#sowwy for being long now. i have to tag for real
jonquilspool · 9 months
[stands on my soapbox]
i think margaery tyrell's hyperfeminine performance (which is clearly crafted carefully to use the prejudices of the hypersexist feudal system they're in) is equally as interesting a gender performance as hypermasculine performances like brienne and daecy but is overlooked because for "some reason" hyperfemininity isn't seen as a gender performance, just as "gender."
[no one is looking. i step off my soapbox]
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strangewhitegirl321 · 4 years
Illusory (10th Doctor)
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{Not my gif.}
(A.N. This was a request I got on Tumblr... literally over a year ago. I am @sorry for the wait. Oops. Now I can't even find the messages I had to see what the expectations are for the fic or to tag the person who requested it. I'm so sowwy! I had no clue how I was going to finish this fic either, so I apologise if the ending is sloppy, but I just absolutely had to get this out of my drafts.)
Words: 1621
    "I can't let you post it, you know," The Doctor stated, exasperation covering his face and seeping through his voice. "Too many people would recognise me. It's not a good idea."
    "Who said I was going to post it?" Turning to give him an amused grin, (Y/n) nudged his shoulder gently. "It's just something fun- and, a good way to keep memories alive!"
    The Doctor's brows raised, the left side of his lips quirking up in just the slightest smile as the girl stepped in front of him.
    "Whenever we want to remember what happened here and all the fun we had, we can just rewatch the video!" His companion exclaimed, excitement practically twinkling in her eyes.
    "I suppose so, but you have to promise not to post it." The Doctor pulled one of his hands from the pocket of his trench coat, pointing it menacingly at (Y/n) as she quickly nodded in agreement.
    Without a hint of hesitation, she proclaimed, "I promise!"
    The Doctor tilted his head, seeming to study her before tucking his hand back into his pocket. Seemingly satisfied, he pursed his lips and nodded.
    "Alright, then. Show me what you have so far." He requested, watching as (Y/n) whipped out her phone and opened up the camera app. "Aw, seriously, you used a standard phone app? That's just pitiful."
    Almost immediately, a frown covered (Y/n)'s face as she turned to give him a look, "I can't afford any big fancy cameras, Doctor. This is all I have. Besides, do you have anything better?"
    "Yes, I do, actually," Seeming contented, the Doctor began to roll around on the balls of his feet. "I have plenty of gidgets and gadgets that would do a much better job than that sorry machine."
    (Y/n) could only huff at him in annoyance, pouting as she whined, "Well why didn't you mention that earlier? That would have been so much better-"
    (Y/n) cut herself off, a thought jumping front and centre in her mind, "Would you be able to teach me how to use any of those machines? For future reference?" She turned to face him better, looking him straight in the eye with her knuckles turning white from the strained grip she had on her phone.
    The Doctor pursed his lips again, rolling his head around on his shoulders as he observed her before finally conceding, saying, "Well, when your eyes sparkle like that, I can't say no, can I?" His companion immediately began jumping with glee, before he raised his hands and swiftly calmed her.
    "But first, show me the video! You said you already have it edited and everything!" He exclaimed, grabbing her hand and dragging her to the sitting area nearby.
    "Oh! Right, right!" Swiftly, (Y/n) whipped her phone around in her hands and pulled out the video in a few short taps. Apparently, she had already watched it halfway through on her own- because the video immediately started playing at the twelve minute point rather than the beginning.
    "-if we get murdered, it will most definitely not be my fault-" The Doctor's voice chimed out, chiding the past version of (Y/n) who had claimed their murder would be on the Doctor's hands.
     The Doctor leaned forward in interest, hardly remembering his own words, before (Y/n) restarted the video. The first thing the Doctor's eyes were pleased to see was a horrible shot of the underside of (Y/n)'s chin as she badly hid the camera from his past self's view.
     "Alright, Doctor, where are we today?"  She asked, the footage shaky as she fought to keep up with the Doctor's long strides.
    "Well, I remember you saying you wanted to visit some place creepy- so today, (Y/n), we are in Atchison, Kansas, planet Earth, fall of 2019," He explained in the video with optimism.
    The girl in the video nodded, and quickly replied, "That explains the good wifi signal." The real Doctor started in his place on the couch as (Y/n) snorted at her own comment.
    "I'm already hilarious," She stated, knocking shoulders with the Time Lord. In reply, he rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the video- just in time to see that his companion had managed to capture his previous eye roll at the first comment on camera.
    "Now- why are we on planet Earth, in Kansas, in 2019 when we could be literally anywhere else in the universe?" (Y/n) asked, a car siren going off in the distance. However, she quickly stopped where she was and gasped.
    "Oh, wow- this place is beautiful," She sighed, turning the camera around to catch the sight of a gorgeous mansion with a red roof and a beautifully groomed lawn bathed in the sunset's light. "Is this why we're here, Doctor?"
    The Doctor nodded, jumping on the balls of his feet and trotting over to one of the hedges that guarded the lot. When he was in front of it, he squatted down and sent himself flying over it with a huff. His long, skinny legs flew over his head before he smashed into the ground with an 'umph.'
    A bark of a laugh left his companion's lips, before she trotted over to him- and suddenly, her camera phone was tossed over the hedge, just barely managing to capture her graceless vault over the hedge and more so capturing her face plant into the lawn.
    "Well that's a great way to start off the night, i'nt it?" The Doctor laughed, standing to his feet and brushing off his trench coat.
    (Y/n) laughed with joy, grabbing the hand he offered her and jumping to her feet before smacking the grass and dirt off her legs, "Why didn't you just park the TARDIS in the yard?"
    "Because I like a good ol' jump every now and then! It's great on the calves," Without missing a beat, the Doctor defended himself.
    After the quick jests, the pair hurried up to the front of the mansion. The Doctor was quick to reveal his sonic screwdriver, opening one of the doors and quickly dragging (Y/n) inside. When her eyes spied the interior of the mansion, she made a sound that revealed the drop of her stomach.
    "Oh," She started, "This isn't quite as enchanting as the outside, I have to say..." Her voice trailed off, before the Doctor relocked the door behind them.
    "Yes, well," He began to explain, pressing himself against her as he looked around, "Welcome to the Winchester Mansion. If you think it's creepy now, wait till we get further inside."
    "Alright, seriously now, Doctor, why are we here?" The girl quizzically asked as the man moved past her to waltz down the hall. She followed after him quickly, refusing to lose track of him as he wandered the house.
    "We're here to visit an old friend of mine," He explained, "He's a bit of a hermit, really, likes to give people a right good scare- but, he's harmless. Totally harmless."
    "Why does it feel like you're trying to convince me this night will end well?" Exasperated, (Y/n) sighed, the camera shifting to view her rubbing the bridge of her nose in a faked stress. However, when the Doctor chuckled at her words, a small smile bloomed beneath her hand before she attempted to smother it. Her attempts were in vain, seeing as the Doctor's foot found the wrong side of an elegant carpet and nearly sent him tumbling to the ground. A howl of a laugh left her lips, before she gave up on her act.
    Recorded-(Y/n) gently put a hand on his elbow, helping him straighten up. When he was back on his feet, he gave her a cheesy, thankful grin before continuing down the eerie, dark hall.
    The Doctor and (Y/n) watched as their past selves ventured through the Winchester mansion. (Y/n) seemed to have watched the video several times before, seeing as each time something would happen she would intently watch the Doctor's face for his reaction. Each time he laughed, she laughed herself.
    There were moments in the video that the Doctor hadn't expected. Intimacy was plain between the two time travellers in the video- however, the Doctor never would have known he was so affectionate with his companion if it weren't for the video.
    He watched as his recorded-self encouraged (Y/n) to open a door and step out, laughing when she was shocked to find nothing but a sharp fall on the other side. She had turned to him with a gasp and immediately accused him of wanting her to fall, but her accusations were quickly hushed when she was wrapped up in his arms.
    The Doctor frowned at the phone's poor job of recording. In the embrace, although he could hear the giggles and quips between his past self and (Y/n), he could only see his armpit in the video. He wished he could see her face in that moment- wished he could see her smile when he embraced her. Something told him there was a smile reserved specifically for him, specifically for when he wouldn't see. The poor Time Lord was dying to see it.
    Suddenly, recording videos with (Y/n) didn't seem so bad anymore. In fact, as the video played on, the Doctor began to plan how he could record future adventures with (Y/n). After all, he wanted to see that smile that's just for him. And, he never wanted to forget what being with her was like. Somehow, even in a dark, creepy mansion with seemingly nothing eventful taking place, the pair of them together were able to entertain themselves with vast stupidity. That stupidity was worth the risk, he supposed.
    From that point on, the Doctor vowed to record every adventure with (Y/n).
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allthingsteenwolf20 · 7 years
Lisp - Pack Mom (Part Two)
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Dinner was set and the pack gathered around the dining table to dig in to the food.
"Oh my god, this is great, Y/N!" Stiles replied with a mouthful of lasagne.
"Yeah yeah, so good!" Everyone else responded.
"I'm glad you guys like it." Y/N smiled.
"Don't be afraid to ask for more ok, sweetie? Just help yourself to whatever you like ok?" Y/N told Liam who nodded at her response. She smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"That's a good boy." She cooed happily making Liam blush deeply. He couldn't help but smile at her comment. She made him feel happy and loved. Much more than his real mom did.
"Thanks mom." Liam absent-mindedly.
Suddenly the table froze and everyone grew silent at his response. Liam froze realising what he said.
"Seriously, Liam?" Stiles commented.
"I'm sowwy" Liam replied looking away.
"Stop picking on him, Stiles." Y/N scolded him.
"Hey, you don't have to apologise, sweetheart. You're a part of the pack now. It's perfectly ok, honey." Y/N reassured him bending down to his height. She smiled and ran her fingers through his soft brown hair gently brushing it to one side.
"You don't f'ink it's weird?" Liam asked her quietly.
"No sweetie, it's natural for you to feel like that. If you want to call me mom, momma, mommy...whatever you like. It's absolutely fine, I promise ok?" She reassured him pressing a kiss to his forehead. Liam smiled and gave her a small nod. He wrapped his arms around her neck giving her a small hug. She couldn't believe how much the sweet little beta has warmed up to her in just a few hours that he was already attaching himself to her.
Derek had already warned her that this could happen. The new beta being the youngest in the pack would be most likely to develop an attachment to the pack mother wanting to be cared, nurtured, protected and loved which Y/N was seeing already. 
During dinner, everything went smoothly. Everyone was digging into the hearty dinner Y/N had prepared as they all talked amongst themselves. Y/N asked Lydia to swap seats with her so she could sit next to Liam keeping an eye on him since Stiles had already tried to make a few digs at him.
Once dinner was finished, the girls helped Y/N in the kitchen as they cleared the table for her as the guys were still sat together talking.
"Come on Liam, just say it once." Stiles provoked Liam with a smirk on his face. Liam shook his head looking down into his lap.
"Come on, just once? Then I'll stop asking." Stiles pestered him.
"Stiles, stop." Derek warned him.
"Seriously Stiles, just stop." Scott told him. But the human ignored them and continued to pester the young  wolf.
"Come on, Liam!" Stiles asked again this time getting his camera ready to record the new beta's response knowing that he'd break soon. Liam sighed and nodded.
"So what is it, Liam?" Stiles asked him with a smirk on his face as he pointed to the almost empty tray of Lasagne.
"It's Wasagne." Liam responded as he blushed. Stiles burst out laughing almost falling off his chair.
"Got it!" He replied replaying the video of Liam. Liam blushed deeply and sat in his seat almost balled up.
The girls entered the kitchen to hear the video playing.
"What's that?" Lydia asked looking over Stiles' shoulder followed by the others.
"I'll show you. It's hilarious!" he began as he replayed it.
"Stiles..." Scott sighed shaking his head, disappointed.
"Why does he talk like a baby?" Malia asked as if the new beta wasn't in the room.
"Stiles, delete it!" Derek shouted at him.
"No way, man. This is pure gold!" Stiles chuckled.
Liam's eyes shifted from baby blue to a fierce amber and his fangs grew as he looked towards the human ready to pounce as a growl escaped his lips.
"Liam?" Lydia asked slightly scared.
"Erm...guys?" Stiles questioned slightly panicked.
"Now you've done it" Derek sighed and rolled his eyes as Scott leapt in front of his friend to stare down his beta.
"Liam, stop. This isn't you and you know it. Come on, bud. Calm down, it's ok. Stiles didn't mean any harm." Scott tried to help Liam calm down as he flashed his fiery red eyes at him.
Liam growled at his alpha, his chest still huffing and puffing as he took a step closer ready to claw at anyone in sight. It was no secret that Liam had IED - Intermittent Explosive Disorder and even though it didn't take much for him to explode, he couldn't help it. He didn't like it.
Y/N walked in from the kitchen carrying a tray of the chocolate caramel desserts she had prepared ready for everyone to dig in until she saw the scene before her.
"Oh my god, what the hell is going on?!" she asked slightly panicked seeing how Liam has tears running down his cheeks and had shifted into his wolf form.
"Stiles made him shift." Malia replied abruptly. Y/N put down the tray of hot drinks and stood silently in front of the new werewolf. 
"Scott get everyone into the living room now. Derek, I need you by my side" Y/N began instructing them.
"You heard her. Do as she says." Derek replied giving the others a nod. The girls made a hasty exit. Stiles got up but so did Liam ready to lunge at him.
"Liam, no!" Scott called. Stiles quickly followed the others leaving Y/N, Derek and his best friend to calm down the new beta.
"Don't say or do anything. Let me calm him down." She instructed them. Derek and Scott looked at each other and then gave her a reluctant nod.
Y/N approached the shifted beta and crouched down so she didn't pose as a threat.
"Liam, that wasn't very nice was it? I know you're upset honey but you could have come to me instead of shifting huh?" Y/N asked him. Liam's growl was replaced by a whine hearing the disappointment in her tone.
"I know, I know." She cooed in response.
"I'm not a baby!" Liam roared upset as tears streamed down his face.
"I know sweetie, I know. What Stiles did was wrong and he will be punished ok? I won't let anyone make fun of you ever again. I promise." Y/N told him. Liam stood there listening to her words.
"It'll be ok, I promise sweetheart. I need you to close your eyes and concentrate on your heartbeat. Can you do that for me, honey?" she asked him.
Liam obeyed her commands and did as she said.
"That's it, sweetheart. Good boy. It'll be ok, I promise. I'm right here, momma's right here." she cooed. Liam's eyes shot open hearing those words and he looked at her. His eyes faded to their usual baby blue and his werewolf features were replaced by those of an innocent yet broken young boy.
"Momma?" Liam's voice trembled and more tears ran down his cheeks.
"I'm right here, baby. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." She gave him a reassuring nod and held her arms out to engulf him in a big hug and that's exactly what she did. Liam ran into her arms and sobbed against her shoulder.
"Sssshhh it's ok, it's ok. I'm here. I promise I'll make everything right. Sssshhh momma's here." she cooed gently rubbing circles on his back.
Liam sobbed against her shoulder finally the love and comfort of a mother he had wanted for so long. Someone to hold him, love him and care for him as their own.
Derek and Scott smiled at the sweet scene before them and as soon as they were sure there was no danger, they exited the dining room giving the pack mother and her baby beta some space.
"Great job, babe." Derek smiled proudly as he leaned down and placed a kiss to his mate's forehead as he held the upset young beta in her arms. Y/N smiled up at him.
Once they were alone, Y/N sat on the floor with her legs crossed and pulled Liam onto her lap. She brushed his hair away from his face and pressed a kiss to his forehead as she wiped away his tears.
"There he is. There's my good boy." She cooed holding him in her arms.
"I know this is scary and you don't understand what's going on at the moment but regardless of that I promise I'm going to do everything I can to take care of you and protect you." She told him looking into his adorable baby blue eyes.
"Me too." Derek replied as he entered and took a seat next to his mate.
"And me." Scott added following behind. Liam turned away from his alpha.
"What is it?" Scott asked crouching down to Liam's level.
"You w'et him pick on me." Liam replied sadly playing with the curls of Y/N's long soft black hair.
"You did what?!" Y/N asked slightly annoyed looking at the true alpha.
"I'm sorry buddy, I should have done more. I'll talk to Stiles." Scott told him. Liam shrugged his shoulders.
"K" he replied blandly.
Scott sighed at his response.
This was going to be hard work.
"Why don't you come with me and we can talk it out between you?" Scott suggested. Liam shook his head and held onto to Y/N tight.
"Staying with momma." Liam told him.
"Scott, just give him time. Let me talk to him." Y/N told him. He didn't have a choice but to nod. Derek smiled and ruffled Liam's hair affectionately.
"We've got you, pup. You'll be ok." Derek reassured him. Liam nodded at him. Scott couldn't help but feel a little jealous that he was Liam's alpha and after that small fiasco, the kid was starting to trust him less. He left the dining room and headed back to the others.
TAGGED: @beaconhills17 @kelly27crickett
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may85 · 7 years
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Title: Fire Saftey Part 1 Character: Patrick Sullivan Movie: The Accidental Husband Warnings: None, fluff! Photo/GIF credits go to the original maker/owner Special shout out to @ladylorelitany and @magikat409! Holding her stuffed bunny rabbit by the ear, little Eleanor “Ellie” Lail shuffled her way down the hall. She looked around, making sure that no one was out and watching her. Eleanor had a plan brewing, one that would help her Aunt Y/N Knowles in the best of ways. Eleanor had been at school, the whole Kindergarten class outside for fire safety week. There, she had seen a tall, handsome fireman by the name of Patrick. He had dimples and Eleanor knew for a fact that her Auntie loved dimples. Shoving her bunny into her overalls, Eleanor looked around one more time. Reaching up until she was on her tiptoes, she hooked her fingers onto the white latch and dropped down to the flat of her feet, using her weight to pull down hard. Immediately the bell sounded. Eleanor took off in a run towards her Aunties apartment, her little legs moving quickly and her pigtails bouncing. °°°°°° I shot up off of the couch, hearing the fire alarm once again and the front door slamming. “Christ, another one!?” I grumbled, rubbing my eyes. “Ellie baby?” I hollered, searching the hall for her. “I'm wight here, Aunt Y/N!” I looked towards the end of the hall to find Eleanor breathing heavily, Mr. Floppy tucked into her overalls. “Where were you?” I asked her, picking her up. “Over at Chawies. We was playin’.” she said, wrapping her arms around my neck. I carried her out the door and down a flight of stairs to go outside and wait for the fire department to show. As we waited, I found a place on the brick wall to take a seat. My body ached from working so many hours, but I wouldn't change it for anything. Ellie was my responsibility now… My sister had passed away about a year before hand and she had left me as the sole caregiver of Ellie. I made sure that she never hurt for anything; her happiness and well being was my number one focus. I had nearly fallen asleep sitting up when Eleanor tugged on my shirt, “What Hun?” She pointed at a fireman, a smile on her face,”Lookit, Aunt Y/N! That's the fireman that came to my school!” I couldn't get a good look at him and that's when I realized that I didn't even have my glasses on. Gah, I hoped that the building wasn't on fire. The visit from the men didn't last long, but some seemed quite pissed. “Mistur Patwick! Mistur Patwick!” Eleanor called out, flailing her arms. The man looked over and smiled as he came closer to where we were sitting. “Well, well. If it isn't little Miss Ellie, right?” Eleanor gasped, her eyes wide, “He remembured my name!” “Why wouldn't I?” he chuckled. “Dis is my Aunt Y/N!” I squinted at the man; he was still slightly blurry. He held out his hand, “Nice to meet you, Y/N,” I shook his hand, blushing when I saw his dimples, “Likewise,” “Hey Patrick! We gotta go, man!” one of the men by the fire truck yelled. “It's safe to go back in, but we've been asking that everyone keep an eye out; see who's pulling the alarms.” “Sure, thank you for coming out.” “Not a problem. Ladies,” Patrick nodded his head and walked off, his boots thudding on the cement. When I turned around to pick Ellie up, I found her with her arms crossed and a pout on her face. “What's wrong?” “Nuffin’.” “Ummm, okay… Let's go inside and get you some dinner made,” For the rest of the night and well into the week, Ellie was in a sour mood. It was a Thursday night when I had come home early and had all the household work done, that I had decided to follow Ellie to see what she was up to. That was when I found out it had been her that had been pulling the alarm. Just as she reached up, I hollered at her, “Eleanor Rose Lail!” She screamed when she spun around. Her bottom lip began to quiver and her eyes filled with chunky tears. “Young lady, just what do you think you're doing!?” I demanded. She started to hiccup cry, “I- I- I just wanted you to be happy!” My brows furrowed. I didn't even know whether to be mad at her or not. “Ellie,” I sighed, kneeling down. “I'm sowwie!” she cried, cuddling Mr. Floppy to her face. I gently took her hand and led her back to the apartment. “Awre you mad?” she hiccuped. “I'm not exactly happy, Ellie, but we're going down to the fire station and you're apologizing to those men whose time you wasted.” She sniffled, taking the sleeve of her shirt and wiping her nose, “Yes Ma’am.” °°°°°° The wind was sharp and cold as we walked to the fire station. Ellie had been quiet the whole time. As soon as we neared the station, we saw a few of the men were outside washing one of the trucks. I cleared my throat to gain their attention, “I'm looking for Patrick?” “Yo, Patrick! Broad out here to see ya’s!” I pushed my glasses up my nose, finally able to see the dimples clearly as Patrick smiled. “Hey Ellie, Y/N.” Ellie immediately teared up as I nodded, “Can I speak to you, privately?” The smile slipped from his face, concern taking place, “Yeah, sure. Come on in Sweetheart.” Patrick led us inside where it was warm. The kitchen and living room were practically one room. “You alright, Y/N?” he asked, folding his arms over his broad chest. Eleanor looked up at me. I gently nudged her, “Go on,” She played with her bunny’s ears, her lip quivering, “It was me Mr. Patwick,” Patrick knelt down to her level, “What are you talking about Ellie?” “I pulled da fire alarm,” fat tears rolled down her rosy cheeks. Patrick sighed, scratching his brow with his thumb, “Ellie, Honey, you can't be doing that. Why would you do it?” “Because I wanted Aunt Y/N to be happy…” He looked up at me slightly confused, “I'm not following,” “You can make Aunt Y/N happy. She takes vewy good care of me! She needs someone take of her too and she's vewy bootiful!” “Okay, okay… One thing at a time, Ellie. I'm gonna have some of the guys show you around and teach you a few things okay?” Ellie nodded and wiped her nose, “You're not mad?” Patrick smiled and tucked away a loose curl, “No Honey, but you can't pull the fire alarm anymore.” “Yes sir,” Patrick called one of his coworkers over and had him show Ellie the ropes. I stood by the couch, staring at my sneakers. When Patrick came back over, he touched my arm. “I'll pay what ever fines, just send me a bill.” “Don't worry about that. Come sit down.” Taking me by the elbow, he led me to the couch where we sat at the same time. “It seems we have a little Cupid in our midst,” he chuckled. I blushed, playing with my fingers, “Yeah… I'm really sorry about the trouble that Ellie has caused,” “She's just a kid and she means well, Y/N,” “Thank you… for being so understanding,” I said, my voice breaking at the end. Patrick's brows furrowed as he leaned closer and placed a hand on my knee, “It's no problem, Sweetheart, really.” I cleared my throat, not knowing what possessed me to spill my guts, “My sister passed away in a car wreck about a year ago,” Patrick's other hand rubbed my back, “Ellie’s mom?” I nodded. “Shit, I'm sorry, Y/N,” “Eleanor means well… I guess, maybe I should let go of a few hours at work so that I can be home with her more… I just don't want to drown in bills,” “That's understandable,” We fell in a comfortable silence as Patrick continued to gently rub my back. “Listen, Ellie did get something right,” “What's that?” “You are very beautiful,” I snorted, slapping a hand over my mouth after the noise escaped me. Patrick laughed. He did have some amazing dimples when he smiled. He licked his lips and smiled, “Let me take you out, on a real date.” “Oh I don't-” “C'mon, just one and if you don't wanna go out again, I'll take it as it is. Please?” I stared into his eyes, seeing the genuineness there. Nodding, I decided to live a little, “Okay,” “Yesss!” Ellie screeched, making us both jump at the high pitched sound. “Eleanor Rose Lail!” I smiled, but scolded. She giggled and covered her mouth, “Sowwie,” Tagging: @thedeadmost @krissy25 @fancybubble @superprincesspea @cherieann-2001 @darshaya @ladylorelitany @ali-pennell @wadeyourebarelyalive @fangirlindenial @negans-dirty-girl @smuttwd @justacaliforniandreamer @piilow-talk @pan-and-proud-writes @memphisgirl1977 @5sos1dsex @deviousginga @strangersangel9 @mogaruke @crzcorgi @siobhan-elizabeth @thecynicalnerd @cookiemunster10 @laureng-99 @danleto97 @miss-nori85 @rhysiecupcakes @texasgal2222 @magikat409 @jmackie1983 @sweatersandcaffeine @andillica @brandivstheworld @persephinii666 @jasoncrouse @rushernparadise @ferpyferp @neganscatleesi @lynnliciousadnan @astrangegirlsmind @kitcat44 @daintyunicorn @warriorqueen1991 @kellyn1604 @raspberrypuddle @zombeeegurl @shanaatjelove11 @arrow-dactyl @bebe-a7x1369 @sweetsweetpeach @prurose @--countrygurl-- @king-mcnaughty-negan @asshatry @lucifer-azrael @robertdowneyjr-rdj @gloria1995 @muldaaah @intimeandspacewithyou @meanandshallow
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risukin · 4 years
how many times will i have to hear abt whether or not someone's microlabel is 'valid' b4 ppl tackle the reality that using a sticky tack-on label of crudely redefined bisexuality as a cover up for their internalized biphobia isnt a solution for internalized biphobia or.....just blatant biphobia, in general
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