#spn 15x04 spoilers
niteowlangel · 5 years
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gii-heylittleangel · 5 years
SPN Coda 15x04 - “Atomic Monsters”
Hello, people! I know, this coda is late but I’m having a bunch of exams so it’ll make my codas this month a little later, so apologies. I hope it’s worth it and that you like it! @babybluecas helped me with this, a lot, so thank you! <3
The smell of burnt flesh, gunpowder and blood filled Dean’s nostrils, strong enough to make bile raise up his throat. The emergency red lights of the bunker gave a gloomy feeling to what Dean considered home, nothing like what he was used to. The weight of the gun in his hands was foreign—Dean knew that it was the same one he had been using ever since he was sixteen, but it still felt different; heavier, somehow. Dean didn’t know what had happened there or why there were so many dead bodies on the floor, but that didn’t stop him from aiming and shooting at the two men running towards him, trusting his gut.
The first one fell to the ground, sparks coming out of his mouth as his skull lit up. Demon, Dean thought as shot the other one. Awesome, just freakin’ awesome. At least the bullets are cool.
Before he could release the clip to check what the bullets were made of—though Dean had a feeling it was probably melted angel blades—, another man came to him, forcing Dean to dunk and roll away from him. Dean was shooting before he got to his feet, the body falling with a muffled thud against the ground. Dean looked around him to make sure no one else was coming his way before letting a deep breath out of his mouth.
Keep reading it on AO3!
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agendercas · 5 years
“No mention of Cas”
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bre95611 · 5 years
Supernatural 15x04 Liveblog!
Here we go guys! We got a little bit of break last week. We have no Cas this week, and I’m really not prepared. Plus that teaser has me feeling some type of way. Let’s see what happens!
Godamn opening on that rowena shot
ugh so ready
Thats the darkness thingrigh?
Those fucking fingerlessglovesare sexy as fuck
John wick dean is really doing it for me right now
SO benny is just another purgatory throwback
Where is he???WHERS THE ANGEL
UGHHHHH This is nuts
OOOso that has more to do with the gunshot wound, yes?
OH fuck the sneak peek scene. uhg Dean is so bi
God and dean eating the food he canonically eats whenever cas dies ughhg
GOod ol MotW ready go
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dawnie1988 · 5 years
SPN Episode 4 Thoughts...
So, not quite what I was expecting at all, given all the images we were given of that fight scene, but a damn solid episode regardless. And let's take a moment to really praise and appreciate that opening scene because hot damn! Incredible fight montage, love the way it slowed down in different spots to really emphasize the moves, just textbook definition badassery and hats off to Mr. Ackles for it 👏👏👏
However, although it plays along into my endgame theory that we'll end up with a bit of a season 5 revisit where that old prophecy of one brother must kill the other must finally be fulfilled, I'm just not too sure what it all means, so in general the whole thing kind of freaked me out. Though I have since seen a very interesting theory in regards to it being Sam's connection to Chuck from the bullet and him being able to see all of Chuck's other versions/stories of them. We shall see...
I honestly kind of thought I was gonna be disappointed by it not being the more action centered episode I was envisioning, but then I forgot how much I miss just a good ol' case of the week episode. The brothers doing what they do, even if it was a bummer case, them having to take the kid out like that, the kid turning himself over so he couldn't hurt anyone else anymore, Jensen's song so perfectly playing in the background! But if that wasn't enough, the line from the kid's father, about how they don't know what it's like to be a parent who would do anything for their kid? They do know!! They know very well!!! Uhhgg, gut punch.
Dean's eating his feelings. Big time. Sames. 'Nuff said bout that.
Sammy is all kinds of jaded right now and it's hurting my heart 😞 It's bad enough to see him in pain, but to see him losing hope like this? Yup, hurts big time. But can we please applaude that end car scene? Sam confessing to just being tired and not ok, big brother Dean worrying over him like he does best, giving out the pep talk, man. Good, strong stuff, the entire scene. Jared was freakin' killing me. You could see it, feel it, that he's currently just done. Incredibly relatable for a lot of us, I know. Plus, I don't know if it was intentional or purely coincidental, but to me the whole thing was giving off major AKF vibes, which played very well.....even if I am just imaging it.
However, as great as all that stuff was, we've gotta address the other biggie. Because just as I felt episode 3 was Rowena's episode, I feel pretty comfortable in saying that this was totally Becky's episode.
Cuz I mean, just wow! Talk about an incredible, never saw it coming turnabout! I've never liked Becky, which I think is a pretty common though amongst most fans. Like, I can understand and appreciate what they were going for with her, a tease to the obsessive fans and whatnot, plus, if I'm not mistaken - but don't quote me on this - they also started that before they all really, truly understood just what the fandom had grown into and what it meant to so many. But still, she was obnoxious and annoying as shit to me. (Although I have always enjoyed the moments between her and Chuck) And by the time we got to the forced marriage, love spell, basically date rape thing with her and Sam it was like yup, screw Time For A Wedding, it was Time For Becky To Leave And Never Return. So, imagine my surprise when she pops up in this episode and was *gasp* one of us??!!
Again, always do love the moments and chemistry between her and Chuck, but I was kind of losing my mind a little. Every time she opened her mouth to tell Chuck about here life makeover and what she's turned and channeled her love of SPN and the boys into, and especially all the stuff she told Chuck about writing and fan fiction being real writing......I felt like every word she spoke I was like 'yup....yup.....yes!.....Preach. On. It. Sister.'
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That whole monologue, in particular, felt like such a mini love letter to not just the fans but especially to all you kick ass writers who don't get nearly enough credit.
So can we just make it official and agree we are all Becky in this episode? Good? Good.
Again everything with those two was pretty golden. I loved all the 'wink-wink-nudge-nudge' to the camera and the fans moments, like Chuck insisting that the Leviathans were freaking cool. Lol. I just love the way they can appreciate their missteps and aren't afraid to call themselves out on it.
But then shit got real. Jensen had said there'd be a moment where Rob would be his sweet, good natured self before changing into something more sinister in a heartbeat, and whoo nelly he wasn't kidding! It's absolutely wild to me that kind, soft spoken Rob is even capable of making such a change but damn if he didn't give me the full on heebie jeebies. And then the other big moment: Becky's husband comes home and he freakin' dusted him! Like, full on, Thanos Snapped his ass and dusted him!
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I literally had to pause for a moment because I was having a 'holy shit!' moment. And then we hear hers kids coming in and it was like no, surely he's not gonna......AND THEN HE DID!!! Again, actually had to pause for a moment. And then this line of ' Oh don't worry they're not dead, they're just gone.' .......I'm sorry, but WTAF does that mean?! Are they in another universe? Are they in some kind of in between world like The Empty? Or they stuck on a mountain top in the Himalayas?? I repeat: WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???
Then he dusted her and again, I never thought I'd be anything but thrilled to see her go but God damn, that was rough and I felt genuinely sad for her.
So yeah, big, heavy episode. I feel like I should give more attention to all the Sam and Dean moments, especially that final scene of theirs, but if I get into it more it's gonna mess my head up big time. But it was, hands down, one of the best, strongest, most emotionally impactful Winchester Broment ever and hats off to both guys for slaying it.
In conclusion, I have never been more terrified of Chuck.
Special Shoutouts: Benny! Another moment I had to pause on cuz I could instantly hear, even through the time zone differences, the screaming of several of you on here over that.
And also, MVP goes to Toby the Beaver. My mind will not be changed on that. Ever. Deal With It.
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samgirl98 · 5 years
Why Becky attacking me right now?
You can’t judge me
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deansawthetvglow · 4 years
i am Thinking
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supernaturaldaily · 5 years
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us vs the writers 
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theexecutionerssong · 5 years
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8x19 - 15x04 
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sortasirius · 5 years
I just love how aware this writing team is of their fanbase.  They don’t treat the die-hard fans like freaks anymore.
Becky is an adult, she’s been into Supernatural since she was a teenager, and now she’s got a family, kids, a husband, but she still loves Supernatural.  Her house is decorated with posters, funko pops, the books are in a special place, but she’s a cool, down to earth person.
There was just like this air of...respect to the way they wrote her.  She’s not crazy anymore, she’s just a devoted fan, and the fact that she’s successfully making a living off of fanfiction, which isn’t demonized like it was when she was introduced, it’s just a thing that she does and does well and she’s figured out how to monetize doing something she loves.
I’m just like...thrilled with the episode, it not only sets the boys up to subvert Chuck’s ultra-dark ending, but it also feels like we, this fanbase who has been insane for this show for so long, is a part of the journey.
They’ll never ever get enough credit, but I have all the respect in the world for Andrew Dabb as a showrunner and the team that he’s created.
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spnwhenever · 5 years
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15.04  |  1.09
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armandomendoza · 5 years
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Benny + Death | 8x19 - 10x19 - 15x04
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nikossasaki · 5 years
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Why don't you eat something? You'll feel better.
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agendercas · 5 years
Ok but who turned Billy?
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jaredandjensen · 5 years
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15x04 - Atomic Monsters
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thelordsoftherings · 5 years
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Team Free Will + beards
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