#spinning plumbobs
A Sirens Call
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aurora--sky · 2 years
Hej! Tłumaczyłaś może Expanded Mermaids od SpinningPlumbobs? Nie mogę znaleźć więc postanowiłam podpytać na wszelki :)
Hej, mam takie.
Na komputerze na moim blogu - zakładka menu - lista tłumaczeń
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azuhrasims · 13 days
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Adventures in Playing with Unicorn Mods 🦄
I went out mod hunting today and was rewarded with a new mod find on MTS called Unicorn Adventures by LuSimLaStars. As the unicorn addict that I am, I knew this mod had to go in my game. Right now. I also knew it had to go in with Spinning Plumbob's Unicorn Mod for Horse Ranch. I had to know if they would play well together.
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Unicorn Adventures adds a variety of unicorn interactions to game play. Phone options, rabbit holes to visit, a new lot trait, AND it changes the name of Sylvan Glade to Unicornville - which, holy unicorn poop, made me laugh so hard. It was the name change to Sylvan Glade that made me want to test this mod with the Unicorn Mod installed. You go to the Sylvan Glade to find unicorns you see.
Long story short, these mods play nice together. I just go to Unicornville to find unicorns now, you jive?
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Sims can start their unicorn adventure by buying a Unicornology book or three from a bookshelf. Its right there among the skill books when you look to read it! This gets your sim the Unicornology skill. Each level of the skill unlocks new interactions and options for your sim to participate in. Woot!
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When your sim builds the Unicornology skill, they unlock a new phone menu - Sparkles. In there are a variety of unicorn activities your sim can do. Also, travel activities to send your sims to rabbit holes! Despite this screenshot, going to the cinema to watch a Pony movie really is just a walk-off-the-lot rabbithole. Hey, comes with a custom buff though!
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There is a whole chat menu that opens up as your sim learns Unicornology. You can ramble at other sims about unicorns all day long if you want! There is also supposed to be a pie menu on the computer to run a unicorn blog and write a unicorn book - as of today (May 17th, 2024) I can't get this to show up for me. I stripped every mod from the game except this and the xml injector and still no computer options. I let the creator know about that. Could be just a me thing though, who knows.
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That Uni stuffed animal that toddlers can babble at? You know the one. The Unicorn Adventure mod makes that into the portal to Sylvan Glade Unicornville. Click the view option on it a few times until other options begin to show up. Its a text based adventure to get in, just like Sylvan Glade has always been.
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You can still use the classic tree portal in Willow Creek as well, but having the Uni as a portal in your sim's house is pretty useful. Once you make it to Sylvan Glade Unicornville, those with the Unicorn Mod installed can search for unicorns just like they always have.
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The unicorn, Gary (thank you, game, for that magical random name) showed up after a few searches and we are all set to have a real unicorn in our family and talk about unicorns ad nauseam with every dang nabbed sim we meet. 🦄🦄🦄
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victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->Though I quickly learned I had bigger problems than Alice cooking naked, when I discovered Nalani had wandered around to the back porch and was doing some herbalism at the grill. :O!! Fortunately, she was good enough not to set any mood-killing fires, and she and Felipe eventually wandered into the kitchen to chat with Alice (now clothed again, yay) and offer their help with the cooking. While Clement Frost did his best to snag some leftover fruit pie and grand breakfast. *sigh* Food's coming, good sir! Alice eventually finished the meal (getting level 5 Gourmet Cooking skill in the process, nice) and called everyone to the table --
-->Cue a mess as I tried to get everyone to at least SIT at the table without getting distracted. *shakehead* It took quite a bit of wrangling as Sims got distracted playing on their phones, going outside to check on the specters on the front porch (who were currently sprinkling their playfulness all over Angela Pleasant), and trying to get other food from the fridge, but EVENTUALLY everyone (well, everyone who could fit -- sorry, Nalani, it's a six-seater!) sat around the damn table. Oh Sims, why are you like this... Anyway, everyone enjoyed the food they had in front of them, and Smiler tried telling some stories about pirate captains and castaways, because it was actually Talk Like A Pirate Day on top of everything else. XD Neither of their attempts actually fulfilled the goal (they kept ending the stories early), but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves regardless, so -- win?
-->With the meal sorted, I noticed the weather was just getting worse and worse -- so while Clement, Felipe, Nalani, and Rory kept chatting to each other in the kitchen (and getting more leftovers out of the fridge -- guys, come on), Victor headed out back to the weather machine and cleared the skies before downing a Potion of Plentiful Needs to fix his exhaustion and other failing needs. With the rain tapering off, Smiler cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen, and Alice got her tripod set up on the front porch (ignoring the passing NPC kicking over their garbage can) -- and then, once everything was clear, I sent the gang out to the front porch to take some trio shots to fulfill the "take 20 pictures" goal!
...as you can see, first shot was kind of ruined by the appearance of orange tiger stripes all over Victor. Oops. XD Not sure WHEN he got sick, but it certainly made things a mite more inconvenient when it came to pictures!
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pastel-fairydust · 1 year
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And so little Isis moved in with Grandma Ophelia, considering she was the only family Isis had left. There wasn't a lot of space, but this was Ophelia's beloved cottage and the place where she could harness the most of her magic...
Which she'd need if she was going to find out the truth behind Melodie and Asmodius' suspicious deaths.
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When she wasn't busy taking care of Isis or wrangling her housebreaking chickens, Ophelia spent every second possible investigating— and harnessing her powers.
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She needed to be ready for anything if the grim reaper was right. So constant fields of protection and readiness for a tough fight were necessary.
Ophelia would die before she let something or someone hurt Isis too.
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lefayeroyals · 25 days
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Through much practice and perseverance, Aia becomes skilled enough in her magical journey to learn to astral project a copy of herself. She then trains with her shadow to further her magical mastery in preparation for growing her kingdom.
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emily-mooon · 2 months
I’m playing the sims and I’m now on the spinning wheel of death rn
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kikovanitysimmer · 1 year
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loading screens (spinning plumbob replacement) 🌸
hey, beauties! i learned how to replace the 2d spinning plumbob in game! they are not perfect but i love them, sza and beyonce actually move!
333 - stay creative
This includes:
3 loading screens!
Terms of Use & Additional Info:
You may not recolor or use any part of these items to make your own cc.
Texture from google
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melsie-sims2 · 28 days
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Krinn and Mateo weren't getting along very well, but the whole vibe seemed to change the moment Tara walked into the house.
The two made eye contact and it was like their plumbobs suddenly stopped spinning.
They were the first pair in all of Plumwell to have three bolts of chemistry... and it showed.
"Wow," Tara said a little breathlessly. "I can't believe we haven't met yet. I feel like I've known you all my life."
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melsie-sims · 2 months
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Being from a huge family, Bruno was no stranger to caring for other people's kids.
He immediately took on the role of the fun and slightly unhinged uncle, spinning Maris around like a glitchy plumbob.
"Again!" the little blonde kept insisting.
"I'm so out of breath!" Bruno gasped.
"I wanna fly high, high, high!" Maris said excitedly.
"Okay, fine, but if the Grim Reaper comes for me I'm gonna haunt you forever," Bruno warned.
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aurora--sky · 1 year
Robisz świetną robotę, bardzo Ci dziękuję, że chcesz dzielić się swoją pracą <3 Zazwyczaj czekam cierpliwie na Twoje aktualizacje, ale chciałam dać tylko znać, że wyszła nowa rozbudowana wersja Expanded Mermaids 2.0 i jakbyś miała ochotę się za to zabrać kiedyś to byłoby super :)
Hej, bardzo dziękuję 💖
Wiem o tej aktualizacji jak i o innych. Zawsze jestem z updatami na bieżąco, ale tłumaczę w weekend, gdy mam czas.
Nie wiem ile to zajmie, ale zacznę prace w niedzielę.🧚🏼‍♀️
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literalite · 3 months
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this is th only picture i got from my fuck ass game today. ive been in and out like a dozen times trying to fix it. im watching the plumbob loading screen spin now, its been spinning for the last ten minutes. im tired
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
25 Sims 3 Band Names Because I Am Bored
Blue Puddle
Llama of God
The Strangetown Bellas (uniform is a strapless red dress obviously)
Kaylynn and the Maids
The Spinning Plumbobs
Motive Failure
Cowplant Country
Moveobjects On
The Motherlode Experience
The Gnome Kickers
The Skillers
Double Tiberium
Max Motives
Unpinned Wish
The Autonomous Actions
Branching Career Track
The Welcome Wagons
Error 12
The Mailbox Cheats
Bunny in the Freezer
Murder Basement
Opportunity Pop Up
Go Here
Smooth Recovery
The Buy Debugs
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victorluvsalice · 7 months
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We've reached Winter Thursday in the Chill Valicer Save, and -- drumroll please -- it is FINALLY time to open the store! :D Well, sort of, anyway...you'll see as we get further into the update. First, though, I had to get through the wee hours of the morning with everyone --
"Everyone" including Clement Frost because, despite very clearly seeing him leave at the end of Winterfest, he was back and standing around in Smiler's room. Being weird and vaguely creepy. O.o I wasn't sure what was going on with that, but decided to ignore him until he got bored and left of his own accord, instead getting Smiler to do some yoga, Alice to resume her book "Knight to E-4," and Victor to do some sketching on his digital sketchpad. Which he chose to do kneeling on his bed for some reason. :p But hey, he got up to level 8 painting skill from it, so I'm not complaining! I then circled back around to check in on Smiler --
Just in time for Clement to approach them and ask if he could move in since they're such good friends. I -- what? No. You're Father Winter -- you don't get to move in with anybody. Your NPC job is too important. *shakehead* I had Smiler politely refuse this bizarre request and get back on with their yoga --
Cue Clement getting upset and gaining a bad sentiment with Smiler about how he thought they were closer than that, then running out of the room in a panic after the house chose to make some scary noises. Straight to the grill so he could do some herbalism. -.- Sims 4 sometimes, I swear... Fortunately, Victor was also downstairs, having been sent to feed Toothy the cowplant, so while Smiler hopped on their video editing station to edit their Sim Scuffle video and Alice continued plugging away at her book, I sent him around to talk to Clement and keep an eye out for any fires. Fortunately, Clement was able to complete his herbal concoction without burning anything down, and they had a nice chat at the back porch table, becoming Good Friends in the process. :) Unfortunately, Victor ended up having to use the bathroom midway through the chat, and then got sent to bed with Alice (who'd just finished her book) to top off his energy, meaning Clement was free to wander around again. Putting him straight back in Smiler's room. Fortunately, he chose to just fiddle with one of Smiler's chatterbots instead of engage Smiler themselves in conversation, but still. Clement, you've already been refused the opportunity to move in -- could you just GO HOME already?
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akitasimblr · 1 year
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and now we conclude the harper bachelor posts - get ready, there's a new harper spin-off on the horizon 😉😎
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@devotedsims @solis-legacy @jazzytrait @simsinfinitylt @moonfromearth @noeyinthemist @wastelandwhisperer @aresember @nugsims @natiesims @simgrump-main @wileyfern @threelakees @jonquilyst @prossims @windslar @violetkii @obsoletepixels @bakersimmer @minty-plumbob
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 8 months
Get to know me simblr edition
Rules: you can use any sims game to answer these questions
Thank you so much to @mysimsloveaffair for the tag!!
Your three traits: Creative, Geek, Erratic
Your aspiration: Friend of the Animals In game world you’d live in: Windenburg or Brindleton Bay...or Enekjaer for some CC world nostalgia
Favourite townie(s): TS3's Agnes Crumplebottom and Connor Frio, special shoutout to the queen of pop, Judy Bunch!
Most used pack(s): Currently Growing Together!
Favourite decor object (no cc): Rugs. They can make or break a room (and with the wrong patch, can probably break everything)
Something you want in the game: Pre-teens and middle-aged sims. It feels a bit grim when a sim looks like they're forty right up until the spin around and gravity almost rips them into the earth.
What colour is your plumbob rn: Green, but I remove it in the game files 😎
Tagging some awesome simmers: @titosims, @kimmiessimmies, @simsaralove, @aroundthesims, @obigem, @theplottdump, @surely-sims, @tiptoehappiness, @oaksimstudios, @molloopsy, @joliebean, @ravensim, @nolan-sims, @trash-llama, @anotherplumbob, @gilded-ghosts, @doctorsimcraft
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