hetagrammy · 7 months
I'd love to know more about Emma in your Regency AU, given the fact she was in the description of it
I don't talk about Emma nearly enough! In the Regency AU she and Arthur are engaged of course, but it's more of a convenience thing rather than a romantic pursuit. Emma's family, headed by Jan, is part of the Nederland's Patriciaat. They're kind of like unofficial nobility, they have wealth and influence, but they lack a title. The Peeters family got this position as successful merchants- the problem is that by 1810, the French have put that in jeopardy. Jan had been doing business in England for a number of years because of the war, but the French takeover made it difficult for him to exercise any power and authority in the Netherlands, and messed with his business in the Indian Ocean to boot. Emma, therefore, becomes a means to an end: if she can marry a member of the English nobility, their family will have some attachment to "truly" noble blood and a money safety-net. The fact that it's Arthur, whose family is also involved in maritime trade and who has influence in the British navy makes their situation even better.
Emma has always known what her role was going to be, and for the most part she'd accepted that. She's bubbly, inviting, good at parties. She's a queen of society, and she knows it. She also understands that securing that kind of life is the end of the bargain she gets from marrying Arthur. That's not to say that she never wanted a loving marriage, but more so that she spent years telling herself it wasn't worth waiting for one, especially when Jan had his own interests to look after. If Arthur wasn't infatuated with Francis, it's likely they might have had an actual loving marriage. She doesn't exactly know it's Francis at first, but she gathers pretty quickly that Arthur's heart is in another place that he can't present to society. She's at least got the consolation that she'll have Molly's company and Arthur will be gone for long stretches of time at sea.
What shakes this "perfect" arrangement up is Antonio. He makes his way to England through Joao, as a favor to his own fiancee, Anneliese. He was also a family friend to Lovino and Feliciano, giving him someone else to stick around for. Anneliese and Antonio are also headed toward a marriage of convenience, that is until Antonio sets eyes on Emma. The two start having a bit of a flirtation back and forth, especially as they start acting as "chaperones" for Molly and Lovino. It gets serious, and it's probably one of the first relationships Emma has ever gotten any emotional fulfilment out of aside from Molly, Lovino, and her younger brother, Alexander. It really forces her to reckon with whether or not she's willing to give up the prospect of having status for a future in which she's happy and fulfilled. She sort of overcorrects, and ends up projecting onto Molly, almost fucking up her relationship in the process as well. In the end, she really ends up kind of being a matchmaker around the ton, which in turn rehabilitates some of her views on her own love life and forces her to work with Antonio even more.
All in all, if I ever actually wrote this fic (maybe someday when I'm not booked up with an internship!), Emma would 100% be one of the more central characters. She's the one whose arc I really have the most thought out, and she's one of the strings that ties a lot of people together.
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
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fizzycherrycola · 10 months
EngBelg and/or SpaBelg for your ship grading?
A/B for both of them!! ✨
Belgium is a wonderful, bubbly, fun and intelligent woman. A massively underrated character! The headquarters of the EU is in Brussels and that's no accident; she's been through two World Wars and came out the other side more resilient. She adapted! Other traits: she can drink everyone else in Europe under the table, she has a loving + HEALTHY relationship with her family (even if they had rough patches in the past), and she brightens up every pairing that she's a part of. And by the way, HAVE YOU SEEN her baking skills?? NGL, when I was younger, I often dreamed about dating a lady like her... So for me, automatically any pairing with Belgium gets at least a C or higher!
From a dynamic standpoint: I've written both of these pairings in fanfics, and while they turned out super different, some key takeaways were that SpaBelg leans more open, silly, and cute (for me). Whereas EngBelg feels more reserved, but no less deeply loving. These are just the vibes I got when I wrote them.
There's also a historical basis for these ships, and I adore my history classes.
For SpaBelg, I've read other fic authors who took this pair very seriously and explored the history of the Spanish Netherlands. My knowledge is woefully lacking in this area, so I won't embarrass myself by yammering about things I haven't researched.
HOWEVER. I personally HC England and Belgium's relationship beginning in the 1860's, after "The Luxembourg Crisis". This was a diplomatic dispute over the political status of Luxembourg that almost led to war, but was peacefully resolved by the Treaty of London. The UK was happy to host the talks as they feared that the absorption of Luxembourg by another power would weaken its strategic ally on the continent: Belgium. So these two were already on amicable terms by that point! It's also VERY appealing when a potential romantic partner shows they will defend your family. And from a practical sense, this just showed them both that, hey, it's in our best interests to stick together! Alliance... consummated!
Anyways I wish these pairings were more popular. Thank you for letting me rave about them. 💜
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HWD Drabble Games – July 22nd
Fandom: Hetalia
Prompt: Light
Characters/Pairing: Spain/Belgium
Notes: So, this was based on this song.
The sound of the evacuation alarm was still heard, even though Laura thought they had all left the city.
She was on the outskirts, next to an abandoned building. No one would find her there... except who she wanted me to find her. It was their special place, after all. She collapsed against the wall, panting, and clutched her arm tightly, feeling the effects of the epidemic that had spread through the city in record time. She had separated from Antonio in the midst of the confusion.
From there, she could see the city lights, some blinking red, a sign of the scattered alarms...
She smiled, remembering the brightness of the eyes of her love... they looked like stars.
She closed her eyes and fell asleep there, without hearing Antonio's voice calling her desperately.
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starfruit-grafitti · 2 years
Favorite ships?
The current faves: FrUK, RusAme, PortEng, NedCan
Honorable mentions: GerIta, any ship from the Frying Pangle or it as a whole, LatLiech, CanUkr, Turkey x Ukraine,,BelaCzech, LietBel, SpaBelg, SpAus,SwissAus, BrUSA (America x Brazil) SuFin, SuNor
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yugotaliamemerr · 6 years
Any rare ships you like? -Show them through memes. . .
oh well………..
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you are free to unfollow me now
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salytierra · 7 years
Heyo! Small curious question, I was send by a friend who said you where the Spain expert. Ifffffffffffff I where to think about an AU, with SpaBelg to be precise, how should I do with the last name for a possible kid? I personally use Laura Lauwens (I know, doesnt sound too smooth xD) as a headcanon name for Belgium, if that is helpful in any way ^^°
Hello. I actually made a post about how Spanish surnames work some months ago. 
But to sum it up: if they are living abroad it would be probably just Fernández. But if they are in Spain or some of the LA countries with the same system, then the kid would have two surnames, one from each parent, inheriting Fernández from their dad and Lauwens from the mom. 
ex: Maria Fernández Lauwens. 
Unless they are making a progressive statement registering the mother’s surname first. Or Bel lets Toni choose the name in exchange for putting her surname first (it’s a trend) 
ex: Pizzaroll Lauwens Fernández. (I honestly hope he doesn’t choose the name...) 
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kanaalreiziger · 7 years
Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse?: NedPort has always been a favorite of mine
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?: I dont get uncomfortable very easily so I’m at least willing to try most things. 
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?: With nations it’s hard to say man, I mean as long as the person isn’t mentally or physically underaged I guess age doesn’t necessarily matter? 
Are you selective when shipping?: I guess it kind of depends, I have my DIE hard pairings that I like, the ones that I’m willing to try out, and the ones I don’t want anywhere near me. I’ll usually be pretty direct about what I don’t like. 
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?: Once it hits third base that’s a pretty good indicator to me that the post needs to be cut lmao
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?: oh man uh @rancorosa @comodiosmanda @iberiandreamm @saltyseamann and i have tons of other pairings with nyo!ned that i adore like nedden and nedcan but i just havent had the chance to interact with muses from said pairings 
Does one have to ask to ship with you?: No one needs to ask me necessarily, just sending me a meme and letting our characters interact is cool but I do like plotting that kind of stuff
How often do you like to ship?: All the time bud
Are you multiship?: Anneke isn’t in a committed relationship so id say as of right now yes
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?: In between I guess? I’d love to have someone to ship with but I also really value roleplaying w/ family and friends
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?: SpaBelg holy shit dude 
Finally, how does one ship with you?: Shoot me a message pls
TAGGED BY: @rancorosa tagging: anyone who wants it pls take it from me 
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rosentraume · 6 years
maybe a fic abt SpaBelg?? (idk what the ship names called lol it’s Belgium n Spain)
Here’s the most cringeworthy thing you’ll ever read in your life shdhdhd also Monique is the human name I’ve chosen for Belgium lol
The Chad and the Princess
“If you want her heart, you will have to fight me first!” Lovino yelled, staring at the tall jock in front of him.
“That’s stupid Lovi, you know I don’t wan…” Ouch. The short Italian hit Antonio’s stomach. He was clearly wanting to cause trouble, and though Antonio knew that he couldn’t fight for Monique’s love, as if she were just a mere trophy, he wouldn’t let a short and weak man like Lovino, the biggest incel of the town, hurt his honour and status as the most popular boy at school.
“Oh boys, stop fighting for me, please!” Monique tried to intervene, she didn’t want to see her two best friends fighting.
Lovino tried to punch Antonio again “C’mon you little shit, stop ignoring me!” He yelled. But this time, Antonio held him by the wrist and hit Lovino with a strong punch in the face. At this moment all the students of the school stopped to watch the fight.
“I’m sorry for this Lovino, but maybe this way you’ll stop treating women like trophies. My fist was only doing its job” All the school were applauding him, Monique felt touched by his brave discourse.
“Antonio senpai! Are you okay?” Monique ran to Antonio’s arms and hugged him with tears in her eyes “Did he hurt you?”
“I’m okay… I’m not sure about Lovino though…” Lovino’s nose was bleeding, he looked devastated.
“I guess you won… Baka…” Lovino walked away, he decided to accept the defeat. But no one had even noticed, all they cared about at the moment was Antonio and Monique, the prettiest girl and the most popular boy in the school.
Monique wrapped her arms around Antonio’s neck and gave him a kiss “I love you Antonio! You’re my hero!”
Antonio blushed, it was his first kiss with a girl, he had only kissed guys before because he’s a bit gay, but also a bit straight. “I love you too, Monique-Chan!”
And they lived happily ever after in a kingdom where incels weren’t allowed.
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Spain x Belgium. + Netherlands. 100 Meters Au.
Antonio was a successful man with one child and a good wife, who is waiting for their second child. Even though the bad relationship he have with his brother in law, everything looked perfect for him.
However, after Ned started to live in their home because the roof of his own broke, Antonio started to feel weird.
Turns out he have Multiple Sclerosis and that changes his life forever.
After being told that, in the future, he wouldn't even be able to walk 100 meters, he challenged himself to do so. Even Ned feels solidarity for him and decided to help him, training him.
When Antonio saw a poster talking about the Ironman triathlon, he decided to participate; Bel only accept if Ned is the trainer.
With this, their relationship became better.
Describe his fight against the Multiple Sclerosis and his struggles, his conquers and his loses.
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hetagrammy · 1 year
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🎵There is nothing can bend the will like half-Castilian men🎵
Emma and Antonio are both in engagements that are planned to lead to marriages of convenience, both hoping for legitimacy among the nobility. Emma's family is one of the Dutch Patriciaat, families who are important but lack noble titles (similar to England's landed gentry). Antonio is illegitimate, but has been left a sizeable inheritance by his father (leaving João none too pleased). Arthur of course wants to secure his family line, as none of his children are able to inherit. Anneliese sees marrying Antonio as avoiding annoying questions about why she hasn't married, and he is content to let her continue her romance with Erzsebet.
The trouble is that they met each other, and all of a sudden those plans began to seem a little less appealing. Breaking engagements however, are not simple affairs. Especially for Emma.
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fish-png · 9 years
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Pixiv ID: 33480424
Member: 壱倉
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Spain x Belgium. Crackfic.
After agreeing the terms and conditions without reading, Spain sold their baby to the company and Belgium is so done with her husband.
Now, they have to go on an adventure to save their baby.
Ps: Be careful with what you agreed on internet. 👍
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A: I love it
B: It’s really cute
C: Not a bad ship
D: I’m neutral on it
E: I don’t really like it
N/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
Oh yes a good domestic and fluffy ship 👌 There's some good content of them out there 👌
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fish-png · 10 years
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fish-png · 10 years
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