#speaking of which i want a nap and a sandwhich
panb1mbo · 7 months
my psych was like "this seems like something that's really been weighing on you." no, the voice breaking, the tears glimmering in my lashes, and the disney cartoon ass lip quiver thing i have going on are just a fun little look i whip out just for you. i call it sad girl chic. easy mistake to make.
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miraclealignersv · 6 years
Late Nights (Jason Todd x Reader
Summary: Having a vigilante for a boyfriend happens to be more hard than it seems. Especially when you don’t live together.
Briefly y/n had heard some shuffling in her living room, of course she was half asleep and had worked earlier that day. She was exhausted, currently in her bed still wearing her jeans. When she had gotten home from work, she fell onto her bed and promised she would rest her eyes for ten minutes.
It just so happened she took a seven hour nap. Groaning she lifted herself from her bed and stretched her arms feeling a few fabric marks on the side of her face, and maybe some drool. Closing her eyes she remembered the shuffling outside her bedroom door, and suddenly she felt as if someone broke into her apartment.
Rubbing her eyes she yawned and reached over to her drawer and pulled out her gun, the one she never used and just so happened to be unloaded. But it was for 'protection' as Jason had put it. Since living in the heart of Gotham where crime happened every hour, it sure as hell came in handy. Holding the gun to her chest she took a deep breath and slowly mae her way down the hallway.
The light in her living room and kitchen was on, she heard one of the cabinets open along with her fridge open and close. She took a deep breath before walking slowly in between the kitchen and living room holding the gun steadily with her shaking hands.
''hands u-jason?" she asked, she was expecting someone dressed in black stealing something from her. Maybe pointing a gun right back at her, but instead there stood her boyfriend. Her startled boyfriend in his red hood gear making himself a sandwhich. ''christ'' she panted as she lowered the gun, Jason was just as startled as she was.
''Y/n? What are you-" he started as he looked down at the floor. ''aw man I dropped my sandwhich'' he groaned, y/n rolled her eyes and set the gun on the counter. She sighed and walked over to him her hands on her head.
''what are you doing here, its 12 am'' she asked, jason bent down and grabbed the pieces of his sandwhich off the floor. He groaned and put the destroyed sandwhich on a plate.
''well, I was on patrol. And I happened to be in the neighborhood and I was hungry so I was making a sandwhich'' he shrugged his shoulders as y/n furrowed her brows and shook her head as if that explained everything. ''why are you here?'' He asked.
''what do you mean? I live here!'' she exclaimed, Jason opened his mouth as if to speak but instead grabbed two slices of bread. ''how did you even get in?'' she asked, Jason grabbed the butter knife that was in the mayonnaise tub and pointed it at the window close to the fire escape. Y/n glanced over and stared at him in disbelief as he spread the mayo on the slice of bread.
''hey'' he shrugged as he stopped spreading the mayonase and stared at her ''weren’t you supposed to go out with y/f/n? you had a thing to go to'' he asked poiting the butter knife at her, y/n rolled her eyes and moved the butter knife away from her.
''that’s next week'' she clarified before walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his torso. ''you done with patrol?'' she asked as he grabbed the lettuce and put it on the sandwhich. He nodded as he closed his sandwhich and brought it up to his mouth.
''yeah'' his voice was muffled by the chewing, as he turned around to look at her. He took another bite from his sandwich wich left some mayonnaise on the corner of his mouth. y/n reached up and cleaned it off with her thumb and whiped it off on his shoulder. He wrinkled his nose and continued eating.
''whats that?'' she asked as she placed her hand on his side, she glanced down at her hand and saw the crimson liquid on her finger tips. she glared at him as he only contiued eating his sandwhich ''Jay" she breathed as she pushed away and took a better look at the cut.
''its not that bad, bad guy tried to shoot me.'' he shurgged as she tilted her head, he could see she was annoyed. She had always told him to be careful while fighting the bad guys. And sometimes he got caught in the heat of the moment and got hurt. y/n sighed and pressed around the wound. ''the bullet barely touched me'' he shrugged as he finished his food.
''baby, you have to be careful out there'' she whispered as she pulled him into a kiss, her lips quickly pecking his before pulling away. ''what if you get really hurt one day? what am I gonna do then?'' she asked, Jason gave her a small smile and shook his head.
''well that aint happeing babe'' he joked before pulling her in again and kissing her cheek. She rolled her eyes and pointed her head at the counter.
''clean that up'' she told him making him roll his eyes, she shook her head and headed to the laundry room. ''lets get you cleaned up, you left a pair of sweats and a shirt here the other day'' she spoke louder as Jason put the mayonnaise and ham away in her fridge.
''did I leave a toothbrush?'' he asked before grabbing the bread and placing it on her counter. He heard her go quiet, which didn't really concern him, since she did that a lot.
''babe?'' she asked, Jason turned and hummed in response as she walked into the living room with a pair of his grey sweats and an old Zeppelin shirt. ''what if you don't just leave a change of clothes and a toothbrush here?'' she asked as she handed the clothes to him.
''I could bring a suit, some of my gear maybe just incase I need it while im here'' he shrugged, y/n smiled at him and shook her head.
''Jay," she started, but he interrupted as he unfolded the tshirt.
''I mean, winters coming up. Might aswell leave a few sweaters'' he reasoned as he lifted the tight fabric from his chest over his head. y/n noticed the cut on the side of his stomach. She rolled her eyes and waited for him to look at her.
''babe, I'm asking if you want to move in with me'' she clarified, Jason froze and raised his eyesbrows ''that way you don't have to break into my apartment through the window and you'll have a key'' she reasoned, Jason reached for the shirt and put it over his head.
''you're serious?'' he asked a small smile on his face, y/n stared at him and tilted her head.
''of course'' she answered making Jason chuckle, he grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. y/n looked up at him and grabbed his face pulling him into a kiss. ''lets go to bed'' she whispered.
''I agree, but'' he started making y/n groan she waited for the but. Honestly he could’ve broken up with her then and there, thats how unexpected Jason Todd was. "you gotta help me take my pants off'' he reasoned making her giggle.
''oh my god'' she laughed as Jason closed his eyes and groaned
''look im sore- and they’re tight. like really tight and I'm gonna need your help babe'' he tried to say with a straight face, but ended up giggling by the end. y/n continued giggling and shook her head.
''okay, cmon lets go take your pants off Mr. Redhood'' she laughed making Jason stand in the middle of the kitchen as she walked towards the hallway.
''you shouldn’t be lauging because you pointed an empty gun at me while I was making a sandwhich'' he fought back making y/n laugh even harder. At the end of the day, that was his goal. To make his girlfriend laugh.
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smorebin · 6 years
S/S to DAY6 seeing a cute person and deciding to volunteer at the daycare they work at
Anon asked: DAY6 scenario of meeting a cute girl from church & getting close to her by joining the baby daycare & watching her take care of the babies rly well? heheh thank you <33
Notes: I made two adjustments to the ask if that’s okay! I changed it to a gender neutral pronoun because I like to include everyone in my writing when I can, and I don’t know the religions of all the members so I wrote according to the religions that I was aware of! Still, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!
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(wow he looks cute here... UR NOT EVEN MY BIAS JAE STOP)
Jae would be hella shy 24/7 around them, especially if he just saw them like sitting in a pew and found out from a friend that they worked at the church’s daycare. Aside from volunteering at the daycare to get closer to them, he would actually realize how much he loved hanging out and playing with the kids.
He was too busy focusing on his fingers hitting chords and strumming against the acoustic guitar strings as the little kids sat around him in a circle singing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” to notice that you had stopped cleaning the mess the preschoolers had made from an afternoon snack. Even if he was singing a childish song, you wouldn’t be able to tell with the way his raspy voice complimented the rather high key. When he finished the song and the children finished clapping and shouting at how well “Jae-Jae” had done, he looked up to see you smiling and applauding him as well. He had to duck his head as he let a blush creep up his cheeks.
Children’s parents had started to show up around 5 pm to pick up their little ones and as he was putting his guitar back in the case he overheard a conversation that you were having with one of the parents.
“It’s so nice to see your boyfriend come in to play the guitar for the children.” The mother smiled at you.
You responded with a slightly blush and a shake of the head. People saw you as his significant other? Do we look good together? Do they like me back? A million thoughts swarmed his mind as he lowered his head to hide his blush as he zipped up the guitar case.
After all the kiddos had gone he was waiting for you to lock the daycare doors as he sat on a railing. Once you were done and appeared by his side, before you could say goodbye he worked up an extra ounce of courage. “Do you want to have dinner with me? There’s this great little shop up on the corner.” to which you gladly accepted.
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(what kinda dork is this???)
Someone who would totally try to act cool and suave around them and totally fail. But in all honesty the kids loved him so he ended up coming on days even when the person he was crushing on wasn’t working in the daycare because he also really liked working with the kids as well. They’ve basically adopted him and the person he is crushing on at this point. They are their daycare “parents”.
Let’s just say Sungjin’s brightest moments weren’t inside the daycare. From letting the young girls put his hair in pigtails and the boys to climb on his shoulders and arms as if he was a living jungle-gym. Then again who could blame him when he was trying to impress you with how good he was with kids. Though, while you were trying to get them to calm down for nap time (with the few older kids helping out) he was too busy play wrestling the five year olds and winding them up. The only time that they would actually tend to behave when Sungjin was around was when he pulled out his guitar and played a soft lullaby for them to fall asleep to.
It was a rare occasion when Sungjin got you to join in on his antics with the children. It was recess time and he was running around in a game of tag with a young group of boys and girls when he suddenly ran up behind you.
“TAG YOUR IT” He said, voice slightly raised, in your ear. Before you could turn around he was already halfway across the field with a bunch of preschoolers on his heels. With a rather competitive spirit, you couldn’t just let him get away with that, could you? So you raced out into the field and beelined towards Sungjin in an attempt to get him back.
The children were running around your feet, happy that you were playing along until you suddenly tripped, before you could land in the mud you felt a strong grip around your waist and looked up to see Sungjin’s concerned face above your own. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to get you hurt.”
When you nodded and hid your blush, he smiled. “Let me take you out to lunch to make up for it one day. I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”
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Actually didn’t decide to work in the daycare but because there was an afterschool academy in the same complex, he decided to get a job there. He saw it as a double win because one, it wasn’t volunteer work and he got payed. And two, he got to see you every day. So when he walked out to have lunch and he saw you, he ended up spending his lunch in the daycare to which the kids got him to play the piano and sing before he had to go back to work.
He had just started his “lunch” break when he walked out of the door he saw you standing in the hallway struggling to carry in bags of what appeared to be crackers and juice boxes. Before you could topple over and drop all that you were carrying, he appeared in front of you, putting his hands under the boxes and urging you to hand them off to him. “Do you have a lot of kids in the center today?” He asked as you gave a sigh of relief from the weight lifting off your shoulders.
Giving a small hum you asked him about how it was at the academy and he responded with a slow before you went to open the door as he helped you carry the snacks inside. Upon seeing Brian, the kid’s surrounded his feet but when you told them off, they backed away slightly to avoid tripping him.
Once the food was set down he helped you pass out the snacks anf sat with you at a regular sized desk once everyone was fed.
“You know, you should really eat more than a protein bar and green tea, Brian.” You looked up at him from the salad and sandwhich sitting infront of you.
“I’m fine, plus, it keeps my energy up.” He waved the protein bar wrapper infront of your face.
“Please eat, I’m not even that hungry today.” You pushed a half of your sandwhich towards him. “If not I’m forcing you to go to dinner with me, that way I know you’re eating.” Brian had become a close companion since he started working at the academy.
“I’ll guess I have to skip out on the lunch today.” He laughed and threw the snack wrapper into the trash. With a groan he stood up and pushed in the chair before turning to the door. “Don’t forget about that dinner you promised me, Y/N!” He gave off in a sing song voice before saying goodbye to the kids and shutting the door behind him.
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(people need to stop sleeping on a smile as bright at the sun smh)
 The exact opposite of Sungjin lmao. Honestly always questioning himself on whether or not he looks or sounds super dorky in front of his crush when in reality is the type to make them blush 24/7 without even realizing it. Loves the kids, the kids love him back. They all refuse to go to sleep unless he is there singing a lullaby.
It was one of the few days that Wonpil wasn’t able to come in and help around the daycare which was rather odd because whenever you had a shift he asked to pick one up at the same time. Something about prior engagements.
It was right around 1 in the afternoon which meant it was time for the kids to take a nap, except all of them were fighting it because “Wonpilie-hyung” and “Wonpilie-oppa” wasn’t there to sing them a song before they could drift off into dream land. After fighting them for the past hour, you went to your last resort which was to call Wonpil in hopes that he would be free enough to sing the children to sleep for few minutes.
Afraid that he wouldn’t even pick up you were surprised that he was on the line after the second ring. “Hey Y/N. Is everything okay, did the other volunteer not come in?” His voice was straining to speak over the obvious background noise that sounded like rather inconsistent bangs to a bass drum and torturous sliding of keys on a piano.
“Ummmm, it sounds like you are busy, maybe I shouldn’t have called.” You were already second-guessing yourself and started to pull the phone away from your ear, ready to hang up, sighing in the fact that you would have to find another way to make the children fall asleep.
“No-no-no, let me just get to a quiet hallway or something.” He quickly cut your small rant off, and soon the strident noises were no longer heard. “Is there something wrong?” His voice came through the phone cracked but still lyrical as ever.
“Ummm.” You hesitated. “I’m having trouble getting the kids to sleep and I was wondering if you could maybe, sorta…”
“Of course I’ll sing them a song Y/N.” You could practically see the beam cross his lips. “You should’ve just asked.”
The children were finally asleep and you were out in the hall in order to no disturb them. “Thank you so much for helping me get them asleep, I know you weren’t exactly planning on having to deal with them today. I swear your voice is the most soothing thing to them.” You smiled. The next thing you knew, a blush was rising through your neck to your temples.
“Is it soothing and sweet to you?” When there was no response on his side he quickly attempted to cover it. “Was that way too cheesy?”
Finally gaining your bearings you smiled. “No, I like hearing your voice everyday.”
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(y’all he’s so cute how in el mundo is this possible?!?!?!?!?!?!)
Ummm he is still a child. Lol, no honestly when he first came in to volunteer, all the kids were slightly scared of him because of how deep his voice was. But soon enough he was the one that they would ask to do weird voice impressions or act like a reporter and a character in a game that they were playing. ULTIMATE KING OF PLAYING HOUSE. But suddenly gets super shy and his voice cracks when the kids ask his crush to play house with them and make Dowoon and them pretend as if they were married. If only he knew how much they were also screaming on the inside.
It was a Thursday night and a couple parents had called saying they had to work a little bit late so you and Dowoon had agreed to keep the daycare open until the last child had left with a familiar face. As a way to pass time for the tiring kids, you both had agreed play a small game of house and the first thing the young matchmakers had done was place you and Dowoon in a VERY domestic relationship.
In order to act out the fantasies of the young ones, you and Dowoon pretended to play the part of husband and wife while they ordered both of you around as if they were directors to a broadway play. Everything had gone as it would have: the usual fight over something petty, the lovely ‘makeup’ hug, cooking dinner together, pretending to eat the said (plastic) dinner; that was until the mischievous kids decided to take a different route. They ran up to Dowoon and you could see the blush rise to his ears despite the low lighting. He promptly shook his head and the children giggled before nodding their heads vigorously. Which he vigorously shook his head even harder. At this point you were curious about what the conversation had been about but before you could ask, the children’s parents came walking through the door and you and Dowoon were forced to lift yourself off your haunches to properly greet the adults.
Once the children and parents were gone, you were finishing cleaning the last of the day’s mess up with the help of Dowoon when the previous sight appeared in the back of your mind.
Bending down to place a toy into its proper bin you called out Dowoon’s name which he responded with a small sound of acknowledgement. Taking it as a sign to continue, you asked him about a conversation with the young sister and brother duo from before. Without a response you figured he wasn’t going to answer but when you stood up and turned around, you were met with Dowoon’s lips meeting your cheek, before quickly stepping away.
“They told me to kiss you but I wasn’t going to do it infront of the children.” He mumbled under his breath before he went back to sweeping the floor for any crumbs.
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