#speaker seer
speakergame · 1 year
How would you rate the singing voices of the ROs and Speaker? Also, how would you describe their voices? (You don't really need to include Kana in the response, but I am curious about how their voice sounds.)
I wanna sing a lullaby for my twin or serenade my lover ;-;
I don't think this has been asked before, but I'm sorry for being repetitive if it has. Anyway, you're awesome! Have a good day <3
Seer's voice is pretty good, a bit on the breathy side because she doesn't have much practice projecting it, but she has good pitch. Hums to herself a lot when she's sewing, and sings along with the car radio on road trips. I personally imagine her sounding a bit like Kina Grannis, but your mileage may vary.
Kana obviously has a great singing voice, partially due to being a siren but mostly because they work for it. I imagine their music sounding a lot like When Rivers Meet, especially the lead singer's voice but also blues-rock is very much Kana's favorite genre to play/sing
(When Rivers Meet's new single also feels very lyrically-appropriate :3)
Azalea has a nice singing voice, soft and soothing and mostly used for singing to her garden. One of the few things she's not shy about. Speaker has probably heard it before. Most likely of all the ROs to sing you a lullaby. A bit Florence Welch-like.
Sebastian's voice is a bit on the rough side, but intentionally so. Gravelly, I guess you could call it. It suits the kind of music he likes to listen to. If I had to compare it to someone, the closest would probably be like... David Draiman?
Rory doesn't really care what they sound like. Their voice is for singing along with the radio and in the shower and that's good enough for them. Sometimes a little off-pitch, sometimes completely tone-deaf, sometimes pretty good, always enthusiastic.
No one can prove Li's singing voice exists. No one's ever heard it before.
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I do have a few things in my notes about Speaker getting a choice to sing to (or with) Kana if you're on their route 👀 as for the others, I'm not sure yet, but I'll write it down and revisit the idea in the future 😉
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southerndragontamer · 8 months
Egotober Day 30: Witch
Celine had been called a witch many times. She’d found her abilities early when her and Damien had been young. And she honestly liked the dark gothic aesthetic and style. She’d also been called an ice queen but witch was much more common. It was mostly in childish insults or whispers around her, there were very few that dared to shout it in her face for fear of what she’d do to them. But one of those few it turned out was her husband.
It had been another argument, for what reason she couldn’t remember clearly now as she stalked through the manor with anger bubbled in her veins. But the last part of it rang in her head like the echo of a gunshot. ‘Don’t you try to play innocent with me you conniving witch!’ Her hands shook as she threw her suitcase open. She felt the burn in her veins, the sparks of energy at her fingertips. She wanted to show him what the word really meant. What someone could do with powers like hers. But Celine still loved the proud man she’d fallen for, she didn’t want to hurt him that way at least. But she needed to leave, at least long enough to cool them both off….
Dark blinked once as the memory faded to the back of his mind from where it had been brought out. As he looked at the so called ‘hero’ in front of him. Still in that stupid red suit with that arrogant smirk on his face at what had left his lips. ‘Celine was nothing but a conniving witch!’ Dark’s face twisted in a mocking sneer as he loosened his stance and moved forward in a predatory prowl. The righteous anger of a protective brother filled his words as a hand clenched into a fist.
“A witch was she? Little more than someone who performed parlor tricks or was someone to blame when things went wrong? Well..”
Dark had a vicious pleasure summer in his veins that was shared three fold as he felt the bastard’s nose crack under his fist. As he watched him fall to the ground. He smirked as he felt the brother step back. As his body shifted and changed to match the pulse of fury that only a scorned and betrayed woman was capable of making.
She looked more elegant, the suit fell against her curves with a sensual sort of ferocity. Dark rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck as she set her heel on his throat. Magic, so much stronger, darker than it had been before leapt into her hands with barely a thought. She smirked at the furious, shocked and…..yes afraid look on Actor’s face. He hadn’t expected to deal with her and the strength of venom in her voice, if it had been possible, would have killed him from necrosis ten times over.
“Maybe I should show you how much of a witch I really am.”
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astral-dragons · 11 months
Fuck it *writes Dusk Elf lore from scratch*
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also whats ur opinion on noivern
What a cool dragon type... I've got a few friends, you included, who vastly enjoy this pokemon. Ourself included, actually.
-- Dex Entries. --
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Another I had to get help with, thanks to Mod Toaster Strudel of the sburbanalysis variety. I'm not well-versed in classes, but aspects I'm good at. There's a lot here about being able to attack in the dark, as well as implied detection in the said dark, this leads to the classpect we agreed on.
-- Judgement. --
Seer of Void seems to work. Mmmmmaybe Seer of Space, but that doesn't fit as well, given the dex entries consistently talk about being in the dark, so Seer of Void works just fine.
-- Personality meaning. --
Seers of Void are.. Interesting. They know a lot about being in the dark once in it, but they're usually well-accustomed to Light as an aspect. Maybe they're knowledgeable in something, maybe they're a diurnal species or something, which is really ironic given this is a classpect for a bat pokemon, which is notoriously a nocturnal pokemon, but shut up. My blog. I digress, though. The Seer is good at knowing secrets, and they can and damn well are able to expose you. They wouldn't be the type to write a callout post, per say, but they would completely be able to, is what I'm saying. DinkleDonk Stride does a better analysis of this than I do, even if it is a much older post from them.
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risualto · 2 years
High Priestess, Hermit, Tower for an OC of your choice?
02.  the high priestess  :  how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ?
09.  the hermit  :  how introspective is your muse ? how often do they self - reflect ?
16.  the tower  :  what event drastically changed your muse’s life ? do they resent that event or are they glad of it ?
the high priestess : how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ?
the hermit : how introspective is your muse ? how often do they self - reflect ?
the tower : what event drastically changed your muse’s life ? do they resent that event or are they glad of it ?
Ooh, thank you! I want to answer this about Yoshiko from @speakergame because I haven't written about her nearly enough, and I want to flesh her out.
The High Priestess: How does your muse make decisions? Do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart/their logic? Yoshiko would like to believe she uses her head, but the truth is that her logic is mostly born of fear, so in reality, it's her heart. The problem is that she tends to trust her heart more when she doesn't realize she's doing it. When it comes to things like friendship and romance, she'll often purposefully ignore her heart, but again, this is based mostly in fear--for herself and for her twin.
The Hermit: How introspective is your muse? How often do they self-reflect? Yoshiko tries to be introspective. She spends a lot of time trying to judge whether she's doing the right thing and coming to terms with the harder parts of the life she leads as a result of the curse on her family. She would rather think about herself than talk to other people--but actually facing herself is very difficult.
The Tower: What event drastically changed your muse’s life? Do they resent that event or are they glad of it? Well, up until very recently in the game, Yoshiko would have said the thing that most changed her life was their parents leaving them alone. She was never all that close with them, but it was more because their relationship was one of polite respect on both sides rather than deep emotional nurturing, and for them to just suddenly leave their daughters placed the actual weight of the Seer's curse into very sharp relief. The curse was something that was capable of great destruction, pulling their family apart instead of drawing them together in the face of danger. Yoshiko became even more determined to hold onto her sister, Mihoshi, after that point. She does still resent her parents for leaving, especially as their lives have recently become so difficult and stressful, and the people Yoshiko believed should have been there for them were all the way on the other side of the country. (She will come to be very grateful for the intervention of Mama Cowles, although right now she feels like the interference of their neighbors is some kind of affront to whether or not she is capable of protecting her sister personally.)
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thecatboyfriend · 2 years
so far in my silly little watcher listener au ive decided theres gods (the ender dragon, warden, and wither (possibly more)), minor gods (havent fleshed out lol), and demi-gods (watchers, listeners, and speakers)
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haledamage · 2 years
sometimes reworking Speaker’s code is like “time to make this much less complicated, and plant some tags that’ll make it easier to callback to in the future”
and sometimes it’s more like “so there’s already 5 versions of this scene, but what if there were 9 versions”
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greenunoreversecard · 9 months
Recently, I've gotten really into this game called Speaker, and it is absolutely astounding! (by @speakergame here on tumblr) I am floored by how wonderfully its written, and adore the characters. Li especially has really grasped my attention with his style and personality so much so that I'm pretty sure im hyperfixating a bit.. He's actually the star of this post, as I drew him in my 4th period class today an. IWanted to share that, along with the playlist I made with songs that give me his vibes that is currently under construction. Anyways this is just a shameless promo for the game and it's creator. Go follow @speakergame and play Speaker! It's amazing!!! Anyways, have a good day yall.
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(this playlist is currently a work in progress and subject to change.)
Li Playlist Here!
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thewertsearch · 1 month
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A fifth exile, sleeping for centuries in the belly of the ruins, far beneath the desecrated idol once sharing its visage with the legendary SPEAKER OF THE VAST CROAK.
We’ve got another Vast Thing, to accompany Gl'bgolyb’s Glub and Aradia's Joke.
I'm a little nervous about the parallel being drawn here between Gl'bgolyb and Bilious Slick. If Sburb's Frog God turns out to have been a Horrorterror all along, it would certainly be fitting, but it definitely wouldn't be good.
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Soon the WRIT KEEPER will awaken and serve his new queen.
Fair enough. It makes sense that the Queen would want to save her husband if the opportunity were to present itself.
It is a little fucked that he's the only one who was preserved, though. He shared space with Dave’s beta, so the device can clearly accommodate multiple payloads. For all we know, they could have evacuated half of Prospit through here!
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The King has become the Writ Keeper, which makes me think that Complacency might be more than just a teen's first novel.
I think it’s time to take another look at Rose's magnum opus.
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COTL is a story about twelve wizards, who suspect that their twelve apprentices are responsible for murder.
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In contrast, Homestuck is a story about twelve rather murderous trolls, who are following in the footsteps of their twelve ancestors. So, you see, it's different.
Nah, but seriously, I'm fairly confident that these wizards are supposed to represent the ancestors and Players of the troll session. Zazzerpan even refers to the apprentices as the Complacency's 'grand descendence', which is almost comically on the nose.
But what does it mean? I doubt Rose is intentionally weaving these parallels - it's probably just a manifestation of her latent Seer powers.
In the story, Zazzerpan's cohort are horrified by the possibility that their apprentices are killers. Does this imply that the troll ancestors are less violent and dangerous than the modern Alternians? But if the ancestors were peaceful, I don't think Eridan would respect them the way he does. Hmm.
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She would like clarification on the nature of the work, which you are happy to provide. You explain that it is very simple. As the new queen, she will be charged with bringing the slayer to justice, and rebuilding her kingdom in a new land.
The latter is standard practice for Sburban Exiles, and should be well within their capabilities. That said, it would be just as achievable if they were being led by WQ, so I’m not sure why PM needs to bear the crown instead.
If PM is 'bringing the Slayer to justice', she'll probably be confronting Jack directly. This means she's going to be travelling back into sessionspace, presumably quipped with the one weapon capable of matching Noir’s.
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infiniteko · 4 months
I'm not the knower but the knowing
As much as it sounds like a playing with words
It really made a click for me
I'm the knowing of the knowns
There is no knower
No seer, only seeing
No hearer, only hearing
No feeler, only feeling
No speaker, only speaking
No Knower, only Knowing
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speakergame · 1 year
Hi Rhi! Hope life's been going smoothly for you!! There's always the "what D&D class would everyone be" question that goes around but I wanted to know what kind of player you think everyone would be? (i.e. who's the min maxer? Who gets super into RP? Who refuses to play, etc.)
ooooh this'll be fun
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I've already done "what DnD class everyone would be" here, and "what kind of class would they play" here, but as for what kind of player they are:
Sebastian and Rory are nerds and have definitely played before, and would be up for playing again. Kana and Azalea haven't, but are willing to try.
Li and Seer it would depend on if Speaker had played before; if Speaker has, then Seer has, and so has Li if bff/crush background. Aquaintaince!Li hasn't either way. Seer would go along with it if it's what everyone else wants to do, but if she hasn't played before she'd be a little timid at first.
Bff/crush!Li likewise would go along with it, but I think it would take a lot of convincing for aquaintance!Li to play as an adult. They just don't know any of you well enough for that yet (unless you let them DM)
But assuming you can convince them to play, Li is the kind of player that thinks outside the box. They read all the rules so they know the best way to bend them. They're the type of player to make an axe machine gun character. or ask if an enemy counts as a "location" for spells like Conjure Water or Heat Wave.
Seer loves! to play! support classes! If you ever need a cleric, or a bard, or a support wizard or tank, she's your girl. Terrible at dealing damage, but can heal from hell to breakfast. Uses spells and items in ways not necessarily intended, but for good rather than for evil like Li.
Azalea loves to RP and is fantastic at it. Her characters are always interesting and poignant and she puts a lot of effort into tying them into the world. Makes everyone cry. Takes forever on her turn in combat because there's too many damn spells and she panics a little under pressure.
Kana, on the other hand, is a bit of a murderhobo. They do enough performing in their everyday life, so in DnD they just want a big sword and something to hit with it. Except for the occasional unexpectedly heartrending RP moment.
Rory's just here for a good time. They're good at fitting into whatever kind of story the party and DM want to tell, be that hack-and-slash or theatrical-improv-plus-math. Brings a silly character to a serious campaign and a serious character to a silly campaign; somehow makes it work.
Sebastian is a Forever DM. He doesn't get to be a player very often, because he's a really good storyteller and absolutely magnetic behind the DM screen. As a player, he always tries to make characters that challenge him in some way, be that in a roleplay or tactical way. Tries to be the "lone wolf, doesn't play well in a group" guy and keeps ending up the party leader anyway.
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southerndragontamer · 8 months
Egotober Day 17: Flower
Ever since Damien could remember he’d had powers, they were just more subtle than his sisters. A silver tongue, a charm that helped people let their guard down around him. A way of understanding lies that came on instinct rather than experience, the ability to pick apart words and find every little hidden message and emotion. He had gotten his position as Mayor honestly, but well…if no one knew about it then it wasn’t cheating was it? He was just using what was at his disposal like everyone else.
But after William had returned from the war…he’d found out that this came with a price. He had felt this aching burn in his chest, this longing and desire so strong it almost took his breath away. Like it had been there and festered until it burst. He coughed and gagged, retched into the sink. Petals crawled up his throat instead of bile….Sweet Williams, Red Carnation, Pink Camellia, Thyme and Gladiolus plopped into the sink.
Gallantry. My heart aches for you. Longing for you. Courage, Strength. The Flower of the Gladiators, Integrity, Strength, Victory.
Damien just stared at the bundle of flowers for a moment as he got his breath back, half in shock and half fearful numbness that swirled in his head. He knew what this meant, he’d heard of Hanahaki from when he borrowed Celine’s books. It was very, very rare because magic itself was rare in humans, but it did happen. He knew that it should’ve been only petals in the initial stage….unless he’d so repressed his feelings as a teenager it had been impossible for them to come out?
He buried his head in his hands, now that it had happened he felt the way the vines curled in his chest, the scent of the flowers beautiful but almost cloying in how intense it was in his lungs. The squeeze around his heart that made every beat just that bit harder. He couldn’t tell him, he couldn’t…for one it would be too dangerous for them both if anyone found out and more importantly….he saw how William and Celine looked at each other. He wouldn’t break their happiness…Damien could deal with it. It wouldn’t be that bad…..
Dark’s head swam with the memory as he tried to push it back. He was hunched over the sink, panting hard as he looked down at the large bouquet that had fallen from his lips. There was a mix of pained longing, guilt and regret that rolled in his stomach. Damien’s flowers were still there, but there had been new ones added to the mixture after Dark’s creation.
From Celine, there was Witch Hazel, Red Orchid, White Acacia, Striped Carnation and Purple Hyacinth.
A Magic Spell. Fire, Romance, Desire, Passion. Secret Love. Wish I Could Be With You. Please Forgive Me, Sorrow.
Celine had indeed loved William, even if she might not have told him directly. She had used a spell, a subtle one in her perfume that night she’d decided to try to get her heart to stop hurting over Mark. It hadn’t been such a twisted thing as a love potion ti take his mind, it had merely dropped his inhibitions a little to let him act on his desires. It had meant that their relationship had been very much focused on desire and passion and romance. A relationship that caught quick and burned them both in the flames but that they didn’t care….until it had been too late. She had wished for the ability to be with him but she hadn’t had the chance and she felt horrible for all that she’d done to him.
From Dark himself there was Astragalus, Forget Me Not, Purple Hydrangea, Clematis and Red Rose.
Your Presence Softens My Pain. Don’t Forget Me. I Want To Understand You. Mental Beauty. I Love You.
Dark did love William-Wilford as his own person. As much as he felt guilt for how he’d caused his mental fracturing, the fact that he had looked for Dark after a point. That he’d been willing to come with him despite being effective strangers to each other, how they’d had to learn each other all over again…it had just happened. And the shadow hadn’t been able to stop it. Will had this warmth to his presence that never failed to make Dark feel better. Even on the worst pain days where he just wanted ti curl in bed and pass out, when Will eventually found him, he always helped the pain.
He wanted to understand Will, to know how his beautiful mind worked so he could appreciate the world the same way. He wanted to be something someone Will would remember, even during the worst of it. During the days when his mind wasn’t kind to him and he felt lost and confused, when he needed someone more than ever…Dark wanted to be there as a comfort.
Dark rubbed his throat as he finally got his air back and grimaced at the ache there. He picked up the bouquet to throw it away when the worst thing happened.
There was a poof of cotton candy pink, the sweet scent of sugar instead of flowers. And Wilford was right there, in front of him. Dark felt like his heart, constricted by vines as it was, skip a beat as mental panic began to set in. What would he say, would he even know what it meant that Dark had been in the bathroom and there wasn’t any way for him to have gotten flowers besides coughing them up? Would he realize they were for him, had always been? Outwardly the shadow cleared his throat.
“Wilford, I can explain-”
There was this confused, sort of shocked look on Will’s face then he tilted his head and blinked as so many things flashed in his expression. And the soft, so sweet smile that covered his face made Dark melt and his breath caught even worse. Will leaned in close enough for their noses to touch, one hand gently took Dark’s free one.
“I think…this would be a better explanation over coffee, not a bathroom Darkling. I have a recipe for espresso chocolate caramel brownies I think would be a good treat for us too. Would you like that?”
Dark felt hope-twisted, fragile, sweet, aching- hope flutter in his chest and he couldn’t properly focus for a few seconds as he tried to get hold of himself. Then he smiled too and curled his fingers around Will’s, they fit together like pieces of a puzzle. The weight of the flowers in his chest began to ease a little, a step in the right direction.
“Yes…yes I’d like that very much.”
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gaywizardemporium · 6 months
In the Wishverse, the Wishborn setting, wizard magic is categorized by function. There are eight major magical taxa represented by eight major Guilds:
Elementalism: the art of controlling nature itself - air, fire, water, wood, earth, and metal. The Association of Elementalists is really a dozen smaller Guilds in a united front.
Summoning: the art of beckoning spirits to your aid. The Coalition for the Summoning of Otherworldly Entities is similar several schools of magic working together.
Bardic casting: Expressive folk magic unified under the umbrella of Bardic working. The Society for Creative Spellcasting and Magical Self-Expression welcomes anyone whose magical expression is through a creative art.
Artificing: the art of physical spellcraft. The Guild of Artificers and Mystic Weavers makes magical items or embeds magic in physical things.
Necromancy: the art of speaking with the dead and mastery over memory. The Somber Order of Speakers with the Dead are all priests of Finality, the God of Death, and serve them personally.
Illusionism: crafters of beguilement and other spells that baffle the senses. One of the youngest major taxa, has a sudden swell of membership in The Sworn Kinship of the Beguiling Arts when there was a boom of children with an illusory affinity fifty years ago.
Potioning: the smallest of the major Guilds, but a major Guild no less. Potioning is a complex and difficult art, mastered only by the dedicated - but there are quite a few dedicated, as the membership of the Union of Arcane Chemists and Apothecaries attests.
Foresight: Future sight, clairvoyancy, prophesy and other oracular powers , the Seers membership only outranks the Potioners by the slimmest of margins. The Oracular Union of Foreseers and Clairvoyants supports anyone whose vision looks forward in time as well as ahead.
There are forty-eight recognized minor taxa, and countless others unrecognized by the Taxonomic Order. Wizards with uncategorized magic join the Freelancers Guild, if Guild life is for them, or must demonstrate a skill in one of the other taxa, so the wizard may serve them instead.
The Freelancers Guild has the membership to be counted as a major Guild, but has been barred from official entry on account of a philosophical disagreement among the highest wizard council: If the Taxonomic Order permits uncategorized magic, it would then no longer be taxonomic. But, is not the act of categorizing the uncategorized in and of itself taxonomic?
The subject is reopened for debate on the New Year and has since become a part of the festivities for the last fifteen years.
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elsewhereuniversity · 8 months
Good evening, Archivist. I'm planning to study law, and though I aspire to be a great public speaker, I am cursed with a twisted tongue and a twitching maw. Stunningly enough, this ailment leaves me in the presence of song. I am an avid coffee and sweets lover, and I hope to bring equity to those who need it most, and justice to those who have done wrong. I have always been enamored by the magic in the world, particularly divination, and though I am no seer or prophet, I've found that the world will often follow my thoughts. Please, how would I fare at University Elsewhere?
There are omens in your coffee. Or rather not IN your coffee but in the steam roiling off it as you book it to your morning class, unfurling into ribbons of calligraphy across the bright autumn morning. Perhaps they are in your coffee too, the cream coiling into unnatural shapes of warning and prophecy, but you frankly don’t have the nerve to take the lid off and check. What you’ve been able to read so far - it is very dense calligraphy - is hardly encouraging.
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ulanxxxs · 3 months
Finally finished...🫠 This art isn't directly related, but today, I'd like to share a piece of my long-held headcanon and an AU story about Lucienetta👩🏼🍎
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The year is 3E 427, six years before the onset of the Oblivion Crisis. One day, Speaker Lucien Lachance receives a dire prophecy from the Brotherhood's seer, directly foretelling his death.
“In the year 3E 433, as shadows converge and chaos wraps its arms around Tamriel, the fates whisper. To the Dark Brotherhood, an inescapable catastrophic overturn has been decreed. Caught in the web of conspiracy, your death is unavoidable...”
Lucien realizes that his death is inevitable, for this seer had accurately predicted the death of someone dear to him before—a previous Speaker of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary, a woman whom a younger Lucien had served as a Silencer and with whom he shared a mutual love...
🔽 ( For the rest of the story )🔽
Lucien was filled with panic, as he found himself without a successor, a direct result of continuously losing Silencers. This loss had been causing significant disruptions to his duties. Particularly, the search for a certain recruit had hit a significant snag. Despite the mission being assigned by the Listener more than two years ago, the individual remained unfound.
The girl's name is Antoinetta Marie. She killed her aunt, escaped from the Imperial Prison, and continued to survive through murder as a street dweller. Her record of killings and harsh life, even by Lucien's standards, was remarkable. Above all, the fact that a Speaker of the Black Hand had yet to find her spoke volumes of her extraordinary potential as an assassin.
“At all costs, this ‘formidable girl’ must be found…"
With this resolve, Lucien was determined to bring her back to the Cheydinhal Sanctuary and nurture her as one of his Silencer candidates.
Here's the prologue—or rather, the premise that sets the stage for our story. The actual narrative kicks off in the year 3E 428, where Antoinetta, having been rescued by Lucien, dedicates herself to rest and preparation at the sanctuary, gearing up for her debut as an assassin.
Most of the story focuses on Antoinetta's Silencer training, during which she and Lucien live together in secret. Unaware of Lucien's real plans, she is thrilled by the new life with the person she admires.
Ultimately, Lucien steps down from his position as Speaker to become a Silencer, paving the way for Antoinetta Marie to rise as the new Speaker. Lucien will now serve her, just as he did for the one he loved in his youth...✨ The story is intended to conclude at this juncture.
Ideally, I'd love to make everything into a comic, but that's not a practical option for me. Instead, by adopting a picture book-like format, I plan to gradually create just the scenes I want to, one at a time🙂💭
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fostydosty · 2 months
Rachel Elizabeth Dare chose to swear an oath of celibacy to the god Apollo as a part of gaining her oracular abilities. This entails visions of the future that she expresses through paint, green smoke bellowing from her mouth at inconvenient times, and being immune to divine retribution (and possibly being injured by literally anything?)
But… what if she swore an oath to his sister too?
Rachel Elizabeth Dare, daughter of mortals, chosen of the Sun and Moon. Immortal and ageless. Eternally prophetic. Can shoot an arrow through a keyhole. Can slay any monster and piss off any god. Her predecessor was cursed by Hades to never enter the Underworld…. Damn, that sucks. Too bad she’ll be 17 forever anyway.
Imagine fighting someone that see more clearly than any other creature (even some gods can be tricked by the mist in ways clearsighted mortals cannot) *can read normally and has an attention span*, can foresee your every move, and *you can’t even touch bc they are divinely protected*.
Her two oaths are:
I accept this role. I pledge myself to Apollo, God of Oracles. I open my eyes to the future and embrace the past. I accept the spirit of Delphi, Voice of the Gods, Speaker of Riddles, Seer of Fate.
I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt.
Also imagine the twins bickering abt which one of them Rachel gets her archery skills from (it’s both. But mostly Artemis). She’d also be able to illuminate herself w moonlight and maybe have like a Will moment and glow like the sun too.
Also also imagine the only daughter of the highest god (above the age of 2), the daughter of war itself (sister to the Amazons, child of Rome, apprentice of the greatest sorceress in history), and the chosen vessel of the Sun descending upon you with a firing squad of silver arrows and two dozen other equally talented girls.
Let my girl be a badass plz and ty
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