#speechless and also middle grade behaviour
timeladix · 1 year
I'm watching clone wars (the animated series) and just seeing anaking throw up a tantrum out of gelosy and almost kill a man bc that man (clovis) was courting padme, even tho padme said no AND is fucking married to anakin, my boy is like NO ONE TOUCH MY WIFE. It's wild. How weird it must be to have a monogamous brain. Just wow.
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tkapuckit · 3 years
#17 from general & #2 from fluff list please 🥺
2. “it’s you, it always has been.”
17. “are you jealous?”
A/N: So, let’s pretend this one is also during no covid and REMEMBER, this is just a little writing, nothing against any of the players S/O:) This one also turned out much longer than expected but I think it’s good! If you have any feedback or comments, feel free to message me! I’d love to know what you guys think:)
“Are you going to spin the bottle y/n or not?” Sean laughs, banging his hands on the table impatiently.
It was a Friday night towards the end of the season and you, along with some of the Flames players and their girlfriends/fiancées/wives were all over at Matthews apartment for a congratulatory party for winning the battle of Alberta game of the night. You weren’t dating any of them, just a close friend. Not to say that you haven’t thought about dating one of them, they were all very attractive. You were introduced to the group through being friends with Meredith, Johnny’s fiancée and ever since, you’ve become very close with all of them, except Matthew. For some reason, he always seemed to get under your skin, to make a comment about everything you did.
“He does it because he likes you, I’m telling you y/n.” Johnny told you one day after Matthew had been particularly mean. It was kind of his way for indirectly apologizing for his friend’s behaviour. “No, there’s no way he likes me try again, Johnny.”
“Yeah, I guess I don’t have a choice.” You joked, not really wanting to but deciding to play along anyway because you didn’t want to be “that” person. You reach towards the bottle that lays in the middle of the circular table that everyone is sitting around. “Don’t you guys think it’s sort of weird that there’s like 10 full grown adults, full ass 20-year-olds, sitting around playing spin the bottle? Like I feel like I’m in 10th grade all over again.” You say, stopping before your hand even reaches the bottle. “oh my god y/n, just spin the damn bottle already so that we can play musical chairs and duck-duck-goose afterwards.” Matthew spits, shaking his leg impatiently. “Matthew,” Johnny warns. He raises his hands up in innocence. “Just saying.” You roll your eyes at him, really not understanding why he always has to say things like this, things to piss you off.
You spin the bottle and watch as it goes round and round. It starts to slow, and you panic as it really starts to slow near Matthew, but lands in front of Rasmus, who is sitting next to him. “woohoo!” Rasmus exclaims. “Come over here y/n-poo, lets smooch.” Everyone laughs at his stupid pet name. The laughs turn to cheers as you finish your short kiss with Rasmus. Rasmus had pulled you into his lap, which, unfortunately, had brought you closer to Matthew. “Ok you two, get a room. That’s gross I don’t want you on top of me.” Matthew states, as he puts his hand on your back to ensure you don’t fall into his lap. In that moment it crosses your mind, that maybe you should poke fun at him for once, get under his skin a little bit. “Aww, Matty-poo, are you jealous?” you say, leaning back against him, making a pouty-kissy face at him, pulling the same pet name on him that Rasmus did with you. “Maybe if you weren’t such an asshole to me, I’d kiss you too.” Now there is some anger in your words as you look him straight in the face. “Fuck you y/n.” He shakes his head and gets up from his spot at the table and leaves down the hall. There is an awkward silence now in the room, not really knowing what to do. “I’ll go talk to him,” Elias starts and gets up and heads in the same direction Matthew did just moments ago.
A few minutes later the two of them return, not saying a word. The group had moved to the living room, to put on a movie, no longer in the mood to play games. To your surprise, Matthew comes and sits next to you on the couch. You pretend not to notice, not really wanting to aggravate him or give him something to comment about. “I’m sorry.” Matthew leans towards you and whispers, trying not to get anyone else’s attention. You turn towards him, complete confusion all over your face. “What?” is the only thing your mouth seemed to allow you to say, even though your head was swimming with questions. “Just,” he sighs, “I’m sorry ok, stop looking at me or everyone else will think it’s weird. Can you just stay behind once everyone else leaves, I want to talk to you.” You pull in a deep breath, still trying to process everything. “uh, yeah, yeah sure.”
“Yeah, don’t worry Mer, my uber is on the way.” You lie so that no one gets suspicious as to why you are purposely staying behind at Matthews apartment. You meet with Matthew in the kitchen, picking up some cups that are scattered on the table, along with the bottle that started the nights events. You couldn’t take the silence and just wanted to go home already and forget about the night.
“Matthew, so, why am I here?” you ask, leaning against the counter as he stands by the sink next to you. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Elias really yelled at me earlier, when he chased after me.” He starts. “Probably well overdue,” you interrupt, laughing. “Please, can I just finish?” he asks looking at you now. You nod, never seeing Matthew like this before. “basically, he told me to stop being a complete dick. I just, yeah, you were right earlier, when you called me jealous.” Matthew scratches the back of his neck, not daring to look at you. Now you’re really speechless, but you let him continue. “When Johnny first introduced you to all of us, he right away told me that you were off limits. God, that pissed me off so much that I guess I’ve just been taking it out on you.”
You look at him blankly. “Matthew, I, I don’t understand what you’re saying.” He groans, pushing himself off the counter and stands right in front of you. He looks down at you and you look up to him, his eyes soft. You felt small under him, so vulnerable. He reaches forward and tucks a stray hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek with his large hand.
“it’s you, it always has been. I’ve liked you since we met, and I know I never treated you the way I should have and I’m so sorry for that. I just wanted to be with you so bad and Johnny said I couldn’t have you. And I was mad at myself because I know that if I was a better person, I’d be allowed to have you, and you’d want me but-“ You decide then to cut off his rambling by grabbing a hold of his shirt and pulling his lips down into yours. He moans into your kiss and pulls you closer by the waist, holding you tight, not wanting to let go because he fears that if he does, he’ll wake up from this dream.
Matthew’s the first to pull away despite wanting to kiss you for so long. “I don’t deserve that.” He says, shaking his head. “You’re right, you don’t. But Matthew, I know you’re a good person. Yeah ok, you can be a complete asshole, but I mean. I don’t know. I want to give you a chance. The guys would always bother me about you too, tell me that you really like me and just try to get me to like you in return. I do like you. And I really didn’t think you felt the same.” You explain, running your hand through his curls. “I do. I do like you and I’m sorry for everything.” Matthew replies, still holding you by the waist.
“Stop apologizing. I think we can make this work.” You smile up at him. You can feel his sigh of relief, all the pressure leave his body. “How are we going to tell everyone?” he laughs, a small amount of panic in his voice. You laugh too, pulling him back down for another kiss. “Let’s not worry about anyone else right now.”
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bi-bladesmith · 5 years
AC Odyssey University AU
Kassandra’s captain of the wrestling team + definitely started an HMA (Historical Martial Arts) club
She also takes Sport Medicine to keep her grades level
Looks like a fuckboi that could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll,,,,,, that could still kill you honestly
She was raised by Markos after Myrinne and Nikaloas split up due to the change in his behaviour after coming back from his service in the army
Myrrine couldn’t support both kids on what little money she had so she decided to turn them over to social services
Her and Alexios were in a home for a short while but were almost immediately separated
They didn’t meet again until Alexios turned 18
In the meantime, Nikaloas had adopted Stentor, a kid on the GI Bill
She lives off-campus with Stentor and Alexios (they would live on campus but Alexios goes to a uni on the other side of the city so they have to live halfway between the two)
Alexios still has trauma from his adoptive family, suffering from complex PTSD
He has an in-class support teacher assigned to him by the school + is still being weaned off paroxetine
Kass and Stentor take turns giving him rides to his therapy appointments and staying up with him when he wakes up in the middle of the night or just can’t sleep or going home with him when he has to take a half-day from class or smth
Even now, they still go to advice centres and the like to get tips on helping him around the house and living with him
Every so often they’ll book some time in at a rage room in the city to help Alexios vent out his anger
Kassandra and Stentor are always bickering
Yes, the arguments are stupid
K: u bastard you ate all the good fruit pastilles
S: *looking her directly in the eyes as he eats one of the blackcurrant ones* try me
They’re banned from being on opposite teams during games
Funnily enough, when they’re on the same team, they actually do really well when they’re not criticizing each other’s decisions
Kass, Stentor and Brasidas are like, the team to beat in Trivial Pursuit
The whole squad also plays Paladins and the voice chat is just filled with them screaming
Their mains are;
Kass - Tyra/Skye
Brasidas - Khan
Stentor wants to be a Zhin main to be cool but he’s only good at Moji
Alexios - Atlas/Terminus
Thaletas - Fernando and that’s fact
Kyra - Talus
Daphnae - Sha Lin
Odessa - Ying
They also play Minecraft (whenever they play, they have the same chaotic energy as Slimecicle’s streams)
No, they’ve never pulled off the creeper discord meme
Thaletas is Banned from playing though cause he digs straight down
Alexios is into musicals, send tweet
Rather than be lame and hide it, he will 100% fight people over it
His favourite is Sister Act if you were wondering
Phoibe’s a foster kid who lives a few apartments down the hall
Kassandra always tries to make some time to hang out with her for a bit when she gets home from school
Kass volunteers at a bird of prey center during the school breaks, maintaining the aviaries, feeding the birds, repairing the grounds, etc.
She gets Phoibe free tickets to the falconry demonstrations
Ikaros is the only Golden Eagle at the sanctuary and even the Master level falconers have trouble getting him to co-operate if Kassandra isn’t there
Sometimes she swings by the centre after class or wrestling practice and just stands outside his enclosure and talks to him
Phobos is Kassandra’s Suzuki TU250x that Markos bought her when she got the scholarship and had to move out
Kyra goes to Alexios’ uni along with Thaletas
Kassandra just absolutely fucking loses her mind over her and it drives Alexios up the wall
“hey so um…did u hang out with that kyra girl again today?”
“why do you care?”
“pfft, I don’t im just trying to be more interested in your life…”
“so did you? did she talk about me? did she ask how I was? next time you see her could you tell her I said hi?”
“oh my god,,,listen,,because I value my sanity, here’s her number, tell her yourself, you useless lesbian”
Thaletas goes full emo jealous when they first start going out but after an albeit slightly inebriated heart-to-heart with them, things get a little easier
Speaking of inebriated
Kassandra is a sleepy, heartfelt drunk
Honestly? She’s so stubborn and proud that the first time Stentor even heard she didn’t actually hate him was when she got drunk and told him she considered him just as much of a brother as Alexios
She’s not allowed to walk home alone anymore bc whenever she does, she ends up just passing out in the gazebo in the park between her apartment and the pub they usually go to
Other places she’s woken up in include;
The top of a bookshelf
A bathtub (ofc)
Behind a fridge
She’s also the one going around complimenting literally every girl in her eye line
Kyra’s a Modies student with an odd fixation on the fundamentals of rebellion and the politics around anarchy movements
Daphnae’s an Environmental Science major + de facto leader of her sorority
Barnabas is a geography professor who has a tendency to burn through classes by telling long, convoluted stories
Herodotos is the associate history professor (ofc) and probably the only faculty member who actually listens to Barnabas’s stories
Sokrates is the Wildest philosophy professor and is always getting into moral debates in the middle of the hall
It’s a bit of a game for the seniors to see if anyone can render him speechless or stump him
The only one who’s done it is Brasidas but no one heard what he said so there’s a lot of urban myths about what it was
Alkibiades is Sokrates’s TA and he’s always late to everything cause he won’t stop flirting with anyone with a pulse
He organises the graduation prank every year
Odessa’s an Archeology major + sorority pledge
Brasidas and Thaletas have a healthy rivalry since they’re both track and field jocks (javelin)
Thaletas is such a fucking frat boy like you wouldn’t believe
Just the most absolute Bro™
Really pushes for the rest of the guys to do charity and volunteer work
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bamby0304 · 6 years
She Howls II: Pack
Summary:  The Argents know about Scott and Angela. Derek betrayed them. Secrets keep growing. Things just aren’t working in their favour. To make things worse, more lines are crossed and drawn as new dangers and threats fall on Beacon Hills. But out of everything Angela and her friends have to face, she never thought the thing that could hurt her the most was something inside her…
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Bamby’s Masterlist She Howls Masterlist ​She Howls II: Pack Masterlist
Chapter Eight: Grounded
Warnings: Some violence, angst, drama.
"So, you have Jackson locked up in a police van, in the middle of the woods, where Stiles is trying to convince him that he's the Kanima?" I asked Scott as we walked down the school halls.
He nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."
"And how do we know his parents aren't looking for him?"
"Stiles took Jackson's phone and is texting them," he assured me.
As much as it seemed like they had everything under control, I still felt anxious about it all. What if Jackson turned into the Kanima while Stiles is alone with him? What if he got out and killed more people? What if he got out period? First thing he'd do is go to his parents and tell them exactly where he's been… and who took him.
This better end well…
"Did you manage to clean up the house okay last night?" Scott asked, breaking the short silence that had fallen over us.
"Yeah. Thank God." I sighed. "The whole time I was trying to think of how I was going to explain what happened to mum. It's not like I can be like, 'Oh, yeah, we just had a fight with some werewolves because they wanted to kill Lydia. Why? Oh, they thought she was a lizard-monster-thing that's being going around killing people'."
"I don't think that would have gone down well."
The thing is, the whole mum situation was getting more and more complicated. She got suspicious every now and then, wondering why Scott and I have been acting so differently lately.
Plus, there was the fact that I no longer showed signs of having chronic asthma, which is something that used to drag me down all the time. I would have to have yearly tests at the hospital to make sure I was doing okay. It was only a matter of time before mum realised I was perfectly fine now…
"I'm going to the hospital later to see Danny. You wanna come?" Scott offered.
"Sure." I shrugged. "I've got last period free. What about you?" When he didn't say anything, I knew his afternoon wasn't as free as mine… but I also knew that wasn't going to stop him. "Meet you at that bike rack later?"
"I'll see you then." He nodded before the two of us went our separate ways, heading off to our classes.
Being pulled out of class to go talk to the principle is never good. But when he's a hunter hell bent on killing your kind? Yeah… that just makes it worse.
Fortunately for me he had no idea I was a werewolf. In fact, he didn't know about Scott or me. But that doesn't mean I wasn't nervous as I walked through the doors and into his office.
"Miss McCall." Gerard smiled from where he stood behind his desk. "Please, take a seat." He gestured to the seat across from the one he was now moving to sit in.
Without a word, I walked over and planted myself in the chair, trying not to seem as nervous as I felt. My palms were sweating, my fists curling slightly so my hands wouldn't shake.
"Miss McCall, what subjects are you taking right now?"
"Economics… and Advanced Placement English Language and Composition, AP Latin, AP English Literature and Composition, and AP Chemistry."
He nodded, impressed. "And how are your grades?"
Chuckling lightly, he reached for a file that sat on his desk before reading it. "According to this, you're the top student in your class… all your classes," he noted. "Have you put any thought into what you would like to do after you graduate?"
Wait… what?
I thought I was in trouble. I never thought I'd be talking about my potential future with the same man who- if he knew what I was- would want to rip that same future away from me.
When I didn't respond he went on, "As far as I can see, you could get into any college you want."
"I, uh… I haven't really thought about it much," I admitted. "I know I don't want to leave Beacon Hills. My family is here. I don't think I'm ready to leave them just yet."
"Family is important." He nodded.
I was well aware of how he felt about family. To the Argents, nothing was more important than family- though, Allison's rebellious behaviour was testing that theory.
"But your future is important as well," he added. "According to your file you're also an avid volunteer. Especially when it comes to school events, which will look great on your college applications… and so will theses." He lifted an envelope off the table and handed it to me.
Frowning out of curiosity, I took the envelope from him. Looking inside I found not one, not two, but three letters of recommendation. One from Gerard himself, one from Mr Harris, and one from Coach.
"Oh, my God." My jaw dropped.
"Like I said, your future is important. To you, and to the people around you." Gerard smiled lightly. "So, why don't you think about what you'd like to do, and come back to me. Then we'll figure out what our next steps are."
Nodding, suddenly speechless, I rose from the chair and headed for the exit, completely taken by surprise.
I had never really thought about what I would do with my future. I just thought I'd follow in mum's footsteps, or maybe continue with the vet thing. But this? This changed everything for me.
"You're sure everything's okay between you and Jackson?" Scott asked Danny as we stood at the end of his hospital bed.
Danny nodded. "Yeah everything's fine," he assured us while getting ready to be discharged. Grabbing his wallet, he looked through it before sighing. "Did the cops have to take my fake ID?"
"You didn't do anything to make him angry?" Scott pressed.
"How angry?" Danny chuckled.
"On a scale of one to ten, one being 'kind of irritated', and ten being 'wanting to kill you violently'," Scott offered.
"Jackson's kind of always at a four, but we're good." Dann shrugged. "I was actually doing him a favour."
That piqued my interest. "A favour?"
"I was recovering a video for him. I put it on my tablet," he explained. Pausing, he thought about something for a moment before sighing. "Which is in the trunk of my car and probably still at the club."
"What was on the video?" Scott asked.
"I'm not really supposed to say."
Knowing whatever was on the video could probably help us, Scott tried again, "Danny, what if I told you this could be a matter of life a death?"
But Danny just repeated himself, "I'm not supposed to say."
"What if I got your fake ID back?" I offered without missing a beat.
Danny's eyes went wide for a moment as he considered telling us. But then he looked to the ground with guilt. "I don't actually know what was on it… I promised Jackson I wouldn't watch it," fe noted. "But here." Grabbing his keys off the bed, he tossed them to Scott. "Go take a look for yourselves. Just bring the car here when you're done."
"Thank you." Grabbing Scott's arm, I offered a quick smile as I dragged my brother out of the room.
We made it maybe four steps before mum moved to stand in our way… or, more Scott's way.
"While I think you being here to check in on your friend is all sorts of commendable, I've gotta play tough mum right now, even though I'm not very good at it."
"Right now?" Scott asked, flicking a glance at me.
"Yes, right now!" She nodded. "I got a call from your principal. You are failing two classes?"
Oh, God…
"I know," Scott admitted.
"And that is why we are going home to study right now," I assured her.
"You've got work in less than half an hour," she reminded me.
"Oh, right… well, then we'll study tonight," I offered.
Sighing, she turned back to Scott. "Do you know that if you fail even one of your midterms, that they're gonna hold you back?"
Scott's face fell. "He said that?"
"Yes." Mum nodded. "All of your friends are gonna be juniors while you are still a sophomore. Do you understand, Scott? You cannot fail."
"I know."
Seeing the disappointed and worried look on mum's face, and disheartened look on Scott's, I stepped in again. "I'll tutor him. Day in and day out. Every spare second we've got. I'll help him catch up, mum."
Looking between the two of us, she sighed, giving a short nod. "Okay. Thank you."
Offering a small but sweet smile, I grabbed Scott's arm to drag him away again. "We'll start tonight. I promise," I assured mum, still pulling Scott away.
Once we were outside he turned to me. "Do you mean it?"
Letting his arm go, I rolled my eyes. "Of course, I mean it." I grinned at him.
He let out a relieved breath. "Thank you."
Sweeping the floor of the back room in the veterinary clinic, I sighed to myself. I enjoyed my job, but right now I wanted to be with Scott and Stiles. I didn't trust Jackson, and I didn't like that my brother and best friend were alone with him. The last think I wanted was for him to turn into the Kanima and kill them.
"Rough day?" Deaton asked as he walked in, carrying a dog over to the table in the middle of the room.
"More like rough year," I mumbled to myself.
"Perhaps I can help with that?" He offered as he lay the dog on the table. "Come over here." Doing as he said, I moved to stand next to him. "Lay your hand on the dog."
Once again, I did as he said, without question.
It took a moment, and I'm not entirely sure what spurred it on. But as I continued to rest my hand on the dog my veins began to rise closer to the skin and darkened. I felt a ripple of pain pull itself from the animal and into my arm.
"What the…?"
The pain didn't hurt me. I could bear it. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was the fact I had no idea what I was doing.
Deaton smiled. "Being turned into a werewolf gives you plenty of abilities that can help you. But it also allows you to help others. Like this."
"What am I doing?" I asked, hand still splayed out on the animal's fur.
"Taking away some of its pain."
Tears rimmed my eyes as I watched the dog visibly relax, as if this small action from me was doing a world of good for it.
Watching me, Deaton continued to smile. "Things may feel like they're imploding, but don't forget that it only takes one second for things to go from bad, to good."
"It only takes a second for things to get worse as well," I noted, sliding my hand off the dog before wiping away my tears.
"You don't have to be the one to bear everyone's troubles. Sometimes, instead of offering to help, maybe you should ask for it."
Walking down the street, along the path, in the dark, I looked to the ground deep in thought. After my little chat with Deaton I began to think of how Scott, Stiles and I were going to figure out the mess we were in. Maybe Scott was right? Maybe we should start trusting other people and ask for help?
I came to a stop and looked up. My eyes landed on Derek as he pushed himself off his car- which was parked right outside my house.
Jaw tense, I continued to walk along the path until I was a few steps away from him. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to talk."
"The Kanima. It's still alive, isn't it?"
"Yes," I admitted. "Despite the fact you practically ripped its throat out. I guess even your big, bad Alpha powers aren't enough to kill it. Now, if you'll excuse me." I turned to head for the porch.
"Are you dating Stiles?"
Stopping in my tracks, I looked over my shoulder to give him a confused frown. "Excuse me?"
"Are you dating Stiles?"
Turning to face him properly, I crossed my arms over my chest. "Where is this coming from?"
"You smell like him. All the time," he noted.
I gave a short and simple shrug. "What's it to you?"
He hesitated a moment before walking forward until there was barely a step between us. Looking down at me as I looked up at him, he searched my eyes, an intense look in his own.
My heart raced. I wanted to back up. I wanted to walk away. But I couldn't. Not only did I not want to look weak, I was also frozen. The attraction I always felt for him, that didn't go away just because we were over. It would always be there… and it would always hold some kind of control over me.
I jumped at the sound of my mum's voice. Turning, I brushed some hair out of my face as I looked to her. "Yeah?"
"I just got a call from the police station," she told me, a look on her face I'd never seen before. She looked pissed.
"What? Why?"
"Your bother," was her response. She closed the front door before starting down the porch steps. "I'm going to the station."
"Yeah, okay." I nodded. "I'm coming."
Without turning to look or even speak to Derek, I walked off and over to the car, meeting mum there. We both climbed in, her behind the wheel while I sat on the passenger side.
As she drove out I looked over to Derek, seeing him still standing where I left him, hands in his pockets again as he watched us drive away.
"You will not go within fifty feet of Jackson Whittemore." Sheriff Stilinski read from the restraining order he held in his hand. "You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically." He dropped the clipboard onto the mental table in front of him.
Scott and Stiles sat at the table, looking very guilty. While mum and I stood by the door, and Mr Whittemore- Jackson's adoptive lawyer father- stood at the opposite end as Sheriff Stilinski.
"What about school?" Stiles asked, looking from his father to Mr Whittemore and back.
"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty-foot distance," Sheriff Stilinski explained.
"Okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other?" Stiles asked, earning a groan each from my mum and Mr Whittemore, a disapproving glare from his father, and a cringe from me. "I'll just hold it."
Walking out of the interrogation room, I stayed a step in front of Scott and mum, trying to get out of there as fast as possible.
This situation was worse than I ever thought it could be. Sure, I imagined the million ways Jackson could have ruined our lives- most of which involved death. But this? This was above anything I could have come up with.
Once we were in the hallway, heading for the exit, mum stopped Scott- which meant I stopped as well, seeing as I wanted to be there for my brother.
"It's not just this. Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon." Mum looked so disappointed… which was worse than her being mad. "It's everything on top of it. The completely bizarre behaviour, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr Harris for you to make up that chemistry test that you missed."
"I missed a chemistry test?" Scott sounded genuinely confused.
I shook my head and looked away. This was just getting worse and worse…
"Really, Scott? Really?" Mum shook her own head at him. "I have to ground you. I am grounding you. You are grounded," She stated as Stiles walked around the corner and stopped a few steps behind her.
"What about work?" Scott asked, having a good point.
"Fine. Other than work. And no TV."
"The TVs broken," Scott and I noted at the same time.
"Then no computer."
"I need the computer for school."
"Then no…" She looked behind her, "no Stiles."
"What?!" Stiles hurried forward. "No Stiles?"
"No Stiles!" mum repeated, her voice loud enough to make Stiles back up, and Scott and I jump. "And no more car privileges. Give me your keys." She put her hand out so he could give them to her. "Give them to me!"
With a sigh, Scott handed them over.
We both watch as mum tried to take the car key off its key ring.
"For the love of God."
"Mum do you want me-"
She cut Scott off, "No."
"Mum, come on, let me just…. mum."
But try as she might, it wouldn't budge, which just made her more frustrated and flustered.
Seeing her struggling, Scott reached for her hands to stop her. "Mum."
Taking a breath, she looked up at him again. "What is going on with you?" Her eyes looked over at me then. "Both of you."
Scott glanced at me, our eyes locking as guilt flushed over both of us. Turning back to mum, he sighed. "Do you really want to know?"
Oh, God…
Mum nodded. "Yeah."
In the background I could see Stiles shaking his head frantically.
But before any of us could say something else, mum spoke up again. "Is this about your father?" My heart sunk. "It is, isn't it?"
Stiles started to nod, telling us to say yes.
Oblivious so Stiles, mum went on. "Okay, you know what… we'll talk about this at home. I'm gonna go get the car," she told us before walking down the hall, leaving us there.
Feeling the heavy weight on my shoulders increase, I followed Scott as we moved closer to Stiles.
"I'm the worst son ever," Scott groaned.
"Well, I'm not exactly winning any prizes either," Stiles noted.
"I am not going home if it means we have to talk about dad." I shook my head. "You think your dad will let me stay at your place still?"
Stiles shrugged. "He thinks you sleep in the guest room. So, it shouldn't mean anything if I'm grounded."
"Are you?" I asked.
But before he could answer Scott turned to me, a confused frown on his face. "Where do you sleep if you're not in the spare bedroom?"
"In my room." Stiles shrugged.
Scott looked from me, to our best friend, and then back. "On the floor?" The silence that followed was his answer. Realising what that meant, Scott's eyes went wide. "You sleep in his bed?"
"We just sleep," Stiles assured him, a nervous and defensive tone to his voice.
Sheriff Stilinski was still at the station working, which meant Stiles and I were alone at his house. Scott wasn't happy about the fact I slept with our best friend, but I insisted nothing was going on. Which was true.
As much as I loved Stiles, I didn't love him like that. He was my best friend, the second brother I never had. Nothing would ever happen between us.
Crawling into the bed, dressed in my purple cupcake pajama pants and a grey tank top, I sat back against the headboard so I could watch Stiles sitting at his desk. He was on his computer, trying to find anything on the Kanima.
"So, what do we know so far?" I asked.
"Lydia translated the bestiary. Turns out the Kanima doesn't seek a friend. It seeks a master."
That changes things. "Which means someone's controlling him."
"Did Scott find anything on the video Danny told us about?"
"The tablet was gone."
"Someone broke into his car and took it."
"Do we think it was Jackson, or the person controlling him?"
"Probably the person controlling him. He would have been using Jackson as a distraction in the club."
"Makes sense." I nodded, reaching up to pull my hair into a quick bun. "So, do we have any idea who the master is?"
"Do we know who they're going to kill next?"
"Do we know what they want?"
"Nope." Stiles sighed, turning in his seat to look at me. "But I read online that the Kanima goes after murders."
"Why did it go after us then?"
"Scott thinks it wasn't trying to kill us. He thinks it was trying to keep us in the pool."
"What do you think?"
"I think we should just kill Jackson."
Tilting my head slightly, I gave him a small and amused smile. "Because he's the Kanima? Or because he's Jackson?"
Sighing, he shrugged. "Can I pick both?"
"He doesn't know what he's doing. He needs our help."
Groaning, he turned back to his computer as he mumbled to himself, "Why are you and Scott so good?"
Smiling still, I slid down the bed and got comfortable. I knew he would be working for a while, but I didn't mind. Even with him being so busy, and the lights shinning, I still managed to sleep, and it was still a better sleep than I would have gotten if I was in my own room.
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This might be a lame request, so srry. But how would Yoosung (or all of RFA if you prefer) react to an MC who's super insecure of being in a relationship. Like they think that Yoosung deserves better, or they get worried that he's not interested them anymore. Maybe some fluff w/ how Yoosung comforts/reassures MC about this. Does this make sense?? Sorry if it doesn't, you're more than welcome to ignore this. BUT, good luck on your blog! ❤😘
It's not lame and itmade a lot of sense, don't worry! And thank you ! C: ❤
Since I only wrotefor one character, I made it into a scenario (also my fluff isn'tvery good, I should warn you before hand ahhhh), hope you’ll like it anyways ~
Yoosung :
  They had beentogether for a couple of months now, but it wasn't enough to erase thedoubts and insecurities from Yoosung's partner. Everyday, they wouldsee him and think he could do better than them. Everyday, he wouldsmile at them and be such a sweetheart; to a point where they almostwished he wasn't so kind because they just didn't deserve someonelike him in their life.
  They thought itwould be okay at first, that things would be easier once they wereactually together, but nothing ever seemed to prove that to be right.When they went on dates and they started to enjoy themselves and thetime they spent together, something always clicked in their mind; asif to remind them they didn't deserve to be so happy and then, theguilt and the uneasy feeling clutching at their heart would be too overwhelming to think about anything else.
  And since they hadstarted dating, Yoosung had taken it upon himself to become a betterman for them by acting more like an adult and being successful andhard working – which ended up as him being the center of attentionat university. Students knew him now to have the best grades in allhis classes and this also brought a new kind of charm to the youngman, who felt like he was back in high school, with all these clubsasking him to join and those girls confessing to him. Of course, inhis head, none of those girls mattered and he always refused each oftheir advances, making it clear he had already found his one and only– but in his s/o's head, things were more complicated.
  He was always sohonest, so kind hearted and so good to them; never wanting to hideanything from his lover, even if it was something that didn't matter.Those love confessions were one of these things. Every time ithappened, his partner felt like he should have accepted those girls’ affections instead of the one they provided, which never felt like good enough for a man like him. But at the same time, they lovedhim so much that just thinking of him leaving them for another onebroke their heart, even if they sometimes thought it would be for thebest. They were always so worried he would find someone better andwhile they tried their best to conceal those thoughts, Yoosung –despite his inexperience in relationships -  was no idiot.
  He contemplatedfor a while whether or not he should confront them about the way theyacted sometimes. He saw the way they would stop in the middle oflaughing, how hesitant they were to accept his compliments and hisattention, or how they always seemed to limit themselves, as ifsomething was holding them back. After some time and no progress intheir behaviour towards him, he began to worry about theirwell-being. Unsure as to what he was supposed to do, he thoughthaving a heart to heart conversation would be the best course ofaction. After all, they had always been there to listen to histroubles, and he was determined to be as good to them as they hadbeen to him.
   On a day whenneither of them had anything to do but stay at home together, hejoined them on the couch and wrapped his arms around their waist, nuzzlingtheir cheek softly. When they hesitantly touched his arms and casttheir gaze downwards, he thought now was as good a time as any totalk. He caught their chin in his fingers and made them look at himwhile he gave them the most reassuring and loving smile he couldmuster – he might have grown more mature, but they still made himfeel like a teenager, madly and utterly in love. 
  When they pouredtheir heart out to him after some convincing from his part, he wasrendered speechless. Never in his entire life would he have thoughthis lover, the one whom he saw as perfect and amazing, would feellike they didn't deserve to be his partner. He didn't think highly ofhimself and constantly thought of ways to better himself so he couldfinally become worthy of them – and to think they were the oneunsure of their place in this relationship was almost unfathomable tohim, if it hadn't been for their crestfallen expression.
  Withoutwaiting for a second longer, he clasped his hands on either side oftheir face and gazed into their eyes, with one of the most intenselook they had ever seen in his eyes – it reminded them of their firstRFA party, the one where they had met for the first time – he hadhad the same look in his uncovered eye as he expressed his feelingsbefore kissing them.
“You are, withouta doubt, the best thing that's ever happened to me and there isn't aday when I don't think to myself that I'm the luckiest man alive tohave such a wonderful person by my side. Someone who loved me evenwhen I was at my lowest, when I was nothing more than a lazy boy whohad given up on his future because he was too scared of letting go ofthe past. Someone who has helped me see the world for what it is andshowed me the future I could have if I believed in myself a littlemore. No matter what happens, no one else will ever mean what youmean to me – I will never love anyone more than you, the one personI was ready to lose my eye for if it meant I could protect them. Youhave helped me in ways you'll never understand and I don't think Iwill ever be able to return the favor for all you've done – but Ipromise you, that you are the only one who belongs in my heart andyou should be more confident, because you've saved me from a darkplace I didn't think I'd ever leave. I love you.”
(jfc I feltembarrassed writing that – the whole time I just kept thinking 'howthe fuck am I able to write such cheesy mushy stuff when I amanything but romantic??)
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