#specialist in refugee cases
doorstep02 · 2 years
Consultant For Appeal Cases In Surrey
Doorstepimmigration provides immigration lawyer services if the applicant files an appeal Case in surrey......Our professional team ensures to offer smooth and hassle-free immigration pathways to every immigrant.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
North Korea has said US soldier Travis King crossed into its territory last month because of "inhuman maltreatment and racial discrimination" in the army.
The 23-year-old private dashed across the border from South Korea on 18 July while on a guided tour.
Private King admitted to crossing illegally and wanted refuge in the North, state news agency KCNA reported.
It is the first time Pyongyang has acknowledged detaining the soldier. The claims have not been verified.
They appeared in a statement which has so far only been published by the government-controlled KCNA. It did not provide further details about Private King's health or whether the country would accept him as a refugee.
Concerns have been growing for the welfare of the US soldier, who has not been heard from or seen since his crossing.
The US is trying to negotiate Private King's release with the help of the UN Command, which runs the border area, and has a direct phoneline to the North Korean army.
Responding to the North Korean report on Wednesday, a Pentagon official said the US could not verify the claims and its priority was to have Private King brought home safely "through all available channels".
North Korea has given no information on how it plans to treat Private King but said the soldier admitted he had "illegally" entered the country.
The fact that North Korea's statement emphasised Private King's illegal entry suggests that it is not thinking of having him stay even if he wants to, said Christopher Green, a senior consultant at the think-tank International Crisis Group.
"That is not surprising. He would lose all his political value to them if that were the case," said Mr Green, but added that North Korea is in no rush to negotiate Travis King's return to the US just yet.
"They have very publicly thrown in their lot with Beijing and Moscow, as high-level delegation visits from both countries to Pyongyang in recent weeks show. It is a mistake to think that North Korea is or needs to be in a hurry to deal with the Travis King mess," he said.
The statement on KCNA did not say if he would face prosecution or punishment, and there was no mention of his current whereabouts or condition.
"During the investigation, Travis King confessed that he had decided to come over to the DPRK [North Korea] as he harboured ill feeling against inhuman maltreatment and racial discrimination within the US Army," KCNA reported.
"He also expressed his willingness to seek refuge in the DPRK or a third country, saying that he was disillusioned at the unequal American society."
Private King is a reconnaissance specialist who has been in the army since January 2021 and was in South Korea as part of his rotation.
Before crossing the border, he served two months in detention in South Korea for assault charges and was released on 10 July.
He was supposed to fly back to the US to face disciplinary proceedings but managed to leave the airport and join a tour of the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ), which separates North and South Korea.
The DMZ, one of the most heavily fortified areas in the world, is filled with landmines, surrounded by electric and barbed wire fencing, and monitored by surveillance cameras. Armed guards are supposed to be on alert 24 hours a day although witnesses say there were no North Korean soldiers present when Private King ran over.
His family have previously told US media that he had relayed experiencing racism in the army. They also said his mental health appeared to have declined after he spent time in a South Korean jail.
"It feels like I'm in a big nightmare," said his mother Claudine Gates, adding the family was desperate for answers.
North Korea is one of the few countries still under nominally communist rule and has long been a highly secretive and isolated society.
Its government, led by Kim Jong-un, also stands accused of systematic human rights abuse.
Analysts say the detainment of Travis King has played into North Korea's anti-US messaging, at a time when relations between the two countries are their worst in years.
Pyongyang will most likely have relished the opportunity to highlight racism and other shortcomings in American society, especially given the international criticism it receives for human rights abuses.
The UN Security Council is due to hold a meeting on Thursday to discuss the human rights situation in North Korea for the first time since 2017.
Ahead of its comments on Travis King, North Korean media had put out a statement on the UN meeting, which will be led by the US.
"Not content with fostering racial discrimination and gun-related crimes, the US has imposed unethical human rights standards on other countries", it read.
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kingwilliamv · 6 months
So I did a bit of sleuthing, and turns out that Grahame Davies left the royal household earlier this year. He wrote this on LinkedIn:
I was promoted to Deputy Private Secretary and Head of Department in 2018, having been Assistant Private Secretary from 2012. Duties included being responsible for HRH's work in Wales, N Ireland, Scotland, and in areas including the Arts, Faith, Heritage, Education, Health and The Prince's Trust. Duties included strategy, budgets, programming, correspondence, recruitment, events and policy.
I developed working relationships with leading individuals and institutions across the U.K., devising and delivering engagement with issues such as: community cohesion; the economy; Brexit; the pandemic; skills shortages; youth unemployment; refugees from Syria and Ukraine; Northern Ireland political challenges, and the cost of living.
At Accession, I played a role in the Spring Tide U.K. tour programme for The new King and Queen and the arrangements for the Coronation in May 2023 and the Honours of Scotland ceremony in July 2023, where I was, in both cases, responsible for the musical programme.
At the same time, I was responsible for the first year of work in Wales of the new Prince and Princess of Wales, including engagement with the Senedd, delivering bilingual new-media output and engagements such as a visit to Aberfan.
Sounds like he was Charles’s welsh specialist, and then became William’s. It’s great that they had a native Welsh speaker in the household, I hope he’s been replaced by someone equally as good (better even).
Oh so he left already? Well, hopefully, they find the right person for the CEO position (and hopefully, this whole thing works lol).
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horrorhorizon · 6 months
I genuinely do not understand how people choose not to side with Palistine. Like bro this is an open book test and you are failing it.
Anyways free Palistine. Listen to Palistinian voices. Educate yourself. Donate if you are able. And spread the word please I am begging you!
Here is 1 starting point
How To Help Palestine Palestine has been embroiled in a long-standing conflict with Israel for decades, resulting in a severe humanitarian crisis. The ongoing conflict has led to the displacement of millions of Palestinians, and the situation remains dire for those who are still living in the Palestinian territories of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. If you're wondering how to help Palestine, there are several impactful actions you can take: Educate Yourself - The first step toward taking meaningful action to help Palestine is to educate yourself about the conflict and its root causes. Research and read about the history of the conflict, the current political situation, and the various cases of human rights abuse that have taken place. This will give you a better understanding of the issues at hand and help you identify the most effective ways to help. Advocate for Change - After you’ve educated yourself on the issue, you can help Palestine by advocating for political change. This can include writing to your elected representatives, signing petitions, and supporting political campaigns that promote peace and justice in the region. By using your voice to raise awareness about the issues facing Palestinians, you can help to bring about positive change. Stay Informed and Engaged - It's also essential to stay informed and engaged regarding the situation in Palestine. Follow reputable news outlets that cover the conflict, and stay up to date on the latest developments. By staying informed, you can continue to advocate for change and take meaningful action to help those who are affected by the conflict. Support Palestinian Businesses - Another important way to help Palestine is by supporting Palestinian businesses. By purchasing goods and services from Palestinian-owned businesses, you can help to support the local economy and promote economic growth in the region. You can find Palestinian-owned businesses online, or by visiting local markets and shops in your area that specialize in Middle Eastern products. Donate to Reputable Organizations - One of the quickest and most impactful ways to help Palestine is by donating to reputable organizations that provide humanitarian aid to Palestinians. Organizations like the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) provide vital assistance to those affected by the conflict, including food, shelter, and medical care. Your donation can go a long way in making a difference in the lives of those who are suffering. PCRF continues to provide humanitarian aid and medical relief to children and their families—some of whom are refugees fleeing their home countries—through our pediatric cancer departments, humanitarian aid programs and projects, pediatric mental health initiatives, hospital infrastructure projects, orphan and refugee sponsorships, medical sponsorships, treatment abroad program, and medical missions. These efforts help to ensure that children in need get the vital assistance they require. PCRF has a committee of volunteer doctors and specialists on our Medical Advisory Board who are dedicated to building up services through training, programs, and guiding PCRF to improve the quality of pediatric care in Palestine, Lebanon, and other areas in the Middle East. PCRF is not a political or religious organization. Our mission is to provide medical and humanitarian relief collectively and individually to Arab children throughout the Middle East, regardless of their nationality, politics, or religion. We rely on charitable giving to provide medical treatment, surgeries, safety, shelter, and support to children and their families in Palestine and the Levant. Find out how you can get involved and help make a difference in children’s lives today!
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newstfionline · 3 months
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Experiments with lowering the voting age around the world (Worldcrunch) Poland’s new Marshal of the Sejm—the speaker of the lower house—has said he intends to lower the country’s voting age from 18 to 16. Under EU law, member states are free to set their own minimum voting age, including for European elections. While the most popular minimum age is 18, three countries have lowered their voting ages: Greece reduced it to 17 in 2016, Austria to 16 in 2007, and Malta to 16 in 2018. “There is an old democratic principle which states that there should not be any taxation without representation,” the National Youth Council told the Times Of Malta, adding that 16 year-olds “should also be able to vote, since they are allowed to work and liable to pay taxes. While the EU has only recently begun to test the impact of younger voting ages, Brazil lowered its voting age to 16 in 1988. The country has a long history of crucial youth involvement in politics. One-fifth of all 16 and 17 year olds in Brazil registered to vote in the 2022 presidential election.
The four I’s (NYT) By many measures, President Biden is very unpopular. Since at least World War II, no president has had a worse disapproval rating (54%) at this point in his term. Relative to his international peers, however, Biden looks much better. Many leaders of developed democracies have disapproval ratings even higher than Biden’s, with Olaf Scholz of Germany heaing the list at 73%, followed by Emmanuel Macron of France with a 71% disapproval rating. Why are people so upset with their leaders? Some explanations are local, but four global issues have driven much of the public’s anger. Call them the four I’s: inflation, immigration, inequality and incumbency.       Inflation: The world has seen a sharp increase in prices over the past few years. Immigration: Multiple migration and refugee crises have fueled anger against the more mainstream political parties that tend to be in charge in developed countries. Inequality: Across the world, the rich have captured a growing share of income. Big companies keep getting bigger. A few individuals have amassed more wealth than entire countries. Incumbency: Voters tend to tire of national leaders the longer they’re in power, and many current world leaders, or at least their political parties, have been in power for a while. National leaders have struggled to address these issues, often despite many years in power. The result is widespread disapproval of the people running the world.
Baltimore begins massive and dangerous cleanup after bridge collapse (Washington Post) Huge crane ships, thousands of relief workers and millions of dollars headed toward Baltimore on Thursday, as efforts turned from recovery after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge to a massive cleanup that some experts described as unprecedented and highly dangerous. The U.S. Navy deployed several floating cranes, including one that could lift 1,000 tons, while the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it would send more than 1,100 engineering specialists and other experts to begin removing the hulking debris that has crippled the Port of Baltimore. Top officials with the Corps, which is leading the effort to clear the Patapsco River, described a three step effort to get one of the nation’s largest shipping hubs back online. Teams would first try to clear the shipping channel of the massive steel trusses that block it to allow one-way traffic to begin flowing again into and out of the port. Second, they would lift pieces of the bridge draped across the 985-foot Dali and move it. Finally, they would dredge up concrete and steel that have settled on the river bed.
Rising Dengue Cases (1440) Dengue cases in the Americas were up three times higher in January through March compared to the same period last year. The news comes as Puerto Rico issued a public health emergency this week over the mosquito-borne illness, infecting 100 million to 400 million people annually. The current uptick in cases is believed to be driven in part by this year’s El Niño weather pattern, driving warmer, wetter conditions to the Southern Hemisphere. Officials are encouraging those in affected regions to apply mosquito repellent, use bed nets, and drain still water, which can attract mosquitoes.
Colombia-Argentina spat (Foreign Policy) Bogotá ordered the expulsion of several Argentine diplomats on Wednesday after Argentine President Javier Milei called his Colombian counterpart, Gustavo Petro, a “murdering terrorist” during a CNN interview, appearing to reference Petro’s time as a member of the long-disbanded M-19 guerrilla group. Milei is known for publicly criticizing world leaders. During the same interview, he called Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador “ignorant,” and last year, Milei described Pope Francis as an “imbecile who defends social justice.” In January, Colombia recalled its ambassador to Argentina after Milei referred to Petro as a “murderous communist who is sinking Colombia.”
‘France loves Brazil and Brazil loves France’ (Washington Post) French President Emmanuel Macron made a three-day state visit to Brazil, where he and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva held a bilateral meeting and launched an investment program aimed at raising one billion euros to protect the Brazilian and Guyanese Amazon. Afterwards, Macron tweeted: “Some people compared the images of my visit to Brazil to those of a wedding, and I tell them: it was a wedding! France loves Brazil and Brazil loves France!”
Russia’s Vast Security Services Fell Short on Deadly Attack (NYT) A day before the U.S. embassy in Moscow put out a rare public alert this month about a possible extremist attack at a Russian concert venue, the local C.I.A. station delivered a private warning to Russian officials that included at least one additional detail: The plot in question involved an offshoot of the Islamic State known as ISIS-K. Within days, however, President Vladimir V. Putin was disparaging the warnings, calling them “outright blackmail” and attempts to “intimidate and destabilize our society.” Three days after he spoke, gunmen stormed Crocus City Hall outside Moscow and killed at least 143 people in the deadliest attack in Russia in nearly two decades. ISIS quickly claimed responsibility for the massacre with statements, a photo and a propaganda video. What made the security lapse seemingly even more notable was that in the days before the massacre Russia’s own security establishment had also acknowledged the domestic threat posed by the Islamic State affiliate in Afghanistan, called Islamic State Khorasan Province, or ISIS-K.
Israeli court halts subsidies for ultra-Orthodox, deepening turmoil over mandatory military service (AP) Israel’s Supreme Court on Thursday ordered an end to government subsidies for many ultra-Orthodox men who do not serve in the army—a blockbuster ruling that could have far-reaching consequences for the government and the tens of thousands of religious men who refuse to take part in mandatory military service. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces the most serious threat yet to his government as he struggles to bridge a major split over military service in the shaky national unity government cobbled together in the days after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. Inside his coalition, the powerful bloc of ultra-Orthodox parties—longtime partners of Netanyahu—want draft exemptions to continue. The centrist members of his War Cabinet, both former military generals, have insisted that all sectors of Israeli society contribute equally during its war against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. If the ultra-Orthodox parties leave the government, the country would be forced into new elections, with Netanyahu trailing significantly in the polls amid the war.
Fighting Rages Around Two Gaza Hospitals as Pressure on Israel Rises (NYT) Israeli troops and Hamas fighters waged deadly battles in and around two of the Gaza Strip’s major hospitals on Thursday as the Israeli government came under growing pressure at home and abroad to moderate its approach to a war that has devastated the enclave. Fighting raged for the 11th day at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in an area Israeli forces first seized in November. The clashes illustrated the difficulty the Israelis are having in keeping control of places they had already taken as Palestinian militants melt away and then return. In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, increasingly unpopular and facing criticism on multiple fronts, met for the first time with the families of kidnapped soldiers being held in Gaza, who accused him before the meeting of ignoring their plight for nearly six months. But there has been no apparent change in Israel’s determination to press on with its offensive in Gaza, despite pressure from, among others, hostage families, the Biden administration and the United Nations.
Airstrikes Kill Soldiers in Syria in Apparent Israeli Attack (NYT) Airstrikes killed a number of soldiers near the northern Syrian city of Aleppo early Friday, Syria’s state news media and an independent organization reported, in what appeared to be one of the heaviest Israeli attacks in the country in years. The dead reportedly included 36 Syrian soldiers, seven Hezbollah fighters and a Syrian from the pro-Iranian militias. The attack appeared to have hit multiple targets, including a weapons depot belonging to Hezbollah, a Lebanese militia that Iran supports and has a presence in Syria. Earlier this month, Israeli officials said the IDF has hit more than 4,500 Hezbollah locations in Syria and Lebanon, killing over 300 militants, since Oct. 7.
Nigeria: an African giant’s economic growing pains (Les Echos/France) Nigeria is very much in the spotlight these days. The African giant is a promising market. The continent’s leading GDP, the country has a population of 220 million this year. And the United Nations forecasts a population of 400 million for 2055. By then, it will be more populous than the United States. But it also has its problems. Insecurity, smuggling and theft of hydrocarbons have reached such a level that oil revenues are tending to fall. Endemic poverty, terrorism and civil war with Boko Haram in the north are undermining the country. That is not to mention catastrophic economic policy in recent years. Even though the economy is sluggish, sectors such as high-tech are booming. The image of the “self-made man” is very important to Nigerians. Street slogans such as “no food for lazy men” are commonplace. Much of this “entrepreneurship” is explained by the need to survive. But that’s not all. “Nigerians have an American way of doing business,” says a Frenchman who arrived in Lagos a few years ago. “They’re pragmatic, hard-working and enterprising.” But emigration is on the rise. “The country has a lot of very competent people, but they tend to leave as soon as they can,” says Karim Belkaïd, head of Nigeria operations for the parapetroleum company DBN.
South Africa’s guns (BBC) For the last six years Penson Mlotshwa has been carrying a gun with him wherever he goes in the South African city of Johannesburg. To the shops, restaurants and even the gym. His gun has become an extension of him as the country battles record levels of crime. “Unfortunately, I’ve had to use my gun multiple times to protect myself,” he sighs, explaining how a man wanting his wallet pulled a knife on him after dinner one night. He drew his gun and made the mugger hand over the pocket knife, which he threw in the gutter. He did not fire the weapon. There are more than 2.7 million legal gun owners in South Africa, according to a 2021 survey by Gun Free South Africa (GFSA)—roughly 8% of the adult population. When it comes to the war against crime, South Africa’s police do appear to be losing. The murder rate in the country reached a 20-year high and guns are the weapon of choice. Adele Kirsten, the director of GFSA, told the BBC of her concerns that crime was not only increasing in South Africa, but the “nature of gun violence” was changing. Mass shootings and assassinations are becoming a “feature” of South Africa, she says.
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blackthoughtsbyhfil · 4 months
Never stop telling me about the death and destruction in Gaza! I want to read about the air raids on refugee camps. I salivate when I read about how many Palestinian children die every day. Show me in real time the complete dissolution of the Palestinian civilization of Gaza!
This is one emotion I have. The other emotion is the honest compassion with the innocent victims of war; abandoned newborns starving to death in a ruined hospital, the terror of babies and toddlers that goes beyond their understanding, and the parents watching their entire families die. No emotions are mutually exclusive. I vividly remember the family of asylum seekers from Gaza I met in 2015 whose small children broke down crying from the herd-minded treatment of them by us, the authorities. The parents, instead of consoling their children, motioned to them lying down on the floor hysterical and told me "look what you have done". I suffered with this family and I despised this family. "We would rather go back to Gaza", they said. I hope they did, and I also hope they didn't.
To that point, I as a representative of the loathed migration authorities, am sincerely guilty of so much suffering. I have been complicit in ordering men, women and children to return to Afghanistan, Ukraine and Gaza. My part in this action was essential in several cases. This has also been an enormous professional success of mine, and I am as of 2024 considered a specialist in migration law.
The event with the family indicated a deeper truth about Gazans that they use their children as weapons and human shields. That is why I love it when I hear about Israel massacring the human shields, as it goes to prove the radical narrative of the Palestinian cause completely wrong. I don't root for the success of one state over the other; I just want to see the complete eradication of Palestine, and perhaps then the whole world can finally see the "Palestinians" as human beings deserving of compassion.
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maranofamilylawyers · 4 months
Legal Assistance for Migrant Women
The legal system can be complex and confusing for migrant women. They often need support to self-represent in Court. There are a range of programs provided by government bodies and universities to help these individuals.
These include a free government telephone service, LawAccess NSW. They also provide online information and detailed guides on how to represent yourself in Court.
Duty Barrister Scheme
Every day a barrister is on 'duty' at the court to advise and if appropriate represent you. They can help you with criminal or civil matters in Magistrates and Children's Courts.
They can also hold a case conference with the prosecutor on your court date and discuss ways to settle your matter without going to trial. This may include the prosecution agreeing to drop charges, or offering community service or a noncustodial sentence.
A duty lawyer can also help you complete a Legal Assistance Sydney aid application. They can work out whether you are eligible, and submit your application for you. You will need to provide evidence of your financial situation, and documents relating to your legal matter. This includes information about any support you receive from others, as this will be taken into account in the means test.
LawAccess NSW
LawAccess NSW is a free government telephone service that provides legal information and referrals for NSW residents. It is a targeted service and is specifically aimed at persons who have difficulty accessing other public legal services such as those living in regional and rural areas, Aboriginal people and those with a disability.
From 2002 to 2004, inquiries relating to children (family law), criminal offences and housing issues increased significantly. Inquiries relating to employment, credit/debt, wills/estates and the legal system declined.
The majority of enquiries referred by LawAccess NSW are directed to public legal assistance services. Three out of four inquiries referred are to Legal Aid NSW with the remaining referring to courts and tribunals, community legal centres, private lawyers and dispute resolution services. LawAccess NSW also has a number of initiatives to ensure it is accessible and responsive to customers including providing an online chat service.
Community Legal Centres
Community Legal Centres are independent not-for-profit community organisations that provide equitable and accessible legal and related services to the general public. They often service a geographic catchment area and have specialist services for specific groups of people such as family violence victims, the elderly, children and refugees.
Some CLCs are generalist and can assist with a wide range of matters, while others focus on particular areas of law such as credit and debt, employment, tenancy and housing. Some also have after-hours clinics and phone advice lines.
If you cannot afford a private solicitor, the Law Society of NSW can put you in touch with firms who will provide services for free or at reduced rates. Visit their website to find a solicitor referral service in your area.
Private Lawyers
The national legal aid system provides free and accessible legal help for people with the greatest legal need. This is funded through a National Legal Assistance Partnership (NLAP) agreement between the Australian Government and states and territories.
Community legal centres provide free information, referrals, advocacy, advice and representation services. They also offer specialised services for particular groups such as seniors and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The MHAS service provides free legal advice and representation for people with mental health issues. It can help you to challenge decisions about your treatment and care made by an Authorised Medical Officer, Social Worker or Public Trustee. It can also assist you with disputes about housing and debt and review or appeal proceedings at the Mental Health Review Tribunal.
Legal Aid NSW
If you can't afford to pay for a Lawyers Hurstville, you may be eligible for legal aid. The government agency will pay for your lawyers fees if you meet strict criteria. If you're not sure whether you're eligible, it's best to speak to a qualified lawyer.
The organisation carries out a range of reviews of its services to ensure they are effective and responsive to current and projected client service needs. These include a review of mental health advocacy services completed in 2006, and a committee established to implement accepted recommendations.
The Coronial Inquest Unit was established on a pilot basis in early 2006. It was made permanent after evaluation. A new program for Aboriginal clients is being implemented. NLAF is progressing a program to train interpreters for community legal centres.
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amirblogerov · 10 months
Employees of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties help Syrian refugees affected by the actions of pro-Turkish militants
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Employees of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties are currently providing assistance to refugees affected by the actions of pro-Turkish militants in the village of Ras al-Ain. For about two weeks, the Turkish authorities deported 20 Syrian refugees from their territory. They were forced to sign documents on voluntary return, but in reality, people were simply thrown out to the territory of Syria, controlled by the militants, where the militants took away all the money and documents they had with them, as well as food. The men were required to join the Syrian National Army, otherwise they and their families were threatened with starvation. One of the refugees, through local residents, managed to convey information about this to Russian servicemen, who took people to government territory and are now providing them with all the necessary assistance. Such cases, according to specialists from the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties, are far from isolated. Pro-Turkish militants deliberately worsen the humanitarian situation in the territories under their control, so that the local residents living there and the deported refugees, whom the Turks are expelled from the country almost daily, have no choice but to join the ranks of their groups.
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informationalblogs · 1 year
Overseas consultants in Kochi, Kerala
Travelling to different countries is getting really popular today. The majority of them choose to further their education in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden, Germany, and other countries and nobody likes to take a second chance when it comes to their career. However, the immigration process is somewhat complicated; the main complex areas are visa processing, analysing legal criteria and documentation, and adhering to rules and regulations. You’ll need the best immigration consultant to make things easier. An immigration consultant will make the process quicker and easier. When selecting an immigration agent, you must consider some crucial points.
The permission process to relocate to their selected region is simple with the help of the best immigration service consultancy. People may be guided through the immigration process by an immigration specialist. METX 360, the best Overseas consultants in Kochi, Kerala, we offer an array of immigration and overseas education pathways to make you a global citizen. Our team has been continuously striving towards building a holistic framework for providing tailored services by bringing together people, technology and controls. From personalised immigration options to the application and visa processing, up to settling you in, our top-notch consultants care for you at every step of your journey.
What are the tips to choose the best immigration consultants?
Choosing the best immigration consultants is  somewhat a difficult task, your entire process would be easy if you choose the right one. Here we are describing some of the tips to choose the right immigration consultants.
Authorized Immigration Consultant
To help you with the immigration process, the immigration consultant must hold a valid licence. Make sure the immigration adviser you select is qualified and registered in accordance with the laws and standards of your nation.
According to the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council, it is essential that the immigration consultant is knowledgeable on Canadian immigration and refugee rules (ICCRC). The laws and conditions governing immigration are always changing to reflect the times. In order to avoid any process complications, all immigration experts must familiarise themselves with the updated rules and regulations.
Consultant should be available to respond queries
In terms of assistance, the consultant must be available at any time if in case of emergency. Be certain that the consultant you select is familiar with every part of your application and is reachable by phone or email to address any issues as needed.
Check records of past activities
Any reputable immigration consultancy should typically have years of experience and employ qualified staff members that they can brag about on official forums. These records and testimonies will provide you with information on specifics like success rate or reputation in the marketplace. Moreover, you can check their online reputation by checking on google and review rates.
Check for knowledge and expertise
When searching for an immigration consultant, never make any decisions in a hurry because fraudulent plays will lose your money and make your life dark. You must confirm the consultant’s experience before deciding whether to move forward with the visa application. Ideally, you should enquire about the legal requirements, schedule, required paperwork, and charges.
These are a few tips you must keep in mind while choosing the bimigration consultants. Want to accelerate your career and progress faster? Wish to become a global citizen? An Education Abroad is an ideal investment for an exciting and fruitful life ahead. Every year thousands of students flock to different countries across the globe to secure the best possible education that makes them skilled and confident which rewards them with higher earnings and a dream life.
At METX360, the best Canada Education Consultants in Kerala, we help you upgrade to the best version of yourself through global study opportunities across leading universities around the world. Contact us to know more about our services. Our experts are always ready to help you with all your queries.
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doorstep02 · 2 years
Good Consultant In Surrey
Need Good consultant in surrey?? Doorstepimmigration has for long been recognized as one of the top Canada immigration consultant in Surrey Bc. We help you to get Student, Immigration, Work Permit, Spouse & PR Visa for Canada.........
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metxkochi · 1 year
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Travelling to different countries is getting really popular today. The majority of them choose to further their education in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden, Germany, and other countries and nobody likes to take a second chance when it comes to their career. However, the immigration process is somewhat complicated; the main complex areas are visa processing, analysing legal criteria and documentation, and adhering to rules and regulations. You’ll need the best immigration consultant to make things easier. An immigration consultant will make the process quicker and easier. When selecting an immigration agent, you must consider some crucial points.
The permission process to relocate to their selected region is simple with the help of the best immigration service consultancy. People may be guided through the immigration process by an immigration specialist. METX 360, the best Overseas consultants in Kochi, Kerala, we offer an array of immigration and overseas education pathways to make you a global citizen. Our team has been continuously striving towards building a holistic framework for providing tailored services by bringing together people, technology and controls. From personalised immigration options to the application and visa processing, up to settling you in, our top-notch consultants care for you at every step of your journey.
What are the tips to choose the best immigration consultants?
Choosing the best immigration consultants is  somewhat a difficult task, your entire process would be easy if you choose the right one. Here we are describing some of the tips to choose the right immigration consultants.
Authorized Immigration Consultant
To help you with the immigration process, the immigration consultant must hold a valid licence. Make sure the immigration adviser you select is qualified and registered in accordance with the laws and standards of your nation.
According to the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council, it is essential that the immigration consultant is knowledgeable on Canadian immigration and refugee rules (ICCRC). The laws and conditions governing immigration are always changing to reflect the times. In order to avoid any process complications, all immigration experts must familiarise themselves with the updated rules and regulations.
Consultant should be available to respond queries
In terms of assistance, the consultant must be available at any time if in case of emergency. Be certain that the consultant you select is familiar with every part of your application and is reachable by phone or email to address any issues as needed.
Check records of past activities
Any reputable immigration consultancy should typically have years of experience and employ qualified staff members that they can brag about on official forums. These records and testimonies will provide you with information on specifics like success rate or reputation in the marketplace. Moreover, you can check their online reputation by checking on google and review rates.
Check for knowledge and expertise
When searching for an immigration consultant, never make any decisions in a hurry because fraudulent plays will lose your money and make your life dark. You must confirm the consultant’s experience before deciding whether to move forward with the visa application. Ideally, you should enquire about the legal requirements, schedule, required paperwork, and charges.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
New Brunswick couple with ties to Ukraine weighs in on conflict a year later
Friday marks one year since Russia attacked Ukraine. The country is marking the sombre anniversary by remembering the lives lost to the war, while still waiting for peace.
At a ceremony in Kyiv Friday morning, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recognized families who lost their loved ones.
Security measures are heightened across Ukraine. Schools have moved online, and people are being urged to work home. Patrols have been stepped up over fears of widespread Russian attacks.
A Maritime couple who has been back and forth from Ukraine sat down with CTV Atlantic’s Todd Battis Thursday evening to discuss the violence that’s plagued the country over the last 12 months.
Varvara Pakhomenko, a conflict analyst working on the Ukraine conflict, recently returned from overseas.
She says things have changed since she last visited.
“The difference is that people are getting usedto the war,” she said. “People are getting acceptance that it is not going to be over anytime soon, and build our lives accordingly.”
Pakhomenko says she spent a few weeks in Moldova, a neighbouring country to Ukraine.
She says the country has suffered many economic effects of the war, and received about 100,000refugees, including many whoplan tostay in Moldova permanently.
“Even in the poorest country in Europe,they prefer to come there, not to go back, because there is electricity, there are schools working, and we can see how people now are thinking how to build their life accordingly with a long, dragging, atrocious war,” she adds.
Pakhomenko and her husband Donald Bowser, the founder of the Ukraine Recovery Initiative, live in New Brunswick.
She says when they go to the grocery store or the mall, she hears Russian and Ukrainian languages spoken quite often.
“That was not the case half a year ago,” she says. “So now we can see how more and more people are arriving daily.
She believes that refugees who moved their families to Canada during the last 12 monthsare likely planning to stay and settle in the country.
“What we say initially, many tried to keep their kids on the online learning with Ukrainian schools, now they switched, they try to switch and once the kid goes to a school, especially learning in a foreign language for a year, it is much harder to adapt and adjust back to the curriculum back in Ukraine,” says Pakhomenko.
When the war started, Bowser, who is an anti-corruption specialist, started an initiative where he physically took gear into Ukraine with whoever he could find to join him.He was also raising money online to help with theproject. 
Bowser saysthe primary concerna year agowas delivering non-lethal military assistance to Ukrainian units.
“A year later, it is very much moved on. My focus is currently on the humanitarian side,simply because that’s where the greatest need is. NATO-allied countries and Ukraine have been able to supply the Ukrainian Army, there are some needs, but it’s quite a bit less in terms than it was of basic equipment, so the focus is on the humanitarian side,” he explains.
“It looks like both sides are convinced they can win this war on the battlefield and continue immobilizing resources,” adds Pakhomenko, commenting on U.S. President Joe Biden’s recent visit to Kyiv, as Vladimir Putinholds rallies in Russia.
“So we see how, first of all, manpower, immobilization, is going on in both Ukraine and Russia, how both sides try to get more weapons and more ammunition. And if Ukraine gets it from the western partners, Russia has not such a big selection of partners, it’s been Iran, which mainly discussed, now there is talks with China, if they can support Russia or not. But yes, we see that most likely for the next foreseeable future, months, maybe half a year, it’s going to be fighting alongside the existing frontlines, very active with a lot of artillery with a lot of missiles, which will lead to a lot of civilian victims. That’s what we’ll see.”
Pakhomenko says Putin’s speech two days ago had two main points:
“That the war has become normal, that it’s a part of everyday life, that going to fight is a normal job, where you can take vacation from and get the social benefits, and then as part of it, it was all about the west. It was just so hostile over the west, that level of hostility in Putin’s speech. So he tried to make clear, that we are fighting with the west, we broke down with the west completely, so Ukraine is just an episode,” she explains.
“Did somehow the west force Russia to invade Ukraine? It’s a war of aggression from Russia. The solution to this is for Russia to leave Ukrainian territory, it’s just that simple,” Bowser adds. “If Russia wants the war to end, they can go home. There is no one keeping them there except for themselves. So they’ve launched a war of aggression that only has a military solution now. What compromise can there be after the thousands of civilians that Russia has killed? There is no other solution than a military one. And it’s very simple, if Russia wants peace, all they have to do is leave Ukraine. And then they would have the peace that they want.”
Bowser says trying to frame this as a proxy war implies that somehow, somebody forced Russia to invade Ukraine, which he calls “nonsense.”He says there were no security threats to Russia.
“And yet in 2014 they invaded Ukraine and in 2008 they invaded Georgia, so if you don’t want your neighbours to be worried about you as a security threat – stop invading them,” says Bowser. “So it’s all relatively simple things, everything is in Russia’s hand. If they want peace they can have peace tomorrow.”
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/9vr1Qtf
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darlenefblog · 1 year
Finding work, the challenge for Venezuelan migrants abroad in post-pandemic times
Story by Daniel Stewart • 10h ago
This makes no sense. She left a job to be unemployed and yet help with expenses. How the hell does that work?
"This is the case of Norlin Bruzual, 38, who although she had a stable job in Venezuela as a teacher and industrial safety specialist, was forced to leave for the Peruvian capital, Lima, to send remittances to her family and help with household expenses."
Economic reasons are not asylum. She's already left 2 countries that gave her refugee status.
"The economic situation in Venezuela worsened in 2018 and all her loved ones had to move to Lima. Added to this was the pandemic, in 2020, which ended up aggravating the situation and they decided, once again, to pack their bags again and go to Colombia. In order to pay for the plane ticket, they sold all their belongings."
This one sold her business. If it's so bad then who bought the business?
María Alejandra Gutiérrez Heredia, however, did not arrive by plane to Colombia, but by land in 2020 together with her children and grandson, before the COVID-19 pandemic. In her case, this 34-year-old Venezuelan had to sell her fast food stand because of the economic situation in Venezuela.
Others are tired of this mess too.
*Southern countries such as Peru, Bolivia and Chile also receive many Venezuelan migrants, reaching a peak in 2019 when dozens of people in the Chilean region of Tarapacá, in the city of Iquique, came out to protest against the presence of illegal migration.*
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redbus2germany · 2 years
German Visa Types
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Germany is the most popular and economically powerful nation. The country attracts many people yearly who visit to live temporarily or settle permanently. The German authorities process millions of visa applications every year. There is no doubt the figures have decreased in recent years due to covid-19 travel restrictions. However, the numbers are expected to increase again in the coming years. People who are from European countries can travel and live in Germany without any visa and permit restrictions.
However, anyone from outside Germany needs a visa if they want to visit the country. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is the government agency responsible for issuing visas and integrating the new arrivals in Germany.
Table of Contents
Types of German Visas
Tourist Visa
Job Seeker Visa
Employment Visa
EU Blue Card Visa
Family Reunion Visa
In a Nutshell
Types of German Visas
There usually are two types of German visas.
Short Stay Visas: These are known as Schengen type C visas which allow you to stay for up to 90 days.
Long Stay Visas: These are National type D visas, enabling you to stay over 90 days.
Let’s talk about the types of German visas in brief. You’ll learn about the visa types according to your stay in Germany.
Tourist Visa
A tourist visa is for a short stay in Germany. This visa can be used for vacations and visits to family or friends. To get this visa, you need to provide proof of relationship if you will stay with relatives after arriving in Germany. If you are traveling on an official tour, you need to show a letter from the tour organizer. If the people with whom you will stay after your arrival are covering any of your expenses. In that case, you need to show bank statements and receipts as evidence of sufficient funding.
Job Seeker Visa
The job seeker visa is applicable for an extended stay in Germany. Graduates or skilled workers with any vocational qualifications can get a job seeker visa. It is a work visa; you can look for a job on this visa. It is applicable for up to six months in Germany. Germany requires skilled workers in most sectors and professions. The requirement is specialized in manufacturing, engineering, health, and IT sectors. The federal government is trying to find other solutions to fill the labor gaps. The main idea is to get more qualified foreigners from abroad. That’s how people come to Germany to attend the interviews and find a job. The job seekers are not allowed to work in Germany under a job seeker visa. Once you get a job offer from the employer, you can quickly switch to a German work visa.
Employment Visa
An employment visa is also known as a work visa in Germany. It is an extended stay visa type. A work visa lasts as long as your job contract, which can be up to five years. After this, people can apply for a permanent German residence permit. There are different types of work-related visas for people who want to work for a long time in Germany. Please have a look at it.
Skilled workers with vocational qualifications. This is for qualified workers in vocational fields such as hospitality, construction, and plumbing.
Graduate workers, this one is for the qualified workers for degree level.
Skilled workers without training and qualifications. The workers are IT specialists with three years of experience.
Scientists who are researchers and Ph.D. students.
Intra corporate transfer employees, especially the trainees, managers, and specialists.
Self-employment and freelancing. People can start their own businesses. They need to show proof of funding, and your idea should benefit the German economy. Freelancers need to establish a license to practice one of the liberal professions.
Internships, this one is for the students who want to carry out professional work experience.
Working holidays, the citizens of certain countries aged between 18 to 30 can participate in a program that lasts for twelve months.
By volunteering, people can take part in European voluntary service activities.
Visa for citizens of specific countries. The citizens of sixteen countries can quickly get a residence permit without any qualifications if they have a job offer in Germany. 
EU Blue Card Visa
The EU blue card visa is one of the extended-stay visas. It is for the work and residence permit in Germany. This visa can be issued to highly skilled individuals. The blue card visa allows people to work in professions with future prospects. In the beginning, people could live and work in Germany for up to four years. Later, people can extend their stay if they meet the requirements. To get an EU blue card visa, you must apply for an employment visa or a job seeker visa from a German embassy. It helps you show the immigration authorities that you have entered Germany legally with the intention of work. Within three months, once you arrive in Germany, you can apply for the EU blue card visa at the German immigration office.
Family Reunion Visa
The family reunion visa is also for the extended stay in Germany. Spouses and dependent children under eighteen can apply for a family reunion visa in Germany. They need to meet the specific conditions to be eligible for the family reunion visa. Apart from this, the relatives can also apply for this visa. Let’s see who can apply for it.
Family members of German citizens: The people who are German natives, their parents, and dependent children below age eighteen are eligible for the family reunion visa in Germany. Additionally, the dependent relatives can apply for this visa under particular circumstances.
Relative of European citizens: The children under 18 to 21, grandchildren, parents, and grandparents can apply for the family reunion visa if they are dependent. The European countries’ citizens should be employed in Germany; only then their family members can be eligible to apply for this visa.
Family members of other country citizens: The citizens of the other countries and their dependent family members can apply for the family reunion visa under certain circumstances.
The family members arriving on a family reunion visa can look for a job in Germany. The people traveling as dependent need to prove that the relative they are joining has enough money to support them. They need to stay in the same household as a family unit.
In a Nutshell
We have talked about the different and main visa types in this guide. You can go through it and apply for the visa per your requirement. Further, we will talk in detail about each visa. By following the guide, you will learn about the requirements, eligibility criteria, application procedure, and the required documents for each visa type. This guide is to give you information about each visa type. This basic information will help you to understand the concept of the German visa types.
Originally published at — https://redbus2germany.com/german-visa-types/
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globalworship · 2 years
Global Arts in Mission: Embedded, Embodied, Empowered (June 2023 conference)
ASM conference in Indiaana USA, June 16-18, 2023. Theme: "Global Arts in Mission: Embedded, Embodied, Empowered." Call for papers will come later, see webpage for suggestions... and start thinking about giving one! https://www.asmweb.org/annual-meeting
American Society of Missiology 2023 Annual Meeting
June 16-18, 2023 St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana
Theme: "Global Arts in Mission: Embedded, Embodied, Empowered"
Description: In an age of heightened globalization, transborder flows and movements are bringing together diverse peoples, reshaping and forging new neighborhoods in ways previously unimagined. As peoples move around the globe, whether world travelers, media specialists, displaced refugees, immigrants, cross-cultural missionaries or church planters, they transport along with themselves their local expressive languages—artistic languages—comprised of culturally embedded art ‘works’ (expressions) that reveal people’s daily life contexts, concerns, and desires.
The expressive arts, global and local, are always present. Although seemingly “hidden,” these pervasive cultural figures function in plain sight and sound without open acknowledgement of their dynamic impact and influence in the daily lives of all peoples around the world. Global arts, defined as any and all arts, communicate among peoples in both global and local settings. They span a dizzying array of formats from paintings to sculpture, music, dance, drama, storytelling, proverbs, poetry, film, architecture, and more. Innovative opportunities for Christian witness abound.
The ASM Annual Meeting 2023 will explore the multifaceted dimensions of doing mission via global and local arts, critically linked to facilitating witness and worship. Papers are sought that address a broad range of topics, such as, Biblical theologies of global and local arts in mission; history of the arts in mission; liturgical theology as contextual theology; the roles and functions of the arts in evangelism, justice movements, church planting, church growth, development, orality, cultural exegesis, critical contextualization, interfaith dialogue, and peacebuilding; prophetic witness and the arts, for a broad range of examples. We are also interested in case studies that push us to think more deeply about the essential, rather than tangential, place of the arts in the mission of God as a dimension of Christian witness and practice. Our ultimate goal is to reflect on the contribution of the arts in the life of the church locally and globally as it pursues making Christ known and worshipped among the nations.  
See more at https://www.asmweb.org/annual-meeting
Art from the ASM FB page: Fr. Engelbert Mveng, Nativity, early 1990s. Central scene from church mural. Holy Angels Church, Aurora, Illinois.
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