#I have the theme song memorized it was my favorite show as a kid for some reason
you know what i think is a really weird but funny coincidence?
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the fact that the sphero tag on here seems to mostly refer to a character from Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures (I think that's the title?) rather than the robotic ball/robot company of the same name
kind of sweet imo :-)
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ant0nsfirstluv · 5 months
Spending Winter Break/Christmas with Riize Headcanons
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Merry Christmas Eve Briizes 😛
Warnings : None
More Under The Cut !!
Takes you on a holiday vacation back to his birth place Kanagawa!!! and spend some time in Shibuya as well
Rents out a beautiful mini house for you and him to stay in together during the vacation, it would be too cute and have a nice view
Perhaps even coming with a personal onsen
Would take you to multiple winter festivals and winter firework shows buying you whatever treats and charms you’d like
PICTURE TIMEEEE does whatever to make the pics perfect with the right ambience
When Christmas finally hits you two would finally exchange gifts I like to think he’d get you a nice bracelet since I’ve seen him wear his own a couple times :))
I see a chill but memorable Christmas with him, you two doing cute activities like building gingerbread houses and making ornaments
definitely not laughing at how your gingerbread house looks (he is AND is taking pics to show the gc) but helps you fix it after 😭
Once you both finish building the gingerbread house he’d just hold your hand and feed you the left over candy and gingerbread
he loves horror movies so he’d probably would want to watch a Christmas based horror movie instead of just a regular one like Krampus or something
pretends to not care about you wanting to stay up Christmas Eve but will keep slightly shaking you awake once you start dosing off before the clock hits 12
Randomly took your hair and adds a christmas themed ribbon to it (when he did it, you have no clue)
drives you around to look at the pretty lights and attractions Christmas Eve, even letting you get out the car and take pictures together at certain winter attractions
gives you a gift a day early because he can’t help but show you one of the things he got you already (a nice little necklace with your initial mayhaps)
doesn’t let you show him his gift early because shhh the Christmas spirit 🤫 but then caves in letting you tell him what you got him
takes you (his pretty luh lady) out for a nice dinner at one of your favorite restaurants to eat at
gets you two the picture worthy seasonal christmas deserts once you two are done eating the main course even sharing some of his with you
Insta posts dedicated to spending the holidays with you once you two’s day is through of course
Christmas shopping with him for days upon days upon days before the actual day. You two practically have a summary of what you have gotten each other 😭
would randomly ask you about your measurements and sizes over and over just to be sure the clothes + jewelry he got you is the right fit ( “Hey what’s your shoe size again.” … “Wonbin you asked this earlier.” …. “…But are you sure-” “ Yes”. )
plays you some Christmas/winter songs on his guitar when you both end up dozing off not being able to show and exchange gifts till the morning
You alr know he’s posting a Christmas photo dump showing off the jewelry/earrings you two got each other
Watches Christmas movies with you, talks about how crazy home alone is and how he’d set up the traps if he was the kid or get in the house as the burglar 😭
he would not budge about your present and would have you actually wait until 12am or Christmas Day morning to open it oh my god 😭 but only because it’s v special
once he realized the tradition behind mistletoes he’d order one online just to randomly lift it above you two so you can give him a little kiss FOR FREEEEEE whenever
shows you “christmas themed snack recipes” from tiktok for you two to try (it was toooo difficult and you both gave up and ordered some chicken in)
I can’t get over the gamer Seunghan agenda he’d most def show you all the Christmas themed skins he got recently (maybe even bought you some skins if you play the same games)
once it’s finally 12 he’d finally show you your gift and he’d probably give something super personal that he’d know only you’d want to have
KARAOKEEEEE bye you two would be swinging together singing alll the Christmas songs even the corny ones that you’d hear in the mall/ads
you two would probably play music the entire day in general, not just holiday hits but you two’s favorite songs as well and would just sing and dance together
sohee has said before he thinks it’s funny to give someone a useless gift so he’d probably have one gift that’s just a random strange item for jokes
BUT ofc he’d have an actual meaningful gift for you (but he’s most definitely giving you the useless one first just to see your reaction)
would have you two go out in hoodies + comfy clothes to get some small little deserts for you guys to eat Christmas Day at a mini mart
we already know Anton is always online and always planning so he’d have a bunch of ideas and once again an itinerary of what you guys will do this christmas break
SIGHT SEEING ! maybe he’d take you home to jersey to walk through certain streets and plazas to see the lights and snowmen holding hands, If you got too cold (because it can get cold as hell in jersey 😭) he’d bring an extra thicker jacket in his tote bag just in case + let you keep your hand in his coat pocket
MATCHING/COORDINATING CHRISTMAS PAJAMAS he’d have you guys make Christmas tiktoks to keep for himself to watch whenever you two are apart
make a snowman and snow angels with him ommlll it’d be funny how large his angel would be in comparison to yours 😭
depending on how longgg you two have been together he might even take you to meet the fam in jersey and spend the holidays with them too
the gift he’d have for you would be so expensive and would be something that he remembered being associated with your favorite things + hobbies
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kpop · 2 years
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K-Pop Spotlight: Stray Kids
A crime of passion has been committed, and Stray Kids is on the case—143, that is. Whodunnit, you ask? We caught up with the group ahead of the release of their latest mini-album, MAXIDENT, to chat about matters of the heart, their sold-out UNVEIL shows, and producing music on the road. And if you’ve ever wondered what a movie night with Stray Kids would be like, we’ve got you covered there, too. Check out our full interview below!
Tell us about your new mini-album MAXIDENT and your experiences writing and composing music while on tour. 
Bang Chan: Like the title of the album, Stray Kids have come across a case that they’ve never encountered before. A MAXIDENT has occurred with the birth of Stray Kids’ first love title song! Writing tracks and demos while on tour has always been fun. Different sceneries and environments definitely help out with the inspiration for new projects.
HAN: This new album showcases the growth of the more mature sides of Stray Kids. Being able to visit and experience so many different places while on tour has definitely brought us many inspirations for projects.
Each of you performed so many individual songs and covers (i.e., ‘Streetlight,’ ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit,’ ‘Youngblood’) throughout your tour—which were your favorites to perform? 
Lee Know: I had a lot of fun singing and dancing to J.Y. Park’s ‘Honey.’ 
Seungmin: My most memorable moment was when I sang Justin Bieber’s ‘Off My Face’! I was so happy that I was able to sing for fans with a live band. I also sang a lot of other Justin Bieber songs, and especially because these are songs I love, I was happy to sing. 
Give us your TMI! Share one out-of-the-ordinary thing you did this week that no one else knows. 
Changbin: I had an arm-wrestling fight with the members, and I was the final winner. As expected—I am powerful! 
I.N: I bought konjac black bean noodles!
Congratulations on your UNVEIL 11 shows at KSPO! What were your expectations going into the concerts, and how did they compare to the real thing? 
Hyunjin: It felt like a dream to perform at the KSPO Dome. I didn’t expect so many STAY to come, but thanks to the many STAY who came, I had so much fun performing. 
Felix: Not only was it a goal but also a gift from STAY, who came to watch our concert at the KSPO Dome. The KSPO Dome was filled with a lot of STAY, making it not only memorable but enjoyable to see fans. We were able to ride on new carts to see STAY on the second floor, which was also memorable.
I.N: I was looking forward to performing so much, but the actual concert exceeded my expectations. I had tons of fun. I felt so, so proud to see the happiness in STAY’s eyes; this made me vow to myself that I will make STAY even happier in the future. 
We’ve seen a lot of heart imagery during this comeback, from the music video to the album art. Can you tell us a little about that choice and what those hearts represent? 
Bang Chan: Having love is a concept that is a MAXIDENT to us; we thought using hearts in a hectic turn of events was essential. “Love” might be a word that has a lovely and warm image, but to make it suit the Stray Kids color, we mixed things around to match the mood that we were aiming for.
Changbin: The reason why we use heart imagery is that this album contains our first love-themed title track. Also, the heart monsters that appear in the music video will spark STAY’s curiosity!
A crime has been committed, and you’re on the case—which of your members are on the hunt, and who committed the crime? 
HAN: I think the suspect would be I.N because he is so lovable. The thoughtful ones of the group, Hyunjin, and Seungmin, will be the ones on the hunt.
Seungmin: The suspect is Lee Know, and I will be the one in charge of going after him and examining the site!!!!!
Lightning round! You’re hosting a movie night for STAYs. What’s your snack of choice, your favorite pajamas, and the movie you’re watching? 
Lee Know: I want to watch a scary movie together. Without a doubt, the snack will be popcorn—caramel flavored. I want to wear the pajamas that I always wear. 
Hyunjin: A sweet romance movie, popcorn and soda, and cute pajamas.
Felix: While watching The Avengers, I hope everyone wears pajamas with long sleeves and eat caramel butter popcorn!
Want more of Stray Kids? Check out their new mini-album MAXIDENT and music video for ‘Case 143’ here. 
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kovajean · 9 months
As someone whose favorite movie (second only to Whiplash) is Karate Kid III, I’ll never understand people that think it’s a bad movie.
Although my reasons aren’t entirely objective, it’s still worth writing about. It’s crazy how nearly tailor-made this movie is for me.
The over the top villains in Mike and Silver are perfect, because they have hardly any motive. I love simple shit like that.
Why is Silver doing this? Because his best friend was embarrassed. Why is he doing it in this way? Because he’s evil. Why is he evil? Because he is. Let’s also not forget the fact that he’s a corrupt oil barren. That shit’s hilarious. He’s also hot as fuck and I, as a gay man, am allowed that as a reason.
Why is Mike doing this? Money. Why is he doing it this way? Because he likes beating people up. Why does he like beating people up? Because he does. Who cares that there’s no deeper meaning behind it? I certainly don’t. I like when villains are bad because they like to be. I don’t want anything different. And I especially love that Cobra Kai didn’t retcon his insanity, like they’ve retconned other people’s wrongdoings...
The dialogue is both great and fucking awful at the same time. Here are some of my favorite lines from the movie:
“They made you suffer, so I’m gonna make them suffer—and suffer, and suffer, and when I think they’ve suffered enough, then I start with the pain.” (This line fucking SUCKS LOL)
“When I'm finished with that kid, he'll be begging me to be his teacher. And you know what he's gonna learn from me? Pain. In every part of his body. And fear—in every part of his mind. And here's the kicker: He's gonna thank me for it.” (This is probably my favorite line ever from any movie. It’s so good. The first time I showed this movie to my ex-boyfriend he would quote this shit at me every single day.)
“Johnny, by the time that little twerp steps into the ring to defend his title, I’m gonna have him thinking he’s invincible. Then he’s gonna find out what pain and fear really mean. Right in front of a thousand people.” (This line gives me chills. So good. Would be better if he used something less Disney bully than “twerp”, though.)
“It’s okay to lose to an opponent—Must not lose to fear!” (This along with the majority of Miyagi’s lines are great. I don’t need to go through them all. This is just my favorite one.)
The thing about these movies is that each one has varying levels of dialogue quality. KK1’s dialogue is fucking awful. But at least some of the lines are funny enough to laugh at. There are some good lines in there, but that’s just it. Good lines. Not memorable. Same thing with KK2. The dialogue in that movie is just good. That’s all. I can’t recite a single line from that movie. Because the lines aren’t memorable. Except for, of course, “honk”. Do not get me wrong though. I'm not saying this movie is the best Karate Kid movie. No way. It's just my favorite, and it's not as bad as people make it out to be.
The score had me looping it for 3 months straight. I'm not even hyperbolizing here. The whole of it is just wonderful. The reused and remixed songs like Kata Training are great. But when I get to Silver’s theme, that’s a whole different thing. Listen to this shit:
How is this real? I’m a huge classical music fan, and I could not stop playing this song over and over and over again. Listen to this one:
Did you know that this song wasn’t even used in the movie? This is an alternate version of Terry’s Next Move, which plays over the Kreese and Silver phone call as well as the Mike Barnes Magazine Car Ride. The one they went with certainly works better for the scene, but I love, love, love this one. So much more. 
I never thought I’d be hooked on a series of songs from a Karate Kid movie composed by the same guy who did Rocky, but here I am. 6 months strong, too. I was in a high school theater production when I watched this movie for the first time, and every free moment I had backstage was spent looping each piece with any bit of Terry’s theme in it (such as Terry Silver, Terry’s Next Move, Terry Sneaks In, and Daniel Submits. I also had Terry Owns Daniel on loop occasionally, but that song doesn’t have any real instances of Terry’s theme in it–it just sounds similar. And yes, these are the official names of the songs in case you weren’t aware.) I also listened to these songs on loop while doing an art class project (which was of, you guessed it, Karate Kid characters).
I love Daniel in this movie. Love him. More so than any of the other movies. He’s exponentially sillier, he becomes best friends with a girl instead of dating her, he demonstrates color theory, and his irritability and sass are on full display. I also like that he's not super skinny anymore, and that he actually looks his age. (My love for him may also be aided by the fact that I relate most to his personality and appearance in accordance with this movie versus the first two).
I LOVE JESSICA! You will never meet a bigger Jessica fan than me. I love her so, so dearly.
She brings out the good in Daniel.
She shows us that Daniel is good with rejection. When she tells him she has a boyfriend, his opinion of her stays the exact same. He doesn’t push her. He lets it go, and they immediately become best friends. All because she told him that she hadn’t made any friends yet.
I like that Daniel is protective of her despite the fact that they’re not dating. He really cares about her, and he doesn’t expect anything in return. He’s not spoiled. But I also like that Jessica gets mad at him, because he went way too far. She doesn’t let him get away with it or treat him like a hero. She gets upset. Because Daniel just assaulted someone who hadn’t done anything deserving of violence (yet). And when she leaves, Daniel recognizes his mistake. He recognizes all of his mistakes. All because of Jessica. I can promise you, had she reacted positively, the movie would have ended differently. She was the step he needed to snap out of his power trip. And I love her for it.
She also trains with Daniel! None of his love interests did that!
I’m saving the color theory section for a separate post where I will go over every Daniel outfit and what they mean for the scene because I have the free time to do so and dammit I’m not hyper fixated on Karate Kid III enough already so I might as well let myself get worse. You feel me?
Despite the fact that Daniel's clearly nervous around Silver, he’s still a piece of shit during their training sessions. I respect that. He’s also incredibly snappy towards Mike and his gang even though he knows he shouldn’t be. His morals are also on full display if you think about it. He’s mean to mean people, even if being nice to them will work out better in the long run. Because he refuses to be nice to people who don’t deserve it. As well as vice versa. Except for when he snaps at Miyagi. Hmm, I wonder why he does this? Perhaps, is it maybe, the fact that he’s being manipulated to use anger as a coping mechanism?
People go on and on about how whiny Daniel is in this movie, but they don’t seem to consider why.
Daniel is assaulted over and over again by Mike and his gang, and his new best friend gets roped into it. He stores this anger because he has nowhere else to put it. Then he meets Silver, someone who gives him an outlet for it. He finally has something to do with this pent-up rage, until he’s given mixed signals by the people around him when he uses this newfound coping skill. Miyagi gets upset, Silver praises him, Jessica leaves him. How is he supposed to know what to do? Of course he has a mental break. He rants to Jessica about it, then to Miyagi, and he thinks he has his problems fixed. Then, to make matters worse, he finds out that Silver was tricking him the whole time. Now he has to relearn Miyagi-Do. That fucking sucks. I’d go crazy too. This, along with the fact that he wanted to compete in the All-Valley so badly that he brought it up to Miyagi on multiple occasions, was shot down every time, finally gave up, and then was forced to care again? AND Miyagi refuses to train him even though it’s hardly his decision anymore? How Daniel kept going in this movie is beyond me. He’s not whiny, he’s livid. He can’t catch a fucking break.
I’d say his anger is accumulated throughout the movies. This one year has been more eventful than the rest of his life was prior. Everyone he meets seems to want his head on a stake and there’s literally nothing he can do about it. He just wants to be a normal guy, and no one will let him.
He’s also certainly not weaker in this movie in comparison to the second. He’s been broken down by everyone trying to fight him and he’s at a point where he’s trying not to care. He’s trying so hard, but when Mike shows up it’s difficult for him to keep pretending. The fact that Daniel loses to him is meant to show you that Mike is strong, not that Daniel is weak. Anyone that can defeat Daniel after Daniel’s torment in KK2 deserves to be feared. And don’t forget that Mike had the ability to kill Daniel in the bonsai scene. The only reason he’s less threatening than Chozen is because his acting is bad.
If you want to argue that he’s weak throughout the entire movie, then you’d be half correct, I guess? He’s a different sort of strong for the last half of the movie. This is because Silver teaches him different moves. Daniel stops using what he used to know (the style of Karate that we’ve seen him use up until this point), and is now using exclusively this new style. And when you consider that this new style only has 3 different moves, of course he’s going to look weaker. The All-Valley scene Daniel also isn’t weaker if that’s your argument, because there is genuinely no other way he could have beaten Mike than with Kata. Mike is immune to Miyagi-Do. That’s why Daniel never beat him in any of the scenes leading up to the All-Valley. Daniel is also overcome with fear thanks to Silver. The ineffectiveness of Miyagi-Do on Mike and the lasting fear of the manipulation he dealt with is not a good combination. He beat Mike with Kata because he caught Mike completely off guard. That’s how you beat him. We know that’s how you beat him because it’s the first time we see him genuinely lose, other than when he lost to Miyagi multiple times, which is another instance of Mike being caught off guard and losing, because why would he expect an old man to be that good at Karate (and also, it’s Miyagi, of course he’s gonna lose to Miyagi. He’s not comparable to Daniel). Can you assume that Silver told Mike to be wary of Miyagi? He’d never seen the guy fight.
Anyways this movie has been on repeat in my brain since March and nothing I can do can stop it so why not indulge in it, huh? Just a look into my dark and twisted mind
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lambsquatch · 9 months
I really wanna talk about how iconic telltale game soundtracks are
I overlooked this kinda stuff a lot as a kid, but music is a VERY important part of storytelling in things like games, shows and movies. the background music can really set the tone of a scene, and can effect the way a viewer feels in that moment.
I think one thing telltale always did INCREDIBLY well was the music in their games. the most memorable one for me was minecraft story mode. the witherstorm theme is fucking fantastic, the way the song builds up reflects the dread viewers feel as the monster gets bigger and tears chunks from the ground. and that’s just the most popular of the tracks from the first game. that’s the one everybody remembers. but the first and second seasons have so many great tracks that make you feel so much.
some of my favorite songs on that ost are the more somber ones. no more creepers, lapis lazuli, dome of concentration, just kids. it’s definitely different for everyone, but those 4 songs are somehow always able to make me feel way more than they should. lapis lazuli always brings me back to when I was just a kid who wanted to share that cookie with lukas. it reminds me of things changing as I grew up, and trying to hang onto any sense of normalcy. just kids will always make me think back on the things I lost, it will always get me emotional in my reminiscing. dome of concentration makes me think of what I could be, of the endless potential of the world. and no more creepers will always make me remember those good moments I had as a kid, and how even if they’ve past, they will always be special. they shaped me into who I am today.
thats how a couple very well put together tracks make me feel. it’s absolutely amazing how music works, and I will DIE applauding the mcsm ost for how phenomenal it is.
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oceanera12 · 2 years
Battle Band
((My sister insisted I posted this and I cannot tell her no, SO--!))
I think this was something my sisters and I came up with years ago as an idea for a comedy comic or something. This was done in pure fun and I think any band kid can get a kick out of it.
Basically, it is a professional band/orchestra with weapons that at every concert they play at, these robbers drop from the ceiling and try and steal something. So the band fights them, usually stops them, then finishes their show without missing a beat.
The first time this happened, the band was using their instruments to fight them.
The flutes were used as swords with their owners crying and apologizing to their instrument for hurting them.
Clarinets threw reeds like throwing stars and have no idea how that actually hurt people but it did.
Drummers just use their drumsticks. When asked about how and why they are so calm when they break a stick they just say, "We break these all the time. We have A LOT of spares."
Trumpets blast anyone with sound. If anybody gets too close, they whack them.
Tubas are the barricades for the reed throwers. If anybody gets too close, they whack them.
Trombones use their sliders as swords and are actually quite proficient for how flimsy it is.
The Saxophones throw reeds as well, but also can use their instrument as a club.
The strings launch their bows like they are arrows. No one questions this because they are too scared to ask.
The piano player (and his assistant) are the best fighters in the band. However, neither of them fights unless it is going very, very poorly, for it is their job to play the battle music.
The director directs everyone and whacks people with his baton when they get too close. His baton has never broken and no one knows exactly what it is made of or how that is even possible.
The mallets are with the drummers, but they also do battle music
The piccolo player stands in the back and is the prison keeper. If anyone tries to leave, she deafens them.
After the fourth time they find themselves fighting during a band concert, the flutes get raipers because the owner of Felicity the Flute cannot handle using their flue as a sword.
The reed throwers also get wooden throwing stars, which has helped them tremendously. They once tried metal throwing stars but failed so badly that the piano player had to intervene
After that, everyone gets an upgrade. Saxophones get actual clubs, Trombones get swords, and the strings get bows and arrows (and crossbows, in the case of the Violas). Tubas now have actual shields.
The Tubas will play the Jaws theme if the piano players are "occupied."
The trumpets figure out they can use their trumpets like blow darts and use their music sheets as their spit wads. As such, they are required to memorize all of their music.
In the first battle, someone yelled, "Piano player, battle music!" Caught unprepared, the pianist launched into the Mario theme. They rolled with it, but by the time the flutes got their rapiers, he had a binder of music including: Mission Impossible Theme Pirates of the Caribbean Star Wars Soundtrack Avengers theme and many, many more!
(Side note: the Mario theme is now the favorite song of the band and what they close every show with)
The Bus driver and Stage Manager are the goalies on the side/backstage. If anyone tries to escape they kick them back into play.
The reason the piano player even has an assistant is because of that one time he had to get involved in a battle and there was no music. So a random member of the band (read probably a trumpet) went over and began to play Chopsticks. They don't talk about that time and Chopsticks is not banned from being played in the band.
The piano player is also ex-military, which explains a lot.
The only oboe's name is literally "Plot Convenience" and he answers every unanswerable question with his name. They know he fights because he can kick butt during band training (which they implemented after the 7th time they go caught in battle) but no one really knows how he fights. They are a little busy and no one really sees him long enough to nail it down.
For reasons (plot convenience) the bandits are always the same and we have decided it is the choir. No one knows it is the choir and the band actually enjoys the choir. However, the choir hates the band for reasons unknown (and even Plot Convenience doesn't have an answer for that one)
No one knows how these weapons even get into the concert. They have played at the White House and also fought there. No one knows where they were hiding any of the weapons including the band (Plot Convenience)
Eventually, they are hired by the government as spies.
("We are not spies!" "Then how did you get crossbows into the White House?" "....Are we spies? Did you all know this?" "Plot Co--" "SHUT UP, PLOT!"
Unfortunately, the piano player refuses to play on anything less than a baby grand so they are all kind of limited on where they play.
Every time a member or section goes down, there is a music cue alerting the rest of the band. (*drowning theme from Sonic the Hedgehog* "There went the director!")
At this point, Plot Convenience just raises his hand whenever someone questions something that doesn't have an answer. The director then waves his baton and says, "Everyone on three. One, two three." Everyone: 'PLOT CONVENIENCE" Plot is so proud of these children, even though he has taught the entire band they don't exist.
The robbers always come from the ceiling. The one time they didn't come from the ceiling the band got mad sooooo
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8 Shows to get to know me!
Thank you for tagging me @luckshiptoshore and @someguywife!
1) Star Trek
All Star Trek is lumped under one point on this list, just to leave room for anything else, lol. I watched Voyager with my mom as a kid and the first TV crush I remember having was on Naomi Wildman. Enterprise was the first Trek I watched of my own volition and I do still love the theme song. When I was ~18-19 I binged TOS and it built itself a place deep in my heart. K/S is my forever OTP. I am comfortable with the fact that I will lose fondness for someone who is adamant about having a wrong opinion about Kirk, including William Shatner. I also genuinely think DS9 is the best and most skillfully made Trek and I love it very much.
2) Xena: Warrior Princess
I was really into Xena as a kid. I wanted to be Gabrielle. My earliest memory of using a computer is favoriting a picture of Xena on my mom's work laptop. I rewatched it as an adult and fell even more in love with it. It's campy, is gay, it's goofy, it tackles serious topics, there's soulmates and reincarnation and so many doppelgangers and alternate universes. If someone accidentally says something I can relate to Xena I have to physically bite my tongue to distract myself from starting on it because I will not stop.
3) Teen Wolf
Something fundamental was broken within me because of Teen Wolf. It shaped me. Sterek4lyfe.
4) Our Flag Means Death
The show that brought me back to tumblr after a long absence and gave me something sweet and funny to obsess over after a pretty terrible break up I went through last year. This show has made steps to fixing what Teen Wolf broke in me, just having a show that is a gay romcom where all the romantic coding pays off.
5) Dead Like Me
Dead Like Me is just one of my favorite shows. It introduced me to Bryan Fuller as a producer and writer and I just really love the creative story as well as all the characters. I wish it had been able to run longer and really build out the characters and world more.
6) Farscape
Farscape absolutely fucks. Farscape is this shining beacon of amazing TV in my head. It's incredibly bizarre in ways I really like and manages to make that bizarreness a critical part of the storytelling. I will always campaign that more people should watch Farscape, it's so damn good.
7) The Simpsons
I didn't have cable as a kid and The Simpsons was a show that played two episodes every day, twice a day. I have seen every single episode of The Simpsons that aired before September of 2009 at least twice, and most of them many, many more times than that. I have several hundred episodes effectively memorized. I know so much 80s and 90s pop culture exclusively because of The Simpsons.
8) New Girl
New Girl is my go-to comfort show. I love sitcoms and low stake antics with lovable characters is peak sitcom vibes for me. I also think everyone has seen New Girl as much as I have and I will reference it like it's common knowledge. When someone acknowledges the reference with more than passing familiarity I will get weird about it.
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forfoxessake · 1 year
2022 is over. The year in review.
It wasn’t a great year. This mostly post-pandemic year was filled with anxiety and changes. I could hardly focus on anything so there are only a few things that were truly memorable.
 I was able to reconnect with music, after many years barely listening to anything, suddenly it was the only thing that I could enjoy without having to force myself to pay attention, I could just feel. 
I found that I still pretty much love MCR and one thing I could focus on was watching the live streams from their Return tour, every night a different set list, different memories. It really helped me get through my days -  funny how they are still out there saving lives 20 years later. 
I saw 113 films, read 64 books and seen many series. 
Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:
Aftersun (2022) - definitely my favorite movie this year, nothing made me feel as much as the last 30 minutes of this film.
Petite Maman (2021) -  there’s like 5 people in this movie, it’s mostly two litte girls playing around I loved every second of it.
The Worst Person in the World (2021) - being an adult is hard and we don’t have to know everything
Dial M for Murder (1954) - had a very special time seeing this, and it’s really good. 
Mars One (2022) - another movie with a wonderful kid who dreams bigger than anything in the world
C’mon C’mon (2021) - my favorite films this year all starred little kids, there are moments here so precious
The Lost Daughter (2021) - my first film this year and I still remember it so vividly. 
CODA  (2021) - the big Oscar winner and I still agree with this decision, it’s precious and memorable. 
The Green Knight (2021) - Not enough people have seen this, Dev Patel and Alicia Vikander have my heart forever
Metal Lords (2022) - made me remember my teenage years and why I loved music/metal so much 
Licorece Pizza (2021) - I need to watch this again but I remember feeling so good while seen this on the big screen 
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) - my second favorite movie this year, it seems crazy but its really not. 
The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem  by Gerard Way and  Shaun Simon -  I loved reading it, I remember not being very into the Danger Days themes and at that point not even listening to music at all anymore, coming back to things and falling in love with this world was a special thing.
I Am, I Am, I Am: Seventeen Brushes with Death by  Maggie O'Farrell - one of the most beautiful conversations about death that I have ever read, here death it’s not something distant, it’s a thing that we brush hands with everyday.
My Life Had Stood a Loaded Gun by  Emily Dickinson - I finally finished the Dickinson tv series on Apple TV+ and I just had to read some of her work, this collection was on my nightstand for many months and I read it over and over again.
The Staircase - I was addicted to both the 2022 HBO tv mini-series and the original documentary from 2004, it’s a wild ride and it still makes me question so many things.
The Bear - at a time I could barely focus on anything, I managed to nearly binge watch this show, I can’t explain why it’s impossible to take our eyes off of it, but it’s brilliant and immersive and intense. 
House of The Dragon - I really had low expectations for this and it blew my mind every sunday, it might be better than GOT.
Star Trek: Lower Decks - If you are looking for a comedy sci-fi series that doesn’t take itself too seriously and knows how to entertain and mantain a cohesive plot this is it. So far, three seasons of pure joy. 
Irma Vep -  Olivier Assayas had one of the most brilliant moments in any media this year and almost no one saw it, it’s a shame that so many are missing out one of the best tv series ever. 
 Past Lives by  L.S. Dunes (2022) - I pratically lived off this album since it was released in past two months, its perfect, there’s not one bad song. 
I’m probably forgetting other things that I liked, this is a sad list compared to other years and I will try to make better choices this year. 
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butcherlarry · 1 year
Oooo, this looks like fun! I was tagged by @januariat for the “top 5 no-skip albums” tag game :D
The theme with all of my top 5 no-skip albums is that I have to be able to sing along with them. I was a choir kid when I was in high school, so I really enjoyed singing, and it is something that has stuck with me throughout my life.
1) The Producers (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
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I've listened to this soundtrack so many times, I have every song memorized. It helps make car rides go by faster for me, and keeps me entertained during tedious work. I also have good memories singing many of the songs st the top of my lungs with friends at the back of the marching band bud. Also, music and lyrics by Mel Brooks! Need I say more!?!
2) A Night at the Opera by Queen
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So many good songs to sing along to, and it's the album with "Bohemian Rhapsody" on it. Although, "Prophet's Song" is amazing too. My coworker and I like to listen to this album while we're working in our lab, too 😁
3) In Your Honor by The Foo Fighters
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I'm pretty sure this was my first Foo Fighters album that I ever listened to, and I love every song on it. I remember there were two CD in the album, and the second one was all acoustic. I sang alto in choir, and I enjoy singing harmonies. I was able to do that a lot with the acoustic CD (and figure out my own).
4) Thank You, Happy Birthday by Cage the Elephant
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Cage the Elephant is so weird, but I love them. Not all of the songs I can sing along to, but the ones I do are my favorite (Always Something, Rubber Ball, Shake Me Down, Right Before My Eyes). Also, this album got me through a lot of all night study sessions in collge when I was studying for my AnSci Animal Anatomy class, especially the midterms (a midterm almost every over week, but if you did well on them, then you didn't have to take the final! I did not have to take the final, AND got an A. Thank you CtE 🫡)
5) Shine On by Jet
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Fun fact! For my high school talent show, I sang "Shine On" from this album. Also, I really like how the last song can loop right back into the first song, so it's really easy to listen to it on repeat.
There are a few more albums I could probably add to the list, but the limit is 5, and I need to get to bed 😄
Other people I'm tagging are @halehathnofury @sunny-in-gotham @beachcat0772 and @pinesfamfan
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A brief recommendation of anime openings
The opening and closing theme songs play such an important role as they identify the hallmark of an anime and also move many anime watchers.
I’ll present ten openings that I consider valuable in my memory (not ranked in order of enjoyment)
10. Again - Yui 
OP 1 Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
I started watching FMAB thanks to my brother who listened to ‘Again’ every day for months. The music and the lyrics make you feel perfectly the ambitions and goals of the brothers Edward and Alphonse.
9. Crossing Field - LiSA 
OP 1 Sword Art Online
To be fair, I didn’t finish watching SAO, but if I managed to see some of its episodes it was for the mere fact that Crossing Field was the opening. It's the kind of song that makes you feel like you're the protagonist.
8. Blue Bird - Ikimonogakari 
OP 3 Naruto Shippuden
I haven't been able to finish Naruto yet. Still, the reason I started watching it was Blue Bird. This theme song is a perfect balance between the story and the feeling they seek to convey to the viewer.
7. SHIVER - the GazettE
OP1 S2 Kuroshitsuji
It’s the setting of the anime itself that makes everything so attractive, but the openings play an important role in each season as well, since they play harmonically with the gothic elements so typical of this series.
6. Bye Bye Yesterday - 3 Nen E Gumi Uta Tan 
OP2 S2 Assassination Classroom
After accompanying class 3-E for two seasons, it's time to say goodbye. I don't think there’s an opening that manages to encompass everything lived by the characters in such a nostalgic but entertaining way as in this case. Even on my own graduation day I couldn't help but remember it, it's quite memorable.
OP1 Code Geass
COLORS as the opening theme for an anime with such dramatic themes could’ve been a success because it totally misleads the viewer about the tragedies that will occur later in the plot. This song is remembered for the nostalgia that takes us back to the first episodes of Lelouch’s story.
4. PAPERMOON - Tommy heavenly6
OP2 Soul Eater
My favorite Soul Eater opening that also defines one of my favorite arcs. This arc introduces Chrona and covers her growing bond with Maka. The strengthening of the bond of the iconic duos that are presented from the beginning is related to the feeling of fidelity that the song shows in its lyrics.
3. Hyadain no Kakakata Kataomoi-C - Hyadain
OP1 Nichijou
Every time I need a burst of energy and good vibes I watch Nichijou.This specific song really characterizes the mix of nonsense and jokes meticulously embedded in the anime, as well as being a very catchy song. 
2. Kamisama Hajimemashita - Hanae
OP1 Kamisama Hajimemashita
If I ever have kids I'll be the kind of mom who gets excited when she hears the Candy Candy opening theme, but with Kamisama Hajimemashita. For some reason this song has helped me find a path to femininity. It's refreshing and tender, it gives me good memories of when I was little.
1. HighSchool - in NO hurry to shout 
OP1 Fukumenkei Noise
Fukumenkei Noise is a music anime and its opening consists of one of the main songs of the series. When the band in which the plot revolves changes its vocalist, the person who sings the opening changes to Nino, the protagonist of the story. It’s a detail that makes a big difference for the understanding of the plot that I personally like a lot.
Karen Gómez, October 2022
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What's your favourite movies?
21 / 03 / 2024
Thank you very much for this question which shows an interest in who I am as a person and not just the gay author in me.
I have already said that my blog is mainly made for sexual stories, but this blog remains on fiction, with themes that I try to make varied, but which are united by the theme of submission / humiliation.
Nevertheless I remain a person who has passions and centers of interest apart from my sexual desires.
I really like literature, cinema and television series. These are artistic forms allowing the expression of visual and emotional creativity because literary and cinematographic works, but also pictorial and musical, make it possible to disseminate social / political messages or transmit emotions. I would live even worse if there was no art in my life. The question asked was about my favorite movies.
I may be a cinephile, but certain types of films appeal to me far more than others. My favorite genres are romantic comedies and musicals but also comedies (in the humorous sense of the term), as well as animated films, historical films, superhero films, adventure films and fantasy films / science fiction (I know they're two very different genres, but I'm putting them together because I don't like all movies from each of these two genres). I also like investigative films (those in which there is a mystery to be solved).
The cinematographic genres that I like the least are cops films, westerns, horror films, and war films (it depends on the subject, the period, the actors...). I'm not saying that I like any films of these genres, but that these films do not meet the criteria that make me like a film.
For me, a film should be smart (make you think), funny (make you laugh), move (make you cry) - or at least one of these things - and it's better if it looks good. For a film to please me, there must be at least one main female character, a love story (a couple that is formed or that has been present since the beginning), and I attach great importance to costumes.
That being said, here is the non-exhaustive list of those which are currently my favorite films.
My favorite animated film will come as no surprise to those who know me and have read my blog. I really like the Disney universe, all Disney films in general. However, Sleeping Beauty will always be the one that will make me dream the most and will move me the most. Yes, I recognize its flaws: slowness, holes in the script (Maleficent's motivations remain obscure), a tone that oscillates too much between childish and horrific moments, main characters who don't have enough lines of dialogue, songs not memorable enough....
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Yes, and yet this film is in my opinion the most beautiful of the Disney films, the characters are very well animated and the designer Marc Davis did an excellent job animating Princess Aurora, her mother the Queen Leah, and of course the evil fairy Maleficent. Eyvind Earl created such realistic backgrounds that I really felt as a kid that this story could be real. The more believable the context (a marriage arranged for political reasons, a realistic setting...) the more one believes in magic elements.
This film is beautiful (for the sets and the characters), but also funny (the animals, the fairies, the Kings...) and terrifying (the spindle scene, the dragon scene,...) but also moving (the romance, Aurore's family drama...). I find that Aurore and Philippe are the two most beautiful Disney characters in terms of beauty, they form a beautiful couple but are two very good characters each on their side.
I think I particularly like this film already because it is the one I saw the most in my childhood, but also because it gave me values ​​and I have admiration for the main couple. It is often said that Princess Aurora is not a good role model for girls, but why is it not admitted that Philippe is a good one for boys? Prince Philippe was one of my first crushes, for his beauty, his strength and his humor. Above all, I admire him because he fights for love, and is ready to give up power to marry the one he loves.
But you know my admiration for this character if you have read my story about him, which I give you the link here.
The one I haven't talked about enough is Princess Aurora. The eponymous heroine of the film is a character who attracts me for her beauty and her beautiful voice, but also whom I admire for her sense of sacrifice.
Unlike Prince Philippe, Aurore renounces love out of political duty, proving that she is a true leader as she puts the safety of her people before her personal happiness. When I was a teenager, I had trouble keeping friends but above all I was bullied so it made me lonely (like Aurore) while I'm rather happy and outgoing (like Philippe). So I understood the loneliness that weighed on Aurore and her desire to find love.
I also really like the character of the fairy Fauna. Good and Love triumph, and there is no need to fully identify with the characters to appreciate them. This is something that has changed over time: nowadays Disney characters are so much like the spectators that they don't have their own identity.
Growing up, I learned to appreciate this film more for the story of its creation, the work behind the camera, even if no rehabilitation of Sleeping Beauty (even by Disney, even if Maleficent - Mistress of Evil (2019) was a good film) will not be able to seduce me as much as this version, especially since the music of the ballet by the Russian composer Tchaikovsky corresponds perfectly to the film.
I also really like the animated film ANASTASIA for its drawings, its story (even if it is indeed not historical), the main couple, the songs (I know some of them by heart 😅), the multiple scenes of successful action, the villain Raspooutine as funny as it is terrifying... The character of Anastasia is moving and funny, she wears beautiful outfits, has a real evolution, we are moved by her quest to which we can identify (find who we are, knowing where we come from...).
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My favorite musical film is HAIRSPRAY, with Amanda BYNES, the very handsome James MARSDEN, the cute Zac EFRON in one of his first roles, the sparkling Queen LATIFAH, the iconic Michelle PFEIFFER, and of course the hilarious John TRAVOLTA! The heroine, Tracy, is a plump 1959s Baltimore girl whose father sells gadgets and mother (John TRAVOLTA) is a stay-at-home mom. She falls in love with a popular boy (Zac EFRON) while her best friend (Amanda BYNES) loves a black boy. The film deals with several subjects: self-acceptance, of the person you fall in love with, of others (racism),...
The costumes and sets are very good, each character has their song and their moment to shine , We're not bored. The songs are catchy and the humor is well dosed so that there is also emotion. If you don't feel like dancing while watching this film, I can't do anything for you!
My favorite adventure movie is without hesitation PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN ! I obviously like the saga as a whole, because the characters evolve and live different adventures (although sometimes similar from one film to another). However, the first part of the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN saga has this particular flavor, which is that it is one of the few films better than its sequels. Yes, the first film can be seen and appreciated without forcing oneself to see the others because the end is satisfying for the characters.
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The film to watch to laugh and unwind, because the sensitive subject of financial spending is handled accurately, the romantic story is moving and credible, there are plenty of funny scenes, the heroine Rebecca Bloomwood is a role model because she learns about herself.
Adapted from novels, this film is funny, full of good feelings and the actress is great. If you are not feeling well, this is the film to watch to cheer yourself up.
Enchanted is not officially a feel good movie, it is a musical, romantic comedy, but for me it is the film to see when you are feeling gloomy. This is the film you have to see to have hope, because if it reinforces the hope of finding love, it is not simplistic but rather realistic. Giselle is perfectly played by Amy Adams, James Marsden is super sexy in the role of Prince Edward and his scenes are all iconic, Patrick Dempsey is moving as Robert... The costumes, the songs, the villain, the humor... I could talk about it for hours, but if I had a film to recommend to you it would be this one (and my favorite movie, that you'll soon discover) !
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Miss is my favorite French film. There are many French films that I like, but I really recommend watching this one. The story is that of a boy (gay, but it is neither specified nor important) who has dreamed since childhood of being elected Miss France. Having become an adult, he decides to make his dream come true and his journey will be strewn with obstacles... I like this film because it is funny, there is a gallery of funny characters, and what's more it is moving and sensitive, with a beautiful message about acceptance of oneself (and others). Actor Alexandre Wettler, a non-binary model, is as credible as he is moving. On top of that, it's one of the first times we've done humor around the world of beauty pageants.
This film might remind some of the film Little Miss Sunshine, in terms of the trajectory of the two main characters. This film manages to question gender and homophobia but with humor and emotion
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And another French movies i realm enjoy are the saga ANGÉLIQUE, 5 movies adapted from French novels, telling the story of a fictional noblewoman during Louis 14th's reign. You must watch them, there is a lot of action, the dialogues and costumes are amazing, the actress Michèle Mercier is stunning and her character is so inspiring, and the men she loves are so gorgeous that i may ask you who is your favorite 😉😏
The most moving and thrilling of the saga, the resolution of the intrigues of the prelogy, unforgettable scenes, incredible costumes, a perfect transition to the original saga... I love this film as such, and it is my Favorite Star Wars.
It's an amazing movie, i yelled, cried, laughed, panicked... It was really clever and beautiful to see, the actors were amazing as much as the costumes and the music, the rhythm and the editing. A masterpiece 👌
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BELLE (2013) by Amada Asante is a historical film that tells part of the life of Dido "Elizabeth" Belle (played by Gugu MBatha-Raw), a young mulatto from the English nobility in the 18th century. I like this movie because it doesn't require prior historical knowledge to enjoy it. The film emphasizes the influence that Dido Elizabeth "Belle" probably had in the rendering of a judicial decision in the context of the slave trade.
This story is beautiful because it is based on facts, but everything is done to immerse us in the intimacy of the main character. Belle faces the racism of the time but also the difficulty of being loved for herself because she is in the paradoxical situation of being black but rich, from a noble family but without a title. A magnificent love story is created between her and a pastor's son...
If you're a fan of period movies with fancy dress and drama, you're going to love this movie. For my part, I think it's the best or one of the best historical films because it manages to remain universal while being anchored in a precise period. (This film is available on Disney+).
The movie THE DUCHESS is my favorite movie. It has everything I like: beautiful costumes, endearing characters, a gripping story, well-written dialogues, beautiful music, emotion, etc. The historical context is not too present to focus on the story of the film, which tells that of Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire at the end of the 18th century.
I could have talked about these movies for so long, and about so many movies, but I'm interested to know what are your favorite movies and what you think of mines, if you saw or liked some of them. See you soon 😉
Merci beaucoup pour cette question qui témoigne un intérêt pour qui je suis en tant que personne et pas juste l'auteur gay qui est en moi. J'ai déjà dit que mon blog est surtout fait pour des histoires sexuelles, mais ce blog reste sur des fictions, aux thèmes que j'essaye de rendre variés, mais qui sont unis par le thème de la soumission / humiliation.
Néanmoins je reste une personne qui a des passions et des centres d'intérêts en dehors de mes désirs sexuels.
J'aime énormément la littérature, le cinéma et les séries télévisées. Ce sont des formes artistiques permettant l'expression de la créativité visuelle et émotionnelle car les œuvres littéraires et cinématographiques, mais aussi picturale et musicales, permettent de diffuser des messages sociaux / politiques ou transmettre des émotions.
Je vivrais encore moins bien s'il n'y avait pas l'art dans ma vie. La question posée concernait mes films préférés. J'ai beau être cinéphile, certains types de films me plaisent largement plus que d'autres. Mes genres préférées sont les comédies romantiques et comédies musicales mais aussi les comédies (au sens humoristique du terme), ainsi que les films d'animation, les films historiques, les films de super héros, les films d'aventures et les films de fantasy / science-fiction (je sais que ce sont deux genres très différents, mais je les met ensemble car je n'aime pas tous les films de chacun de ces deux genres).
J'aime bien aussi les films d'enquêtes (ceux dans lesquels il y a un mystère à résoudre).
Les genres cinématographiques que j'aime le moins sont les films policiers, les westerns, les films d'horreurs, et les films de guerre (ça dépend du sujet, de la période, des acteurs...).
Je ne dis pas que j'aime aucun films de ces genres-là, mais que ces films ne remplissent pas les critères qui me font aimer un film. Pour moi un film doit être intelligent (faire réfléchir), drôle (faire rire), émouvoir (faire pleurer) - ou au moins l'une de ces choses - et c'est mieux s'il est beau à voir.
Pour qu'un film me plaise il faut qu'il y ait au moins un personnage féminin principal, une histoire d'amour (un couple qui se forme ou qui est présent depuis le début), et j'accorde une grande importance aux costumes.
Ceci étant dit, voici la liste non-exhaustive de ceux qui sont actuellement mes films préférés.
Mon film d'animation préféré ne sera pas une surprise pour ceux qui me connaissent et qui ont lu mon blog. J'aime énormément l'univers Disney, tous les films Disney en général. Pourtant, La Belle Au Bois Dormant (1959) sera toujours celui qui me fera le plus rêver et va le plus m'émouvoir.
Oui, je reconnais ses défauts : des lenteurs, des trous dans le scénario (les motivations de Maléfique restent obscures), un ton qui oscille trop entre des moments enfantins et horrifiques, des personnages principaux qui n'ont pas assez de lignes de dialogues, des chansons pas assez mémorables....
Oui, et pourtant ce film est selon moi le plus beau des films Disney, les personnages sont très bien animés et le dessinateur Marc Davis a fait un excellent travail en animant la Princesse Aurore, sa mère la Reine Orhiane, et bien sûr la méchante fée Maléfique. Eyvind Earl a créé des arrières plans si réalistes que j'avais vraiment l'impression, quand j'étais enfant, que cette histoire puisse être réel. Plus le contexte est crédible (un mariage arrangé pour des raisons politiques, un décor réaliste...) et plus l'on croit aux éléments magiques.
Ce film est beau (pour les décors et les personnages), mais aussi drôle (les animaux, les fées, les Rois...) et terrifiant (la scène du fuseau, celle du dragon,...) mais aussi émouvant (la romance, le drame familial d'Aurore...).
Je trouve que Aurore et Philippe sont les deux plus beaux personnages Disney en terme de beauté, ils forment un beau couple mais sont deux très bons personnages chacun de leur côté. Je crois que j'aime particulièrement ce film déjà car il est celui que j'ai vu le plus dans mon enfance, mais aussi car il m'a apporté des valeurs et j'ai de l'admiration pour le couple principal.
On dit souvent que la Princesse Aurore n'est pas un bon rôle model pour les filles, mais pourquoi n'admet-on pas que Philippe en est un bon pour les garçons ? Le Prince Philippe a été l'un de mes premiers béguins, pour sa beauté, sa force et son humour. Surtout je l'admire car il se bat pour l'amour, et est prêt à renoncer au pouvoir pour épouser celle qu'il aime.
Mais vous connaissez mon admiration pour ce personnage si vous avez lu mon histoire sur lui, dont je vous remet le lien ici.
Celle dont je n'ai pas assez parlé c'est la Princesse Aurore. L'héroïne éponyme du film est un personnage qui m'attire pour sa beauté et sa belle voix, mais aussi que j'admire pour son sens du sacrifice.
À l'inverse du Prince Philippe, Aurore renonce à l'amour par devoir politique, prouvant qu'elle est une vraie dirigeante car elle fait passer la sécurité de son peuple avant son bonheur personnel.
Quand j'étais adolescent, j'avais du mal à garder des amis mais surtout j'ai été victime d'intimidation donc ça m'a rendu solitaire (comme Aurore) alors que je suis plutôt joyeux et extraverti (comme Philippe). Je comprenais donc la solitude qui pesait sur Aurore et son envie de trouver l'amour.
J'aime aussi beaucoup le personnage de la fée Paquerette.
Le Bien et l'Amour triomphent, et nul besoin de se reconnaître entièrement dans les personnages pour les apprécier. C'est quelque chose qui a changé avec le temps : de nos jours les personnages Disney ressemblent tellement aux spectateurs qu'ils n'ont plus vraiment d'identité propre.
En grandissant, j'ai appris à apprécier davantage ce film pour l'histoire de sa création, le travail fourni derrière la caméra, même si aucune réadaptation de La Belle Au Bois Dormant (même par Disney, même si Maléfique - Le Pouvoir du Mal (2019) était un bon film) ne pourra me séduire autant que cette version, surtout que la musique du ballet du compositeur russe Tchaïkovski correspond parfaitement au film.
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J'aime aussi énormément le film d'animation ANASTASIA pour ses dessins, son histoire (même si elle n'est effectivement pas historique), le couple principal, les chansons (j'en connais certaines par cœur 😅), les multiples scènes d'action réussies, le méchant Raspooutine aussi drôle que terrifiant... Le personnage d'Anastasia est émouvant et drôle, elle porte de belles tenues, a une vraie évolution, on est ému par sa quête à laquelle on peut s'identifier (trouver qui l'on est, savoir d'où l'on vient...).
Mon film comédie musicale préféré est HAIRSPRAY, avec Amanda BYNES, le très beau James MARSDEN, le mignon Zac EFRON dans l'un de ses premiers rôles, la pétillante Queen LATIFAH, l'iconique Michelle PFEIFFER, et évidemment l'hilarant John TRAVOLTA ! L'héroïne, Tracy, est une jeune fille ronde de Baltimore dans les années 1959 dont le père vend des gadgets et la mère (John TRAVOLTA) est mère au foyer. Elle tombe amoureuse d'un garçon populaire (Zac EFRON) tandis que sa meilleure amie (Amanda BYNES) aime un garçon noir. Le film traite de plusieurs sujets : acceptation de soi, de la personne dont l'on tombe amoureuse, des autres (le racisme),... Les costumes et les décors sont très bien, chaque personnage a sa chanson et son moment pour briller, on ne s'ennuie pas. Les chansons sont entraînantes et l'humour est bien dosé pour qu'il y ait aussi de l'émotion. Si vous n'avez pas envie de danser en voyant ce film, je ne peut rien pour vous !
Mon film d'aventure préféré est sans hésitation PIRATES DES CARAÏBES ! J'aime évidemment la saga dans son ensemble, car les personnages évoluent et vivent des aventures différentes (quoique parfois similaires d'un film à l'autre). Pourtant, le premier volet de la saga PIRATES DES CARAÏBES a cette saveur particulière, qui est que c'est l'un des rares films meilleur que ses suites. Oui, le premier film peut se voir et s'apprécier sans se forcer à voir les autres car la fin est satisfaisante pour les personnages.
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Miss est mon film français préféré. Il y a de nombreux films français que j'aime bien, mais je vous conseille vraiment de visionner celui-ci. L'histoire est celle d'un garçon (gay, mais ce n'est ni précisé ni important) qui rêve depuis l'enfance d'être élu Miss France. Devenu adulte, il décide de réaliser son rêve et son parcours sera semé d'obstacles... J'aime ce film car il est drôle, il y a une galerie de personnages marrants, et en plus il est émouvant et sensible, avec un beau message sur l'acceptation de soi (et des autres). L'acteur Alexandre Wettler, un mannequin non-binaire, est aussi crédible qu'emouvant. En plus de ça, c'est l'une des premières fois que l'on fait de l'humour autour du monde des concours de beauté. Ce film pourrait rappeler à certains le film Little Miss Sunshine, pour ce qui est de la trajectoire des deux personnages principaux. Ce film parvient à questionner le genre et l'homophobie mais avec humour et émotion.
Le plus émouvant et palpitant de la saga, la résolution des intrigues de la prélogie, des scènes inoubliables, des costumes incroyables, une transition parfaite vers la saga originale... J'adore ce film en tant que tel, et c'est mon Star Wars préfèré.
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Le film à voir pour rire et décompresser, car le sujet sensible de la dépense financière est traité avec justesse, l'histoire romantique est émouvante et crédible, il y a pleins de scènes cocasses, l'héroïne Rebecca Bloomwood est un modèle car elle apprend sur elle-même. Adapté de romans, ce film est drôle, plein de bons sentiments et l'actrice est géniale. Si vous n'allez pas bien, c'est le film à voir pour se remonter le moral.
BELLE (2013) de Amada Asante est un film historique qui raconte une partie de la vie de Dido "Elizabeth" Belle (jouée par Gugu MBatha-Raw), une jeune mulâtre de la noblesse anglaise au XVIII ème siècle. J'aime ce film parce qu'il ne nécessite pas de connaissances historiques préalables pour l'apprécier. Le film met l'accent sur l'influence qu'a probablement eu Dido Elizabeth "Belle" dans le rendu d'une décision judiciaire dans le cadre du trafic d'esclaves. Cette histoire est belle car elle s'appuie sur des faits, mais tout est fait pour nous plonger dans l'intimité du personnage.
Cette histoire est belle car basée sur des faits, mais tout est fait pour nous plonger dans l'intimité du personnage principal. Belle fait face au racisme de l'époque mais aussi à la difficulté d'être aimée pour elle-même car elle est dans la situation paradoxale d'être noire mais riche, issue d'une famille noble mais sans titre. Une magnifique histoire d'amour se crée entre elle et le fils d'un pasteur...
Si vous êtes amateur de films d'époque avec déguisements et drames, vous allez adorer ce film. Pour ma part, je pense que c'est le meilleur ou l'un des meilleurs films historiques car il parvient à rester universel tout en étant ancré dans une période précise. (Ce film est disponible sur Disney+).
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Il était une fois n'est pas officiellement un feel good movie, c'est une comédie musicale, comédie romantique, mais pour moi c'est le film à voir lorsqu'on se sent morose. C'est le film qu'il faut voir pour avoir l'espoir,d_1 car s'il conforte dans l'espérance de trouver l'amour, il n'est pas simpliste mais plutôt réaliste. Giselle est parfaitement jouée par Amy Adams, James Marsden est super sexy dans le rôle du Prince Edward et ses scènes sont toutes iconiques, Patrick Dempsey est émouvant en Robert... Les costumes, les chansons, la méchante, l'humour.... Je pourrais en parler des heures, mais si javais un film à vous conseiller ce serait celui-ci !
Le film THE DUCHESS est mon film préféré. Il y a tout ce que j'aime : de beaux costumes, des personnages attachants, une histoire prenante, des dialogues bien écrits, de la belle musique, de l'émotion,.... Le contexte historique n'est pas trop présent pour se concentrer sur l'histoire du film, qui raconte celle de Georgiana Cavendish, Duchesse de Devonshire à la fin du XVIIIème siècle.
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Je pourrais parler des heures de ces films et de tant d'autres mais dites moi plutôt vos films préférés et ce que vous pensez des miens, s'il y en a que vous avez vu et aimé. 😁
@leftprogrammingroadtripdean @tidodore2 @rainykpoptravelcreator @innerpiratefun @fartfagoutlet @awesomecrowdcontrol @chrisevansxmalereader @gayhopefullove @natashaxmarvelmen
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aboataway · 1 year
fated to love you taiwanese drama review
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fated to love you is one of my top 10 all time favorite feel good dramas. It's the story of a sticky-note girl who falls in love, experiences heartbreak like 3/4/5 times, and gains confidence along the way.
The very first time I watched this I was a sucker for chen xinyi's revenge on her trash ex-boyfriend. I delighted in seeing him kneel and beg for forgiveness after cheating on chen xinyi with some rando he found on the cruise. SCUMBAG. BIG RED FLAG. But now that I'm rewatching it for the 10th time, I find myself deeply resonating with chen xinyi's character or more so scared that I'll become someone like her...kinda deep ngl(but it's empowering cus she's able to transform herself in 2 years. we'll get there). I wonder what part will stick out to me in my 2nd rewatch a couple years or months later.
This show has managed to make me cry almost every time xinyi cries and almost every time that sad ass dramatic ass song plays. I love the soundtracks so much though. the theme song is infinitely happy; the dramatic song is just perfect for every tense, heartbreaking moment...so perfect. I love taiwanese dramas abundant use of soundtracks cus it makes everything that much more emotional. It's also comedic, like I died laughing when Ji cun xi went blind and had those goofy puppy dog like expressions.
my favorite parts of the story is when chen xin yi loses her kid(sounds bad I KNOW) but then radically transforms herself with dylan's help in shanghai. for some reason i experienced second lead syndrome this time around, even though I try my best not to let it get to me cus i know how this story ends. dylan's eyes are just so expressive and intense. I also felt bad for anna this time around. she was selfish always ditching her boyfriend for her career and letting him hang around as a back up, but damn ji cun xi was cheating on her like the whole time!! we don't have to speak morals in a drama like this, but you have to pity anna a little. she was very shitty for SPOILER (giving chen xinyi abortion papers like wtf).
joe chen always seems to be in some sort of romantic relationship where the guy is actively cheating. man what is this!
this drama did so good in fleshing out those side arcs and random events and life lessons and romantic gestures. I genuinely felt the chemistry between Ethan and Joe. They make me gush like no other drama(except for just you). Ji cun xi learning how to make ginger buns, him at the masquerade party with Elaine, him buying Ji nian pin, and him saying 'jia you chen xin yi' were all super memorable!
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overall 10/10 story. not surprised it's the highest rated/watched taiwanese idol drama to date(?)
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vn427-090 · 1 year
Songs of the La La Land
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La La Land (2016) is an American romantic musical comedy-drama film by Damien Chazelle. It was one of the most successful films at that time when it was first released worldwide, but I had not got a chance to watch it properly yet. After watching this musical film for the very first time, sentimental differences popped up from it. I, who only loves to watch musical films that are from Disney studio’s animations like Frozen or Tangled, can clearly witness the differences between real-life actions and the animations that stand out. The animated musical films are mainly for kids or adults who love watching cartoons, so they are really easy to get into. But when it comes to a live-action musical film like La La Land, the realistic aspects can be seen in the film. However, I watched some real-life action musical films even though they are not really my type at all like Pitch Perfect, The Greatest Showman, and a bit of Singin' in the Rain so that I know some of the fundamental elements of how a musical film should be. Musical films are films that are significant in film making such as dancing, singing, music, and universal themes like love and comedy. Moreover, this movie was somehow created more splendidly than other musical films in general.
The feature that can be considered this film’s signature is the stillness of the surroundings. Compared to other general musical films, the dancing and singing scenes go together with the rest of the world and play an important role in running the plot and story of the films. For example, the performances from Pitch Perfect, The Greatest Showman, and most of Disney’s musical animations are the main event that runs the films since they are the main parts of the films. Whereas in La La Land the rest of the world seems to be stopped magically when the performers perform their scene and only the performers are moving. If those films use the technique used in La La Land it will be somehow unreasonable.
My favorite scene: a really charming scene.
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              This is one of the very famous and memorable scenes from La La Land. It is when Mia and Sebastian dance together while the song, “A Lovely Night” is played. Some elements make this film outstanding from other musical films. The romantic composition and choreographic movements of tap dancing. This dancing scene may be similar to a scene from Singin' in the Rain in a more civilized place and at a time and also the theme of the film itself. La La Land can express that scene from that a past film that was outstanding in musical films in particular.
And also, the last montage clearly explains the theme of love in this film. It shows different endings of their relationship in several versions since they both have the same dream.
Vatcharapon Nappakon 630110090
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mesaprotector · 2 years
So I finished The House In Fata Morgana a couple days ago. I know there's a prequel and a - sequel? - but I don't quite feel like going through another 30 hours of depression just yet, so thoughts under the cut.
The short version is - I very much enjoyed parts of it, but between how bleak much of the story is and nothing quite crushing my soul in the way I look for in stories, I don't see myself replaying it - at least not for a long time.
The first chapter was very good - what with it being light and cheerful for so long and then suddenly, Nellie in a wig. I will say that after sooo many times seeing little sisters in anime acting weird as hell and being expected to apparently find it cute, it was super cathartic to have a series finally call out that behavior as deranged.
Chapter two definitely dragged a bit - while the reveal at the end was good, I wasn't a fan of clicking through Beastie Boy's endless narmy speeches.
The mafia arc on the other hand was fantastic and Maria is probably my favorite in the whole cast. The girl freaking blows off work, day after day, to sit in her room making up villainous monologues and declare how hilarious she is. If you don't love her, you're wrong. (This makes two VNs where my favorite character is named Maria…)
Though, a side character being my favorite does mean that I didn't love the Michel/Giselle romance as much as intended. I did like Michel's backstory, and Giselle is like… completely fine as a character, and maybe it's just that I'm allergic to seeing happy couples coo at each other - but the story of them falling for each other was another part I felt was a bit too slow. And despite it all, the Maid was more interesting.
Oh, on the subject of Michel and gender issues - apparently the intention was that Michel was intersex? Which is completely not how I interpreted it. I saw him as simply a trans man, with his very sudden physical development being pretty much magical HRT. Sure, it's not historically accurate, but this is the story where people get resurrected after 800 years.
The music is always a major factor in my feelings about a story, and Fatamoru's music is honestly fine, but not memorable. It sets the right emotions for each scene, but when I went through the whole OST the only song I liked enough to listen through to the end was "Ciao Carina" (Jacopo's mafia arc theme). Some of Giselle's themes were pretty and iridescent, and I think the song that plays while Pauline is talking with Javi. Oh, speaking of. Javi was like the only character to have a sprite and then get utterly forgotten once the chapter ended. What the heck? He was fun, too, and had some depth. I know Morgana kinda took over the "blunt kid" niche eventually but he should've at least showed up in backstage. He deserved it more than Aimee.
I can't think of a way to summarize Fatamoru's message, if it has a single one. I think it works better as the tale of Morgana and Michel and Giselle and how they each found peace, than as some comprehensive statement about the human condition. Like… what if Morgana had cursed the right lord instead of Jacopo? If she had, there'd be nothing to pity him for, and the conclusion she arrived at of lifting the curse would've never happened. The story works as told, but not if you try applying its logic universally. Which is fine.
Overall… 8/10. Definitely worth playing and thinking about, but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. I'm looking forward to seeing what memes the tiny community has latched on to.
If I'm wrong, and some part of this story really sticks with me, it'll probably be Michel's backstory, and his relationships with his brothers.
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trinkerichi · 2 years
Jyushimatsu for the ask thing !
You know what I'm ALL ABOUT, ANON!! You all knew this was coming :3
favorite thing about them
EVERYTHI- ok for real
He's funny. Most of all he is the FUNNIEST character in that show and has so many of the most memorable moments. He bends reality he's completely off the wall and nobody knows what his deal is. JUST. FUN!!! REALLY FUN! He was my favorite from the beginning but he didn't become a comfort chara until the "Jyushi falls in love" ep. I love that out of everyone, they tackled something so heavy with the silliest character they had. I've written about this a million times so you get the picture! It means a lot to me!
least favorite thing about them
That he's too stupid to remember that he couldve GOT HOMURA'S PHONE NUMBER AND STAYED IN TOUCH - ok it's fine i'm totally over that episode *ahem
I felt kinda eeeehh about how he was written in s3 for the most part.. I DIDNT HATE IT? But he seemed really toned down and acted.. angrier? I think that's the point where I realized the version of him I'd been writing on my ask blog was a completely different character.
(Not that that's a bad thing at all! I mean I'm not a team of comedy writers in japan, I'm one person that just CANNOT HELP HERSELF when faced with the chance to write something dumb n cutesy sappy. I like writing jokes but my stuff always ends up very... soft. I wish I was funnier. But so it goes! )
favorite line
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And in the "jyushimatsu and concepts" skit where he talked about being a plus and minus with ichi.
WHO ELSE COULD IT BE BUT SUUJI. lol I love any "happy and grumpy" friendship. (everyone who sees my comics is like GEE YOU DON'T SAY) but I don't CARE if it's obvious those kinda friendships make me so happy. I love how perceptive Jyushi is to Ichi's feelings. I love how Ichi is the most likely to see Jyushi as an equal while the others see him as more of a kid. They have this mutual respect for eachother and don't have to pretend about anything cause there's no judgement. It's chill it's very sweet. And also very silly because they'll just enable each other into the weirdest stuff till the others walk in like "what the hell are they doing"
*Thinks abt Homura and cries
Theyre so goofy silly perfect weirdos together and staff never brought her back because they hate me specifically.
I can't think of any besides the obvious. Jyushi doesn't really get any crack ships like the others, not that he needs one.
random headcanon
why am i blanking on this I did rp as this guy for 5 years... maybe it's that I can't choose just one?
um I'll go with this
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unpopular opinion
Koby said this already but I must reiterate.
he knows what sex is.
song i associate with them
But most of all is "Walking the Dog" by fun.
Also "Boys Will Be Bugs" by cavetown may as well be angsty teenage Jyushi's theme song. I'm not even a big fan of cavetown but it's just too fitting.
Also of course that "broken glass" song from victorious because that video is still my pride and joy.
favorite picture of them
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25 notes · View notes
The Afterparty
Summary: You’ve been a fan of BTS for seven years and counting. When you see them at the GRAMMYs after-party, you’re surprised to find that no one is even going up to talk to them. They’re making a spectacle of them, as the boys lounge lazily on the couches. With sweaty palms, you finally manage to stutter out a “hello,” to Namjoon, the leader of the group. A lot can happen in one night, especially when you’re the only one who makes them feel welcome.
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Words: 6.8k
Pairing: BTS x Reader (all members)
Genre: Smut, pwp
Warnings: Gangbang, Vanilla sex, Oral (m & f receiving), spit-roasting, Unprotected Sex, Bad use of condoms (if you have them, use ‘em!), Double Penetration, Sex toys, rope-play, hints at Jungkook getting together with reader, possessive pillow-talk
“Hey guys, I’m a huge fan.” You wave at all the members, feeling immediately small as they say a small “hello” back. It was your first time getting tickets to a huge awards show, much less coming to an afterparty where only the hottest celebrities gather together for one night. You weren’t a celebrity, but at least you were making an effort to talk to them without clout-chasing.
They could tell you were nervous, so Joon speaks to you in a soft voice.
“Hi, it’s always great to meet a fan. How long have you been listening to our music?” You look down, feeling too dizzy to look at him directly in the eyes. You could feel the eyes of jealous onlookers on you as you speak to your favorite artist.
“Seven years. I found out about you guys during the ORUL8,2? Era. I fell in love with your cute grunge band type theme there.” Namjoon, for the first time in a long time, actually blushes at your words. As he rubs his neck, Hoseok and Jin who were sitting next to him gaze at you in bewilderment.
“Yeah, not my greatest era.” His genuine laugh catches everyone off-guard, they thought they weren’t supposed to socialize with anyone.
“I love your songs though, and your lyrics are amazing. Jin, may I just say, Epiphany was so well sung. I even got a tattoo of the lyrics!” You pull your sleeve up to show Jin your tattoo. He exclaims, “Wow.” before setting your arm down. “By the way, when is D-2 gonna come out, Yoongi? The first one was so good. Oh sorry, was I rambling? Oh God, I’m rambling.” You sigh in embarrassment as the members find themselves thinking about how cute you look all self-aware of your surroundings. 
“It’s fine. Here, you can sit between Jimin and Yoongi. There’s room on the seat of the couch, since they decided to take the armrests.” You can’t believe you’re between your bias and biaswrecker. Well, you are an OT7 bias, but you were sitting at the hip level between the two men. Who you idolize. 13-year old you is dying.
“So, Yoongi...are you at least bringing back Tony Montana for a studio version?” Jimin says something to him in Korean before shoving him playfully and then Yoongi turns to you, saying,
“Sorry, no spoilers.”
“Okay, I’m not an interviewer or a reporter. You can tell me, honestly, are you fluent in English?” You direct the question to both the boys as they give you cheeky smiles before Jimin leans in and whispers seductively in your ear. “Yes. We all know English but we pretend like we don’t because we’re too lazy to answer stupid questions.” You blush at the close proximity but mostly because it sounded like Jimin was telling you to piss off.
“Wow. You guys are cool. I could never act so well,” You find yourself more at ease with them, locking eyes with Taehyung across on the other couch opposite of you, with Jungkook on his phone and too distracted to notice your silent eye-fucking. You wouldn’t know, you were too oblivious to pick up on his arousal. He wanted you, bad. “Well, I’m gonna head down to the snack table. Anyone want anything?” This time Jungkook looks up, tucking his phone into his pocket before running after you.
“Me too.” His broken English is so cute, as he follows you to the table to find a feast. He licks his lips, in seeing the giant chicken untouched and ready for consumption. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a couple of girls pretending like they’re scrolling through their phones and taking pictures of him. You wish there was a no phone rule or something like that at this afterparty.
You move to his other side, blocking his view from the girls as he obviously looks up at you after grabbing some drinks.
“You take four. I took two. Jin and V on diet.” 
“I know your secret. You don’t have to talk in broken English, Jungkook.” He smiles as you call him by his name correctly, you’re sure he’s grateful to you for not prying. Most Americans would get all up in his business.
“Thank you.” He whispers softly as you grab the cups and balance them on a plate.
“For you guys.” You pass out the drinks to the members and immediately Namjoon starts up another conversation with you.
“Is this your first after party?” 
“Yeah, but it’s fun. At least it’s memorable for me because I got to meet you guys. Sorry, I’m still a little star struck.” He lets out a chuckle as you take a sip of the champagne.
“You’re handling it pretty well. If I were in your shoes I would’ve freaked out. It’s so cool that you stuck with us for so long.” You shrug, a smirk tugging at your lips as Namjoon takes a sip of his drink as well.
“Not really. You guys are just regular people and I think fans forget that sometimes, it’s easy to forget when you guys dance so in sync and robotically without even thinking.” 
“It takes a lot of hard work.” He reassures you.
“So, did you bring your girlfriends?” You mock the interviewers’ questions as Namjoon guffaws. “I’m just kidding. I don’t care, I stan you for your music and your animated personalities, cheers guys.” You clink glasses with them as they take a sip, all eyes on you as you stand among them instead of looking at them like trophies in a glass case. Everyone in the room was watching you, as you interacted with the “Korean act” so naturally.
There was nothing to it, you didn’t care if they were staring anymore. If anything, you felt more welcome standing next to Bangtan.
“So is asking about personal relationships just an American thing?” You cringe thinking about the Ellen show and how she asked inappropriate questions such as “have you ever hooked up with ARMY?” and completely disrespected them. You didn’t want them to get the wrong impression of you from that bad encounter.
“It’s a strange concept but unfortunately yes, it is normalized here. I think you handled it pretty well though, Tae’s reaction was memed when in reality it was completely understandable!” Taehyung looks up from his phone at the mention of his name, staring directly at you once again.
“Why does he keep looking at me like that?”
“I think he wants to talk to you, dear.” Namjoon’s sudden change in demeanor intimidates you. You shake it off as Namjoon pushes you towards the couch where Taehyung is lounging on while Jungkook disappears off to the bathroom.
“H-Hi Tae.” You awkwardly stock over to the couch as the second youngest BTS member eyes you up and down.
“What’s your deal? Do you want a picture, an autograph? I can’t figure you out.” He sounds cold and calculating, despite your thoughts kindling telling you he was a warm and kindhearted person.
“I’ve been honest this entire night. I wanted to drop by and say hi to the group that I’ve been stanning for seven years. Is that suspicious?” He rubs his jaw, gulping the rest of his drink before setting it down on the table next to him. He looked like he was about to eat you alive, and you loved it.
“No. I can tell you’re being sincere. We’re chill. Joon, everything’s chill.” 
“Alright, now that that's done, our manager told us to be back in our hotel room in 10. We were supposed to skip the after party as we do in all awards shows but he insisted we make an appearance. That’s why we’re here.” Namjoon rounds the members up and everyone adjusts his pants accordingly as they stand up.
“Oh, you guys are leaving?” You sound hurt, but with Jimin’s warm fingertips suddenly on your cold shoulder, you shudder at the small shock from his touch.
“Sorry, how about we just take a quick picture together? I think you’re one of the coolest fans we’ve met.” You didn’t want this night to end. 
The Park Jimin just told you that you’re cool. You felt complete.
After snapping a couple pictures, Jungkook quickly appears by your side, stopping the other members.
“Wait, they’re playing “Cotton Eye-Joe” I wanna dance!” Namjoon rolls his eyes before dismissing him. To your surprise, he asks you to dance (very anxiously at that) and you follow him to the dance floor.
Even if it’s a private event, there are a lot of people in the crowd. You and Jungkook also hold hands so you don’t get separated. Suddenly, everyone forms lines. As the song starts, the crowd starts dancing in sync. You teach Jungkook the moves and just as his curious eyes meet yours, you hear the sound of a bell. They were gonna say toasts.
“That was…” You can’t place your finger on it, but Jungkook looked like he had just seen a ghost. He looked strange. You’ve never seen him give anyone that look. Could he be...Jungshook?
You raise an eyebrow as he suddenly runs back to Namjoon, whispering something in his ear and then going to the other members as well. You’re confused as Namjoon pulls you aside, tapping your shoulder instead of grabbing your hand to follow him. You go to a smaller area blocked off from the crowd.
“Sorry, there were too many cameras around there. I was wondering if you wanted to come with us for the private after-party celebration and have some drinks? We normally go live and then after we turn off the camera we get a little drunk and wild. Plus, Jungkook said he wasn’t ready to let you go just yet.” As he smirks you realize what he just meant. Jungkook was attracted to you?! Either that or he meant it in the most friendly, non-sexual way possible.
“Alright. Um, where are you guys staying by the way?” Namjoon gives you a sexy smirk before leaning and whispering right up against your ear:
“Room 327 on the third floor. That floor is off limits but we’ll let the guards know you’re allowed in there.” You look around before following him out and discreetly making your way to the girls’ bathroom.
“Did you see that bitch parading around the boys like she was their eighth member or something? Pathetic, honestly I gotta give her a C+ for trying. I couldn’t talk to their leader Jimin looking like a trashbag.”
“K, they were literally ogling her. Like you gotta admit, her dress was super cute and her makeup was pretty too.”
“What’s wrong with you G? Are you crushing on her or something? You’ve got to get your eyes checked. She wasn’t even pretty. If anything our boys were uncomfortable.” You open the stall door, washing your hands quickly and quietly ducking out after patting dry. The girls in the restroom make wide big eyes when they realize they just messed with the wrong bitch.
They’re pretending like they were the ones that got invited to the secret BTS party. Losers, they were just sour because Jungkook didn’t even give them the time of day.
You decide to head up to the room after 10 minutes of Namjoon signaling you to get ready and then as soon as you see them leave the party, you sneak up the stairwell. A bulky, tall and surprisingly handsome bodyguard stops you.
He pushes his glasses down to see you, and then lets you through to go join the boys.
You quietly knock on the door to be greeted by a smiling Hobi, and he shushes you before pushing you behind the couch in their suite. The room was so wide and big, different from the hotel room you were staying in for sure.
Within five minutes or so the boys wrap up and then Yoongi leans over and pulls you out of your hiding spot.
“Hey! It’s you, um what’s your name?” Jin scratches his head for an answer. All the members seem a lot more talkative in comparison to earlier. The mood is light and merry.
“Y/N! And bring on the drinks, I’m gonna get tipsy.” The boys chant for you as you chug half a bottle within five seconds, still sober as you burp. 
“Cute.” Jungkook laughs as you excuse yourself and take a sip of water to even out the playing field.
                                         ⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
“So now that we’re all drunk, how about we play a game of sexual ‘never have I ever’?” Namjoon’s proposal is favored as all of the members murmur words of agreement.
“Sounds good. Okay, I’ll go first. Never have I ever humped a pillow.” You, Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok put a finger down at Yoongi’s confession.
“Never have I ever sucked dick.” Hoseok says, immediately spurring you, Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon.
“Really Tae? I thought you did.” Jin says, slapping his thigh as he turns bright red.
“No. I never experimented either.”
“Okay...hmm this is hard. Never have I ever been in a threesome.” Everyone puts their fingers down except Jin, who cries in the corner. 
“Damn, that’s rough. Okay, never have I ever used lube.” Every man in the room groans as Jimin grins toothily. You found it charming how he managed to sound so cheeky but alluring at the same time.
“Never have I ever been in a romantic relationship that lasted for more than a month,”  Namjoon and Yoongi put their fingers down as the other members complain about being too busy. You also put your finger down, biting your lip. “It’s your turn.” He reminds you.
“Um..never have I ever been sexually intimate with a woman.” All of the guys groan as you target them, putting their fingers down at your words.
“Never have I ever been in a gangbang. I had friends who talked about doing the same girl plenty of times in school and shit before we debuted. It was fucking annoying, I just wish I could get it out of the way.” 
The room falls silent as you pipe up, clearing your throat before speaking, “Well, why don’t you? There’s one girl here and...ˢᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ...so I’m just gonna stop talking now.”
Jin breaks the silence with a stupid dad joke, making Hoseok and Jimin fall into a fit of giggles.
“So are we done? There’s no way any of you have been in a gangbang before,” Your voice stands out as all of the boys look at you, half-offended and half-aroused. “Am I the only one here who has actually been in the middle of three or more guys like that?” More accurately, you had a gangbang with two pairs of boys from neighboring schools, so no one ever found out about your promiscuous activities while you were 17.
“And you have? How could we believe you?” Yoongi spits out, sounding more defensive than anyone else in the room.
“I can suck three dicks at the same time. I’m not ashamed of my talents.” Yoongi gives you a harsh, judgemental stare. You’ve seen that look from your peers and teachers way back in high school and your workplace. They are doubting your abilities.
“Joon, why don’t you tell her why you really invited her here tonight?” Namjoon puts his glass on the table before standing up and pulling you towards him, your body lands on his, your head resting on his chest as he wraps his arms around you.
“We like sharing. Tonight, it seemed that Jungkookie took a liking to you. And we agreed, it would be good to get the maknae some pussy, especially since he hasn’t gotten laid in months. We decided you were the perfect candidate.” You gawk as he allows you to drop to your knees, your eyes wide as if you were asking for permission. Joon nods, sitting back down to give you access to his thighs as you crawl between his legs and inhale the wonderful scent of expensive cologne.
“Guys, are you really doing this in the middle of the couch? At least take it to the big bed where we can all see you, geez.” You’re surprised to see Yoongi unwinding on the couch, his dick large and bouncing against his thigh as he rubs the tip and goes back to the base as you’ve seen in porn.
“Jungkook-Ah, come here. You said you can suck three dicks at once, right Y/N?” You nod, wrapping your lips around the head of his cock and feeling Jungkook’s growing bulge through his boxers first before pulling them to the floor and then taking his dick into your mouth as well.
Both men moan as you simultaneously suck them off, your tongue sneaking down to the bases of each individual cock so you could lick them to orgasm. You know simple little tricks can make all the impact.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that. Shit.” It was strange, hearing curses fall from your favorite idols’ lips. Namjoon’s cock was much longer in comparison to Jungkook’s, but in whatever Jungkook lacked in length, he made up for in thickness. You were having trouble now, breathing heavily as you discard their clothes one by one.
The boys watch you intently as you suck them off, and you’re also equally aware of the men on the couches, who are watching your display of expert cocksucking.
Jimin, Tae, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin have their hands in their pants or on their boxers as each man strokes himself to the site of you sucking their band members. You liked the taste, since they most likely ate fruits and drank sweet things to make their cum taste good. You can tell how healthy a person is just by the taste of their juices.
You lick your lips with a smack, your eye makeup is smeared and it makes you look like a raccoon before Namjoon grabs a tissue and wipes your eyes off for you.  
You smile before peeling off the dress completely to reveal your lingerie. The men watch as you play with your huge breasts in front of them, toying with your bra as if you have trouble taking it off.
“Oh my god, I’m gonna cum.” Jungkook groans as you start working and them again, now taking both cocks into your mouth at the same time and letting them see stars before pinching the tips with your long fake nails.
“Shit.” Namjoon and Jungkook came simultaneously, thanks to you. You smile as Jungkook grabs another tissue and helps wipe the cum off your cheeks and mouth before pressing the softest kiss to your lips. “I hope you’re okay with intimacy. We’re boys with hearts.” Namjoon puts a hand on his chest, signaling the “heart,” on his right side. That also adds onto his clumsy charm, the “God of Destruction” making an impromptu appearance as you make your mark.
“Yes, because your heart is totally on the right side of your chest. Come here, big boy.” You give Namjoon a lingering kiss after breaking from Jungkook and then you turn to the other boys on the couch.
“I wanna taste you.” Suddenly Jimin is kissing down your inner thighs, trailing saliva down your entire leg before kissing back up and staring up at you, just as Jungkook squeezes your boobs.
“I hope you don’t mind. We’re far from being done here.” You groan and close your eyes as pleasure takes you from all sides. Hoseok and Yoongi are circling your navel, joining Jimin in the attack on your clit, while Taehyung and Jin are working on your breasts as Jungkook and Namjoon hold your hair back, allowing the others to get a piece of you. When Yoongi and Hoseok step back, rubbing their naked dicks in their hands you realize everyone in the room is naked, including you. Jimin ripped off your panties and threw them on the floor next to the door while Namjoon took your bra off. 
This is the first time you’ve seen all of them naked. They look even better without clothes on, in all honesty.
“Ji—FUCK!” You moan, bucking your hips as Jimin swirls his tongue right between your folds, hitting the perfect spot as you whine like a horny bitch.
“You’re fine sweetheart, just take his tongue. You can take another dick, right?” Before you can process what’s happening, Taehyung is fucking your mouth, his bulge poking the back of your neck uncomfortably. You still enjoy the sensation of being filled, so you don’t mind too much.
“Is everything okay? Thumbs up if you’re good, thumbs down if you feel bad.” Namjoon brings you back to reality as you give him a thumbs up, your heart racing in your ribcage as Tae fucks your face and Jimin eats you out.
Jin, during this whole time, was nowhere to be found. You wondered what he was doing. Maybe he was preparing a surprise for you? Your thoughts fail to wander as Taehyung’s testes slap against your cheeks, hard enough for you to go numb. Your face hurts but the gesture itself was so kinky, you wanted to see it again.
“Tae, slow down, make her feel good first. Jimin, fuck her faster.” Namjoon takes the lead as you lie back, panting heavily as Tae gives you a moment to catch your breath, his cock resting on your chin as you catch your breath, the sensation of Jimin’s lips testing your bundle of nerves as you shudder with an all-too familiar feeling. 
You couldn’t believe a BTS member was about to make you cum tonight, for real, and not some drawn-out fantasy like the many lonely nights you spent with your vibrator and dildos at home. You’re so glad all of your friends passed up on this opportunity, according to them BTS were a bunch of “gay kpop dudes,” and “girls,” because they wear makeup like any other celebrity that would appear on camera. You would’ve gone back to your hotel room early to sleep in so you could wake up and go home after an unexciting night of wasted opportunity. You were so happy that this was happening.
At least you shoot your shot, and it actually worked this time.
When you open your eyes, you’re surprised to see that both men have switched positions, this time Taehyung ripping open a condom as your eyes widen, your mouth watering at the sight of his huge dick. You knew he had a big dick from the moment you stanned BTS. Now here it was, in the flesh, ready to enter your hungry, hungry hole. Your pussy tightens immediately at the thought, and you’re soon distracted by Jimin and Hoseok’s actions as they begin peppering your body with hickies. You don’t really mind, it’s not like anyone important is going to see you when you go home. Besides, this is Bangtan for pete’s sake, who the fuck would stop them from leaving marks? You wanted a reminder of this night, since this was just as special to you as it was to them.
Jimin moves his plush lips down to meet yours as Hoseok kisses your weak spot, right on the side of your neck. You giggle from the ticklish feeling of his tongue on your neck, practically melting into the bed as Taehyung rubs his cockhead against your weeping entrance, your pussy already slick wet with arousal as he nudges your legs further apart. His cock is huge, but it’s not ridiculously out of proportion. It fits his body, as a cock should look on a man, naturally. You’re so glad you aren’t a virgin. You remember freaking out after first seeing a dick in an erotic film.
Tae’s cock is far from weird or awkward, it’s actually as pretty and ethereal as the rest of him. You could say the same for the other guys, as their cocks fit their bodies too. It’s just a minute detail, but since you were obsessed with these seven men since forever, you pick up on it. Tae gives you that signature boxy smirk once again as you finish ogling him, making awkward eye contact with the 5’ 10” man as he teasingly slides his cock right up your most sensitive area.
“Cute, you’re so wet, I don’t think I could resist now.” You moan obnoxiously loud as your body convulses from the sheer force of his thighs meeting yours. You whimper out of pain, but as soon as your inner walls adjust to his size, you let out another sinful moan.
“Hobi...Jimin.” You see both men above you as you open your eyes slightly, their cocks hanging in front of your face. You love it, being treated like a whore when in reality you wouldn’t think of even holding hands with a boy. Maybe it’s the Bangtan effect. They’re all hot and they treat you so well, kissing you and checking up on you every few minutes. It’s not like an awkward fanfiction where the characters are mostly silent with prolonged descriptions of sex and wayyy too much background when it’s supposed to be a simple pwp smut. 
You personally love reading those things, especially the 10,000 word ones. Now that you’re actually living it, you can see why authors would want to elaborate. The feeling can’t be expressed with dialogue, it’s so much more than that.
You sigh into their cocks as you suck them interchangeably. Both men are entirely fixated on you, watching as you somehow manage to please them while getting brutally fucked by their roughest bandmate. It was impressive, they’ve never seen a girl as talented as you. Maybe that’s because you’re the first girl they’ve ever fucked altogether. 
This is a very special day for them indeed, as the city flashes purple outside in celebration of BTS attending the Grammys, the eight of you are trapped in your own little world, exploring each other.
Taehyung finishes fucking you after several minutes, your mouth filled with cum and your face stained white as well. Namjoon gives the two men a serious look before signalling the next pair of boys, Yoongi and Jin. Jin cleans you up first, while Yoongi gets you some water to help you recharge. You don’t know if you can truly get through seven men. Only Tae had penetrated you but you still felt incomplete. This wouldn’t be a true gangbang if you didn’t fuck every man at least once.
Yoongi seems to read your expressions, putting an arm around your shoulder and reassuring you first before moving on.
“You make the last call. We’re all okay with this but the moment you say no, it’s all over. I don’t wanna force you.” You find yourself leaning into a kiss, a gentle but firm kiss planting the first seed of desire on his lips. He can’t back away now.
“Can you bend me over and fuck me from behind? I’ve always had that fantasy in my mind from the time I discovered Yoongi smut fiction.” The other men seem impressed, watching you with drinks in hand as you seduce their second-oldest band member.
“Ahem, just so you remember, I’m here too. I grabbed toys earlier so I can prep you, don’t worry it’s clean.” You wanted to so desperately ask Jin where he got them but you snap yourself out of the little fantasy. You’re just a one night stand to them, you probably won’t see them ever again in person, whether it's in a sexual context or not.
“Mmmm, tie me up while you’re at it, would ya? Fuck, I’m into that kinky shit.” Jin gives you a wicked grin. For the first time, you notice his “jokester” persona has a dark side as well. If luck is on your side then sex will Jin will the perfect way to end this amazing night. A finale for the books, tabloids and magazines would eat it up! But you can’t tell anyone. You probably won’t tell anybody. It’s not like you’re a teenage girl from the hills. You can keep a secret.
“Me too, so are you sure you’re okay with this?” You nod as he finishes tying your arms to your sides, your feet still free in case you have to stretch. 
“This is so hot, oh look she’s wet again. Why don’t you fuck her first hyung? We can take turns fucking her with the toy and using our dicks.” Yoongi smirks, drooling a little bit at the thought of you completely helpless at their mercy.
“That’s a perfect idea. Princess, you know what to do if it gets to be too much.” You give him a thumbs up as he pushes the dildo up your second hole, the one in the back. You’ve never had anal sex with a guy before. You’ve also never been tied up. This was a new experience for you, and you were excited that the men of BTS were the ones taking your sexperience to another level.
“Ohhhh, that feels amazing Yoongi.” You close your eyes, resting your head on a pillow as Jimin quickly wipes your sweaty forehead with a moist towelette. You give him a small mutter of “thanks,” before feeling a foreign emptiness in your body. Someone took the dildo out! Just as you were about to freak out, Jin quickly replaces it with his fingers. You watch in awe as they play with your clit like you’re a toy. 
Then, you finally feel it, a cock wrapped in a condom, but the condom is so thin it feels like it’s barely there! After adjusting to him, you feel Yoongi slipping in behind you. You let out a scream, Jin pressing a harsh kiss to your lips and shushing you as you handle having two relatively large dicks inside you.
Your body shudders with shock and your muscles are tense as you move ever so slightly, adjusting to their slowing pace as they near their release, both men groaning ever so lewdly in your ears. You receive kisses and grunts of praise as they continue thrusting into you with no end.
“I’m so close, you’re so tight baby, so fucking tight.” Yoongi kisses your neck, biting down and leaving another hickey on an unmarked spot.
“Nggg, I’m coming, shit, fuck your pussy feels so good.” You’re so glad you shaved before you attended the awards show. Your lower body was silky smooth, and it made the experience just that much more pleasurable. Jin definitely appreciates it, as you buck your hips up and slam into his cock. Your inner walls are so stretched that you take all 9 inches of his erect gargantuan cock
“Oh, Jin! Yoongi…!” You moan as Yoongi starts rubbing your clit exactly above where Jin’s cock rests, your body jerking forward as you orgasm immediately. Your toes curl and you instinctively suck on something to mask the moans, much similar to how you used to suck your fingers to bite back a moan or two when you were a teenager still living with your parents. 
You were so glad there was no one here to interrupt, it was just you and the seven men you adored so much. “Fuck me harder,” You roll your hips back on Yoongi’s body, as he and Jin readjust so you were on your side again but this time Yoongi loosens the ropes holding your arms down. You kiss him gratefully, quickly finding yourself in the middle of a dick sandwich as both men enter you simultaneously, fucking you at a quick pace. 
Your body is numb and the only thing you feel is pleasure. It’s too good to be true, you just know it. “Cum in me. Fuck me hard and fill me up with your seed. I don’t care, just someone–anyone fuuuuckk.” You lewdly throw your head back in pleasure, Yoongi kissing your neck softly as he and Jin seemingly switched places, now with Yoongi in the front and Jin in the back.
“Look at her tits bounce. Oh you look so fucking sexy taking our cocks babe. Wish I could live inside you. I bet you’d love being my little cocksleeve, wouldn’t you?” You couldn’t deny his words, he spoke the truth. If a man such as Jin wanted to fuck you anywhere you would let him. That’s just how life is. You know you couldn’t pass up such an opportunity the moment you decided to strip down in front of them. You could take it, all seven of their cocks at once if they let you.
“Mmmph, I’m cumming Hyung. I wanna fuck her, fuck her forever.” Yoongi’s words only hang heavy in your heart, since you know this is just sex talk. In reality you’d have to leave tomorrow only to never see them again. It was the harsh reality of One Night Stands, one every person hates to go through. 
It wasn’t like you didn’t know this would happen, of course you would grow attached to the person you’re fucking. It’s a natural reaction, you just didn’t expect Yoongi to be the emotional one, that’s all.
“Cum with me Yoongz, let’s cum inside her together.” The two let out synchronized moans before releasing their precious juices inside of you. Even though they came, they don’t bother pulling out, remaining in their positions as Yoongi presses his lips against yours in a post-sex daze.
“We did it. We all fucked her.” Jin whispers as your uneven breaths slow down, your racing heart calming down as you come down from your euphoric state. You could see their juices dripping down your thighs and spilling onto the white sheets, your body warm as you squeeze your legs so that your pussy really clamps down on Yoongi’s cock, while Jin’s cock twitches in your ass once more.
“It’s over then…?” Yoongi gives you a mischievous smirk, one you recognize from all his MVs. He has a calming laugh as well, the mood somber and fitting instead of an awkward post-sex shuffle for clothes and food. You suppose this is because the members of BTS have been friends for over ten years now, and they just had a way of understanding each other and lightening the mood just by murmuring to each other about random things. 
Both men finally pull out of you, leaving you in your own little pool of sex as you lie atop the lonely king-sized bed, feeling more alone than you ever have. At least, you assume they left when an eerie silence settles into the room filled with a fragrance of musk and cologne and a putrid stench that you could only assume was your own sweat. 
It’s funny how all the boys still smelled good even after fucking you like how they did. You missed them, even though they were with you just a moment ago.
“I just realized something, I forgot to ask for your name.” You’re surprised to find Jungkook standing before you, holding a towel and a water bottle.
“Y/N.” You didn’t realize it either, but then again you were too distracted getting fucked by monster cocks. 
“That’s a pretty name. I was wondering if you wanted to sleep over here tonight? This is my room and I kinda wanted you to myself anyways so what do you say?” You liked the thought of Jungkook fawning over you, but it was even better now that he’s back so you can stare at him all night long.
“Good, for a second I thought you were doing to say no. That would’ve been embarrassing considering that I kicked everyone out so I could have you.”
“Nuh-uh, that bed can support five people. We played rock paper scissors just so we could figure out who the heck gets to sleep with you tonight. Y/N, if you’re up for it?” You see a fully dressed Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok at the door, the men filing in as Jimin, Tae, and Jin remain nowhere to be found.
“Of course. Just cuddle me for warmth, it’s super cold in here.” The men take care of you just as you’d asked, Namjoon and Yoongi cuddling you from one side while Jungkook and Hoseok cuddle you from the other. You feel like this is definitely more than just a one night stand.
When the morning comes, you’re still in the big bed, surrounded by sleeping BTS members. You couldn’t believe they were real and waking up here was proof that last night really happened and you weren’t drunk off your ass. You remembered it so vividly, Jimin’s lips, Yoongi’s tongue, Hoseok’s fingers. Everyone touched you one way or another and you got to eat a lot of dick.
It all came with the price of your stamina, though. You weren’t the most active person, so your muscles were a little bit sore from all the extraneous activity. It was worth it, you would definitely go through it again even if it meant you had to limp to work the next day. Speaking of work, you had to go to your office today. You were in town for the concert but you had some business to take care of too. You still had a few hours before you had to leave, though, and your things were still in your room which was on a different floor, thank God you picked the same hotel that BTS was staying in without knowing.
“You need a shower, don’t you?” You’re surprised to find Jungkook awake and ready to carry you to the bathroom. You shyly follow him, heart rate rising as he gives you an adorable bunny-toothed smile. His doe eyes are so wide and filled with sparkles, as usual.
“No sex, right? I don’t think my body can handle another round so soon, although I wouldn’t mind if you bent me over and-” Jungkook’s eyes widen as you start.
“Ah, no. I’m not gonna do anything. I’m respectful. Even if we had amazing sex last night that doesn’t mean you can’t say no. You always have a choice.” You never thought of it that way. You thought it was always a permanent deal, just something everyone agreed on.
“So why did you decide to sleep with me? It’s not like you guys planned this, right?” He nods, as you start washing yourself with the shower curtain half open in case Kook wants to join.
“We didn’t. Well, I didn’t. Everyone was bored and we thought we could find different girls to spend the night with each of us. Obviously, things didn’t go as planned since everyone was too intimidated to approach us so we all narrowed our focus down to you. Argh, I should stop speaking for the whole group. What I meant to say was, I actually liked you from the start. Not because you approached me, but just because you treated me like an old friend. It was refreshing, and really nice to see a confident woman for once.”
“You think I’m confident?” You shut off the water as you begin scrubbing your body with soap.
“Of course, you danced in front of a crowd with me, that kind of thing takes guts. It’s like if I asked my childhood idol to dance with me. You did what others couldn’t. You’re amazing Y/N.” You turn the water back on, moaning as the warm water hits your skin just right. That wasn’t all; you were becoming hornier by the second.
Jungkook must’ve sensed it, since he pounces into the shower, fully naked and displaying everything. You can’t help but drop to your knees, innocently sucking his cock head and kissing his underside down to his balls where the last piece of hair remains. Jungkook’s pale face is flushed a lovely rosy pink as you lick the miniscule hairs, his whines setting you on edge as the water drowns out your noise once and for all.
“Cum on my face, Kook. I wanna taste your juices.” Jungkook lets out a girlish whine as you drive him over the edge with your dirty talk. He thrusts his hips forward, making you gag on his cock and tears well up in your eyes as his cum bubbles in the back of your throat. Seeing you actually covered in his cum is a different story, it activates a side of him he didn’t know he had until now.
“On your feet. I’m gonna bend you over and fuck you loud enough for my bandmates to hear.” Your moans are all that could be heard throughout the vicinity as Jungkook gives it to you good. His cock is swollen red, blood rushing to his face, heart, and lungs as he absolutely ruins you like you wished.
“I don’t think I can walk.” You croak, voice destroyed since he fucked your throat well before.
“You don’t have to. From now on, let me take care of you.” You didn’t have a problem with that, but little did you know that his bandmates had a very different vision for you in the near future.
                         Dark Ending, hope you enjoyed the story! ♡
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