#gold & titanium special attack
brawlertech · 8 months
Ultimate Fire Gold & Titanium Special Attack Dragonoid with Blazing Warrior | 3.0
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andrewmoocow · 1 year
Steven Universe Snake Eyes chapter 2: Let the Games Begin (originally published on September 4, 2023)
AN: Now that we have our first chapter out of the way, I'm sure you're all wondering what the Crystal Gems were doing before they got captured by the Slytherophidians. Well, you won't have to ask any longer because this chapter will answer any questions you might have about what happened after the end of Little Homeworld Life and set up what's to come for the remainder of Snake Eyes. With that out of the way, let's get it started!
Synopsis: On the planet Serpentes, the Crystal Gems are forced to fight in gladiator death matches against captive warriors from across the stars.
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst, Famethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, The Black Pearl Brigade, Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl, Volleyball
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Laz, Zuli
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Charlyne Yi as Ruby, Eyeball
Erica Luttrell as Sapphire
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond
Sarah Stiles as Spinel
Christine Baranski as Hessonite
Olivia Olson as Citrine
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Avi Roque as Cinnabar
Gina Torres as Andesine
Peter Cullen as Titanium
Jeffrey Combs as Mercury
Bumper Robinson as Gold
Aimee Mann as Opal
Neil Flynn as Aescul
Featuring Aurelio Voltaire as King Cobralan Jormagundr
Shirley Millner as Queen Constricta Jormagundr
Jason Marsden as Prince Nosiop Jormagundr
Cissy Jones as Princess Naja Jormagundr
Henry Rollins as Captain Boa
Keith David as Pyth
John Moschitta Jr. as Bialyoom Milamin
Stephanie Escajeda as Meinerr
Terrence C. Carson as The Decimator
Steven Blum as Earthos
Jim Ross as Jiross
Michael Buffer as Michauffer
Peter Linz as Heckler #1
And Dave Goelz as Heckler #2
A few weeks before the attack of the Slytherophidians, Beach City was in celebration. At long last, Black Rutile had been defeated yet again, this time possibly for good as she and her Gem supporters were taken to prison in the darkest depths of space, and now life could go back to normal. For the Gems, this moment has become even more special as now they can finally get back to planning Ruby and Sapphire's wedding anniversary. With the decorations hung back up and a new cake on the table, the party could finally get started.
"Happy anniversary!" the Crystal Gems and people of Beach City cried as they celebrated Ruby and Sapphire's marriage. Ruby and Sapphire were so delighted to have everybody come to such a momentous occasion, they both thought it was like a dream.
"I wish this moment could last forever," Ruby said as she scooped up her blue wife in her stubby red arms. "Of course, I already have you to do it."
"Oh stop, Wuby!" Sapphire laughed and started baby-talking to her significant other while Amethyst and Pearl watched from the refreshments table.
"Ah, this is livin', Pearl Jam." Amethyst sighed in relief while taking a big gulp of punch. "Maybe now, we can finally have some peace and quiet with Black Rutile out of the way."
"Don't count on it, Amethyst." Pearl shook her head in reply. "With the Crystal Gems, you just never know when danger will be around the corner. Though frankly, I'm concerned that we've been in a lot more trouble than usual lately."
"Like I said, hopefully, we can have some peace and quiet for now," Amethyst said optimistically. "Though if trouble does come our way, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be ready!"
"Nice to see you're so positive, Amethyst." Pearl laughed at Amethyst's remark as the two continued watching Ruby and Sapphire embrace each other. "That reminds me, we should start planning for Steven's birthday soon. I think he's turning 18 now."
"Wow, eighteen, I can't believe it." Greg sighed in disbelief as he sat by the two Gems with a slice of cake in hand. "Well, better break out some of the good beer to celebrate."
"Hey, save it for when he's 21!" Amethyst exclaimed. "Though you're free to give me some if you want. I promise this won't end up like the last time I went out drinking."
"Yep, I had to explain everything to Mr. Dewey." Pearl groaned at the memory while Greg and Amethyst laughed the day away. Yes, it seemed like the Crystal Gems could finally return to their happily ever after, but unfortunately, this wouldn't last for long.
About three weeks later, Little Homeworld has come under attack. The Crystal Gems had received an urgent message from Peridot that a group of strange invaders had descended upon the town and were carting Gems off into their ship. The Crystal Gems raced to Little Homeworld as soon as it ended and were ready for a fight as soon as they got off the Warp Pad.
"Okay you intruders, surrender our friends now and we won't have to hurt you!" Garnet exclaimed as she prepared her gauntlets and pointed them at the armored snakelike invader pointing a futuristic blaster at Teal Zircon's head.
"Well, well, well. The Crystal Gems." The invader said, turning his head to face the Gems ready to fight him. "Hey guys, the Crystal Gems are here!" The other masked snakes all stopped what they were doing and politely greeted the Gems, ignoring the fact that just now they were holding everyone at Little Homeworld hostage. "Hey wait a sec, shouldn't there be a human sidekick with you? About yay high, inherited his mother's gem and has some serious emotional issues. Ring any bells?"
"Unfortunately, Steven is not with us right now." Pearl declared. "But that won't stop us from taking you down!"
"Then, by all means, come and get us." The snake leader proclaimed before firing from his blaster, only to be deflected by Lapis shielding the Crystal Gems with her water wings. "Watch out, they got a Lapis Lazuli!"
"Everyone spread out and get everyone away from these snakes!" Jasper commanded the other Crystal Gems before spin-dashing straight into the snakes' leader.
"Oh, you think we are snakes, eh?" the leader snake confidently said. "Perhapsss you'd like to ssssee how ssssnake-like we can BE!" Retracting his visor to reveal his reptilian face, the snake bared his fangs and bit Jasper on the neck, causing her to yelp in pain and surprise. "Here I thought you Gems were stronger than that!"
Meanwhile, Pearl and Lapis had enlisted the help of the Lapis twins and the Black Pearl Brigade to fight back against the snakes. "Okay girls, you take the 50 on the left, we'll take the 50 on the right."
"Screw you, we'll take all 100!" Braids of the Black Pearl Brigade yelled as she charged into battle against the snakes.
"That's the spirit!" Zuli exclaimed before turning her wings into a pair of water fists to punch the snakes away. "DORARARARARARARA, DORA!"
"Did you have any idea of where they came from?" Pearl asked Cap while slashing away at a few snakes.
"We have no clue!" Cap exclaimed. "Just this morning, they descended from the sky and said they were going to enslave us all or something. Well, I don't believe I'll ever be a slave again!"
"That's what you think, Pearlie." Another of the snakes said before brandishing a pair of handcuffs and trying to restrain Cap with them, but Nacre and Pearl got in his way. "Unhand me, Gems!"
"We won't let you hurt any of our friends!" Pearl exclaimed.
"You sure about that?" the snake said before pointing with his tail at Garnet, Amethyst, White Topaz, and Bismuth already restrained, with Peridot and Jasper on the run. "Face it, ladies, you're all coming with us now."
"To where?" Laz asked before she was quickly taken down.
"To meet your makers, that is." The snake smirked with a hiss. "Cuff 'em, boys!" At his command, the invading snakes had all of the Crystal Gems herded onto their ship in handcuffs and forced onboard along with dozens of other abducted aliens for yet unknown purposes.
"How did we get defeated so easily?!" Jasper roared furiously. "I could've sworn we had them in the bag!"
"I don't know, they ran circles around us!" Peridot replied nervously. "And they said we were going to meet our makers or something! What does that mean?"
"It means we have a special friend waiting for you in our world." The snake carrying Peridot under his arm like a large package said before speaking into a wrist communicator. "Maverick to Goose, how are things holding up on Homeworld?"
"Goose to Maverick, we got 'em pretty easily." Another snake soldier stationed on Homeworld replied. "Turns out they shut down their entire military at the beginning of Era 3 except for a few mercenaries. It's like they were asking for us to overpower them!"
"I want a lawyer, I want a doctor! I want a cheese sandwich!" Spinel yelled as she was tied up into a ball by a pair of snakes and rolled onboard their ship.
"You won't get away with his, Slytherophidians!" Yellow Diamond yelled as the Diamonds were given a special cell on the ship to accommodate their massive size. "The Crystal Gems will find you and you will soon pay!"
"Oh, don't get too cocky, because no one will miss you once you get slaughtered in the Contest of Champions." Goose sneered. "Guess that's what you get for slaughtering thousands over the years, trying to cover it up by saying you never destroyed a planet with sentient life, and brushed it all under the rug just because that pink brat is somehow still alive."
"Wait, a cover-up?" Yellow Pearl asked as she, Blue Pearl, and Volleyball were carted into a cell.
"Of course, there was a cover-up!" Goose explained. "What, you're their Pearls, you mean to tell me they don't trust you with any dark secrets? Oh wait, you're their Pearls, so they don't trust you with anything except standing around and looking cute."
"Hessonite, were you involved in this cover-up or whatever?" Citrine asked Hessonite in their cell.
"Yes, I did indeed lie about how some planets were completely barren once or twice," Hessonite admitted. "Like for example, remember what happened to Hosnian Prime?"
"I thought that was completely barren when you fired that giant laser at it," Citrine replied before the realization dawned on her. "Oooohhhhh noooooo."
"Yes, that was a part of us we refused to bring up for ages now." White Diamond declared. "I don't want to think of how Steven would react."
"We're already on thin ice with him as is, as the saying goes." Blue Diamond agreed.
"Okay, enough chit-chat, let's get this ship flying!" Goose commanded his subordinates as he pounded on the ship and ordered the vessel to start flying away from the Gem Homeworld.
Meanwhile, Maverick was piloting the ship that the Crystal Gems were on while his squad kept watch over their various extraterrestrial prisoners. In each specialized cell, their respective prisoners were kept under lock and key to prevent anyone from rebelling. In the Crystal Gems' cell, Pearl's face was pressed up against the glass barrier as a large hologram of an anthropomorphic king cobra dressed in regal attire activated to make an announcement.
"Good day to all my prisoners!" the snake greeted the reluctant passengers. "I am King Cobralan Jormagundr, the supreme ruler of the Slytherophidians of Serpentes, and I welcome you as the next generation of combatants in the Serpentes Contest of Champions! For those not in the know, we Slytherophidians live for gladiatorial combat, so we abduct species from across the universe to compete for our people's amusement. This was a tradition started eons ago by my beloved ancestor King Serpentes I, whom our beautiful planet was named for."
As King Cobralan continued explaining, he began presenting pictures of the Slytherophidians' home planet, which Pearl observed to have a fantasy-like architecture that seemed like a heavy mix of Indian, Egyptian, and Roman aesthetics. "You'll all be taken here to the Ouroborium, a very special arena built to suit the environments and needs of our competitors. And speaking of which, if you mess up or aren't seen as entertaining enough, there will be consequences."
To demonstrate, the scene changed to a pair of robots fighting each other before one of them suddenly blew up. And there was much rejoicing. "But don't you worry your pretty little heads, y'all!" Cobralan continued. "That's reserved for if everyone really hates you and wants you dead. But what are the odds of that happening, eh? And for our Gem friends in particular, we'll be keeping a close eye on you through your new producer! Give it up for the lovable Bialyoom Milamin and his beautiful assistant Meinerr!"
Automated clapping sounds began playing as a blue-skinned, birdlike humanoid in a fancy suit stepped forward along with a bronze-skinned woman in a power suit with her hair in a tight bun. "These two shall be your talent agents for the duration of your stay here, now play nice with them. And speaking of which, here we are on Serpentes now!"
Indeed, the ship had finally landed on the planet of the Slytherophidians, where the Gems would be forced into the biggest battle of their lives.
"I-do-declare, it-is-an-utmost-pleasure-to-be-serving-you-today-Crystal-Gems!" Bialyoom greeted the Gems. True to his last name, he was literally speaking a mile a minute. "I-had-served-as-producer-to-such-interesting-competitors-before-in-my-long-career, but-never-before-had-I-ever-dreamed-of-meeting-you!"
"Uh, could you repeat just about everything you said?" Amethyst asked, not understanding a word Bialyoom just said.
"You'll have to excuse my partner here, his species all talk faster than light." Meinerr apologized on Bialyoom's behalf before explaining herself. "What he is trying to say is that you are among the most unique competitors he has ever sponsored. With us, you are entitled to full merchandising and sponsorship rights for the duration of your stay, or however long you last in the games."
"Celebrity status again?" Pearl groaned disdainfully at the thought. "Look, we didn't even ask for this, we just wanted to live a normal, quiet life away from all of this. We literally just had this same escapade not too long ago!"
"Ah, so-you-have-experience-then!" Bialyoom exclaimed delightedly. "Then-you'll-fit-in-just-fine! Now-come-with-us, we-shall-show-you-to-your-accommodations!" As the ship landed in Serpentes's capital city of Alethinophidia, the Crystal Gems were escorted out and paraded through a crowd of cheering snakes toward the Ouroborium. In the near distance, another ship landed, and out came the Diamonds, but unlike the Crystal Gems, they were met with scorn and prejudice.
"Gems? This planet has really gone to the dogs." An elderly Slytherophidian in the crowd muttered disdainfully.
"That would require there to be dogs, to begin with!" another elderly Slytherophidian joked, causing the two to laugh at their joke.
At the Ouroborium, the Crystal Gems were shown to a rather lavish room where they'll be staying on Serpentes. There was a large chandelier hanging over them, a positively gorgeous rug beneath their feet, and all around them were paintings depicting the Slytherophidian royal family throughout the years. "Nice place we got here." White Topaz muttered in amazement. "I wish we could stay here forever!"
"Don't get too excited, we've been forced here against our will," Garnet said while sitting down on one of the plush couches. "Ooh, this is a nice couch. What material is it?"
"Some of the finest leathers in all of Serpentes," Meinerr answered. "But don't get too comfy, your first big battle is coming very soon!" She pulled out a tablet and began reading off of it. "You shall be pitted against three Metals in the competition, and it is absolutely recommended you slay them to gain the audience's approval."
"Wait, the Metals?! As in our ancient relatives created from the same cosmic deity, the Metals?!" Peridot exclaimed. "You have no idea what slaying them will do to our relationship with them, you clod!"
"Hey, we-don't-make-the-rules-here-Gems!" Bialyoom shrugged as a pair of snake guards grabbed Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and escorted them out of the room. "Now-go-on-and-make-us-proud!"
Soon, the original three Crystal Gems were taken into the Ouroborium, where true to what King Cobralan said, it was a massive arena filled with throngs of cheering snakes all excited about the carnage that was about to take place. Towering above their subjects in a special box was what Pearl assumed to be the royal family of Serpentes, including their ruler King Cobralan Jormagundr. Alongside him were Queen Constricta, a female constrictor snake sitting on a throne alongside her husband, and their two children; a female Indian cobra named Naja and a male black mamba named Nosiop, Captain Boa and Pyth, an Indian python who served as the family's grand vizier.
"Ah, there they are." Cobralan hissed with a smile. "I see they've made themselves comfortable. Naja, my darling daughter, would you care to introduce them to our adoring fans?"
"It would be my honor, Father." Naja smiled back at her father before grabbing a microphone with her tail and tossing it into her hand. "Welcome adoring fans of all scales to the 420,000th annual Serpentes Contest of Champions!"
"420, nice," Amethyst smirked before Pearl shot her a glare. "Come on, they knew what they were doing!"
"For this contest, we have some very special guests fighting for our entertainment here today!" Naja declared. "Please put your hands, tails, and other limbs together for the Crystal Gems!" The reception to the Crystal Gems was rather mixed. Many were excited to see such intergalactic celebrities on Serpentes today, but tons of others were eager to see Gems get the karma they deserve for the chaos they brought over thousands of years. "We have been keeping an eye on our ancient foes for eons, always plotting to invite them here but never quite catching up with them. But that all changes today! Which reminds me, our guests should find their opponents very familiar! Give it up for the Metals!"
The crowd began going wild as Titanium, Mercury, and Gold were forced out into the arena by Slytherophidian guards to combat Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. "The Crystal Gems, we meet at last." Titanium declared morosely. "I hope this won't damage our relationship with the rest of your kind."
"Man, I always wanted to fight one of you guys!" Gold said eagerly, only for Mercury to give him a gentle slap on the head.
"You realize that if we lose here, we'll die, right?" Mercury cautioned the young Metal. "Hopefully they can go easy on us."
"Face front, true believers, for we are about to witness history in the making!" Jiross, a Slytherophidian commentator in a cowboy hat exclaimed. "The Gems versus the Metals, which of these sister races shall come out on top and settle this age-old debate?!"
"Well, here we are today to answer that question once and for all!" the second commentator Michauffer added. "LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUMBLEEEEEE!"
"So we're all in agreement that we should go easy on the Metals, right?" Amethyst asked the other Crystal Gems as their battle against the Metals began.
"Agreed." Garnet complied with the smaller Gem's idea while clashing fists with Titanium. "We need to get to the bottom of this and quick."
"Makes me wonder how Steven is doing," Pearl stated as she was pitted against Mercury. "He must be worried sick about us."
High above the arena where the carnage has begun, the Jormagundr royal family spectated the fight from above, each displaying a variety of emotions. Naja was hyperventilating from the stress of opening up such a big event with Boa there to comfort her, Constricta remained stoic to hide her devilish smile, Cobralan eagerly watched the Gems fight for their lives, and Nosiop reclined in his chair with a bored expression on his face. "Father, must we force these Gems onto our planet instead of visiting them in person?"
"Come on son, it's tradition!" Cobralan merrily said to his son. "Live a little and enjoy the fight!"
"I agree, but can't we break tradition just this once?!" Nosiop objected. "Come on, let's conquer a planet or two!"
"Nosey, dearie, we're already the rulers of an entire galactic empire, what would a few planets change?" Constricta stated, stroking her son's back with her tail just as she saw Garnet clock Titanium in the face. "Ooh, right in the kisser!"
"And of course, nobody understands me." Nosiop rolls his eyes before turning his head away from the action to face his family's advisor. "They just don't get it, we should be out there enslaving and conquering, not sitting here and forcing species to come to us!"
"Oh, don't be so sad, my boy." Pyth purred with a hand on the angry prince's nose. "Perhaps there are other ways we can convince them, mark my words."
"Everyone, look!" Captain Boa shouted as he pointed towards the Crystal Gems having beaten the Metals at last. "Alright Naja, now's your time again!"
"Oh, right!" Naja nervously said before picking up the microphone again. "It seems the Metals have been taken down for the count! Now, what do we say when that happens?!"
"FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM!" the audience chanted vigorously, eager to see some heads roll. "FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM!"
"FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM!" the snakes continued chanting for the Gems to slay the Metals once and for all and win this round. However, the Crystal Gems quickly came to a decision.
"No!" Pearl announced. "We will never take a life for your entertainment!" Unfortunately for the Gems, the spectators weren't pleased and began booing them instead.
"Go back to Earth, you hippies!" one of the audience members jeered before throwing a block of cheese at Amethyst, who quickly caught it in her mouth.
"See, told you the Gems wouldn't kill." One of the hecklers said to his elderly friend.
"How can somebody die when they're barely alive?" the other heckler stated before the two laughed.
"Well, this is an interesting development," Cobralan smirked before taking the microphone from his daughter. "As king, I shall allow this even if it means breaking the rules a little. We wouldn't want such special guests to have their time cut short."
"Are you serious right now?!" Nosiop yelled angrily. "They aren't even respecting the rules! We should have them executed on the spot at once!"
"Come on Nosey, just let Dad handle this." Naja tried calming her big brother down.
"No, I will not allow any breaking of our rules to go unpunished like this!" Nosiop continued yelling before Pyth put a scaly hand on the prince's shoulder.
"Just let it go, young man. Now come with me." Pyth said calmingly before the grand vizier took Nosiop away. "We have much to discuss."
"What-was-the-meaning-of-this?!" Bialyoom yelled angrily. "You-can't-just-decide-not-to-kill-your-opponent-like-that! It's-unheard-of!"
"Let us tell you what else is unheard of." Garnet firmly stated to Bialyoom. "We would never kill anybody for entertainment, especially if they were begging for their lives."
"We understand your fears Crystal Gems, but know that your approval rating means everything on Serpentes," Meinerr explained while presenting the Crystal Gems with a tablet demonstrating just that. "And wouldn't you know it, it's falling pretty quick."
"No matter what you tell us, we won't obey!" Pearl exclaimed. "But would it be okay if we just knocked out our opponents and let them live?"
"Oh, look at that. The Crystal Gems refuse to listen to anyone but themselves." Aquamarine smirked as she, Eyeball, Holly Blue, Cinnabar, and Andesine entered the Crystal Gems' room.
"Ugh, these guys." Bismuth rolled her eyes. "What do the Rutile Rebels want now?"
"For the record, we have now called ourselves the Andesine Armada." Andesine stated. "On account of our former leader being too much of a coward to continue guiding us before she abandoned us and ran off."
"Hey, I thought we agreed that we were going to call ourselves the Aquamarine Militia!" Aquamarine snapped at Andesine.
"No, I distinctly remember that our new name was going to be the Agate Gang!" Holly Blue yelled at the other rebel Gems.
"This arguing is getting us nowhere." Cinnabar quickly shut everyone up. "What we're trying to say is that we could lose our lives in these games. If you don't toughen up and start killing a few people, you will very well be killed. Which is why we've taken the initiative and started taking a few lives for ourselves."
"That-reminds-me, Amethyst-and-Pearl-have-a-fight-coming-up-against-the-Decimator-and-Earthos, two-of-the-deadliest-fighters-in-the-galaxy!" Bialyoom stated. "Now-go-go-go-make-us-proud!"
"The Decimator? He sounds awesome!" Amethyst cheered as she and Pearl were forced out of their room and back into the arena. "Can't wait to see how he decimates us!"
"Amethyst!" Pearl yelled.
"Well, it seems that our Gem friends are back for another round." Jiross declared as Pearl and Amethyst were forced back into the arena, this time against the Decimator, a massive, tattooed warrior wielding a pair of blades connected by an iron chain, and Earthos, a wolverine-like alien with sharp iron claws. "In this corner, we have the Decimator, one of the most fearsome warriors in the universe who is feared for rampaging across five galaxies in search of his enemies, and Earthos, who can make claws out of iron sand beneath his feet!"
"I have butchered millions across countless moons." The Decimator boomed in a deep, intimidating voice.
"We are totally ill-equipped for this." Pearl quivered in fear of the Decimator before Amethyst took her hand.
"Not entirely!" Amethyst exclaimed before twirling Pearl around and causing the two of them to glow, culminating in them fusing into Opal.
"And it looks like we got ourselves a fusion here, folks!" Michauffer exclaimed. "Looks like an Opal too, with those multiple arms and the bow and arrow! Jiross, what are your thoughts?"
"It's gonna be a slobberknocker!" Jiross yelled at Opal aimed down her sights and fired straight at the Decimator's eye, but he dodged just in time and the arrow accidentally stabbed a Slytherophidian in the audience. "Ooh, talk about a sorry excuse for aiming straight and true!"
"Dammit, let me handle this!" Earthos snarled as he formed claws of iron sand on his hands and began slashing at Opal, giving her a few scratches in the process but nothing too serious. "That's right, away you go!"
"On your left!" Opal cried before launching an arrow up into the air, making Earthos wonder if she was crazy or something. However, the arrow quickly returned to the Ouroborium and stabbed Earthos in his left side, knocking him out for the count. "And as for you."
"This should be easy." The Decimator said confidently while cracking his knuckles and throwing his blades at Opal, but she nimbly dodged them as they smashed to the ground, climbing her way up the giant's body and dodging more of his attacks. "Hold still, little fusion!"
"Not a chance!" Opal yelled as she did a spinning kick to the Decimator's face, sending him falling to the ground directly on top of one of the bleachers, crushing numerous spectators in the process. "Oh my goodness, I didn't realize there were innocents there!"
"Now you're getting it." The Decimator laughed weakly as he lay defeated. "Now finish me."
The chanting started again. "FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM!"
"The answer's still no!" Opal proclaimed, sticking true to the Crystal Gems' principles even when the Slytherophidians started booing yet again.
"Can't please everybody," Pearl said as she and Amethyst unfused and began leaving.
"Life goes on, but I believe we'll forever carry the pain on the inside, P," Amethyst added. "Got it from that janitor on TV."
"Why are we still allowing this?!" Nosiop yelled angrily at Opal's refusal to kill the Decimator, even though their battle had unknowingly claimed the lives of hundreds. "We should execute them immediately; this is an utter affront to our warrior culture!"
"Oh come now Nosiop, you're being too overbearing," Cobralan stated with a laugh. "Those Gems will be very important to us when the time comes, but in the meantime, we can just enjoy the festivities."
"Your Highness, we have a message from our deep cover agent on Earth!" a Slytherophidian servant yelled as he raced to his liege and presented a crackling communicator. "He says Steven Universe is coming!"
"Is he now?" Cobralan smiled as he picked up the communicator and started speaking into this. "Hello Aescul, I trust that you completed your mission?"
"Yes Milord, I have Steven on my ship as we speak, along with a few extra passengers," Aescul replied. "We'll be within Serpentes airspace in just a few moments."
"Wonderful! It'll truly be an honor to meet Steven at last!" Cobralan laughed while his son rolled his eyes.
"If he's anything like the other Gems, I'm not holding my breath," Nosiop said before Cobralan put the communicator down and began leaving. "Where are you going?"
"To visit our special friend, so to speak," Cobralan answered, knowing that his son and heir knew what he was talking about. "Gather the rest of the family, my boy." He then snuck away into a hidden chamber within the castle to meet with this special friend.
"The one called Universe is upon us," Cobralan said as Nosiop, Naja, Constricta, Boa, and Pyth stood before a large shadowy figure. "Soon, he will tell us all that he knows."
Seriously, who is this guy that the royal family keeps talking to?! Well, I'm the only one who knows the answer, but I'm not telling until the time is right! In the meantime, keep those theories a-coming and I'll see you next time!
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mintvender · 3 years
UTOPIA [ 7 ]
Pairing: BTS x Y/N
Synopsis: Y/N L/N, the name of the current monarch of Corea. They became the ruler after successfully ending the previous king along with the dynasty as well. In their harem, countless men are present to help balance the court’s power. However, is this truly their intentions? The palace was always a place that needs to be proceeded with caution but as time goes by, recklessness would most likely outweigh it. You found yourself unable to prosper the kingdom without being too connected to it.
Warning : Suggestive Content
Word Count: 9.8k
A/n: Finally finished this chapter. This chapter marks the end of the first era where the main ensemble finally unite. However, this is also the start of something else. Tell me what you think, 🌿.
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Humming a quiet melody, you felt the air around you stirred. Closing your eyes, you focus on the sensation of the flow around you, patiently waiting for a response. Expectedly, your question was not answered.
Nevertheless, you knew better than to give up your standing and continue to participate in this wordless battle. After all, as a member of the Crimson branch, it would hurt your pride to lose to such a miscellaneous game.
Slowly but surely, the air around you both began to constrict, seemingly trapping you in its borders. However, instead of surrendering to either of your guys’ unmoving selves, none made a move in anything close to failure and instead, waited.
Such a manipulator.
Seconds steadily merge into minutes, and before you know it, you are left with a quarter of an hour before having to head back. Looking at the entrance of the alley, it had seemed that the sun was already setting. Turning around to meet Raven’s eyes, you let out a smirk before pushing yourself off the walls.
“ If you don’t have anything to say then I guess there is no other purpose being here,” you taunted, heading towards the bustling street.
Purposely exaggerating your steps to enhance the sound of your shoes colliding with the floor, you confidently walk the opposite way, not glancing back. However, before you can bathe under the colourful lanterns, an arm slid around yours, pulling you back into the darkness.
Quick to hide your growing smirk, you let yourself be dragged back deep within the alley. Turning around, you look down at the piercing eyes, staring menacingly into your own.
“ Stop joking around,” Raven warned.
“ Answer my question then,” you insisted, “ Why have you called me?”
Even with the mask, you could tell that she was rolling her eyes at your ridiculous question. Reaching into her long sleeve, Raven took out a thin envelope and shoved it into your arms.
“ The Master wanted to give this to you.”
Looking at her knowingly, you flick the tab open, reaching in to get the paper. Pulling the paper out, you motioned her to bring the lantern closer. You both peered through the content of the letter, processing the intentions that have been conveyed. Looking into each others’ eyes, silently having a conversation.
After a while, you both synchronously nodded, agreeing on the best solution.
Standing straight up, you carefully tuck the letter into your inner sleeve. You patted the spot a few times to test its stability as you mindlessly listened to Raven’s plan.
“ You do know that it is better to do it now than later right?”
Stopping what you were doing, you clench your hands repeatedly while staring at the ground. Letting out a tired sigh, you tussled through your hair in frustration, making obvious attempts to ignore her question.
“ You kno—“
“ I know!” You growled, biting your inner cheeks. “ I… need time to adapt to this current life. After that… I will tell them.”
Without looking at her, you could already define her expression of knowingness. Even so, you ignored it, too caught up with your thoughts and forceful emotions.
Letting out a loud sigh, “ Mind joining me for a drink?”
Looking into Raven’s eyes, you could almost spot specks of whites and yellows swirling into her magnificent midnight black orbs. Despite how gorgeous they were, you knew that they held nothing more than pity and sympathy; ones that aimed at you— your decisions specifically.
Once again, you both held eye contact for however long before Raven broke it with a gentle shake of her head. She nodded, quietly accepting your invitation, stepping away from you.
Following her lead, you nodded, tightening your grasp on your own mask, in which you had taken off unconsciously during the discussion.
Fingers running through the surface, you admire each stroke that has been carved into the wood. Unlike Raven’s who was smothered in shades of black and grey, yours was painted in a variety of red and gold. In another way, it showcases the difference between your animal and hers.
Each member of the clan is subjected to form their alias based on their branch and their ones that resonate with them.
For example, your branch— the crimson branch is categorized as a physical branch, people who focus on close combat. As a result, all the members within the branch are named after predators of all kinds, except birds. Raven, who belonged to the Gold branch, specializing in long-distance attacks, are thus named after various avians. With that, the Azures are categorized to different strategic pieces and theories, while the Veridian branch are varieties of poisons, and the Titanium branch, are all the raw materials used for craftsmanship.
Bringing the mask to your face, you quickly fasten it, lifting your hair to hide the knot under it. You started heading out of the alley, Raven following right after you and into the clusters of light.
As you both walked through the noisy crowd, you glanced around at the assorted shades of lanterns that are hanged throughout the district, most in deep, bright shades of red, confirming that you were indeed in the epicentre of the red district.
The red district was a very interesting place that attracts a wide audience— for the many different reasons that are available. Some people come here to do business— both legal and illegally, while some search for companions—for the reasons you won’t go into. Anyways, in your guys’ case, it was the former. Now for whether it’s legal or illegal? You didn’t exactly know.
Along the way, you randomly chose a cozy-looking winery in the depth of the district, one that wasn’t filled with too many lustful people.
This particular winery was unlike many others. Instead of drenching in the odour of alcohol, the winery quickly filled your senses with a delicate and flowery scent. Curiosity hitting you like a brick wall, you glanced around to try and find where the scent was coming from.
“ Welcome, precious guests,” a velvety voice greeted.
Perking your head up at the voice, your head naturally followed the direction. Immediately after looking up, you were faced with a figure adorned in pieces of red. Unexpectedly, the voice owner’s face was beyond any noble ladies in the capital, with a sharp yet captivating gaze, and perfect proportions. To say the least, she was flawless.
Seeing your guys’ silence, the lady let out a smile.
“ Please, follow me,” she said, leading you into a quiet corner, invisible to most people.
You nodded in gratitude, taking a seat on one of the wooden chairs.
“ What would you like?”
Looking contemplated, Raven asked, “ What do you specialize in?”
Eyes sparkling in excitement at Raven’s word, the lady clasped her hand together before clearing her throat, “ Finally! The Silvering Winery specializes in mixed drinks.”
Raising your eyebrow, curious of the reason for her being so excited, you asked, “ Don’t people come here for that since it’s your specialty?”
Reacting to your question, the lady huffed out a sigh, her eyebrows crunching up in frustration. “ Of course not! All we have coming are old, drunken men who know nothing more than jugs of those tasteless alcohol! With our location, even if so hidden, people still manage to find it. No one ever asks for mixed drinks… until now at least.”
You smiled, taking interest in her talk, “ Any recommendations you have?”
Tapping her chin carefully, the lady took her time to think as she scanned over the both of you. “ Mhmm, how about this? I’ll create drinks based on what I get from each of you.”
Raven hummed in agreement while you nodded in interest,“ Please… Mmm...Is there perhaps a name we could possibly address you?”
Plushed lips curling up to a smile, she answered, “ Please call me… Lisa.”
“ Sounds foreign.”
Lisa nodded, “ I’m from the west.”
Smiling at her words, you introduced, “ Please call me Phoenix.”
“ Raven.”
“ Then we’ll be in your care, Lisa.”
Turning around, Lisa headed off to what seemed to be the kitchen, “ Don’t worry, I never disappoint my customers.”
You waited for the retrieving figure to enter the kitchen before setting your eyes back to the decor of the place. The whole venue was covered in wood, planks attached to the floor while chunkier pieces are used to form tables. Smaller pieces of wood are spotted splattered across the walls and the tops of the very many seats. On your guys’ table, a tray sat there, holding a plate of sweets accompanied by two wooden cups, filled to the brim with scorching hot herbal tea.
Reaching over to grab yours, Raven following right after, you both enjoyed the taste of the herbs in silence. Letting the bitter taste coat your skin, you hummed in satisfaction as the warmth spread through your body, seeping into your core.
Unlike your usual mask where it covers your entire face, this one only covered half of it, thus making it much more convenient to use during these situations.
“ It’s been a while since we’ve had a normal conversation.”
Humming in interest, Raven continued to sip her tea.
“ How have you been?”
“ ...I’ve been good. Just the usual stuff, nothing new.”
Nodding in acknowledgement, you reach over to grab a piece of sweet.
“ How have you been?”
Biting into the dessert, you munch on it while thinking over the question. “ It’s been hectic. This year has been a little … overwhelming.”
By the perked-up eyebrows, you could tell that she was interested in your wording but seeing how she had no intentions of mentioning it, you also dismissed the minor detail.
“ The Master had given you such a significant mission, it’s no wonder it would be so tiring.”
Tightening your lip to form a small smile, you nodded in agreement, your head bouncing with the force. “ In the beginning, I often wondered why the Master has assigned me to be leading this mission when there are clearly more suitable people than me.”
“ Who?”
Looking down to your own cup, you stared into the reflection of yourself painted on the layer of liquid. “ … For starters, you.”
Chuckling at your response, Raven eyed your slightly sunken form. “ Me? I have no interest in this type of mission. In fact, I’m quite glad that you were assigned to it. This way, at least, I have some reassurance that the mission is more likely to succeed.”
Refusing to look at her, you smiled in acknowledgement, the happiness unable to reach your eyes.
Seeing your sullen state, Raven reached out her hand to grasp yours, comfortably stroking over your knuckles.
“ You will do fine. In fact, you’ve done so much more than what that bastard has ever achieved in his entire life.”
Wincing at Raven’s profanity, you cracked out a smile.
“ You’re lucky he’s dead, if not…” you spaced out, slicing your finger across your neck to continue your sentence.
Raven smiled at your joke. “ You’re part of the Crimson branch, Y/n, a predator that stands out among the rest,” Raven reminded you, “ I know that this is weighing a great deal of pressure on you but know that we are always here to assist you.”
“ ...You’re really bittersweet, Raven.”
Blinking calmly at your comment, Raven replied, “ Of course.”
Feeling the conversation fade away, you both followed the flow, quietly minding each other’s interest.
“ What’s with the atmosphere here?” Lisa announced, entering the scene, carrying the beverages on a tray. “ Now, now. Don’t be too sullen. Let me cheer you up with these drinks,” she proudly proclaimed.
Looking at the drinks that she had placed in front of you, your eyes glimmered in interest. Picking the cup up, you brought it closer to you, inspecting the contents within the cup.
“ What is this?” You asked, sniffing the aroma that was escaping.
Resting her arms on her hips, she explained, “ With Raven’s, I decided to go with a simple drink. A combination of our winery’s signature wine and rice wine have been added to highlight a clean yet edgy taste. Swan Knife”
Raven nodded, lips curling up in satisfaction. Picking up her cup, she slowly bring it to her lips, taking small gulps to savor the taste. “ Swan Knife? Mhmm, it fits.”
“ Of course.”
“ What about mine?”
Clapping her hand in excitement, Lisa giddily answered, “ Yours was a combination of the winery’s freshest batch and an old brandy imported from the west. I topped the drink off with a little citrusy tang to highlight the harmony of the senses. Overall, you will experience the sharp, bitter, and tangy sensation in one mouthful. Bittersweet Kiss.”
Taking in a deep breath, you mentally cringed at the name while Raven openly smirked at the coincidence. “ Sounds like a roller coaster,” you hummed, taking your gulp.
Closing your eyes, you let the taste of the alcohol cover every crevice of your mouth, confirming what Lisa said to be true.
“ Interesting,” you said, “ Definitely worth your praise.”
Preening at your praise, she happily thanked you.
Using the tea to cleanse your palate, you repeatedly go back and force between the two beverages.
“ Why don’t you join us, Lisa?” Raven offered.
Shaking her head, she gave out a sad expression, “ I’m afraid that won’t be possible. My other customers are waiting.”
Taking a quick look around, you couldn’t spot any other customer except for yourself and Raven. However, as if on cue, the door was slammed open, revealing a bunch of drunken men, toppling over each other to try and enter the space.
“ LISA! Give me the usual!”
Rolling her eyes at the male, she quickly covered it with a smile, bowing in greeting at you before heading over to the other customers.
“ She seemed like an interesting fellow,” you noted before going back to your drink.
“... Has the Master been demanding?”
Stopping yourself at the question, you bite your lip in confliction. “ In some aspects, yes, he is. But I still don’t understand what we are getting out from these missions.”
Raven swirl her drink in a circular motion. “ The Master is planning something big.”
You snorted, “ Of course he is. He wouldn't assign me this mission for some petty excuses. You...you know something right?”
Confirming your theory at her refusal to look you in the eye, you nodded in understanding. “ You don’t need to tell me. I understand.”
“ No, it’s not because I don’t want to tell you but it’s … complicated. But what I can definitely guarantee you is that the Master is planning something that you will never expect.”
Staring at her features, you slowly studied the face that you’ve known for years. Suddenly, you came up with a surprise connection, one you didn’t expect to come nor become real.
“ If I look at you now, you hold some resemblance with someone I know,” you nonchalantly commented.
Stiffening at your sudden observation, Raven fidget with the cup in her hand as you stared her down, trying to identify who it was.
“ Who?” She meekly asked.
“... H— No i think I’ve mistaken you with someone else,” you covered up.
There’s no way that this is a coincidence. I’m just overthinking it.
Subtly shutting her eyes at your response, it was obvious that Raven didn’t wholeheartedly believe your words but ignored it either way.
“ I heard that you started adopting consorts, and changed the initial plan.”
“ … I did unconsciously recruit a few more consorts aside from Taehyung, and did manage to alter some part of the plan. However, I promised that it’s nothing major. The plan is progressing relatively smoothly.”
Chuckling at yoru panicked voice, she assured you, “ It’s fine. There’s no need to panic, I was just asking… Are they good people?”
Unconsciously smiling at the thought, you hesitantly nodded. “ They’re interesting people. Certainly unique in their own little ways.”
“ You know that you attract many people to your ways, right?”
Snorting at her response, you cheekily grinned. “ Good or bad, I wonder.”
Raven looked at you knowingly, before smugly looking at the decor around you, not wanting to give out a verbal response. Raising your eyebrows at her antiques, you also took your stride in looking around.
On instinct, you looked over at the opened doors to be met with a background of the dark sky, illuminated by lanterns. Hastily standing up, you bided Raven goodbye, “ Looks like it’s my time to go now. When you have the time, make sure to stop at my place.”
Going to the door, you almost couldn’t catch Raven’s greetings. Feeling a small smile adorned your face, you quickly exited the winery and back into the streets.
Looking at your previous spot, Raven mindlessly sipped her drink.
“ They’re certainly an interesting one, aren’t they?” Lisa pipped in.
Raven smiled, “ Definitely.”
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
Once again in the crowds of the festival, you hurriedly dodge through the drunkens, careful to not hit the vulnerables. Smiling every so often to showcase your politeness, your feet quickly carried you to the opposite end and eventually to a left turn.
Letting out a deep sigh, you were thankful for getting out of the mess in one piece. Just being in the place gets you to have flashbacks about previous experiences.
You slowed down your pace, making sure to not look any stranger than what already meets the eyes. . Unlike the previous district who was filled with energy, this place is quite tranquil considering it is a more major district of the capital.
Eyes constantly scanning the area, you felt yourself stopped at a particular parlour. Approaching the stall, you took your time admiring the items that were put on for sale.
Grazing over the various accessories, you smiled at how detailed the carvings are. Feeling your finger twitch at a certain ornament, you brought it closer for inspection. Hooking the look around your finger, you twirl it around to test its stability.
Not bad.
“ Owner, are there any other colors or designs for this?”
Clasping her hand in excitement, the owner hurriedly displayed the other designs available.
Eyes sparkling in interest, you inspect ones that caught your sight but couldn’t decide on which one to buy. Seeing your uncertainty, the owner said, “ If you don’t mind me asking but who is it you plan on giving it to?”
Looking up to look at her eyes that had started to droop from old age, you politely smiled. “ I am planning to buy it for a… a friend.”
Raising her eyebrows at your reply, the owner took a moment to look over at the collection, “ Is there anything in particular that stands out about them?”
“ … sunshine.”
Looking back and forth between you and the collection before she boldly handed you an ornament. Graciously accepting the ornament, you take a second to inspect the item.
“ This norigae* is sewn from one of the most popular materials this year. Even though the threads are sewn together, similar to a rope, it is very soft yet also extremely steady. The customer had said that your friend holds similarity to the sun so I thought that the golden color would suit them.”
Nodding at her observance, you happily accepted her advice. “ Thank you. I will take this one.”
Returning the ornament back to her, you looked down again at the accessories before spotting a few that had caught your eyes.
“ Owner, please also pack these up for me,” you said, pointing at a few items, “ Here is the money. Keep the change.”
Bowing at her in gratitude, you accepted the wooden box containing your goods before heading to the tea house. On the way, you once again tuck the box in your sleeves in case of any ill intentions roaming around.
Resuming your previous pace, you continue to scavenge around the district while on your way back to the tea house. Amidst the way, you noticed an inconsistent pattern of people that were accumulating in front of a store nearby, coincidentally blocking your path.
I must be aligned with crowds today, you sighed.
After standing in the same spot for a few moments, you begrudgingly put on a brave face and courageously walk toward the crowd, hoping to not be pulled to pieces.
Taking a deep breath at a particular hard jab, you desperately sucked in the warm, moist air around you, trying to not groan too loudly. Tightening your stomach in an attempt to make yourself seem smaller, you try your best to push through the crowd of people.
Hissing at a young lady that had bumped into you, stepping on your toe in the process, you suddenly found yourself stuck in the center, with no available escape route.
Sighing at your unfortunate situation, regretting your decision, you were suddenly aware of the admiring gazes that wee being pulled. Looking around in curiosity, you wondered why everyone was looking so intrigued … until you heard the strings of the gayageum* being plucked.
Ears on alert at the melody that was being played, you turned your head in the direction, your feet unconsciously headed towards the music until you were just behind a few other bypassers.
Once you had registered what was happening, your eyes widened in surprise at the main highlight of the performance.
There he was, your Noble Consort, was at the center, seemingly carrying all the major parts of the piece, giving no care to the crowd that had surrounded him. Eyes closed, Hoseok let himself go and simply followed the flow of the music, in a complete trance where the only thing that existed was himself and the melody.
Robes fluttering along with his movement, Hoseok continue to move with th music, seemingly becoming one with the melody.
Speechless at the scene that is happening in front of you, you stared at his dancing figure in complete silence, completely forgetting where you are, too focus on Hoseok, himself. It also seemed that you were too involved in the performance that you, also gave no care to your surroundings.
Eyes staring at Hoseok, at his every movement— twirls, turns, and jumps, you engulfed yourself to enjoy the performance, deciding to put away your questions for later.
Slowly, one song after another ended yet Hoseok still kept dancing while you kept your eyes glued on him. No matter how many times you were pushed around, or the constant change in neighbours, you still remained in your spot only snapping out of your daze at a particular hard push.
Eyes glaring at the intruding figure, you shake your head to clear up your mind. Noticing at the slow change in melody indicating that the song was about to end, you looked at Hoseok one last time before turning around and returning to your tracks, this time making sure to not go off it.
At least I know I’m not the only one who’s late.
As you calmly walk through the street, the scene that had unfolded in front of your eyes kept coming back. Hoseok’s smooth yet sharp moves, soft yet powerful gestures, and how he managed to control the air around him made you more curious about him.
Who exactly are you?
Silently entering the tea house, you were too deep into your thought that you had even dismissed the greetings of the servants and instead just followed their lead to your previous spot.
“ Give me a serving of the sweets to go,” you mindless order.
Leaning back against the chair, you glanced down the window, searching for Hoseok’s incoming figure. However, you soon find out that he wasn’t going to come anytime soon. Even after receiving your sweets, Hoseok still did not come.
Placing the money down on the table, you grabbed the sweets and left the establishment and instead settled for the outside stairs to wait for him. Feeling your skin itch in agitation, you feel your anxiety increase as the minute goes by.
Where is he?
Feeling your mood getting increasingly worse, you accidentally growled at a man that accidentally touched you. Apologizing was a hazy memory when you were in this current state yet you still find yourself waiting, somehow not finding the need to go and find him yourself. However, in all of foolishness, Hoseok is bound to get at least a few of your lectures.
Finally, after the moon was halfway on its route, a familiar figure finally appeared. Letting out a breath that you didn’t know existed, you ruffled your hair in both relief and frustration; both emotions aiming at him.
“ Where have you been?”
Flinching at your cold tone, Hoseok couldn’t bring himself to look at you. Instead, he opted to look down at the floor, in shame.
“ Did you realize what time it is?” You asked, “ When did we agree to meet?”
Once again, you were met with absolute silence. At this time, most of the stores and parlours had closed with only a few lanterns available to illuminate the street.
However, unlike the calm and tranquil the cool night should bring you, you felt a wave of frustration engulf you. In the back of your mind, you thanked your abilities to heal the wounds in time. Because without it, the wound would have already reopened with how hard you were clenching your arm.
Aside from your blazing eyes and your tense grasp on your sword, Hoseok couldn’t find any other evidence of your anger. However, even without any evidence, he knew that you were letting out anything but positive energy.
“ Whatever, we’ll talk about this at a later date,” you said, drawing a shaky sigh before presenting your arm, “ Let’s go.”
Looking at your arm, Hoseok hesitantly holds onto it before letting himself be dragged by you.
The silence presented during your guys’ walk was what Hoseok had expected when he accepted your invitation. However, he also understood the reason for why such a tense sensation was presented and was not naturally there.
As you approached the palace gates, you let go of Hoseok’s hand, reaching into your sleeve to take out your hopae*. When the guard spotted your tag, he immediately opened the gate, letting you both in. Before going in, you reached over to Hoseok to entangle your hand with his, not saying anything at his surprised expression. Thankfully, Hoseok also followed the flow and didn’t comment on your actions.
During the way to the Noble Consort’s courtyard, an eunuch had run over, offering to help guide you but was answered by a denial. Instead, you took the lantern from his hands and dismissed him.
Once you both were finally in front of Hoseok’s courtyard, you finally let go of his hand. Hoseok, who was about to bow to you, stopped when he saw you reach into your sleeve, seemingly looking for something.
Unlatching the rope that had secured the box, you quickly took out the norigae that you previously brought. Throwing it over to Hoseok’s direction, you turned around and began to walk to your courtyard, not looking at his reaction.
“ A souvenir from me. If it’s not to your fancy, throw it away.”
Hastily catching the item that you had disposed into his hands, he confusingly looked at it before realizing what it was. Grazing over the norigae fondly, Hoseok carefully untangled the knots. Grasping the ornament tightly, he felt his lips turn upward at your gestures. Bringing it close to his chest, he looked at your disappearing figure, attentively.
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
Within the next month of the announcement, news of the arrival of the new consorts began to enter the palace, and eventually, reaching the court. The ministers and officials were overjoyed at the news, happy that they were still sending over the candidates despite your announcement.
Unlike others who were happy about the consorts’ arrival, Taehyung was still soured over the news, as well as your choice.
Despite Taehyung’s obvious disapproval, it was customary for you to at least spend a night with each consort in the first week, especially if they were from a different country.
On your first night of the three, you met your first choice from the piles of possible candidates.
Sato Chungho, was a righteous man who had an outstanding record and an ambition in politics. He was so intrigued by it that you had spent the entire night talking about the subject.
“ Politics, you say?” You asked curiously as you propped your chin on your hand.
Chungho enthusiastically nodded, eyes trained on your every movement. “ Yes, your majesty.”
You hummed, “ Why are you suddenly bringing this up?”
Looking down at his hands, Chungho fidgets with the fabric of his attire. “ I had heard that your majesty is well versed in this field. Since I have met you, I … I knew that love would never be able to blossom between the two of u—”
“ Why would you say that?” You interrupted, eyes peering down at him in interest.
“ You might not know this, your majesty but you have been a very popular topic in Shihoma. Previously, we all had known about how terrible the Corea’s monarch was but since your arrival, everyone couldn’t help but be intrigued by how you managed to take him down. More importantly, the way you handled this Consort Selection both showcases your dominance and how you’re not afraid to flaunt it. Many would have to think twice about doing this, especially for a country that has yet to establish a good reputation.”
“ Then wouldn’t my actions be considered to be reckless. If you think about it, won’t it be easy for other countries to fight ours since it’s so vulnerable right now?”
Chungho shakes his head, “ It would be unlikely because most people know that most of the soldiers had gone to your side before and during the rebellion. You didn’t lose that many soldiers so attacking you is not a minor matter.”
Raising your eyebrows at his answer, you nodded your head. “ Then what would you like?”
“ I would like…” Chungho gulped, “ to learn more about politics under you.”
A potential.
Cracking a smile at his uncertainty, you stand up from your seat. Waving your hands to signal him to come over, you invited, “ Come. Play a game of go with me.”
With that, Chungho giddily accepted your invitation and both of you found yourself spending the entire night indulged in all the games you had available.
On the second night, things turned out to be more interesting with the second consort.
“ Chin-Hae means the truth and a vast ocean, correct?” You had asked.
“ Yes, your majesty.”
“ And you’re a son of a merchant?”
“ Yes, your majesty.”
Scanning at him from top to the bottom, and bottom to top, you couldn’t decipher the unsettled feeling that is blooming within your chest. You have been caught up in many situations where there is a sense of familiarity despite being strangers. And this is one of those situations.
“ You look familiar.”
“ I am afraid that we have never meet until today,” he said, “ However, you might have find my demeanour similar to some of the envoys that are currently residing in the palace.”
“ … you’re from Xin May yet you behave like the Ecenyths, you must have travelled quite a bit.”
“ As a merchant’s child, I have started travelling since I could even remember. However, I did spent a reasonable amount of time in Ecenyth.”
You hummed in acknowledgement. “ Tell me the stories of the land you have visited.”
“ Where would you like to hear first, your majesty?”
“ … Xin May,” you decided, “ Tell me the culture, people, myths, legends. Anything of interest to your home country.”
Chin-Hae smiled, “ Yes, your majesty.”
As a result, you spent the entire night listening to the various stories from Chin-Hae; from the land’s culture to personal experiences and connection, Chin-Hae had told it in such an interesting manner that it captivated you every step of the way. He truly is a merchant.
I wonder if Seokjin is also good at storytelling.
On the third and final night, you were beyond exhausted with being deprived of sleep for two days straight and the constant piles that were presented on your desk. Thus, you didn’t have as much energy as usual and hoped that today will be like the other two.
Turns out, the third time was really the charm since it was completely different from the rest.
Entering your bedroom, you wanted nothing more than to fall onto the bed and travel to dreamland. Feet dragging your slouched body to the familiarity of your bed, you were suddenly hit with the realization of the slight change in the room’s placement.
Sobering up at the thought of an intrusion, you glared at every change in your normally simple chamber, feeling the irritation in you double. Aside from the difference in decor, the usual scent of lavender that would caress your skin was replaced with an overpowering scent of perfume. Feeling a headache reappearing, you sluggishly walked towards your bed only to be met with a big clump covered by a thin, transparent fabric.
The person must have noticed your speechless demeanour when they let out soft, high-pitched giggles. Normally, you would have define the noise as angelic but with your non-sobered state, fondness was not on top of the list.
Harshly grabbing the fabric, you forcefully tugged it off the figure and threw it to the floor. Looking into the bright yet hazy black orbs, you find yourself not knowing what to do.
“ Greetings to your majesty.”
Squinting your eyes in an attempt to find familiarity in the person in front to you but unable to do so, you find yourself speechless of what to say nor do. Suddenly, you realized that he was the one who you have chosen randomly, a person that you didn’t even bother knowing the name of.
Turning the other way, guiltily, you refused to look into the person’s eye, ashamed as what you did that day. However, the person seated on your bed took your action as an attempt to distance yourself away from him. As a result, he sneakily reach out his hand to touch your clenched ones.
Shivering at the chilling skin that had enveloped into your warmer ones, you looked at him, waiting to see what he would do.
As if knowing what you were hinting, the person took the opportunity to pull you to him, successfully setting you seated next to him.
Taking a deep breath, you could define the different fragrances that he was using.
Rose, with a light note of chamomile, citrus, lavender? No, what is it?    
Confused at what you were smelling, you didn’t notice the roaming hands that were venturing your body until it travelled to your thigh. In a moment of panic, you pushed him away from you, shocking him in the process.
“ You… what’s your name?”
Yet to recover from the sudden shove, the male hastily replied, “ P-park Jimin, your majesty.”
Awkwardly nodding at his answer, you make sure to raise your hands, signalling that you meant no harm. “ I apologize, Jimin-ssi. There was so much work that I seemed to forget your name,” you said, shuffling away.
You knew that lying was bad in this situation but you also knew that saying that he was chosen in a matter of luck was worse. In other terms, he was lucky to be picked and wasn’t picked based on his capabilities unlike the other two.
There’s no way that I’ll tell him that.
Once again, using the opening of you drifting off, Jimin approached you, hands delicately running up your legs, eyes glimmering with mischief and flirtatiousness.
Speechless at what he was doing, you could only stare as he continued to venture across the span of your skin. Gently prying his hands off you, you push Jimin away. This time, on alert for any of his upcoming initiatives.
“ So tell me about yourself,” you said, brushing off what had just happened.
Staring at you confusingly, Jimin’s finger twitches in agitation. “ Why are you doing this?”
“ What do you mean?” You asked, scrunching up your nose.
“ Why are you asking these questions when you already know the answer?” He asked, eyes hiding behind his bangs.
“ I apologize, it seems that I have offended you. These past few days have been so busy that I haven't had the time to go over your profile yet.”
“ You didn’t even have the time to look into me?” He murmured, eyes locked on the velvet sheets.
You waved your hand in a hurry, protesting. “ Of course not. I sincerely apologize. I truly didn’t have the time to do so.”
Part of it was true while the other wasn’t being told. Yes, you have been extremely busy that you didn’t have any spare time and would go to sleep straight away after you return to your courtyard. However, you also did pick Jimin randomly, thus not having the fresh opportunity to look at his portrait.
You were really regretting your decisions of following the ministers’ miscellaneous plans.
Picking his head up, you propped them on top of your hand, directly looking into his own. Seeing his stunned expression because of your initiatives was something unexpectedly amusing; plushed lips puckered out to form a pout, a crimson shade that is spreading along the span of his cheeks, and eyes widen in such a manner that you almost couldn’t stop yourself from cooing about his cuteness.
Regretting at not seeing his painted portrait, you wonder if the artist managed to capture his beauty.
Smiling gently at your gestures, Jimin blinks continuously to try and seduce you.
Smirking at his antiques, you followed whatever he was luring you into before trapping him under your body. Arms placed on either side of him, Jimin bravely looked at you, eyebrows raised in a suggestive manner.
Lowering yourself until you were barely above him, you whispered into his ear, “ What do you think you’re doing.”
Feeling an unfamiliar sensation blooming within his core, Jimin unhurriedly replied, “ Whatever your majesty wants to do, I will follow.”
Smirking at his response, you continue to tease him by grazing your finger lightly across his skin, similar to what he had done to you. Seeing him squirm at the feeling was definitely a sight to see; amidst your teasing, you could even see a slight change in demeanour for a moment before it was covered by the previous thin layer of lust.
How interesting.
“ Oh really?”
Shivering at the moisture of your breath, Jimin couldn’t help but anticipate what was about to happen. However, his fantasize was cut short when he was no longer pinned down, the previous pressure dissipating into the air.
Pulling away from Jimin, you turned around, starting to take off your robe. “ You may stay here if you wish. We can talk about whatever but nothing related to what we just did.”
“ … So you just wanted to tease me?”
Clenching your fist at his question, you shakily replied, “ I apologize. I… I wanted to find out something.”
Jimin bit his lip, eyes glaring at your back. “ And that gives you the need to tease me? You may be my master, your majesty. But I am still a human who has feelings.”
“ … I apologize.”
“ Apologies, apologies,” Jimin huffed out, “ If you don’t want me here then I will leave.”
Standing up, Jimin takes the fabric, previously thrown to the floor and wrapped it around himself. Walking past you, Jimin didn’t look at you and instead focused on the door. Pushing the doors open, Jimin was about to leave but was suddenly pulled back.
Gasping at the pulling force, Jimin staggered backwards into your chest. “ I did say that I would let you leave but I didn’t agree to you leaving while in such a foul mood.”
Now, against your chest, you and Jimin were at the same height, none towering over the other but within your presence, Jimin found himself cowering under your watchful eyes.
“ W-what do you want now?”
“ I want to apologize to you,” you said, “ What do you want me to do?”
Turning around to look into your eyes, Jimin undoubtedly could sense your genuinity. Still trapped in your embrace, Jimin took his time to think and weigh the possible outcomes.  
“ You would do whatever I say?”
“ If it’s reasonable, yes. I would do anything.”
Taking into consideration of your words, Jimin giddily thought up of various options. “ Then… give me jewelry as compensation.”
“ Jewelry? What do you want specifically?”
“ Anything that shows your favour in me. Things that would make people envy my position by your side.”
You nodded, agreeing with his terms. “ I will have something prepared for you by tomorrow and sent to your courtyard. For now…”
Looking over at your drawers, eyes sparkling up at the idea. Unlatching your arms around Jimin, you walked up to your drawers. Pulling a small drawer, you gingerly searched around before pulling a certain item out.
Returning to where you previously were, you gestured for him to turn around. You carefully placed the accessories against his skin, encasing the knot to secure the necklace in place. “ Keep this as a promise that I will fulfill my role.”
Grasping the pendant, Jimin looked over the design in awe before cracking a smile.
Seeing his smile, you commented, “ I see that you ar—“
“ Acceptable,” Jimin arrogantly said.
“ I’m glad,” you said, walking towards the table, pouring yourself a cup of tea, “ Let’s have a proper conversation now, shall we?”
Rolling his eyes at your comment, Jimin clenched the fabric wrapped around him before heading towards the table, taking a seat opposite of you.
“ Now, what can I know about you, Jimin-ssi.”
“ You don’t need to be that formal. Please call me Jimin.”
You smiled, “ Gladly.”
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
“ Now tell me about the Scavenge Disaster.”
Hastily going through the notes that he had memorized yesterday, Jungkook clumsily replied, “ The Scavenged Disaster was a breakout of droughts in the southern regions forcing many to go get refuge in other places?”
“ Continue.”
“ Mhmm.. the Sca—”
“ Say it with more confidence,” Taehyung interrupted.
Shooting him a glare, you scrunched up your eyebrows in frustration. Opening your mouth, you were about to say something when Taehyung continued to interrupt you.
“ How can you not remember the basics?” He degraded once he saw the hesitation that still lingered in Jungkook’s eyes.
Eyes widening at his words, you shouted, “ Royal Consort! Be careful with your words!”
Rolling his eyes at your word, Taehyung leaned back against his seat and focused on Jungkook, waving his hand for him to continue.
Shaking your head, you roughly slumped down into your seat, ignoring the stare that Jungkook was giving you.
Swallowing all the tension down, Jungkook went back to what he has been doing, now, even more agitated.
From the start of today’s lesson, the intensity of the air in the room was at an abnormal level. You all have noticed the change but no one put in the effort to address it.
“ When did this occur?”
“ Ten years before the previous dynasty ended.”
“ How old were you then?”
“ I was… ten at that time.”
“ I heard that you were constantly out of the palace,” you said, “ Must have been hard for you.” Nonchalantly looking down at the papers on the table, you didn’t caught Taehyung’s soured gaze.
“ Ten? You’re barely an adult now. Must have been a little brat,” Taehyung commented.
Sighing, you tiredly looked over at him, “ Brat? Look at you right now. You’re the brattiest yet.”
Taehyung scowled at your comment, “ Whatever. What has this lesson turned into? A personal bonding time for the two of you? Forget it, we’re done for today. I’m not in the mood for it.”
“ Jungkook you may go,” you dismissed him, letting out an exhausted sigh, and rubbed your tensed eyebrows. Seeing Taehyung also standing up, you were quick to confront him, “ You, dear Royal Consort, is staying until I tell you otherwise.”
Turning around, Taehyung looked at you with raised eyebrows, challenging you. “ You can’t control me.”
“ As long as I have the crown, there is nothing I can’t get my hands onto, including you.”
Huffing at your comment, Taehyung slumped down into his seat, not looking at you.
“ Why are you like this?” You asked, frustrated.
“ Why are you asking me? Ask yourself!” He yelled out, disbelief clearly adorned on his face.
“ What did I do?”
“ You took in three other consorts!”
“ I was forced to!”
“ You’re the owner of this land, no one can control you.” He said, using your comment as payback.
You chewed on your cheek at your words getting backfired. “ It's a minor problem, there’s nothing for you to worry about.”
“ Minor problem? Sure it is. So incredibly small that it caused chaos in the imperial court, agitating all the ministers.”
“ If you’re worried about them interrupting ou—”
“ I don’t care about the plan. What if they fancy you!” He retorted, pouting at his own words.
Eyebrows raised at Taehyung’s tantrum, you unconsciously lean back to enjoy the show.
“ You’re worried that they will gain power if they have my favour?”
“ That too,” Taehyung muttered.
“ Don’t worry. Chung-ho and Chin-Hae aren’t in the mindset of settling down,” you reassured, “ Chung-ho is too busy with his interest in politics while Chin-Hae will be travelling.”
During your guys’ little talk, you had personally promised to give Chin-Hae the privilege to exit the palace at will in return for little souvenirs that he will bring back. This may sound immature but you have plans for those items.
“ You guys are on first-name-basis now? Whatever, whatever, whatever... Then what about the third one?” He asked.
You tilted your head confusingly, not able to hear what he just said. “ What did you say?”
Taehyung looked at you, eyes piercing into your own. “ I asked about the third one. Jimin was it?”
“ Jimin?” You pulled out, chewing on your head as you remember what had happened on your guys’ first meeting. “ I don’t know.”
Taehyung pouted, “ Then there is still a possibility!”
“ If you don’t trust my words then go see for yourself.”
At your words, Taehyung turned around and walked out. “ I will.”
I will see for myself what you all have.
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
A week later, Taehyung upholds his promise by arranging an informal afternoon tea meetup with the rest of the harem. He definitely needed to see how these consorts are faring.
Seated in the middle of the round table where every person that comes and goes is in his vision field, Taehyung patiently waited for all the guests to arrive.
Slowly, the Blue Pearl garden started to get crowded by people, surrounding the table situated under the gazebo.
On his left, seated the Imperial Consort, the only consort that he, the Royal Consort has to show some face to.
It is best said that the relationship between the Imperial Consort and himself is not the best but it’s also not the worst.
We just don’t align, is what he would like to say.
Maybe in another situation, he and the Imperial Consort can find a common ground but in a harem, he is barely able to keep it under his control without the interference of another party. As a result, if’s they can’t be acquaintances then being neutrals would do.
Naturally, the farther they are to the host, the inferior their status is, meaning that when those new consorts arrive, they will be on the opposite side of him. More specifically, facing him directly on this round table.
On his right, there sat the eldest Noble Consort, who was all too busy with looking at the surrounding to spare him no mind.
I must agree to what Y/N had said. Childlike yet witty.
Perking up at another incoming group, Taehyung smiled in greeting. “ Ah, Consort Sato, welcome. Take a seat next to Noble Consort Jung.”
Bowing down in greetings, Chungho smiled at Taehyung’s words. “ Greetings to the Royal Consort, Imperial Consort Min, and Noble Consort Jung,” he said before heading towards the seat next to Hoseok’s
At least this kid knows manners.
Taehyung smiled in satisfaction, “ Good. I like you.”
“ I’m honoured to be in your favour.”
“ The Consort Yang has arrived!” The eunuch outside announced.
Turning his attention towards the entrance, Taehyung gently nodded in greetings, already not liking the person with a tacky smile.
Unlike Chungho, who was dressed in the imperial hanbok, expected of a concubine’s status; and behaved in a way much like so. Chin-Hae, instead wore the clothes of his homeland, and put on a disgustingly confident smile.
Normally, Taehyung would have overlooked this as he is also interested in ways one can express themselves through fashion but when that person is his rival, he simply can’t overlook it.
Like understanding what he was trying to convey, a maid by his side stood up. “ Consort Wang sure is unique.”
Instead of being offended, Chin-Hae beamed at her words.
Seeing his expression, Taehyung also smiled in amusement. “ Take a seat, Consort Yang.”
“ I heard that Xin May is a really energetic country.”
“ The epicenter for festivals and entertainment,” Taehyung piped in, casually.
“ It really is. I would say that I am forced to attend at least a dozen festivals every year. And that doesn’t even account to the ones specific to each region.”
Eyes widening in surprise, Hoseok leaned forward in curiosity. “ That must really be eventful.”
“ Sounds like you were busy.”
“ I really wasn’t. Besides, I would trade time for the smallest chance of getting to attend. Unfortunately, my father is trying to train me to inherit the business. Days fill with work and politics is too much for me to cope, however...” Chin-Hae denied, sighing at the thought of the constant work piles.
Blinking at his words, Hoseok commented, “ Right, I heard that Consort Sato is interested in politics from your majesty. Is it true?”
Looking up from his hands, Consort Sato bashfully nodded. “ I have been interested in politics since childhood but was never allowed to have any information on it.”
“ You enjoy politics? Such a unique hobby.”
Taehyung opened his mouth, preparing to say something when he was suddenly interrupted with an announcement.
“ Consort Park has arrived!”
Raising his eyebrows at the incoming figure, Taehyung propped his head on top of his hand.
Now, this is a sight to see.
Compared to the rest, Jimin’s attire was overly done. From the expensive materials that were used, to the intricate designs that were sew onto the fabric, one could definitely tell that he was born noble.
With every step, the bells of his bracelet could be heard jingling as Jimin draws closer to the gazebo. Putting on a confident smile, Jimin did a slight bow in greetings, hands clasped over his chest.
“ Consort Park certainly is prepared,” Chin-Hae commented, astonished at his attire.
“ I thank the Consort Yang for the compliment.”
Taehyung bitterly smiled at the act, feeling his slowly adrenaline rise.
“ Please take a seat, Consort Park. The sun is already in its third quarter and the event has yet to start. Without any further interrupti—”
“ Apologies, apologies, Royal Consort. I had to do some work and forgot the time. I didn’t miss out on anything major, did I?” A booming voice exclaimed, racing from the entrance to where they were.
Taehyung scowled at the familiar voice, eyes glaring at the rushed figure.
“ Merchant of the South,” Hoseok greeted.
Like who Hoseok had said, the steps of Seokjin grew closer to the gazebo, face brightened up at the sight in front of him. Stopping meters away from the entrance, Seokjin bent down to a bow in greeting. “ Greetings to the Consorts.”
“ I was not aware that you were invited.”
“ Apologies, I immediately rushed over the moment I heard that you were holding tea time.”
You knew that you were not invited and yet…, Taehyung rolled mentally rolled his eyes before looking to the side, silently motioning for the arrangements to be done.
Nodding at his signal, the person focused on the preparations, no longer caring at the stares he was receiving.
“ Seems like you knew that you were not invited,” Yoongi straightforwardly pointed out, “ Why are you here then?”
Motioning the maid to go get another chair, Hoseok added, “ Are you here to greet the new consorts?”
“ Partially. I was getting curious at the uprising of the new trio and wanted to go see for myself.”
Unlike others, Jimin reacted at the comment by clenching his jaded fist. Staring like I’m an animal, how daring.
Looking around, Jimin noticed how no one was fazed by Seokjin’s words, secretly stunned at how nonchalantly all of them are until his eyes met with Yoongi’s. Flusteredly looking away, Jimin made a move to smooth out his attire, fidgeting with the fabric along the way.
“ Apologies, only those who have been given permission to attend can do so,” Taehyung's eyes narrowed Seokjin’s figure, “ Besides, I believe the envoy has much better things to attend to than some measly tea event.”
The merchant shook his head in disapproval, “ Attending this event is also part of my duties. The emperor has specifically ordered me to visit the consorts frequently to build a better relationship with them… Also, it had seemed that I was not the only one that came without being invited.” After that, Seokjin’s eyes automatically set its attention on the person behind the table of herbs.
The host smiled, grabbing his wooden fan on the table before flicking it open, gently oscillating it, “ Hmm?... Ah, care to answer that by yourself?”
Setting down the equipment, Namjoon unhurriedly waited for all the boiled water to drain from the pot before gently placing it on the tray. Motioning the maids to bring it, Namjoon made his way to the centre table, smiling all the way. Stopping a couple of steps behind Taehyung, Namjoon clasped his left hand over his right and bowed, “ I apologize for not greeting you, Consorts… Envoy of Ecenyth. Thanks to the Royal Consort, I have the honour of concocting all the drinks that will be served.”
Scanning up and down, Jimin observed Namjoon’s manners, picking up the Royal Consort’s obvious favour towards him. So he is on his side, or maybe… Jimin smiled at the thought which skillfully got hidden by a tea cup placed in front of him.
“ Concocting? Sounds like this will have many benefits.”
“ Of course, Noble Consort Jung. It wouldn’t be right of me to not prepare a nutritious drink,” Namjoon explained.
Hoseok only smiled but made no attempt to reach out for the cup. “ Please sit down, envoy. Why not have a cup of tea while you are here?” He offered once he realized Seokjin was still standing.
Smiling gratefully, Seokjin quietly slipped on to the seat that was just delivered.
Scanning around, Taehyung noted how not a single person had consumed the tea. “ Why aren’t you tasting it? This variety is quite fragrant and won’t be as nutritious if taken cold,” Taehyung commented, letting out a teasing smile, “ Perhaps you all are afraid that it is poisoned?”
Feeling the people around him tensed at his blunt words, Taehyung picked up his own cup before taking a sip from it, flipping it over to show he had finished it. “ See? Now, drink up.”
Sighing at Taehyung’s words, Yoongi deadpanned at how appetizing and easy it was to step into his trap. How annoying, he thought, glancing at Namjoon before staring into his own. Yoongi gracefully lifted the cup to his nasal, taking in a whiff of its scent. Placing the porcelain edge against his lips, Yoongi carefully took a sip. “ Not poisoned.”
Making eye contact with Hoseok, Yoongi subtly nodded, confirming what he previously said was true. Relying on his words, Hoseok also took a sip and smiled at the pleasant taste. “ Such a smooth taste.”
Taehyung smiled, at least we work considerably well together.
“ I’m glad that this tea has satisfied you.”
“ Move on to the next course,” Taehyung ordered, “ I hope you all haven’t ate anything today.”
At his command, the surrounding servants were put to work. Skilfully replacing the dishes placed on the tables with new ones, one can see the obvious change in style.
“ The decorations have changed,” Chin-Hae commented, looking at the sight in front of him in amazement.
Giggling at his comment, Taehyung nodded. “ Of course. Now that we are waiting on the next course, allow me to explain today's concept,” taehyung started, picking up the previous course’s cup, “ With each change in course, a new course will be bestowed based on a designated season. The previous was spring, this time will be summer, eventually becoming autumn and winter.”
Eyes sparkling at Taehyung’s voice, Jimin couldn’t help but clasp an exaggerated gesture over his petite face in awe. “ Such consideration the Royal Consort has put in.”
Taehyung nodded his head in gratitude, continuing to swing his fan back and forth.
“ Unlike spring, summer is considerably heavier so the Royal Consort has highlighted the use of fruits?” Hoseok asked.
“ Correct. Do you know the reason why?”
“ Because summer has the largest spectrum in terms of fruits.”
Snorting at his words, Taehyung said, “ Of course, envoy. However, aside from the taste, there is another factor to why I have put it here.”
“ Why?” Chungho asked, curious.
“ It’s because fresh fruits symbolises vitality, youth, abundance… and fertility,” Taehyung smiled. “Either way, isn’t it the perfect description of the Nurturing Solstice?”
Blushing at the Royal Consort’s indications, Jimin couldn't help but wonder what his life will now be like.
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
“ They were talking about the Nurturing Solstice?” You asked, “ Taehyung must have had a fun time.”
Compared to the past, the current Nurturing solstice is quite watered down. Previously, the Nurturing Solstice did not only mark the start of a new harvest season but also the start of something more humanly— something more mature.
“ Yes, the new consorts were blushing at the Royal Consort’s openness.”
“ Let him have his fun. Cooping up in the palace isn’t good for anyone,” you said, “ Right, make sure to keep an eye on the new consorts, especially Chin-Hae.”
Clenching his hands, Chin-Hwa clumsily bowed at you tonal command, “ yes, your majesty.”
Glancing at his posture from your spot, you observed how uncomposed he became. Sighing, you leaned against the window frame, gazing out of the window. “ The sky is darkening.”
“ Yes, you majesty. It is estimated that the storm will go on for at least three days.”
You hummed at his reply, “ As expected… an abrupt change is about to occur.”
Tilting his head at your sudden comment, Chin-Hwa shot you a confused glance.
Dismissing his stare, you continue to stare at the sky.
It’s just that I don’t know how though.
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~MintVender ( 19/05/21 )
Norigae - a traditional korean accessory that is usually hung at the waist at a person. It acts as a fashion item as well as a good-luck charm to bring youth and wealth to the person.
Gayageum -  a Korean board zieuter, with 12 silk strings, and 12 movable bridges. Made from paulownia wood, he zither is about 160cm(62 inches) long and 30cm(12 inches) wide.
Hopae - an identification tag that carries the bearer’s name, place of birth, status, residence during the Joseon dynasty.
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vrdental · 3 years
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Routine checkup
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The exam will also include a check for plaque and tartar on your teeth. Best dentist Kukatpally, Hyderabad
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A dental crown is a small-cap that fits over an existing tooth. It can also be used in replacement teeth when attached to a dental implant or bridge. Best dentist Kukatpally Hyderabad
Dental crowns cover the visible portion of the tooth and sit above the gum line. Dental crowns can be made using zirconia, porcelain, or porcelain that is fused to gold. They are colored to match your other teeth. Sometimes patients choose to professionally whiten their teeth prior to crown or bridge treatment to enhance the cosmetic effect.
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The word periodontal means ‘surrounding a tooth’. Gum disease attacks the tissues, bone and ligaments supporting your teeth. It is a common cause of tooth loss in adults and can often affect people while presenting no discernible symptoms.
Dental Implants
A dental implant is a specially designed fixture made from commercially pure titanium and other bio-friendly material. It is placed within the upper or lower jaw. Over a period your bone actually grows into the surface of the implant, causing it to become fixed in the jaw.
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sariels-world-ella · 3 years
Some hand Drawings comparing the armors of monsters in my AU who wear strikingly different/unique armor compared to the generic desgins of Snowdin and pre-event armor.
Sans (shown without marks aka scratches and dents)
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Alphys (pre-events)
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Bratty and Catty
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Indepth info, and transcripts below the cut
Sans armor looks similar to the generic guard armor that monsters from Pre-Events have, but with some of the pieces missing.
As Sans can't magically equipt those armor parts that don't make direct contact to his bones or prosetics, he is missing protective peices which actually benefits him as this helps him to move more flexible and faster also to make alot less noise.
Since Sans, dispite using multiple tactics and stragiteges to defeat an enemy the most effective way possible, does have a preference for stealth, ambush and surprise attacks, so these missing armor pieces benefit him.
Physical weapon: titanium bladed 3ft long enchanted sword, and he has an off guard skeleton dagger(not shown), with a silver handle and obsidian blade
Rose gold
Tightly woven black chainmail
Alphys wears a very unique armor since she's from hotlands, her armor is made of a unknown metal material that is heat refracting, she wears mental spiked guards on her tail, her color scheme is alot more dull compared to the holy white and gold Snowdin armors
Physical weapon: 2ft long steel two headed battle axe
Armor Materials:
Unknown heat reflecting mental
Bratty and Catty
Bratty and Catty wear more leather based armor that allow free range motion, their armor is insulated on the inside to keep in heat for them to not freeze or get too cold, they also have some gemstones on their armor.
"Physical" weapons: Catty - shield and iron knuckles and claws. Bratty - energy shield and harpoon
Armor materials:
Special insulation materials
Little Red Slicing hood, "Red", "Crimson"
They wear cloth and leather armor, since Red is a belovent banshee, thus weak to certain metals, she is also an assassin, thus a stealth based attacker, and unlike her AU counterparts she is not possessing a life sized doll and is still a spirit, thus not in need of strong protection. She wears a bandana mask to help create some resistance to salt and sage.
Main Physical weapons: twin ivory daggers, with wood handles
Armor materials:
Wood (elbow pads/"couters")
A Blue gem on their belt
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maxxinevesf322 · 4 years
7 Things You Should Not Do With butterfly knife
The smart Trick of Most Priced Kitchen Knives List That Nobody is Talking About
Since the dawn of time, knives have been in any kind of man's collection, leading his flow from wilderness to human being. Today this wonderful tool is mainly used for food preparation yet there are likewise searching blades and also camping knives produced sensible usages like the Pocket knife. We likewise have things like the key designed pocket knife or the knife handgun which, although they have no actual objective, still show just how beloved blades are right currently.
ContentsMade in Japan by the Yoshihiro blade masters of Sakai, this stunning cutting blade features beautiful decorative elements motivated by the phoenix metro, the spiritual bird of this area. Valued at $5,000, this blade has a sharp blade that was obviously produced cutting, more specifically to cut fish into sashimi with a single stroke.
This method has actually been used for enhancing things for over 9,000 and it's still used to this day as a result of its performance. The waves pattern that can be seen on the blade resembles the shape of the Fuji Hill under a complete moon. William Henry introduced this elegant, hand-engraved knife, featuring 24 carat gold as well as copper inlays that were motivated from a middle ages dragon with 3 heads that attacks its very own tail.
Getting My What Makes An Expensive Knife Expensive? To Work
It has a one hand button lock and also comes with an unique, leather bring case and also a lovely wooden presentation box. The price for this knife is $5,500. With a lengthy name like that, the blade had to be very long too, that's why we might say this knife is even more of a sword as a result of the 15.
It is a typical Japanese knife made by Yoshikazu Ikeda from white steel including a single edge held by a Corian deal with. The sheath was hand enhanced with the Wajima Lacquer approach, which enhances the product, and the cover is also enhanced with cherry blooms, one of the signs of Japan.
Although it has the shape of a hunting knife, the accessories on this elegance make it even more of an attractive item, sold in luxury stores for $8,150. Its blade is made from Damascus steel with the take care of having a panther head sculpture and also walnut timber over the top. The steel on the handle is admirable silver decorated with gems while the sheath is made from walnut and also silver with gold plating too.
The Facts About Most Expensive Knife Models From Popular Brands Uncovered
This incredible knife is additionally made by William Henry including a Hornets Nest Damascus blade that was hand built with a one-hand button lock similar to that of the Ouroboros. With sensational decorations and also a spectacular take care of that was inscribed with 24 carat weight gold inlays which shows a hydra, this blade is past outstanding.
Made http://knifeandcarry.com/ with the partnership between William Henry, Mark Hoescht and also Mike Norris, this fantastic blade has a "abundant as well as detailed balance between sophistication, feature and superlative artistry", as its designers best explain it. The steampunk aesthetic makes is show up quite made complex with sculptural information that were engraved with 24 carat weight gold and copper inlays.
One more creation of William Henry, this knife features a blade that was hand built from 'Boomerang' Damascus steel, with a 'shoelace' style that offers its name. The makers of this elegance required numerous hours to finish the small inscriptions by hand and also this alone makes its price rather high.
Our Expensive Chef Knives Diaries
It's "The characteristic of William Henry's the majority of exclusive developments; a classic treasure to be happily worn and also used for a lifetime before handing it to an additional generation." Asserting to be the sharpest blade on the planet, this one spectacular blade was developed by Quintin Nel and Hoffman/Pieper with a handle made from sterling silver and a blade of carbon steel.
The blade was covered in titanium and also Teflon to guarantee miraculous longevity as well as http://www.knifeandcarry.com/ intensity. Valued at around $40,000 (practically the like a suitable brand-new automobile), this blade is available in a lovely piano box with a ruby ring included, given that both go so well together, hitting the mark for him as well as her both.
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The handle of this incredible item originates from a bog oak that's 5,000 years old which was wonderfully decorated with platinum and also 25 rubies, so it is just normal that this splendid blade is valued at practically $100,000. The is in fact made by Buster Warenski from Nevada, USA and also it is presently one of the most expensive blade worldwide as a result of the amount of precious gems which decorate it.
The Main Principles Of The Most Expensive Knives To Buy
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The stunning things took no less than 10 years to finish and it was offered at an auction a while ago for $2. 1 million.
Knife gathering is a rich male's video game. Although you can have a robust collection of terrific knives without producing a bank loan on your residence or doing Uber as a side hustle to pay your knife dependency, you need to invest a fair bit to really obtain all the rates of knives, even from the name brands.
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I have actually been kicking around this concept in my head lately, but the current release of the ultra-premium CRKT XOC determined me to finish this https://www.knifeandcarry.com/ post. This was kind of difficult to do due to the fact that most of the brand names have a special edition premium blade in the offerings or they have a large sword that sets you back a pretty penny.
Examine This Report about Most Expensive Knives In The World
These are likewise just the designs in current or current production. Take an appearance. Allow's start with among the most recent news: the CRKT XOC. Obvious "shock," the XOC was a shock to a lot of the blade world. Not just is this blade big, yet it additionally lugs a big https://knifeandcarry.com/ price.
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albertjrvp181 · 4 years
7 Things About spyderco para  Your Boss Wants to Know
The Buzz on Why Are High-end Japanese Knives So Expensive?
Ever before given that the dawn of time, knives have remained in any male's arsenal, leading his flow from wild to civilization. Today this terrific device is primarily utilized for cooking but there are additionally hunting knives and camping blades produced sensible uses like the Pocket knife. We likewise have things like the key designed swiss army knife or the knife gun which, although they have no real function, still confirm exactly how beloved knives are right now.
ContentsMade in Japan by the Yoshihiro blade masters of Sakai, this magnificent slicing blade features wonderful ornamental elements inspired by the phoenix, the sacred bird of this area. Priced at $5,000, this blade has a sharp blade that was undoubtedly produced slicing, a lot more particularly to reduce fish right into sashimi with a single stroke.
This technique has been utilized for embellishing things for over 9,000 and also it's still utilized to this day as a result of its efficiency. The waves pattern that can be seen on the blade resembles the form of the Fuji Hill under a moon. William Henry launched this elegant, hand-engraved blade, including 24 carat weight gold and also copper inlays that were inspired from a medieval dragon with 3 heads that attacks its very own tail.
Getting The Most Expensive Kitchen Knife People Actually Buy To Work
It has a one hand button lock and also comes with an unique, natural leather bring situation and also a lovely wood discussion box. The cost for this knife is $5,500. With a lengthy name like that, the blade needed to be extremely long also, that's why we can say this blade is even more of a sword as a result of the 15.
It is a standard Japanese blade made by Yoshikazu Ikeda from white steel including a solitary side held by a Corian deal with. The sheath was hand embellished through the Wajima Lacquer approach, which reinforces the material, and the cover is likewise enhanced with cherry blooms, among the signs of Japan.
Although it has the shape of a hunting blade, the accessories on this charm make it https://knifeandcarry.com even more of an ornamental piece, sold in high-end look for $8,150. Its blade is made from Damascus steel with the manage having a panther head sculpture and also walnut timber over the top. The metal on the handle is sterling silver embellished with gems while the sheath is made from walnut and also silver with gold plating as well.
The Best Strategy To Use For The Best Kitchen Knives You Can Buy In 2021
This incredible blade is likewise made by William Henry including a Hornets Nest Damascus blade that was hand forged with a one-hand switch lock similar to that of the Ouroboros. With sensational designs as well as an impressive take care of that was etched with 24 carat weight gold inlays which portrays a hydra, this knife is past amazing.
Made via the collaboration in between William Henry, Mark Hoescht as well as Mike Norris, this fantastic knife has a "rich as well as detailed balance in between beauty, feature and also outstanding virtuosity", as its creators finest describe it. The steampunk aesthetic makes is show up rather made complex with sculptural details that were etched with 24 carat gold and also copper inlays.
One more production of William Henry, this knife features a blade that was hand built from 'Boomerang' Damascus steel, with a 'shoelace' design that offers its name. The makers of this elegance needed hundreds of hrs to finish the tiny inscriptions by hand and this alone makes its rate quite high.
The Best Guide To What Are Most Expensive Knives In The World?
It's "The trademark of William Henry's many special creations; an ageless treasure to be proudly used and also utilized for a life time before handing it to one more generation." Asserting to be the sharpest knife worldwide, this stunning knife was developed by Quintin Nel as well as Hoffman/Pieper with a manage made from sterling silver and also a blade of carbon steel.
The blade was coated in titanium and also Teflon to make certain the utmost sturdiness and sharpness. Valued at around $40,000 (almost the like a respectable brand-new automobile), this blade can be found in a lovely piano box with a diamond ring included, given that both go so well with each other, striking the jackpot for him and also her both.
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The manage of this amazing piece originates from a bog oak that's 5,000 years of ages which was beautifully decorated with platinum as well as 25 diamonds, so it is only normal that this splendid knife is valued at practically $100,000. The is really made by Buster Warenski from Nevada, USA and also it is currently the most pricey dagger worldwide because of the quantity of valuable gems which adorn it.
The 9-Second Trick For The Most Expensive Chef's Knives Collection
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The lovely object took no much less than 10 years to finish and it was sold at a public auction a while ago for $2. 1 million.
Blade accumulating is an abundant man's game. Although you can have a durable collection of terrific knives without placing out a 2nd home loan on your residence or doing Uber as a side hustle to pay your knife dependency, you have to spend a fair bit to truly get all the tiers of knives, even from the name brand names.
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I have actually been kicking around this suggestion in my head lately, yet the current release of the ultra-premium CRKT XOC motivated me to finish this article. This was kind of difficult to do because a lot of the brand names have a scandal sheet costs knife in the offerings or they have a big sword http://www.knifeandcarry.com/ that sets you back a rather cent.
Little Known Questions About Difference Between Forged Vs Stamped Knives.
These are additionally only the models in present or current manufacturing. Take an appearance. Let's start with among the most current announcements: the CRKT XOC. Pronounced "shock," the XOC was a shock to the majority of the blade world. Not only is this blade big, however it likewise carries a massive cost.
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clockworkarchives · 4 years
Diary of Constantine
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“After I was crowned to be the Progress Overseer for being the only one to survive their tests, I was introduced by their special suit that I will be wearing whenever I'll be sent out. The suit itself looked badass, it was made of hardened plates on titanium-dipped tri-weave fiber and was broken into multiple pieces of armor over a more flexible bodysuit suit. Built up some more to be impervious to strong physical attacks, radiation, fire and is water proof. Topped with a full head gold-titanium alloy helmet resembling a plague doctor to help protect my head from collisions, dangerous or contaminated air, make me see with infra-red, x-ray and ultra violet radars, can act as telescopes and protect me from things that I am not supposed to see... whatever that means.”
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elcorhamletlive · 6 years
fandom: MCU (Post-Avengers: Age of Ultron) (Post-Captain America: Civil War) ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark tags: Fluff and Angst/Angst with a Happy Ending/Character Study/Pining summary: The thing about hating Steve Rogers is that it shouldn’t be easy - but it really, really is.
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Welp, guess you can take mine then.
Let’s tweak the lore a bit.
*slaps five bucks on the table* I’m betting you fundamentally break the lore until it doesn’t work anymore.
During a discussion with a friend of mine I was going on about inconsistencies in rwby cause she never watched it but was aware of some of the flaws and was curious. The conversation soon turned from my disdain for the series flaws (really I’m so tired guys) to fixing certain flaws in the narrative, and during our swapping she asked me how if yang had aura did adam cut through yang’s aura.
You know, I’d bet that all those ‘flaws’ are just bullshit you told her.
Also: If you hate the series, why the fuck are you supporting it? or are you pirating it in which case, you don’t get to complain.
I told her want miles told us and I can tell you the look on her face was priceless, she then asked why his blade was pure red and frankly after 5 seasons we don’t know shit about adam but one can assume it could be made from metal that cut around aura.
Did you tell her about that time Monty literally fucked up one of his own twists by putting oin Penny in a fight where she wasn’t needed?
because knowing Monty kind of helps understand most of the decisions of early RWBY.
One would argue why everyone doesn’t have this metal then but that’s a different subject altogether, Point is We fixed the lore and it was a long ways back we had to go to do so.
Grab the popcorn everyone, he’s gonna fuck it so badly.
(If you watched Celtic phoenix’s lore video on the grimm this makes a lot more sense.)Suffice to say: Grimm leave behind the white bone like armor when they die.)
*ducks as a gear flies over his head*
Literally the very first statement you said broke the lore. Grimm don’t leave ANYTHING behind. That is CANON. And if they do leave the white armor behind when they die, that REALLY defangs a lot of their horror since, if they can leave things behind they7 can be studied, weaknesses can be found and it takes away from the unusual horror they exude as they solely attack humans and leave nothing behind, defying two things that the animals they emulate do.
So adam’s sword is an expensive and rare type of metal obtained by one grimm. The elephant grimm, see as we see them in the series they seems to stand far off from cities and we never seen any fight so like real elephants there’s something spectacular about their bone plating, they eat precious gems and metal unlike other grimm and hunters during the graduation into full time hunters have the option to go kill these grimm for some incredibly powerful metals stored in the bone plating on the grimm.
A. It is expressly SAID and SHOWN they will fight if they think they can win.
B. Grimm have never shown any other biological functions like eating or sleeping. That helps make them scary because it drives a FURTHER disconnect between what we as pattern seeking beings we are would assume of them.
C. These Grimm are shown to be bigger than skyscrapers and have hides that shrug off bullets. They are some of the strongest Grimm in the series and now you make them look like slightly tougher Ursas.
D. Their PLATING is not special, THEY are. 
And E. HOW is it that consuming gem stones and rare metals makes them grow this strong metal? How? Rare metals are NOT strong weapons, they are in fact pretty damn fragile when it comes down to it. Gold is actually pretty soft you know?
If it’s magic...HOW does the magic work? And why is magic not universally accepted in RWBY then?
Oh and F. You ripped this off from Sableye from Pokémon. For a guy who screeches about RWBY barely holding a resemblance to anything, your ideas seem heavily reliant on others.
Problem is these grimm have a high kill count, cause they’re elephant like and they’re smart so they stick in groups deep in forest with traps and the aid of less intelligent grimm that they can command.
A. HOW can a fucking elephant make traps that aren’t super obvious?
B. WHY would other Grimm hang around these creatures? They are not pack creatures nor would other Grimm be smart enough to listen to them.
C. If these Grimm are so intelligent as to make traps and command less Grimm why have they NOT killed off humanity long before this setting? 
C2. If not THAT, why haven’t these intelligent Grimm that can apparently command other Grimm not command their underlings to eat rare gem stones and rare metals in order to have this super metal too?
Occasionally you’ll find a really good Titanium like metal made from grimm that seems to bypass aura like they do (recently that’s changed but we actually seen grimm cut and bite despite aura existing) and that’s why adam’s blade ignored yang’s aura instead of “Well it’s awesome heheh.” This way besides just killing grimm it makes the world feel a little more alive, people can kill certain grimm for certain metals (students at signal start out with more down to earth metals and when they graduate they can go hunt a grimm as graduation form their more fantasy like materials to make new or improve their weapon.)
You know, that Titanium comment really goes to show your double standard about RWBY.
Titanium ,as you are thinking of, RARELY occurs in nature and instead is found mostly in sand as numerous different types of minerals. To get pure Titanium, you’d need to REFINE it. And Titanium, in and of itself, isn’t actually very durable. As a natural metal yes it is for how light weight it is as well as how resistant it is to extreme tempetures. But it’s still only equal to common low grade steel and like many metals, it’s true strength lies in being mixed into alloys where it becomes a component of the metal.
AKA Titanium as we know it, made from it’s pure state along with being mixed with certain metals, CANNOT BE FOUND IN NATURE. So such a metal WOULDN’T EXIST in a Grimm due to eating NATURALLY MADE metals.
You could explain it away with “magic!” but A. that defeats the entire purpose of you making all these details just to end it with “magic!” and B. We both know you’d be attempting murder on Miles and Kerry if they tried anything remotely similar.
And there lies the hypocrisy: your explanation has the EXACT SAME ISSUES you have with Adam’s original explanation (in which it makes no sense) except it takes far bigger leaps in logic, breaks several rules of canon to the point of needing NUMEROUS retcons to fix it and being over complicated as FUCK. And yet you have the audacity to claim you fixed anything.
Same thing with the Shade Academy thing: It’s same shit you bitch about with the Fanaus except you have set ZERO foundation for the culture of the area to support such an idea unlike the Fanaus.
You BROKE canon.
And worst of all: there was a MUCH simpler explanation.
It’s just a tweak but what do you think? got better ideas? Or addtions?
Adam’s sword had Dust.
Or his Semblance lets him cut through people’s Auras.
The original explanation of “He just hit her hard enough” makes more sense AND is much simpler to understand.
There’s a saying Sokumotanaka:
If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it.
You gave a giant convoluted bullshit explanation that sounds like M. Night Shamalyan wrote a WOR episode when much simpler and more effective answers stared you in the fucking face. Ergo, you don’t know how to actually WRITE RWBY.
Because god knows what you’d do to the main conflict.
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brawlertech · 8 months
Light Blue Blazing Warrior | 3.0
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How does the toothache begin?
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In the olden days, when teeth were not used by doctors or dentists, people often complained of dental pain and tooth decay. The face of many people deteriorated due to the falling of teeth, crooked or broken. In old age, whose teeth fell, they became victims of malnutrition and untimely death due to lack of food. But today, with the help of a dentist, most people can get rid of pain, keep their teeth healthy, and smile freely.
One important way to prevent dental pain and fall from them is to teach people to take care of teeth and check teeth from time to time. Because of this education, some people have benefited so much that they have never had the need to get their teeth treated. * But still, many people do not go to a dentist. Some of them do not have any special care of their teeth. Others are those who think that a lot of money will be spent in the treatment. And some are afraid to hear the name of the dentist being treated. Whatever you think, but it is beneficial to ask yourself this question: What can the dentist do for me? Will I benefit from visiting them? To understand the importance of taking care of teeth and checking, first we have to know what the dentist tries to prevent after all.
How does the toothache begin?
Dentists can prevent dental problems and their fall. If you support them, then they can try to fight the effect of the plaque. Plaque is a thin layer of scum, which contains plenty of bacteria. These bacteria attack on the trapped teeth, and turn the sweet things sticking on the teeth into acids. This acid attacks the upper layer of the teeth, i.e., and makes small holes in it. Gradually the potholes begin to grow. The result, the teeth begin to rot. In this case, you may not feel any pain initially, but once the decomposition gets to the inner part of the teeth, i.e. the pulp, then you will get groan with pain.
The placenta bacteria will hurt you in another way. How? If the plaque is not cleaned properly with the brush, then it becomes a rigid crust of calcium, called Tartter. Due to this, the gums may become swollen and gingival teeth may start stretching. The result becomes an empty space between teeth and gums, in which the particles of food are trapped and the bacteria begin to thrive. And this bacteria harm your gums by attacking your gums. Your doctor can save your teeth from Tartar. But if you ignore this problem, the tissue around the teeth can be so bad that your teeth may collapse. In this way, the number of teeth falling, so do not fall apart from its rot.
In order to avoid this double-stroke of bacteria, your saliva comes in some degree. You take about 15 to 45 minutes to eat saliva, whether you have eaten a tummy full or just a biscuit, to clean the food left in the mouth and to reduce the effect of the acid. But to the extent that your teeth are stuck in sweet things or food, saliva can take a little longer or more time. And perhaps during this time your teeth get damaged. That is why it can be said that the sweet things you eat at a time do not cause much harm as it happens when you eat many ducks throughout the day. Saliva becomes less in our mouth while sleeping. So if you eat or drink sweet things before sleeping and do not brush, you are causing the most damage to your teeth. On the other hand, it is said that after eating the food, sugar-free chewing gum chews more saliva than chewing, which protects the teeth.
Doctors try to take care of teeth and gums
Dentists suggest that it is important to have a checkup of teeth from time to time and according to the condition of the teeth, we may have to do this once or twice a year. During checkup, doctors may check your teeth and take their X-rays to see if they have not been rotting. Generally, they can fill the pits with numbness and with the help of high-speed drill. During this you will not have any pain. But for those who are still afraid of, they now use some dentist lasers or a gel that cures rottenness. Thanks to this technique, there is a lot of need to use drill or to dry teeth, or it does not even need to be done. When it comes to the teeth of children, the doctors do special checks on their new shawls. Why? To see if there is any kind of crack on their upper surface, where food is chewed, it is difficult to clean with toothbrush. If the dentist sees the crack, then they may suggest to stop them with sealant, i.e. a plastic substance. This makes the surface of the teeth flat and easy to brush. In this way the teeth can be saved from rotting.
When it comes to elders, the dentist takes special care of their gums so that they do not have disease. So if they find that the Tartar has become stiff in their teeth, they scrape it out. Many people do not brush in some places of teeth while brushing every time. In such a way the dentists might advise them how they can brush. Some dentists send their patients to dental hygienist. These are doctors who have a special experience to teach the right way to remove tarters and brush them with teeth.
Bad teeth restoration
If your teeth are rotten, broken or crooked, then you will be happy to know that now the dentist has many new techniques to cure them. But such treatments are very expensive, so it is possible that you may have to spend more than your status. Even so, many people think that the treatment is as expensive as it is, that is also a great advantage. Maybe, the dentist should be able to chew you again. Or it may also be that by repairing your crooked teeth, they return your sweet smile. Of course, this is not a minor issue, because random teeth can have an impact on your life.
If your teeth turn yellow or a small piece of it breaks, then doctors can advise you. Vinior can be made of ceramic and is exactly like the real tooth in appearance. It is pasted on a bad tooth, so that it looks brand new to the teeth. The teeth that are worsened a little, the dentist advises to open or cap on them, which is often called Crown. Crown covers your bad teeth completely. It is made of gold or of a substance that perfectly matches the color of your teeth. And-so-and, its upper surface also becomes completely new.
What can the dentist do when your teeth fall? They can either fictitious tooth fit, or fixed bridges. Fixed breeze is also a kind of fake tooth, with cap on both sides. These hats are put on real teeth on both sides of the broken tooth. And between the fake tooth, which can be one or more than one, works like a strong bridge. Another way that is becoming quite famous is that Implant. In this, the doctor places a screw of titanium on the place in the jaw, from which the tooth has collapsed. After some time when the bone on the four sides becomes strong and the gums move back, then a fake tooth is placed on the screw. It works like a real tooth.
If someone's teeth are incomplete, then he may have to face embarrassment. Also, it is very difficult to clean them, due to which they are more prone to illness. If the upper and lower teeth are not in a straight line, then there can be a lot of pain in the teeth and it may also be difficult to chew the food. But the point of happiness is that the dentist can straighten the fainted teeth with the help of wires, straps and so on. Due to the recent trends in this area, there are such telegrams available today, which are neither seen nor used, which require frequent tightening.
Nowadays some dentists are paying more attention to the treatment of bad breath. Most of the people's breath sometimes smells, and some people's breaths smell all the time. There can be many reasons for this. Doctors of some teeth have such a technique, due to which they can know the true cause of breath odor. In most cases, this is caused by bacteria which grow in the inner part of the tongue. If we clean the tongue with a brush or rub it well, then this problem can be solved. Apart from this, because sugar-free chewing gum makes more saliva than eating, so also the breath odor can be overcome. It is extremely important to clean your teeth after eating milk, meat or fish.
If you are searching Dentist in Mumbai then contact a well-established medical assistant company to get critical details like toothpain,toothache best team of doctors, well-facilitated hospital near you. Credihealth is one-stop solution that fits all your medical requirements. It has in-house experts who help to keep an appointment with right doctor near you, provide information and answer all your queries.  
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thelordice · 4 years
Rise of the King
With a grand wave of his spiritual hand, Atemhotep wrought his spell upon the Earth. His decision was made. He would be Pharaoh again, King of a land that would prosper eternal.
But first, he needed to construct his new body. He had woven himself into the elites of those under his curse - some were of great spiritual potency, and simply didn’t know it. Others still were simply geniuses, experts in fields Atemhotep knew he would need for the creation of his new corporeal form. Yet still more were experts of invention - handymen of the world, professional engineers, and any in between. Ultimately, while Atemhotep now had the ability to actively influence a tenth of the population of those under his control - constituting a whole 2% of the planet’s population - this would not be enough. It would take decades.
And decades it took. Time passed. Hundreds, even thousands of minds toiling away at thoughts seemingly out of nowhere. Random ideas for clever machines that would be forgotten long before they’d have a chance to put them together. Atemhotep tapped the minds under his sway, and used modern science and brilliance in conjunction with his knowledge of the Ancient Magicks - and the limited knowledge humanity had retained thusfar. But, after well more than a century’s work... Atemhotep beheld the schematic in his mind’s eye for his ultimate vessel. He reached out his will, brought disparate groups together through seemingly-chance meetings. In secret, his vessel was fabricated by workers almost fully under Atemhotep’s direct control.
And what a fine vessel it was. His knowledge of Ancient Magicks and his education on modern science had borne fruit. The bones of Atemhotep’s new form were an aluminum-titanium alloy - durable, yet light. Woven through each bone was a lattice of sapphires, a magical framework for his soul to reside within. The sapphires literally grew out of the bones, since the gems were ironically very chemically similar.
From there, he needed tendons and muscles to manipulate this body. This, ironically, was the hardest part. He had to genetically engineer his flesh to use a wildly different form of biochemical metabolism, one that - when paired with the “blood” - could be fully self-sustaining. The tendons were an extraordinarily strong elastic based on spider silk, but laced with embedded microscopic gems and coated with a symbiotic regenerative amoeba-like organism. The muscles were of a denser, sturdier form of of this, more metallic than silken. He would be capable, without magical assistance, of lifting a fully-loaded 18-wheeler singlehandedly.
His blood, however, was a true miracle. In place of red blood cells, he had nanites worked of special magically-reactive alloys with an embedded control crystal. As his body’s wards produced energies, these nanites would carry the energies through the body.  The very act of doing this near so many other micro-gem clusters, not to mention his tissues, caused a magical effect similar to electromagnetic induction. And with a simple enchantment, that became a net-positive reaction that would sustain itself indefinitely.
This enchantment took the form of his “skin”, a hardened and smooth leather-like organic substance that refracted any errant magical emission back inwards with its inner layer, while being amazingly adaptable to attack with its external layer’s shielding wards, chameleon-like adaptions, and the capability to become a hundred times stronger than steel. Finally, sandwiched between those two, was a layer of carbon nano-polymer tubes embedded with diamonds - his “nervous system”, if you would. This form would passively sustain itself forever and was fully capable of withstanding several direct nuclear strikes. And all the while, these geniuses had been donating their discoveries to charity. His influence grew by the day even as he worked to create a body that would both amplify his Magicks as well as allow him to perform great feats of strength.
Weaving this miracle of science and magic had taken years - nanoengineering, 3D printing, alloy mixing, fabrication, rites, rituals, invocations, spells... by the time he’d emerged, his initial accursed adventurer had been dead for 96 years. And before a half a dozen of his most publicly-popular thralls, he fused his spirit into the form that would rule the world. The body - looking to be as if leather and gold and cobalt and gemstones and almost-flesh - laid on a slab in a secret facility, far from anywhere else. Atemhotep lowered his spirit in as his disciples chanted, and he fused with the body’s magically-conducive gem ley lines. The procedure was a complete success, and the gems flashed with faint, distorted light. The gems would bind his spirit to the four Dark Elements in the body. The gems, and the frozen alloy within the bones, constituted his Ice aspect. His flesh was as Shadow made solid - enduring, eternal, and strong when beckoned to its might. The nanite constructs that made up his blood had been alchemically forged from human blood, and was still valid for the Blood aspect. The self-perpetuating spell filled the hollow in the center of his chest - where organs would normally be - with his vital Smoke aspect, various magical and chemical scraps he could manipulate at will.
The body opened its crystalline eyes and sat up. For the first time in five thousand years, Atemhotep spoke with a corporeal voice.
“Well done, my apprentices. Come, we have much to do.” He casually slid off the table and walked toward an exit. His disciples fell in line behind him - returned to themselves, but still in awe of the power he radiated.
There was much work indeed.
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cuori-malati · 7 years
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Name: Lyra [LAST NAME REDACTED] Nickname(s): Li, Ly, Dante Age: 25 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Japanese Eye color: Red Weapon(s): Pre-set battleground traps. She took a note from Virus’ wires and while she can’t use them quite the same due to lack of skill, she sets up the area she’s attacking with near invisible wires to give her an advantage. She wears special shoes so she can walk and jump on the wires while others would lose a foot if they tried to do the same. Her weapon of choice is her katana, something gifted to her by her father which she tempered with a poison powder. Codename: Seven of Spades (Seven) Bio: Quiet. She likes to observe and pinpoint the weaknesses and strengths of every person she speaks to in fear that someone will someday betray her. She has a hard shell and doesn’t do quite well with words or physical affection, but when she warms up to you, her kind touches and softer words will feel like a reward of pure gold. Modifications: The bones in her arms were replaced with titanium replicas so she would never tire of holding her sword. The hilts of most of her swords have a piece of her bone on them!
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above people a couple of need to haves short lace wedding dress with sleeves()*yhd&
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linuxgamenews · 7 years
Starblast MMO confimed day-one Linux release
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Since we already announced Starblast. The arcade space shooter, massively multiplayer online will support Linux, Mac and Windows for the November 8th, 2017 release. Since the launch is set for both Steam and Itch.io. So it seems developer Neuronality is eager to bring the shooter to as many platforms as possible. So in case you missed the announcement post. Starblast combines fast paced multiplayer action. Hence a compelling 2.5D top-down gameplay and outstanding physics engine. Allowing players to feel the handling of their spaceship. So this MMO has a high fun factor guaranteed. Since you can fight against other players (10,40 or 60 depending on the mode; up to 300 during special events). While destroying asteroids, collect gems and use them to upgrade your ship. Buying weapons or upgrading your space station (team mode).
“Hi Todd, A quick mail to inform you that we now have a fully working build of our game Starblast for Linux (64 bits). Thus the Linux version can be released together with the Windows and macOS versions on November 8.”
So this might be a small notice, but that day-one release for the space shooter MMO is welcoming. Seeing the games offering something different in the genre for 2017. And I'm looking forward to playing a few games. Anyone up for a match?
Starblast Trailer:
Starblast Game modes:
Survival mode: Mine, upgrade your ship, steal gems, fight and be the last survivor.
Team mode: 3 teams, each team has a base space station. Mine crystals and bring them back to the base station to upgrade it. Rob crystals from enemy teams by attacking their base station or attacking their mining missions. Destroy enemies and their space stations to win. You can play different roles for your team: defend your station, go mining, escort large but slow mining ships, attack other team’s missions or assault their stations.
Deathmatch: pick one of two ships for the round, kill your targets, be the first to earn 12 points to win the round ; you will be ranked in the
Pro Deathmatch Championship
An awesome new mode will be unveiled on release day
Starblast also includes:
Ship tree The Starblast ship tree features 7 tiers and 31 unique spaceships with different laser patterns and abilities.
Secondary weapons You can acquire and use different types of secondary weapons and powers allowing to build different offensive and defensive strategies.
Ship customization You have access to a range of custom materials for your spaceship (Titanium, Carbon, Alloy, Gold), different laser styles (Doubled, Lightning, Digital), custom ingame badge (Pirate, Invader, Reddit, Youtuber, Paw, Star). More materials, lasers, badges will come.
So that’s that. Starblast offers a unique arcade style of gaming with MMO gameplay. Yet the games now confirmed for Linux, Ubuntu, Mac and Windows on November 8th, 2017. Coming to Steam and Itch.
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