itsueruluna · 2 years
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(╥︣﹏᷅╥)  I did this for homework and I liked how it turned out 
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8um8le · 2 years
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It’s done!
and the bitchsona is in another outfit because the og needed some ✨spaice🥂
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:000000 super cute!! Love it!! Also very nice outfit ur wearing, simple, laid back but formal 👍💕
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okaydays22 · 2 months
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77seven7777 · 10 months
i invade yuor person al spaic. helo ^_^
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spaciebabie · 2 years
Spaice just put down the pen, If you put down the pen we all get to go home
b-but,,,,, i hafta,,,,,color it uhm uhm uhm
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baxngchxn · 2 years
Dzien 5
Nie dalam rady wszystkiego spaic i musialam sie ukarac. Pozatym podstalam 1 i mam jutro sprawdzian na ktory nic n umiem xdd
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pacosemnoticias · 3 months
Concentrações de pólen baixas até domingo devido à chuva mas sobem para a semana
A concentração de pólen na atmosfera estará num risco baixo até domingo devido à chuva, passando a regimes mais elevados durante a próxima semana com o aumento da temperatura e ausência de aguaceiros, informa o Boletim Polínico.
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De acordo com a Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica (SPAIC), a partir de hoje a concentração de pólen atmosférico deverá registar valores que poderão atingir desde um risco baixo (nos dias de chuva) até um risco elevado em todo o país, com exceção do Algarve e do Arquipélago dos Açores, onde a concentração polínica será moderada e também do Arquipélago da Madeira, onde se mantém baixa.
Até sábado ou domingo, consoante a região do país, o Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera prevê precipitação, por vezes forte, com maior incidência nas regiões do norte de Portugal, sendo “expectável que haja uma diminuição da carga polínica no ar, devido ao efeito da chamada ‘lavagem da atmosfera´”.
Porém, a concentração polínica irá voltar a subir ao longo da semana, com a melhoria das condições meteorológicas, recomendando a SPAIC que a população esteja atenta à previsão da meteorologia para complementar a previsão polínica.
De forma geral, na atmosfera, destaca-se a polinização proveniente das ervas gramíneas e urticáceas (inclui a parietária), atingindo valores de risco elevado para os doentes alérgicos a estes pólenes, em algumas regiões do país.
Observa-se também a polinização proveniente da árvore castanheiro e das ervas tanchagem, azeda, quenopódios e bredos, segundo a SPAIC.
Este será o último Boletim Polínico desta estação. No entanto, a Rede Portuguesa de Aerobiologia continuará a exibir as previsões polínicas ao longo de todo o ano, no ‘site’ da RPA, sendo atualizadas todas as sextas-feiras.
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psychicmisfortune · 11 months
i am sensory craving with music (i need it to rattle my brain) and food (i need SPAICE and FLAVOUR)
but if you touch me or are making small sounds or there's a really strong candle? problems
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sansamea · 1 year
Discover the Best of London with Anunturi Gratuite Din Marea Britanie: Inchiriez Camere Londra!
Welcome to the vibrant city of London, where history, culture, and modernity come together to create an unforgettable experience. If you're planning a visit or a move to this diverse and dynamic city, you'll need the perfect accommodation to make the most of your stay. Fortunately, Anunturi Gratuite Din Marea Britanie (Free Ads from Great Britain) is here to help! In this article, we will explore the incredible opportunities offered by Anunturi Gratuite Din Marea Britanie, focusing on the highly sought-after "Inchiriez Camere Londra" (Rooms for Rent in London). Whether you're a student, a professional, or a traveler, finding your dream room in London has never been easier.
Anunturi Gratuite Din Marea Britanie: Your Gateway to London Living Anunturi Gratuite Din Marea Britanie is a renowned platform that connects individuals looking for various services and products throughout the United Kingdom. From job listings to real estate opportunities, this online marketplace caters to a diverse audience, including those seeking accommodations in the heart of London. The platform's user-friendly interface and vast selection of listings make it an ideal destination for anyone in search of their perfect space in the bustling metropolis.
Inchiriez Camere Londra: The London Room Rental Scene London is a city that offers something for everyone, and the same applies to its accommodation options. Inchiriez Camere Londra (Rooms for Rent in London) present a plethora of choices, from cozy single rooms to luxurious en-suite accommodations in trendy neighborhoods. Whether you prefer the historic charm of Notting Hill, the creative vibes of Shoreditch, or the elegance of Kensington, you'll find suitable rooms for rent to match your preferences and budget.
Finding Your Ideal Room: Tips and Considerations
a. Budget: Before you begin your search on Anunturi Gratuite Din Marea Britanie, determine your budget for renting a room in London. Prices can vary significantly depending on the location and the facilities offered.
b. Location: London is a vast city with excellent transport connections, but consider proximity to your workplace, university, or the attractions you wish to visit. Living closer to your daily destinations can save you time and commuting costs.
c. Roommates and Shared SpaIces: f you're open to sharing accommodation, you'll find numerous listings for shared houses and flats on the platform. Living with roommates can be a great way to reduce costs and make new friends.
d. Facilities and Amenities: Check the amenities offered by each listing, such as kitchen access, laundry facilities, and Wi-Fi. Some properties may also provide additional perks like communal gardens or gyms.
e. Safety and Security: Your safety is paramount, so inquire about the security measures in place at the property and the neighborhood's overall safety.
The Benefits of Using Anunturi Gratuite Din Marea Britanie When searching for "Inchiriez Camere Londra," using Anunturi Gratuite Din Marea Britanie offers several advantages:
a. Wide Selection: The platform hosts a vast array of room rental listings, increasing your chances of finding the perfect fit for your needs.
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Embark on an exciting journey in the vibrant city of London with Anunturi Gratuite Din Marea Britanie by your side. Explore the diverse "Inchiriez Camere Londra" listings and find the perfect room that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Make the most of your stay in this iconic city and immerse yourself in its rich history, cultural offerings, and vibrant communities. Start your search today and embrace the London experience like never before!
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canalalentejo · 1 year
A Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica (SPAIC) prevê até quinta-feira concentrações muito elevadas de pólen na atmosfera para todas as regiões do Continente, níveis moderados para os Açores e baixos na Madeira. De acordo com o boletim polínico elaborado pela SPAIC, o pólen presente no ar provem essencialmente das árvores carvalhos, pinheiro e plátano e das ervas urtiga e parietária. As previsões até dia 06 de abril, em Lisboa (região de Lisboa e Setúbal), indicam que os pólenes estão em níveis muito elevados, com predomínio dos pólenes das árvores azinheira, carvalhos, plátano e cipreste e das ervas urtiga e parietária. Nas regiões do interior do país e no Algarve começam a surgir no ar e, de forma gradual, a ganhar importância os pólenes das ervas gramíneas e tanchagem e, no Norte, as concentrações são de pólen de bétula. A SPAIC recomenda evitar atividades ao ar livre quando as concentrações polínicas forem elevadas, tais como passeios no jardim, cortar a relva, campismo ou a prática de desporto na rua. Além disso, é aconselhável manter as janelas do carro fechadas durante as viagens e os motociclistas devem usar capacete integral. Em casa, a sociedade aconselha a manter as janelas igualmente fechadas quando as concentrações dos pólenes forem elevadas. A medicação é a forma mais eficaz de combater os sintomas de alergia, e a SPAIC aconselha a consulta de um médico especialista de imunoalergologia para o diagnóstico correto e prescrição da medicação mais adequada. A prevenção pode passar pela realização de vacinas antialérgicas.
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spaiceca · 2 years
Spaice is a reputable, ethical, and individualized company of interior design and house renovations for Canada & USA.
Website: https://spaice.ca
Address: 8901 Woodbine Ave #206, Markham, ON, L3R 9Y4
Phone Number: (647) 860-8887
Business Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat - Sun Closed
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zaenight · 2 years
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Luca and José sat in the dugout , cheering as the game was going on , untill Conrad Dean missed by a couple of ft , and his nightmare continues.
I don't care if he's the captain of the Empires, Im
gonna say it , im gonna say what every one else is dancing around like paris hilton at a greek wedding,
it's time to yank conrad dean from the line up." The news guy said as Dean walked in.
Luca leaned against the wall thinking , José realized he was spaicing out shaking Luca's shoulder.
"give him a night off , what is this pony league that we gotta worry about hurting the guys feelings ?, This is new york!,Im here to tell you that a butt on the bench is the best motivational tool in baseball." The guy continued as Luca scoffed , Dean had his hands on his hips as the guys watched the screen.
"So lets pull dean before he pulls down the team and ruins the season and we're all done!" He exclaimed on tv.
"That's bull!" Luca exclaimed in a whisper,José nodded in agreement.
Lou shut of the television , putting the remote in the bin , as they went back to there buisness.
Luca noticed Pete going over to dean , She nodded to José the two going to continue their chores.
Passing her dad,who swatted both of their heads with a laugh.
The next day,the guys were pitching at them.
"Yeah! what do you think abou that Rotisserie boy,I bet you could use someone like that on your team!" Ellis exclaimed to brad,the newest bat boy.
"Someone's offended." Luca said nudging José as he was Tossing a ball.
"como un bebe llorando." José laughed.
(like a crying baby)
"Who's your fantasy now!" Ellis exclaimed as the ball went over the wall.
"Little thin skin , Isn't he?" Brad questined the two as the walked over.
"Yo!,Yo!,Yo!,Check out dean over there,he's talking to that grounds keeper again!",thats the third time Me and Luca saw them together this week!" José pointed to Dean,who was speaking to the groundskeeper.
"So what?" Brad questioned,Luca scoffed and wacked his shoulder.
"So the groundskeeper has a wood shop below the stadium." José started.
"That's where they say a player goes to get a bat corked." Luca finished for him,Catching the ball José tossed.
"What's that got to do with Dean?" Pete questioned.
"Are you kidding?,¿Está bromeando?" Luca said with a dumbfounded stare.
"You drill out a bat , fill it with cork,lighter lumber , faster swing!" José exclaimed to him.
"Good bye batting slumps." Brad pitched.
"Yeah if you a cheated,but Dean doesn't cheat." Pete said .
"Oh please!" Luca exclaimed exagerating.
"You foreal?, Wake up little wooden boy!" José said tapping his finger against Pete's head.
"Knock it off!" Pete exclaimed.
"You can't buy everything these guys are sellin' to the public." Luca said with a scoff.
José spat on tbe ground , starting to talk as the four walked.
"You know the best hitter in the history of the gamers?" He questioned.
"No?" Pete said confused.
"No you don't, and neither do we,Cause he ain't been caught." José continued.
"It ain't cheating unless you get caught." Luca pitched , Brad dissapeared somewhere.
"Yeah well I know Dean,And he wouldn't do that." Pete said too them.
"Whatever you say scrub number Two." Luca pitched.
"Hey you know we should take bets in the clubhouse that Dean gets a hit in the series." José pitched to them and brad,who appeared again.
"Im feeling lucky,you in stretch?" Brad pointed to pete.
"What do you think?"  Pete said dissapointed.
"Ai'ght Have it your way." Luca said cracking her neck.
"Hey!,but not a word to anyone,We'll be all up in your face,You go it?" José said getting up in Pete's face tapping his hat as the three ran off.
The team stood hands and hats over there hearts , as the star spangled banner was being sung.
They cheered as the game started.
"Oh shit he got it!" Luca yelled jumping up , José and Luca cheered chest bumping,
José swore he felt padding.
"What?" Luca said as he stared.
"Nothin' ."José murmured as He got Luca in a headlock.
Afterwards they said the wanted to have a look at the bat Dean used,stopping Pete.
Dean ran to them seeing what was going on.
Luca and José watched as Dean argued with them.
"Damn!" Luca exclaimed whistling.
As Dean came into the dugout he grabbed a basket of baseballs and threw it at the wall.
grabbing a bat,he hit the lid off of the container of water.
José had unintentionally pushed Luca behind him,Luca was to busy watching Dean's fit of rage to notice.
"Check this one!" Dean exclaimed as he threw another bat to the ground.
His bat was taken to be examined,the others anxious.
It was now up to Ellis and her father.
"There gonna examine it after the game." Luca whispered to José who shrugged,asking if Luca was gonna stay at his tonight.
"You bet." Luca said.
"Hey CT , Luca any news on Dean?" Pete questioned the next day.
Luca had stayed over at José's , The two talked about what was probably gonna happen to Dean.
"Yeah the league cut his bat open this mornin'." Luca replied.
"found nothing but solid ash." Her father finished.
"So,So it's over?,Great." Pete questioned relived.
"Yeah , Can't believe thought he was corking." Her father told him as the walked away.
"Yo José! You gotta try this!" Luca exclaimed,The two at the food table,Dean was talking to reporters,once again.
The guys doing there own things.
"Comes mucho hermano, ¿cómo diablos te mantienes en forma? Te va a doler el estómago, déjalo, necesito que vengas a hablar conmigo." José said wacking
Luca's hand away from the food.
(You eat alot bro , how the hell do you stay in shape?Your gonna get a stomach ache quit it,I need you to come pitch to me.)
"Pero, ¡tengo hambre, papá! ¡José me está matando de hambre!" Luca Exclaimed,Being dragged out of the clubhouse.
(But- im hungry , Pops! José's starving me!)
"Your always hungry,You'll live,Just don't eat at midnight,your like a gremlin!" José exclaimed with a laugh.
"You take that back you Ass!" Luca yelled chasing José,the two passed Pete,ignoring him,the two laughed running out onto the field.
"They're asshole's to us , but not eachother,what a couple of tools." Pete murmured to himself.
A03 : zae_night
Wattpad : zae-night
tiktok : zaenighteditz
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imamacanker · 7 years
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Inktober Witch completo!! parte 2
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major-dick · 7 years
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Олег, ну ёб твою мать!!!
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pacosemnoticias · 3 months
Valores de pólen na atmosfera elevados a partir de hoje
A concentração de pólen na atmosfera regista valores de risco elevado em todo o país, com exceção do Algarve e Açores, a partir de hoje, indicou a Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica (SPAIC).
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A SPAIC dá conta que a polinização de plantas como a gramínea e as urticáceas irá atingir valores de "risco elevado" entre hoje e 27 de junho no continente.
Segundo a SPAIC, a partir de hoje a concentração de pólen atmosférico deverá registar valores que poderão atingir até um risco elevado em todo o país, com exceção do Algarve e do Arquipélago dos Açores, onde a concentração polínica se deverá manter moderada.
No Arquipélago da Madeira a concentração polínica mantém-se baixa.
A SPAIC destaca a polinização proveniente das ervas gramíneas e urticáceas (incluindo a parietária), atingindo valores de risco elevado para os doentes alérgicos a estes pólenes, em algumas regiões do país, observando-se também a polinização proveniente de árvores como a oliveira, castanheiro, sobreiro e carvalhos e também das ervas tanchagem, urtiga, azeda, quenopódios e bredos.
Em Vila-Real (região de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro) a concentração de pólen no ar irá registar valores de risco moderado a elevado, destacando-se os grãos pólen das oliveiras, castanheiros, sobreiros e carvalhos e das ervas gramíneas, tanchagem, quenopódio, bredo, azeda, urtiga e urticáceas (inclui a parietária).
No Porto (região de Entre Douro e Minho), a concentração de pólen na atmosfera irá registar valores de risco moderado a elevado, das mesmas árvores.
Em Coimbra (região da Beira Litoral), a concentração de pólen na atmosfera irá registar valores de risco moderado a elevado nas mesmas espécies, enquanto em Castelo Branco (região da Beira Interior), a concentração de pólen na atmosfera irá registar valores de risco moderado a elevado.
Na grande Lisboa (que inclui região de Lisboa e Setúbal), a concentração de pólen na atmosfera irá registar valores de risco moderado a elevado, com destaque dos grãos de pólen das oliveiras, sobreiros e carvalhos e das ervas gramíneas, azeda, tanchagem, quenopódio, bredo, urtiga e urticáceas (inclui a parietária).
Na região do Alentejo, a concentração de pólen na atmosfera irá igualmente atingir valores de risco moderado a elevado, com destaque dos grãos provenientes das oliveiras, castanheiros, eucaliptos e sobreiros e das ervas gramíneas, azeda, tanchagem, quenopódio, bredo, urtiga e urticáceas (inclui a parietária).
No Algarve, a concentração de pólen irá registar valores de risco moderado para as mesmas espécies.
De acordo com as previsões, na Região Autónoma da Madeira a concentração de pólen na atmosfera será baixa, com grãos de pólen dos ciprestes e eucaliptos e também das ervas gramíneas, urtiga e urticáceas (incluindo a parietária).
Nos Açores) a concentração de pólen na atmosfera será baixa a moderada, com pólenes das árvores cipreste (e/ou criptoméria), pinheiro, eucalipto e castanheiro e também das ervas gramíneas, tanchagem, urtiga e urticáceas (inclui a parietária).
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therapeutictrauma · 4 years
disassociating on a Wednesday~
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