#neta is a very common name
More random BNHA headcanons I have laying around:
They all like going to the craft store and making little gifts for each other, and regularly do this for secret Santa and/or birthdays. Shouto insists on paying every time
Uraraka, Aoyama, and Izuku host game nights of ‘which teacher said what?’ Where they’ll print out many odd quotes from their teachers. Some of the categories include, “puns and jokes,” and “they’re not mad, just disappointed.” The reigning winner so far is a tie between Koda and kendo
Similarly: in class B, Monoma hosts a game night of, “what has class A been up to this week?” Where he asks things like, “which villain attacked them this week?” “Which bastard said what?” “Which teacher have they disappointed?” And so on. The only reason he has stopped naming himself the reining champion, is because he has realized people will stop coming if he continues to do so
The deku protection squad has weekly meetings, where they discuss Izuku’s many injuries, how to improve security, and the miscellaneous grievances. They also have a positive section, where they discuss how they helped stop izuku frim being injured that week. Momo gives out candy for a job well done
Mina and momo have everyone in class A do a manditory spa night, where they enforce a mandatory relaxation period
Class A threw a full on party when M*neta was expelled. Everyone at u.a. was invited
Mei, izuku, Denki, momo, and mina have adhd
Shouto and mina have dyslexia
Most people in UA just refer to izuku as Problem Child
Kaminari, Aoyama, and Izuku all work together fairly often
Momo, tsu, and Koda are the three individuals who class A fears disappointing more than Aizawa. Because they give you the whole, “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed” look, which is worse than detention
Kendo and Iida meet up once a week to train and complain about their classmates
Kaminari snd Shouto are the duo we never knew we needed. Kaminari comes up with dumb ideas, Todoroki is chaotic and has no desire to abide by any sort of order, so he does the dumb ideas
Sero has two younger adopted siblings, and one much older brother. They have two cats, a dog, and a bird
Mei has two moms, a snake, and three turtles
Shinsou has polyamorous parents, a younger sibling, and a cat
Class A has cuddle piles
Mina, Aoyama, momo, and izuku are often asked to do people’s makeup
Inko adopted eri
Kouta writes anonymous hate mail to bakugou
Jirou and Shouto Rick roll everyone
Kaminari is trilingual: Japanese, English, and Russian. He is also learning Spanish. He started learning languages after hyperfixating on English one time in elementary school
Kaminari and izuku both write fanfics; they beta read for each other
Jirou comes into the common room every Saturday to ask for new song suggestions. After he started to see this pattern, izuku made a playlist for her
Jirou helped Shouto express his emotions through music. He then made playlists for everyone important to him, along with some petty ones for bakugou and Endeavor
Monoma once caught wind of class A planning on going ghost hunting and mocked them. Once Mina asked if he was scared, he blew off class B’s study session in favor of tagging along. Midnight caught them and chaperoned. When they showed up late to next morning class, Aizawa gave them all detention, but our midnight in charge of it. She brought candy and they ended up having a very fun afternoon (I am writing a fic for this)
Ojiro and Uraraka have everyone hand-to-hand combat training
Mina, izuku, mei, tsu, sero, toru, and Tokoyami are vent gremlins
Izuku has a handprint shaped scar from bakugou because of that one scene (you know the one)
Mina calls everyone “love”
Aoyama listens to Jazmin Bean
For a solid week, Shouto played Hayloft by mother mother every time his father entered a room
Iida drinks la croix. I don’t know why it’s so important to me, but I feel like he would
Mic started a lgbtq+ club (SGA)
Midnight adopts Shouto
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: You and your boyfriend never told anyone you two were dating, and this is how class 1-A found out...
Genre: fluff 😗✨
A/N: If I posted the one shot - I’m sorry you had to read that 😣 so I make it up with this! Make sure to send some requests & thank you guys so much for all the love on my past posts since I started writing, I get butterflies of happiness ☺️ KITHES ❤️
P.S. more Kirishima & Bakugo Content 😳
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• listen it’s not like he wanted to keep your relationship a secret and neither did you
• but when class 1-A made a bet that they would never date anyone in the dorms the same day you and Kiri started dating - you two kinda walked away but ended up somehow being apart of it anyways
• Now you and Kirishima meet every night and cuddle in your bed until one of you gets tired and heads back
“Pillow fight!”
“Y/n no-“
• You’ve definitely hitten him hard enough and knocked him off the bed
• You two just seemed like best friends to everyone, and you’ve never denied to your friends that your dating
“If anything I bet Kirishima and y/n are dating.”
Kirishima: Yeah
• no one listened 🤷‍♀️
• You two never did much to suppress flirting, there was times you two cuddled on the couch but no one thought anything of it
• No no, the tables turned real quick when you woke up one morning leaving his room wearing his shirt and his red crocs
• Kirishima walked out too putting a hand on your waist and kissing the side of your head before walking back into his room putting a shirt on and you two walking to the common room
• yeah everyone saw that and were just staring at the two of you, eyes coming out of their eye sockets.
M*neta: Y/n looks so hot
Kirishima: shut it perv
Bakugo: Oi! What the hell shittyhair?!
Ururaka: Yeah! Does this mean they lost the bet?!
• You and Kirishima shrugged
Kirishima: We’ve been dating since before the bet, and we told you guys many times
• Expect everyone saying Huh?!
• Except Todoroki, he knew he just didn’t think it was his place to say KITHES to Todoroki 🥰
• Now everyone continued the bet without you and Kirishima involved
“Dang this kinda sucks, I feel left out. Maybe we should break up and join the bet.”
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• This one was meant to be kept a secret, why?
“Because I don’t want some damn extras in my business!”
• so for respect for Bakugo, you two were in a secret relationship, and it was an easy relationship to maintain because you weren’t in class 1-A but class 1-B
• everything you two did was never in 1-A dorms, and Bakugo didn’t care what 1-B thought so it was usually in your dorm
• Well that secret was going to be exposed soon enough
• On a very weird day Monoma was, as you usually say, on his man period ✨
“I don’t want anyone from class 1-A here right now!”
• You held Bakugo back with a shrug and walked out of the dorms and ended up walking back to his dorm planting a kiss on his lips
“I love you, sorry Monobitch is in a bad mood.”
• He snickered at the name but gave you a kiss back saying I love you too. But the eyes you felt on you didn’t go unnoticed, you leaned to the side past the tall bush and came face to face with multiple 1-A kids
“Oh... hello.” You waved
•they all scrambled back into the dorms while Bakugo played a game of blast the students ✨
• when you got him to stop, he took you inside to meet everyone, but warned you about them
• You didn’t see a problem and shook everyone’s hand before smiling at them and conversing
• until you felt the back of your skirt being lifted
“U-uh... um....”
• you turn around to see a purple haired boy with wide eyes and screamed activating your quirk and accidentally freezing him
“Omg together they make up a Todoroki.”
Todoroki: No 😗
• Bakugo blasting M*neta and you talking to everyone again ❤️
“Stupid grape. Shut up deku.”
“I ain’t do nun 😔.”
• he was pissed when he saw you and deku becoming close friends
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• When you two started dating, and he told everyone, no one believed him JANISNWR
• Listen everyone went along with it and didn’t wanna embarrass you by telling you
• When you found out what was happening you mentioned it to him
“What? Why wouldn’t they believe me?! I’m a catch!”
“Period you tell em!”
• in the end he said he liked having a secret relationship because it made everything and I quote
“So much more romantic and hot!”
• 😀👍🏽 you just went with it and you two snuck around with each other
“Y/n and I will go check out what the problem is”
• him dragging you out
Everyone: poor y/n 😔
• 20 minutes passed and you both aren’t back so Kirishima and Aoyama went to check on you
• Didn’t expect to see you two all over each other and much thanks to big mouth Aoyama everyone knew in the next 5 minutes
• They all freaked out when you two came back and you were holding his hand
“It’s not that we are upset it’s that we didn’t know Denki was telling the truth!”
Denki: guy?
“Yeah we didn’t expect it to be real we just thought he was being Pervy!”
Denki: What do you mean? I’m a catch!
• Poor Denki just hug him and he’ll stick his tongue out at everyone thinking you don’t know until you smack the back of his head
“Stop sticking your tongue out.”
“Yes y/n.”
Everyone calls him Simpinari now ✨
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yami-kada · 3 years
Mission 2
Recently I read a fanfic on AO3 called Interlude - Class 1-A by @itslivybear and was inspired a bit to write a fic based on that! Well really I got inspiration for a single line (you'll know it when you see it) and then had to write a whole thing to be able to share that one line, but oh well. This is my first time writing a chatfic or even any BNHA content at all, so I hope it doesn't suck! Thanks to @shadesofflame for being an awesome beta!
(Quick FYI in this AU M*neta and Bakugou are replaced with Shinsou and Monoma, sorry for any confusion. Also a name guide can be found at the bottom.)
RockSolid: Um, so.
RockSolid: Remember the missions during the Sports Festival?
PurpleGrape: Oh hell yeah.
PurpleGrape: Still cherish the look on that bastard's face.
Spoderman: jehxgjc Kiri I got it on video!!!
JazzHands: You've had video of the capture of the bounty this whole time and never showed us???
LSD: I thought we were friends Sero!
Spoderman: omg no not that I totally would have shared earlier if i did
Spoderman: im talking about That.
RockSolid: no Sero don't tell them!
RockSolid: it's embarrassing!
PikaCHU: Tell us, tell us!
NYOOM: Kaminari-kun! If Kirishima-kun wishes to keep his privacy, then it is our duty as his classmates to respect that!
Spoderman: ok but consider: he already gave them a major hint and they are about to POUNCE
BreadIsPain: As a witness as well, I must say that Kirishima was si attirant que j'ai failli m'évanouir~*
RockSolid: thanks, I think?
MOMo: To paraphrase Aoyama, he is essentially saying you were very manly, Kirishima!
RockSolid: aw thanks bro!! Don't believe you but thanks!
Spoderman: you take that lack of confidence back I have evidence right here that says you are super fucking manly!
LSD: ok please now we have to know so that we can show Kiri how great he is!!!
MOMo: I must admit that the commentary seen thus far has me rather curious as well.
RockSolid: You guys…
RockSolid: alright then, I'll tell you!
Spoderman: sweet ill pull it up!
RockSolid: bro don't you dare! my story, I get to tell it!
Spoderman: oh yeah of course bro!!
Spoderman: but if after you wanna show it then i am READY.
JazzHands: This is very sweet and all but I am very thirsty for this TEA.
RockSolid: on it!
Kirby: Kiri you've been typing for so long that I'm getting Izuku vibes here.
GreenGrape: Hey!
RockSolid: sorry! this is harder than I thought!
Spoderman: want me to start it off?
RockSolid: you know what, sure.
Spoderman: aight so,
Spoderman: Council, what qualifies as capturing the bounty?
GreenGrape: Guys no the bounty is over please no more bounty-hunting Kacchan.
MOMo: Your objection is noted and overruled, Izuku.
MOMo: For your question, Sero, I do not believe we ever set specific limitations on what qualified, but I was under the impression that it was limited to the Sports Festival. Why do you ask?
Spoderman: just double checking
Spoderman: because my bro here just totally shot both missions out of the park!!!
LSD: gaSP!!!
JazzHands: bOTH?!
RockSolid: no not both!! we have no confirmation for either, technically!
Kirby: Technically? What do you mean by that?
RockSolid: ahhhh ok so Sero and I were eating lunch in the courtyard because it was nice out, right?!
RockSolid: and we were chillin, being bros, birds were singing, all was good.
RockSolid: and then we heard a small explosion before the bounty walked in at the other end of the courtyard and started kicking at the wall.
PikaCHU: omg so angy.
RockSolid: and like fine, we can tune him out, just try to act like he's not there, you know?
RockSolid: But then he started yelling at random people in the courtyard, just acting pissed as hell.
PikaCHU: oMG so ANGY.
RockSolid: and that's just not manly at all, you know? going off on people like that just because you're in a bad mood.
GreenGrape: Yeah… that's Kacchan for you.
RockSolid: so he's making his way around the courtyard now, like everyone needs their daily dose of asshole for him to be happy, and the closer he got the more annoyed I got.
Spoderman: here it comes!
RockSolid: and eventually I get up, because I have had just about enough, and walk right up to him.
RockSolid: he doesn't see me coming, because he was too busy yelling at some girl, and I get right up behind him.
RockSolid: and then I just called out to get his attention, and spun him to face me while making sure I end up between him and the girl.
RockSolid: and well I told him off a little bit and got him to back off then left in a hurry.
RockSolid: and that's it!
Spoderman: oh no you don't
BreadIsPain: Oui! Monsieur Kirishima, you must tell the climax with just as much zest as the build-up!
Spoderman: what he said! no skipping out on the best part!
RockSolid: but!!!
Jacked: No buts, mister. We're all way too invested now for you to back down.
RockSolid: :(
RockSolid: fine! you win!
RockSolid: so uh when I got his attention, I also got my hand onto his shoulder, and used his surprise to knock his feet a bit off balance and pulled him back, but then I ended up with him in my arms and could tell he was about to start yelling so I just…
RockSolid: you know…
RockSolid: flirted?
LSD: oh my GoD this is great!!!
PikaCHU: Hell yeah Kiri! Go get yourself a manz!
RockSolid: I'm not getting a man! He's probably going to kill me the next time he sees me!
Spoderman: i dunno, it took him a good long while to reboot after what you said there
Spoderman: you might have a shot
PurpleGrape: Well if you're not going to get a man out of this, mind telling us what you said so I can bait him next time he tries to be an ass?
RockSolid: uhhh…
RockSolid: I'm nervous.
BreadIsPain: If you will allow me, I shall finish your tale off dazzlingly!
RockSolid: Thanks Aoyama.
BreadIsPain: Bien entendu!
BreadIsPain: While holding him in his arms tightly in a dip, faces inches apart, Monsieur Kirishima leaned impossibly closer to emphasize his point.
RockSolid: oh god I regret everything.
LSD: Hush, it's getting good!
BreadIsPain: With a growl to his voice and his eyes burning above a smirk, he said "You know, you're damn cute when you're angry, but you'd be downright sexy if you shut the fuck up." Then he straightened up to fling the lost soul to the side, and saunter off like the devil was guarding his back, leaving the bounty terribly confused in his wake.
PurpleGrape: Whoa.
PikaCHU: Holy shit?!
RockSolid: what is that description?!?!?!
JazzHands: Kiri that was PERFECT oh my god?!
LSD: It's ART is what it is!
Spoderman: don't forget how red the guy was! Kiri was cool as a cucumber but the other guy couldn't stop blushing after seeing his face!!!
MOMo pinned a message
RockSolid: Yaomomo!!!
MOMo: My apologies, Kirishima, but I felt it only right to ensure easy access to your most manly moment.
LSD: Yeah Kiri! Then one day we can all look back on this and celebrate how everything started!!
RockSolid: How what started???
LSD: E v e r y t h i n g
RockSolid: @Spoderman bro hide me I’m scared.
Spoderman: hey guys, wanna see a GREAT video?
Spoderman: the stars are our main man, Kiri, and the bounty!
PikaCHU: hell yeah!!!
Jacked: Lay it on me.
PurpleGrape: Sure.
JazzHands: Do you really have to ask????
RockSolid: but I already told you what happened!
RockSolid: why do you want to see me being so embarrassing?
PikaCHU: bro we all appreciate you so much of course we want to see you being manly!
LSD: Just from what you all said there is no way you don’t look great in that vid, Kiri!
PikaCHU: gotta give support where support is due!!
PurpleGrape: They’ll all bully Sero into showing them one way or another anyways, might as well give in now.
RockSolid: but...
BreadIsPain: Nous devons vous montrer à quel point vous brillez et dissiper ces pensées douteuses!**
MOMo: I could not have said it better myself, Aoyama!
RockSolid: I don’t even know what he said though?!?!?!?!?!?!
Spoderman: Kiri.
Spoderman: Bro.
Jacked: Well shoot he’s using proper grammar and everything.
Spoderman: Rude.
Spoderman: Anyways Bro.
RockSolid: yeah?
Spoderman: You are epic. This video shows you being epic. And putting an asshole in their place.
Spoderman: You have nothing to be ashamed of, and every reason to be proud. So please let me show the video so that everyone can appreciate you like you deserve bro.
RockSolid: bro…
Spoderman: Bro.
RockSolid: bro -
Spoderman: Bro?
RockSolid: bro!
Spoderman: aight everyone down to the common room its up on the big screen
Spoderman: i have popcorn too
Jacked: Not even gonna question that.
LSD: Finally!!!
JazzHands: Yuss!!!
BreadIsPain: Je vais regarder avec enthousiasme!***
MOMo: As will all of us I’m sure, Aoyama!
RockSolid: Thanks guys!
RockSolid: Now get down here and watch me maybe get a man!
*so attractive that I almost swooned.
**We must show you how much you shine, and dispel those self-doubting thoughts!
***I shall excitedly watch!
Guide to names:
GreenGrape - Izuku
PurpleGrape - Hitoshi
CopyCat - Monoma Neito
MOMo - Yaoyorozu Momo
datBoi - Asui Tsuyu
JazzHands - Hagakure Toru
NYOOM - Iida Tenya
SnowWhite - Kouda Kouji
LifeIsPain - Tokoyami Fumikage
BreadIsPain - Aoyama Yuga
Kirby - Uraraka Ochaco
LSD - Ashido Mina
PikaCHU - Kaminari Denki
RockSolid - Kirishima Eijiro
RipHarambe - Ojiro Mashirao
IcyHot - Todoroki Shoto
MuffinMan - Sato Rikido
Octodad - Shouji Mezou
Jacked - Jirou Kyoka
Spoderman - Sero Hanta
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jaywonweb · 4 years
class 1-a playing among us hcs
i was playing among us and wondered how the class would play it and came up with this lol.
it’s saturday game night and usually, USUALLY, the class would be taking turns in playing monopoly and smash bros, but ever since denki introduced among us to the bakusquad, who in turn introduced it to the rest of the class, it has been utter chaos in the common area.
the two groups sit on opposite side of the room since the screaming starts overlapping mostly bakugo.
every time bakugo is imposter, the first person he kills is always izuku first. at this point, the class just knows it’s him and vote him off without discussion.
m*neta always gets voted out or killed every single round.
iida tries to instill order by trying to talk it out but someone always interrupts him.
bakugo and iida (surprisingly) are aggressive gamers and rage quit when super frustrated.
you better hope that izuku is on your side because 7 times out of 10, he will always win. he figures out the imposters quick and is actually really good at defending himself if he’s an imposter.
shoji likes to sneak in an eye to watch the other screens to figure out the imposters.
black is reserved for tokoyami and tokoyami only.
he also has a pet to represent dark shadow.
whenever mina hosts a game, expect some fucking s p e e d.
bakugo tries to put the blame on todoroki and everyone is just like “no” in the chat.
momo is the quickest to finish her tasks and stays next to the emergency button in the cafeteria after them.
tsu has a pet following her that she named froppy. no one ever dares to kill her or vote her out.
sero doesn’t do any of his tasks and just watches the cams in security.
hagakure chases the other players a lot after her tasks are done so she can scare them. she stopped after they started voting her out.
kouda is always the one that goes to fix the reactor, the lights, and help with oxygen.
90% of the time, uraraka is screaming whenever she’s a crewmate. she follows around izuku most of the time. 
kaminari just hangs in the electrical room a lot in the shadows since most of the murders happen there.
sometimes, kiri is voted out just because “red is sus”
ojiro loves to be imposter because then he could blame it on bakugo after killing midoriya. he actually knew how to play among us before denki introduced it. he just pretended that he didn’t know how to play by just asking in the chat “how do i go in the vent like _____ did”
sato always goes “if it’s not ___, vote me next” and rats out his fellow imposter.
jirou is the first to blame someone after she suspects someone is the imposter. if she’s the imposter, she kills someone in electrical and blames it on kaminari cause he’s there the whole time.
todoroki likes to hang by the lava on the polus map after he’s done with his tasks. he imagines throwing enji in there.
if almost everyone seems to be done with tasks, then they follow the last person to do tasks.
these kids have wild ass names sometimes in the game.
aizawa is so fed up with these kids playing the game to the point where he bans it in class.
when among us turns from saturday to every night, aizawa (like the dad he is) starts taking phones away on school nights.
overall, it’s just very c h a o t i c.
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rumandtimes · 3 years
Does Cultural Appropriation Apply to Natalie Portman?
Sean Ezersky
Assoc. Fantasy Contributor
Does appropriation apply to the worst parts of European cultures?
Today, I want to discuss cultural appropriation. Yes, the issue of the times. But what exactly is cultural appropriation? Well, nobody knows. Starting at the first word, it claims to be some kind of appropriation. And it has something to do with culture.
Firstly, it should be said that this article has nothing to actually do with cultural appropriation. That is because cultural appropriation is essentially defined by racism. The term first appears, so it goes, as a description of how racist citizens of England marginalised and exploited the peoples of the Caribbean, and attacked sections of the working class schtick, for fun. Sounds evil enough.
The term cultural appropriation cannot be used as a mild term or played around with much, because it is by definition a form of misconduct. The term cultural appropriation is defined by the words “inappropriate,” “racist,” and “commercialist.” There is no redeeming quality to cultural appropriation because cultural appropriation is used to describe exclusively irredeemable activity, markedly opposite to cultural exchange or respect.
Consider the worst perpetrator in the United Kingdom and the United States: hip-hop / rap music, curly hair, or a summer tan. Racists always attack these music genres and human characteristics un-European, placing them into the same box on the fringes of their minds, but at the same time view themselves as ‘cultured’ for dipping into the same music, view themselves as ‘interesting’ for factory curling their hair, or view themselves as ‘unique’ for getting a spray-on tan. There is a murderous and delirious sense of bad irony, that racists altogether marginalise, demonise, and lust after perfectly normal traits and human practices, which the racist calls exotic, for fear of being labelled as freaks themselves. That is cultural appropriation.
Another bad actor is the billion-dollar yoga industry in Western nations as well, which attempts at every corner to steal Indian culture then mutilate the original concept, taking the yoga gurus off the cover and planting in some body-bleaching whores, or some wavy Italian guy, to appeal to the racist American, à la youth female target audience. All the while, Hinduism, inextricable from yoga’s origins while not necessarily the same as yoga in any way, is viewed as a false and inexpiable religion by most people in the West. Yoga was not learned from the Hindu, it was looted, and replaced with a shallow, cruel, commercial, and disgraceful attempt to Europeanise and trivialise the hobby while selling it the crude sex markets. That is a form of cultural genocide and religion-sacking. That is cultural appropriation.
But this article is not about cultural appropriation, in a way. The distinction was only added to please those offended by the comparison. This article is about movies, as part of a series of Star Wars critiques, and it’s about Natalie Portman.
Long have I harboured a question about Natalie Portman’s career, as it is so vapid yet so prolific, so vain yet so ubiquitous. This is just the opportunity. Natalie Portman got her start in acting as a 16-year-old leading actress on Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. She returned three years later as a 19-year-old lead on Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, where her character dies. After moving on from the Star Wars prequels, she used that resume to enrol at Harvard University to study psychology.
She has actually commented on this, as all Harvard associates eventually do, saying she and her peers felt she was only enrolled because she was in Star Wars, and this insecurity led her to push harder than her friends in her classes and challenge herself by picking ‘harder-than-necessary’ classes. Still, psychology is the most common undergraduate degree major among women, so hardly original. Whether or not Natalie invites the assessment or feels it is correct, this is undoubtedly true; She, as most people, never would have been looked at by Harvard if she did not have some kind of bank of riches or wealth of limelight that could be mined by the admissions board. Natalie might want to be viewed as a genius of “Hebrew literature” who stood out among the crowd, but that is just impossible parlour speak. Not that she deserves to go to Harvard any less than anyone else, no one deserves to go to Harvard, as Harvard in the 20th Century existed for the sole purpose of excluding people who were not rich, famous, or connected: not academics, so Natalie’s lie to herself merely parrots Harvard’s lie to the world.
But I want to go back just a second. Yes, Natalie Portman said she studied Hebrew at Harvard, even if not intensely enough to double-major in it. That is because her name is not actually Natalie Portman. Her name is Neta-Li Herschlag, and she is Jewish. So, studying Hebrew isn’t impressive knowing she speaks fluent Hebrew at home. That is not to undermine literature, as English-speakers still study English literature, but it’s hardly extraordinary. Hershlag, as I will now be exclusively referring to her, is using her association to Harvard, Judaism, and other, lesser, things to seem smart, yet all of those were gifted to her by either birth or Star Wars.
Now comes the question of cultural appropriation. Neta-Li started her acting footprint as an understudy for the part of Elle Woods in Broadway plays. Yes, that Elle Woods, aside Britney Spears no less. It hardly seems like the right role for a good Jewish girl. But lo, there are some who might point out that Hershlag is an Ashkenazi, and therefore not actually Jewish, that is, not a Semitic person. This is a touchy subject for the Jewish community, particularly since the establishment of Israel: Who actually is Jewish, by means of ethnicity or heritage, and not just language and religion? Is there a meaningful distinction between the Semitic Jewish culture that remained in the Levant, the Sephardic Jewish culture that emigrated to Africa and Iberia, the Mizrahi Jewish culture in Iran and Arabia, the Yiddish Jewish culture that stuck around in Germany, and the Ashkenazi Jewish culture that settled Eastern Europe? Really, who knows, and that is a deeper question; a question, perhaps, for a student of Hebrew literature, wherever we should find one.
Nonetheless, Hershlag is most certainly not British. That Israeli-American nuance is fine for the world of “Naboo” in Star Wars, which ideally would defy every concept of the term “ethnicity,” but works less congruously for Elle Woods. In Star Wars, Hershlag was a doppelganger of Keira Knightly, a dyad which has persisted the entirety of Netali’s 30-year-long career. Here too, we find questions.
Netali gave an interview, which I discuss almost on a daily basis among my social circle, where she firmly wanted to establish herself as a kind of British legacy. She said, of herself, “I iron out my Jew curls” and bleaches/dyes her hair, for no particular reason other than she wants to, and thinks it will make her fit in. Netali also went on to say that no one has naturally yellow hair — which is true, they don’t — implying that a non-Jewish, European actress would not face the same questions about her hair she did. Because the concept of hair straightening and hair bleaching are Nazi holdovers in British and American culture, and as someone who personally hates Nazis, this endlessly infuriates me. All the more so because Hershlag identifies as Jewish!
If Hershlag thinks modifying her hair to make it look ‘more European,’ or, more correctly (since almost all young Europeans have brown hair), to make it look more Hitlerite, more ‘Arianised,’ is acceptable, then she must either view herself as European first and Jewish second, or just care very little about the legacy of antisemitic racism. Why else would a person who calls herself Jewish want to alter her appearance so drastically, in order to look like a posterchild for one of the Hitler Youth?
Many Jewish-Americans feel pressures of Nazi antisemitism and colonial racism in the United States, and many Ashkenazim respond to that by changing their names, Nazifying their looks, and abandoning the Jewish religion. Netali retains a veneer of her Jewishness on the inside, within her own self-perception, while turning into the Arianised version of the Elle Woods archetype on the outside, for the world to see. Is she just playing a part? Is there a real difference in the personality and values of Netali Hershlag vs. Natalie Portman?
People don’t treat her as such. Keira Knightly, for instance, is an Englishwoman. Knightly claims she is ‘British,’ not English, but she is definitely English. Intriguingly, Knightly never went to school, reportedly a dyslexic, while Hershlag, in the Jewish stereotype, went straight to Harvard College. I wouldn’t say Hershlag seems like a nice person, she seems like an ordinary person. Remember that she is part of the Star Wars pantheon of small-time actors who were lifted by George Lucas to notoriety, like Mark Hamill (despite him being my favourite Star Wars actor, I can never remember his name), Harrison Ford, and of course, Sir Alec Guinness CBE.
Jokes aside, with all the classically-trained, upper-class, heavy-hitters from Britain — Peter Cushing OBE, Sir Christopher Lee CBE, and Sir Alec — not to mention the affable nobodies from Hamill to Ford, most Star Wars people are considered likable, especially by fans of nerdom.
That is not to say anyone was struggling, as every lead character in Star Wars was already documented as rich and famous by the time they were cast, but they were “nobodies” in the sense they were not household names until after the film became one of the first Hollywood summer “blockbusters” in history.
Most of all, it is undeniable that, other than Lucas, no one defined the Star Wars films as much as Carrie Fisher, if not for a want of contrast. Fisher was the only female character in all three of the movies, and both the predecessor and counterpart to Hershlag’s character in the Star Wars prequels. Does Hershlag meet the comparison?
The two are very different, both personally and on-screen. Fisher at the age of 19 had sex with numerous middle-aged members of the cast, often the only female and only teenager in a room of dozens of men, forbidden to wear a bra or choose her own hairstyle but allowed to partake in the rumoured plethora of drugs on the set. Hershlag, part of Star Wars from 16 to 19, was entirely unremarkable, both in life and profession, not a very impressive actor or much of a hoot. Again, the good Jewish girl. Some blame Netali’s poorly role on the weakness of the prequels compared to the originals, just as some blame Carrie’s bipolar diagnosis for her eccentricity. Both of these are half-truths, as personality and talent can never be substituted for anything other than what they are. Nonetheless, Fisher and Hershlag were both made rich and famous. While Hershlag is the lesser in terms of her performance, she probably got in the end a much better long-term deal.
A boring role meant Netali would not be immediately typecast, though she went on to play exclusively the girl-next-door leading female interest for a male protagonist, much the same as in Star Wars: Episode II. Coming into acting younger meant she could largely leave acting after childhood, then return to it later as an adult experience. Moreover, we never got to see teenage Netali chained to a bed in a gold bikini.
Our good, Jewish girl.
So, if Hershlag is playing roles given mostly to British, or Hitlerite, actresses, is she not taking away from the British actor? There are too many actors in the world. They are overexposed and over paid, seen too much and given too much, as they are in the same camp as clowns, entertainers, and comedians. But, people like to be entertained, and in the world of capitalism where only money is worship in lapse of dignity, anything people like sells, and anything that sells can make people rich, and riches are a substitute for class, if only a thin one. Just as the weak-minded can be fooled by the Force, so are they easily bought and sold. The British or American actor suffers for nothing, and there are too many of them as it is.
But, does Hershlag have a place in displacing them, or moulding in to become one of them? And would it be cultural appropriation? Undeniably, Netali is conforming to something objectionable when she plays simple roles as sex objects and Hitlerite women, embracing if not embodying the racism and problematic nature of Hollywood casting. But then again, it is with her very body that she represents this trend. One could defend Hershlag, saying she is made to do these things, that she is not so much appropriating Western culture for her ends, but more so that Western culture is stifling her true self, at least if she wants to continue to have a role in acting.
An interesting counter-point, but undermined by Hershlag’s particular brand of coy self-promotion, and eagerness in taking on such roles. And are the Jewish people entirely exploited by Hollywood? In many respects, so-called Europeans are exploited by powerful Jewish moguls in media more often than the other way around, even if they are Jewish Europeans themselves. Harvey Weinstein, a Jewish millionaire who sexually assaulted non-Jewish Western women in order to get them roles, his Jewishness hardly made a ripple.
The biggest names in Hollywood: Steven Spielberg, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jerry Seinfeld, Paul Rudd, Marta Kauffman, J.J. Abrams, Scarlett Johansson, Harrison Ford, John Stewart, Louis Szekely, Mila Kunis, Daniel Radcliffe, Rachel Weisz, Gal Gadot, Roseanne Barr, Judd Apatow, Marcus Loew, Lauren Bacall, Adam Sandler, Amy Schumer, Larry David, Daniel Day-Lewis, Cassidy Freeman, Stanley Kubrick, Jennifer Connelly, Richard Dreyfuss, Samuel Goldwyn, Julia Garner, Elijah Allan-Blitz, Kirk Douglas, Ellen Barkin, Ingrid Pitt, Darren Aronofsky, Eva Green, David Geffen, Lesley Ann Warren, Paul Newman, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ben Stiller, Louis B. Mayer, Alison Brie, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Chuck Lorre.
As Conan O’Brien jokingly stated: “The Cash-ews run Hollywood.” Almost every major production in Hollywood has a massive Jewish section of development. The United States, for whatever reason, is a majority “Christian-identifying” country, but Judaism plays a much more massive role in the culture than Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism combined. Even most of the agnosticism in ‘progressive’ Hollywood values comes largely from material secularism, or Jewish incredulity of Christianity, not an ideological pull towards atheism. Is this cultural reproachment why Jewish people are pulled towards media and entertainment, theatre being a known haven for outcasts and oddballs? The Judeo-Protestant alliance of the Hollywood ilk would seem to disqualify the established Jewish community — rich, interconnected, secular Jewish communities of New York, Los Angeles, and DC — from being an oppressed mass.
An important editor’s note is that the actors listed are: Jewish people who adopt non-Jewish appearances or non-Jewish values to a borderline-racist degree (i.e. Eva Green: Jewish actress who plays roles bookmarked for non-Jewish Europeans), thoroughly Jewish people who refuse to identify as Jewish (i.e. Julia Louis-Dreyfus: Jewish billionaire heiress who plays Jewish characters on TV), or regular observers of Judaism who are really, really famous (i.e. J.J. Abrams: co-director of the controversial Star Wars reboot).
More often behind the scenes than on-screen, but usually leading the show when taking a starring role, the Jewish imprint is inseparable from American movies, media production, television, the comedy scene, finance, and screenwriting. Is Jewish not the ruling order of Hollywood? And then would Europeans be the group on the margins? But why, if Jewish people write, pay for, and put on the shows, are there so few Jewish actors, and of those who are, why do they not look Jewish, or a better question would be, why do they try to avoid looking Jewish, and actively attempt to look Western European? That gives the impression that Jewish people are still marginalised in media, even if they are overrepresented in media, and generally more affluent, interconnected, and educated than those non-Jewish counterparts. Why do Jewish people go out of their way to appeal to racist audiences, and in the process erase their own Jewishness.
Maybe it is because the Hollywood Jewry isn’t actually Jewish. Nothing about their jobs or their behaviours embodies the Jewish religion. Most people in Hollywood in general consider themselves as nonreligious, yet that too, might be an influence of a markedly Jewish trait. Non-Christians in the United States are much more likely to turn to atheism and agnosticism on the one hand or fanatical extremism, likely due to being outcast by the mainstream Protestant dialogue, with liberal Jewish people often going agnostic and conservative Catholics often going supercharged while Muslims live on somewhere off in the shadows of public perception.
Yet nonreligious Jewish people still identify as Jewish, separating the religion of Judaism from the ethnic mark. Faith has nothing to do with appearance, and appearance is the base of antisemitism. Enter non-Jewish-looking Jewish people, usually women with heat-flattened hair, like Netali Hershlag and Gal Greenstein Godot. That is not to say they don’t look Jewish, as in an equal measure they all do and at the same time no one does, since what a Jewish person “looks like” is a narrow heuristic based on problematic cultural expectation. That is not to say they are or aren’t Jewish. But are Jewish people like Natalie Portman being forced to conform to racist society, or are they jumping on the bandwagon of racist society and using it to their advantage? Is there actually a difference between the two?
There is a deeper question lying beneath the surface here: The questions of “Jewish complicity in racism?,” “Jewish participation in neo-Nazism?,” and “If ‘Jew’ is a ‘race’ and ‘White’ is a ‘race’ then why are there ‘White’ and ‘non-White’ Jews?,” which other people have asked before. This article is not to address those questions, but they are acknowledged.
Certainly, there are some Jewish people who attach themselves to racist tendencies and Hitlerite habits out of personal advantage in the racist countries in which they might live. In this narrative, the notional collaborator Jewish community would blame the Europeans for racism and cast themselves as convenient survivors. That is not a uniquely Jewish trait, it is a flawed human trait, bystanderism, which defies religious teachings. Why there is such a prevalence among rich, secular Jewish people, of racism mixed with liberalism, is a concern. It could be as simple that, at a certain point, the trait “rich” might start to cancel out the trait “religious.” Old guard antisemites would be unforgiving regarding hatred towards ‘ethnic Judaism,’ and contemporary racist sentiments would reject Jewish people from the points of heritage and beliefs, but it is not immediately clear if Western neo-Nazis would target non-religious Jewish people who, quote, “pass” as Euro-Christians.
If Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and Mizrahim join Western cultures, ideals, and appearances while abandoning the Jewish religion, are they functionally Jewish at all? In the absence of different brands of generational antisemitism, what is holding back an atheist Ashkenazi from becoming a Nazi themself? The Jewish community and Israel critics have been ablaze with debate about the Eurocentric, Ashkenazim-focused account of Judaism in the West, drawing attention to the issue of inter-Jewish racism and inequality among the diaspora of the Jewish faithful. This question is debated separately for Jewish communities because unity is their faith. Followers of Christianity have always cut one another down over heresies and infidelities, but discourse and diversity have defined the post-Rabbinic tradition. The notion of one Jewish diaspora being more powerful than another, based not even on secularism such as in Christianity, but based solely on racism and adjacency to Christian empires, causes non-Ashkenazi Jewish communities to question that proximity in values and appearance Western Ashkenazi populations have with the goyish counterparts. Even the terms Ashkenazi and Mizrahi have taken fundamentally racist connotations, particularly in the advent of Zionism, to separate the ‘European Jewish’ from the ‘Arabian Jewish,’ in a kind of wartime apartheid of academia; a conflict emblematic of larger paradoxes in modern Israel.
This is not the focus of this article. Obviously, Jewish people living in Western Europe and urban America are more “Western” than people who live somewhere else. And obviously, Western nations have a serious and prolonged issue with racism. However, welding those two facts together, then conflating them with Judaism in some sense, would be a mistake.
There are some racist people in Hollywood who identify as, or are identified as, Jewish. That is not the question. The question is: How does the concept of cultural appropriation contribute to that complex dynamic, of conformity and exploitation in Hollywood, even amongst the big names?
This all comes back to the perceptual balance of power. Just as the term cultural appropriation is defined as a group being in a oppressive position and exploiting something that that group itself has made derogatory.
Is Netali Hershlag appropriating Western culture? In a way, yes. As a rich, powerful Jewish actress, she could hardly be said to be put at a disadvantage to Keira Knightly (Harvard versus dropout, remember), or the millions of aspiring brown-haired actresses who are shunned from Hollywood castings. And yet, she decides to look more like them. Obviously, as an ordinary woman herself, she has been victim to the usual sexism and obsessive demands of producers and directors concerning appearances, but that is hardly so say she is a victim. At any moment, she could deign to take a different part or produce her own movies (I would balk to call them films), rather than be typecast as the sexy and innocent girl-next-door. She lives the life of the good Jewish, girl, but never takes on those types of roles, opting instead for Princess Amidala, ballerina Nina Sayers, valley girl Elle Woods, comic book Jane Foster, or Englishwoman Anne Boleyn. Hershlag could at any moment leave acting to climb the ladder a Harvard A.B. clears the way for. How could Harvard Law School, or subsequently the California Democratic caucus, say no? Who wouldn’t pay for a doctor’s visit with the woman from V For Vendetta?
This is not to say that Jewish people are appropriating or imposing themselves upon Westerners, but it is to say that there is a distinct group of Jewish people who draw from Western or Hitlerite practices while entirely avoiding ‘Juden-haus’ or ‘Euro-trash’ rhetoric that hampers people on both sides of the racist conflict. Portman is Netali’s grandmother’s name, so she does have some kind of loose claim to it, if her cousins are still go by that name and she is close with them, while Natalie is a form of the name Neta-Li, and plenty if not most actors use stage names. Many people do racist or questionable things because they are in fashion. But altogether, one must ask the question why the self ascribed curly-haired Netali Hershlag is appearing is French wig and makeup commercials. Is it raw, unidealistic money? Is it Maybelline? Or it is fake hair, fake lashes, and a fake identity?
Natalie Portman is hardly an inspiring figure for women, playing roles subservient to men, often murdered by her lovers or terribly afflicted herself. This is true in Star Wars, Black Swan, Thor, V For Vendetta, and when she played the wife of wife-killer Henry VIII. Where is the liberty in being bedded by an uxoricidal maniac, be it a tired British period piece, or the obsessive Anakin Skywalker? Body modification of any type is not the product or respect or exchange, and can only be looked down upon as unnecessary and insecure. Acting is lying, but that does not mean the actress must change their looks or change their self to read some lines to a camera.
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omoi-no-hoka · 5 years
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JLPT Level: Unlisted
This is one of two common words for “jealous.” The more common one is 羨ましい (urayamashii). 
妬 (neta-) is the base for a noun, verb, and adjective.
妬み (netami): noun, jealousy
妬む (netamu): verb, to be jealous
妬ましい (netamashii): adjective, jealous
The etymology behind this kanji is a bit interesting, so let’s break it down.
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Above, we have the way this kanji was written a super duper long time ago, and how it is written now. Originally, the left radical was of a woman elegantly wringing her hands, and the right radical was of a rock falling from a cliff. These have been changed to “woman” (女) and “stone” (石) in the modern kanji. 
This “stone falling from a cliff”came to carry the same meaning as “to accumulate, to store, to build up,” and the woman wringing her hands shows “the built-up feelings that a woman has towards her husband, a.k.a. “netami.”)  
Does this mean that women were super jealous of their husbands back in the day? Maybe. Haha I don’t know. I don’t want to be an sjw for hypothetical Chinese women from 2000 years ago. 
Not today, anyways. 
It’s possible that this kanji once represented a strong emotion like “love” or “devotion,” but overtime the name of the emotion was lost and only the “strong emotion” part was left, which allowed people to think that it represented the very visceral emotion of jealousy. I couldn’t find any other resources explaining this kanji’s etymology so I can’t say for sure, but I think it’s a reasonable guess. 
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estamos-destinadas · 4 years
Snapshots: Babysitting
When Elena Luna Carvajal is born, Eva and Mateo make the difficult decision of having the baby stay with the latter. It’s difficult for Eva because she would have to be away from her daughter until she gets released from prison, which won’t happen for several years. It’s difficult for Mateo because he would have to take care of a child as a single parent on top of his responsibilities as the interim-turned-permanent CEO of El Centro.
Fortunately, Mateo has the money to make everything easier for him. With Eva’s advice, he hires two nannies for Elena on top of the driver and house help that he’s already employing. He also has Valentina and Chivis, both ready and willing to help him at a moment’s notice, and both always happy to have Elena with them at the Carvajal mansion. Valentina, especially, helps Mateo a great deal in making all the preparations and arrangements necessary for raising a child. However, with Elena’s two nannies, Valentina hasn’t needed to look after the baby by herself until Elena is almost four months old.
On that particular day, baby Elena is at the Carvajal mansion after being dropped off by Mateo earlier that morning. One of her nannies has the day off, the other one is shopping for baby supplies, and Chivis is making dinner for the evening.
Now, for all of Valentina’s heart and dedication in helping to take care of her baby niece, she has never looked after a child of any age by herself before, which is how Juliana finds herself sitting on one of the comfortable sofas in the Carvajal mansion, cradling baby Elena in her arms as she feeds her breast milk from a bottle. Valentina, who’s still afraid of holding Elena while trying to feed her at the same time, has settled for wrapping herself around Juliana while she rubs the baby’s belly.
Valentina’s head rests heavily on Juliana’s shoulder. Juliana can sense the wave of melancholy that has taken over her girlfriend. She knows that it’s because Valentina still deeply regrets the fact that Elena will grow up without her mother, at least for the first several years of her life.
Juliana leans her head sideways to rest on Valentina’s, trying to think of something to cheer her up even as she continues feeding baby Elena.
“Hey,” Juliana breaks the silence that has enveloped them, “my mom really wants to meet Eli. Do you think that’s okay?”
That seems to draw Valentina out of her thoughts. “Neta?” she asks, pulling back just far enough to be able to look Juliana in the eyes. “Of course that’s okay, Juls! She can come over right now,” she adds, “we can send a car for her!”
Juliana giggles at her girlfriend’s enthusiasm. “Not right now, morrita. She and Panchito are on a date, remember?”
“Oh right,” Valentina says. “Their regular weekend date. That is so cute, by the way,” she gushes. “Maybe Lupé can come over tomorrow since Eli will be spending the night here?” she asks hopefully.
The baby has a crib in Eva’s room, and she often spends several days at a time in the mansion because Mateo gets very swamped with work. One of the nannies always sleeps in the room with her, but Juliana knows that Valentina sometimes gets up at night, if only to rub the baby’s back or belly as the nanny tries to put her back to sleep.
Juliana hums before answering.
Lupé and Panchito have visited the Carvajal mansion once before, when León-as-Jacobo invited them for a ‘family dinner’ before he and Guille went off to travel separately. Her mother found the Carvajal mansion to be quite intimidating, but Juliana decides that Lupé, who’s an adult, will have to deal with it if she wants to meet baby Elena.
Elena has never been anywhere besides her father’s house or the Carvajal mansion. When she has to leave either house to go to the other, she’s always accompanied by at least one nanny, a driver, two bodyguards, and one family member. Juliana privately thinks that everyone in the Carvajal household tends to treat Elena like she’s made of glass, but she’s not about to tell anyone that, least of all her girlfriend.
“I’ll text her later,” Juliana says instead, adjusting baby Elena in her arms. “She told me last week that she’s been wanting to hold a baby,” she adds, rolling her eyes. She holds Elena’s blue-eyed gaze, taking a moment’s pause before voicing out something she’s been thinking about for a while. “I just hope she doesn’t get any ideas about having another baby.”
“You don’t want a baby sibling?” Valentina says in a quiet voice. “But you’re so good with them. Well, you’re really good with Elena,” she adds bracingly.
Juliana shrugs. “I had to look after a few babies back in San Antonio.”
She started babysitting the neighbours’ children when she was just twelve years old, all for free. Everyone in that trailer park learned how to look after babies and toddlers, either within their family or for their neighbours, at about the same age. It was simply the norm where she grew up, a common give and take.
“There were a lot of babies that needed looking after,” Juliana says, thinking out loud. “We had this neighbour who had a daughter my age, and she had a baby when she was sixteen.”
Back then, Juliana couldn’t help but judge that girl, and all the other girls in her neighbourhood who had babies so young. Juliana thought she was much smarter than most girls, since she’s never liked any boy that much to be stupid enough to have their babies. Of course, as she realised later on, she has never liked any boy at all.
“If my mom had a baby now,” Juliana continues, “he or she could almost be my kid. It just… seems weird, you know? I feel like I’m too old to have a baby brother or sister. Maybe I’m just being selfish….”
In the end, it’s not about her, but about her mom and Panchito. She’s glad, however, that she’s able to get it out of her chest, knowing Valentina won’t think badly of her.
Valentina lets out a long breath. “I felt almost the same way at first when my dad was about to marry Lucía,” she says. “I wondered if he would have another kid, and I wasn’t sure if I’d like that. I mean, I think babies are cute and I like the thought of having nieces and nephews, but having a sibling that’s eighteen years younger than me is different. Also, I didn’t want to be replaced as my dad’s youngest child.”
Juliana takes her eyes away from the baby in her arms to look at her girlfriend, who’s wearing a rueful smile. She can’t help but let out a short chuckle at Valentina’s candid admission.
“I also like being my mom’s only child,” she confesses.
Valentina starts giggling. “Look at us, being selfish together.”
“Ya,” Juliana laughs, bumping Valentina with her shoulder. She knows that if León and Lucía actually had a child together, Valentina would have loved that child as well as any sister can.
Juliana’s motion jostles Elena, who draws her face away from the milk bottle and starts making noises of complaint. Valentina reaches out to rub the baby’s belly, calming her down. Juliana puts the bottle back up to her lips, and the baby happily resumes drinking her milk.
Valentina presses a gentle kiss against Juliana’s temple as she tightens her armhold around her back. Juliana lets herself be drawn closer to Valentina, relaxing against her side. This time, the silence that settles around the three of them is filled with lightness and contentment.
Of course, that momentary peace lasts only until baby Elena decides that she’s done with dinner. Juliana and Valentina have to separate so Juliana can burp the baby. Half an hour later, she has to guide a teary Valentina through changing her baby niece’s diapers for the first time. It’s all Juliana can do not to laugh at the look in her girlfriend’s face.
I don’t know what came over me when I decided to write this, except that -- 1.) I have a very specific headcanon about Juls & Val’s experiences with children and I wanted to share it, and 2.) I had this image of Val being wrapped around Juls while Juls is feeding her niece. 
I got the baby’s name from dealanexmachina’s headcanon about Eva’s kid -- read it if you haven’t. And I deliberately had them not talk about having babies themselves because they’d be too young for that at this point.
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eretzyisrael · 5 years
HAIFA — At the Ruach Tova Health Center in this northern Israeli city, three medical students are hard at work trying to keep up with the steady flow of patients.
Nicole Kasher, a third-year student from Los Angeles, reviews patient charts. Galilee native Neta Sagi inventories pharmaceuticals. In a nearby exam room, Leonora Narkis of Petach Tikvah takes a woman’s blood pressure.
This may look like a typical Israeli medical clinic, but it’s actually one of a kind: It’s the country’s only student-run clinic, and it’s free.
The clinic is located in a densely populated, relatively indigent neighborhood of Haifa called Hadar, and staffed with medical students and faculty from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.
“This is the first interprofessional kind of lab in Israel, where students learn with, from and about each other,” said the center’s director, Dr. Ruti Stashefsky-Margalit, a Detroit native who is now an associate professor and director of community engagement at the Technion’s Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine. “The Technion is investing in this to create a generation of students who think differently and engage in leadership even before they’re professionals.”
Narkis, 30, says the clinic – whose Hebrew name translates as “good spirits” — gives her a chance to practice her clinical skills.
“I do my daily rotation in a hospital, where I’m totally supervised,” Narkis said. “At the clinic, I’m responsible for doing patient intake, presenting patients to the doctor, concluding patients’ visits and making sure they’re getting the best treatments they can get.”
The clinic’s mission is to serve Haifa residents who, for one reason or other, may not have access to routine health care.
About half the center’s clientele are Israeli Arabs, followed by African migrants and asylum seekers living in Israel, mainly Eritreans and Sudanese. The rest are a mix of Russians, Palestinians living in Haifa and Ethiopian non-citizens. The clinic has a phalanx of interpreters who help work with patients who speak Arabic, Russian or the Ethiopian languages of Amharic and Tigrinya.
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One Ukrainian patient is a victim of sex trafficking who was kidnapped off the street in Ukraine and forcibly brought to Israel. Now recovering from drugs and alcohol, she’s married to an Israeli and has a 9-year-old child, but no access to health care.
“Despite the Israeli system of socialized medicine, about 10,000 people in Haifa and its suburbs are either uninsured or underinsured,” Margalit said. “These people are really living in poverty, without access to health care, and they’re becoming a burden on emergency rooms.”
Since the clinic’s opening in February — 200 guests attended the lavish inauguration ceremony, which featured a 40-piece orchestra — about 70 students have volunteered at the clinic. It’s open two days a week for about four hours each day, and on Thursdays the center becomes an open studio where volunteers offer art therapy classes to women affected by domestic and sexual violence.
The most common problems treated at the clinic are diabetes, hypertension, mental health issues and post-traumatic stress disorder, according to Sagi. Patients also come in for treatment with infectious diseases and alcohol-related problems.
“It’s not urgent or emergency care, and we’re not suited to be an ER,” said Sagi, who is in her sixth year of medical school. By Margalit’s estimates, the clinic has prevented some 200 ER visits, each of which costs the equivalent of about $330.
“We’re saving taxpayers a lot of money,” Sagi said.
That’s just a fringe benefit, however.
“Our goal is education first,” Margalit said. “Students are at the forefront of everything, and we — the professionals, experienced MDs —provide guidance and tight supervision. No one here enters or leaves without seeing a senior physician.”
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Rawi Naddaf, 24, a third-year med student from the Israeli Arab city of Nazareth, is crucial to the center’s operation. After meeting Margalit a year ago, the two brainstormed ways they could help Haifa’s underprivileged population.
“We started researching the aspects of a student-run health center, how it’s been done in the U.S. and Canada, and trying to figure out how to adapt it here for Israel,” Naddaf said.
Tenagnework Abay, an Ethiopian-Israeli Jew who volunteers at the clinic, is fluent in Hebrew, English, her native Amharic and Tigrinya, which is spoken in northern Ethiopia and Eritrea.
“Most of the Eritreans who come to our clinic are very happy to be here. Often they don’t understand Hebrew, and they don’t know which sickness they have or what medicines to take,” Abay said. “Here, when the doctor comes in, he introduces himself and shakes their hand. They’re not used to that.”
Ruach Tova opened with $55,000 in seed money from the Boston-based Ed and Barbara Shapiro Foundation, and the center has received thousands of dollars’ worth of donated hospital equipment from computer companies, private donors and even a dentist in Nazareth. But Margalit estimates that the operating costs will be about $500,000 per year.
With increased funding, Margalit hopes to open the center a third day a week and expand opening hours. She also wants dedicated rooms for dentistry, women’s health, family medicine and other specialized needs.
“We’re putting people back on the track to health, giving them hope without judging them,” Margalit said. “There’s a sense of respect and dignity here.”
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kushamisaru · 5 years
all the class 1-a boys for the "send me a character and i’ll list" one ;B
I fear you are going to be very disappointed with this list since I don’t have super strong feelings on a lot of these boys but I will do my best! I’ll be going by seating chart order:
favorite thing about them- Being an extra person myself, I appreciate a character who also very extra. I’ll admit I found him kind of annoying at first but on this second rewatch he’s grown on me.
least favorite thing about them- I don’t have anything I dislike about him. I guess I think he could have a better quirk?
favorite line- “You like him, don’t you?”
brOTP- Uh idk? Who does he really hang out with?
OTP- himself
nOTP- Any of the adults I guess? (this goes for all of these kids but I’m gonna say it here and only here)
random headcanon- He practices smooth heroic one liners and poses in the mirror. Sometimes he accidently activates his quirk too and temporarily blinds himself.
unpopular opinion- If people overall tend to like him, I guess my unpopular opinion would be that I didn’t originally?
song i associate with them- Diamonds by Rhianna (but only the chorus. It’s on repeat in his head all the time)
favorite thing about them- He’s got a good heart and he tries his best!
least favorite thing about them- Nothing now, but in the past he was quick to act based on his emotions :/ Glad he seems to have learned from that.
favorite line
brOTP- Him and his brother, him and Midoriya, him and Uraraka
OTP- Idk if it has a ship name (rarepair is hell) but IidaxMomo
nOTP- Iida and his brother, I guess?
random headcanon- Is the kid that complains that they’re totally gonna fail (insert test here) and passes with an A+ every. single. time.
unpopular opinion- Probably my otp for him. They just have a lot in common and I think they’d be cute together!
song i associate with them -  The distance by Cake
favorite thing about them- He’s a very honourable guy, he works hard and doesn’t take what he thinks he doesn’t deserve. ALSO APPARENTLY HIS TAIL WAGS WHEN HE’S HAPPY OR EXCITED WHICH IS SUPER CUTE
least favorite thing about them- The fact that I had to look this character up to get a summary of his personality because I wouldn’t know shit about him besides his looks otherwise
favorite line- … I got nothing…
brOTP-  just on looks and personality alone probably Rikido?
OTP- I mean, I’ve seen art of him and Toru that’s pretty cute but I feel like people started shipping them when she stripped in front of him or w/e and she was like “Don’t look at me!” which is :///// I just think their personalities would be interesting together, him being a humble guy and her wanting to stand in the spotlight
nOTP- I don’t know this character well enough to have an opinion on this.
random headcanon- see above
unpopular opinion- do people have strong opinions on this character? I would need to know what they think
song i associate with them - talespin theme song
favorite thing about them- The fact that he’s the best boy
least favorite thing about them- He can be kind of gross and he hangs out a lot with the worst boy :/ but at least he’s like. A normal teenage boy amount of gross instead of that being his only character trait.
favorite line- that noise he makes when he short circuts
brOTP- Anybody really.
OTP- Don’t have anyone I super hard ship him with? I guess him and Jirou is a little cute but I don’t really ship it.
nOTP- none
random headcanon- Pichu main
unpopular opinion- I have one but it’s about events the toonami crew hasn’t reached yet so I can’t discuss it
song i associate with them- Electric Boogie by Marcia Griffiths
favorite thing about them- He’s so friendly! He literally wants to make friends with everyone!
least favorite thing about them- I guess a fandom interpretation? I don’t dislike anything about him as a character
favorite line-
brOTP- Him and everyone in the class (This time reluctantly including M*neta because unfortunately Kirishima is just that magnetic)
OTP- Kiribaku, I suppose. I also think KiriMina is cute but that’s at least partially because those are my boyfriend and my favorite students respectively.
nOTP- none
random headcanon- Would probably be a skater kid if this was a 90′s cartoon
unpopular opinion- I feel like Kirishima is a lot more layered than your average fandom headcanon gives him credit for. Like yeah, my favorite thing about him is that he’s a sweetheart, but he’s not JUST a sweetheart. He’s a rough and tumble kind of guy. He’s insecure, but working on becoming more confident. He’s a stand up guy, but not totally above mischief. He’s just a really interesting character and oh my god is he becoming my new fave boy? What the fuck is happening?
song i associate with them- Gotta Fly Now (theme from Rocky)
favorite thing about them- A SWEETHEART! GENTLE GIANT!
least favorite thing about them- This is gonna sound so mean but… his face…
favorite line- I don’t remember the exact words but when he conquered his fear of the bugs to pass that exam… that was good.
brOTP- I guess Jirou?
OTP- None
nOTP- None
random headcanon- Dinosaurs are his favorite
unpopular opinion- What are the general opinions on this guy in the first place? Idk.
song i associate with them- You know that scene in Shrek where Fiona sings that duet with that bird and the bird explodes. That. Not the actual song, just that rendition of it, in that scene.
favorite thing about them- idk why but his quirk strikes me as funny
least favorite thing about them- not a fan of his costume. it’s not the worst costume though… I guess
favorite line- just him explaining his quirk
brOTP- nobody right now but I feel like if someone came along with an eating related quirk, or was just a big eater, they’d get along well
OTP- see above
nOTP- none
random headcanon- so canonically he’s a good baker, especially with deserts, but I bet he sucks at cooking.
unpopular opinion- don’t really have one
song i associate with them- cooking by the book (from lazytown)
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them- TOL
least favorite thing about them- I’m not a fan of his whole design. It makes me… uncomfortable.
favorite line- not sure
brOTP- I guess just based on personality, Tokoyami? Not sure how much they interact though
OTP- none
nOTP- none
random headcanon- would never lose his earpods but would also never own them
unpopular opinion- idk
song i associate with them- handyman by awolnation
favorite thing about them- If I’m being perfectly honest, the only reason I like this character as much as I do is because of a mob psycho crossover fic where he and Mob effectively replace M*neta (Mob literally by like taking his spot at UA, and Sero through their similarish quirks). Don’t know much about his canon character traits but if he’s anything like in that story he’s cool by me
least favorite thing about them- that he could replace the bad one mentioned above but does not.
favorite line- none
brOTP- none
OTP- none
nOTP- none
random headcanon- will try to tape anything he can together and call it fixed.
unpopular opinion- I don’t know a lot about how this character is viewed so I couldn’t say
song i associate with them- Tape Song by The Kills
favorite thing about them- he’s just REALLY funny like he tries to be dark and mysterious but he’s just… not. it’s great.
least favorite thing about them- not something I hate or even dislike so much as something I’m dying to know: what’s up with the head? apparently that’s not part of his quirk so??? what’s going on there???
favorite line- most things that come out of his mouth are gold
brOTP- Tsuyu
OTP- Also Tsuyu! I like them a lot as bffs and bf/gf!
nOTP- none that I can think of.
random headcanon- Meta Knight main
unpopular opinion- I don’t think I have one? I think most people like this character and agree with what I said so…
song i associate with them- Linkin Park’s entire discography.
favorite thing about them- I guess you could say he’s… a pretty cool guy ;^)
favorite line- Not a line, but I liked when he finally used his fire power, reclaiming it from his asshole dad.
brOTP- Him and Momo I guess. Also him and Midoriya.
OTP- If I MUST choose, I guess Tododeku.
nOTP- Notp sounds so harsh but honestly? I don’t ship him with anyone. so kind of sort of everyone applies.
random headcanon- I saw a comic someone made suggesting he likes to do goofy things when only one person is watching because no one will ever believe it happened. I like that.
unpopular opinion- I don’t really like either of Todoroki’s most popular ships. I have a hard time imagining a reason outside of school Momo and Todoroki would ever hang out, and even then I can’t see anything growing there beyond friendship. As for Midoriya and Todoroki… I can see why people ship it I guess, but as someone who came into the fandom knowing that was a fairly popular ship the moment that launched it didn’t even phase me, at least not in that way. It wasn’t until my second watching that I realized that was probably what started the ship and I feel like not a whooole lot has happened between them since? At least not to my knowledge. Todoroki, in my opinion, isn’t close enough to ANYONE yet for romance to be a viable option.
song i associate with them Hot n’ Cold by Katy Perry
favorite thing about them- when he gets bullied
least favorite thing about them- literally told someone to kill themselves
brOTP- I kind of like the concept of the Bakusquad.
OTP- KiriBaku (though I’m fine with Bakugou just being alone too)
nOTP- BkDk
random headcanon- Dark Pit Main
unpopular opinion- Bakugou is not the worst student and I don’t hate him.
song i associate with them- Boom by Black Eyed Peas
favorite thing about them- A sweet boy! Works his ass off all the time!
least favorite thing about them- His heart is in the right place, but he can be very reckless with his own safety.
favorite line- I’m the Deku that always does his best!
brOTP- Iida, Todoroki (ig)
OTP- IzuOcha!
nOTP- BkDk
random headcanon- Since you wanna be cute and shit this one is just for you: Someone once tricked Midoriya into thinking he ate a pot brownie and he cried for an hour (”What will mom think?! What will All Might think?!”)
unpopular opinion- I’ve seen some people say they don’t like Midoriya as a main character because like… his character is boring? Don’t agree with that. Not sure how popular that opinion is though.
song i associate with them- Zero to Hero from Hercules
Ugh… Mineta
favorite thing about them- Nothing.
least favorite thing about them- The fact that he’s still alive
favorite line- none
brOTP- none
OTP- none
nOTP- none
random headcanon- I try not think about Mineta more than absolutely necessary (meaning he’s either in front of me or being discussed) so none.
unpopular opinion- Mineta is infinitely to the infinite power times worse than Bakugou is and/or will ever be, and unlike Bakugou, does not deserve the character development he’s apparently getting. Since Horikoshi is too much of a perv and a coward to literally kill him, the next best thing would be to let him die metaphorically of irrelevance. But I know he won’t do that either.
song i associate with them- none
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031cinephile · 4 years
The University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Creative Arts (CCA), will once again host the Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) from 10 to 20 September 2020. Now celebrating its landmark 41st year, this prestigious South African international film festival is a unique phenomenon on the African cultural calendar. This year the festival will screen selected films, host seminars and workshops virtually and include limited drive-in cinema screenings in Durban, Port Shepstone, Newcastle and Zululand.
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Opening Night’s Film stars the late legendary leading actress Mary Twala in her final role, with a virtual and a drive-in screening of the film “This is not a Burial, but a Resurrection”, by Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese. The film is co-production between South Africa, Lesotho and Italy. The visually striking drama, set in the mountains of Lesotho, opens with an elderly widow named Mantoa (Mary Twala), grieving the loss of her son. Determined to die and be laid to rest with her family, her plans are interrupted when she discovers that the village and its cemetery will be forcibly resettled to make way for a dam reservoir. Refusing to let the dead be desecrated, she finds a new will to live and ignites a collective spirit of defiance within her community.
“This film was specifically selected to open the festival, because it sheds some light onto the land issues in Lesotho by telling a very personal story through the journey of one woman. Its sophisticated imagery, the stunning, haunting landscapes that appreciate the depth of the magnificence that is the African landscape and how this was intertwined so effortlessly into the narrative is a true homage to African folklore.” says Head of Programming Chipo Zhou.
Closing Film is the thriller Dust, directed by Pieter du Plessis, and with actress Shana Mans in the lead role. A story of female oppression and emancipation, a contemporary look at the current global discourse on women’s rights. This film is apt on the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic whose effects will be seen and felt globally for years to come.
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This year’s opening and closing film selections are narratives that push boundaries and open up dialogue to contemporary challenges being faced in society today. Both films celebrate unparalleled performances by two South African leading ladies.
“Both narratives are about finding strength and resilience in the face of seemingly insurmountable injustice and speak very much on the human emotional need to connect, belong and be a part of something much greater than themselves. Set in two very different worlds, and centred on seemingly unconnected issues, both films tackle loss and trauma delicately and uniquely.” Says Zhou.
The Programme The festival has curated a film programme consisting of 60 offerings consisting of shorts, documentaries and feature films. The plots in the selected films, through different lenses, show contemporary relevance to the challenges currently faced by the world which has, over the last years, progressively begun to interrogate history to right wrongs and restore human dignity to previously disenfranchised populaces. Some of the films that highlight these themes include Our Lady of the Nile, directed by Atiq Rahimi, which takes us on a journey that juxtaposes religion and mythology in a beautiful tale set on the backdrop of the Tutsi and Hutu conflict that ravaged Rwanda for decades. Ouvertures, directed by Louis Henderson and Olivier Marboeuf, explores the social abundance and history of Haiti, where the brutal legacy is slavery and how the world has begun to collectively revisit the past to try and heal the wounds that are still globally felt. In the film Beanpole by Kantemir Balagov, two young women, in the aftermath of World War II, search for meaning and hope as they struggle to rebuild their lives among the ruins. The documentary In Your Eyes, I See my Country where Neta Elkayam and Amit Haï Cohen live in Jerusalem where they created a band that revisits and reshapes their common Jewish-Moroccan musical heritage. They grapple with this identity duality; an attempt to heal the wounds of exile carried by their parents. A captivating narrative musically driven, they reshape their perception of who they are and want to become, along with aspirations to consolidate bridges with the homeland of their ancestors. A Rifle and a Bag, a documentary by Isabella Rinaldi, Cristina Haneș and first-time feature-length director, Arya Rothe is an insightful love story that survives a decade of armed struggle and violence. A search for a new identity in the aftermath of a violent past. Bereka, a short film directed by Nesanet Teshager Abegaze exquisitely explores similar themes of memory, migration and rebirth. 
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The DIFF Awards Head of programming, Chipo Zhou is proud to announce the films in competition, that are diverse but have a common threat of revisiting the past as a way to instill hope for the future. “The physical and internal wars and struggles in the films that explore what seemed impossible decades ago is now but a distant memory that we dissect in art as a way to reflect and create a better world. 2020 has proved to have been a very trying year, one of which despair and hopelessness enveloped the world. We are in this moment living the history of tomorrow. These narratives are mirrors of the art that the generations after us will create looking back at this very moment. The festival looks to the future, optimistic that this is not the apocalypse by exploring the histories that in those moments, could have felt like the very end.” Says Zhou. On the advancement of the film industry, she adds “The industry has changed, how film is created and consumed has evolved dramatically. The way we showcase has been propelled into the future, by the Covid19 pandemic, and the festival will, for the very first time be presented online. Virtual platforms store everything in perpetuity as an archive of the showcase and subsequent dialogue around the issues highlighted in the narratives. This archive will be a great contribution to the future of film scholarship on the continent and beyond.”  
Documentaries in the 2020 Competition:
143 Sahara Street directed by Hassen Ferhani, Algeria, 2019
A Rifle And A Bag directed by Isabella Rinaldi, Arya Rothe and Cristina Haneș, India/Romania/Italy/Qatar, 2020
Softie directed by Sam Soko, Kenya 2020
FADMA: Even Ants Have Wings directed by Jawad Rhalib, Belgium/Morocco, 2019
In your Eyes, I See my Country directed by Kamal Hachkar, Morocco/France, 2019
Influence directed by Diana Neille, Richard Poplak, South Africa/Canada, 2020
The Letter directed by Maia Von Lekow and Christopher King, Kenya, 2020 
Features in the 2020 Competition:
Beanpole directed by Kantemir Balakov, Russia, 2019
Dust directed by Pieter du Plessis, South Africa, 2020
Farewell Amor directed by Ekwa Msangi, USA, 2020
Force Of Habit directed by Kirsikka Saari/Elli Toivoniemi/Anna Paavilainen/Alli Haapasalo/Reetta Aalto/Jenni Toivoniemi/Miia Tervo, Finland, 2020 Lusala directed by Mugambi Nthiga, Kenya/Germany, 2019 Our Lady of the Nile directed by Atiq Rahimi, France/Belgium/Rwanda, 2019 Stam (The Tree) directed by Louw Venter, South Africa, 2019 Take Me Somewhere Nice directed by Ena Sendijarevic, Netherlands/Bosnia/Herzegovina, 2019 This is Not a Burial, it’s a Resurrection directed by Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, Lesotho/South Africa/Italy, 2020 
All short films are in competition.
“The DIFF prides itself on discovering and nurturing new talent, and each year we select films from a diverse number of first-time feature-length directors. The 41 st edition is no exception with almost 30% directorial debut feature-length productions on showcase, which we are very excited about” says Head of programming Chipo Zhou. Some of these directors include Arya Rothe, the director of A Rifle and a Bag, Sam Soko director of Softie, Aslaug Aarsæther’s director of The Art of Fallism, Amine Hattou director of Janitou, Carla Fonseca director of Burkinabe, Ena Sendijarević director of Take Me Somewhere Nice, Louw Venter director of Stam (The Tree) and Kislay Kislay director of Just Like That.
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isiPhethu At the heart of the University of KwaZulu Natal is a mission to redress the imbalances of the past, and its contribution to this mission through the Centre for Creative Arts is emphasised through a robust community engagement programme titled isiPhethu. This year, in addition to drive-in screenings in the greater KwaZulu-Natal, the programme will host various online workshops and seminars. isiPhethu aims to entertain, educate, train and up-skill, instill confidence to young aspirant filmmakers and share information that is relevant to the film industry to empower young people.
“The idea is to link the film community virtually in these trying times where the Covid-19 pandemic threatens not just our lives but the arts in general”, says Isiphethu curator Sakhile Gumede.
A range of top facilitators and guest speakers are featured, under which multi-award-winning filmmaker Shirley Bruno and producer and actor Michal Birnbaun. DIFF is also proud to host the New York-based writer, producer and director of ‘Equal Standard’ which tackles the issue of police brutality in the US. Taheim will be joined by a few of his colleagues to give the DIFF audiences an in-depth insight into his work.  South African born documentary filmmaker Jessie Zinn now based in the US, will be joined by award-winning documentary filmmaker and photographer Simon Wood to discuss new approaches to documentary filmmaking.
“Many young people will undergo training through these programmes. The video production and scriptwriting workshops both aimed at development of young makers. This year we have opted to engage in virtual workshops, and this allowed us to bring many players on board from across the globe. Some of the highlights include speakers from the San Francisco Black Film Festival, SWIFT, Visual Network SA, George Mason University, Coastal-conferences”, added Gumede.
isiPhethu Community film screenings, school programmes and engagements with various community organisations around the city of Durban and the province of KwaZulu Natal will be the pulse of this year’s Isiphethu industry-focused programme at DIFF. The isiPhethu programme remains a backbone of DIFF and act as a centre stage for the industry role players to showcase their work, talents, and network in the film industry. The vibrant programme aims to entertain, educate, train and up-skill, instill confidence to young aspirant film-makers and share information that is relevant to the film industry to empower young people. A range of top facilitators, guest speakers and participants will be featured. They will headline several of these programmes as the DIFF continues to position itself as one of the biggest and most significant festivals on the continent.
As a festival, the DIFF prides itself on inclusivity and a celebration of diversity as is shown by the riveting selection of films, which has been curated by a small group of talented and diverse individuals, headed by DIFF head of programming, Chipo Zhou. Nataleah Hunter-Young, a Canadian writer, film curator, and PhD candidate in Communication and Culture, Lisa Ogdie, an American short film programmer who works with Sundance Film Festival and Mitchel Harper a South African freelance curator and cultural programmer specializing in the arts in areas of film, music, literature, visual and performing arts.
Programme and details The full programme, alongside all the films that will be screening, is accessible on www.durbanfilmfest.com. Ticket sales are open. Tickets for the virtual screenings are only available FREE in South Africa. Once a ticket is booked, you can watch the film for 2 days and once you have started watching you can playback for 24 hours. There will be drive-ins screenings in Durban, Port Shepstone, Richards Bay and Newcastle. Tickets for the drive-in screenings are available on Quicket for R100 per car, however at a limited capacity.
The 41st edition of the festival is organized by the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Creative Arts, in partnerships and with the support of Durban Film Office, eThekwini Municipality, National Film and Video Foundation, KwaZulu-Natal Film Commission, KZN Department of Arts and Culture and other valued funders and partners.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/business/sexual-harassment-i-was-terrified-to-report-it/
Sexual harassment: 'I was terrified to report it'
Image copyright Shai Dolev
Image caption Vault founders Neta Meidav (l) and Rotem Hayoun-Meidav believe there’s “strength in numbers”
When Neta Meidav was sexually harassed at work aged 22, she felt it was easier to quit her job than report it to human resources.
But more than a decade later, the #MeToo movement came along, kicked off by rape and sexual harassment accusations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.
It quickly galvanised people across the world to share their own stories.
So Ms Meidav has created a blockchain-powered app to help encourage individuals to speak up. Vault, set to be piloted by a small number of companies in March, enables those experiencing misconduct in the workplace to record a private, time-stamped report that is stored as evidence in a “private vault”.
As the report is stored on the blockchain, it cannot be tampered with and is distributed across hundreds of computers, making it almost impossible to steal or delete.
Users can send the reports to their company, but Vault also flags up if someone else in the same organisation has reported a similar incident or individual, giving people the impetus to report collectively.
“When I was harassed, I was terrified to report it,” recalls Ms Meidav, now 34.
“I felt very much alone. But after I left I found out that I wasn’t the only one. What we’ve seen now [with #MeToo] is that once one person speaks up then a wave of others come forward.”
Vault, she believes, offers “strength in numbers”.
Sexual harassment continues to be all too common and is far from limited to Hollywood. Scandals have have engulfed businesses such as Google, Uber and Fox News.
According to a study by Everyday Sexism Project and the Trades Union Congress (TUC), 52% of women have experienced unwanted sexual behaviour at work. Furthermore, a survey for BBC Radio 5 live in 2017 found that 63% of women who said they had been sexually harassed didn’t report it to anyone, while 79% of men who’d been sexually harassed kept it to themselves.
Image copyright JULIA SHAW
Image caption Spot founder Dr Julia Shaw wants to encourage more people to report sexual harassment
A start-up named Spot wants to change those figures.
Combining memory science and artificial intelligence (AI), the firm’s app, Talk To Spot, encourages those who have experienced workplace harassment to speak up.
“A lot of people don’t report [harassment] because they’re afraid of being judged by a human,” explains Spot co-founder Dr Julia Shaw.
“And they’re worried about all the meetings that might happen as a result.”
Instead, people can talk to Spot, a platform where, according to Dr Shaw, “individuals can feel safe and anonymous and have control over the information they provide”.
Dr Shaw, a memory scientist, believes that Talk To Spot garners stronger evidence than if the harassment had been reported to HR in the first instance.
“It effectively asks questions using cognitive interview best practices, which are used by the UK police to interview victims and witnesses,” she says.
These techniques involve asking open-ended neutral questions to start with, then following up with specific questions.
Image copyright Spot
Image caption Spot adopts “best practice” interview techniques used by the police
“It’s never forcing or leading someone down a certain path,” explains Dr Shaw. “It’s a very practical approach and it’s going to lead to better evidence.”
Users can be sent a document of the interview or they can submit it to their employer when they’re ready.
But Elisabeth Kelan, professor of leadership and organisation at the University of Essex, warns that such technology in the workplace can only go so far.
“While apps can make the recording process more efficient and accurate, it remains to be seen whether these technologies empower individuals to actually report sexual harassment,” she says.
She believes senior leaders have a key role to play here.
“The most effective ways to challenge sexual harassment I have witnessed is if senior leaders call out this behaviour as inappropriate and sanction it. That sets an example that such behaviour is not tolerated.”
Apps by themselves cannot create this culture, she argues.
Still, the power of an anonymous collective voice was demonstrated last year when a petition created through campaigning site Organise, complaining about the alleged harassment and “forced hugs” from Ray Kelvin, founder of British fashion company Ted Baker, attracted more than 2,500 signatures.
It forced Mr Kelvin to take a leave of absence.
Image copyright Sunguk Moon
Image caption Blind founder Sunguk Moon thinks anonymity is key to the reporting of sexual harassment
Founded in South Korea but now based in San Francisco, Blind is an anonymous social network for the workplace that allows employees from the same company to connect and talk secretly to each other.
Co-founder and chief executive Sunguk Moon was inspired to create Blind in 2013 after working at an internet company in Korea where employees could post anonymous messages on an internal forum.
“That’s when I thought, ‘What if there was a safe place to talk about work, the company cannot interfere with, and only accessible from your personal device?’
“It seemed clear to me that anonymity within the workplace increases the amount of communication, and this helps employees understand the workplace better.”
In the wake of the Hollywood scandal, Blind launched a dedicated #MeToo section in February 2018 and saw a 50% increase in new users compared to the previous week.
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“Some users posted stories about their experiences while others have posted questions asking for advice on taking action and reporting issues,” says Mr Moon.
Judging by the rise of such apps around the world, sexual harassment is sadly widespread.
In the Philippines, for example, women’s group Gabriela launched a Facebook chatbot called Gabby to help people report instances of sexual harassment.
And in Egypt for the last eight years, HarassMap has been providing a safe space in which witnesses or survivors of harassment can speak out, adding the location of the incident to the map.
“The map helps to demonstrate the prevalence of sexual harassment – not only visualising the number of reported incidents but also their spread across the country,” says a HarassMap spokeswoman.
Ms Meidav says that such technology is essential to drive a change in culture.
“People can’t go on harassing if there’s technology that allows people to go after them and submit complaints together,” she argues.
“It drives people to rethink their behaviour at work.”
Follow Technology of Business editor Matthew Wall on Twitter and Facebook
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huffletiika · 7 years
The wrong window
So... it has been an amazing week, and I still have the prompt for tomorrow (bonus), so I won’t say all I want to say yet. But thank you for reading this prompts, and I hope you like this one. 
DAY 7 - “Why did you sneak into my room in the middle of the night”
It had been a very long day, too long for her own wellbeing, the classes were kind of boring… as usual, but then, at the roller, they had team roller skating practice, and she had to skate with him again, as Matteo decided he wanted to do everything with Lunita since last year.
Don’t get her wrong, he is not a bad skater, he is indeed really good, and with a little more practice he could even be better than Matteo itself. It’s just that… well, there is some kind of something she is starting to feel for this guy, and she just can’t do that, like nope, a thousand times nope. How could she like a guy who has cero sense of fashion? Because she could never say a beanie is a great accessory. Leave it, how could she like a guy who… well, who is best friend with Luna? She is pretty sure they have nothing in common, besides their love for skating, and that should be enough for her to see how ridiculous all of this is.
But during the training something happened: after doing a stupid trick they ended up so close she could feel his breath on her face, and smell that cheap supermarket perfume of him, and that stupid feeling came back to her, making her feel dizzy and thirsty, and so many more things she can’t describe. She needed some space, so she moved back to put some space between them, because suddenly there was this stupid need of kissing him, and she just couldn’t take it anymore.
But Jim was skating behind her in that exact moment, and both of them ended on the floor of the rink, with everyone around trying to know if they were right.
Luckily enough, no-one got hurt… besides her pride.
She can’t tell how long she have been feeling like that for him, it wasn’t something that happened from overnight, it grew slowly inside her, from flowers and singing to her on her birthday, to him listening to her problems without any kind of judgement or hate on his face, until it was so obvious to continue ignoring it. And that scares her, freakin scares her, because she is Ambar Smith, and her godmother had let her know a thousand of times she is not supposed to be friend (or date) people like him.
And there she was, entering to her room, trying to put herself together after a day of dealing with her feelings for him, when she saw a shadow come in from her window.
She screamed.
Or at least she tried, because no sound came from her lips.
Was it a thief? A murderer? A kidnapper? All of them? She took the first thing she could reach, an old Chinese porcelain figure her parents send her for her 15th birthday, and held it over her head, ready to throw it at the stranger as soon as he made a single movement.
“Hey, hey… princess, calm down, it’s me” He said, and her heart started beating as fast as if she was running a marathon.
“Simón?” she asked, putting the figure down. “What the… what are you doing here?” she took a couple of steps back, and let the porcelain object back to its place, before closing her bedroom door.
“I thought it was Luna’s room” He answered, while standing up from the floor.
What was that she felt when she heard he was going to the other girl’s bedroom? It was like if she had received a punch directly on her stomach.
“So you usually sneak into Luna’s bedroom on the middle of the night?” she asked, trying to sound casual.  “Should I inform Matteo about that?” she added, flipping her hair with one of her hands.
“Oh no, is not like that… not at all.” He answered, taking off his beanie to shake his hair.
He had a good hair under that beanie, she thought.
Oh no, Ambar, stop it!
“I needed to ask her a favor, but she wasn’t answering her phone, so I thought I could come over…” she lifted her eyebrows, because it was a very poor excuse. “It’s kind of an emergency” he finally explained.
“And what’s that big emergency that you couldn’t wait until seeing her tomorrow morning?” she asked, sincerely interested. “Whose life is in danger?” she was trying to sound funny.
“You really want to know?” He asked, surprised.
“Well, since you’re in my bedroom at 11:30pm, I thing I deserve an explanation.” She crossed her arms.
“Yeah, yeah… I know, sorry.” He said, and looked at her with an apologetic smile. “Look. There is this new contest where they are choosing a new song for a new tv series, and the guys and I decided to participate. The problem is, the closing date is today midnight, and we were kind of busy at the Jam & Roller… you know, getting everything ready for the next open, plus I had the training sessions, so we couldn’t finish composing and recording it until now. And we tried to send it from home, but the internet is not working, and the only person who I thought who could let me send this file from her computer was Luna, but she didn’t answer my calls, so I decided to come over and…”
“And you entered by the wrong window” she finished what he was going to say, and he nodded. “You’re lucky, this could have been Luna’s parent’s bedroom, or worst, my godmother’s.”
He put a grin on his face.
“Yeah, I know” he looked around. “Nice bedroom, by the way… very pink”
“Thank you” she said, trying to ignore her own heart rate. “So… if you only need internet to send the song for the contest, I could let you use my laptop. I mean, you could go and search Luna’s bedroom but, considering your sense of direction, I wouldn’t take that risk. Also, if she didn’t pick up your call, I’m pretty sure it’s because she is already asleep.
He looked at her, surprised.
“Could you?” he asked.
“Yeah, I owe you that. I mean… I owe that to the band, after what I did last year. I screwed it up big time, and maybe I can start paying for that.” She explained.
Daniela, trying to get Simón back (what a looser), had told him everything about the pen drive she stole from Lunita’s locker, and the fact she gave it to her, so everybody got to sum one plus one, and knew it has been her who sent the song on their place and ruined their opportunity. Yeah, she probably shouldn’t have mention that, but it was her way to say she was sorry, as she hadn’t done it before. And also, because she didn’t want him to hate her anymore, even if he had never said he does.
He smiled.
Why does he have to have such a radiant smile? It makes really difficult for her to forget the fact she is probably falling for him.
“Seriously?! Thank you so much, Ámbar!” he said, looking like a puppy who had just won a walk on the park. “Neta, you’re the best.” He added, and she thanked God the room was kind of dark, because she felt her cheeks blushing.
“Yeah, I know.” She said, with a soft smile on her lips, and went to open her computer so he could use it.
It didn’t take too long, he put the pen drive on the laptop and opened the site of the contest, sending the song after filling the inscription form. She looked at him while he was working on it, sitting on her own bedroom, trying to figure out why she was feeling those things about him. I mean, he wasn’t the most handsome of the guys she had ever made, but still, there was something about him that didn’t let her take her eyes from him. He wasn’t the most cunning, but his passion for music was inspiring, he wasn’t the most elegant, but something about him was so charming… she had to stop thinking in that exact moment.
“It’s done!” he said, looking so happy, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling.
“Perfect.” She answered, and stood up from her bed, while he was putting his pen drive back on his pocket.
“Thank you again, Ambar!” he said, and came closer to give her a hug.
And there, being on his arms, she knew she was screwed, because she had indisputably fallen in love with him, and that was the most WTF moment of her life.
“You’re welcome.” She said, putting some space between them. “Now go, before someone could see you here.”
“Yeah, you’re right… thank you again, seriously. And… about what happen a year ago, don’t worry… it’s all forgiven” he said, with a huge smile, before leaving by the window. “See you tomorrow at the Roller” she heard, just before he got lost on the darkness of the night.
She couldn’t take the stupid smile out of her lips.
Deciding she must go sleep, she turned around to go change her clothes, finding a purple beanie laying on her table, like a reminder that he actually was on her bedroom.
She swore.
 “Lunita” she said, as soon as she found the other girl on the kitchen, having her breakfast. “Can I ask you something? I need you to make me a favor.” She added, looking around to see Monica leaving the room.
The other girl seemed surprised.
“Yeah, tell me” she said, and Ambar took the beanie out of her backpack after looking around, confirming they were alone.
“Can you give this back to your friend?” she didn’t have to say his name, they all know who is the one who wears those stupid beanies. “He forgot it on my bedroom last night.”
She shouldn’t have said that, she thought, as soon as she saw Luna’s face.
“Is not what you think. He needed to send some song for a contest and was looking for your bedroom, but came inside mine instead, so I let him use my computer.” She explained.
Luna took a sip of milk.
“Now I understand his missed phone-calls” Luna said, thoughtful. “So… you helped him?” she added, with a very suspicious smile.
“He had to send that song before midnight, and you were probably sleeping” Ambar explained.
“I see…” Luna stood up.
“You see what?” she didn’t like that tone she used.
“That you helped him, when you don’t usually help people.” Luna answered, she definitely didn’t like that tone.
“You were the one who gave me the ‘be a better person’ speech, that’s what I’m trying to do, I haven’t done it because it was him, or something like that.” She replied.
“I’m not saying…” Luna got interrupted by Tino and Cato, who came laughing to the kitchen.
“Oh look! A beanie.” Said the latest.
“It’s the Gardener’s” added Tino.
“Why do you have it, Miss Ambar? Are you both dating?” Cato added. “Is like when I gave my beautiful Amanda a beautiful pendant to show her my love.”
“The gardener is a very good guy, congratulations Miss Ambar”
“I’m not dating him!” she was turning red, and Luna started laughing.
Oh God.
“Just, make me that favor I told you.” Ambar said to Luna, leaving the idiotic beanie on the table, and turning around to see Tino. “Get the damn car ready, I have to go school earlier.” She commanded, before leaving the room.
Luna looked at her back, smiling.
“What’s wrong with her?” asked Cato, getting a piece of bread from the table.
Luna thought she knew the answer.
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Why ‘The Universal Post’ is against Lutyen Media?
Lutyens’ is a terminology broadly used for defining the influential few who believe in “you scratch my back & I scratch yours”! It includes power brokers, netas & journalists who feel they are the establishment. They had a field day during UPA I & II in particular.
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Rahul Shivkant from The Universal Post
All major news channels, which I address as ‘’Pralay’ are based out of Delhi. They survive on sensation, celebrity gossip & bytes from sick politicians lost value among the public. They are used to exercise their pressure on decision making & fix deals between the ‘all concerned’. Although, due to lack of support from the present government they are finding difficult to get ‘issues’ of their choice to sensationalize & feed their 24×7 hunger.
Now, The Universal Post has been trying to break this pressure group for long. Their are one of the very few media houses who neither take pressure nor like to ‘fix’ deals. They also set their own narratives instead of promoting one for biased interests. They are pro-armed forces, hyper-nationalist & uncompromising. It may mean different things to different people.
The architect, Lutyens designed New Delhi area where most of the country’s who’s who reside. This area used to be center of Delhi surrounded by the newly created three Municipal Corporations. Common people depending status & choice at times, all live in areas outside of New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) jurisdiction. Indian Parliament, Rashtrapati Bhawan, Ministers & MPs, Connaught Place business district along with some very rich are able to stay or own property here.
Since most of the activities, action & opinions which influence the nation supposed to begin from here, the name Lutyens is being ‘mis’used for quite some time now.
Remember the Game of Thrones quote, “Power resides where people believe it resides…”?
Lutyen’s Delhi is that seat of power in India.
In the evening, whiskey sipping bureaucrats sit around tables in the Gymkhana Club or Habitat Center or India International Center or such places and discuss the fate of the Nation and the whispers in the corridors that hold the reins of the Nation are traded – an ear for an ear, one secret for another.
That is where the powerful who hold the power to sway opinions reside and meet up to exchange high-end gossip or news as it may. The elite amongst them are called the Lutyen’s media – often referred to as the ‘sickular’ media by those who are not part of the big league.
The Universal Post
The Universal Post anchor ‘Rahul Shivkant’ is introducing new ways to speak out the Truth and Facts without rhetorics. He is not a trained journalist. Being an advertising professional he has seen the inner flesh of media houses as he was always in the circuit. To speak out for the country and to take stand against all the odds, demeaning and spoiling the brand image of India – Rahul Shivkant took charges. There is a lot more coming from him. Stay Tuned and get updated with all the Online Mediums of ‘The Universal Post’ today. So, that you never miss the Ground Reality which people are framing according to their comfort.
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jojitdelapena · 7 years
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait by http://www.jojitdelapena.com/graphic-designer-in-dubai-pencil-drawing-kenichi-nagira-portrait/
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait by http://www.jojitdelapena.com/graphic-designer-in-dubai-pencil-drawing-kenichi-nagira-portrait/
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait
My father was a craftsman making a jewelry box. From the Ginza East (Chuo-ku) in the Chuo Ward (formerly Kinryo Town) , moved to the Katsushika-ku Kanamachi at elementary school, graduated from Katsushika-ku Suehiro elementary school, graduated from Katsushika-ku Junkin Town Junior High School, graduated from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government High School . Studying graphic design at a vocational design laboratory .
Tomoya Takaya (Tomoya) is inspired and wakes up to the Angra Fork. After five red balloons of Takashi Nishioka and, Wataru Takada affected. 1970 Gifu Prefecture of Nakatsugawa was held in the All-Japan Folk Jamboree in the impromptu participation as an amateur (the same year Hitoshi Higashino also also participated in) was recorded in the live board. Next, several songs are also recorded on the All Japan Folk Jamboree live board in 1971 .
In 1972 he made his album debut with “Ten Years Floor”.
1976 live recording machine in Japan Youth Hall ” eternal bonds ” is, moderator of Tamori , Takashitaro Ikuta , Masaji Otsuka , Ryo Kagawa , Tetsuo Saito , grass , Wataru Takada , Yoshiko Yoshida , Masaru Watanabe et al stood Mori, The culmination work of the Nagisa in the 1970s.
In 1976 Nikkatsu ” 嗚 call !! Flower cheering group ” medicine at the dream temple Senior attendant attention, acting as an actor.
Since the late 1990’s , Country, bluegrass colorful work is released. As for the skill of an acoustic guitar it is also a hidden master. He is one of the few singers who performs Carter family picking .
Also as a talent many appeared in numerous variety programs, famous also being spoiled by the speech such as ” Otsu ne, ” ” strange “. In addition, the knowledge of common people culture in the downtown of Tokyo is also deep, and many books on downtown. These are appreciated, and since 2015 his bill was set up in the Star Plaza in front of the Asakusa Public Hall .
Currently he continues live activities mainly at Kichijoji , Yokohama, etc., and sometimes performs regional performances. Many things that talk about among TV programs and live songs are rude, and it is said that they say “something ridiculous”, “it is easy to lie as (as a neta)” character, but the person himself said ” I saw the story I saw because I stretched the antenna to <funny one>, “he said, and he calls his main job” storyteller “. Moreover, the person himself / herself also says “There is somewhat lowering of the person who is Mr. Atsushi Takada .”
Tamori very good relationship with, the moderator has served as the ” Kazuyoshi Morita Hour good laugh! ” ( Fuji TV series ), ” Tamori Club ” ( TV Asahi series in) guest when it appeared may ” bottle beer of There is a thing sometimes told such as ” man looking good ,” “stinky face .”
Camera, bicycle , rakugo , walk, garbage collection, violin enka, etc. are also known for many hobbies. In particular, he is regarded as a member of country music as a listener, and is said to be a member of Alan Jackson ( American country singer) fan club in Japan’s entertainment world . The same generation of the same downtown born cartoonist of Osamu Akimoto there is a friendship with.
Also, it is also a collector of rare items record that people who know it knows records that were banned due to various circumstances.
In addition, the folk song has a deep knowledge and is publishing a book called “Japan Folk Private Enthusiasm”.
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait
Name: Kenichi Nagira
Japanese: なぎら健壱 (なぎら けんいち)
Birthdate: April 16, 1952
Birthplace: Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Blood Type:
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait
Rakugo Musume (2008) – theater regular customer
Low Blow Jaguar | Pyu to fuku! Jaga za mubi (2008)
The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker | Ahiru to kamo no koinrokka (2007)
Summer Days Wth Coo | Kappa no ku to natsu yasumi (2007) – voice
Tamamoe! (2007)
When the Show Tent Came to My Town | Okami shojo (2005)
Godzilla Millenium (2000)
Pachinko monogatari (1990)
Hakatakko junjp (1978) – Sentou no otoko
Kitamura Toukoku: Waga fuyu no uta (1977)
Ah!! Hana no oh-endan: Otoko namida no shineitai (1977) – Yakuchiji
Ah!! Hana no oh-endan: Yakusha ya noh- (1976) – Yakuchiji
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait
Drama Series
Kodoku no Gurume 2 (TV Tokyo / 2012) – Shin Maruko (ep.1)
Kochikame | Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo (TBS / 2009)
Ando Natsu (TBS / 2008)
Cutie Honey The Live (TV Tokyo / 2007-2008)
My Life After Her Death | Kanojo ga Shinjyatta (NTV / 2004)
Kokoro Shoshu Hen (NHK / 2003)
Article: Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait
Graphic Designer in Dubai Pencil drawing Kenichi Nagira Portrait
Jojit Dela Pena | Graphic Designer in Dubai | Graphic Designer Dubai
 http://graphicdesignertipsonline.blogspot.com https://jojitdelapena.blogspot.com
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viralhottopics · 7 years
11 Things You Never Knew About Famous Female Aviator Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart is a recognizable household name, due to hervastly mysterious and tragic disappearance during anattempt to fly aroundthe world in July 1937.
But there was so much more to this woman’s lifethan that fatefulday. Amelia was an icon of the time, a powerful figure as one of the few women succeeding in the burgeoning aviation industry. She took no prisoners and didn’t seem to have any fears. Amelia Earhart’s biography is certainly not a boring one at all.
Amelia was born in Kansas, but she moved around quite a lot. She lived everywhere, from Los Angeles, to Boston, to Toronto, to Chicago, and even more places in between. She was driven fromthe very start, always aspiring to be something great and far beyond the expectations that were typical for women of her time. She knew that she and every other woman werecapable of so much more than what society expected.
It seems like spending a day with Amelia Earhart would have been a real hoot. Between all her celebrity friendships and tales from childhood, I bet the conversation would have lasted for hours.
Did you know any of these 11 things about Amelia Earhart? Please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!
Thumbnail source: Wikimedia Commons / Wide World Photos
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1. She Dropped Out Of School Twice
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Although she was the president of her class at finishing school, she dropped out to volunteer as a nurse for wounded WWI soldiers.
Then, in 1919, she enrolled in Columbia’s medical school, only to drop out the next year to move back to Los Angeles. Neither dropout was for lack of knowledge, just an itch to explore meaningful and enticing options in life.
2. She Was A Rough-And-Tumble Kid
Wikimedia Commons / Saladdays
As a child, Amelia wasn’t afraid to get bruised up and dirty. She collected insects and climbed trees with her sisters.
Once, with the help of her uncle, she built a roller coaster-style ramp off the top of atoolshed and got all banged up on the first run. Through a bruised lip and a torn dress, Amelia exclaimed happily how therough ride was just like flying.
3. She Kept Her Childhood Nickname
Wikimedia Commons / New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper
Amelia was the first child ofSamuel “Edwin” Stanton Earhart and Amelia “Amy” Otis. Grace Muriel Earhart was born in 1899 when Amelia was 2years old. Grace called Amelia “Meely” and Grace became “Pidge.” The sisters kept their nicknames all through adulthood.
4. She Learned To Fly From Another Woman
Wikimedia Commons / United States Public Domain
Amelia took flying lessons from Neta Snook, the first woman to establish her own aviation business. She taught Amelia in 1921 for $1 in bonds per minutein the air.
5. Her First Plane Cost $2,000
Wikimedia Commons / Bzuk
Just six months after starting flying lessons, Amelia purchased a Kinner Airster for $2,000 in 1922. Her mother helped her pay for the aircraft, but her flight instructor thought the plane was too dangerous.
Amelia herself said the engine was so rough that her feet fell asleep when on the pedal for too long. She painted it yellow and called it the Kinner Canary.
6. She Wrote For Cosmopolitan
Wikimedia Commons / Los Angeles Daily News
In 1926, Amelia was the aviation editor forCosmo and published 16 articles about her adventures in the air. She did her best to encourage other women to explore the burgeoning world of aviation too.
7. She Was The First Woman To Be Awarded A Distinguished Flying Cross
Wikimedia Commons / United States Military
Not only was she the first woman to receive this military honor, but she was one of very few civilians to receive it. Now only military personnel canreceive the honor.
8. She Inspired Eleanor Roosevelt
Wikimedia Commons / Harris & Ewing
Amelia and Eleanor became friends, and the first lady was so inspired bythe young woman that she signed up to take flying lessons. While she didn’t follow through with the lessons, the two womenflew as passengers often.
9. She Had Her Own Fashion Line
Wikimedia Commons / Pacific Aviation Museum
Amelia was one of the first celebrities to create and endorse her own fashion line. She used it to bolster her aviation career, and had a pretty hefty impact on 1930s fashion.
She often appeared on the pages of huge fashion magazines and was a very fashion-forward woman when she wasn’t in an aviation jumpsuit.
10. America Spent $4 Million Looking For Her
Wikimedia Commons
The U.S. Navy and the Coast Guard both looked for Amelia and her second navigator Fred Noonan extensively, costing the United States a grand total of $4 million, the most spent on a search effort to that date in 1937.
While the efforts were extensive, the technology and methods were rudimentary and most likely ineffective.
11. Some Claim That Her Remains Have Actually Been Found
Wikimedia Commons / Harris & Ewing
Somescientists think that a partial skeleton found by a British doctor in 1941 could be a match for Amelia Earhart. There is no way to truly prove that the bones belong to the female aviator, but the skeleton discovered decades ago on Gardner Island offers a possible puzzle piece to complete the theory that she and Noonan spent some time as castaways on an island before meeting their demise.
Did you know any of this about thefamed female pilot? PleaseSHAREwith your family and friends on Facebook!
Read more: http://bit.ly/2mP7KZe
from 11 Things You Never Knew About Famous Female Aviator Amelia Earhart
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