random-kido · 4 months
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princesstarfire1234 · 1 month
Mnemosurgeon Spinister
I haven't rambled on about the Scavs here in a bit but this one's kind of been on the backburner of my brain for a while now, just the concept of it really intrigues me
Imagine, if you will, big bulky and a little bit slow Spinister being a mnemosurgeon, having little needles poke out of his fingertips and being granted access to people's memories, all fascinated by his own hands because of what they can do
Now imagine that same Spinister being a bit more well-spoken way way back then but struggling to find companionship or a sense of purpose and whatnot, imagine him jabbing needles into his own processor simply to understand himself, or being fed up with the lack of all that social and affectionate stuff that his function offers (most bots are frightened by mnemosurgeons and the mere concept of mnemosurgery, most of the surgeons themselves die young), so he begins doing mnemosurgery on himself
He sits in his dimlit quarters at the late hours of the night and sifts through memories, removing failed attempts at conversations, awkward meetings, just in general some memories he could live without. He does this over and over and over and no one ever stops him, no one knows to, no one cares to. Until eventually, his mind has sort of regressed, his processor not being built to take that much manual alteration and he's left with a hollow version of himself, staring aimlessly at his own fingers and saying things that make bots swear he's the stupidest being in the universe
Yeah the thought made me sad ahahahah, UNTIL... until.... brain went to SpinKrok and I was like OHHHHhhh...
Despite Spinister's everything, he remains great at his job. It's all muscle memory at this point, can't take that away from him. So one cycle, he's out and about by himself as usual until through some circumstances idkkk he meets Krok. Spin likes Krok, he's probably one of the first bots who's held a conversation that long with him in a while and he finds himself smiling at the thought of the mech. Later on, he heads back to his quarters, about to resume his usual routine of deleting tidbits he didnt want to remember of that day and he finds that... huh... he doesnt want to delete any of it. So he remembers. He remembers Krok until they meet up again.
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alpacalamamama · 3 years
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Crankcase is trying to make Fulcrum cry and Misfire just sniffed glue, let the man de-stress.
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whiteland01 · 4 years
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zxid · 7 years
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thank u bot here some garbage parents
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heraldofonyx · 7 years
(Not-So) Fated Encounter
Rating: T Pairing: Krok/Spinister Characters: Krok, Spinister Continuity: IDW
The Monoformer’s optics flittered open, first looking down at his legs. The lower halves had been ripped off, draining quickly of energon, as was his left arm. It was only when he felt a hand attempt to lift his head up that he did so. A rather large helicopter for what was seemingly a low ranking con met his gaze, tilting his head. “Are you okay?”
“Of course I’m not,” the darker colored responded, thinking about how he would have pushed this mech away from him if he had the strength.
“You’re hurt.” “...” “Oh. I’m Spinister.” “Krok.” Those words didn’t feel right on his mouth, but his squad was gone. Gatoraider was gone. The most respects he could pay to his fallen comrade was taking a name after them. “So, how’s it going? It doesn’t look good,” the helicopter - no, Spinister - asked.
“What the hell do you think?” “What I assumed. You’re hurt.” “I’ve got three severed limbs, you don’t need to make a statement like that.”
Picking up Krok’s dismembered arm, Spinister began to reattach it, slowly. “What are you even doi-” “Helping you. Duh.” “Just leave me to die,” Krok said. “I’d feel guilty if I didn’t help you. At least, that’s what I think I would feel. Feelings like to run away a lot.” Leaning back against the rock behind him, the Monoformer sighed, as he could only watch himself reluctantly be saved by the other Decepticon. It felt good to be whole again, but a sadness lingered in his spark. He didn’t deserve this. He should have offlined with his squad. And this Spinister person should be helping higher priority targets, considering how incredible of a surgeon he was. The sun began to set before words echoed through his audials again. “I’m tired,” Spinister said, laying down on the ground next to Krok. The latter could only wonder what kind of glitch you would need to have in your processor to recharge in a spot like this. “I’ll watch out for you. It’s the most I can do,” he said, despite knowing the other was dead asleep. He glanced up at the sky, and sighed. It seemed he could only keep losing everything, no matter how hard he tried.
Calculating that the other would be awake soon, Krok took off early, not wanting to talk it out with someone like Spinister. He had stumbled across a lucky find - a small ship, barely large enough to fit a trine of Seekers or so. Hoping it still functioned, he cracked open the entrance carefully, trying to not destroy his only way out of here. “What are you doing?” The mostly grey mech sighed, and turned around to face the larger pink one looking down. “Leaving.” “Without me?” “Yes.” “You’ll need me.” “Why?” “Because that corpse of that ‘bot over there is looking at us funny.” “What do you even mean by that? It’s dead, Spinister, it’s de-” “Actually, it’s not,” Spinister commented, as the obviously alive bot approached them. “But, they were offline just nanokilks ago!” “Yeah. Just like you’d think of anyone who’s dead. Cybertronians don’t leave easily,” the larger of the duo commented, shooting the Autobot’s head off with a lucky shot from a gun he had somehow acquired while chasing down what he viewed as his new friend. “You need someone like me. To help you see the big picture. Or just. The picture. You’re kind of weird, you know?” “I could say the same about you,” Krok would have been smiling if he had a mouth, looking up. “So?” “Fine. You can come with me, but no slowing me down. We part ways as soon as I find my squad again,” was the reply, as the mech responding hid a finger within a fist. “Cool.”
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fulcrum/misfire, spinister/krok, metalhawk/bumblebee, brainstorm/happiness
fulcrum/misfire: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
nonono is a little harsh but it’s my closest option here. part of it is that i don’t tend to multi-ship, and i’m already busy shipping fulcrum/krok
spinister/krok: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
same deal as fulcrum/misfire
metalhawk/bumblebee: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
man i hadn’t thought about it and it’s been a really long time since i’ve read exRID?? so idk
brainstorm/happiness: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
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nihilismbot · 7 years
Go To Sleep 11
“You're tense.”
Krok was caught off guard by the sudden presence behind him. It took him a seconds to collect himself and place the owner of the voice before turning to face him. “I'm fine, Spins.”
Spinister shook his head, “If you were fine, I wouldn't have said anything. You're tense.”
If someone as large as Spinister was able to sneak up on him, it was clear that Krok was not alright. Krok stood up from where he was watching the monitors and stretched. His spinal struts clicked as they slid back into a more proper alignment. “There, all loose and good.”
Spinister's propellers lowered in annoyance. “Get on the berth, I'll give you a massage.”
Krok hesitated. It wasn't that receiving a massage was unappealing, just that a massage where Misifre or Fulcrum could (and likely would) interrupt them was unappealing. “Don't worry about it.”
There was no warning before Spinister simply picked Krok up and carried him to the berth. Had Krok been aware that would happen, he would have gladly walked and spared himself the more incriminating visual of being carried away by his partner. “Spins! I can walk! Put me down!”
Spinister kept silent as he walked. He gently place Krok face down on the berth and allowed him to get more comfortable. “It's no good to ignore your body's needs.”
Krok ex-vented as he folded his arms under his head. No sense in wasting a massage by being grumpy for the whole thing. He offlined his optics and tried to relax.
Spinister was always professional and calm when handling any medical situation, and for him, that's all this was. He applied steady pressure to Krok's back, gently massaging out any twisted wires and loosening stiff plating. His hands moved down Krok's back before he switched to focusing on his shoulders where most of the tension was focused. His fingers dipped into loose seams, slowly easing out the knots built up from bad posture and overuse.
“Does that feel better?” Spinister leaned down to ask.
No response.
He must have been too wrapped up in his work to notice the drop in activity from Krok's EM field. Krok had entered recharge at some point during the massage. Spinister smiled to himself, happy that he was able to allow his partner to finally relax. He stretched out his hands and cracked his neck before laying down next to Krok and draping an arm around him.
Soon the pair had pleasantly drifted into sleep.
“Krok!” Misfire called out. “I lost something! I promise it wasn't important though!”
The jet finally stumbled into his captain's room to see him and the medic sound asleep.
Misfire smiled, “Aw, cuddle party.” Misfire invited himself into the berth and settled in next to Spinister.
“Misfire! Did you find Krok?” Fulcrum called as he wandered the halls of the WAP.
“Shh!” Misfire loudly shushed his friend. “He's sleeping!”
Fulcrum followed the sound of Misfire's voice to Krok's room. “What are you doing in here?” he asked in a hushed voice.
“Cuddle party!” Misfire beamed. “Get Cranky and join us!”
Fulcrum thought about this for a moment. It didn't seem like something that Krok would actually have asked for or wanted. “Yeah okay.”
Truthfully, Krok had woken up the moment Misfire started to call for him, he just hoped to get a few more minutes of peaceful recharge next to his partner before dealing with whatever nonsense Misfire had for him. In the end, he got his wish. Even if it came with the additions of Misifre, Fulcrum and Crankcase.
There was a sudden extra weight on the berth. Heavier than Spinsiter.
“Grimlock!” Misfire tried to keep his voice down in his excitement.
Okay. Maybe now the berth was getting too crowded.
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best--strategist · 4 years
ramble under the cut. nothing exactly coherent, just me pretty much writing my process into scavenger hell and other things
Fun fact about me i just remembered about my early scavenger/rp days
When I first got into the comics I didn’t care for the scavenger and just like skipped over their parts in the comic my first 2-3? reads, I genuinely don’t know why. But by the fourth I decided to give them a shot and i thought they were pretty eh cos they kinda just popped in out of nowhere and I felt they didn’t really contribute anything worth while and I paid very little attention to them.
It wasn’t until I got to the “he needs me or I need him”* part of the comic that I started growing an interest in them cos I saw that and thought ‘oh family??????????????????’ and then I got super into them after that. But I only really cared for Misfire and Fulcrum. Spinister Krok and Crankcase straight up never registered in my mind for about a year.
also despite how much i loved Fulcrum I confused him for Krok or Crankcase a lot and misspelled Spinister’s name twice as much because Misfire was really the only one I paid attention to lmao
I think I only started paying attention to the others when I saw them mentioned in fics and realized I knew shit about them, but even after i looked them up I was still pretty meh about them but started looking at more fanart** including all of them rather than just the two. Though despite getting more into all of them I’m pretty sure I didn’t really care for Crank for a good while and absolutely despised Krok. There was no reason. I just didn’t like him. Until I saw him in SpinKrok fanart then I started liking him but only a little lol
It wasn’t until a few months later that the shitpost/rp blogs started popping up that they caught my interest a little more because I saw all the scavs getting blogs put up and they reblogged some art that made me warm up to them some more. But then, I realized, there was no Kork blogs anywhere.***
I don’t know why but some part of me decided that there should be one to get thrown into the chaos. The second I created the blog i almost instantly regretted it because the fact that 1) i didn’t like him and 2) I was very much nervous about talking to everyone else but I just kept it going and interacted with anyone i managed to work the courage up to talk to.****
Wouldn’t you know it the blog ended up making me like the bastard and also the other two. It didn’t help that a week or so after his creation I was at target and he was one of two transformers they had and seeing as i couldn’t pass up the opportunity i took him.***** That shockingly did not quell my love for his character, or for the others for that matter.
And now here I am 3 years later. I still very much love all the scavengers but clearly Krok, and Spin though merely by proxy, are at the top of my favorite characters list and my love for them only grows.
More info bellow that doesn’t fit in the ramble above but i still wanted to make not of
*That line made me ship Mis and Grim for like a week. I instantly dropped that for FulFire though because 1) I liked the colors more and 2) Grim never grew on me unfortunately. I think he’s cool and his growth with the scavengers is nice, but I just couldn’t get into him as his own character and i’m honestly pretty sad cause other seem to love him
**I met someone I consider a good acquaintance/friend through fanart. I just kinda jumped into their blog and they saw I was reblogging scavenger stuff and tagged me in it once or twice and we interacted a bit after that. I’m fairly certain they were one of the first people, if not the first person, I interacted with online and in the fandom and kinda helped me realize, “wait i can have friends online”. I think if they were to read this they might know who they are and I hope they’re doing well.
***Years later it has come to my attention that there was Krok and other scavenger blogs when all of ours started popping up. Just that theirs were starting to die out and lemme tell you, I’ve never been so sad to see 2+ archived Krok blogs leading to 4+ other scavenger blogs who have also been archived/deleted. fairly certain my blogs lead to some deleted blogs too :’(
****I think in my first blog I only ever interacted, frequently, with three people! One of them is the second person I think I ever interacted with a lot ooc and that I consider a good friend as well. I still find it funny that our first ever interaction was Krok just yelling at their Fulcrum. The third person seems to have stopped rping. One of the last posts I saw from them came under bad circumstances and I hope they’re doing well too. Mum, or anyone who knows mum, if you by any chance see this I hope things got better and I’m sorry I never interacted more. The Fourth person pops in every once in a while. I never talked much with them ooc but the times I did they were honestly really chill and they still are! Also sorry we don’t interact much!
*****Honesty I still remember that when I went into that target that fine summer day I was fully intent on getting a Misfire or Cosmos. They didn’t have a Misfire and the Cosmos were out of stock. The only options were the last Krok and like ten Tailgates. I took Krok and have since lost his tail 😂
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sharkrocket · 5 years
I feel like spinkrok is one of those relationships where one will come to ask the other a question, and the other is passed out, so they just forget what they were doing and crawl in beside the other.
I feel like this is definitely the case when Krok is passed out, just Spinister walking in and deciding whatever he was going to ask isn't as important as how comfy Krok appears to be and makes the executive decision to curl up with him
On the other hand, when Krok walks into Spinister's makeshift medbay and sees Spinister facedown on a slab, he decides to come back later at a more convenient time
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uvanym · 5 years
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a spinkrok thing that’s been in my wip folder for so long that i won’t even finish it
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random-kido · 2 months
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nap time
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princesstarfire1234 · 2 months
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apologies for the terrible picture quality from my phone but KROK JUST ARRIVED EARLIER!!! He goes next to my Spinister (which I also got not too long ago) for obvious reasons :333
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alpacalamamama · 3 years
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I will draw this eventually, once my back no longer hurts. Good on Crankcase for bagging himself a semi-put together individual.
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timelessmulder · 6 years
scorpflame, spinkrok, swervefire?
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough but i want to
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
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gaydinobots · 6 years
rate scorpflame, spinkrok, and swoopslug
scorpflame:B: It’s really cuteits growing on me asljkfd,,, like i finished binge reading ll last night and i like their interactions a lot (+your passion for this ship is CONTAGIOUS)
spinkrok:B: It’s really cutei remember shipping this years ago when fulfire n spinkrok were like? huge ??? i have a soft spot for them still but they dont really have enough dialogue/scenes together :^( 
swoopslugA: I love ittheyre really funny as a concept. like imagine being a guy who cant even get the word ‘friends’ out without struggling and still somehow end up dating your boss’s ex. also i think itd be really cute in general
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