#spark. starter
emberglowfox · 11 months
the best part of finishing an asset that gave you trouble isnt like. being done with it its putting it in unreal and giving it collision and just beating the everloving fuck out of it
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flameleads · 2 months
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"If the humidity could calm down, I'd be happy."
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polly-pancakes · 2 months
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Still very much a starter but much homier than the original and has lots of green for Miss Bea! She has a whole 33 simoleons left to her name.
I put it up on the gallery if anyone wants it. ID: PollyPancakes
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flamingredanon · 1 year
Ever find an old wip of something and you have no idea what your brain was thinking at the time?
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atomiqueen · 4 months
a random bg3 au starter for @radiaking
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        It's one of those rare occasions where their fearless leader has elected to bring Lucy along, and she's managing to hold her own...mostly. The Shadow-Cursed lands are just exactly that, and every so often the darkness takes shape and strikes out at her and the others. She's distracted trying to keep an eye on the shadows when a possessed Harper leaps forth and knocks her to the ground. She looks up, wide-eyed, as the dead-eyed corpse hefts its weapon high to strike you down.
        And then its head just...explodes.
        Lucy is covered in blood and corpse gore that's definitely going to take several washes to get out of her hair and clothes. But there is a familiar silhouette striding out of the darkness, as though the Shadow-Curse doesn't even phase him. “It's you...” She scrambles to her feet, hefting her crossbow and aiming it between the Ghoul's eyes.
        The last time Lucy saw him, she did him a kindness. She's not entirely sure if he's come to return that favor or not. “What are you doing here?”
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thesongbiird · 6 months
"I'm hardly innocent anymore, none of us are."
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pivotalmark · 1 year
fresh starter call ! here's the muses -- please specify. let me know if i'm allowed to smooch.
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gumiworth · 1 year
Sorta getting those ship thoughts rn thinking of ship scenarios. Theres one Krisnix scenario I think of that happens like, specifically near the end of the 7yg. Like I think there had have to have been a situation where Phoenix enters Gavin law offices(against Kristophs wishes) and just sees Apollo and/or some random receptionist behind a desk. I think either would be shocked to see Phoenix there he just goes up and asks where Kristoph is and they point to his office with a comically shocked face. Then he goes in where Kristoph sorta just goes “Phoenix what the fuck did you do” with some freaked out look while Phoenix walks up to his desk to look at all his expensive fountain pens. Then I think Phoenix just sorta mumbles the most incoherent thing and grabs Kristophs face(jaw?). But with the most. blank expression. Then they just stare at each other, like they love each other(but also definitely want to gouge each others eyes out). Again, they probably love each other but really weirdly. Meanwhile, Apollo/maybe some receptionist are just at the door trying to listen to as much as they can(they both kinda know that they know they’re listening in). Anyways Kristoph would sorta snap back into a nice superficial voice, loudly thanking Phoenix for coming and to “Leave this for later tonight” and to “Dont hesitate to call me!”. Phoenix just sorta laughs while taking those pens with him(to which Kristoph sneers at him for). As he walks out of his office he’d probably say something all gruff nd over his shoulder like “Thanks Kris, I’ll see you tonight”. They’ll definitely see each other tonight at the Borscht bowl club but it’ll just be less tense and more bitter. I think they’re just funny like that
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dryadalismagicae · 1 year
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@aetherianxarchive / @luna-mxth || LIKED for a STARTER with Vexx
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"I ain' slept in nearly three days, I don' have the patience to listen to this bullshit." He yawns, rolling aching shoulders and rubbing at his eyes. The youth scarce knows what to do with himself - so far from his clan as he is - uncertain and yet willing to continue as he is. "If y' want me t' do something- then jus' say so."
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goofily-moved · 1 year
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STARTER CALL!! like this post for a starter of varying length from one of my muses... please specify which oc you want it from! I may hop into your ims for plotting purposes!
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narrated · 3 months
what if this was an inbox call but specifically for my dragon age muses (matthias and lancelot)
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flameleads · 4 months
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"Well fuck."
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insurged · 7 months
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who wants to get spanked by a gavel ?
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dandyshucks · 6 days
i havent even thought about what starter im going to choose omg... i don't think i have any preferences towards type, i usually just end up liking pkmn based on vibe and aesthetics LMAO, and I've never played any game except for platinum (and I haven't even finished my first playthrough of it....) so i have zero experience in choosing starters,,,, THIS IS EXCITING
#choosing to be excited abt this rather than stressed fhdkdl#i like how litten looks but i dont rly like incineroar#actually i dont know if i rly like any of the third evolutions of the starters#okay wait actually i take it back. i just looked and the third evo of rowlet is fun#im so sorry to incineroar likers and primarina likers 😭#incineroar looks silly to me and primarina just annoys me DBFJDML its calls in the anime were rly grating on my nerves after a bit 😭😭#rowlet in its first evo doesnt appeal to me a whole lot tbh which is funny bc now that i look at its evo line i rly like the others#but rowlet itself is just kind of ... shrug. like it looks very polite but it doesnt have any sort of Spark to it yknow?#its just a polite looking orb fjdksl#which is perhaps the charm of it but i feel like its an orb w a bowtie and its very plain fjdksl#theres not a lot of ✨Personality✨ to its appearance#WHICH IS PERHAPS RICH COMING FROM ME. THE INFAMOUS PIPLUP ENJOYER. DNDKSL#i think im gonna go w rowlet though which is funny bc thats the one I thought i Wouldn't be going with#i like popplio and litten in terms of design way more but i just dislike both their third evos too much to choose them 😭#WAIT WHY DOES ROWLET HAVE TWO TYPES#I THOUGHT ALL BASE STARTERS ONLY HAD ONE TYPE??? HUH??#okay anyways i gotta stop chattering djdksl i am sitting outside i should not be looking at my phone LMAO im gonna do some sketching#yall... im choosing another bird pkmn as my starter.... i fear i may be developing a pattern of some kind LOL#dandy.cmd
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cybertronian-weapon · 4 months
Into the darkness
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What greets Wild as she enters the big space is silence and looming darkness. Whatever stationary lights the "explorers" had brought with and set up, is now nothing more then broken pieces that lies shattered across the ground. Energon paints any free space between the many greyed out frames that covers the floor.
They are dead. Not a single frame in the room shows any sign of life. This wasn't a battle, it was a massacre and they were executed without mercy. Whoever they meet in here had one clear objective, to leave no survivors. The body by the door shows that perfectly, they had been trying to get away. But the shadows dug it's claws into them, snuffing out there spark.
If Wild was any other. Not a gladiator or someone used to survive battle, she might have missed the subtle sounds of movements. The smallest of disturbens from within the darkness.
Whatever caused this, is still here. Watching the cyan femes every move.
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atomiqueen · 5 months
a bg3 au starter for @clawsextended <3
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        You return from gathering wood for the fire expecting to find an almost empty camp, but that is not the scene you discover. The others have returned, and at first your heart leaps excitedly. Withers does not make for the most linear conversational partner, and you're keen for someone else to talk to. That's when you realize they're all crouched around the bloodied, shaking form of your party's leader.
        Something must have gone terribly wrong at the créche. You drop the wood by the fire and quickly approach, pushing past Shadowheart and Astarion to kneel at Selina's side. Gently, you place a hand on her shoulder. “Hey...hey, now...” With utmost care, you try to help her sit up. You wonder what could have happened to cause such a state, but those questions are best left for later. “Why don't you come with me and I'll help you get cleaned up?”
        As you turn, guiding Selina towards the nearby river, you glance back over your shoulder to the others. “Somebody should make something to eat,” you advise, and quickly return to your self-appointed charge.
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