#spica x alpheratz
bittersweetcanary · 1 year
Dads of the Guide Committee
[Arcana Twilight / Found Family]
Inspired by Chat Messages: “Let’s go play” Series ingame.
Everyone being concerned about the number of uncarved crystals Pollux has in jelly jars concerns the Dads and Arcturus. I wonder if there’s something that could be potentially harmful about uncarved magic crystals…
Spica’s like the Dad who takes all the kids out to the Amusement Park, making sure they stay safe and having a bit of fun with them. I love how he teases his “husband”, and the other Guide Committee Dad saying “Are you scared Alpheratz”  which gets Alpheratz to join them!! PFFT!
Alpheratz taking their “son” Arcturus through the haunted house is adorableeeee! Helping him build courage <3 <3
*serious bear emoji*
“Everyone, try to think it through.”
“It’s impossible to… Be quiet, isn’t it?”
Arcturus: *shocked bear emoji*
Polly justifying their loud parties-
Vega just does not want to take part in any of this at all-
Spica is the Dad that remembers where all his kids leave their things- and his “husband”
Spica & Alpheratz: The Guide Committee Dads
Spica the Mother Hen, always makes sure the kids are presentable, well taken care of, and keeping up with their school work while Alpheratz makes sure they are well fed, taking plenty of breaks, and recesses, and maybe a little spoiled.
Spica chasing down Alpheratz like a married couple, one avoiding the serious conversation the other just trying to have it-
Arcturus: Eldest Child
Takes after Spica, he’s always trying to help the others, to the point of straining himself. But he can be teasing.
Summoner: Honorary Eldest Child
Honorary Guide Member to newest yet Eldest Child because they are a bit more responsible than the others- but only when they want to be, otherwise they might just add to the blazing flames. Babies Polly because he’s adorable. Everyone teases Polly over this.
Alpheratz and Spica keep an eye on them, Alpheratz worries about them for the same reason he is worried for Vega, their Mid-Earthiem background means they have naturally lower mana levels than the average Sorcerer which makes healing from wounds or recovering from sickness slower…
Spica sees potential in the Summoner, he wants to encourage them to push themself to the limit(a reasonable limit though), much to Alpheratz’s disapproval, he’d rather they stay out of the Guide Committee’s (sometimes) dangerous outings. This is the serious conversation they never have, other than Alpheratz constantly sleeping through everything-
Vega: Middle Child
Cold but joins in the mischief, often joining the others in teasing Alpheratz. Doesn’t join the others for outings often.
Alpheratz makes sure he is well fed, he’s worried for Vega due to his Mid-Earthiem background and terrible food choices… This boy needs real food, not juice and jelly packets…
Spica knows Vega will follow the Summoner(like a puppy-) and uses that to keep him coming to meetings.
Polly: Baby boy.
A baby. A mischievous as hell baby. Will cause problems on purpose and on accident. Cries easily must be consoled.
Often watched over by Alpheratz while Spica is working- can’t have the baby bothering the working Father. But sometimes- he might just set Polly on Spica for a good laugh.
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heylookitsyc · 7 months
Saved by a Sorcerer!
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Character(s): Arcana Twilight Sorcerers x GN!Reader
Anime/Game: Arcana Twilight
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: There’s another student that just won’t leave you alone! Good thing you found one of the other sorcerers… maybe they can help out?
Warning(s): None
Note: It’s been some time! Enjoy some Arcana Twilight for now; hope all of you are well! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
Story is down below!
“Hey, (Name)! Wait up, I need to ask you something!”
You freeze as you recognize the voice, and you look back to see a classmate from your potions class. The sight of him is enough to make you swear under your breath, and you push through the crowd of students in the hallway, walking a bit faster now.
You manage to find your way outside and into the garden, your eyes catching sight of a certain sorcerer. As your classmate’s obnoxious voice becomes louder, you realize what you have to do.
Without wasting time, you call out the name…
» Arcturus «  
You rush over to the sorcerer, smiling in relief. You take his hand. “Where were you? I thought you agreed to meet me outside of my last class.”
Arcturus tilts his head in slight confusion, his expression becoming a bit flustered as you take his hand into yours. “Ah, did I? I’m so sorry, (Name)! I don’t remember promising you such a thing…”
Your classmate stops a few feet away, watching you and Arcturus. Their stare makes you squeeze Arcturus’ hand just ever so slightly, and the small action seems to be enough to make him realize what is going on.
“Please, Arcky… you signed us up for that cooking class, remember? The one hosted by that new restaurant that recently opened in Central District?” you say, hoping he would play along with your lie. “You said it would be fun.”
To your surprise, the sorcerer lets out a laugh, nodding and pulling you closer. “Right! I did promise you… I’m so sorry for forgetting, (Name). Let’s get going so we aren’t late.”
Before you can say anything else, Arcturus pulls you along, his grip on your hand tight as he leads you away from your classmate.
Once you two were a good enough distance away, Arcturus stopped walking and turned to you, not letting go of your hand. His smile is a bit more shy now, his cheeks red. “Are you alright? I’m sorry it took me so long to get the hint…”
“It’s alright, Arcky. Thank you for helping me,” you say. “But… I am serious about that cooking class. Do you want to go together? I heard they’re teaching us how to make egg salad sandwiches today.”
His expression lights up, and he nods excitedly as he hums in approval. “That sounds good! Come on, let’s go!”
He continues to hold your hand as you two head towards Central District, the small blush never leaving his cheeks.
» Spica «  
The blonde was busy talking to a few other students, but at the sight of you he smiles slightly. “Good afternoon, (Name). What brings you here?”
“I…” You trail off when you see your classmate come closer, and you are quick to take Spica’s hand. “I was wondering if you could recommend me another book? The one you gave me about the origins of magic was really interesting.”
He looks surprised, but one glance over at your classmate was all it took for him to understand the situation. He nods, and he removes his hand from yours, instead opting to place a hand on your waist and pulling you close.
“Excuse me.”
He nods at the other students before guiding you back inside and towards the library.
As the two of you walk, he continues to gently hold your waist. His cheeks have the slightest hint of pink on them. “Is that classmate of yours bothering you? If so, you can tell me. Your safety and comfort are my priority.”
“He’s a bit… much,” you admit quietly. “Ever since we worked together on a project, he just won’t leave me alone.”
Spica chuckles, the small sound causing you to smile. “I thought so. Many students here can’t help but be curious when it comes to someone from Mid Earthiem. However, that does not give them the right to cross your boundaries…”
You two arrive at the library, and he opens the door for you.
As you step inside, you are suddenly guided to a chair. You find yourself sitting comfortably next to Spica as he scans the shelves, taking out a couple of books.
He opens one of them, taking a seat next to you and leaning in a bit closer. His voice is a bit softer now, less stern than usual. “You wanted me to recommend another book, yes?”
“Yes, please,” you respond. “I want to know more about the world that I’m in. It’s… really different compared to home.”
Spica smiles. “Well, you did tell me you would trust in my judgment… so how about this one? It’s a book my mother would always read to me when I was younger. I can read it to you if you’d like.”
You nod, and you rest your head on his shoulder. “I would like that, please.”
He chuckles, the subtle pink hue from earlier returning to his cheeks. He starts to read the book to you, his voice quiet and calm as he speaks.
After a few minutes you start to doze off, and the last thing you remember is a firm yet gentle hand grabbing your shoulder and pulling you closer.
» Pollux «  
The sorcerer’s face becomes bright pink as you suddenly tackle him into a hug from behind, and he starts trying to shove you off. “H-hey! Warn a guy next time, what are you even-!?”
“Please help me,” you say quietly, giving him a slight squeeze as you continue to hug him. “Please.”
Pollux looks over his shoulder to see your classmate nearby, and he frowns. “Seriously? Isn’t that the guy you worked with for our potions project a few weeks back?”
You nod.
Pollux groans, and with a small huff, he moves you so that you are now next to him.
“Pollux? What are you… huh?”
Your eyes widen in slight surprise when he places an arm over your shoulders, pulling you closer. He looks away from you, and you notice the tips of his ears are pink. 
You can hear the feigned annoyance in his voice, clear as day. “Don’t think too much of it, okay? I’m just doing this so Spica doesn’t give me another lecture about taking care of you.”
A new voice is suddenly heard from behind the both of you. “Hm? Little boy, what do you think you’re doing with (Name)?”
The both of you turn around to see Alpheratz, who has his hands in his pockets. From the way his hair slightly stuck out, you figured he had just woken up from a nap.
“You do know that if other students see you like this with (Name), rumors will spread,” Alpheratz says, looking a bit amused. He then yawns, rubbing the back of his neck.
Pollux shakes his head. “I don’t care! Besides, it’s not what it looks like… I’m just doing my job since no one else was around.”
“Well, I’m here now.” Alpheratz shrugs. “So you can relax, little boy. No one will try to do anything now.”
Pollux opens his mouth to protest when Arcturus suddenly appears, smiling. “Oh! (Name), Pollux! We were looking for you…”
Vega, who was walking alongside Arcturus, is quick to notice Pollux’s arm around you. “Pollux, why do you have your arm around Summoner?”
As more sorcerers suddenly appear, Pollux quickly lets go of you. He still looks away, clearly embarrassed now that more sorcerers have arrived. Your classmate from earlier seems to have left after seeing that you were no longer alone.
“I-I’m just doing my job…” Pollux mumbles.
You smile, and as Arcturus asks all of you if you would be interested in trying a new restaurant in Central District you reach out and subtly link Pollux’s pinky with your own.
His face becomes an even brighter shade of pink, his face now almost matching his hair. He says nothing, instead giving your pinky a small squeeze in return as he tries to hold back a smile.
» Alpheratz «  
The sleepy sorcerer was leaning against a tree, arms crossed as he dozed off. At the sound of your voice, however, his eyes slowly open, and a soft hum escapes his lips.
“Hm?” He yawns, standing up straight now. He shoves his hands into his pockets, the sleepy expression still on his face. “(Name)... what’s wrong?”
You are quick to tug on the sleeve of his school jacket, eyes wide with panic as you see your classmate drawing closer. “Hide me, Alpheratz, please…”
Alpheratz follows your gaze, and his eyebrows raise just ever so slightly when he finally realizes what’s causing your panic. “Oh…”
He quickly raises an arm, and you find yourself pressed up against the tree that he had been leaning on. You feel your cheeks go warm as he stares down at you, his expression now more awake and serious.
From the corner of your eye, you notice that your classmate has stopped walking, now staring at you and Alpheratz with a mixture of shock and anger.
Alpheratz frowns, looking a bit annoyed now. He sighs. “How tiring… I can feel him staring holes into the back of my head.”
The sorcerer leans in a bit closer, his face now mere inches away from yours. “Give it a few more seconds. He’ll leave soon enough.”
You nod, staring up at Alpheratz. You didn’t really trust yourself to respond at the moment, your cheeks still feeling a bit warm from the close proximity.
Eventually, your classmate storms off, grumbling under his breath. 
Once he’s gone, you immediately breathe a sigh of relief. “He’s gone… thank you, Alpheratz. You can back away now.”
The sorcerer doesn’t move, still staring down at you. There’s a hint of annoyance in his voice, as if irritated by your words. “Hey… you really think you can ask me for a favor and just leave like that?” 
You’re quick to wave your hands in front of your face, shaking your head quickly. “No, no! Alpheratz, I just… meant that you don’t need to protect me anymore since my classmate is gone. You can go back to napping now.”
His expression softens, and he sighs. “... it’s only fair that you return the favor.”
“But who do you need protecting from?”
His hand grabs onto yours, and before you can protest you feel yourself being pulled down onto the ground. You find yourself now face-to-face with Alpheratz, his eyes already closed as he wraps a strong but gentle arm around your waist to pull you closer to him.
“Protecting you made me tired. Take a nap with me,” he says, and within seconds he was fast asleep.
You stare at him for a few moments before sighing, closing your eyes and ultimately deciding to take a nap as well. 
» Sirius «
You are immediately greeted by his playful smile, and he closes the tin of candy in his hand and tucks it away into his jacket pocket.
“Oh, my… Summoner, you seem to be in a hurry.” He chuckles, tilting his head a bit as he watches you approach. “Don’t tell me it has something to do with that classmate of yours.”
You sigh, crossing your arms as you look behind you to see your classmate getting closer. “He just won’t get the hint. I’ve been trying to avoid him for weeks but he’s just so bent on asking me out on a date.”
You don’t miss the way Sirius’ smile grows wider as you say the last word, his eyes flashing green for a moment before turning yellow again. 
“A date?” he says, sounding amused. “I know a lot of students would find a student from Mid Earthiem interesting… but still. How bold of them.”
You are suddenly pulled towards him, one hand holding your wrist as the other presses against the small of your back as he dips you slightly.
“Sirius! What are you-!?”
“Do not worry, my fair summoner,” he says, his tone equivalent to that of when he would recreate a scene from a play. “I shall protect you from any harm that might come your way. Of course, not without a price…”
He leans in closer, his voice filled with obvious teasing. Just as his lips are about to meet your own, he pauses.
He chuckles. “... it seems as though your classmate wasn’t entertained by our little show, Summoner. They’re gone.”
You look around to see that your classmate has indeed left, and you relax a bit. “Finally. I can’t believe- mmph!”
His fingers make contact with your lips, and immediately a sweet taste fills your senses as he places something in your mouth.
He looks amused as he lets go of you, his hand lingering on the small of your back for just a moment longer than necessary before fully pulling away.
“A reward for taking part in my show,” he laughs. “But you do need to work on your acting skills, Summoner. Your acting skills were horribly absent. No wonder the audience left.”
You roll your eyes, sucking on the candy he had offered to you. It wasn’t too bad, the unexpected taste of mint and honey greeting your tastebuds. “You could’ve warned me before doing that. I didn’t expect you to pull me in so suddenly.”
“Why?” He looks amused now. “Ah, I see… did you want someone else holding you?”
He laughs as he transforms into Spica, and then into Alpheratz. He grins, placing a hand on his hip as he stares at you. “How’s this? Or did you prefer someone more cheerful?” He then transforms into Arcturus.
You stare at him for a moment, before shaking your head. You have a small smile of your own. “They’re all great, but right now I’d like Sirius, please.”
He pauses for a moment, clearly not expecting your response. With a small chuckle, he transforms back into himself and crosses his arms. “You sure know how to make someone’s heart race, Summoner. How cute.”
“I’m only like this when it comes to people I like,” you tease, and he laughs again.
“Careful, Summoner. You shouldn’t say things like that so recklessly… I might do something you won’t like.”
» Vega « 
“Summoner… what seems to be the problem?”
Vega’s usually cool expression falters as you suddenly run up to him, and he is quick to stand in front of you just as your classmate catches up to you.
“What the-!? Hey, move!” Your classmate demands, only to freeze when Vega suddenly draws his sword.
“What business do you have with Summoner?” Vega asks calmly. Despite his neutral tone, his stance and gaze on your classmate showed that he was ready to protect you if needed. “You seem to be making them uncomfortable.”
“Look, I just want to talk! They keep avoiding me and-”
“Then you should take the hint and leave,” Vega interrupts. “Summoner does not wish to speak to you. Leave them be.”
Your classmate looks like he wants to argue again, but he stops when he sees you grab Vega’s hand. Vega’s hand immediately stiffens under your touch, and a faint pink color forms on his cheeks. 
“I have plans already,” you say. “So please leave me alone.”
Your classmate looks between you and Vega for a few seconds before scoffing. “Are… are you serious? Out of all the sorcerers, don’t tell me you chose this one.”
Without thinking you grab Vega’s sword, earning a surprised gasp from your classmate as you point it at him. “Leave.”
Your classmate rolls his eyes. “You know what? Fine! You aren’t even worth it…”
Once your classmate finally leaves, you turn to Vega.
“Here…” You return his sword. “I’m sorry, he was just so persistent and wouldn’t leave. Thanks for letting me borrow it.”
“It’s… no problem, Summoner. As long as you are safe,” he says quietly. His gaze seems to be focused on your hand, which still holds on to his own.
You laugh softly. “Vega… now that I think about it, there’s a new gelato place that opened up in Central District. I heard that their raspberry flavor is really popular right now. Do you want to go with me?”
“I… don’t see any reason to refuse. Who else will be joining us?”
“It’ll be just you and me, Vega.” You give his hand a gentle squeeze. “Is… is that okay?”
For a moment his expression remains neutral, before his lips turn up to form a small smile.
“That would be just fine, Summoner,” he says. “Let’s go.”
Unexpectedly, he takes the lead, putting his sword away and gently pulling you along as the two of you make your way to Central District to get some gelato.
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sleepytwilight · 6 months
You seems like you really love angst. How about making artw men baby trap Summoner
I love angst but no way I'm making tha—
Warning: non-con, force pregnancy, manipulation, gatekeep, gaslight, Arcturus being the delusion yandere, Sirius is actually helpful.
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You desperately wanted to go home. That's all what you wanted which confused Arcturus.
Are you not happy with him? He did everything for you and yet you wanted to leave him?
He won't let that happen.
He spiked your drink, letting you get drunk. Of course he doesn't want to do it but can you blame him? It's your fault for wanting to leave.
Arcturus did not hesitate to accused you for forcing him to sleep with you. Letting you completely helpless... He forgives you, after all he is Arcturus.
He convinced the guide committee members to let you stay because you're carrying his child after all.
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Spica always wanted you to stay, he even said it he want you to rely on him only. Still you want to go back home?
Oh dear... At least this man is not worse than Arcturus but still... ...
He trick you on sleeping with him, let you believe you wanted this.
Your relationship is just full of lie and toxicity, damn you can't catch a break.
ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕩 idea by @chaoticwriting
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Pollux will be very very very very.... Complicated.
He want you to stay, he really do but what should he do? You want to go back to your world and you already figured out way home.
That's when he realized something, he's going to guilt trip you to have a baby with him.
His cuteness is the key, can you really refuse him? No... Not really- even if you did, he'll still force himself on you.
Then lie he didn't mean to and it was just an accident but he is ready to take full responsibility.
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I honestly can't image this guy baby trapping you.
Maybe when he realized he was your past life lover, maybe he want you and him to be together again?
But you insist wanting to go home and ignore your history with him...
You made this by yourself, you leave him no choice. If only you agree on staying.
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Naur but Sirius brain cells suddenly coming back and he was speechless in 69 languages like wtf the sorcerers are doing.
He definitely will not baby trapping you, he did everything just for you to have freedom and the guide sorcerers are trying to take that away from you?
Nu-uh more homicide for him.
He probably had to kidnapped you but for good reasons okay, he have to keep you safe from them especially Arcturus until the rift is open again.
Don't be surprised when he treat you nicely- he just want you to feel safe.
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Vega just got you back but yet you wanted to leave already? Oh you... Always the reason why he's heartbroken.
He don't want you to leave him again but what possibly he can do to make you stay...?
Then he remembers something from mid eartheim, he remembers seeing news. That's his plan now.
Please don't blame him, it's your fault like always. You're the one to blame... You did this to yourself and face the consequences.
Vega honestly will take you to his home, at least you can have sorceress Gianna for your emotional support.
If you think sorceress Gianna will support his actions, nah she slapped Vega for doing this to you.
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car-sounds · 5 months
Hi! I would like to request a headcanon about how would arcana twilight characters express their love in daily life. Thank you:) I love your headcanons!
How They Show Their Love
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FIRST HEADCANONS ON THIS ACCOUNT (Sorry this took a while(to the other person who sent a request I'm working on it don't worry))
Main Arcana Twilight cast (+Rigel) x reader
2nd person
1062 words
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I think Arcturus shows his love with homemade gifts and words of affirmation. 
He believes handmade gifts are the most meaningful and likes to give them as a way of showing his dedication to you.
The most common type of these gifts are things he's knitted for you, usually socks and sweaters.
He also gives you compliments and encouragement as much as possible throughout the day.
He doesn’t care how small an accomplishment seems; he's always ready to tell you he's proud or that you did a great job.
He also likes receiving encouragement from you and makes sure to thank you with a big smile and a little kiss.
He can be very busy at times but always tries to use guide committee duties to spend time with you by asking for your assistance.
Other than your lips his favorite place to kiss you is your cheek or the tip of your nose.
Alpheratz shows his affection mainly through physical touch.
Throughout the day whenever he gets close enough, he leans against you, draping his body against yours (if you’re shorter than him or when you’re sitting down then he likes resting his chin on your head).
If you aren’t the biggest fan of this physical affection he tones it down to something you’re comfortable with.
He’s shown you all his napping spots, and when you’re not busy he asks you to nap with him.
If you do agree to join him then he pulls you in as close as possible into his chest and makes sure you’re comfortable before dozing off.
He likes giving you little kisses favorite places other than your lips are your nose and the top of your head.
Other than physical touch another one of his love languages is gift-giving.
He insists on fully paying for every date, only letting you pay if you beg him to let you pay.
Anything you express interest in buying is purchased by him immediately, no matter the cost.
Taking time out of his busy days to spend time with you.
Even when he has mountains of paperwork to complete he makes sure to spend a portion of his day on giving you the attention you deserve.
On a less busy day, he takes you on full dates.
On the busier days, he makes sure to be by your side giving you bits of physical touch and praise.
He's not the best at directly expressing his affection for you.
He prefers showing you through acts of service and gift-giving the most.
Helping you complete your assignments for Contell and giving you thought-out solutions to your personal problems.
He also gives you occasional gifts for no specific reason. Sometimes small like a snack he remembered you talking about, and sometimes a bigger gift like beautiful pieces of Jewelry. 
His favorite place to kiss you other than the lips is the back of your hand or the top of your head.
Sirius’s preferred love languages are physical touch and quality time.
He constantly sneaks up right behind you to wrap his arms around you.
If you don’t like this he switches his greeting to something you both enjoy
He enjoys messing with you a lot.
Teases you about being interested in him even when you have been dating for a while.
Spends most of his free time around you, he likes to drape his body against you while he’s talking to you.
His favorite places to kiss you other than the lips are the top of your head and the back of your hand.
He’s in your room more than you are, he hangs out there like he owns the place and rushes to greet you at the door when you come back to your dorm.
Sirius is hesitant to be fully vulnerable with you and his cocky attitude is the best way he is able to show his love.
Vega’s favorite love languages are quality time and acts of service.
He feels the need to spend as much time together due to the fears he developed because of your pasts together.
Even if you’re interacting he wants to keep you by his side to ensure you’re protected.
Other than protecting you, he wants to make up for the time you two were separated.
His affection is mostly subtle and uses acts of service to show you how much he cares and is willing to help you.
Mostly favors like doing your laundry or running an errand, he wants to take on some of your tasks to minimize your stress.
He enjoys listening to your voice and encourages you to rant about anything on your mind for hours on end.
Always blushes and has a slight smile when you give him any kisses.
His favorite places to kiss you other than the lips are the back of your hand and forehead.
I think Pollux prefers to show his love for you through quality time and physical touch.
He tries to spend as much of his day as possible around you.
You’ve heard from the others on numerous occasions that they’ve seen Pollux rushing around Contell asking anyone if they’ve seen you.
At first, people thought it was an emergency but after a while and after talking to you they realized he’s just being clingy.
Once he’s by your side it takes a lot for him to agree to leave your side. 
He really enjoys holding your hand, it makes him feel closer to you.
His favorite places to give you kisses other than your lips are your cheek or the tip of your nose.
He always tells you about his day and asks about yours making sure to show you he’s listening the whole time.
I think Rigel’s love language would be an act of service.
Just like Spica, he doesn’t outwardly express his affection to you too often. 
He prefers giving you help with classwork and any work the guide committee has assigned to you.
If you pay attention to how he acts around others compared to how he acts with the other sorcerers he’s more laid back around you.
When you two are alone he’s still serious but smiles more often and gets a little bit more physically affectionate.
His favorite place to kiss you other than your lips is on your cheek.
(I don’t know much about him so sorry if he got mischaracterized)
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multificimagines · 1 year
This is an ask I got that’s really old, but I can’t quite locate it in my drafts, so I’ll post it like this.
Arcana Twilight boys as dads/parenting HCs
Disclaimer: I am not a parent myself and have little to no interest in becoming one.
•Spica is a bit harsh with his kids, but only because he sees so much potential in them and has high expectations of them as a result. He only wants to push them to be the best they can be, and sometimes does more harm than good in the process.
• The rules in Spica’s parenting are rigid, he’s not afraid to use (non-physical) discipline when needed. That said, he’s also very fair in how he enforces these rules and how he treats his children overall —he clearly has no favorites, and although he isn’t always the most affectionate in ways that children would understand, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that he adores his children.
•He’s a little surprised himself how well he settles into the domesticity of parenting, but no one else is. Arcturus loves kids, and is very affectionate with his lover, and is possibly the most likely to be a stable, caring partner out of all the boys.
•His kids are grossed out by how affectionate he and his partner are, and he always answers their disgust by cooing at his partner more and kissing them, laughing alongside his partner as the kids continue to complain.
•You wouldn’t expect it, but Arcturus is also rather strict about the rules, although he’s much more flexible and willing to bend them than Spica is, and much softer with his kids than Spica as well. Discipline is a last resort, because he’d much rather try to reason with his kids or use a reward system to motivate them than enforce the rules through punishment.
•Absolutely hates when his kids go through that, “We’re too cool to even hold our parents’ hands anymore” phase. He’s just so affectionate with his family himself, so it makes him a little sad to hear them say they don’t want his attention, or that they don’t need him :(
•His kids want for nothing. He’s been accused more than once of spoiling them, but well, why shouldn’t he? He loves to see them so happy, and sometimes it feels like the only way he knows how to make them smile. He’s always done the same with his partner.
•He’s much more laid-back about his parenting, and is the complete other end of the spectrum from Spica when it comes to how strict he is with his children. He gives his kids a lot more freedom and far less expectations, offering guidance when they ask it of him or when he feels they really need it. He feels like this more hands-off approach gives them freedom to grow and become their own person, while still ensuring he’s there for them when he’s needed or wanted.
•He never really stops being terrified of his role as a parent. He always feels like he’s doing everything wrong, like he’s not good enough to be a father. But honestly? He’s so sweet with his kids. When he’s able to forget his insecurities and live in the moment, he’s a doting father who gets along well with his children.
•He sometimes sneaks sweets to his kids behind his partner’s back. The scolding he receives when they find out is absolutely worth it.
•Pollux is the type of parent who just kind of takes things one day at a time. He’s not great at making decisions about dealing with their kids and their potential bad behaviors without his partner’s input, because he’s too uncertain of his own judgement. As such, while some of the others have clear approaches to parenting, Pollux’s is going to depend heavily on his partner, and how they approach things.
•Vega is very protective of his kids (as well as his partner). He’s still dealing with the trauma of losing the Summoner in the way that he did, and nothing terrifies him more than the thought of his new, happy life being ripped out from under him.
•He’s so weak for his kids, just as much as he is for his partner. He struggles to put his foot down when they plead with him for things they want. It’s even worse if the child more resembles his partner. All it takes is well-times puppy dog eyes and he simply cannot tell them no.
•Despite this, Vega actually struggles with the emotional aspect of parenting. He’s never been very good at expressing how he feels in any way, and so he can come across to anyone, including his kids, as quite cold and detached. He’s not trying to be—like I said, he loves his family so much—but he’s a naturally more quiet, reserved person, and this combined with his fear of losing his family at times makes it more difficult for him to connect with his kids. It certainly doesn’t help that he’s not a very openly emotional person to begin with.
•Will lie to his kids without missing a beat, either out of necessity or for harmless fun. Is there a Santa Claus? Well of course. What happened to that toy that annoys the hell out of him and his partner? Goodness, he has no idea. Where do babies come from? Hm, you should ask your other parent about that one, they can explain it better.
•The best bedtime reader for the kids. He’ll do voices, use magic to make little shows of the stories, and never ever admit to his partner how much he gets into his storytelling role. But he does, he loves it.
•Sirius is far more likely to use rewards or bribery to motivate his kids, and will bargain with them to get them to do what they’re supposed to—and he is not the slightest bit above taking advantage of the fact that they’re too young to recognize when they’re getting the short end of the stick.
•He has such a hard time keeping a straight face when his kids say or do something bad but funny. Number one most likely to burst out laughing if his two year old says “fuck.” Also number one most likely to teach his two year old to say “fuck.”
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barbierosie · 3 months
✨Spica, getting left on read by Alpheratz for the 150000000th time: Thanks for opening my message and not responding.
✨Alpheratz: All good bro, any time.
✨Spica: Fuck you.
[I have a question, was the og Polaris a male?]
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Arcana Twilight haunted house headcannons
where you invite the arcana twilight bois to a haunted house attraction
author’s note: decided to try writing djekdjwk got inspired from going to a haunted house today with my friends HAHAH
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he would readily agree to go with you, though he is scared, he is excited to spend time with you and most likely has never been to a haunted house before (protect this bby at all costs)
he gets scared easily, but he wouldnt scream. He would yelp in surprise whenever he gets jumpscared and hugs you for support
if you both are scared, you two would be hugging each other the whole time
if youre not, you end up protecting him and reassuring him throughout
he finds the experience fun and thrilling and would 100% want to go again someday
overall, a fun and chill experience 9/10
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at first he rejects your invitation, until you use your puppy dog eyes on him, he sighs and agrees.
he definitely doesnt get scared at all (even if he did, he is good at hiding it), instead he points out at the decor and atmosphere, stating that they did a good job with the production
if youre scared, he would have an arm around you to ‘protect’ you, reassuring you and tells you to close your eyes if you want to.
“it’s okay summoner, i’m right here.”
10/10 experience, only if you are scared (he will comfort you <3) because if youre not, it seriously wouldnt be that fun. Probably you both would be discussing about how good the acting of the scare actors are
“i must say, they did a very good job with the setup. oh, scary? no, it wasn’t scary at all. no don’t get me wrong, their acting was splendid.”
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he is scared, DEFINITELY SCARED. But since it is you, he agrees, but pleads with you, even if it means going down on his knees, to not bring alpheratz or sirius with the both of you (so that he wouldnt get teased)
screams like a girl. Even if you are scared, youre more afraid of his screams than the scare actors. Either ways, you end up walking in front with him clinging onto your arm. (If you are the type to tease him, i believe you dont even have the energy to do so from all his screaming)
after the haunted house, he would pretend as if nothing happened, as if he wasnt scared in the first place.
“It wasn’t that bad. What? What do you mean i scream like a girl? No, i dont- hey! :< please dont tell alpheratz or sirius, please!”
experience? Ehhhh, it is fun to see him getting scared though it drains the life out of you from his screaming 💀 7.5/10
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he rejects you. If you want him to agree, you need to ask him like 10 more times until he says yes because he gets annoyed lol
would jokingly say that you need to give him something as payment for his companion
he doesnt get scared and was rather bored the whole time
if you get scared, he would chuckle at you and put an arm around you without saying a word
from now on, your new nickname is scaredy cat
“You know, when you get scared, you jump like, 5 feet off the ground”
“That’s not true! :<< ”
“Oh yes it is.”
but if you dont get scared, it would be pretty boring
quite an okay experience, 7/10
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oh this man will say yes right away. He will have a shit eating grin and tease you by asking if youre inviting him because YOU were scared
if you get scared, he would be laughing at you and teasing you non-stop about it. Might also play around with you and scare you too whenever just to see your frightened reaction again
“Summoner, i didnt know you get scared so easily~ You’re so cute when you get scared, you know?”
but if you dont, its best to bring one or more the boys who would so it is fun and you both can laugh at them
if not, you both end up trying to scare each other —
experience depends on whether you get scared or not 😭
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baby agrees to go with you ONLY because you are going. To protect you of course, what else?
he gets scared but doesnt really show it. He would jump and maybe yelp a little, subconsciously hiding behind you and when he realises that, he would mutter a soft apology
he tries to be tough in front of you. keyword, try
“Summoner, stay behind me, there might be a scare actor hiding behind the curta- aH-!”
“Are you okay, Vega? :( ”
“*coughs* im fine.”
you both would end up holding hands throughout the entire time, no matter you get scared or not. would walk side by side together
it is good for him if you dont get scared, you would be able to protect him <3
overall experience 8.5/10, pretty cute tho
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captainjacklyn · 1 year
Hey, yo, you probably saw me on one of your posts. I was wondering if you could do the arcana twilight characters reacting to reader training Precious to destroy sisuris's balls l, I'm so sorry for this post, but I had to. You could skip if you want to. Also, sorry for misspelling sisuris name.
HAHAHAHAGHDJWEH- no worries my friend, there is absolutely no harm done on your part, I'm glad you enjoy that crack shit post and I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it.
character(s) : spica, alpheratz, arcturus, pollux, vega
warning(s) : someone's balls being obliterated, a feral ferret and a vengeful summoner that just wants to see blood.
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Speechless and just straight up lost, man is just looking at us for a good minute before continuing to walk down the aisle like nothing happened.
for reference his face looked like this :
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He says nothing, he's just confused and tells himself that he needs coffee thinking he's hallucinating due to all the work he has to do.
don't even bother explaining, Spica will pass out and Precious is going to take that opportunity to destroy.
"Wrong target Precious I'm not letting you hurt rapunzel."
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Hype man right here, he's literally helping you coach that killing machine to end Sirius.
Precious actually stops trying to rip his wig off and is now accepting him as a friend, sort of.
I love this trio ! A batshit crazy animal, their batshit insane owner and the owner's boyfriend who hates the same person they hate.
Once precious is released into the city to found that sexy gun man, it's over for him.
It crawls it's way through the streets, hissing at anything in it's way until it finds the legs of the enemy..and CRUNCH GOES THE BALLS OF THE ASSHOLE-
*screams in agony*
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[Name] I don't think you have to- "HAJSKFBEFUEKR-"
Precious held on to his leg for a week, it didn't wanna let go for even a minute. Had to constantly keep this ginger man in a hospital because the moment he got out he would bleed extensively.
Once it got off of him, you just continued to train your unhinged creature.
Precious is really going balls out for the game I'll tell ya that, we're not just speaking about the nutcracker here we're talking about the sacrifice of future generations as well.
This poor dude is just standing on the sidelines like : you don't have to do this but I still support you because that's really all I can do...
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Oh he means business.
We got another coach right here- bro is going to ANNIHILATE sirius and whatever is left.
Although he keeps wincing whenever it actually happens, I mean they're both guys he knows just how painful it can get.
It's really terrifying to be honest just witnessing something that violent.
I mean who would expect this :
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to act like THIS :
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That's pollux trying to hold it, Precious is completely calm and rational with it's beloved owner.
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wut ?
like Spica, he will stand there, but not like Spica, he will remain standing there for a very long time.
Even Precious stops bitting the plastic toy that now looks like it's been shredded, even you stop encouraging your cute psychopath of a beast.
why are you giving it more attention ? HIIIIIISSSSSSSS-
He doesn't give a shit, we all know just how much of a simp he gets when it comes to you.
I love how I skipped the part where Precious tried to lunge at him and remove his eyeballs from his eye sockets.
You luckily managed to avoid that, but now you got an animal and a touch-starved white boy clinging onto you for dear life.
Vega I need to proceed with my ferret's training so could you please ? no. ...You're lucky you're just as adorable as my electric saw. BFUKETGEHTK$#$ PRECIOUS STOP SWEARING-
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Have a good day I hope you liked it.
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amber-of-tharaval · 6 months
I'm opening up requests so feel free to send in headcanon prompts and scenarios for the main cast ONLY- also please refrain from requesting to write for your summoners since I'm not really confident in writing other peoples summoners (for now) so yeah- go wild ig- not too wild but you get what I mean-
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bittersweetcanary · 1 year
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First thought: OTP, I ship it, kiss already. 🫶🏻💖✨✨💅🏻
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alzirr0 · 2 years
"Would you still love me if I were a worm?" Part 1
Feat: Spica, and Alpheratz
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Crack
Warnings: Second half has very mild spoilers for floor 2, and the limited beach event.
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2: Pollux, Sirius
There's an infinitesimal moment of silence as you wait for his response, his emerald orbs stare back at you. The two of you are leisurely drinking your warm beverages that he prepared on a cold morning when you asked him the question.
"Pray tell," he begins, setting his now empty cup down on the table with such grace befitting someone as elegant as him, before sending you a questioning look. "Why would you be a worm, of all things—"
"It is a hypothetical question," you cut him off.
"Did someone threaten to alter your form—"
"No. No one did," you cut him off again, not wanting him to go off into a tangent about how you must summon him if anyone is bold enough to harm you; he really can be a worrywart at times. This earns you a disapproving look from the sorcerer, though.
"I am just asking purely because of curiosity," you add. That's a lie, you are asking not out of pure curiosity, but because you're bored and what greater way of entertaining yourself than engaging in nonsensical casual conversations with the First Sorcerer of Virgo. But he doesn't need to know that. You offer him a smile, which you hope looks innocent and unassuming enough to be taken as a form of assurance.
"I will try to find a way to turn you back into—"
"No magic allowed!" You interject. "Come on, like I said, it is just a hypothetical question."
"Y/n," Spica utters out, sounding almost exasperated, "I am not liking this new habit you developed where you kept on interrupting what I have to say."
You give him a sheepish smile as you mutter an apology.
He gives you a curt nod in return, before promptly crossing his arms against his chest along with closing his eyes in contemplation. "Mind telling me why you ask me such bizarre question?"
Holding back the urge to groan, you reply, "I already told you, I'm just curious. Just answer with a yes or no, please?"
Spica remains eyeing you for a moment, eyebrows knitted tight enough to form subtle lines on his forehead. He's so confused and the facial expression he has makes him look constipated, you are at the brink of breaking your resolve and to just let your laughter bubble out, but you persevere.
"Well?" You egg him on.
He decides there's no harm in indulging you.
"To answer your question, yes, and I'd still care about you just the same. Though, if I have no way to turn you back into your original form, then it's important for us to find an environment which will be optimal for your new one," he responds, nodding to himself, "I would have to take you to your natural habitat."
"Wow that's a roundabout way of saying you'll get rid of me."
"That is not my intention, y/n . Neither the mansion nor the Contell Academy is the ideal place for a worm to live in. What if you get caught up and trampled on during a dorm war or something even worse? I take it you don't fancy having to live in a jar just to secure your safety, do you?" Spica tries to reason out.
Really, he's not certain why he still hasn't detached himself from this trivial conversation. A change of topic is very much welcome, but seeing how invested you are with this inquiry of yours, he goes against his better judgement.
He sighs before continuing, "The best solution I can see is ensuring you'd reside somewhere more convenient for you. I'd monitor your condition on a regular basis. Under no circumstances would I ever abandon you."
You're not sure what could be worse than getting trampled on by rowdy sorcerers, maybe the idea of living in a jar that had been repurposed into being your new home. Atleast he made it clear that he'll still have your back even if you hypothetically transform into a worm. You stifle a giggle and opt to feign disappointment as you merely look at him, trying to appear sullen.
Spica looks conflicted upon studying your face. "What course of action is acceptable to you, then?" He heaves a sigh of defeat, "You're hard to please."
You crack up laughing, finding this whole ordeal and his exasperation amusing. Once you regain your composure, you finally take pity on the man before you, deciding you've entertained yourself enough. Afterall, you still have more important matters to discuss. Besides, you'll have more chances of bringing up questions like this in the future.
"You know what, let's drop this. So, why did you request for me to meet you?" you say, referring to the message you received on your stella tab earlier.
Spica sighs for the umpteenth time, but this one is of relief. "Yes. I am in need of your help for this particular visit. As a matter of fact..."
He lays out the details of the mission and you dutifully listen. You voice out your queries relevant to the current topic every now and then whenever something seems unclear to you. Spica is more than happy to address your queries, since these kinds of questions are much... easier to make sense of than the one you asked him earlier.
"You really woke me up for this?"
"You weren't asleep."
"I was just about to be before you smacked me." Alpheratz deadpans, before closing his eyes again. You remain quiet as you let him go back to trying to get a nap.
You don't really want to disturb him, especially since he's the one who graciously invited you to settle on the spot next to him under the tree. You suppose he assumed you're in need of a nap too like himself, but you're not feeling particularly sleepy. Hence, why you tried to start a conversation meant to be humorous for you, but it seems like the man beside you is not up for it, which is understandable given how trifling your question was.
Accepting that you'll have to pass the time on your own, you turn your attention towards the sky. You recall that large mammals, which roam the oceans on Earth or Mid Eartheim as they call it in this world, are instead can be seen roaming the skies of Bound Arlyn. You squint as your eyes strain from the sunlight, scanning the horizons to see if you can catch a whale fleeting by.
"I don't know what you want me to say, but I'll tell you what I'd do instead," Alpheratz suddenly drawls out followed by a deep sigh, eyes slowly fluttering open to find yours.
You're pleasantly surprised, you're no longer really expecting a response from him. There's a triumphant grin on your face as you bask in the fact that despite of his 'i-can't-be-bothered' bravado, you most often than not managed to make him relent to your whims, even ones as nonsensical as this.
You turn the upper half of your body from your sitting position and tilt your head down to face him, still laying on his back on the grass, both of you shielded from the sun under the shade provided by the abundant leaves of the large tree you're resting your back against. You blink at him as you motion for him to continue.
"I'd pick you up," he starts, sounding nonchalant. "Like this," —He then brings his arm forward, reaching out to present his hand to your eye level, making a show of pinching his forefinger and thumb close together until they're almost touching— "and then put you on my shoulder. Carry you around Bound Arlyn with me, like a talisman to ward off troublesome situations and bothersome people."
"First of all, please, that's disgusting. Second, I did not say that I'd be capable of warding off anything!"
"A feature you should consider having if you decide to live in that form." Alpheratz grins, chuckling as you shoot him an indignant look.
Quickly, you change tact. "You still haven't given a direct answer to my question though, a simple yes or no would have sufficed," you point out.
Alpheratz props himself up on his elbows, adjusting his body into an upright position as he throws you a look of disbelief. "I just told you that I'd put you on my shoulder even if you're a... worm, out of my own free will Y/n. What else do you want from me? Profess my undying devotion for you? That'll give the both of us goosebumps."
This elicits a bright laugh from you, something that Alpheratz finds endearing and somehow makes this odd topic more bearable.
"If it's anyone else, I'd use them as fish bait instead," he adds.
"As if," you quip. "The last time you went fishing you didn't even bother to use a bait."
"Nevermind then, I'd just feed them to a bird," he says airily. "But since it's you, I'm doing none of those. I'd be taking care of you instead. If that isn't love then I don't know what is."
"Should I feel honored?" you ask in jest. Alpheratz only casts you a furtive glance as he barks out a laugh with his eyes turning into the shape of crescent moons in reply.
"Now to think of it, wouldn't that be beneficial for the both of us should you really turn into one? I won't have to go to greater lengths in driving the old man away, and preventing you from getting involved even more in our mess," he casually remarks. Humming to himself as his eyes subtly shift to the side, seemingly caught up in his own mind, deliberating about turning the idea into reality.
You gape at him incredulously. "I don't see how that would even be beneficial to me."
"Whaddya mean? You'd be safe. How is that not beneficial to you?"
"I'd be literally a worm?"
"But, an alive and well worm," he counters, "Now, should we really turn you into one? Which do you prefer, flatworm or roundworm? I'll even let you choose what kind you'd like to be."
Your eyes widen at the prospect. You've seen Sirius use transformation magic before, that time when he appeared as Betelgeuse. You're aware that other sorcerers are capable of altering their forms, too. However, in your stay in Neb Aula, not once have you seen anyone use any kind of transformation magic towards someone else, atleast not yet. You wonder if it's really possible, perhaps it is. Knowing Alpheratz' exceptional prowess in spells and magic, you don't want to risk subjecting yourself into the life of being an invertebrate.
"Hey," he breaks the silence, after several seconds of not receiving a response from you.
You whip your head back to his direction, your eyes are met by his lavender ones, with his brows raised and his visage tinged with mirth.
"If you can't already tell, which you obviously can't, I'm just joking," he snorts, "You look like you're ready to bolt."
You really are, to further prove this point, you stand up from your position, opting to escort yourself out from this situation without so much as saying goodbye to your companion. You can hear Alpheratz' jovial laughter as you make your hasty escape.
a/n: Based on those tiktok videos trending back in 2020.
It's been a LONG while since I've written a fanfic. But I was so smitten with ArTw that I can't help myself from contributing something to this community. I've been playing for only 3 weeks as of writing this, so I may not have a firm grasp of each character's personality. I apologize if I haven't managed to portray them very accurately. Regardless, I hope you'll enjoy this piece.
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sleepytwilight · 6 months
It's me again! I'll be your daily requestor here, sending asks for only twice a week so you can rest. I highly appreciate the Guitarist!MC headcanons, thank you!
So here's my second one. Hopefully, you'll be okay of writing it. How about the ArTw men with a MC who calls them "mahal"? "Mahal" means "love" in Filipino (because I am Filipino myself) and I want to see their reactions. That's all, thanks again!
Lmao I am Malay and for me 'Mahal' mean expensive xD. We're calling the boys love and expensive.
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He doesn't understand why you called him mahal. It feels like a positive vibe so he don't mind it.
Then Vega told him what 'Mahal' means. Oh poor our orange boy, he didn't expected it from you and was very flustered!
He will calls you 예뻐요 (yeppeoyo) which mean cute <3 (correct me if I'm wrong-)
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Spica is too smart for this world, he figured out you speak one of the mid eartheim language and immediately studied it.
When he found out, he was a bit flustered but doesn't mind it. He actually likes it a lot.
If you call him Mahal, he'll call you Maganda. (which mean beautiful/pretty[also correct me if I'm wrong])
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Ngl, he thought you're making fun of him until you come clean and told him what's the meaning of mahal.
Boy became red as roses and his soul left his body.
He got embarrassed everytime he remembers you called him that and he was completely oblivious.
Just saying he'll call you sweetie, it doesn't sound like him but he looks so adorable saying it.
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He doesn't really mind for it and just thought it was mid eartheim thing. Then later he realized only you call him 'mahal'.
Curiosity got best of him, he asked Vega what does it mean since Vega is from mid eartheim.
Boy, he didn't sleep for a whole week.
Since then he started to cling to you and call you love too <3
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He really doesn't know what it mean but he still tease you about it and pretended to understand.
He had to asked Vega what does it mean, Vega lied and told him Mahal means expensive. Technically it's not a lie but Vega just want to mess with Sirius.
At least for Sirius who misunderstood, he learned bahasa melayu and he calls you 'sayang' which mean love/sweetie/darling.
At the end, he finally found out you were calling him 'love' this whole time. He honestly should've see it coming, he's happy that you call him that.
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He's your childhood friend, of course he'll know what does it mean.
He got the 3 stage of love, denial, acceptance and loving you. He's really happy.
Whenever you call him Mahal, his cheeks turn red as peach fruit. He couldn't help but smiles when you call him that.
You and him are so adorable istg-
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✶ Arcana Twilight Masterlist ✶
Dahlia's Relationship with... (Part 1) (Fluff, Cracks)
MC Turns into a Polar Bear (Fluff, Cracks)
MC is a Renowned Novel Author (Fluff, Cracks)
Dahlia's Relationship with... (Part 1) (Fluff, Cracks)
MC Turns into a Polar Bear (Fluff, Cracks)
MC is a Renowned Novel Author (Fluff, Cracks)
Dahlia's Relationship with... (Part 1) (Fluff, Cracks)
MC Turns into a Polar Bear (Fluff, Cracks)
MC is a Renowned Novel Author (Fluff, Cracks)
Dahlia's Relationships with... (Part 2) (Fluff, Cracks)
MC Turns into a Polar Bear (Fluff, Cracks)
MC is a Renowned Novel Author (Fluff, Cracks)
Dahlia's Relationships with... (Part 2) (Fluff, Cracks)
MC Turns into a Polar Bear (Fluff, Cracks)
MC is a Renowned Novel Author (Fluff, Cracks)
Naming the Child (Fluff, Mild Cracks)
Dahlia's Relationships with... (Part 2) (Fluff, Cracks)
MC Turns into a Polar Bear (Fluff, Cracks)
MC is a Renowned Novel Author (Fluff, Cracks)
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ursairo · 5 months
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. ݁₊ ⊹ iroiro's . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ #Office! . ݁˖ . ݁
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r e q u e s t s
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!!! 19 · Gender unknown 👀 · author
arcana twilight writer · (artw)
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!! W H A T I S A L L O W E D !!
NSFW / Spicy scenarios
Hurt / Comfort
Crack ( Funny or Random scenarios )
Polyamorous Relationships
Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships ( obvi )
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I'm open to any sort of request that is sent into my inbox, however this does not mean that I can be comfortable with everything.
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!! W H A T I S N O T A L L O W E D !!
Yandere themes
Water Sports
Dead Dove / Dark themes
Odd.. Kinks ( I'm sure you know what they are. )
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Feel free to request me anything ! I hope this humble community is able to enjoy my content, I will see you all again on my next post.
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multificimagines · 2 years
General Relationship Headcanons: Arcana Twilight boys
Note: I might revisit these as more info becomes available about the boys!!
•He’s not really openly affectionate, preferring to keep everything about the relationship away from prying eyes. Still, it’s obvious to anyone who pays attention that he’s absolutely smitten with his s/o. If the fact that he always drops everything to run to their aid wasn’t already sign enough, then the way he looks at them when he thinks no one is paying attention says everything.
•In general, though, Spica is much more of an acts of service type of person—he shows his love with silent gestures that show how much he cares, rather than constant “I love you’s.” Small things, like always having their favorite drink available or ready for them, or being willing to check in on them and help them when they’re not feeling well. Things that are both insignificant gestures and still show an amount of love that shows he goes out of his way to help his partner.
•He’s always so eager and desperate for his s/o’s attention. Hug him, cuddle with him, kiss him, hold his hand. Anything at all, he doesn’t care what it is. He just loves being showered with their affection and love, and doing the same in return. He’s adaptable to any displays of affection his s/o prefers, but he especially loves affection in the form of touch.
•It wouldn’t be entirely accurate to say he doesn’t get jealous, but he’s at the very least not the type to really act on those feelings. His s/o is with him, and he trusts them completely, and so his jealousy is always an afterthought for him.
•Says he loves them all the time!! There’s never a day that goes by that he doesn’t say it at least once, though it’s usually actually multiple times a day.
•Pollux gets so easily jealous it’s almost funny. He’s just a little possessive. He also hates to admit to his jealousy, though, and will just let the emotions fester until his s/o notices the shift in his mood and confronts and/or reassures him. Maybe not the most healthy way of dealing with his feelings, but Pollux isn’t great at doing that even at the best of times.
•Pollux always gets so embarrassed saying “I love you” and receiving affection, and it really doesn’t ever go away! He’s always going to get a little blushy when he says it, or when his s/o says it back, or when they kiss him.
•When things become too heavy or stressful for his s/o, Alpheratz will sneak away with them so the two can hide away for a while and rest. Usually this entails napping and cuddling together somewhere where they won’t be disturbed, but it can really be anything so long as he can ensure they really get time to themselves. Spica will chew him out later, but it’s worth it to give his s/o (and himself) some peace for a little while.
•He really does like cuddling with his s/o, despite any such denials of this. Sometimes he listens for their heartbeat as he falls asleep with them, content to listen to the proof that they are alive, and maybe that says all it should about why he likes clinging to them like this so much.
•Vega is both remarkably clingy and unwilling to make the first move, so a lot of times he wants so badly to just hold onto his s/o, but is too afraid to actually do anything. He’s also not that great at hiding when this is what he’s thinking about though, and after a while of knowing him it becomes easy to tell when this is on his mind, and his s/o can take the initiative for him. If they take his hand, or hug him, he’ll cling to them for as long as they’ll let him, or until the situation demands that he let go. If it was up to him, he never would.
•He’s always terrified of losing his s/o, to more of an extent than any of the others. Anything he can do to ensure they don’t get hurt or, heaven forbid, die, he will, no matter the cost. He will always choose his s/o. Nothing matters more to him than them, and he will do anything for them. Nothing short of the end of the world itself will give him pause.
•He’s so weak for his s/o that he’ll instantly give in to anything they ask of him. No pleading or puppy dog eyes necessary, he’ll do absolutely anything to make them happy, despite all his attempts at resistance and against his better judgement.
•If he’s taller than his s/o he’s absolutely using that to his advantage. He could get that thing off the top shelf for you, but watching you climb to get it is so much more entertaining. Takes your phone and holds it out of your reach to watch you try to stand on your tiptoes to get it back. The magic trick to getting him to give in is to kiss him—he always either drops his guard enough for you to take back what he’s stolen, or he just relents and does whatever you want him to.
•Teases his partner for every little thing, but it’s fine because he fully expects that they do it in return. He loves the banter that unfolds with an s/o who’s willing to tease him back or boldly and openly flirt with him, and he also loves flustering a more shy s/o with his comments. No matter how they react, it’s a win for him.
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