#spreadsheet millions review
simple-profits · 2 years
Spreadsheet Millions Review - Make easy money with Spreadsheets?
Can someone actually make Six figures a day with an easy spreadsheet?My name is Kris Waters and welcome to my Spreadsheet Millions Review.
I'm going to give you the short and skinny on this product and if you decide to purchase through my link you are going to grab my high ticket surprise that you cannot get anywhere else... See more on that at the end.
Buddy of mine, James Renouf, created this product and he has been on the forefrontof many awesome products since 2000.
I met him when he was selling his first product, Craigslist Millions and ever since then I have been hooked on whatever information he puts out. His info has always put cash in my pocket and help me to basically start a full fledged Solo Ad and affiliate marketing business so I put a bunch of stock into what James reveals to the public.
Spreadsheet Millions
you can start with Zero out of pocket costs.
You can work within whatever niche you would like whether it be: small business, health supplements, Drop-Shipping, hell..
even Yard Darts!!
It doesn't really matter the niche and sub niches that you work with. Spreadsheet Millions will show you precisely how you can make the most of this loopy new industry with absolutely no spreadsheet experience and No coding or formulation either. Absolutely easy peazy.. In a matter of seconds you've got a product ready to sell to people who are looking for your information.
Spreadsheets are marketable in a variety of areas. You simply need to choose the niches you feel most comfortable dominating. The creator of this Spreadsheet Millions, James, will next provide you instructions on how to conduct the necessary research. This is a simple brief Google search on a certain subject.
Grab SpreadSheet Millions right here with my High-Ticket Product Bonus
there are $100k days going on now with promoting and selling small spreadsheets. There are human beings making $40 time and again again with 2 seconds “paintings”. There are human beings making loads of bucks a pop doing literally no work with arbitrage. You could significantly take seconds to do a google search and feature a product so one can sell. I realize it sounds a little farfetched but this is actually happening right now.
How to Easily Create and Sell the Spreadsheets
You might not be aware of this, but the search you just performed using Spreadsheet Millions yielded information that is important to some people. James demonstrates how to create a professional spreadsheet with the search results and sell it to people that need it in order to make your efforts lucrative. That's how easy it is.
Why use a spreadsheet? People understand what a spreadsheet is, therefore they automatically assume that it must be more value than other ways of conveying information since it is in a spreadsheet.
You may benefit from any niche by utilizing the strength of a spreadsheet's "brand name" reputation. What certain influencers are doing and doing with straightforward spreadsheets is incredible.
Hope you gained a little insight on this product that I am recommending and if you grab it through my link you will receive ultra sweet bonus which shows you exactly how to pump out spreadsheets like crazy with the information people are searching for and willing to pay for..
Grab Spreadsheet Millions right Here + my Mega Bonus
Best to you and all your profits streams,Kris Waters
resources: spreadsheet millions review        
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stylesavingssavvy · 1 month
How to Save Money on Beauty Products Online: A Complete Guide 
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Keeping up with the latest beauty trends in the modern world can occasionally feel like a financial burden. But do not worry! Saving money on your favorite beauty products has never been simpler, thanks to innovative shopping platforms like Redfynd. Whether you're shopping for skincare, haircare, cosmetics, or other basics for your beauty routine, this guide will take you through five easy steps to help you look amazing on a budget.   
Identify what you need: 
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Understand Your Beauty Regimen Needs: Take some time to determine what you require before sinking into the world of online cosmetic shopping. Are you in need of a new serum, or are you almost out of your favorite lipstick? Determining exactly what you need will keep you concentrated and prevent you from making pointless purchases, ultimately resulting in financial savings.  
Do a personal assessment. Assess your skin type, hair type, and any specific concerns you might have (like acne, fizziness, or pigmentation) to better understand your needs. For accurate advice and to ensure you choose products that offer effective results without side effects, consider consulting with a dermatologist, especially if you’re dealing with sensitive skin or serious beauty concerns.  
Create an Inventory List: Develop the habit of maintaining an inventory list of your current beauty products. This not only prevents you from buying duplicates but also helps you avoid purchasing multiple products for the same purpose. Utilize apps or simple spreadsheets to track the usage and expiration dates of products you already own. Alongside your inventory, keep a wishlist of items you want to explore. Prioritize this list based on your most-needed items and include products that come highly recommended or have top-rated reviews.  
Conduct thorough research by reviewing customer ratings: 
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After you have a clear idea of what you want, it's time to do a little homework online. Conduct Research the product and make sure it matches your concerns, skin type, and hair type. See online reviews to see if you are buying make-up and how it looks after application. Examine many online merchants to locate the greatest offers and compare prices. Keep an eye out for deals, discounts, and package deals that will enable you to spend less on cosmetics. Avoid impulsive buying.  
Spend a little time reading feedback from others before making a purchase. This can help you prevent costly errors by providing insightful information on the efficacy and quality of a product. To be sure you're receiving the most value for your money, look for items with high ratings and reviews that are positive.  
Use Comparison Sites like Redfynd to Compare Prices: 
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Comparison websites like Redfynd, in addition to cashback, may be very helpful resources for online shoppers looking to save money on beauty items. These websites make it simple to locate the greatest bargain without spending hours searching the internet by allowing you to compare prices from several stores all in one location.  
Redfynd is the largest beauty comparison site with more than 1.5 million skincare and makeup products and 15+ beauty retailers, including Nykaa, Myntra, Tira, Ajio, Taacliq Palette, Sephora, etc.  
Whenever you're looking for a new hair oil, shampoo, hair styling gel, or comparison website, they may assist you in finding the best deal. Additionally, a lot of comparison websites include thorough product evaluations and information to aid in your decision-making. You can purchase with confidence knowing that you're getting the greatest bargain possible on all your favorite beauty goods thanks to comparison sites' simplicity and savings.  
Utilize Cashback Sites like Redfynd: 
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Platforms like Redfynd provide an easy-to-use but efficient means of getting money back on cosmetic purchases. All you must do is register, shop on their site, and watch as your savings increase with each transaction. It's like getting rewarded for shopping for your preferred face mask, face wash, or cleanser. To help you save more money, with Redfynd, you can find the best deals that are available in any online store in India. You can begin receiving cashback on all your cosmetic purchases with only a few clicks, and you can gradually see your savings grow.   
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Shopping online for cosmetics doesn't have to be a difficult way to save money. You can buy more wisely and get more beauty for your money by following the above five easy steps: figuring out what you need, researching, using cashback and comparison websites, and checking user ratings. So, feel free to treat yourself to a wonderful mascara or to that lip gloss without breaking the bank!   
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wumblr · 1 year
there's a post going around that's like "spotify wrapped you can tell who uses spotify" and it's like... in real life, music fans aren't competitive about this. we're out at shows, you can't hear each other at shows. no i'm kidding i was going to say. like i agree with the premise because i both don't use spotify for streaming nor do i distribute my music there anymore because i hate daniel ek on a personal level for spending all the income on million dollar joe rogan podcast advances and i'm a UMAW member. but i ALSO have a bandcamp account. i paid full price for JP5000. i'm behind on buying releases from the mimu discord. i have more CDs than i can rip. i have copies of regina spektor from back when cdbaby had a store. i paid through the nose in krona to import lykke li's debut before it was released stateside. i used lastfm but scrobbling was a pain. i repair ipods for fun. i have forgotten for several months to update my thousand-line spreadsheet to include 2022 releases. sometimes you try to get organized about it several times and end up with several different methods of organization that you half-keep up with
having a streaming account doesn't actually reveal much about how you listen to or pay for listening to music
sometimes things aren't on streaming. sometimes the only way to get a copy is out of the penny bin at FYE or on amazon or by pirating it. sometimes you have to specifically request it from a private livejournal piracy group. sometimes you have to go to their werbsite and buy merch because you know they've never gotten any substantial sum from you. sometimes you don't have any money and you pirate everything for years. sometimes you buy review copies that have had the barcode sawed out the case. sometimes your streaming account is a french service where christine and zazie have the same amount of fans as megan, who all have 10% the fans bad bunny has because it's popular in brazil. sometimes you go out for drinks with somebody from the australian tori amos bbforum and his boyfriend will be like "oh i was worried music fans would be like, aloof, but you're geeks just like everybody else." can we all please just agree that swifties are the problem
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hasufin · 2 years
Never enough
I am amazed by how much we have commoditized anxiety and insecurity.
Today I got two email notices: one that my email address was found on the “dark web”, and another that my credit score is available for review.
Now, the former... okay, the “dark web” isn’t really a big mystery to me. I used to be a network engineer. The “dark web” is basically like, the roads that don’t have street signs. If you don’t know, it seems scary, but it really isn’t. And of fucking course there’s someone there with my email address. My email address is one of the most public parts of my identity. I have, in fact, published documents which have it in the gods-be header, okay? (We call those documents resumes, or CV). A script looking for “@” signs will catch my email address. This is not a point of concern, is what I’m saying. It’s being couched like it’s a Big Deal, but it really is not.
As for the credit score. My credit score is obscenely good.It’s more than 100 points higher than average for people my age. It’s not quite at the absolute maximum, but it’s really close.
Does the credit report say “Hey! Kudos to you! Lenders will literally give you limitless credit! Keep doing what you’re doing and it’s cool!”?
No, of course not. The report says nothing of the sort. It’s a list of things I could do to make my credit rating even higher. This wouldn’t accomplish anything, mind. I wouldn’t gain any additional access, special privileges, or have any doors opened to me. I would just be getting a higher number. But the implication is, this is a thing I must be doing, my absurdly high credit score is Not Enough.
This is our financial landscape, and our emotional landscape. I recall reading about this couple which had upwards of $10,000/month in passive income (mostly rent from properties they own) and pulled in another $20,000/month. And them expressing that they just didn’t feel financially secure enough to have kids. Which, to you and me, is simply ridiculous - These folks are making half a million per year, and worried about their finances? My spending spreadsheet would give them a panic attack.
But it also makes sense. We live in an economy which rewards people who are anxious and insecure - which says “Always be scared you’ll lose your job, that you’ll miss an opportunity. Take the extra shift. Do the night classes. Get an MBA. Invest more money. Worry worry worry.” and at the same time, that the key to happiness is in spending infinite money. That cooking, cleaning, driving, even just relaxing at home are all tedious things which you can outsource, so you can spend your scant free time on Exciting and Interesting things, or, you know, working more and earning more money. Because having another couple thousand dollars will definitely be enough to ward off those brain weasels, right? Right?
So you get someone who is actually successful, who got lucky enough to make investments which work out, who found a vocation which actually pays well... but they’re still motivated by that same fear. And no, another $100,000 will not let you hide from your own anxieties. Which means pulling in half a million dollars and having millions in assets isn’t enough, but they’re still chasing that magical amount of money which will make it all go away.
And isn’t that, basically, what we’re seeing from most of the richest people? An utter inability to let go, to say “Oh. Yeah, I now have enough money to buy a fucking island and also finance space exploration, that’s pretty cool, how about I try being happy now?” but rather they’re just seeking Even More Wealth and broadening that into wanting Power, too. People who are themselves motivated by an endless anxiety they cannot fulfill, trying to take over the lives of everyone else.
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theemperorsfeather · 1 year
I told the team like three times, "we should provide those numbers as percentages, not dollar amounts, that's what the requester is probably expecting AND it's what we typically do in these situations," and I marked up the pdf showing the specific spots we need to put those numbers, and showed them those spots live in meetings at least twice while answering their questions again, and what do I get. A whole fucking spreadsheet, cc'd to everyone to review, with instructions TO ME that "those grey columns are for internal use only," like, ok, I'm supposed to make this document the final??? Hide the columns and pdf the fucker? What?? When?! NOW?? When it may still need reviewing by all the people cc'd????? We do need to send the whole fucking spreadsheet, but as a PDF and a) I am Not Doing Math for you, that's your job, also I am sick and will probably fuck it up, even using spreadsheet magic, and b) fucking - send me the fucking document AFTER it has been reviewed by all the people with the appropriate knowledge to review it, send it to me as a fucking PDF that is ready to go, and c) put. the numbers. in. the markup session. that's what it's there for. That is what I work from. Not trying to parse out which of the million zillion fucking dollar amounts in there are the right ones and that need to be mathed appropriately.
The fact that one of the times we went over "provide this [here] as percentages" this morning just adds to my ire.
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drunkkenobi · 1 year
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I posted 607 times in 2022
That's 176 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (9%)
552 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 597 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#watcher - 275 posts
#shyan - 52 posts
#star wars - 48 posts
#my fic - 24 posts
#ghost files - 19 posts
#buzzfeed unsolved - 18 posts
#fic rec - 12 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 10 posts
#gorgeous - 9 posts
#my spreadsheets - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#i dont think its about the gf premiere selling out since this is in a hotel room (probably in chicago based on outfits and hair)
My Top Posts in 2022:
MADEJ: The fun part about that is, anytime Ryan and I are sort of figuring out an aesthetic thing that Ryan always voices of what I'm thinking, and then I bring visuals to him, and he is like, yes, that's exactly what I was thinking of. BERGARA: Yeah. It's great. MADEJ: It's pretty sweet.
This Collider interview ruined my day
391 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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Blane 2.0 continues to be so important to me
477 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
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For fuck’s sake
656 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
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These two are killing me tonight
687 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Thinking today about two guys who only met because of a number of vaguely absurd circumstances. How one of them was older, but graduated college during the Great Recession and couldn’t find an adult job for years, so when he applied to the BuzzFeed internship, he was 4 or 5 years older than everyone else in his class. And how the other one was supposed to be a cinematographer, but took a chance on something else when the grip life wasn’t cutting it. How neither of them expected to last that long at Buzzfeed, one sure he would get fired for being slow and meticulous, the other assuming he’d cut and run and/or get fired if he didn’t pull unpaid overtime. How they ended up at the same set of desks. How movie trailers got the one to open up. How the other one was, quite literally, not there to make friends. How they became friends anyway. How the one took a simple idea and made it into a five minute video on the Somerton Man with his carpool buddy. How he then asked the other to fill in when the carpool buddy got transferred. How the other one had a free calendar to film a video about the Illuminati. How he kept having a free calendar to go ghost hunting in a mystery house, a terrible island of dolls and spiders, and a unassuming Kansas home. How one of them screaming at a flashlight and the other one laughing changed both their lives forever. How they took an oath to keep doing this with no one but each other. How they took a leap of faith and bet on themselves to start something new with the smartest person they knew. How their timing was cosmically horrible, launching this new thing right as the world shut down. How they persevered when it seemed like it might all end at any second. How they grew their little company, in fits and starts, until they finally got on stable land. How they didn’t even wait before ending their original ghost hunting series to start planning a new one. One where they could make all the rules. And how after months of planning and shooting and editing, that new series is here. And it’s bigger than either of them imagined. How shocked they are that thousands of people have come to see them, how dozens have flown across states and countries to celebrate with them, how millions have watched this show that they’re so proud of. How for the first time, their company has breathing room. How they can finally exhale. How all the hard work and long hours are paying off. How this is just the beginning. 
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Yeah, I’d be smiling like that too. 
1,039 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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milannefinds · 1 day
Gamdias Atlas VH222F 21.5" Gaming Monitor Specs and Reviews
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The Gamdias Atlas VH222F Monitor: Perfect for Work and Play Discover the Power of VA Technology The Gamdias Atlas VH222F Monitor stands out with its VA (Vertical Alignment) panel, known for delivering excellent color reproduction and superior contrast. With a 23.8-inch display size, this monitor provides a full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080, ensuring that every image and video is displayed with stunning clarity. The flat screen and a 16:9 aspect ratio make it a versatile choice for both productivity and entertainment. Crisp and Clear Visuals With a brightness level of 220cd/m² and a contrast ratio of 3000:1, the VH22F ensures vibrant and clear visuals, making your screen come to life. The color support of 16.7 million colors, coupled with a 92% sRGB and 68% NTSC color gamut, guarantees rich and accurate color reproduction. Whether you’re editing photos, watching videos, or working on a spreadsheet, the VH22F delivers consistently excellent visuals. Comfortable Viewing from Any Angle The VH22F monitor boasts an impressive viewing angle of ≥178° both horizontally and vertically. This ensures that no matter where you’re sitting, you’ll experience minimal color shift and consistent image quality. The response time of 10ms and a refresh rate of 60Hz make it suitable for general use, providing smooth visuals for everyday tasks. Connectivity and Convenience Equipped with both VGA and HDMI ports, the VH22F offers versatile connectivity options, making it easy to connect to various devices. The power input of 12V/2.5A ensures efficient power consumption, while the compact dimensions (620 x 142 x 459mm) and lightweight design (4.6kg) make it an excellent choice for any workspace. VH22F Monitor: Packed with Features for Enhanced Usability The VH22F monitor is designed with the user in mind, offering a range of features that enhance usability and comfort. Superior Color Accuracy and Range - Color Gamut: 99% sRGB and 72% NTSC provide a wide color range for true-to-life visuals. - Color Temperature and Low Blue Light Control: These features help reduce eye strain and fatigue, making it ideal for long hours of use. Enhanced Viewing Experience - High Contrast Ratio: The 3000:1 contrast ratio offers deep blacks and bright whites, adding depth to images and videos. - Preset Modes and DCR: Dynamic Contrast Ratio and preset modes adjust the display settings for optimal viewing based on the content. Efficient and Versatile Design - VESA Mount Compatibility: The 75 x 75mm VESA mount allows for flexible installation options. - Adjustable Tilt: With a tilt range of -5° to 15°, you can adjust the monitor to the most comfortable viewing angle. - Software Features: Flicker-free technology and FreeSync support enhance visual comfort and gaming performance. Comprehensive Connectivity Options - Ports: HDMI and VGA ports provide flexibility for connecting various devices. - Included HDMI Cable: Ensures you have everything you need to get started right out of the box. Eco-Friendly and User-Friendly - Power Efficient: The 12V 2A power input ensures the monitor is energy-efficient. - Compact and Lightweight: With a net weight of just 2.35kg and compact dimensions, the VH22F is easy to set up and move. Conclusion The VH22F Monitor is a versatile and reliable display solution, perfect for both work and entertainment. Its combination of advanced VA panel technology, comprehensive connectivity options, and user-friendly features make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking a high-quality monitor. Upgrade your viewing experience with the VH22F and enjoy unparalleled performance and visual clarity. Read the full article
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stilesthomas59 · 1 month
The 13 Finest Power Bi Training And On-line Courses For 2021
Sometimes it's simply the quickest method to get your knowledge presented precisely as you need it, and sometimes you simply have a spreadsheet that already has a "reporting" tab. By designating a tab or tabs as a report, the EnergySys Cloud Platform will mechanically extract it without formulae, and make it out there for obtain. Check out this user-friendly learning path, and get ready for a new world of profession alternatives. Plus, when you complete all of the Power BI training courses on this path, you’ll get a 50% discount on your PL-300 certification. So, instead of presenting one other “how to” submit, we wanted to share a “what is possible” submit. There is a charge and formal application process for switch credit score for earlier course work or work expertise. If you might have previous post-secondary education and need to apply for switch credit, you must first be accepted right into a credit program and have paid your non-refundable tuition deposit. Students have up to four months from the start date to complete the four ranges. Courses are provided in July, September, November, January, March and May. Transfer credit score is granted as per the rules and course of outlined here. Please notice that processing times for transfer credit is 4-6 weeks, so we encourage you to use as early as possible. Students who have began on the Oil and Gas Production Operator (OGPO) pathway and wish to transfer to the model new program should ship an email to Canacol had 106.6 million barrels of oil equivalent in confirmed and probable (2P) oil and gas reserves, valued at $1.eight billion post-tax, as of yearend 2023, according to an organization update March 21, 2024. The wells sit in the VIM21 exploration and manufacturing contract, which is one hundred pc owned by Canacol. The standard gas contract covers 27,410 acres, based on information from Canacol’s web site. This self-paced on-line training course provides delegates with a comprehensive overview of energy storage methods as we transition from fossil fuel primarily based power to renewable power sources wanting into the facility and oil & gas sectors. Attend a Power BI class in our Denver, Colorado classroom and learn to investigate knowledge and create interactive visualizations using Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View and Power BI. Power BI makes it simple to publish pre-defined reports and queries permitting others to easily access your analytics. Here at Dataquest, we’ve written lots about certifications and how they usually don’t have the impression that learners hope they'll. But there are some skills where a specific certification issues, and Power BI is one of them. The institute additionally organizes in-house technology replace seminars and administration courses through visiting instructors from famend universities and institutes from Pakistan and overseas. The program grants scholarships at undergraduate, master and doctoral ranges, along with offering funds to support academic activities. Since 2019, PRH-ANP is funded with assets from the RD&I Clause included in the oil and pure gas exploration and manufacturing contracts. ANP encourages progress and consolidation of the domestic trade of supplies, gear, techniques and providers for the oil & natural gas sector. Since 2003, a government coverage requires the oil firms to buy a sure share of goods and companies from the domestic business, referred to as native content. The web-services interface provides the means to report utilizing any OData-compliant third-party software, such as Excel, Power BI, and Spotfire. Simply connect to the EnergySys information feed, and use the reporting capabilities supplied by the device. Microsoft Excel has long been the software of alternative for knowledge analysts however Excel doesn't supply a straightforward approach to share reviews. This signifies that Power BI is fast changing into an obvious alternative for the evaluation and sharing of data. It's this capacity to create reviews quickly, by using knowledge from a mixture of sources, that basically places the ability into Power BI. By understanding how industry standards and best practices relate to processes, expertise, and techniques, participants can be taught the why procedures are carried out in a selected method. Headquartered in Calgary, Longshore Resources is a leading, privately held oil and gas exploration and manufacturing company. Longshore operates a balanced portfolio composed of stock in North America’s most highly economic performs.
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erpinformation · 2 months
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arbehi · 3 months
How Amazon Mechanical Turk Can Be Used to Earn Income
You can complete jobs on Amazon’s crowdsourcing marketplace and earn money, but is it worth it? This post will explain Amazon Mechanical Turk and discuss its advantages for remote workers.
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What is the Amazon Mechanical Turk?
Essentially, Amazon Mechanical Turk, also known as MTurk, is a marketplace where companies, referred to as “Requesters,” can contract out specific operations and activities to independent contractors, referred to as “Turkers.”
Requesters gain from Turkers’ ability to complete these simple jobs, saving them from having to hire workers to do these tedious activities themselves. By spreading out these tedious jobs among a horde of distant workers eager to work for pennies on the dollar or, better still, Amazon gift cards, Requesters may also do these mundane chores more quickly.
What jobs can you complete on Mechanical Turk?
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The most typical ones you will encounter as a novice Turker are:
Work with spreadsheets, recordkeeping, and data entering.
Transcriptions of audio and video.
Sorting pictures and data into categories.
Assessing products.
Answering surveys.
Gathering, replicating, and verifying data.
Internet search terms.
Comparing the products and records of data.
moderation of content.
ratings for videos on YouTube.
According to a Pew Research Center survey from 2016, over 37% of HITs include workers recording information that appears in an image, typically a sales receipt. Transcription of audio or video files comes in second place with 26% of HITs. Responding to surveys is also rather common; the most popular subjects to answer are consumer goods, personality, finances, and education.
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On Mechanical Turk, how much can I make?
It’s not exactly a good idea to use Amazon Mechanical Turk as your main source of income, and in certain situations, it can take a long time and a lot of HITs to turn it into a profitable side gig.
Each HIT that is found will have a price that is paid to the workforce and a time allotment for completion. Some jobs can be completed for as little as a penny, while others can cost anywhere from $0.50 to a few dollars. The simplest and least lucrative tasks cost even less. Turkers will occasionally come upon high-paying jobs as well, with payouts of up to $50 after completion.
According to 2018 platform research, out of the 3.8 million jobs that were examined and completed by 2676 people, the median hourly wage for these workers was approximately $2, and only 4% of workers made more than $7.25 per hour.
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How to sign up for Amazon Mechanical Turk?
Since its founding, the majority of Turkers have come from the US; nevertheless, the distribution of Turkers indicates that graduates have migrated mostly from the US to China and India. As of this writing, over 70% of active Turkers are from the US, over 10% are from India, and the remaining Turkers are from other countries, according to MTurk Tracker, a website that updates Turker demographics hourly. Up to 30% of Turkers historically originated in India.
After completing the registration form, Amazon will review it and notify you via email whether it has been approved or denied. Usually, this happens within a few days.
After being accepted, you can search in the dashboard for HITs that you are eligible to perform and get paid for each one that is finished. You may track your progress as a Turker and check productivity by setting your HIT objective on the dashboard.
Companies can offer low-cost jobs on Amazon Mechanical Turk instead of expanding their workforce. If you make an effort and you’re willing to take on tasks that others usually don’t want to do, it might be a great side job for teleworking. Mechanical Turk may be useful if you are interested in obtaining funds in exchange for completing a variety of quick assignments once without deadlines and in time for you. Did we miss anything about Amazon Mechanical Turk? Tell us what you think of the comments.
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Your Guide to Production Software That Bites Back
Ah, production. The heart of any business, the engine that churns out your brilliant ideas and transforms them into tangible (or digital) delights. But let's be honest, managing the madness of production can feel like wrangling a herd of fire-breathing cats. That's where the secret weapon comes in: production software.
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Think of it as your trusty production superhero. Not the spandex-clad variety, mind you, but a powerful suite of tools designed to tame the chaos, streamline processes, and make you look like a productivity wizard. But with so many options out there, choosing the right production software can feel like trying to pick a single grain of sand from a beach. Worry not, let's dive into details for navigating the production software jungle!
First things first: What is production software?
In simplest terms, it's the digital sidekick that helps you manage every step of the production process, from planning and scheduling to budgeting and delivery. Think of it as a one-stop shop for:
Task management: Keep track of who's doing what, when, and how. No more sticky notes lost in the abyss!
Project planning: Visualize your workflow, set deadlines, and identify potential roadblocks before they become detours.
Collaboration: Work seamlessly with your team, share files, and keep everyone on the same page. No more playing email tennis!
Resource management: Allocate people, equipment, and materials efficiently. It's like playing Tetris, but with real-world consequences!
Reporting and analytics: Get a bird's-eye view of your progress, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions. No more flying blind!
But wait, there's more! Different types of production software cater to specific needs. Whether you're a video editor juggling deadlines, a manufacturing maestro orchestrating the assembly line, or a software developer wrangling code, there's a tailor-made solution out there.
So, how do you choose the perfect production software?
Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on your industry, team size, budget, and workflow. But here are some tips to guide your quest:
Identify your pain points: What are the biggest production headaches you face? Is it communication breakdowns, missed deadlines, or keeping track of a million moving pieces?
Do your research: Explore different options, read reviews, and try free trials. Talk to colleagues in your industry for recommendations.
Consider your team: Will the software be intuitive and easy to use for everyone? Does it offer collaboration features?
Don't be afraid to ask questions: Contact the software vendors and get a demo. Make sure it's a good fit before you commit.
Remember, production software is an investment, but it's one that can pay off handsomely in increased efficiency, improved communication, and happier, more productive teams. So, ditch the spreadsheets and sticky notes, embrace the power of production software, and watch your production beast transform from fire-breathing monster to purring kitten (of productivity, of course).
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paypant · 6 months
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globalhint · 7 months
Sam Bankman-Fried says he made "mistakes," but he didn't mislead anyone in his statement.
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Sam Bankman-Fried says he made "mistakes," but he didn't mislead anyone in his statement. Sam Bankman-Fried, the creator of FTX, stated during his self-defence testimony on Friday during his fraud trial that "many people got hurt" when the cryptocurrency exchange failed last year, but he maintained he did not swindle anyone or take billions of dollars from clients. On his first day of testimony with the jury present, Bankman-Fried took questions from his own attorney and acknowledged making "mistakes" like failing to establish a risk-management team. He also attempted to place the blame on Caroline Ellison, the former CEO of his hedge fund that focused on cryptocurrencies, who was a crucial prosecution witness. The 31-year-old former billionaire's responses supported his long-held belief that, although he started a rapidly expanding firm from the ground up, he neglected some areas of his business and never intended to steal from others. "We believed we could create the greatest product available," Bankman-Fried stated throughout his six-hour testimony in federal court in Manhattan. "It really worked out the other way around. Numerous individuals were harmed, including workers and clients, and the business filed for bankruptcy." In response to two charges of fraud and five counts of conspiracy, Bankman-Fried has entered a not-guilty plea. He might spend decades behind bars if found guilty. Bankman-Fried is accused by the prosecution of utilizing FTX customer cash to support Alameda, engage in risky venture capital investments, and contribute over $100 million to American political campaigns. In addition, he is charged with plotting to defraud FTX investors and Alameda's lenders. In a composed response to defence attorney Mark Cohen's inquiries, Bankman-Fried stated that he thought the money spent for real estate and sponsorships came from the company's earnings or capital obtained from equity investors rather than from FTX's consumers as the prosecution claims. He alleged he used money he held in Alameda to make political contributions. In an attempt to disassociate himself from certain acts he claimed three of his closest former coworkers—all of whom entered guilty pleas to fraud and testified against him in court—had taken without his direct consent. Although they claimed that he gave them specific instructions to carry out the theft of customer monies and to falsify to lenders and investors, Bankman-Fried presented himself as a detached CEO who had faith in his staff. "SEEMED POSSIBLE TO ME." Ellison, Bankman-Fried's ex-girlfriend who came and went, testified on October 11 that he gave her instructions to fabricate Alameda's balance sheets in order to scare off lenders in the event of a June 2022 cryptocurrency market meltdown. In her testimony on Friday, Bankman-Fried stated that although Ellison gave him a spreadsheet that she was thinking of sending to a lender, he did not thoroughly review it. During her testimony, Bankman-Fried gazed from time to time toward the jurors. "I remember looking over it and saying that it seemed reasonable to me," she said. In his testimony, former FTX chief technology officer Gary Wang claimed that Bankman-Fried gave him instructions to alter FTX's computer code so that Alameda would receive special treatment and not be automatically liquidated in the event that its positions lost value. This change made it possible for money to be stolen. Bankman-Fried stated in his testimony that he requested Wang and FTX Chief Engineering Officer Nishad Singh to stop Alameda from inadvertently becoming bankrupt. However, he was unaware at the time of what his colleagues had implemented, which enabled Alameda to have a negative balance. After FTX filed for bankruptcy in December 2022, amid a surge of withdrawals from clients worried about the security of their money, Bankman-Fried was taken into custody. Bankman-Fried attempted to hold Ellison primarily responsible for Alameda's downfall on Friday. In her testimony, he expressed his concern that Ellison had not taken precautions against downturns in the cryptocurrency market and stated that although she was an excellent manager, "risk management" was not her main priority. He also refuted her account, saying he believed a big portion of FTX's reputation came from his signature dishevelled appearance. While running FTX, he claimed to have worn T-shirts and shorts because they were "comfortable," and he refrained from getting his hair cut because he was "busy and lazy." The Bankman-Fried wearing a dark suit, giving the jury a polished appearance. Without the jurors present, Bankman-Fried was questioned by both sides on Thursday as the court determined which portions of his testimony would be allowed. Next week, during their cross-examination of Bankman-Fried, prosecutors will have their first opportunity to grill him in front of the jury. Cohen stated that he would wrap up the direct examination early on Monday. source credit ALSO READ: Trump’s campaign cash bigger than GOP rivals. fundraising Tips. Read the full article
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iwebdatascrape · 8 months
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How To Extract Hotel Prices From Websites Like Google, Expedia, Or Booking.Com?
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In 2021, the hotel industry is witnessing a notable recovery after a year of declining travel bookings, with predictions indicating it will reach approximately $192 million in revenue. Web scraping hotel data is a valuable tool to gain a competitive edge and effectively target the right audience. Whether you're already familiar with hotel market data collection, web scraping streamlines the process, making it quicker and more efficient. Utilizing a travel data scraper, you can effortlessly gather crucial data, eliminating the need to manually visit numerous competitor and travel booking websites, input search parameters, and manually record information in spreadsheets. This efficient approach allows you to save precious time and allocate it to other aspects of your business.
In the current landscape, the travel industry stands out as one of the most lucrative niches in online business. With the convenience of booking hotels, villas, buses, international flights, and car rentals online, millions of people are exploring the world. However, manually gathering data from websites like Expedia.com, Booking.com, or Google, which includes thousands of flight schedules, airports, routes, and constantly fluctuating prices, is a monumental task. Prices can change daily or even hourly, with many daily flights. Web scraping travel data emerges as a powerful solution for efficiently tracking this data. It enables the extraction of information for various airport combinations, timings, and flights, facilitating observation and analysis of cost-effective routes, ticket prices, villa rates, pricing trends, and more.
List of Data Fields
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Hotel names, addresses, and phone numbers
Room types and rates
Facilities and amenities
Star ratings
Customer reviews
Promotional deals from booking sites
Seasonal rates at different hotels
Sale information
List of Travel Websites
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Expedia.com: Expedia.com is a renowned online travel agency that provides a one-stop platform for booking flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, and vacation packages. Founded in 1996, it offers vast travel options and deals, making it a popular choice for travelers worldwide. With user-friendly search tools, customer reviews, and loyalty rewards, Expedia simplifies trip planning and offers competitive prices. Its website and mobile app enable convenient browsing and booking, catering to leisure and business travelers. Expedia.com has become synonymous with hassle-free travel arrangements and is a trusted resource for exploring and booking travel experiences. Scrape Expedia.com hotel price data for price comparison.
Booking.com: Booking.com is a prominent online accommodation booking platform founded in 1996. It offers many lodging options, including hotels, apartments, and vacation rentals in destinations worldwide. Known for its user-friendly interface and extensive property listings, Booking.com allows travelers to easily search for accommodations, read reviews, and make reservations. The platform offers flexible booking options competitive prices, and often features special deals. With its comprehensive database and multilingual support, Booking.com has become a go-to choice for travelers seeking convenient and diverse lodging choices across the globe. Scrape Booking.com hotel price data for competitive analysis.
Google.com: Google.com provides valuable travel and hotel data through its search engine and services. Users can access information on flights, hotels, and travel destinations by entering relevant keywords. Google Flights helps travelers find the best airfare options, while Google Maps offers comprehensive location-based data for hotels, restaurants, and attractions. Google Hotel Search enables users to compare accommodation prices and read reviews. Google's travel-related features, like Google Trips, also streamline trip planning. By aggregating and organizing travel and hotel data, Google.com simplifies the travel experience, making it a trusted resource for travelers worldwide. Scrape Google.com hotel price data for market research.
How to Use the Data Scraped from Travel Websites?
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Web scraping tools serve as invaluable assets for collecting hotel data like Residence Inn Charlotte Uptown, Courtyard Charlotte City Center, The Westin Charlotte, Hilton Charlotte Center City in Charlotte, NC, USA from different hotel websites and travel booking platforms, offering a myriad of practical applications:
1. Pricing Strategy: Hotel businesses can harness web scraping to monitor and comprehend market prices effectively. By regularly collecting data on room rates, they gain insights into competitive pricing trends. This knowledge allows them to adjust their pricing strategies promptly, stay competitive, and take advantage of promotional opportunities and rate fluctuations.
2. Brand Management: Hoteliers can scrape booking sites to access customer reviews, an essential resource for brand management. These reviews provide a window into guests' perceptions, allowing hotels to gauge the effectiveness of their branding efforts. Common concerns or recurring themes in reviews can highlight areas for improvement in customer service or accommodations, enhancing overall guest satisfaction. Moreover, scraping social media platforms can further enrich the understanding of how customers perceive the hotel and its services.
3. Personalized Marketing: With scraped hotel data, businesses can develop highly targeted marketing initiatives. They can tailor their advertisements to emphasize the unique features and advantages that resonate with potential guests. Understanding customer opinions and preferences through data collection enables hotels to craft marketing campaigns highlighting aspects that have garnered positive feedback. This personalized approach significantly increases the likelihood of attracting bookings from interested travelers.
Travel data scraping services enable hotels to gather critical information, refine pricing strategies, enhance brand management, and create tailored marketing efforts that align with customer preferences and market dynamics. This multifaceted approach improves competitiveness and guest satisfaction in the hospitality industry.
Guide to Extracting Hotel Listings
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Begin your hotel prices web scraping projects by establishing specific objectives for each project. Clearly defined goals will guide the development of data collection queries, ensuring the extraction of relevant information. Once your goals are in place, you can initiate your project.
However, adhering to ethical practices while conducting web scraping is crucial. Best practices to extract hotel prices from websites like Google, Expedia, or Booking.com encompass:
Data Accessibility: Only scrape publicly available data.
Rate Limiting: Avoid overwhelming a website with excessive requests to prevent disruption.
Proxies: If utilizing proxies, ensure they are ethical.
Incorporating these ethical principles allows you to conduct web scraping responsibly and respectfully.
Selecting Tools, Proxies, and Strategies for Effective Hotel Data Web Scraping
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When embarking on web scraping for hotel data, making informed choices about tools and methods is crucial. Here's a comprehensive guide:
1. Defining Project Goals: Begin by setting clear objectives for your web scraping project. This step helps design tailored data collection queries to obtain precisely the information you need.
2. Ethical Considerations: Always practice ethical web scraping by adhering to the following principles:
Scrape only publicly available data.
Avoid overloading websites with excessive requests to prevent disruptions.
If using proxies, ensure they are ethical.
3. Why Use a Proxy: Web scraping involves sending numerous website requests. Excessive inquiries can trigger website administrators to perceive this as an attack, potentially leading to IP address bans. A proxy serves to:
Conceal your identity.
Rotate queries to mimic human internet behavior.
Reduce the risk of IP bans.
4. Proxy Selection: Residential proxies, which link to actual residential addresses, are more challenging for websites to detect as proxies. It minimizes the risk of being banned by booking sites and other platforms.
5. Choosing a Web Scraper: Several specialized hotel scraping APIs are available for collecting hotel data. Consider factors like customer reviews and suitability for your specific needs when selecting a tool. Open-source web scrapers offer versatility for gathering data from various websites beyond industry-specific ones.
6. Building Your Scraper: For a more customized approach, you can construct a hotel data scraper using Python, a user-friendly programming language. Install Python and relevant libraries, such as Beautiful Soup and lxml, to parse data and extract relevant information.
7. Improving Your Scraper: Python also provides access to libraries like Selenium, which is ideal for handling websites with field codes and JavaScript features. Utilize rotating IP addresses in conjunction with Selenium to minimize the risk of bans.
8. Structuring Your Project: To create an effective web scraper, follow these steps:
Visit the target site and set up your desired conditions.
Copy the URL of your query and paste it into your web scraper.
Run your search and export data to a CSV file for convenient analysis.
9. Avoiding IP Bans: To prevent being flagged as a bot, take the following measures:
Rotate IP addresses using residential proxies.
Set a real user agent in your query header to mimic a legitimate browser.
Create multiple request headers with additional code, making your scraper resemble a genuine user.
Implement random delays between queries to simulate human browsing patterns.
Contact iWeb Data Scraping today to learn more! We offer comprehensive web scraping service and mobile app data scraping to meet your unique requirements. Contact us now to discuss how we can provide effective and dependable data scraping solutions.
Know More: https://www.iwebdatascraping.com/extract-hotel-prices-from-websites-like-google-expedia-or-booking-com.php
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listieshadows · 8 months
Listie says something about every movie she added to her spreadsheet in August 2023
So, like, as only the second entry in this series, and from such a new account on top of that, I doubt anyone's really wondering why it took so long for this to come out. And, well, the answer is really short and simple—I took my advice from the first entry and got a Letterboxd account.
I guess I'll be posting all of my thoughts about the new films I add to my spreadsheet there, then. But since I already had a majority of this post typed up, I may as well go ahead and finish it off. Send it off proper, y'know?
Transformers (2007)
Date watched: 2023-08-02
And here's me continuing to watch the Transformers movies after seeing the original 80's film back in July. 'Cuz, I mean, with how far removed that one is from the rest of the films...
But anyway, Michael Bay's Transformers! It's honestly not as bad as the Bay hate train I was on in, like, 2017 made it seem. Like, I still think the design of the Transformers is a little too complicated, but whatever. I got used to it.
In hindsight, Bumblebee pissing on a guy isn't even in the top 10 dumbest moments in this series. "I ate the whole plate" still remains an iconic moment, though—thanks, Lindsay.
Cocktail (1988)
Date watched: 2023-08-04
Patrick (H) Wilson said in his Letterboxd review of the film that it takes a turn the moment it gets to Jamaica. I think it turns a little earlier than that, 'cuz lemme tell you, the slight whiplash I had going from a dramatic scene to the opening bars of gawddamn "Kokomo"...!
I'unno, it's just damn something to me to see the dramatic beats in this movie and consider that I knew it best for launching songs like "Don't Worry, Be Happy".
Hardcore Henry (2015)
Date watched: 2023-08-07
See, this is a film I actually already had on my spreadsheet, but not the part that counts. So here it is now.
I get why people don't like this film. I do, honestly. But, gawd, to me, it's just fun. Dumb, fun and damn unique. I ain't never seen another movie like this—and maybe that's a good thing, 'cuz if I had motion sickness it would've taken me way longer to watch this thing with all the breaks I would've need to take, I swear.
Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009)
Date watched: 2023-08-07
This is one of the three Transformers movies I saw in theaters back when they came out, and literally the only things I remembered about this movie before watching it again were Megan Fox's boobs bouncing in slow motion in the climax and the line "I AM DIRECTLY BENEATH THE ENEMY SCROTUM." And, I mean, there was other stuff, too, but I honestly thought a lot of it happened in the next one, like the panty shot of that one girl who turns out to be a Decepticon.
And it's funny that those are among the only things I remembered this movie, 'cuz I did not have as much horny brain back then as I do now, so for those to be the things that stuck out in my mind...
Oh, and of course Megan Fox on the bike—which I thought was how she was introduced last movie, so maybe these movies jus' all kinda blend together for me.
Any case, it's not the worst thing, either. A step down from the first, sure, but compared to how things are gonna go, this is like a stairstep compared to going off a cliff.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)
Date watched: 2023-08-09
It's a good flick, but if this is really how the teens of today talk, then, gawd, I already felt a million years older than the current generation, so this doesn't help at all.
But at least I got to experience to rush of hearing SLACKCiRCUS's cover of "What's Up?" playing on the big screen in a room full of people who haven't spent as much time online as I have. That was damn magical, right there.
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (2011)
Date watched: 2023-08-10
Before this movie, everything I thought I remembered about this movie was from the previous movie, like the ass/panty shot to introduce the replacement for Megan Fox. And after watching this movie, realizing that this is where that happens is really the only thing I gained.
Well, I did get to see Optimus Prime merciless kill Leonard Nimoy-bot begging for his life. That was funny.
Phineas And Ferb The Movie: Candace Against The Universe (2020)
Date watched: 2023-08-11
It took me so long to watch this movie because I didn't wanna watch it until after I finished Milo Murphy's Law, which I didn't wanna watch until I finished Phineas And Ferb, which only took me so damn long to finish because I was lazy, and then when I did finish Milo Murphy's Law it took me so long to watch this because by that point it was Fall and I didn't wanna watch this until it was Summer again, and so here I watched it exactly one year after I watched Phineas And Ferb The Movie: Across The 2nd Dimension.
And all that run-on sentence just to say, "Damn, they still got it. And it's jus' damn fun to see these characters again, too."
Also, I don't know how much I entirely buy the head canon I saw that Vanessa is a lesbian, but I like the idea, so I'll accept it anyway.
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (2014)
Date watched: 2023-08-13
I remember when I saw this movie in theaters with my family, I was joking with some stranger beforehand that this was gonna be the start of the "Mark Wahlberg trilogy" after the Shia LeBouf one had come to its end.
Imagine my surprise, then, when the movie ends how it does.
Also, RIP T.J. Miller, and heck on that one "Romeo & Juliet law" guy. I can't believe I had to look up Texas state penal code. Gawddamn.
Dreamgirls (2006)
Date watched: 2023-08-16
I came from Eddie Murphy, stayed because it was real good, and spent a lot of time in-between stuck on the thought that we're supposed to think that Beyoncé isn't a good singer.
Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
Date watched: 2023-08-17
I don't like to get mad at movies, 'cuz I'm still real regretful of the days when Douglas "Funnyman" Walker was the single biggest influence on how I discussed film, but, gawd, this one jus' kind of overwhelmed me with nonsense to the point where I did.
Remember way back at the top, when I said that Bumblebee pissing on a guy wouldn't even be in the top 10 dumbest moments? I think this movie contains most of them, if not all ten. I mean, this is a movie that starts with drunk Merlin and digs deeper rapidly from there.
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves (1997)
Date watched: 2023-08-18
I watched this ahead of the podcast Escape From Vault Disney, so allow me to present my answer for the "what's the attraction?" segment.
As a new method of transport, one of the Disney parks is gonna install a huge bubble machine, where you can hop in and get blown around to a different land at random. And there's only a 10% chance you'll get dropped in a bowl of chip dip and hafta avoid getting vored by giant teen-age girls.
Alternatively, the damn tiki statue gets installed looming over the castle like it's Chicken Little.
Bumblebee (2018)
Date watched: 2023-08-21
Honestly, the best Transformers movie. And I'm not just saying that because it references ALF twice. It's very charming, not even despite, but because it's a largely cliché take on "kid makes friend with a beast" movies, especially the ones that came out in the 80's.
Like ALF.
Super Mario Bros. (1993)
Date watched: 2023-08-22
Look, as an adaptation of the games, yeah, it's dogshit. But making the near impossible attempt to put that aside, it's not that bad. Not, y'know, great, but I think this film's badness is blown way out of proportion. Even if a lot of it doesn't 100% work, I feel like I gotta give it some credit for trying to put its own cinematic spin on what are pretty non-cinematic games.
And seriously, I was not prepared for when the Twin Towers started decaying.
Sonic The Hedgehog (2020)
Date watched: 2023-08-24
Y'know, I've eaten at Olive Garden before, but it was so long ago that I can't remember how any of it actually tasted. I just remember that the game I was playing on my DS before and afterwards was New Super Mario Bros..
Anyway, this is a movie about the fastest thing alive where he spends, like, a third of the movie's runtime in a truck passenger seat, and also he has the same voice as Dewey Duck. Some people say this is better than Birds Of Prey? Man, it's fine, but calm the hell down.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (2022)
Date watched: 2023-08-25
Yeah, this is the better movie of the two. Since all of the introductions out of the way, it allows for so many more elements of the games to be included, and naturally it makes it feel way more like a Sonic movie than the first's whole "family road trip movie" vibe.
And all the credit to Jim Carrey, really. I wish he'd gotten to wear a fat suit like he wanted, but seriously, if you were gonna have anybody playing against anthropomorphic cartoon animals, you may as well get one of the most cartoonish men alive. Even if I did end up variously hearing a lot of Count Olaf or The Grinch in his performance.
Anyway, see y'all in Sonic The Hedgehog 3 when we finally get to see the big screen debut of what is clearly and obviously Sonic.EXE~.
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (2023)
Date watched: 2023-08-25
A preface: during the scene before the credits rolled, I came up with two jokes I wanted to say to my friends to refer to the "secret military force" or whatever that was being talked about. I decided to go with the second and say "G.U.N" since it was a runner for me that the film that the main character and his little brother would refer to themselves as Sonic and Tails.
Now, look, up until this movie's climax, I was willing to call it the second best of the modern Transformers films. Yes, even with the presence of Pete Davidson, and with how most of the Maximals end up superfluous, and with how the villains turn into absolute cardboard during the climax, which just largely consists of CGi flopping around on a dull, grey landscape. I liked the first two acts a lot, and I felt the material there was a lot stronger than a lot of the Bay films.
But then imagine how much worse this movie got for me when it turned out the first joke I thought of that I didn't go with because I thought it'd be too obvious turned out to be true and that it was actually G.I. Joe.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
Date watched: 2023-08-26
Sure, it might be Illumination's best movie, but for me it still just largely amounts to someone jangling a keyring of Mario-branded baubles in my face for 90 minutes.
Mortal Kombat (1995)
Date watched: 2023-08-28
As I'm writing this, it's been a month since I saw this movie, and I'm only now getting around to writing about it so I can post this. At this point, I don't really remember much about it, which you can also blame on the fact that I was really tired for some reason the first time I sat down to watch it. Seriously, I had to stop and pick it up later, and I have no idea why.
I'll say this much about this movie—I was probably being too hard on it when I watched it. Like, I was stuck on this mentality that, "Oh, this is a famously bad movie. Not as much as its sequel, of course, but it's not good, and I should probably just view it that way." And I regret that. These days I try so hard to has little bias as possible going into movies, so I don't know what I was thinking acting like that.
It's an enjoyable movie. It really is. Whatever it gets wrong about the games, it's not so egregious that it destroys the movie. Honestly, I'd rather it get a couple of things wrong than be so committed to being faithful to the games that it forgets to do anything else all that well. Lookin' at you again, The Super Mario Bros. Movie. So, whatever. I can live with it.
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, probably less so, but I'll see what I think if I ever watch it.
And also, of course the soundtrack CD by The Immortals that scores part of this movie is amazing. "OOOOHHH, CHINESE NINJA WARRIOR, SUB-ZEROOOO, WITH YOUR HEART SO COLD....!"
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What are the types of content management systems?
As mentioned above, CMSs fall into categories, based on the complexity of the content being managed and the requirements for distribution of that content. Let’s take a look at how these categories differ:
Web publishing tools
Most of these CMSs originated as platforms for simple blogging and evolved into more sophisticated platforms for web development. As a development platform, they were designed to be “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG), meaning they do not require background coding skills like HTML or PHP.
Instead, the user fills out forms within the interface and uses visual controls to tell the database how to display the content. These forms are specialized for different types of content, for example, a form for images that includes space for captions and areas to fill in metadata about the image, to enable visually impaired people to understand the content. Examples include:
WordPress: A free open-source CMS that is estimated to drive content delivery on over 30% of all global websites.
Drupal: A more technically oriented web CMS similar to WordPress.
Google Drive: Though initially designed as a replacement suite of software tools like spreadsheets and word processors, Drive has several things in common with a CMS, including content organization tools, collaboration capabilities, and digital distribution capabilities.
DITA systems
DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) was created as a CMS standard by IBM in the early 2000s to help them manage over 70 million pieces of content. IBM open-sourced the standard and underlying code and there are now commercial versions available, typically sold as SaaS subscription software for enterprises.
Proprietary enterprise CMSs
These CMSs are usually designed for specific business models and security requirements like the production of products for military use. They may be customized versions of systems like DITA systems that vary from the regulated architecture standard.
How does a CMS integrate with a translation workflow?
Most CMSs allow a user to break down content into “chunks” (referred to as “types” in DITA systems) of information based on its function. This is useful in translation and localization management because these chunks can be sent to translation management systems for translation via APIs (application programming interfaces). The latter help systems communicate with each other.
This streamlines the flow of information through a translation workflow and back into the CMS for publishing and management. Some systems are designed to flow content directly into a translation memory database while maintaining version control. From there, it can be sent to translators and reviewers before round-tripping back to the CMS.
How does a CMS manage different types of content?
The more sophisticated CMSs ask the creator of the content to define each piece of content by type. A type might be a task list, a legal disclaimer, an explanation, or a media type like a video. These chunks of content can be organized with maps that link them together to create documents like a manual. These docs may share content pieces like a disclaimer and a safety statement, then add a customized ordered task list like assembly instructions.
By having each piece of a larger document treated as a piece of data, the system can allow the reuse of chunks like legal disclaimers in a variety of documents or places. Reuse is particularly beneficial with translated content as it eliminates duplicate translations of commonly used text that might appear in multiple documents or knowledge bases.
What is the return on investment (ROI) of a CMS?
Although there is a learning curve for any of these tools, the return for the user and their business or organization is significant. It is measurable financially by savings in time to create and publish content, by the ability to get products to market faster by streamlining the documentation development processes, and by the elimination of errors and omissions.
Errors and omissions in content development can often be traced to things like using email attachments to transmit content between parties. Each of these attachments creates a new version of the content and, as changes are made to it, version control becomes a problem.
With a CMS there is a centralized data warehouse of content that is accessed remotely rather than via an attachment. This functionality alone is critical to managing processes like translation into multiple languages where errors can multiply.
The use of CMSs has become standard across most businesses as legacy tools like MS Word and email become difficult to track when you have large quantities of content. However, even these legacy systems are now adding capabilities that effectively turn them into basic CMSs.
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