#sphero ball
Lord Betrayus: Every fiber of my spectral being wants to puke at once when I say this, but… I need your hheh… I need your hehhEHH- Pacster: You need our help? Lord Betrayus: That, yes.
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slumbergoblin · 2 years
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A quick doodle of a younger Betrayus and Stratos I did a couple of days ago! (+ with Pac’s height!)
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ell-arts · 6 months
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I like posting these kinds of images because of the fact that everyone can break all levels of physics in several ways possible.
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Spheros could apparently ball himself any time he wants (granted, he was possessed, but it could be in the realm of possibility)
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These two (pac and tip) were suffocating just minutes ago in the Netherworld but can breathe perfectly fine in Space, not to mention how pac can both speak AND breathe freely in water (he didn't get the gills from the bill berry that was offered to spiral and cylindria in Paclantis, so nothing happened offscreen.)
What is happening?? 😭 😭
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Ya know, I'm able to sleep at night when I am living in blissful ignorance and forgetting what this show is capable of-
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sphero-official · 1 year
Since the beginning, our robots have always had multiple uses. From game controllers to teaching tools, our orbs, spheres, and balls have always had fun, security, and quality packed in from the start.
In 2010, we were founded as Orbotix and released our first robot, Sphero, in 2011.
In 2013, we released a revamped, faster, brighter, and better ball, Sphero 2.0.
In 2014, we released Ollie, the fastest app-enabled robot that we, or any other company, has ever made, using new Bluetooth Low Energy technology.
In 2015, we partnered with Lucasfilms, Ltd. to make BB-8 a reality in your home.
In 2016, we released SPRK+, an education-focused version of Sphero. We also released the Force Band, a new way to drive your robots like never before that same year.
In 2017, we made Mini, the smallest robotic ball ever*. *that we know of, at least!
In 2018, we released BOLT, our most advanced and feature-packed robotic ball yet.
In 2019, we released RVR, our most hackable, flexable, and creative robot yet.
That's why today we're happy to announce Sphero® Roboboobs™.
Breast implants are currently available through invitation only, but may become more widely available later on.
Connect with the app to track your sleep, heart rate, steps, and more. Record videos and take photos in stereoscopic 3D. Light the way in over one million colors. Control your other Sphero products without needing your phone. Find north, east, south, and west with the internal magnetometer. More features coming soon.
From balls to breasts, we're the leading innovators in today's field of robotics.
Sphero®. Inspiring the Creators of Tomorrow.
"Roboboobs", "Roboobs", and "intellitits" are registered trademarks of Sphero, Inc. © Sphero, Inc. 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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pregnantsecondo · 6 months
Would looove to hit his balls (jeffy's spheros) with my baseball bat (my actual baseball bat) if you know what I mean
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fapper · 1 year
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sphero's logo. been like that since the start back when they were called orbotix and hasn't changed since. Literally a perfect face for a little robot ball
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can't forget tivo though. literally just some kind of creature
i have seen things thanks to google images and my own hubris but i will survive. it sucks but i will
Waow the first one kinda slayed i like i like
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if you have $50? you can always go get a sphero mini.. theyre super neat (not just because theyre small but also just because robot balls are cool in general) and also programmable. if you have a Windows 10 machine with Bluetooth 4.0, use that for programming it. the EDU app is also on phones (as is the sphero play app) but coding with a phone suckssss
also, if you ever come across a listing for a force band (also by Sphero, should be around $10-$20) I say you should snag it, since it works well with Mini. I'll be more than happy to assist with setting it up, provided you have an Android device (at this point, who doesn't?) and preferably a PC to move a few files onto it.
(also the force band works with Ollie too. they don't make ollie or the band anymore buuuuut on ebay an Ollie is only $50-$80 which is still nice seeing how they can go up to 14mph, with either the original app or the force. also programmable)
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digitalmbn · 3 months
Top Picks: Best Electronic Learning Toys for 5-Year-Olds to Spark Creativity and Curiosity
Welcome to the exciting realm of electronic learning toys designed to captivate and educate 5-year-olds. In this blog, we'll explore the top picks that seamlessly blend entertainment and education, fostering a love for learning in your little one.
1. LeapFrog LeapStart 3D Learning System
Kickstart the educational journey with the LeapFrog LeapStart 3D, an interactive system that covers a range of subjects. Its 3D animations and engaging activities make learning a thrilling adventure.
2. Osmo - Genius Starter Kit for iPad
Transform screen time into a hands-on learning experience with Osmo's Genius Starter Kit. Combining physical pieces with digital gameplay enhances math, spelling, and creativity interactively.
3. VTech Touch and Learn Activity Desk Deluxe
For a versatile learning experience, the VTech Activity Desk Deluxe offers an interactive desktop with touch technology. It covers various subjects and even transforms into an easel for artistic exploration.
4. Fisher-Price Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar
Introduce your child to the basics of coding with Fisher-Price's Code-a-Pillar. This modular robotic caterpillar encourages problem-solving and critical thinking as kids arrange its segments to create specific movements.
5. Sphero Mini - App-Controlled Robot Ball
Combine play and programming with the Sphero Mini, an app-controlled robot ball. Through games and activities, kids develop coding skills in a fun and engaging manner.
Investing in the best electronic learning toys for 5-year-olds is not just about entertainment – it's about nurturing a passion for discovery and knowledge. Whether it's fostering creativity, enhancing problem-solving skills, or introducing basic coding concepts, these toys are designed to make learning enjoyable and meaningful. Choose the perfect electronic learning companion for your child and watch them embark on a journey of curiosity and growth.
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Elliptica: Do you really believe your own hype that much? Pacster: I AM THE HYPE!!
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inktonki · 2 years
Sphero edu app
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Sphero edu app drivers#
Sphero edu app code#
Sphero edu app series#
More Than An App, It’s A Learning Community It also means that while it’s great for younger kids or those new to code, the more advanced options will appeal to those wanting to build their skills. The lessons build on each other, which makes the whole process very approachable and fun. In the first hour, she had her SPRK+ (AKA Sparky) changing colors, twirling in circles and even dodging obstacles in its path.
Sphero edu app series#
Using the app (which I downloaded on my phone), my daughter familiarized herself with what the SPRK+ could do by walking through a series of introductory lessons.
Sphero edu app drivers#
The Sphero Edu app puts kids in the drivers seat giving them three different ways to program the robot drawing, drag and drop building blocks and actual java script text programming. So kids are able to immediately connect how everything they are learning applies to their actual lives. It’s fun and engaging, because it creates a dynamic environment that incorporates robotics and technology in activities that blend coding with real world concepts and subject areas. This isn’t just another techno gadget, but an actual educational program that is changing the way kids of all ages learn. That is where the Sphero Edu program came in. We found some coding apps and a few other tools, but they were fairly simple and she got bored quickly. What she really needed was something that could grow with her and provide more challenges along the way.
Sphero edu app code#
Unfortunately, beyond the hour of code program, her school offered very little that would allow her to explore her new interest in a deeper way. I really wanted to be able to channel her enthusiasm in a positive direction for her. I could tell she felt empowered and smart. When my daughter took part in the hour of code at school, she came home and was so excited to tell me all about it. This is exactly what happened to my daughter and it’s how we discovered the Sphero Edu app community and our little SPRK+ robot. Or they offer introductory classes or workshops, but once a child’s interest has been sparked, there is no where for them to go with it. Part of the problem is that many schools haven’t caught up with the times and aren’t teaching it. But for some reason, we’re still having a hard time getting young people to really take an interest in this area beyond the basics. The computer science field is exploding and the opportunities for our kids will be so exciting. However, we many not realize how essential computer related skills are going to be for our children. What is even more amazing is the way it opens up whole new world of learning for our children.īut it goes beyond just learning. Technology is the future for our kids.Īs parents, We hear all about STEAM education and coding. STEAM Education – The Key To Our Kids Futures She was truly busting with pride at what she had been able to do and, even better she couldn’t wait to learn more. I was stunned by how quickly she had figured out to use our new SPRK+ Robot from Sphero Edu. A programming command, one she had written and executed herself in a matter of minutes. My daughter giggles and smiles at me with a look of triumph on her face.Ī moment later, back comes the whizzing ball and it stops right in front of her as if on command. “Mom, come quick you need to see what I just did!”Īs I walk into the next room, a small spinning orb about the size of a baseball with lights goes whizzing past me. Here’s a revolutionary educational tool to help them build important skills while having fun! Inside:STEAM education is essential for our children’s future success.
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ell-arts · 7 months
Whats crazy is, the more you watch the Patga series, the more you realise that Pacster is more than like to have high anxiety. Always jumpy, constantly needing reassurance, can get obsessive at times (you can see that mostly in the second season). Very fitting, since it might be the reason for his appetite?
Also I wonder what's up with him being one of the few capable of turning into a ball whenever for short periods of time. President Spheros is also physically capable of doing it, is it because they're both perfectly circular or because they're both nervous ? I wonder.
Agreed! I've often theorised that Pac was an anxious kid, being that he struggled to adjust to school because of how different he was. His anxiety has gotten better in high school, but outside of Yellow One lore, we could very well say that his appetite could be traced back to stress-eating, and it's a bad habit that's stuck with him since childhood.
Now as for your second point, I'm having a hard time recalling Stratos ever turning into a ball himself...as far as I know, normal Pacworlders need power berries to turn into a ball (example, Cyli eating a bouncing berry in "Cap'n Banshee and his Interstellar Buccaneers"). I've thought that Yellow Ones are the only ones capable of turning into a ball without a power berry, so I'm kind of inclined to believe that the instance where Stratos turned into a ball without a power berry was an error/mistake on the writers' part, but hey if we roll with it then we could say that Pacworlders can turn into balls under extreme stress lol
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nintendocafe · 6 years
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Sphero App-Controlled Robot Ball | $40 Buy-Now!
Sphero Mini App-Controlled Robot Ball:
Drive – Drive Mini several ways with the Sphero Mini app – Joystick, Tilt, Slingshot, or Face Drive.;Top speed 1m/s
Face Drive – Face Drive is a hilarious new feature that uses your facial expressions to drive the ball.
Gaming – Sphero Mini can be used with the app as a video game controller. Play 3 games with more updates on the way.
Coding – Download the Sphero Edu app and program your Sphero Mini bot using JavaScript.
Interchangeable Shells – Colorful, interchangeable shells allow you to switch one out to suit your mood.                  
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valkerymillenia · 6 years
I may be hopeless at social interaction with adults and especially the elderly but kids? Kids are my jam. Kids are the only little critters my OCD and hypersensitivity (and other more socially-inclined conditions) don't seem to act up around. And somehow they always make me smile even when everyone else seems at wit's end, I don't know if you can call me patient or just maternal but I just find kids easy. Anyway, I took my BaBy-8 with today when I took my dad to physical therapy and ended up entertaining these 4 kids from the speech therapy class. Also gave them Smarties. First time I've smiled so naturally in weeks.
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mrsmacbot · 2 years
Hello! About Me
Hi.  I’m Elizabeth.  I’m a gifted teacher. I teach “enrichment” classes in two middle schools -- one in a rural small town and one in a very rural very small town. I mostly teach robotics, plus whatever comes along that interests my kids.
Last year I was trained to teach PLTW Vex robotics, which uses big metal parts with big plastic gears.  I also tried to get the students familiar with Raspberry PI, which meant learning a lot about the Pi myself.  I requested the set of 4 Hummingbird kits, which arrived this past fall, and then asked for 2 more in a small grant.
So I’ve been learning to teach with them, to some extent by trial and error.  I started off by having my 6th graders make automata (see https://www.exploratorium.edu/tinkering/projects/cardboard-automata), then carry the “how to build” concepts forward into a new project using the Hummingbird kit elements.
I have an embarrasment of riches - I was able to start them off in coding earlier in the year with Sphero Bolt robots.  Last year we played some with a set of Ozobots, but I think those are better for younger students.
Right now I have a group of four 8th graders plus one 6th grader starting off new robot projects. This time, before I just turned them loose, I made them hook up EVERYTHING in the kit and practice coding each element, including using a sensor to trigger actions. Then I had them build one simple mechanism from the Build page (a different mechanism for each student). After building, they had to explain how the mechanism worked to other students. Now they are working on projects: a corgi DJ, a wrecking ball, and a “teacup ride” (like Disneyland). (I can’t remember the fourth one!)
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year2000electronics · 2 years
Mothra if you start posting about pmatga i will figure out a way to follow you TWICE because I LOVED THAT SHIT. that dumbass toilet humour having netflix series. Why.
But the ghosts were hotter than president sphericles or whoever the hell /lh. Not betrayus though he looked . Crusty. Its okay though mothra we support your sexuality, sometimes you see green balls with faces and, well, it changes you <3
HELPDFLKSKHDGJLSHDLGKSHG spheros is going on the Kinda Hot List (list i purposely use to piss people off) also like back in 2015 half the fandom wanted betrayus’ betrayussy so you cant even come for me
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you know what i think is a really weird but funny coincidence?
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the fact that the sphero tag on here seems to mostly refer to a character from Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures (I think that's the title?) rather than the robotic ball/robot company of the same name
kind of sweet imo :-)
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