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a peaceful retreat.
Many vacation rentals in Ucluelet are single-story, allowing for easy access and convenient parking right next to your cabin. This setup ensures a comfortable and hassle-free stay, so you can focus on enjoying your vacation.
Ucluelet’s vacation rentals with sauna access offer a perfect blend of nature and comfort. Whether you’re hiking through stunning landscapes, exploring local attractions, or simply relaxing in your well-appointed rental, Ucluelet provides a memorable and rejuvenating escape.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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A P-38 Pilot Describes the Attack on Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
P-38 pilot Roger Ames participated in the shooting down of Japan’s most important admiral.
This article appears in: Fall 2012
By Robert F. Dorr
When American air ace Major John Mitchell led 16 Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighters on the longest combat mission yet flown (420 miles) on April 18, 1943, Mitchell’s target was Isoroku Yamamoto, the Japanese admiral considered the architect of the Pearl Harbor attack.
Mitchell’s P-38 pilots, using secrets from broken Japanese codes, were going after Yamamoto, the poker-playing, Harvard-educated naval genius of Japan’s war effort. Mitchell’s P-38s intercepted and shot down the Mitsubishi G4M “Betty” bomber carrying Yamamoto. After the admiral’s death, Japan never again won a major battle in the Pacific War.
No band of brothers ever worked together better than the men who planned, supported, and flew the Yamamoto mission. Yet, after the war, veterans fell to bickering over which P-38 pilot actually pulled the trigger on Yamamoto.
There was one thing they never disagreed on. Like most young pilots of their era, they believed the P-38 Lightning was the greatest fighter of its time.
Roger J. Ames (1919-2000) flew the Yamamoto mission. This first-person account by Ames was recorded by the author in 1998 and appeared in his 2007 book, Air Combat: A History of Fighter Pilots; it has never before appeared in a magazine.
Intercepting a Crucial Japanese Radio Message
The downing of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is arguably the most studied fighter engagement of the Pacific War. Yamamoto, 56, was commander in chief of the Japanese Combined Fleet and the architect of the Pearl Harbor attack. He called himself the sword of Japan’s Emperor Hirohito. He claimed he was going to ride down Pennsylvania Avenue on a white horse and dictate the surrender of the United States in the White House.
Yamamoto studied at Harvard (1919-1921), traveled around America, was twice naval attaché in Washington, D.C., and understood as much about the United States, including U.S. industrial power, as any Japanese leader. In April 1943, Yamamoto was trying to prevent the Allies from taking the offensive in the South Pacific and was visiting Japanese troops in the Bougainville area.
On the afternoon of April 17, 1943, Major John Mitchell, commander of the 339th Fighter Squadron, was ordered to report to our operations dugout at Henderson Field on Guadalcanal. The 1st Marine Division had captured the nearly completed field the previous summer and named it for Major Lofton Henderson, the first Marine pilot killed in action in World War II when his squadron engaged the Japanese fleet that was attacking Midway.
Now Mitchell found himself surrounded by high-ranking officers. They told him the United States had broken the Japanese code and had intercepted a radio message advising Japanese units in the area that Yamamoto was going on an inspection trip of the Bougainville area.
The message gave Yamamoto’s exact itinerary and pointed out that the admiral was most punctual. They told Mitchell that Frank Knox, secretary of the Navy, had held a midnight meeting with President Franklin D. Roosevelt regarding the intercepted message. It was decided that we would try to get Yamamoto if we could. The report of the meeting was probably inaccurate because Roosevelt was on a rail trip away from Washington, but the plan to get Yamamoto unquestionably began at the top.
Eighteen P-38s Selected For the Mission
The Navy would never have admitted it, but the Army’s P-38 was the only fighter with the range to make the approximately 1,100-mile round trip. We were under the command of the Navy at Guadalcanal, so you can bet they’d have taken the job if they were able.
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First Lieutenant Rex T. Barber, one of two Americans originally credited with shooting down Yamamoto. He later was given sole credit for the kill.
According to the intercepted message, Yamamoto and his senior officers were arriving at the tiny island of Ballale just off the coast of Bougainville at 9:45 the next morning. The message said that Yamamoto and his staff would be flying in Mitsubishi G4M “Betty” bombers, escorted by six Zeros. The Yamamoto trip was to include a visit to Shortland Island and Bougainville.
Mitchell was to be mission commander of 18 P-38s that would intercept, attack, and destroy the bombers. That’s all the P-38s we had in commission.
The Plan of Attack
Led by Mitchell, we planned the flight in excruciating detail. Nothing was left to chance. Yamamoto was to be at the Ballale airstrip just off Bougainville at 9:45 the next morning and we planned to intercept him 10 minutes earlier about 30 miles out. To ensure complete surprise, we planned a low level, circuitous route staying below the horizon from the islands we had to bypass, because the Japanese had radar and coastwatchers just as we did.
We plotted the course and timed it so that the interception would take place upon the approach of the P-38s to the southwestern coast of Bougainville at the designated time of 9:35 am. Each minute detail was discussed, and nothing was taken for granted. Takeoff procedure, flight course and altitude, radio silence, when to drop belly tanks, the tremendous importance of precise timing and the position of the covering element: all were discussed and explained until Mitchell was sure that each of his pilots knew his part and the parts of the other pilots from takeoff to return.
Mitchell chose pilots from the 12th, 70th, and 339th Fighter Squadrons. These were the only P-38 squadrons on Guadalcanal. The only belly tanks we had on Guadalcanal were 165-gallon tanks, so we had to send to Port Moresby for a supply of the larger 310-gallon tanks. We put one tank of each size on each plane. This gave us enough fuel to fly to the target area, stay in the area where we expected the admiral for about 15 minutes, fight, and come home. The larger fuel tanks were flown in that night, and ground crews worked all night getting them installed along with a Navy compass in Mitchell’s plane.
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Captain Tom Lanphier’s P-38 #122 Phoebe on Guadalcanal with the 339th Fighter Squadron. Lanphier was originally given credit for half a kill before investigations revealed that Barber was the sole marksman.
Four of our pilots were designated to act as the “killer section” with the remainder as their protection. Mitchell said that if he had known there were going to be two bombers in the flight he would have assigned more men to the killer section. The word for bomber and bombers is the same in Japanese. (Author’s note: Ames is incorrect on this point about the Japanese language).
Captain Thomas G. Lanphier, Jr., led the killer section. His wingman was 1st Lt. Rex T. Barber. 1st Lt. Besby F. “Frank” Holmes led the second element. His wingman was 1st Lt. Raymond K. Hine.
The cover section was led by Mitchell and included myself and 11 other pilots. Eight of the 16 pilots on the mission were from the 12th Fighter Squadron, which was my squadron.
Although 18 P-38s were scheduled to go on the mission, only 16 were able to participate because one plane blew a tire on the runway on takeoff and another’s belly tanks failed to feed properly.
“Bogeys! Eleven O’Clock, High!”
It was Palm Sunday, April 18, 1943. But since there were no religious holidays on Guadalcanal, we took off at 7:15 am, joined in formation, and left the island at 7:30 am, just two hours and five minutes before the planned interception. It was an uneventful flight but a hot one, at from 10 to 50 feet above the water all the way. Some of the pilots counted sharks. One counted pieces of driftwood. I don’t remember doing anything but sweating. Mitchell said he may have dozed off on a couple of occasions but received a light tap from “The Man Upstairs” to keep him awake.
Mitchell kept us on course flying the five legs by compass, time, and airspeed only. As we turned into the coast of Bougainville and started to gain altitude, after more than two hours of complete radio silence, 1st Lt. Douglas S. Canning––Old Eagle Eyes–– uttered a subdued “Bogeys! Eleven o’clock, high!” It was 9:35 am. The admiral was precisely on schedule, and so were we. It was almost as if the affair had been prearranged with the mutual consent of friend and foe. Two Betty bombers were at 4,000 feet with six Zeros at about 1,500 feet higher, above and just behind the bombers in a “V” formation of three planes on each side of the bombers.
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Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto in dress whites, photographed on the morning he was killed, addresses a group of pilots at Rabaul, April 18, 1943. His death came as a tremendous blow to the Japanese.
We dropped our belly tanks. We put our throttles to the firewall and went for altitude. The killer section closed in for the attack while the cover section stationed themselves at about 18,000 feet to take care of the expected fighters from Kahili. As Mitchell said, “The night before we knew the Japanese had 75 Zeros on Bougainville and I wanted to be where the action was.
I thought, “Well, I’m going on up higher and we’re going to be up there and have a turkey shoot.’” We expected from 50 to 75 Zeros should be there to protect Yamamoto just as we had protected Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox when he came to visit a couple of weeks before. We’d had as many fighters in the air to protect Knox as we could get off the ground. I guess the Japanese had all their fighters lined up on the runway for inspection. Anyway, none of the Zeros came up to meet us. Our intercept force encountered only the Zeros that were escorting Yamamoto.
Lanphier and Barber: The First to Make Contact With the Enemy
Lanphier and Barber headed for the enemy. When they were about a mile in front and two miles to the right of the bombers, the Zeros spotted them. Lanphier and Barber headed down to intercept the Zeros. The Bettys nosed down in a diving turn to get away from the P-38s. Holmes, the leader of the second element, could not release his belly tanks so, in an effort to jar them loose, he turned off down the coast, kicking his plane around to knock the tanks loose. Ray Hine, his wingman, had no choice but to follow him to protect him. So Lanphier and Barber were the only two going after the Japs for the first few minutes.
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Ground crewmen look over Lieutenant Robert Petit’s P-38, Miss Virginia, which Barber borrowed for the mission; he returned it to Henderson Field with over 100 bullet holes.
From this point onward, accounts of the fight get mixed up about who shot down whom. Briefly, here is probably what happened based on the accounts of all involved. I did not see what was happening 18,000 feet below me.
As Lanphier and Barber were intercepted by the Zeros, Lanphier turned head-on into them and shot down one Zero and scattered the others. This gave Barber the opportunity to go for the bombers. As Barber turned to get into position to attack the bombers, he lost sight of them under his wing, and when he straightened around he saw only one bomber, going hell bent for leather downhill toward the jungle treetops.
Barber went after the Betty and started firing over the fuselage at the right engine. And as he slid over to get directly behind the Betty, his fire passed through the bomber’s vertical fin and some pieces of the rudder separated from the plane. He continued firing and was probably no more than 100 feet behind the Betty when it suddenly snapped left and slowed down rapidly, and as Barber roared by he saw black smoke pouring from the right engine.
Shooting Down the Betty
Barber believed the Betty crashed into the jungle, although he did not see it crash. And then three Zeros got on his tail and were making firing passes at him as he headed toward the coast at treetop level taking violent evasive action. Luckily, two P-38s from Mitchell’s flight saw his difficulty and cleared the Zeros off his tail. Holmes said it was he and Hine that chased the Zeros off Barber’s tail. Barber said he then looked inland and to his rear and saw a large column of black smoke rising from the jungle, which he believed to be the Betty he’d shot.
As Barber headed toward the coast he saw Holmes and Hine over the water with a Betty bomber flying below them just offshore. He then saw Holmes and Hine shoot at the bomber with Holmes’ bullets hitting the water behind the Betty and then walking up and through the right engine of the Betty. Hines started to fire, but all of his rounds hit well ahead of the Betty. Then Holmes and Hine passed over the Betty and headed south.
Barber said that he then dropped in behind the Betty flying over the water and opened fire. As he flew over the bomber it exploded, and a large chunk of the plane hit his right wing, cutting out his turbo supercharger intercooler. Another large piece hit the underside of his gondola, making a very large dent in it.
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Wreckage of Yamamoto’s “Betty” lies on the jungle floor on the island of Bougainville.
After this, he, Holmes, and Hine fired at more Zeros. Barber said that both he and Holmes shot down a Zero, but Hine was seen heading out to sea smoking from his right engine. As Barber headed home, he saw three oil slicks in the water and hoped that Hine was heading for Guadalcanal, but that was not the case.
Lanphier, having scattered the Zeros, found himself at about 6,000 feet. Looking down, he saw a Betty flying across the treetops, so he came down and began firing a long, steady burst across the bomber’s course of flight, from approximately right angles. In another account, Lanphier said he was clearing his guns. By both accounts, he said he felt he was too far away, yet, to his surprise, the bomber’s right engine and right wing began to burn and then the right wing came off and the Betty plunged into the jungle and exploded.
Return to Guadalcanal
Lanphier said that three Zeros came after him, and he called Mitchell to send someone down to help him. Then, hugging the earth and the treetops while the Zeros made passes at him, he unwittingly led them over a corner of the Japanese fighter strip at Kahili.
He then headed east and, with the Zeros on his tail, he got into a high-speed climb and lost them at 20,000 feet; he got home with only two bullet holes in his rudder. Contrast this to the 104 bullet holes in Barber’s plane, plus the knocked-out intercooler and the huge dent in his gondola.
Flying back to Guadalcanal, I heard Lanphier get on the radio and say, “That SOB won’t dictate peace terms in the White House.” This really upset me because we were to keep complete silence about the fact that we had gone after Yamamoto. The details of this mission were not to leave the island of Guadalcanal.
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schizo-report · 2 months
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