#specific keywords
deepseametro · 8 days
It does make me kind of sad how some people are so allergic to any kind of AI art. Like I get it! I really do. But damn it. It's so fun! It's a very different experience and satisfaction than drawing something yourself for sure. It feels more like... Fiddling with the character creator in a video game. Or decorating your house in Animal Crossing. Except you can do literally whatever you want! You just got to know how to work the sliders.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
Hello! I was wondering if you’d be willing to take commissions someday 👀. No pressure tho! I just love your art so much
The short answer: "not at the moment, but it is very possible in the future'!
The slightly longer answer: I would have to figure out a good pricing and payment system! PD-MDZS is also where most of my free time goes, so until my life settles down a bit, I would be on the slow side to complete them.
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ask-the-king-of-turf · 2 months
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eerna · 1 month
does anyone know any videos that analyze the architecture of the ruins throughout TotK Hyrule?
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albatris · 2 months
the little tarot shop I like runs an eight week self-study tarot course (tho u can do it at your own pace) and it sounds cool and I'm thinking about signing up but I'm Nerbous
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kiki-or-bouba · 2 months
i wanted to id this post but i cannot for the life of me find it and i have reason to believe it’s been obliterated from the site
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which i’m personally devastated about. but screenshots do exist, so. Kiki
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
ehehehe speaking of dead mall date au do you have any references for the mall because I like making silly little backgrounds so I perhaps might draw it OwO (plus the boys)
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maxe-murderer · 8 months
fellas for the purpose of my essay writing class: what are other pieces of media with a similar vibe/themes/tropes/etc as npmd?
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twacn · 8 months
Hello!! Does anyone have a quote about the difference being seen (as violence/exploitation) and being seen (as love). Preferably in a way that talks about how these ideas intersect with race and gender, and/or talks about the internet??
Please reblog if you see this my english assignment will thank you
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mejomonster · 3 months
I think about a query and a cover letter and how i need to look up what theyre called because i dont even know. Let alone know how to write them well and which things are required for what, and how i heard publishers only expect emails during calls for wubmissions so I dont know where to look for those but i also need to learn that from Somewhere i can learn such info. And how i know how to format a book for print, with mirrored margins and all the rest of that specific spacing stuff, but i have no idea the formatting requirements for a manuscript sent to a publisher (although hopefully that will be on their site as a style guide requirement directions and formatting IS something thankfully i'll be able to easily Look Up and Follow Directions to do). But the letter you send to pitch a novel and the length of manuscript expected (1 page? 1 chapter?) Or what kind of summary blurb they want, or if they want a summary or a "marketing blurb" that keeps some parts mysterious and enticing. And what's most frustrating, the reason i'm complaining, is when I look these things up the articles with advice do not say WHAT they are, basic requirements and basic expectations, it is IMPLIED the reader has as much familiarity with the definitions of these terms and when these items are needed as adults are expected to be familiar with job Resumes and standard Good Practice Format out of the gate. But with Resumes, high school and parents did provide some basic guideline directions and basic informafion like "include X, do not include Y, summarize Z" and "use keywords found in job description" and "keep it short such as one page or you may give a bad impression" and "do it in basic X fonts, basic colors, unless the job is particularly creative with unusual expectations of your resume" with similar directions about cover letters such as "state job you're applying for, summarize your education and some relevant experience, say you'd like the job and say why if you'd like, end with your contact information, keep it under a page ideally." I do not know the expected lengths of query letters, font expectations in the emails, if its an email or attachment, if it's submitted only during calls for submissions (i assume yes), how to find submission calls, what the title of the email should be, what the blurb length shpuld be and what it should Contain (summary? Marketing keywords? Your writing style or more technical key point information? Length/word count minimun and max? Should a summary be the whole main plot in a few key point sentences or be only the premise with the ending a mystery? Should it be entertainingly stylistic, or technical?) I look up requirements for publishing submissions and its so often expected the readers know what all these specific requirements and Norms in Writing them already are, so all the advice in the article is specialized like "you already KNOW what to submit, what the requirement is, now here's how to be Noticed Better." So it amounts to an equivalent to advice articles that do not state what a cover letter must contain or how to format it, but instead only focuses on specific ways of sounding more Convincing or Unique in your cover letter. Which is not super helpful if you... do not even know what a cover letter should contain to BE a correctly made cover letter to begin with.
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
drop your predictions for silver tongues in the tags ill start
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orchideae · 5 months
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I finally came across the name for it, thank god. Yelan is specialized in tricking! It's a form of acrobatics and martial arts movement that incorporates kicks, flips, twists, and similar. This has her auto attack sequence instantly make a whole lot of sense, and also yes, she kicks her bow and reels it back in with her line in that sequence (and yes, I had to point that out very specifically). Though certainly not an expert on this, I believe the twist towards the end of her auto sequence is called a raiz. Yelan, dear one, as an archer you must have decent strength in your core and arms, but tricking needs a lot of leg strength, jesus.
#[ mini study. ] that which hides inside her… that constant calling; it is the blood of heroes which has been howling for 500 years.#[ and what i LOVE about this even more is how she's so incredibly restrictive as in... what she allows herself to enjoy. ]#[ anything that influences her is something she tries to stay away from. ]#[ BUT ALSO. it's important to note and remember that technically yelan is disabled to an extent. ]#[ or rather-- it's a little difficult to specify because they're unclear with it. ]#[ “My physical fitness isn't actually that great compared with some trained martial artists.” is what she says. ]#[ the keywords are /isn't actually that great/ but the other important bit of /compared with some trained martial artists/. which means---#[ her physical fitness may not be as “apparent” among/in comparison to regular humans. ]#[ and i say this because she does patrol the chasm. it seems to be tied to fatigue to some degree. she says she sleeps a lot. ]#[ and sleeps in late but also goes to bed late to be fair; after midnight. ]#[ avoids strenuous labor but strenuous labor is very specific. that can refer to genuinely consistently very hard physical labor. ]#[ that's generally hard on people. ]#[ because a big important bit to remember-- in perilous trail; she's the only one who notes she's not tired like the others. ]#[ when the chasm's bed tires them all out? she doesn't have it. ]#[ which still boggles my mind a bit. ]#[ god the puzzle my brain will know once i dive more and more into the chasm. save me. ]
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azurecanary · 10 months
"Peggy Carter would've been a great addition to the AoS team and would've totally gotten along with them"
Me: 😬 I- uh... well, i don't really know about that
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scarefox · 6 months
The world and the internet would become a better place if we banned algorithms. Like literally every new shit development is encouraged and born because of algorithms and humans urge to play algorithms for profit like all these things:
content farming
content theft
rage culture and fear mongering (anger & fear gives more clicks -> more traffic -> more net worth)
echo chambers because algorithms only give you the content you want to see OR HATE which includes politics and conspiracy shit
conspiracy videos for fame and money
bought likes / traffic / ratings to push and hype specific content up
the mindset that you have to spend 24/7 on xitter hashtags to show support or even help with some RL issues (it rarely does anything but just wasting your time)
It's such an artificial distortion... how are we even okay with that?
Imagine if youtube would go back to not paying creators and removed video ads (that actually is how it started and how yt got fame when people just did what they wanted for fun and not for money). Not saying creators should not be paid but maybe not based on fakeable numbers but the oldschool way by their own fans and community. idk
Or if xitter and instagram would hide follower numbers and the whole sponsorship deals would stop.
Because in the end it's really just coming down to having enough followers and clicks on youtube to get paid and on instagram / xitter to get sponsorship deals from companies.
If these two things would stop. All the clickbait shit and trash content farming (which does make people stupid btw like 5 minutes craft was just the beginning of that) etc would stop too.
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mannerfeind-moving · 8 months
disturbing how women, cis and trans alike, cannot vent their frustrations about the oppression we face at the hands of men (both cis and trans) without said men acting like we’re these evil genocidal maniacs OR without right-winged dumbfucks who grew up on 4chan and leafyishere whining about how the evil queers are gonna ruin traditional cishet white american family values
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
*through gritted teeth" i looove tumblr's extremely functional and not at all annoying search engine that always works 100% as intended all the time everyday
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