#Marxism Leninism
leftistfeminista · 2 days
During a visit to their secret camp, I photographed rebels of both genders from the FARC's 48th Front and several other rebel units. I asked each one their age, number of years in the FARC and aspirations for the future.
Setting aside heavy assault rifles and camouflaged uniforms to put on street clothes, the men looked virtually the same. But the women were transformed.
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yourfaveisleftist · 11 months
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Austin Powers is a Marxist-Leninist!
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Once again Lenin was right. About almost everything but especially this
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stillnaomi · 1 month
why do marxists insist on using old language? why say proletariat instead of working class?
marxism is a technical field. we need to use precise language to convey exactly what we mean. saying proletariat communicates a person's relationship to the economy: they have to work for someone else for a wage in order to live. saying that someone is working class only conveys that they work for a living. what if they own the business too? do you think that they might have a different world outlook to somebody who lives off their own wage alone?
it's important for us to make these distinctions, and learning all the jargon is thankfully very doable
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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mpaglamas · 11 months
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“We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.”
Mao Tse-Tung
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i've been reading another view of stalin recently and even if i already had found out about a good amount of the contents of it through other means the things ludo martens tells you are absolutely baffling, like, unironically groundbreaking. i remember reading khruschev lied by furr and him saying how he can't just disprove the entire "stalin stigma" in one book (and he's right, it would be a gigantic task) but martens is able to shred light into SO MUCH of it. like i SWEAR after reading how the kulaks killed like almost 100 million animals in livestock to sabotage collectivization, and then how the ukrainian fascists all talked about how they were involved in burning crops and doing sabotage left and right in the 30s (the same fascists who later joined hitler and committed the most horrible pogroms), or how the bukharinists, the trotskyites and the military bonapartists had absolutely no issue in just collaborating with nazis, with japanese imperial officers, or how almost every single source for famous holodomor books are literal nazi collaborators using photographs from the tsarist times and from the 1922 famine (WHICH WAS CAUSED BY FOREIGNER INTERVENTION) to prove the "evils" of the USSR, it all just fucking made me want to scream on liberals going on and on about how "ukraine was a rebellious republic... stalin wanted to kill them all and he succeeded" or that "dekulakization was almost as bad as the holocaust". also like mate i don't require everyone to have intricate knowledge about stalin's period on names and dates but some of these people go on alledging stuff while they can't even, like, name who zinoviev was. or who bandera was. jesus christ
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katchwreck · 2 years
“Women are the roots of the Earth and the heartbeat of the Revolution.”
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March 8th, International Working Women's Day.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, 2023
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troythecatfish · 6 months
The chart does not capture the astonishing fact that these accomplishments were achieved under brutal sanctions imposed by the world’s superpower. Viva la revolución.
They also have ad-free TV ✌️📺 (you don’t need commercials with Socialism).
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heyguys-itsnicole · 1 year
Here's something I'm sure you find infuriating;
"I'm not into politics. I don't really know, I'm just not a political person."
We know that this IS being political! It means you condone everything - you don't think anything is worth fighting for, you're fine with the status quo as long as it benefits you vaguely. It's the mindset of someone so aggressively individualist, that the suffering of others is simply not a concern - since the system can't be broken, if they're alright. The kind of people to vote for a fascist if it'll mean that their taxes are lower next year. To stand by and watch oppression is insidious. Not even watch - to Celebrate oppression as long as it's against the "savages" and "beasts." Mass mistreatment still exists beyond the gulf surrounding apathetic suburbia.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
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lasttarrasque · 11 days
Embrace revolutionary optimism!
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New pride flag just dropped
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workersolidarity · 2 years
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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