#spaghetti robot wars
lukerycyja-reblogs · 1 year
I have no idea what I'm doing, it's probably ooc but I don't care, since there isn't much new content bout Ramattra (people don't have taste if they don't simp for a robot man) I will write it myself
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"You are aware I was made to fight and kill humans, right?" He asked you as your hands were buried in the depths of his metach chest cavity, untangling multiple wires from this current spaghetti state.
You hum gently as the radio in the background plays some old tunes from before the war. Among the mess of mechanical parts and oily tables, an R-7000 unit was hanged by the shoulders from the ceiling. It's legs and arms were destroyed and unusable, yet that didn't stop you from attempting to put him back together.
"Well, you aren't good at it then" you said as you tweaked yet another screw, slowly making progress towards your goal.
He made a sound as if he was scoffing, and if his face could, you were sure he would look like an angry toddler right now.
You listen to his speech, enjoying the sound of his voice. Yes, you were tempted to change it, so he would speak as a kid after inhaling helium, but decided that this would be only if he majorly pissed you off. After all, in the state like this, he couldn't do much anyways. At least you can let him ramble.
"You made those customisations yourself?" You asked, wanting to know more about him and not about his views on politics.
Topics like those can quickly tire anyone out and you really didn't feel up to a debate tonight.
"Yes" was the short answer.
"They make you look cute" you blurt out bluntly and continue your work, not expecting a reaction out of him.
There was silence for a moment and then you heard a quiet whisper.
"... cute?"
You stopped you snort last second, as you wanted to know more about his feelings. Laughing right now would probably make him angry and closed off again.
You then cheer as your hands connect one of the last pieces together, marking the finish of the work for today. You finally cleaned up the mess in his chest and fixed his chassis. Now, you will have to rebuild his limbs. Probably from scratch, as there are no known R-7000 units available anywhere. Great.
"I'm afraid you will have to spend more time with me, big guy. Will you tell me your name today?" You asked as you always did at the end of the day.
You never really expected an answer. He had to live through hell and hated humans with a passion from what you could gather. There is no way, that he would even share his name with a human like you-
What a suprise.
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bee-birb · 8 months
compiled my thoughts whilst watching sonic prime s3, shes a doozy
he ate shit again :3
AHHHH THEY HELD HANDS (for half a second to propel forward) BUT STILL
shadow COUGHING??? he can get HURT??? nah he just fell
🎶there goes hawaii, there-ere goes hawaii🎵 🎵there goes hawaii, the island is gone🎶
times sonic has eaten shit this season: 4
nine: “i hate chili dogs!” sonic: dramatic and wounded gasp
I need to get this off my chest why does sonic slap his ass as a taunt ive seen it in prime and ive seen in in x, this is a recurring theme and i am wtfing at it, why does sonic have a thing for smackin his ass as a taunt? idk but its fuckin hilarious, your ass is not that juicy it is not tempting, save the ass slapping for the bedroom you blue gumball son of a bitch, Sonic you have flat ass syndrome stop
where the FUCK is sonics boyfriend you cant hide in the crater the entire climax battle dumbass getchyo gay striped glutes out here and save you bf
bro got hit with a bomb and SURVIVED
LMAO SHADOW ACTUALLY SMILED, granted, he was talking about “smashing hordes of sonics” (probably about destroying them but it was offcamera so we’ll never know) IT WAS SO CUTE
i also need 4 rocks, 80 ft of vine, and a time machine
times sonic has eaten shit this season: 6
the gang is not impressed by sonics bf
there goes hawaii, there-there goes hawaii, there goes hawaii, the island is gone pt 2
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gonna draw this stupidhead 🫶
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me when 6 identical copies of me attack my boyfriend (its kinda hot)
"AAAAAHHAAAHHAAAA! aaaahhhaaaahhh! splat."
YUHHH STEP ON YOUR BOYFRIEND AGAIN thats like what the 4th time???
renegade knux makes the best faces ngl like his expressions are top tier
shadow has not been onscreen in 10 minutes give me more of the edgy swifty, THE KING HAS RETURNED
CRYING he still has a smile as hes going to fucking DIE AHHHHH SCREAMING
ahhh the gateways are the shape of the shards
old man soccer
gay ass hand on hip side lean, fucking queer
hA the sisters rose are FAILING now his bf gets to save his blue gumball ass
lol rock gone get rekt eggbreath
you have 13 seconds before the island fucking explodes you hot topic wannabe and you blue gumball son of a bitch. you have done nothing but destroy my life, i hope you both die.
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duckapus · 9 months
SMG4 AU Idea: Adventure Time With Meggy and Boopkins
Takes place in a post-Mario-series universe where the world was once again invaded by the Shroobs, and the resulting war led to an apocalypse that decimated both sides. Nearly every civilization fell to ruin, Shroob waste spread all over causing illness and rapid mutation, the heroes of the world all either died, went missing, or worse, a wide assortment of ancient evils were unleashed or reborn all across the globe, and the very rules of Magic were rewritten.
Fast forward a thousand or so years later and we're introduced to Meggy the Human and her younger brother Boopkins the Fish, who've just left their hometown of Port Aurora to become Adventurers on the mainland. They're a bit odd even by the standards of their bizarre world, since humans are believed to have been extinct for centuries, Boopkins has incredible shapeshifting powers, and their dad Joe and aunt Lily are 50-foot-tall ancient guardians of the sea.
One of the first places they end up on their journey is the Mushroom Kingdom, which is currently in a bit of a bind. The Mushroom people's ruler, Princess Apricot Toadstool, has been kidnapped by the evil Fire Lord and his army of monkeys. The Mushroom people would rescue her themselves, but they're not exactly...competent. Well, except for Guard Captain Shroomy, but if both he and Apricot are gone while the Mushrooms are already this wound up the whole kingdom will collapse in about three days. So, First Adventure Time!
After some traveling they get to the volcanic region where Fire Lord's home is and fight their way through the monkey army, and Fire Lord's demonic right-hand minion Saiko, to the Princess...es. Apparently Fire Lord has a whole Thing about princesses and there's a dozen or so in there. One of them is Bob the Thief Princess, who is a guy because there's no rule that says a princess can't be a dude. And if there is one he'll break it because he loves breaking rules.
Anyway, Apricot's with Fire Lord instead of with the other princesses, so Meggy, Boopkins and the princesses storm further into the fortress and find them.
And if you're even slightly familiar with Adventure Time you know just what kind of goofy pathetic nutcase they end up finding. Though Fire Lord is red instead of Ice King's blue, has a jeweled bracelet instead of a crown, and has the additions of incredible jumping abilities and an addiction to spaghetti.
Anyway, there's a big fight (where Apricot ends up with a massive axe somehow and decides she's never letting it go. Yes I'm repurposing Wapeach because It's My House), the good guys win, everyone goes home.
Afterwards, Apricot declares Meggy and Boopkins heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom, and offers to let them stay in her castle, but they decline since they saw a big hollow tree on the way back that they can turn into a Fresh home base.
Of course, when they move in they find out that the place is already occupied by a little camera robot named SuperMemeGenerator4, but he's excited to have some new roommates so it's not a big deal. Also Bob decides to live there too for some reason.
So there's the introduction, now some explanations:
Yes, Fire Lord is (or at least was) Mario. The bracelet he's wearing is basically a fire version of the Ice Crown. I went with him both so he could be a major character despite how long the timeskip is and as a nod to what becoming the Avatar did to him in SMG4 canon. His version of Gunther the Penguin is a monkey in a green vest named Terence. I haven't fully decided why Saiko works for him but I'm thinking it's some sort of Life Debt thing like Han and Chewey in Star Wars.
Since the Shroobs are mushroom aliens the war that ended the world is still called the Great Mushroom War.
Lily's entire backstory is still the same, except the apocalypse and the absence of the Crew means she got found and taken in by Diana, And has very clearly taken up her mantle.
Apart from Fire Lord, Lily, and a few other obvious cases, everybody has their canon ages and personalities. So Meggy and Boopkins ages are swapped from Finn and Jake's, and Apricot is a kid and a very different sort of person from Bubblegum.
Due to that and some other differences, (some obvious, others less so) this AU wouldn't really follow the same story beats as the show.
Melony ends up in Marceline's place in terms of her relationship with Mario/Fire Lord.
Most of the iconic Mario Species are either extinct or mutated/evolved almost beyond recognition, with Boos and Piranha Plants as notable exceptions, and Goombas as a prime example due to now being big pack-hunting apex predators instead of sapient footstools.
Apricot is actually Mario and Peach's however-many-greats granddaughter, and neither her nor Fire Lord are consciously aware of that connection. Apricot because the Apocalypse making it hard to map out family lines that far and Fire Lord because he doesn't remember that he's Mario and wasn't aware before All That that Peach was pregnant. Also, Apricot isn't considered human due to a mix of mutations during the apocalypse, interspecies relationships, and the fact that I'm convinced that Peach is half-Toad already (both here and in actual Mario canon). It'll be more obvious that she's not human if I ever draw her.
When SMG3 and Tari get introduced it's going to be as the previous iteration of SMG4's design and as an Android created by the same scientist who built the two of them.
Also, Luigi will eventually get introduced by way of accidentally falling through a one-way time portal, getting sent from E. Gadd's Lab before the War to the story's present day somewhere in the wilderness. His absence was actually a major contributing factor to everything going so horribly wrong. Also since he's Luigi and not Betty, and since the dynamic between twin brothers and fiancés is obviously very different, he's going to have a different reaction to Fire Lord than Betty had to Ice King.
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cipherexists · 2 years
Documenting a few other details that ive found in the way back machine SPG dig
The Spine was originally created with a spinal column made up of smokestacks similar to a locomotive, thus he was appropriately named The Spine. In 1955, the US government invested millions of dollars into upgrading The Spine. Therein he received a brand new titanium alloy spine, and a multitude of highly classified weapons.
yeah, highly classified weapons?? what???
Eventually David entered high school. He was working towards his A+ Certification in computers and looking towards becoming an IT Technician. A sudden (but possibly long overdue) divorce between his parents turned David's life upside down during his Junior year. The divorce didn't go well between parents.
This is not included in Bunny's...despite them being twins... i love the 'sudden (but possibly long overdue) divorce'
David met Jerry Hager for the first time when he took his Beginning Acting class at the college. David knew of Jerry's "miming" down at Seaport Village and even visited his professor a few times while he was performing. It wasn't until his [Sister] [Bunny] took Jerry's mime class, and recommend that he take it with [her] again the following year, that David was introduced to the beauty of the art of mime and movement.
Yes you heard the man, The Jon, The Rabbit, The Spine and Upgrade only went through Three (3) mime classes before their first appearances in balboa park. And none more. (see; Steam Powered Giraffe started at the beginning of the second time David took Jerry's mime class.)
More P.A. Walter VI blog shinanigans
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*List of images including but not limited to: Giraffes, toothles (HTTYD), fantasy games and GG <3*
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wtf dude, 'Eggs of spider infancy within this meek little blog' ???
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Back to the website...2014
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Rabbit went on to fight against Becile's copper elephants in 1897, outfitted with a prototype blue matter laser lens array, a Gatling Gun attachment, and a collapsible buzz saw. Rabbit's combat history also spans WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam war.
btw they are still canonically fitted with these weapons, they just wont use them...
Hatchworth time >:)
After getting over that pesky omg-I'm-so-nervous-I'm-going-to-poop-out-all-my-guts feeling, he did ok in theater club. Soon there after, he decided anyone can play guitar, so he did
^^ Sam luke on performing <3
For a while after that, they drifted apart (which tends to happen to friends of Sam).
that is so sad, wth
Approximately junior year a tall, gangly fellow (by the name of David) joined the drama club and introduced himself as such. Sam spent many'a afternoon trying to discern the Bennett twins (one wears black and one wears dragons). The only way Sam chooses to explain the early days of "Hangin' With the Bennetts" is as follows:
"it was like being a supporting character on some weird sitcom within a sitcom."
Sam Luke on meeting the Bennet twins :')
Fast forward a bit and it turns out the Bennetts only got weirder with time. They were robots now and apparently they needed a drummer.
That sounds about right..
Somehow I also became a robot apparently.
Do we know how that happened...yes, will i explain that...not yet
When Peter Walter I began constructing an army of robots, he used whatever source of metal he could find. So it wasn't surprising when his own cast iron stove served as the base for a bronze-laden robot.
...that explains the insanity, i too would keep spaghetti in my pocket if i was made of a stove
upon examination Peter Walter II discovered a hairline fracture had been developing for years in the robot's power core. Hatchworth had been leaking a troublesome amount of concentrated blue matter energy[...]Mustache and all, the Walter boys locked Hatchworth in a lead vault deep within Walter Manor until they could find a solution. But months pouring over his original schematics proved fruitless for the boys and soon months turned into years...and then turned into decades.
Thats how hatchworth came about.... yeah no definitely would be insane at that point.
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I miss being a little girl and putting my feet on top of my dad’s so he can walk while I hugged him. I miss that joy. I miss climbing on the rocks in Central Park and feeding the horses carrots. I miss the tulips in my neighbor’s yard and the caterpillars on the tomato plants and the pansies planted around the bird bath. I miss the sunflowers taller than me. I miss the intricate wrought iron railing with filigree. I miss the wooden chest with fish shaped brass handles that flipped up and down. I miss my giant, empty, carpeted room and scratchy blue heated blanket. I miss the sound of the motor humming and clicking from my favorite nightlight. I miss playing in the park next to the elementary school across from my house. I miss the frost on the steel bars that stung my skin. I miss the cold tile in the kitchen and the broken clock above the dining room table. I miss the corded phone that was always tangled and the screen door that never closed just right. I miss footy pajamas and sliding down the carpeted stairs on my butt and crashing into the coat closet at the bottom. I miss the scary basement. I miss watching the sun set over the Brooklyn bridge. I miss Fergus scratching up my legs when I’d get home. I miss sitting in the back of an airport terminal tram while the sun rises. I miss the bumps of a plane landing and the ding before a pilot’s announcement. I miss yawning to pop my ears during take off and that momentary feeling of falling when the plane wheels leave the runway. I miss the silent dark car rides home with only the glow of the buttons to light up the car’s interior. I miss the strange carpet in the Tampa International baggage claim with its rows and rows of empty carousels. I miss those little curled leaves that crunch when you step on them. I miss the feeling of my baby brother’s hand gripping my fingers. I miss how he always laughed hysterically every time I smiled at him. I miss building train tracks for him after school. I miss watching his favorite shows with him and his hugs when we’d pick him up from preschool. I miss mixing and heating up his baby bottles and cleaning his binkys. I miss his mouth breathing when he passed out in his car seat. I miss scrubbing the spaghetti stains off his high chair. I miss playing on the roots on the trees in Medard Park and running across the boardwalk to hear my feet thunk against the wood. I miss hiding my DS under my pillow so I could play Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. I miss playing with my bakugan and pretending they were empires at war. I miss sleeping in my closet just because I could. I miss the dark parking garages and dull beige walls at USF. I miss sitting with my mom in the campus library. I miss going to Busch Gardens every weekend and riding the sky ride over the habitats. I miss taking the train through the safari area and being lulled to sleep by the clacking of the wheels. I miss running across the rope bridges in Jungala and riding Air Grover with my little brother. I miss the smell of chlorine and the cold unfriendly YMCA changing rooms. I miss the rock wall and the hot concrete. I miss swimming in pools and being afraid of the robot cleaning the deep end. I miss feeding the ducks stale bread. I miss my 8th grade history teacher. I miss the cold dark mornings in the car. I miss sitting on my backpack outside the door of my first period class. I miss skipping lunch and hiding in the darkness backstage in the auditorium. I miss the library after school. I miss cleaning the fish tanks in the marine science room. I miss the smell of formaldehyde. I miss walking from the school to the local library and hunkering down in the corner to watch Hetalia on my laptop. I miss listening to music as I walked through fog to the bus stop just before sunrise. I miss the dew on the bus windows and the painfully cold mornings and blue faux leather seats always cracked and peeling. I miss the snails hiding in the cracks of the bricks. I miss the warm summer rain and the windy fall days. I miss hiding in the nurse’s room during pep rallies.
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the-stray-liger · 2 years
gundam question! I am confused
What is a gundam? I watched a vid with this title and the guy said "they have these certain colors and maybe some horn things on their heads and are made of a special metal" and that explained nothing.
Why are people worried that the warcrimes kid Eri is now the gundam? Do gundams eat their pilots? Do they power their big attacks by eating people, specifically their pilots? Is Suletta in danger of getting eaten too?
When Suletta pilots Aeriel, is she actually... doing anything? The fight clips I've seen, it just seems like she's in there and the gundam does complex stuff while she talks to herself. And I get that's a thing, in general, with anime, but I'm seriously confused here.
Is Aeriel an AI and Suletta basically just there to press the On switch? Does she feed power to the gundam somehow? Is she the one moving it around???
What the FUCK is a gundam!?
I grew up watching a VHS of Zoids Liger Zero (my command wolf is still around here, somewhere) and I WANT to be into a mecha show again especially if the MC is a dork idiot girl blowing things up for her bride, but I don't understand! None of the article's I've read make sense! What part of these battles am I supposed to worry about? What makes a gundam different from a non-gundam robot????
Please, if you have the energy to help, or link me to place where someone explains it... please.. im thirsty for mecha and confused
oh jesus what an Ask dfskldsfd
WELL a gundam is a robot. Like that's a given but the main thing in Gundam is that the gundam, the titular robot, is The Coolest Robot you can find. Usually you can tell gundams apart because they have two eyes and a v-fin on their heads but that's not canon for every series so it isn't really a way to tell them apart always. Also the characteristics of the gundam vary between series. The most important thing about gundam is the pilot. The gundam is usually set apart from other mobile suits because of a specific characteristic that others dont have like a psychommu or a GN drive, but what matters is its pilot, that's what makes a gundam special.
Gundam in itself its not a franchise about robots, but afrachise with different stories about different characters with a specific message (like War Bad or Fuck Silly) that has robots in it. You can relax, the definition of a gundam isn't something set in stone and it will be unique in each series you watch.
Im gonna start the part about G Witch by telling you right off the bat, the witch from mercury is a series that's just coming out and we don't have a lot of information about Eri, Suletta and Gundam Aerial. Most of the stuff you see floating around on tumblr besides the gay is basically throwing spaghetti at the wall type headcanons.
So the main thing why people think Eri is now Aerial, as in she was consumed or absorbed by the gundam, is that there are signs that Eri and Suletta are not the same person. For starters, it seems like Suletta doesn't remember the events of the prologue. Her age is another big thing-the prologue happens 20 years before the series and Suletta is only 17 years old, which seems to be a sign that she is another different person.
Aerial itself is very special too because in the little tale we got it is completely sentient and bonds with Suletta. I cant really remember an instance in which the gundam does that in another gundam series? gundams are usually just robots. The big thing about gundam is that the power of the gundam depends on the pilot, gundams aren't usually sentient. But this seems to be a nudge towards the theory that Ericht Samaya was absorbed by it, and as you said, the strength of Aerial doesn't seem to depend from Suletta but it appears to be within Aerial itself.
Plus the displays of power of the Aerial are very unique; cant remember exactly the episode but during a specific fight we see the bits of the Aerial transform into what seem children made of light, which also implies there might be more than one person in there. It's A Lot to take in. But again, we're just getting started with the series so all of it is just headcanons.
So for now just chill. Sit down with a cup of tea and turn your brain off, enjoy the gay and the big robot fights, that's the best way to watch gundam. If you really need the explanations as you watch I think you'd better just wait til the series is done to watch it in one go, or watch a different gundam series that isn't as insane as g witch.
Hope this helps, and if it doesn't, I reccomend once again trying a less balls to the wall series like Gundam Wing or Gundam 00! my askbox is open always if you have any other mech stuff you wanna yell about.
Good day!
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sbubbey · 1 year
hey welcome!
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my name's oliver but you can call me bubs.
i mainly reblog random shit i like, occasionally fandom stuff. those being video games (a lot of them), beetlejuice the musical, and vocaloid/vocalsynth. also a big fan of beasts, critters, and creatures. my art blog is @croc-top
preferably no minors following but please block the nsft tag. i use "nsfw ish" for suggestive posts but nothing explicit
the boingyboofs: razputin aquato, beetlejuice, peppino spaghetti, theodore noise, viktor humphries, shadow dan, crazy dave, zagreus, hornet, luigi, kratos, oatchi, chai, 2d, dead cells guy, dr loboto, wilson higgsbury, mono and six
dni pr0shippers, hairypotter fans, beetleb4bes, bug haters, capitalist bootlickers, t3rfs, and zi0nists.
i also Don't Like vivziep0p. but really i don't care if you like her work, i don't mind interaction.
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and yes i know hetalia is a frequent tag here. no i don't like it anymore.
here's a list of games i like!
🏅 = 100% completion
Hollow Knight 🏅⭐���
⭐️ = special interest
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance 🏅⭐️
Little Nightmares 1+2 🏅⭐️
Project Diva: MegaMix+ 🏅⭐️
God of War 2018 🏅
Alice: Madness Returns 🏅
Death's Door 🏅
Hades 🏅⭐️
Ori and the Will of the Wisps 🏅
Psychonauts 2 🏅⭐️
Tunic 🏅
Risk of Rain 2 🏅
Solar Ash 🏅
Stray 🏅
Smile for Me 🏅
Fe 🏅
Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart 🏅
Carrion 🏅
Plants vs Zombies ⭐️
Nine Sols ⭐️
Cult of the Lamb
PvZ: Garden Warfare 2 ⭐️
Hi-Fi Rush ⭐️
Psychonauts ⭐️
Portal 1+2 ⭐️
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
Dead Cells
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Don't Starve
Haiku, the Robot
God of War: Ragnarök
Have a Nice Death ⭐️
A Hat in Time
Hyper Light Drifter
Nuclear Throne
The Room series
Slime Rancher
Just Shapes and Beats
Pizza Tower
Ori and the Blind Forest
Splatoon series ⭐️
Lost in Random
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
Breath of the Wild
Tears of the Kingdom
Metroid Dread
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Luigi's Mansion 3
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Untitled Goose Game
Iron Lung
Risk of Rain 1
Death Trash
Home Safety Hotline
Pikmin (haven't played)
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thinkin abt odd stuff today
mainly how my mum was blocked from going forward with stuff like metalwork because, at the time, her school didn't allow girls to do certain qualifications. how she ended up in a male-dominated industry anyway and constantly had to prove that she was an equal match & just as capable as all the blokes
and how that almost definitely influenced how she raised me, whether it was a conscious decision or not. bc yeah when i was a girl i liked girly things - pink was my favourite colour, i had dolls like betty spaghetti and bratz and polly pockets, liked having my nails painted, etc etc.. but i was also allowed to fuck about in the mud and pick up bugs, get obsessed with space, watch walking with dinosaurs and robot wars all the time, swap skirts/dresses for shorts, get my hair cut short..
at no point was i ever told "you can't like/do [thing], that's for boys", nothing was off-limits, and i was never made to feel guilty or wrong for liking stereotypically "boy things"
my mum may not've been a perfect parent but holy fuck am i glad she taught me that interests have no gender
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In a universe where the fabric of reality is woven with both technology and mysticism, the planet of Elysion thrives under the enigmatic guidance of its leader, Lady Arinelle. Known for her ethereal beauty and otherworldly wisdom, Arinelle possesses an aura that blends the essence of ancient magic with the advancements of futuristic technology. Her hair, a cascade of pink and blue, symbolizes the harmonious integration of Elysion's dual nature.
The story begins when Cyril Toumanoff, an interstellar historian from the distant galaxy of Archiva, arrives on Elysion. He is on a mission to uncover the secrets behind the planet’s sudden rise in galactic influence. Upon landing, Cyril is struck by the stunning visuals of the planet—smoke-like whispers of nanotech merge seamlessly with the natural flora, creating an ambiance that blurs the lines between the organic and the synthetic.
Cyril's journey leads him to the Court of Blossoms, where Lady Arinelle resides. The court is a spectacle of technology mimicking natural beauty, with robotic cherry blossoms that adapt their blooming to the emotions of their observers. It’s here, under the luminescent petals, that Cyril first sees Arinelle. Her gown, a fusion of biotech fabric and crystalline embellishments, shimmers with a life of its own, reacting to her mood and surroundings.
As Cyril approaches, Lady Arinelle’s keen gaze meets his, and a silent exchange of understanding passes between them. She knows why he has come, and with a graceful gesture, she invites him to her private library—a vast digital archive where the history of thousands of worlds is preserved.
Over scrolls of nano-paper and interactive holograms, Arinelle reveals to Cyril the source of her power: an ancient artifact known as the Heart of Aion. This device, a complex amalgam of lost technology and forgotten spells, is responsible for Elysion’s flourishing ecosystem and its technological supremacy.
Cyril realizes that the balance Arinelle has achieved between technology and magic could serve as a blueprint for peace in the war-torn sectors of the galaxy. But he also knows that such power can attract dangerous ambitions. The historian must decide whether to share his findings with the Galactic Council or keep Elysion’s secret to preserve its utopia.
As the tale unfolds, Cyril becomes a pivotal figure in a larger narrative about the integration of differing worlds, embodying the possibility of unity in diversity. Under the watchful eyes of Lady Arinelle, Cyril’s decision will not only shape his destiny but also the future of the galaxy.
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ponds-of-ink · 8 months
I have a feeling Puddle Creature would approach FNAF like watching Star Wars in release order. And then completely ignoring the Phone Guys and such because they’re too boring.
To show what I mean by sort of being in-character…
(And I’m putting this under a cut so you can prepare to have your head spin..)
FNAF 1 - Guy named Mike Schmidt takes a creepy six-day job, then gets fired. The animatronics “working” there are confused and bummed out afterwards… Unless we’re talking about the Angry Yelling Yellow Bear, then he’s just happy he gets to sleep again.
FNAF 2 - Guy named Jeremy “Fritz-Gerard” takes the same job, but he’s in the 80s. Everytime the animatronics scare him, they knock him out and show their past involvements with some magenta-and-purple-wearing guys. He doesn’t get fired, but he does retire in the 90s or something. Meanwhile, some other Fritz gets fired for messing with 10-ish animatronics at once.
FNAF 3 - Meanwhile, in Present Day Somewhere-Ville, a robot-bunny named “Spring-Trap” plays tricks on another guard. He doesn’t give out any hints about his past, but the arcade 3Guard plays at home does. That arcade might’ve been by five sad ghosts that vanished after he played… Doesn’t explain the “Bad Ending”, but oh well.
Oh and one of the Purple Guys turned into Springtrap, but that’s probably not as important as you might think. Probably.
FNAF 4 - In a different part of Somewhere-Ville, a random kid gets hunted by monsters at night. Then bullied by his older brother at dawn. Then he’s bitten by Angry Yellow Bear’s brother on his birthday. Yellow Bear’s “son” (Yellow Bear Jr.), however, promises to fix him… Though we never learn how.
FNAF 5/Sister Location - A guy named Eggs Benedict is a technican at a brand-new pizza robot rental service. He fails after getting thwacked by a huge claw on his fifth night there. This… somehow turns him into a zombie? That throws up gray spaghetti??
Also, another guy named Michael Afton tells his dad that he freed his lost sister from… somewhere— But nearly lost his life while doing that. Michael is not happy, and neither are Elizabeth and The Board Member of Somewhere-Ville Technology— Who might’ve been kept from some terrifying secrets Mr. Afton had.
FNAF 6/Pizzeria Simulator - Somebody opens up a new Freddy’s that somehow hasn’t gone wrong… Until an angry cassette player sets everything on Saturday. The casette might be haunted by a very angry manager from the ‘80s.
At least those mean robots from FNAF 3 and 6 are gone now?
UCN - Uhh… A scaredy-cat plays with Freddy’s ‘Ultra Cybernetic Network’ while a red crocodile and Angry Yellow Bear talk about him. They… might be ghosts trapped in another arcade game??
Help Wanted 1 - Freddy’s finally got its act together! Yay! They’ve even made a VR game to celebrate.
Too bad the guy from Ultra Cyber Network might’ve put a rabbit-looking bug in the system.. Or it’s Springtrap’s fault. Either one.
Security Breach - A boy called Gregory gets lost in Somewhere-Ville’s Freddy Pizza-Plex Mall. The Freddy there helps, but nobody else does— Not even this Security Guard named Vanessa.
Also there’s two rabbits named Vanny and… Springtrap but Burnt? One is mean and chases after you while the other one stays behind and calls for help from his “friends”. Freddy doesn’t like Springtrap, which is understandable.
It’s a Choose-Your-Own thing, so there’s no real ending… Well, apart from Gregory escaping.
Ruin - A year later, a girl named Cassie gets called into the mall by “Gregory”. She’s hunted down by Springtrap’s ‘Friends’ (and a blue hare that kinda looks like Purple Guy, with that huge smile…?) until she makes it to the basement. Then she realizes that it’s not Gregory, runs for it, and then… uh..
Either she falls down an elevator or she gets stuck down there. Either way, she’s turned into a ghost for sure. It’s just a guess of how and when.
Help Wanted 2 - Rabbit Bug gets squished by Vanny. That’s the only surprise here. Everything else is just training stuff for Freddy’s or some Freddy-type carnival rides…
The Story as Puddle Sees It: Freddy’s has a history of ghosts haunting arcade games, broken machines, and bears making messes of things. Most guards either quit or—if you’re Eggs—get turned into zombies with severe spaghetti allergies. Freddy’s has been refusing to shut down, but they might just have to resort to supplying Carnival rides to state fairs at this point. Yay?
Oh and in case you’re wondering about the not-guards:
Michael Afton is still looking for his dad.
Springtrap is messing with Freddy’s somehow.
Yellow Bear Jr. and Bullied Boy have long disappeared.
Elizabeth and The Board Member are probably gonna team up with Michael soon… If Elizabeth wasn’t a ghost trapped in a game, that is.
Mr. Afton is retired and has no clue what’s going on with Freddy’s anymore
Angry Yellow Bear and The Crocodile are still laughing at Ultra Cybernetic Network Guy
Ultra Cybernetic Network Guy still can’t beat Jeremy’s “number of animatronic tampered” record from the 80s.
The Hare is sad he didn’t catch Cassie. And that he’s still trapped in a box in the basement.
Cassie is sad because there’s no arcade machines to haunt (don’t blame her).
Gregory is sad that Not-Gregory is wreaking havoc after trapping Cassie.
Vanny and Vanessa are probably arguing with each other about the Rabbit Bug.
Magenta Guy is nowhere to be found. He probably got arrested?
The Arcade Ghosts from 3Guard’s house are at peace now. They’ve told their story, so now they can move on.
Oh and Mr. Cassette got his daughter back. Dunno which arcade cabinet she was hiding in, but at least she’s free now.
TL;DR: Puddle would assume the ghosts are in the arcade machines, not the animatronics… Among other things.
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bee-birb · 5 months
my thoughts on the knuckles series! spoilers below
ok so it was really well done, cinematography wise. the cgi was gorgeous and knux was portrayed amazingly. the plot.... was severely lacking. the main plot of "wade needs to win bowling against his asshole dad" should've been the subplot instead of "knuckles is getting kidnapped by GUN agents to sell to exGUN criminal who worked under robotnik", which should have been the main plot. also maddie and tom tracking down knux for escaping being grounded is never brought up. the lore tidbits from the GUN agents and the cute knux moments were honestly not worth signing into my dads Prime Video account to watch Wade trying to joust on a childs bicycle with a katana. the MURICA propaganda was strong, depicting the Asshole Dad covered in british flags, and wade's family is jewish (which i have no problem with, i love diversity and the chance to show off others' cultures) but in light of the palestinian war (and how america is basically funding israel) it feels like a political statement. i was not here for politics, i was here for funny red guy eats grapes. also nearly all the characters smelled of autism (which is nice, i love the inclusion) but i wonder if the writers/directors were projecting a bit. overall, this show was a bit of a disappointment, and focused more on wade than the title character.
anygays heres my unfiltered thoughts below
confirmed, knuckles only eats grapes and cool ranch doritos, he has the tism rizz
radio death counter: 2
this is just 2 delusional idiots going on a quest
everyone is autistic i love this
oh the racism. not cool in light of palistan. and paramount supporting israel. ew. why do wade's friends all have to be part jewish? why the mom's side?
theyre all so autistic i love it
that was a very unrealistic fork stabbing
wade needs a hug gawdamn
wall death counter: 2
rip sink
o w the roadrash
lmao fursuit wade
p u p p e t
iblis? black arms? WHO ARE YOU DEMON?
dont duel, idiot, run away
why did the mailman just happen to have a gun flare that says go
ow the roadburn
unironically hate this show wtf
lmao he has a bob
ew a child
i can overlook the plotholes. i can overlook the racism. i can overlook the idiocy. bUT I CANNOT OVERLOOK BRITISH MAN. DISGUSTING (i ‘hate’ brits for the bit, no hard feelings)
everyone is autistic i can smell it
HUGE LORE DROP, ROBOTNIK MADE GUN? not even grampa gerald, its def eggman. the implications for sonic 3 and the creation of shadow...
the squares were… an interesting editing choice
really hope that knux is just causing chaos and eating grapes offscreen. he deserves some grapes.
yup, betrayal scene. never trust a brit
they sacrificed dragon fruit man :0
where did they go
how did they commission custom bowling polos so quickly
youre a loser baby
bro didnt get his balls crushed, he got crushed by a ball
final thoughts: 4/10, needed more knuckles, the repeating songs were eh, only eps 1, 5, and 6 were worth it, and i genuinely hate the majority of the main plot. the subplot of knux getting kidnapped and the whole gun thing was cool, but it should've been the main plot. fuck the brits
ALSO WTF WAS UP WITH PACHACAMAC. either he's a figment of knuckles' imagination that got imprinted into wade's head, or he's FUCKING REAL AND THATS TERRIFYING IN REGARDS TO THE LORE. WTF.
and the rock opera scene was ass. like ik it was supposed to be bad for comedic value but it was just bad bad.
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irradiated-imp · 11 months
New Digital Circus characters just dropped!
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A weird critter with stretchy arms. Ironically, Jolli is typically rather grumpy. She's curt, rude, and generally standoffish at best, and physically violent at worst. Jolli doesn't typically hold back her attitude with the others in the circus, save a few exceptions with Ragatha and Pomni. Jax and Grem get the worst of her attitude.
On the rare occasion she's in a good mood however, it's practically night and day. When she's feeling good, Jolli can be incredibly friendly and enjoys making jokes.
Jolli's something of a thrill seeker as well. So long as the adventures don't interrupt a nap or something, Jolli is typically very eager to participate in Caine's adventures. Especially if she gets to fight things.
After reconnecting with Roxie, Jolli's personality has made a near 180, with her living up to her name much more frequently. Though Jax and Grem still get rather frequent beatings for their antics.
Jolli's arms don't seem to have a limit to how far they can stretch, at least not one she's found. On top of that, despite her small size, Jolli is surprisingly strong.
Jolli's inspired by several things, namely old Slamasaurs plush dinosaurs wrestlers and Sonic Unleashed.
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The most recent member of the Cricus. Roxie arrived only a few weeks after Pomni. The two share the same nervous disposition. However, Roxie adapts to Circus life more quickly than Pomni, in no small part thanks to Jolli.
Roxie is generally rather friendly and patient, though she does have her limits. She tries to be helpful on adventures, whilst trying to stay out of direct danger herself.
Though she never moves passed wanting to leave the Circus, Roxie tries to remind herself of the positives that come with being there to help keep herself from going nuts.
Though her avatar comes with one, Roxie has absolutely no idea how to play the guitar. However, that doesn't stop her from using it as a weapon on adventures.
Roxie's based off Betty Spaghetty and a general 80's vibe.
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In the outside world, Jolli and Roxie were in a relationship. Jolli was the first to enter the Circus, having been stuck there for a year or so before Roxie's arrival.
Due to the memory issues caused by the circus, and entirely new bodies, it took the two a bit to realize who the other was, but once they did they became inseparable.
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Beta Jolli
Beta design for Jolli. Jolli and Roxie are both au versions of my main two characters, Jackie and Kat who are originally sci-fi characters. With Jolli wanted to work the sci-fi thing in, as well as make a fitting character for TADC so thought up the beta design. Inspired by the Poo-chi toys form the early 2000's and the og Playstation and Gamecube.
She was, on top of a robot cat, a fully functioning game console. Caine would've made several games that she could run, most being rom hacks of already existing games. The games were made as rewards for completing adventures, or as the goal of an adventure.
When I decided to bring Roxie in, I knew I wanted to keep her and Jolli in a relationship, but was having trouble seeing the tiny robot cat with the mostly normal human, so re-did Jolli.
I think I might re-work the concept into a fourth character cause I do really like the design still.
The games Caine made are Jax Adventure(Reskin of Sonic but with Jax), Chess Wars(TF2-esque chess based Class shooter for Kinger and Queenie), Pomni 64(Reskin of Mario 64 but with Pomni), and Maze Bubble(Reskin of packman but with Bubble).
Regardless of what I do with Beta Jolli, the games still existi n my own little au.
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nahasafri · 2 years
Best strategy games mac 2017
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#Best strategy games mac 2017 Pc
Has any RTS game handled both the calm and the storm as well as Company Of Heroes? Even when combat begins, there's usually a peppering of shots toward cover before casualties occur, and Relic ensure that you have time to react as a situation develops. That's partly due to the detailed depictions that the Essence Engine make possible, but it's also down to the careful pacing of the missions. Even as you send fresh troops into battle, replacing a squad who just died on a fool's errand of your own making, Company Of Heroes makes you believe that every soldier counts for something. It manages to marry the humanity of Band of Brothers with the ingredients of an RTS. For an entirely different tactical take on small-scale WWII combat, consider Men Of War or the squad-based alternate history of Silent Storm.Ĭompany Of Heroes made World War II seem like new territory. What else should I be playing: Company Of Heroes 2 depicts the Eastern Front and, while a commendable sequel, it doesn't quite recapture the brilliance of the original. If you're tired of Civ, this is a very worthy heavyweight alternative. With so many different combinations to sift through and take into account, it can be a little overwhelming in early playthroughs, but the way you can redefine your entire game plan on the fly, pivoting money-making dynamos into diplomatic powerhouses and research giants is also Humankind's greatest masterstroke. In all, there are one million potential civilisation builds in Humankind, and it is absolutely thrilling.Īt times, it's almost more puzzle game than 4X, giving it a distinctly different flavour to Civilization. Onscreen, that can mean having Japanese pagodas nestling right up to Mayan pyramids and Italian opera houses. Yes, there are several different technological ages to play through, but the most tantalising aspect of Humankind is how you can graft different cultures together to accumulate all manner of different perks and effects. But Humankind is so much more than just a riff on Sid Meier's classic strategy franchise. What else should I be playing: Civilization is the closest like for like to Humankind, but Amplitude's Endless Legend games are also worth considering, and can be found elsewhere on this list.Īs soon as Amplitude announced their big historical 4X game, it was inevitable that comparisons would be drawn to the Civilization series. Humankind Where can I buy it: Steam, Epic Games Store That way, everybody can learn about more, wonderful strategy games.ĥ0. You might feel we've forgotten something, so write your own enthusiastic recommendations in the comments below. With that in mind, let's jump straight into our list of the 50 best strategy games you can play today.īelow, you'll find our 50 picks for the best strategy games on PC. A handful of the games you'll see here will involve a bit of building, but there's no football management or spaghetti junctions. We have however mainly focused on games about commanding troops of one kind or another, while splitting our picks of the best management games off into its own list. Below you'll find real-time and turn-based strategy games in there, and everything from small scale robot skirmishes to epic historical warfare. We've gone pretty broad with our definition of strategy games for this list. They're all strategy games we think you could play and love right now, so why not have a look and see what we recommend? Our list contains games from as recently as 12 months ago alongside classics from as far back as 28 years ago.
#Best strategy games mac 2017 Pc
Strategy games make up one of the richest and most diverse genres of PC games on the planet, which makes compiling a list of the best strategy games you can play today a pretty tall order.
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rlyehtaxidermist · 5 years
SRW T first playthrough final thoughts
this’ll probably be a long one. or it won’t be? idk editing is for cowards and these posts are about COURAGE
Nice quick section because there wasn’t that much changed from SRW X, aside from one nice addition.
They added a “Supporter” mechanic, where characters who play prominent roles in a series but don’t necessarily take to the field in mecha themselves can use a single large SP pool to support the active characters in a variety of ways; e.g., Vanilla, Gotho, and Coconna from VOTOMS give a bonus to money for one turn. This is a nice way to get the supporting casts a bit more of a chance to shine without either putting them in mecha or dropping them as sub-pilots on battleships, so I’m all for it. Plus, Rain’s SP restore was pretty clutch for my turn count in later stages.
I don’t think I talked about this in my X spaghetti post, but recent games (starting with V? probably?) have also allowed combination attacks to be used without deploying every single unit involved (albeit at a scaling damage penalty). In X, about the only use I got out of this was with Great Mightgaine, but here it boosted Mazinger Z, Rayearth, and Burning Gundam as well, so it really felt like a QoL option in a game with a very stacked roster.
The reason everyone got so fucking hyped about this game. I mean, Cowboy Bebop? Magic Knight Rayearth? Literally any iteration at all of Captain Harlock? Talk about your all-star addition list. But despite that, as I sort of mentioned before, the newcomer I ended up liking the most in T was the one that I barely counted as one when the roster was announced.
So lets talk for a bit about Mazinger Z: Infinity. I still haven’t seen the movie (though I’ve heard it’s good, and now fully intend to), but god, it gave us the dynamic I’d never known I’d wanted all along: an “X years later” Koji to go with Amuro from Char’s Counterattack and Ryoma from Armageddon. The latter two have been mainstays in SRW for a long time now (in fact, I can’t remember when any other version of the two last appeared; was it really all the way back in Z1?), but every prior Mazinger option has Koji more or less still in his “hot-blooded teenager” phase. T took this opportunity and ran with it, with Amuro, Ryoma, and Koji portrayed as old comrades reuniting after ten years of very divergent lives. It was the absolute highlight of T’s character writing to me (and T did pretty well on that front in general), and I strongly recommend the game to anyone who’s a fan of those three and their historical roles in SRW.
Rayearth was pretty prominently featured on the more “super-robot” heavy routes I took in this playthrough, and I feel like it had a pretty solid adaptation all told. It was definitely the most “straightforward” as integration goes, with Cephiro remaining an alternate world and thus apart from the rest of the setting, albeit partially fused with the Byston Well of New Dunbine. It was also the focus of the “SRW doesn’t pull all its punches” moment of T, with Zagato and Emeraude’s deaths not only unavoidable, but played out directly in battle in consecutive boss battles.
Captain Harlock is Captain Harlock. I haven’t seen the particular iteration that is Endless Orbit SSX but I assume it’s a spinoff of the Arcadia of My Youth film. The extremely thorny question of Matsumoto’s personal politics aside, Harlock is an absolute legend as far as anime space opera goes, and SRW fans have been wanting him and his crew around for as long as I’ve been in the fandom. It really didn’t disappoint, either as a unit or just... the fact that Harlock is there. It definitely felt more like “an SRW version of Harlock and the Arcadia” rather than “an SRW adaptation of a specific version of the Harlock story”, which is definitely the best way to go in my opinion. While I praise the Koji-Ryoma-Amuro dynamic the most, Harlock’s friendship with Bright was also a more unexpected but definitely good dynamic.
(Plus, the Arcadia’s final attack involves Harlock taking a boarding tube over and attacking with his gravity sabre. Chirico’s pistol has finally met its match.)
Cowboy Bebop was... I can’t actually say disappointing because god, it’s Bebop in SRW. Like, who the fuck can complain about that? But at the same time, most of the actual plot of Bebop didn’t actually get covered, aside from a few adaptations of one-off episodes. While I didn’t follow all of its route splits, I never saw Vicious once, and Spike’s dramatic final feud with the Red Dragons was only alluded to in the ending sequence, when the other characters note his absence. While their confrontation is on foot and intensely personal, it’s not like SRW hasn’t put villains in mechs who didn’t have them before, or set aside a stage for duels while the main battle’s raging outside. Mightgaine even brings a whole thematically appropriate organisation for Vicious to violently coup in the form of Hoi Kow Low’s Asian Mafia. Really, the Bebop crew and Spike in particular were essentially played as members of the Arcadia crew and foils to Harlock, and god damn it I can’t even keep complaining because that’s the most awesome fucking phrase I have ever written.
Oh, and Expelled from Paradise was there too.
(Yeah I know that’s the meme but I also didn’t really take any of its route splits and I haven’t seen the original show, so I don’t have much to say. Arhan is a pretty cool design and from what I saw they worked it into the Astragius side of things well, but that’s all I can say until I finish 100%.)
Other Stuff:
I already mentioned that the character writing in this was great but I’d like to give a specific nod to the OG cast. It’s the first proper, formal group we’ve had as English SRW characters, and I’m very much looking forward to their appearances in a future OG series (in part because their name pays an obvious homage to Alpha’s Project TD). They feel almost like the SRW equivalents of the Dai-Guard cast, but piloting the OG answer to the 00 Gundam. That said, OG will probably give us Saizo’s version of events rather than Sagiri’s, and I can’t speak to his route yet.
Also, to bring this maybe around to relevant to some of the people who follow me on this website, in a franchise that has no shortage of willingness to completely rewrite character interactions for the male and female protagonists, the whole supporting cast ends up gay for Sagiri. Textually. So score one for LGBT rep in SRW... now where’s my Samurai Flamenco debut BB Studio give it to me
SRW and post-series plots has always been a mixed bag but I’d like to give a nod to the handling of G Gundam. Its characters have their own arcs in the “aftermath”, and it’s tied in to Getter and GaoGaiGar’s plots pretty well. Domon also acts as the “edgy vengeance dude whisperer” around Van and Akito, which was another point in the “good character dynamics” checklist for T. It’s kind of a shame that they removed some of the combination attacks (Double Burning Finger was a very telling absence, with Allenby playable from nearly the start of the game, and even if Rain wasn’t playable, there was a perfect chance lategame to give Domon access to Sekiha Love-Love Tenkyoken), but G was always a bit heavy on those (if I recall correctly, at least once Domon had four!).
This SRW also debuted two more non-show units: the Shin Getter Dragon, originally from... a PS2 game or something?, and the Bellvine, from the New Dunbine artbook. I can’t say I expected either; Show getting an upgrade in particular took me by surprise (in part for reasons listed under Biggest Gripe). This coming after Mazin Emperor G makes me very optimistic about SRW’s willingness to expand rosters and gives them another tool to freshen the post-series plot problem.
Biggest Gripe:
I could put up with it in X but please, BB Studio. Please get rid of pilot-locked attacks. Kamille and Judau, I understand; you’ll probably not take them out of the Zeta or ZZ anyway, unless you’re doing something like an All Female Pilots run. But let Roux fire the High-Mega Cannon at full power anyway, BB Studio, you cowards. She doesn’t get the Zeta in this timeline, at least give her something.
Amuro... probably shouldn’t have a pilot-locked attack in the Nu Gundam if you ever expect me to put him in the Hi-Nu (in order to use both units at full efficiency, the Hi-Nu ended up going to Haman).
But oh, the worst by far, is Show Zama. He has not one but two pilot-exclusive attacks, one in the Billbine and one in the... not-quite SRW-original Bellvine; so if you want to use both of those units, you just have to accept that one of them will be missing its strongest attack. (Though it’s questionable to do so regardless, since someone seems to have decreed that every Battler other than Show be given a mediocre to terrible set of Spirits anyway. Seriously, Marvel and Tod have no way to boost their evasion despite dying in one hit to basically every boss after Chapter 35 or so!)
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h2obased · 2 years
Another Word For Surveillance - Part 9
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader Summary: You asked Bucky out. He said no. Cool. How do you move on? You don't. Notes & Warnings:
DNI if under 18 | Fluff, swearing, canon typical violence, some angst, lotsa pining, sexual content
I don’t give permission for my work to be copied/reposted/translated anywhere.
Word Count: 4K+
Series Chapters || Masterlist
Another Word For Surveillance - Part Nine
Sometimes there’s a chill, nothing unusual, this being New York after all. Steve’s birthday would come in a few weeks and it would still be too warm to wear anything thicker than a three-year old hoodie, but Bucky welcomed the icy air at night.
He retreated to the balcony, stepping out into the night barefoot, with only sweatpants on, messy hair down because he managed to lose another hair tie. From somewhere in the apartment, Steve wondered aloud if they were finally getting old, because Bucky ventured out half-naked and Steve’s knees registered the drop in the temperature.
Bucky ignored his friend’s rambling. He would stand outside until the chill tickled. It traveled from the center of his forehead, crossing his skull to the base of his neck, making the hair on his arm stand.
His chest tightened. The cold triggered a eerily similar response to being strapped to a chair while a handful of weary strangers, staring down at Bucky with a detached, almost empty look. They had as much life in them as Bucky’s left arm. They entered the room in single file before surrounding him to start the procedure. Adrenaline kicked in. Bucky was ready to fight, without knowing why.
He didn’t remember how long it took to shock a man’s brain into forgetting days and weeks of killing sprees, but Bucky had seen HYDRA footage of the procedure. That’s how he knew spaghetti boiled faster than a mad scientist can fiddle with someone’s memories. His head always felt like an overcooked noodle after the procedure. Mushed.
Bucky remembered the icy pulse that started between his eyes, just behind the sockets, he supposed. How far deep into his skull didn’t matter, it went deep enough to cause short term memory loss didn’t it? The slow pulse grew into a wave washing over his cranium, crashing into the base of his neck, where the head and spine connected.
These days he could summon the sensation with little effort when it was cold enough. He stood in the balcony with clenched fists, hanging on to the feeling as long as possible.
Not because he relished his time as a robot, a wooden puppet on invisible strings, but one that could hurt and bleed. By some strange circumstance, or maybe it’s his body finally forgiving him - the chill that used to trigger his fight or flight response felt the same as the rush he felt when you touched him.
And this time, he didn’t want to escape it.
He sought it out. He sought you out.
So even when he was supposed to be the compound’s designated cranky senior citizen, the sullen new arrival, Steve’s dark shadow - Bucky let you bully him into tasting the rubbery monstrosity called Gummy Bears the day you met. He dressed up for silly work events because you asked him to. He cleaned up the language on his reports because “we get it, Steve’s an overripe grape with a deathwish, but the feds - they don’t appreciate poetry like you and I do.”
You weren’t supposed to make him feel a little light-headed, borderline giddy, whenever you gave him a puzzled smile.
Bucky didn’t do “life goals,” at least not like most people. He was content with not being a prisoner of war.
He can’t remember wanting something so bad that he didn’t know what to do about it and now he found himself in the most fortunate position of liking a person so much, he couldn’t really think straight. It made him bungle opportunities and worse - made you doubt your place at the top of his priorities.
He’s lived long enough to know life wasn’t meant to be black and white. Nothing was guaranteed. But lately he wondered with increasing frequency, maybe - you were it.
It’s a truth lodged in his throat whenever he saw you, and sometimes he could only manage a quiet nod because he’s awe-struck by you, by the gravity of his feelings, and if he could only manage to put these thoughts and feelings into words, maybe he wouldn’t be in so much trouble. And misery.
The tragedy was that the simplest of things are often the hardest to explain.
Bucky exhaled into the night, his breath coming up as silvery clouds before his eyes. The faint whirring sounds from his metal hand comforted him. He looked at the dark sky and wondered if it was better to take the bike instead of a car tonight.
“Steve!” The carpet warmed his feet the second he stepped back in. Bucky slid the balcony doors shut, sensing the cold air vanish instantly. “I’m going out!”
“You’re gonna be late.” Steve looked up from a three by three grid of post-its on the dining room table. He stood over his laptop with crossed arms. “Maybe throw a shirt on too?”
“I’ll take the bike.”
“And I hear shoes do a good job of covering feet,” Steve’s attention returned to his notes. “Still gonna be late,” he mumbled as an afterthought.
“Not if I don’t drive like you,” Bucky hollered over his shoulder, laughing at Steve flipping him off.
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The mid-week VA meetings rarely gathered over six people, which was why Bucky preferred going on Wednesdays instead of Saturdays. The large crowds didn’t bother him anymore but the interactions seemed more relaxed with only a few people huddled around him.
Nothing extraordinary happened apart from the majestic nature of the sun rising and setting weeks in a row or maybe he was just more inclined to be forthcoming in warmer weather, but Bucky started opening up about his nightmares after a handful of sessions. He skipped the really scary details (these would be classified information anyway), focusing on feelings and outcomes instead. No one else would have a story about waking up with a Soviet Union-era metal arm, but fighting cold sweats, becoming short tempered, and lashing out at the people who least deserve it because fear and anger had to go somewhere - that was a fairly common experience not only with vets but people in general, Bucky discovered.
But mostly, he liked listening. Sandy once suffered a panic attack in the middle of his eight-year old’s ballet recital. PJ decided to learn Farsi. Eddie Elbow dreaded his upcoming surgery, his third this year.
As for Bucky - he used to have really bad dreams.
About botched surgeries. Attaching the metal prosthetic took multiple operations by doctors who didn’t necessarily have experience soldering metal into flesh.
About feeling someone’s pulse racing before plummeting into a half-beat against his thumb and in his dreams the Winter Soldier never let go until that half-beat lulls into nothing. When the Soldier finally released the neck, the body folded onto the floor without ceremony, and never neatly.
He got used to these dreams over time.
Then he met someone amazing. Of course his nightmares became rare but worse. Bucky woke with a bitter gut, like he had a hole in his stomach. He’s had a few of those, but once he reached the hospital, internal bleeding was someone else’s problem. When he dreamt about feral HYDRA agents locking you up in a bunker overseas, Bucky carried the toxic fear around until he’s ready to let it go.
And in his dreams he always seemed powerless to save you.
Bucky’s acid reflux only got worse.
The VA gang wasn’t troubled by this. Eddie Elbow said everyone had nightmares involving friends and family. He kept his eyes on his wonky limb as he spoke. “You worry about someone. Congratulations for being a decent human being.”
The group grunted in agreement.
Bucky was never going to be a smooth talker - not now, not after a hundred of these meetings - but he was learning how a three-minute anecdote about having to leave the house for the first time in days because the milk had gone bad was part of the healing process.
It’s not about the action, Sam told him. Action and follow through are important. But so is introspection and sharing. “You’re not a machine. We just like calling you Cyborg Man.”
So Bucky talked when he felt like it. And he listened in solidarity.
The evening group session concluded, and he enjoyed the brisk walk around the back of the building, thankful for the crisp air. His nose felt the chill as he tugged on his sleeves.
Your name flashed on the screen seconds after he took his phone off airplane mode and Bucky swiped before he remembered that texting back within seconds was needy.
Haha didn’t quite convey the pitter-pattering in his chest but Bucky replied to the cat meme anyway.
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Since your teary-eyed confession the night he sneaked out of the hospital, Bucky knew he had to work against the clock. Not because you could suddenly just decide to walk away, or that you could run into someone who was slightly more capable of telling you things like, you smelled nice (Bucky’s favorite scents rolled into one person, and when you rest your head against him, he could breathe you in and nothing else mattered that moment.)
He had to move fast because you didn’t deserve it. The self-doubt. The sorrow. The loneliness, maybe, that came with Bucky’s half-assed excuses.
It’s not like he wasn’t sure about his feelings for you. He risked infection, not to mention Steve’s wrath when he walked out of a secure hospital wing and dragged his semi-drugged self to your apartment just to see you.
You were his entire guest list. He scrawled your name on a form quickly, before he lost his nerve, and handed it back to the security personnel arranging access to their residence. You could come to his room at night without setting off Stark’s million-dollar security system and set Bucky’s books on fire.
(He also had opinions about better things for you to do if you ever decided you wanted to slip into his room.)
Yeah, he was serious about you. Winter Soldier dead serious, and even Steve wasn’t going to laugh at that analogy.
Making you believe this without a shred of doubt was Bucky’s mission.
Importing limited screen edition chocolate from halfway around the world was child’s play. He saw your browser from across the table during a meeting and it only took him one call to find someone who can ship a month’s supply to New York.
A couple of days ago, he convinced Sam, Wanda, and Scott to join the business contingency exercise you were running this year before you even had to request help to round up volunteers.
“Sam’s not pulling my leg right?” You doubled-back when you ran into Bucky outside the office. He was on his way out, and you followed him to the sidewalk.
“Pardon me?” He scratched his head for effect.
“Remember the thing I was doing, the BCP drill for staff? You have to practically pay people to do it but slots filled up after Sam and Wanda signed up.” You tapped his left forearm and even the Vibranium sensors knew how much of a thrill that was. “Hey - you want to volunteer too?”
“Uh, it’s probably not my thing.” He replied slowly. “The talking to people, you know. So I-“ Bucky shook his head.
He didn’t know why he couldn’t just reveal he got his friends to help you. God forbid it made Bucky sound like a nice guy. Someone who cared. Deeply. Probably too much for his own good. About you.
“There has to be something else I can help with,” he recovered quickly.
When your face brightened up, he knew he was about to be roped into doing you a favor. “We could get coffee and donuts for the volunteers?”
Bucky was pretty sure Steve needed him to comb through a stack of files and hours of footage that weekend. “You got it.”
“Perfect.” You reached for his jacket sleeve and swung it back and forth absent-mindedly.
Bucky couldn’t bring himself to look away from your joyful eyes, or mention that this was an outright breach of the no-contact rule - you haven’t spoken about it for days but he assumed it was still very much in effect.
He was late for a meeting with Stark, but he’d endure an entire afternoon of snide remarks about punctuality for a few more minutes of this, standing next to you, wearing a goofy grin because you looked at him like nothing else existed.
He was crest-fallen when you dropped his arm though.
“It was you.” Realization settled on your face, Bucky felt somewhat smug about being able to read your expressions.
He raised his brows.
“You bribed Sam to volunteer.”
“I can’t make that man do anything he doesn’t want to.”
You crossed your arms but the curl around your lips was encouraging. “You’re up to something.”
Bucky exhaled. “Am I?” He crossed his arms, mimicking your position.
You shifted your gaze back to his face, determined not to be distracted. You cleared your throat. “That doesn’t- I don’t- Bucky…” Your voice trailed as you thought you lost control of the situation.
“Hmmm?” He took a couple of steps back, giving you another nod before turning around.
“Nothing!” You replied as he began to walk away.
Bucky chuckled. You’d demand a straight answer from him when you were ready and able to believe he was not going anywhere. Until then, he’d happily wait and do the things that left you momentarily speechless or mutter “You didn’t have to Bucky.” The smile you fought to contain told him he absolutely would be doing these small gestures for you again and again.
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Things were going well to a large extent but Bucky was all too aware about the parts of him that were not as ecstatic about your renewed friendship characterized by emotional vulnerability from a distance of too damn far for a kiss.
Sam called it Bucky’s Labors, not because he studied English literature in college but because he had better manners than Steve who called the distinct lack of action Bucky’s Blue Balls.
Bucky wasn’t going to admit his suffering, but all this time apart - physically - only seemed to make him more attuned to your presence.
Just the other day, he instinctively turned to the grassy area on the way to the hangars.
“Who’s that?” Sam squinted across the field. He clocked the pout Bucky thought he was not doing.
The running path connecting Grids 3 and 4 offered a view of your favorite bench. You paced around it, gesturing wildly, phone on one hand, bowl of Skittles on the other.
Sam stopped walking and glanced at Bucky. “Are we coming ‘round to say hi?”
“No.” Bucky was being petulant, he’d admit to that. He could practically hear you start to speak, edit your thoughts mid-sentence, and keep rambling until you figured out what you wanted to say to whoever it was on the other line.
He watched you from the other side of the field torn between taking up Sam’s suggestion and Bucky’s wounded ego.
Why weren’t your senses telling you that Bucky, the love of your life, or so he hoped, stood right here?
“No.” He repeated more for his benefit than Sam’s.
“Man are you two still pretending the other idiot has playground cooties?”
Bucky wasn’t even going to acknowledge that.
It’s been over a month since you returned from DC and since then Bucky had been in such physical agony, he couldn’t even remember who thought keeping a respectable distance from each other would be a good idea.
It amused both of you for a few days - having to sit across each other during meetings and making sure you were never alone with each other. Not in a meeting room. Not in an elevator. Not even in the hallway. Bucky couldn’t even completely guarantee he won’t make a move if he found you alone in the parking lot at high noon.
Technically he could give you a hug but then he’d want to kiss the top of your head, and it drove him crazy because you cooed into him, right on his collarbone, a sound so hushed and muffled maybe you weren’t even aware you did it, but it happened often enough in the past for Bucky to be quite certain you liked forehead kisses very much.
And he was happy to oblige. Always. Except he couldn't stop at the forehead. He would not.
Which brought him to this. No kissing. No touching. These were rules he must follow. Rules he had to abide by if he wanted to keep his promise to you.
Bucky was dying and this was worse than when he got shot all those 78 other times. And he didn’t just need the release - as a male of his species in peak physical condition, he had no trouble dealing with base urges in the privacy of the apartment or during a hot shower at the gym.
He felt empty and his dick hated him.
But when you gave him a lingering, intrigued look whenever he did something for you or generally made an effort at work, that made you smile and it was all he needed to survive and keep going.
There was that time he swung by your desk to let you know he’s going on a two-day mission to the Mediterranean. He didn’t mean to sound like he needed your permission to go, but as previously established, he was never going on another op again if things weren’t fine between the two of you - anyway, his focus is sharper when he can picture you peering up at him with mischievous eyes that he’d like to think was only for him.
Bucky cleared his throat. He promised to text you while he was away. You gave him assorted bite-sized chocolate snacks in a zip lock baggie the next day.
Steve made quick work of the candy but your cheerful albeit lopsided grin as you waved Bucky away with his bag of sweets stayed with him. It kept him warm in the Quinjet and it kept him cool when he was tempted to drive his fist through someone’s face.
He texted you up until the crew had to go radio silent and by the time he could message again, Bucky had a dozen of photos and messages to send you.
He assumed he’d run out of things to tell you eventually. He didn’t. There was always something suspicious happening in Florida and Steve would predictably get into trouble for being himself. Now and then Bucky had a nightmare. He spared you the details but you would ask a second time - never more than that - with a patient look, and he found himself telling you anyway. Broad strokes - you didn’t need minute details. You just wanted him to get it off his chest.
It’s fascinating, this perpetual mental hard on for you. Bucky was dying and feeling very much alive at the same time.
Admittedly he may have been thinking with Not His Brain when he tailed you to the First Resort one evening. Forty-two days since he brought the new screen to your apartment and left with his brain congratulating him for heading out the moment things became a little too intense, and his lower half threatening to kick his ass for heading out the moment things became a little too intense.
He would never stalk you. Not like this. But when he ran into you at work - Bucky had to grab you by the arms to stop you from slamming into him, much as he’d love that - you only blinked at him like you didn’t recall that Bucky knew where to touch if he wanted your absolute full cooperation.
That would not do. Bucky casually glanced at the stretch of hallway behind you, in case of any masked assassins in pursuit. “What’s the rush Sweets?”
More blinking. A few more seconds, and then the color returned to your cheeks, the happy tiny smile reserved for Bucky appeared.
“What happened to the no-touching rule?”
Answering a question with a question. Now that’s classic Sweets. His Sweets. Maybe.
He raised both hands in surrender. It didn’t seem like the best time to make idle chat, not while Claire openly watched from twenty feet away. Bucky never had a lot of willpower when it came to physical contact with you. “Can I shoot whoever came up with that? Just on the foot.”
Your laughter was music.
“I’m serious.”
“Surely not about shooting yourself on the foot.”
“I’m serious,” Bucky insisted.
You both knew it wasn’t about anybody’s foot. A frown replaced the amused twinkle and your mind was off to another universe again and Bucky did not presume he could follow.
He exhaled slowly. “You ok?” There was a wayward strand on your forehead he warned himself to ignore.
You nodded but your gaze was already on Claire. “I have to ah - CC’s evil eye is like - so I should… but I’ll come find you? We’re probably due one of those talks huh?” Your eyes flicked back to Bucky and when your knuckle grazed his sleeve, Bucky’s heart stopped. At that moment you were back with him.
He gulped and nodded once.
With smiling eyes, you turned and walked over to your friend.
“You ok?” He asked again. You weren’t the only one who got to ask a second time.
You gave him a thumbs up instead.
He watched Claire guide you back to your seat. How was he not going to be interested in whatever it was you didn’t want to tell him?
So yeah. He got on the bike and followed you to the bar when he caught you leaving the building alone half an hour after running into each other.
You took your usual seat by the window, right by the neon lights that would always remind him about his biggest regret - choking the first time you asked him out. You spun the bottle clockwise instead of drinking from it. Bucky waited to see if you were meeting someone but after a while, he got bored of watching you stare through your beer.
He entered from the back of the bar, making a mental note to talk to Happy about the ease with which he was able to breeze through the staff entrance.
You looked up with wide eyes. “Uh - hey.” Then you gave him that smile. The one meant for him. “So you-“
“I followed you, yeah.” Bucky looked around the bar. “Are you expecting company?”
“Not really.”
The knot in his shoulders relaxed. “Can I - can I sit?”
You gave him a funny look. “You gonna buy me a beer Buck? Doesn’t that violate Chapter Four Section Three of the Field Surveillance Handbook? What’s the book called?”
Bucky wanted to wipe the sarcasm off your face using his face. “You don’t seem to want beer right now.” He nodded at your barely touched drink. “And you’re not under surv-“
“You just admitted you followed me here.”
“Can’t a guy walk into a bar and pretend to run into you?”
You drummed your fingers. After a few seconds, you took a long drink, never taking your eyes off him.
Bucky was transfixed.
“Not James Barnes, no,” you replied, setting the bottle down to punctuate your statement.
“No?” He raised a brow. Bucky thought about how he had all the time in the world to rehearse what to say before slipping in through the back of the bar and plopping himself across you like your entire non-relationship with him did not start with him refusing to get a beer with you.
Now he couldn’t quite figure out how to inform you that yes, he ditched a security briefing with a four-star general because he wanted to know if you were ok.
And he missed you.
And he liked you. Fucking idiot.
You finished your beer without breaking eye contact. In the back of his mind, Bucky knew this silly back and forth only fanned flames and what he should be doing was keep things steady, and give you as much time you needed to come around and see he wasn’t playing around.
“Let me get the next round.” He slipped out of the booth before you could protest.
Your mood seemed to improve by the time he returned with a couple of beers. You asked about his day and why the Grid 2 fields were overrun with weeds. Bucky launched into the details of the larger blade he installed on the mower and how he convinced the landscaping team to leave the grass alone for a couple of weeks so he could test the design.
”You stopped making sense at… three-blade motor… something.” Your expression was deadpan but you continued to ask about the prototype.
He asked about your childhood, fishing for happy memories and watching your eyes darken momentarily at the thought of your brother, before lighting up as you recalled childhood pranks and family trips that made you think fondly of road trips and the smell of sunscreen and saltwater.
Two rounds became three, and quickly four after you knocked over your bottle while laughing at Bucky’s terribly accurate Steve Rogers impersonation. Whatever it was that had you worried, Bucky could tell from the carefree toss of your hair and how you angled your body toward him the entire time, you had set it aside to focus on the present.
You nudged the empty bottle to the middle of the table. “It’s late.”
Bucky nodded. He finished his beer and set the bottle down, almost clinking against yours, but not quite.
Both of you remained seated.
He hummed over the gentle clicking of his metal wrist. You watched him flex his arm and then blushed when he caught you staring with unabashed interest.
“I know where we can grab a decent slice at this hour.” The words tumbled out. Bucky held his breath.
From his peripheral view, he saw you lean closer to him. “Yeah?”
Your curious tone encouraged him. “You can’t tell anyone else.” Bucky raised an eyebrow, daring you to come with him, to make the night last a little longer.
He stood up without waiting for your reply, more out of jitters than confidence. Is it working, he wondered.
Or has the past few weeks been for nothing?
Bucky didn’t get a response but he heard you scramble out of the booth and in a couple of seconds you were right behind him. He felt the movement from a foot away, your boots creating a muffled squeak.
Hope stirred in his core.
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Find the other parts here.
@enchantedbarnes; @justab-eautifulmess; @eclecticwitchtrash; @uther-pendragon-is-an-ass; @hawsx3; @anth0ny-stark; @ghostpepper21; @kawaii-origime
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Things that happened in the same year that I was born
SAT scores in the US started dropping
Youtube was founded
The Twilight book series was released
The first Percy Jackson book was released
Pain was first introduced into Naruto
Jason Todd was resurrected
Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy started
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was released
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire was released
The first Narnia movie was released
Disney created it's first ever 3-D animated movie, Chicken Little
Lumpy makes his first ever appearance in 'Pooh's Heffalump Movie"
Saw 2; The highest grossing saw movie, was released
The Doctor Who series was revived after 16 years
Avatar: The last airebender started airing on television
American Dad started airing on television
Ben 10 started airing on television
Lucario's first appearance was made
Supernatural started airing on television
Johnny Test started airing on television
Grey's anatomy started airing on television
How I met your mother started airing on television
The Office started airing on television
It's always sunny in Philadelphia started airing on telvision
Little Einsteins started airing on telvision
The suite life of Zack & Cody started airing on television
Jane & The Dragon started airing on television
Robot Chicken started airing on telvision
Pepe the frog was created
The Flying Spaghetti Monster was created
Randy Feltface made his first appearance
Más y Menos made their first appearance
Ike from Fire Emblem made his first appearance
The first God of War game was released
Club Penguin was released
The Shadow the Hedgehog game was released
Guitar Hero was released
Shadow of the colossus was released
Kingdom hearts 2 was released
Try to find some things that happened in your birth year
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