#Jae Park Scenario
luxora · 4 months
The Glory -> {Highschool AU} -> Getting Jealous
Requested: No
Kdrama: The Glory
Genre: Angst. Fluff?
Warnings: Mentions of bullying. No remorse. Swearing. Violence. Possessive behavior. Some blood
A/N: I absolutely do not condone anything that was presented in the kdrama. No one should ever bully others. This is all purely fiction.
Moon Dongeun
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Dongeun is no stranger of misery, especially given her role in the school courtesy of the actions of Yeonjin and her gang.
But this kind of misery was of a whole new different kinds, something that you were completely unaware of, which in her opinion, made it so much worse.
You would not describe yourself as an extrovert, but you were most certainly a lot more outgoing that Dongeun. Dongeun would say that she bordered more on the introverted side, but also she simply did not have the time to truly reach out to befriend any other of her classmates because of all her time constantly being taken up by Yeonjin.
It was still impressive itself that she managed to befriend you, although no one really knows of the friendship between the two of you aside from yourselves.
It is not like you didn't try approach her in school, but for a matter of your preservation and her own irrecoverable habit of self-isolation, she tended to avoid you like the plague until it was absolutely necessary to interact with you in a public setting.
She did not want Yeonjin or any of the others to realize that she had someone who made her experience at school more durable, because then they will use that against her.
You didn't deserve to go through with what she is going through. The thought of you possibly being hurt by Yeonjin or Sara, or even Jaejun, it literally made Dongeun sick to the stomach; hence why she proceeded to avoid contact as much as possible.
Ignorance was bliss in this case; however, in her current predicament, it was anything but bliss for Dongeun.
She silently stewed in her seat as she waited for you to join her for the project the two of you were to work on together. Group assignments were rather rare, but this time the teacher decided it would be most suitable to have a partner with the assignment, and so you took the opportunity to work with Dongeun, something which made her both happy and scared at the same time.
Deciding to work on the foundation of your shared assignment, the two of you agreed to meet in the school library to start your research, but while you were heading towards her at the decided working table, you got caught in a conversation with one of your other classmates, and the way the two of you were talking, Dongeun couldn't help but feel...frustrated by the interaction.
She barely gets to spend as much time with you as she would prefer, the two of you only meeting outside of school at odd times when Dongeun was in working order to go to your home, or when she was permitted to some kind of freedom where she would be unsuspected from others.
So in her mind, this project just gave her an opportunity to simply be with you without any suspicion - so the fact that her time with you was getting interrupted was bothering her, especially when she sees you laughing at something that the classmate said which she is not privy to.
Her hands tightened into a fists, a miserable ball lodging itself in Dongeun's throat as the passing seconds felt like hours, especially since you were not getting closer to her anytime sooner as you continued conversing with the classmate, continuously laughing at their words despite the library being a place of silence.
She had no reason to become so uneasy at all of this, as you were a talkative person naturally, but - the fact her time with you was being encroached by a bystander - it was bothering her and she did not like the fact that she was being left here to wait for you while you were only so far away from her.
Dongeun swallowed down the misery in her throat, attempting to get a control over her emotions, released her hand from its violent self-grip to try reapply herself before you eventually arrived to the table, not realizing that you had in fact finished up your conversation and was heading over to her in that very moment. Hence why she jumped when you voice was suddenly right next to her.
"Hey Dongeun!"
She snapped her head to look at you with a bewildered expression, prompting you to cock your head from the sudden reaction.
"Are you okay? Why are you so jumpy?"
"I-I.." Dongeun flustered on the spot before shook her head, averting her gaze from yours. "Sorry, its nothing."
"Are you sure?" You inquired, taking a seat next to her, placing your books on the table. She nodded. "Well, if you're certain."
Dongeun didn't say anything further as you began to open your books and started talking about the project, completely oblivious to the effect that you had concurrently had on her from both the interaction with your classmate and you being right beside her in a public setting which was to have no proper negative repercussions.
That feeling - not appreciate it - and now she was trying consider of what it truly meant to her own psych over the fact that she became affected from something so menial as a conversation with a classmate.
She must be going crazy - that was the only solution that she could really come up with.
While she is no stranger of pain, she did not revel in it. And she most certainly did not want to revel in that type of misery again. Only something tells her that it won't e first or the last time she will feel such a thing again.
And that is was scares her.
Park Yeon-jin
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Ever since she was a child, Yeonjin has never been someone who likes to share her things. Perhaps it stemmed from being the only child, not having siblings to fight over the attention of her parents nor to negotiate and compromise over ownership of any material thing.
Therefore, going forward in her teenage years, Yeonjin still maintained the idea that whatever belonged to her was hers, and that was non-negotiable. Not even Sara was given the courtesy to have a taste of her own divinely pleasures because Yeonjin was the primary owner of items, first and foremost, and she didn't share.
And this segment particularly applied to you.
The scene before her was just pissing her off. Yeonjin tapped her fingers irately against her forearm as she watched you interact with with the older students, a shy smile on their face as they offered you a rose, courtesy of the Valentine event of which the younger years had to offer flowers to seniors they admired.
Yeonjin never found an interest in such a thing as she had much better things to do instead of chasing after some stupid male seniors. None of them had her interest and all the other older grades just got worse in terms of appearance, filling her with much disgust.
But nothing disgusted her more than the fact that you were blushing all because of the reversal roles between you and the older male senior.
Yeonjin didn't know why, but her blood was boiling over the fact that there was a blush on your cheeks, your own lips quirked in a nervous smile as you accepted the rose, head ducked down while the senior spoke to you, rubbing his neck nervously as you stood in place, head ducked down bashfully.
"Wow, he must be desperate." Hyejeong's voice cracked into Yeonjin's ears like nails on the chalkboard, her voice making Yeonjin's air stand up as she giggled mockingly. "To think he would go after Y/N of people. He must have lost a bet."
That better be the reason of why he would be approaching you in the first place. While Hyejeong continued to talk, Yeonjin kept her eyes locked on the two of you, her nails this time digging into her forearm as she watched with aflame eyes as the male senior reached for your hand, lowering his head so that he was on par with your height. He whispered something and Yeonjin could not help but fucking curse when you giggled again, nodding your head to something before lifting your head to give him a full blown smile.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
"-must be putting out or something. Otherwise why else would he-"
Hyejeong has literally trodden on the last thread of her patience. Without hesitation, Yeonjin swung around and all but slapped the pathetic bitch across the face, prompting a loud cry out of her lips as she literally crumbled to the floor, the strength behind the slap knocking her entirely off balance.
The air in her chest was tight, a volcanic eruption threatening to burst as she heaved shakily on the spot, eyes narrowed dangerous at Hyejeong as she stared up fearfully at her.
"For once in your life, will you shut the fuck up?!"
"Miss Park, that type of behavior and language is completely unacceptable!"
Yeonjin didn't even spare a glance at the bitch teacher that had hurried towards the two of them scoldings and threats leaving her lips as she addressed Yeonjin. She instead glanced back in your direction, only to be found in the center of your attention as you stared wide-eyed at her, the rose in your hand being clenched tightly while your lips stood ajar. She noticed that your hand was no longer being held captive by the stupid buffoon beside you, instead it clenched to your side, clutching some the material of your school skirt as your continued to stare at Yeonjin.
Despite the circumstances of it, she couldn't help but inwardly preen over the fact that your attention was now on her. But then she remembered why it was not on her in the first place, which reinforced the fury which was already boiling in her chest. Instead of saying a word, she just flashed you a glare of promise, resulting in a feared expression crossing of your face.
She was going to get you back for this. Sometime today, she was going to find you and make you suffer the consequences for making her feel so fucking stupid and angry over a fucking flower.
You have fucking forgotten your place, and it is about time she reminded you just who you fucking belonged to.
You were hers. And no fucking Valentine flower must make you think that anything changes that. If she must kill that damn asshole, then so be it. You're hers - and she is going to make sure that you remember that.
Jeon Jae-jun
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Jaejun didn't realize that he was bashing the bastard's head in until he was doing it.
There was a buzz in his ears while he kept slamming the idiots head into the desk, uncaring of the screams and shouts that erupted in the class as Jaejun gripped the guy's head tightly by the hair and kept slamming his head full-force into the wooden surface.
Even though he tried fighting back, it was of no use. Jaejun had him, and he was going to make sure that he received the full treatment.
He warned him. He fucking warned him that he was going to kill him if he kept flirting with you, and now he was going to fucking do it.
A sick pleasure erupted in Jaejun's chest as he saw the blood beginning to splatter on the wooden surface, but then the pleasure was halted when he felt hands on his shoulders as they tried to pull him away. He heard Myeong-o's sick snickers while he wrapped his arms around Jaejun from behind as he lifted him off his feet.
"Cut it out will ya? Ya are going to get detention!"
Detention was the last hing on his mind. Hell, even going to prison was the last thing on his mind. He knows that it isn't going to happen cause his parents will just pay them out, but that was not the focus at the moment. He needed to punish the fucker who thought it would be a good idea to try steal his girl - to try steal you.
"Let me go!" He roared, immediately wrestling in Myeong-o's grip as he attempt to lunge at the pathetic loser as he laid crumbled on the floor, clutching at his bleeding hear. "I'm going to fucking kill him!"
"Dude, just-"
"Fuck off!"
Jaejun slammed his head back and he connected with Myeong-o's nose with a sickening crack, a wave of pain washing over him as both boys stumbled on the spot, Myeong-o clutching at his nose while Jaejun clutched at the back of his head.
Dammit, that actually hurt.
But then Jaejun reconnected his gaze with the fallen student and then decided to forego his momentary pain to continued to job. He grabbed the student by the collar and lifted him up from the floor, staring at his blood smeared face with a snarl.
"I told you that she is mine! You don't fucking touch what is mine!"
Jaejun lifted his fist and slammed it into the student's face, causing an immediate splatter to erupt from the student's nose. They hastily tried to defend themselves but it was of no use, Jaejun just punched and punched and punched until his own knuckles were beginning to ache and burn, almost as if he split the skin or something.
Prompted by the thought, Jaejun lifted his hand to gaze at it. Blood was smothering it, but upon closer inspection, he realised that his knuckles were in fact split. He cursed.
How annoying.
The buzz in his eyes subsiding, but his anger still simmering, Jaejun stood up from the mess of the boy and then finally turned to you, your body frozen in your desk as you stared at him with horrified eyes. He blinked slowly before he walked towards you, no one else in the classroom daring to utter a word as he approached the front of your desk, his face expressionless.
You only stared up at him as he paused, looking at you with an eerily calm look before he reached out and grabbed your wrist, eyebrows furrowing when you flinched at the sudden touch. But then he realized that he had grabbed you with his bloody hand, making him curse.
"Damn, sorry Y/N." He released you briefly before grabbing you with his uninjured hand, pulling you up from your desk. "I need to go to the nurse. Come with me."
It wasn't really a request, and you didn't disagree with his statement when he all but tugged you away from the desk and the ordeal which had occurred. His grip on you tightened as he noticed the horrified stares.
He doesn't get what their problems were. He is just getting his hand fixed up and you were going to help him.
If they think that he was just going to ignore the fact of another guy trying to take what was his, then they were all idiots. You were his and he was not going to let someone take you away from him. He will beat every person's face in if that is what it takes.
You were his.
And he was going to protect what was his.
And you most importantly must not forget that, because he will go through hell for you. So you better be grateful, cause not every guy will be as protective as him. So you must realize that you have hit the jackpot. He is sure you'll thank him later, even show him some gratitude.
Lee Sa-ra
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You trembled against her body but it did not prompt Sara to move away from you. In fact, it only made her press herself closer against you. Despite your lack of success, you still tried to resist against Sara's hold on your wrists but it was of no use.
You were trapped. Sara has no intentions of letting you go, especially not after rectifying what she had been forced to bare witness to.
"...Did you like it?" She whispered carefully, her lips brushing against your jaw as she spoke against your skin. "Did you like him kissing you like that?"
You were not stupid, that was one of the reasons that Sara liked you in the first place. You had a bright mind and fitted well into the group because none of you were idiots. Well, with the exception of Hyejeong, but aside from her, the rest of them were exceptional in their own areas of expertise. Hers being art, of course.
So therefore, she knows that you getting into the situation cannot be fully your fault because you would know better than to make Sara jealous on purpose.
It was pulled off as some kind of stupid elaborate prank pulled by the boys. The stupid fools believed it would be a good idea to pull a water gun fight in the middle of PE, soaking all of the girls with water. Sara was annoyed in the first place, but nothing prepared her for the sight which occurred in the middle of the stupid prank.
A boy stealing a kiss from you.
You were just as soaked as the others, being separated from Sara during the whole scuffle, and yet you were the only one to get kissed by one of the boys, which resulted in a whole class reaction, girls cooing at the act and the boys guffawing and slapping the boy on the back for having the guts to do such a thing.
But your reaction was what had Sara hyper focused, because she knew immediately where your mind went because you immediately snapped your gaze to Sara, looking for her in the crowd before locking eyes with her, terror in your own.
You were scared of Sara's reaction, and its a good thing, because she is about ready to tear someone's head off, the first one being the bastard who stole a kiss from you.
But first - she needed to stake her claim on those very lips which were tainted by another.
"S-Sara, please." You quivered, voice soft and terrified as you froze stiff against Sara as she trailed her lips down the column of your neck. "I didn't mean to-"
"What?" Sara questioned, resting her lips against the point where your shoulder and neck met. "What didn't you mean to do? Did you kiss him first?"
The thoughts itself was barbarous because you were loyal to Sara. You were hers and you know how she is whenever someone gets too close to you for her liking. And you were a smart girl, so you wouldn't do such a stupid thing to get a rise out of her.
But still - she needed to make sure you were aware of your situation.
"N-No, I swear I didn't. I just, I-"
"Did you want my attention? Is that why you didn't push him away?"
"N-No, I-"
"Oh, so you don't want my attention?" Sara's voice dropped as she pulled away from your neck to look at you, her eyes swirling dangerous. You immediately panicked at the sight and began to resist against her hold on your wrists again.
"No! I don't mean that! I-I-I'm just sorry! I swear I didn't want it to happen Sara, You've got to believe me! Please."
You were sounding so desperate, your actions and expressions showing it so clearly that it made her heart flutter as she continued to stare. Her fingers tightened around your wrists, making you wince before she shifted both hands up until you were entirely stretched to your full length, trapped and unable to defend yourself as Sara all but leapt for your neck, biting down hard on the skin, making you cry out in the pain.
The taste of iron reached her tongue but Sara did not react to it as she remained frozen in her position, teeth in your neck like some wild animal. Your body quivered tremendously against her, little sobs beginning to leave your lips as you began to bleed, which eventually prompted Sara to pull away from you neck to gaze at you again.
Once your eyes eventually met hers again, she smiled, displaying a row of blood stained teeth - your blood - and a maniacal glint in her eyes.
"Before anything else, you are mine. Do you understand me?" Sara questioned, eyes not leaving yours as her free hand moved to trail a thumb against the bite wound on your neck, smearing the blood across the uninjured skin. "If I must do this all over your body, then so be it. If you ever let someone else kiss you again, I will lose my shit. You got that?"
You simply stood frozen before her, eyes gawking at her in horror, which irritated to no end. She pressed her thumb against the bite, making you wince immediately at the applied pressure.
"Do. You. Get. It?"
"Y-Yes." You whimpered out, tears forming in your eyes as you shivered in place, making Sara smile as she believed that you finally understood her whole intention.
"Good. Now don't move."
Sara closed the distance between you and kissed you, her tongue immediately meeting yours in a silent tango as she removed the taint with her own lips, your body supple under her own as she reaffirmed her possession over you.
Choi Hye-jeong
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"What the hell is wrong with you!"
Hyejeong stormed into the bathroom with guns blazing, anger boiling all over as she stared at you frightened form, your hand to your chest as you attempted to calm it after jumping at Hyejeong's sudden entrance in the bathroom.
Fortunately there was no one else in the bathroom, but Hyejeong didn't care because all she wanted from you were answers.
"How can you be so stupid!"
She hasn't given you much context to understand the reason behind her anger, as hinted through your confused look, but then realization dawned on you, prompting an apologetic expression forming on your face.
"I didn't know what I could say-"
"You could have said no! Why the hell are you going on a date with that idiot!"
Never, ever did Hyejeong think that she was going to be in the situation that she would be jealous over someone asking you out on a date because she never thought it would happen. You did not talk much with the others; therefore, nobody had any reason to have a crush on you, much less ask you out on a date.
And yet she had to hear from a group of underclassmen that one of the boys in their class had asked you out on a date, to which you agreed.
She couldn't fucking believe it.
Hyejeong stormed towards you and grabbed you by the shoulders, giving you a firm shake before she cupped your cheeks in her hands, forcing you to keep your gaze on her.
"Why the hell did you agree to it!"
"I-I didn't know what else to say. I didn't expect it."
"It doesn't matter if you didn't expect it. The matter is that you should have never agreed in the first place! Why do you want to hurt me so much? Did you think I was going to be happy about this!"
Hyejeong could not exactly ask Yeonjin or the others for any advice on how to proceed about this. Yeonjin and Sara are two bitches who will easily laugh and humiliate both you and Hyejeong for being in such a relationship in the first place, while Myeong-o and Jaejun would be complete assholes about it.
The two of you were alone in this world together, being the only ones to understand the others struggle. So the fact that you agreed to go on the stupid date upsets her and hurts her - serving the same impact as a knife getting driven into her chest.
You looked at her mournfully, shaking your head as you reached out to touch her cheek.
"No Hyejeong, I would never want to hurt you-"
"Well you are by agreeing to go with him!"
Hyejeong pushed you away from her as if your touch burned her, angry tears escaping from her eyes as she roughly wiped at them ,glaring heatedly through the liquid wall.
"I can't believe that you would be so pathetic that you wouldn't be able to even say the word 'No' to some stupid underclassman!"
Hurt immediately bloomed from her words, your eyes reflecting it as you stared at her, making a pang of guilt shoot through Hyejeong but not enough to stop her venomous words.
"But I guess I shouldn't be surprised! You're a damn people pleaser who wouldn't know the difference between her mommy issues and daddy issues!"
Low blow.
An extremely low blow.
But in her moment of hurt, Hyejeong didn't care. She wanted you to hurt and she succeeded, tears forming as you took a step back from her, almost as if the words itself had slapped you across the face.
But instead of saying anything else, Hyejeong sneered before storming out of the bathroom, needing to build the distance between the two of you if she wanted to get an inch of semblance back to herself.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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Another one I simp for. Lookism sure doesn't run out of characters to simp for lol
He's another cinnamon roll at heart but with hidden anger, dangerous anger when someone dares to mess with you. As a yandere he would be too over protective, clingy, obsessive and possessive. He literally had a tracking app on his phone to detect the location of his friend Vasco, you think he won't do the same with you? Think again sweetie, this boy here promised to protect you with his very life and soul ever since he laid his eyes on you and it doesn't matter if you both are going out either. He's always your shadow, your protective shadow
As the second head of the Burn Knuckles crew, he's rational and level headed and strives to protect the ones being picked on since that is their motto after all. However he spots you trying to defend little Daniel getting picked on by Logan as usual and he's worried that moron Logan would do something to hurt you. He sees red when Logan leers at you unpleasantly and starts making all sorts of lewd inappropriate comments towards you and your body and he grits his teeth. He strides over and puts a firm hand on Logan's shoulder and asks him to get lost before he ends up with his bones broken. Of course, Logan refuses and when he tries to pull you close to him, that's when Jace loses his patience and ends up kicking his ankle. Logan quickly grits his teeth and is about to punch Jay when he grabs his fist and stared at him with a cold expression before he punched him in the jaw and chest a few times before he got knocked out cold
He usually doesn't resort to violence on school grounds but something about you being in danger just didn't sit right with him. You thanked him with that cute soft shy smile of yours and he felt his heart do a somersault. He swore he felt his heart stop beating the second you held his hands and he became flustered and it was clear he was getting embarrassed and flustered because his ears were getting quite red. He could literally hear wedding bells ringing in his ears and his mind started wandering with all sorts of possibilities of you both getting married
It doesn't matter what major you're in. He'll find out your information one way or another and will get to know everything about you. He promised himself not to fall in love since he feels like he's already married to the Burn Knuckles lol, but whenever he looks at you he just can't help it. You're such a pure little thing in this world filled with toxicity. With the sort of nonsense he has to endure and go through on a daily basis, you're a breath of fresh air for him. He loves every single little gesture you do and all of your features, there are no imperfections in his eyes when it comes to you. He adores the way your face scrunches up in concentration whenever you're concentrating on something, he adores the way your hair strands fall gently into your face and would do anything to be the one to push those hair strands behind your ears and caress your soft cheek
He starts dreaming about you quite often and his mind is occupied with thoughts of you more than he'd like to admit. He feels like he's been blessed by the gods themselves whenever you talk to him and likes talking to you. You'll be the only one apart from Vasco to get to touch his ears and when you do, he'll get all shy and flustered about it which is rather endearing. He might look slightly intimidating at times but he has a soft heart as well and needs some love too
His obsession for you will start when he feels like you're drifting away from him or when he feels like you're in danger from something. He'll always know your location and will personally ensure he's around you at all times, with or without your knowledge at times. What? It's not called stalking if he's simply protecting the one he loves. Of course the other members of the crew will get to know his obsessive feelings for you and instead of calling him out for them they'll just encourage him to pursue you since they're family after all and will do whatever it takes to get him to be with you. Vasco would be quite thrilled that his best friend finally found a special person in his life and as he sheds a manly tear, he'll promise to ensure that you end up with Jace and will have a very protective Burn Knuckles crew looking out for you
He's already gotten hurt plenty of times before which is why he does his best to protect you from all the nonsense happening outside school. He wants you to be in the dark regarding all the gang and crew stuff going on behind the scenes, he doesn't want you getting involved in such messes that could possibly endanger your life. But he also likes it when you patch him up after a fight. He'll feel slightly guilty for putting you under such stress and feels like he's burdening you with his problems but you'll help him anyway. He's really thankful and glad you're in his life and would do anything to make sure you stay in it. His heart melts at your soft comforting touch and the way you gently chide him like a worried parent for their child, it takes immense amount of self control from his side for him to hold you in his arms and just pepper your face in kisses
He wouldn't do anything drastic like kidnapping you or anything but if he senses other people trying to take you away from him, he'll slightly and cleverly isolate you from them by subtle threats towards them. He trusts you with all his heart, it's THEM he doesn't trust. He doesn't want others corrupting your personality and taking advantage of you. He's worried of someone taking advantage of you one fine day which is why he's always with you. You can still hang out with your friends, provided you tell him where you're going, who you're with and after he refers to his files regarding their biodata that would put even the best of the best FBI agents to shame with his detective skills
He's usually calm and logical and rational. But don't mistaken his calmness for his weakness, when someone tries to hurt you or put your life in danger that's when the switch in his personality flips and he will not hesitate to beat that moron who dared to hurt you to a pulp. He doesn't mind getting hurt or beaten up in the process, his only thought is to protect you and will not let you interfere since it might be dangerous for you and you might get hurt which is the last thing he wants. He'll probably send them to the hospital with a few broken bones at best
He might be shy with physical intimacy in public but in private, he likes cuddling with you and holding you in his arms. It gives him a sense of satisfaction and a feeling like he's protecting you from something. You're always welcome to hang out at the Cafe he works at and will get annoyed his coworkers trying to hit on you till he pulls them aside for a 'friendly' chat with an iron grip on their shoulders
The thing is he KNOWS he's being possessive over you but frankly he doesn't really care. He sees it as a way of protecting you and keeping you safe. You're safety is something he will not compromise on no matter what. If you call him out on it he'll accept it and just say it's for your own good. Please don't try to leave him, his heart won't be able to take it and he'll feel quite broken inside
Overall, a good yandere to have and a nightmare for anyone who hurts you
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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although woonhak was deemed the golden boy of your school, he lacked in academics. when he goes to the pretty girl (whom also has a tad bit of a crush on him) in the library for math help, how'd he know you'd be this cute?
PAIRING kim woonhak x fem!reader WC 1.1k TAGS adults dni. so much fluff it hurts. mutual pining. OMI NOTE my sweet boy omg i love writing for him. tbh i wrote this as a distraction for the other woonhak fic i started oops. not proofread sorry for mistakes hehe
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november was cloudy, as if the sun was too shy to peek over the soft blankets that covered the sky. despite the dreariness, his spirit was always there. kim woonhak was the golden boy of your academy. the school’s star athlete, good at winning over hearts and games.
though he had far from perfect grades, he was good at getting away with an f every now and then. however this wasn’t the most ideal.
sometimes you sat inside of the library, taking in the smell of new books. you had no practical reason to be there, but the quiet environment was good enough for you. you weren’t used to the popularity scene like he was. and though everything in your heart was telling you to talk to him, you just couldn’t.
that specific day, you settled on the floor with your back against the hard books. notebooks, pencils, and a laptop was sprawled out everywhere, but not so much that people couldn’t walk past you. you had an immense headache from cramming in an assignment last minute. because of this, you hardly noticed the body that was towering over you, until he spoke.
“hey! your name is y/n, right?” his voice was alluring like honey dripping down your throat, and a striped cardigan draped over his messily buttoned shirt and slightly loose tie. 
but in that moment you froze. admiring him for so long wasn’t considered as practice for actually talking to him.
“hi, yes! um, am i in your way?” you hurry to scoot away but he hesitantly places a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“no not at all!” he tells you anxiously. in his mind he was thinking you were much prettier in person.
“then what’s up?” you felt small in comparison to his large figure. 
“the counselor sent me over to you actually! she said i’d find you here.” he explained, “i need someone to tutor me.”
“you need a tutor?” you questioned with a confused expression on your face.
“yeah.. they’re going to pull me out of basketball if i don’t get my math grade up. and a little birdie told me you were one of the best.” he grinned at you happily and held his hand out for you to get up.
“oh! well i think i have some time right now. i just finished my assignment so you’re in luck.” you quickly grab your things and shove them into your bag before taking his hand.
the touch of his hand on yours made the both of you blush, swiftly pulling away after you were on your feet. you followed behind him to one of the nearest tables, setting your things down beside you before taking a seat.
“so ahm, what specifically were you needing help with?” you ask, pulling out your math notebook and flipping through the chapters.
“literally everything! like how do you even add exponents with different bases?” he whined next to you, letting his head fall onto the desk. 
“no i totally get how that can be tricky!” you laugh, “here i’ll write down an example.”
conversation throughout the rest of the study session flowed smoothly. despite it being your first proper interaction, he knew how to make you smile. 
a stupid joke here and then, sometimes a wink, or his hand grazing slightly against yours. what were you even saying?
meeting up became more frequent between the two of you. it came to the point where you met every tuesday and thursday for the remainder of the month. he wasn’t difficult to teach, but there were time’s he’d zone out in the middle of your mini lesson.
you wondered what went on in his mind, but every part of you wanted to hope you were the one he thought about.
“woon! are you even listening to me?” you frown, snapping your fingers infront of the boy.
“yes yes, i’m sorry i’m just a little sidetracked today.” he sighs, scribbling nothings onto his paper.
“we have our math exam next week and you’ve been doing so much better than when we met for the first time. you can’t be lacking on me now!” you pout at him. it was maybe your eighth time studying in the library together.
“you’re just so pretty, it’s distracting.” he says quietly, not exactly loud enough for you to hear.
“what?” you tilt your head a little.
“nothing! it’s nothing i promise.” he leans his head back, groaning, “there’s just this problem i’m really having trouble figuring out.” “what kind of problem, i’m sure we can find a solution to it.” your interest was piqued. why would he get so worked up over a math problem?
“i don’t think i’m ready to ask you yet, i want to try to figure it out on my own first.” he sighs into his hands, barely getting a glimpse of you through the cracks of his fingers.
“you want to figure it out on your own? when’d you get so independent without me?” you fake a sad expression.
“okay okay, i’ll write it down for you then. but close your eyes!” he gives in, ripping off a sticky note from the pad you took out earlier.
covering your eyes, your other senses seem to heighten. you can hear the rough writing of his pencil against the note he stole from your pile of supplies. he hesitates in between what you can only assume are numbers, before you feel him press the paper against your forehead.
“open your eyes now.” 
your vision is covered slightly from the note, so you can hardly see him fidgeting with his hands. when you peel it off to read, you’re met with a very mysterious question.
‘what’s the answer for me + you?’
“huh? what does this mean woonhak..?” you squint, re - reading the same words over and over again.
“um..” he laughs nervously, “i just don’t want us to be just friends yknow? i really really like you.”
“woon i–”
“i don’t know i just think i’d be a little heartbroken if i had to see you smile so prettily everyday and not be able to call you my.. girlfriend.” he rambled, “but you don’t have to say anything yet! don’t even worry or anything i know this is kinda sudden and we’ve only been hanging out for so long but–”
you interrupt him with a gentle kiss against his lips. he smiles against yours, placing his hands perfectly against your flush cheeks to pull you closer.
“i really like you too, woonhak.” you let your head fall heavy into his hands after finally pulling away, staring at him blissfully.
“i guess i have my answer then, right?”
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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s.o has a piercing/tattoo
crush is a cancer
crush is a pisces
child’s first word is “appa”
crush is a leo
crush is an aries
s.o is in a band
s.o has a big family
s.o writes poetry
gf is sensitive around her time of the month
gf is a solo artist
gf is a capricorn
buying a ring too small
it wasn’t bad at all
the best news
giggles and candy canes
you’re an angel
young k
cotton candy kisses
i’m not sure
didn’t expect this
not as planned
you never knew
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the-expired-tofu · 1 year
The Devil's Trumpets | Pt. 2
|| A 'The Glory' fanfic || MINORS DNI [18+]
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a/n: Hey there, this is my first time writing a fan fiction. I might change a few things in my fictions later on. Also, my English isn't my first language so my writing might lack some fluency. Hope you enjoy :)
trigger warnings: lots of swearing, bullying, murder, gore, depression, abuse, mature content, violence, sexual themes.
pairing: reader x multi
Heaven never appeared to be on my side since I was born. My prayers were never answered. I dreaded waking up everyday when I was in highschool. You see, I never asked for any of this. I simply wished to lead a normal life. Is that too much to ask for?
My parents divorced when I was seven years old. My mother chose to marry a wealthy man and take my sister with her. While I were to stay with my alcoholic father. Even though I shared the same roof with him, I always felt lonely. He was always spending all of my money on more alcohol. Luckily he never abused me. I had to take care of him. Each and everyday became more difficult for me. Leaving with my mother would have been a very different experience. I'm curious of what made her change her mind. She always gave me the same reason for leaving me with my dad.
“Someone has to stay behind to look after him.” She did send us money from her husband’s account to cover up my father’s medication. That’s how we kept in contact with each other. The day she left us was the last time I saw her and my sister. My mother never bothered to make a call nor visit us, or even check on us. I figured she left us for her own good.
However, I was quite close to my sister. Even our parents' divorce couldn't properly separate us. We used to write letters to one another every day since I couldn’t afford a cell-phone for myself. I kept all her letters in a box till this day.
Living like this in Semyeong never really bothered me. Taking care of my dad all by myself was quite difficult if I say, but other than that, I was fine. Until one day, I was walking on the school grounds to get to the cafeteria, when I heard a horrifying  scream coming from the gym. There were quite many students casually walking near the place. How come nobody heard that?
Now that I even think about it, I realize I should have exercised caution while being curious. I decided to check out the issue. And that’s when everything started.
I was peeking through the door when I noticed a group of four students crowding near the stage. I could here some laughs when I noticed a girl with straight long hair coming out of the crowd. That’s when I saw her for the first time.
Moon Dong-Eun. Both her hands were tightly held by two more students, Son Myeong-Oh and Choi Hye-Jeong, while Lee Sa-Ra was holding Yeon-jin’s hair curling iron.
I lost my balance and fell on my back. It was a guy holding a basketball and stood right over me.
“Oh come on do I look that bad?” He asked as he grabbed me by my hair.
“NO, NO, NO, PLEASE NO!! HELP!! ” I yelled for help and not one student wandering outside the gym came for my help.
“Yeah you’re fucking ugly Jae-joon, no wonder why she fell when she saw you.” That was Lee Sa-ra. She held a cigarette in her mouth while curling Yeon-jin’s hair.
He dragged me near the place where Moon Dong-Eun was lying. I noticed a burn on her right arm that resembled the shape of the curling iron. I had to get away from this place. I have to call the police.
I tried to free myself from his grasp but he dragged me back to the same place where Dong-Eun was. She was almost unconscious when I called out for her.
“Call her all you want. Neither can she help you, nor can anyone else.” Hye-Jeong let out a laugh when she dangled the keys in front of me.
“Oh look! Dong-eun has a friend now,” said Yeon-jin with a pout on her face.”Isn’t that adorable?” She said as she cupped my face with her hands.
“What’s your name?” she asked me while she looked down at my legs.
“She asked you a fucking question, you bitch,” asked Jae-joon who still held me by my hair with a painful grip.
“Well what does it say on her nametag?” said Yeon-jin as she opens the pin of the tag from my shirt. “Y/N. What a pretty name, and such pretty legs,” she took a few steps back to take a look at my legs again. “I wonder how my cigarettes would look on them.”
“Look, please, I swear I wont tell anybody, please let me go, I have to go back, I have to take care of my dad, he is not doing well. Please let me go” I started crying because I knew, I have no way out.
“Well the show hasn’t even started yet and you already want to go back?” said Yeon-Jin. She started backing away from me when she raised her thumb at me and then all of them started grabbing me at the edge of the stage. Myeong-oh and Hye-jeong grabbed me by my arms. I started panicking when I saw Sa-ra walking towards me with three burnt cigarettes together.
She shushed me with her finger on my lips. “This is high quality weed. Nobody can say no to these babies,” She said as she pointed the cigarettes towards me. She took a puff out of the three cigarettes together and grabbed me by my thighs. Before I even knew it, she pressed those together on my thighs.
My scream echoed on the walls of the gym. I tried flinging my legs in the air but she held them with a firm grip.
After she was done with my left leg, she went on to press them on my right one.
My screams became more and more distorted as I choked on my tears. My lungs, my throat, my legs, everything hurt.
“Oh my god, this bitch is fucking loud. Can someone shut her up?” said Yeon-jin.
“On it,” said Jae-joon. He threw the basketball away he was playing with a while ago and put his hand inside his pocket to take out a small bottle eye drops. He pressed a few drops on his eyes and put it back inside. I remember that it was that day he brutally beat up another guy who made fun of his colorblindness. His knuckles were still red from that guy’s blood.
“Imagine if she ever screamed my name,” said Jae-joon with a smirk on his face as he threw the ball away.
"Can you just shut the fuck up and shut her up?"
He grabbed my waist firmly and put his palm over my mouth tight shut.
Sa-ra continued pressing the cigarettes on my skin. My muffled screams died down eventually when I started feeling numb. This went on for quite long as I remember.
“Yeah that’ll do.”
Sa-ra removes the cigarettes from my thighs and lets go of my legs. I slid down the table and dropped to the floor. The stinging pain in my legs grew worser.
“She’s already out? Damn she’s weak as fuck,” Yeon-jin said as she nudged with her shoes on my thighs.
“Why did you do this to me? What harm did I ever do to you people?” I muttered.
“Because bitch if we didn’t, you would have told someone about us. Even though nobody even gives a shit about what we do. Nobody will ever believe you, and nobody will ever come to save your day” Yeon-jin said in a sing-song voice and the others laughed as she stood towered over me.
“What a whore,” said Myeong-oh. He kicked me at the back as I winced from the pain.
“Hey let’s go to the karaoke bar, it’s opened by now,” said Hye-jeong.
“Bye hoes,” Sa-ra waved as she walked away with others.
I laid there, barely conscious. My tears didn’t stop and my eyes were stinging. The world grew blurry around me. The burning pain, the bruises, the wounds, my head, the ringing in my ears, everything felt worse. I couldn’t even move. Before I knew anything else, I passed out on the gym floor.
I wiped the steam off my mirror as I stood naked in front of it. Some of the burnt skin on my thighs grew pinkish red over the years.
        I wore some clothes on and started drying my hair. Min-hee is fast asleep in her room. I collected all the dishes from the table and put them in the sink. It’s 11.45 p.m. My sleep can wait.
        I turned my phone on and opened Facebook. I searched up Moon Dong-Eun. I found a profile under the same name but there weren’t any pictures. I wonder if it’s really hers.
        I was staring at her profile. Should I search them up as well? I mean, I have to if I want to change my mind.
        I searched up Yeon-jin’s profile first. She worked as a weather forecaster at a news channel and married the CEO of Jaepyeong Construction in Semyeong, Ha Do-yeong. She had a child named Ha Ye-sol, same age as Min-hee.
        Jeon Jae-joon is a wealthy heir to a country club and helped up scaling a clothing boutique named Siesta.
        Lee Sa-ra became an artist.
        Choi Hye-jeong works as a flight attendant.
        For Son Myeong-oh, I couldn’t gather much information about him except maybe he works for Jeon Jae-joon.
        This much was quite enough for me. I put my phone down on the table and rested my head on my arms. I kept staring at the ceiling. The yellow light from the street outside illuminated my room. I looked over at Min-hee, she’s fast asleep.
        I took my phone and went over to the common balcony. I opened up my call logs on my phone as I closed the door behind me to make sure Min-hee doesn’t wake up. At the top of my call logs displayed Moon Dong-eun’s name. I almost made the call  when I paused.
        Wait, no. Am I doing the right thing?
        I didn’t press on her name yet. Instead, I stretched back by holding on the railings and looked over at the city before me. Seoul looks beautiful especially at night. The city lights flickered like the stars in the sky. All the quietness up here and the distant hustle of the people and traffic made me calm.
I closed my eyes and let out my breath. I looked back at my phone and pressed her name. I pressed the phone against my ear. After a few rings at my end, ”Hello Moon Dong-Eun? It’s me,  Y/N.”
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euphorianyx · 1 year
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Pairing: JungKook & Reader Genre: Smut /Intriguing/Violent/Soapy/Fluff/ Angst |+18| Summary: Two hearts that still burned for each other... I was water, he was fire ; together, we turned into haze He wanted my light, I wanted his pain Even if we try to deny, our hearts knew their way Money, glory, power for life, us was all we needed in the end ⟪A/N: Please do not copy or publish my work on other platforms without my permission. Every and each like & reblog are highly appreciated.⟫
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“What the heck is going on here?”
JungKook kept watching the car with furrowed eyebrows. His voice showed a bit of confusion, but his face was what got you. He was ice-cold, and you knew whatever going on would not be for good.
You tried to get an explanation from him. His sort of deep yet velvety voice filled the air of the car.
“Did you see my father before you got here?”
Closing your eyes, a regretful sigh escaped from you.
“Yes ! I mean, I kind of talked back to him but… I… Uhh…”
Losing the way to your words, you began rambling. Much to your surprise, JungKook let out a crazy chuckle.
“Babydoll… You always find a way to amaze me.”
Gasping in utter shock, you could not help mocking his remark.
“I showed up with explosives, and what amazed you was me opposing your father?”
JungKook tilted his head once, like he was making a private joke. Any other human being spoke to him that way would beg to die within minutes. It was only and only you.
“My life… I will end what you started. Right now, something is going on, but I don't know what yet.”
After that remark, you were not able to form a single word. Jungkook has never called you 'my life' before. That was the softest you have heard of him so far. However, the rest of the sentence was vantablack.
The white car beside you sped up and cut through your way with a loud break. His eagle gaze never leaving the man, JungKook reached for the door whilst finishing his sentence.
“Stay in the car.”
Was what you heard before JungKook got out. For some reason, the man got out of the car as well and greeted JungKook. JungKook seemed far from patience. He arched his eyebrows while his eyes were busy tearing the man standing before him.
Since he was not as tall as JungKook, the man tried his best to take the advantage by fixing his fresh clean suit.
“Mr. Park wants his daughter back. Apologies ahead, but Father Jeon does not want you to get involved any further.”
Watching their interaction closely, you knew… Knew one of the worst scenarios was about to unfold. A smirk spread across JungKook's face. The unhinged smirk you were quite familiar with… And his eyes light up.
“Call my father.”
Smiling, Jae Oh turned around and put his gun under JungKook's chin. Then he dialed the number of his father.
Upon seeing the shiny metal, the panic was evident in your eyes. You were scared of JungKook getting hurt again. However, he seemed as if he was getting ready to play an arcade game.
Father Jeon's deep voice met them through the speakers. JungKook spoke cheerfully.
“Father, I see you are getting old.”
His father's cold voice echoed.
“You are smart enough to know I have no option, son.”
JungKook's tone was almost mocking. Only if his father actually could read.
“Oh you don't father.”
Maybe he could understand how serious it ended.
“But I do.”
Then JungKook directed his words at the man sitting across father Jeon in suit and tie.
“Mr. Park, I guess the drink with my father was profitable.”
The replied with a dry voice, as he shifted on the comfy chair.
“Indeed it was.”
JungKook let out a bone chilling chuckle.
“I hope Jimin loved the chrysants through his goodbye. I did not plan them for Min Ae, but if I must; I will have fresh ones ready for you.”
Mr. Park had no idea what the situation was and thought he must step in to save his daughter. Hearing those words from JungKook was unsettling for him. Mr. Park cleared his throat while he was thinking of how to respond, JungKook cut the line. The phone loosely hung between JungKook's fingers. Right when Jae Oh's hand reached, JungKook let it fall on the ground. Jae Oh shook his head.
“Such a basic move for someone like you, Jeon.”
Then he pointed at the phone with his gun.
“Take it.”
JungKook's lips dropped into a serious pout. He crouched and grabbed a handful of dry foil from the roadside. Back on his feet, JungKook threw the foil at Jae Oh's eyes. Through his blink, JungKook already caught his wrist. Of course, Jae Oh was trained not to give up.
He raised his left leg to kick JungKook. However, the pain was not enough for JungKook to let go. It only bought a couple of seconds to Jae Oh, but it was not enough. JungKook did not go for the gun. He went straight for Jae Oh's chest. Cut out of breath, gun already fell from his hand. JungKook kicked it away, grabbed Jae Oh by his neck and continuously kicked him.
Jae Oh's left brow and lip were bleeding. His ribs were probably injured. With the last immense effort, Jae Oh lifted his head slightly, only for JungKook to grit his teeth and forcefully put his foot on his cheek. Jae Oh was unconscious after all the beating. JungKook grabbed him by his neck, dragged his body till the car. Lifted the heavy body up with both hands and threw Jae Oh in the trunk.
Watching everything, you just knew better to keep the silence. JungKook still had the warm blood on his hands.
“Whatever happens, you will be with me, right?”
JungKook tried to reassure himself. The way his voice softened in the end got through you. You knew something was coming, but you trusted JungKook.
“I will…”
Those words seemed simple yet heavier than any wow. You both knew you could not be apart. The only option left was to face everything together. He took your hand and never let go till the car reached the mansion. As JungKook pulled up by the door, Yugyeom and Johan came running toward you. You had no idea how he managed to put himself together, but Yugyeom was fresh and clean. JungKook asked with such a chilly tone that it kind of spooked you as well.
“Are they still here?”
Yugyeom gave JungKook a sharp nod.
JungKook directed his eyes at Johan, tilted his head to the side of the car.
“Luggage… I am planning a show.”
With no words, Johan made his way to the back of the car. He opened the trunk and dragged the unconscious man out. Seemed a bit surprised, Yugyeom informed JungKook.
“I will get Havoc and Ruffian ready, but…”
His eyes drifted to your side for a brief moment. JungKook kindly put his hands on each side of your arms.
“Babydoll, let's get you upstairs, so you can clean up and rest.”
You did not move.
“Havoc and Ruffian?”
JungKook closed his eyes and sighed.
“My German Shepherds. Now let's go.”
He held his hand out, and you took it kind of unwillingly.
“You have got dogs that I have never seen?!”
JungKook avoided your eyes as he rushed you inside the big mansion.
“Yes because they are wild. Only two people allowed near them.”
You did not need to ask who because you already figured the second person was Yugyeom. Curiosity outweighing your tiredness, you stopped before you stepped on the stairs.
“I want to see them.”
JungKook sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Doll, that will be a process, maybe later.”
You stood on your feet, not taking any step.
“Then tell me what you are going to do.”
JungKook had enough of your little antics. He narrowed his eyes, then you were swept off of your feet. To keep your balance, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you in his arms.
You asked; half smiley, half serious.
“You are being stubborn. We are going to the bedroom.”
JungKook arrived to the large door of the room you have not been in for a while. You shyly opened it, as JungKook did not lose any time to step inside. He slowly put you down, caused you to look up at him with curious eyes.
"I need to change."
Was his reasonable explanation since you both were still covered in dust and dirt. He disappeared into the bathroom. You heard the water running for a few minutes. Jungkook walked out, a towel wrapped around his groins, hanging dangerously low. Smiling at you, JungKook picked a sunray colored shirt and dry seagrass colored trousers. While he was buttoning his shirt, you walked up to help. JungKook's large hand cupped your face as he looked directly into your eyes.
“Now, be a good girl… Stay here, clean up and get ready for me.”
Pretending that you did not get him, you took a step to get close again.
“You told me to have some rest.”
JungKook wrapped his arm around your waist as he pressed your bodies together. Giving you a short yet fiery kiss, he whispered in your ear.
“Obviously you don't want to, so I will help you.”
Giving you a playful smirk, he walked out of the door. Within a minute, one of the maids showed up. She greeted you respectfully.
“How would you like your bath, Mrs. Jeon? I can prepare some daisies, melissa and lavender to help you relax. Would you rather some dried sweet basil and sea salt to give you some energy?”
The simple thought of warm water was enough for you to relax, but you still wanted to see what JungKook was planning.
“Basil and sea salt, please.”
Unaware of the chaos that was about to unfold, you let your body soak in the refreshing water.
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Meanwhile, JungKook casually walked out of the door to greet the small crowd in the garden by the table.
JungKook greeted the old man in fine suit with a devilish spark in his eyes. Then he directed his eyes to Mr. Park. JungKook looked down at the hand he held out, almost mockingly. Ignoring it, JungKook took his place as the entrees were already served.
His eyes laid on Min Ae, who was sitting across him. She cheekily smiled at JungKook as if nothing happened. As if this was an ordinary, peaceful family dinner. Mr. Park, had a bite of his paçanga pastry, then drifted his eyes back to JungKook.
“You know, your father and I have go way back.”
Still wearing his poker face, JungKook answered the old man with gray hair and fine suit.
“I know… Almost to the building of the company.”
The old man smiled back while his hoarse voice filled the air again.
“If it was not for that, tonight would be a lot worse.”
An arrogant smile bloomed on JungKook's lips.
“Oh, it will be a lot worse.”
All present at the table were astonished upon hearing that statement. Even the maids that were serving the supper. They quickened their work and left with no words. Mr. Park was the one that broke the eerie silence.
“I believe no one has such an intention.”
A chilling chuckle from JungKook echoed.
“Mr. Park… The history of our generation is a little different from yours.”
Mr. Park's face hardened as his voice drifted.
“I am aware…but my son already paid the price for that.”
JungKook nodded twice then raised his hand. After his little gesture; YugYeom and the low growl of the dogs made their entrance.
“That is why tonight is just a little warning.”
Yugyeom followed the stone path and arrived to the wooden arbor. JungKook slowly made his way to the same place and removed the cover of Jae Oh. The beaten man squinted his eyes after the bright light hit his eyes.
Upon seeing two dogs with their teeth showing, Jae Oh began begging JungKook for mercy. Although, those calls were in vain. JungKook crouched to reach Havoc and Ruffian. Obediently, dogs just got closer to him. JungKook petted them both a few times. Dogs never looked away from JungKook.
“Are you hungry?”
Havoc let out a small growl, making JungKook smile.
“Of course you are… Go, here is your dinner.”
Under the horrified gaze of the small crowd, Havoc and Ruffian ripped apart the man in front of them. The agonizing screams of Jae Oh went on for a few minutes. Then they died down while the dogs were busy with his remains.
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Finally regaining some energy, you stepped out of the tub. Grabbing the towel waiting, you walked out of the bathroom. Since nothing changed in his room, you made your way to the familiar dressing room. Considering JungKook's choice of color, you opted for a knee-length peach-colored dress. Fixing your hair into a ponytail, you felt you looked a bit decent at least.
Making your way to the window, you realized Min Ae was there by the table. Then your eyes shifted to the arbor. You froze as you witnessed the last minute of two dogs' cruel feast. Hand on your mouth, you just backed away from the window. You could feel your stomach started to get sick. You took a deep breath, grabbed a glass of water from the mini bar on the corner. Furthermore, you could not let that scene get to you.
Walking downstairs, you tried your best to keep calm and collected. The shock was still evident in the eyes of everyone by the table. When JungKook saw you, his first instinct was to send the dogs away with Yugyeom. Then he put the cover back on the ground. Regardless of his efforts, you could see the blood on the green leaves around the arbor. JungKook met you through halfway to the table.
“Babydoll, I told you to wait in our room.”
His whisper carried the hints of worry and annoyance. Your stare challenged him, even if you did not intend to.
"You asked me if I would be with you, whatever happens. And I said yes, Jungkook."
His fingers gently held your chin.
“I meant it Y/N…”
Then his voice softened.
“I just did not want you to see that gruesome mess.”
Your fingers slowly reached and caressed his ear before you fixed his dark hair.
“I know… I promised, so I am here for it all.”
After the reassurance, JungKook gave you an accepting nod and a soft smile. He held your hand above his as you walked toward the table. The crowd was still under the effect of not so little show of Jungkook. Mr. Jeon almost fell back on his chair. He uncomfortably loosened his tie. Mr. Park stepped away from the table as he told Min Ae to follow him. Before they could make another move, JungKook called out.
“Leaving already? I think you should stay for the dessert.”
Knowing well they had no chance, Mr. Park gestured his daughter to sit back while he did so. Mr. Park realized JungKook was far worse than he thought of. Not crossing his line was the only thing they could do. JungKook lifted your hand a little higher to place a little kiss. After that, he pulled the chair for you to sit. Silence took over again while maids served apple pies to everyone.
“Sorry for the inconvenience, Father.”
JungKook said while he cut the pie in front of him.
“Maybe you should try someone more professional.”
Father Jeon did not even try to say anything back. He just palmed his face out of stress. JungKook changed the cut pie with yours. Noticing Min Ae's eyes on him irked something in you.
“Mr. Park, I was hoping Min Ae to be our guest for a couple of days.”
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my-drama-heart2406 · 2 years
Warning: A long Rant
Okay, so I've spent the whole span of AoS season 2 seeing people criticize Jang Uk for not recognising Naksu.
And I can't take it anymore.
Yes it is a bit of a lazy writing on the writers part. But this is not wrong in any way. See the biggest mistake they did was show us Jang Uk 3 yrs later, but there's just one flashback scene. ONLY ONE. We don't see him building into a dark character. That was definitely lazy writing.
But have you gone through a dark patch in your life? It takes so much away from you. It makes your mind foggy. It hampers with your thinking. You behave weirdly. So much so that people around you tell you're not you anymore. Which just adds on to the misery.
Which is exactly what happened to Jang Uk. He died guys. Protecting the woman he loved. But he came back alive. And he couldn't save her. And then he finds out that in some f**ked up way he's responsible for her death!
The 1st season was very clearly showed how smart Jang Uk was. Witty, edgy, sharp, spontaneous. A genius. He had to be. He had been judged and humiliated all his life, left with not even a speck of power. His wit was all he had.
He had read, understood and memorized books far over his level.
He had recognised Naksu by looking at the blue marks in her eyes and the way she held the crab leg to his neck.
Remember he copied Heo Yeom's breathing technique even when he knew nothing about energy usage.
He had figured out they were trapped in the ice stone and was already finding solutions even before Mudeok mentioned it. He was also the one who came up with the solution.
When Naksu stabbed him, before the pain the surprise registers. You can actually see the wheels turning in his head. Which is why he pulls her in. He knows she didn't do it. Even to the very end he was the smartest. Jin Mu managed to fool the entire kingdom, but not him.
So what changed?
Do you remember that flashback scene. It was sometime after he'd come back to life. And in that short span of time he'd completely figured out that she was not responsible for those crimes and who were. Till that moment Jang Uk was still sharp.
But Park Jin telling him he's responsible for her death is the point of no return. You see in his eyes the moment he breaks apart (Lee Jae Wook deserves all the awards for this). For the first time in his life there is something, that with all his intelligence, he can't wrap his head around.
That not only could he not save the love of his life, but he was responsible for her death, and all of the misery in her life.
After that Jang Uk changes.
He doesn't see and notice things like before, because he's not like before. He's not bright and witty anymore. He considers himself dead, which is why he says he's not going to do anything. He wants to die. Do you think he's seeing things straight when he's suicidal?
We do see some semblance of the old Jang Uk when he's with his close ones. When he meets Yul and Dangu. When he's with Park Jin or Kim Doju. When Yul is sad he understands. He is genuinely happy Jin Bu-Yeon lights up the lamp.
When Park Jin asks Jang Uk who he would save between him and Kim Doju, he says Kim Doju. Which was a funny scene. But this not what season 1 Jang Uk would have said. Remember Jang Uk sacrificed his own powers to save everybody trapped in the ice stone. And when Park Jin says that he should save both, you see realisation hit his eyes. He was not given a scenario where he could only save one. He can save both, but this didn't even occur to him. Season 1 Jang Uk would have answered that he would try to save both. Or he would have answered something completely out of the box like Park Jin himself was pretty capable of saving them both, why did he need to save them.
He saves Jin Bu-Yeon only so that she can kill him. But you see he does recognise her. He looks deep into her eyes. Searching... But he doesn't find what he's looking for. Her actions confuse him. But at that point he's to scared to be hopeful. Because it's too good to be true. Which is why he outright says to Jin Bu-Yeon that she could be a replacement for Naksu since she reminded him so much of her.
But she retaliates. Everytime. She repeatedly tells him she's not that woman. That she is herself. That he should see her for who she is. Which is how he is finally able to mourn and heal. He's finally able to be happy again.
Also him finding out who she was would have made him happy and relieved that she was alive. But it wouldn't have brought him out his guilt or his darkness. He would still be haunted by events of his past. He wouldn't have been able to mourn or heal.
And you see Jang Uk come back. He's accepted the fact that sometimes his wife might remember things from his past because she has the blue jade egg. He knows that she reminds him of his lover, but that's okay, he can love again. He's made peace with his past. And just when he is happy, she leaves. Again. But this time he's not confused. He tells her that he doesn't care about her past. Or that he fell for her over some confusion. He also knows that she does like him, but also is only lying to him. But he doesn't pry. He only says that he'll wait for her.
Yes, I see the problem with him finding out about her so late. Or prolonging the amnesia plot. Because there's only 2 episodes left.
And there's your problem. Only 10 episodes. If season 2 was also 20 episodes that wouldn't be a problem. Moving at this pace is not actually wrong. But leaving only 2 episodes to solve the rest of the problems is.
If you've read this far, you do see my point. Don't you?
P.S. I knew they weren't going to let them find out before they fell in love again. I knew that they were going to find out just when they were happy again. Because for some reason Hong Sisters don't like happy couples.
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moonbyulsstuff · 2 years
Umm- hii! Soo, I just wanted to say that I love love love your writing!! Would you mind if I request a fluffy scenario for Hong Jae Yeol the cutie from Lookism....who falls in love with the reader? (like- they are not in a relationship yet) 😭👉👈 It's upto you if you want to do it or not ofc :) thank you for taking your time to read this tho!
Sudden Love.
GN Reader. (Since the reader's gender is not specified)
Requested by: @insomniac-sisterof-hitoshi
Request Rules.
I'm going to mention Jae Yol as Jay in here since I read Lookism in Webtoon.
I hope this is alright and up to your standards.
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[Name] [L.Name].
They weren't a special student like Daniel, they don't stand out, they blend with the crowd.
They were average, but was Jay. The Jay Hong so interested with someone like them? It wasn't an insult towards [Name] but they didn't do anything special and just only stood behind the background, watching whatever was happening right in front of them.
But Jay, someone who stood out of the crowd. The wallflower of the school, who comes from a rich family and was only known for liking Daniel like a lot. Suddenly has taken interest with them?
Jay was confused, like a lot, he doesn't know why. But here he was in, in front of the Bakery Dept. bakery room.
He can see [Name] putting the tray inside the oven, they were the only inside the bakery room right now. Jay doesn't remember on how he got here but his legs were just taking him here.
He bit his lips as [Name] noticed the blonde male standing in front of doorway.
"Ah, Jay. Do you need something?" They said as they wiped their hands while walking towards the said male, Jay stiffened as he was sweating nervously.
And [Name] was just patiently waiting for the male to "talk" but it seems like he was troubling doing so, so to them. It seems like Jay wanted to taste one of their pastries and bread.
"You want to taste one of my pastries Jay?" They asked as the blonde male slowly nodded his head, they walked towards one of the pastries that was already baked and just laying there to cool up.
[Name] took one of the pastries and handed it towards Jay. "Here." They said as Jay hesitantly took the pastry and ate it.
He was hit with a euphoria feeling, it was really good. It was sweet and in just the right amount, he put the whole pastry into his mouth making [Name] chuckle.
"Is it good?"
Jay nodded his head. "....." [Name] chuckle as they saw crumble near Jay mouth.
They reached towards Jay mouths and wipe the crumble away causing Jay to stiffen at the sudden action, he was surprised and didn't expect that at all.
[Name] saw the reaction that Jay had causing them to pull their hand away quickly and apologizing to him.
"I'm sorry Jay! I didn't mean to do it that! You just had a crumble near your mouth-"
"I.. It's alright?"
Jay nodded his head while his cheeks was slightly red but not noticable, his heart beating against chest as he tried to calm himself down.
These past few days, the two have been hanging out more lately. And of course, everyone noticed considering how Jay is.
And it really confused them, how did [Name] managed to befriend Jay? The male wasn't known to make friends, just mostly sits in the back of the classroom and not say anything.
And how did [Name] managed to befriend Jay?
It was the question that everyone was asking but not really got an answer from the both of them, mostly because no one can really understand Jay except for a few people. And [Name] just smiled at them and doesn't say anything to them.
But anyway, school ended and the two were on Jay's motorcycle going towarda the bakery that [Name] parents owned. They arrived at the place as Jay parked the vehicle on the side of the bakery and the two went inside the place.
The bell rang as an employee working at the front desk looked up and saw [Name] coming in with a friend.
"Ah, [Name]. Nice to see you, as well as your friend." She said as [Name] nodded. "Where is Do-In?" They asked as she pointed to where the door to the baking room is.
They walked towards the door and opened it and saw Do-In putting tha tray inside the oven, they closed the oven door and saw [Name]. "[Name]! Welcome back!" He said as he hugged his child who hugged back.
"I can take it from here dad, you can go rest." [Name] offered as Do-In nodded but then saw the blonde behind them. "And who is he?" He asked pointing at the blonde male who bowed at the older male.
"Ah, this is my friend. Jay Hong, he said he wants to try baking and I thought it would be nice if we did it in the bakery."
They said as Do-In nodded. "I don't mind, as long you don't waste any ingredients all right?" He said as the two nodded and left the room leaving the two teenagers alone.
"You can put down your bag over there Jay, and put on some apron so that your uniform won't get dirty." They said as Jay nodded and took an apron that was hanging by the door and put it on.
While [Name] took the ingredients from the shelves and counter and put it on the huge table in front of them, he stand beside [Name] who started to explain to Jay on how he should do it as he listened attentively.
They were just going to bake some butter cookies for today, and they finished with the rest until it was to pipe the batter into the tray.
And Jay was having a hard time to properly pipe the batter into the tray, [Name] chuckled and showed him on how to properly do it.
"Here, you should twist the bag tightly and hold onto it as tight as you can,and hold the rest and the batter will just come out of the tip."
(That was how my friend showed me when I was having a hard time piping the batter onto the tray)
Jay did as they instructed and even though it came a little weird, it looked like. "There! You did great Jay!" They said as Jay felt giddy and warm from the praise that came from [Name].
His cheeks slightly red but still noticeable but [Name] didn't comment on it since they didn't want to fluster Jay even more.
After that, they finished as the batter from the bowl as now gone and all they need to do is put the tray on the oven wait for about 13 - 15 minutes, and while waiting. The two chatted, Jay was sitting on the chair watching [Name] wash the dishes.
Even though Jay insisted he'd do it but [Name] denied, saying that the guest shouldn't do the dishes.
"You know something Jay..."
"I never really expected to become friends with you." [Name] said as Jay went quiet. "A-And I don't mean that in a bad way of course, it's just that... you're always wallflower. You don't really talk to others and make friends, until you know, Daniel came along." They said as the blonde male looked down on the ground.
[Name] was right, Jay wasn't interested on making friends and prefers to keep to himself considering his childhood.
[Name] turned off the sink and looked down. "... why did you befriended me...?" They asked causing Jay to look at them, this was a question that had been on [Name] for so many weeks.
Why did Jay befriended them?
Jay fiddled with his fingers as [Name] looked at him.
[Name] blinked before smiling. "Thank you Jay." They said as they hugged Jay and went to the oven to check the cookies.
Jay sat still as he shook his head, he lied to [Name] about his reasons. He told them that it was because he thought they looked nice, but that wasn't the entire truth.
It was because of the warm feeling he has whenever he's near them, he wants to see them, be with them. And Jay wanted to satisfy that, thinking those feelings would go away but he fell deeper into the rabbit hole. And he can never get out.
And he doesn't mind.
It's comforting, and he wants to keep having that. As long as he can have it.
"Jay! Come here!"
As long he's with their side, he can keep that comfort, warm and loving feelings.
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littlemessyjessi · 1 year
"Untamed": BTS 8th Member x Park Jimin: Finale!
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"Staring Exercise": Finale!
BTS 8th member series Untamed
Park Jimin x Mae Jae
Scenario: Jae is finally back from her vacation time with her family. As usual,  it's back to business for BTS and their schedules.  Today they are filming and have decided to do the social experiment where you stare into each other's eyes. 
These include the scenarios with Jae and each member.
Jae took a seat on the stool, running a hand through her hair.
"Oh heck, am I first?" She asked as she turned towards the camera.  "Why is it always me?"
"Because you're the oldest!"
She rolled her eyes as the unmistakable voice of Jin even if she couldn't see him.
"And yet you have no respect for your noona, Seokjin." She laughed.
Internationally,  technically she was six months and it was constant topic between the two of them... even if they were both born in the same year.
So really she wasn't his noona at all. 
But it irked him… so she used it every chance she got. 
He finally made his way into her line of sight with a smirk donning his features.  
"Because you're not my noona. You're only like six months older than me." He said taking a seat across from her.
She rolled her eyes again, "That's still six months more than you."
"Well, at least I look six months younger than you forever." He said.
"Fitting, man child." She said. 
"Namjoon,  mom and dad are fighting again! "
"Be quiet, Hoseok." Jin and Jae said together before bursting into laughter. 
"Ah, the joys of coparenting." Jae said and Jin gave her a long suffering sigh. 
"Do not call me your-"
"So what are me and the baby daddy doing today?" She cut him off.
"Yah!" He complained before he launched into full rage rap. "I am not your baby daddy! I'm too young for children! And I could never spawn with you. Our children would be beautiful but evil! Does this look like the face of someone who can deal with that? How could you do this to me?!"
"Pipe down, baby daddy." She said over the laughter of everyone in the room before turning to the camera man. "Please continue."
"Today we're doing the social experiment of staring into each other's eyes for four minutes.  We're breaking you off into groups and then pairs. Then we'll switch until the eight of you have all had a chance to participate with one another. "
"Aish, whyyyy? She's going to steal my soul." Jin whined and Jae smacked his arm. "See! Abuse!"
Jae rolled her eyes.
"Who do you think will do well with this experience?" The camera asked.
"Suga will hate this." Jin answered.  "He's not so good with eye contact."
"Says the man who compulsively winks if you look at him for more than three seconds. " Jae said.
Jin narrowed his eyes at her, "I loathe you."
"The correct pronunciation is love, dear, but I see that you're already overwhelmed so I'll let it slide." She said before turning back to the camera. "I think Jimin will probably do the best. He's all about eye contact. He gets a little shy sometimes but I think he can do it. Possibly V.  He can stare right into your soul."
"Alright, you two,  please face each other. You're allowed to blink and you may speak to one another.  But you have to keep direct eye contact. Understand?"
The both of them nodded before turning to face each other. 
"Great.  Your time starts when the beep  sounds and an alarm will go off when your time is up."
Jae looked at Jin and he couldn't help but laugh, cracking instantly. 
"Yah!" She yelled at him before turning to the camera. "Do over, please."
The director nodded and the beep sounded again. 
Jae held her fist up at Jin and locked eyes with him.
"You better get it together,  Seokjin." She threatened. 
"Or what?"
"Or I'll unplug your computer in the middle of your game."
His eyes widened comically.
"That's monstrous."
She shrugged, "That's war. So don't test me. You make it through these four minutes with me and I'll buy you cake. You don't and I will make you miserable."
"So violent." He laughed. 
She shrugged again and laughed when he winked at her.
"And so it begins." She said winking back.
"It's my habit. Stop bullying me." He whined.
"Your ears are turning red too." She said. "And your neck.  Oh look, that little vein is starting to pop out!"
"Yah, stop! You're gonna make me fail!" He accused.
"Alright, alright.  So let's talk then, I guess. " she said.
"Did you enjoy your time with your family?" He asked.
"I did. It was very healing. " she said. 
"Good.  You need more of that." He said.
"We all do." She agreed.
"You certainly do. I see how much you put on yourself sometimes." He said.
"Things have to be done and someone needs to do it. " she said.
"But even when you are supposed to be relaxing, I still see you working. Like you never turn it off." He said.
"I guess I have some trouble with that." She said.
"You should do nothing.  Sleep more. Play games. Eat good foods. " he said.
"I'm sure you're right."  She said.  "Maybe I just don't know how."
"I would teach you. " he said.
"I'm sure you would, Jinnie. I appreciate that." She said.
The two of them were quiet again as they stared into each other's eyes.
It was a rare occurrence for them.
They were usually bickering like children. 
There weren't often serious moments between them.
"Hey." He said.
"Hmm?" She asked.
"Thanks." He said. 
"For what?" She asked. 
"For always being there." He said. "When I asked and more importantly when I didn't."
Jae's gaze softened on his.
"Don't mention it.  Thank you. For always helping me even when I fought you every step of the way." She said.
He nodded.
The two of them tapered off into silence again just staring at each other. 
The lingering feeling of mutual respect and care permeating the room.
The timer went off and the two of them blinked. 
"How was that?" The director asked.
"A little intense." Jin said. "I don't think I've ever stared into your eyes like that."
"Did I snatch your soul?" Jae teased.
He patted his chest, "Still seems intact for the moment."
Jae chuckled.
"Jae, how about you?" The director asked.
"I think I feel the same.  It was intense but not necessarily bad." She said.   "We're the 92 liners and the oldest. So I think a lot of the time we've spent back to back or shoulder to shoulder,  ya know. Just ready to take care of the others as a united front."
Jin nodded, "I agree with that.  Because even though we've obviously known each other all this time and had many conversations,  I still don't remember having ever done anything like that. I didn't mind it though."
"Me either." Jae said, turning towards him. "I feel closer to you..."
Jin narrowed his eyes at her, "Don't you da-"
"Baby Daddy."
Jin rolled his eyes before he was sent off to pair with another member and Yoongi entered the room. 
Jae couldn't help but laugh a bit. 
He was already uncomfortable and it showed.
"Who'd they pair you with?" She asked as he took a seat.
"Jiminie." He said. 
Jae burst into laughter before turning to the camera.  "Y'all are wrong for that."
"Why?" The director asked.
"Because you paired the person who hates eye contact with the one who loves it. And his first one? That's cold. " she laughed.
"At Least it ripped the bandaid off." Yoongi said.  "You ready?"
"Damn, boy. You in a hurry?" She asked as they turned towards each other. 
"Just want to get it over with.  It makes me anxious, I guess." He said locking eyes with her as the beep sounded. 
"I guess I can understand that. " she said. "So you wanna sit in silence for four minutes or what?"
"Please God, no." He said, eyes widening. 
Jae laughed, "Well,  then I'm going to take this opportunity to embarrass you."
"Jae, please."
"I am going to use this time to tell you how much I love you because you have to sit here and you can't look away." She smirked. 
"Please have mercy. " he whined.
"I'm serious, Yoon.  I love you.  Like I'm so fucking , oh, shoot, sorry. I didn't mean to curse. " she said, "I just meant I'm really proud of you,  ya know. Like it's more than your professional accomplishments.  I think I'm just really proud to see who you are, ya know." She said.
He sat there staring at her for a bit longer.
His eyes watered and his lip wobbled and he finally cracked.
"Fuck..." he said finally looking away from Jae and the camera.
Jae scooted her chair closer to his and took his hand between hers.
"I'm sorry I made you cry but I mean it.  I love you so much.  You make me so proud to know you."  She whispered.
"I love you too. " he whispered.  "I didn't think this would affect me like this. I'm sorry."
"Well, to be fair, I did punch you in the feels. " she laughed before turning to the camera.  "If we have a penalty for this,  I'll take it.  I did play dirty and thwacked him in the heart."
"Can't believe you. " he laughed. "You knew I just came from a room with Jiminie staring at me like a weirdo and then you do this to me.  You two deserve ea-"
His eyes widened when he realized he almost let it slip but she just patted his hand.
Soon, Yoongi was replaced with Hoseok who looked at her suspiciously. 
"Why does Suga-hyung look like he's been crying?" He asked.
"Because I told him that I loved him." She said.
"Oh." He said.  "Well, I know that you love me."
Jae laughed,  "I don't doubt that. "
"Although with your recent behavior,  I seriously reconsider it." He said. 
"Oh?" She asked.
"It's been three days since I've gotten a kiss on the cheek. Three. Three." He said.  "You deprived me of your love and affection for your entire holiday and then you do this to me."
Jae rolled her eyes at his decision to be theatrical before she leaned forward and grabbed his face and placed a kiss to each cheek and his forehead. 
"Better?" She asked.
"You know, somehow that is a completely different experience when I keep eye contact with you. " He said.  "That's slightly terrifying. "
Jae shook her head and simply passed a hand through his hair.
"I remember when we first started and I was having a lot of trouble sleeping and you'd come over to my bunk and play with my hair until I fell asleep." He said, head leaning into her touch.
"Well you were tired and you needed sleep. We all had a lot on our shoulders back then.  We still do.  It's just different now." She said. 
"I missed my mama so much then." He admitted. "I still do but it was really hard then."
"You're close to your mama." Jae acknowledged.  "I'm sure you missed her alot."
He nodded,  "Can I give you a kiss back?"
Jae lifted her brows and laughed.
"I can already see the JaeHopers losing their minds." She said. 
"Just a forehead kiss." He giggled. 
"Sure." She shrugged. 
Hoseok's long fingers splayed across her cheeks and his heart shaped lips pressed to her forehead. 
"I don't think I've ever done that to you. " he said. "You're usually the one giving affection to me."
"You hug me all the time,  Hobi." She said.
"Its different. " he said.  "It's gentle."
"I agree." she nodded. "A forehead kiss is affection in it's purest form." 
The next few minutes spent between Jae and Hoseok consisted of him making cute faces at her trying to get her to crack and her just smiling or laughing at him in fondness. 
Soon he was sent away to stare at Jungkook while Namjoon replaced him. 
"I'm not trying to take this awful punishment so you sit there and behave yourself." he informed her. 
Jae laughed, "Oh, damn.  You going all Daddy Joon on me?" 
He wrinkled his nose and looked away from her in digust. 
"Ha!" she laughed. 
"Aish! Jae!" He complained. 
"I literally didn't do anything!"  she laughed. 
"You can't just- " he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.  "You can not call me Daddy.  That's weird. You're like my sister." 
"Ok, A, I didn't like address you as Daddy.   I referred to you as 'Daddy Joon'.  That's Army's nickname, not mine.  I know you're a helpless clumsy little baby." she teased causing him to roll his eyes. 
"You deserve it if Jungkookie slays you." he remarked as he left the room to be paired with Seokjin.  
"Cheeky little twit!" she called after him. 
However, no less than three seconds later, the maknae was standing in the door with a look of determination in those big doe eyes. 
"Oh god." Jae laughed. 
Jungkook grinned wickedly, "I haven't lost yet, Noona." 
"This isn't a competition, Jungkook." Jae reminded him. 
"Everything is a competition." he shrugged. "Go!" 
"That's my job." the director said. 
Jae snorted. 
"Go.." the director said softly. 
Jungkook was staring at her, refusing to blink. 
"You know we can blink, right?" she asked. 
"I'm making it challenging." he said, elbows on his knees staring her down. 
Jae lifted a brow at him but kept his gaze. 
She settled back in her chair to get comfortable, her gaze softening more and more until she hadn't even realized that she was crying. 
It was only the look on Jungkook's face that alerted her. 
"Noona?" he whispered. "Are you ok?" 
"Yeah." she sniffled. "I'm fine. Why?" 
"You're crying." he said, brows furrowing. 
"What?" she said wiping her face to feel the wetness on her face. 
"What's wrong?" he asked concerned. 
"Nothing." she said sniffling again.  "I just, I guess I'm just really proud of you, Koo.  You've grown into such an amazing young man.  One second you're this young kid following me around everything and now you're just.. this amazing person.  I'm just so proud of you." 
Jae cracked, a sob breaking out of her and Jungkook, who couldn't stand to see her cry, followed after and immediately pulled her into a hug. 
Both of them losing for breaking eye contact before the bell sounded. 
"Ah, shit.  I caused you to lose, Kookie.  And hell I didn't even win." she chuckled trying to make light of the situation and pull away. 
However, he just pulled her back in, pushing her head onto his shoulder, "Don't worry about it.  I got you.  You know I do." 
She squeezed him in a tight hug, the both of them pulling away sniffling after some time. 
Soon after he was replaced with Taehyung who burst into the room and demanded that he complete this challenge with hair pats. 
And damn it if Jae didn't comply because he was just as spoiled rotten as the rest of them. 
In the end, Taehyung lost the challenge because Jae played with his hair and he fell asleep. 
Like always. 
She just let him, taking a moment to stare at his face and the way his lashes dusted his cheeks. 
She spoke quietly to the camera, "I'll take the punishment for this one.  I don't think he slept well last night." 
"He's the one that insisted though." the director laughed. 
Jae shrugged, "I'm his Noona. It's my job to look after him.  I'll take the punishment." 
"If you say so." 
Eventually, she gently woke the slumbering teddy bear and sent him on his way. 
There was only one left but she heard him before she saw him. 
Undoubtedly, laughing at Taehyung's sleepy face in the hallway. 
Park Jimin entered the room looking so beautiful that angels must've been jealous. 
Hell, Jae was jealous. 
But also, incredibly grateful that she could call him hers. 
Behind the camera, he winked at her causing the heat to crawl up her skin a little. 
The little shit was flirty even when he didn't mean to be. 
Though she had no doubts that he damn sure meant to be in that moment. 
"I'm sure you're just thrilled with his challenge." she remarked as he made his way over. 
"I'm not unhappy." he smirked as he scooted his chair close enough to hers that their knees touched. 
"Same rules apply." the director.  "However, the two of you are the last ones because Jae let Taehyung sleep a little longer earlier.  So the others are joining for this last one." 
"Oh great…" Jae rolled her eyes as the rest of the members filed in. "An audience." 
"Count down starting in 3, 2, 1." the director said. "Go." 
Jimin took Jae's hands in hers, bringing them up to his lips to kiss the knuckles. 
"Jimin…" she said, widening her at him. 
His gaze never wavered, "You know, all those years ago, the first time I saw you, I knew right then that you were the only one for me." 
"Jimin, what are you…?" she started, gesturing to the camera and everyone else. 
He simply kissed her knuckles again. 
"And I knew that at the time, I was too young.  I knew you had no interest in me at the time.  I knew that it would take time.  I had to watch you date, fall in love with people that weren't me.  I had to watch when you were heart broken.  And I did.  I'd do it all again. Because I know what I have.  I waited so long and finally, finally the stars aligned and the universe smiled on me because finally the woman of my dreams saw me not just as someone she loved but as a partner.   That's all I've ever wanted, sweetheart." 
Jae swallowed. 
She had no idea what he was doing. 
She was well aware that they were on camera and in front of people but in that moment, all of that faded away. 
She was lost in Jimin's eyes and surrounded by his voice. 
"Jae." he said, sliding down off the chair and onto his knee.  His fingers opening a box containing a ring. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and honor me by becoming my wife?" 
Jae's mouth fell open, tears spilled over her lashes and she completely fell apart. 
She felt his fingertips on her chin, lifting her face to his, "Baby?" 
Her eyes connected with his, the question hanging in the air between them. 
"Yes!" she struggled to get out. "Yes, yes, yes!" 
She was half crying, half laughing as he pulled her out of her chair and spun her around.  
The members all but stampeded over each other to get to the happy couple, cocooning them into a massive group hug of congratulations. 
And suddenly it dawn on Jae and she ripped herself from all of them, "How many of you fuckers knew about this?!" 
The reactions was a mixture of sheepish looks and coy smirks. 
She could've murdered them all in that moment and then she glanced at the camera. 
"Oh, shit.  Jimin, you do realize you've just outed us to the entire world, don't you?" she whined. 
Jimin smirked, pulling her down in a breathtaking kiss. 
When they parted he whispered, "Army will understand." 
And they did. 
Because to be completely honest, Army had been saying Jimin and Jae were getting married for years. 
There was a collective hashtag amongst Army. 
HEllo my loves! I know this has taken FOREVER to post but the finale is finally here! I hope you enjoy it and look forward to updates to the other series as well as.....new projects! Kenny's Comeback is in full force!
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forleejehoon · 1 year
[Article] Chief Inspector 1963 Script Reading Completed -> Filming Begins
Original title: Lee Je-hoon × Lee Dong-hwi For "Chief Inspector" – Script Reading Completed -> Filming Officially Begins
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Last week after the script reading for MBC' new drama Chief Inspector 1963 (director Kim Sung-hoon, scenario Kim Young-sin, creator Park Jae-beom) had ended, the filming for the drama has officially begun.
Lee Je-hoon got passed down this role from nation's actor Choi Boor-am and is playing South Korea's representative detective who had received viewers' unconditional love and support – Chief Park, or Park Young-han, in his early days. If Chief Park played by Choi Boor-am was loved for his perfect image of a detective, then the young Park Young-han from Chief Inspector 1963 played by Lee Je-hoon is a detective who starts desperate fights due to him being frustrated over the present reality that miserably tramples on the human dignity.
Lee Je-hoon and Lee Dong-hwi during the process of managing a special investigation team together with the rest of the detectives will bring about unusual fun. Especially since Lee Je-hoon and Lee Dong-hwi are close friends in the entertainment field, it also makes one anticipate what kind of chemistry they will show in Chief Inspector 1963. During the 2nd Blue Dragon Series Awards Lee Dong-hwi, as he accepted the best supporting actor award for Disney+' Big Bet, shared his resolution of "wanting to meet everyone with a new appearance in the drama Chief Inspector".
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Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies on Netflix
5. Predestination (2014)
Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Alicia Pavlis, Annabelle Norman, Arielle O’Neill, Ben Prendergast, Carolyn Shakespeare-Allen, Cate Wolfe, Christopher Bunworth, Christopher Kirby, Christopher Sommers, Christopher Stollery, Dennis Coard, Dick York, Elise Jansen, Eliza D’Souza, Eliza Matengu, Ethan Hawke, Felicity Steel, Finegan Sampson, Freya Stafford, Giordano Gangl, Grant Piro, Hayley Butcher, Jim Knobeloch, Katie Avram, Kristie Jandric, Kuni Hashimoto, Lucinda Armstrong Hall, Madeleine West, Maja Sarosiek, Marky Lee Campbell, Milla Simmonds, Monique Heath, Noah Taylor, Noel Herriman, Olivia Sprague, Paul Moder, Raj Sidhu, Rob Jenkins, Sara El-Yafi, Sarah Snook, Sophie Cusworth, Tony Nikolakopoulos, Tyler Coppin, Vanessa Crouch
Director: Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig, The Spierig Brothers
Rating: R
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One of the most original time-travel thrillers since 12 Monkeys. A brilliant subversion of the Time Paradox trope, with enough plot twists to keep you entertained until well after the movie is finished. Predestination is an amazing movie with great performances from Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook. It’s a movie that will feel like Inception, when it comes to messing with your mind and barely anyone has heard of it. It is highly underrated and unknown, sadly.
4. Train to Busan (2016)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Ahn So-hee, An So-hee, Baek Seung-hwan, Cha Chung-hwa, Chang-hwan Kim, Choi Gwi-hwa, Choi Woo-shik, Choi Woo-sung, Dong-seok Ma, Eui-sung Kim, Gong Yoo, Han Ji-eun, Han Sung-soo, Jang Hyuk-jin, Jeong Seok-yong, Jung Seok-yong, Jung Young-ki, Jung Yu-mi, Kim Chang-hwan, Kim Eui-sung, Kim Jae-rok, Kim Joo-heon, Kim Ju-hun, Kim Keum-soon, Kim Soo-ahn, Kim Soo-an, Kim Su-an, Kim Won-Jin, Lee Joo-sil, Lee Joong-ok, Ma Dong-seok, Park Myung-shin, Sang-ho Yeon, Seok-yong Jeong, Shim Eun-kyung, Sohee, Soo-an Kim, Soo-jung Ye, Terri Doty, Woo Do-im, Woo-sik Choi, Ye Soo-jung, Yeon Sang-ho, Yoo Gong, Yu-mi Jeong, Yu-mi Jung
Director: Sang-ho Yeon, Yeon Sang-ho
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A zombie virus breaks out and catches up with a father as he is taking his daughter from Seoul to Busan, South Korea’s second-largest city. Watch them trying to survive to reach their destination, a purported safe zone.
The acting is spot-on; the set pieces are particularly well choreographed. You’ll care about the characters. You’ll feel for the father as he struggles to keep his humanity in the bleakest of scenarios.
It’s a refreshingly thrilling disaster movie, a perfect specimen of the genre.
3. Serenity (2005)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Adam Baldwin, Alan Tudyk, Carrie ‘CeCe’ Cline, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Colin Patrick Lynch, David Krumholtz, Demetra Raven, Dennis Keiffer, Elaine Mani Lee, Erik Weiner, Gina Torres, Glenn Howerton, Hunter Ansley Wryn, Jessica Huang, Jewel Staite, Linda Wang, Logan O’Brien, Marcus Young, Mark Winn, Marley McClean, Matt McColm, Michael Hitchcock, Morena Baccarin, Nathan Fillion, Nectar Rose, Neil Patrick Harris, Peter James Smith, Rafael Feldman, Rick Williamson, Ron Glass, Ryan Tasz, Sarah Paulson, Sean Maher, Summer Glau, Tamara Taylor, Terrell Tilford, Terrence Hardy Jr., Tristan Jarred, Weston Nathanson, Yan Feldman
Director: Joss Whedon
Rating: PG-13
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Serenity is a futuristic sci-fi film that serves as a feature-length continuation of the story-line from the TV program Firefly (2002–2003). The story revolves around the captain (Nathan Fillion) and crew of the titular space vessel that operate as space outlaws, running cargo and smuggling missions throughout the galaxy. They take on a mysterious young psychic girl and her brother, the girl carrying secrets detrimental to the intergalactic government, and soon find themselves being hunted by a nefarious assassin (Chiwetel Ejiofor). The first feature-length film from Joss Whedon (The Avengers), Serenity is a lively and enjoyable adventure, replete with large-scale action sequences, strong characterizations and just the right touch of wry humor. An enjoyable viewing experience that stands alone without demanding that you have familiarity with the original program beforehand.
2. Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Actor: Armie Hammer, Danny Glover, David Cross, Ed Moy, Forest Whitaker, James D. Weston II, Jermaine Fowler, John Ozuna, Kate Berlant, Lakeith Stanfield, Lily James, Marcella Bragio, Michael X. Sommers, Molly Brady, Omari Hardwick, Patton Oswalt, Robert Longstreet, Rosario Dawson, Steven Yeun, Teresa Navarro, Terry Crews, Tessa Thompson, Tom Woodruff Jr., Tony Toste, W. Kamau Bell
Director: Boots Riley
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In the year of the Netflix TV Show Maniac, another absurdist title stole critics’ hearts. Sorry to Bother You is a movie set in an alternate reality, where capitalism and greed are accentuated. Lakeith Stanfield (Atlanta) is a guy called Cassius who struggles to pay his bills. However, when at a tele-marketing job an old-timer tells him to use a “white voice”, he starts moving up the ranks of his bizarre society. A really smart movie that will be mostly enjoyed by those who watch it for its entertaining value, and not so much for its commentary. It is like a Black Mirror episode stretched into a movie.
1. Ex Machina (2015)
Genre: Drama, Science Fiction
Actor: Alex Garland, Alicia Vikander, Chelsea Li, Claire Selby, Corey Johnson, Domhnall Gleeson, Elina Alminas, Gana Bayarsaikhan, Oscar Isaac, Sonoya Mizuno, Symara A. Templeman, Symara Templeman, Tiffany Pisani
Director: Alex Garland
Rating: R
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Ex Machina is the directorial debut of Alex Garland, the writer of 28 Days Later (and 28 Weeks Later). It tells the story of Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson from About Time), an IT developer who is invited by a billionaire CEO to participate in a groundbreaking experiment — administering a Turing test to a humanoid robot called Ava (Alicia Vikander). Meeting the robot with feelings of superiority at first, questions of trust and ethics soon collide with the protagonist’s personal views. While this dazzling film does not rely on them, the visual effects and the overall look-feel of Ex Machina are absolutely stunning and were rightly picked for an Academy Award. They make Ex Machina feel just as casually futuristic as the equally stylish Her and, like Joaquin Phoenix, Gleeson aka Caleb must confront the feelings he develops towards a machine, despite his full awareness that ‘she’ is just that. This is possibly as close to Kubrick as anyone got in the 21st century. Ex Machina is clever, thrilling, and packed with engaging ideas.
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luxora · 2 years
The Glory -> {Highschool AU} -> Falling for their victim
Requested: No
Kdrama: The Glory
Genre: Angst. Fluff?
Warnings:  Some bullying. No remorse. Swearing.
A/N: I absolutely do not condone anything that was presented in the kdrama. No one should ever bully others. This is all purely fiction.
Park Yeon-jin
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Yeonjin loved it when you begged. You simply terrfic when you were on your knees, pleading for her to spare you from any plans that she had in store. The way your bottom lip would tremble and the way your cheeks would shine from the tears that were streaming down them, Yeonjin simply could not get enough of it.
It was not often that Yeonjin would get you on her own, especially since the others loved following her lead when it came to her games, but Yeonjin could not deny the excitement that sparked through her when she would corner you into a room all on your own, nobody else to bear witness to the games that she intended to play with you.
When Yeonjin had overheard that you were in charge of sorting and cleaning the gym sports equipment in the later afternoon after your extra lessons, Yeonjin simply could not pass up the chance to be able to corner you on your own. It has been a small while since it was just the two of you, and she simply missed the peacefulness that came with it. She didn’t have to hear Jaejun’s or Myeong-oh’s crude remarks about your body, she did need to hear Sara’s curses about your face, and she most certainly did not need to hear the shrill laughter of Hyejeong whenever Yeonjin would play with you.
It was special when it was just you and Yeonjin. It was a lot more intimate and Yeonjin preferred it that way. It was just you and her locked up in your own little bubble, completely ignorant of the outside world because the two of you were the only person who was crucial to the other in that very moment. Being the only one on your mind excited Yeonjin, it thrilled her and she is quite certain she has made it obvious to you in private that she adores your presence.
She has told you many times before that she adores your cries.
Yeonjin’s name repeatedly left your lips in pathetic whimpers as you cowered against the gym equipment storeroom wall, becoming completely submissive at her very presence as she took slow steps towards you, her lips curling into a smile as she continued to listen to you. The storeroom was not that big to begin with, so there was hardly any space in the first place for you to try create a distance between you and Yeonjin. Yeonjin had already blocked off the door, giving you no chance to go for a wild dash for freedom because it would only mean you would have to dive headfirst into Yeonjin, and past experiences have reminded you that once Yeonjin gets a hold of you, she will never let go.
Dark glee was bubbling up within Yeonjin as she continued to walk towards you, still not saying a word aside from your name that she had uttered when she first entered the storeroom. You had whipped around so fast, eyes wide in terror, and the excitement within Yeonjin simply bubbled over. She was already anticipating your scared reaction, your complete submission, and as she got closer to you, you finally started to beg, just like she want.
“Please Yeonjin...I-I promise that I w-won’t say anything...please...just please...”
You didn’t even know what you were begging for, but Yeonjin knew that you were begging her to stop but that was the last thing that she was going to do. She had only just arrived and the two of you have barely bonded yet. She had much more plans for the two of you. After all, this gym was such a special place to the two of you, most particularly to Yeonjin in more ways than one.
A chuckle left Yeonjin’s lips as she finally reached you, your body already on slumped on the floor, on your knees, completely powerless to Yeonjin as she stood over you like a queen would over a peasant. Your cheeks were shining beautifully with tears, the little rivulets traveling down your skin until they dripped off your jaw and chin, making the contours of yours face far more obvious than before.
It was beautiful.
Feeling the need to be closer to you, Yeonjin slowly crouched down to her haunches so that she was directly in front of you and at your level. Her close proximity to you immediately made you flinch, but not as violently as you did when she reached out and cupped your cheek, her lips curling wider than before as she brushed her thumb tauntingly against your cheekbone, immediately catching a teardrop.
“Are you scared?” She asked sweetly, her thumb not stopping its brushing movements as she waited for your answer.
You immediately froze at the question. No matter what answer you have Yeonjin, you knew that it would have the same effect and Yeonjin knew that you knew that. Either way, Yeonjin was going to have fun with you, and your answer would determine the degree of Yeonjin’s fun.
Your bottom lip continued to tremble, uncertainty and frustration obvious on your face. Yeonjin couldn’t help but giggle at it, the sound making you tense immediately, your jaw clenching against her hand despite her soft touches. Instead of growing annoyed by your lack of an answer, the silence instead made Yeonjin even more delighted. Feeling the need to be closer, Yeonjin closed the distance between the two of you until her lips were pressed against your cheek, the taste of salt meeting her tongue as she gave your skin a kitten lick after giving you a soft kiss.
The hand on your cheek moved until her fingers were curling around the base of your head, her fingers weaving into your head as she steadily increased her grip on you, eventually pulling you towards her until the two of the you were practically nose to nose. She could smell the perfume that you were wearing. Jasmine, her favorite. Such a sweet, subtle scent, perfect for somebody like you.
“You don’t need to be scared...as long as you always say yes to me.”
Yeonjin closed her eyes briefly to revel in your close proximity, your sweet perfume filling her nose while the sensation of your breath tickling her lips as you breathed shakily in front of her. You were still so tense, Yeonjin could feel it through the grip that she had on your neck and head, but it did not bother her as much as it should. You were close and with her, it was already better than a few minutes ago. Yeonjin opened her eyes again and smirked at the terror-filled eyes that were staring at her as she lovingly scanned your face, becoming mesmerized by its gorgeousness.
“So tell me...are your mine?”
It was obvious to everyone in school. Y/N L/N was Park Yeonjin’s. While it was known fact that you were a ‘member’ of her group, one did not really know the true nature of the relationship between you and Yeonjin. Everyone knew that you were practically her favorite toy to play with. No one dared to stop her because they knew that it would only turn out worse for them. Yeonjin was untouchable at school, just as she was outside of it.
Even her friends knew better than to touch her without her permission. Any games that they did play with you was in the presence of Yeonjin. They did not go as far as they did with all their previous toys before. Yeonjin liked your skin, she did not want to mar it permanently in anyway. Although Yeonjin has grown fond of leaving bruises on you as of late, and not simply the ones caused by a blow to the body.
Your neck was bare from any bruises at all, something Yeonjin intended to rectify, but only after she heard your confirmation. You were still staring at her with your terror-filled eyes, not bothering to give her the answer she wanted. So Yeonjin suddenly tightened her grip on your neck, her fingers tugging at your strands of hair, making a sharp sting of pain shoot to your head. You then finally nodded to her, but it was not enough for Yeonjin. She leaned closer towards you, her other hand moving to your knee to support her waist as she balanced herself in front of you on her knees, finally matching your position.
“Say it, I want to hear it.” She ordered, her words practically whipped against your lips with Yeonjin’s obvious demand for the phrase she wanted to her from your lips. Your lips teasingly trembled as you opened them, hesitating for a few moments before finally moving.
“I’m yours.”
Delight filled Yeonjin, her fingers loosening their grip after the words left your lips, turning more loving as she teasinly dug her fingers in your hair to secure her hand’s place in it. She licked her lips before tugging you closer until your lips were brushing against hers.
And then she pressed them fully against your own, sealing the confirmation with a kiss, the first of many more.
Jeon Jae-jun
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Jaejun has never been able to not stare at you, especially when you wore the shortest of shorts with your hair tied up so high that is exposed your delicate neck. From his side of the gym, Jaejun could not take his eyes off you as you ran around the basketball court with the others girls for sports class. He noticed Yeonjin and the others lingering back in the group of girls, not at all bothered to participate properly in the lesson, the opposite of you as you sincerely looked like you were trying your best.
That was the weird thing about you, you always tried your best even though it hardly gave any good results. You weren’t the fastest girl in the years, not even in the school, but in sports class you always trained as hard as one of the talented track athletes would. Academics were more your specialty and he has seen how hard you try with your studies, being one of the top students in the year.
You were not that bad-looking either. While he could only see you in black and white, it did not mean that he was blind to your looks. You were pretty, the type of pretty that you didn’t even realize. Jaejun and the other guys in the year have all commented on your looks more than a dozen times, Jaejun more so since you have caught his eye ever since you transferred to their school. Jaejun couldn’t help but be taken by you at first sight. He still remembered the way you bowed your head in greeting, a nervous smile on your face as you lifted your head to gaze at all of them. You were pretty and everyone could agree with the statement, although it quickly become a double edged sword for you in more ways than one.
Jaejun had turned his head away from you for a few minutes to answer a question that one of his classmates had asked him before suddenly snapping his head back when he heard you let out a pained scream. You were on the floor of the basketball court, clutching your ankle while all the other female students clustered around you, all doing nothing but staring at you as you cried in obvious pain.
Shock and worry immediately shot through Jaejun and he found himself suddenly walking towards the female group, eyes locked on your slouched form as you continued to clutch at your ankle. It was only when he was a few meters away from you did he hear Yeonjin speak, fake concern obvious in her voice.
“Gosh Y/N, are you okay? You took such a nasty fall! Did you trip over yourself?”
The snickered laughs of Sara and Hyejeong after Yeonjin’s words immediately made Jaejun narrow his eyes. Of course it was Yeonjin, he shouldn’t even be surprised.
When Jaejun said that your looks was a double-edged sword in more ways than one, he meant that it was a double-edged sword in terms of Yeonjin’s opinion of you. While he and Yeonjin had some sort of relationship going on, it kind of changed after you transferred to their school. For some kind of reason, Jaejun was not interested in playing around with Yeonjin anymore. She was no fun anymore. He doesn’t know the exact reason, but he just knew when he was with Yeonjin, he pictured you in her place,
And of course Yeonjin did not like it when he had let it slip the one day about how much prettier you were out of all the girls in the year, including Yeonjin.
Guess Jaejun was kinda to blame for your fall from social grace to one of the new toys for their group. Jaejun was not into it at first, especially since it was not the way he wanted to interact with you, but he simply relented because Yeonjin would only make things worse for you if he went against her. She was a selfish bitch who did not deal with jealousy well, even though she denied it every time. He didn’t get what the fuck her problem was, but it was always with you, and instances like now were things that really pissed him off. Yeonjin was a part of you falling, he just knew it.
The gym coach was already by your side by the time Jaejun arrived by the group, checking out your ankle while you were still whimpering in pain. His heart pinched slightly at the sound of it but he did not show much emotion as he pushed past the girls standing around you, trying to get closer. You still didn’t notice him.
“-twisted or badly sprained. We need to get you to the nurse.” Jaejun heard the gym coach say, experimentally squeezing your ankle only to make you squeak in pain before grabbing at your ankle again.
There was no way that you would be able to walk on it. Even from his side he could see that it was swelling up. No chance would you be able to make it there in one piece.
“...I’ll take her.” Jaejun suddenly said, pushing past the final line of girls to finally step foot into your inner circle. Your head immediately whipped around to face him, your eyes widening in shock with a hint of fear as you locked eyes with him.
He could not blame you for the reaction. Jaejun was equally as responsible for the suffering you have had at their school as Yeonjin was. While he did not participate much in Yeonjin’s games with you, he did not stop them. He simply watched and waited for Yeonjin to stop working out her jealousy on you before tossing you out like the trash the group believed you to be. But it was all an act. He did not really mean it.
If he wanted to be honest, he was probably the nicest out of all of them. He has at least stopped Yeonjin from using her hair curler on you. That was probably the only first time he publicly opposed her in front of the others. He remembered how pissed she got, she almost decided to take out on you with the damn thing, but then he stopped her from grabbing it and tossing it against the floor until it broke. He liked your skin and he didn’t want her to make it ugly. He liked his girl’s skin perfect after all.
“N-No it’s okay. I can walk.” You protested, attempting to stand up on your own only to crumble back down when your ankle could not support your weight. Jaejun scoffed.
“Yeah right.” He said before suddenly grabbing you from under your arms and hoisting you up to your feet, turning you around once you were standing before suddenly scooping you up in his arms like a princess bride. The girls around them immediately squealed excitedly at his action.
“Hold on Jaejun, it would be best for one of us to take her. You know, since we will be all girls.” Yeonjin suddenly said, stepping forward past the others girls to stand in front of Jaejun and you with arms crossed, an almost concerned look on her face which fooled others but did not fool Jaejun. He knew that Yeonjin was raging on the inside at his actions, but in this moment, he did not care.
“I’m just carrying her. No big deal.” Jaejun said, shrugging his shoulders before taking a step forwards with you in his arms, your hands digging into his shirt subconsciously, either out of fear or for safety, he had no idea. He hoped it was the latter.
“Don’t be all macho Jaejun. Give her to Sara and Hyejeong, we’ll take her to the nurse.” Yeonjin said, stepping in front Jaejun again and this time reaching out to grab you by the arm. But Jaejun stepped back and shot her a glare.
“I said it’s no big deal.” He snapped before turning to the gym coach. “I’ll be taking her now.”
Jaejun didn’t even bother to listen to the gym coach’s response as he started walking away from the group and towards the gym doors, purposefully ignoring the teasing catcalls that came from the boy students, Myeong-oh being the loudest out of all of them.
You didn’t say a word as Jaejun started carrying you to the nurse’s office, your hands still grabbing fistfuls of his shirt despite being away from imminent danger in the form of Park Yeonjin. Jaejun wasn’t sure if he liked the silence or not, especially not when his hands were conveniently placed near your chest and on your legs. Suddenly filled with the urge, Jaejun gave a squeeze to your leg that he was holding, making you gasp in surprise.
“You know usually a girl would thank her prince charming for saving her from the evil bitch.” He said, cocking his head at you with a slight grin as you turned to look at him with wide eyed. He gave your leg a squeeze again, making you gasp for the second time before you went to grab at his hand, unable to make him let go.
“You know, I will take a kiss in the form of thanks.” He said, stopping in his footsteps to give you his full attention, anticipating building up within his body as he imagined what the feeling of your lips would feel against yours.
“I...n-no.” You protested, making Jaejun let out a disappointed groan, the anticipation falling in his stomach like a rock in a pond.
“Aw come on, it is the least that you can do for me.”
“I-I didn’t need your-”
“Bullshit.” Jaejun suddenly said, the grip on your leg tightening as he continued to stare at you. “You are lucky I am the one that decided to take you. Yeonjin would have done a little detour.”
Jaejun knew how Yeonjin operated, hence why he did not allow any room for argument for him to be the one to take you to the nurse. Yeonjin would have done something to make things worse for you, along with Sara and Hyejeong. Since he would not have been there with them, he can only imagine the permanent damage that Yeonjin would have done to you. No chance was he gonna give Yeonjin that opportunity.
And it seemed to dawn on you on the possibility he had saved you from. You clenched and unclenched your fists on his shirt, making him grin as he leaned into your space, making you snap your head back when you noticed his sudden approach. He smirked at you.
“Maybe not now, but you owe me a kiss. I will claim it from you soon.”
Jaejun had very intention to claim that kiss, but first he is going to make sure that you can walk again. So he pulled his face away from yours and continued his way to the nurse’s office, a grin fixed on his face the entire time much to your shock and terror.
Lee Sa-ra
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Sara could feel how terrified you were, your terror smoking off your body as you remained in her arms, Sara’s lips lightly pressed against the base of your neck while the terrified whimpers and cries from Dongeun filled the gym room, Myeong-oh and Jaejun shoving her about on the floor while Yeonjin watched liked the princess she was on the stage, a wicked smile on her face while the cackles and cheers of Hyejeong made constant echos in the large room.
Nobody was at school at this hour, hence why the five of them hung out together here with you and Dongeun, both of you serving as their entertainment as they wore off the whole school day, the stress getting to them everyday. Although the sharing between you and Dongeun were not really equal among all of them. Dongeun was someone that Yeonjin had chosen for herself and the others to play with, the girl never giving a precise reason why she had chosen Dongeun as their new toy but none of them objected to it. None of them were stupid enough to try, but Sara did find a small loophole when it came to you.
You were very much a part of their group like Dongeun was; however, you were solely Sara’s instead of everyone else. She had pulled you into the group a bit later than Dongeun had joined the five of them, Sara choosing you for only her. She refused to let anyone else touch you, not even Yeonjin, much to the girl’s frustration and annoyance but also to her resignation. Sara pointed out that she already had Dongeun, practically put her marks all over her with her curling iron, so it was only fair for Sara to have her own precious toy to play with, although Sara would say that the relationship between you and her were more than what Yeonjin and Dongeun had together.
“Why are you so tense? Aren’t you happy to be here with me?” Sara cooed, tightening her arms around your waist as she held you against her, you sitting on her lap as she had instructed when the seven of you arrived in the gym together. She pressed a light kiss to the back of your neck before removing one hand from your waist to instead touch the back of your neck, giving it an experimental squeeze. “You want me to give you one of my massages again?”
“N-No...” You started, probably tensing up even more when you felt her hand on your neck, immediately making Sara frown.
You still hadn’t bothered to look back at her since Yeonjin and the others started playing around with Dongeun , almost as if you were begging her to stop her friends from their game, but who was she to tell them to stop? It was not like they were laying a hand on you. They had promised not to touch you so she simply reveled in your company with the sweet sounds of Dongeun’s cries and screams. It was almost romantic in some kind of way because it was just the two of you in one separate bubble from the rest. You were a part of their group, in a way better position Dongeun could ever be in.
Sara opened her mouth to say something but was cut off with a scream and the sound of sizzling, along with the laughter of Yeonjin, Hyejeong, Jaejun and Myeong-oh as they surrounded Dongeun near the base of the stage, the curling iron in Hyejeong’s hand as she pressed it to the forearm of the screaming girl, burning over the still healing burn marks they had given the girl not too long ago. The burn marks were ugly enough, but it looked even worse with its double burn, the skin turning an ugly red from the wake of the curling iron. Despite its grotesque appearance, Sara couldn’t help but smile at the sight of it.
Red was a good colour, especially for painting, and since Dongeun had such pale skin, it was almost she was a blank canvas being painted on. Although Yeonjin was not much of a painter, she did enough leaving different colours on Dongeun, red being her favorite. Sara could almost say the same in regards to you. Red was an excellent colour on you, although a dark red was the best, especially in the form of the hickeys she enjoys leaving on your body.
Sara turned her face away from Dongeun and the others to instead look back at you, catching the sight of you side profile as you had your head fixed in the direction of Dongeun, your jaw slack and eyes wide in horror as you stared at the sight of the girl getting burnt by Yeonjin and the others. You started to tremble, Sara feeling the small movements immediately, their existence making her frown.
“Are you cold?” She asked, wrapping her arms around your waist again and tugging your close to her body, your back pressed to her chest. “Let me warm you up.”
“I don’t like it when you say that to me.” Sara suddenly said, her lips moving to the back of your ear, brushing against the edge of your ear before she moved to press a kiss to the spot behind your ears. “I’m being so nice to you, why are you being so cold?”
“Do you rather want to be in her place?” Sara whispered, her fingers suddenly digging onto your soft belly as she held you, the idea of you being in the place of Dongeun bringing some sort of fire to her blood. “If it weren’t for me, you would be there with her. It’s because of me that you aren’t. Aren’t you grateful?”
You should be grateful over the fact that Sara decided to make you more special in the group. You could have very well have been in the place as Dongeun. The two of you could be two losers together. The two of you would have been in the same league. But you weren’t. You were better than that low-class bitch. You were far more refined. Far more perfect. Far more like them than Dongeun could ever be.
Sara removed one hand from your waist again to trail it up to your face, gripping your jaw from behind and forcing you to look over your shoulder to her. She locked you in an intense gaze, her tongue sneaking out to lick her lips before she spoke to your again.
“Are you grateful for me?” She asked, leaning in closer so that her words brushed against your cheek, her tongue poking out to give you a small lick before she glided her lips along your skin until she was at the corner of your lips. “I take care of you, don’t I?”
“Hey, give that to me.” Sara said said, holding her hand out to Yeonjin and the others with her palm up, flexing her fingers as an indication for the highschoolers to pass her the curling iron. Yeonjin glared at her.
“We’re busy with it.”
“And I want to curl Y/N’s hair. Give it to me. You’ve warmed it up long enough.”
Sara and Yeojnin stared off with one another for a few moments before she huffed before nodding her head at Hyejeong to hand Sara the curling iron. Sara snatched it from Hyejeong and then gently grabbed some of your hair, expertly twirling it around the iron and holding it. You were frozen completely in her lap, the only body part moving being your hands as they trembled on your knees, Sara holding your hair delicately in her hand as she began to curl it.
“I’m so good to you Y/N, right?” She said, continuing with her task. You didn’t say anything, you were too afraid to say anything, especially since all the attention in the room was on you now, Dongeun sobbing in the background. Your silence was irritating Sara, so she tugged harshly at the hair near the side of your head, bringing the curling iron close to your neck, not touching your skin but close enough to feel the heat emitting from the metal rod. “...Right?”
“Y-Yes Sara.” You finally stuttered out, staying in place in fear of the curling iron to be pressed to your neck. Sara smiled.
“Look at me.” She ordered, pulling the curling iron away from your neck and hair to give you to space to turn your head, your eyes peaking over your shoulder to look at her. Sara grinned wildly at you.
“Do I take care of you?” She repeated. You gulped.
“Yes Sara.”
“Good girl.”
She teasingly winked at you before nodding at you to turn back, allowing her to continuing curling your hair until she was satisfied, handing it back to the others without a second glance before she wrapped you up in a hug again, Dongeun’s screams soon following afterwards. Sara smiled as she nuzzled her nose into your neck, inhaling your perfume scent.
Nothing could get more perfect than this.
Choi Hye-jeong
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Hyejeong didn’t know when the feelings she felt for you had started to form, but she didn’t think they were easily going to go away, especially since she knew how fucked up the situation the two of you were in. There was hardly anything that she could do to help you or herself. In this circumstance, both you and her were victims, only you were truly the only one who was suffering.
You wouldn’t have become their new toy to play with if that bitch Dongeun hadn’t dropped out of school. If she had stayed and simply took what they gave her, then you would not be in this situation, taking the place of that pathetic bitch. Instead of Dongeun crawling along the gym floor with her legs tied up with the door chains that they had unlocked, it was you. The tears that were streaming on your face were obvious from the distance that Hyejeong sat on stage beside Yeonjin, the head bitch in charge smiling sadistically at you as you continued to crawl. Myeong-oh and Jaejun was walking beside you, chuckling and tossing quips at you every few minutes.
You looked so miserably, so broken...it simply made Hyejeong heart sting.
“Ne...where is my curling iron? I want to curl my hair today.” Yeonjin suddenly said, her finger twirling absentmindedly with a strand of her hair, the dark smile on her face only widening as she locked eyes with your tear filled ones. She then turned to Sara as she recorded the whole thing. “Did you bring it?”
“No, Hyejeong had it last. You got it?” Sara said, looking away from her phone screen to look at Hyejeong expectantly, soon joined by Yeonjin.
Hyejeong swallowed thickly at the attention that was suddenly on her by the two girls, her eyes darting between them before she turned to glance at you, your own eyes staring at her desperately and begging. Out of all five of them, Hyejeong was the least worst. Yeah, she watched everything that was done to you but she never really actively took part in it. She did in the beginning, but ever since her own heart began to twist painfully at the sight of you in pain, knocked down to the floor and under the heel of Park Yeonjin, she no longer felt the desire to lay hands on you.
Hyejeong was hardly in a place to save you from these circumstances...but she could elevate your suffering just a little bit.
“I forgot it.” She confessed, turning to look at Yeonjin with a slightly apologetic expression even though she felt no remorse for it. “Sorry.”
“What do you mean you forgot it?” Yeonjin demanded, her eyes narrowing dangerously and her lips twisting into an ugly snarl. “I told you to bring it!”
“Liar, you told Sara to but she just said she didn’t have it.” Heyjeong quipped, turning to look at the other girl with slight annoyance. Sara scoffed.
“Don’t blame me, I told you to bring it for next time!”
“Well I didn’t know today was going to be the next time!”
“You’re a fucking idiot!”
“Don’t call me an idiot you crazy bitch!”
“What the fuck did you say?!”
“Fuck, enough already! The two of you are giving me a headache!” Yeonjin snapped, huffing in frustration as she pinched the bridge of her nose before looking at you in disdain. “If I can’t test the curling iron temperature on her, then there is no fucking point then. This is boring.”
Yeonjin hopped off  the stage and walked towards you, staring you down for a few moments before cursing.
“Fuck, lets just get out of here. She so damn slow.”
Without a second thought, Yeonjin walked past you and headed towards the exit, leaving everyone is slightly stunned silence, all of them glancing at you and then back to Yeonjin.
“What must we do with-” Jaejun started only to be interrupted with Yeonjin as she cursed again and whipped around to glare at them
“Fuck, leave the bitch here! I don’t care!”
Yeonjin whirled around and stormed off out the doors, leaving the gym silent for a few moments before they decided to head out after her. They all spared you one more look before heading out one by one, Myeong-oh and Jaejun pushing one another by the shoulders before heading out, Sara huffing to herself before she starting head out, although she did pause when she came across you.
“Pathetic bitch.” She said before shoving you by the shoulder with her foot, making you cry out in pain before she headed towards the door, turning her head around to look at Hyejeong irritably. “Come on already you crazy bitch.”
Hyejeong flipped Sara the bird at the insult but she got off the stage and started following after the artistic high school student, although she took her time so that when Sara had left the gym, it was only the two of you left. Hyejeong crouched down when she eventually reached you, her eyes on the door to make sure that the others weren’t coming back before she turned back to you.
“You are lucky I forgot the curler. You better be grateful to me. I saved you a whole lot of hell.”
You stared up at her tearfully, a bruise already forming on your cheek from where you had been shoved against the floor, your face taking most of the impact as you had not expected the shove from Yeonjin when you first arrived at the gym. Seeing the forming bruise brought pain to Hyejeong’s heart, the very sight of it making her breath shaky as she continued to gaze at you. She glanced back at the door and then back at you before sighing.
“You better not say a fucking word about this, otherwise both you and I are going to hell.” She said, digging into her pocket to grab a key and dropping it to the floor in front of you. “You better chain up the gym and give me back the key tomorrow, otherwise I will make sure I remember the curler.”
Since they used the gym often in their free time, they all made sure to get some copies of the gym keys so that they could access it whenever they wanted, something no one knew about except each other. And now you.
You stared at the key in slight shock, you hand crawling out slowly to cover it before your raised your eyes to look at Hyejeong. She couldn’t stand looking at your face, not when it brought so much pain to her. She already had spent too long in this damn gym, the others might come look for her and she could not be caught in the act of helping you, especially since it was against Yeonjin’s orders.
“Later loser.” Hyejeong hissed before she stood up and stormed towards the door, leaving you in behind in stunned silence without a second glance.
She couldn’t look at your face, not when she was partly responsible for it. There was nothing that she could do about your situation. Yeonjin’s word was everything and if Hyejeong went against her...she did not even want to think about what Yeonjin will do to her. She will much rather be a part of their group than one of their toys, and even though it brought her pain to see you in pain...she could not take your place. She did not have the money to save herself like Yeonjin and the others had to make a new life. She needed to keep herself as pristine as she is now in order to make it in life.
She hated the fact that you were hurting...but rather it be you than her.
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 10/5
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Whatcha snagging this week, Fantomites? 
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kdramacrybaby · 1 year
The Glory (2022)
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Genre: Revenge, Thriller
Synopsis: Moon Dong-eun faced severe mental and physical bullying while she was in school. She had to give up on her dreams because she had to drop out of school, so instead, she spends her entire life planning the perfect revenge on those who hurt her. Whatever it takes, she will take them down one by one. Her bullies are living their perfect lives, but with Dong-eun suddenly back in their lives, everything starts crumbling around them.
Episode info: 16 episodes / Runtime around 60 minutes
Lead cast: Song Hye-kyo (Moon Dong-eun), Jung Ji-so (Young Dong-eun), Lee Do-hyun (Joo Yeo-jeong), Lim Ji-yeon (Park Yeon-jin), Yeom Hye-ran (Kang Hyeon-nam), Park Sung-hoon (Jeon Jae-joon) Jung Sung-il (Ha Do-yeong)
Link to watch: You can watch on Netflix or Dramacool
Drama rec masterlist | Drama rant thread (beware of spoilers)
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Firstly, I want to start with the warnings for this drama - because this drama is dealing with severe bullying, as well as sexual assault and domestic violence. And Netflix does not shy away from showing everything, and I really mean everything. So if this is something you have a hard time dealing with, this drama is not for you, just trust me on this one. Even I had to look away sometimes, and I’m not usually squeamish.
While this drama was a hard watch, in the sense that it’s so brutal, I really liked seeing the female lead just not giving a single fuck. She does not care if what she does makes is technically wrong - she wants her revenge, and she is going to get it. Don’t get me wrong, she is kind to the right people, but as she states multiple times herself: “I am not a good person.”
And this thing about being either good or bad is such an interesting topic. I think I touched on it in both Vincenzo and Your Honor too - good or bad is not black and white, and Dong-eun is most definitely that grey area where she balances on the edge of both. She never did anything wrong - she is 100% the victim in this scenario - but by choosing revenge, she suddenly becomes a vigilante in a sense, and that requires some morally bad actions. 
The people who help her in the end (and the people she ends up helping along the way, even though she has a hard time seeing that herself) are all victims too, with their own trauma and their own ghosts to deal with. They do not care that they have to join her in the grey zone, because they too have suffered and felt trapped in their own selves as victims. They want to take back their power.
Idk, I just really love dramas that have you rooting for a character who is morally grey, because it makes you think - how far would you go?
And while it is a drama about revenge, it is also a drama about healing - about allowing people to break down your walls and help you move forward to better places. About learning to love and accept yourself for who you are without the trauma casting a shadow over every part of your future.
The actors are phenomenal, absolutely blew me away with their raw emotions all around. Especially the younger actors were absolutely amazing, they must have worked so hard, and I hope they are okay after having to do the very graphic bullying scenes.  
In the end, I just want to mention that - in case you didn’t already know - this series is loosely based on actual bullying cases from South Korea. Bullying in their schools really do get this bad, and it is wild to me that kids are capable of this evil. Bullying should absolutely never be allowed. If you see something, say something. Don’t ever be a bystander.
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Who is My Child’s Father? (Exploring Paternal Complexities for Children Born Outside of a Marriage)
By Elim Yang, University of California Davis Class of 2023
April 23, 2023
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Author’s note: This article contains spoilers from the show series The Glory (K-drama), Jane the Virgin (American satirical rom-com telenovela), and Gilmore Girls (American comedy-drama).
Imagine this — you are married to the woman you love and raised a beautiful baby daughter together. As a wealthy and powerful CEO of a large and successful corporation, you have everything you could possibly want in life and more. However, when your wife’s problematic past resurfaces, you suspect infidelity on her part within your marriage and begin to notice the signs through your daughter’s inherited traits. Upon confronting your wife and her affair, you get into a fight as the both of you immediately argue about how this would affect child custody rights. The issue at hand asks: between the presumed father (the husband) and the biological father, who has legal rights to the child?
This exact scenario was portrayed in the K-drama The Glory when Ha Do-Yeong found out that his wife, Park Yeon-Jin, cheated on him with a close friend, Jeon Jae-Jun, during the course of their marriage. Even though this show is fictional, this scenario is fairly common and, thus, legal aspects behind paternity and parentage have been extensively studied and established. Parentage is referred to as a child’s legal parents [8] — and the establishment of parentage can become significantly more complicated if a mother knowingly commits paternity fraud after having an extramarital affair that results in the conception and birth of a non-marital child. Paternity fraud occurs when an expectant mother commits adultery then intentionally lies about the paternity of the father of the child, often for self-serving reasons [10]. Although California does not have a law forbidding the act of adultery (colloquially referred to as having an extramarital affair), the emotional and legal ramifications upon the discovery of a non-marital child can be devastating [3].      
Paternity and parentage (other than the biological mother) can be grouped into one of the three categories: an alleged parent, a biological father, or a presumed parent [8] - we will only be discussing the last two. The term “biological father” is self-explanatory as it refers to an individual who has been confirmed by a DNA test to be the genetic parent of a child. A presumed parent, on the other hand, is the individual listed as the father on the child’s birth certificate and/or has acted and raised the child as their own [8]. It is important to note that when a child is born during a marriage, the husband will always automatically be considered and assumed as the legal and biological father of the child unless otherwise specified [6]. This is known as “marital presumption” and it carries with it the full parental rights and responsibilities of the child [9]. What if the husband wants to be released from the obligations of the legal parent-child relationship when he discovers the child isn’t biologically his? In many cases, states have declared that a DNA test result alone cannot be the sole basis in which a husband ceases to provide for his legal child [2]. The court will always turn to the child’s best interests and may likely require the legal father to continue supporting the child [2]. Furthermore, if the biological father comes forward and presents the court with a DNA test match, he also would not automatically be granted any legal rights or responsibilities for the child due to his lack of established parentage [7]. Under the law, the husband can continue claiming the child as his own and supersede the biological father’s demands even in light of DNA evidence [6].
In the event that divorce is considered, infidelity will not affect the division of child custody and visitation unless the activities and person(s) surrounding the adulterous spouse’s affair endangers the child [4]. For instance, the only time that extramarital affairs may be taken into consideration in divorce settlement decisions is if the adulterous parent neglects their child to engage in extramarital activities or if the nature of the affair involves abusive behavior. Barring these exceptions, California — being one of the first states to implement a no-fault divorce rule in this country — allows the process of divorce to proceed without assigning blame to either party [1]. Additionally, adultery (defined as the act of engaging in secretive sexual relations with someone other than one’s spouse) is not considered a punishable crime in the state of California [3].
Paternal fraud, on the other hand, is considered to be a very serious offense that is incredibly different to prove in court. In order to prove the presence of paternal fraud (and fraud in general), the victim (the husband) must find proof that the mother knew the child wasn’t his and still intentionally lied to him about it [2]. If paternal fraud is such a serious crime, why is it such a common offense? There are a variety of reasons why a mother would falsify the identity of the father, with the most common ones being that she doesn’t want to be exposed for her acts of infidelity or that the presumed father has more financial stability than the biological father and could therefore provide more child support for their child [11]. Unfortunately, many men throughout the United States are victims of paternal fraud and can sometimes spend many years believing that their child is biologically theirs. In contrast, however, some men might be completely unaware of the fact that they have biological children because the mother has never disclosed their existence and identities to him. This was exactly what happened in the American TV series Jane the Virgin and Gilmore Girls. With Jane the Virgin, Jane found out that the telenovela star she idolized as a kid was, in fact, her biological father. Around the same time, Rogelio de la Vega, the celebrity in question, was shocked to have learned that the one-night-stand between him and Jane’s mother, Xiomara, 23 years prior led to the existence and upbringing of Jane. Similarly in Gilmore Girls, when 12-year-old April Nardini went around collecting and testing the DNA of three men for her science fair project, she ended up discovering who her biological father was. Luke Danes, who had been in a long-term relationship with her now single mother, Anna Nardini, was shocked to have learned that he was a father all these years without his knowledge.
From an objective and legal point of view, it would appear that women often receive very little legal consequence in cases involving adultery and paternal fraud. However, the emotional turmoil that comes with dealing with these situations can shatter trust between spouses and destroy families. Tying it back to the scenario depicted in The Glory, the answer for the issue at hand is that the husband (Ha Do-yeong) of the child’s mother (Park Yeon-jin) will automatically have all the legal rights and responsibilities for the child. The affair (Jeon Jae-jun) will have any legal rights to the child unless paternity is established [5].  
Elim Yang is currently in her fourth year of her undergraduate education majoring in Organizational Studies (Sociology) at the University of California, Davis. Prior to enrolling in a university, she completed her Associate’s degree in Business Administration at De Anza College in Cupertino, CA. She plans on attending law school upon graduation in hopes of becoming a family law attorney in California.
[1] “Alimony & Cheating Spouses In California.” Moore Family Law Group, https://www.moorefamilylawgroup.com/locations/corona/lawyer/alimony-cheating-spouses-in-california/.
[2] Christian, Erica. “What To Do When You Are The Victim of Paternity Fraud.” Men's Rights, https://mensrights.com/what-to-do-when-you-are-the-victim-of-paternity-fraud/.
[3] Gjelten, E.A. “Adultery in California: Does Cheating Affect Alimony?” Www.divorcenet.com, Nolo, https://www.divorcenet.com/resources/adultery-and-divorce-california.html.
[4] “Is Adultery A Crime In California?” Burch Shepard Family Law Group, 23 May 2022, https://www.ocdivorce.net/blog/2022/may/is-adultery-a-crime-in-california-/.
[5] Marsee, Steve W. “Establishing Paternity When an Extramarital Affair Results in a Child.” Law Offices of Steve W. Marsee, P.A., 14 Dec. 2020, https://www.marseelaw.com/establishing-paternity-when-an-extramarital-affair-results-in-a-child/.
[6] “My Wife Had a Child With Another Man While We Were Still Married. Am I Financially Responsible for That Child?” Shaw Law Firm PC, 16 Feb. 2016, https://shawlaw.com/my-wife-had-a-child-with-another-man-while-we-were-still-married-am-i-financially-responsible-for-that-child/.
[7] “Parentage (Paternity).” California Courts - The Judicial Branch of California, https://www.courts.ca.gov/selfhelp-parentage.htm?rdeLocaleAttr=en.
[8] “Rights of Fathers and Other Parents.” California Courts - The Judicial Branch of California, https://www.courts.ca.gov/29309.htm?rdeLocaleAttr=en.
[9] “What Are the Legal Consequences of a Child Born From a Spouse’s Affair?” Weaver Law Offices, 5 June 2019, https://kweaverlawoffice.com/2019/06/05/legal-consequences-of-a-child-born-from-a-spouses-afair/.
[10]  “What Is Paternity Fraud in California?” Her Lawyer, 9 Jan. 2022, https://herlawyer.com/what-is-paternity-fraud-in-california/.
[11] “What Is Paternity Fraud?” San Diego Divorce Attorneys Blog, 18 Mar. 2022, https://www.sandiegodivorceattorneysblog.com/what-is-paternity-fraud/.
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reignfms · 1 year
+1  wanted  connection  !
valeria bolton ( lee jiun ) is looking for their romantic connection of a husband. they would be in the age range of 26-29 with the possible faces of song kang, luke pasqualino, kim bum, seo kongjoon, seo inguk, park hyungsik, ok taecyeon, or any masc fc, preferably fcoc. jae does not require prior contact at @silverflcmes. they were betrothed not long before her mother died and have been married for around a year and/or half. he would be either of the north or the iron islands with preference to the islands as the boltons have a secret allliance with the greyjoys. as she is the ruling lady of dreadfort, it would better if he is not an heir or ruling lord of another place. while valeria is a more bit cautious and calculated in her moves and tactics, he is definitely more chaotic and morally grey. the type willing do whatever is needed to get ahead, certainly not above a little bodily harm or even murder if need be. definitely the dangerous type that you don’t want to truly piss off or he’ll take your tongue. he is quite the skilled fighter as well and focuses more on being the muscle as valeria is the brains. the two of them are still getting used to being married and imagine they butt heads quite a lot but have started to become fiercely loyal to one another especially after recent events. expect arguments and fights but they still stand beside each other. all in all a little spicy enemies to lovers kind of scenario. open to plotting and options !
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