#spn bartholomew
supernatant · 9 months
Learned that Uriel is in charge of Uranus. It has an almost-sideways rotation theorised to have come from a planet hitting it. So this was definitely a screw-up on his part.
He got too ambitious with trying to make a moon for Uranus, made it too big, lost hold of it and boom. He and his peeps never live it down. A lot found it hilarious, but everyone was scared God would get mad. Chuck eventually found out and was like ‘eh. Looks kinda cool. Nbd, I’ve done worse’ but of course never said that to anyone so they’re still angsting
Uriel hates the jokes people make about the planet name. Ends basically every conversation with ‘it’s pronounced Uranus.’ People who regularly make jokes about it often die a few years early, and the 3 people who think the sideways rotation is cool tend to have good luck.
Also, based on absolutely nothing, Bartholomew is now one of Uriel’s squad, to add to his jealousy of Castiel. “Sure, when he screws up it makes a cool ring system everyone loves, but when we screw up, a planet literally goes sideways and we never hear the end of it.”
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thebeautyofspn · 1 month
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9x14 Captives
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melodyfsoul1 · 2 months
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Supernatural Angel Wings, Bartholomew
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vaicomcas · 1 year
In s9e14 Captives, Bartholomew recounted Castiel's great vicotry against Raphael and his loyalists (that's a whole other post). After Castiel's daring maneuver and success, he was "called back to headquarters" because "our leaders wanted those captives killed and knew you would stand in the way".
During the civil war in Season 6 against Raphael, Castiel was the leader. Here, it implies Castiel was simply one of the field commanders but there are higher ups. So this couldn't have been the same war.
Was there a previous civil war against Raphael? Who were Castiel and Bartholomew's "leaders?" What happened? Why did Raphael appear to continue to be in power? Did Castiel and Bartholomew's side lose?
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myaimistrue · 1 year
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balthazar appears throughout season 6. he has fought alongside castiel in the past, and he takes on a complicated role in heaven's civil war. ultimately, castiel kills balthazar, but he's a fan favorite despite his brief time on the show. bartholomew is in two season 9 episodes. he's a leader of one of the many angel factions after the fall, and once worked under both castiel and naomi. he is willing to do anything it takes to restore order to heaven--also, castiel kills him too. which of these castiel murder victims takes it?
link to the masterpost
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pollsnatural · 2 months
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Masterlist of polls for other characters
"Love of my life", "my best friend" etc are just names for the tiers. If you think that in your ranking system a character is at the top of your list and is your favorite, then you should vote for S tier. If you think that a character is good but not your favorite, then it's A tier. And so on (only exceptions are E tier and H tier, I think that they just kind of represent mixed feelings).
The picture is taken from Supernatural wiki
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angelfishofthelord · 2 years
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moodboard for the bible didnt mention us
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
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acesammy · 11 months
man i love cas, but he always gets saddled with the worst plots
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
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nightzombie · 10 months
one thing spn was crazy for was in 9x03 when cas was homeless and didn’t have money, he managed to get the tattoo to ward himself against bartholomew for like 3$. either he was getting an infection or the writers just…don’t know how much tattoos cost??
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lahzarus · 9 months
muses that might be added over the weekend / week
bartholomew ( spn )
raphael ( spn )
alastair ( spn )
dick roman ( spn )
eve ( spn )
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thebeautyofspn · 1 month
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9x14 Captives
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heatcaged · 1 year
why is bartholomew the lamest character thats ever appeared in spn. and thats saying something because they were adding in anyone
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vaicomcas · 7 months
That tow-truck driver lady in s10e2 was the luckiest character on SPN.
Why? because she had one nice thing to say about Castiel ( great guy you have there) and did not get brutally killed.
Compared to anybody else who had any kindness or positivity to Castiel. It doesn't matter how big or small their role is.
Yeah, we know: in the show nobody is allowed to tell Cas they love him. But also: nobody is allowed to genuinely admire Cas or show kindness to him. Those who did admire him have to be killed, made villain (and then killed), or shown as "vapid hysterical fans" (such as Godstiel's female admirers who witnessed his miracles; or the angel army characterized as a "cult"). Sometimes they have to be killed by Cas himself, just to twist the knife some more.
Anna, Balthazar, Samendriel, Gadreel, Muriel, Hannah, even Bartholomew and Malachi (they were his enemies but they praised him); Meg, Crowley, Rowena; Kara the Biggerson's waitress who was nice to Castiel in that one scene in "The Great Escapist"; Charlie who thought Castiel was "dreamy"; Cecily, Crowley's NSA spy who thought Castiel was "hot"; Kelly who had faith in Cas.
One other exception of this rule is Gas-n-sip manager Nora who gave Cas a compliment (you are special) but didn't get killed; however she made up for the "sin" by taking advantage of Cas for free babysitting, so she got a pass.
To be fair, most characters on the show got brutally killed. So I'm going to stress only those I think were killed because they were sympathetic to Cas. (therefore I don't count Meg and Crowley because the characters were meant to be killed off for reasons unrelated to their relationship with Cas; or Charlie who was more killed to...actually I'm not sure why, to give Dean some man pain to showcase I guess)
Anna was killed to make the point that Cas would readily go against someone who was important to him to protect the Winchesters.
Balthazar was killed to make the point that Cas was so corrupted and evil that he would kill someone who was his friend.
Samendriel was killed to make the point that Cas was so under control he would kill without intention (but does it have to be the only angel who defended his character?).
Hannah was killed to make the point of the degree to which all angels, even one who loved him, were his enemy because he "chose the Winchesters".
Another observation from this list: those who have been (however briefly) friendly to Cas were mostly in the earlier and mid seasons. After season 12, he was so isolated, he simply had no more real relationship with anybody else, therefore certainly nobody left to admire him and then get killed for it. Writing and killing off a Cas-positive character was too much trouble.
So then, after I tediously re-established what is already known that Cas was not allowed any friends or allies of his own, let me ask: did the main characters, who were presented as his "found family", ever gave him an earnest compliment?
No, I don't count "and you do help, you are always on our side" as an earnest compliment to Cas. It was just telling him his worth was not his own. (Both Dean and Sam had given this "compliment").
No I also don't count "my devastatingly handsome friend", it's just Dean needing to be center of attention when the waitress was into Cas, not him.
Is "surprisingly tough for a nerdy little guy" close to a compliment? No, I don't count either--this was just excuse Dean gave Sam and himself for abandoning Cas injured and comatose in the past (as a result of helping them).
Or is "don't ever change" considered a compliment? No, not taking it either; this is Dean saying, your other version (even though willing to die for me) sucked, but I'm glad this version of you is still useful to me.
Damn, after two years as bitter Cas fan I am still surprised by Dean's awfulness.
I can't think of Sam or Jack giving Cas an honest compliment either. Jack never acted like he admired Cas, only the Winchesters. Sam hugging Cas after Cas healed him in Season 9 was the closest, I guess, but once again, it's about what Cas did for him, not Castiel's own qualities.
It's possible that it happened and I just don't remember it. But if it did, it certainly never rose to the level of what Cas deserved.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 09x14 Captives
“Something’s off” “oh there we go” “oh shit” “that would be one reason to have a sword collection” “is it fkn Bobby or something?” laughter
“So you blast the thing that’s haunting the place. What’s stopping the thing from coming back while they’re getting ready for it to come back?” “who died?” “this is important” “Cca” “Staring at a coffee maker now?” “Wouldn’t it help if the coffee maker was plugged in? It’d be less work for Kevin” laughter
“Pretty fkn bad” I don’t think there’s a lake with a bridge in Wichita
“I mean if it’s the only functioning coffee maker, I’d bring it too” “very well framed” “neither of them were the funniest angel in the garrison” “way to fkn make him angry” “So Crowley snapping Linda’s neck - that was just trickery?” “well shit” “Good luck telling that to Kevin” “Was that Dean? OH they haven’t come yet” “sure” “what the fuck” “Kid doesn’t want to show them the records, gets the records, then offers to show them the units” “Guess it’s in the red orange hue hallway. Obviously bad” “well Jesus Christ” “I didn’t see that coming. I thought that was Dean’s thing” “Angels are all power-hungry as fuck, and demons just want to follow the next leader. At least, that’s what they make it seem like” “getting some strong NO vibes on that one” “You didn’t test her for possession or anything like that?” “Why wouldn’t she do this earlier? Oh she had cuffs on” “It’s just weird to bring her on” “Sam should probably care more about escaping than telling her. Could have told her after they got out” “very loose stitching on Bartholomew’s collar” “if you’re going to fight in your suit anyway, why loosen your collar? It’s easier to grab now” “Fkn got him” “I thought he meant Abaddon or something” “how many times is she going to say that?” “shocked pikachu face” “I choose you” “so fkn dramatic” “What is the hole with the bell in it?” “Isn’t that supposed to be an impenetrable door? And there’s a hole with a bell? What the fuck is that? There’s no brick” “Is that 21?” “His is 11 I guess”
“Is that how he deals with his problems?”
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and-stir-the-stars · 2 years
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listen. i'm just saying...
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