#Day6 Jae Scenario
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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s.o has a piercing/tattoo
crush is a cancer
crush is a pisces
child’s first word is “appa”
crush is a leo
crush is an aries
s.o is in a band
s.o has a big family
s.o writes poetry
gf is sensitive around her time of the month
gf is a solo artist
gf is a capricorn
buying a ring too small
it wasn’t bad at all
the best news
giggles and candy canes
you’re an angel
young k
cotton candy kisses
i’m not sure
didn’t expect this
not as planned
you never knew
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smileyyoungchan · 2 years
🦊Day6 Masterlist🦊
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🐻Park SungJin🐻
Callin’ (A)
🐔Park JaeHyung🐔
*nothing yet*
🦊Kang YoungHyun🦊
Older (A, F)
🐰Kim WonPil🐰
*nothing yet*
🐶Yoon DoWoon🐶
*nothing yet*
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kpopslibrarian · 1 year
MonstaX | Got7 | BTS | Seventeen | EXO | BAP | BigBang | BlockB | NCT | Day6 | AOMG | Stray Kids
Fav fic on this list: MY IDOL - Season 01 / 02 / 03
Type: series, season 01 & 02 complete, 03 ongoing
Genre: fluff, angst - several idols x reader
Tropes: blind dating, dating reality show, dating several people at the same time
Summary: reader is the participant in a dating reality tv show and goes on seven blind dates with seven idols. the audience decides who gets second dates..
Comment: I love love love this series, I binge read it all within two nights lol. season one might have been my favourite cause of all the plot twists, never knew what was coming next. season two was just as goo tho and I’m soooo excited for season three!!
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pilliepollie · 4 years
fluffy hours open uh after an exhausting day i just want to lay down with jae and his softest hoodies and have him run his fingers through my hair or the other way around and just talk about nothing and everything until we fall asleep :( he'd be so soft and giggly like during his vlives and i'm so far up my soft hours now
Omg this is so cute 🥺️ jae would definitely sacrifice his most prized hoodie for you and I think he’d find matching hoodies rlly cute. After watching him stream and play games on the side he’d take his earphones off and carrying off to his bed and just cuddle cuz he’s mentally tired from playing Valorant and Rust for 3 hours straight 😂
Y’all would be talking and listening to each other's day, he’d listen to you talk about work or school and whatever is on your mind and he’d do the same talking about maybe a new eaj project or something he’s doing with the boys. Ik Jae like to make fun of his boys and call them weird but I’m pretty sure he’d just spew all the things to you saying stuff like “Brian is so cool he wrote the hook is only an hour.”, “Dowoon is always so hardworking whenever I see him in the practice room.” , “Omg the other day Sungjin and Wonpil were blah blah blah” Probably to the point where you fall asleep cuz of his calming voice and being in his warm embrace for a while 💗.
It might take about a few more minutes of bragging about his boys to realize you’ve been out cold and quietly snoring. Gosh he’d find you just the cutest and try to hold back from giving thousands of kisses on your face.
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wronqness99 · 4 years
Alone Together
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 2.5K+
Warnings: Emotional abuse, mentions of alcoholism, unhealthy relationships
Characters: Park JaeHyung / Jae Park (Day6) X Female Reader
> About my writing
*The image doesn’t belong to me, credits to the owner.*
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Y/N held her knees close to her chest as she rocked her body back and forth in an attempt to calm herself as tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.
She felt broken and saddened by everything that had happened in the last few hours. Ever since her parents' divorce, the girl had felt like she barely knew her own mother who was once a dedicated housewife and someone who she could always rely on, who was there to protect her, to help her and encourage her way through life.
She felt some much needed peace when her mother finally decided to leave the unhealthy marriage in their past, even though her father sometimes liked to scare them by trying to intrude in their lives and know more than he should with his unhealthy addiction to alcohol, which made them fear for their lives sometimes. It enraged Y/N how the man couldn't seem to understand what he had done wrong for them to leave, the irreparable damage he had done to his own flesh and blood. She knew things were not going to be easy, but she never expected such a sudden dramatic change.
Y/N couldn't help it, her mother's new behaviour messed with her head more than she would like to admit and it became the reason for the loud screaming and fighting between the women quite often which would then lead to heartbreak and tears. It was like a cycle. Her mother liked to turn things on her and make her feel guilty by saying Y/N didn't want her happiness whenever the girl tried to reason and calmly explain why it bothered her so much seeing the older woman contact multiple men through the internet, but everything became worse when Y/N discovered her mom lied to her in order to go out with those men without her knowledge. This strained their relationship in an incredibly irreparable way. The one she had always trusted with everything was now failing her in avail of other people. She had been there to support her mother through the difficulties with the marriage and never left her side all the way through the divorce process, while most of their family just pitied the alcoholic man who had been unemployed for years and would never make anything of himself. Yet, despite all of that, she seemed to have just become something replaceable for her mother, like a rag who had become too old and could no longer serve its purpose. The woman always rubbed the sacrifices she made for the younger on her face in order to guilt trap her, but failed to see how many times her daughter had stopped living her life and doing things people her age were supposed to just to be by her side and somehow protect her. She didn't like to go to parties or stay out late with friends, she never went to sleepovers and whenever her family members invited her to go on holiday with them, Y/N would always refuse. She didn't want her mother to feel alone, she didn't want anything to happen to her best friend.
This time around, however, their fight had been on another level and it blew completely out of hand. Y/N had begged her mother not to go meet that guy. She was tired of seeing her mom jumping from man to man, the older having had her know of two different relationships within the span of less than a year, but she knew there were more. It pained her extremely and she couldn't understand how her relationship with the older woman had always been enough for them both until the moment of divorce when it just wasn't anymore. She felt like she had lost her mother.
Even though Y/N was used to her mother not listening to her, she was not expecting the woman to tell her such hurtful, poisonous words. And they fought. Yet again. But this time it was louder, uglier and made her cry more than ever before. It made her never want to see the woman ever again, she felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest.
That was the first time her mother had ever put a relationship with any man she had barely even known before the special, loving one she once had with her daughter.
"Do you think you'll stop me from seeing him just because you can't get used to it? You're worthless. If your behaviour doesn't change you will end up alone. Jae won't be willing to keep up with your nasty personality for much longer." Her mother had said. And Y/N went quiet, the words resonating again and again inside her head. She didn't even notice when her mom left the house.
Jae had been her support through the whole mess that was her parents' relationship, her shitty relationship with her father who was drunk most of the time, her parents' subsequent divorce and her mother's whole change in behaviour. He had been there through everything. Jae had been the warm hug in her heart whenever the situation with her father got out of hand at home before the divorce and after, when the man would call her mother questioning when they were coming back home and what he had done wrong for them to leave, like it wasn't obvious enough, which caused the woman to end up screaming on the phone and Y/N's world to fall apart all over again. Whenever this happened, anxiety episodes were sure to ensue. And Jae had always been there to pick up her pieces. He had always been there for her, reminding her of the strength she had but unfortunately only he seemed to be aware of. He was always there to give her the love she had lacked all throughout her growth like she had been there to remind him how good he was at his art, being a musician. When everyone else opposed his dream, she was there to pull through the hard times with him. Jae wasn't scared of her insecurities or her being broken. Instead, he focused on helping her become better mentally and allowing her to be the real version on herself whenever they were together, no judgement or questions asked. He loved her for her.
They were like each other's anchor, tying each other to reality, tying each other to life.
So many times the girl had asked herself what she would have done without Jae by her side, she honestly wondered if she would still be alive. Whenever things got hard at home when her parents got married, even though she still had her mother, she felt alone. Now, not even being able to count on the woman anymore, she felt even lonelier.
Even though she had a strong and loving relationship with her boyfriend, the woman she called mother had been able to shake her structures and make her doubt herself like never before. Was she really toxic? Did she not deserve Jae? Was he holding such a kind soul from something much better than what she could give him in life?
Well, the probability of answer to that she knew was a strong definitely yes.
She loved Jae and knew he didn't deserve what she put him through. He could do so much better and have someone who was more confident and happy with their own self. Someone who wasn't broken. Y/N was insecure about most things in life, her indecisiveness never really helped with anything either and it just so happened that they had never had really bad days at the same time because the girl was quite sure that if it were to happen, they would probably enter self-destruction mode and ruin one another.
Maybe she really was toxic and maybe she was dragging Jae right down with her. Maybe it truly was the best for him to leave and maybe, just maybe, she was being utterly and completely selfish by not wanting to let go of him.
Hearing the key turn on the lock, Y/N jumped up from the couch, blanket hanging from her shoulders as she ran to her boyfriend, who immediately embraced her in his warmth.
"Lovey..." Jae's voice made itself clear, worry laced in every vibration. "What happened?" He questioned, holding her body tighter and closer to his own, lips pressed to her forehead.
"Please... Please don't get tired of me? I know I'm hard to deal with, I'm not easy to love, but Jae, I love you with all my heart and I promise you I will always do my best for you! Please don't leave me..." The girl hiccuped, holding his white t-shirt tightly inside her fists as if that would keep the man she loved from ever leaving her side.
"Baby, look at me," Jae asked, holding her by the shoulders and pushing her back a little so he could look into her eyes. His heart broke seeing her tear stained cheeks and watery eyes that didn't seem to be going to stop crying anytime soon. He pouted, and carefully cleaned her tears with his thumb. The man allowed them a short period of silence, wanting his girlfriend to calm down so they could finally talk and he could get a better understanding of what was going on, even though he was pretty sure of the reason that left Y/N in such a state. "Did you fight with your mom again?" He questioned lowly. She nodded before looking down. Jae pulled her closer again and tucked his chin on top of her head, hands running freely through her hair, something he knew was going to help soothe her. "Y/N I'm not going to leave you. Not now and not ever. That is not something you need to worry about. It's truly annoying and saddening how your mother is trying to get to you just because you are opening, or at least trying to open your heart to her by telling her how you truly feel. I understand that she wants to move on and live her life but I won't allow her to make you doubt my feelings for you just because she wants to be selfish and have everything her way." Jae stated firmly. "She shouldn't be treating her own daughter like this, making her doubt her own capacities not only in love but life in general. She's destroying your self-esteem. I won't allow her to take away from you something that was so hard to build." By the tone of his voice and the fast pace of his heart, the girl could tell her boyfriend was mad. Jae knew how much she had struggled with her mental health and loving herself. Even if Y/N did the most amazing things in the world, she couldn't seem to notice that and that was always where Jae came in and helped her see herself a little bit through his loving eyes instead of her dark, unconfident ones, which helped his girlfriend to slowly begin trusting herself and having a little more confidence.
"I feel like I'm losing myself in this wave of emotions that hit me all at once and left me adrift." She chuckled emotionlessly, tears still in her eyes. "I cried so much today my chest went numb. I don't feel myself anymore." Y/N allowed herself to close her eyes for a moment and take in all of Jae. The wooden scent of his perfume, the warmth of his embrace, his caring and loving nature towards her. It was perfect. And she was afraid to lose it. Taking a step back, she looked into his eyes, the man holding both of her hands on his own. "I feel like I'm holding you back from the wonderful life you could have..." She confided barely above a whisper, eyes never leaving his.
"Y/N, please don't hide yourself. Show me you. Show me the real you. Don't hide your heart because of her hurtful words. I don't have any intentions to leave you. I'm here with you like I have always been and plan to always be. You can talk to me, ok? The words you've postponed in fear, the feelings you're holding in, they only do ill to you. The last thing I want is for you to doubt your strength or the strength of our love." He placed her hand on top of his heart. "This belongs to you and you only. But you cannot be afraid of me, especially of my feelings for you. Please believe me when I say that I love you and that I will always be by your side. I will always be here to lull you to sleep and to wake up to your love in the morning. You have no idea how much strength it gives me to just look at you and know you're mine, to know I have a reason. We are family Y/N, we were long before we started dating, when we were only best friends. Our bond was always something out of the ordinary. You mean the world to me, so, please don't be afraid. I will always be beside you."
"I'm sorry..." She said in a whisper and bit her lip in embarrassment. "You've never given me a reason to doubt anything in our relationship, yet here I am, being ridiculous and toxic. Sometimes I feel like I really don't deserve you." She stated, causing the man to shake his head in negation.
"You're not being toxic, you just believed the words of someone who's becoming toxic to you. You are dealing with the situation as best as you can. You never went through this before, you are learning and there is nothing wrong with that, you just need a little time. It's fine, ok? I am here and we'll get through this together like we always do." He stated and smiled, placing a chaste kiss to her lips before pulling her into his warm embrace once again, allowing them both to feel the love that bound them.
"Thank you for everything Jae, I love you. I truly do and there is nothing in this world I want more than to spend eternity with you."
Y/N knew she wasn't alone even if she felt that way. She knew Jae was right there and she could always count on him. He was there to give her strength and tell her how amazing she was over and over again until she would believe it herself.
Jae always made her a priority because, according to his own words, that's where she belonged.
In times like this, she was even more sure he was the one. The one true love that she had waited for her whole life. The one who simply adored her and always brought out the best in her, the one who dropped everything at a ring of the phone so he could be there for her no matter the circumstances, and the one who always made her laugh.
Deep in her heart, she knew they would always be each other's person.
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yyparkq · 5 years
untitled 10/8
"Honey, I did not marry you to satisfy me in bed," he started -not knowing whether the conversation would end up cheesy or a bit creepy. "Do you even know why I married you?"
She did not miss a beat answering. "Because I'm pretty."
"Yes." Jae smiled at her response. "..but not just that."
"Because I turned you on the first time we met?"
He chuckled against her still damp hair and she turned to face him again, curiosity written all over her face. She honestly could not think of anything special about her when they first met.
"Then what?"
Jae cupped her face, eyes filled with warmth and sincerity. "Babe, believe it or not but you are the first person I have pictured myself having my own family with. I don't know if I have told you this enough of times but god, you are so amazing to me. I love you."
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day6imagines · 6 years
My Anxious Cinderella
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member; woosung (sammy) x reader  ft. BTS Kim Taehyung ( and Day6 and KARD Matthew if you squint )
word count; 3.2k 
genre; fluff (i think lol)
summary; Y/N thinks she’s about to have the worst night of her life. That’s until she meets woosung
Being the daughter of one of the most successful businessmen in the country has its perks such as always having the best of the best like best school, best parties, best clothes e.t.c. Even though you had all these things you still lived a simple life. You still had chores to do and even worked a few hours a week in the local supermarket much to your father's disapproval but you managed to convince him to let you for your independence. You walked to school every morning and walked home every evening. Your house wasn't swarming with maids which came as a shock to most guests. Your mother and father took turns cooking dinner and you did the dishes. You lived a normal life for the most part.
Today was one of those days that you were reminded that your life wasn't always normal. Tonight you would have to attend one of the many charity balls your family is invited to. You can already imagine how the night would go. There’d be drinks at the entrance and groups of men in suits and women in ball gowns catching up (business talk is not allowed until after dinner). Then there’d be a three-course meal with food so fancy and tiny it could be an appetizer. Then there'd be some live band that plays for roughly an hour and everyone dances. Then the band leaves and classical music is played through the speakers and everyone talks (this is when business talk is allowed). At the end of the evening, everyone makes a donation to the charity and leaves with huge smiles on their faces (that's a fake smile for anyone like you).
You always hated these events because you would continuously be introduced to some ‘fine young man’ whose only topic of conversation is how he's gonna own his family's company one day. It was uncomfortable and awkward. The night always felt like it would never end. Tonight would be no different. Or so you thought.
“Everyone expects you to be there Y/N.” You could tell from your mother's tone of voice that she was getting sick of you continuously asking if you could not go. “How about afterward we can pick up a pizza?”
“Fine, only if I get to choose the toppings.”
“Deal. Now you better start getting ready! We leave at six on the dot!”
Your ball gown had a v neck and hung off your shoulders. the sequins, embedded in trails from the waist down overlapped, scintillated their reflections across the room. The dress was advertised as "sky blue", but in fact was much more pastel and faded. It sat comfortably at ankle height and you wore silver strappy heels that you would later regret. The evening had just begun and you had already had to try to be interested in talking with two respected families sons. That's a record because it was normally after dinner when you were introduced to ‘potential husbands’. You had roughly ten minutes until dinner and you were already uncomfortable and wanted nothing more than to wrapped in blankets watching whatevers new on Netflix. You were about to enter the dining hall in search of the seat with your name on it when your father came into view.
“Y/N, there you are! I’d like you to meet Kim Taehyung. Maybe you guys have met before, he’s a business major in your school.”
“I don't think we have, I would have remembered someone as stunning as you. Kim Taehyung,” He held your hand and lifted it toward his face where he placed a gentle peck on the back of your hand before letting go and looking into your eyes. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Y/N. NIce to meet you too Taehyung.”
“I’ll be off and I’ll let you guys get to know each other. Y/N we’re seated at table four and Mr. Kim here will be seated with his family at the same table as us I believe.”
“Your correct Sir, we’ll be over in a few minutes.” Once your father left Taehyung turned to you and gave you a boxy genuine smile. “You can call me Tae, all my friends do.”
“We’re not friends.”
“Not yet Y/N but soon don't worry.” He winked at you and lead you to your seats.
You were finished dessert and were not having a horrendous time. Tae was super chatty (and not businessman chatty) he spoke about his dog yeontan who was the love of his life and he spoke about his best friends who were more like brothers to him. You both shared stories of college and filled each other in on gossip around the campus. He told you about a girl in his class that he was crushing really hard on but could never seem to get the courage to ask her out and whenever he tried he would get so flustered he’d somehow end up embarrassing himself. You found the time when he got so flustered he bumped into a table and fell on top of his professor who had just walked in resulting in the professor spilling coffee everywhere the funniest out of them all.
He was interesting and different. His dream is to someday become a singer but for the moment is studying business to impress his parents as well as give him time to train so he can show them his full potential. You admired him and could tell that you guys would stay close friends as you guys already planned to meet up on campus next week to meet his friends and maybe the girl he’s crushing on if he can manage to ask her this time.  He promised that his friend Jungkook was even more socially awkward around girls and that he couldn’t wait to introduce you to him.
It was now time for the live band and you couldn't wait to dance with Tae because he probably had some quirky dance move that would make you laugh until your stomach hurt. Your mother and father had stayed out of your conversations at dinner and let you spend the rest of the evening with Tae which you were grateful for.
You were standing around the dance floor waiting for the live band to arrive when Tae started telling you about an audition he had in a few weeks for a company called big hit. He was really nervous and couldn't decide if this was a good time to tell his parent.
You were listening closely to what he was saying so you could offer your opinion on the matter when the live band arrived. The amps and drums were already on stage but they had to finish setting up. One of the boys had dyed white hair and had an electric guitar slung over his shoulder. For some reason, you couldn't keep your eyes off him and the more you watched the more you felt the need to get to know him. He turned around from talking to bassist in the band and something pulled him to look over in your direction and you both made eye contact. You felt the air being knocked out of you just from him looking at you and you forgot how to breathe.
“So Y/N what do you think? …. Y/N?” Taes voice made you focus back on Tae.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I was talking about the audition and about telling my parents remember?” When Tae was talking you turned your attention back to the boy on stage who was standing in the same place and who was still looking in your direction but turned away when he saw you look over. What you didn't notice was that Tae had turned to see what you were looking at and was now smirking at you. “Wow Y/N I’m sorry that I’m distracting you, with my real life problems by the way,  from eyeing up that boy over there.” He sarcastically stated.
“I’m not eyeing him I just thought I saw something over there and he happened to be standing in that direction.”
“Yeah whatever you say.”
“I’m telling the truth!”
“Suuurree, looks like they're about to start. Let’s go dance!”
It was nearing the end of the bands set and you were disappointed that they’d be leaving soon. They played a few covers as well as originals which you hadn’t heard before but enjoyed nonetheless. You had a great time with Tae on the dance floor and he continuously made you laugh. You couldn't help but turn your attention to the guitarist every now and again. He was even more beautiful when he was focused on the music and you could feel the passion he had for it. He was breathtaking and would be on your mind for days and the sad thing is you’d probably never see him again but you tried to forget about this when you danced and let the music take control.
Towards the end of their set, you started to feel a bit light headed and decided to step outside to cool down for a few minutes and return because you didn't want to miss the end of the set. There was a light chill outside that instantly cools you down and you then sat on the steps of the venue looking out on the garden. There surprisingly were a few people outside mostly couples or parents and their uncooperative children as all seemed to me whispering and trying to hide outside not wanting to be seen arguing in front of the other guests. This truly shows how fake everyone here is.
“Yeah, it really does.” You didn’t realise you had said that out loud until you heard a voice behind you. Startled you stood up to confront the eavesdropper and instantly stopped when you came face to face with the boy with the guitar. It felt like time froze as you looked at him but that was probably because neither of you had said anything. He finally spoke up after what felt like an eternity. “I notice you out there.”
“I noticed you too … out there.” noticed you?? It sounded fine when he said it but why did it sound so awkward when you said it. There were so many other things you could have said like “ your bands great” and so.
“That's cool. Emm I’m Woosung… and that’s it I guess. You probably used to that sentence ending with ‘ son of someones huge company ‘ but emm I'm just Woosung.”
“Sadly yeah but i like ‘just Wossung’ a lot better. Hi Woosung I’m Y/N ‘ daughter of someone's huge company’ it's a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasures all mine.” Although you sensed he was jokingly saying it your heart leaped and you couldn't wipe the huge grin on your face. You guys were suddenly interrupted by a voice behind you.
“Woosung you coming? We said we’d be there by now.” You turned around to see a boy you recognised as the bassist in the band standing at the bottom of the steps. Behind him was a van that you assumed the other members were in as well as their instruments. Woosung gave him a quick nod and then focused is attention back on you.
“We’re going to a friends concert tonight, would you do me the pleasure of being my date Y/N ‘ daughter of someone's huge company.’  I’d really like to get to know you a bit better and besides are fairytale story can’t end here.”
“I’d like nothing more than to get to know you better and go with you but i can't even begin to imagine how livid my parents would be. They know i despise these balls and they’d never forgive more leaving and it’s for charity and every-”
“What time do these balls typically end at?” Woosung cut you off because he could tell how anxious you were getting.
“Midnight at least, normally longer though”
“I’ll have you back by then my anxious cinderella”
In the car ride, you got to know his members. You could tell how close they all were as they shared embarrassing stories of things that happened around the dorm or at band practice. You easily get along with them all and didn't find it hard at all to in cage in the conversation which you would with most people. You felt as though you knew them for years and you were all catching up after not seeing each other for a while.
As you pulled up to the venue you took out your phone and sent a quick text to Tae whos number you got earlier telling him where you were as well as when you'll be back. He texted back instantly saying to be careful and to turn your location on just in case, which you did. He then sent a separate text saying have fun with a slightly creepy winky face.
“You coming cinderella?”
“Yep your majesty.”
At the entrance to the venue you noticed a security guard which caused you to panic because you didn't have a ticket to get in and you doubt woosung had a spare ticket and if he did then that scared you even more cause that meant he planned on getting a date last minute. Or were you thinking too much into the spare ticket. Before you could tell Woosung your concerns about not having a ticket to get in he was talking to the security guard.
“Hey Matthew, this is Y/N.” He gestured towards you and you gave a small wave. “Will I see you at the gym tomorrow?”
“You sure will! Have fun in there guys and extra fun for me who has to stand outside all night in the freezing cold.”
“We sure will Matthew! See you tomorrow then.”  You bid farewell and Woosung led you into the venue. He managed to get you guys up close to the stage.
“My friend Jae is that one.” Woosung pointed to the boy who was playing guitar. He had blue hair that looked a different shade in different lights. “He makes sure I come to support his band and he also supports us. All the members get along its great.”
“Sounds it.” He continued to tell you stories about both bands as well as explaining to you things about live music you never knew. He had such a passion for it that you wanted to join a band right that second because his passion was rubbing off on you.
You both talked, laughed, sung and danced the whole time. You honestly couldn’t remember the last time you felt this carefree. All your worries were gone because all you could think of was Woosung. He was beautiful, talented, kind, funny, passionate and so much more. Seeing as you only knew him for one night and you already thought the world of him you couldn't imagine what it would be like to be with him. Him to be all yours.
And that’s what it felt like in this very moment. The both you were standing facing each other and smiling happily. The world fell silent and everyone around you disappeared. He started to lean towards you and you could only imagine how passionate this kiss would be. As you leaned in closer your lips about to touch a voice echoed in the venue.
“This is our last song for tonight! Thank you for having us.” You pulled away in panic as the concert was to end sometime around midnight and if this was the last song then that meant you were late.
“Woosung I have to leave! I’m sorry, you stay I’ll get a taxi.”
“No, I’ll take you I know a few shortcuts.”
The whole car ride you kept bouncing your leg up and down out of nervousness. You both were silent because Woosung was concentrating on the road as he was driving at a less than legal speed and you were trying to come up with excuses as to why you had left early. Woosung pulled up around the back entrance of the venue and escorted you into the building the way the band would have come in earlier.
“I’m really sorry I lost track of time. I said I’d have you back before midnight and I didn't want you to get stressed.”
“It’s fine Woosung honestly I had such a great time and I’d love to tell you how grateful I am and how much I’d like to do it again but I really need to go.” You then rushed down towards the main hall in hopes the guests would be just about to start the donations. You beant your head around the corner and saw all the families sat at their tables in the middle of making their donations. This isn't good because your seat was obviously empty and your parents know knew you were gone. You also couldn't just walk to your seat without going unnoticed.
“Hey Y/N! Remember me? I was the amazing handsome guy you ditched earlier but before you beg for me to give you a second chance while you were gone I finally got the courage to ask that girl I was talking about earlier on a date so my broken heart was quickly mended so don't worry.” Tae stood next to you and now that you think about it there was another empty chair next to yours when you glanced over.
“Tae, I’m so happy for you, really I am but all that’s on my mind is that im screwed.”
“No we aren’t, they just started when you checked.” Before you could register what was happening he was pulling you into the dining hall and giving apologetic smiles to anyone who looked over. You sat down next to Tae and your parents and before the overwhelmed you with questions Tae was whispering over to them.
“I’m really sorry we were out taking a stroll in the garden when we lost track of time. I’m sorry if we worried you.”
“That's quite alright just be more aware next time.”
“Will do Sir.”
All the tension left your body and you finally took a big breath that was a bit shaky from all the nerves built up. You finally found your voice and turned to Tae.
“I owe you.”
“You owe me big time because I also slipped that boy your number because you left in such a rush.”
“What did I ever do to deserve you kim taehyung?”
“Hey, I know have a potential girlfriend so your gonna have to get over your crush on me. I know it'll be hard but I believe in you.”
The next morning you woke up to a text from an unknown number that read
Morning Cinderella, You left behind a glass slipper and I know that it's a shoe of value so I think it'd be best if you came and collected it straight away.
You replied.
Wrong number i dont own shoes of that description
He replied within seconds
Oh sorry. How about a coffee you know for the inconvenience?
you were quick to reply with a smile on your face
Sounds good. See you in 10! x
a/n: I hope you guys liked my first sammy fic! let me know what you think or just talk/rant/ask anything in my inbox
continue reading my other works on my masterlist
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def-initely-soul · 6 years
Hi! Jae! 10 and 49! Crack obvs ^-^ love you lots!
u got it bb
Jae? I definitely did not see that coming xD
Bias: Jae from DAY6
Prompt: #10 “This tree’s bigger than my future” + #49 “How many advent calendars does one person need?”
Genre: Crack/Fantasy AU?
Warnings: None
Words: 1.2k
You ascend into consciousness into what appears as a blur of red and green. The ground below you feels uncomfortable, sharp edges puncturing your body everywhere as you try to make sense of where you are. You flinch in pain as you try to get up, only to groan out loud but then a helpful hand appears in front of you out of thin air.
You look upwards to find a boy looking at you with soft eyes and a kind smile. His eyes are brown reminding you of molten chocolate and his hair is a very golden shade of blonde, from what you can see from underneath his pointy hat.
Wait. Pointy hat?
The slight blur abandons your eyes and you realise the pointy hat is red and green. As are the rest of his clothes. Green shorts over striped tights and a red t-shirt over a simple green full-sleeved shirt. The pointy hat is decorated with small golden bells and right from underneath it are hiding two… two…
You gasp out loud.
Pointy ears.
The boy has pointy ears.
What the hell is going on?
“Hello, I can see you’re confused but I can help. My name is Jae and I’m a Christmas elf!” the boy in front of you greets you with a smile but you’re left in shock.
“A Christmas elf?” you ask incredulously.
“Well, I’m just an intern for now but if I do my job right, next year I’ll be promoted into a permanent Christmas elf!” the boy announces cheerfully but your eyes are already occupied as they take in the room you’re currently in. 
The ceiling is ten meters tall, the walls a beautiful shade of beige with red and green intricate details gracing them. There’s a huge fireplace with hundreds of stocking hanging over it, each one overstuffed and next to it stands proud a big Christmas tree. It’s a fir and it’s gigantic, almost reaching the ceiling, loaded with millions of ornaments and tinsels and ribbons and snowflakes and you can’t help yourself when the following words escape you.
“This tree’s bigger than my future.”
The boy next to you can’t help but laugh out loud at that before gathering your attention once more.”If you’ll follow me, we have to meet the big guy,” he motions you forward and you can’t help but follow him down the hall.
“Big guy?” you can’t help your curiosity.
The boy looks at you as if you’ve gone mad. “Well, Santa Claus of course, who else?”
On second thought maybe you have?
“Wait I have a question, if you’re an elf why are you tall?” you ask cautiously and the boy laughs again.
“Elves aren’t tiny like movies depict them. They come in the average human sizes,” he announces with a skimp on his step.
“Then why are they all so tiny compared to Santa?” you ask seriously, deciding to roll with it. Maybe it is all a dream that you will wake up from soon.
The boy only looks at you mischievously as you reach a big golden door. His hand wraps around the doorknob and with a smirk, he opens the door.
“I guess now you’ll get to see why everyone calls him “big guy”,” the boy says and when your eyes move to the room behind the door, your mouth drops.
There in the middle of the room rest a big wooden chair made of candy and glitter. And when we say big, we mean big, like the size of a closet big. And upon it sits a man, dressed in the familiar red and white suit, while running his fingers through his long, white beard.
Right before your eyes is Santa Claus himself. Him in his all seven meters glory.
“Santa, I brought you what you asked for,” Jae gleams at the man on the chair, swinging at the pads of his feet with glee.
The man with the white beard looks confused at the elf for a moment before a note of realization passes through his eyes and he rests his head on his hand with a sigh.
Jae’s smile slowly fades as he tries to understand what went wrong and you’re equally confused as to why Santa requested you specifically.
Oh my god! Maybe it’s like one of those movies where Santa has to pick a successor, and you’re the chosen one! Maybe all of the bad luck in your life has lead you to this moment where you’ll get to prove your worth and be the best Santa Claus to ever-.
“I asked for the purest pearl, not the purest girl,” the big guy sighs, looking more and more tired and a look of pure shock descends your features.
The purest girl? Is this some kind of a joke? You are not pure. Not pure at all. Where did this elf base his opinion on?
The boy looks mortified as his eyes travel between you and Santa. “B-But I thought you said-”
“Why on earth would I need the purest girl? I wanted the purest pearl as I gift for my wife and now you’ve ruined it…” Santa Clause explains rubbing his temples slowly before standing up from his chair.
“Maybe you’re not fit for this type of work. Call over Sungjin for me to take over,” Santa announces and Jae’s mouth clumps shut out of sheer embarrassment.
“And take this girl back to her home, for Christmas’ sake!”
“Can I ask one question before I go, though?” you interrupt the man itself and he turns around to finally look at you.
“You may, young girl,” he responds with a kind smile.
“How many advent calendars does one person need?” you ask the only question that’s been bugging your mind from the moment you stepped into the room. Every wall is filled with thousands of advent calendars, some of them open and some of them closed. You can’t help but wonder why does he need so many.
Santa Claus looks at you taken aback but then a loud laugh roars through the room. And for some reason, it starts snowing? Like inside the room? That has a roof and everything?
The man takes this moment of confusion to kneel in front of you with a wide smile.
“You wanna know why I have so many calendars, young girl?”. You nod eagerly.
The man smiles again and he leans forward, ready to confess to you one of his secrets and your whole body buzzes with excitement.
And then he replies.
“Because I’m Santa Claus!”
Then with one snap of his fingers, you’re back on your bed, safe and sound, fast asleep.
And in the morning you’ll wake up with one hell of a dream to tell your cousins.
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smorebin · 6 years
S/S to DAY6 seeing a cute person and deciding to volunteer at the daycare they work at
Anon asked: DAY6 scenario of meeting a cute girl from church & getting close to her by joining the baby daycare & watching her take care of the babies rly well? heheh thank you <33
Notes: I made two adjustments to the ask if that’s okay! I changed it to a gender neutral pronoun because I like to include everyone in my writing when I can, and I don’t know the religions of all the members so I wrote according to the religions that I was aware of! Still, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!
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(wow he looks cute here... UR NOT EVEN MY BIAS JAE STOP)
Jae would be hella shy 24/7 around them, especially if he just saw them like sitting in a pew and found out from a friend that they worked at the church’s daycare. Aside from volunteering at the daycare to get closer to them, he would actually realize how much he loved hanging out and playing with the kids.
He was too busy focusing on his fingers hitting chords and strumming against the acoustic guitar strings as the little kids sat around him in a circle singing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” to notice that you had stopped cleaning the mess the preschoolers had made from an afternoon snack. Even if he was singing a childish song, you wouldn’t be able to tell with the way his raspy voice complimented the rather high key. When he finished the song and the children finished clapping and shouting at how well “Jae-Jae” had done, he looked up to see you smiling and applauding him as well. He had to duck his head as he let a blush creep up his cheeks.
Children’s parents had started to show up around 5 pm to pick up their little ones and as he was putting his guitar back in the case he overheard a conversation that you were having with one of the parents.
“It’s so nice to see your boyfriend come in to play the guitar for the children.” The mother smiled at you.
You responded with a slightly blush and a shake of the head. People saw you as his significant other? Do we look good together? Do they like me back? A million thoughts swarmed his mind as he lowered his head to hide his blush as he zipped up the guitar case.
After all the kiddos had gone he was waiting for you to lock the daycare doors as he sat on a railing. Once you were done and appeared by his side, before you could say goodbye he worked up an extra ounce of courage. “Do you want to have dinner with me? There’s this great little shop up on the corner.” to which you gladly accepted.
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(what kinda dork is this???)
Someone who would totally try to act cool and suave around them and totally fail. But in all honesty the kids loved him so he ended up coming on days even when the person he was crushing on wasn’t working in the daycare because he also really liked working with the kids as well. They’ve basically adopted him and the person he is crushing on at this point. They are their daycare “parents”.
Let’s just say Sungjin’s brightest moments weren’t inside the daycare. From letting the young girls put his hair in pigtails and the boys to climb on his shoulders and arms as if he was a living jungle-gym. Then again who could blame him when he was trying to impress you with how good he was with kids. Though, while you were trying to get them to calm down for nap time (with the few older kids helping out) he was too busy play wrestling the five year olds and winding them up. The only time that they would actually tend to behave when Sungjin was around was when he pulled out his guitar and played a soft lullaby for them to fall asleep to.
It was a rare occasion when Sungjin got you to join in on his antics with the children. It was recess time and he was running around in a game of tag with a young group of boys and girls when he suddenly ran up behind you.
“TAG YOUR IT” He said, voice slightly raised, in your ear. Before you could turn around he was already halfway across the field with a bunch of preschoolers on his heels. With a rather competitive spirit, you couldn’t just let him get away with that, could you? So you raced out into the field and beelined towards Sungjin in an attempt to get him back.
The children were running around your feet, happy that you were playing along until you suddenly tripped, before you could land in the mud you felt a strong grip around your waist and looked up to see Sungjin’s concerned face above your own. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to get you hurt.”
When you nodded and hid your blush, he smiled. “Let me take you out to lunch to make up for it one day. I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”
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Actually didn’t decide to work in the daycare but because there was an afterschool academy in the same complex, he decided to get a job there. He saw it as a double win because one, it wasn’t volunteer work and he got payed. And two, he got to see you every day. So when he walked out to have lunch and he saw you, he ended up spending his lunch in the daycare to which the kids got him to play the piano and sing before he had to go back to work.
He had just started his “lunch” break when he walked out of the door he saw you standing in the hallway struggling to carry in bags of what appeared to be crackers and juice boxes. Before you could topple over and drop all that you were carrying, he appeared in front of you, putting his hands under the boxes and urging you to hand them off to him. “Do you have a lot of kids in the center today?” He asked as you gave a sigh of relief from the weight lifting off your shoulders.
Giving a small hum you asked him about how it was at the academy and he responded with a slow before you went to open the door as he helped you carry the snacks inside. Upon seeing Brian, the kid’s surrounded his feet but when you told them off, they backed away slightly to avoid tripping him.
Once the food was set down he helped you pass out the snacks anf sat with you at a regular sized desk once everyone was fed.
“You know, you should really eat more than a protein bar and green tea, Brian.” You looked up at him from the salad and sandwhich sitting infront of you.
“I’m fine, plus, it keeps my energy up.” He waved the protein bar wrapper infront of your face.
“Please eat, I’m not even that hungry today.” You pushed a half of your sandwhich towards him. “If not I’m forcing you to go to dinner with me, that way I know you’re eating.” Brian had become a close companion since he started working at the academy.
“I’ll guess I have to skip out on the lunch today.” He laughed and threw the snack wrapper into the trash. With a groan he stood up and pushed in the chair before turning to the door. “Don’t forget about that dinner you promised me, Y/N!” He gave off in a sing song voice before saying goodbye to the kids and shutting the door behind him.
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(people need to stop sleeping on a smile as bright at the sun smh)
 The exact opposite of Sungjin lmao. Honestly always questioning himself on whether or not he looks or sounds super dorky in front of his crush when in reality is the type to make them blush 24/7 without even realizing it. Loves the kids, the kids love him back. They all refuse to go to sleep unless he is there singing a lullaby.
It was one of the few days that Wonpil wasn’t able to come in and help around the daycare which was rather odd because whenever you had a shift he asked to pick one up at the same time. Something about prior engagements.
It was right around 1 in the afternoon which meant it was time for the kids to take a nap, except all of them were fighting it because “Wonpilie-hyung” and “Wonpilie-oppa” wasn’t there to sing them a song before they could drift off into dream land. After fighting them for the past hour, you went to your last resort which was to call Wonpil in hopes that he would be free enough to sing the children to sleep for few minutes.
Afraid that he wouldn’t even pick up you were surprised that he was on the line after the second ring. “Hey Y/N. Is everything okay, did the other volunteer not come in?” His voice was straining to speak over the obvious background noise that sounded like rather inconsistent bangs to a bass drum and torturous sliding of keys on a piano.
“Ummmm, it sounds like you are busy, maybe I shouldn’t have called.” You were already second-guessing yourself and started to pull the phone away from your ear, ready to hang up, sighing in the fact that you would have to find another way to make the children fall asleep.
“No-no-no, let me just get to a quiet hallway or something.” He quickly cut your small rant off, and soon the strident noises were no longer heard. “Is there something wrong?” His voice came through the phone cracked but still lyrical as ever.
“Ummm.” You hesitated. “I’m having trouble getting the kids to sleep and I was wondering if you could maybe, sorta…”
“Of course I’ll sing them a song Y/N.” You could practically see the beam cross his lips. “You should’ve just asked.”
The children were finally asleep and you were out in the hall in order to no disturb them. “Thank you so much for helping me get them asleep, I know you weren’t exactly planning on having to deal with them today. I swear your voice is the most soothing thing to them.” You smiled. The next thing you knew, a blush was rising through your neck to your temples.
“Is it soothing and sweet to you?” When there was no response on his side he quickly attempted to cover it. “Was that way too cheesy?”
Finally gaining your bearings you smiled. “No, I like hearing your voice everyday.”
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(y’all he’s so cute how in el mundo is this possible?!?!?!?!?!?!)
Ummm he is still a child. Lol, no honestly when he first came in to volunteer, all the kids were slightly scared of him because of how deep his voice was. But soon enough he was the one that they would ask to do weird voice impressions or act like a reporter and a character in a game that they were playing. ULTIMATE KING OF PLAYING HOUSE. But suddenly gets super shy and his voice cracks when the kids ask his crush to play house with them and make Dowoon and them pretend as if they were married. If only he knew how much they were also screaming on the inside.
It was a Thursday night and a couple parents had called saying they had to work a little bit late so you and Dowoon had agreed to keep the daycare open until the last child had left with a familiar face. As a way to pass time for the tiring kids, you both had agreed play a small game of house and the first thing the young matchmakers had done was place you and Dowoon in a VERY domestic relationship.
In order to act out the fantasies of the young ones, you and Dowoon pretended to play the part of husband and wife while they ordered both of you around as if they were directors to a broadway play. Everything had gone as it would have: the usual fight over something petty, the lovely ‘makeup’ hug, cooking dinner together, pretending to eat the said (plastic) dinner; that was until the mischievous kids decided to take a different route. They ran up to Dowoon and you could see the blush rise to his ears despite the low lighting. He promptly shook his head and the children giggled before nodding their heads vigorously. Which he vigorously shook his head even harder. At this point you were curious about what the conversation had been about but before you could ask, the children’s parents came walking through the door and you and Dowoon were forced to lift yourself off your haunches to properly greet the adults.
Once the children and parents were gone, you were finishing cleaning the last of the day’s mess up with the help of Dowoon when the previous sight appeared in the back of your mind.
Bending down to place a toy into its proper bin you called out Dowoon’s name which he responded with a small sound of acknowledgement. Taking it as a sign to continue, you asked him about a conversation with the young sister and brother duo from before. Without a response you figured he wasn’t going to answer but when you stood up and turned around, you were met with Dowoon’s lips meeting your cheek, before quickly stepping away.
“They told me to kiss you but I wasn’t going to do it infront of the children.” He mumbled under his breath before he went back to sweeping the floor for any crumbs.
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dat-town · 7 years
What kisses dream of
Characters: radio host!Jae & You
Setting: friends to lovers au
Genre: fluff
Summary: in which Jae passive agressively dedicates songs to you on the radio without you knowing they are meant for you so you get jealous
Words: 1.8k
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Being Park Jaehyung's best friend is an adventure. Last-minute weekend trips, impromptu singing sessions on the streets, spicy ramen eating contests, texting silly memes and awful lot of emojis 24/7, sneaking back to your dorm room at three in the morning, laughing at the smallest things, a hand around your shoulder whenever you feel down, Saturday movie nights with sweet popcorn and you getting pissed when he talks English you don't understand.
It's always fun and you are content, you swear you are even if those nasty butterflies in your stomach tell otherwise. But your heart can’t help but skip a beat whenever he smiles at you fondly, grabs your hand or just simply hugs you as a greeting. You tell yourself you shouldn't get greedy and want more than what you have. Or more than what you can have. Because of course, Jae likes somebody who isn't you: Somebody who is funny, kind and smart, a girl that makes him dedicate cheesy songs to her.
Jae has been working as a late night host at a local radio station ever since he quitted university because it wasn't for him. You have never missed his show since then and he likes to tease you about it or even embarrass you sometimes on air like telling his listeners about that annoying friend of his who still owns him a pack of chicken. But no matter how smug he acts, you can tell he appreciates your loyalty. However, truth to be told, you don't do it solely because you are best friends but because you are addicted to his show. You love his jokes, his music taste and that three hours every weekday when you can do anything while listening to his voice. You only dread those last moments recently, those last tracks because now Jae often dedicates a heart fluttering love song to some girl his listeners like to ask him about.
"She's the most amazing person I have ever met," he once said and it pained you more than it should have.
You couldn't say anything but it hurt you both as his best friend and as the girl who has been in love with him probably ever since he sat down to built sand castles with you when you were five. Though, you only realized it last Christmas when he gently kissed you under a mistletoe due to your friends' endless nagging.
"Are we ok?" he asked then, looking at you so closely, only a few breaths away, you couldn’t think properly. And what could you have said anyway? You were still dazed only because of this quick, chaste kiss that shouldn’t mean anything more than an innocent peck between friends, so you played it safe:
"Yeah, of course."
You haven't talked about it ever since, most likely because it really didn’t mean anything to him. But you were becoming more and more aware of your infatuation over him. It’s not just a crush on your part but as his best friend you can only support him if he likes that girl so much, even if he isn't willing to tell you more about her.
"Huh and you call yourself my best friend?" he laughed at you one time you asked about this mystery girl. Jae teased you for a week straight after the incident that you shouldn't be jealous yet you couldn't help it: you were. You are. Because where is this dream girl Jae dedicates all the sickeningly sweet confession songs and how can she not notice how great he is?
You don't even know why you keep making yourself suffer but you sure as hell can't say no to Jae. Not when he whines that he missed dinner and asks you to bring him something to eat at the radio station. That’s how you end up in the studio building with hands full of exotic spiced chicken wings he likes so much. He is almost done when you arrive so you wave to him through the glass window and his face brightens as he sees you... or at least, his dinner. He mouths you ‘five minutes’ note with a short nod, putting down the take-out and entangling your earphones to listen to the end of his show. You catch the last accords of an Ed Sheeran song and then Jae's melodious voice fills your ears.
"Hey late night listeners, this was Perfect and as I see online a lot of you have been wondering about this girl I like. Is your life so boring that you care so much about mine?"
You swear his laugh is even prettier when he mentions that girl which makes you gulp bitterly. Still, you can't take your eyes off of him, not when he smiles so bright, eyes disappearing into crescents behind his glasses, ruffling his blonde hair and looking happier than ever.
"Okay, if you are so curious, I tell you that I know for sure that she's listening to my show right now. So yes, dear listeners, one of you is the girl who stole my heart," he says and your breath hitches.
The show is online but how can he tell? He didn't track the girl's IP address, right? That would be a bit creepy. When Jae glances at you, he laughs at you scandalized expression a lot amused.
"I'm sure you are all wondering how it all happened. Well, I have known her so long I'm pretty sure I have always loved her one way or another. But I only realized that it's a different kind of love when she had her first boyfriend and I had to fake a smile."
Your mind is running miles in a second searching for somebody in Jae's big group of friends who can be the one. Jae's not helping since he's quite protective of every single girl friend of his because he likes to act like the funny big brother everybody would like to have. Except you.
"She doesn't know that I'm a bit of a romantic and she probably thinks it's lame of me to confess with songs but come on, songs can tell it better than me,” you best friend keeps making you suffer without knowing because it’s almost unbearable to hear him talk more about this lucky girl. It feels like a stab in the heart and you are close to having enough of all this when he continues with his confession: “All of these songs remind me of her and if she doesn't put it together today I'm gonna give up because the song I'm playing tonight is significant in our ‘relationship’ dare I say. At least for me. So hey, love, if you don't feel the same way it's okay but this is how I feel. Here comes When you love someone by Day6, our beloved local band, here you go. This has been Jae. Thank you for staying with me tonight. Good night, sweet dreams and don't forget to subscribe."
As Jae pushes some buttons on the control panel, music flows and he puts down his headphone making his way towards the room in which you stand paralyzed listening to the song that was playing when you two kissed that night almost a year ago. What the hell?
"You are an idiot!" you punch him on the chest as soon as he steps out of the soundproof booth. You emotions are all over the place varying from delighted, relieved to a bit mad.
"Say something I don't know," the boy giggles putting his manly hands over your fists to keep them there close to his heart and then there’s a pause while he expectantly waits for you to say something. It’s rare to see him so hesitant and uncertain because most of the times he seems very sure of himself. But you have never had heart to make him wait for too long so you gather all your courage and tell him how you feel:
"I kind of love you too," you finally say out loud, softly, cheeks rosy and voice shyly quiet.
"Thank God, it would have been super awkward if you didn't," Jae scratches the back of his neck letting out a bit forced rippling laughter.
"You could have said something, I can't believe I was jealous of myself!" You huff but you almost regret it because Jae has the nerve to keep smirking.
"That was pretty fun to watch," he remarks lightheartedly and you roll your eyes. Of course, it must had been amusing for him.
You clear your throat nervously before asking the big question: "Sooo what changes?"
"Hm... except for being girlfriend and boyfriend instead of best friends, it can be pretty much the same, I guess. My mom says we already act like a couple," Jae shrugs with a fond smiles until something crucius doesn’t cross his mind and when he looks down on you, he seems so serious you don’t know what to make out of it. "Oh but the kissing! Let’s not forget that part! We have to kiss now."
The desperation in his voice makes you giggle and in an instant your feel your previous stiffness dissolving into thin hair. It’s just Jae after all, your best friend whom you trust with all your heart…
"Who said I want to?" you raise an eyebrow in challenge that makes him pout sadly.
"Fine then just let me hold your hand."
You touch your chin with a finger acting like you’re thinking hard. "I'll think about it."
However, Jae knows you and your acting skills too well because he doesn’t seem bothered at all as he turns his back on you like he didn’t care. "Sure."
"Okay, wait, I made up my mind," you stop him quickly before he could get farther away and grabbing his hand you stand in front of him. His brown eyes are glimmering stars of the universe as he curiously gazes at you. "I want you to hold my hand and kiss me."
You surprise yourself being so blunt and a blush is already adorning your features as you duck your head down. But Jae doesn’t let you hide for long as he sneaks his long fingers around your neck, under your jaw and leans down until his lips are ghosting over yours.
"With pleasure," he whispered raspily in a way that makes your knees weak but you kiss him back with equal force. He tastes like the coffee he drinks and something sweet, addicting, you lose yourself to the feeling but just because you know Jae will always be there to catch you when you fall.
So if being Park Jaehyung's best friend was already an adventure, being his girlfriend is the whole damn feast but you don’t regret a thing. Never with him.
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Don’t you dare!
Post Date: 6th June 2022 Content: Angst/Smut - Day6 Jae x Reader  WC: 2.3K TW?: DDLG/ Hair Pulling/ Cussing/ Edging/ Masterbating/ Fingering/ Hickeys/ Degration  Request?: Yes 
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 6 - “Try me” 11 - “You’ve pissed me off now” 35 - “Say please”
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“What do you have there?” Jae curiously asks, staring down the extremely delicious looking homemade milkshake that you have in your grasp, slowly sipping from as you smle at up at him, wiggling your shoulders happily, “A milkshake,” you reply, all soft. He couldn’t help but scoff at how cute you were trying to act cool, moving closer to you, to try and get a sip of the milkshake but you pull it away from him all defensive, “If you want some, go make your own!” you whine at him, pushing yourself up against the edge of the other side of the couch. His eyes roll to the back of his head, already fed up of your shit as he just wanted to try it, “Fine, be like that then,” he mutters under his breath and you’re content again with your little creation, whilst he just sits there, pouting at you but tries to not make it obvious. 
Without warning, he walks out of the room, bored out of his skull, to try and find something to do himself hoping you’d notice at some point to make effort to bother him, since he’s too stubborn to ask you to do something himself. It’s been a while since he last streamed, so that was his first idea, setting himself ready to go live, grabbing a few snacks and a drink ready for a game binge whilst talking to friends. It only took a matter of 10 minutes before you realised Jae wasn’t sitting next to you, as you look around briefly, wondering where he may have gone, would he have gone to make his own milkshake? Or would he be pouting to himself at his desk? Suddenly getting all curious, you shuffle to your feet, pulling down your hoodie as you get ready to go on a boyfriend hunt. As you slowly get closer to his little studio, you could hear his little laugh, muffled by the walls and doors in the way. You tip-toe towards the door, taking hold of the door handle before slowly and attentively being quiet to turn it, exposing your boyfriend’s silhouette in front of his monitors, playing a 1st person shooting game, laughing at his friends in chat. 
For minutes, you peep around the door, in hopes he’d realise you’re there, but with no luck, you creep inside the room, silently closing the door behind you as you go to sit in the spare chair, spending minutes there twiddling your thumbs from anticipation that he’s going to notice you at some point, though you just found yourself getting impatient and even more bored as he continued to glue his eyes to the game on the screen. It was time to start pulling some antics out of your sleeve as you creep behind him, putting your hands on his shoulders, making him jump, and receiving a little shout from him as you scare him. You could hear his friends laughing through the headset as you start laughing yourself, clutching your chest, his reaction tickling you as you fall back onto the chair. “You guys didn’t hear anything!” he cries to his friends on the mic before muting himself, slowly turning around in his chair to face you, tears of laughter streaming down your face, “Since when did you come in?!” he cries, pouting, hand still checking for a heartbeat in his chest, “Like 20 minutes ago!” you splutter through laughter, watching his face fall, just adding to your hysterical state. You swear you would be rich with the number of times this guy rolls his eyes, as he quickly unmutes himself to answer his friends who called for him. He took this as a chance to ignore you, purposely this time as he tries to focus on his game once again.
After catching your breath, and attempting to calm down, you weren’t going to put up with him purposely ignoring the fact you were in the room, so it was time to turn it up a notch. How would he react to you teasing him whilst he tries to pay attention to his game? You were so ready to find out the answer as you move your chair closer to him, practically hip-to-hip, receiving a brief evil glare off him as you sit there, playing all innocent, as though you were just interested in what he was playing. Your fingertips trace their way up the arm of his chair, down to his knees, tickling up towards the top of his thigh, as you gently place your hand down, extremely close to his crotch. With disappointment from a lack of reaction, you inch your hand closer, resting it on his crotch this time, as you rest your head on his shoulder. Still, no reaction, so you put your antics on full, piss off Jae mode, as you move your head, adjusting it to be able to comfortably kiss his cheek, trailing it down his neck, licking and sucking on where you knew he liked it the most usually, receiving a hiss from him, muting himself again on the mic before biting at you, “Get off, what are you doing?” you play innocent, looking up at him with puppy eyes as you shuffle closer, but get pushed back on your chair, “You’ve pissed me off now, let me play my game”. A pout forms on your lips as he shrugs, putting his attention back to the screen.
That’s it, you’ve touched a nerve, mission accomplished. However, the reaction you’ve had seemed to have triggered something in you, that craved for him to bite, to get angry, to make you regret pissing him off, tempted to see how much you could do to get him to fuck you, giving in to your antics. Getting up on your feet, you slowly walk to behind him, running your fingers through his hair before pulling it slightly, kissing all up his neck again. Within seconds, you could feel his long and slender fingers reach around to back of your neck, up into your hair to pull your head down next to him, so he could bite your lip before leaving go, pushing you back again a little. Noticing the grin on your face, he adjusts in his seat, a bulge growing in his tracksuit bottoms before he clicks his tongue, “Lads, I have to end the stream early, something came up... Yeah... I’ll speak to you soon, goodnight”. 
For moments, you stood there, shaking a little from being highly turned on by his reactions, but also at the fact you didn’t know what he was thinking or going to do, as he lets out a loud sigh, before turning in his chair to stand up, hovering over and looking down at you, with angry lust in his eyes. You swallow hard, gulping at the sudden feeling of being scared rush through you as you back off a little but he follows you, keeping eye contact. “What the fuck, do you think you’re doing? Playing up like that?” he growls as you nervously giggle, shrugging your shoulders before stiffening up, realising you wanted this as you walk up to him, braving to react like a brat, “I just felt like it~” you sung, as your hands clasp together, falling in front of you as you swayed yourself, innocently, puppy eyes returning to wind him up even more.
“Oh really, that’s how you wanna be? You’re going ot act like a brat huh?” he says softly before turning cold, hand caressing your cheek before moving down to your throat, grabbing it tightly, “Try me”. If you weren’t wet from the events leading up to this, you definitely were as you try to suppress a moan, keeping a smirk plastered on your lips before biting your bottom lip, making him growl at the sight, leaning in, face so close to yours, you could feel his breath gently blowing against your lips. You’re now falling into his trap, his lips millimetres away from yours, giving you the impression as though he was finally going to kiss you, but he pulls away, making you whine. Now the smirk was on his face as he lets go of you, attempting to walk away before you know that all you had to do now was get all bratty on him, “Little bitch” you mutter under your breath, making him turn on his heels, tongue in cheek, “What did you say?” he voices, you knew you were done for now, as he runs his hand up to the back of your head, pulling at your hair once again, pulling your head to the side. “I asked you a question, you better answer it, baby girl,” he voices, as you whimper, trying to keep up the brat facade, but the way he has you is inevitably too much for you to even risk it even more, though you still don’t answer, keeping your lips glued together.
From receiving no answer from you, he picks you up and places you on the table next to him, grip still on your hair as he pulls your head to the side, giving him access to trail kisses down your neck, starting from just behind the ear down, lacking forgiveness as he nips at your skin, sucking harshly, leaving dark purple marks, at least 4 on your neck. These made you whimper, and almost moan but you fight strongly against it, for now. “Fuck, Daddy,” you whimper as your body twitches under the pain from his biting, but it was so pleasurable as you try to put your hand down your shorts, your fingers rubbing circles on your clit, creating more pleasure, sending shivers down your spine. Though that didn’t last long as he notices what you were doing, gripping onto your wrist as he pulls your hand out, licking your fingers before smirking and letting go of his grip on your hair. Instead, he grabs tight onto your hips, bruising them from the tightness of it, as you use both of yours to hold yourself up, welcoming the kisses that he’s trailed up to your lips, tongue fighting for dominance as you finally let out a moan, making him chuckle into the kiss.
With a swift movement, your shorts and panties were removed from around your body, onto the floor. His fingers trail up your legs, tickling your thighs before a hand hovers over your core, as you prepare yourself for the pleasure you thought you were going to receive, his fingers slide up your folds before stopping and his hand is pulled away. You cry in disappointment, “Jae please don’t tease!” but all he could do was laugh at your reaction, tongue in cheek before he whispers in your ear, “Oh now I’m teasing you, it’s a problem huh?” followed by a nibble of your ear lobe. Your hand flies up to pull his head closer to yours, to kiss him, but he resists it, pulling back from the force of your pulling, “If you really want me that bad baby, you’re going to beg for it,” he orders, lips barely brushing against yours as you try to beg for your life to get him to touch you, “Daddy, fuck me!”. He shakes his head in disappointment, “Where did your manners go? Say please!”, you could barely even put words together, you craved him to touch you so bad, it took a lot for you to even concentrate properly, “Daddy, please, please fuck me!”.
The wish you asked for was granted to you as his hand trails back down to your core, as you open your legs wide enough for he had to comfortably fit in between your thighs, and for a finger to tease your clit, gliding through your soaking wet folds as he scoffs to himself, “I’ve barely even touched you, and look at you, so wet, dirty little whore,” you couldn’t even contain yourself, the sensation of his finger rubbing your clit in circles was driving you insane as you buck your hips for something more. It didn’t take long for him to enter a finger, then a second, pushing a third as you cry his name, his fingers curling upwards as he finger fucks you, causing the room to be filled with little whines and moans from you, Jae being very happy with himself for making you into a mess as you cry his name.
It didn’t take long either for the pressure to build up in your stomach as your orgasm comes close, you bite onto Jae’s lip, making out heavily, and sloppily, to get some control as your legs and body start to shake, and his fingers doing all the magic in your cunt as he keeps a steady pace, hitting your g-spot repetitively. With the way it was going, you were going to create a huge mess, and Jae knew this, welcoming it as he encourages you to cum all over his hand, “Come on baby girl, cum for me,” and within seconds, you’re cumming all over his hand, removing his fingers to rub your clit, making you squirm and scream, releasing your juices all over him and the floor before he makes you lick his fingers. The smug look on his face was a sight that you knew well, his cockiness shows through as he teases how you crumble under him, but you wanted more, “No, no more, this is all you’re getting for teasing me so much earlier. Behave like a good girl, and you may get fucked again later”, he says, caressing your cheek as you pout at him, which doesn’t work in your favour this time, as you try to gather yourself together after the experience you’ve just had. Now you know not to test his patience, and to not dare see how far you could push him.
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restlessmaknae · 7 years
Heartbreak Hotel; Jae
Take an aspiring song writer, a rebellious high schooler, a sassy English teacher, a passionate painter and an adventurous tour guide. What’s the same in all of them? They’ve all just had their heart broken.
Heartbreak Hotel is a DAY6 angst one-shot collection with 5 members & 5 songs & 5 stories.
Sungjin | Dowoon | Young K | Wonpil | Jae
V. Jae + It Would Have Been
English teacher!Jae x OC’s story in 1033 words. Angst & drama. Triggers: death. I would like to wrap up this angsty series with Jae’s story because the birthday boy deserves more love (and more stories). *-*
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The traces of you are all over the flat.
Your favourite pink sweater with that cute little emoji on the front that you’ve always wanted to see on me. The half-open bottle of your smoky night nail polish that you’ve once used to paint my own nails in secret while I was asleep. The bookmark that you’ve made with your own hands using heart-shaped beads and purple ribbons. The frames that you’ve purchased a week ago, so that we can put our pictures somewhere and not between the pages of your favourite books or between the listening tasks for my English classes. The sweet little messages on the fridge that we’ve left for each other saying plain old I love yous or the funnier ones like I know you’ve said that I shouldn’t eat the last cookie but the temptation was too much. The leftovers of your delicious mapo tofu that you’ve made last night because you know it’s my favourite and I had a pretty rough day and you just wanted to cheer me up. The jokes that I’ve told you and that you jotted down every single time, collecting them in a notebook because you said that you would like to save them for later.
Your pink toothbrush that you bought in a package along with a blue one, so that we can use it as a couple thing. The pictures of you and me that you’ve taken with your polaroid camera and which was my birthday present for you the year before because you’ve always been interested in photography but you never had a decent camera. The keychain with a Kumamon figure on it that you bought for me last Christmas and that I’ve always wanted to put my hands on because that was the only missing piece from my collection. All the essays that you’ve written for my English classes because I kept them all in a folder, organised and neat just like their owner. All the tests that you’ve taken during my classes, so that I can see your handwriting over and over again and start missing your handwriting more and more. Your lovely letter after you had got the results of your CAE exam, thanking me because you had passed and it meant that you had the chance to apply for a scholarship in the UK.
Your phone number that you’ve written down on a piece of paper, your handwriting’s a mess but that’s okay because you were in a hurry and I was after another difficult lesson. The pencil on my desk that I gave you and you never once gave it back face-to-face but still secretly returned it, put it in my drawer and bought a new one alongside the old one. The mug that you had given me for our 3rd anniversary which says that I’m the coolest guy on Earth (and the luckiest too because I have such a girlfriend like you). The mug that I had given you for our 4th anniversary that says that you are the most beautiful girl on Earth and the luckiest too because you have a fiancé like me.
Your vanilla and cinnamon scented candles that you adored to light up no matter the season, the weather or our mood. The scent of your mango and passionfruit perfume that lingers around the bathroom because you always spray so much that the whole room smells of you. The voice message that you recorded for me when I was away for two weeks for a training and the one that can still send shivers down my spine every single time I listen to it. The oversized grey hoodie that is my favourite item and the one you always wear after we sleep together. The sight of your worn-out training shoes that you wouldn’t throw out for the world because those are the ones that you wore when we first met.
The traces of you are all over our flat.
Your plants that you brought with you when we decided to move together. Lucky, our dog that we picked out at an animal shelter and whom we took care of as if it was our own child.
The traces of you are all over our flat. Like you never wanted to go. Like you’ve never even wanted to leave. Like you’ve just got home from work, put your clothes on the coatrack and your shoes on the rack in the hallway and headed to the living room to put on some music – one that we both liked because we could argue over music for hours. Like you’ve never wanted to do anything else but to spend time with me and make this whole place feel like home, feel like our home. Like you’ve never wanted to put an end to this fairy-tale that we were currently writing.
Your beloved clock was still hanging on the wall. It was the one that you bought as soon as we moved together because there wasn’t a single clock around and the one that hits midnight at the moment. The same time I received the news yesterday.
The news of your accident.
The news of your death.
It would have been different… oh, it would have been so much different if I hadn’t let go of your hand after lunch and you wouldn’t want to buy medicine for me because I came down with a flu and we had nothing at home to make me feel better.
I should have said that you were enough, your presence was the only medicine that I needed but you still insisted and went out late at night. A drunk man didn’t stop at the red lights and hit you with his car. You died on the spot with a bag of medication in your hand.
I still can’t let go of the our before the word flat.
I don’t want it to be just mine again.
I don’t want Lucky to be just my dog, I want it to be ours again.
It would have been different but I can’t help it anymore. You aren’t here and you never will. Not again.
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blu-joons · 3 years
We Got Married ~ Jaehyung Park
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His heart was pounding as he bounced around at the top of the alter, watching on as the rows of the church continued to fill up with various people close to the two of you.
“Are the nerves starting to kick in?” Younghyun questioned as he came up alongside Jae, resting a supportive hand against his shoulder, “you know that everything is going to be perfect.”
“The two of you went over the details so many times last night, it’s impossible for anything to go wrong,” Wonpil added with a smile, “you and Y/N are meant to be, you always have been, right?”
Jae’s head nodded as he though back to the moment where the two of you first met, the very first day in the classroom. There was a spare seat next to you, and Jae creeped over, finding no other chair that was free for him to sit himself down on to pay attention.
“Can I sit?” He anxiously asked, resting his hand against the top of your chair, “I don’t usually sit with girls, but today I’ve got to make an exception.”
Your shoulders shrugged back at him, “the floor is available if you want it.”
“At least the two of you learnt to get on with each other,” Sungjin joked as Jae reminded them of the day that you first met, “she’s always had that snap to her that you’ve enjoyed messing with.”
Jae’s head nodded in agreement with him, “the two of us just bounce off each other, that’s one of the things that has always worked so well between the two of us, it’s why we’ve found ourselves here today ultimately.”
“The two of you have been made for each other since you were four,” Dowoon smiled, “no couple spends that long with each other without their relationship being forever.
“I like you,” Jae nervously whispered as he walked you home from the end of your day at college, anxiously placing his hands in front of you, “we’re old enough to think about dating, don’t you think? And there’s no one else that I want to date but you Y/N?”
“Why tell me this now?” You laughed, “you’ve had fourteen years to tell me how you feel Jae, I’ve waited for years for you to say that to me.
A chuckle came from him as he remembered the scolding that he got from you for bottling up his feelings for so long, making sure that he didn’t do the same with your wedding too.
“I’ve spent so many years with her, and yet the thought of seeing her still makes me so excited,” Jae told the four of them, letting go of a quiet sigh, “the excitement never disappears, I still feel like I’m meeting her for the very first time, just a little less anxious.”
There was something about you that always made Jae’s heart race, the feelings never seemed to go away, no matter how many times he thought they might. It was the magic that Jae adored, because it simply never seemed to disappear in your relationship.
“I wonder if Y/N’s as nervous about today as I am.”
“I bet she knows that the two of you were always meant to be too,” Wonpil spoke up, “she adores you too, you should see the way her eyes light up every time you walk into the room, the relationship that you have is perfect.”
“And today will be perfect too, you don’t want Y/N to see you worried,” Sungjin reminded him.
Before Jae could begin to doubt things once again, a wave from a woman at the top of the alter let everyone know that you had arrived. Younghyun quickly helped Jae to straighten out his suit as everyone found their positions.
His heart pounded as everyone took their seats, leaving Jae a lonely man at the front of the alter. His eyes continued to look across at the boys for security, making sure that they didn’t leave his side as he waited for you to stand beside it.
“Don’t panic,” Dowoon whispered across to him with a fist bump.
Jae nodded as the door creaked open, with the pianist to his left beginning to play. He watched on closely as those before you walked down the aisle, taking a sharp intake of breath as he spotted his first sight of white walking down the aisle.
His eyes slowly trailed up from the bottom of your dress, meeting your eyes. Jae bit down on his bottom lip as he tried to keep his composure, feeling memories of decades together suddenly hit him as you walked to stand by his side.
As soon as you were in reaching distance, Jae offered his hand out for you to take, helping you up the step, positioning you in front of him. “You look beautiful,” he smiled across at you.
With your eyes meeting Jae’s, you couldn’t believe where you found yourselves after so many years together. The child in you never imagined that Jae would be your forever, but now you could never imagine that there would be anyone else in the world for you.
“How did we end up here?” Jae laughed, standing in the doorway to your home as he waited to bid you goodbye as you went off to spend your last night unmarried with your best friend.
“I can’t believe I used to hate you,” you chuckled in response to him.
Jae’s eyes rolled at your honesty, “it’s funny, because when I saw you in that classroom, I just knew that you would be the woman that I’d marry.”
“Don’t lie,” you scolded, “I bet you hated me just as much back then too.”
“I liked it when you played hard to get,” he challenged, “even if you were only four, you had me weak at the knees for you Y/N.”
Your wedding hadn’t just been months, or even a year in the making, it had been several years in the making, both through school, work and everything in between. With plenty of ups and plenty of downs, neither of you ever imagined yourself anywhere else in the world.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Park,” the registrar announced before you even gave yourself a moment to blink, feeling your mind fill up with memories of your time together.
“We’re married,” you whispered across to Jae, making sure that you weren’t just dreaming, too nervous to even remember saying your vows to the man that you loved before you.
Jae’s head nodded back at you as he took a hold of both of your hands, taking a step towards you too as he closed the distance between you both and pressed a kiss against your lips.
“You’ve got me for life now,” Jae teased as he pulled away, “I hope you know what you’ve signed yourself up for agreeing to spend the rest of your life with me…..”
“I think after several decades I know what I’ve gotten myself into,” you laughed in reply.
Another chuckle came from Jae as he listened to you, still unable to believe that so much of his life had been spent with you, unable to imagine a time when you hadn’t been around.
“Who would have thought that we’d be here all those years ago,” he whispered, “the two kids at school who never spoke to each other.”
“If only you had stayed quiet and never said hello,” you joked in reply, “I could have been marrying that cute boy that sat in the row in front of us.”
“And now you’re stuck with me,” Jae sniggered.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you smiled, “there is no one else in this world that I would have wanted to marry today.”
“You have to say that with a ring on your finger,” he smirked.
“My mind was made up years ago, right on day one.”
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gdangitjae · 2 years
Inked (🔞) {1/3}
❝I don't want nobody but you kissing on my tattoos.❞ August Alsina
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Theme: So… the Kia x Jae saga continues. This time, they're work vacationing in a hotel for a gig Jae has coming up as eJay eaJ. All Kia needed to do was take a shower, as well as relieve some stress. All Jae wanted to do was chill on the king bed. However, the free time they finally had to themselves seemed to have needed to been spent in other ways…
Also, in this particular situation, Jae has a new tattoo! 🤩
Disclaimer: I thought this up with a Black female (someone that looks and acts a lot like yours truly) in mind. So there will be heavy AAVE (African American Vernacular English) usage.
Kinks / Warnings: masturbation, profanity & dirty talk (some derogatory language will be used), a bit of switch behavior, oral sex (cunnilingus and fellatio), fingering, nipple play, mild-ish choking, some orgasm denial
Additional author notes: This is my first time {in a long time} doing this in first person POV instead of the second person POV I'd been using previously. Due to… recent events, I've been conjuring up quite the scenario for this one… Thank you, and you're welcome.
Once again: If you finish reading my lil fanfic or whatever, I would LOVE for you to click/tap the 'reply' icon at the bottom and let me know what your favorite parts were! Not to mention, if you have any critiques (constructive and productive, of course) or questions, feel more than free!
Riding in the back of the Uber from the airport to the hotel, I legit could not stop staring at Jae's vine-like neck tattoo. It was annoying to say the least, considering he's had that (along with his numerous other tats) for months now. I suppose it was the fact that he told me this morning before boarding the damn plane that I have to somehow search for his latest inscribed addition.
"Where… is it, Jae?" I begrudgingly ask him as we stand in line, blankly staring ahead at the boarding entrance, arms crossed, knowing full well he wasn't gonna answer as bluntly.
"You have to find it… later," he confidentially teases, the latter of that statement quietly chirped in my ear. I roll my eyes with a sly smirk, sensing that it likely meant this was permanently stamped somewhere the sun didn't shine.
So it wasn't until we reach the hotel that I was finally able to stop staring at him like a stalker of sorts. As a matter of fact, I manage to avoid eye contact with him as he held my hand, retrieving the hotel room keys with his free hand.
🌸🎀🏩 🐙 🎟 👛 👚 👅 💓
When we reach the room, I see the king-sized bed with a card on top (likely from the promoter that booked Jae for this engagement). He heads that direction as I pull my suitcase over to the couch.
"I'm gonna take a shower," I tell Jae as I unzip my bag and grab a change of clothes, as well as my shower wrap to protect my hair.
"I'm gonna chill here," Jae replies as he plops down on the bed. "I'm lagged."
"Same," I agree with him, walking by him toward the bathroom. "See you in a bit."
"Okay, don't take too long," I hear Jae request behind me. I can feel him smile as he continues. "I've been missing you."
His subtle confession followed me into the bathroom before the home improvement enthusiast in me jumped out. "Oh shit!
"This my type of shower right here!" I excitably exclaim as I hear Jae laugh from the bed. I notice the built-in seat almost immediately, while I sneak a peak at the other quality features before I discard my clothes.
I leave the bathroom door open for the most part, while closing the shower door almost completely because I never know where water lands when I turn showers on. Sure enough, it immediately lands on the door before I attempt to adjust the shower head, accidentally disengaging the head from its compartment.
Oh!.. Noted, I think to myself as I place it right back. My showers be therapeutic, and I planned on this one not being any different. Especially in light of what Jae's been hinting at today. In addition to the whole tattoo ordeal and him saying he's been missing me, there has been tension building the past few weeks.
Unfortunately, Jae's been too busy preparing for this gig with his team to spend a lot of quality time with me. I understand that completely, but my body does not. It rarely does; I just keep it composed for moral purposes. So, to compensate (because patience is not really my thing), I've been spending some quality alone time with myself, by myself. Though, of course, it's not the same.
As I put my shower cap on over my hair and step into the shower, I definitely wanna respect Jae's privacy and desire to relax in the other room. So I go about my business as usual, which goes well until I begin to really take notice of the water pressure coming from this shower head. Without even thinking about it, I let out a almost inaudible moan as I lean back against the wall. "Fuck, that feels good," I mutter to myself as I resume lathering my body with soap.
Giving extra time to my breasts, I let out a low moan again as I go for my crotch next. As soon as the wet, soapy towel touches my lower lips, I gradually begin to lose my mind. That coupled with the water from the shower head inspired me to try something.
I set the towel down and disengage the shower head once again, this time very much on purpose. I aim it extremely close to my pussy, allowing there to be a lot more pressure from the water. As it rinses the soap off, it also quickly turns me on. "Oh my fucking god," I exhale as I roll my hips upward.
After a few moments of that, I feel myself wince as I take two of my fingers and spread my lips open, mentally shunning the freak in me for even doing this. I knew it obviously wasn't the same as, say, someone else's tongue doing similar work, but it still felt alarmingly good. My moans increase in volume and pitch as those same two fingers make their way inside.
I pretty much forwent the whole quiet thing at this point, but I didn't give a fuck. Maybe someone deserved to hear this and become inspired his damn self. I can't say I'm forcing anyone to do anything, but I also can't say I wasn't giving an option for invitation.
"Oh fuck… Fuck, this feels too fucking good," I moan out, pumping my fingers at a moderate pace, still rolling my hips up to meet its friction. "God, I just wish I had… more to… fuckin' work with.
"I – oh, God – just need your fingers… your tongue… your - fuck! - your dick inside me… Please, baby…" With my head hung, and my eyes struggling to stay open, I could feel myself losing more and more of the composure I barely had to begin with. Half of my remaining brain cells were on mission, the other half unaware of anything else but this moment, yet both halves were working toward the same goals.
At this point, my conscience was speaking for me, somehow delivering a late reply to my boyfriend as I inch my fingers deeper and deeper. "Fuck… I… miss… you too, baby. I wanna be… the only b-bitch… kissing… licking… on you… and all your fucking tattoos. I need my hole filled by you—"
"Which one?" a voice echoes in the vicinity of the bathroom, but I'm already too out of it to register who… else… it might be.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
"Huh?" was all I could get out, half-confused and mostly undone.
"Which hole?" the same voice asks, with the same amount of gentle tenacity.
I begin to slowly open my eyes as I drunkenly reply, "Uhh… all of them?"
I hear laughter on the other side of the shower door as this somehow mysterious voice states, "I only have a mouth, a dick, and two hands… One of which is holding said dick. I'm gonna need you to be a little bit more specific."
"Oh s-shit!" I cautiously shout as I drop the shower head in a slightly startled state of shock, thus completely bringing me back to Earth. "Jae?"
"Nope, it's a janitor," Jae jokes before laughing. I couldn't help but laugh as well, but not before telling him to 'shut the fuck up.'
I pick up the shower head and place it back where it belonged. In the time it took to do that, I recalled what I believe I heard Jae say a minute ago. "Still holding your dick?" I casually ask him.
He answers just as nonchalantly, "Stroking it, even… Just thinking about what you were saying…"
"I swear I don't even remember half of what I fuckin' said…" I meant that. I may have been speaking from my heart or whatever, but I just know for a fact that if I had put any thought into it, half of it wouldn't have ever left my lips.
"That's interesting," Jae states. "You don't remember just saying how you want to be the only one kissing on my tattoos? Or how you want your holes filled by everything?"
"Now I know I didn't say it like that," I retort through the palm that I placed on my face. Shortly after we both chuckle at that, I hear a light thud on his end, causing me to finally open the shower door. What I end up seeing drops me on the shower seat.
Jae takes off his t-shirt and throws it with his pants and boxers I see outside the bathroom door. As he turns to make his way to me, I spy with my little eye… it. The newest addition to his tattoo collection.
"No fucking way," I spit out as I notice this elaborate shooting star opposite his vine-like tattoo, but right above his waist line. It was so nice, but I also caught a glimpse of his soft, yet alluring eyes staring down at me, to which all I could satisfactorily reply to it all was "Mmm."
I scoot over closer to the door on the seat as Jae hovers over me, his hand resuming its position around his cock. "May I come in?"
❝I want my hands tattooed on your body, baby.❞
♪ ♫ Sex Never Felt Better | TGT
I wanted badly to reply, "Not yet, but you can cum real quick," but next thing you know, Jae saunters into the shower, closing the door behind him. To my slight surprise, I almost immediately feel his thumbs circle my nipples while his lips trail kisses all around my neck.
It takes roughly zero seconds for me to moan at the water, my legs attempting to gird themselves around Jae’s torso in agreement. “Jae, fuck…” It seemed like he waited for actual words to leave my mouth before moving on up to my gaping lips.
Taking a seat next to me, he gently wraps his fingers around my neck, leisurely gliding his tongue around my lips one good time before it eases his way in between them with a smirk. I couldn’t help but smile while kissing him back because one, that was hot as fuck considering, two, he’s terribly good at maintaining some sort of composure… no matter how bad he may seem to want me.
I feel a hand sail along my wet skin, down to what probably is consistently the wettest part of me. I end up biting Jae’s bottom lip, obnoxiously moaning through my teeth when I feel just the tips of two of his fingers press against my entrance.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," I repeat breathlessly as Jae simultaneously pulls his lip back and pushes his fingers further inside me. “Shit, baby…”
“God, I miss hearing that,” Jae utters out in my ear, “you sound so good… Damn, you haven’t been this tight in a fucking minute.”
I sluggishly moan low in Jae’s ear, actually feeling how I’m readjusting back to the now full length of these same two fingers, along with a thumb circling the clit. As heavenly as it feels, I couldn’t resist attempting to shoot a tiny verbal dagger his direction… because why not? “Then keep doing something about it.”
Instantly, I feel Jae’s lips on my neck, paving their own trail down my body. After resting on the islands of my breasts a couple moments, his mouth continues to journey downward to meet my fingers. I soon begin to feel his warm breath blowing between my thighs as I feel a twisting of the fingers before they are pulled out of me.
“J-Jae…” I breathe out, my eyes opening to Jae sucking two fingers while seemingly surveying every inch of my being. I’m able to hear him hum just over the sound of the water hitting his back, both hands placed firmly around the inside of my thighs as he plunges himself head-first into my pussy. Hums were accompanied with licking beneath me, while names were replaced with panting above him.
“Fuck,” Jae exhales when I see his face again. “You always taste so fuckin’ good,” he compliments, three fingers stretching me out as his tongue rejoins in alternation.
“Oh, fuck!” I shakily moan out, threading my fingers through Jae’s slick hair, holding his head steady as I grind my pulsating pussy up to his hungry mouth. Still feeling Jae’s long fingers dig their way directly to my clit, I do my best to encourage him. “Please don’t stop… until I cum… Keep going… Go deeper, babe…”
Jae hums approvingly before following those orders in a way that makes my damn head spin, and my eyes roll back. I grip the seat as I have my legs rested on Jae’s upper back. I notice a moment of withdrawal as he disengages his tongue from my dripping pussy, only for him to spit on it before submerging his face back in between my legs.
Between the vibrations from his sporadic humming and his tongue and fingers feeling like they’re doing backflips damn near in my stomach, I cry out in stimulating pleasure… especially when his free hand makes its way up to fondle my tits.
“Mmhmm,” is all I hear Jae utter out without letting up for a second. If nothing else, his fingers pump themselves even faster, and my legs begin to shake.
This is usually the portion of the program where he stops completely, with his teasing ass. I struggle to open my eyes, glaring down at Jae, whose almost playful gaze is staring at me. After one more solid suck, he forces his head back in laughter, both hands still where they were before.
He knows that I know how he operates, so as he begins to lift himself from the tiled shower floor, he assures, “I wouldn’t do that to you this time, babe.”
“Mm,” is my snarky little reply before Jae’s tongue flicks ever-so-slightly on the nipple that isn’t already having a thumb grazed across or being pinched. “Please…”
Jae’s fingers had slowed down, yet dug themselves even deeper, as he latches his mouth around that same nipple. As he switches between each perky nub, he pumps his fingers inside me faster… and faster.
“Oh God, Jae…” I exhale, getting weaker in the knees with just about every motion, yet strengthening Jae with each moan that eases or forces itself out of my lips.
Now Jae takes it into his own hands to encourage me. “Yeah, Ki… Let me know just how much you missed this shit, baby.”
“So fucking much, babe,” I reply, still breathless, my back arching when I feel a large hand against the moisture of it. “So… damn… f-fuck, Jae!”
I couldn’t even finish reiterating my feelings due to how distracted I became, with Jae’s fingers repeatedly hitting my clit directly. Once his lips were back on my neck, it was a wrap. Without so much as a loud gasp in Jae’s ear, an inebriating orgasm transpires. I let out a moan so loud and lusty that I’m sure one could hear it from the hotel hallway.
When Jae’s fingers finally ease their way out of me, a jet stream of cum leaks out, and tears literally start to build. “Fuck, Jae…” I chuckle, as he takes one of those fingers and gestures for me to suck on it. Which I do, of course, before he pulls it out and momentarily sucks another one.
Throwing my head back, I blindly, yet tenderly feel along Jae’s creamy wet skin. While still recovering and calming my body down, I begin to slither to the floor. I start to regain some strength… because this is far from over.
❝…I love them tattoos, I still gotta learn 'em all… Tell me when you're gonna make them the writings on my wall…❞ ♪ ♫ Touch Me | Victoria Monet
Once I look up to face a now standing Jae (in more ways than one), I look up and down his body, admiring the artwork painted throughout it. Not quite fully back on Earth mentally, I finally decide to express a thought or two on the star on his stomach. "I really like this astral situation you got going on, baby," I tell him with a mellow grin.
After Jae thanks me for the compliment, I place a few pampering kisses along said 'situation,' adjusting myself so that I'm already sitting back on the seat. Meanwhile, Jae asks, "What do you like about it?"
My brief, honest answer? "How close it is to what I want," I reply as I hunch over, my lips and tongue coating the tip of his dick.
"Oh fuck," Jae breathes out, immediately satisfying my ears, as well as other places along my body. I see his hand grip the shaft before continuing to stroke.
I suck the tip while gently running my thumb along the tattoo before looking up at him. For one, I could tell it had been at least a couple weeks since he'd gotten it, due to him not flinching when I began to touch it. For another thing, I catch him rolling his neck before looking down at me looking at him.
I soften my gaze as I lap at the tip with my tongue. My hand goes from Jae's waist back to my aching pussy as the other hand trails up his more decorated arm. I moan before my fingers are quickly replaced with his again, allowing his cock to go further down my throat as his fingers plunge deeper in between my very open legs.
"I really fucking missed this," Jae exhales as I hum around his length in agreement. "I really fucking missed you."
He pulls out of my mouth, much to both of our disappointment, but then he slips his tongue inside. We both moan almost harmoniously as we intensely suck each others' tongues.
"Fuck," Jae breathes out after a moment, probably also feeling my hand wrapped around his cock.
"It really has been a minute," I let out between kisses, some on his lips, but a lot on his neck. In a maneuver Jae's used to, I lick along that vine-like tattoo like it came with an instruction manual.
"It has, and you're not missing a goddamn beat," Jae replies in between moans and faster pumping from his fingers, nearing my g-spot.
"Neither are you… Shit… Don't stop." I pant into his ear before we exchange several deep kisses, moaning at how good we're finally making each other feel after this past month. I notice how my moans become more drawn out in contrast to the rapid pace I feel Jae's fingers push in and out of me. "Fuck, Jae…"
"Yeah, Ki…" I feel Jae's breath near my ear as he continues, "You like that?"
"Of course, always," I reply with my hand recirculating the tip, "but you know I want more."
"You deserve more," Jae concurs as he pulls away from me completely, inadvertently stepping into the direct path of water from the shower head. "Oh shit. That feels good."
I half-laugh, seeing him feel a fraction of what I felt with the water pressure I mentioned before, but also… He looks hot as fuck with that water running down his body. I must've been obvious with my ogling because I see Jae smirk at me before stepping forward an inch for the water to drench his hair.
I take that as an opportunity to get back down on my knees and pick up where I was left off. Feeling like I had did just enough prep prior, I went ahead and took him to the hilt. With most of his dick halfway down my throat in record time, I want to see his reaction, but I wasn't about to be blinded by the water. It almost didn't matter, though, because I sure as hell heard it.
"Fuck, Kia!" Jae spits out as I feel a hand grip my shower cap, pushing my head further down his shaft. An almost purr-like moan soon follows from the both of us. After a few seconds, he lets go of my head, allowing me to suck him off.
I could hear Jae pant expressively above me, and I just had to see what that was like, so I pull away momentarily, and it was worth it – for me at least. I was able to catch his facial features release from the probably distorted way his eyes close like it usually is when I'm on his dick like that… and the animal in me almost got unleashed again.
I held it together as much as I could though. "You look so fucking hot, Jae," I spill while one of my hands wrap around his cock, and the other caresses the star tattoo (finally, a tattoo I can fucking reach from this position!).
"So do you, baby," Jae replies, a bit sluggishly, reminding me of just how much more 'laggy' I'm making him… Although, I know neither one of us care enough to stop. We always finish what we start… even if we take our time to get there.
After Jae asks me to retrieve a dry towel for his face, I'm back on the blessed shower seat, repositioning myself to take his cock back into my mouth. Jae assists by placing a foot on the seat, but I should've remembered that there's always gonna be something in most leg ups for him as well.
As he guides his dick back into my mouth, he wraps a hand around my neck. He knows how much I'm annoyingly turned on by such an action, and he knows how to switch it up when necessary. Needless to say, he had enough of a grip for me to choke on his length (something he's annoyingly turned on by).
Moaning at the shower tile, Jae begins to fuck my mouth slowly. I begin to moan in place of words I wouldn't have been able to find whether his dick was down my throat or not. Jae, on the other hand… "You're taking it so good, babe.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum so hard in that pretty mouth of yours…” Jae chokes out. “And you're gonna take all that like a good girl, right?"
"Mmhmm," was all I could obviously reply with, and while I could be bratty as fuck, I decided to forgo it… for now. I missed this Jae too damn much.
While never letting go of my neck, he pulls out of my mouth, inadvertently giving me enough time to croak, "I want your cum down my throat, baby," before shoving himself back inside.
Finding myself choking more often than usual, I feel a tiny trail of drool (and probably a hint of precum) run down my chin. Fucking my throat at a faster pace, Jae hunches over ever-so-slightly, but it's more than enough for me to finally reach his chest. I'm not trying to cut off my blood flow, so I close my eyes and feel my way around.
I purposely run my palms along his nipples, pinching them until they're as hard as his dick has been. I stick my tongue out underneath to fucking breathe, but I know how much that subtle change fucks him up. It sounds to me like this combo is doing its job because Jae is reduced to panting again, especially when I shift my tongue from left to right.
"Keep doing that, Ki," I hear Jae exhale as he proceeds to fuck my mouth. Shortly after, Jae's fingers press against my neck before letting go of it completely. I’m able to go a step further with it and open my mouth and throat some more, dragging my tongue underneath from the sack to the tip, over and over… and over, until– "I'm gonna fucking cum!"
The brat in me instantly jumps out again as my mouth lets go, and my hands remain on his chest, moving to his arms. Looking up at a ravished Jae, I go, "Oh really?" with a smirk.
"Don't fucking play," Jae growls.
"I'm not!" I playfully retaliate, "I'm just asking a simple ass question."
I see Jae roll his eyes before my mouth resumes guiding him to his finish. "There you go," Jae blows out, "Good girl…"
"Mm," I respond, still acting bratty with my fingers pinching his nipples again. Since I have a lot more control than before, I retreat and advance on his cock repeatedly until I hear a shaky, high-pitched moan signaling my place to stop.
Resting my tongue underneath his tip, I fondle Jae's balls while he wraps his fingers back around his warm shaft. "Oh yeah, baby… F-fuck… Fuck!"
With just a bit a tip sucking, Jae's streams of cum find their way down my throat, resting in the back of it. Once he sits back down on the seat next to me, I kiss him deeply, the both of us moaning when he receives a fraction of his own cum in his mouth.
"I fuckin' love it when you do that," Jae states after swallowing his portion.
"I know," I breathe out in a bit of a cocky manner before giving him a couple more kisses on his lips. I finally take a moment to kiss around his chest, sucking on his nipples while staring into his glazed eyes smiling down at me.
I instinctively begin to climb onto Jae’s lap, with his hands firmly on my waistline helping me – wait – guiding me right back where I was seated. Only for a moment, though, because then he lifts me off the seat, carrying me to the other end of the shower.
< Stay tuned for Part 2! >
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you-did-well-moon · 3 years
Day6 Reaction to s/o learning their instrument while they're away
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Type: Fluff, angst in Dowoon dont know what happened wasnt me
Word Count: 2.865
A/n: I took some creative freedom with why they were away but that is it. Keep in mind, I have no experience with instrument except for when I played the piano in 5th grade for like two weeks. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! - Moon
TW: small cuts, fight, second hand embarrassment
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Sungjin was absolutely and devastatingly exhausted. His own guitar case felt like it was weighing him down tremendously, and he had a huge headache. Jae and Wonpil arguing in the back of the car was not helping in any way. It has been going on since they left the airport. He rubbed at his temples tiredly pressing his head against the cool window from his place in the passenger seat next to their manager. 
Still, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips as he thought about seeing you, probably curled up in the couch cheeks puffed from the snack you were inhaling. The pounding in his head lightened at the cute sight he would soon get to enjoy as he played with the loose threads of his old button up shirt. 
True to Sungjin’s imagination, your form was sitting on the couch. Not true to his imagination, you were actually bent over something in your lap, lightly humming and bopping your head to the rhythm being produced by your still clumsy fingers. The guitar in your lap had gotten lighter as the days went by without your boyfriend, and in replacement of his touch, leaving your fingertips warm and tingling, it was small cuts you hadn’t bothered to bandage as it disrupted you when playing.
 You missed Sungjin an abnormal amount. The cold spot in the bed or him making weird faces at you through the mirror in the mirror when brushing your teeth. You missed all of it. With a slight tremble in your chest you started playing the chorus to “You Were beautiful”.
You were so focused on trying to get it right you didn’t notice the door closing only to startle when you slightly looked up through your lidded eyes seeing the shadow looming over the coffee table. With a small yelp of surprise you jumped immediately looking up only to find your boyfriend staring at you with wide eyes. 
His surprised expression made you shrink into yourself. You threw your head into your hands in pure embarrassment letting the guitar gently slide off your lap, hitting the floor with a soft thump. “Can you just pretend you didn’t see that I can’t believe I even tried learning all that by myself I” you cut yourself off with an un-pleased sigh shaking your head and looking at him with pleading eyes. 
Your boyfriend continued in his frozen state for about five seconds before breaking out in the biggest smile rushing around the coffee table in which you panicked trying to get away from him with a squeal, but being too slow im the excitement that was usually in a much dormant state in Sungjin. The wrinkles near the corner of his eyes deepened adoringly, and his chest shook with soft laughter while he held you close. 
There was a fond twinkle in his eye as Sungjin forgot any tiredness that clung to his bones and kissed the tips of your fingertips while maintaining eye contact. He kept your hands encased in his when scolding you for having such low faith in yourself and softly encouraging you. He would probably put little stitch band-aids on your fingertips and continue teaching you, sitting you on his lap and scolding you when you lose focus with a sharp poke at your ribs smiling when you giggled. This man just fell impossibly more in love with you.
“You shouldn’t say those things, look at you love, learning all alone and doing so well. I'm so proud. Would you rather have the elmo band-aids or the stitch band-aids… I don’t know about you but Elmo kinda creeps me out. Just five more minutes little love then you can go mug Young k with Dowoon. Don’t look at me like that! You finally have a teacher and you take him for granted. The audacity-”
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Jae was a thin hair away from just ripping his hair out. He didn’t believe the kpop industry would take very kindly to him going bald, but he had come to a point where he didn’t really care about what people thought anymore. But thinking about you not being able to play with his hair anymore while he drifted off to sleep with his head on your chest severely upset him.
 Jae had gotten stuck in another limbo, stuck in the studio and in his own head desperately trying to finish any of the unfinished songs left in his computer files. He missed you so much, he eventually called it quits, deciding to go home to you, who he hadn’t seen in days.
Just the thought about seeing you energized his previously exhausted self. He never could get sick of you. Every day, every week was a new adventure, a new chapter, all with his favorite person in the world. The night sky, although beautiful, seemed to mock him, reminding him of how late it was, meaning you were most probably asleep. 
Opening the door to his apartment, he heard soft music. He briefly recognized “I Need Somebody”, and thought you were playing it from your phone. All his thoughts came to a halting stop when he saw you perched on the bed, in his shirt, playing the melody of the previously mentioned song.
You had hair falling into your eyes with your eyebrows slightly scrunched trying not to mess up and heavily focused. Jae had loudly yelled in surprise, causing you to flinch and look up shocked at the sudden surprise. When you saw it was just him, you had comically thrown your hands in the air yelling at him about how it was supposed to be a surprise. 
The irritated look on your face vanished as you went up to give him a light hug with a kiss, softly smiling at him. Meanwhile Jae, was completely out of it, lovestruck eyes while he instinctively returned your affection.
“Come Jae, you look like you haven’t slept in ages, your eyes are so sunken babe”, you had softly whispered to him, rubbing the soft skin under his eyes, the way you were always soft with him when he came back from the studio. You slept in the same bed for the first time in what had been days, Jae tightly clutching on to you.
 He may have not been completely there at the moment, but in the morning when he had time to process everything, he was a changed man. He wouldn’t stop laughing and giggling excitedly, eagerly wanting to hear everything you had learnt. He even poked fun at you when you made a mistake. But it was all lovingly as he also praised you non stop while looking at you with his messy hair and big smile next to you on the couch. He had so much inspiration now. To finish what had been left behind.
“Pop off queen who gave you this much talent, you couldn’t even tell me what bass was last time we talked, which was like a week ago. Might just make you play when I don’t feel like playing. Give you a wig and people won’t know the difference! Why are you booing me, I'm right?”
Young K
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Young K’s foot tapping on the floor of the car was the only sound that filled the car aside from the soft sound of the car’s engine and tires. He was absolutely spent, having to have stayed in a different city for a show he was invited to that was filmed far away from his home. 
Far away from you. Young K could tell his manager was starting to get irritated, but Young K was already massively annoyed and too far in his own world to really care. He missed the pine scent of his sheets, and he missed you.
It was not a good combination. When he got to his place he quietly thanked the manager,  getting his bag before trying to ignore every urge telling him to run into the building and fall into his soft bed with you in his arms. When he opened the door, your keys were there, so he knew you were in the building. That thought filled him with more relief than it should have. 
He did have to admit, hearing “I smile” this early in the day was odd as you usually saved the more mellow songs for later in the night. Young K told himself he had many euphoric moments in his life, but seeing you staring at a sheet of paper with so much determination and a bass guitar in your arms came pretty close to the top.
The absolute warmth that exploded in his chest was a feeling he would not forget in a long time. He could feel his lips slightly curl up in fondness as your hands shook while your eyes wavered unsurely between your hands on the strings and the video on your laptop sitting further on the edge of the bed. Your face scrunched up before you sighed and stared dejectedly at the instrument on your lap. 
“Why so sad love?" His voice made you instantly sit up, pushing the instrument gently off your lap. You crawled to the edge of the bed where Young K had already gotten closer where he met you tenderly running his hand through your hair, and he curved his hand around the back of your head bringing your forehead to his abdomen.
He brushed his thumb over where your hairline met the sensitive skin of the back of your neck immensely enjoying being back at your side. Your hands were clutching the back of his shirt, and your simple touch brought a warm feeling to his chest. You both leaned back as Young K’s chest started to rumble with laughter “You should have waited for me, it would have been easier if I could teach you”, he softly said, pushing your hair back from your face causing you to lightly laugh.
 “I wanted to surprise you, but I didn’t get that far anyways. Can’t become a prodigy in one day I guess”. Young K smiled again, promising to himself to help you as much as he could as he put his hand fondly on top of your head.
“You’re doing so good, just move your finger up a little, you’re plucking the c chord instead of the e chord during the chorus, don’t look at me like that i’m trying to help?! I wouldn’t put you on my level, but I think you’re doing really well. I’m hungry now, what do you want? No- What do you want? I am okay with anything just tell me-”
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Wonpil was trying his hardest not to think about you. From the way you got excited when you got to see the moon in the cloudy sky to the way you smiled when you saw the neighbor’s cat while getting the mail. 
He was happy to be on a trip with her sister, he hadn’t had much time to be with her in recent, well forever really. While you had been invited, you hadn’t been able to attend due to work. Wonpil did his best to keep his mind off you and enjoy the trip, he just hadn’t spent this long without you in a while. 
Even so, he still had a fun time with his sister and her boyfriend creating many memories. He didn’t regret it, but he was extremely happy to come back to you. Opening the door to your apartment, he dropped his suitcase by the door, an excited smile tugging at his lips as he traveled through the apartment with his arms spread knowing you would embrace him as soon as you saw him. He felt so giddy, he didn’t even notice the broken keyboard sounds ringing throughout the living space.
His smile fell in a comical way, his face morphing into one of confusion instead. He recognized a broken rendition of “Mary had a little Lamb”, and tilted his head as he opened the door to your room seeing you with really big headphones on your head staring down at the keyboard with the most offended look on your face.
 How dare this keyboard not give you its secrets! Wonpil couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his chest, not mocking you, but he just thought you were so cute. He lightly touched your shoulder causing you to jump, and the slight movement of your head caused the headphones to slide off your head. It didn’t matter much. You instantly dove into his arms, pressing the side of your face against his chest.
He felt warmth flood his chest as his hand encased the back of your head while he pressed his lips to the top, closing his eyes in bliss enjoying having you in his arms again. He leaned back from the brace as his eyes flashed with amusement and yours with slight embarrassment. He lightly laughed, eyes crinkling. He cradled your face in his hands, a teasing lilt to his voice, “What were you trying to do, hmm?” He could feel your face grow hot under his finger tips.
 “I was just trying to surprise you. I felt bad for not being able to go with you”. He shook his head, hands playfully pinching your cheeks as you whined. “You shouldn’t act that way, I understood from the beginning. It must have been hard for you. Here, come, your lovely boyfriend will make this easier for you”.
“Y/n the keys will not bite prEsS dOWn, no, no keyboards do not have to be oiled, this is a musical instrument not a mechanical vehicle. You are so cute. What am I gonna do with you? No, you can not play the keyboard with your forehead, DO NOT put your foot on the keys. I don’t care if it’s for the vine. 
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Dowoon was beating himself up. Looking back at what happened a few hours ago made his chest tight. He couldn’t help but wince at the words both of you had thrown at each other. You had been with each other for so long, and when his lovely mother asked him when he would propose, although with good intentions, it put pressure on him.
 He was still young. He had mentioned it to you in a joking manner, but there was a misunderstanding and you thought he was blowing it off as he didn’t see a future with you. 
Somehow feelings were hurt, and the fight escalated. And Dowoon decided he was a coward because it was when you had started stuttering through your words and avoiding eye contact, he knew. He knew he had pushed you across a line that might not be able to be crossed again. 
He panicked. He was really good at doing that wasn’t he? He left. He took a bus and went to the nearest hotel he could find. There he was sitting on the edge of the too perfectly made bed with his head in his hands.
Had he just ruined his precious relationship because he was scared of what the future could or could not hold? Why did he have to run away? Why couldn’t he just stay? Most importantly, how badly had he hurt you?
 With a sigh he stood up, and he got on the bus back to your apartment. Staring at the door, the fact you were just on the other side and hurting is what pushed him to open it with the key you had given him. Opening the door, he was met with silence and darkness. Have you already gone? He walked through the apartment, hope dwindling with every step. 
Then he heard a soft thump thump thump. His heart seemed to match with it, and as he walked to his studio which held his spare drum set, he thought of what he could say to make it better. Opening the door, he saw you softly hitting the drum with one stick, as if testing the waters and humming along to “When you Love Someone”. Dowoon couldn’t fight the sad smile that broke out on his face, and the absolute warmth that filled his chest. 
Why did he ever even doubt your future with him? There was no person more perfect for him than you. He stood next to you, softly taking your hand in his and guiding your hand to the right beat, although a bit broken. When your sad eyes looked up into his, forgiving in nature but still frustrated beyond belief, he knew he could still fix things. You were you, and Dowoon was Dowoon. You always somehow found your way back to each other.  
“No no, put your hands higher on the stick, no lower, now higher...a bit lower. No, Y/n drum sticks do not belong in my throat. What do you mean I have no room to talk, I thought we were over the fight. I would marry you in this life and the next! Why are you looking at me like that? I am not cute, I am handsome and overflowing with testosterone. Oooh are those gummies?
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wronqness99 · 4 years
New scenario coming out today!
New scenario with Jae from Day6 coming out today to celebrate the release of our babies’ new album! 
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