damnation-if · 2 years
I just finished the prologue and Chapter 1, just wanna say it was great!! I seriously can’t wait to see more of it in the future!!
Also how exactly did you come up with the names for the ROs?
thank you for your kind words! luckily i am excited to write more also!
as for the names, i don't really have a definitive method; i just sort of play around with sounds until i'm happy with them, though sometimes i start with a basic sound or syllable and sort of form a name around it. when it came to the gender-selectable ROs, i played around with them a bit more to make sure that i could see their names all being used fine no matter what gender was selected... Malkorath's name probably went through the most iterations lmao
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oodlyenough · 2 years
I love reading your thoughts on TLOU as a filthy peasant Show Fan because I watch the episodes and I'm like "nailed it, what a great episode" and then I get to go online and see the Discourse.
For what it's worth as a Show Fan, I didn't get the sense that we were supposed to agree with David's "violent heart" monologue. This seems to be something a lot of people have issue with, but I interpreted that as him trying to make her feel bad about herself so he could more easily manipulate her with his whole "we're the same" bullshit. To me all her supposedly violent actions have fallen under "morbid curiosity" (like with slicing that one dude's forehead before stabbing him, in retrospect maybe a bit of revenge against the infected for biting her) or "self defense". Maybe we're supposed to be doubting her, but I don't think so. Feels like an appropriate level of violence from a girl born and raised in a zombie apocalypse.
Ok I also got an anon ask on this same topic (taking the opposite stance lol) and I'm going to tie them together:
Anonymous asked:
Even outside of it not fitting game Ellie, the writer validation of 'Ellie has a violent heart' lands pretty weird in the context of and as a direct assessment from someone actively preying on her. Like, Ellie responding with reactive violence to David is indicative of her Dark Heart? The groomer-predator was right about her, and it was proven by her not reacting peacefully to his attempts to assault and murder her? It just makes me :/
So I think there's a few things here:
Taken on its own, I think your reading of Ellie @spirantization makes sense with what we've seen on the show, and is a fair way to read those scenes. Especially for someone coming to the show as a first-time viewer who doesn't have any preexisting ideas about who this character is/should be/will be in future seasons/etc. But as I understand it, a lot of this discourse (and what Anon is referring to as "writer validation") comes from either the behind-the-scenes little snips they show in the US after the ep, or from the podcast with Mazin and Druckmann. Canada doesn't air the BTS clips and I don't listen to the podcast, but I do see excerpts and clips that get reposted to Tumblr and stuff. In this case I'm gathering that Something was said about Ellie's "violent heart".
I will say Anon I didn't get the sense at all that the show is judging the way Ellie responds to David. I think it came across as horrible but deserved catharsis for her. Instead the "violent heart" stuff to me felt like it was foreshadowing stuff that ... doesn't make sense to foreshadow here and now (and from David of all people). And if it WAS meant to be like, some dark commentary on Our Heroes then I agree it coming from David is ... eesh
Having said that, because I don't seek those out myself, I also don't have the full context of whatever quote etc. Sometimes creatives in a show like this with a ton of attention talk too much and half the stuff they say doesn't end up reflected in their work anyway. That quote Mazin had re: the pilot and Ellie being "activated" by Joel killing the guard has had me on watch all season though.
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hoursofreading · 3 months
Suppose that you sign up for a classical-music-appreciation class, in which your first assignment is to listen to a symphony. You put on headphones, press Play—and fall asleep. The problem is that you don’t actually want to listen to classical music; you just want to want to. Aspiring, Callard thinks, is a common human activity: there are aspiring wine lovers, art appreciators, sports fans, fashionistas, [DJ]s, executives, alpinists, do-gooders, parents, and religious believers, all hatching plans to value new things…
…[A]spirants must grow comfortable with a certain quantity of awkward pretense. If someone were to ask you why you enrolled, you would be overreaching if you said that you were moved by the profound beauty of classical music. The truth, which is harder to communicate, is that you have some vague sense of its value, which you hope that some future version of yourself might properly grasp.
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vimesbootstheory · 2 months
tagged by the incomparable @rabbithearted
shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people!
I... am a little terrified of how embarrassing this is going to be, because to my shame, as I have become a Gym Person, I've also started listening to more and more extremely generic gym music lmao. association of endorphin-producing experiences and all that. well we'll see huh
The Wondersmith and His Sons -- Astronautalis
Mauvaise journée -- Stromae
Ultralife -- Oh Wonder
Doin' it Right -- Daft Punk
you know me -- Lubalin
I'm Only Joking -- KONGOS
NRG -- Duck Sauce, A-Trak, Armand Van Helden
Head Games -- Foreigner
Clint Eastwood -- MKJ, IMKK
Solar Waltz -- Cosmo Sheldrake
ok well that could have been worse. most criminal generic gym nonsense would be nrg lol. pretty dude-heavy list though jfc
super casual, no-pressure tagging @spirantization, @an-sceal, @karatehusbands, @rival-the-rose, @thatonceandfutureprat, @newlacesleeves, @shae-la-hyene, @jeffersonthemadhatter, @lulamadison and @autistic-fairy.
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pebblysand · 1 year
looking for something to read? here are ten fics i think you should read this spring, in no particular order! 💚
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this is a collection of HP one shots. ngl, i don’t really like the format of this. to me, collections of one-shots should exist as a series on AO3, rather than as a multichap, it makes reccing a lot easier. this being said, that’s the only thing i don’t like about this fic. the stories are all written beautifully with an incredibly mesmerising and consistent style. there’s such an understated sense of characterisation in these fics that is just perfection, such a beautiful economy of words that say so much about the worlds this author builds. some stories might resonate with you more than others, but i definitely found them all well worth reading. to me, chapter 5 is an absolute must, with incredible quotes and this sense of loneliness and finding yourself - we know i’m a sucker for fics where harry goes travelling after the war and this one was gorgeous.  would recommend if: you're looking for a collection of well-written, different one-shots
VESTIGE by extrinsical (HP) (HARRY/HERMIONE) (AU) (<5k)
i like this fic. i wouldn't say it's an all-time fave and i didn't love the ending, but i do recommend it. the writing - especially the first half - is stellar. it's rather dark (spoiler: Ron dies 💔) but a very decent read! i really liked the structure and the pacing of the initial scenes. would recommend if: you're looking for a short, dark read, and you don't mind harry/hermione as a pairing
DECAY OF YOUR GOLDEN CITY by soapboxblues (HP) (GEN) (CC) (<5k)
this is incredibly sad and beautifully written. a dark take on post-war, with harry slipping into alcoholism. it’s very subtle, very delicate, and one big heartbreak. tagged harmony, though honestly you could read it as gen. some of the lines in this are just heartwrenching and absolutely gorgeous. “there was a time a time she thought about it. two, actually. (…) now she thinks about it all the time - wondering what she was thinking.” it’s the slow and painful breakdown of the trio in this that gets me too. dark but gorge. would recommend if: you're looking for a short, dark read, and you don't mind harry/hermione as a pairing
ALONG THE WAY by elizabeth culmer (edenfalling) (HP) (RON/HERMIONE) (CC) (<10k)
i had read this a long time ago, then i read it again when i was on holiday last february. it's a very interesting take. one of the best character study pieces i've ever read. often, i don't like these types of fics because they tend to veer towards pointless internal musings, but this is refreshingly beautiful. explores hermione's life post-war in a nuanced and adult way. i loved the depiction of her relationship with her parents, and with ron. the ending is a bit bittersweet with adult compromises, but in a very realistic way. would recommend if: you're looking for a realistic take on the post-war world, and on hermione's chracter
this is dark af. set during the "darkest" timeline in cursed child, the one in which they lose the war and everyone dies. it's so dark and tragic and gorgeous. ron and hermione are a couple (ish), though under very different circumstances, and the story is more gen than anything else. it's one of those dystopian AU-s that are rare and that i absolutely adore. the writing is beautiful and perfect, and i very much love this. would recommend if: you're looking for a short, very dark read
AND WHOSE ARMY? by renaissance (HP) (GEN) (AU) (<50k)
this fic centres on anthony goldstein and exists in an au world where harry didn’t defeat voldemort in ‘98. the fic isn’t spotless (nothing ever is) but what i really liked the characterisation of anthony goldstein in this. it's incredibly hard to write characters who don’t necessarily have a “drive” and sort of float through life, and that is something that this author does impeccably well in this. i love the quasi-OC take on the world, and the characterisation work is stellar. would recommend if: you like OCs, outside perspectives on the main plot and what-if AUs
THE FICTION OF REALNESS by @evesaintyves (HP) (REMADORA) (CC) (<5k)
leaving a proper comment on this is still on my neverending to-do list (sorry ^^), but i will highly recommend it nonetheless. the prose in this is absolutely perfect, incredibly poetic and beautiful, and this fic is sort of the ultimate remadora tragedy. i'm not much of a remadora fan and i will admit this read to me almost as original writing because the characters aren't really defined in my head, but all the more kudos to the writer for making them real! i absolutely loved this! would recommend if: you like exquisite prose and are open to remadora
FIVE FEVERS by ariadnes_string (PEAKY BLINDERS) (GEN) (<5k)
this fic is truly unbelievably beautiful. it covers the presence of illness/fevers in the shelbys' lives. there is so much soul and heart in this story, especially now in hindsight with what we know about ruby. part of it isn’t canon anymore (we know their mum didn’t die in childbirth but by suicide) but this is such a gorgeously written story. the characterisation is spot on, not only with tommy, but with all the characters as well. i love (love love) may in this, and tommy “detoxing” from grace. polly is so on point. truly unbelievably good. probably one of my fave PB fics ever.  would recommend if: you're looking for an amazing PB character piece
i've definitely recommended this fic before, but if you're looking for a great PB piece about ada - search no more. the writing in this is so good, so faithful to the language of PB, and the headcanon as spelled out in this now lives in my head rent-free. i would also highly recommend the podfic if you fancy. would recommend if: you're looking for a good ada-centric piece
this is an oldie. i recently started a TGW rewatch and re-read this (and the whole associated series) and fuck. if you've read this before, trust me, it's even better than in your memory. i realised that there are quotes from this that still live in my head rent-free ('they are not quiet' - helloooo??) ten years after the fact. i remember discussing this with orbythesea as she was writing it, and it's made me slightly nostalgic. this fic is basically the georgetown canon, from alicia's perspective. it's just absolutely gorgeous. would recommend if: you're new to the good wife and want to read a classic, and if you're looking for something georgetown era
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springfallendeer · 1 year
Rehabilitation - 1
Set in a Fairy and Automaton AU I've got going on. This is a discord drabble that relies heavily upon my OC Ayala and @twistedviper's OC Jho, who I am in love with :3
Part 1: Jho meets Ayala
||The woman carefully ducks beneath the various wooden beams that zig-zag across the entrance of the hidden structure. All the while she keeps a hand up over her shoulder to protect her fairy companion from any debris that might potentially fall and harm them.||
||Guided by a string of magic lights, she travels the long forgotten path of this once astounding castle. All the while she does her best to ignore the stagnant stench of the rotten air that has filled this desolate place.||
||The remains of the old world. A castle whose inhabitants are long, long dead. Home only to any Remnant Spirits who have yet to make their way into the great beyond, and to any inhuman entity which might have otherwise taken refuge within the crumbling structure.||
||The path she follows inevitably leads her to her intended destination. A mostly empty room stained with the evidence of the sins of the past. Black, moldy stains line every noticeable surface. From the walls, to the ceiling, to the floor; everything has been painted by the evidence of long rotten corpses.||
||The woman gags at the stench which permeates this place. As does the fairy which sits upon her shoulder.||
||The fairy retreats down into the confines of the woman's clothes in a desperate attempt at escaping the unpleasant smell. The relief she finds is minor. But it is still relief. Better the scent of the dust and sweat that clings to the humans body than the scent of long rotten flesh and bone.||
||"You shouldn't be here, Miss." The quiet, almost broken voice of the ancient entity barely manages to cut through the unpleasant sounds of the woman's gagging.|| ||"This is a cursed place. Full of rot and disease. The air has grown putrid. Toxic, even. You'll catch your death if you stay here much longer." They add.||
||She struggles to steady her breathing as her eyes scan the desolate room. Disgusting as it is, the space has been relatively well maintained. There are no cobwebs to be found. No overgrown masses of roots or vines to impede her view. Only the support beams and the rotting structure of the old animation table.||
||Sit putredo currat tenuis et aer clarescat. Qui spirant, spirant." (May the rot run thin and the air grow clear. Let those who breathe, breathe.)||
||Through struggled breaths, the woman manages to utter the words of a spell.||
||A ripple of embers rolls through the air surrounding her, burning away the putrid stench that threatened to smother her lungs and suffocate her.||
||The Automaton steps out from behind a support beam as the air is cleared. Their sad, tired eyes settle upon the woman's frame as she takes in long, deep breaths for the sake of filling her lungs with clean air.||
||"… I see." The Automaton utters, moving so that he can stand in clear view of the Mage.|| ||"… Forgive me, my lady. I was unaware that I was in the presence of nobility." They utter, offering a polite bow. All the while their eyes remain forlorn. All the while their voice remains tired and distant.||
||The voice of a being long abandoned and burdened by the knowledge of their own creation. Burdened by the knowledge of all the horrors that they had been used to create.||
||"The days of the nobility are long gone, Automaton." The woman replies, a note of bitterness evident in her voice.|| ||"Do not bow to me. There is no need of it. I rule you no more than the grass rules the trees." She adds.||
||The Automaton responds to her with a look of mild confusion, before he turns away to glance in the direction of the rotting animation table.||
||"For what purpose do you visit me, my Lady." The Automaton inquires. He continues to address her with the same level of respect that he would have given the old nobility that created him. Though now he refrains from looking in her direction at all as he speaks.||
||"To save you from this tomb." She calmly replies, helping her little fairy companion to climb out of her shirt as she speaks.||
||The Automaton responds with a tired, empty laugh.||
||"I am without purpose, then?" He states, keeping his eyes locked upon the animation table.||
||The table in which he and others of his kind were built upon. The table on which the bodies of the dead were used to create vessels of aimless destruction and bloodshed.||
||His former worktable. Long without use and long without maintenance, as he had not been brought corpses to work with for a long, long time. Centuries at this point.||
||The woman offers something of a tired sigh as the fairy settles down upon her shoulder.||
||"No more without purpose as you let yourself be." She states.|| ||The war is long over. The nobility are long dead, and their bloodlines have been virtually wiped out. The Automatons live as humans do. In vast cities. Where they are free to make of themselves whatever they will, just as any other free minded people can." She explains.||
||The Automaton keeps his eyes locked upon the structure. He remains dead silent. All the while he refuses to move or to even look at the woman. She lets out another sigh.||
||"I am here to bring you from this place. If you wish to hide away, I will not stop you. But you cannot remain here." She states.||
||The Automaton reluctantly turns to look at her.||
||"This is my home. I was built with a purpose. You mean to strip me of both in one fell swoop, my Lady?" He mutters.||
||There's an audible sadness to his voice. The sadness of an entity which has waited eons to be given instruction after having been abandoned. The sadness of a creature which has spent hundreds of years knowing that the very purpose of their creation was to bring about destruction of life.||
||He has known nothing outside of this. His whole existence has been to create destruction, and to wait to be told to continue with his work.||
||And now he is being told that the very foundation has long since crumbled.||
||It is only natural that he would be reluctant to engage in such… Self destructive thoughts.||
||He would rather remain here. Alone and waiting. Clinging to the belief that he would be given purpose once more, as opposed to facing the reality of the fact that he no longer had a purpose to be given.||
||He did not know how to pick his own purpose. The concept was alien to him. Completely and utterly alien. And he was in no way mentally ready to attempt to grasp that purpose.||
||The woman tiredly sighs as she studied him. She leans her head ever so slightly to one side as the fairy on her shoulder whispers into her ear.||
||"… Do you know me?" The woman suddenly asks.||
||The Automaton turns to her. At which point he gives her a distant, but respectful once over.||
||"… Aye, my Lady. I would be blind not to know you." He replies, speaking to her in a quiet, formal tone.|| ||"You are or noble blood. The very essence of your magic tells me as much." He states.||
||She nods.||
||"If you will not accept your freedom, then you will force my hand." She states, reluctantly leaning in to her false status of authority over the Automaton.||
||If he refused to accept his loss of assigned purpose, then she would have to rely upon his attachment to the old ways in order to rescue him from this decrepit place.||
||She would have to play the part of a master in order to coerce him into compliance. Though she was not happy to be forced to do so.||
||"My Lady?…" The Automaton quietly replies, giving her a distant, curious look.||
||"As the last known inheritor of noble right, I command you accompany me out of this place. I will assign you a purpose, and you will fulfil it diligently. Understood?" She ordered.||
||The Automaton gave her a more curious look in response, before he briefly turned his attention back to the crumbling structure that he had remained beside throughout these past centuries.||
||Hard as it would be for him to move away from this place, he was not yet able to resist the command of a noble.||
||Even understanding that it was a manipulative ploy, he could not resist the call of his own design. Not right now. It would take years of effort to instill into him the will to disobey the authority that no longer existed.||
||"… As you wish, my Lady." The Automaton quietly replies.||
||As the woman turns to make her way out of the rotting corpse that the castle has become, the Automaton silently follows after her.||
||Hard as it is to abandon his home, its much harder for him to defy his instincts to obey the nobility.||
||Still, red tears well in his sad, tired eyes as he moves further and further away from the only home he's never known. And by the time he's brought out into the light of the open world for the first time in centuries, those tears have formed red streaks which stain his solemn face.||
||The woman rightly notices his plight. And while she hates the fact that she must pull him from this place, she has little choice but to remain headstrong. For his sake.||
||"Do you have a name?" She quietly asks, forcing a note of sternness to her voice in an attempt to hide the crack that sneaks into it.||
||The Automaton offers a nod.||
||"They named me Jho… I don't remember what it means." He replies.||
||"Builder." The woman quickly states.|| ||"In the tongues of old, Jho was a name assigned to those who build and construct things of vital importance." She explains.||
||The Automaton's eyes widen faintly in response to this.||
||Yes. He could remember now the importance of his name. It was a special one assigned to only the best of the Automaton Constructors. A name that he had been fortunate enough to inherit from the Noble that created him.||
||"… Yes. Jho… Elite Constructor of the Automaton Army…" He murmurs, as if suddenly remembering exactly who and what he is.||
||Or who and what he once was.||
||"… I am Ayala Belrose. Last daughter of the Belrose bloodline. Sired by the final heir of the Emrick clan." She explains, granting the Automaton her name. She then motions to the fairy sitting on her shoulder.|| ||"This is Melody. My familiar and close companion. She is an ambassador of the Greater Magic, sent to instruct me on how to bridge the gap between humanity and the inheritors of magic." She adds, giving her fairy companion a proper introduction.||
||Jho offers a curious tilt of the head.||
||He has only ever known the fairies as magical conduits. Ingredients used to strengthen human magic.||
||How strange it is for his Princess to treat the little creature as such an important companion.||
||"… It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my Princess." He replies, politely referring to Ayala as he would have referred to the nobility of the old era.||
||The woman winces internally at the term, but refrains on scolding him.||
||As much as she hates it, she must play the part. She must act as his authority until he can emotionally grow to the point that he is able and willing to command himself. At which point, she would cease to be his master and begin her role as his equal and her mentor.||
||"… I would prefer to be called by name." Ayala states, speaking to the Automaton in a quiet, almost withdrawn voice.||
||Jho gives her a peculiar look. One that establishes his own confusion.||
||None the less, he offers a polite bow.||
||"As you wish, Miss Ayala." He replies, complying with her request. Unusual as it is.||
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vividdreamsrock · 1 year
Me ranting abt silly D&D stuff (elvish language)
What the actual fuck
WOC has done a lot of shit but the most (harmless yet annoying and not know actually evil like others) agregious, in my opinion, is never publishing (and possibly never even making???) and official conlang for elvish or it’s other popular languages
How the fuck am I supposed to know if this name sounds right if the only shit about this language I can find is that the th and ph a sounds in it are aspirated and not spirant and that there’s definitely a lot of letters in it that are also in English except whoops my source isn’t using the IPA chart so I don’t know if they mean the vowels, which are the same as English vowels sound long or short or any other way and oh my god I am dying here I just wanted to know if I could cross port a name I liked from a character I made with my conlang I’m working on
If I’m wrong about this I’ll write a full apology and thank whoever gives me a link to this language because I will be so so so grateful!!! (Also bc if someone actually did this I want to learn it of course
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palazzideirolli · 1 year
Vi auguriamo una Buona Pasqua di gioia e serenità. Auguri 🐣🐇🌸🥚
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Immagini, in ordine:
-L’Ultima cena, Giulio Cesare Procaccini, Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato, Genova. (Mostra L’ultimo Caravaggio. Eredi e nuovi maestri, Gallerie D’Italia, Milano)
-Ecce Homo, Michelangelo Merisi, da Caravaggio, Musei di Strada Nuova - Palazzo Bianco, Genova.
-Ecce Homo, Antonello da Messina, Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
-Cristo con la croce, Anton Van Dyck, Musei di Strada Nuova - Palazzo Rosso. (Mostra L’ultimo Caravaggio. Eredi e nuovi maestri, Gallerie D’Italia, Milano)
-Anton Maria Maragliano, Incoronazione di spine, Savona (Mostra Teatro del Falcone, Maragliano, Lo spettacolo della scultura in legno a Genova)
-Cristo spirante, Anton van Dyck, Camera da Letto del Re, Palazzo Reale Genova
-Cristo Risorto appare alla madre, Peter Paul Rubens, (Mostra Rubens a Genova, Palazzo Ducale Genova)
-Bernardo Strozzi, (Il Cappuccino), Incredulità di San Tommaso, Musei di Strada Nuova - Palazzo Rosso, Genova
-Cena in Emmaus, Michelangelo Merisi, da Caravaggio, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano
Foto: Archivio fotografico Palazzi dei Rolli © Stefano Bucciero

#pasqua #easter #pasqua2023 #uovadipasqua #pasquetta #happyeaster #primavera #travel #eastereggs #buonapasqua #instapasqua #easteregg #flowers #palazzideirolli #genova #genovamorethanthis #rollidays #liguria #igersgenova #italy #architecture #viagaribaldi #ilikeitaly #art #beniculturali30 #museidistradanuova #architettura #lamialiguria #ilsecoloxix #italia
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pazodetrasalba · 2 years
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Dear Caroline:
I really love this philological snippet of yours, all the more so as it rhymes with some of my own inclinations, and even if as most of your early posts, it is a borrowing from somebody else's tumblr. While preparing the civil service exams for language teaching, the units I was most hoping to have to write about were the literature ones or those about culture and history, including the diachronic evolution of English: the Ingvaeonic nasal spirant law, medieval latin borrowings, i-umlaut and palatalization (as in cheese), the borrowings from French and their reinforcement after king Henry's marriage to Eleanor de Provence and his munificence to his Poitevin half-brothers... A veritable linguistic Leviathan, so well chronicled in Baugh and Cable's A History of the English Language, which is sitting right next to me at the moment of typing these lines.
And not only English! You reference Finnish here, a language notorious for its non-Indo-European background. Many years ago, I took a summer course in Estonia for the purpose of studying the local speech -it must have been around 2007-, spending a month in the old university city of Tartu with the only company of a very worn and reread edition of Milton's Paradise Lost, which is my favorite epic poem ever. And the local lingo was a treasure trove of curiosities, with very melodious vowels and no less than fourteen grammatical cases(nominative, genitive, partitive, illative, inessive, elative, allative, adesive, ablative, translative, terminative, essive, abessive, and comitative). But this is stuff that a competitor in the Linguistic Olympiads like yourself does not need reminding of.
On another linguistic tangent, it would be nice to know your take on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Myself, I tend to be quite Chomskian, but more of a function of my biases than anything else - a universalist view of language pairs well with a universalist view of the human race and its capacities and basic thought mechanisms.
A couple of weeks from now will be Estonia's Mother Tongue Day, whose date coincides on purpose with poet Kristian Jaak Peterson's birthday. Some verses of his celebrating his native speech will serve as the quote for today.
Kas siis selle maa keel
Laulutuules ei või
Taevani tõustes üles
Igavikku omale otsida?
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semusepsu · 2 years
grrr i really want my conlang phonology to be compatible with Bengali but the largest dialect of Bengali spirantizes the postalveolar affricates. so for every other target language, there is an /s/ and at least one postalveolar fricative or an affricate, but apparently several million target speakers are actually saying /ʃ/ and /ts~s/ where the standard dialect has /s/ and /tʃ/...I guess that still means that there is an alveolar and a post-alveolar sound though... i guess that solves the problem then. lol.
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alwaysdial · 6 months
Authentic Chai Experiences in Gaya
Gaya, a city in the state of Bihar, India, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and spiritual significance. Among its many charms, one of the most delightful experiences for visitors and locals alike is indulging in authentic chai, a traditional Indian tea that's deeply ingrained in the local culture. This article explores the authentic chai experiences that Gaya has to offer.
What is Chai?
Chai, often referred to as masala chai, is a popular beverage in India made from a blend of black tea, milk, spices, and sweeteners. It's known for its rich, creamy texture and aromatic spices like cardamom, ginger, and cinnamon.
Chai Culture in Gaya
Gaya boasts a vibrant chai culture, with numerous traditional Chai Dukan in Gaya and modern chai cafes scattered throughout the city. These establishments are not just places to grab a quick drink but are hubs of social interaction and relaxation.
Traditional Chai Shops
Traditional chai shops in Gaya offer a glimpse into the city's age-old tea-making traditions. Here, chai is brewed in large pots over open flames, creating a strong, flavorful brew that's served piping hot in small, clay cups.
Modern Chai Cafes
On the other end of the spectrum are modern Chai Shops in Gaya that cater to a younger, more cosmopolitan crowd. These cafes offer a variety of chai blends, including exotic flavors like chocolate chai and masala mint chai, served in trendy, Instagram-worthy settings.
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Famous Chai Spots in Gaya
Gaya is home to several famous chai spots that are must-visits for chai enthusiasts.
Spirants Chai
Spirants Chai, or Tea Lane, is a bustling street in the heart of Gaya known for its plethora of chai stalls. Here, visitors can sample chai made in various styles, each stall offering its unique blend of spices and flavors.
Foodani Chai 24
Foodani Chai 24 , meaning "tea corner," is a popular hangout spot for locals looking to unwind with a cup of chai. The ambiance is cozy and inviting, making it the perfect place to catch up with friends or simply enjoy a quiet moment alone.
Chai Adda
Chai Adda, or Tea Hangout, is a favorite among college students and young professionals. Here, chai is served alongside a variety of snacks, making it an ideal spot for a quick meal or a leisurely snack.
Unique Chai Experiences
Gaya offers some unique chai experiences that are sure to delight visitors.
Chai with Local Snacks
Pairing chai with local snacks is a popular pastime in Gaya. Visitors can enjoy Best Chai Dukan in Gaya with savory snacks like samosas, pakoras, and kachoris, creating a delightful flavor combination.
Chai with a View
Several chai spots in Gaya offer stunning views of the cityscape or the surrounding countryside. Enjoying a cup of chai while taking in the sights is a truly memorable experience.
Chai at Religious Sites
Gaya is a significant pilgrimage site for Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains. Many Chai Sutta in Gaya near religious sites cater to pilgrims, offering them a place to rest and refresh themselves with a soothing cup of chai.
How to Make Authentic Chai at Home
For those who want to recreate the authentic chai experience at home, here's a simple recipe:
2 cups water
2 teaspoons loose black tea leaves
1 cup milk
2-3 teaspoons sugar
1-inch piece of ginger, grated
2-3 cardamom pods, crushed
A pinch of cinnamon powder
In a saucepan, bring water to a boil.
Add tea leaves, ginger, cardamom, and cinnamon.
Simmer for 2-3 minutes.
Add milk and sugar.
Simmer for another 2-3 minutes.
Strain and serve hot.
Gaya offers a myriad of authentic chai experiences, from traditional chai shops to modern cafes. Whether you're a chai aficionado or simply looking to immerse yourself in the local culture, Gaya's chai scene has something for everyone.
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lamorgh · 1 year
# Look 1029 *
❀• C R E D I T S •❀ Head: Lelutka – AVALON 3.1 EvoX Body:  Maitreya – Mesh Body Lara V5.3 Neck Tattoo: VENGE – ‘Cybertek’ Neck Tat Slick 75% Mask: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Spirant Mask
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vimesbootstheory · 1 year
Thanks @bigtuna108 for tagging me! This was fun.
Low-key, no-pressure tagging @thatonceandfutureprat and @bethanyactually and @rival-the-rose and @spirantization to spell your URL with song titles.
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terr4ance · 1 year
-- jet stream --
to float atop a belligerent jet stream on a warm winter's dusk,
a husk cut open and thrust,
burrowed by fervent woodlice,
the price of life- immeasurable over aeons of treacherous grief;
am I no longer complete?
alas the wind still blows its spirant breeze,
the autumnal leaves rot and feed my eternal springtime bloom,
if only it ever came,
I might just see you once again.
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jacopocioni · 1 year
Tutti gli UFO sopra Firenze dalla guerra ad oggi: 1975 prima parte
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Ci credete? Non ci credete? Poco importa. Il fenomeno ufologico è vecchio quanto il mondo. Gli avvistamenti, reali, finti, "costruiti" nel mondo sono innumerevoli e su Firenze e provincia non mancano. Questa è un piccola rubrica per citare gli avvistamenti registrati su Firenze e provincia dal 1946 al 1980, se poi qualcuno ha a disposizione anche quelli successivi, e ce li fornisce, potremmo pubblicare anche quelli dal 1980 in poi. Questo l'articolo precedente: Tutti gli UFO sopra Firenze dalla guerra ad oggi: 1974 Il 3 febbraio 1975 sopra Calenzano poco prima le 05:00 fu visto un corpo luminoso, lo riporta Archivio CUN di Prato Alcuni militari di leva (carristi), Stefano P. e Maurizio N., di guardia vicino al deposito di munizioni, osservarono fra le 04:50 e le 05:00 un corpo luminoso, silenzioso e veloce, con rotta NE-SO. Presso il locale deposito della Esso, la guardia in servizio notturno, Giorgio Passalacqua, osservò un oggetto ovoidale verdastro, luminoso e con un anello arancione. Era silenzioso e volava a bassa quota con rotta NO-NE, con andamento lento e con breve stazionamento. Sempre il 3 febbraio 1975 ad Incisa Val D'Arno alle 05:15 fu visto un corpo luminoso, lo riporta Archivio CUN di Prato Avvistato un ovoide luminoso di colore verde-azzurro, procedente velocemente ad alta quota e silenzioso con rotta NO-NE. L'avvistamento fu effettuato da molti autisti in transito sull'autostrada verso Firenze, ed in particolare dall'autista della R.A.T. di Calenzano, signor Leandro Lilli, che vide l'oggetto attraverso il parabrezza della propria autovettura che da Perugia era diretta verso Firenze. Il 21 marzo 1975 nel cielo di Vinci alle 22:10fu visto un oggetto ovoidale, lo riporta una testimonianza raccolta dall'E.U. Etruria di Montespertoli Ferrali Fabrizio di anni 15 (via Ferrale 57/B) e Buzzanca Lorenzo di anni 14 (piazza Leonardo da Vinci 15) entrambi residenti a Vinci, osservarono un oggetto ovoidale e di forma piuttosto strana; sembrava trasparente e dal suo interno emanava due luci gialle fisse e divise tra loro da una sbarra verticale. L'oggetto era molto veloce e volava ad una altezza apparente di 500/600 metri Scomparve dopo 8 secondi, probabilmente infilato in qualche nuvola, visto che il cielo era nuvoloso con un vento spirante da nord a sud. La direzione dell'oggetto era da nord-ovest ad est. Non c'erano altri testimoni. Il 29 maggio 1975 a Loc. Le Sieci (Pontassieve) alle 22:15 fu visto un oggetto luminoso, lo riporta Archivio CUN di Prato Un gruppo di astrofili fiorentini (tra cui il signor Mario Pagni), in casuale osservazione della volta celeste, scorsero in direzione di Firenze un oggetto luminoso rossastro, proveniente da sud e diretto a nord. Non emetteva alcun rumore. Sembra che l'oggetto si sia anche quasi soffermato, come in fase di stazionamento. Read the full article
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thetyrannosaur · 1 year
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