russadocachorrobranco · 4 months
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Valci Spínola Mercedita. Um sonho para viver. A dream to live, 2020.
Валси Спинола Мерседита. Мечта для жизни, 2020.
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docpiplup · 1 year
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hanban371213 · 2 months
hello hannah nation, finaly the end of the second to last book! context in the first post, find it through the first tag, have fun!
Book 8 - Portugal and the world, from the Second World War to the start of the 80s - internal options and international context.
Part 2 - Portugal, from Authoritarianism to Democracy
The end of the Second World War was seen as a "victory against fascism", also made Salazar have to, at the very least in apearence, "democratize" the country. The government was dissolved, opposition was allowed to form(the MUD - Movimento de Unidade Democrática), and elections were announced. However, these elections end up being a total farce. The MUD removes their candidacy, and their members are captured and repressed.
Afterwards in the presidential elections the people rally around the candidate Norton de Matos, but he was severely repressed and ended up giving up. The Democratic Oposition fragmented and weakened as time passed, until 1958 with the candidacy of Humberto Delgado, known as the "fearless general", due to his strong position as the one who's not gonna give up from the elections, and for publicly declaring that he would "obviously fire Salazar" once in charge. He created a massive popular mobilization around him, but when the results came he lost with only 25% of the votes. Américo Tomás won and the election system was abolished. But, the results of were put in doubt and the regime lost a lot of credibility, and in the following years the Democratic Oposition only increased in strength.
Economicaly the country was in stagnation. There was a huge lack of infraestructure, farms in the North were too small to mecanize, farms in the South were way too big and wasted, and most farmers lived in total poverty. This led to a lot of emigration, from the rural interior to the coast, but mainly outside of the country, mostly illegaly.
Salazar was forced to rethink his anti-industry policies, and allowed some limited industrialization, but with the sole purpose of replacing imports. The country integrated in the Marshall Plan and elaborated Fomentation Plans, and as such the coastal regions urbanized. This city growth led to a cosmopolitan style of life and aproximation of the country to European standards.
As the old colonial powers decolonized, Portugal remained stubborn, declaring that their colonies were actualy just "overseas provinces". This eventualy led to the colonies revolting, starting the colonial war, which alongside the increased number of ex-colonial nations in the UN, and the hostility of the unitedstatian administration, led to the country becoming even more isolated.
In 1968, Marcello Caetano replaces Salazar, and considering his frequent and periodic oposition to Salazar's ideals while in government gave a sign of hope to the Democratic Oposition. However, in the next elections the União Nacional(party of the Estado Novo) wins 100% of the seats, and increases it's repression on the opposition, showing that Nothing Has Changed. Another topic in which nothing changed was the colonial war, that Marcello Caetano insisted in continuing.
All of this only increased the internal and external oposition to the regime. Internaly: maoists groups, catholics, pastor D. António Ribeiro, the III congress of the Democratic Oposition, the army, specificaly general António de Spínola. Externaly: the Pope Paulo VI, the UN, protests in London during Marcello's visit.
The colonial war led to a lot of unhappiness in the army, who formed the Movimento das Forças Armadas(MFA), who planned a coup. In the 25th of April 1974, the end-of-regime operation begins. After the siege at the Quartel do Carmo, Marcello Caetano surrenders to general Spínola. The Junta de Salvação Nacional is created, that dismanteled the structure of the Estado Novo, and promissed to begin elections one year from then.
Immediatly after the fall of the Estado Novo, known as the "pre-constitutional period", Portugal lived in extreme instability, with the Provisional Governments progressively turning more to the left, with Vasco Gonçalves, associate of the PCP(Portuguese Communist Party) in charge of the Provisional Governments. General Spínola tried to stop this with a coup, but it fails, and in response the government radicalises even more, and creates the Council of the Revolution. The country undergoes multiple nationalizations and massive colectivization, and the African colonies are let go with no concessions. With a lot of pressure from the Socialist Party, the promissed elections take place, on the 25th of April 1975. The far-left loses, but they refuse to leave the government, during a period known as "hot summer", until one final coup on the 25th of November. The new Constitutional Assembly works on elaborating a new constitution, but due to the chaotic and radical conditions they were going through, they signed the MFA-Parties Treaty, that guaranteed the persevation of the revoltionary achievements in the new constitution (such as the nationalizations and the Council of the Revolution). The new constitution enters into effect on the 25th of April 1976.
As time passed, the country underwent multiple constitutional revisions, to democratize the country, and better integrate with the rest of Europe.
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wineup-es · 1 year
Elías López Montero recibe la medalla de oro en enología Mayte Spínola 2022
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quiltofstars · 4 months
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A Martian occultation by the Moon on August 9, 2020 // Márcio Spínola
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Alejandrina Gessler de Lacroix (Spanish, 1831-1907) after Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (Spanish, 1599-1660) La rendición de Breda, 1872 Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando Amongst the group of Spanish victors brandishing their lances, we can make out just as many individual expressions of exhaustion as we can amongst the resigned group of defeated Dutch soldiers. On June 5, 1625, Justin of Nassau, Dutch governor of Breda, handed over the keys of the city to Ambrosio Spínola, Genoese general in command of the Flanders thirds. The city had extraordinary strategic importance, and was one of the most disputed places in the long struggle between the Hispanic monarchy and the United Provinces of the North. Its capture after a long siege was considered a military event of the first order.
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 11 March 1975, there was an attempted far right coup in Portugal, known as the March 11 Intentona. This happened in the context of the revolutionary period that Portugal which began with the fall of the right-wing dictatorship on 25 April 1974. After the resignation of president António Spínola in September 1974, a left-wing government took power headed by prime minister and Communist Party-sympathiser, Vasco Gonçalves. Seeking to reverse the growing radicalisation of the revolution, Spínola led an attempted military coup, which failed due to the massive popular support of the MFA (movement of the armed forces — a movement of soldiers and junior officers that overthrew the dictatorship) and forced him to flee to Francisco Franco's dictatorship in Spain. In the cars of the Spinolist officers, massive amounts of money and cheques were found, signed by Espirito Santo (bankers of BES) and António Champalimaud, the richest man in Portugal at the time, with a fortune of around 9 billion euro (in 2020 equivalent), half of the Portuguese GDP in 1974. This counterrevolutionary threat, financed by the Portuguese capitalist class and supported by the Spanish and Brazilian military dictatorships, further spurred the revolution. Workplace and land takeovers accelerated under the slogan "land to those who work on it" and compelled Vasco Gonçalves, in cooperation with unions and the workers, to order the nationalisation of almost 70% of the Portuguese economy, including the financial empires of the Espirito Santo and Champalimaud families, who fled to Brazil where they also possessed vast wealth. During the attempted coup one soldier died and 15 people were injured during the bombing of a military garrison near the Lisbon airport. Learn more about the Portuguese revolution in our podcast episodes 41-42. Find them on every major podcast app or our website: https://workingclasshistory.com/2020/08/13/e41-42-the-portuguese-revolution/ https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2227736990744772/?type=3
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artfulfashion · 2 years
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Maria Garcia de Jaime wearing Jorge Vazquez, photographed by Luis Spínola for Harper's Bazaar Spain September 2022
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where is spínola when they need him
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gonzalo-obes · 3 months
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Yellow Day, el Día más feliz del año, Día Mundial del Refugiado, Día Mundial del Cáncer de Riñón, Día Mundial del Wi-Fi, Día Mundial de la Distrofia Muscular Facioescapulohumeral, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Florencia, Santa Florentina, San Silverio y Santa Elia.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1990
Se propone una nueva unidad monetaria (el ECU) para la Comunidad Europea. Fue el antecesor del Euro.
En Argel, capital de Argelia, la policía reprime manifestaciones de cientos de personas que han tomado las calles lanzando consignas en apoyo del depuesto presidente Ben Bella. Las protestas, que se iniciaron como una marcha ordenada de estudiantes, comienzan a recorrer calles en pequeños grupos que, al intentar dispersarlos, provocan disturbios. El ex-presidente Ahmed Ben Bella se encuentra detenido en un enclave militar en el Sahara. Ha sido derrocado ayer por el jefe de las fuerzas armadas coronel Houari Boumedienne y su Consejo Nacional Revolucionario. Ben Bella permanecerá bajo arresto domiciliario durante 15 años. Una vez liberado se exiliará en la neutral Suiza. (Hace 59 años)
Los nacionalistas chinos (boxers, una sociedad secreta llamada Yi HeTuan, "Puños de Justicia y Concordia") se rebelan en Pekín contra las injerencias económicas y políticas de las potencias europea y cercan las embajadas occidentales durante 55 días. En octubre se sofocará la rebelión. (Hace 124 años)
En el Reino Unido da comienzo la era victoriana al fallecer el rey Guillermo IV y ser proclamada reina del Reino Unido e Irlanda su hija de 18 años Alejandrina Victoria con el nombre de Victoria I. (Hace 187 años)
En España, Isabel, hija de Fernando VII y de María Cristina, que no llega a los tres años de edad, es nombrada princesa de Asturias y heredera al trono. (Hace 191 años)
Arriba al puerto de Liverpool (Reino Unido), tras 25 días de navegación, el buque "Savannah", primer barco de vapor con ruedas de paletas que cruza el Océano Atlántico. El buque ha partido de Savannah (Georgia, EE.UU.) el 24 del mes pasado. Las calderas de vapor sólo pueden funcionar durante dos horas seguidas, y luego tienen que descansar, por lo que la nave cuenta, además, con completo conjunto de velas. (Hace 205 años)
Prólogo de la Revolución Francesa al cerrar el monarca Luis XVI la sala de sesiones del Palacio y anular las resoluciones que acaban de aprobar los diputados para poner fin a su régimen absolutista. Los diputados expulsados se reúnen en la sala del Juego de Pelota y deciden no disolverse mientras no se redacte y establezca una Constitución, hasta ahora inexistente. (Hace 235 años)
El Congreso de EE.UU. aprueba el escudo de los Estados Unidos, con el águila en el anverso y la pirámide inconclusa en el reverso. (Hace 242 años)
En Sicilia, Italia, tiene lugar la Batalla de Francavilla entre las tropas españolas, comandadas por el marqués de Lede y el ejército imperial austríaco, encabezado por el conde de Merci que persigue al español tras haber abandonado el sitio de Melazzo. Al anochecer, los austríacos derrotados emprenderán la retirada. Las tropas españolas dejarán pasar la oportunidad de destruir o diezmar a los que se huyen y, por ello, los imperiales podrán recuperarse y pondrán sitio a Messina, que se halla defendida por Lucas de Spínola, quien, tras rechazar nueve ataques, finalmente se verá obligado a capitular. (Hace 305 años)
En América, tras el asesinato de un indígena, varias tribus indias (Wampanoag, Abenaki, Massachussets y Mohicanos) que se han unido en confederación capitaneados por Metacom (Wampanoag), atacan Rhode Island, para vengarse por esta muerte y para tratar de frenar de paso la invasión de colonos en Nueva Inglaterra, marcando el inicio de la más sangrienta y feroz guerra india en la historia colonial. (Hace 349 años)
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25deabril1974 · 5 months
Aqui Posto de Comando do Movimento das Forças Armadas: Continuando a dar cumprimento à sua obrigação de manter o País ao corrente desenrolar dos acontecimentos, o Movimento das Forças Armadas informa que se concretizou a queda do Governo, tendo Sua Ex.ª o prof. Marcello Caetano apresentado a sua rendição incondicional a Sua Ex.ª o general António de Spínola. O ex-presidente do Conselho, o ex-ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros e o ex-ministro do Interior encontram-se sob custódia do Movimento, enquanto Sua Ex.ª o almirante Américo Tomás e alguns ex-ministros do Governo se encontram refugiados em dois aquartelamentos que estão cercados pelas nossas tropas e cuja rendição se aguarda para breve. O Movimento das Forças Armadas agradece a toda a população o civismo e a colaboração demonstrados de maneira inequívoca desde o início dos acontecimentos, prova evidente de que ele era o intérprete do pensamento e dos anseios nacionais. Continua a recomendar-se a maior calma e a estrita obediência a todas as indicações que forem transmitidas. Espera-se que amanhã a vida possa retomar o seu ritmo normal, por forma a que todos, em perfeita união, consigamos construir um futuro melhor para o País. Viva Portugal!
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docpiplup · 1 year
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alternativaportugal · 5 months
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insideoutvietnam · 6 months
WISe.ART to Host the Prestigious ProArte y Cultura Mayte Spínola Gold Medals 2023 at the Iconic Nasdaq Building in New York City on April 1, 2024
New York, NY & Madrid, Spain, March 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WISe.ART to Host the Prestigious ProArte y Cultura Mayte Spínola Gold Medals 2023 at the Iconic Nasdaq Building in New York City on April 1, 2024 New York / Madrid – March 19, 2024: WISeKey International Holding Ltd. (“WISeKey”) (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a global leader in cybersecurity, digital identity, and Internet of Things…
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quiltofstars · 7 months
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The Ptolemy Cluster, M7 // Márcio Spínola
Now zoomed-in, you can easily see the Ptolemy Cluster's member stars. Most are blue-white giants as are common in all open clusters. There are about 80 stars in this cluster, with an estimated age of about 200 million years. M7 is about 980 light years from Earth.
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Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (Spanish, 1599-1660) The surrender of Breda (city in the Netherlands), ca.1635 Museo Nacional del Prado Amongst the group of Spanish victors brandishing their lances, we can make out just as many individual expressions of exhaustion as we can amongst the resigned group of defeated Dutch soldiers. On June 5, 1625, Justin of Nassau, Dutch governor of Breda, handed over the keys of the city to Ambrosio Spínola, Genoese general in command of the Flanders thirds. The city had extraordinary strategic importance, and was one of the most disputed places in the long struggle between the Hispanic monarchy and the United Provinces of the North. Its capture after a long siege was considered a military event of the first order, and as such it gave rise to a copious written and figurative production, which aimed to exalt the victors. It is not surprising that when it was decided to decorate the Hall of Kingdoms of the Buen Retiro Palace with a series of paintings of victories obtained during the reign of Philip IV, this one, which was probably the most famous, was included, and to represent it, Velázquez, by then the most prestigious painter at the court.
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