southerndragontamer · 11 months
Egotober Day 30: Witch
Celine had been called a witch many times. She’d found her abilities early when her and Damien had been young. And she honestly liked the dark gothic aesthetic and style. She’d also been called an ice queen but witch was much more common. It was mostly in childish insults or whispers around her, there were very few that dared to shout it in her face for fear of what she’d do to them. But one of those few it turned out was her husband.
It had been another argument, for what reason she couldn’t remember clearly now as she stalked through the manor with anger bubbled in her veins. But the last part of it rang in her head like the echo of a gunshot. ‘Don’t you try to play innocent with me you conniving witch!’ Her hands shook as she threw her suitcase open. She felt the burn in her veins, the sparks of energy at her fingertips. She wanted to show him what the word really meant. What someone could do with powers like hers. But Celine still loved the proud man she’d fallen for, she didn’t want to hurt him that way at least. But she needed to leave, at least long enough to cool them both off….
Dark blinked once as the memory faded to the back of his mind from where it had been brought out. As he looked at the so called ‘hero’ in front of him. Still in that stupid red suit with that arrogant smirk on his face at what had left his lips. ‘Celine was nothing but a conniving witch!’ Dark’s face twisted in a mocking sneer as he loosened his stance and moved forward in a predatory prowl. The righteous anger of a protective brother filled his words as a hand clenched into a fist.
“A witch was she? Little more than someone who performed parlor tricks or was someone to blame when things went wrong? Well..”
Dark had a vicious pleasure summer in his veins that was shared three fold as he felt the bastard’s nose crack under his fist. As he watched him fall to the ground. He smirked as he felt the brother step back. As his body shifted and changed to match the pulse of fury that only a scorned and betrayed woman was capable of making.
She looked more elegant, the suit fell against her curves with a sensual sort of ferocity. Dark rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck as she set her heel on his throat. Magic, so much stronger, darker than it had been before leapt into her hands with barely a thought. She smirked at the furious, shocked and…..yes afraid look on Actor’s face. He hadn’t expected to deal with her and the strength of venom in her voice, if it had been possible, would have killed him from necrosis ten times over.
“Maybe I should show you how much of a witch I really am.”
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gunnrblze · 1 month
Silly/stupid/sweet domestic living headcannons for the Ghost Boys
-watches you sleep in the mornings before you wake up. not creepily so, he just likes seeing you so relaxed and peaceful
-takes a ridiculous amount of time in the bathroom for various reasons. not even in a weird/sexual manner, just fuckin lingers in there like a teenage girl primping her hair
-enjoys sweeping for no reason. will sweep again even if one of you already has, very clean man
-sits on counter tops regularly, doesn’t care that he’s 6’0 & built like a brick wall. if he fits, he sits
-has the time management skills of a goldfish. “I’m coming to bed in 15 minutes” half an hour later and he’s building a Lego set?
-enjoys watching your skincare routines and will silently beg for you to slather the shit on his face too. eventually he’ll ask directly but until then he just gives totally subtle puppy dog eyes
-has a recliner he’s bonded with in the living room like the old coot he is. and you’ll never talk him out of getting rid of it
-has bought you a pair of house slippers to match his. yours are probably cuter but he does secretly want to at least coordinate
-will loiter when you’re doing any kind of hobby/activity. doesn’t necessarily want to join, but will stand behind you and watch you play video games/craft/bake/etc
-terrible farts. that’s it. wear a gas mask tbh
-snores so loud that you have to wear earplugs sometimes. doesn’t help that he likes to cuddle at night so you can quite literally feel him vibrating against you. best cuddler though
-has a decanter full of whiskey on his bedside table. not even a big drinker or anything, no, that’s just decoration to him cause he’s distinguished
-asks you to help shave his beard, both because he gets lazy but also he wants to be pampered. “You do it better” he’ll insist
-secretly enjoys you having to ask for help with little things around the house. he loves ‘being a man’ for you. does not matter your gender
-sleeps on one old, flat, mangy pillow. it may or may not even have a case on it. you can try to get him to return to civilization and use a normal one but it’ll be difficult
-sings loudly in the shower on purpose. maybe it’s to make you laugh, maybe it’s to get you in the bathroom long enough to convince you to join him. depends on the day
-uses so many seasonings when he cooks that he sneezes a bunch. wears his mask sometimes to just prevent it all together
-whines for neck/back rubs cause he’s so sore. insists he’ll return the favor but not before he falls asleep on you
-loves you sitting on his lap anytime of day. watching tv, eating breakfast, etc etc? he’ll perch you up on his thighs regardless, doesn’t matter to him
-grunts every time he stands up like the old man he is. “knees ain’t what they used to be”, “gahdamn, backs killin me” are frequent phrases
-constantly turning the thermostat down to make it colder, can’t stand the heat from outside getting in. insists it’s not that cold and only relents when you start to shiver
-puts animal planet/nature docs on to fall asleep. says he just wants to watch something more relaxed before bed but he never turns it off
-very anal about shoes being taken off at the front door. will bitch and moan if shoes get past the foyer while on someone’s feet
-like your mother on a Saturday morning, is up at the ass crack of dawn listening to Celine Dion while cleaning
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camryn-haitani · 2 years
Phobia Factor
Duncan x GNReader
Tumblr media
Ep: Phobia Factor
TW: suicide talk and panic attack
All the campers are gathered around the fire sharing their fears. But you, you're a little smarter than that. but not as smart as Chris.
I know this isn't like a main fear some of y'all have, but this is a main fear for me. so I just wanted to put it out there beforehand. also just to clarify, y'all aren't dating in the beginning.
- - - - - -
"c-celine dion music store standees..." Duncan says while his head hung low. "uh exsqueeze me? I didn't quite catch that" Cody exclaimed while leaning more towards Duncan. "shut the fuck up you little asshole or I'll kick your puny ass into next week's challenge." Duncan said while holding Cody's shirt.
(in the confession booth)
"uhhh I'm a little scared right now. like I have a feeling Chris is gonna get some sick twisted idea for us. ya know, since we're saying what our fears were. but ain't no way I'm saying that shit Infront of people. and ain't no way I'm saying it here either." I say while crossing my arms.
(with Chris and Chef)
"heh heh heh, oh don't worry y/n. we've been watching you very carefully. you don't have to say what your fear is, I already know it." Chris said followed by a maniacal laugh. "ya know man, you're one sick freak. but me too." chef said while eating his dessert.
(back at the campfire)
"what about you y/n? what are you scared of?" Courtney egged on. "y'all a bunch of dumbasses ya know. y'all seriously didn't think that Chris is gonna do something with this info that he has on us now." I say. "omg you're rightttt." Lindsey said. you facepalmed and shook your head. "I'm headed to bed, good night y'all." I say while stretching and popping my back. "wait up sweetheart, I'll walk you there." Duncan says while walking behind you. "why's that bitch gotta take him away?" Courtney said quietly.
"you know, I have a feeling you're right about the whole Chris gonna do something with our fears thing." Duncan said while putting his arm around your shoulder. "I told y'all" I say, "well good night Duncan. I'll hopefully see you tomorrow." "good night babe." he says while kissing the back of your hand.
'why are feelings so hard. I think I'm falling for Duncan. we've just clicked from the beginning. shit. but I'm in this to win it.' I think to myself before falling asleep
(next morning)
"GOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING CAMPERS. RISE AND SHINE. MEET ME AT THE LODGE FOR BREAKFAST IN 5 MINUTES." Chris yelled over the loudspeakers. "can't we just get 30 more minutes of fuckin sleep?" leshawna said while rubbing her head.
after I got dressed, I walked out of the cabin and was met with Duncan having his back facing me. "hey sweet cheeks, you ready?" "yeah yeah I'm coming." I say still trying to wake up. we started walking to the lodge and I felt someone glaring daggers into my back. I turn around and nothings there. I brush off the feeling and keep walking.
"heyyyy campers. while you finish up breaky, how about heather meet me up at the amphitheater. it's sumooooooo time." "WHAT" Heather spats out along with her drink which hit Gwen. "real fuckin nice heather." Gwen said while her face dripping in water. "awww at least it's a good look on you." Heather says while walking out, shaking with fear.
"see I told you assholes Chris was gonna do something." I yell. "hey y/n. I need to talk to you. it's something important." Chef says while he pulls me out the door.
"ok guys. I found out what y/n's fear is. and I'm really not gonna like saying this but, I need y'all's help to make it work." Chris whisper yells.
(after Chris explained what they need to do)
"you're one sick ticket dude." leshawna says. "yeah man, this is just wrong." Duncan said with his head hung.
(at the amphitheater)
"ohhhhh ok I get it now. thanks chef." I say while walking to go sit next to Duncan. "no problem y/n." chef says going back to Chris. "hey Duncan." I sit down next to him. *silence* "uhh Duncan? you ok?" "why the fuck are you always following me around? get the fuck away from me. this is why Courtney's better than you." he snaps. "......oh. I'm sorry." I sadly say. I get up and go sit next to Gwen. "hey Gwen." "ughh the hell do you want? if you're not gonna be useful then stop wasting my time." Gwen yells. I have one more person I can go to. "hey trent." I say hoping he's not gonna be the the other two. "omg y/n stop thinking we're friends. we are not friends and we will never be friends. go jump off the fucking cliff we did in the first challenge. you'd be doing us a favor." trent says while regretting every word that came out of his mouth.
'fuck fuck fuck. it's happening again' I say in my head. I get up and walk to the woods.
"SHIT. WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME." I cry while sliding down a tree to sit down.
*suicide talk starts*
they were right. I should jump off that cliff. my breathing becomes ragged and unstable. I start to shake and my vision gets blurry.
(with Duncan)
'where did y/n go?' Duncan thought. but then a certain memory can across his mind.
"yeah I've had to move schools alot because of how much the people there bullied me and told me things that broke my mental health. I've been told to kill myself. multiple times. my biggest fear is being replaced and forgotten." I say.
me and Duncan were somewhere in the woods just talking. me and him have gotten kinda close but not that close.
*back to now*
Duncan pov:
"I fucked up. I fucked up bad." I say while standing up. I run. I don't know where I'm running to, but I'm running. wait, I'm running to find y/n. I check the cabin, I check the lodge, I check the bathroom. I check everywhere. wait, the woods.
your pov:
it's getting worse. this is the worst attack I've ever had. I start scratching my arm to try and regain neutrality. but nothing is working. I can't stand. I can't talk. I can't think.
Duncan pov:
shit shit shit. I hear them, but I don't know where they are. "Y/N" I yell to at least try. but alas, I don't hear a response.
your pov:
I faintly hear my name but I can't respond. no matter how hard I try. my voice just won't come out. but I see some rocks. I pick one up and find the strength to throw it. I get one about a foot away from me. I pick up another one, this time I got it a little farther. the last rock, I throw it the farthest. then j hear rapid footsteps coming towards me.
"holy shit y/n. I'm so sorry. I'm a horrible person." Duncan says with tears in his eyes. he picks me up and puts me in his lap while he sits against the tree. he has his hand on the back of my head. 'this is nice' I think. Im still shaking. my throat is hoarse from crying. I'm weak from the energy I've been exerting.
after a good hour or two, I've finally calmed down. Duncan noticed it and asked, "do you wanna go back with the others or to the cabin?" it was around the afternoon and the challenge is over.
"I wanna go see Trent and Gwen." I say barely audible. "ok sweet cheeks let's go."
he picks me up and puts his arm around my waist and we begin walking.
"y/n omg I'm so sorry. I'm such a shitty person. please forgive me. I'll do anything." Gwen said while crying and hugging me. I hug back. "I forgive you. but please never do that again. promise?" "I promise." we break from the hug and I sit down. "fuck y/n. I'm so sorry, I'm a horrible friend. I shouldn't have said those things to you." Trent said while also crying. "please forgive me." "it's gonna take a while for me to forgive you. but I accept you're apology."
we all eat dinner and eve's drop the campfire ceremony. Tyler gets voted off. and we all go back to the cabins.
"oh hey Duncan. what's up?"
"lemme walk you to your cabin."
we begin walking and he says
"y/n. I think I like you. like I get nervous around you and I care about you a lot and when I saw you having that panic attack, I felt horrible because I knew I was the cause. but forget that, I want to be with you. I wanna be by your side through everything. even after this shit show."
"Duncan I like you too."
he closed the gap between us.
after a few minutes, we part.
"well good night sweet cheeks. think if me when you dream" he says
"I already do"
"WHAT" he says with the biggest blush on his face.
- - - - - - -
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cloakedsparrow · 1 year
Resident Evil Headcanon: Music
Chris likes classic rock. His favorite is Led Zeppelin but he listens to a lot of bands in this genre. Due to this, he will partially accept the blame for Claire’s Queen obsession. Considering he paid for them to get matching custom jackets, he should probably accept more of it. He prefers vinyl and has an impressive collection. His friends usually buy him records for his birthday, or any time they see a rare one for a good price.
Leon likes 90s-2000s rock. Chris and Claire refer to his tastes as ‘sad rock to kick ass to’ and he can’t really say they’re wrong. He still buys CDs (and has a couple each that Claire, Chris, Ashley, Sherry, Jill, Rebecca, and Sasha like even though he doesn’t share their tastes) but doesn’t have all that many, just his favorites. He also has a well-kept but old stereo system in his apartment that he frequently uses for both news and to listen to music.
Jill likes pop. She used to try to keep her tastes a secret, thinking it didn’t fit with a STARS officer, but then she killed the Tyrant at Spencer Manor and later, Nemesis in Raccoon City. Now, she sings Celine Dion off-key while prepping for an op and blasts Britney or Cher from her headphones while working out at the BSAA gym, confident that she is the biggest BAMF in any room she graces with her presence no matter what she’s listening to. She went full digital early on.
Barry’s musical tastes are all over the place; rock, rockabilly, country, big band, blues... However, his daughters all agree it’s ‘old man music’. He’s fine with this assessment and has liked every track and playlist they send him.
Rebecca either listens to the cheeriest of bubblegum pop or gangsta rap. There is no in-between.
Claire likes 80s rock and old-school glam rock. Queen is her favorite, of course, but she also likes artists like Prince and Bowie.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Hello there again! It's me again. I know you're bombarded with asks right now, and I feel sorry for ranting to you. You don't need to reply to me. I would totally understand. Strangers dumping their own emotional baggage to you can be emotionally inordinate. I admire your patience. Please bear with me a little longer. You don't need to read nor respond to this. Please don't ever feel obligated.
I will just share something to you today. I saw Tae's photos from the Celine party and Naomi's birthday. Not one in those photos did we see him smile genuinely. Do you think the issue took a toll on him? I feel like something's really off with all this. We still don't have the answer now, and we may not get the answer in the future. Not to judge him based on the photos shared, but he looked bothered or something. He even looked skinnier to me. I was debating with myself whether it was just due to his hair or make-up, but really, his face looked thinner.
Also, the media is acting kinda sus. Suddenly, they've been writing captions including Jennie. Vogue even mistook Lisa for Jennie. What the hell is going on? Could the PR theories be correct? This feels like a kdrama right now. I can't wait to see how this story unfolds.
I'm so happy to see Tae, though. I just really hope he's doing okay. I want him to go back to Korea now and be with Jungkook and Yeontan. I want him to stay away and take a rest for as long as he needs. This is all a mess and he's about to do his solo work soon. Ugh!
I hope you're doing okay, too. Thank you for being my emotional sounding board. Have a nice day!
Hi anon!
I am indeed being bombarded with asks. Aside from that, my live is being very lively at the moment. Work, kid, weddings, etc... are kicking my ass a bit. Yesterday I started feeling guilty for not being able to answer everyones asks as quickly as i'd like, but after sleeping on it I feel... this is my blog, I can deal with it as suits me best... so any anons still waiting... have a bit of patience with me :).
Tae's pic's did not concern me at all. I feel it's just his serious-model-Tae-face. Those pics were taking for marketing-purposes only, I'm sure Tae enjoyed the event inbetween taking some promotional shots. Park Bogum is with him, that to me is a good thing.
Media are always sus. We've long past the times when journalists actually went out to gather information. In this time of pr-teams and socialmedia, 'journalists' have become textwriters who base their articles on company-issued statements, social-media trends, and a bit of online research. So I always take those things with a grain of salt, and with my knowledge of how media works in mind (I myself work in marketing, and have a background in journalism).
Seeing how things play out in media right now, to me this absolutely falls in the pr-categorie. I would stil have fallen in that categorie if I thought Taennie was real.
There are rumors of Jk leavinf SK soon, either to Europe or US I believe, but it's all stuff I've read somewhere else. So could be that we won't see them together for a while still. They are both working hard though, and have had a lot of time together the last few months. This is their time to work hard.
Enjoy your day!
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erigold13261 · 1 year
How will the NSR cast react to being misgendered/having the wrong pronouns used on purpose?
At first try to correct them and move one. Once they realize this person is doing it on purpose their actions depend.
For Megastars, if it's at a concert or meet and greet, they have them move along or get security to take them away if they refuse to leave. If it's someone just shouting at their concert, then security right away. If it's in the street then they just leave/try to get away/possibly get security to help in whatever place they are in. They can't really retaliate like they'd want to because of their status but also need to be careful because they don't know how bad this "fan" might actually be if they continue to associate with them.
Some outliers though would be Mama, Purl-Hew, and DJSS. Mama would physically get in the way of a person trying to be a dick. Purl and Nova would just verbally insult the person back. Eve is probably also an outlier as if this happened in person she'd either ignore them or use her powers to hide from them to not draw anymore attention to herself. (Sayu's Crew/Mods just bans anyone who tries to misgender them on purpose)
For non-megastars I'd say Mayday and Bunny are ready to fight at any given notice. Rei is willing to fight but would rather ignore people, but will jump in to help Bunny when needed.
Zuke, Asa, Cyril verbally fight back. Noa doesn't give a shit if it's someone trying to misgender him for whatever reason but will get in the way and call people out if they are doing it to a friend. West is also probably ready to physically throw down, but more willing to verbally fight someone (his disses are amazing).
Maragold gets confused and tries to explain what pronouns/neopronouns to use and tries to teach them. Carna pretends to be confused and asks why this person is being dumb and not understanding. Basically trying to shame the person.
Dew is pretty non-confrontational. Maybe will call people out if they misgender their friends, but won't say anything if it's to himself. Yiruk is ready to fight but will get its ass kicked. Kayane is willing to fight and to kick ass.
Celine just stops interacting with that person. She doesn't waste her time with trash. Joey just tells them to get some class. Barbara is probably willing to fight someone, but only if necessary. She's probably more into having hours long conversation and hoping to change this person's mind or at least waste their time.
Um, Joust and Quida probably just straight up tell the person to shut the fuck up. Elivy also does that but in a more sophisticated way. Joust is also willing to just throw a punch without warning. Quida gives a warning. Elivy's husband is in between giving a warning and just going for the hit.
I think that's all the major people I can think of right now. Didn't use my list like I usually do.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Probably if Valerie dies in chapter 2, lots of the pressure probably comes for Celine lol so yeah I believe chapter 3 would be a mess to her
You remind me my cancelled fanganronpa with my partner, our protagonist was a heart surgeon and clearly something is very wrong with him lol
Mika.. really looks like a snake in raccoon's clothing. I'm hyped!
I think the pair skaters names could be: Male one Yukio means snow boy (how creative for a skater despite he is not classified as ice skater I think this would fitting) and female one could be Miyuki meaning beautiful snow
I LOVE MIYUKI as a name. Rolls off the tounge. Canon to me now.
I'd be happy to hear about your Fanganronpa if you want to share!
The Ch2 deaths are the Conductor and the Theorist, but Ch2 causes Val and Mika to have a COMPLETE falling out overnight, and nobody knows why until Ch3.
Since the food thief is shoved to the back of everyone's minds, a group is formed! Celene and Val get elected as leaders due to kicking ass in the trial and NOT being Mika. Mika, predictably, refuses to join the group, despite Celene's request. She says that it isn't personal, and that she'll cooperate if it suits her interests, but that she'll be working alone.
Everyone else is officially in the group, but the Conductor continues to not get a say due to there being too many people and he gets talked over. Its not malicious, since the group doesn't realize its happening.
Val drags Celene to a meeting with Mika just before nighttime. They discuss potential killers and suspects, but not much happens. Celene again thinks Mika is too suspicious of everyone, and urges him to join the group. She argues that even from a logical perspective, Mika's isolation is only hurting his chances at survival due to looking like a target. Mika admits that is true, but still doesn't trust the group. She thinks about something nice she can do to gather goodwill, but nothing comes out of it.
At one of the meetings, the Wedding Planner (he's a major player for a bit, so... Tom?) Tom asks out Val, impressed with her work in the trial, and wants to get to know her more. He's a good dude, if a bit unhelpful in trials. Val says that she needs to think on it, but it isn't a no.
You overhear Mika warning Val that Tom could be saying this because he wants to kill her, and that the Ch1 fight between them could be an attempt to isolate her. Mika says that she doesn't want to tell a dear friend what to do, but that she doesn't want to watch a friend die because she sat back and did nothing. Val thinks Mika is highly overdramatic, and that a murder attempt is unlikely. Mika counterargues that even if he doesn't want to murder you, that there's no way a relationship begun in such circumstances ends well, and that you'd only be setting yourself up for pain. Due to Val's yelling, this argument eventually draws a crowd. Tom calls Mika controlling, and accuses her of maybe using her talent on her friend. Val denies this, saying she and Mika have been friends for longer than she can remember, and that Mika wouldn't do that. Mika repeats the same warning she gave Val, but leaves out the 'potential murder' part.
That night, Celene gets a vision of Mika approaching Tom at HPA, saying that while they don't like each other, if Val plans to be friends with both of them, they should make an effort to get along. To that end, he invites Tom out fot a night at the arcade.
Thats the first and most important vision, but later in the chapter she also gets a vision of Yukio and Mayuki talking out their differences, and how Yukio feels belittled sometimes due to the difference in personality.
(I'm trying to portray everyone involved as reasonable and sympathetic to a degree. Picture the Heartbreaking! the worst person you know just made a great point)
If you were to do Val's FTEs during this chapter, she'd reveal that Mika was bullied as a kid, but never let Val get involved to stand up for her! Val guesses this is why Mika cannot trust someone her own age.
The Ch2 causes the central area of the airport to be unlocked, and to have motive videos like in Ch1. Celene's is her mother, in the exact same way she foresaw as a kid and then prevented. (Car Accident.) Mika IMMEDIATELY calls this fake, claiming it is obviously photoshopped for X reasons, but that its still concerning that Monokuma knows so much about everyone.
As a precaution, Mika offers a "I'll show you my video if you let me see yours" so he can get more data points. Celene, freaked out, takes her up on it and finds out that Mika's video is of his Dad being brutally murdered.
Mika explains that since his Mother is the SHSL doctor, her dad was the more active parent in his life. And that one day, his mom was working on an absolute nutcase of a patient that threatened to kill his entire family that way. That since he's not the type to talk about his past, its wierd that Monokuma could find out about that. She then studies Celene's video, and seems even more certain that it is fake.
Eventually, the Conductor drags Mika to a meeting, because it is revealed that Mika knows sign, and can help communications. Nobody is happy about this, least of all Mika, but its something only he can do, so...
The Conductor offers Mika a friendship, since theres someone here he can easily communicate with!!! But Mika declines for the same reason she advised everyone else to not get attached. Conductor is disappointed, but accepts this.
An abnormally long time passes without murders, until one morning Mika and Val are at each other's THROATS. Its unclear why, but the two of them genuinely hate each other and are swearing up a storm.
We then stumble upon the Conductor with severe third degree burns all over his body. But, to everyone's horror, he is still alive. Mika gets angry in a way never seen before, (I imagine her irises would get translucent during her suprised sprite reveal at the BDA, as a tool that'll help us later.) and demands that Val get the first aid kit. She snaps.
The Conductor is missing his monopad, and can't communicate with the others.
At this point in time, Celene reveals that she had a kit in her suitcase, since she's paranoid she might need it for a vision, and Mika demands she goes and gets that, NOW. Celene complies, leaving Mika alone with the body for like, 10 minutes.
They both come back, seeing the body not visably disturbed, and watch Mika trying to bandage the wounds for 30 minutes to an hour before the announcement finally goes off. Since the time of injury is more important than the time of death, the monokuma file is useless here.
Mika is the prime suspect for about 10 minutes since he was left alone with the body and won't tell anyone why he and Val are fighting. He is semi-cleared by the monokuma file due to burns being listed as the cause of death.
While Val was trying to solo the trial before, now she's trying to tear down anything Mika says, thinking it must be wrong against all logic. This causes Celene to take a more active role then she did in trial 1.
Eventually, the conspiracy theorist is caught, despite Mika's shock about the culprit. (he thought the theorist was too stupid to commit such a premeditated murder.)
It is revealed that since the motive was a dud, Monokuma told him about the existence of a traitor, which he thought was Conductor due to leaps of logic.
Mika is not happy about this in the slightest, and asks what killing a traitor would possibly achieve, since there's cameras everywhere. He's barely keeping his cool about it, and despite what he claimed he did seem to care for Conductor.
His execution has him run from the goverment and various conspiracy theories, and ends in having him buried alive in area 51 by aliens. Right before he dies, he sees a glimpse of some sort of pod, a la Dr2.
Val guesses that the traitor could have been Competitive Eater from Ch1, since he started the killing game. Mika disagrees, because the Ch1 execution could have been either for Primrose OR competitive eater, implying that Monokuma might not have known who the blackened would be ahead of time.
The chapter ends with a CG of the default blackened look, saying that it was lucky they decided to wait to commit murder.
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Still haven’t been able to start chapter 10 of Engage yet 😔 Life just doesn’t want me playing this game. Well, screw you too life!
Anyways until I get the time to continue I can at least give you my thoughts from the chapters I did play!
The opening is so entertaining! It plays like a Saturday morning cartoon opening and that is NOT a complaint! While I have said many times male Alear is the one I’m more fond of I chose female Alear because whenever I do first runs/main runs of games that allow gender choice for the player I always go with the female option. I also named Alear after my real life name, which I typically only do once I do my main/true run of a game. But this time around I decided I’m gonna have my true run Alear stay named Alear. But my true run won’t be until all the DLC is released. Right now we’re talking about my first run!
Prologue: What is this music so unsettling for????? Seriously, the song that plays on this map is so creepy! The little cutscenes within the chapter itself were pretty, I especially liked the first engage moment with Marth! Straightforward map against creepy purple dragon guy.
Chapter 1: Clanne, Framme, and Vander: “Oh noble and wonderful Divine One, we’re so glad you’re awake!” Alear, dragon who just woke up: ???????? Alear has the appropriate response to sudden zombies, we run from those suckers! But no worry folks, I’ve got years of zombie ass kicking experience from a land called Ylisse, this won’t be any sweat! But then I learned it would be some sweat because Engage has a somewhat different way of handling battle stuff. It was a bit hard to get it started but it’s fun! And Vander was here to do his job and keep my low level self alive. And we get officially introduced to my man Mar Mar! The chapter ends with us meeting Lumera (MOM!!!!!!!!)
Chapter 2: What better way to get used to all the new mechanics than by fighting our dragon mom? When she engaged with Sigurd she hit like a TRUCK! Vander was hanging on by a thread after blocking attacks for me. Framme, sweetie, you’re adorable but you hit like a marshmallow! Clanne, my little dude, meanwhile was out here getting a dozen crits. It really is adorable how much Lumera wants to be with Alear again. I can’t imagine how it must feel like, waiting for 1000 years for your beloved child to wake up so you can talk and eat and spend time together again. I’m so weak to family stuff….
Chapter 3: We start the chapter with interest dream/flashback(?) of red Alear. Ooooh creepy grin there. MOTHER NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! It’s too soon!!!!! I know I know people will say we’ve only had her for one chapter but like I said I’m super weak to family stuff. I also was plenty attached to Mikoto back in Fates too. Also it was Alear’s voice acting that really sold it. Like WOW that was some incredible work to sell me on Alear’s grief. I actually looked up male Alear’s version of this scene and that destroyed me! Getting a bit ahead of myself, first off battle! And we got three new friends in Etie, Boucheron, and ALFRED 😍😍😍😍 As I said in another post, I really did think Diamant would be my man but Alfred showed up and said “remember how much you love the earnest sweethearts”? Boucheron is sweet and was a decent tank, I really like the whole backup mechanic. Etie is out here testing my notorious luck with archer units but she’s cool so I’ll try my best with her! And Alfred my main man!!! I actually didn’t get to use him that much this map 😂 But I already fell in love with the bits of his personality he showcased. Anyways, hello there mysterious murderous hooded girl!
Chapter 4: The Somniel is a gorgeous place! I love that it’s so pretty and bright to look at but also not as annoyingly big to explore like the monastery was in 3H. Firene’s battle map music is so pretty I love just taking my time through this map as I listen to it. We get more pals in this newest chapter in the form of Celine, Chloe, and Louis. Celine is so good and she was terrifying when I engaged her with Celica. I love Pegasus units and Chloe was a great addition to that group, especially with her dodging. And Louis was SUCH a good tank, I love that armored units have the special gimmick of being immune to break! Also the Alfred-Sigurd combo was amazing, my man is just galloping across the map! We end the chapter getting our item and weapon shops, AND we our time rewind mechanic! Heck yeah! And we meet the mysterious little Veyle who saved our ass! I really love her swan look it’s cute!
Chapter 5: Gasp! A wild living Fire Emblem mother! With a name and face too!!! And we meet mystery evil lady Zephia! I really appreciate the change up to the way chests/locked doors work in this game. Anyone can open a chest without needing a key or ability and similarly if you can just break down locked doors. As someone who hated using keys because I consider them a waste of inventory slot, I love the change! And while I love the units with special lock picking abilities I’m glad this game made it so that you’re not forced to make/use one. We got ourselves a clothing shop and blacksmith to join us on the Somniel! A shame the outfits are only for the Somniel. Speaking of the Somniel I got to play around with the features in the ring chamber and the polishing mechanic is funny. The bond ring gacha is a fun little thing and I am glad it strictly only uses in game currency. Plus, SOMMIE!!!!!!!! Tiny adorable puppy looking baby!!!! That I can feed and pet and dress up!!!!! I named it Benji for this run but when I get to my main run I’ll stick with Sommie as the name.
Paralogue 1: FUCK YEAH!!! New villager unit!!! Listen I know villager units tend to be a pain in the ass to level up and use but I adore them to death! And not a single one of them has failed me yet! Jean is so adorable, a tiny little doctor in training who is ready to punch! I like that they make him ready and able to heal from the start so it’s not as bad to train him as it would typically be with his unit type. And bless, when I saw this map was a “keep the villagers safe” one I was already getting ready for the headache. But Jean and his dad did a good job keeping the villagers healed on my behalf, leaving me free to kick ass and take names. Also why did Firene abandon all the British people on this one island? 😂
Chapter 6: Yunaka is so funny! I love her energy, her voice mimicking thing, the way she’s blatantly hiding being a killer, her silly quotes and puns. And she’s a thief unit too! I really like the whole “thieves’ daggers have poison” thing. Pain in the ass to get hit by but really nice when dishing it out myself! Also we get Micaiah this time and holy shit does she provide a healing boon! Our very first fog of war map of the game and I didn’t make too many dumb mistakes! Heck yeah! Nothing much to say for this chapter, a straightforward map and funny story content. Ooh and we meet again Veyle! Why are you randomly here? Oh and after the map went back to the Somniel and got the Three Houses bracelet! Dimitri my gentle hearted baby boy, so good to see you, I missed you!!!!!🥹🥹🥹🥹 And Claude, hi there!!!😄 Oh and I guess you’re here too Edel 😒
Paralogue 2: Ahh here’s our latest Anna! And unlike the last game she actually gets to take part in supports! Interesting that they made her a little kiddo this time around. Also I looked up her growths, why the heck is she an axe user if her magic growth is that good???? Welp I mean she’s been doing pretty okay with her axe regardless for me since she’s actually been coming through on getting strength for level ups. But I had to restart this map a couple times because I couldn’t keep this girl alive. She takes hits like tissue paper…But I like how spunky she is!
Chapter 7: We hop on over into Brodia and Alear nearly gets shot in the head along the way. And we get to meet Alcryst! The way his whole apology is so completely at odds with the pretty cool way he’s introduced was hilarious! Also his retainers are so pretty!!! Alcryst is another bow user but he’s also a crit machine for me. Alcryst: “I’m sorry I am such a pathetic failure 😞 *massacres a dozen enemies* Why am I so useless?” Lapis is really good at dodging and pretty speedy too! Citrinne is so pretty looking and magic wise she’s fine but my Clanne is honestly more solid, but my gosh she can NOT take a hit! I mean yeah she’s a mage but even by mage standards my girl can’t be hit. Looks like we get to meet the circus crew for this battle! Hortensia seems interesting so far, kinda bratty from the looks of it. Goldmary’s personality was not what I expected like she seems soft spoken but she’s also sounding kinda rude too? Everything about Rosado is great from his pretty hair to his adorable wyvern to his utter confidence in his cuteness. And ooh Hortensia has an evil version of an Emblem? I wonder what-*sees that it’s Lucina* FREE MY DAUGHTER YOU CIRCUS FREAKS!!!!!! Luci, baby, don’t you worry mama’s gonna save you!!!!! Taking a peek at Lucina’s abilities and geez that shit’s terrifying. I was so careful with how my units were advancing because I did NOT wanna get hit by everybody and their mother with Lucina’s special ability. We didn’t get to free my baby girl in the end 😡😡😡😡 I’ll save you Lucina I swear!!!!!!
Chapter 8: Oh so Veyle is looking for a missing sibling huh? Okay I already can tell where that little plot point is going! We get to meet Diamant, a handsome lad for sure! Sorry Diamant I really was gonna make you my main beau but Alfred has stolen my heart! But since I’m saving Alfred for my main run I’ll still S support you for this run! You know assuming none of the other fellas catch my eye more. We also get to meet Diamant and Alcryst’s dad, Morion, who was definitely NOT what I was expecting. I do like that despite Alcryst being so self deprecating and all that it doesn’t look like it comes from a lack of love/parental favoritism. We also obtain our boy Roy along the way! And he’s got some nice goodies for us as an Emblem! I love how hard they’re leaning into the fire stuff. And geez this is the chapter of introductions huh, now we’re meeting Ivy and her squad. Ivy looks super pretty and super spiky too! I like how she rides her wyvern side saddle. And she’s got a red version of my son Leif, so you know I’m gonna kick her ass to save him! Kagetsu looks adorably out of place compared to how goth Ivy and Zelkov look but I love how cheerful he seems! Speaking of what an *interesting* gimmick Zelkov has going on. And shit here we go with another intro from Amber, one of Diamant’s retainers! What a….goof. Seriously he’s such a weird little goof from the introduction onwards. Diamant himself hits hard, and I do love me some swords. Gotta say of the three Kagetsu was the scariest. A promoted unit and that stupid crit level of his!!! But we managed to get my boy Leif back and I am sooo eager to use him I love Leif so much! And from the sneak peek I saw of his abilities he looks like fun! I really like how the ending scene shows Diamant is just as nervous as Alcryst but in a different way. But yeah, Morion is TOTALLY getting his ass killed. Also yeah, why can’t I become a dragon Intsys?!?!?!?!??!?!!!!!?!?!?!
Chapter 9: Yup what did I say about Morion? Well he might not be DEAD dead just yet but I have little hope for him. Also wow was NOT expecting Hyacinth to be a punchy dude. And WOW dick move making Ivy have to get herself killed to buy you time to escape…We get Diamant’s other retainer in this chapter in the form of Jade, and she looks and sounds super cool! And she also was stealing a bunch of experience from my squad until I could reach her and recruit her 😞 Kagetsu was once again the scariest fucker of this map but my boy Alfred crit his ass to oblivion! That’s my sweet flower prince!!! Nice of Alear to let Ivy and her squad escape with their lives. Just as it was nice of Ivy to tell us where to go!
And so that’s where I am, waiting for the chance to continue with chapter 10 onward. Haven’t been able to set aside the time to play, which I am so annoyed about because I am really having fun playing Engage and want to continue. All I’ve been able to do since finishing chapter 9 was getting the update and just working on some supports, leveling up, bond ranks…That stuff.
Anyways that’s all I have for now! Hopefully will get to update with my thoughts for the next chapters soon!
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
Crossover Headcanon: Pairings
A/N: Because the fandoms I write for are in the teenage media space, I thought of which would be pairings ideal for crossovers, from romantic to friendship. These are the characters from the fandoms I write for that I could see work well together as the cast for a crossover AU.
-Joco from Shaman King and Izuki from Kuroko's Basketball would be the best of friends. In an alternate universe, these two are aspiring comedians trying to come up with an act that could change the world together. I can also see Izuki's family taking Joco in and giving him a place to stay once they learnt their son befriended a homeless orphan as well as that Izuki's family would be a great home for Joco. These two together have a tendency to cause Hyuga to develop a headache. Especially when Kiyoshi decides to join in on the fun. -Vert from Hyperdimension Neptunia wants to adopt KNB's Momoi. Because of their similar personalities and chests, Vert's obsession with wanting a little sister kicks in whenever she sees Momoi and she wants to be her big sister. -Senri from Vampire Knight actually gets along with Shu Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers. Shu is Senri's casual go-to friend for peaceful sleepovers. Takuma may join if he's in a calm reading mood. -A part of my soul is convinced Celine Montclaire from the Shadowhunter Chronicles would have been a perfect fit for Lyserg Diethel. A rich, British, handsome nice man with a dark side? That's a description that befits both Stephen and Lyserg. Whereas Celine's fragile air that makes everyone adore her reminds me of Jeanne. It just works! -Makoto Tachibana and Kiyoshi Teppei are distant cousins. If there's an AU where both Free! and KNB exist in the same universe, there is no way in hell these two aren't related. -Kagami from Miraculous Ladybug is member of one of the book clubs Hyperdimension Neptunia's Blanc frequently attends. The two often exchange light novel reccomendations. -Plutia from Hyperdimension Neptunia is related to Cordelia Sakamaki. Kanato is the only one of her distant cousins that she somewhat likes. -KNB's Kise is the grandchild of Jace Herondale from the Shadowhunter Chronicles. Remember how Jace had a one night stand before dating Clary? Kise's mom was born out of that one night stand. Supremely handsome, golden eyes and Kise is a prodigy at pretty much every sport because of his copying ability? I swear, Kise is ripe for a fanfic where he discovers he and his sisters are the new lost Herondales. -Zoe from MLB's father actually bought a painting by Jocelyn Fairchild from the Shadowhunter Chronicles once. -Speaking of MLB X TSC crossovers, never put Plagg and Magnus in the same room unless you want another catastrophy worthy of the extinction of the dinosaurs to happen. -Shaman King's Ryu got rejected by TSC's Isabelle Lightwood in the past. -Gabriel Agreste from MLB actually was the tailor who made the lolita dresses for Iron Maiden Jeanne (Shaman King). Marco wanted nothing but the best of France for his French adoptee. -Catarina Loss from TSC was amongst the nurses who took care of KNB's Kiyoshi Teppei when he was in America for his surgery. -KNB's Murasakibara is one of the few people who buy Horohoro's candy (Shaman King). As a matter of fact, the only reason Horohoro's still producing the flop-candy is because Murasakibara buys big enough batches to store at Yosen for the production to continue. -Speaking of KNB and SK, I actually think Momoi and Tamao are cousins but they never met due to Tamao being orphaned at such a young age. -Because of Hyperdimension Neptunia's Vert big chest but also the way she is supposed to be a blonde American beauty and KNB's Aomine has a thing for Marilyn Monroe, he'd develop a crush on Vert if they'd ever meet. The fact she's a goddess and could whoop his ass doesn't intimidates him at all. -Free!'s Rin Matsuoka and KNB's Kagami actually were forced to sit across one another at the Maji Burger once when it was busy and there was no other seat for Kagami available but the empty one across Rin's. The two actually shared a chat and once they actually learnt they had a few things in common such as being an athlete and having studied abroad in an English speaking country, they decided to exchange emails to hang out some time.
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Heart by Heart | Chapter IV | Raul Mendes
                                                 *secret agent AU*
Y/N and Raul have been friends ever since they could remember. And falling in love with your best friend can be pretty tricky and messy 99% of the times, add that to the fact they're constantly risking their lives side by side on the field since they're both secret agents, and the best team that's ever existed. Perfect recipe for disaster.
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Hi, this is the fourth chapter, you can find the first one here. This one's a bit shorter but I still hope you like it anyway. Please read the warnings on this one, if you don't feel comfortable with the contents listed on the "warnings" section, please read something else, there are a lot of other works on my masterlist and on the "fic rec" hashtag on my blog. Please give me some feedback and I hope you guys like. Happy Reading! 
                                              previous chapter | masterpost | next chapter 
*Word Count: 2.9K+.
*Warnings: cursing, jealousy, mentions of weapons (barely any), slight angst (if you squint). 
Please don’t read it if any of this subjects make you uncomfortable, feel free to check my masterlist for other writings. 
*Posted: July 22nd, 2021.
Raul was fucked. 
He learned that ages ago, but every passing day, it just seemed to get more and more fucked. 
Y/N was the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on, he knew that the day he met her all those years ago, while she was still a kid like him. And as the time went on, she proved him wrong every single day, every time he looked at her, in his eyes, Y/N surpassed her own beauty and taking her own title as the pretties one. Raul knew he was a goner the first time he made her laugh, truly laugh, throwing her head back as she almost lost her breath, he knew he would have to do it all over again for the rest of his life just to hear the most beautiful melody ever created. 
And maybe he was a fool, and obvious one for not even holding back whenever she was hurt or needed him. He would give Y/N anything in the world and he could be pretty reckless about it. Sure, Raul was capable of keeping it to himself all these years, even from his spy family and her, but Peter was slowly catching onto it and he knew it. There was a reason why Peter wasn’t a field agent and his not so subtle approaches only proved that right. But he honestly didn’t care, as long as he got to have her as his best friend and best girl, he didn’t give a fuck about what the rest of the world thought. He only cared about Y/N. 
So watching her progress on the ring (hell, having his ass kicked by her was probably the best thing that’s ever happened to him), watching Y/N taking part of such an important role as to plan the mission that would take down one of the biggest criminals on the world left him so proud. He couldn’t even describe it. Watching her sleep peacefully among his bedding, the glimmer of pure and utter happiness whenever she watched one of the marvel movies or ate her favorite cake made butterflies go wild in his stomach. 
And as Aaliyah would say, he was probably a simp for her. As sappy as that sounded, it was probably true. 
“Still with me, champ?” Y/N’s voice ringed on his coms.
Raul had to hold back a smile as Jack smirked at him on their watching point across the street “Always, doll, see anything?”
“Not really” she muttered annoyedly “think the package is late” 
“Oh, sorry the bad guy didn’t show up on the perfect time according to your planner”
“Fuck you, darling, before I forget”
Raul huffed a chuckle as he changed channels on the surveillance system she hacked the night prior. 
He was with Jack sitting on his apartment watching Y/N from the perfect window. The initial plan was pretty simple, Y/N would be dressed in casual common clothes, going through her computer on Genoff’s favorite coffee shop, to possibly catch him after coming back, so he could be used to some of their faces on his absence justifying new people around. Her undercover role was as a graphic designer that pretty much had a home office, which would justify her always being around that area. Tommy was the local barista trainee, summer job to pay for his scholarship, and this way he could hear some stuff and also be ready to jump and protect whoever was undercover there that day.
Celine was working on the front desk on Geonoff’s cover up business building, she was replacing the other girl that just left due to maternity leave, so it wouldn’t look suspicious at all. James got the work as an executive driver on a company that often was hired to transport Geonoff himself and his people, and Raul would also be on home office as a free lancer photographer, he’d be in an untitled relationship with Y/N which would be a good cover for them always being out and about together.
They would all be living in the same neighborhood, Peter and Celine would be living in the same apartment complex, which was just next doors to the one Jack, Y/N and Raul were placed. This way it would still be safe and pretty low profile enough to not draw curious eyes. And since the mission didn’t exactly have a precise deadline, they didn’t have a precise date to actually leave, so their flat was poorly furnished and decorated, filled with the ultimate basic things they could need in a month period. And of course, heavily armed in every corner and drawer anyone could think about.
“He just left his car two blocks away, think he might be just a bit behind your schedule, Y/N” Jack called from his place behind the screens she had set up the night before “Tommy, grab the cash register as soon as you can”
“Yes sir” Tom mumbled under his breath.
Raul inched a bit closer to the window on a spot no one could see him from bellow, watching as Geonoff himself entered the shop with two other man right behind him. Probably security team. He had to hold back his breath once he noticed the way the man had his eyes fixated right on Y/N’s table, before quietly muttering something to the other with him.
“Hm, excuse me miss?” a deep slightly hoarse voice caught her attention from the fake project displayed on her computer screen, Y/N looked up to find Geonoff right next to her booth.
“Oh hi”
“Why is he talking to her? He wasn’t supposed to just approach her!” Raul practically growled to Jack as the other just shrugged in response “fuck” 
“Dude, calm down, Tom is literally just across the bar and she’s a fucking spy, chill, she knows how to handle this” Jack said shoving Raul’s shoulder playfully, to which he just rolled his eyes huffing in annoyance.
“I know, I know that” 
Jack arched his eyebrow at him, a knowing smirk playing on his lips “Is this your way of admitting you love her?” 
“Shut up and pay attention to their conversation, you idiot” Raul said pushing his friend off of his sit. 
“I'm sorry, I just had to ask, I haven’t such a pretty girl like you around in a while, are you new in town, darling?” Geonoff asked leaning his hip against the sit across from Y/N.
“Oh no, not new in town” she responded with a giggle, trying to ease the nerves and slight nausea from talking to him and his half attempt of flirting “I moved to this neighborhood last month though, used to leave on the other side of the town” 
“Oh, was it for work? How are you liking this place so far?”
“It’s nice, I thought it was going to be quieter but it doesn’t really bother me” she said with a soft smile on her features “I moved here because I work from home, so I needed to get out of my last place cause my roommate was not exactly quiet, and my boyfriend said there was an available apartment on his floor, so it just seemed like a great opportunity” 
Raul’s heart raced a bit more on his chest when she referred to him as ‘boyfriend’, which was completely stupid. Y/N was his best friend and this was only for a cover. But sometimes his feelings got the best of him.
“Boyfriend? Is he here?”
“Oh no, I think he’s at work now, he’s a photographer”
“It makes sense, he has the prettiest muse at home” he added with a wink, which made Y/N’s stomach twirl in her tummy, this man is absolutely gross and she just wants to find a way out of this conversation “is he joining you today or should I keep you company?” 
“Tell him I’m on my way, sweetheart, don’t want this man any closer to you” Raul said through coms, Jack already grabbing his backpack with the material they had separated to be Raul’s cover as he threw a denim jacket and a pair of glasses.
Y/N gave Geonoff a gentle smile as she shrugged before adding “he told me he’d be coming here, something about the cupcakes being the best he’s ever had”
“Oh shut up, this is the worst excuse to get me to buy you cupcake ever” Raul muttered through coms as he jogged across the street and Y/N had to cough to hid a little giggle that threatened to escape at her best friend’s comment.
“Yeah, they’re really good, I think you’d like the chocolate one” 
“Okay, thank you for the tip” she said, quickly noticing the mop of curls clumsy coming into the shop, a big grin blossoming on her lips as she waved at the heaving figure of her best friend “oh, there he is!”
Raul’s eyes found hers and he could only smile, forgetting only momentarily that one of the most wanted man in the country was just beside her, he shook his head to gain a bit more focus as he shortened the distance between them with every step “hi baby” 
Y/N got up from her sit and was quick to throw her arms around his neck, as he did the same with her waist, planting a kiss to the crown of her head “Hi, honey this is… Oh my, just realized I never caught your name, I’m sorry, that was so rude”
“Geonoff, darling” he said with a smug smile on his lips, probably waiting some sort of reaction and proud of it.
And to Raul’s amusement, Y/N didn’t move a single muscle, didn’t give a single reaction, only offering a polite smile “Oh, nice name, I’m Y/N and this is my boyfriend, Raul”
“Beautiful name, suits such a gorgeous girl like you” he said, eyes on Raul waiting for some sort of response.
“Oh yeah, she doesn’t like it but I’ve always found it beautiful” he said softly.
“Well, I’ll leave you guys alone now, nice meeting the two of you” Geonoff said as his guards approached him with a paper bag “and Y/N, let me know if you need anything, I’m always around”
“Thank you” she said before pulling Raul to sit by her side on the booth as Geonoff walked out of the little shop “how was your day, honey?”
“Good, angel, got a couple of photos I think you’d like to see whenever we get home” he said throwing his arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer.
“You two are gross to watch” Jack grumbled through the coms making them both laugh.
Y/N turned her head to face him “you wanna go home to show me or you want to grab a cup of coffee first?”
“I think I want a bit of coffee, but we can order it to go, yeah?”
“Sure, whatever you want” Y/N said before sliding off the booth and pulling him with her, before stuffing her computer on her little backpack, which Raul promptly took from her.
“Come on, baby, can’t wait to lay down a bit” he ushered her to the register, where Tom waited patiently for them “hello there, I’d like an espresso please” 
“Sure, anything else?” Tommy asked as he clicked on the little screen.
“Do you want anything, baby?”
“A red velvet cupcake to go, please”
Tom nodded looking a little nervous before speaking up “the other man with the security guards left this note and cupcake for you, ma’am” he then grabbed the little pastry and a fancy business card alongside it.
“Oh, I- are you sure it was for me?” she asked in disbelief as Raul tightened his arm around her.
Tom only nodded in response “positive, do you still want the red velvet one?”
“I- yes, please” Y/N let out before almost chocking on air, gently grabbing the card that contained the business information from his company (that she already had) and a little handwritten phrase next to a phone number, the note read ‘if you’re ever looking for a real man, let me know’. 
“Someone’s got a crush on you” Raul teased trying to mask the anger bubbling up on his throat, but he knew she saw right through his facade. After all, Y/N knew him better than anyone else.
“Well, I feel bad for him, because I’m already taken, yeah?” she giggled at herself, lightly poking his chest to try and loosen his nerves a bit.
“Yeah, since I have you, know that I’m never letting you go” Raul pressed a kiss to her head huffing a small chuckle.
“Here it is, sir” Tom cut Raul out before handing him the paper bag, and he placed the money on Tom’s hand.
Raul offered a smile as he lead Y/N back to their place “Thank you, take care, kid” 
As they were crossing the street, Y/N dropped the cupcake from Geonoff on the sidewalk, making it look like an accident as she cried out an ‘oh no, I can’t believe I dropped it!’ before tossing it on the bin. On the elevator to their apartment, Raul still seemed tense and too quiet for his normal self, but Y/N decided to drop it, maybe give him some time to deal with today.
Just as they opened the door, Jack was quick to pull them inside, grabbing the card from Y/N’s hand and tossing it into a special bag and running downstairs, probably to deliver it to a team so they could take it to the lab to run some tests. Celine was stretched on the couch, a knowing look in her eyes as she signaled for them to join her. Raul went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water in complete silence as Y/N sank down on the soft cushions with Celine.
“What’s wrong with him?” she muttered quietly, since there were no walls separating the rooms on this flat, only the bedroom and bathroom and Raul was standing pretty close.
Y/N sighed with a shrug “No clue, maybe just didn’t expect the interaction to go like that, I don’t know”
“By the way, you did great, he even got interested in you” 
“Ew, no need to remind me, seriously that man is just gross, there’s something about him that’s just creepy, and I’m not even bringing up his criminal record” Y/N added grabbing a bottle water that Raul tossed at her after she nodded at him.
Celine nodded in understanding “Don't blame you, I think I would’ve punched him five seconds into talking”
“You wouldn’t last a single second with him talking” Jack said as he closed the door behind him.
Y/N and Celine laughed as Raul joined them on the couch, sitting on the armrest right behind Y/N as she leaned her weight on him. He threw an arm around her. 
“I think we should order a pizza and have some beer, yeah? This was a successful day, Tom’s gonna be here any minute now and Raul didn’t die out of jealousy in 24h, only reasons to celebrate!”
“Don’t start celebrating now, Jack, he might combust at any second now” Celine said with a laugh and Y/N giggled shaking her head, looking up at him only to see his serious expression and a light pink tinting his cheeks.
“So, pizza and beer it is?” Jack asked pulling his phone.
“I think it’s a great idea” Tom said as he climbed through the back window.
“Okay, Jack, order the pizzas and grab us the beer” Y/N decided and Jack stared at her in shock.
“Why me?!”
“So you can do something useful for once instead of gossiping” Raul said playfully and Y/N smiled at that as Jack feigned hurt with a dramatic gasp. 
“Well, there’s that and the fact that this genius idea belongs to you, doesn’t it?” Y/N asked 
Jack stared at her and nodded “Well yeah but-“
“Then make it happen, darling” Y/N only threw a wink at him and he shook his head, but grabbing his phone to start ordering. 
“Hey Tom, can I see the piece you brought back?” Celine asked without moving from her place on the couch. 
Y/N took the opportunity to properly face Raul since the others were seemingly busy, so she cupped his face gently bringing his attention down at her “are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course I am, doll” he said turning his face to place a kiss at the palm of her hand before looking back at her. 
“Are you sure? You didn’t seem fine five minutes ago”
“I just didn’t think he’d take such an interest on you so soon, I mean, you’re insanely gorgeous so it was obvious he was going to notice you, I guess I was just unconsciously hoping he wouldn’t” Raul sighed leaning his head against her hand and she let it slide on his face until she was able to curl her fingers on his hair “it’s stupid, I’m sorry, I was just being stupid yeah? Let’s focus on something else and relax”
“Are you sure?” she asked tugging on his hair a bit as he closed his eyes, nodding his head softly and she sighed “okay”
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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yibodie · 3 years
My Rean x Sara headcannons
I finished my 2nd playthroughs of the entire Trails of Cold Steel series recently and mannn do I just wish the romance endings had more meat on the bone.
Naturally, I read ALL the Rean x Sara fanfic on AO3 and realized how different others visualized their relationship. The main being the variations of possessiveness. So I wanted to share my HCs to the other like 10 RxS Tumblr blogs 😋
HC: They mutually respect each other as individuals first and foremost. They take on a more professional approach for all serious situations. Compared to the rest of their allies (minus Fie) they're consistently helping people. Most of class vii pretty much normal jobs but Rean is still out there taking care of people's safety non-stop. Rean is essentially a bracer as well in that sense.
How does Sara react to all the girls fawning over Rean? She finds it amusing. "Ha! All these girls don't stand a chance. Rean doesn't even notice their feelings or react to their flirting. But I can make that man blush and feel bashful whenever I want to. They don't even notice that he only has eyes for me. Such silly girls.." Sara and Rean are completely confident and secure about their relationship.
When I got confessions scenes during my playthroughs, most of them Rean was just like "??? Huh what do they mean? I'm lost. I need a dictionary to understand what they just said."
But both times when Sara confesses to him, he immediately reacts, almost like "woah! Holy shit, did she just kiss me on the cheek?! Am I dreaming?! uwu!!"
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Sara's bonding events in CSIV really hit me too and how much she trusts Rean by letting him in and opening up about her dad. When they go to his grave and even make plans to visit North Amberia.. so he can tell him that he's taking care of Sara?! 😭 100% trust, respect and love for one another.
They do hide their relationship only because they don't want to distract others from the tasks at hand. They however do little things when shit is about to hit the fan, like reassuring hand squeezes when no one is looking or just little nods to each other as if to silently say "We're coming back alive and safe. We're not going to lose each other. I love you"
I also like to think that after his class vii graduates he joins the bracer guild and they kick ass together, happily ever after.
Oh yeah and they adopt Altina because not only is Altina fond of Rean but she was also in North Amberia with Rean and Sara. I'm sure Sara became fond of Altina as well for helping keep her home country safe.
NSFW~ They're really into teacher/student roleplay 🤣😏
list of Rean's other relationships HC:
Crow (and Valimar 😭) = best friend
Jusis and Machias = best "couple" friends
Altina = adopted child (all of new class vii really are his adopted kids in a small amount)
Emma and Celine = his "mom" friends
Toval and Olivert = his "night out with the boys!!" Close friends
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Trans Male Reader HCs
ty @peachyplays​ for the request!
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A/N: PEACHY SIR I AM SO FUCKING SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG UHHHHHH but im still alive. i am here. im fine. this is some hcs about before transitioning and during and a lil after bc i feel like after it would just be. pretty normal. uh i did the 5 that appeared in ahwm, excluding heistiplier bc ehhhh. Darkipier, Wilford, Yancy, Illinois, Magnum. Rated T, i think. TW: mention of periods, scars, binding, dysphoria. Yeah. I think that’s it. Enjoy!
Trans Male!Reader HCs
Doesn’t really care
You have girl parts. Great
He has a century old demonic entity+a pair of twins. You're not special
Tries to be understanding, but mostly just doesn’t address it very much
There’s no need to! He loves you, it doesn't matter to him!
He will try to make you feel comfortable if you start to feel dysphoric
If you menstruate, he deals with it well
Both Damien and Celine would know precisely what to do so…
Heating pad, candy, movies + snuggles
Makes you lay down and hold the heating pad while you wait for the painkillers to kick in
Has a timer for 10 hours and you WILL take your binder off when it goes off
Is not afraid to threaten you over it
You know he doesn’t mean it and DAMMIT MAN YOU’RE GONNA HURT YOURSELF
If you start to take T, he just sits next to you
It might seem like he’s vibrating a little
That’s just the emotion seeping out
It seems like he doesn’t pay attention to your voice
In reality he listens closely everyday for how much deeper it went
You expected him to laugh when your voice cracked
he just asked you to repeat what you said
You appreciated that
He offers to pay for your top surgery if you decide to get it
Whether you say yes or know, he supports you
But he’s also nervous because Surgery
He checks the history of every person who even might be near you
Your surgeon was acting “strange” so he interrogated the poor man
You then explained he was doing his JOB
He squeezes your hand and kisses the back of it before you go into surgery.
The others have to convince him that you are not, in fact, going to Die
When you get out of surgery he stands on the other side of the room, waiting
He looks straight out of a horror movie
You almost scream when you wake up
He steps into the light holding a basket of fruit
He’s been watching a lot of romance movies…
Makes sure you DON’T FUCKING MOVE when you get home
You are going to LAY THERE and HEAL and you’re gonna LIKE IT
Often asks how your scars feel
A little defensive if people ask about them
A bit protective, but pretty much the same as before
I don’t… I don’t think he comprehends the situation
I don’t think he knows what you mean, i’ll be honest
I think he just. Loves you. And filters everything else out.
Because unless it changes how you feel about him, it Does Not Matter
He treats you the same way he always does
Which includes being extra clingy and cuddly when you’re feeling bad or dysphoric
If you menstruate he goes into Good Boyf mode
Meaning he absolutely SPOILS you, moreso than usual
Cooks for you, buys you… a lot of things you probably don’t need…
Asks "is it shark week?" and buys extra detergent
You will take your binder off when it's time
You have no choice in the matter
and when you don't he somehow gets it off of you???
I dunno man, he's like. A god. Who knows
He WILL make sure you're safe and healthy whether you like it or not
If you start to take T, he's not allowed at the clinic
He's banned from like. Everywhere.
He always makes sure to say your voice sounds deeper
Even if it's early and it doesn't and you KNOW it doesn't, he says it anyways
He's just being supportive, it's fine
He's a lil nervous if you decide to get top surgery
The idea of someone just straight up cutting you while you're ASLEEP???
hate. bad. no thanks.
He tries to watch through a window but has to give up bc he just starts feeling Bad.
he sits and bounces his leg in the waiting room and plays with a fidget toy you got him
He basically teleports into the room when you're out
The nurse faints because what the FUCK
He just holds his bowl of chicken noodle soup while they're dragged out of the room
You eat and talk for a bit and he just gazes at you bc your voice is so nice
He's very smothering when you get home
Thinks you're gonna hurt yourself whenever you do anything
sit DOWN you dumbass you're gonna TEAR YOUR STITCHES
makes you binge a bunch of movies with him
He doesn't really pay attention, just watches you to see if you need anything
likes to trace and kiss your scars if you let him
Loves you so much <333
I mean. He probably doesn't know what you mean
You are? a boy? I don't?
You explain and THEN he understands
He's a lil dumb, it's ok.
He isn't quite sure how to make you feel better when you're dysphoric??
Does he call you manly? Does he completely ignore you? What does he do?!
Eventually he’s settled on awkwardly calling you “Handsome” and “very masculine”
If you menstruate, he panics
He's had a mom before, he knows what it does
He doesn’t know how to make you feel better
He doesn’t wanna coddle you but also he likes feeling like he’s needed
He tries to cook for you but uh. yeah that didn't work out
The cook kicked him out and then made it themself, having Yancy deliver it to you
He convinced the warden to give him painkillers as well, and buys you candy
He’ll make sure you take your binder off when you need to
Might be a little lax, like with a child
“Okay… 30 more minutes. But then yous is takin' it off!”
Doesn’t fully understand the repercussions of you not taking it off
Once he does he literally BEGS you to take it off
Actually started crying one time
If you start T he asks a bunch of questions you probably don't know the answer to
He’s fascinated by how much your voice changes
He bites his lip to not laugh whenever your voice cracks
Once your voice gets like. As deep as it will go he kisses you and says you sound hot
He will panic if you decide to get top surgery
Constantly suggests robbing a bank or robbing a rich person
“There’s some expensive shit that’s been confiscated, i can help!”
When the day actually comes he's on the consistent verge of a panic attack
he can't even like BE there because. prison.
He cries while everyone else has to comfort him for the entire time you're healing
Once you see him again he interrogates you to make sure you're taking care of yourself
A guard lets you two have a little time alone, and you two talk about it
If you let him, he wants to see the result
He gives you a big hug and tells you how much he loves you
Probably the only one who actually understands and actually KNOWS shit
though he's too narcissistic to really… like… care
He loves you, but like. If you don’t mention it he doesn’t really feel a need to
He will make sure you’re okay, he knows when you act weird
Other than that he doesn’t actively do much
He says "hey there handsome" or something like that every morning, and that's about it
If you menstruate, he just tosses you painkillers and says there's ice cream in the freezer
I mean. that's pretty much all you need
He will cuddle if you ask, though
Also flirts with you and talks to you more
If you bind, he will be very pushy about it
Will not let you do anything until you take your binder off after the designated amount of time
if he's on an adventure, he calls the others to go to your place and tell you to take your binder off
He knows you won't listen but I mean shit he doesn't want you hurt
If you DONT take it off and have bruises he will straight up blackmail you
Keep doing this, you don't get any cuddles or kisses
Mostly for your benefit bc. bruises. but still
If you start T, he will help, but only if you ask
When your voice cracks he laughs
He apologizes while still laughing
He sleeps on the couch a lot
A little startled after he comes home from an adventure and your voice is deep?? hot???
If you get surgery, he’s relatively calm
He doesn’t like the sounds and smells of the hospital, though.
They weird him out
He’ll kiss you a bunch before you go into surgery and then waits outside.
Probably goes to get some food as well
When you’re out, he sits by you and eats, waiting for you to wake up
He slides an apple over to you and tells you to eat if you feel like it
He does his best to take care of you at home
He knows how to heal, and you need to SIT your ass down
Stays home from adventures while you heal
He doesn’t trust you to take care of yourself
He will not ASK you to take care of yourself he will TELL you because he KNOWS how you are
Stares at your scars sometimes
He doesn’t mean to be rude, they're just… there
He likes them. They’re cool. They’re yours, how could he not?
Tries to be as respectful as he can be
Kisses your scars. Like a lot. Like a LOT a lot.
He has a thing for scars, they’re badass
Captain Magnum
Completely Does Not Understand
At the same time, Does Not Care
Can you shoot? Can you stab? Can you loot? Then you’re perfect
Treats you the same way as the rest of his crew but with a lil more special attention
That attention being calling you rugged and tough
If you menstruate, he recommends hanging out with the rest of them to distract you
He also recommends LOOTING!
You’re pirates, what else would he want from you
Will stop in a town to buy whatever you need, if you ask
But you can probably get something from some other crewmates
If you bind, he won't let you do anything until you take it off when you need to
Think you can trick him bc he doesn't know what's happening?
ya can't fool the man, he may be stupid but he's not dumb
If you want to start T, he’ll stay in one town for a while.
Understands that you need this, and doesn’t want you to be upset
NO he’s not playing favorites but yes he absolutely is
Doesn’t ask questions, it’s not his business
However, if you explain, he will listen
Will be elated if you steal from the town
He’s still a pirate, and you are still his boyfriend, you had to do something
Makes you sing sea shanties when your voice gets deeper
Better be prepared to sing the chorus alone, even if you’re a shit singer
He just loves to hear it and therefore EVERYONE ELSE will hear it too
If you get surgery, he’s very nervous
He's never really been in a hospital but he thinks it's unnatural
Too white. Too clean. Too much.
Refuses to go in the hospital, but gives you a tight hug before you go in
He then regrets not going in because he misses you a lot :(
Once you're out and can go back on the ship he's very gentle
He's not a gentle man, but he tries
Makes you stay in your quarters and tries to make you comfy
Doesn't really know what to do so let's a crewmate help you
Claims that your scars make you badass! and attractive!
Puts you on the front lines to boost up your confidence
It only makes you nervous really, but you appreciate the effort
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aturnoftheearth · 4 years
soft/silly saileen wedding headcanons because they’re getting married today!!!
definitely the outdoor forest fairy lights vibe.
Everyone they know and love show up for their reception too, some of them making snarky comments about “two weddings in two months” but they’re all grinning anyways because no one deserves happiness more than these boys
Jack is wired all day long and running around yelling “jack attack!” at all the guests because 1) Claire snuck him a cupcake early and 2) it’s another party!! he’s got four parents now!!
Dean and Cas are the man of honor and best man respectfully
Sam shakily signs his vows until eileen grabs his hands and kisses them and suddenly he’s a lot more sure of himself and finishes “I love you” with steady hands
Cas watches Dean throughout the ceremony, both of them have tears in their eyes because they know all about that overwhelming love they’re witnessing
Speaking of, Cas knows Dean is emotional (his baby brother is getting married!!!) so he kisses Dean’s forehead, his cheek, their joined hands, random places throughout the day
Cas and Eileen have A Moment where Cas signs “I would say ‘welcome to the family’ but you’ve been a part of our family for a long time now. thank you for caring about him as much as we do” and hugs her.
they also dance to pop songs because dean is busy inside putting Garth’s twins down for a nap and Sam has his arms full dancing enthusiastically with a hyper three year old (Jack is still on a roll)
Sam and Dean have a Brother Moment where Dean says “I’m so proud of you Sammy” and sam replies “yeah well, I wouldn’t be here without you. I’m proud of both of us” and dean tears up for the 8th time that day
Sam tells Cas at one point “dude, we’re double brother in laws! That cancels out so we’re brothers now!” and even though that makes No Logical Sense, Cas is bad at math so he happily goes with it
Eileen and Dean also have their own Moment where Eileen asks “here to give me the ‘if you hurt my brother’ speech?” And he’s like “no we both know 1) you would kick my ass and 2) you would never hurt him on purpose” and hugs her instead
Jody pulls Sam aside and congratulates him personally, tells him how much she loves him and how proud of him she is. They agree to a family dinner soon
there’s at least one celine dion song
Sam repeats “that’s my wife!!” john mulaney style throughout the night
Alternatively, anytime someone asks a question about him he’s like “I’m her husband!!!”
Jack eventually crashes halfway through the reception so Cas carries him inside and tucks him in with Garth’s twins
Eileen has a pretty updo with intricate flowers weaved through and Sam is obsessed with it
Throughout the night, Dean periodically says “Sammy, can I give you some marriage advice, as a husband myself-“ and Sam is like “Dean Please Stop Talking You Have Been Married For One Month”
Cas and Eileen end up getting into a competitive drinking game of Weird Things Both Our Husbands Have Done
Dean only drinks soda throughout the reception. he doesn’t drink much anymore and he wants to remember every moment of this. besides, someone’s gotta hold his husband up after he loses said drinking game
Any time Sam is separated from Eileen, he finds her eyes in the crowd and signs that he loves her
Eileen gleefully tells the story of how she almost stabbed Sam the first time they met. Dean and Cas are like “awww <3”. The rest of the guests are like “awe of course” while internalizing their “what the fuck”
Sam takes her last name
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
Ok, so I know this may be way off or whatever but I feel if Stephan had lived he would have tried to be a better person for Jace.
I feel he would also have been the father who worried for Jace when he got the smallest injuries or (if Shadowhunters did get sick like Mundanes do) he would fuss over Jace and make sure he was as comfortable as possible (Céline would too, but yeah) he would put his hand against Jace's forehead when Jace said he felt sick, and when he would find out Jace had a fever, he would tuck him back into bed and make him something to eat, and also sit by his bed reading to him, playing songs for him, telling him stories.
Yes I know, this is reaching but I am going to be in this dreamland for a bit, um k.
I don’t think you’re reaching.
I mean sure we’ll never know but I think it would made a difference. Stephen would have changed for Jace - kids sometimes do that.
Also I don’t Celine would have let him to be shitty to Jace after everything she went through. She would have kicked his ass.
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thatgoblin · 3 years
hope you’re doing well :( covid sucks, but you’ll kick it’s ass emery!
also i heard someone say mia is the girlboss to ethan’s malewife and i haven’t stopped thing about it since
with much love !!!!
— @redfieids :)
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss! That's how Mia do! Also Ethan, just hanging out at home with Rose doing his thing, vacuuming and cooking dinner while watching celine dion tiktoks.
(I'm gonna go back to sleep now lol. Day time flu meds got me all wonky.)
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brw · 3 years
11, 12, and 15? 😁
11. which character do you wish didn’t exist?
answered here!
12. favorite villain?
DOCTOR DOOM... listen he just has villainy down to a T! overdramatic BITCH, has a long cape and armour who lives in literal medieval europe which might be in a time bubble just for the aesthetic. he's got a Point but he also very much so sent a child to hell twice but you know... good for him! maybe franklin had bad vibes, we don't know! he's gay and a genius and so hurt inside and also stupid and an idiot and i love him dearly WOULD kiss on the face plate at risk of incineration.
15. which character do you think should get a movie?
LORD.... i don't know who to say bc the mcu's influence means they'd all be awful and stockful of military propaganda. however i do have a bunch of fake marvel movies that in an alternate universe where the world is kinder were made instead of Propagana Piece And Whitewashing #300. so here's my list of character movies that will never get made;
WONDER MAN AND BEAST - buddy cop styled film of simon and hank, who best friends who separated long ago coming back together for one final mission. there's at least 5 flashback montages tracked to celine dion of how they used to be, and the different people they are now. simon keeps accidentally breaking hank's arm in the fight scenes because they haven't fought together in years. none of the avengers are mentioned aside from vision calling simon reminding him of vin's bar mitsvah a month away, and one x-men character (a c lister, i havent decided who) having to hide them away at the end of the second act.
X FACTOR - make no mistake this is a monet film. centered around p*ter d*vid's x factor run, but just the lineup and also none of the main characters like jamie or theresa are there it's just monet, strong guy and darwin fucking around and getting assigned the Bad Cases from the rest of the team. there's a running gag where monet and guido keep throwing darwin at the enemy to take them out, which darwin does NOT appreciate. at least one scene where someone tries to attack darwin with a fuckin energy blast or whatever and he says "whats a glowy object supposed to do to me" and directly stares into the camera. soundtracked by guido's spotify playlist because he just got prenium and intends to make that everyone elses problem. monet keeps getting unfortunately interupted while shopping. there's a massive painted portrait of the original five which is never referenced but strikingly large.
BLADE 4: JUBILATION - literally just jubilee and blade teaming up and kicking ass for two hours. multiple cameos of not incredibly well known but beloved side characters coming in to babysit shogo. at least one fight is ended by northstar who comes in to save kyle after vampires start swarming.
i have others like an ant-man film idea, an animated fantastic four film and an animated wanda & vision romcom but my fingers tired >:(
cool questions about comic books
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