#depending on where they lived they fought with inklings or octolings
yesyourstalker · 8 months
Octarian superior: alright everyone get up........
Soldiers:........ *Complaining*.........*sleep*......
Octarian superior: Soldiers up now!! Just because it's a low risk mission doesn't mean we don't follow procedures!!!
Inkling caption: oh give it a rest...let them sleep, like you said it's a low risk mission....
Octarian superior: listen. I don't tell you how to run your little"squidbeaks" so I expect you not to tell me how to run the actual military... ON YOUR FEET NOW!!!
Soldiers: .......*complaining*......*complaining*
Inkling caption:.....*sigh*.... Hey fellas we got breakfast ready in the dinner hall hope you like salmon and eggs!........ See colonel all they needed was a little motivation and they're up on their feet. No need for yelling.
Octarian superior:............... Ridiculous...... How did we let you win?
Inkling superior: hahahahaha Don't get your panties in a twist Colonel. They may look like a ragtag team of dumbasses, but they're tougher than they look. Shit they're tougher than our actual military.
Warabi: The food isn't so bad I thought you said the food would be crap
Neta: it usually is....
Warabi:...... Hey Neta how come some of these inklings have different ink colors while everyone else is in blue and where are their uniforms?
Neta: those are usually agents or they call themselves squidbeaks........ The Inkling military is around 50 years old, younger than the actual great turf war. Unlike octarians who had an actual army inkling didn't. Their culture is far different from ours. They're a lot more relaxed, didn't think about organization to that kind of level.
Octoling soldier: bunch of fucking hippies if you ask me.
Neta: yeah....... they just kinda do their own thing...... some switch to the actual military when it was formed but they tend to stick with their small army from villages
Squidbeak inkling: that's our little splatoons were formed. Our homes used to be in small villages separate from each other. During hunting, scavenging, guarding or protecting our village small groups of volunteers would do the job. We did it during the war as well, we had small groups from different villages and different islands. They would go off and fight the war together. We didn't need a big military to win we just needed a community.
Warabi: huh....
Octoling soldier: hmph...... you're so full of shit
Squidbeak inkling: beg your pardon?
Octoling soldier: I said you're full of shit! You put on this act of piece and love persona to separate yourselves from the ruthless acts...... It's all community and support when it comes to Inklings but y'all had no problem forcing us underground in the fucking sewers! Where was that peach and love when you pushed us off our land, from our homes! what about our community what about our villages!
Fishling soldier: hey now let's not act like this! The war is over now we don-
Octoling soldier: oh fuck off! You weren't any better!!
Squidbeak inkling: you don't need to act so rash .... that's what caused you to lose in the first place
Octoling soldier: SAY THAT TO MY FACE MOTHERFUCKER!!.... I lost my brother cuz of you agent fucks...........
Squidbeak: you think y'all weren't heartless. I lost my wife.. killed due to your cold tactics...
Inkling superior:.... The war is over....Stop trying to start another one... understand?
Soldiers: ......Yes ma'am..... Ok.......*murmuring*..... So strict....... This is why I stick to being an agent
Octarian superior: and my panties are in a twist hehe
Inkling superior:. Shut up ........Hit the showers!!...you all smell like shit!!!!........
Neta: hmm... Maybe they should have waited for the tension to die down before having all of us in a single Splatoon...... I'm heading to the showers. Sorry about that incident man. If you seem a good guy...*pat pat*
Squidbeak inkling: No worries I apologize as well...
Warabi: so do we just all get individual showeeerrrss oh my cod! IT'S JUST ONE ROOM!?!!
Neta: yep.... Pretty nice shower room. Just grab a towel from the rack and just throw your clothes in the hamper they'll just give us new uniforms anyway...... They do provide soap and everything it's actually really- What are you doing?
Warabi: I'll just wait for everyone to leave.... I thought they were going to be private showers
Neta: Oh please. It's no big deal. You don't have anything that these guys haven't already seen before. It's fine.
Octoling soldier: hey boys........oooh cute piercing sweetie. Did it hurt?
Neta: like a bitch. Hahaha
Warabi: They don't separate them by gender?
Neta: not on inkling ships..... Like I said nothing they haven't seen before. Just think of it as old bath house, It's nice! Perfect place to unwind and get to know people.
Warabi:.....*sigh*....... Ok....... Doesn't seem that bad everyone is naked
Neta: when I realized I got her pregnant we got married. We didn't love each other.... Honestly, we barely knew each other. We were just both stupid..... She was crying... I didn't know what to do so I kissed her and we... Yeah
Inkling soldier: You guys were vulnerable and young... It happens... At the moment it probably felt right... Can you get my back for me?
Neta: yeah sure........I just don't want my girl to think that she was a mistake...... Or that I didn't want her... I wasn't in her life for a long time I have a lot of reasons why. sometimes they don't feel like good reasons.... Hey this is a weird question. You think you can shave my face..... The mirror is not my friend right now
Inkling soldier: It's no problem....I wasn't prepared to have my kid either. He knows that he's loved deeply. I'm sure she knows it too. You're in her life now, you j-
Superior: everyone get dressed!!We found something on the sonar!!!
Soldiers:.....*murmuring*..... This better be good..... I hope it's actually something this time.....*murmuring*
Neta: alright let's get dressed... Warabi?... Warabi!? Are you falling asleep in the shower did you sleep last night?
Warabi: sorry I tend not to sleep very well when I'm being put in a chokehold........ How does ikkan go through this at night?
Neta: hahah sorry about that. Let's go
Warabi: so they just put her clothes on our bed?
Neta: yep new underwear and everything....... Hmm they do mix it up sometimes. ANYONE MISSING A BINDER!
urchin soldier: yeah that's mine! You must be Neta Verns
Neta: and you're Neta Uni.... I like the name, Great choice.
Uni: thank you hehe..
Neta: hehehe No problem kid............*sigh* He's just a baby, around my daughter's age....... He had no business being in the military........He should be in school..................shit....he's around the same age I joined.................. I was a baby................all my friends were babies........ pulpo was -
Warabi: Neta!
Neta: AH! SHIT! Don't do that!!What is it?!!
Warabi: sorry. come downstairs you have to see this!
Neta: ok ok what is it.... Wow....it's huge!
Octoling superior: yep, it's a colossal squid around 46 ft in length..... It's a female..... ..Probably around a year old....
Soldiers: ...... Amazing ...* Murmuring*..... Wow ......
Inkling Superior:......look at her........ Could you believe we all descended from these creatures..... Every one of us has an ancestor down here. Even before the dawn of the mammalians we existed... and we're still here.....Let that sink in...
Octoling superior: let's hope we don't end up like them.... Remember this moment.... Remember where we started next time you want to start a stupid fight damn it those stupid
Warabi: so pretty
Neta: danm....... Ma'am, I thought we were heading to a freshwater environment. This is saltwater?
Inkling superior: Yeah it's going to take us another day to get there we're heading to the goldfish gulf.....
Neta:....... goldfish gulf......... I lost my ear there... I lost.......pulpo.....
Warabi: hey Neta you ok?
Neta: yeah..... I need to make a stop though. when we get there. Pay someone to visit...
Mizole: this job is boring!!
Mhai: You're the one who wanted the job..
Mizole: I just wanted that old fuck to stop complaining every time I went into the store... 'Mizole go home. Mizole stop loitering. Mizole stop distracting my employees.... Either buy something or fucking leave'..... They got annoying
Ikkan: You can go home.... You don't really do anything anyway.
Mizole: oh shut up! I do a lot more than you! You don't even talk to the customers. In fact you stay in the office all day doing homework! Not my fault you dropped out of college to join the mediocre band!
Mahi: ........ sorry... you're fired... babe... You did your best......
Candie:.......not really
Mahi: ...hehehehe.....yeah.....you're not a good employee.. hand me your badge.... Go home....hehehehehahahahaha
Mizole: ................... Fine..... Why are you laughing??
Mahi:.... Nothing. I remembered something funny......[kiss]...bye!...................
Mizole: see ya babe
Mahi.... here's your 20g Candie
Candie: thank you!..... He even didn't last three days! hahahahaha
Mahi was knife fighting @fish-at-fish-fish-resort in the McDonald's parking lot
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dragon-seahorse · 5 years
Splatoon Manga Sanatized!Glasses AU Revamp!
Alright so I decided to sit down and rethink my AU a bit so somethings have been scraped,changed completely and slightly altered but I think this version is much better than my previous one. So if you’re curious then please give it a read! 
Sanitization: - Glasses had a bad case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and ran into some sanatized octolings that were scouting out the surface. He got knocked out and woke up an hour or so later with a splitting headache and his teammates and Rider gathered worriedly around him. After making sure he was okay and trying to figure out what happened they got him home and all seemed fine for a while. - As time went on though he started acting a little off, He started having headaches,loosing sleep,and even had mysterious cuts,scrapes and bruises on his hands and legs. Which was made noticable with Glasses covering up those areas with bandages. Glasses had no idea what was happening and was starting to worry everyone even the s4. Army suggested that Glasses keep a journal to try and keep up with what was going on. Glasses happily went along with it but when he woke up one morning he opened it up and found rather intresting writing which consisted of random jumbles of words, stranges sentences about some project and surprisingly doodles of octolings who he had never met. One Octoling in particuliar seemed much taller than normal and drawn in shadows and marked as dangerous and to be avoided at all costs for he was “unclean and a huge danger to their project”. - He brought the journal to the others so they could possibly help him decipher everything after some turf wars n such but, Once they all sat down to look at it Army and Mask were the ones able to figure out a few things but none of them could figure out what the project was. Glasses thanked them all for their help and decided to head home early so he could finally go get some sleep which everyone agreed would be best for him,Then later that night Glasses disappeared. - The next morning shocked everyone when Goggles,BobbleHat and Headphones were waiting in the square for Glasses who was almost never late. Everyone tried to text and call him but they got no response, At first they assumed he was busy but that was quickly thrown out the window when the realized that he would’ve told someone if he was going to be late. So then Blue team began to look for him and the s4,rider and their other friends started to help out in the search with only Glasses’ journal left for clues. - Meanwhile Glasses was now with the Sanatized octolings/octarians and the main bad guy,Glasses is now training his own team of octolings to take control over the surface. His true self sometimes peaks through and he becomes very confused and scared only for his mind to be quickly taken back over. Once he was fully under control he was subjected to a lot of tests and training and he became a very deadly fighter. Then as soon as the Big Bad felt that he was ready They put Glasses under anesthesia (i had to look up how to spell that),when he woke up his vision was perfectly clear and he had glowing sanatization markings around his eyes and a device implanted into his cheek near his right eye to make sure it stayed that way. It did have a flaw though that Glasses was kept unaware of which was that it would only work while he is under the effects of sanitization and will slowly stop working the longer he off of it. - When the others finally track him down with the help of the “Dangerous Octoling”, They are all shocked to see him after so long and at first Glasses doesn’t even recogonize them but as soon as he gets closer to them throught battle he does stop dead in his tracks his brush ready to swing and so do his troops all of them confused as to why. His glowing eyes flashed to his blue ones for a breif moment then tries to reach for them and apologized before he cries out in pain and then goes right back to fighting them. As the fight continued though Rider and Goggles noticed that Glasses was crying as he fought them and from seeing this Goggles became very serious and got the idea for every to use their specials all at once to try and free him. The specials clear out the sanatized octolings and octarians leaving only a dazed Glasses with a hand on his head groaning in pain. Relief washes over everyone but it is short lived as Glasses snaps back but not before he said “I....I’m Sorry everyone but this isn’t going to stop me unless you stop Them, Please....save yourselves” he then throws a rainmaker down to distract everyone and flees the scene. - The big Bad then once They have Glasses back at Their side, They started to go ahead with Their plans and releases the weapon (which glasses unknowingly helped build and explains his injuries from earlier) to end the pesky inklings and octoling once and for all. However once Glasses was put in control of it, he snapped out of his mind control breifly destroyed the device controlling him and offically betrayed the big bad and started to fight them while the others dismantled and destroyed the weapon. Once Glasses had knocked down the big bad he started to help the others escape all while his vision slowly started to become faded and blurrier. The Octoling noticed that Glasses was starting to have trouble so he went go help him and then with them working together they destroyed the weapon and they got everyone out of the place. - Once everyone was out of there and glasses made sure they were alright he then passed out from the sheer exaustion and was taken to the hospital where he stayed asleep for a least a few days. He was treated for his injuries and the implant device for his vision was removed and soon after he finally woke up much to everyones relief. Lots of tears were shead plus a lot of apologizing and Team Blue was finally whole again which was a breath of relief for everyone. Post Sanitization: - Glasses’ scars are the markings he got from his own sanatization plus a small scar under his eye on the right side where the implant device was which is always visible. Only Glasses’ right eye glows under stressful sistuations,when angry, or when embarrassed and his vision has gotten a little worse since the sanatization so he’s a bit more protective over his Glasses and doesn’t like people touching them. The scars glow at night and Team blue(plus his SO) actually find it really cute and pretty thought it embarrasses poor Glasses. - He has a bit of trouble getting back into the swing of things But Team Blue,Rider,Teams Gloves,Safari,Blast Bros.,Emperor(surprisingly) and the s4 have been helping out by either hanging out or turfwars. - When Glasses sees Crusty Sean again Sean is so happy to see him again and Glasses cries when he offers him his favorite seanwich because he really missed how nice he was. - Rider and Glasses go to thearpy together for their sanatization and due to it they’ve become a lot closer. They both also have developed some slight insomnia and became late night texting buddies and also accidental nap time buddies as well since they both have been caught every now and then accidentally falling asleep at the tables of where ever they were hanging out. Notes: - I might re-think Tartar being the big bad cause of a spoiler I saw from the end of the octo-expansion arc since I only read the psyhical copies due to not being able to find a reliable source to read it on and the eyestrain I get from reading online. - The “dangerous” Octoling is my Oc Thadius October or just Mr. October, He is an adult Octoling and pretty tall. He is also a spy and was actually hunting down the big bad who got their hands on the sanatization technology. Once he saw Glasses and heard about  team blue and the others looking for him he didn’t hesitate to help them out and save Glasses. The Big Bad might end up being someone from his past that he thought was long gone. This is why I used They/Them pronouns for the big bad since I don’t know what I’m going to use just yet - The orginal idea I actually had three other Ocs which were octolings named Valentine,RockSteady and Suzy and they became Glasses’ team while sanatized. They were not sanatized but hypnotized via the hypnoshades or some headphones depending. I will add this if people want it but for now this is a maybe thing if anything these octolings become a team with inkling Patches called team ElectroSwing and would probably be a team that team Blue goes up against in turf wars. - I have decided to completely scrap the loosing his voice thing since I realized he’d need his voice to give orders to his troops/team so, I think he’s more quiet and he actually doesn’t freak out as much as he normally would but that’s mostly due to him being mind controled. - I am half tempted to make this an actually blog thing and maybe draw some stuff for it too possibly. Anyway this is where i shall stop for now but I might add more who knows. 
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