#spones specifically is in there
an-actual-floof · 8 months
i’m tired of editing, grandpa, i wanna go back to drawing old space man yaoi
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dustykneed · 5 months
one of my favourite mcspirk getting together tropes is jim and spock noticing something off about bones and being forced to beat it out of him with a stick (metaphorically) before bones opens up and they finally get together. like go you emotionally constipated space nerds i believe in you !!! you can do it!!
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semi-accidental prompt fill for @mcspirkevents' mcspirk bingo prompt "getting together for the first time" (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪
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lonelymoonrambles · 9 months
Good morning! It's a beautiful day to wake up and write angsty gay fanfiction!
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excavatinglizard · 1 year
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One of these days, I’ll stop using the same motifs in my art over and over again. Today is not that day.
I’ve also uploaded this to my redbubble as well!
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Just a little bit of my process, thumbnail, detailed sketch, and lineart
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apathyandmischief · 8 months
I'm just saying, if Gene Roddenberry didn't want us to think his universe was so gay, there's a LOT of things he could've written very differently
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guys who cant stand each other but find that being apart is infinitely worse
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fuckyeahspones · 6 months
Had a talk with some Spones fans earlier, and it got me thinking: what are some of the things you like about Spones?
Reblog and share some of the things you love and like about this ship!
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alexpdcl · 5 days
Hello! I'm a new follower, and I just wanted to say that I really love your art!!! The way you draw spones and their dynamic is so amazing 💖
Have a great day!
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THANK YOU! they've been keeping me up for days and are quickly taking over my headspace 👍
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windypuddle · 1 year
i think we should give mccoy credit for his self control in mirror mirror because if i was mccoy and mirror spock backed me up against a wall i wouldve kissed him with tongue
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aenslem · 1 year
hello . Hi. thank you for gif'ing all the best spones moments. it is such a service you provide and i'm so thankful \(T o T)/ <333 for real you are crushing it 100/10 i love it
Hii! I'm glad you enjoy them, i intend to make more :3
They are my number one ship, i love them so much, and idk how else to express my love for them, so I'm making gifs 🩵💙
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hopeful-bat · 2 years
um ok so I’m trying to get better with playlists and playlists games seem like so much fun so! Maybe I’ll do one of those one of these times hehe
or! Send me a character or something and I’ll make a playlist :D
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dustykneed · 24 days
perennial (how many five-year missions does it take for a kid to grow into a young adult?)
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i feel sorta bad for being mean to poor ol bones but i don't have the energy for a bonus doodle so here's the sketch from my soft spones painting because i like it almost as much as the rendered thing ^^
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(yeah bones is totally doing the ozh'esta unconciously haha. im so tired rn but they are SO soft with each other ok. they have my heart <3333)
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sponesevents · 6 months
I run @goodomensevents and I get messages fairly often about how useful it is to have one place to go to see if there's any community engagement or interaction or whatever coming up. And, well, spones is my original and always love so I'm starting this!
If you see a post that is spruking an event I haven't shared here, please send it to me!
Please note, I am not running any of these events. I'm not involved at all, I'm just a pin board to advertise them. Please contact the organiser if you have questions about a specific event.
I will not spam reblog events, I'll reblog a post once and you can do the research if you're interested in it. However, I will reblog multiple posts from the same event if they're sufficiently different (for example interest check, sign up, posting has begun are all different enough)
This blog will share events that focus on spones, include spones as an options (including platonic or all crew events that allow noncanon ships), or triumvirate/mcspirk events where creators can choose to focus on spones.
This blog will not share anything that explicitly states no spones or noncanon ships. Also, I won't share open commission posts.
Please feel free to send me links to any spones or wider trek (that is spones friendly) event so I can share it! I follow the spones tag but I am just a person so I absolutely could miss something wonderful 💚💙
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muirmarie · 2 months
mcspirk month mYEAR planning post
idk if anyone likes these (these being planning posts), but here, it feels weird to have it tucked away in my notes when my BTHB and mcspirk bingo planning posts are on here, so. anywho. you know the drill: this is just me rambling, feel free to ignore!!
the bolded are those i still don't have a plan for <3 - as per my usual these are all tos unless otherwise noted
Day 1: Forced Proximity (“this isn’t a blessing,” mccoy hisses. “one day,” the king says, “you’ll see that is it.” - the one where spock and kirk cannot get more than an arm's length away from mccoy for 30 days w/o causing him debilitating pain)
Day 2: Touch-starved (spock and kirk cuddle mccoy out of touch starvation - this is like 75% done, I just need to finish it)
Day 3: Only One Bed (established mckirk to mcspirk. um. very nsfw. by far the most nsfw i’ve ever even considered writing lmao. currently sitting at almost 12k, probably will be around 15-17k all told. i don't even know how to describe this. kirk aggressively helping spock play gay chicken with mccoy until mccoy finally believes spock wants both of them, idk.)
Day 4: Hand Holding (maybe the one where spock & kirk slowly gaslight mccoy into holding hands with them - yes the tags are spones but i am very certain kirk would be very happy to gaslight mccoy into hand-holding as well)
Day 5: [hurt comfort or against a wall (no story planned)]
Day 6: Protective McCoy (no story planned)
Day 7: Hand Kink (the one where spock is cucked w/ hand sex lmao)
Day 8: Public Display of Affection (would you still love and/or employ me if i was a worm?)
Day 9: Spock is a Hopeless Romantic (the flirty spock one probably?)
Day 10: [Hands or a bonus (no story planned)]
Day 11: Fuck or Die (vulcan sex magic hanahaki, this is, like. I have elements of it, but it’s not nailed down yet quite how it works. it's a vulcan disease but naturally mccoy's the one who gets it.)
Day 12: Aliens Made them Do It (the plato’s stepchildren one - i've been poking at this one since. like. january lmao. it's maybe 30% done, but it's not gonna be super long, i'm just slow with it. it is. hm. not a fluffy story. the platonians decide that mccoy simply needs to learn to say yes to them. how helpful they have spock and kirk around to help underscore the point.)
Day 13: [time loop or sex in a three way body swap or a bonus (no story planned, BUT do I really wanna write another time loop fic and/or can I really handle writing another smut fic lmao. If I did do time loop tho it would be the one where Kirk refuses to leave the time loop until he can solve the no-win scenario, i just don’t know how that goes yet. The sex in a three way body swap would be the AOS mcspirkura one, probably. Or the tos spones to mcspirk one. idk idk.)]
Day 14: Tarsus IV (kirk: i always knew i’d die alone. this is....jim character study, i think? I do need to come up w/ a happy (or at least: not sad) ending for it tho. So I’m still Thinking about this one.)
Day 15: Fake Dating (the one where the royal is trying to marry mccoy in order to keep him, and spock and kirk independently decide to fake date him to save him. also sarek loves trashy romance books. background uhura/scotty.)
Day 16: Lost the Ability to Speak (bones and uhura signing in federation common sign language - yes that's vague but all i need is something to center around tbh)
Day 17: McCoy Hurt w/ Spock & Kirk Comfort (this is like 95% of what i write lmao but i don’t have a specific plot yet)
Day 18: [Jealous Bones OR Oral Fixation (no story planned but it it’s jealousy it’s not gonna be traditional jealousy, bc I’m generally not a fan of jealousy storylines (unless all parties are unaware that they’re jealous - those I find VERY funny)]
Day 19: [Kirk is Missing, Presumed Dead or a bonus - probably a bonus (no story planned)]
Day 20: Accidental Voyeurism (okay the one where mccoy wakes up and his arm is trapped underneath kirk’s head and spock’s holding that hand as he’s laying on top of kirk and making out with him. I will have to find a plot tho. a reason. a Reason. It’s not established spirk either)
Day 21: Bondage (heh established spirk discovering mccoy’s penchant for getting tied up and/or tying others up and then literally not able to shut up about their platonic friends private habits for like a solid three months. they only care platonically of course. you don’t need those other ppl to tie you up bones you’ve got us. this one’s about 10% started.)
Day 22: Mirrorverse (mirrorverse katra sharing, it’s a whole thing, this is out of my wheelhouse but i have some Ideas, but this one isn’t going to be anytime soon)
Day 23: [reunion or teasing or a bonus (no story planned) - *eta actually for teasing i could maybe do the one where spock conducts an "experiment" in a private lab where he has mccoy & kirk work on a project for him while he gets extremely handsy w/ them - he's doing a study ("study" - they're all aware this is just spock's ideal version of foreplay) about human arousal in a working environment, and they're supposed to not let him distract them*]
Day 24: Temporary Blindness (this is going to be such a long messy mccoy whump story tbh. orpheus and eurydice part two. before i can even really start it tho i have to decide on pov, because that….really affects things for this one. but i mostly know how the story goes. also not anytime soon tho, maybe not even this year)
Day 25: Praise Kink (i COULD go temporary awkward ability if i don’t want to write anything too sexy, but the planned version is, like, kirk blossoms like a bashful babe and spock is genuinely moved when it comes to praise, but mccoy turns bright red and wants them to stop? BUT they like so much the way he flushes and struggles to accept the praise that they ask him to be good for them because THEY like it, and so he’s absolutely mortified but still? allows it for them? and they of course like it because they want to make him accept it.)
Day 26: Expectations vs Reality (counseling fic! The one where spock and kirk are dating but still somehow drag mccoy to their relationship counseling.)
Day 27: Vacation Gone Awry (no story planned)
Day 28: Awkward Spock (checking for pulse over the liver instead of the wrist because he forgets where human hearts are when jim or leonard is hurt)
Day 29: Getting Interrupted (mcspirk sexy 3d chess - that’s right they’re interrupting mccoy’s WORK lmao)
Day 30: Desperate Measures (the enemy within one that’s 80% finished where kirk’s wolf and sheep sides both have to have sex w/ mccoy while spock melds with them both, all for very important science reasons - don’t worry about it.)
Day 31: Insecurity (*eta - mccoy gets out of a LDR and is bummed, and kirk tries to cheer him up by putting his name up for the underground "sexiest starfleet officer" bracket that scotty & uhura are running, to prove to mccoy that ppl find him attractive. unfortunately it turns out the crew finds him VERY attractive, kirk is having some jealously-related revelations, spock is gonna kill jim if he has to watch mccoy get asked out one more time, and mcco is yay close to having a nervous breakdown from being turned into a sex symbol*)
Bonus 1: nightmares (look this is fucked, just trust me this is a very messy thing and it is very fucked and i have to make all my maths fit together before i write it or it will feel too flimsy and fall apart, but. kirk's trapped in a nightmare by a parasite that bleeds into the waking world (there are reasons for it) that cause physical damage to mccoy. spock melds w/ kirk to try to change the dream. this has unexpected side effects. - this one WILL be written for mcspirk month i just don't know what day i'm replacing yet.)
Bonus 2: pet names (i think i might be able to fit the kiss me/fuck me fic into this prompt but i’m not 100% sure yet - aka the one where mccoy & kirk use “kiss me” as a SFW swear for “fuck me” and “don’t make me kiss you” as a SFW swear for “fuck you” and annoy everyone around them w/ this silly in joke until one time mccoy says “kiss me” w/o thinking to spock, and spock’s just. hmm. don’t mind if i do. and kirk thinks it’s so funny he starts kissing mccoy all the time as WELL. very pre-them even realizing they want a relationship (except for spock, spock has Plans, thank you). this will be written at SOME point, it depends if i need another bonus/if it fits the prompt enough.)
Other bonuses i’d consider if i need them, but no stories planned: blindfolds, misuse of the bond, uhura helps them out.
Other vague stories i have that i could rotate until they might fit a prompt: pacific rim au, space forgetties, [number]+1 of mccoy getting kissed awake/the +1 getting kissed to shut him up, spock going through the wringer re: mccoy getting hurt (that was written spones but could easily by mcspirk), empath era katra au, post-empath spock won't stop touching mccoy, katra transfer requires a kiss, this isn’t even all of them, it genuinely is absurd how many tag spirals i’ve written like this lmaoooo /sigh 
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lenievi · 8 months
TOS-tober day 6 (triumvirate prompts)
Favourite romantic duo?
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My doorway to mckirk was the bar scene between them in Beyond. That was the first scene I saw from AOS, and only after that I watched the films in order. Because it was the their "final" AOS dynamic that I fell in love with, I feel it's only logical (lol) that I would also like everything about their TOS version because Beyond is the closest to TOS in feeling and characterization (even though I'd still say it's closer to TOS films rather than the show itself).
Yesterday, I said that the spones dynamic is the most engaging, and it is. But Kirk and McCoy's relationship has always been my favourite. It took me a bit to cross the line into the romantic nature of it, but I'm embracing it fully now~
When it comes to Kirk and McCoy in TOS, their relationship is the most quiet, in a way. Their most important scenes are at the beginning of s1, and when you don't get on that train early, it's easy to just miss it imho Not that there aren't good scenes as far as s3 (but they're mostly part of the triumvirate scenes, and Spock-McCoy overshadow the Kirk-McCoy angle), and then the films are just full of mckirk scenes, but at that point, I feel like most people are just focused elsewhere. The lack of fanworks doesn't help either, unfortunately.
But from early on, you know that Kirk and McCoy are close friends. McCoy approaches Kirk in a way no one else does, and Kirk lets his guard around McCoy down. He shares his doubts with him, and he's often willing to listen to McCoy without telling him he doesn't need to be psychoanalyzed. Even though there's literally no need in 90% of cases, Kirk will take McCoy with him on most missions. The show itself even acknowledged how neither of them were necessary in landing parties, but Kirk's need for exploration include McCoy around and giving McCoy opportunities to study things. Which is then again reflected in TMP, where Kirk just needs to have McCoy with him and pesters an admiral to grant him that need.
At times, McCoy sees Kirk through rose-coloured glasses and he cares about him so much, but he's also afraid that Jim will push himself (and also others) above his limit. Kirk is someone who is 100% dedicated to his job, his ship, and his crew, and McCoy is afraid that it will consume him one day - stress, duty, regulations, pressure. He's afraid that Spock will enable Jim to continue on a path of cold logic and forget himself. Destroy himself. And so he makes sure that he can always try and pull Jim back. And Jim? Jim would be lost without McCoy. (McCoy is so important to him.) He might not acknowledge it, but he needs to occasionally hear what McCoy has to say. McCoy is his connection with a world outside of "command" - McCoy specifically isn't welcome in that world. He can question Jim himself, but he can't question Kirk's command decisions. It's not his place.
They're both genuinely fond of each other and they understand each other. And they can hurt each other the most because they know where it would hurt the most. They have a strong emotional connection that isn't diluted too much by professionalism and the chain of command, but it's still an important part of their dynamic.
All of this works for me as a basis for them as a romantic ship where I can exaggerate some of it and mold it into something that I enjoy, that can be a little bit messed up. In a way, "I need you. Damn it, Bones, I need you. Badly." & McCoy killing a living being twice because of Kirk is an important part of the way I ship them.
But at the end of the day, I love Kirk and McCoy's relationship in any way, and I honestly don't know how to properly describe what their friendship in TOS means to me. And it's all thanks to one youtube video of their AOS versions having a drink together in a dimply lit bar.
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fely-v · 10 months
I did not forget about the promise I made to myself to embody some of the ideas in the post from the link below.
I took the third idea from the "General" section and now I present my little sketch on this topic. I must warn you that English is not my native language and therefore I hope that the translator has done his job.
- I didn't know you played three-dimensional chess, Doctor.
- I also play regular chess, Mr. Spock. It's just that I usually didn't see the need to participate in the game with you. After all, it's not my privilege.
He moved one of the pieces to the upper tier. Spock raised an eyebrow in surprise.
- A privilege, Doctor?"
- Well, maybe you can call it something else. Yeah, just admit it. Are you really playing on this ship with anyone other than Jim? - McCoy tilted his head with interest, looking into the Vulcan's eyes. The doctor's lips twitched slightly in a smile
- Most of the people here either do not play chess, or are not ready to play with you specifically, because they know your abilities. I used to think they were doing it for fear of embarrassing themselves. Eventually, you will smash them to pieces. However, looking at your communication with the captain, I realized that you need not so much the game itself as your opponent. For you, chess is a good reason to devote time to communication and socialization, and for Jim it is a great release. And as much as I'd like to rub your nose in, Mr. Spock, I have no desire to deprive you and Jim of this little friendly ritual. Although, to be honest, sometimes my hands itched from the fact that I wanted to move a couple of pieces for someone's victory.
Spock silently considered everything that was said, while Bones bit his lip and considered his move. He found it illogical to argue with the doctor now. Considering that his words were not devoid of meaning, as well as illogical metaphors. Spock had never before paid attention to the fact that he always preferred to spend the game with the captain rather than with any other officer. Although there were certainly avid chess players on the board. He never imagined that one day, for example, Petty Officer Kendall Rumer would be sitting with him on the other side of the board. But even less did he expect that here and now his opponent in chess would be Dr. McCoy. Games with the captain always seemed fruitful to him, no matter how many rounds he won or lost. Inside, he always felt satisfied.
- I think you're right, Doctor. - Spock broke the silence, removing the opponent's piece from the board, - However, I should note that if I knew about your abilities, then you could join this, as you put it, "ritual". I don't think it would have disrupted our communication with the captain. I find it illogical to hide my potential.
- It's just that you've never asked about him, Mr. Spock. And since we're talking about potential... - With a precise movement, McCoy removed the white piece from the board, replacing it with a black one, and looked at the Vulcan with undisguised triumph in his blue eyes.
- Fascinating, - was all the senior assistant said, realizing that in about four moves the doctor would checkmate him with a probability of eighty point and fifty-six hundredths of a percent. In just one game, McCoy was able to transform in front of his eyes from a man who had everything written on his face into a mysterious doctor who sees and knows much more than he says.
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