kimjeongeun · 5 months
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some stalin vibe era
#stalin #ussr #soviet #communist #cccp #red #communism #soviet_union #sovietunion
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agent-carvour · 8 months
I’m so sorry you’ve gotten access to the internet. No person should have to suffer through it, never mind someone who barely understands modern technology. Anyway, here’s the Wikipedia page for the Soviet Union so you can catch up on what you missed :D: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union
No, I think a global systom of interconnected computer networks is a great accomplishment. I just believe there should be somebody in control who can use all the data collected via this network to make the world a better place.
And thank you very much, that article is very useful.
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chobistudio · 9 months
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himhks91 · 10 months
The Human Face of Russia (1984) - society and everyday life in 1980s USSR
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brunogremez · 5 years
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Very moving memorial to those who died in the Battle of Stalingrad (now Volgograd), arguably the ugliest battle of WWII. A fierce battle that ended up in house-to-house fighting and resulted in almost 2 million casualties. German and Soviet soldiers fought bitterly during more than 5 months for every street, for every house, for every floor, for every room. The Russian victory marked the beginning of the end of Nazi Germany and was the turning point of WWII.
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sochinetz-blog · 5 years
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Портрет прохожего #streetphotography 1982 #photos from the #Soviet #past #Советский_Союз #Москва #Подмосковье #Орехово_Зуево #photos from #my #archive I was still #just #learning to take #pictures A #selection #of #my #photos #taken in the #period from #1981 to #1991 the #Soviet_Union #Moscow #Orekhovo_Zuevo #фотографии из #советского #прошлого (at Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwDKfrGBJ3z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pe541e4tzxof
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calder · 4 years
I just had a conversation with my friend about fallout lore and; so the soviet union is just fine huh?? Like not really affected by the bombs because the war was between China and the U.S.?
no, as far as we know the world is in ruin. the russian and east european immigrant characters don't mention their homes being fine
i'd believe they're better-off than a lot of places but we don't really have anything to support that
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lidrauniverse · 6 years
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CCCP Interkosmos V03 Tshirt Available @redbubble from 21€/24$ (+Get 20% OFF with code ALLDAY20): https://www.redbubble.com/people/lidra/works/26266124-cccp-interkosmos-v03?asc=u&p=t-shirt&rel=carousel&style=mens
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apod · 6 years
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2019 February 10
Venus Unveiled Image Credit: Venus (left): NASA, JPL, Magellan Project; Earth (right): NASA, Apollo 17
Explanation: What does Venus look like beneath its thick clouds? These clouds keep the planet's surface hidden from even the powerful telescopic eyes of Earth-bound astronomers. In the early 1990s, though, using imaging radar, NASA's Venus-orbiting Magellan spacecraft was able to lift the veil from the face of Venus and produced spectacular high resolution images of the planet's surface. Colors used in this computer generated picture of Magellan radar data are based on color images from the surface of Venus transmitted by the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 landers. The bright area running roughly across the middle represents the largest highland region of Venus known as Aphrodite Terra. Venus, on the left, is about the same size as our Earth, shown to the right for comparison.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap190210.html
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sights-on-the-scifi · 5 years
To the modern fans of fallout.
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The following is a second restored fallout post.
WARNING: Post contains difficult topics that cover the atomic bombing of Hiroshima 1945, the cold war and more. Be that through images, video and writings some of which are graphic or deeply unsettling.
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I think its time you all got acquainted with the real historical reality and cultural, political and societal context that the original Fallouts were based on, that informs the science fiction, narrative, politics and visual iconography of the series.
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I want you to see beyond your fandom, beyond the superficial, beyond what you are comfortable with when you think about this series. Because what it originally had to say mattered and still does, its not just a game.
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It is a social commentary, a satire, it is political and meaningful in more ways than one.
Most of the modern FALLOUT fandom today simply does not seem to understand or are aware of the fact that what you are all about to see here is the very reality that informs the visual design, story and themes of FALLOUT, the very things that were intended by that original title to be thought about as you played.
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Most fans only seem to really be vaguely familiar with the whiz pop, vacuum tube science fiction and 40′s to 50′s retro cultural aesthetic, language and loose historical references. The stuff that seems fun, cool and entertaining and does not cause the audience to engage with or think about the subject matter that is core to the franchise. The very core that has also steadily been forgotten about and diluted with each new release, especially under Bethesdas development and developmental oversight.
Firstly I would like you all to watch this intro to the very first FALLOUT, which on its own perfectly establishes the thematic intentions and historical references the series was known for.
FALLOUT was about more than just pop culture references, Nuka cola, merchandise and combat, and now… its time for you to see why that is the case.
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In-depth sources.
These bombings were the first real usages of the atomic weapon, these two bombings killed 129,000–226,000 people.
The testing.
The bombing.
The medical aftermath…
Photos featuring just two of those many, many victims…
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Aerial view of the aftermath of the blast.
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This harrowing event is the most vivid and fundamental influence on the tone, wasteland visual style and themes relating to the dangers of atomic weapons and radiation in the original FALLOUT.
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In-depth sources.
Full-length BBC documentary.
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After WW2 ended and the demonstration of the destructive power of the atom bomb was burned into the worldwide consciousness. The united states and Russia entered a cold war and with it came an arms race, a nuclear arms race… The proliferation of these WMD’S or weapons of mass destruction brought with it a new fear, a fear of the MAD scenario, or what is known as mutually-assured-destruction. An atomic attack was a day in and day out possibility for the entire globe as tensions rose and the war continued. In the united states, the push to make the general population aware of and vigilant in the face of such a disaster became a national priority as you will see here in these broadcasts and educational videos by civil defence which were seen on television, shown in schools or heard over the radio.
These broadcasts and the culture that surrounded them were the primary inspirations for the FALLOUT franchises mega-shelters known as vaults, manufactured by vault tec. The vaults themselves were also inspired by the fallout shelters respectively.
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Burt the turtle.
What you see here are the primary inspirations and influences of the FALLOUT franchise, I hope you study them all in detail and when you play the games next time you gain a new appreciation for what the originals titles were trying to convey.
Thank you for reading.
Finally, i leave you with this wonderful FALLOUT franchise retrospective by Noah Gervais.
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balkantimes-en · 3 years
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U.S. liberal democracy turning into totalitarian regime reminiscent of the #Soviet_Union #balkantimes https://t.co/m3gkpGZObp
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blog-newstoday · 4 years
Why did the Soviet Union turn the secret of the atomic bomb to China? | ...
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brunogremez · 5 years
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This man, Lenin, has the “honour” of having the most statues of any other historical figures. In Russia, virtually every village still has its Lenin monument, and major cities usually have more statues of the man. This one is a special one out of my collection: Lenin in the city of Khorog in Tajikistan, right on the border with Afghanistan. Probably the southernmost statue of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov in the Former Soviet Union. Let me know if you are interested, I have many more. Each one is unique…
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sochinetz-blog · 6 years
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#ретро #детсво #щенок #нежность #фотографии из #советского #прошлого #photos from the #Soviet #past #ussr Подборка моих фотографий сделанных в период с 1981 года по 1991 фотографии из моего архива я тогда ещё только учился фотографировать #Советский_Союз #Москва #Подмосковье #Орехово-Зуево photos from my #archive I was still just learning to take pictures A selection of my #photos taken in the period from 1981 to 1991 the #Soviet_Union #Moscow #Orekhovo_Zuevo https://www.instagram.com/p/BqA5G4zhMaE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mjo7ify75uj5
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relaxingmusic01 · 4 years
China news | Why was the Soviet Union, then Russia, always at the top of...
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Stimulation, EVE Online & Cowboy Bebop
Hello and welcome back once again, we hope that everyone is having a fabulous time. This week we celebrate many achievements that are pure catnip for Nerds, to start with the eventual launch of the Falcon heavy rocket, also the first image of a black hole, my goodness, so much interstellar goodness. The first topic up this week is about electrical stimulation of the brain and how it can help improve memory. Now that doesn’t mean that any students should go out and start electrocuting themselves…although we all know that one person we want to zap. Research is still being developed on application of electrolysis in the treatment of Alzheimers and other issues, and NO, do not got out and electrocute the elderly, that is not cool. Next up we look at a lawyer and a lobbyist who has been banned from Eve online, apparently he claims to be innocent. It is all a misunderstanding or something is his defence, please I used that when I was 8 as an excuse, surely he can do better. Next he will be saying it was his dog did it. Then DJ has news about the cast being announced for the live action series of Cowboy Beebop. We are all nervous but hopefully this one will work, of course we aren’t holding our breathe. After all, they have to get one right eventually don’t they? What do you think is the worst live action adaption from anime? Drop us a line and let us know, also which is you favourite anime you would recommend? Then we have the games of the week, shout outs, remembrances, events of interest, and birthdays. Hot diggedy do, now that is looking like a great show. As always, take care and look out for each other and stay hydrated.
Electrical Stimulation - https://www.livescience.com/65177-electrical-stimulation-brain-memory.html
Lobbyist banned on EVE - https://www.pcgamer.com/a-real-life-lobbyist-was-just-permanently-banned-in-eve-online-for-corruption/
Cowboy Bebop cast announced - https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/cowboy-bebop-netflix-live-action-series-cast-1203180399/
Games currently playing
– Deceit - https://store.steampowered.com/app/466240/Deceit/
– Apex Legends - https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends
– Krunker - https://krunker.io/
Other topics discussed
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroconvulsive_therapy
ECT wipes 30 years of person’s memory
- https://www.mdedge.com/psychiatry/article/62301/ect-wipes-out-30-years-memories
Soviet Union aka CCCP
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union
Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop character)
- https://cowboybebop.fandom.com/wiki/Spike_Spiegel
Death Note (2017 Netlfix film)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Note_(2017_film)
Ghost in the Shell (2017 film)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_Shell_(2017_film)
Katie Bouman: The woman behind the first black hole image
- https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47891902
5th – 7th Apr 2019 – Melbourne Supanova 2019, Shaun from Comics2movies was there. - https://www.facebook.com/Comics2movies/
7 Apr 1832 – Local farmer Joseph Thompson, a local farmer who was married in the year 1829, to his present wife was sold to Henry Mears, a pensioner, for the sum of 20 shillings and his Newfoundland dog - https://www.onthisday.com/articles/the-man-who-sold-his-wife
10 Apr 2019 – Falcon Heavy Rocket launch - https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/spacex-s-falcon-heavy-rocket-set-first-commercial-launch-here-ncna992446
9 Apr 1926 – William Henry Johnson also known as Zip the Pinhead, was an American freak show performer famous for his tapered head. He was born one of six children to a very poor African-American family. His parents were William and Mahalia Johnson, former slaves. As he grew, his body developed normally but his head remained small. His tapering cranium and heavy jaw made him attractive to agents from van Emburgh's Circus in Somerville, New Jersey. His unusual appearance caused many to believe that he was a "pinhead", or microcephalic. It is estimated that during his 67 years in show business, Zip entertained more than one hundred million people. He died of bronchitis at 68 in New York, New York - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_the_Pinhead
9 Apr 1959 - Frank Lloyd Wright, an American architect, interior designer, writer, and educator, who designed more than 1,000 structures, 532 of which were completed. Wright believed in designing structures that were in harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture. His famous works include Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum aka The Guggenheim and Fallingwater. He died of surgical complications at 91 in Phoenix, Arizona - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Lloyd_Wright
11 Apr 2007 – Ronald C. Speirs, a United States Army officer who served in the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division during World War II. He was initially assigned as a platoon leader in B Company of the 1st Battalion of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment. Speirs was reassigned to D Company of the 2nd Battalion prior to the invasion of Normandy in June 1944 and later assigned as commander of E Company during an assault on Foy, Belgium after the siege of Bastogne was broken during the Battle of the Bulge. Speirs also served in Korea, where he was assigned both as a rifle company commander and as a staff officer. He later became the American governor for Spandau Prison in Berlin. He reached the rank of captain while serving in the European Theater during World War II, major during the Korean War and retired as a lieutenant colonel. Speirs was portrayed in the television miniseries Band of Brothers by Matthew Settle. He died at 86 in Saint Marie, Montana - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Speirs
Famous Birthdays
9 Apr 1806 - Isambard Kingdom Brunel, English mechanical and civil engineer who is considered "one of the most ingenious and prolific figures in engineering history", "one of the 19th-century engineering giants", and "one of the greatest figures of the Industrial Revolution, [who] changed the face of the English landscape with his ground-breaking designs and ingenious constructions". Brunel achieved many engineering firsts, including assisting in the building of the first tunnel under a navigable river and development of SS Great Britain, the first propeller-driven, ocean-going, iron ship, which, when built in 1843, was the largest ship ever built. Brunel built dockyards, the Great Western Railway, a series of steamships including the first propeller-driven transatlantic steamship, and numerous important bridges and tunnels. His designs revolutionised public transport and modern engineering. Born in Portsmouth,Hampshire - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isambard_Kingdom_Brunel
9 Apr 1926 – Hugh Hefner, American magazine publisher and life-stylist. He was the founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine, a publication with revealing glamour photographs and sensational articles that provoked charges of obscenity. The first issue of Playboy, published in 1953, featured Marilyn Monroe in a nude calendar shoot and sold over 50,000 copies. Hefner extended the Playboy brand into a world network of Playboy Clubs. He also resided in luxury mansions where Playboy ‘playmates’ shared his wild partying life, fuelling keen media interest. An advocate of sexual liberation and freedom of expression, Hefner was a political activist in other causes; those causes included the Democratic Party, First Amendment rights, animal rescue, and the restoration of the Hollywood Sign. Born in Chicago, Illinois - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Hefner
10 Apr 1915 – Harry Morgan, American actor and director whose television and film career spanned six decades. Morgan's major roles included Pete Porter in both December Bride and Pete and Gladys; Officer Bill Gannon on Dragnet; Amos Coogan on Hec Ramsey; and his starring role as Colonel Sherman T. Potter in M*A*S*H and AfterMASH. Morgan appeared in more than 100 films. Born in Detroit, Michigan - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Morgan
10 Apr 1929 - Max Von Sydow, Swedish-born French actor. He has held French citizenship since 2002. He has appeared in many European and American films in several languages, including Swedish, English, Norwegian, Danish, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. Von Sydow has appeared in well over a hundred films and TV shows. His famous works include Jesus in The Greatest Story Ever Told, Father Lankester Merrin in The Exorcist, Ming the Merciless in Flash Gordon, the villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld in the James Bond film Never Say Never Again, Liet-Kynes in Dune, Lamar Burgess in Minority Report, Josiah Kane in Solomon Kane, Sir Walter Loxley in Robin Hood and the Three-eyed Raven in Game of Thrones. Born in Lund, Sweden - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_von_Sydow
Events of Interest
9 Apr 1959 – NASA introduces America’s first astronauts to the press - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-astronauts-introduced
10 Apr 1912 – The Titanic makes it maiden voyage - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Titanic
11 Apr 1970 – Apollo 13 launched to the Moon - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/apollo-13-launched-to-moon
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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