#special attack bakugan
brawlertech · 8 months
Street Brawl Black Gold Special Attack Nillious | 3.0
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bakuloversblog · 1 month
There’s a strange charm to the special attack bakugan and I can’t explain it
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titanomarchy · 7 months
I have a general tendency to insert myself into fictional worlds that I interact with (media, games, etc). Not a main character sense, but more like "what's my equivalent in the world of X?"
Bakugan rambling below, including technical details for rules and numbers.
I've been trying to find out a good bakugan for me, like the partner bakugan featured in the anime. I typically bring up to three in my pocket to fidget with at work. Today I had brought in two, a (would be) Pyrus Titanium Special Attack Nillious (g3) and a Pyrus Vertexx (g1s4). I noticed that when I held Vertexx, a sort of energy in my arm and chest, even when it was in my pocket and I placed my hand on the outside of the pocket. Nothing from the Nillious. Very strange. I remember noticing something similar with my Sub-Terra Tremblar (g1s4) yesterday.
Three possibilities: that Vertexx or Tremblar is suitable, that they are not suitable but Nillious is, or, most likely, that it is entirely psychological and doesn't mean anything.
To be fair, I have reasons to like each one
Vertexx is, to my knowledge, my strongest bakugan (1050g) without any sort of special ruling*. It's some four-armed beast of a creature too. I customized it at some point, using a sharpie to fill in some areas that were clearly meant to have painted details but didn't. Mechtanium Surge as a whole was like that though, missing color on details.
Tremblar is powerful if not detonated by an opponent, but not as powerful as Vertexx (920+100g). A mechanical turtle dragon, when it detonates the "shell" becomes a weapon satellite and it's able to stand upright.
Titanium SA Nillious is on a completely different system for power scaling, but with my conversion rules it is powerful (1100g) A two-headed, twin-tailed dragon coated in metal.
*Infinity Helios (g1s4) has one special rule. It has a dial that selects its power level, six options. Select the power level before you use it That's it, that's the rule
There's also Special Evolution bakugan (g1s3) that were noteworthy for exceedingly high power levels, and had rules that you couldn't start the game with them and had to evolve one that fit certain requirements into it to use, and would come with additional powers. But Infinity Helios can fairly easily out-power them and is usable as normal. Hell, my Vertexx exceeds at least two of my SE bakugan as-is.
I haven't reviewed my Bakumutants (g1s4) recently either but the higher end ones should be in the range of Vertexx and Tremblar. They can mix species and be dual-attribute, or slightly stronger if single attribute
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thebaconspider · 1 year
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i took some photos of some of my special attack bottoms for the bakugan wiki and thought they looked good so i'm posting them here too
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dranger78official · 3 days
my analysis on the beyblade x halloween special
so, beyblade x is gonna end and i predict next week's episode is bird VS ciel. and episode 51? it's a halloween special... i think.
i predict the plot will be more similar to that of the haunted heist and the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon. it's like the bad guys: haunted heist meets the priory of the orange tree with a (little) drizzle of junji ito (i think that would be more likely to be rejected by the beyblade community). i watched the haunted heist trailer and it was amazing, but the bad guys is not my fandom. it inspired me.
so, the plot goes when it's october 30 at x city and team persona are in the halloween shop shopping for costumes. meanwhile, team zooganic are carving pumpkins and setting an event in the lion's jungle, consisting apple bobbing and other halloween activities. then, ichigo announces that there will be a scary story coming at the x tower and both team persona and team zooganic come to the x tower.
then, ichigo tells about the story of a ghost of a gyaru that once owned a mansion with her family. she never won a halloween costume contest a single time (like bird's loss streak). she died on a halloween costume contest and wanted revenge. everyone then screamed, and then, ichigo then explains that they will be having a beybattle\kimodameshi in this house.
as the bladers go into the mansion, they experienced paranormal activity, similar to the ones the bad guys experienced in haunted heist. then, the ghost gyaru in the family photo is GONE, and bird had a nightmare. the dream involved bird being stuck in this mansion and haunted by a shadow version of him. then, bird woke up and it is october 31, still picturing the haunting music in his head.
when halloween night comes, team persona and team zooganic are trick or treating. then, they came to the SAME house as before! then, they meet the ghost gyaru like before. then, multi finds out that burn, zonamos, yuni and the others were ghosts as well. then, team persona and team zooganic tried to fight the ghost gyaru off, but one by one, they become ghosts themselves.
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then, there was only bird alone, and he was scared that everyone became ghosts. then, bird tries to attack the ghost bladers and then, ghost toguro said in the voice of sir pentious from hazbin hotel "WHAT is he DOING!?". then, the ghost gyaru merges ALL the ghost bladers and became onryo slash gyaru slash dragon! the ghost gyaru swirled her long body like a chinese dragon rising from the bottom of the ground. then, the gyaru went to attack the city, breathing blue fire like a dragon! then, x city was filled with blue fire and chrome, shiguru and ciel were seen fleeing. then, bird turns around to see that all his friends were actually ALIVE, and they came to fight the ghost attacking the city. ekusu got a rabbit's foot, king carried salt and meiko had ghost repellent. together, they defeated the ghost, which was actually a CGI hologram.
gone wrong.
but then, the gyaru ghost came out from the broken hologram projector, powerless and she said in the voice of nillious from bakugan gen 3 if he was one of the girls from any precure anime "if i can't take you all down, i will take you guys down one by one, STARTING WITH YOU, BIR-AAAAAAAAAAH!!!"
then, she got captured by cho.
the bladers perform a ritual to get rid of the ghost gyaru once and for all. then, when the ghost is gone, cho said that was a prank gone wrong. and everyone said "happy halloween!".
the opening song would be something by creepy nuts and the ending song would be "awesome happy halloween night" by syudou. the problem is that there is an F word (hopefully censored). the song would not be vocaloid but selfcover and the f word would be removed.
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logogofromkeron · 1 year
Galactic Special Attack Nillious Unboxing! | Bakugan (Gen 3)
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senotsuri · 3 years
Way back when, I posted an image of an OC, who fairly recently got a full name (she only had a surname back then.) So, with Eliza’s name finally figured out, I realised I hadn’t actually given my overview of the game that spawned her; Champions of Vestroia.
Time to lose my mind, I guess.
Some fore-knowledge before we get into this.
I am, by all means, a legacy bakugan fan, not a reboot fan. I’ve only seen one double episode (the become-smaller-child episode, which was cute, and Outer Demons, which has a super good premise, but the execution is. something.) By all accounts, CoV is essentially my introduction to the world of the reboot, and I’ll come to this later.
I played both the first game (Bakugan Battle Brawlers, specifically the Wii edition), and the... third game (Defenders of the Core, shortened to DOTC, also for the Wii. The second game, for anyone curious, is Battle Trainer, a DS exclusive.) This will come up later, of course, but I want to point out these two as they’re basically my control group for the quality here (not for the battles though; different battle system and all.)
I am incredibly stay-at-home. A lot of people I know irl I don’t have contact with, and most of them don’t live in my city. This is only important when it comes to the protagonist and literally no one else in the game, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.
So the game begins with the character creator. This is pretty standard stuff, honestly. My one issue with it is just-- this is probably my fashion sense speaking, but the fashion in the game is very... for lack of a better term, naff. There aren’t many options that look good, personally speaking. This is ignoring the issues where the protagonist loses their name, mid conversation, or is referred to as if I chose the male option instead of the female option. These issues are likely just oversights, by all accounts, but talk about jarring.
The first time you see your character is where 3. comes in. The protagonist, no matter what you chose (I have two save files, in case there was a difference. There isn’t), will always be a football/soccer player. Are you one of many, many people who isn’t sporty, who is trying to play as themselves? Sorry, your character is sporty, and you can’t do anything about it.
In the legacy games, this was never really a problem; your character was never seen doing anything other than brawling and interacting with other characters. Whether they played sports, or stayed indoors and wrote fanfic, the game let you decide on that for your character, by not having them do either of those things: your character only battled, or snuck around in DOTC’s case.
Once you stop playing football, you get to run to your best friends, and I guarantee you, you won’t immediately guess who they are unless you somehow already knew.
I mentioned BBB and DOTC being my control group on quality. Bringing the character creator back into this, the NPCs are laughable in quality. Any character who has the same model as you (older child. There are only two other model types: adult, and younger child) will look like a remixed version of your character. Had it not been for some characters having special eye shapes, you could practically cosplay any character in the game, because they were made the same way you made your character.
This includes your two best friends.
You could easily make the same character (minus clothes) as one of your best friend characters, without knowing it until you saw them.
While, yes, BBB and DOTC had the characters from the legacy anime in them, the fact that your best friends are nigh indistinguishable from any other character in the area, because you could easily make any of them in the character creator, isn’t... great.
Speaking of that. Characterisation is questionable, to say the least. Whatever bakugan you have in your first slot will answer to you the same as any other bakugan you have in your first slot. If you started off with Howlkor in the front of your party, and you replaced him with, say, Barbetra, Barbetra will act the exact same as Howlkor did, and it’s really something.
There’s only (?) Armoured Alliance bakugan in the game, other than Dragonoid, Pegatrix, Trox, Hydorous, Nillious, and the afforementioned Howlkor. That’s a small roster, by all accounts, so having varied dialogue depending on the bakugan would make sense.
The characterisation of the other characters is also a little funky in places. Your best friends don’t brawl, and I honestly forgot about them for a portion of the game. The tournament brawlers are practically as faceless as the villain minions, and the villains- oh the villains...
Preston. I don’t like Preston, at all. He’s a villain from the moment you see him, and the whole “try to find Preston” section in Helena Heights makes me want to punch someone. When you fight him in the Parasol HQ, his dad being the CEO, it’s fairly clear that Preston is little more than a tool for him. Sometime later, you fight Preston again, this time as the final tournament’s final battle, and he’s laughably weak compared to the other challengers. Remember, this kid fights you with Leonidas.
You’d think Leo would be good, but I’ll get into the butchering that happened to my death dragon later.
Anyhow, he fights you, assuming his dad will enjoy him defeating you. With the power of you’re the player character, you beat him, he hands all of his bakugan to you, and gives up on brawling for good. Kinda.
The next time you see him... hoo boy. In Old Town, on the way to defeat dear detestable dad, you come across Preston. He offers you help, and when player character is understandably suspicious, Preston complains that... one of his toys was taken away because you beat him, and now he wants Revenge On Dad.
I wish I was joking. His revenge, by helping you defeat his dad, isn’t because he’s obviously neglected by his dad (company taking priority over him, the CEO’s son), and then is used as a minion to try and get rid of you. It’s not out of bitter feelings because his dad doesn’t care about him, no, it’s because his dad took his ball away.
What’s worse is how player character reacts: “Oh! :) You’ve learned that bakugan aren’t just tools! :) Yes you can help me, despite the fact that you learning this sounds less than genuine and definitely not last minute! :)”
This is a level of stupidity I’ve only seen in DOTC Mira when Spectra tricks her into giving him Drago. He’s literally sulking and moping about over his ball, and then he sees the player character, immediately being manipulative so that player character can take down his dad for him. 
Leonidas also forgives him, and has the same reaction as the player character.
Speaking of Leonidas! I think everyone’s been excited for Leonidas in general - we all love a shark headed death dragon, and we wanted one in the reboot for ages.
I refuse to call reboot Leonidas Leonidas. This is like the Shun Kazami debacle, but one I’m substantially more angry about.
Leonidas, in BBB, was untrusting of everything, wanted to throw down with everything in sight, had no fear of anything because “I don’t fear weak [humans]”, and literally came from hell. He eventually grew to trust you and others, to calm down and enjoy himself at his own pace, and was willing to have help from others, showing anyone around him that his origins aren’t the be all and end all about him.
Leonidas, in CoV, is immediately trusting of the first human who showed a hint of kindness, has a weakness to all attacks in the game, comes from Vestroia (not the Doom Dimension), and forgives the human who threw him away when he didn’t win the battle against you for him.
Ignoring the fact that Leonidas just doesn’t look good in CoV, I’d say he got bastardised. That’s not Leonidas, it’s just a dragon with the same name.
The main villain is the CEO of Parasol, an energy company that, assumedly, used to use solar power. Upon finding out that bakugan battles give off incredible levels of power, they turned to using bakugan, forced to battle, to generate power. These guys literally dug into someone’s house to try and get Leonidas. They’re evil.
On the topic of the battling for power generation; this has a decay effect on Vestroia, as it happens, as battling energy would usually go back into Vestroia, which would be recycled and reused.
The CEO doesn’t bend the knee to you until you break him, which is undoubtedly nice for a villain; I was honestly expecting him to give up, but he doesn’t. You beat him into a corner.
But as my introduction to the world of BP, through CoV, is lackluster at best. Obviously the game is meant for those who have seen the reboot, and don’t mind being completely disconnected from the story, because CoV is self contained, and Dan only shows up to be the tutorial giver (as a jpg, no less).
From what the game tells me about the setting; bakugan are often exploited by adults, bakugan do not like adults because of this, but can’t tell when a human child is manipulating them, unless another child removes them from that situation (the lack of agency here is somehow worse than in the legacy series, who knew).
Despite bakugan being around for 18 years in the setting, no one seems to be aware that they’re living beings, other than the main charcter, as if BP humans are equivalent to Legacy’s Vestals. I was already aware of Vestroia and Earth sharing a location in space, but the fact that drilling deep enough causes bakugan to appear on Earth seems... really weird? Schrödinger’s Bakugan Summoning Pit, but they exist on every digging site possible. Bonus points to all bakugan being able to speak, and they do speak a lot, but only to the player and whoever is around the player in a cutscene.
I’m missing a lot of things, such as battle items being the worst sometimes, I’m aware, but at this point I’m tired of rambling, so let me end off in a comparison.
CoV has, in my opinion, the same replayability levels as Pokemon Shield; I couldn’t replay either game to the end, and I wouldn’t recommend either to anyone unless they were desperate for a new game to play, and had nothing else to chose.
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
See It Firsts for 8/21/2020
First, apologies for completely forgetting about this, but Cartoon Network definitely added some See It Firsts this Friday. This includes a pretty big one, too. First, a whole batch of Bakugan: Armored Alliance/Battle Planet episodes.
Shun and Lightning/Premonition of a Storm - Shun and Lightning: Shun and Lightning are on the hunt for a rare Tumpee, when they run into McQ! With all the devices related crimes happening in Los Volmos, Shun decides to investigate to try to get to the bottom of McQ's nefarious dealings./Premonition of a Storm: After a run in with McQ, Shun and Lightning find themselves in a little bit trouble. They're trapped! Tied up with no Bakugan to help them escape, and no one knows their whereabouts. It will take some big help to help them get out of this mess.
Superstar Dan/Awesome Brawlers on Vacation - Superstar Dan: The Awesome Brawler's head to Tokyo for the Bakugan Battle League - Tokyo Edition. While Wynton, Shun, Lia and Lightning see the sites, and enjoy the tastes of Japan, Dan, as the Los Volmos Champion, has official Bakugan Battle League duties and obligations that keep him busy./Awesome Brawlers on Vacation: Lia, Lightning, Shun and Wynton explore the sights of Toyko when a rogue Bakugan shows up and rampages. The Awesome Brawlers have to spring into action, rolling out their Bakugan to stop the rogue enemy before any real damage can be done.
Bakugan Battle League, Tokyo Edition/Battle Royal - Bakugan Battle League, Tokyo Edition: It's the start of the Bakugan Battle League - Toyko edition! The first round will be a Battle Royale style competition, where only half the competitors will make it through to the next round. Along with the Awesome brawlers the field of competitors is filled with familiar friends and foes./Battle Royal: The first round of the Bakugan Battle League - Tokyo edition continues. The Awesome Brawler's and their Bakugan battle their way through the challenge and face off against tough competitors.
The Second Stage Begins/Mechanoids Attack! - The Second Stage Begins: With half of the brawlers eliminated, the second stage of the Bakugan Battle league begins. This round will be a timed race to the finish, with all kinds of tricks and traps that will slow down even the best brawlers./Mechanoids Attack!: Mechanoids have crashed the second stage of the Bakugan Battle League, causing all kinds of havoc. The Awesome Brawlers will now have to race against the clock, battling competitors and mechanoids if they want to make it through this round.
The Other Fight - Eliminated from the Bakugan Battle League, Ajit is airlifted by drone to a massive cargo ship in the middle of Tokyo Bay. Now that he's on board the cargo ship, he must rescue Dan and Drago, and stop whoever is sabotaging the Battle League. Dan and Ajit investigate the mysterious cargo ship that the eliminated brawlers and Bakugan are being held on. Dan races to track down Drago, but along the way runs into a familiar face.
Also, next week’s episodes of Craig of the Creek.
Plush Kingdom - Craig, Kelsey, JP and Jessica discover a group of plushie obsessed kids, deep within the creek.
The Ice Pop Trio - Craig sets out in search of Ice Pops on a hot day with the help of an unlikely duo.
Pencil Break Mania - When Pencil Break Mania hits the Creek, JP finds himself as an unlikely champion and is forced to defend his title against the very best!
The Last Game of Summer - It's the last day of summer, and the last chance for Craig to uncover an ancient treasure beneath the Creek.
Finally, the very last episodes of Unikitty, unless they decide to air Sick Day. (If you really want to see that one, it is on Amazon Instant Video.)
Last One There - When Unikitty accidentally invokes an ancient curse, the gang must beat Master Frown and Brock back to the castle before one of them literally turns into a rotten egg.
The Very Best Candy - The gang can't decide which of their candy is the best, so they turn it sentient and have it fight to determine the winner.
The Unikingdom Awards - Unikitty throws an elaborate award show for everyone in the Unikingdom, including Master Frown and Brock, but tensions rise when Frown fails to win an award.
The Birthday to End All Birthdays Part 1 - Unikitty and the gang secretly throw Master Frown the birthday of his dreams, but their efforts have lasting repercussions beyond Frown's special day.
The Birthday to End All Birthdays Part 2 - Following the events of Master Frown's birthday, Unikitty and her friends form a resistance group to restore the Unikingdom.
If one has a cable or satellite subscription, one can check them out. Stay tuned.
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BakuBabes fighting system changes
Or else: Idea-package to change/fix the brawling in Bakugan: New Vestroia
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Last time I ranted a bit about my overall problems with the brawling in the latter seasons, including the second season.
This time, let's see, what we could do to make the brawling feel less like 'rock-paper-scissors' and more like 'chess'.
(Massive break-down under the cut, Wall-Of-Text warning)
There are going to be new gameplay components brought in, some original ones varied or changed, and some dismissed. All of these changes are brought up with this in mind: adding extra depth to the game, giving a better space for tactics and strategy. Even with these changes, I attempt to keep the system canon-compliant, both visually and gameplay-wise. (For example sticking with one gate card per round, talking about this later)
I attempted to give a lot of examples for better comprehension.
Now, let me go through a a point-by-pont list and check the problems and solutions while doing it:
1. Imagine it like a MOBA - Team-based arena fighting
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Although I personally liked the first season's brawling system and card-strategy game charactetistics, I support the idea of 'spicing up' the strictly tabletop game depiction and heading a more free-style, team-based gaming mechanics.
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The closest moment to have something team fight-y was in S2 Ep27, where the Ancient Warriors of Vestroia gathered into a party to fight Farbros and Zenoheld. (It was basically a party-boss match.)
Sticking with traditional duelling in the show was justified on the basis of ‘fighting for honor’, but in times, it forced out situations from the plot, where - spite the Resistance being aware of the power of unity - a few people had to be left alone for one-one duels to work ‘plot-logically’ and run simultaneously. Well, here let’s interpret, that scattering to ‘keep the enemy busy’ is not needed and everyone is burning from the passion to free and fight for the Bakugan as much as Dan does. So they just jump into the fight without hesitation. (BakuBabes comic ; Part 6)
Part of the inspiration for the change came from the Bakugan: Defenders Of The Core console game. B:DOTC - even if it falls into the ‘hack and slash’ genre, not MOBA - is a good material to work with, considering it categorizes the monsters into several subcategories, uses an attribute-counter system and is a generally good reference for the diverse fighting styles and abilities used by the monsters. (For example: Have you known, that Brontes can turn invisible?)
The brawls turn into multiplayer games instead of the traditional few playered duels, and become much more action-reliant. (= Less standing in one place, more ‘real time strategy’ feeling) Along with this come in a bunch of new aspects, which give room for tactical thinking and honing skill:
Ability effect and ‘cooldown’ management
Ally-enemy correspondence = hero (in this case Bakugan) synergies and enemy counters
Adaptation to different situations
Adding these extra layers of aspects gives a bigger room for both tactics and skill, and makes the brawler - Bakugan personalities shine.
2. Emphasis on: Teamwork & Synergy
Many times during double - or tripple - duels throughout the second season, there were more than one Bakugan out on the field, but they never actually interacted with one another. The game still got played out as individuals doing their stuff separately next to each other.
As more players join the fight, they form a party and the G Powers are displayed in an aggregated sum. This is important from the perspective of mentality: In a team, individual power matters less and the focus shifts to the teamworking potential and coordination of the members.
Going a more teamfight-based depiction instead individual duels will not only eliminate the problem of the inconsistent match outcomes, but corresponds well with the overall message of the show. (=Being stronger in unison with others)
Although the season takes place in New Vestroia (the monsters are innitially locked in ball form due to the dimensional controllers, but this could come in handy in later seasons), I always imagined, that the brawling up from the second season was about having the physical advantage over the opposition. Being able to summon a house-sized monster out of one's pocket gives a higher ground for individuals in both defending themselves and attacking opponents or buildings. Which means: During a Bakugan brawl the goal is to knock out - or with other words -, force the enemy Bakugan back into ball form. (This is something, which had been present in the whole show, but felt important to mention due to the mechanical Bakugan in a later point.)
So, the point of fighting is to remain in the posession of the physical upper hand and power advantage. In exchange of the physical protection of a giant monster, the human partners are empowered to activate ability cards (Talking about abilities in a later point) and to give shotcalls to their partners. This latter makes sense, for the human partners may be much smaller than the summoned Bakugan, but they are standing further away from the action, having a better overall view on the battlefield. Calling out enemy positioning or ability effects is essential to the Bakugan and their partners' synergy. Coordination is important between not only the brawlers and their partners, but among the party members as well.
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3. Roles
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In order to maximize team-efficiency among the party members, the brawlers have to shift into and fulfill separate roles in correspondence with their Bakugan's capabilities. We will stick with the 3 basic roles commonly used in multiplayer games:
Tank - Support - Damage dealer
I leave a relatively short description of the roles here:
Tank: Tanks mainly protect their teammates by being a ‘living wall’ between allies and enemies. Off-supports the team via 'eating' the incoming damage and physically peeling for allies (either offensively zoning or defensively getting enemies off of teammates, protecting them). Frontliner, usually melee with large healthpool and sustain.
Support: Aids the team through healing / shielding / utility provision. Can be defensive (focusing on protection and sustaining with healing, shielding or buffing allies) or offensive (helping the team getting picks and takedowns via utility means like crowdcontrolling, targetcontrolling, debuffing, ...) Usually squishy target with low healthpool, backliner, caster. (This may vary depending on monsters.)
Damage dealer (DPS): They are the main source of damage, their job is to do as much damage to the enemy as possible. Can be melee or ranged, caster or physical attacker, frontliner or backliner. The two main types of dealable damage are sustain and burst damage.
Examples mentioned in the header:
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Volt & Brontes - Support
Julie & Fly Beetle - Tank
Distributing the power among different roles prevents ‘one-man army overpowerdness’ to happen (Yes, I am looking at Drago...) and incites an actual team effort.
Teamwork becomes essential, as the roles naturally rely on each other to be efficient: The tank peeling for the dps and the support, the support aiding the tank and the dps and the dps doing what they do best: damage to the enemy to end the fight quick (before the tank and support runs out of resources and energy).
Taking a note here, that roles are not as explicitely stated or solid as attributes are.
1. Role classification highly depends on the monsters’ characteristics and ability kit and usually is in a kind of correlation with the brawlers’ personalities and brawling styles.
2. There are monsters, which can ‘flex’ into other roles with limitations (e.g. bruisers, assissting dps,...).
3. The role system doesn’t mean, that Bakugan can’t have abilities from other role aspects. Roles rather show the main specialization of the Bakugan. ( For example: Drago is an offensive damage dealer, but he can keep the defensive Fire Shield ability, in a form of an activable ability card.)
4. Abilities, ability cards
There is a thing I forgot to mention on the account of ability spamming in the show: Although every ability was usable only once per round, this rule didn’t have any impact on the overall game, because starting a new round automatically unlocked every ability again to spam. This is why the game just felt so stacked with abilities and why they could use the same cards over and over again within a short period. So the goal here is to reduce the back and forth snowballing with abilities and enable different counterplays along with making them impactful enough to balance out the fewer usage.
To prevent abilities from getting spammed:
1. We have to shift power into the basic ability kit of the monsters. This means: Not every ability require ability cards to be usable. For example: Basic projectile shooting for ranged monsters (Drago spitting fire) or other abilities for other classes (Nemus shielding allies).
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2. Abilities - to also have a better dynamic with the overall game - are going to have ‘cooldowns’. (Just like Nemus’s fusion ability ‘Flow Skylight’ in S2 Ep4 without the extra conditions.) The cooldown durations may vary depending on the impact of the effect. For example: Abilities affecting the whole party are on longer cooldown periods than one-target spells.
Adding to the impactfulness: Abilities might also have different ‘status modificator’ effects, such as root, stun, poisoning / damage-over-time, etc.
In this system, activating an ability should rather feel like popping an empowered spell, or a longer ‘cd’ in a game. But they are not always straight forward to use or affects enemies strictly: e.g. supports healing their teammates.
5. Gate cards
As abilities are meant to directly affect the monsters themselves, gate cards have effects on either the battleground itself (reactor cards) or on the rules of the battle (command cards). / Character cards are not brought back from S1 under the mentality of team-based games. /
The reason we’ll keep with one gate card per round is to have canon-gameplay consistency.
/There could be something with bringing back more gate cards and them being physical territorial indicators of power dominance on the field, adding an extra importance to positioning but for the sake of canon-compliance I let this go for now.../
Gate cards have the potential to change the overall tide of the battle. Therefore having the gate card down from your own team may have advantage. But important: The given advantage is not guaranteed! In themselves, gate card effects - instead of automatically affecting allies beneficial or enemies harmful - are mostly neutral from the 'game’s perspective’. Gate cards have risk to fire back upon faulty or ill-considered use. Making them less streamlined gives another tool for players to think in advance and set up a higher ground for themselves via planning.
5. Attributes
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Attributes didn’t really play any role in the season, majorly due to abilities overshadowing everything. Here attributes have a kind of minor ‘statistic modificator’ influence.
To have a better overview on this, here is an already existing listing from the Bakugan Dimensions game (back from 2010):
“Pyrus – The Aggressive attribute of Fire. Pyrus Brawlers use fast attacks and attacks that ignore defense. Pyrus Bakugan also increase their fighting power throughout a battle. Subterra – The powerful attribute of Earth. Subterra Brawlers use slow, but devastating, attacks at close range. Their strong, earthen durability gives them high defense. Haos – The wise attribute of Light. Haos Brawlers know the importance of a strong defense. They lure their opponents in and strike hardest when they seem the weakest. Darkus – The hidden attribute of Darkness. Darkus brawlers use Gates to exhaust their enemy while building their own power base. Aquos – The flexible attribute of Water. Aquos brawlers shape both themselves and the environment to suit the needs of the battle. Ventus – The quick attribute of Air. Ventus brawlers are always on the move. They use their incredible speed and mobility to both avoid their enemies and attack faster. “
(Sadly, I never had the opportunity to play the game myself.)
According to this and adding some new ideas, here are the main aspects and added benefits of the attributes:
Pyrus - Strong on offense, great fire-power (better offensive capabilities)
Subterra - Enduring, extra-sustain (better defense, ‘larger Healtpool’)
Haos - Caster-based, extra power on magical spells (both offensive and defensive)
Darkus - Tricky, power in unpredictability (twisty abilities)
Aquos - Flexible, easier adaptation (flexible kit, see: attribute changing)
Ventus - Evasive, great agility (faster movement, better dodging)
1. Attributes add basic characteristics to the Bakugan, but don’t necessarily determine their roles. (The only likeliness is Subterra Bakugan usually being tanks and Haos ones supports, but these come from the extra features those attributes give them. Otherwise any role can be played by any attribute. Attributes are like ‘racial passives’.)
2. The reason the attribute-counter system is not entirely making it to the Au’s brawling structure is because the roles already give a twist to it and the game is balanced around the capabilities of the team itself. Making one attribute more powerful against another from a standby would render a lot of things (like the monsters or the entire deck of players) situational or niche to play.
/Players can change monsters between rounds, but they insist on their played attributes. As in most of the second season, brawlers mostly play with only one Bakugan, or at least not likely to switch. (Theoritically they could, Mira even gave Dan extra monsters for Drago to ‘have back-up’. Plot-wise we can justify this with ‘they already built out trust with their partner monsters so they don’t need to switch’.) Switching monsters between rounds is possible to adapt to the ally / enemy line-up, but since players play only one attribute, this wouldn’t help with fair matching./
6. Things dismissed: G power numerical values and Traps
1. The reasons of declined G power number usage are:
a. It would be way too complicated to calculate with and follow every single modificator’s effect on every single monster. (Especially as the headcount grows.)
b. Perspective-wise, individual G power levels don’t make a difference as long as we talk about teams as units. Not only in gameplay, but according to the group-mentality, individual power level matters less and has a lesser impact, than a good team-coordination.
c. The game itself revolves around the actions and their real-time effects, not the numbers. (G powers originally meant to be indicators of power difference. The accurate power level or difference weren’t actually interesting, only the state of being the upper or the lower out of the two.)
2. Traps are left out of the picture for now, because the main focus is on the Bakugan themselves and their interaction on the battlefield. Extra summoned units could jumble things a bit (both with the roles and the abilities) and they also make up for an even bigger crowd on the field, making it harder to keep track of everything again.
7. Mechanical monsters
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One of the biggest deal of the second season’s plot was to bring in mechanical Bakugan into the picture. But due to the streamlined gameplay, these were not more than envisualisation of flashy overpowerdness.
This time, mechanical monsters will actually have benefits and downsides gameplay-wise.
Cybernetic monsters are immune to some effects (such as poisoning) and are generally well-equiped with an arsenal of weapons. Due artificial tuning and upgrading, they have a strong kit and their statistics are artificially set high. This makes them hard to beat and they impose an actual threat to the normal Bakugan. (They are like the Terminators of Vestroia.)
On the other hand, what cybernetic Bakugan lack is self-sufficient willpower and consciousness, thus for most part they are reliant on input and given orders by the players. For they also lack conscience and a ‘living soul’, they have no sense of fear or exhaustion. This can lead to an exaggeration on the half of the brawlers. If they are not careful enough, forcing a mechanical Bakugan back into ball form may burn them out a bit (as we have seen with Altair or Hades), pushing the monsters to their limits may even get them annihilated or entirely destroyed. (This is something, which normally doesn’t happen to a living Bakugan. It’s very rare for Bakugan to ‘die’ during brawls, because their automatic ‘fear-response’ turns on if they have a near-death experience. Both this, hitting them hard enough to retreat or falling unconscious renders the monsters back into ball form.)
8. One on one duels
The only visible downside of this system is making 1v1 brawls work. Due to the introduction of roles, the monsters are no longer balanced around their damage dealing capabilities and not all of them starts and stands with equal chances in a duel. And falling back to one monster per game per player brings back most of the problems we tried to give a resolution to previously.
/The only possibility I see is having the three Bakugan per player mechanic from S1 back and making all of them active on the field, ‘controlled’ by one player. But this would complicate things, so for now, we don’t talk about this./
But this doesn’t mean 1v1 games are impossible or against the rules. (They just don’t play out as smoothly as team fights do.)
9. For the end: About this post
I’m sure, there are things I left out, this ‘guide’ can never be complete entirely. For example: I haven’ talked about whether life gauges are going to be aggregated or (probably) not, or what’s up with universally activable abilitiy cards. This is because there are stuff I’m still thinking on or not sure about. Not every piece here is in their place yet, we’ll see, what the future brings. Until that, this is the best foundation I can work with regarding the brawling.
(Wow, this thing became ultra-detailed, I’m not even sure if the comic itself can stay true to everything I lay down here, but I’ll try...
I had to write a post about this to show: The brawling can be made interesting again, it just needs a shake-up and some game mechanic thoughts put behind it.)
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basilstorm · 5 years
Sorry for long post, I’m on mobile and can’t put a break in. If you don’t want to listen to me scream into the void just scroll past lol
Things that happened when I was little linked to autism (bc my mom says I never showed any signs when I was younger)
- Repeating every action on my left and right side. Obsession with being a mirror image. Like refusing to take an odd number of steps, or reaching to straighten my glass on one side and then immediately doing it on the other side with the other hand. Intense distress if I didn’t match
- Throwing a fit every time my pillowcases were low threadcount cotton. Literally screaming and sobbing if I heard someone’s nails touch it, even from another room. Once threw up in the middle of the school day thinking about it.
- Wasn’t allowed to rock so I spent between two and four hours on the swing outside, even when it was snowing and below freezing. Listening to the same song over and over again while swinging, or repeating a few words while I did it. Screaming until I lost my voice when my mom locked me in my room because it was pouring for the third day in a row and I wanted to go swing. Locking myself in my room for 24 hours when the super old swing set finally broke
- Pacing and flapping my arms like crazy while listening to the same song over and over. Acting out the same motions again and again while listening. Unable to correct lyrics from what I originally heard them as. Taylor Swift’s Love Story was my favorite thing ever, I did the last verse every single day after school even though I knew the words were wrong
- Getting yelled at a lot for things when I didn’t realize my mom was actually angry because I couldn’t tell when she was joking apart from when she was serious
- Dreading physical contact when meeting family to the point of locking myself in the car while it was below freezing on Christmas Eve, while everyone else got presents
- Full on meltdowns when my mom adjusted my backpack straps even slightly. The weight was always off then and it felt so nasty and different
- On that note, not being able to explain why things bothered me other than the fact that they were different
- Getting yelled at for “acting psycho” while rocking at the dinner table, then getting yelled at for “feigning innocence” when I said I didn’t even realize I was doing it
- Being repeatedly asked by my mom why I wouldn’t talk when she drove me and her friend’s kids around. Being yelled at for making things awkward on her. Not having realized that things were awkward in the first place, and then constantly being terrified of silence even though I didn’t know how to fill the space with words
- My dad saying that if I didn’t stop having meltdowns he’d take me to a shrink and they’d lock me up and torture me until they found out what was wrong with me
- My mom much more insidiously trying to stop me from stimming by yelling for little things, and trying to make my eye tic go away by repeatedly pointing it out and making me self-conscious about it even though I couldn’t help it
- Hand flapping all the time which my mom hated until she was able to tell her friends I was just ‘fangirling’ and it was suddenly socially acceptable. Her changing her mind on this when I got out of my weird preteen phase and still did it
- Sensitivity to bright lights and sunlight to the point of a panic attack when it’s too much. The same sensitivity with unexpected loud sounds. Super strong gag reflex that meant I couldn’t take pills and threw up whenever a Bad food touched my tongue
- Special interests from when I was a toddler like Little Einsteins and Bakugan (even though I didn’t understand the show much, I still have really old attempts at writing about how they were in my head and took care of me) and when people brought it up in public I’d cry and squeal. This also became less cute when I got older and still did it
- Specific attachment to one character at a time, then projecting onto them/pretending they were a caregiver to me. Hyperventilation when someone knew the character I was talking about, followed by such intense ranting that people were weirded out
- Not realizing when other kids were being mean to me until much later or my mom saw them talking to me and lost her shit before eventually explaining they were being mean.
- Only liking very restricted sorts of physical contact with friends, and when a boy at school called me out for holding my friends hand and interlocked our fingers I stopped touching other people for the rest of middle school and most of high school because people being upset with me scared me
- Not knowing how to interact with anyone except my closest friend, even though I’d met some of my family friends as an infant. Difficulty talking to my family, peers, and other friends
- Fear of being yelled at (loud scary sound) so intense I’d purposefully dissociate for days or up to a few weeks to avoid dealing with it or the aftermath. This was followed by meltdowns when I finally dealt with the issue
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brawlertech · 8 months
Ultimate Fire Gold & Titanium Special Attack Dragonoid with Blazing Warrior | 3.0
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rjsaludares · 5 years
My 200+ Anime on the List!!! :)
My 200+ Anime on the List from A to Z. **Old and Latest Anime from 1980-2019** ✏ ************ 00) .Hack// (Dot Hack//) ✏ A ************ 01) Astro Boy 02) Arakawa under the bridge 03) Azumanga Dioh 04) akazukin cha-cha 05) active raid 06) Akame Ga Kill 07) Akazukin Cha Cha 08) Attashin Chi 09) Air 10) Air Gear 11) All Out 12) Another 13) Anohana 14) angelic layer 15) Angel Beats 16) Avatar: Aang and Korra 17) Ah! my Goddess 18) Ao no Exorcist ✏ B ************ 19) BARANGAY 143 20) Boruto: Naruto Next Gen. 21) Buko no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) 22) Bodacious Space Pirate 23) bayblade 24) black Prince ang wolf girl 25) buddy conflex 26) Brothers Conflict 27) black blood brothers 28) black butler 29) blue Dragon 30) baka to Test 31) blood lad 32) Bakemonogatari 33) Bakugan 34) blood + 35) bleach 36) BTOOM 37) BTX ✏ C ************ 38) Code Geass 39) Cowboy Bebop 40) City Hunter 41) crush gear 42) cashern sins 43) Claymore 44) Clannad 45) Captain Tsubasa 46) Charlotte 47) Caligula Cerie ✏ D ************ 48) DNA² 49) Dr. Stone 50) DN Angel 51) Danmachi 52) Durarara!! 53) doraemon 54) death note 55) Dragon Ball 56) Date a live 57) dragon Collector 58) D. Gray man 59) digimon 60) detective conan ✏ E ************ 61) Eureka 7 62) Eyesheild 21 63) Elfen Lied ✏ F ************ 64) Free! 65) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 66) Fruit Basket 67) Fullmetal Panic! 68) fairytail 69) fushigi yugi 70) Flame Of Recca 71) Fate/kaleid 72) Fate/Stay Night ✏ G ************ 73) Gintama 74) Gurren Lagann 75) Get Backers 76) Gallery Fake 77) Golgo 13 78) Great Teacher Onizuka 79) Gargancia on the virdurous planet 80) Gakkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 81) Goblin Slayer 82) Ghost in the Shell ✏ H ************ 83) Hataraku Mao-sama (The Devil is a Part-Timer) 84) His and Her Sircumstances 85) Hamtaro 86) Hakuouki 87) Hell Teacher Nube 88) Himouto! Umaru Chan 89) Hayate The Combat Butler 90) Hunter x Hunter 91) highschool of the dead 92) highschool DxD 93) haikyuu! 94) Hitalia 95) Honey and Clover ✏ I ************ 96) Initial D. 97) Inuzama Eleven ✏ J ************ 98) Jackie Chan: Adventure 99) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure ✏ K ************ 100) k-on! 101) katekyo hitman reborn 102) kayote ragtime show 103) kannazuki no miko 104) Kill La Kill 105) Kiss X Sis 106) Kamen Rider (Mask Rider) 107) Kimi no nawa (Your Name) 108) Kokoro Connect 109) Kaichou wa Maid Sama 110) Kyo kara Maoh! 111) Kekkai Sensen 112) kenichi the mightiest disciple 113) Kimetsu No Yaiba ✏ L ************ 114) Law of ueki 115) Log Horizon 116) Love hina 117) Lucky☆Star 118) Love Live! ✏ M ************ 119) Mai-Hime 120) Major 121) Mirai Nikki 122) Mirmo de pon! 123) Michiko e Hachin 124) Magical DoReMi 125) Mob Psycho 100 126) Mobile Suit Gundam 127) My Bride is a Mermaid 128) Magic Knight Rayearth 129) Magi: the labyrinth of Magic 130) majikoi: Oh! Samurai Girls 131) Mythical Detective Loki 132) My Melody 133) Mojacko 134) Maou-Sama, Retry! (Demon Lord, Retry!) ✏ N ************ 135) Naruto 136) Neon Genesis Evangelion 137) Noragami 138) Needless 139) No Game, No Life ✏ O ************ 140) Outlaw Star 141) Okami to koshinryo (Spice and Wolf) 142) Ouran Koukou Host Club 143) One piece 144) one punch man ✏ P ************ 145) pokemon 146) Paranoia Agent 147) Pandora Hearts 148) Paniponi Dash 149) prince of tennis 150) princess resurrection 152) Psycho Pass 152) Parasyte ✏ Q ************ 153) QueenS blade ✏ R ************ 154) Ragnarok: The Animation 155) Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) 156) Ranma 1/2 157) Re:Zero 158) Re:Life 159) RErideD ✏ S ************ 160) Slam Dunk 161) Soul Eater 162) Soul Eater Not! 163) school Rumble 164) Sailor Moon 165) Street Fighter 166) sword art online 167) slayer 168) Steins;Gate 169) Shiki 170) Shaider 171) Special A 172) shakugan no shana 173) Sakamoto Desu Ga? 174) Seven Deadly Sins 175) Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on titan) 176) Shokugeki no soma (Food Wars) 177) shigatsuwa kimi no uso (your lie in April) ✏ T ************ 178)Toriko 179) Toradora 180) Trigun 181) Tenjou Tenge 182) Tokyo Majin 183) Tokyo Ghoul 184) To Love Ru 185) The Rising of Shield Hero 186) The gargoyle of yoshinaga family 187) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 188) The Daily Lives of Highschool boys 189) Toaru Majutsu no Index (A certain Magical Index) 190) Toaru Kagaku no Railgun/ Railgun S 191) Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator ✏ U ************ 192) Ultimate Otaku Teacher ✏ V ************ 193) Voltes 5 194) Vocaloid **anime music** 195) Voltron ✏ W ************ 196) Working!! Wagnaria. 197) Witch Blade ✏ X 198) "X" ✏ Y ************ 199) Yamato Nadeshiko: The Wall Flower 200) Yaketate Japan 201) Yamada kun and the 7 witches 202) Yawamushi Pedal 203) Yu-Gi-Oh! 204) Yuri on Ice 205) yuragi sou no yuuna san 206) Yu Yu Hakusho (Ghost Fighter) ✏ Z ************ 207) Zenki 208) Zoid 209) Zero no Tsukaima (Familliar of Zero) 210) Zaido: Pulis Pangkalawakan . my new anime on the list . . Assassination Pride (Premier 10.10.19) Another World Ahiru No Sora (Basketball Anime) carole and teusday Cardfight Vanguard Dr. Stone Dororo! Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Diamond no ace Date A Live III Forest of Piano I Want to Eat Your Pancreas Isekai Kakegurui Love Is War Mob Psycho 100 II Mix Nisekoi Philosopher's Grandson Revisions Saint Seiya: Knights Of The Zodiac (remake) The Quintessential Quintuplets The Promise Never Land The Rising of The Shield Hero . . Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection Hello World Tenki No Ko (Weathering With You) Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel II Lost Butterfly
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titanomarchy · 4 months
Bakugan rambling
My very first bakugan, when the series was new (I was in 4th grade!) and I was just trying it out, was a Darkus Delta Dragonoid. At some point I made it an unofficial goal to get every Dragonoid variant in Darkus. There's quite a few I missed, but I got quite a few. They tended to be the variant line that Dan's Dragonoid DIDN'T evolve into in the anime, where possible. I like to imagine that like Dan's Drago, it represents the same individual evolving over time:
Generation 1, Season 1 (Battle Brawlers):
Dragonoid (Pearl)
Delta Dragonoid
Spin Dragonoid
G1 S2 (New Vestroia):
Infinity Dragonoid
Neo Dragonoid (Translucent)
Pyro Dragonoid
Hyper Dragonoid (BakuCore)
G1 S3 (Gundalian Invaders)
Helix Dragonoid
Chance Dragonoid
G1 S4 (Mechtanium Surge)
Iron Dragonoid
Fusion Dragonoid (LavaStorm)
I even kind of did this for BakuTech, as best as I can considering that they typically only come in one attribute. Dragaon and it's line was clearly meant to be the equivalent to Dragonoid without BEING a Dragonoid, as draconic Pyrus bakugan partnered with the main character:
Jiba Dragaon (Kurokami)
I skipped Generation 2, having only 2 geogan and a Ventus Titanium Trox. But I've been continuing the tradition for G3. Technically G3 did away with attributes, and as such none of the G3 bakugan CAN be Darkus, but artwork clearly shows that color matches with elemental powers, which is what attribute was. So black G3 bakugan are the equivalent of Darkus:
Titanium Dragonoid
Titanium Special Attack Dragonoid (B.A.M. neon translucent and blue accents)
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walterreso57-blog · 5 years
Top Advice on Dragon Ball Z Games
It's very appealing and catchy. When you're level 35, you're prepared to start. You might find them boring, because all of them look the exact same. The Demise of Dragon Ball Z Games New Questions About Dragon Ball Z Games You may have noticed that the eyes in a number of the dragon photos look quite different. Instead, you wish to attack with your light auto-combo, because it starts with a fast jab. As an example, say you want to find a finished dragon and a dragon pendant. In the past ten decades, this Agama lizard has come to be an outstanding herpetocultural success story. On the flip side, the encounters can be equally as much fun, at least in the event you learn the moves. Hercule only had the opportunity to turn into a world famous warrior on account of the simple fact that the Z-Fighters stopped entering tournaments. Thus, watch my complete video on YouTube and you are going to learn how to repair it. If anything, Shenron's Eternal'' title could just refer to the simple fact which he doesn't visibly age, or perhaps it's only a formality. Regardless of how they're not so old, these games are now extremely popular with the passage of years and people enjoy playing them since they provide great challenges. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Dragon Ball Z Games Shenron has the ability to grant any wish in the anime and manga collection, needless to say, but Shenron is far more limited in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Even with the visual chaos, Dragon Ball FighterZ's mechanics are in reality deceptively easy and simple to learn. In the event you were a Dragon Ball fan then this game is a best option for you. While he's a push-over when compared with current Dragon Ball villains, Tambourine is still among the most menacing antagonists in the whole series. If you take advantage of a Light Attack combo you'll be awarded random Dragon Balls. The One Thing to Do for Dragon Ball Z Games This issue may be linked to your old hard disk. Since you can better understand and it is going to be quite simple that you stick to the basic actions. You're in the proper place!At the start, this franchise centered on the creation of toys. Bandai Namco studio is accountable for the reviewed game. Moreover, a number of the original characters of the manga is likely to make their appearance on the game from time to time, so you better watch out and search for them. To acquire more details on Dragon Ball Z Games please head to Dragon Ball Z Games. You are able to scroll through the choices to find out more about the characters and determine what character and enemy you desire. All these flaws are in reality compounded in the story mode. The 3D environments may be used strategically for cover. That's fantastic, especially because you're expected to handle three characters simultaneously. In this whole story, they are in fact creature because they are only half-humans. These characters are entirely Walking Spoilers, and their entries feature a whole lot of end-game details which aren't hidden behind spoiler tags. The Dirty Facts About Dragon Ball Z Games Both are level 10, and that means you shouldn't have any issues defeating her. You may see that once they hit the floor they will immediately have the ability to get up and get started fighting again. It is a three on a single fight, and that means you ought to be in a position to defeat him easily enough. Even though it has some exceptional characteristics that are worth noting. Now I will say about installation. Sadly, this combo doesn't do lots of damage. The Principles of Dragon Ball Z Games That You Can Benefit From Starting Today The player making the Ring Match should produce the room private by setting a password. For those who don't understand what I'm discussing, in tag team fighters there exists a mechanic known as the DHC or Delayed Hyper Combo that lets you combo from 1 character's super into another. The Assist is like the Team Combination. Creatures trying to rest in this kind of area are afflicted with nightmares. Shenron has a lot of awesome abilities that you may select from, so be certain you make your summon count! Special techniques are incorporated retaining the much better flavors of prior games and the ability to resist the dragon was increased. Dragon Ball Z Games - the Story It's lots of unique characteristics that players have loved over time. You'll finally have the option to start a single battle involving you and one other friend, or begin a tournament. It may be wise to carry on the team you would like to use against Android 21 by employing secondary teams for the previous two team features leading up to her. To win the best prizes, you will need to try hard! Ps3 dbz games have to take pointers from using this game. The card fighting game that works as the principal supply of gameplay. For different players, we've got classic, cartoon-style fighting action. The internet connectivity is among the aspects which has been criticized about the game. Without it, you cannot summon Shenron. When you're level 35, you're prepared to start. If you're confused or you would like to verify first. They will require a varied diet composed of live prey. If you collect branches and other decorations from nature, be positive they come from a location that isn't sprayed with pesticides and that they're non-toxic. The distinction is that the rarity ranks have various names than you may count on. The History of Dragon Ball Z Games Refuted You are going to have particular number of moves in which you are going to have to get to the boss at the close of the map. You'll finally have the option to start a single battle involving you and one other friend, or begin a tournament. It may be wise to carry on the team you would like to use against Android 21 by employing secondary teams for the previous two team features leading up to her. Structures and character models seem rough. You will have to fight through a couple of clone spaces to get there. This gives you some flexibility with the characters but you can wind up with the very same result no matter which character that you begin with. There are four forms of characters and we're putting more focus on the different kinds and the way they work together. Each character has some distinctive attribute that's exploited. Not all the characters are offered from the beginning, on the flip side, since a few of them must be unlocked first. The History of Dragon Ball Z Games Refuted At the start, this franchise centered on the creation of toys. Actually, girls of all ages like to play games on the net and this fact hasn't been lost on video game developers that are providing more and better games that girls can play. Moreover, a number of the original characters of the manga is likely to make their appearance on the game from time to time, so you better watch out and search for them. The Demise of Dragon Ball Z Games Then it doesn't matter which console model or OFW version you've got. Please be sure you have sufficient storage to fill out the download. However, the file is password protected because of a security reason. The New Angle On Dragon Ball Z Games Just Released Gohan then responds he is not in a tiny gang, he's a Z Fighter. The dbz dokkan battle hack may be the secret to win here. Goku and his pals return to their day-to-day lives on Earth. Dragon Ball Z Games Fundamentals Explained The boss will be a lot stronger than you so attempt to fight because many underlings because you can so you can level up your roster. So here's a list of the my top five games of 2018 so far and when you have yet to find at least one of these games I will supply some links so it is possible to secure a number of the best games 2018 needs to offer thus far. If you're a person that has been playing online games for a while now, you probably would have tries playing Bakugan games at least on one occasion. At elevated levels of play, we'll likely see players fish for quick combos or straightforward hit confirms as a way to tag out safely and cheaply. At least fifty percent are female gamers. The internet connectivity is among the aspects which has been criticized about the game. Definitions of Dragon Ball Z Games Sequences of attack scenes are put in such a way that you won't ever dislike the game and the idea of Dragon Ball Z games. It's possible for you to build your Dragon Ball Z team from a huge group of characters so you can mix and match a legendary team to place the universe back in place. You can have a look at the story trailer to find a few of this upcoming timeline from Dragon Ball Super. Super Dash is nearly readily available for every single character in the game. In terms of the Super Dash, it's an Aerial Attack. You may have noticed that the eyes in a number of the dragon photos look quite different. The uncommon name Daegon, usually utilized in ancient writing also entails dragon. After the high dragon is defeated she yields the conventional number of rare loot along with an Ancient Dragon Bone that is a potent material for Wade to make into a highly effective weapon. What is Really Going on with Dragon Ball Z Games As you battle through the map and rescue your teammates, you will be able to broaden your group of fighters and raise their abilities. As an MMORPG, in Dragon Ball Online you will need to go through the whole world fighting against the enemies to be able to get experience and raise your degree of abilities while interacting with different gamers from throughout the world. While his regular attacks could be better up close, it's quite simple to miss with Big Bang Attack if you have the timing wrong.Even though it has some exceptional characteristics that are worth noting. The controls aren't so complicated and a lot of them require only using a mouse. Sadly, this combo doesn't do lots of damage. Dragon Ball Z Games: No Longer a Mystery Your all problem is going to be resolved in is it in your thoughts. See what type of surprises wait for you within this chapter. At this point you have a private room in which you are able to play with friends and family. Everything is possible once you match the most suitable sort of Ki with the character. Other videos aren't allowed because of copyright problems. I wished to find out more about the story, about Joel, about the way that it would all end. All the substrate needs to be changed every few months. I only wanted to go right to the action part. As a few of you could have noticed, over the last few weeks there's been a new section for mods entitled CAC section. If not, you must confirm your humanity. On the flip side, the encounters can be equally as much fun, at least in the event you learn the moves. It turns out that Hercule was accountable for the very same thing in connection with his own world. Thus, watch my complete video on YouTube and you are going to learn how to repair it. Other videos aren't allowed because of copyright problems. I wished to find out more about the story, about Joel, about the way that it would all end. Things You Should Know About Dragon Ball Z Games You might upgrade the absolutely free demo to full version games. Moreover, the AI is quite challenging to beat, meaning you're stuck with a couple of characters until you learn how to read the AI's moves. You're able to alter the controller to whatever you desire. These games primarily allow players to alter the attire and accessories of a specific character and also concentrate on making adjustments to makeup including hairstyles. Dependent on the popular anime series of the exact same name. The History of Dragon Ball Z Games Refuted At the start, this franchise centered on the creation of toys. Bandai Namco studio is accountable for the reviewed game. 1 thing that's unique about DBZ fighting games is they permit you to fight in the sky, something which you won't see in the majority of other games. The Nuiances of Dragon Ball Z Games You may have noticed that the eyes in a number of the dragon photos look quite different. The uncommon name Daegon, usually utilized in ancient writing also entails dragon. If you realize that you are not able to finish a combo, consider vanishing after the last hit. You do not need to actively play for this farming technique. In addition, the very act of repetition is frequently an indication that you've found a team with a move set that is right for you and supplies a dependable strategy. The entire process takes just a couple of minutes and is totally free! Details of Dragon Ball Z Games The ideal part for those interested is you don't need to wait long at all to receive your hands on the totally free edition. You don't need to search out for your favourite videos every single time you need to watch them. Well the good thing is that you certainly can! Furthermore, there are a number of glaring exploits in the game's mechanics that will be easily abused to get ahead the majority of the moment. It's a game in which you have to remain alert every moment which you're playing, if you would like the best outcomes. If you're a person that has been playing online games for a while now, you probably would have tries playing Bakugan games at least on one occasion. At elevated levels of play, we'll likely see players fish for quick combos or straightforward hit confirms as a way to tag out safely and cheaply. For different players, we've got classic, cartoon-style fighting action. I understand many folks love this game. What You Should Do to Find Out About Dragon Ball Z Games Before You're Left Behind Still, the majority of the combat is really boring, unfortunately. You can chose your favourite warrior and just begin fighting! Bear in mind that should you do fail on a number of the more compact fights, then you'll want to begin the map all over again. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Dragon Ball Z Games Is Wrong You pick the species and I'll sculpt it. The eggs need to be put in smallish depressions in the incubation container. These are a few of the ideal reptile pets since they are hardy, very docile, and simple to look after. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Dragon Ball Z Games It is possible to establish a very simple system with a plastic drinking cup with a perforated bottom. The matter may be popping up due to the outdated drivers. Everything that could change the stream of a fight in an instant will cost you a bit of meter. Each time you rescue someone with the modest green icon it means they may be added to your team. I tell the stunned group and pull my photo book from the satchel. You are going to be able to reassess the details and finish the purchase on the next screen. What's Actually Happening with Dragon Ball Z Games It's very appealing and catchy. The initial eight are always very quick. You might find them boring, because all of them look the exact same. Even though the menu is in Chinese they're pretty straightforward since they are like the majority of other games in English. The Z Burst Dash is a far faster and more evasive variant of the Dragon Dash. The Assist is like the Team Combination. Additionally, it is a cool research the heads of several Dragon Ball characters you might not have paid much attention to in the true series. Even with the visual chaos, Dragon Ball FighterZ's mechanics are in reality deceptively easy and simple to learn. In the event you were a Dragon Ball fan then this game is a best option for you. While he's a push-over when compared with current Dragon Ball villains, Tambourine is still among the most menacing antagonists in the whole series. These Super Dragon Balls in addition to Super Shenron were made by the Dragon God Zalama.
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prompts4all · 7 years
Question 49? :) (sorry if it's been answered already)
I don't mind! I did answer this before so here you go!Books: Percy Jackson (SOLANGELO) , The Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase, Mortal Instruments (MALEC), Infernal Devices (JEM), Maze Runner, Uglies, Divergent, Harry Potter (I’m in love with any hermione ship that doesn’t have Ron on it), Pure, Shiver, El Libro de los Héroes, Flowers in the Attic (I’m leaving it like this ‘cause it’s a pretty long list of booksAnime: Naruto (Sakura is my fav character EVER…just not canon Sakura) , Inuyasha, Inazuma Eleven (KAZEMARU), Vampire Knight, Bleach, Noragami, any Ghibli movies (From Up on poppy Hill has a special place in my heart), Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan, FullMetal Alchemist, Shokugeki no Souma, Soul Eater (there are more…but it’s too long a list)Cartoons/TV Shows:Danny Phantom, Avatar, Power Rangers (I don’t care if it’s immature or whatever, I love it), Bakugan, Bones, Doctor House, Grey’s Anatomy, Teen Titans, basically any Disney movie ever (Pixar and DreamWorks too)
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300 Followers Special Treat: Updated Beta Reader Collaboration Post, Part 2
Here’s part 2 of my updated beta reader post, since it’s so long it’s gonna be split in to parts.
⁃ Disney
• Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
• Pinocchio
• Dumbo
• Alice in Wonderland
• Cinderella
• Peter Pan
• Robin Hood
• The Aristocats
• The Jungle Book
• The Fox and the Hound
• The Black Cauldron
• The Great Mouse Detective
• Oliver & Company
• The Rescuers
• Beauty and the Beast
• Aladdin
• Mulan
• Tarzan
• The Emperor’s New Groove
• Chicken Little
• The Princess and the Frog
• Tangled
• Big Hero 6
• Frozen
• Moana
⁃ Pixar
• Toy Story
• A Bug’s Life
• Monsters Inc.
• Finding Nemo
• The Incredibles
• Cars
• Ratatouille
• Wall•E
• Up
• Brave
• The Good Dinosaur
• Inside Out
• Coco
- Anime
* Pokémon
* Digimon
* Yu-Gi-Oh
* One Piece
* One Punch Man
* Haikyuu!!
* Yuri!! On Ice
* Soul Eater
* Hetalia: Axis Powers
* Attack On Titan
* Naruto
* Bakugan Batttle Brawlers
* Sonic X
* Yu-Gi-Oh GX
* Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s
* Fullmetal Alchemist/ Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
* Big Windup!
* Beyblade
* Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
* Blue Exorcist
* Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
* Ouran High School Host Club
- Dreamworks
* The Prince of Egypt
* Antz
* The Road to El Dorado
* Chicken Run
* Shrek
* Over the Hedge
* Flushed Away
* Kung Fu Panda
* Monsters vs Aliens
* How to Train Your Dragon
* Puss in Boots
* Rise of the Guardians
* Trolls
- Crossovers
* Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons
* The Secret Trio
* Mystery Kids
* Nicktoons Unite
- Online Shows
* Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter
* Camp Camp
And those are the fandoms I’m in, so there’s nothing to worry about when asking me about what I like.
If you’re interested in having me as your beta reader, message me or ask me on my ask box!
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