speakeasysniper replied to your photoset “Part Four End (previous) _____ “During the war, it became a common...”
It was certainly a popular tactic in Praxus... Especially for herding the crowd of runners in a certain direction. Little more effective than a body being thrown down to explode in front of them... They liked to give speeches before they chucked us. Or maybe that was just me. How lucky I was...
...Lucky isn’t how I’d put it. But... If nothing else...I’m glad you survived. Even though I know at least partly what it means to.
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heligooddeals · 5 years
“Let’s talk about marriage and conjunx endura.
“Marriage, as humans define it, is the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship. 
“Conjunx Endura, as Transformers define it, is the legally or formally recognized union of mecha as partners in a personal relationship.
“If we ignore the bit where humans believe that a unity can only involve two people, it becomes quite clear that marriage and conjunx endura are virtually the same thing. They’re both an agreement that individuals make to be committed to a relationship they've formed with each other and a status to be recognized by the governments and authorities that rule over them. To claim that one is less than the other doesn’t make any sense because the significance of that unity is exactly the same between the two titles. The only difference is their names. So how and why does that make marriage 'not really count' and only a ‘formality’ when it's exactly the same as conjunx endura?
“Further more - bonding is not an essential part to becoming conjunx endura. In order to become conjunx endura with someone, all one must do is complete the conjunx ritus. To do that, you and your partner - or partners, if you’re like me and have multiple spouses at once - must complete four acts of mutual affection and kindness with each other. Those acts are the act of intimacy, the act of disclosure, the act of profference, and the act of devotion, and they are as simple as they sound. You do something intimate with each other, you share something personal with one another, you give each other a sparkfelt gift, and you show how devoted you are to one another. That’s it.
“Now some mecha will use the act of intimacy as their chance to bond to each other but it’s not essential to complete the act or the ritus. It’s merely a choice made by the individuals who are ready and willing to bond at that step. A very common choice, yes, but still only a choice. Personally speaking, Redstrike, Quickshaft, and I mimicked the amica ritus and bared our sparks while we recited our vows to each other in order to complete the act of intimacy. It was valid, as is literally any other intimate action or gesture one could do with their partners. I didn’t bond with my mates until after we completed the conjunx ritus and we fully agreed to merge our sparks together.
“So, to imply that a union must have a sparkbond in order to be taken seriously is absolutely ridiculous because the union of conjunx endura does not hinge on whether or not individuals are bounding their sparks together. The union hinges on the completion of the ritus. As soon as you complete the four acts of affection and kindness you’re done. That’s it. You are now conjunx endura - or married.
“Now please stop harassing my amica and his brother about the validity of their unions with their mates. They’re valid. Your preference and desire to be sparkbonded does not change that at all.”
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logical-tactician · 5 years
There's a box on Prowl's desk, with an open lid because wouldn't want him to have to follow protocol about mystery packages and call in the bomb squad. Inside is a layer of polyfiber quilt batting making a deep, soft cushion to hold a wire nest and a small orange egg, sporting speckles of cobalt blue. There's a note in Bluestreak's hasty handwriting, rambling off down the edges of the page, forgotten words squeezed in, but the gist of it reads: thought you might like a work buddy
Mystery packages were always a bit...problematic, so Prowl was truly appreciated the fact that the lid was open; random closed containers appearing seemingly out of nowhere not only resulted in way too much additional work, but also unsettled Red Alert greatly. No one wanted that. 
Prowl’s attention then moved to the box’s contents, doorwings rising ever so slightly in surprise. An egg, especially one so brightly coloured certainly wasn’t something he expected to find on his desk.
Blue optics quickly skimmed through the note, corners of the Praxian’s lips twitching upwards in a soft, delicate smile as soon as he noticed who wrote it - and who left the unusual gift in his office.  
:: Bluestreak.:: A pause as he belatedly realised that he should have probably started with an actual greeting. ::Is that...a lilleth egg?:: It looked like one, though the tactician wasn’t exactly an expert when it came to things like this.
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primuswhyme · 5 years
Tumblr media
As promised, here you go Bluestreak.
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drsmokescreen · 6 years
Picnics vs. Gunfire
speakeasysniper said:
You are a traitor
I’m reporting you to Prowl and Magnus
And don’t you ever speak to me again, Smokescreen…
Smokescreen started steering things.  ‘And we’re not doing the same, Blue?  We kill them.  We make allies for the purpose of advantage to kill more as well as draining resources for killing one more Decepticon.  How is what we do different?  How is you taking a shot at a Con different than one that takes a shot at you?  If the Cons stop shooting at you, what are you going to do?’  He doesn’t mean that instant.  Smokescreen verbally made a little push on Bluestreak.  ‘If there’s no killing Decepticons, Bluestreak, what are you going to do?’
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brio-rhapsody · 6 years
@speakeasysniper started following you
A warm friendly smile for a certain young Praxian, “Well lookie there! Isn’t it one of my favorite bots! How’s it shakin Blue?”
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praxxian · 7 years
“Hurry! Run!”
Excuse Prowl, it’s taking a moment for reality to catch up to him. He hasn’t heard from his own universe’s Bluestreak in ages - it’s startling to hear that voice again.
Oh right. They’re on interdimemsional communications now.
::Bluestreak? This is Prowl. What is going on?::
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speakeasysniper replied to your post: I decided I wanted to re do my tumblr, it’s been...
what name you thinkin of?
I’m not sure tbh Robotzombiedog was kinda supposed to be a place holder.  I got the name literally by naming the first three things I saw in my room back at Uni.
If I did that now it’d be... ReaperOrchidAloe
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dubious-signs · 5 years
SS Log: Visiting the ReVerse 3
[Part 1] / [Part 2] / [Part 4]
SIC’em - SG!Skywarp (written by @primuswhyme) ProgramThis - Kay (human oc written by @primuswhyme) SnipeHunt - Bluestreak (@speakeasysniper) wanderlvst - Dennis (@anotherhumanpet) SoothsayerTemp - Temperance (@divinethemeaning) Lt.010412 - Lieutenant (@unknownsoldiers)  Menage-a-Trois - SG!Starscream (written by @primuswhyme) Recklessinred - Sideswipe (@wily-red-and-galeforce-gold)
[Context: The aftermath and letting everyone know what happened...]
SIC’em (SG!Skwarp):   
Our apologies for causing so much worry. I would like to inform Kaylynne's and Cass's friends here that they are safe and not much worse for wear. There was an incident. It's been handled.
My thanks for your help in bringing them back safely.
ProgramThis (Kay): 
Yeah we're cool. Sorry for worrying you guys.
Kaylynne you are supposed to be RESTING.
Right, right. Just wanted to back you up, Sky. I'm headed to bed right now.
ProgramThis has logged out 
SnipeHunt (speakeasysniper): 
I helped \o/
wanderlvst (anotherhumanpet): 
Is everyone okay
Fulltilt will need several surgeries to get his shoulder working smoothly again and Soundwave's optics will need some cosmetic replacing along with his visor, but Cass and Kaylynne are mostly just sore with minor bruising and Kaylynne's arm will need a new cast, but that is, to my knowledge, the worst of the injuries.
What happened to Fulltilt and Kaylynne
Does Cass have her phone
I've been trying to call and she didn't pick up which is normal given what happened but
They didn't take it from her did they
Or still have it 
Uhhh he got some bullets in him but nowhere super vital or he would have been dead WAY before we got there lol he'll be fine
SoothsayerTemp (Temperance/divinethemeaning): 
Cass is shaken but not seriously injured from what she said. We told her to get some rest so I don't think she'll be returning anymore calls or texts tonight. But she does still have her phone.
@SnipeHunt is correct. Fulltilt took a long range plasma shot to his rear bumper and a close range shot to his left shoulder joint. Hook informs me it wasn't fatal, but to discourage chase and to leave a message.
Sounds scarier than it is I guess
Kaylynne's arm was broken from a previous misjudged jump and unfortunately Goldbug's hospitality does not include being gentle with healing injuries.
Glad you guys and they're alright
Did Goldbug make it worse
It will need to be reset.
Tell Signs I'm sorry if I scared her with the transforming trick I was kind of in a hurry to get the hell out of dodge and I didn't want to drop her
I will inform her in the morning.
We will escort Cass to the space bridge in the morning @SoothsayerTemp
Thank you. Please let us know if there are any updates we should be aware of.
The next morning… 
Lt.010412 (Lieutenant/unknownsoldiers): 
Seems everyone is safe.
Menage-a-Trois (SG!Starscream):  
Yes. We're seeing off Cass in a little bit.
They slept in, but they needed it.
Humans run on such low battery as it is.
They require more recharge.
Well they did have a rough night.
We're glad they're okay.
They did. Good to know they are safe
Though Cass is still a bit shaken..
Recklessinred (Sideswipe/wily-red-and-galeforce-gold): 
it's good she's resting. Last night was uh not great
thanks for letting us pitch in
Again, thank you for your help Sideswipe.
anytime o7
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desiiderium · 5 years
And he will just… forward along the picture that Sideswipe sent him, of this broken lake that they’re trying not to touch.
Tumblr media
:: Yup, we’re on Earth! :: Bluestreak has zero qualms about offering up this information. Like, who didn’t know they were on Earth?
Most Autobots he knew in other dimensions were also on Earth. Earth was just the place where people fought about stuff.
And where weird things happen like killer crystals and broken lakes.
:: Well, no, not really? :: Unseen to Prowl, a hand rubs at his neck, a bit awkwardly. :: I mean there was that time they kicked us off the planet due to some bad PR and the Cons messed with our trajectory and tried to throw us into the sun but Trailbreaker managed to save us from that with his forcefields and we got back and the humans were like ‘Oh thank Primus you’re here we really messed up the Cons are evil!’ and we were like ‘YEAH we told you that before and like they’ve been blowing up your oil rigs and destroying your cities why would you ever think they weren’t evil??’ I mean I don’t want to say that humans as a species aren’t that bright but certainly the ones in charge are kind of dull- ::
:: Bumblebee goes into town and plays at the Arcade. He’s really popular there. Probably because he fits inside the building… lucky mech…. ::
He’s not pouting. Who said he was pouting? He’s not.
There was a moment of slightly stunned silence right after Prowl received the picture, as he tried to comprehend what exactly he was seeing; the tactician was quite certain that he has never seen anything like this…broken lake.  
:: It looks quite… :: he paused, trying and failing to find the right words for a moment. :: …concerning. ::
Freaky too, as Bluestreak described it, even if the tactician was reluctant to use such casual phrase.
He’s definitely going to save this image.
:: While my experience with the humans is not very extensive, I have to agree. ::
In fact, Prowl would have probably used stronger words than “kind of dull” to describe humans, at least the majority of those he worked with on Earth. William Lennox was a surprising exception, perhaps, but the rest of them didn’t leave a good impression on the tactician at all.
:: They are illogical and quite annoying. ::
And even in this description he was being too subtle, probably.
:: I do not think it would be possible for Bumblebee, or anyone else, to do such thing in my universe, :: he said after a moment of hesitation. :: Mearing would never allow it. ::
She would have called Optimus to shout at him for as long as she pleased if one of the Autobots tried to get too close to the civilians and then he would…
Shuttering his optics for a brief moment, Prowl shut down this thought process quickly, sensory panels twitching downwards a little bit. He didn’t need to think about Optimus and what he would do. No, he didn’t want to think about Optimus. Not now.
:: She has never been happy if any of us left the base outside of the missions. :: A pause and Prowl vented a sigh. :: But I suspect she has never considered any of us to be truly sentient. ::
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how about sunny-bunny?
Sunny: “......select few people have nickname privileges. They know who they are.
“...for that particular one, he knows who he is.”
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logical-tactician · 6 years
I'm a sniper 8D
Indeed, and a talented one. 
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primuswhyme · 6 years
If anyone there was fluent in Vosnian, their audios would be blistering as Thundercracker spewed the foulest, crudest and downright most insulting string of curses across the comm lines in a furious string of clicks and whistles. Gradient would have been so proud. And impressed. Probably slightly horrified at some of the suggestions. Even if they couldn't understand it, that Thundercracker was in distress was easy to understand.
Eventually Vosnian bled into common cybertronian, but it was no less scathing. ::-son of a FRAGGING glitch!! Not even a pit slagged WARNING-MY FRAGGING OPTICS-!!!::
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drsmokescreen · 6 years
speakeasysniper said:
What part of “don’t talk to me ever again, traitor” don’t you understand
My anger is completely justified! You’re encouraging active treason and spreading Decepticon propaganda and I will not stand here and listen to it.
After everything they’ve done to us - and the war isn’t over!
You of all people…
You were THERE when Prowl dragged me out of the ruins of our HOME..
Or maybe you’re not my Smokescreen..
::That’s the very anger I’m talking about, Bluestreak.  I’m encouraging people to give the other side a chance when the war ends—for individuals or for the whole army.  It’s the only way we can have peace after the war.  You sounded the other night like you don’t want the war to end.  Like you don’t want the dying to stop.  Like you are keeping yourself angry so you can justify keeping on killing.  That’s a very dangerous road you’re heading down, Bluestreak.  Why don’t you come in and we get you turned around?::
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medicalmurdersaurus · 7 years
speakeasysniper answered your question: // Every now and again, I get an itch to redesign...
I’m always down for neck protection. It’s very practical given their line of work. And I love the nub tail idea
((Very true. Not to mention having four physically stronger, grabby brothers. Looking at you, Slag.))
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dubious-signs · 5 years
SS Log: Visiting the ReVerse 2
[Part 1] / [Part 3] / [Part 4]
[Since this part has more characters than the last one, I’ll add in who’s who as they come up, along with the little cast list.]
ProgramThis - Kay (human OC written by @primuswhyme) dubiousSigns - Cass (it me) Recklessinred - Sideswipe (@wily-red-and-galeforce-gold)  SoothsayerTemp - Temperance (@divinethemeaning) saveAcowboy - Traction (@varmegonomore) SnipeHunt - Bluestreak (@speakeasysniper) HereComesTheBOOM - Thundercracker (@primuswhyme) wanderlvst - Dennis (@anotherhumanpet) BlendingIn - Lenny (Sanctuary City’s resident dire wraith, written by @varmegonomore)
[Context: It’s the day of the fair, but no one hears from Cass or Kay for a while...]
ProgramThis (Kay):
dubiousSigns (Cass):
Let's get goin' then 😁
///// ///// ///// ///// /////
There's so much good street food to choose from here, I want it all but I can't eat that much!
Recklessinred (Sideswipe/wily-red-and-galeforce-gold): 
get a little bit of everything and hoard some to eat at home =U
are there baked things? Baked things keep, right?
Later that night… 
SoothsayerTemp (Temperance/divinethemeaning): 
Has anyone here been in recent contact with the user dubiousSigns?
saveAcowboy (Traction/varmegonomore): 
no, why?
is something wrong?
I'm not sure. She told us she was visiting another universe today and has been sending pictures, but then it just... stopped rather abruptly.
It's possible her phone died.
I know that afterwards she was going to "Red's" universe to see some birds?
SnipeHunt (speakeasysniper): 
To see our birds? But who was bringing her? Sideswipe said he was getting deployed and I didn't hear anything about any arrangements for travel
I don't have any information beyond that. Just that she and her friend were invited by Sideswipe to see the birds. You haven't seen her there at all?
I haven't, no. I'll check with Thundercracker, he usually knows what Sideswipe's plans are…
Thank you.
HereComesTheBOOM (primuswhyme): 
Ah, I'd assumed he'd told you after he got the reluctant go ahead from Red Alert. Neither Program or Signs have shown up yet.
Did Signs have a check in time?
I don't know, I think they were playing it by ear?
@SirDudewave any information on your end?
No visitors have checked in and Red hasn't seen any humans on the cameras
they were supposed to come over today before I get deployed tomorrow =(
I tried calling her and program.
wait you can't reach them either?
I don't have their numbers, but Soundwave isn't answering tags. 
that never bodes well. 
One hour later… 
Have you heard anything @SoothsayerTemp? It's nearing 8pm local time and we still have no word if they're coming.
No I haven't heard from either of them.
... Do you think something could have gone wrong with the bridge?
do you know where their last location was?
it's possible. Our space bridge is often malfunctioning since we only really have the one…
How do we get in contact with her then?? Does anyone know any of the other people from her dimension?
wanderlvst (anotherhumanpet): 
What's going on
Program and Signs haven't contacted SoothsayerTemp or checked in here like planned.
SnipeHunt: dubiousSigns didn't show up at their planned meeting with Sideswipe and no one can contact them
Does anyone have, like, their cell phone number??
How long ago was Signs last message @SoothsayerTemp
I have her number
I can try calling her?
Let me call her
Oh would you?? that would be so great I'm starting to really really worry
We've tried texting and calling but haven't heard from her in... over three hours now.
Maybe she's sleeping?? I've heard humans can sleep for eight to ten hours at a time
She's not answering me either. It went to voicemail
Where did she go
Was she with anyone
She went with Program. Uhhh the one from the reverse verse
She was supposed to come here to see Sideswipe and the birds
They were supposed to be at a street fair in Programs world. I was under the impression they would be with one of the reverse mecha
The one where Program got kidnapped for wearing a hat
But I can't get ahold of Soundwave or Dodger
So they went to the reverse verse and now we can't get ahold of anyone there??
I don't like how this is adding up…
Yeah no something's wrong
And Cass should have answered me
I mean we're not great friends but she probably would have thought it was some kinda emergency or something if I did cause of what we've talked about so
She's not answering
Every weird chat member is offline
Sideswipe's already being deployed but we're free for the moment... TC should we go?
This is bad guys
Something happened
BlendingIn (Lenny the dire wraith): 
are they hurt? Do we need to go find them?
Red Alert won't give me clearance, but Sideswipe hasn't deployed yet. Grab him.
No idea, Blending, no one can contact them. But if what's happened is what we think has happened then there's a good possibility that what happened involved them being hurt or at least incapacitated but hopefully that's not actually what happened
I'm going to keep calling
I'll grab Sides. We'll make a run tonight. Hopefully we'll be back before the hurricane makes landfall. Man I hope the hurricane isn't hitting in that dimension too
Maybe she'll answer at some point
would you like someone other dimensional to help?
Are you an active soldier?
im an officer.
and recruited for military operations
I can't personally say yes because I don't really have the authority to make that call but you probably outrank me so do what you want?
But me asking you to come makes me responsible for your safety and this is already really stressful
you would not be, i am likely in no less danger there than I am here
Buddy I dunno these reverse bots sound Messed Up
the entire universe is hunting me and my kind on a daily basis.
but if it concerns you I will stay on standby 
Like I said, you probably outrank me. I'm just a gunner
Gonna get clearance from Prowl and get some supplies. He's usually pretty sympathetic to these kinds of things…
SnipeHunt has logged off
I will be ready should they want my assistance
I can't get to her voicemail anymore
Now it says the number is not available
Guys something's wrong
SnipeHunt has logged in
SnipeHunt: Alright Prowl says we're clear. I've got a recall thingiemadoober in case things get hairy and we need a quick exit.
And TC if you're so worried about not having clearance maybe it's a good time to consider actually defecting instead of just sitting around mooching off our supplies
Dude that isn't helping
Ironic, since neither is he.
Dude fighting about dumb shit isn't going to get Cass rescued any faster
She could be hurt or tortured right now
there is a better chance they want her as a hostage
which means they'll likely not harm her
But for how long
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