jingszo · 8 months
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Apparatus invented by research engineer George W. Meek of the METAscience Foundation as a communication system with the dead.
This particular development of an electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) involves a frequency modulation system using supplementary audio tones. In contrast to the previously claimed EVP or Raudive voices system, which obtained very weak voice signals, usually of a few words spoken at higher than normal speeds, Meek and his associates claimed to have received many hours of sustained conversation at normal speed from the American scientist George Jeffries Mueller, who had died of a heart attack 14 years earlier.
The first announcement of SPIRICOM was made on April 6, 1982, following 11 years of research and development. The system was not entirely mechanical, since, like other electronic devices such as the black box, it required the psychic energies of an operator.
The inventor and his associates made their preliminary announcement in order to encourage other researchers to develop their invention beyond basic stage so that communication with the dead by means of electronic apparatus might become perfected as quickly as possible.
No patent rights were filed on the equipment, and both printed and audio explanatory materials were published to facilitate the work of other experimenters.
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ineffag-swag · 1 year
heres a song rec for "music that wants to kill you"
radio spiricom by stabscotch
This sounds like there is a goofy ass shapeshifting creature creaturing in a liminal space. How do you even find these
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3boxnews · 2 years
via 3BOX.it
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xthehierophantomx · 3 years
Low transmission.
Spiricom. Do you hear me?.
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mendelpalace · 7 years
A dimensional Occult Transiever Make contact with the unseen world: ghosts & spirits and evoke paranormal activity in your own home! Endless fun for the whole family!!! Open doors for demonic entities that will haunt you on every corner! Simply let the computer open up the frequencies - if contact is made you can converse with the spirit!
A neat bit of software for the Commodore 64, made by Danny "Legowelt" Wolfers
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the-golden-ghost · 3 years
You know what would be fucked up? If some of those Obviously Fake Ghost Videos/Recordings were real but we just didn’t know which ones they were because ghosts really do just sound like bad distorted audio
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Ghosts Caught on Audio: The 7 Recordings and EVPs You Have to Listen To
It was only a week ago that I got a question from fellow tumblr user, @madphantom.
@madphantom told me that they picked up some paranormal activity whilst recording audio for a creative project.
The story goes that when they recorded audio for an actor who had died, things started to get weird.
When they replayed the audio, they realised that they had picked up a lot of static, and compared it to the iconic soundtrack from Slenderman’s notorious horror games.
And it was this story that reminded me of one my favourite horror film scenes, basically, ever from one of my favourite horror films, basically, ever.
There’s this scene from the film The Conjuring (which is based on the true case of the haunting of the Perron family) where they record the story of the haunting from one of the victims – the mother of the family.
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And upon replaying the audio, they realised it didn’t actually record her voice.
After discussion of some key plot points, the recorder turned itself on and produced some seriously terrifying haunted noises.
Now, this didn’t actually happen as far as I can tell.
But it got me thinking: has paranormal activity ever been caught on audio?
There’s enough faked videos clogging up the youtube trending page to tell you we all love a bit of the supernatural making its online debut, and the same goes for audio recordings.
Go ahead, try ‘creepy audio recordings of the paranormal’ into youtube.
And so I was convinced that essentially, I had come to a dead end.
(Pun unintended.)
But then I remembered something:
Audio recordings are actually really fucking important when it comes to recording and investigating paranormal activity.
Methods like EVP and the use of Spirit Boxes have ruled the domain of ghost hunting since the late 20th century, and represent our desperate search for evidence of life after death.
And so, in today’s edition of The Paranormal Periodical we are going to be discussing the theories and histories behind EVP and Spirit boxes, and the 7 audio recordings of paranormal activity that you have to listen to.
So, what is EVP?
EVP – or electronic voice phenomena – are recorded sounds that have been identified as coming from spirits.
It was popularised by some bloke called Konstantins Raudive, and he himself recorded some seriously amazing EVPs.
He even claimed that he recorded political figures including Hitler and Churchill. Fancy a listen? Find a link to this recording is later in this post.
Now EVP is defined by Raudive as a short word or phrase from beyond the grave.
So no, you won’t be able to squeeze a 3000 word opinion piece from a historical figure of your choosing, I’m afraid.
But the conversation about paranormal audio recordings has been present ever since digital goods hit the shops. Just think of all those blurry photos supposedly evident of the undead!
In fact, it was actually a photographer who tried to capture the first audio recordings.
Attila von Szalay’s first recordings in 1956 apparently caught spirits saying some seriously scary stuff:
“Hot dog, art!...Merry Christmas and happy new year to you all”.
3 years later a swedish guy was recording some bird song.
Each to their own, I guess.
Anyway, he replayed the bird song, and he realised that he had captured evidence of the supernatural.
He made out his dead father’s voice, and even heard the voice of his dead wife. And she was calling his name!
A few recordings later and he picked up a message from another deceased relative, his mother.
Now according to theory, there are 3 types of EVP.
Basically, classification A is a clear voice, B is distinct but requires close listening, and C is a faint whispering.
EVP training is even required for ghost hunting in order to develop the ability to hear messages from the dead. Clearly this is serious business for fellow paranormal believers.
What’s a spirit box?
EVP’s require a digital audio recording.
Spirit boxes on the other hand allow spirits to use radio frequencies to talk to people that are actually alive.
Supposedly the ghosts can manipulate the energy of audio fragments to form words and phrases not unlike those heard in EVPs.
And the great thing about spirit or ghost boxes is that you don’t just listen to the dead – you can actually talk to them!
Normal practice involves asking questions and listening out for rather abstract responses. But the fact is this is one of the most famous and trusted methods of communicating with those beyond the grave.
The first official ghost box was created in the 1990s, and the inventor – Frank Sumpton – created it based off of EVP and an article he read on spirit communication.
But if you aren’t convinced by the ghost box, what about the Spiricom?
Invented in 1980, William O Neil created a device that could actually hold a conversation between a dead and a not so dead person.
Unfortunately – and to no surprise – no one actually reproduced the results O’Neil claimed he had.
Did you know that in 1979 parapyschologist Dr. Rogo claimed that you could get phonecalls from those that had passed away? People frequently report receiving a short one-way call from deceased relatives, and it has even been considered a phenomenon.
So, you’ve heard the theories.
But are you ready for the evidence?
Here are the 7 spookiest audio recordings of spirits:
#1 - The exorcism of Anneliese Michel
This is a recording from possibly the most famous case of possession of modern times.
Heck, it was even given it’s own film to document the case, The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
But if you haven’t heard the tale yourself, the story basically goes like this:
A devout catholic girl starts exhibiting strange behaviour.
From unexplained seizures to claims of hearing multiple ‘evil’ voices, she was eventually deemed possessed.
And whilst the many recordings of her exorcisms aren’t EVP or recordings from a Spirit Box session, this is firm evidence of how important recordings were to investigating evidence of the paranormal.
Check out this video to make your own mind up:
And below is accurate footage of me noping the fuck outta here:
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#2 - Next up is the Enfield Haunting
Now this case is interesting because it was largely considered a hoax evoked by 2 young girls.
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Investigators used tape recorders and some EVP to assess the potential nature of the haunting.
What’s interesting here is that the debate largely centres around the supposedly possessed voice of Janet – the main girl involved – caught on tape.
Sceptics claimed it was produced by false vocal chords, and that we can all put on a creepy and different voice when we want.
But it was by analysing the actual vocabulary used, they could claim it was similar to that of a child and not a potential ghost or demon, and often evoked mannerisms similar to that of Janet.
Even on national TV, Janet waved her hand to get attention, put it in front of her mouth, and a strange voice was produced supposedly from nowhere.
What do you think?
#3 - The Haunting of an Unnamed New York Hotel
In early 2007, the Central New York Ghost Hunters were asked to investigate a hotel in New York.
Why was it unnamed? The hotel in question asked for the name to be withheld from public discussions for the obvious reasons that their living visitor numbers would fall.
The investigator’s claim this investigation was one of their most active, which is not a surprise considering its long history.
(Unfortunately, this is hard to trace for this post as I do not have the name of the hotel…)
Anyway, the main activity they picked up was an EVP carried out by someone sitting on a staircase.
You can clearly hear a scuffle between two people as a woman asks someone to get off her, a rather sleazy ‘hello baby’, and even the ring of an old fashioned cuckoo clock.
Fancy a listen? Click the link: https://youtu.be/dXa0QrS-WV8
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#4 - The Raudive Recordings
I’ve already mentioned Raudive and his innovatory practice, and thanks to his interest in EVP, he has created an incredible collection of evidence of the paranormal.
In total, he has 72,000 recordings of the paranormal talking.
Holy shit.
And this collection even contains the supposed voices of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and Churchill!
He claims Hitler spoke to him in Raudive’s mother tongue of Latvian which Hitler barely learnt while he was alive.
And what did Hitler say?
‘you are a girl here, or else you are thrown out’.
Yeah, I don’t know what that means either…
And what did Churchill say? Well, interpreters don’t really care much for what was said, but how he said it.
It apparently was a convincing EVP as it sounded like him, and was thus supported by many as evidence of the paranormal.
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Some of these recordings were even conducted in laboratories to ensure accuracy, and Raudive invited members of the public to listen and interpret the recordings he collected.
So why not try your hand at it too?
#5 - The Glen Tavern Inn
This tavern stretches back to the prohibition era, and its speakeasy history – which included being a brothel and gambling parlour – have fuelled its rumours of supernatural activity.
Whether its murdered prostitutes, or fights between budding gamblers, it does have some basis to the claims.
And these stories were confirmed by an EVP taken.
If you listen closely, you can hear a woman singing as an investigator enters a haunted room.
Check out the EVP here: https://youtu.be/iRtJLPWByFg?list=UU1VrWEFyQYIDKuWWfRjyj7A
#6 - The Eerie Mansion Basement
Now I’ve never heard of this mansion and its murderous past, and I’m kinda glad I hadn’t.
Rumour has it that this was once home to Bill Ely.
And it was here that he killed countless women.
But it was when the American Ghost Hunters took an EVP, they heard some paranormal activity more chilling than the stories that haunt this home.
The investigator’s recorded what sounded like the whimpers of a small girl.
And when they got close to what they believed what the source of the sounds?
A man in a gruff voice told them to ‘Leave that girl alone’.
Want to get seriously spooked? Check out the recording: https://youtu.be/JqQ6dx_w4qs
#7 - The Queen Mary (the boat, not the person)
The Queen Mary is deemed one of the most haunted ships in the world.
And it was all quite a recent discovery.
Only in 2008 did Time magazine claim it was once of the most haunted places, but many other people have made similar claims.
For example, suite room B-340 is one such spot which is considered ‘notoriously haunted’, and a stateroom is haunted by a murder victim.
But the location we are most concerned with here is the first class area.
And an EVP taken here recorded a woman calling for help in an area frequented by many ghost women and children.
Listen to that EVP here: https://youtu.be/re5-OGabpHk
So, we’ve heard what the ghosts have to say.
And now it’s over to you.
Do you think madphantom actually captured evidence of the paranormal?
What about the other audio recordings here?
Let me know by leaving me a comment!
Oh, and when you get out from under your quilt, make sure you hit ‘follow’ so you can always be updated with more stuff to traumatise you.
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P05ohH-L8pU)
An interesting occurrence covered by one of my favourite YouTubers, give it a watch.
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The Spiricom by Roslyn Reid
The Spiricom by Roslyn Reid
The Spiricom An Early Mystery Book 2 by Roslyn Reid Genre: Paranormal Mystery   She was killed on their wedding day…but he couldn’t let her go. Tall, handsome Dr. Spencer Py was a well-respected environmental scientist…until a limo crash killed his new bride Melanie and left him in a wheelchair. He is racked with despair over his failure to save her until the fateful night he discovers plans on…
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thebridgeofdeaths · 3 years
The Spiricom
The Spiricom
An Early Mystery Book 2 by Roslyn Reid Genre: Paranormal Mystery The Spiricom An Early Mystery Book 2 by Roslyn Reid Genre: Paranormal Mystery She was killed on their wedding day…but he couldn’t let her go. Tall, handsome Dr. Spencer Py was a well-respected environmental scientist…until a limo crash killed his new bride Melanie and left him in a wheelchair. He is racked with despair over…
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joyffree · 3 years
Join us on the #BookTour with #Giveaway
The Spiricom
An Early Mystery Book
by Roslyn Reid
Genre: Paranormal Mystery
She was killed on their wedding day…but he couldn’t let her go.
Tall, handsome Dr. Spencer Py was a well-respected environmental scientist…until a limo crash killed his new bride Melanie and left him in a wheelchair. He is racked with despair over his failure to save her until the fateful night he discovers plans on the internet for the Spiricom, Thomas Edison’s electronic device for communicating with the departed. Determined to be united with his beloved Melanie, he builds the device—never imagining his unexpected results would draw an unsuspecting James Early into the scariest case of the Maine detective’s life.
A Scandal at Crystalline An Early Mystery Book 1 is on SALE for .99Cents
#Paranormal #Mystery #Supernatural #TheSpiricom #ScandalAtCrystalline
#Win #Candle $10 Amazon #BookTour #Giveaway #BookBoost #Paranormal #Mystery #TheSpiricom
@the_moonshadow @SDSXXTours
@JamesEarlyMaine #OnTour with @SilverDaggerBookTours | #SilverDaggerBookTours
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hubertmonroy · 4 years
Fried Spiricom
“Fried Spiricom : transmissions from the 12 dimension”, is a one hour performance commissioned by Mousonturn (Frankfurt) during the Covid 19 lockdown. It will be streamed on Thursday 21 May at 9 PM. The performance aims at summoning 12 dimension entities using anti new-age sound devices.
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Music : Hubert Monroy Dance : Mauro Paccagnella Everything (lights, filming, props...): Aurélie Perret
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5 Creepiest Sounds of Ghosts Ever Recorded
Published on 12 May 2017
5 creepy real audio recordings of ghosts, spirits, and souls caught on tape speaking from beyond the afterlife... Subscribe to Dark5: http://bit.ly/dark5 Dark5 presents the stories of 5 creepy audio recordings made by scientists, researchers, and psychics, including real video tape footage of Bill O’Neil and his Spiricom radio device, Konstantin Raudive (the father of EVP, or Electronic Voice Projection, who inspired ghost hunters today), real recordings of the haunting Enfield Poltergeist that inspired the movie the Conjuring, an unbelievable Reddit post of a ghost recorded on an Android phone app, and the long rumored and much debated secret tape of lost souls from an abandoned Russian experiment at the Kola Superdeep Borehole site.
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orquesta · 4 years
Listen/purchase: Echoic Memory - Amber Room by Various Artists
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verlagsystem · 6 years
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Work in progress. The factory #KrakatoaRecords has given us finished the vinyls of Spiricom with specials paper bags. Now waiting for the sleeves made by #WAMED @ubaldofambuena All the production made in Spain. On sale at the beginning of January https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqjq-Sqh2nO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yeqcsye56wj1
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