stonerbang · 6 months
Hey everyone! As voted on by the fans, here's my in-depth into the history of JibJab's best website, StoryBots Classroom. As always, I hope you enjoy it!
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4foxstudio · 1 year
StoryBots: Answer Time | Eleanor Smartypants on Fans from henrique barone on Vimeo.
Eleanor Smartypants knows everything about fans, until she tries to turn them off.
Check behind the scenes at henriquebarone.com
Produced by Netflix Creative Direction: Evan Spiridellis Production: Jason Wyatt Design: Romney Caswell Animation: Henrique Barone
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jacksonreadcartoons · 2 years
ASK THE STORYBOTS: Hap’s Office Scenes (2019) 
Every episode of Ask the StoryBots starts with a similar opening of them receiving their mission from their boss, Hap (played by my boss, and StoryBots creator, Evan Spiridellis) 
These were so much fun to write and storyboard, I loved coming up with all the different ways the StoryBots could mess with Hap. 
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animesuperhero0 · 5 years
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NETFLIX ACQUIRES THE CRITICALLY AND FAN-ACCLAIMED STORYBOTS PROPERTY AND COMMITS TO BRINGING EDUCATIONAL CONTENT TO KIDS AND FAMILIES AROUND THE WORLD Co-Creators Evan and Gregg Spiridellis Sign Overall Deal to Significantly Expand the World of the StoryBots Hollywood, Calif. – May 9, 2019 – Netflix today announced that it has acquired the StoryBots property, the…
Netflix Acquires Ask the StoryBots for Season 3 Premiering Fall 2019 was originally published on Anime Superhero News
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jacobstreilein · 6 years
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Ask the Storybots - How Do Computers Work? The Central Processing Unit and the Operating System
Storyboards - Eddie West
Set Construction- Aron Bothman
Photography- Surf Monkey Films
Editing - Evan Spiridellis, Eddie West, and Jacob Streilein
BG Design and Compositing- Jacob Streilein and Jason McLean
CG Anim- Jackson Read
Lighting- Masha Zarnitsa
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10 desenhos educativos da Netflix para assistir com as crianças durante a quarentena
Os desenhos animados, podem ser grandes aliados na educação infantil. Por meio do despertar da criatividade e da imaginação, ajudam no desenvolvimento intelectual das crianças. Para ajudar os pais nesse período de isolamento, a Bula reuniu em uma lista dez animações educativas que estão disponíveis na Netflix e ensinam importantes lições aos pequenos.
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Os desenhos animados, desde que não sejam consumidos em excesso, podem ser grandes cúmplices na educação infantil. Por meio do despertar da criatividade e da imaginação, ajudam no desenvolvimento intelectual das crianças. E, em tempos de isolamento, são também ótimos aliados dos pais. Para ajudar nesse período, a Bula reuniu em uma lista dez desenhos educativos que estão disponíveis na Netflix e ensinam importantes lições aos pequenos. Entre os selecionados, destacam-se “Pergunte Aos StoryBots” (2016), de Evan e Gregg Spiridellis; e “Na Sala da Julie” (2017), dirigido por Joey Mazzarino. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com o ano de lançamento.
Imagens: Divulgação / Reprodução Netflix
Masha e o Urso (2018), Vlad Bayramgulov
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Baseado em um conto folclórico russo, o desenho conta a história de Masha, uma garota de 3 anos de idade que vive em uma casa na floresta. Muito curiosa, Masha explora tudo que está ao redor, o que muitas vezes resulta em confusão. O melhor amigo de Masha é um urso de bom coração que está sempre protegendo a garota dos perigos.
Vera: Amigos Mágicos (2018), Harold Harris e Jamie Whitney
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Vera pode ser pequena, mas é uma grande heroína. Ao lado de seu melhor amigo, Bartleby, um gato de 8 anos, ela dá o seu melhor para ajudar os cidadãos do Reino do Arco-Íris, um universo fantástico e muito colorido. Vera é a única que pode ativar os poderes da Árvore dos Desejos, que libera uma energia mágica para resolver os problemas das pessoas.
Na Sala da Julie (2017), Joey Mazzarino
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Julie ministra oficinais de artes cênicas para um grupo de crianças fantoches e um pato com a ajuda de sua assistente, Gus. O objetivo é que as crianças aprendam todos os processos de uma montagem teatral e consigam criar seu próprio musical. Julie também recebe convidados famosos em sua sala, e todos ensinam lições artísticas aos alunos.
Pergunte Aos StoryBots (2016), Evan e Gregg Spiridellis
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Os StoryBots são pequenas criaturas que vivem em outro mundo. Em cada episódio, o quinteto Beep, Bing, Bang, Boop e Bo; da equipe 341B, vem ao mundo humano para ajudar a responder às maiores dúvidas das crianças, como: “Por que o céu é azul?” ou “Por que preciso escovar os dentes?”. As respostas, ao final, vêm em forma de um vídeo musical.
Simon (2016), Julien Cayot
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Simon é um pequeno coelho muito curioso e cheio de energia. Ele está crescendo, aprendendo sobre o mundo e começa a frequentar a escola. Ainda que às vezes seja teimoso, ele sabe quando deve se desculpar e pedir conselhos aos pais. Junto de seu irmão mais novo, Gaspard, e de seus melhores amigos, Simon se diverte todos os dias.
Puffin Rock (2015), Maurice Joyce
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Oona é uma alegre filhote de papagaios-do-mar que vive numa ilha belíssima, chamada Puffin Rock. Ao lado de seu melhor amigo, o comilão Mossy, e de seu irmão mais novo, o atrapalhado Baba, Oona vive grandes aventuras na ilha, onde não apenas se diverte, mas aprende muitas lições sobre a natureza.
Daniel Tigre (2012), Vadim Krapidov, Demetrius Wren e outros
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Direcionado a crianças em idade pré-escolar, o desenho é baseado nas aventuras de Daniel, que mora com seus pais num bairro de faz-de-conta. Em cada episódio, Daniel e seus vizinhos vivem situações que mostram que nem tudo na vida acontece como desejamos. Mas, eles sempre tentam ver o lado positivo de cada experiência.
Caillou (2010), Larry Jacobs
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Caillou é um garoto careca de 4 anos de idade que está descobrindo muitas coisas sobre a vida e experimentando pela primeira vez sentimentos como medo, ansiedade, tristeza e empatia. Ao lado de sua família e de seu gatinho, Gilbert, Caillou tenta fazer com que todos os dias sejam divertidos. O seriado infantil é baseado nas obras de Christine L’Heureux.
O Pequeno Reino de Ben e Holly (2009), Neville Astley e Mark Baker
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Holly Thistle é uma pequena princesa-fada que vive em um mundo encantado e está aprendendo a fazer mágica. Mas, como é muito atrapalhada, nem sempre seus feitiços funcionam. Seu melhor amigo é o Duende Ben, que também não se dá bem com a magia, mas constrói ótimos brinquedos e dá muitos conselhos à Holly.
Max e Ruby (2003), Jamie Whitney, Mauro Casalese e outros
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Max e Ruby são dois irmãos coelhos muito espertos. Max Bunny é um teimoso, barulhento e guloso menino de 3 anos; e sua irmã mais velha, Ruby, tem 7 anos e é paciente, objetiva e às vezes um pouco rígida. Eles moram na cidade de East Bunnyhop e, juntos, aprendem muitas lições sobre convivência, amizade e respeito.
10 desenhos educativos da Netflix para assistir com as crianças durante a quarentena publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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kitapmusic · 5 years
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Next Saturday NOV 9TH 🔥🔥 . Nu Underground Experience: A Silent Auction presented by Kita P. Music x Empire State Music & Arts Festival . Come thru to the Nu Underground Experience! Saturday Nov 9th from 5pm to 10pm! ***Ticket Link in bio ***Space is limited Host: Precious Gorgeous (@precgorgeous) - of @BlackPantheon #TrynaGetMyLiveTogether! . Music throughout the experience: Mandella Eskia @blackzeusx • Kita P. Music @kitapmusic • Isaac Sawyer @isawyermusic • Stephen Antony Beasley @stephenantonybeasley • Sam Spiridellis @samflowss special guest . . Cuisine by Justin Simmons (@golden_love_purpose) Silent Auction Featured Artists: Prelo White (@BkArtistry) & JDel (@jdelcastles) Auction from 6pm to 8pm! #NuUndergroundExperience #Love4TheMusic #BlindVibe #LiveVibe #BlackGodPantheon #BlackLicorice #IsaacSawyer #JustinSimmons Brought to you by @empirestatemusicfest x #KitaPMusic https://www.instagram.com/p/B4NuKr_FnTb/?igshid=17iwpxzc19isb
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biofunmy · 5 years
What if Apple iOS store had to lower prices, allow more competition?
LOS ANGELES — Gregg Spiridellis isn’t shy when it comes to his feelings about the Apple iOS App Store. 
A “clear monopoly,” says Spiridellis, who earlier this year sold JibJab, the company he founded with brother Evan. JibJab charges $2.99 monthly for access to e-card tools. 
On Monday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a lawsuit filed by a consumer upset over Apple’s app store pricing. The outcome has implications for rivals, like Google, Samsung and Amazon, which all offer apps to consumers, as well, through their stores. 
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The Apple App Store (Photo: Screenshot)
Consumers can’t get apps for their Apple phones unless the company approves them and makes them available to consumers. Apple charges app developers like JibJab a 30% fee for having their apps in their iOS store, and the only option for them to collect payments is by going through Apple and paying what Spiridellis calls “the Apple tax.” 
Spotify’s decision to publicly go after Apple is bold and fascinating. As an app builder, the Apple/Google in-app payment systems have always screamed monopoly pricing. (1/11)
— Gregg Spiridellis (@3GS) March 15, 2019
  PayPal, Square and other electronic payment companies, which aren’t available to app makers from the App store, charge 3% fees, as do credit card companies like MasterCard and Visa to merchants. (Google charges the same 30% fee to developers at the Google Play Store.)
Spiridellis has plenty of company. Netflix removed the ability to subscribe to its services from the App Store recently, because of the 30% and music streamer Spotify filed an antitrust complaint against Apple in Europe recently.
Apple has traditionally been a closed system, going back to the days when the iPod music device could only be used on Apple computers at first. If owners of an iPhone want to download an app, it has to be approved by Apple and subscribe to the many Apple policies, which Apple says protect consumers. 
App pricing: Supreme Court says iPhone users can sue Apple for excessive prices on its App Store
Under pressure: Young people, scrolling their friends’ Instagram feeds, feel pressure to overspend
Message to Facebook and Google: Don’t mess with Apple
more choice is almost always better!
— Peter D. Csathy (@pcsathy) May 14, 2019
In filing his lawsuit, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek said the App Store policies gave Apple an “unfair advantage at every turn.” Apple responded by saying that “Spotify wouldn’t be the business they are today without the App Store ecosystem.”
Apple’s pitch to consumers is that its app store is safer to visit than, say, the Google Play store, which has fewer restrictions for app developers. 
“Their point of view is that the service alone is worth the 30% fee,” says Spiridellis. “I think it’s exorbitant. Is the Web safe? How much do you need an Apple to be policing the content and apps? People can use their good judgment.”
So what would happen if Apple lost the case and were forced to open the walled garden to any app developer and lower the fees? 
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Apple app store (Photo: Screenshot)
Spiridellis says it makes apps cost less because developers wouldn’t have to absorb the costs. But Will Strafach, the CEO of the Guardian Firewall security firm, says Apple could make it possible to offer apps in alternative ways. What it will never do, he says, is ditch the 30% fee.
“They are not going to go down without a fight,” he says. “Developers hate that fee, but Apple chose it because it’s profitable for them.”
Strafach could see a scenario in which Apple would allow access to other apps outside the iOS store but phrase it in a way that they would encourage consumers not to download.As in: “Do you really trust this source?”
Earlier this year, Facebook used the “side-load” process, which is offered to enterprises, to push out an app that collected data from consumers which got the social network’s app banned from the iOS Store for breaching Apple’s policies. 
On Twitter, Strafach said the social network’s moves to get the app to consumers was “the most defiant behavior I have ever seen. It’s mind-blowing.”
Facebook got the app to consumers with a workaround, by installing what’s called an “enterprise developer certificate.” That’s used by developers to make apps for internal use, without publishing them to the App Store. 
Should Apple lose the case, the company could use this method to “side-load” unapproved apps to consumers, Strafach says. 
“That would be a reasonable alternative,” he adds. 
Apple insists that the App Store “is not a monopoly by any metric,” says it’s “confident” it’ll win the case. 
  Readers: would you like to see Apple’s iOS store outside of the walled garden? We’d love to hear your comments on Twitter, where I’m @jeffersongraham
  Read or Share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2019/05/14/what-if-apple-ios-store-had-lower-prices-more-competition/3667008002/
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stonerbang · 6 months
Hey there, got a new video for y'all. My StoryBots Space Adventure has been remade. I hope you enjoy it, hehe.
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inventivaindia · 5 years
Netflix acquires kids’ educational content co. StoryBots
Netflix acquires kids’ educational content co. StoryBots
Netflix is further investing in its children’s programming ahead of the launch of a highly anticipated rival: Disney+. The company announced today it has acquired StoryBots — a children’s media company and brand created by JibJab’s founders, Gregg and Evan Spiridellis.
The streaming service isn’t disclosing the acquisition price, but CNBC says the price was “immaterial to Netflix,” citing sources.
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Netflix acquires kids’ educational content co., StoryBots
Netflix is further investing in its children’s programming ahead of the launch of a highly anticipated rival: Disney+. The company announced today it has acquired StoryBots — a children’s media company and brand created by JibJab’s founders, Gregg and Evan Spiridellis.
The streaming service isn’t disclosing the acquisition price, but CNBC says the price was “immaterial to Netflix,” citing sources.
Netflix doesn’t often make acquisitions, as it prefers to spend directly on content. However, it does rarely buy content companies — as it did with its first acquisition,  indie comic book maker MillarWorld in 2017.
StoryBots’ kids show “Ask the StoryBots” first launched on Netflix in 2016, and features five curious creatures who track down answers to the questions that kids are often curious about — like how night happens, or why we brush our teeth, for example.
Over the years, it has featured several celeb voices to accompany its animated characters, including Snoop Dogg, Edward Norton, Whoopi Goldberg and Wanda Sykes, among others.
Season 3 of the program is launching in the fall on the streaming service.
The Netflix deal will see the Spiridellis brothers producing more StoryBots original programming, including additional series and short-form content.
The larger goal with Netflix is to have its own brand of popular kids’ educational programming – a Sesame Street for the Netflix era, perhaps.
Other streaming services, including HBO NOW and Apple TV+, already have deals with Sesame Workshop, the former which now airs Sesame Street and the latter which will have the muppets teaching kids programming basics.
“Together with Netflix, our goal is to make StoryBots the leading educational entertainment brand for connected kids and families globally. We see this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bring something epically good into the world,” said Evan and Gregg Spiridellis, in a prepared statement.
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dorieewing4821-blog · 6 years
Kid Pick Up From Color Activities.
When merely 4 to 6 years aged, it is actually attractive to see youngsters playing physician as well as they are going to even start. Older youngsters may invest a bargain of your time creating the specific condition, such as a big fossilized pearly white. Research has actually revealed that social seclusion or even absence from socialization can result in early childhood development concerns, such as speech complications or a lack of ability to socialize with others in a civil way.
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The custodian, on the other hand, is worried about the youngster's everyday lifestyle; the protector has actual, physical protection of the child and should rear, ensure, as well as up bring the little one. If you compare the volume from protein needed to have as a portion of body system weight, web-diets4u.info kids need to have a more significant amount of protein relative to their body system weight. While a young adult may baulk at vocal or participating in an equipment for worry from exactly how their peers may respond, much younger children openly engage in music activity. When numerous children are actually about, laughter and also joy helps make parents ignore the spanking. In some family members, moms and dads consistently distinguish one or a few of their youngsters for bad therapy. We are actually right now considering a Child's Residence for him as opposed to living a shattered lifestyle from everyday strife and strain and also leaving behind other youngsters at risk. Our loved ones communication considering that finding out about the auditory handling condition has strengthened remarkably as well as our company are constructing her knowledge from ways that can help herself and construct her confidence. Higher amounts from paternal education and paternal profit were actually considerably connected with father-child communication, yet including various other household features to the model made up their results. The Encyclopaedia from Kid's Wellness keeps in mind that through collaborative play, there is actually one very clear forerunner in the group and also the play is actually structured, like participating in college along with buddies. In the circumstance of Pakistan, I locate that the family measurements and composition exerts an effect on child's learning.
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After that this offers signs associating with atmospheres that your little one are going to locate acquainted - playtime, visiting family and friends, encountering brand new people etc The majority of people have actually also come across little ones that possessed a concern discovering how to walk, toilet train, or even an additional independent job. Play-i is right now at the tail end of its crowdsourced financing travel, and also along with just 16 days entrusted to go they company has actually actually funded its project at 164% of what that was actually in the beginning seeking. Traditional enjoyment for kids is actually quite saccharine and delicious, Spiridellis stated, and involvement with moms and dads is key when cultivating material for StoryBots. Kids in this age group frequently wish their freedom. Times such as this we should rely on our "village" that can help supply guidance as well as mental assistance, as well as undoubtedly consult experts whether a psycho therapist, consultant, or participant from the local clergies. As kids age, connections along with peers as well as various other adults contribute in building their self-worth. My moms and dads determined to homeschool each one of there little ones because they presumed that would aid keep our company far from trouble-some teams. The youngster - that is still little bit greater than an infant - is utilized to all of the moms and dad's attention and also love and now acquires ignored, driven out and also denied. Since a handful of much larger family members may be capable to provide their little ones education ro they are unspoileddoes certainly not justify having a huge family, only.
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deariebeckford2022 · 3 years
Boop for Storybots the Series
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Boop for Storybots the Series
Boop doesn't talk much and he know what he really wanted the wanted to speak word in boop and he know what he really wants to make you smile Beep has a theory of Boop has to be a angry no way to be a angry person or speechless him to teach how to word boop hes mean he doesn't know to be upset and get angry hes a little bit of the get grumpy or sometimes he wanted to make him feel comfort me it if is show through Boop not think about what if make you happier
Oct 11 1986
Food: Tacos
Boop is dont know what to upset him me about Beep
Boop is voiced by Gregg Spiridellis
Aired: Netflix
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soundtracktracklist · 5 years
Ask The StoryBots Season 3 Soundtrack
Ask The StoryBots Season 3 Soundtrack by Various Artists #Netflix #StoryBots #ost #soundtrack #songs #education #animation
Original Soundtrack from the Netflix series Ask The StoryBots Season 3 (2019). The music by Various Artists.
Source: Ask The StoryBots Series Genre: Music From The Netflix Original Series Music by Various Artists Label: BMG Rights Management Format: Digital Release Date: September 13, 2019
Ask The StoryBots Season 3 is a 2019 adventure comedy educational animated seriescreated by Evan Spiridellis…
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jacobstreilein · 6 years
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Ask the Storybots - How Do Computers Work? Processing and Output
Storyboards - Jacob Streilein
Set Construction - Aron Bothman
Photography - Surf Monkey Films
Editing - Evan Spiridellis and Jacob Streilein
BG Design - Jacob Streilein and Jason McLean
Compositing - Jacob Streilein and Aron Bothman
CG Anim - Lauren Jackson, Kendall Nelson
Lighting - Masha Zarnitsa
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10 desenhos educativos da Netflix para assistir com as crianças durante a quarentena
Os desenhos animados, desde que não sejam consumidos em excesso, podem ser grandes cúmplices na educação infantil. Por meio do despertar da criatividade e da imaginação, ajudam no desenvolvimento intelectual das crianças. E, em tempos de isolamento, são também ótimos aliados dos pais. Para ajudar nesse período, a Bula reuniu em uma lista dez desenhos educativos que estão disponíveis na Netflix e ensinam importantes lições aos pequenos. Entre os selecionados, destacam-se “Pergunte Aos StoryBots” (2016), de Evan e Gregg Spiridellis; e “Na Sala da Julie” (2017), dirigido por Joey Mazzarino. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com o ano de lançamento.
Imagens: Divulgação / Reprodução Netflix
Masha e o Urso (2018), Vlad Bayramgulov
Baseado em um conto folclórico russo, o desenho conta a história de Masha, uma garota de 3 anos de idade que vive em uma casa na floresta. Muito curiosa, Masha explora tudo que está ao redor, o que muitas vezes resulta em confusão. O melhor amigo de Masha é um urso de bom coração que está sempre protegendo a garota dos perigos.
Vera: Amigos Mágicos (2018), Harold Harris e Jamie Whitney
Vera pode ser pequena, mas é uma grande heroína. Ao lado de seu melhor amigo, Bartleby, um gato de 8 anos, ela dá o seu melhor para ajudar os cidadãos do Reino do Arco-Íris, um universo fantástico e muito colorido. Vera é a única que pode ativar os poderes da Árvore dos Desejos, que libera uma energia mágica para resolver os problemas das pessoas.
Na Sala da Julie (2017), Joey Mazzarino
Julie ministra oficinais de artes cênicas para um grupo de crianças fantoches e um pato com a ajuda de sua assistente, Gus. O objetivo é que as crianças aprendam todos os processos de uma montagem teatral e consigam criar seu próprio musical. Julie também recebe convidados famosos em sua sala, e todos ensinam lições artísticas aos alunos.
Pergunte Aos StoryBots (2016), Evan e Gregg Spiridellis
Os StoryBots são pequenas criaturas que vivem em outro mundo. Em cada episódio, o quinteto Beep, Bing, Bang, Boop e Bo; da equipe 341B, vem ao mundo humano para ajudar a responder às maiores dúvidas das crianças, como: “Por que o céu é azul?” ou “Por que preciso escovar os dentes?”. As respostas, ao final, vêm em forma de um vídeo musical.
Simon (2016), Julien Cayot
Simon é um pequeno coelho muito curioso e cheio de energia. Ele está crescendo, aprendendo sobre o mundo e começa a frequentar a escola. Ainda que às vezes seja teimoso, ele sabe quando deve se desculpar e pedir conselhos aos pais. Junto de seu irmão mais novo, Gaspard, e de seus melhores amigos, Simon se diverte todos os dias.
Puffin Rock (2015), Maurice Joyce
Oona é uma alegre filhote de papagaios-do-mar que vive numa ilha belíssima, chamada Puffin Rock. Ao lado de seu melhor amigo, o comilão Mossy, e de seu irmão mais novo, o atrapalhado Baba, Oona vive grandes aventuras na ilha, onde não apenas se diverte, mas aprende muitas lições sobre a natureza.
Daniel Tigre (2012), Vadim Krapidov, Demetrius Wren e outros
Direcionado a crianças em idade pré-escolar, o desenho é baseado nas aventuras de Daniel, que mora com seus pais num bairro de faz-de-conta. Em cada episódio, Daniel e seus vizinhos vivem situações que mostram que nem tudo na vida acontece como desejamos. Mas, eles sempre tentam ver o lado positivo de cada experiência.
Caillou (2010), Larry Jacobs
Caillou é um garoto careca de 4 anos de idade que está descobrindo muitas coisas sobre a vida e experimentando pela primeira vez sentimentos como medo, ansiedade, tristeza e empatia. Ao lado de sua família e de seu gatinho, Gilbert, Caillou tenta fazer com que todos os dias sejam divertidos. O seriado infantil é baseado nas obras de Christine L’Heureux.
O Pequeno Reino de Ben e Holly (2009), Neville Astley e Mark Baker
Holly Thistle é uma pequena princesa-fada que vive em um mundo encantado e está aprendendo a fazer mágica. Mas, como é muito atrapalhada, nem sempre seus feitiços funcionam. Seu melhor amigo é o Duende Ben, que também não se dá bem com a magia, mas constrói ótimos brinquedos e dá muitos conselhos à Holly.
Max e Ruby (2003), Jamie Whitney, Mauro Casalese e outros
Max e Ruby são dois irmãos coelhos muito espertos. Max Bunny é um teimoso, barulhento e guloso menino de 3 anos; e sua irmã mais velha, Ruby, tem 7 anos e é paciente, objetiva e às vezes um pouco rígida. Eles moram na cidade de East Bunnyhop e, juntos, aprendem muitas lições sobre convivência, amizade e respeito.
10 desenhos educativos da Netflix para assistir com as crianças durante a quarentena publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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