#polly is baby boy
bittersweetcanary · 1 year
Dads of the Guide Committee
[Arcana Twilight / Found Family]
Inspired by Chat Messages: “Let’s go play” Series ingame.
Everyone being concerned about the number of uncarved crystals Pollux has in jelly jars concerns the Dads and Arcturus. I wonder if there’s something that could be potentially harmful about uncarved magic crystals…
Spica’s like the Dad who takes all the kids out to the Amusement Park, making sure they stay safe and having a bit of fun with them. I love how he teases his “husband”, and the other Guide Committee Dad saying “Are you scared Alpheratz”  which gets Alpheratz to join them!! PFFT!
Alpheratz taking their “son” Arcturus through the haunted house is adorableeeee! Helping him build courage <3 <3
*serious bear emoji*
“Everyone, try to think it through.”
“It’s impossible to… Be quiet, isn’t it?”
Arcturus: *shocked bear emoji*
Polly justifying their loud parties-
Vega just does not want to take part in any of this at all-
Spica is the Dad that remembers where all his kids leave their things- and his “husband”
Spica & Alpheratz: The Guide Committee Dads
Spica the Mother Hen, always makes sure the kids are presentable, well taken care of, and keeping up with their school work while Alpheratz makes sure they are well fed, taking plenty of breaks, and recesses, and maybe a little spoiled.
Spica chasing down Alpheratz like a married couple, one avoiding the serious conversation the other just trying to have it-
Arcturus: Eldest Child
Takes after Spica, he’s always trying to help the others, to the point of straining himself. But he can be teasing.
Summoner: Honorary Eldest Child
Honorary Guide Member to newest yet Eldest Child because they are a bit more responsible than the others- but only when they want to be, otherwise they might just add to the blazing flames. Babies Polly because he’s adorable. Everyone teases Polly over this.
Alpheratz and Spica keep an eye on them, Alpheratz worries about them for the same reason he is worried for Vega, their Mid-Earthiem background means they have naturally lower mana levels than the average Sorcerer which makes healing from wounds or recovering from sickness slower…
Spica sees potential in the Summoner, he wants to encourage them to push themself to the limit(a reasonable limit though), much to Alpheratz’s disapproval, he’d rather they stay out of the Guide Committee’s (sometimes) dangerous outings. This is the serious conversation they never have, other than Alpheratz constantly sleeping through everything-
Vega: Middle Child
Cold but joins in the mischief, often joining the others in teasing Alpheratz. Doesn’t join the others for outings often.
Alpheratz makes sure he is well fed, he’s worried for Vega due to his Mid-Earthiem background and terrible food choices… This boy needs real food, not juice and jelly packets…
Spica knows Vega will follow the Summoner(like a puppy-) and uses that to keep him coming to meetings.
Polly: Baby boy.
A baby. A mischievous as hell baby. Will cause problems on purpose and on accident. Cries easily must be consoled.
Often watched over by Alpheratz while Spica is working- can’t have the baby bothering the working Father. But sometimes- he might just set Polly on Spica for a good laugh.
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whumpcloud · 1 year
Red Room - Mine
content: creepy/intimate whumper, sadistic whumper, kidnapping, filmed whump, threat of future torture, restraints, gagging, implied threat of noncon but it won't happen/it's not really stated, pet names, begging, noncon kissing, manhandling, choking, whumpee tells whumper to kys
Jack wakes to a light bulb.
Back and forth. Back and forth. His fluttering eyes follow it for a moment, trying to focus. He tries to move, but his limbs feel leaden, and all it does is make him softly whimper at the leather biting into his skin.
Jack's eyes widen and he snaps his head to the side. He's flat on his back on a wooden table, tightly strapped by his wrists and ankles and throat. Bile burns his mouth.
A door slams open and Jack lets out a small scream into his gag, into the cloth gag shoved inside his mouth and tied tightly around his head. He hears a laugh.
"Aw, baby boy…"
A face appears, framed by the flickering light, long black hair tickling the sides of Jack's face. The man grins.
"Heya, cutie," he says, soft, almost soothing. "No need to scream, okay? If you keep doing that, I'll let you scream yourself hoarse. And if you don't, I'll take off the gag and let you ask some questions. I'm sure you've got some, yeah?"
Jack exhales harshly through his nose, tears forming in his eyes, and nods.
"Alright." The man gently tugs the gag from Jack's mouth, and uses the free moment of Jack swallowing his spit to speak. "Don't try begging, by the way. No, I'm not gonna let you go, yes I'm gonna hurt you, no there's nothing you can do about it. Now ask a sensible question, okay, baby?"
Jack's head spins. He remembers walking home, he remembers the sound of the car door opening and being shoved inside, the man straddling his lap and whispering softly as he was sedated. Only in a haze, but he remembers.
"W-Who are you?" Jack finally says, voice more of a whimper than he means it to be. "What are you going to do to me?"
"Matthew Seung." He grins. "I'm just a content creator. And I'm gonna do… whatever the audience wants, really."
"Th-The audience?" Jack's heart becomes a pit in his stomach.
"Oh, yeah, they're gonna love you, sweetheart." Matthew's fingertips come to Jack's jaw, tilting it to the side. "You have to know how pretty you are. Very photogenic. And your eyes, baby boy, goddamn."
Jack flinches and lets out a soft whine when Matthew trails his fingers around Jack's eyes and over his cheekbones.
"I'll set some rules, obviously," Matthew says, lilting and gentle. "No damage to your face, nothing too permanent, but anything else goes. They might wanna cut you up. Boring, but doable. Maybe break a couple fingers, or let you almost drown, something like that."
Matthew playfully taps Jack on the nose.
"I'm not very creative," Matthew says. "That's why I leave it up to the viewers."
Jack bites down on his lip hard enough to draw blood and contorts his face with the effort of refusing to cry.
"Ohhh…" Matthew sighs happily. "Go on, cry, lemme see you cry. I bet it'll be just adorable."
"S-Stop, please," Jack whispers. "Don't, please, please don't do this to me…"
"Shh, shh." Matthew runs his hand through Jack's hair. "I can't help it, baby boy. I don't find someone like you every day. Really, I'm surprised you didn't get nabbed before, looking the way you do. You got lucky."
"Lucky?" Jack shivers at Matthew's touch. "How is this lucky?"
"Oh, I know plenty of creepies who'd bid for you," Matthew grins. "I'm pretty tame, all things considered. If you were put with someone who was really sadistic, well, they might not even care if you died on camera. Not to mention what would happen behind the scenes to break you in. Nah, you're very lucky you got me instead."
"B-Bid-" Jack squeezes his eyes shut. This isn't real, this is something that happens in movies, not to real people, not to him. "Bid for me?"
"Yeah, I could easily sell you on, baby boy," Matthew chuckles. "Do you have any idea what people would pay for a face like yours? God, you're so fucking pretty. You're really lucky I admire you so much. I could sell you to someone who'd make a real mess of you."
That's when the dam breaks, and a wretched sob forces its way out of Jack's throat. Matthew laughs, and there's a click as a camera turns on.
"Sorry, baby boy, I gotta capture this," Matthew says, throwing his hood over his head and pulling a scarf up to his mouth. "God, you see that? Gonna love you."
"Stop it!" Jack snaps, though it holds no energy coming through tears. "S-Stop it, just let me go, I'm fucking begging you, please!"
Matthew rolls his eyes and whistles softly. "Told you I wasn't gonna do that already."
"I can pay you!" Jack tries, desperately pulling at his bindings. "P-Please, my family's rich, they'll- they'll give you whatever money you want!"
Matthew laughs so hard he has to put a hand against the wall and vaguely apologise to the camera for how loud he is.
"You hear that?" Matthew circles around so that he's crouching out of Jack's sight, just behind his head. "My new work of art thinks I'll let him go for money."
Matthew chuckles, and leans up, gripping Jack's face between his hands. He's so close that Jack can feel Matthew's hair on his forehead. His eyes glitter. Excited. Hungry.
"I'm doing this for fun, silly. For the attention. And you, baby boy"–Matthew presses his fingers against Jack's lips–"are gonna be my star."
Jack can't find any more words to say. What is there to say? This man wouldn't let him go for all the money in the fucking world, because he's cute when he cries and his only worth is looking good in front of a camera.
Matthew wrenches Jack's head toward the camera, curling his fingers into Jack's hair.
"You wanna tell them your name, baby boy?" Matthew coos, and the scarf does nothing to hide that he's grinning.
"J-Jack." His voice isn't more than a croak. "Jack Mitchell."
Matthew stops. Completely and utterly stops.
"Say that again," Matthew says, disbelief in his tone, just loud enough to be heard.
"Jack Mitchell," Jack squeaks.
"I fucking knew I recognised you!" Matthew lets go of him and claps in delight. "Kid of Killian Mitchell? Like, for real?"
Jack nods silently. People recognise him often enough, but not really for him, just for his father. He hasn't done any acting in recent years, and he doesn't look enough like his younger self to be recognised for those roles. So his father drags him out at events, pretties him up for the red carpets and the charity balls and tugs at the back of his collar where nobody can see the moment he says a word wrong.
"Oh my God. Oh my God." Matthew's voice is growing frantically giddy. "You're perfect, you're so, so perfect. The views. I'm never gonna be this popular again."
"Fucking kill yourself," Jack hisses.
"Spicy baby boy." Matthew reaches under the table and pulls at something, and Jack gags as the leather around his throat sharply tightens. "You wanna say that again?"
Jack's vision pulses at the edges and he whines. It's tight, but not so tight that he can't breathe at all. Just to hurt.
He's here just to hurt.
"Fuck…" Matthew lets out a breathy laugh. "This is gonna make such a good intro video. You know just how to behave in front of a camera, yeah?"
He does, he knows exactly how to behave, he's behaved for the cameras his entire life, buried every part of himself to look however they want him and that's exactly what Matthew wants out of him too.
Jack takes in a ragged breath the moment the buckle loosens, and lets it back out with a scream. He doesn't know why, and Matthew doesn't stop him.
Matthew just regards him with nothing more than mild amusement.
The end of the scream comes sooner than Jack thought it would, and he coughs, phlegm trapped in the back of his throat. He's still crying, can't stop crying.
"You tire yourself out already, baby boy?" Matthew asks. "Adorable. Lemme turn the camera off."
Jack lays limply as Matthew unbuckles him and lifts him up. His head throbs. Matthew carries him out of the dimly lit room, into an entirely dark one, that Matthew easily navigates through and sits down on top of a mattress, holding Jack around the waist.
"Relax now, baby boy," Matthew whispers. "You can relax now. It's just us."
Matthew presses a soft kiss to the back of Jack's neck, and smiles when Jack flinches away.
"You're so cute," Matthew says, gripping Jack's jaw with his other hand. "I gotta keep you. I'll take care of you off-camera, promise."
"Are you going to kill me?" Jack whispers. "W-When you're done with me?"
Matthew hums, as though he hadn't considered that. Kisses Jack's neck again, then his jaw, then his temple. Jack lets him, because he isn't stupid enough to think that these soft words and touches are anything but a thin layer over a man who has so clearly done this before and felt nothing more than delight.
"Nah," is the eventual answer. "The audience will get bored of you quicker than I will. And I can bring you back out to spice things up. Nah. I'm not gonna waste your pretty li'l face like that."
Matthew kisses him again, at the corner of his mouth, and lingers.
"Keep you for myself," he murmurs. "Yeah. Couldn't let you go to someone else."
Jack keeps still, as the hand on his waist traces upwards along his chest, slips just underneath his sweater to feel the ridge of his collarbone. The scars on Matthew's hands tell stories - teeth marks on his thumb, a faded knife wound through the palm, crescent shaped marks like nails cutting into the skin. If they were from innocent sources, Jack would be surprised. He's not the first, but the others fought.
It's an odd comfort. He'll stay alive, in the videos of him pleading and the reminders of his suffering on his captor's skin, even if he isn't quite here when Matthew's done with him, even if he doesn't figure out how to get the upper hand and escape.
Jack jams his elbow into Matthew's ribs, and the man's only reaction is to pin Jack's arms to his sides. Not even a sound of pain or annoyance.
"Wouldn't do that if I were you, baby boy," Matthew sings. "How about you just let me hold you, huh? Just wanna hold you. Fuck, I think I love you."
Matthew starts murmuring to himself again. Jack doesn't catch most of it, just a vague impression of the word: "Mine."
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luzzarm · 7 months
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DEAN MARTIN and JERRY LEWIS • Marion Marshall, Polly Bergen • Starring in the Hal Wallis Motion Picture, "THAT'S MY BOY" • A Paramount Release
Magnavox print advertisement
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janeelyakiri · 2 years
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jup1tersparx · 5 months
up&adam + sydney sargent and polly apollyon + rick rounds are both sets of characters containing '(theoretically) charismatic and manipulative demon with floral suit’ and ‘guy with Religious Issues who is being slowly eaten by the forest (metaphor)’. but the difference between them is sydney responds to cosmic horror by going 'holy shitttt this is gonna change my entire world view...give me a second...ok worldview changed. have you heard of warrior cats' whilst rick responds to cosmic horror by trying to shoot it. with a gun
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baby-brawl-bracket · 1 year
Baby Brawl Bracket: Round 1 Match 41
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Here’s something I thought would be fun, here’s from easiest to hardest my mps ranked by how easy it’d be to get a ‘good’ ending with them while shipping with ‘em.
(Happy in this case means both parties are alive for at 5 years after any big events involving the pairing getting very serious, like getting married (like real married not IDP married) or otherwise swearing to stay together & both partners are likely to be emotionally alright and able to pursue their own goals.)
Moss Mann
Polly Geist 
Vera Oberlin
Dahlia Aquino
#Monster Prom {We’re All Monsters Inside. Aren’t We?} {Lore}#Sawyer {You Might Tempt Somebody} {Headcanons & Meta}#Polly {& I’ll Probably Be Leaving So I’m Tellin’ You} {Headcanons & Meta}#Oz {In The Shadows Of Your Mind} {Headcanons & Meta}#Joy JJ {You Traded Daffodils For A Kingdom Of Ash And Bone} {Headcanons & Meta}#Hope {The Goddesses's Heart} {Headcanons & Meta}#Faith {I Say Kill Your Heroes} {Headcanons & Meta}#Vera Oberlin {I Feel Like I'm The Worst So I Always Act Like I'm The Best} {Headcanons & Meta}#Moss Mann {No One Keeps A Secret} {Headcanons & Meta}#Dahlia Aquino {All Is Fair In War} {Headcanons & Meta}#Prince {Who Said Anything About Love?} {Headcanons & Meta}#Jun-Seo {I’m Rabid And Hibernating Simultaneously} {Headcanons & Meta}#Gerard {A World That Sends You Reeling From Decimated Dreams} {Headcanons & Meta}#Salil {I’m A Lifeless Face You’ll Soon Forget} {Headcanons & Meta}#Jerry {Baby You’re A Haunted House} {Main Verse}#Darling {Who's The Boy Beneath The Doll That Wants To Live?} {Headcanons & Meta}#Yes Jerry the murderer who might try to kll a partner before even getting with them#is easer to have a happy relationship with long term#than one of the ro's#a pc#and the guy always asking people to marry him#I'd also say other than Hope he's more well adjested than those below hm#he is up front about hs biggest issue#which is the murdering poeple#also the 5 year thing is cuz of muses with shorter lfe spans#like Polly who needs to move on to the next part of the after life in under 20 years#but the time she would have with a partner would be a happy time#and it deserves to be counted as such
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bcofl0ve · 7 months
I’m the anon who asked about Luke and Jerry meeting. I’m listening to the podcast because it seems interesting. Somebody else was going to play Jerry?!
yeah luke didn't join the cast till they came back from the covid break! neither did helen (gladys) or the guy that plays vernon! gladys was originally supposed to be played by maggie gyllenhaal. i don't think it's ever been publicized who the original jerry was.
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 7 months
Alfie noticing that guys who are way younger than him (like Michael? John?) having a thing for reader, who is close to age to these young gentlemen but has only eyes for ol' man Alfie? Thoughts?
Near Deadly Sin
Alfie Solomons x F!Reader; fluff
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AN: IM BAAAAACCCCKKK hello my loves it’s taking me forever to write again but I’m glad to be back. I miss you all and hope you all are doing well!!! MUAH - Mo
No. No this acidic flame burning between his ribs is not jealousy.
Not at all.
The embers stoked in his chest. The flames licking up his neck and around his ears. These are normal… manly… sensible reactions.
Alfie had been invited for ‘drinks’ with the Shelbys. He had refused adamantly, and was only coerced upon your promise to accompany him and to never. leave. his. sight. As if you would ever be far from him or out of his thunderous gaze. But as he is sitting across from Thomas and Arthur and Polly, he is regretting ever bringing you near this nonsense. This den of wolves and snakes. The murmurs of Thomas faded like the crackle of a radio as he focused in on John Shelby’s lustful gaze over you. With every sweep of his young and unbridled eyes and suck of his teeth, Alfie became more and more enraged. Not that you noticed. You didn’t notice John’s roving eyes or the quickening pulse of your husband next to you. You were content sipping the tea Polly served, making quiet conversation with Ada in the corner, holding a babbling Karl.
Alfie knew there was supposed to be a deal or something tonight. Or maybe an update on a job. Or something. It didn’t matter. Fuck the business. Fuck the Shelbys. Fuck John Shelby. Fuck it all. Standing quickly, pushing through the screaming pain of his back, Alfie grunts, “Darling get your coat. We’re done here.”
Your head spun, “Meyn Likht?”
“Up. Coat. Now. Cyril needs us.”
You press your lips in a firm line. Holding back your tongue from lashing at him for his impromptu exit. You knew what he actually meant. Thinking of Cyril was his code for indicating murderous intent that needed to be snuffed out immediately. You watch Alfie as you slip on your coat, going to Thomas to whisper something just out of your reach. Had you heard him, you would have heard the volcanic timber of his voice promise, “You control that little brother of yours Tommy yeah? It’s against holy law to look at another man’s wife like he been doing. Will have to go back to Mosaic law if he don’t shape up.”
With heavy stomps he approaches John, who is trying yet failing to keep a stone expression. “You keep them eyes to yourself little boy. Or someone may just take ‘em from you.”
“Darling? Cyril needs to be let out and will not wait for you!”
With a firm pat on the cheek Alfie turned away, gripping your waist firmly, hand as hot as a brand on the skin under your dress.
It’s late now, Alfie is fuming under the crisp sheets and thick quilts layered living on the soft bed. He’s pretending to read. Putting on his glasses and taking them back off again to stare at the ceiling. You emerge from the bathroom, face flush from the hot water, and hair pulled away from your bare shoulders. Arms crossed across your chest, you sit on Alfie’s side of the bed, “You want to talk about it like a grown up now?”
He huffs and shifts lower into the bed, as if to hide from you. With a shrug you walk back to your side, shuffling your sock feet across. You crawl back in bed, back to Alfie to let him fume. It was better than fighting with him to get him to share his feelings.
“He was looking at you.”
“Well Karl is a baby darling.”
“Not Karl! John fucking Shelby! Little bastard was undressing you with his eyes! And you said nothing!”
Ah… there it was.
You let yourself sit up to look at your husband’s face. Folded up into himself, glasses precariously balanced on his nose, cheeks ruddy from rage. Jealousy was his greatest sin and vice. Bigger than rage. Bigger than his love of rum. He was an only child and as such he grew into a man who did not like to share. Not even your image. You curled up next to him, like a cat preening for attention. “Meyn Likht… I didn’t even see him. You shouldn’t be jealous of a figure of vapor.”
“What you don’t notice the… the young men just staring at you? Gapped mouths like dead fish?”
“Those children?” You hum, gently kissing his scruffy jaw and temple.
“Those… men closer in age… to you.”
With that you crawl into his lap, looping your arms around his broad shoulders. “Darling… what could I do with those men? I’d break them.”
“Break them?” He chuckles, gripping you tighter.
“They’re too soft. Too pretty. No. I like my men… rougher… more sturdy… someone who can stand strong and not worry about their pretty face getting dirty. I like my old man.”
“Do you now?”
“Love him even. Deliriously in love with him. Couldn’t live without him.”
Before you could take another breath, he was on you, kissing all over your face, tickling you with his rough beard and mustache. “Good Lord woman you make me feel 20 again.”
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daisyfieldrecs · 8 months
Jake Seresin Fics
Just Friends| One-Shot| Smut| @say-al0e
Aw Honey Honey| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @thebirdandthebee
You've Got the Real Thing Right Here| One-Shot| Fluff, Smutish| @birdy-bat-writes
And the truth of the matter is (I'll never let you go)| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst, Smut| @fidogo
do you want to lie, sir?| One-Shot| Fluff, Smutish| @simpforrooster
Oh, Lover Boy!| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @unmistakablyunknown
Oh, Baby| Series| Warnings in Each Chapter| @seresinhangmanjake
The Tipping Point| One-Shot| Smut| @cherrycola27
I Caught You| Blurb| Fluff| @roosterbruiser
do not disturb| One-Shot| Smut| @coconutcordiale
One Summer In San Diego| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst| @sunnysidevans
Don't Hang'em Til Noon| Sequel| Series| Fluff, Angst, Smut| @sailor-aviator
Fool's Fare| Series| Fluff, Angst, Smut| @sailor-aviator
Meet Me at the Sea| Series| Fluff, Angst, Smut| @sailor-aviator
Lay all your love one me| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @bussyslayer333
12:34AM| One-Shot| Fluff, implied Smut| @bussyslayer333
nothing but a gentleman| One-Shot| Fluff| @simpforrooster
Who Did This To You?| One-Shot| Angst| @justfandomwritings
start of a silver fox| One-Shot| Fluff, implied Smut| @topherwrites
How You Get The Girl| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst, Smut| @seresinsweetie
The Stakes are High, but this love is ours| One-Shot| Fluff, implied Smut| @sorchathered
Sneak Peek| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @roosterforme
and every photograph that's taken here is from the summer (the house that i grew up in)| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst| @jupitercomet
Heart Out| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @bussyslayer333
There's a honey| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @bussyslayer333
Take it| One-Shot| Smut| @bussyslayer333
Cowboy| One-Shot| Fluff| @thewulf
Commander| One-Shot| Fluff| @thewulf
Absolutely Gorgeous| One-Shot| Fluff| @thewulf
You're Not My Type| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst. Smut| @roosterforme
Kiss with tight hug| One-Shot| Fluff| @youvebeenlivingfictional
All This Love| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @honkytonk-hangman
Jukebox War| One-Shot| Fluff| @roosterforme
Specialty Goods| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @roosterforme
Better Than Revenge| One-Shot| Fluff| @roosterforme
When Jake Met Polly| One-Shot| Fluff, implied Smut| @honkytonk-hangman
SunKissing| One-Shot| Fluff, implied Smut| @honkytonk-hangman
Devil In Disguise| One-Shot| Fluff| @honkytonk-hangman
Blue Skies and Green Eyes| One-Shot| Fluff| @bradshawssugarbaby
Call Me When You Get Home| One-Shot| Fluff, implied Smut| @bradshawssugarbaby
Sundays Are for the Boys| One-Shot| Fluff, lil bit of Smut| @roosterforme
Gentle Jake Seresin| Blurb| Fluff| @mango-writes-savvy
Little Wonder| Series| Warnings in Each Chapter| @hangmans-wingman
This Isn't What It Looks Like| One-Shot| Fluff, Implied Smut| @phoenixsbby
Tiktok Trouble| One-Shot| Fluff, Implied Smut| @ultralightpoe
Beer Never Broke My Heart| One-Shot| Fluff, lil bit of Angst| @bradshawssugarbaby
Not Just Pals| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst| @thewulf
It Matters| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst| @thewulf
Who are You?| Pt.2| Pt.3| Series| Fluff| @thewulf
They All Know, He's In Love With You| One-Shot| Fluff, lil bit of Angst| @hangmanssunnies
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whumpcloud · 1 year
Delicate - As If
content: (institutionalised) pet whump, carewhumper, it as a pronoun, memory of a death threat, fear of being beaten or belted, alcoholism, chronic illness, brief discussion of death
Elio absolutely didn't want this. He didn't want a lot of things, he didn't want therapy or a support group or Sofia to keep bothering him, but he definitely didn't want a Pet.
The Pet looks up at him, quiet, like it wouldn't mind waiting forever if that's how long it took him to speak. It. Should he really be referring to it as it? Would it be stupid to ask a Pet what its preferred pronouns are?
Elio groans. He feels like he should be doing something. Should he order it to do something? Or think of rules? Does he even want to give it rules?
It's not the Pet's fault. But the silence and the staring and the stillness is starting to freak Elio out. He should send it back. Oh God, but what if it gets sent to some sicko or someone who hurts Pets or-
No justification is going to make him feel like any less of a creep if he keeps it.
"Master?" The Pet says softly. It knows it has no permission to speak, but it understands that it's supposed to take care of its owner. "Are you okay? Is there anything I can do for you right now?"
Master. Elio sticks out his tongue, as though just hearing the word burned the inside of his mouth.
"Don't… call me that," Elio says.
The Pet doesn't miss a beat. "I could call you Sir, if that would make you more comfortable?"
"M-My name," Elio says quickly. "Just call me by name. Elio."
"Oh." The Pet pauses for the briefest of moments. "I was trained not to call people by name. I'm sorry. I'll do my best, if that's what you want. It'll just take some getting used to."
"Trained not to--" Elio interrupts himself and sighs. "Fine. Sir is… fine."
"Yes, Sir," the Pet says, and gives him a small smile. The Pet can tell that its owner is feeling stressed, and it does its best to offer comfort, before it has to resign itself to a beating or belting. "Do you need anything, Sir?"
Elio fidgets with his sleeve. This Pet is his now, as much as he hates it. And it's right in front of him, so there's no way he can get rid of it now. He's going to kill Sofia for this. How could she get him a Pet? Now he has to deal with a whole other person in his house.
Oh, fuck. It's a person. Elio knows all the advertising around Pets - they're volunteers, they want this, it's all perfectly legal and legitimate. But that's just a human person kneeling at his feet. Elio shudders.
"...Sir?" the Pet says. Its owner keeps spacing out. Perhaps that's something the Pet is meant to deal with? "Please don't take this as me being rude, but are you listening to me?"
The way it hesitates makes Elio's heart sink. This is awful. What did they do to you?
Elio needs a drink.
"I- I'm listening," Elio says stiffly.
The Pet happily repeats itself. "Do you need anything, Sir? Or is there anything I can do?"
Happily repeats itself. Elio searches the Pet for some hint that it isn't entirely willing to do anything and everything that Elio says, but he finds none. Elio could probably ask it to do a backflip and it would eagerly break its neck trying.
"Tell me your name," Elio says abruptly. It doesn't even occur to him that this is now the third time he hasn't answered the Pet's question. "I- I should at least know the name of my Pet."
"I don't have a name, Sir," the Pet replies. Its voice is so small. "My name is whatever you want it to be. But I could tell you the name my old master used, if you'd--"
"You don't have a name?" Elio interrupts. How does it not have a name? Do Pets give up their names when they sign everything away? "And yes, tell me what name that sicko gave you so that I can never say it again."
Fucking hell, Elio, you didn't even let it finish talking.
The Pet uselessly opens and closes its mouth for a moment, before speaking softly. "My old master called me Darling, Sir. But don't feel like you have to give me a name. I'll respond to anything that you call me."
Elio wants to apologise. Surely he scared it by raising his voice like that? But its expression hasn't even twitched. Just gentle neutrality.
"Darling," Elio says flatly. "That's gross. God, uh…"
He has to give it a name. A real name, a name for a person, but he's coming up short. Pet. Pet. Peter?
"Peter," Elio mumbles. "What do you think of Peter?"
"That's a nice choice, Sir," Peter nods. "Thank you for naming me."
"Thank you for naming me," Elio mutters. "Jesus. Um. Pronouns. What are your pronouns?"
"I don't mind, Sir," Peter replies. "My old master used he or it."
"...yeah, I'm not… gonna call you it, then." Elio rubs his eyes and takes a deep breath. He's never had a stronger urge to get drunk than he does right now. "He. Peter, he."
Peter smiles again, and thank God, because the blank expression was going to drive Elio up the wall. He hates it, and a horrible part of him knows it's because it forces him to face the reality that there is a trained person at his feet.
Peter is just happy to be named. He would never, ever admit it, but he envied people and other Pets with real names. Of course he liked Darling, it was what Master liked. But Sir likes Peter, and Peter likes this name more. He gets to be Peter now.
"What were you supposed to do?" Elio asks. "Like, with your old master. What did he make you do?"
"I cleaned the house, I reminded him to take his medication, I gave comfort and support when I was needed, I deterred him from risky behaviour, and otherwise I followed whatever orders I was given," Peter says, easily listing off tasks. "But I was trained to do a lot of things, Sir. I'm sure I can handle whatever you ask me to do."
"Right," Elio mutters. "Sure."
Elio doesn't need a caretaker. He's perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Sofia overstepped, buying a Pet for him. But he has Peter now, and Peter looks so desperate to do literally anything that Elio is starting to feel bad for contemplating just ignoring him.
Is Sir mad at him? Peter isn't sure. But Sir definitely seems mad at something, and doesn't seem comforted by any of Peter's small actions.
"Sir, you seem stressed," Peter says. "May I sit in your lap? I've been told that my presence is comforting."
Elio eyes him, as if expecting him to have some ulterior motive. As if Elio even believes Peter would be capable of that.
"Sure," Elio shrugs. "Fine."
Peter is surprisingly tall, but curls himself up tightly enough that he fits into Elio's arms. He isn't as thin as other Pets that Elio has seen - in fact, he seems very well-taken care of overall, aside from being gauntly pale.
"Why are you here and not… with your old master?" Elio asks suddenly.
There's a crack in the facade. The tiniest crack, but a crack nonetheless. Peter's face falls, but only for a moment. It happens so quickly that Elio wonders if he might have imagined it.
"He died, Sir," Peter whispers. "Would you like to know the details?"
Peter swallows. He hopes Sir won't ask about this. Peter is very good at suppressing the few emotions he's allowed to feel, because they matter far less than his owner's emotions, but the only reason they labelled him defective at the shelter was because he couldn't- wouldn't stop crying when they asked about Master. What if Sir thinks he's too defective and sends him back after all? After everything Darling did, he doesn't want to go back, he doesn't want them to realise what a bad Pet he is and send him to be wiped.
"Nah," Elio mumbles. "I just wanted to know what happened."
Peter holds in the gasp of relief and just nods gratefully. Darling was a bad Pet. But Peter, Peter can be the perfect Pet for Sir, and Peter will never, ever hurt Sir, and Peter will hope that Sir is kind enough (and frankly, the bar is on the floor) that Peter can keep smiling and suppressing and maybe even forget there was ever a moment where he didn't.
"Do you want something to do?" Elio asks, sighing softly. "You look restless."
Peter quickly looks up at him. "I can keep sitting here if you'd like me to, Sir."
"Nah, you can… uh… clean the flat," Elio says. "I guess. If you want chores."
Peter lights up. "Of course, Sir! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be useful to you. How deeply would you like me to clean?"
Elio shrugs. "Just, uh. Don't make it just look clean, but I'm not asking you to, like, wash the walls or pull out the furniture."
"I understand, Sir," Peter smiles. "Is there an order you'd like me to clean in?"
"...nah." Elio is suddenly feeling a little embarrassed. "Don't, uh, don't make fun of me for how messy it all is."
Peter just stares at him. "Why would I make fun of you, Sir? That would be disrespectful."
"...right," Elio mutters. "I'm gonna take a nap, I think."
"Would you like me to get you some blankets, Sir?" Peter asks.
"Nah." Elio shifts to get comfortable. "I can fall asleep just about anywhere."
Peter nods. "Enjoy your nap then, Sir. I'll do my best not to wake you."
Peter breathes a sigh of relief when Elio falls asleep near-instantly once Peter gets up. He's so thankful that Sir won't be breathing down his neck while he cleans, making sure he does everything perfectly. He understands why Master had such high standards, Master needed things to be completely spotless for his health, but he likes that Sir doesn't need that.
Peter feels like he's breaking a rule when he enters Sir's bedroom, but Sir hasn't set any rules for cleaning, so Peter thinks it's okay. Peter tries to take his time - Sir didn't even set a time limit! - so that he can try to relax a little, but he's too used to cleaning quickly.
He finds empty cider bottles in the storage compartment underneath Sir's mattress, and bites his lip. He wouldn't think anything of it, if there weren't seven of them, if they weren't hidden. Peter… doesn't like drunk people.
You know what would be happening if I wasn't piss drunk right now? I'd be beating you to fucking death.
Darling quickly blinks tears out of his eyes. He doesn't cry, not unless he's told to. Crying is useless for a Pet like him.
If Sir drinks a lot, then Peter can take care of him however he needs. Whatever Peter thinks of it is completely irrelevant. He has a purpose.
A sudden sound starts to ring through the house, and Peter does nothing more than calmly return to the living room to find the source. Sir's phone is blaring an alarm but he isn't waking up.
"Sir?" Peter says, gently shaking him. "Sir, your phone is going off."
Elio's face scrunches up. Why is there someone shaking him?
Oh. Right. The Pet.
"It'll be my, uh, my glucose monitor," Elio mumbles. "God, that's why I'm so tired. What's the screen say?"
Peter looks over. "Low."
Elio sighs. "Can you get me, uh… there's Coke in the fridge. Since you're here."
Peter retrieves the can and hands it to Elio, who drinks half of it in just a few seconds, then nearly spills it putting it down on the coffee table. He mumbles a thank you.
"...Sir," Peter says, after a moment. "May I ask why you use a glucose monitor?"
"I'm diabetic," Elio replies, closing his eyes again. "...you know what that means, right?"
"Yes, I know what that means." Elio doesn't have to be looking to know that Peter has brightened considerably. "Do you need help with any part of that? I could remind you to take your insulin, for example?"
"I guess." Elio rolls over. "Ask me when I'm actually awake."
Peter pauses. "You'll need to check your blood sugar in ten minutes, Sir. To make sure that you're alright."
Elio groans. He almost says "then wake me up" but bites his tongue at the last second. He doesn't want to order Peter around for every little thing. That feels way too much like taking advantage of him.
As if being taken advantage of isn't the entire meaning of Peter's life.
Elio rubs his eyes and tries to stay awake.
taglist: @whumpsday @roblingoblin285
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misotsukiiyeooo · 2 months
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Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x F! reader
A/N: I know he's very much healed now, this is just for the skit.
Genre: Fluff (hint of crack)
Word count: 3.5k
Synopsis: While you have a little surprise party at home, Seungcheol arrives home leaving you speechless.
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Waking up, you get ready to kiss your birthday boy only to find out he's not even in bed.
Getting up to search around the house, he's nowhere to be found. Finally, you check your phone receiving a message.
Pollie Cheollie 🍒❤
Today at 11:34 AM
I know you're probably just waking up, so I'm outside with the boys now. They wanted to go out earlier because I wanted to spend the rest of the day with you.❤
Today at 11:40 AM
hmm I see, well have fun and tell them I said hi! Also, don't do anything dumb okay? ik how those boys are.
Pollie Cheollie 🍒❤
Today at 11:41 AM
Alright alright, I'll make sure we don't do anything we're not supposed to, Love you, Princess.
After returning the same words you lock your phone and head to the bathroom to freshen up.
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After some time of hard work, you going to the grocery store to you buying balloons and party supplies, you finally finish the cake. Wiping your forehead, unknowingly wiping some frosting on your face.
Wiping the last bit of frosting on your apron, you open the fridge grabbing the freshly picked cherries you know Seungcheol likes.
Placing the cherries carefully on the cake, you hear the door unlock, but no one enters. Raising an eyebrow you take off your apron and walk up to the front door until you hear his voice.
"Princess...?" You immediately run quietly to the kitchen and get the cake, lighting the candles you walk back to the door.
"SURPRISE!!...?" Your smile dropped at the sight of him. "Seungcheol? What happened!?!" He looks at you, nervously smiling as he's about to explain himself. "I was playing with the boys outside and I might've tried a bit too hard." He looks down. "You think?? You're in a wheelchair!"
"I know baby...I'm sorry. But look, I'm okay it doesn't even hurt that bad." He attempts to stand up but you put the cake on the nearest table to sit him back down.
"Stay seated. I can't believe you hurt yourself! I told you not to do anything dumb!!" Seungcheol holds your hands locking eyes.
"Listen, It's not as bad as it looks, okay? And are you really going to scold me on my birthday?" His pouty face and big eyes makes you weak. "You're lucky you're so cute right now..."
"Now let's get back to you surprising me, Yeah?" He wipes the frosting off your face making you giggle out of embarrassment.
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"Princess, this cake is really good! but you know, you don't have to feed me..." Shaking your head, you continue to feed him.
"You can't move so much, and you're not doing well..." Seungcheol ruffles your hair as you're pouting. "Okay fine, I'll let you feed me for now even though my hands work perfectly fine."
"You know, I had a lot of stuff planned for us for the evening...but now we can't do them." He hums as you talk.
"But now, we can relax and watch movies in bed.?" Seungcheol tries to change your mood, succeeding.
"Hm...that doesn't sound like a bad idea..."
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After cleaning up, you and Seungcheol lay in bed as you eat snacks and watch movies. "Are you sure you're leg doesn't hurt?"
He looks at you as you are lying on his chest, "Of course it doesn't, I'm strong remember?" He flexes his arm as you laugh.
"What? You don't think I'm strong enough anymore?" You watch him pout. "Aw, my Cheollie. You are so so so strong baby. But you'd be even stronger if you didn't hurt yourself."
He massages your scalp, playing with your hair. "Yeah, you're right...first thing I'll do once I heal is head straight to the gym."
You chuckle at him. "First, let's focus on healing."
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Req are open!!
@jjunie-0 @minminghao @allieyaaa @honglynights
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padfootdaredmetoo · 8 months
Can you write something for: "being Tommy's wife"? Please. The girl would have been raised by Polly, who raised and loves her like a daughter. She grew up with the boys, especially Tommy. She witnessed Finn's birth and everything. When he goes to war, he promises to stay with her when he returns. Another, Tommy's brothers have her as a sister so they will defend her as one, Ada and her are best friends and Isaiah had a crush on her as a kid... Kisses, sorry for the long thing, I love your stories, see u later ��.
Hey Love,
I am deeply sorry this took a million years to write. Thanks for sending this in and for being so kind. I'm so happy that you enjoy my writing. Hope you like this one <3
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Warnings: Peaky related themes like violence, murder, drunk dads, beatings, suicide, childbirth - and of course kissing and cuteness
You had always been close with the Shelby Family. Your mother died in childbirth leaving you without siblings, something that was easily remedied with the constant chaos of your next-door neighbors. You were often lumped in with them as your father worked constantly. You traded what extra things you had for their company. You weren't rich living on Watery Lane, but you always had extra bread which was kind of like being rich. 
As you got older you started to understand what happened down at the Betting Shop. You remembered Arthur taking Tommy aside and telling him to keep you as far away from there as possible. So he took you down to the cut and you spent most of your time with the horses in Charlie’s yard. 
Those moments were your happiest. Tommy was always around to get into trouble with. One night when your dad had laid a beating on you for ruining a pair of shoes in the stable he’d helped you climb out of your window across the ledge and into his bedroom. He’d fixed your swelling cheek with some ice wrapped in a kitchen towel. 
There was an unspoken easiness between the two of you. John and Arthur were different. John was always teasing you loudly and Arthur was always laughing. Always fun and games until someone was giving you a hard time, then they were all business. 
You’d been there for Finn’s birth. A memory that was both happy and sad. You normally avoided the Shelby parents at all costs. Mrs. Shelby had a dead look in her eyes and she would twirl around the kitchen talking to ghosts, other times she would cry out in the night so loud you could hear her in your own apartment. Mr. Shelby was mean. Not much to him other than that. Finn was special, he was the first baby you ever held. You had to help Polly clean him off and get him sorted when he was born. You remembered sitting down once he had been fed and fallen asleep. You sat down covered in after birth swearing you would never have children. Ever. 
Watching Tommy come into the room and hold his sleeping brother with a look in his eyes, something deep inside you reconsidered. 
Polly was alright, she’d always put bows in your hair and read your tea leaves. Out of all the adults in your life, you had the biggest soft spot for her. She had all the juiciest stories that made you want to go out and start living your own life. 
Something you were just on the cusp of doing before the war started. 
The boys left and you tried not to let it break you. The unmovable safety they had brought you was gone and the city seemed vicious. Tommy wasn't there when your father was drunk… Tommy wasn't there at all. You’d stayed awake all night before he left. Laying there with him talking about everything you wouldn't be able to talk about while he was gone. Well, almost everything. You held his hand and laughed till your ribs hurt at all his jokes about what it would be like and what he would do while he was gone. Anything to keep the truth of it at bay. You wanted to tell him how you felt but you didn’t want him to carry more burdens with him when he left. You promised him that Ada, Finn, and John’s kids wouldn't starve and he’d kissed your cheek and promised he’d come back for you. Those words haunted your every moment.
To avoid your father and the emptiness of missing Tommy you threw yourself into your job as a mid-wife. At the end of the day you would sneak food out of your pantry and bring it over to Polly. She ran a tight ship void of all the things you had enjoyed about her when you were a kid. She was hard on the kids and they were mostly Ada’s responsibility as Polly shouldered the betting shop. There was a balance, most of your money went to the household and Polly was always grateful for your help. Things were fine until they weren't. Young boys who weren't quite yet fighting age had started up gangs and more drugs and conflict swept through the streets of Birmingham. You ended up working while also causing lots of trouble. 
The worst night of it came just before Tommy had come home. You’d killed another stupid idiot pushing his wrapped body into the cut in the middle of the night. It was exhausting, for every life you brought into the world you ended another. A cycle you didn't think you would ever end up in. You knelt by the side of the river letting the rain soak through your clothes. Looking down into the black water you could feel the same pull that took Mrs. Shelby. It was calling out to you softly but you shook your head. You had a lot more fight still left in you. 
______________Tommy’s POV 
Coming home wasn't the relief he thought it would be all those years ago. He came home and you hugged him tightly. While you looked like you were bursting with life he felt like like he was dead on the inside. Your cheeks were flushed and your eyes bright. Your fingernails had a pink tinge to them. He’d hoped it was from your job as a midwife but he knew how bad things had gotten here. He could feel it in the way people looked at you on their walk home from the train station. Settling in was awful. The nightmares that kept him up at night, the sad sense of rejection that was growing around you. But the weight of the business is what was crushing him. He needed you and Polly out of it, he needed to step up as a man should. You especially should have never had to get your hands as dirty as they were. But there you were all those names etched into your soul, and you still looked at him with girlish adoration, as if he wasn't the man who had commended your life. 
Things between him and Polly had never been worse, any move he made she would disagree. You still kept looking at him with your big eyes full of emotions he didn't know how to feel anymore. 
Ada was a few years younger than you but you were both old enough now that it wasn't noticeable. He saw the both of you sitting on the front step watching some men moving furniture out of the house down the street. There were glasses of wine between you and the sun made the flush of your cheeks look so red. Ada mumbled something and waved to Isiah as he passed by and both of you burst into giggles. That’s when he realized if he didn't make good on his promise, you wouldn't be around. Men looked at you with fear, but they also acknowledged the fierce competence and loyalty you have. By the time he got the business up, and then got it legal, you would probably be married off. He hated the sense of panic he felt bubble up in his stomach. Just once he would like to feel something pleasant. 
All day he thought about what to do. They were drinking beer around the table. He was always happy listening to John and Arthur tell jokes. It made him happy that they had managed to keep more of themselves alive than he had himself. 
“Going to head out for the night. I’m on call tomorrow so I can only help around the house.” You looked at Polly who nodded. Your eyes flashed to him for a second before wrapping your wool shawl around your shoulders. 
“I’ll walk you home.” He could feel John and Arthur’s eyes narrow in on him as the silence rolled through the room. 
“You haven't forgotten I only live next door have you?” You smiled at him and gestured for him to come along. He followed you down the stairs and out the front door. Three steps to your front door and you turned to look at him.
“Well, this is me.” You pointed at the door giving him a smile. “I’d invite you in for a drink but my father wouldn't approve.” 
“Walk with me?” He asked and he wished there was more emotion in his tone. You raised your eyebrows and he almost wanted to laugh. 
“A private meeting with Mr.Shelby. Wow.” You linked your arm in his and he could tell that there was hurt under your humor. 
“Things-” His voice trailed off as he lost all the things he had thought about telling you. He wanted to tell you to marry him but that was much to forward you deserved something nice and for it to move at your own pace. 
“Are different” You finished. “You're not you, Polly is pulling her hair out, and your secret-keeping is making it impossible to help with the business.” 
“Precisely.” He said in a cold tone. He wanted to explain but the words were still gone. 
“Well, fix it then.” You said in a short tone. “You came home and made a mess of things, so fix it.” 
“It’s not that easy.” He pulled a cigarette out and offered you one. You nodded and he lit one, taking a drag then watched as you took it from him. Your lips perched where his had been a moment before. His eyes focused on your mouth and he could feel the tension become obvious. 
“I want to make things right between us. I’m just not sure how.” He said the words slowly finally dragging his gaze from your mouth. Your cheeks had flushed again and he fought the urge to stroke your cheek. 
“Thomas. All you have to do is trust me. Then talk to me. We spent our whole lives that way. Only four years were apart.” There was pleading your eyes and he wondered if he would ever be able to deny you anything. 
“Alright. I want to shoulder most of the business.” You sighed and he continued on. “Not because you and Polly aren't competent, but because things are even higher risk than they have been. I want to shoulder the consequences. To do that I need to keep you out of it.” 
“I don’t want you to face things alone. Not the risk or the consequences.” It was his turn to let out a sigh. 
“I know you don't, that’s why I -” He what? Was in love with you, wanted to marry you? Wanted to build you a life that would make any other woman on the planet die of a jealous heart? 
“You what?” They were by the cut now and you turned to look at him. You were angry and you had every right to be. 
“I want to marry you.” He blurted the words out and ran a hand through his hair. Your hands flew to your mouth and you looked at him with wide eyes illuminated by the moonlight. Was this positive or negative? The regret and embarrassment started to creep up his neck when you lunged at him. 
He stumbled slightly before properly handling your weight. Your arms were tight around his neck and all he could smell was the perfume along your neck. He took a deep breath, the first real breath he had taken since leaving France. He wanted the weight of you pressed up against him all the time. The feeling you brought him was enough to keep the demons at bay. How selfish was it of him to take this easy path out. He should have worked out a proposal and should have courted you properly. 
“We don’t - we could -” He tried to figure out what he wanted to ask. 
“Shut up and let me have my moment.” You said before pulling away enough to kiss him. It was soft and slow and he knew without a doubt he was yours forever. 
After a good amount of kissing, he smiled at you and meant it. He walked you home and then took his beating from Arthur and John. 
“I don’t care if God himself descended from the sky to claim her. She’s my sister and you won’t hurt her Tommy.” Tommy couldn't remember the last time he heard his brother’s voice sound so lethal. 
“You’ll be held to the same standards as any other dumbass wanting to date her,” John added. 
“Trying to do the opposite of hurt her.” He said wanted them to see he was trying to make you happy too. 
“That’s what they all say,” Arthur said with pointed eyes before bursting out into a booming laugh. “I want this to happen, brother I do. Just don’t mess around with her.” Arthur gave him a rough pat on the back and John started to make jokes about all the ways Tommy could disappoint you. 
Eventually, they let him go up to his room. You had already climbed across the ledge to his window and gotten into his bed.
“Took you long enough.” You said it as a joke but there was something in your voice that gave you away. You were starting to think he wasn't going to show up. 
“Boys had to rough me up a bit first.” Tommy shrugged his jacket off. 
“Why? what did you do?” Her eyes looked him over with concern. 
“Showed an interest in you. They had to do the usual.” He said absently changing into his pj’s trying to seem unbothered by your gaze watching him closely as he undressed. 
“What’s the usual?” You whispered.
“Bit of a beating, the usual threats. Part of dating someones sister.” 
“You mean any guy that’s wanted to date me has been roughed up by the three of you?!” 
“Yeah.” Tommy leaned against the wall looking at you laying in his bed in your night clothes. Head propped up on your arm. 
“I thought I was ugly.” You whispered still in shock over this news.
“What?!” Tommy laughed again. 
“None of the boys ever asked me out over the years. I thought I was ugly.” Tommy moved across the room and into the bed to assure you that you were never ugly.  
It took a lot of time to get out of that house on Watery Lane. Your father had passed before your wedding and Arthur walked you down the aisle. Ada and Poly felt all was right in the universe once you joined the family properly. They had a lot of fun planning the whole thing out. Your honeymoon was in the new house, a massive thing that Tommy had built for you.  It was large but warm.
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wutheringcaterpillar · 2 months
A Bump In The Night: Part 5- The End
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Summary: With the baby growing, it is becoming to difficult to hide it anymore. Threats were made, Pol hardly even batting an eye at you still worried sick about Michael. Meanwhile Lizzie still has her intentions and is willing to make a bargain with the devil himself in order to ensure Tommy is hers, and James is yours as it should have always been. The only thing is, they don't realize Tommy is and will always be one step ahead and has plans of his own, he knows how to press people to tell the truth.
Warnings: Kidnapping, incest, pregnancy, mentions of arranged marriage, violence, assault, non consensual touching, guns
Taglist: taglist: @calmingmelody96 @sunflower-tia @haydenpookiebear @star017 @sweetcheesecakesblog @mamawiggers1980 @calam-arii
3 months prior
"Oh for godsake Thomas" Polly rushed through the kitchen like a bat out of hell in disbelief that thing could get any worse, anymore disturbing what in the fuck were you thinking! She slammed her hands down on the wooden table, spitting her venomous words with such vile and anger.
"She will marry James! Word will get out about the two of you fucking in that filth riddled forbidden bedroom! Enough people know already! You can't marry her! It isn't right and neither is that rotted fruit in the womb! Are you out of your god damn righteous mind because I will help the both of you find it!" You cowered in your seat shamefully, your feelings hurt while your heart was racing about ready to burst out of your chest. How could someone that you love say such hateful words about he r own kin? Yes it was wrong but the child bared no play in this family affair.
Tommy stood their clenching his jaw, an animalistic anger widening his blue eyes as he noticed your lip quivering. You hated conflict he needed to remind himself and Pol of that but she was too far gone to hear anything he had to say, there was only when option which was to level the playing field.
"She will not marry him! You want to know why Pol, eh? You want to know why?" Spit was flying from between his lips, anger rising and pumping and in his chest. He flicked his cigarette in Polly's tea, slamming a fist at one of the cabinets.
"She is pregnant with my child! Those boys, those Birmingham low life fucking scum don't give a fuck about her! But I do! I will not throw her or our child in harms way. So with the utmost, tumultuous disrespect go on and fuck yourself as far as your bastard of a son goes. You bring up one more word about my unborn child I will ensure Michael will never been seen or heard again, and I will blow all of us up in this fucking house and if you want to play me, you should know better than anyone, I will win." Polly went quiet, gulping back her fear and anger. What was she to do when she still had no clue of Michael's whereabouts or what Tommy may have told his men to do with him. What if he gave him away to someone as bargaining chip? The Shelby's had many many enemies over the years, the list going on and on to the point Pol didn't even know where to start.
Th dark turn of events made you nauseous, what will happen when this child is born? Will these problems still occur, are you going to have to walk on eggshells, constantly being terried that your own family would be out to get you? Maybe Pol was right, maybe it would be better just to get rid of it but the idea of aborting something, someone that was made from a powerful, endearing form of love hurt you immensely. You could just picture it now their baby bright blue eyes that looked just like Tommy's yearning to be loved and taken care of. Excusing yourself from the table Tommy raised his hands up in irritation with Pol about her insensitive comments toward you.
Fast forward to now...
Your bump was growing, you were becoming too big for your typical everyday clothes but Tommy has been such a lamb in giving you his, ensuring the maids were checking in with you when he was away for business. Today's business in particular was a cause for concern as he had a meeting with Lizzie. You weren't so much worried about Tommy as you were her making a move on him or trying to outsmart him to where you would marry James in just a few days.
Your hands cradled your tummy anxiously, nibbling on your nails while you paced the room waiting for him to return. Tommy knew how you were and insisted everything would be alright. A knock at the door startled you from your thoughts, probably Frances again seeing if you needed anything. She really lived up to Tommy's expectations in caring for you, not going more than thirty minutes of checking on you in fear of losing her job, which you couldn't blame her the family paid her very well, even insisting on free time for herself and occasionally allowing her to have dinner with everyone, she did make the meals after all.
Twisting the knob, the phone started to ring, your heart thudding in your chest thinking about how maybe it was Tommy calling to check in on you and give you an update on the situation, but before you could think any further, you were met with a wetted cloth pressed harshly against you nose and mouth, the last thing you saw being a blurry image of a man that looked familiar...
"Shhh, shh, it'll all be over soon sweetheart..."
Meanwhile Tommy tapped his foot anxiously, Lizzie sitting across from him with an unhappy face and her arms crossed. She had been getting nowhere with her plan. When you didn't or Frances hadn't answered the phone his eyebrows furrowed together as he rang again, and once more after. Still no response, something seemed dreadfully wrong.
"You're not trying to get a hold of that whore of a sister you have are you. Don't play stupid with me Tommy, the town talks and it's quite obvious she is baring with child isn't she? We know it's yours. I can assure you it's far too late though, she should be gone by now. This is the part where you thank for taking care of your problem." At her bold statement, reality set in that she was behind this or at least was involved. Tommy hung the phone up calmly, taking in a deep breath and raising his eyebrows with a narrowed look of threatening, crystal blue eyes.
In a hasty hurricane of emotions Tommy whipped his hand back, slapping Lizzie across the face, not once but twice cheek to cheek, knocking the wind out of her hair and disheveling her once perfect hair. She grasped at her jaw in shock before Tommy cusped her chin, forcing her to look into his dead sea eyes.
"Listen to me and listen closely. There has never been a connection to us. Now you can dream on in this fairytale word of yours but what happens between my family is none of your business. As far as I'm concerned you are just another whore on the street, opening your legs to any man who will give you what you won't work for yourself. If you think your life is hard now, then tell me where she is before I make it worse." Lizzie was blindsided by the intimidating man's harsh words. He had never snapped at her like that before but maybe that was what she needed for him to get his point across that this was not a game she wanted to play.
"Now, if you know something I suggest you tell me."
Sirens were the first thing you heard as you slowly came back to reality, vision blurry and hearing rendered. The fuzzy image was like looking at an etch a sketch a child drew, all you could make out was two men chatting across the room, one being tall and dressed in a white long sleeve shirt, the other one slightly shorter but the more submissive one by the way he was slouched over cowering.
When you released a low groan, it was clear you were being gagged by what felt like cloth, limbs tied to the chair you were sat in, along with your wrists nowhere for you to go. Your vision became clearer as you blinked rapidly, now able to make out who this man was. Tommy had tried to kill him long ago, he was a dangerous man.
Perching his eyebrow up with your sudden cognitive awareness, he picked up a shiny metal object approaching you like an animal did it's prey, yelling at the other man to get out.
Fucking Mosley...
"Good morning sweetheart, you look quite rough but that body-" His hand flicked at the buttons of your shift, revealing your cleavage, wasting no time ins grasping at the cushiony skin, causing you to wince and shake your head vigorously.
"Ravishing, aren't you?" You tried to scream through the makeshit gag, only making him chuckle darkly, green eyes shimmering in the dimlit room. Glancing behind him, the walls were coated with luxurious wallpaper and you could hear the sounds of music just outside the door, surely there were other people here, only intensifying your fear. Where the fuck was Tommy?
"Now let's see what else we are working with, hm?" He untied the sweat pants you were wearing, the bump now resting out as clear as day. Your breathing increased rapidly when he slid the blade down your stomach, tears flowing freely.
"If you wanted a child and not an abomination, I'd love to give you the pleasure Y/N.. but first this has to go." He pressed the blade into your skin sharply, shedding blood instantly. In a fight or flight response, you headbutted him with all the force you could. He dropped the blade, but perhaps that wasn't a smart move after all.
"Why you little bitch!" He sent a powerful blow across your face, knocking you out once more.
"Fucking Shelby's."
Walking into the pub, wind rustling his hair, there he found Arthur sat at the bar wasting away the same as any other day. When they locked eyes, Arthur huffed not having anything to say to Tommy as he demanded another glass of whiskey from the barmaid, taking a glance at her cleavage when she wasn't paying attention and smirking to himself.
"Everybody out! Family business." Well there went Arthur's fun, fucking Tommy always sucking it right out of the room.
Tossing his hat onto the bar, he sat on the stool throwing Arthur's glass over the bar onto the floor where it shattered.
"What the fuck Tommy, can't have one fucking drink, eh?"
"Y/N's missing. I have an idea of where she is, but we need to move fast eh?" As soon as Tommy mentioned that you were gone, he demanded information as to who took his baby sister.
"James and fucking Lizzie thought up a grand plan, only reason I got it out of her was because I know her fucking past, parts she didn't know I knew but that's besides the point. They've made contact with someone from our past Arthur, and I have a great idea of where she may be. She didn't give me a name but I didn't need one. My men saw James after our meeting going into a club 5 miles from here." Arthur sat their contemplating the right thing to do, you were his sister after all but that didn't mean he wasn't disgusted by the revelations he encountered that first night.
Still not speaking, he ignored Tommy simply huffing in disbelief that Tommy would come to him for help. Why should he? Incest was a crime, a disgusting relationship and he would not stand by it, he was disappointed in both of you. Taking the hint Tommy carried on.
"Arthur I don't ask much of you, I've never once judged you from your past, I've always been at your side now I need you to be here for me...You may not agree with the situation but I need not remind you she is our sister, she needs us. Who knows who the fuck has her or what they are doing with her. I need you brother." Arthur brushed his hand through his oily hair, down over his beard contemplating. Tommy had a point and fuck did he hate when he always did, however you were not the only Shelby missing.
"What about Michael? Hm? He's a Shelby too that only one of us in the room knows where he is. He's Pol's kid for fucks sake Tom. Where is he?" Tom shook his head, uninterested in relaying those details just yet, once you were back and he could see with his very own that you were unharmed and the baby was okay then he would spill.
"That information is not important now is it? Y/N is a sweet, innocent girl and she's always been there for everyone Arthur, can you say the same about Michael, 'cause I can't." He had a point there, Arthur remembering all the times Michael screwed him over and Pol expecting them to just forgive him because of the last name he shared. It was bullshit.
Tommy had plenty of dirt on his brother but he didn't operate like that, he was Arthur's weakspot and he knew that, he didn't have to use his past against him for him to give in and fall in line with his requests and orders. Nodding, Arthur slammed the rest of his drink, groaning and following Tommy out the door.
"You smell like shit." Tommy tried to make light of the situation, setting a subtle reminder that neither had to agree with the others decisions they just needed to be there for one another.
"Ah shut up Tom. Who's ass are we killing this time, hm?"
With Tommy being gone, Polly was making herself at home in his office, digging through the drawers of his desk, scattering papers across the room looking for any information that might help her find her son, but there was nothing. Now that you were missing, she'd be damned if she was going to lose her own kid, putting him first in a selfish way.
A knock at the door startled her, thinking it may be Tommy until the voice spoke.
"Relax Pol, it's just me." Oh thank god, it was just John.
He walked in with sympathetic eyes, hating see his aunt in such a desperate state of mind without a hint of a starting point to find Michael but he knew something and she could tell.
In a moment of silence, Pol pointed her cigarette accusingly at him, blowing smoke into the brisk air of the room.
"You never come in to Tommy's office unless he's here. What do you know, where is he?!" John put his hands up surrendering the idea of him indeed knowing something, but he wasn't here just for that.
Tommy clued him in on the plan, asking him to stay home and keep Pol subdued, and to inform her Michael would be home soon unharmed but only after you were safely secured in his arms once again.
"Michael is safe. He will be home later after Y/N is found alive and safe. He forced him to work in the states and keep business affairs civil to bring the company in money.
A wave of relief washed over her, but when she heard who they think had taken you a dreadful, terrified feeling rushed through her veins. She didn't think it would go this far, that James and Lizzie would be so spiteful, not that she was much better herself. But never this bad.
"Where's Arthur?" John scoffed with a surprised yet irritated look on his face.
"Don't you in the least bit care about y/n and Tommy? I know they are on your shit list but they're family Pol, they're blood. We've all made mistakes but if they are happy just let them fucking be happy."
Pol stood their contemplating on the right thing to say, she couldn't separate her love for the both of you from her views on this relationship.
Kicking the door in Tommy walked into the club with determined eyes, searching for his target while Arthur walked behind him smoking a cigarette, waiting for the younger Shelby's queue to start fucking people up.
"You see him Tom?" He shook his head, but was still scanning the room while keeping his composure. Heads turned toward the family with looks of disgust, some with fear as they knew very well who the brothers were.
After a few sharp turns and corners, Tommy motioned toward Arthur to light this god damn place on fire and kill anyone that got in his way as they were both carrying. The boy spotted Tommy out of the corner of his eye but Tommy was faster, shoving him against the wall and cocking his gun beneath his chin.
"Where the fuck is she? I knew you were no good from the fucking start. What can't pull a beautiful, innocent girl so you go and have her fucking killed eh? Sounds like an insecure little bitch to me. You didn't think I'd find you did you James?" He eyed the boy skeptically, his eyes beaming with anger, giving off a profound sense of dominance. He kneed him in the stomach, causing him to groan out in agony, almost falling to the floor if it weren't for Tommy holding up, ignoring the chaos behind him his brother was causing, a table flipping in the air and hitting the wall besides James's head. A piece of wood flying of a broken leg and striking him in the eye.
"Take me to the fucking room." He dropped the boy, kicking him in is back to go on and crawl if he had to. He didn't care, he just needed you.
The room was in a far back, closed off area of the club, away from people that no one would have heard your screams.
Barging in the room Tommy threw James's bruised, and battered body on the floor, ignoring his whimpers, seeing red when he saw Mosley's lips against the warmth of your neck, his hand caressing your breast while blood flowed freely from your nose. The cut mark of the sharp knife glistening in the light beaming in through the dirty window.
"Ah well if it isn't Mr. Shelby. It's been quite some time no?" When Tommy pulled out his gun once more, Mosley was quick to yank your head back by your hair, pressing the blade roughly into your skin.
"Ah, ah. Temper, temper. I was simply doing what the young lad here couldn't. You should know by now you can't escape me." When Arthur screamed angrily and bolted forward, Mosley dug the knife in deeper, causing you to scream out in pain, making Tommy grab Arthur by the arm and yank him back. He didn't want to risk it, not yet.
He breathed in the sea breeze scent of your hair, continuing to pepper kissed to your temple, making you squirm in discomfort from the man's unwanted advances. Your eyes locked with Tommy to put a stop to this, to end this right here right now. Seeing you in such a pitiful, abused state angered him but also shattered his heart to think Pol couldn't be trusted to look after you.
"What do you want eh? The campaign is fucking over, she has nothing to do with this. This fight is between us, the men. Now why don't we handle this like proper gentlemen eh? Let the girl go." Mosley wasn't convinced, shaking his head no. That would be too easy. He expected adventure, excitement, he wanted to see his enemy crumble, to have no choice but to admit to defeat.
"And why would I do that hm? If I recall correctly you tried to kill me. You've lost my trust Mr. Shelby. Quite the disappointment you turned out to be, now here I am trying to rid your baby sister of this rotted fruit in the womb that belongs to you." Tommy was blindsided, no one had actual proof that there was any relation more than a sister and brother relationship. Lizzie didn't have solid proof, James hadn't either just speculation he was bluffing but Tommy couldn't risk egging him on instead standing there silently with his hands folded in front of him in a gentlemanly manner as he tried to keep his composure.
"Mr. Mosley, not quite sure where you are getting false information from. After all I think the only one that may have fucked his sister is you, you do like to keep it in the family if I recall correctly." Mosley stiffened his jaw, grabbing a tightening his fist in your hair before shoving your head down and smacking his gun down on your head merely knocking you out as blood trickled down your forehead.
He was moving away from you slightly, they just had to wait for the opportunity, even though Tommy's heart was thudding inside his chest rapidly in fear of what would happen if they didn't make a move soon. Just a few more steps away from you...
"The per-petulant know it all, walking into my fucking club. These are my grounds Mr. Shelby, what kind of host am I not offering you a drink first? Maria-" Before he could finish yelling for a woman, in a swift motion Tommy went to throw a punch and reach for his hat to scrape his skin off while Arthur rushed to your unconscious aide.
Mosley was faster though, head butting the younger Shelby as he fumbled to take his gun from his jacket. The weapon falling out and sliding across the floor.
As Arthur undid your bindings, he noticed his brother needed help. Unlike Tommy, Mosley wasn't messing with him at the moment, giving him an advantage.
Pulling his gun from the back of his trousers he aimed it at Mosley, who grasped his own gun in his hand now, holding Tommy in a head lock with his forearm wrapped around Tommy's neck.
"Put the gun down Arthur, or a bullet goes through her head." Tommy was losing air and attempted to scream for Arthur to take the fucking shot.
Simultaneously, Arthur screamed a "fuck you" Mosley's way, both guns going off in a poetic yet dreadful scene of the dangerous men at play.
Blood splattered across the wall, Mosley's grip on Tommy loosening, making him drop to the floor on his knees as he tried to catch his breath with weary, fuzzy eyes glancing up. The bullet Mosley shot had only just missed your head by a centimeter, his lifeless body flailing to the ground as Arthur managed to him with a killshot in the middle of his forehead.
"You alright Tommy, hm?" He waved him off, stumbling to get up and pull you out of the chair at this godforesaken place. Carrying you out in his arms while Arthur picked his gun up off the floor, taking Mosley's in the process.
"C'mon sweet girl, let's go home." Relief washed over Tommy like an immense wait had been lifted from his shoulders.
He gave Arthur the go ahead to call the man he put Michael with to allow him to be released from his duties, too zoned out and only focused on you, worried if the baby was alright.
Your dreary, restless head rested against Tommy' shoulder as he walked you inside, spotting Pol and Michael standing by the fire place. A look of pity washing over your aunt's face when she noticed the bruises on your face, the dried blood painted from your hair down your forehead. She hadn't wished this upon you, she never would, she hadn't realized just how serious this situation was or how perhaps James wasn't the man she thought he could be for you.
Now with the family reunited even with strained ties, the house settled, the fire crackling in the background, Tommy laying your cold body down on the sofa beside it to warm you up, tossing a wool throw blanket over you in the process.
Pol was the first one to speak.
"I-I'm so sorry I-I didn't know I-" Tommy cut her off abruptly with the raise of his hand not even batting an eye at Michael standing in the room, acting as if he wasn't present.
"No, no you didn't know. You didn't take the time to know. Frances has already informed me that you were too wasted to even hear someone breaking in the fucking house. She had to hide in a fucking closet Pol. Look at her now, tell me is this far enough for you, or do you want her dead along with our child?" This place was no longer a safe space for you, and Tommy refused to put you in harms way ever again, too worried to even risk it because it was clear he could not trust anyone in the family to even care about your safety just because of one unplanned pregnancy.
When the early morning light peered in through the window, the sounds of bird chirping in the harmonious summer day, you woke up head pounding from the painful blows Mosley striked you with. Tommy was layed beside you, caressing your cheek delicately and lovingly, glancing down at your weak state with sympathetic eyes.
"Good morning love. I set two tylenol on the table with a glass of water. We should get going soon, we don't have long until the others wake." With a puzzled look, you glanced around the room only to see your belongings no longer there. Only the dusty old furniture that was handed down through generations.
"We're going away for awhile, at least until she is born." Your eyebrows propped up with excitement and surprise, how did he know the gender?
"That's right she. I had Frances contact the doctor. Now take your pills and let's get the hell out of hear because I won't risk your health and safety again nor hers." The tears started welling up in your eyes, insisting on taking the pills to go in the car. You were finally getting away, having the light at the end of the tunnel with Tommy by your side. He assisted you up, holding on to you with a protective, and caring hold to help you into the car.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, the events from the previous night still washing over you, reminding you both as you stared back at the house you grew up in of why you were leaving.
"Well, wh-where are we going?"
"Far, far away from here my beautiful girl." He took your hand in his, digits scanning over you smooth skin before resting a kiss to your forehead, smiling like a fool in love that the day had come, he finally was going to have the ability to be happy, no arguments, no danger, just a family of his own with the girl he shouldn't have loved the way he did.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
The Silver Lining | Tommy Shelby & Daughter!Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby & daughter!reader
Summary: (Y/N) Shelby's always been the 'forgotten one' in her family, but there may just be a silver lining in all of her suffering.
Warnings: strained familial relationship (father/daughter), mentions of minor character death
Word Count: 1633
A/N: I’m a bit rusty with the daughter!reader stories, so I’m hoping that this is good and was wanted. It’s also a bit of a sad one, but ends happy (or so I think). Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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From when she was young, (Y/N) Shelby wished that she was part of a different family. Not even a different family name; she'd be fine with staying a Shelby...she just wished she would be going home to a different parent; a different father at night.
The only thing that (Y/N) did thank her father for was for taking her in. She'd heard terrible stories of orphanages and what happened within them. The fact that she had a place to call home, when she very easily could not have, made her grateful for that.
Her mother died after childbirth, and that side of the family wanted nothing to do with the baby after it was born, so Tommy Shelby decided to take his daughter into his home, accepting the help of his aunt in raising the child. (Y/N) was grateful for it because it was uncommon for the father to do something like that...most just sent the children away when the mother was out of the picture.
But as time went on it seemed like she was the furthest thing from Tommy's mind. Tommy and his brothers came from the war back differently. (Y/N) was left to be with Polly and Finn as he delved deeply into business, making that the highest importance in his life.
And then he met a woman. Grace Burgess quickly became the apple of Tommy Shelby's eye, putting yet another layer of separation between him and his daughter. (Y/N) was still a child herself when her half-brother, Charlie was born. A part of her felt jealous of the young boy; who seemed to get more attention from her father than she ever did.
At least she had the servants that had been hired on to talk to now, and that her father had thankfully listened and allowed her to have a piano teacher. Tommy never had a problem in monetarily giving (Y/N) what she desired...he just seemed to have no desire in actually bettering his actual relationship with her.
Things sort of plateaued for a bit when the family moved into Arrow House. (Y/N) joined the rest of her family for dinner - because she was expected to - and had free roam of the estate's expensive halls and grounds. Sure, it still hurt that at times she felt like she'd been ostracized from the family...that she didn't fit into the family that her father <wanted> to have. Being able to get lost on her own made up for it in a way.
Things took a sharp turn for the worse when Grace died. Tommy sequestered himself away from everyone in the family, only giving the bare minimum to everything that wasn't business. In a dark, twisted way, (Y/N) was kind of happy that Charlie was now getting a taste of what she'd been dealing with her entire life. But, of course, Tommy eventually began seeking his son out again and having meaningful moments with him, whereas with (Y/N) it just seemed like he was going through the motions; having the necessary conversations with her. The fact that she expected no less from her father scared her slightly...it meant that she was getting used to it.
As she got older, (Y/N) threw herself into her studies. She enjoyed reading and writing, and oftentimes would keep herself busy with either of the two. These two hobbies stuck as she made her way through the schooling system. Another thing that she was thankful for was her father's ever-rising status. He may have not been the most open and willing parent to her, but he did still make sure that she attended the best schools and had all of the proper help that was needed to excel in her studies. It was only what was fit for a Shelby.
As it was nearing the end of her secondary school career, (Y/N) found out that she was at the top of her class. She felt exhilarated by this news, and as soon as she got home, she just had to share it with Lizzie. Lizzie was Tommy's second wife, and the only person who seemed to really, truly care about what (Y/N) was doing. It was because of her that (Y/N) even chose to send out some letters to different universities with the hopes of being accepted into them. Her father was spending more and more time in his office due to his job in Parliament, so even if he had an inkling of interest in the things that his daughter was doing, she wouldn't know it. So she stuck to sharing the news with her step-mother.
One day towards the end of the school year, Frances stopped (Y/N) as she was walking through the front door. "Your father wants to see you in his office," she informed (Y/N), her expression not really giving much away.
Not saying anything, (Y/N) nodded and made her way to her father's office. She knocked on the mahogany door before opening it just enough so that she could peek her head through the door. "Frances told me that you wanted to see me," she announced her presence, hoping that her father would hear her and look up from what he was typing on his typewriter.
"Yes, come," Tommy answered her, waving her into the room with a flick of his wrist, his eyes just barely shifting from the work he was doing.
(Y/N) nodded before she opened the door further so that she could properly enter the room. She closed it behind her before silently moving over to the two armchairs that were sitting, facing his desk. "What is it that you want, dad?" she asked him once she was sitting in one of the chairs.
"It's, uh..." he started, pausing to slide the carriage of the machine back over to the start so that it'd ring out, before he looked over at his daughter. He cleared his throat before continuing, "it's been brought to my attention by this letter here that you have been in correspondence with Oxford." He clasped his hands together on top of what (Y/N) could only guess was said letter as he finished speaking.
The breath got caught in the young woman's throat as she nodded her head, hoping that her voice came out steady when she started to speak. There were no clues as to what her father was feeling or thinking at the moment, and she was preparing herself for the worst. "I applied for their writing program. It's been said that it's one of the best in the country, and I feel that I have what it takes to excel in it," she gave her reasoning behind what she had done. There was no use in denying it, he was the one who brought it up. What she did leave out, though, was that she also applied to this particular university because of the substantial distance that there was between its campus and Arrow House.
Tommy kept his eyes fixed on her as she spoke, listening intently to what she had to say. He didn't respond right away after she was finished. Instead he let silence hang in the air for a moment as he looked away, flipping through the papers that were sitting on his desk. The time felt like it was dragging as (Y/N) waited for what he'd say next.
"This letter was sent in response to what you sent them," he finally told her, holding a stark, white envelope out to her then.
(Y/N) looked at it for a moment before accepting it from him. She tried her best to steady her shaking hands as she went about opening it up and retrieving the letter from inside. She read it over slowly, not wanting to jump ahead of herself. But the first line was all she needed to read: Congratulations, Miss Shelby. It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted into our accelerated writing program... She stopped reading there even though there was still a good bit of the letter left. Her jaw went slack as she re-read it a few more times, checking to make sure that what was printed was true.
Tommy knew what the letter held from her reaction alone. "Congratulations, (Y/N)," he offered her his own congratulatory statement.
She looked up when she heard him speak, happy tears stinging the edges of her eyes as everything sunk in. Sure what he'd said wasn't deep or very thought-provoking, but the fact that he'd said something at all was more than enough for her at that moment. "
"I knew that you'd be able to achieve this. You'll do great things, love," he told her, the smallest smile teetering on his lips.
He knew that she didn't need it, but he put in an extra word for her at the registrar’s anyway. It was the least that he could do for her. This would be the silver lining in her bleak life...her opportunity to get so far away from him and the past that he'd given her. She could make a wonderful life for herself once she stepped out from the shadow that was currently hanging over her; that had been hanging over her from the moment she was born.
And so when (Y/N) stood from the chair she was sitting on and stepped around the desk so that she could hug Tommy, he held onto her as tight as she held onto him. They were hugging each other for different reasons, reasons that if you looked at them in such a way, would show that they're actually the same.
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @lora21 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @dragons-are-my-favorite @sunsetbeachesandwriting @forgottenpeakywriter @cilliansangel
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mrchaosman · 11 days
100 followers special.
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Since I reached 100 followers (which is something I expected to happen) I decided to thank everyone who supported me all the way.
Really, thanks, guys. Without any of you, I wouldn't be here.
So, let's see what I've cooked for you today.
Drifter by @glitch-the-artist (they really dope as hell).
Jukdyne by @roxroxtbm (They are REAL).
A Puppet Pipeline self-insert fella by @jart-ist (I'll eat your sprites later).
Outdraw by @ralk-is-peeved (SQUIRREL!?!?!?!?).
Roti by @followerex (She Will, Tell Me, A Horror, Story).
Belliar by @dinosaurstirfry (She spinning, Boy).
Boneslick The Wicked by @mercair (he and Freed Trying to Steal a crystal but they'll eventually caught).
Wooden by @uwacat (He's FRIEND my INSIDE ME).
Angel is by @marshiemonarch (They are so Silly).
Chairgore by @science2048
Lavvy the lion by @pobthesecond
A demon guy by @overgrowth-king
Chapter 6 secret boss by @yetetispaghetti (they look neat).
Garby by @sadpurpleblood (YEE-HAW).
Shark-E by @deltaswapjevil (LEEET'S CATTTTTTCH TTTHE WAVES, BABY)
Finley by @sbtorms (CHALK)
Sam by @thestaticshow (ORANGE)
Polly by @theshiningcrusader (why do I hear "Your Best Nightmare" rn?!?!?!?!).
Rodei Waves by @Bamthefox (she can't handle the others).
Dr. Pox by @indiemedley (he's about to lose his medical licence).
Xirsk by @creepa-b0t-inc (We Doomed).
Terro by @retropobor (they just Chill).
Rob N. Coppers by @scrunchtumbug (finally meeting a fellow outlaw).
Turbo The Anything by @right-brain-left-brain (GOTTA GO FAST).
Grimpula by @imaginary-regret-608 (looks like someone still stuck in 2019).
Veratus by @petra-creat0r (He has no idea what the hell is happening, but still getting along).
Pinoniette by @murksthemime (Hello Murk, I wanna play a game).
Flowey by @denetnim (He chilling with Flowlezz).
Hajinx by @leewayslounge (SHE SO SILLY).
Budly by @b-bear06 (STEAMBOAT FLOWEY).
And Junkil vs. Flowlezz for @volksvulpis (sorry).
And that's all for now, I'll draw more of these for other people later, but for now, thanks for everything.
And I hope you like it
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