#spn s1e15
pleasetakethis · 7 months
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arcanespillo · 6 months
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Born Under a Bad Sign, SPN S2E14 Lazarus, TXF S1E15
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cloudy-skyscape · 1 year
imagine this
it’s February 14, 2006. You accidentally fell asleep while watching Gilmore Girls. Supernatural season 1 episode 15 is airing for the first time. You wake up mid episode. You are horrified.
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deansamnatural · 2 years
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just.. how surprised sam is that dean would be worried for him
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beachboysnatural · 2 years
Outlander is SUCH a violent show but only now am I like “ugh this is so stressful” people have DIED
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s9e19 alex annie alexis ann (w. robert berens)
i need a never-skip-recap button for spn on netflix, i need all the help i can get to remember wtf is going on. jody and vampires, let's get it
The episode title is a play on the title of the 2011 psychological thriller Martha Marcy May Marlene.
and you know who's in that? our hugh dancy (from hannibal)
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little cillian murphy vibes
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okay, adorable haircut
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JODY Eh, only aches when it rains. How you boys been? DEAN Peachy. SAM Touch and go.
lol sam's face. skrunkly
i am ... vaguely distressed for this actress that had to have jared padalecki aggressively swabbing her gums. awkward
DEAN So she's a blood slave. We've seen it before – vampires keeping people as pets, human feedbags. Sometimes these slaves... SAM Stay loyal to their captors.
this episode is uh. it's got a lot of kinky subtext potential
so is bloodbag girl gonna come to understand how her parents must have felt when she got taken from jody's son dying? and/or is jody just gonna adopt her?
also when are we circling back to the sam "only child" winchester brother angst? aside from skrunkle faces we've been pretty much acting normal
sure dean would be happy to go do some morally just slicing and dicing rampage
this reminds me of that hannibal episode with molly shannon collecting a family of kids and having them murder their actual families
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hannibal s1e4 oeuf
DEAN Okay, that "girl" can't be trusted. She's a lure. She's a-a honey trap. She's been feeding people to those vamps! JODY I don't care. Whatever she did, she did because they made her.
speaking of hannibal, jody said abigail rights
DEAN And how do you even know she wants to be saved? For the past eight years, she has been baiting the hook for an entire nest. She's got more blood on her hands than most monsters we kill. JODY Are you saying she's on your list?
jody could use a little heads up about dean being extra murdery due to the mark
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love this vampire lady's hair. red and curly and wild
sam's empathy is getting a workout lately. all these soft understanding looks he's trading with jody (and everyone) when dean's all bloodthirsty
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shades of the benders. cool and nice cop lady, fucked up murdering family that eats people with a daughter for a lure, a winchester bound to a chair while the other is threatened
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s1e15 the benders
SAM Nice work back there. "Look at me, bitch"? DEAN Well, hey, you got another snappy one-liner, I'm all ears. SAM What I'm saying is – it looked to me like you were enjoying it. Maybe too much. DEAN And? Well, sorry for not putting on a hair shirt. Killing things that need killing is kind of our job. Last I checked, taking pleasure in that is not a crime.
A hair shirt, also known as a cilice, is a garment made of coarse cloth or animal hair and typically worn in religious circles to cause pain and discomfort for the purposes of repentance and atonement.
are we expected to know what this is?
why are all these plotlines such slow burns. do they still not know the mark makes him extra murdery??? TOO MUCH SHIT IS GOING ON
so far moc!dean seems kind of like fresh out of purgatory dean
editing to add that they did squeeze in a little brother angst with that brief
DEAN Yeah, I know. You wouldn't have done the same for me.
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Ep 15 - The Benders
Director: Peter Ellis Writers: Eric Kripke, John Shiban
Oh man. Ok so to be honest this was another rough episode for me, but I’m going to try to focus on the stuff that I liked before I get to my one big gripe with the story.
I loved the performance of the cop in this episode. I think that actress did a really good job. In general I liked her story and that she got resolution for her brother’s death by killing the main villain. I liked the way she interacted with Dean. I also liked that there was zero sexual tension between them, which was an interesting and sort of new dynamic for Dean to have with another character. I feel very comfortable chalking this lack up to the fact that she was a brunette, but it was still nice to see her boss Dean and have him not flirt with her in return. I do think it’s sort of hilarious how often they have the Third Character on the show be a lady, but I guess that’s what needs to happen when you have two (supposedly) het hotboi protags. Anyway, we stan anyone who puts Dean in handcuffs.
We get some good Dean moments of trying to navigate being a human person interacting with another human person which he is very bad at. I enjoyed watching him stretch across the hood of the car to try to get the antennae to use to pick the handcuffs. Don’t read too much into that.
I also liked that this episode had a lot more Action throughout the episode. The past couple have primarily been a lot of backstory to explain the events. This episode was just them Investigating The Weird Thing which was more entertaining because we get to watch the events actually play out. I thought the characterizations of the children were pretty well done, even with the minimal dialogue they had. One of them had a weird laugh that I thought fit well with the spirit of the episode, and I thought the actress who played the little girl did a good job also. Honestly if you told me when I was 12 that I would get to roll around in dirt, behave absolutely feral, and stab some dude in the leg with a knife with little provocation I would also be having the time of my life.
That being said, I think the events of this episode are very stupid. First of all, this episode is supposed to be weird because there’s no supernatural element. Dean has at least two lines to the effect that “well normal people just are crazy I guess” which I hate. In so many of the past 14 episodes, the antagonist has been essentially a human, and I don’t think the supernatural element of those stories really affected the person’s motivations. The motivation for these villains is just that they like killing people. They say like “humans are the ultimate game” but the humans they capture make fucking awful hunting targets and get murdered very easily, so that part doesn’t really make that much sense either but whatever.
As much as I don’t want it to, this episode reminds me a lot of the X-Files episode “Home,” which is a pretty infamous episode and has similar themes of “isolated country family goes sort of nuts.” I don’t know which episode is most successful in carrying through with these themes, but I don’t like “Home” either so maybe the conclusion is just that the point of this theme is very unclear.
Anyway, moment to moment thoughts: - Guy gets scared and disappears under car - Oh good we don’t have to go thru any intro rigamarole before getting the bros in these police uniforms - This bar is named Kugels Keg - Oh noooo Dean playing darts oh nooooooooo - Dean wants to have ~fun~ - Uhoh Sam vs motorcycles,, will Sam get snatched? - Lmao the audio work on that cat scratch and hiss was really, uh, something. Then some weird chime just looking at Sam’s feet. Uhoh Sam's gone - "like the rifle?" gross - Dean is gay for himself - The police officer knows something - Uhoh Sammy's pov in a cage - Amber alert namedrop - Oh my god the car just fucking drives by at that exact moment?? - It's the guy from the beginning "smells like the country" "we're in the middle of nowhere" from the guy in the cage who doesn’t know where they are - SHOW ME THE MONSTER oh they're just people LMAO - Yasss tug that pipe Sam - Uhoh Dean got caught "that Michael Jackson skin *smnthn*" .. uhoh there writers, maybe don’t do this - Dean trying to guilt his way into this officer's graces "I have to take you in" yeah no shit oh she's down I guess - "it’s a bracket" - This guy is gonna die ugly - Are they like feeding a monster or something? - There are a lot of shitty cars on this property - Is he being hunted? Thats what it looks like - Ok he just got stabbed to death - "your luck is so pressed" - The actress for the police officer is doing a really good job - Dean's promises are worth nothing lol she locked him to the car good for her - Oh creepy girl why is this officer being referred to by her first name - Officer down - Stretch Dean STRETCH - The giggle boys - They took her hair down? - Food service? No it's Dean. But this doesn't feel right. - What the hell is this episode - Turns flashlight on directly into eyes - Specimens from victims.. brains?? - Yes they're being hunted those are big game photos - Human bone rattle while presumably human butchering is happening. Also weird plinky music for atmosphere love the horror game vibes - Teeth - Creepy daughter stabs Dean - Knocking people out from behind seems like the mo - Are they out of cages? - Is the best hunt human? It seems pretty lame - "you're a sick puppy" - The girl is evil - Oh they're scared of cops - No don't burn deans eye out - He's opening the door? - Dean you're literally tied to a chair - Uhoh cop lady on his back - Classic shot guy behind other guy - Literally kill him. Or knock him out. Or cage him. I don't want this scene with the cop lady - Oh she just murdered him cool I was really worried with where that was going - The girl?? - What the FUCK was this episode - Luck pressed - This actress is killing it
So yeah, I have mixed feelings about this episode. I think if I just accept the conceit of the weird murder family the rest is actually pretty well well done. The pacing and tension in the episode is pretty good, and the supporting actors (except maybe the dad, who’s a bit too much and not enough at the same time) do a good job. I had fun watching it, which is the most important thing.
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deanscaps · 3 years
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Supernatural rewatch - 01.15 The Benders
Another one of my favorites in season 1
I love all the brotherly banter in this episode
Kathleen was great. A badass character and a good actress. I really felt for her
KATHLEEN: Samuel Winchester. So, you know that his brother, Dean Winchester, died in St. Louis. And, uh, was suspected of murder.
DEAN: Yeah, Dean. Kind of the black sheep of the family. Handsome, though.
DEAN: Sam’s my responsibility. And he’s comin’ back. I’m bringin’ him back.
KATHLEEN: I ran your badge number. It’s routine when we’re working a case with state police. For accounting purposes and what have you.
DEAN: Mmhmm.
KATHLEEN: And, uh, they just got back to me. It says here your badge was stolen. And there’s a picture of you. (a heavy African-American man.)
DEAN: I lost some weight. And I got that Michael Jackson skin disease.
DEAN: Look, here’s the thing. When we were young, I pretty much pulled him from a fire. And ever since then, I’ve felt responsible for him. Like it’s my job to keep him safe. I’m just afraid if we don’t find him fast—please. He’s my family.
DEAN: Demons I get. People are crazy.
DEAN: Oh, eat me. No, no, no, wait, wait, wait—you actually might.
DEAN: You hurt my brother, I’ll kill you, I swear. I’ll kill you all. I will kill you all!
DEAN: Never do that again.
SAM: Do what?
DEAN: Go missin’ like that.
SAM: You were worried about me.
DEAN: All I’m sayin’ is, you vanish like that again, I’m not lookin’ for ya.
SAM: Sure, you won’t.
DEAN: I’m not.
SAM: So, you got sidelined by a thirteen-year-old girl, huh?
DEAN: Oh, shut up.
SAM: Just sayin’, gettin’ rusty there, kiddo.
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chaosnatural · 3 years
goodnight hugs to everyone who writes amazing peotry !!
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trying to make it more tense by showing only his legs first but I'd know those bowlegs anywhere
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thiefnessman · 3 years
so this is just. rural The Most Dangerous Game
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mlobsters · 1 month
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supernatural s1e2 wendigo (teleplay: eric kripke, story: ron milbauer, terri hughes burton)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
quelled my irrational anxiety long enough to start the rewatch and recap what i have not yet recapped and thank fuck for that because not having my scheduled evening task was not going well. i am staunchly ignoring the not-so-distant future where i will again be out-of-task.
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fun fact this is the first screenshot i took while watching this show, long before i considered doing these posts. brotherly chat at the fire, if i recall correctly. we'll soon see! thought it'd be a fun easy draw because it's almost entirely dark with the little kiss of light around his profile.
DEAN You okay? SAM Yeah, I'm fine. DEAN Another nightmare? You wanna drive for a while? SAM Dean, your whole life you never once asked me that. DEAN Just thought you might want to. Never mind. SAM Look, man, you're worried about me. I get it, and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay. DEAN Mm-hm.
now if that isn't love
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SAM What, are you cruising for a hookup or something? DEAN What do you mean? SAM The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge, so what are we waiting for? Let's just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl? DEAN I don't know, maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it? SAM What? DEAN Since when are you all shoot first ask questions later, anyway? SAM Since now.
little cheesy in execution (blaming some of this on the music honestly*) but whatever :p sammy's a new man, hardened by his loss and grief 😤
*guess who did the music this episode 🤪
was curious since this is the same director as the pilot, if he did more episodes this seasons - nope, just 1x01 and 1x02. but this little quote on his wiki page
David Nutter, even with his extensive experience in the industry, was impressed by Padalecki and Ackles' chemistry. Never have I done a show where two actors clicked so well together. These guys had never met each other before and it was like they were instantly brothers.S1Com
we're all sending up our thanks for whatever led to them being cast, for real
HALEY Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other.
coming in hot already with sibling parallels. even when john was alive, he wasn't around and dean's the father mother brother situation. and we've got a vulnerable lookin little brother here we're all gonna be fighting over to take care of
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DEAN Well, we'll find your brother. We're heading out to Blackwater Ridge first thing. HALEY Then maybe I'll see you there. Look, I can't sit around here anymore. So I hired a guy. I'm heading out in the morning, and I'm gonna find Tommy myself. DEAN I think I know how you feel.
looking for dad, looking for sam after dad is gone...
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s1e2 / s5e14
oh, my dear old friend, untitled 1 and 2!! and what kind of background is this! lol my spn desktop background update tag for all my riveting screenshots of their laptop desktop backgrounds - apparently i called this their snazzy background when it was used in s5, but damn dude look at the coloring differences. how warm/red the s5 is in comparison. skateboard on a chest i guess is what's happening there
aw man, apparently the actress playing the sister, gina holden, was claudia stilinski in an episode of teen wolf but her scene got deleted. and little brother there alden ehrenreich was han solo in solo: a star wars story (which i haven't seen.)
i do know i know someone in this episode though, little surprised i didn't do a hey i know you post for it actually. not sure when the first one i did for spn was. s1e11 scarecrow apparently!
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s1e2 callum keith rennie as roy / the killing s1e4 as rick felder / the x-files s1e15 as tommy / existenz (1999) as hugo carlaw
we got an xfiles and the killing alum, and he was in existenz! in fact i did a hey i know you for him when i was rewatching the xfiles a few years ago 😂
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someone give this child a hug (and the actor was actually a kid, 16)
DEAN Sam and I are brothers, and we're looking for our father. He might be here, we don't know. I just figured that you and me, we're in the same boat. HALEY Why didn't you just tell me that from the start? DEAN I'm telling you now. 'sides, it's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman. ...ever. So we okay?
oh yeah, dean? what about spilling your guts about all the family secrets to cassie, huh?? lol. gotta maintain your asshole-man image
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wonder if the peanut m&ms was the only actual brand placement they did, their production design people were always whipping up fun fake branded drinks and foodstuff
hey, it's one of the xfiles-y sounds (when she says "our packs!") i didn't notice this until way way later. grabbed a clip of it from 10x12 compared to the same effect used in the xf movie fight the future (because i happened to know where the sound was in that movie, it's def a standard xf score sound.) i think it was just a lot more forward in that s10 clip, maybe that's why it caught my ear and had slid by unnoticed before.
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cannot get over him looking like the saddest teenaged baby brother in all the lands
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DEAN You wanna tell me what's going on in that freaky head of yours? SAM Dean— DEAN No, you're not fine. You're like a powder keg, man, it's not like you. I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember? SAM Dad's not here. I mean, that much we know for sure, right? He would have left us a message, a sign, right?
the brotherly chats *chef's kiss*
SAM Then let's get these people back to town and let's hit the road. Go find Dad. I mean, why are we still even here? DEAN This is why. This book. This is Dad's single most valuable possession—everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. And he's passed it on to us. I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business.
the tagline that never dies
SAM That makes no sense. Why doesn't he just—call us? Why doesn't he—tell us what he wants, tell us where he is? DEAN I dunno. But the way I see it, Dad's giving us a job to do, and I intend to do it.
for real, sam. dad's an ass :p i think someone justified it to me that john couldn't contact them directly because of the demons watching him and he didn't want to lead them to the boys
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SAM Dean...no. I gotta find Dad. I gotta find Jessica's killer. It's the only thing I can think about. DEAN Okay, all right, Sam, we'll find them, I promise. Listen to me. You've gotta prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while, and all that anger, you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You gotta have patience, man. SAM How do you do it? How does Dad do it?
oh, sam.
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DEAN Well for one, them. I mean, I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little bit more bearable. I'll tell you what else helps. Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can.
it's this kind of thing that grabbed me by the throat early on. clear communication, sam has been deflecting but he opened up a crack after dean gently pushed again. and dean is honest and kind, trying to take care of sam. ugh. hurt/comfort my beloved.
buh, this action music when roy gets yoinked by the monster is not great.
SAM So we've got half a chance in the daylight. And I for one want to kill this evil son of a bitch.
snorted. i swear sam got stuck with some cheesy lines back in the day. part of my hot take theory of why jackles's acting stood out more to me initially, i think he just got better dialogue. padalecki hit it out of the park with those moments with jackles, but same episode he had a lot of like... i'm taking charge of the situation moments that felt awkward
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sammy brooding with dad's journal, dean staring at sam for a very long time, he's just a baby 🥺
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we're all having a moment
this is why i reached the 30 image limit when i rewatched 1x01 :p
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LOL. we can't swear really, but we're gonna use the hell out of the words we can say
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baby brother clinging on to anyone at this point, sammy holding the line
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kinda looks like the game of thrones night king lol
via wiki
Eric Kripke had long been critical of this episode, particularly because he felt the creature wasn't successfully scary. "He looked more like Gollum's tall, gangly cousin than anything else", he says in Supernatural: The Official Companion Season 2. However on February 11, 2018 he tweeted: "I have something shocking, even sacrilegious to say: I watched #Wendigo with my son for the first time in over 10 years. And it wasn't bad at all. 2005 effects were lame, but it was scary. Plus young Han Solo! I'm taking it off my shit list. #spnfamily @cw_spn"
inexplicably some sort of jaguar type roar as the wendigo is burning
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HALEY So I don't know how to thank you. DEAN smirks lasciviously. HALEY smiles despite herself. HALEY Must you cheapen the moment? DEAN Yeah.
very cute. deflecting from dealing with the gratitude and lightening the moment
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DEAN Sam, you know we're gonna find Dad, right? SAM Yeah, I know. But in the meantime? I'm driving.
this scene obviously has been gif'd to death but i didn't really remember the context and it makes it all the better. sam gets to return the very long staring moment, and lets dean give him a little treat to take care of him and make him feel better that he declined earlier
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and jared, you made a choice with that expression. I think that look could be enough to launch a thousand ships alone. the line feels like it should be kind of teasing mischievous little brother vibes, but his face says unbearable affection and something I'd expect more out of a romantic-dynamic teasing feel. wild
my cup runneth over
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S1 E15: The Benders
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G o d this episode sets up like a regular monster hunt so well. It's so much worse since I know what's actually coming.
Jdjdjdjjdd where did they get state trooper uniforms tho, hats and all
I do love the casual cryptid namedropping in the early seasons - sure, sure, springheeled jacks are real, why not. (Not to get off-track, but this does make me side with Sam later on re: the existance of angels making logical sense)
Sam really fucking yells at that cat lmaoooo poor boy needs a fucking break he's so tense
"Have you guys been outside around here in the last hour or so" ???? Dean how long were you in that fucking bathroom???????
It's.... It's not a good look to be calling a dead man suspected of multiple homicides handsome. Especially when you claim he was your cousin. I don't care that you're talking about yourself, Dean, it's not a good look!
....the police files say that Sam and Dean are both 6'4" pffft
Sam looks more naked in just a tshirt than he does in any future shirtless scenes. My boy needs his LAYERS.
"They're just people" is somehow the most chilling sentence uttered on this fucking show... man I forgot how much this episode unnerves me
Oof the emotion in Dean's voice when he's begging to be allowed to find Sam... that really hit me...
Jenkins clearly has never seen a horror movie :/ or read The Most Dangerous Game
Mmmm this set gives me Outlast 2 vibes and i am NOT digging it
Missy is so CREEPY she's a bit older than the usual "unnervingly creepy child" but my GOD does she do it well
Jdjsndndhs who turns on a flashlight while looking directly into it are you trying to blind yourself Dean? That's not gonna help matters
Dean: 0.5 (for sneaking into the house in the first place), Freaky Backwoods Family: too many to count, unfortunately
The panic on Dean's face when they're going to shoot Sam without giving him that "fighting chance" is visceral
"Because it's fuuuun" is a very close second for the most chilling sentence uttered on this entire show
"The Benders" final thoughts: In my opinion, this is the scariest episode of SPN hands down - they fight monsters and demons and ghosts and whatnot all the time, but like Sam says, the Benders are just... people. And people are the worst monsters.
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rosiecoloredstuff · 4 years
Hey there, SPN family!
I would like to ask for your help, please. I need a very specific gif, from season 1,and I can't find it, don't know if it's exist, but if it doesn't, could someone please make it for me?
The gif I need is, like I mentioned, is from season 1, episode 15; 'The Benders'. I need that moment, when the dad, aka the main psychopath says 'Because it's fuuun!'.. It's around at the end of the episode when the police officer asks about her brother and why they are killing people.
Please, please if someone has this gif, or could help me out making it, I would be so grateful!
Thank you for advance guys!
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