#spanish galgo
leggy-martian · 8 months
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Traditional post-pack walk pass out.
I've missed noodlehound pack walks so much!! They were like a monthly thing in Atlanta, but the community in the CA bay area is spread out a whole lot more and to my knowledge these aren't a regular thing (yet? I hope yet.)
There is a very frequent one in Sacramento, but that's over an hour away, and I'm still car-less. Nvm that we'd both fry to a crisp in Sacramento right now.
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herder-of-gnorbus · 3 months
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My baby Zabell turns 2 today!
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travel-life8 · 1 year
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YinYan 🖤🤍
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mutsukiss · 11 months
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sheltiechicago · 11 months
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Fast & Curious: Whippet
Photographer: Alexander Khokhlov
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Fast & Curious: Spanish Galgo
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Fast & Curious: Cirneco dell’Etna
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Fast & Curious: Pharaoh Hound
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Fast & Curious: Saluki
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A commissioned portrait of their Galgo Español(Spanish Greyhound) named Shadow. Polychromos and Luminance colored pencils used on 9″X12″ Strathmore paper.
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asiza-art · 1 year
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This was just a galgo drawing study I did as a warm up but then decided I really liked the design and made him my OC! You can never have too many dog OCs 😎
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thearbiter · 1 year
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Spain is trying to exclude Hunting dogs from their animal protection law. It's pretty atrocious that they're willing to allow the over breeding and torture of these dogs. There are folks talking a lot about it online using #mismosPerrosMismaLey or Same dog, Same Law. If you want to learn more about Galgos, YoGalgo has made a documentary talking about them that's worth the watch, or you can just go down a google rabbit hole. But if you are interested in adopting one of these fi… See more
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marinusart · 13 days
He wasn`t a good boy
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And closeup
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He was supposed to be a galgo aka spanish greyhound but idk if I handled that mission well
Forgive me please but it was supposed to happen
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
Most Essential Vocabulary #3
Part 3 of some of the most essential Spanish vocabulary!
This time I decided to go with mostly nouns - animals (minus fish/marine life for the most part), metals, materials, fabrics, and basic weather expressions!
There are always going to be words I miss, but these are some of the most common ones you come across. Though if you’re watching nature documentaries or getting into crafting you might find other words or more specific words than these; still, this is a good baseline for things you’ll come across in everyday Spanish
Los Animales  [Animals]
el perro = dog la perra = dog [f] / bitch [the literal word for “female dog” Spanish-speakers do call their female dogs perra or perrita; but it is also the insult “bitch”]
el gato = cat la gata = cat [f] [again sometimes some unsavory elements to la gata but still very common]
perrito/a = puppy
gatito/a = kitten
el cachorro = puppy, pup el cachorro = pup / baby animal [mammals; it’s not specifically dogs]
el pájaro = bird
el loro = parrot
el lagarto = lizard la lagartija = lizard [small]
la tortuga = turtle / tortoise [large land turtles are sometimes called el galápago like the islands]
la serpiente = snake
el ratón, la rata = mouse / rat [interchangeable at this point]
el erizo = hedgehog
el hurón = ferret
la cobaya = guinea pig [in the medical sense too!] el cuy / el cuyo = guinea pig [South America] el conejillo de Indias = guinea pig [lit. “little rabbit from the Indies”; occasional, but not standard]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
el pez = fish [as opposed to el pescado “fish” which is fish you eat, aka “seafood”]
el reptil = reptile
el ave = bird
el mamífero = mammal
la mascota = pet [and “mascot” for teams]
gruñir = to growl
masticar = to bite
ladrar = to bark
maullar = to meow
arañar = to scratch
lamer = to lick
acariciar = to pet / to caress
Also, not totally necessary unless it is - el sabueso is “hound” while el galgo is “greyhound” or “running dog”
Los Insectos [Insects]
el insecto = insect
el bicho = bug [sometimes means something very different in other countries but it is generally “bug”]
la mariposa = butterfly
la hormiga = ant el hormiguero = anthill
el gusano = worm / maggot
la oruga = caterpillar
el ciempiés = centipede [lit. “hundred feet”, just like what “centipede” means]
la mosca = fly
el mosquito = mosquito
la araña = spider la telaraña = web, spiderweb, cobweb [lit. “spider fabric”]
la abeja = bee la colmena = hive, beehive el panal = honeycomb la reina = queen
el enjambre = swarm
la avispa = wasp
el zángano = drone el obrero, la obrera = worker
la picadura = bug bite / sting
la mantis (religiosa) = (praying) mantis
el escorpión = scorpion el alacrán = scorpion
el caracol = snail
el saltamontes = grasshopper
el grillo = cricket
la langosta = locust [also the word for “lobster”, which is unfortunate]
la cucaracha = cockroach
la pulga = flea
el escarabajo = beetle / scarab
la luciérnaga = firefly, lightning bug
la libélula = dragonfly
la mariquita = ladybug [lit. “little Mary”, because ladybugs are linked to Mary in Christianity in many languages]
I know some of these aren’t technically insects don’t @ me
Las Aves [Birds]
el pájaro = bird
el ave, las aves = bird, birds [technically feminine; umbrella term] (el) ave rapaz, las aves rapaces = birds of prey las aves acuáticas = waterfowl [lit. “aquatic birds”] las aves marinas = seabirds
el águila = eagle [technically feminine] el águila calva = bald eagle
el gorrión = sparrow
la golondrina = swallow
la alondra = lark
el petirrojo = robin
la urraca = magpie
el buitre = vulture
el pájaro carpintero = woodpecker [lit. “carpenter bird”]
la paloma = dove / pigeon
el pavo = turkey
el pavo real = peacock la pava real = peahen
el ganso = goose
el pato / la pata = duck
el pollo = chicken
el gallo = rooster
la gallina = hen
la gaviota = seagull
el cisne = swan
la garza = heron
la grulla = crane
el cuervo = crow
la corneja = raven [but usuallly cuervo; even in literature, Poe’s “The Raven” is El Cuervo]
el búho = owl
la lechuza = owl [the ones with flatter faces; those owls... think Hedwig from HP]
el cucú = cuckoo
el loro = parrot [sometimes el papagayo]
la cotorra = parrot [regional, such as las cotorras de Murcia]
el avestruz = ostrich
el pingüino = penguin
el ala, las alas = wings [technically feminine]
la aleta = flipper
el pico = beak
la garra = talon, claw
la pluma = feather [or “pen”, since it all originally came from the idea of a “quill” which is pluma]
el huevo = egg
el nido = nest
el polluelo = chick, baby bird
Los Animales De la Granja / Domésticos [Farm (Animals) / Domesticated Animals]
el ganado = livestock / cattle
la vaca = cow el toro = bull
el buey = ox
el caballo = horse la yegua =  mare
el establo / la caballeriza = stable, stables
el potro, la potra = foal / colt, filly [baby horse]
el ganso, la gansa = goose
el pollo = chicken el gallo = rooster la gallina = hen
el gallinero = chicken coop
el palomar = pigeon coop
el cerdo, la cerda = pig, sow el puerco, la puerca = pig, sow
el chiquero = sty, pen / pigsty, pigpen 
el corral = corral
el carnero = ram
la oveja = sheep
la cabra = goat
el cordero = lamb el borrego = lamb, yearling
el rebaño = flock (of sheep)
el asno / el burro = donkey
la mula = mule
dar de comer (al animal) = to feed (an animal)
ordeñar = to milk (an animal)
montar = to ride (an animal/bike)
a caballo = on horseback montar a caballo = to ride on a horse, horseback riding
Los Animales Salvajes [Wild Animals]
el lobo, la loba = wolf
el oso, la osa = bear el osenzo / osito/a = bear cub, cub el oso negro = black bear el oso pardo = grizzly bear, brown bear el oso panda / el panda = panda bear el oso polar = polar bear
la serpiente = snake la víbora = viper, venomous snake [poisonous snake, used almost like a generic name]
venenoso/a = poisonous, venomous no venenoso/a = non-venomous, not poisonous
el búfalo = buffalo
el buey, los bueyes = ox, oxen
el bisonte = bison
el jabalí = boar
el mono, la mona = monkey
el simio = ape, simian
el chimpancé = chimpanzee
la gorila = gorilla
el león = lion la leona = lioness
el tigre = tiger la tigresa = tiger [f], tigress
el línce = lynx
el elefante, la elefanta = elephant
la jirafa = giraffe
la cebra = zebra
el cocodrilo = crocodile
el caimán / el aligátor = caiman / alligator [sometimes it has other names that are regional]
el hipopótamo = hippopotamus
el rinoceronte = rhinoceros
el leopardo = leopard
el ciervo, la cierva = deer, stag / deer, doe el venado, la venada = deer, stag / deer, doe
el alce = elk / moose
el reno = reindeer
la ardilla = squirrel
la nutria = otter
el zorro = fox [the female form is la zorra which is “female fox” or “vixen”; also a very mean insult like “bitch”]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
la liebre = hare, rabbit
el mapache = racoon
la comadreja = weasel
el castor = beaver
el canguro = kangaroo [also a slang word for “babysitter”]
la hiena = hyena
el chacal = jackal 
el murciélago = bat
la foca = seal
la morsa = walrus
el delfín = dolphin
la ballena = whale
el asta = antler [technically feminine]
el cuerno = horn
el colmillo = fang el colmillo = tusk [boar, elephant, etc]
el hocico = snout / nose (of an animal)
la garra = claw
la zarpa = claw (feline)
la guarida = lair, den
la madriguera = den, lair, hideout
el depredador = predator
la presa = prey [la presa also means “reservoir” or “dam”]
el macho = male
la hembra = female
salvaje = wild / savage
manso/a = tame
la manada = pack / herd [generally the word for “a group of animals”, so you see it everywhere for animals but the most common example is la manada de lobos “wolf pack”]
Los Metales [Metals]
el metal = metal
metálico/a = metallic
el oro = gold
la plata = silver
el bronce = bronze
el cobre = copper
el plomo = lead
el hierro = iron
el acero = steel
el aluminio = aluminum / aluminium
el zinc / el zinco / el cinco = zinc
el platino = platinum
la lata / el estaño = tin / tinplate / tinfoil [la lata also means “a can” as in food]
el latón = brass
You will also find that el hierro “iron” is used very idiomatically just like in English to mean “strong” such as la Dama de Hierro “Iron Lady” which was the nickname for Margaret Thatcher; or the translation of Xiran Jay Zhao’s book la Viuda de Hierro “Iron Widow”
And many metals or things made out of metal can be called férreo, férrico, or ferroso. A common example is el ferrocarril or la vía férrea for “railroad” or “railway”. 
In etymology, you also see this linked to el herrero, la herrera “smith” or la herrerería “blacksmith” or the metal section of a hardware store; and the word for “hardware store” is sometimes el ferretero 
Additionally, though not metals some general materials:
el carbón = coal el carboncillo = charcoal [charcoal is also el carbón vegetal “plant coal”, el carbón de leña “firewood coal”] 
el papel = paper
el cartón = cardboard
el cristal = crystal / glass [more formal is el vidrio “glass”]
el cuarzo = quartz
el diamante = diamond
el rubí = ruby
la esmeralda = emerald
el zafiro = sapphire
el ópalo = opal
la amatista = amethyst
el topacio = topaz
el ámbar = amber
la joya = jewel
la gema = gem
la perla = pearl
el nácar = nacre, mother-of-pearl
el yeso = gypsum, plaster [also a “cast” for broken bones, which were made out of plaster] el revoque = plaster
la madera = wood
el plástico = plastic
el pegamento = glue, paste
la resina = resin
el ébano = ebony
el marfil = ivory
el mármol = marble
la piedra = stone
la arena = sand
el ladrillo = brick
la arcilla = clay
la arenisca = sandstone
la caliza = limestone la cal = limestone, lime
el granito = granite
el alquitrán = tar
el hueso = bone
la mina = mine
la veta = vein (for metals)
cavar = to dig
forjar = to forge fraguar = to forge [interchangeable; la forja “forge” and la fragua “forge” are also interchangeable]
la aleación = alloy
el crisol = melting pot, crucible
La Tela [Fabric]
la tela = fabric
la fibra = fiber
el hilo = thread / string / yarn
la aguja = needle
la cinta = ribbon
la seda = silk
el algodón = cotton
la lana = wool / yarn
el terciopelo = velvet
el encaje = lace
la red = net, fishnet
el poliéster = polyester
a lunares / de lunares = polkadot, with dots [lit. “with circular”]
a rayas / de rayas = striped, with stripes [lit. “with lines”] de raya fina / de raya diplomática = pinstripe
a cuadros = checkered, gingham, plaid escocés / tartán = plaid [lit. “Scottish”] / tartan cuadriculado/a = checkered [lit. “with little squares”]
la piel = leather [lit. “skin”] el cuero = leather [formal]
el pelo = fur, hair la piel = fur / hide las pieles sintéticas / la piel falsa = faux fur, synthetic fur, fake fur
la gamuza = suede
orgánico/a = organic
artificial = artificial, manmade
sintético/a = synthetic
coser = to sew
cortar = to cut
tejer = to knit
ajustar = to tighten / to adjust
You may find something like un abrigo de piel which would be like a “fur coat”, as opposed to una chaqueta de cuero “leather jacket”, as opposed to a “fur jacket”
The issue here is that la piel is “skin” but it also means “pelt” or “animal hide” [el pellejo is another one] which has fur attached, so depending on the context it could be “leather” or “fur” for materials depending on context
El Tiempo / El Clima [Weather]
el sol = sun
la nube = cloud
la lluvia = rain / rainfall
el aguacero = downpour
el hielo = ice
la nieve = snow la nevada = snowfall
el viento = wind
la ventisca = blizzard
el vendaval = strong wind, gale
el remolino = whirlwind / whirlpool / swirl
el granizo = hail
la tormenta = storm la tormenta eléctrica = thunderstorm la tormenta de arena = sandstorm
la tempestad = big storm
el trueno = thunder
el rayo = lightning bolt
el relámpago = lightning flash
el tornado = tornado
el ciclón = cyclone, tornado
el tifón = typhoon
el monzón = monsoon
el huracán = hurricane
hacer sol = to be sunny soleado/a = sunny
nublar(se) = to be cloudy nublado/a = cloudy
llover = to rain lluvioso/a = rainy
nevar = to snow
granizar = to hail
hacer viento = to be windy
tronar = to thunder / to boom, to be very loud
hacer frío = to be cold (weather)
hacer calor = to be hot (weather)
asomar(se) una tormenta = “for a storm to be brewing”
caer un rayo = for lightning to strike [lit. “for a bolt to fall”]
la estación = season [or “station”]
la primevera = spring de primavera / primaveral = springtime, spring [adj]
el verano = summer de verano / veraniego/a = summertime, summery, summer [adj]
el otoño = autumn, fall de otoño / otoñal = fall, autumn, autumnal [adj]
el invierno = winter de invierno / invernal = winter, wintry [adj]
La Transportación [Transportation]
la transportación = transportation
conducir = to drive [also “to guide” or “to conduct”] manejar = to drive [also sometimes “to manipulate”, or “to work by hand”]
el conductor, la conductora = driver / conducter
el carro = car [general Latin America] el coche = car [Spain and parts of Latin America, still understood] el auto = car [often South America but still understood; short for automóvil “automobile” which is also “self-moving” literally]
la carretera = highway / roadway / motorway [lit. “car-way” or “place for carts”]
la autopista = highway / roadway / motorway  [lit. “car-track” or “road/track for cars]
el camión, la camioneta = truck [regionally dependent [el camión is sometimes “very big truck” like the 18-wheelers, while la camioneta is sometimes a smaller truck that a regular person might drive; all regional but all makes sense]
la furgoneta = van / pick-up truck [regional; large car]
arrancar = to start a car (or machinery) [arrancar is actually “to yank” or “pull up/out”, but with many machines originally having a lever you had to “pull” the word became arrancar for starting machinery]
acelerar = to accelerate, to speed up
decelerar = to decelerate, to slow down
parar = to stop
dar (la/una) vuelta = to turn around / to make a U-turn
dar marcha atrás = to reverse, to drive in reverse retroceder = to go backwards
el autobús, el bus = bus
el taxi = taxi
el avión = plane, airplane
el helicóptero = helicopter
el aeropuerto = airport
el boleto / el billete / el pasaje = ticket (for a plane) [boleto and billete refer to a “slip of paper”, while el pasaje is literally “passage” or “fare”]
el pasajero, la pasajera = passenger
el viajante, la viajante = traveler 
el asiento = seat
la parada = a stop, a layover
el tren = train
la estación de tren = train station
el andén = platform (often for trains)
el ferrocarril = railroad, railway
la vía férrea = railroad, railway, tracks [lit. “iron way”]
el metro = subway, “tube”, metro [short for el metropólitano “metropolitan” which literally  means “inside the city”]
el subterráneo / el subte = subway / “underground” [regional for “subway”, usually Rioplatense Spanish; it’s literally “subterranean” or “underground” which is a basic enough adjective, but here it’s “the underground” as subway slang]
el túnel = tunnel
la bicicleta = bicycle la bici = bike (abbreviation)
la motocicleta = motorcycle la moto = motorcycle / motor bike (abbreviation)
ir = to go irse = to go away, to leave
marchar(se) = to go away
viajar = to travel, to voyage
volver = to return
de ida = one way el/un pasaje de ida = a one way trip/ticket
de vuelta = back / coming back el/un pasaje de vuelta = return trip/ticket
de ida y vuelta = round trip
¡Buen viaje! = “Have a good trip!” / Bon voyage!
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herder-of-gnorbus · 7 months
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My galgos (Spanish Greyhound) Zabell and Osiris... Real life gelerts without the long ears!!
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egglygreg · 2 years
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Very quick drawing of a fidough evo. Churrond? Hounderro? Galchurro? Galgurro? Anyway it's a churro galgo español (Spanish greyhound)
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svetaminka2 · 1 month
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Do you know how to crochet amigurumi toys? Do you like Greyhound type dogs? Well, you know, these graceful, thin and long-faced dogs. Are you crazy about Spanish galgos or Italian levrettes? I have created a unique pattern for crochet fans and fans of such dogs! Welcome to my shop!
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july-snek · 1 year
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Just look at this happy family. Bluey was a really comforting show for me, so I decided to draw my guys with their baby in it’s style. Gil is a Golden Retriever, since they’re pretty friendly and have fluffy fur. And so is Gil in canon- Bulya is a Labrador Retriever. Wanted to give her a breed that’s visually similar to Gil’s, because in canon a lot of people usually assume that Bulya is Gil’s biological daughter, not knowing that she’s not. And Josef is a Spanish galgo due to him being really tall in canon. Moreover, his personality suits this breed as well. Of course, I couldn’t fully copy the artstyle (and didn’t actually try to do everything right, so some details are left from my style), but “I just think they’re neat”.
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
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