#spent literal days trying to lengthen this fanfic
Tsathoggua's (Forced) Day Out - MC4
"I don't like to go outside, it's too sunny... and crowded... and I see it as unnecessary. I'd rather play stay in my room than do something like that."
That's... what he practically said. Tsathoggua is definitely... somewhat of an obstacle to go through. Everything I had said related to going outside, he didn't want to do. Go eat outside? Nope. Play outside? He'd rather play video games. At least walk? He'd think it's a very tiring activity.
Honestly, it felt like his head had a huge talking stone wall connecting to his consciousness and this "wall" just said no every time I invite him out to go do something. Unless it's a really really urgent matter, he won't do anything! Huh, what should I do...?
It was a Friday. Almost every student in the vicinity was talking about what they'll do on the weekend. Basic student mentality. Based on the clock, it was also 12:46 PM so almost every student that is missing is either finishing their lunch or having an activity outside. Either way, I don't really care that much.
"Hey, Shinjou!" Kengo, along with Ryota and Shiro, approached my table. "Did you do the homework today?"
"Of course I did. I did it last night," I answered truthfully. "Wait, don't tell me..."
"Ehehe..." Kengo scratched the back of his head.
"As always, Kengo. Very unprofessional." Shiro shook his head in disappointment.
"Hey, it's not my fault that I didn't understand the lesson!"
I wanted to help him, I really did, but he needed to learn the hard way... And Shiro would probably scold me if I do such a thing.
"Anyway, what are your plans tomorrow, Shinjou?" Ryota interrupted.
"I think..." My eyes looked down to my lap while unhesitantly answering, "I think I'm gonna try and force Tsathoggua out of his habitat again."
"Seriously?" He raised an eyebrow. "He doesn't like going outside. Unless you have a card up your sleeve, I don't think just words are going to work on him."
"Yeah!" Kengo shouted. "And you should be spending your time fighting with me, instead!"
"What's that about fighting, Kengo?"
It was Mononobe who was standing right beside the door and bonked his head with a heavy-looking book.
"E-Ehehe! I-I meant that he should... p-practice fighting! Yeah!"
Mononobe, like Shiro, shook his head in disappointment and dismay. "You really should be focusing on your grades and balance your strength and noggin. You're... unsurprisingly failing your subjects."
The whole five hours were just Triton, Jinn, and Ziz teaching us the different subjects while Kengo was just drooling around, bored of the class.
The whole day was over. The bell rung. And the clock struck five. Though the whole time, I was thinking about what gift to give to Tsathoggua.
"Alright, everyone!" Jinn smiled and faced everyone. "I hope you all learned something today! You are all dismissed!"
"Goodbye, sir!"
Jinn grabbed his notes and book as the students began to grab their bags and leave. The doors were wide open and the room was filled with noises, mostly from the students chatting with one another.
Ryota stretched and yawned. "Hah~ Good thing there weren't many assignments today. I think that's a positive sign!" His eyes almost teared up from my observation.
Hmm... What will be a good gift for Tsath? Anything worth going outside...
Then, an idea got into my head.
"I have to go, guys!" With excitement, I stood up almost immediately and ran to the door. "I'll catch up with you in the dorms!"
I'm sure they were left dumbfounded but I had to go before the store closes!
A day had passed. It was a Saturday. Shinjou was looking forward to hanging out with Tsathoggua... if he ever succeeds in doing so. What was inside his backpack is a secret only he knows and is a... well... a "hostage" for Tsathoggua. Maybe you can take a guess?
Though, to save money, he instead walked throughout the journey. Regret was written all over his face. Ugh... I should've saved up some money to get a ride... Now I'm sweating all over.
But after that thought, he finally saw what seemed to be the building he was destined to go to.
"Ohoho~! Look who we have here! You're Shinjou if I'm correct. What are you doing at our guild~? Perhaps you want to serve me in my harem?"
Shinjou almost immediately walked around her and shook his head. "U-Uh, no, sorry. But have you seen Tsathoggua?" What a stupid question! Of course he'll still be in his room...
"Oh, you're looking for that huge lump of laziness?" Her expression seemed to have turned from joy to disgust. "He's in his room playing, as you may have guessed already." Her hand held her chin as she looked sad. "I thought you would've been wanting to become a part of my harem."
"Thank you! And no, I'm not joining your harem..." he added.
Tsathoggua turns his head to find Shinjou entering his room, hands behind his back and smiling like he just found the love of his life.
"Shinjou!" he excitedly calls out and hugs him. "Why are you here? You here to play games with me, yeah?"
"Actually... quite the opposite." The high schooler looks down shyly. "I want you to spend your time with me outside!"
A deadpan face was written across Tsathoggua. Shaking his head, he declines. "Nope. I already told you, I'm not going outside. I'd rather—" He then widened his eyes. "Is that Hack and Slash 2?!"
Waving the disc, he nodded. "Mhm! I heard that the game still hasn't released its digital version yet. It only released the disc version."
"Gimme! Gimme!" Tsathoggua pleaded but Shinjou just shook his head.
"Come out and spend the whole day with me first~"
Tsathoggua's mind was then challenged. Should he risk going outside while getting the prized item or...? "Hmph! I'll just wait for the digital release, then! No deal!"
The student pretended to look pensive. "Ah, that's quite sad, then. Since I don't really play that many videogames, I'll just sell it to someone else—"
"Ugh, I hate you so much..." The blue bear transient grumbled as the two of them walked inside a crowded mall. "You promise that you'll give me my disc after this trip!"
"Alright, alright! Promise! Geez..."
The mall was bustling with customers from left and right. Clothing stores, arcades, and even restaurants.
It was, as expected, crowded. And it's also what Tsathoggua hates the most—being around people.
"Why did we even come here...?" he asks.
"Why, of course, to spend some time! Staying inside your room isn't healthy, you know?" The student, not with a white shirt and casual clothing, smiled at the transient.
"I'm a god! I don't need to be healthy!" He scoffs, tightly grasping the vase he was currently holding along with the other blue jelly-like monsters inside.
A promising restaurant caught Shinjou's perspective. He pointed at it and said, "Hey, we should eat first over to that restaurant!"
Hesitantly, Tsathoggua agreed to that idea instead of declining. Just for his game disc, of course.
Their energy was spent after spending their time on many of the stores. Playing arcade games, eating snacks, and buying new clothes. Everything they did was quality time spent. Now all they had to do was to go back home since it was already getting late.
"T... That was actually... kind of fun, yeah?"
"See?" Shinjou pointed as a matter-of-fact. "You don't have to go outside, just you spending some time with me outside is good enough. Oh! Before I forget—" he rummaged through his bag and handed Tsathoggua the game that he's been waiting for. "Here. This is the game you've been wanting to get, right?"
Tsathoggua hesitated a bit before grasping it into his hands. "I guess this can wait to be used. I'll get you to your dorms first, yeah? Lots of weirdos might try to hurt you, yeah?"
"Wait, what do you—"
Before he could even process the idea, he was immediately teleported in front of his dorm by Tsathoggua's hands, bride style carry.
He gasped for air, trying to scold the transient. "H-Hey! Could you have warned me first?!"
"I see no harm in it." He grinned smugly. "Anyway, you should go and rest now, yeah?"
"Alright..." Shinjou smiled and chuckled. "Stay safe, Tsath."
"You too, yeah?"
Before Shinjou opened his dorm room, he saw someone that he had never seen before. "Oh! Are you new around here?"
"U-Uh, yeah... You are...?"
"The name's Shinjou from Shinjuku Academy. And you are?"
"My name is... Seiko."
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athenadcvell · 5 years
The Mechanic- Marvel Fanfic
Summary: After Thanos snaps his fingers, and Tony returns to Earth brokenhearted and defeated, he finds a certain smart mouthed teen waiting for him back at the Avengers compound.
Word Count: 1539
Warnings: None
A/N: Marvel hasn’t really confirmed whether or not Harley survived the snap, and considering Ty Simpkins could pass for either 16 or 21, it;s kinda hard to tell. So, this is an AU where Harley survives and reunited with Tony. 
It hurt to walk. It hurt to breathe, to open his eyes. Every movement and action, every thought that passed his mind... hurt. 
Everything hurt, for Tony. And it wasn’t how malnourished he was, or how many bruises and cuts were tattooed into his skin. It was his heart. It was every cell and nerve in his body screaming at him, sobbing, and attacking him for being so stupid. 
How could he do that? How he could he possibly take a sixteen year old kid to space? A child. Peter was a child. 
Was. He’s dead. Because of Tony. Pepper had spent days explaining why it wasn’t his fault. How Thanos would have snapped away the kid no matter what. But Tony can’t help but feel he had a part. Thanos spared him purposely. Maybe he spared Nebula because she was his daughter, as much as she claims he hates her. Everyone else had turned to dust... they had tried to kill him, after all. Perhaps if Peter had been on Earth, returning from that field trip and hanging out with that annoying friend Tony can never remember the name of... maybe he would still be here. 
Tony had just returned from telling May. She knew. She knew her nephew was part of the lengthening deceased list. But Tony had to tell her. So, he shaved as best he could, put on his cleanest suit, and hauled his broken body to Queens. 
And watched as her entire world shattered for the second time. Maybe if he had left Peter on Earth, May Parker wouldn’t be left grieving the loss of yet another loved one. 
“Mr. Stark, you have-”
“Not now, F.R.I.D.A.Y,” Tony mumbled, silencing the AI. “Shut down.”
“But Mr. Stark-”
“Since when did you get a mind of your own?” Tony snapped, halting in the hallway. “I said shut down.”
F.R.I.D.A.Y obeyed, clicking off with an unsaid message. Tony rubbed his eyes tiredly, tossing his jacket and tie off into a corner somewhere and limping his way to the kitchen. Maybe an aspirin could help. Some whiskey too. That oughta take the pain away for exactly .5 seconds. 
Tony approached the kitchen, grimacing of what a mess it was. He’s leaving the compound as soon as he heals, anyways, but why must it be such a mess? Do none of the Avengers know how to clean? Thor had been coming in and out, sweeping the cabinets clean of food, but leaving all his messes for someone else to clean. If he hadn’t just lost everyone he cared about, Tony would’ve chastised him for it. 
However, before the billionaire could reach his destination, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Tony froze, turning his head slightly to the couch. The resident of the plush chair was hidden by the backrest, however, two hands were propped up, a small phone in hand. 
Hands that were not a women’s, and too small and bony to be anybody else. Who the hell was in the compound? Better question, why the hell had F.R.I.D.A.Y let them in?
“Who the hell are you?” Tony asked roughly, however, it came out more tired, if anything. A small blaster was attached to his watch, if he needed it. 
A boy popped up, wild, golden waves barely tamed by his red hoodie. Tony narrowed his eyes, before realization crashed against him. 
He knows those blue eyes. That confident smirk. 
Oh God.
“You don’t remember?” The boy asked, holding two of his fingers up and touching them together. “We’re connected?”
Tony remained silent, staring in disbelief at Harley. Last time they talked... God, that seemed so long ago. It had to have been a few months, at least.
He was dead. That’s what the database had said. Harley Keener, deceased, along with his mother and sister. 
“You really don’t remember?” Harley’s face dropped in disappointment. “I mean, I know a lot of shit went down, but it was literally four months ago that you came to my house to check in and help me build my science fair project. We talked over the phone, like, three weeks before the thing happened? I mean, I knew you were getting old, but--”
“I remember you, Harley,” Tony quickly said, swallowing down his shock. To prove it, he adds, “Potato gun. Y-you had a potato gun, when we first met.”
Tony didn’t give Harley a chance to speak. Instead, he crushed him with a hug, holding the boy as tight as he could. Had he come back? Were they all coming back? Or had he never died? Did Tony still have one his mentees, one of the children who had become like his own over the last few years?
“Woah- Okay, good to see you, too,” Harley chuckled awkwardly, however, his physical response was anything but awkward. He clung onto Tony, unable to hold back as tears seeped through the expensive suit fabric. 
Harley’s exhausted. He’d never felt this tired in his entire life. His mind was so clouded with exhaustion, he had considered seeking out his father. His real father. However, a fatherly figure entered his mind instead, and here he is. 
Tony pulled back, squinting at Harley. Was this really him? Or was it a hallucination? He’s not been getting much sleep lately, anyways. 
“You were marked as dead,” Tony breathed. “H-how did you come back?”
“I didn’t,” Harley replied simply. Tony’s heart dropped at his words. “After people started...” Harley swallowed, looking down. “I hid. I didn’t know what was going on, and you always told me arm myself and hide if something happened. So I did. I guess they marked me down as dead.”
Tony nodded in approval, crossing his arms thoughtfully. Harley may have given him more grief than needed, but at least he listened to something Tony had told him. 
“I grabbed a gun I built-- for protection,” He added at at Tony’s arched brow. “I spent the last couple weeks trying to figure out was going on, before walking here.”
“You walked to New York?” 
“Not like buses were available,” Harley shrugged. He looked down, another emotion clouding his eyes. 
His eyes flickered down to his hands as his thumb dug into his palm. A hand tightened it’s grip on his heart, a fresh set of tears welling up. 
“My mom and sister...they...” His breath drew in sharply, catching and breaking into a small sob. Harley rehearsed this. He rehearsed what to say, while trudging along the side of a dust covered road. And now, he could hardly keep the tears from falling down his cheeks. “Tony, they’re gone. Everyone’s gone.”
Tony gazed at the teen sadly, and again, everything hurt. 
My fault, my fault, my fault, my fault. 
It’s all my fault.
“I’m sorry,” It was quiet, hidden beneath years of pain and suffering. He wasn’t just saying sorry to Harley. He was sorry to Harley’s mother, and sister. To all his friends, and even to that shithead of a father. He was sorry to all of them, for the dents they've created in Harley’s heart for Tony’s mistake. 
“For what?” Harley laughed dryly, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie. “I heard the news. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I didn’t stop him,” Tony simply said, like it was obvious. Wasn’t it?
Harley was silent for a moment, studying the heavy hearted billionaire.
“Spider-Man,” He said slowly. “The kid you used to talk about. He died, didn’t he?” Tony’s chewed on his inner cheek, sniffing. 
“Where you headin, kid? Was it here?” Harley shrugged. 
“I... I don’t know,” He admitted. “I had no where else to go, but I guess I should get going. Head back home. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
Harley reached over the couch, scooping up his bag. His movements were slow, delayed with the tiredness seeping into his bones. It’s been weeks since he slept in a proper bed, had a proper meal. That much was obvious. 
“Or, you could stay with me,” Tony offered. He kept his facial expression stoic, but the glint in his eyes proved how much the he cared for a positive response. “Me and my fiance are moving out of here in a couple of days. Why don’t you come with us?”
“I couldn’t,” Harley chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “I-I--”
“Kid, we gotta stick together,” Tony said softly, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. Harley flinched at the touch, but slowly eased into it. “There’s no one left. Nothing we can do anymore. No more Iron Man, no more Avengers. The gang’s broken up, I’m done. Might as well spend whatever life I have left with people I care about.”
Harley’s brows raised slightly. 
“That’s including you, kid.”
Harley crushed Tony’s frame with a hug, his answer clear. Tony let out a small sigh of relief. It had been hard, those last few weeks. The few weeks of pain and guilt, gnawing away at him. The pain would never go away-- that much he knew. It would always be creeping in the shadows, alongside the fear of losing his children. 
But at least he could hold on to them now. 
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haikyuulovercompany · 5 years
Hi!💕 Could you do a imagine where Oikawa hurts his bad knee at the Olympics and reader is a renowned orthopaedic surgeon who rushes to the scene from audience and eventually heals the “unfixable” injury? And he falls in love along the way? Thank u so much!
I swear I wanted to write a whole fanfic with this idea. But I tried to put it all in a one-shot. Hope you like it!!!
Oikawa had always feared days like that one. Days when his knee would finally give in, fail him in the middle of an important moment. And right there, in the middle of a summer morning at the greatest even, at the greatest honor of his life, one bad step had sent him into an overwhelming pain. He used all his self-control not to scream or cry. He shut his eyes tight, small tears hanging from his long eyelashes. The focus of every camera had shifted to him. He was on the big screens of the gymnasium, and on many television’s screens all over the world.
The paramedics were all over him in few seconds. They were surrounding him like big walls making it all feel more suffocating. Despite that, he nodded and answer them when they asked how much it hurt, if he could move, if he had a history with that type of injuries, and so on.
He was being transfer to a medical stretcher, the deep voice of the commentator announcing he wasn’t able to play anymore, his name, together with his jersey number. He was frustrated beyond his core. His head was now hurting, the lights of the Olympic gymnasium were suddenly too bright. Someone stood right below the light, impeding it to hit his face. “Give me a compress, you’re wasting time, you should know better,” the voice of a woman sounded.
Oikawa opened his eyes. It was a young woman, around his age or even slightly younger. She was wearing casual clothes and her hair was loose.
At that moment Oikawa didn’t question it. He just wanted to had a bottle of painkillers shoved down his throat until his knee would stop being a problem. However, the news of his knee reaching a point of no recovery was the biggest downfall of it all. Not even the gossiping among the sport community could compare. He denied every question, saying his knee was going to recover, all were useless rumors.
He refused to believe the doctor, so he went for a second opinion. That couldn’t be the end for him. There should be something else somewhere else. One person couldn’t have all the answers.
That’s how he had ended up in a different hospital, at the office of a different doctor. The therapist of a teammate had insisted that if she couldn’t see a way to help him, no one in all of Japan could. He was in Tokyo after all; it was common knowledge that the best doctors were in the capital.
When the doctor finally rolled in with a folder between her hands and a smile, Oikawa recognized her promptly. “You’re the woman at the game. You scolded the paramedics.”
“I am. And I’m glad you ended up in my office. Your case is well-known in the community. You made it to the national team with a bad knee. A miracle.”
“Since you are so up to date with the gossip, I guess you don’t even need to see these,” Oikawa said, holding up a big manila envelope with every result of his physical examination.
“So they are true. You were given really bad news.”
Oikawa chuckled grimly. To see the pair of crutches waiting for him to use them for the last weeks had been a living hell. Not only he wasn’t able to play, he wasn’t able to walk by himself. “To put it lightly.”
“Can I see your results?” She stretched her open hand to him, and without a word he handed them to her and directed his gaze to the window. There was nothing to see but tree branches, and the clear blue sky; the parking lot merely visible, still, it was better than having to go through another doctor unhopefully watching the disaster his joint became to be. He had done the correct exercises, and rested when needed, all to keep his knee going as long as possible. He never imagined the fatal injury would come at the peak of his career as a professional volleyball player.
“Well, Mr. Oikawa. You do have a severe problem, but I don’t see why others have thought there’s nothing we can do.” His eyes opened in incredulity. The face of the woman before him wasn’t filled with bad news. She was giving a sweet small smile, her eyes full of understanding. “It will be a demanding recovery. I can’t promise you anything, but there’s a good chance this works.”
Oikawa leaned impatient on her desk. “I’m up for anything.”
She locked eyes with him. His factions had hardened with determination, yet his eyes were glassy and trembling. It was easy to see how much her words meant to him. It was the last candle still shining bright for him. One chance only.
As requested by Oikawa, his therapies began right away. ________ had seemed too excited to as well, which while he found strange to a point, deeply he was truly grateful to be treated with such positiveness. Every doctor before had treated him with stern, almost condescending looks, as if they knew they were treating him out of pity, trying to pretend they were doing something to fix him when for them he was unfixable.
This promptly provoked him to grow fonder of _______. He had thought it was rational for him to care so quickly for the one doctor who believed so fervently in his recovery. He had been following her every order, and his knee was slowly but surely filling better.
What had become as a rational argument, turned into something more. Something so big he couldn’t keep telling himself he was just desperate to get what he wanted. Her smile whenever he greeted him, his constant support and cheering. She was smart, she was diligent, she was so many things he liked.
He stared at her shamelessly as she closed the machine around his knee. She peeked at him, a smile appearing in her face. “Is something wrong?”
“Not at all,” he said with a cheeky grin.
“You seem much lighter lately, Oikawa.”
“Call me Tooru.”
She held her eyes on him, surprised, but more interested than anything else for the request. Her own professionalism had made her push her own feelings for him. It was charming to have him around but as long as he was her patient, it was wrong of her. Then again, it wasn’t rare for a patient and doctor to become closer after months spent together, both walking down the same road hoping to find the same thing. His complete recovery.
“Then you can call me _______.”
“My pleasure.”
She gave her back to him with the excuse of having to check his last results, when in reality she needed to hide her enormous simper upon her face. Anyhow, what she had between her hands justified the gesture. “I know I must not say this since I need to keep your expectations in place, but these results are,” she chuckled in incredulity. “Your knee is doing fantastic. At this rate… I mean, it will never be anew, but you will keep playing if you still take care of it like this.”
“Have I told you you’re amazing?”
“I would say knowledgeable.”
Oikawa laughed, more in relief than anything. Two tears began to form on the corner of his eyes. “Thank you, Doctor ______.”
Her lips quivered, and throwing all of her professionalism away, he went to him and kissed his forehead. “My pleasure,” she imitated him.
After that day, there wasn’t a minute Oikawa didn’t think about that one kiss, and also didn’t stop counting the seconds. His last session would mean their daily therapies would be over. He would be attended by several nurses every once in a while. She would get busy with another body in shambles, and the idea of not having that time with her put him in a new problem.
For their last therapy session, the place was buried in an unusual silence. That’s how he knew it was all being as bittersweet for her as it was for him. She moved leisurely, not a hurry in finishing. Sadly, his treatments had shortened as he had got better, and they were done before they both wanted.
“You’ll finally be back in the courts. Aren’t you excited?” she asked. Oikawa contained chuckle. She was lengthening his stay and it was painfully obvious. He gladly played along.
He rested his back on the chair inside the office. “Volleyball it’s all I’ve ever known. I am pretty happy, indeed.”
“I’m glad I was able to help you.”
“Help would be an understatement. You literally saved my whole career, _______”
“Then you better go out and win some championships on my name,” she teased in a very innocent and playful way. She was closing their relationship with a joke, and he wasn’t fond at all of that. “I’ll be watching you.”
“Yeah. Now that I remember, you jumped from the audience. Why?”
“As a traumatologist, most of my patients are professional players. So the rumors of a professional volleyball player still on the game with a bad knee was interesting to me. I read what I could find about your case but you attended a different hospital than mine so I had no way to getting access to your medical history. You always made me curious.”
“And so, you were in the game.”
“Again, most of my patients are professional players of some sport, so I have a lot of friends in the Olympics. When I was told Oikawa Tooru wanted an appointment with me, well, I was beyond thrill to finally get to see what kept you going even with a damaged knee.”
“And what is your final diagnosis?”
“That you’re a very ambitious, driven man.”
“Not wrong at all,” he smiled at her.
“Well, then I guess this is it. You’re officially off my charge.” She stretched her hand to him over her desk, and he took it. But he didn’t let go.
“So, would it be too much if I ask for another type of appointment with you?”
“Another type?” she asked nervous without trying to free her hand from his hold.
“A date.”
She looked at him long and hard, her lips faintly lifting into a small smile. “I’m free on Saturday.”
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