#species outside of octarians and inkling were also part of the military
yesyourstalker · 8 months
Octarian superior: alright everyone get up........
Soldiers:........ *Complaining*.........*sleep*......
Octarian superior: Soldiers up now!! Just because it's a low risk mission doesn't mean we don't follow procedures!!!
Inkling caption: oh give it a rest...let them sleep, like you said it's a low risk mission....
Octarian superior: listen. I don't tell you how to run your little"squidbeaks" so I expect you not to tell me how to run the actual military... ON YOUR FEET NOW!!!
Soldiers: .......*complaining*......*complaining*
Inkling caption:.....*sigh*.... Hey fellas we got breakfast ready in the dinner hall hope you like salmon and eggs!........ See colonel all they needed was a little motivation and they're up on their feet. No need for yelling.
Octarian superior:............... Ridiculous...... How did we let you win?
Inkling superior: hahahahaha Don't get your panties in a twist Colonel. They may look like a ragtag team of dumbasses, but they're tougher than they look. Shit they're tougher than our actual military.
Warabi: The food isn't so bad I thought you said the food would be crap
Neta: it usually is....
Warabi:...... Hey Neta how come some of these inklings have different ink colors while everyone else is in blue and where are their uniforms?
Neta: those are usually agents or they call themselves squidbeaks........ The Inkling military is around 50 years old, younger than the actual great turf war. Unlike octarians who had an actual army inkling didn't. Their culture is far different from ours. They're a lot more relaxed, didn't think about organization to that kind of level.
Octoling soldier: bunch of fucking hippies if you ask me.
Neta: yeah....... they just kinda do their own thing...... some switch to the actual military when it was formed but they tend to stick with their small army from villages
Squidbeak inkling: that's our little splatoons were formed. Our homes used to be in small villages separate from each other. During hunting, scavenging, guarding or protecting our village small groups of volunteers would do the job. We did it during the war as well, we had small groups from different villages and different islands. They would go off and fight the war together. We didn't need a big military to win we just needed a community.
Warabi: huh....
Octoling soldier: hmph...... you're so full of shit
Squidbeak inkling: beg your pardon?
Octoling soldier: I said you're full of shit! You put on this act of piece and love persona to separate yourselves from the ruthless acts...... It's all community and support when it comes to Inklings but y'all had no problem forcing us underground in the fucking sewers! Where was that peach and love when you pushed us off our land, from our homes! what about our community what about our villages!
Fishling soldier: hey now let's not act like this! The war is over now we don-
Octoling soldier: oh fuck off! You weren't any better!!
Squidbeak inkling: you don't need to act so rash .... that's what caused you to lose in the first place
Octoling soldier: SAY THAT TO MY FACE MOTHERFUCKER!!.... I lost my brother cuz of you agent fucks...........
Squidbeak: you think y'all weren't heartless. I lost my wife.. killed due to your cold tactics...
Inkling superior:.... The war is over....Stop trying to start another one... understand?
Soldiers: ......Yes ma'am..... Ok.......*murmuring*..... So strict....... This is why I stick to being an agent
Octarian superior: and my panties are in a twist hehe
Inkling superior:. Shut up ........Hit the showers!!...you all smell like shit!!!!........
Neta: hmm... Maybe they should have waited for the tension to die down before having all of us in a single Splatoon...... I'm heading to the showers. Sorry about that incident man. If you seem a good guy...*pat pat*
Squidbeak inkling: No worries I apologize as well...
Warabi: so do we just all get individual showeeerrrss oh my cod! IT'S JUST ONE ROOM!?!!
Neta: yep.... Pretty nice shower room. Just grab a towel from the rack and just throw your clothes in the hamper they'll just give us new uniforms anyway...... They do provide soap and everything it's actually really- What are you doing?
Warabi: I'll just wait for everyone to leave.... I thought they were going to be private showers
Neta: Oh please. It's no big deal. You don't have anything that these guys haven't already seen before. It's fine.
Octoling soldier: hey boys........oooh cute piercing sweetie. Did it hurt?
Neta: like a bitch. Hahaha
Warabi: They don't separate them by gender?
Neta: not on inkling ships..... Like I said nothing they haven't seen before. Just think of it as old bath house, It's nice! Perfect place to unwind and get to know people.
Warabi:.....*sigh*....... Ok....... Doesn't seem that bad everyone is naked
Neta: when I realized I got her pregnant we got married. We didn't love each other.... Honestly, we barely knew each other. We were just both stupid..... She was crying... I didn't know what to do so I kissed her and we... Yeah
Inkling soldier: You guys were vulnerable and young... It happens... At the moment it probably felt right... Can you get my back for me?
Neta: yeah sure........I just don't want my girl to think that she was a mistake...... Or that I didn't want her... I wasn't in her life for a long time I have a lot of reasons why. sometimes they don't feel like good reasons.... Hey this is a weird question. You think you can shave my face..... The mirror is not my friend right now
Inkling soldier: It's no problem....I wasn't prepared to have my kid either. He knows that he's loved deeply. I'm sure she knows it too. You're in her life now, you j-
Superior: everyone get dressed!!We found something on the sonar!!!
Soldiers:.....*murmuring*..... This better be good..... I hope it's actually something this time.....*murmuring*
Neta: alright let's get dressed... Warabi?... Warabi!? Are you falling asleep in the shower did you sleep last night?
Warabi: sorry I tend not to sleep very well when I'm being put in a chokehold........ How does ikkan go through this at night?
Neta: hahah sorry about that. Let's go
Warabi: so they just put her clothes on our bed?
Neta: yep new underwear and everything....... Hmm they do mix it up sometimes. ANYONE MISSING A BINDER!
urchin soldier: yeah that's mine! You must be Neta Verns
Neta: and you're Neta Uni.... I like the name, Great choice.
Uni: thank you hehe..
Neta: hehehe No problem kid............*sigh* He's just a baby, around my daughter's age....... He had no business being in the military........He should be in school..................shit....he's around the same age I joined.................. I was a baby................all my friends were babies........ pulpo was -
Warabi: Neta!
Neta: AH! SHIT! Don't do that!!What is it?!!
Warabi: sorry. come downstairs you have to see this!
Neta: ok ok what is it.... Wow....it's huge!
Octoling superior: yep, it's a colossal squid around 46 ft in length..... It's a female..... ..Probably around a year old....
Soldiers: ...... Amazing ...* Murmuring*..... Wow ......
Inkling Superior:......look at her........ Could you believe we all descended from these creatures..... Every one of us has an ancestor down here. Even before the dawn of the mammalians we existed... and we're still here.....Let that sink in...
Octoling superior: let's hope we don't end up like them.... Remember this moment.... Remember where we started next time you want to start a stupid fight damn it those stupid
Warabi: so pretty
Neta: danm....... Ma'am, I thought we were heading to a freshwater environment. This is saltwater?
Inkling superior: Yeah it's going to take us another day to get there we're heading to the goldfish gulf.....
Neta:....... goldfish gulf......... I lost my ear there... I lost.......pulpo.....
Warabi: hey Neta you ok?
Neta: yeah..... I need to make a stop though. when we get there. Pay someone to visit...
Mizole: this job is boring!!
Mhai: You're the one who wanted the job..
Mizole: I just wanted that old fuck to stop complaining every time I went into the store... 'Mizole go home. Mizole stop loitering. Mizole stop distracting my employees.... Either buy something or fucking leave'..... They got annoying
Ikkan: You can go home.... You don't really do anything anyway.
Mizole: oh shut up! I do a lot more than you! You don't even talk to the customers. In fact you stay in the office all day doing homework! Not my fault you dropped out of college to join the mediocre band!
Mahi: ........ sorry... you're fired... babe... You did your best......
Candie:.......not really
Mahi: ...hehehehe.....yeah.....you're not a good employee.. hand me your badge.... Go home....hehehehehahahahaha
Mizole: ................... Fine..... Why are you laughing??
Mahi:.... Nothing. I remembered something funny......[kiss]...bye!...................
Mizole: see ya babe
Mahi.... here's your 20g Candie
Candie: thank you!..... He even didn't last three days! hahahahaha
Mahi was knife fighting @fish-at-fish-fish-resort in the McDonald's parking lot
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cru5h-cascades · 10 months
OC Biology Updates
So a few of my Splatoon OCs have unique biology so I decided to make a post explaining their abilities.
Hybrid Octolings (Anyo & Toby's Section)
Hybrid octolings were created by the Octarian military in attempt to make better soldiers, their first hybrid being Anyo and Toby's mother, Blythe Kelly. Since Blythe was basically patient zero, the scientists working with the Octarian military wanted to monitor her to see if it actually was a good idea to make hybrids, so Blythe wasn't enlisted into the Octarian army and was monitored until she was 18. Since nothing went wrong, more hybrids were made until sometime before the events of Splatoon 2. Hybrids made by Octarian scientists start off as a tentacle from a single species of octopus and then gets injected with another species' DNA. After a certain period of time the tentacle instantly gains an octoling form and thus a hybrid is born. However, hybrids can also cut off portions of their hair to create their own child as well. Scientist-made hybrids possess both species' abilites while the abilities hybrid-made ones will tend to vary in strength.
Blue-Ringed Octarians (Anyo, Toby, and Orion's Section)
Octopian blue-ringed Octarians will quickly learn that they need to wear gloves in order to prevent the unnessisary spread of their venom (it was said that the venom of blue-ringed Octarians mixed with their ink, making their entire body venomous), however this isn't entirely true. Sure these Octarians have lethal venom that can even spread by simply touching something, but it doesn't mean they need to wear gloves 24/7. Blue-ringed octarians can channel their venom into any part of their body, meaning they can touch things without killing them. Spreading venom by touch will slowly kill victims while biting them will kill them way faster, especially if venom is channeled primarily into the teeth, killing victims instantly. Most surface dwelling Octarians will find out about their contol over their venom eventually (if they lived in Octopia) and will quickly abandon their gloves.
Ghost Octolings (and Bigfin Squids?) (April's Section)
Ghost octolings (there has only ever been ghost octopus type octolings) are a rare type of octoling that has only ever existed on the surface. These octolings originated from somewhere around what remained of Hawaii and spread across the world (they were curious about what else was out there outside of their homeland), however once more and more showed up, other sea creatures seeked to hunt these octolings because of their unique ability to maintian their humanoid and swim form after being splatted. Once splatted, a ghost octoling's soul turns into a ghostly version of themselves, allowing them to fly, levitate stuff, and walk through walls. Ghost octolings can go into their ghost forms willingly, but not for a long time since it takes a lot out of them however when splatted they can maintain their ghost form for however long they want (exept for when they're hooked up to a nearby respawn point, then they'll be sucked into it in order to respawn). Bigfin squid-type inklings also have these abilities however they can also disquise themselves to look like the living in the presence of ink in the area (due to their superior amount of tentacles), however that affect will wear out in a certain amount of time and will run out faster if they use the ink covering them. Both ghost octolings and bigfin inklings have a decreased need for food and both species tend to appear to have a lighter ink color than they're using.
Queen Salmonlings (Kandi's Section)
Queen salmonlings are a type of king salmonid that take on a more humanoid form and can become a larger and more terrifying version of their humanoid form when they want/need to. They also have a lesser salmonid form for their swim form. Typically female salmonids become queens but sometimes males can, too. This form can be achived in high-stress situations in which the salmonid will transform into their king form. Once disaster is averted, they'll shrink back into their normal humanoid form. This is the only kind of salmonid that can respawn.
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silverstarsheep · 6 years
Salmonid Headcanons!
I wanted to write up some headcanons that I’ve made about the Salmonid, and I thought I’d share them while I’m at it! (Because I totally haven’t gone on about these things enough in recent...) Give it a read if you’re interested. I did my best to implement already existing canon into these, so I hope there aren’t too many holes.
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Being very food-centric, Salmonid are omnivorous and are willing to eat just about anything edible--including other sea creatures. Although they may be deterred with communication, this can be a bit challenging as Salmonid have a language of their own--though it's not too far off from what's commonly spoken in Inkopolis. (Inklings may have an even harder time with this, due to squid being a favorite dish of Salmonid. Never mind the egg stealing...)
Their diets usually consist of fruits and vegetables that they cultivate themselves, as well as any meat they can get their fins on. Fishing tools are just as common as kitchen utensils in a Salmonid's home.
They aren't much for importing and exporting with other species; they prefer to trade with their own communities. A few exceptions include Octarians for additional technology, though the Salmonid can be very difficult to deal with, as they are stubborn and ferocious with their business. After Grizzco came in and started stealing eggs, any chances of them opening up to more communities have been squashed.
The smell of Inklings and Octolings alone can cause Salmonid to fly into a rage. They can pick up the smell from a distance away, and so whenever one catches a whiff of an oncoming boat, the Salmonid gear up for battle. Though they love eating squid, their focus here is more on eliminating the Inklings than getting a bite to eat.
Golden Eggs are the fertilized eggs of Salmonid. These are incredibly important, and as such they will fight tooth and nail to keep them safe. It's rare for parents to keep their eggs on their nest when they're not able to watch over it, and therefore they will often keep the eggs with them.
Both male and female parents will work on raising eggs and the fry together. It's not uncommon for the community to help raise he young fry as well, encouraging teamwork and cooperation even at a young age.
These eggs contain a massive amount of power, more than typical fish eggs, which is used for developing the fish inside. This power can be used for personal gain; if one doesn't use up all the energy, the fry will still hatch, albeit much smaller and weaker. However this is incredibly difficult, as the eggs are very fragile and can be easily popped if one is not careful.
After discovering what Grizzco uses their Golden Eggs for, the Salmonid have started utilizing the eggs themselves, albeit on a slightly safer level. Grizzco has not yet found a way to safely use the eggs without destroying them, though that seems to be relatively low priority….
Due to the Salmonid using the energy from the Golden Eggs, adult Smallfry have become more common. These are slightly larger than the young Smallfry, but significantly smaller than the normal adult.
The rapid rate at which Grizzco has been stealing eggs has pushed the Salmonid to become very war-minded. Much of their energy and time is now dedicated to strategies, training, and weapon building, rather than cooking and farming. This generation is far more intense than the last, to the point where even Smallfry will get involved in battles. Older Salmonid who were raised before the war started are now getting involved as well, in hopes to defend their young.
Due to the substantial loss in eggs, the Salmonid population is on the decline. Though their numbers are still high, there's a certain desperation that kicks in whenever more eggs are stolen. This desperation is what caused the generals to allow the very eager Smallfry to join the fray.
Short migrations are commonplace; typically they migrate yearly for spawning season to allow the newly hatched fry to grow up in fresh water, though during famine they will travel to find fertile land to plant their crops. Every 70 years, the Salmonid will pack up their homes and make a great migration to new land to suit a new generation. Very often these lands aren't "new," as they're returning to locations that older generations lived in. Migration paths are always consistent.
During their seasons of migration, Salmonid tend to be ravenous due to traveling long distances without taking the time to stop and eat. Once they reach their location, it isn't uncommon for them to strip the location bare of all vegetation to satiate their appetite. While this does take a brief toll on the location, they do return what they can by replanting seeds. It's best to avoid these areas to not accidentally become a part of the menu.
Though not all Salmonid get along, working together for a common goal is paramount in their society. Their teamwork and cooperation can especially seen during runs, where even rebellious Salmonid will put forth the effort to work as a team to keep their enemies at bay. Additionally, the band ω-3 works exceptionally well together when making music, despite their age gap and different ideals outside of music. Their songs inspires the soldiers.
Fin color is an important factor to Salmonid culture. Yellow, green, orange, and purple are the most commonly seen on the battlefield, though other colors have been sighted during migrations. The constantly changing colors of Inkling and Octoling hair, and even ink, is confusing to them.
The colors seem to represent the ranking within the army:
⦁ Yellow fins and their status are a bit muddled; the yellow could show high status, as Goldie is considered royalty, however they aren't respected by the other generals. Salmonid with this color are often frowned upon as they prefer to work on their own terms, rather than with the rest of the army. They will cooperate with the soldiers, but rarely listen to their generals.
⦁ Green fins aren't commonly seen, though these are usually high-ranked Salmonid. They are highly trained generals, and are trusted with powerful weapons.
⦁ Orange is the most common fin color, and used for soldiers. Normally only seen with kitchen utensils as their weapons, which are mostly heavy duty frying pans or sturdy spoons for the Smallfry. Other utensils have also been seen, but this isn't common. Some “Bosses” such as the Flyfish are shown to still have orange fins. This is due to the pilot being a Smallfry, who despite their elite training, are still too young for a higher military position.
⦁ Purple is relegated for those that are in training to join the ranks. These are usually the Snatchers, who are relegated to reclaiming unguarded eggs to prove themselves enough to be on the front lines. They train to use weaponry outside of the fields.
A lack of a fin does not diminish the Salmonid's stature, however. A few generals can be seen without fins, such as Steelheads and Maws.
Salmonid are surprisingly intelligent, able to make powerful machines from scrap metal they find. Though their machines may not be the prettiest or advanced things in the world, they certainly do work marvelously for their needs. They can also work fast, able to finish building before a battle, and to make repairs on the fly.
Extremely resourceful, Salmonid will use anything at their disposal--even kitchen appliances and utensils will be implemented into their weaponry. They're also cost effective, recycling and reusing any scrap metal or materials they have at hand. With access to old scrap yards and their precious kitchen-based heirlooms, they have more than enough metal to sustain their army for years.
Goldies often craft the bigger, more complicated machines and teach the other mechanics their ways. Goldies are highly respected by the community, and very rarely do even rebellious Salmonid go against them.
The ink they produce is different from what Inklings and Octolings produce, but it's very similar. It's far more oily however, and even rather viscous, making it even harder for others to swim through it. They are capable of swimming through their ink, but with the exception of Maws, they rarely do. Their ink color is almost always consistent.
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