#sprinker irrigation
When it comes to agricultural appliances, you will find a wide variety. These are primarily used to enhance farming production and ensure the healthy growth of crops. From irrigation to dust suppression, you will find devices with specific operations. Among them, impact sprinklers have a significance of their own. 
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Hunter Irrigation Parts Austin TX
Hunter Irrigation Services offers a plethora of collections for Hunter irrigation parts, Austin, TX. Choose from the top-notch designs and equipment that suit your lawn requisites. We are a trustworthy brand in the lawn maintenance and designing industry. Our irrigation system parts are guaranteed to match your quality requirements for proper hydration of your lawn landscape.
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nethajosh · 1 year
How to irrigate Red Napier?
Red Napier can be irrigated through Flood Irrigation and also through Drip Irrigation
Red Napier responds well to Flood Irrigation compared to Drip Irrigation
We can use 3 inch black hose to take water to the furrows
We can make arrangement in such way that at least 5 furrows can be irrigated at a time
Furrows should be made at a gap of two and half feet so that water flows
T-Joint can been made in the pipeline so that water flows
Water will flow from one end of the furrow to other end through gravity
We can also add liquid fertilizer in the pipe line to promote growth
Red Napier farm needs to be irrigated at least twice a week
Red Napier will be fresh and healthy if the plants are irrigated regularly
If the farms in not irrigated regularly, the leaves will become dry
During Summer we might require irrigation at least thrice a week
During rainy season we will not require irrigation as the soil will be moist
When irrigated regularly, grass will be ready for harvest in 2 to 3 months
Sprinker system will not work as the plants grow above 10 feet
Red Napier will be ready for harvesting after 75 to 90 days
After harvesting, grass can be chopped using Chop Cutter and fed to cattles
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mygardenvideos · 1 year
How to Irrigate Red Napier grass farms?
Red Napier can be irrigated through Flood Irrigation and also through Drip Irrigation
Red Napier responds well to Flood Irrigation compared to Drip Irrigation
We can use 3 inch black hose to take water to the furrows
We can make arrangement in such way that at least 5 furrows can be irrigated at a time
Furrows should be made at a gap of two and half feet so that water flows
T-Joint can been made in the pipeline so that water flows
Water will flow from one end of the furrow to other end through gravity
We can also add liquid fertilizer in the pipe line to promote growth
Red Napier farm needs to be irrigated at least twice a week
Red Napier will be fresh and healthy if the plants are irrigated regularly
If the farms in not irrigated regularly, the leaves will become dry
During Summer we might require irrigation at least thrice a week
During rainy season we will not require irrigation as the soil will be moist
When irrigated regularly, grass will be ready for harvest in 2 to 3 months
Sprinker system will not work as the plants grow above 10 feet
Red Napier will be ready for harvesting after 75 to 90 days
After harvesting, grass can be chopped using Chop Cutter and fed to cattles
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apollopipesworld · 2 years
Drip irrigation is an efficient and cost-effective method of watering your lawn and garden. Drip irrigation is becoming more popular in the Northeast, where it is regularly used in drier sections of the country. Unlike sprinkler irrigation, which is only 70-80% efficient, drip irrigation is 95% efficient in allowing plants to use the water delivered. Furthermore, it lowers runoff and evaporation. Drip irrigation progressively delivers water to the plant root zone, where it is most needed.Drip irrigation has traditionally been utilised in large nursery and farm operations, but homeowners are increasingly discovering its uses and benefits. You can utilise drip irrigation as a homeowner to irrigate your vegetable and perennial gardens, as well as trees and bushes.
Benefits of drip irrigation
Prevents illness by reducing water contact with plant leaves, stems, and fruit.
Allows for dry rows between plants, facilitating access and decreasing weed development.
Because the system is so efficient, it saves time, money, and water.
Reduces labour.Improves performance over uneven ground.
Reduces water and nutrient loss below the root zone.
If you are looking for sprinker system , do visit : https://www.apollopipes.com/sprinkler-system
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radicaladventure · 7 years
Central Valley
Central Valley by Dan Gildor
Via Flickr
With the sun low in the sky shining through the sprinklers, I had to stop along the side of the road to take on the challenge of exposing the shot without the appropriate filters.
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livingcorner · 3 years
How to Keep Your Plants Alive While You’re Away
Plants need water. You may like to take your vacation in the peak of summer, but being left alone for a week or two is hard on your garden. Your garden will fare better if you focused on drought tolerant plants, and you’ve mulched and gotten your garden down to needing only one watering per week. Even so, hot temperatures, spotty showers, and unforeseen problems can set you up for disappointment when you come home. You can always pray for rain, but here are some more practical ideas for watering your plants while you are on vacation, as well as ideas for how to prepare your plants before you depart.
Watering Plants While On Vacation: 11 Ideas
1. Water Well and Mulch
If you are only going to be gone a week or less, you may be able to get away with a good soaking and a layer of mulch. Mulched plants lose 25% less water than unmulched plants. Of course, it all depends on the weather. Some plants may wilt or become stressed, but you probably won’t lose any.
You're reading: How to Keep Your Plants Alive While You’re Away
If you already have a few inches of mulch on the garden bed, you probably don’t need to add more. You don’t want the mulch to be so deep that the crown of the plant is buried. In this case, just be sure that the soil beneath the mulch is moist about an inch below the surface. Push your index finger about an inch into the soil. If it’s moist, you’re set–if it’s dry, water before you leave for vacation.
If you want to add more mulch, you don’t need to re-mulch the entire bed. Mulching around the plant roots will suffice.
2. Install Drip Irrigation
Bill Barksdale / Getty Images
Drip irrigation may sound like an impossible task, but the process is quite simple. You can purchase inexpensive kits that basically pop together. Unfortunately, this is better done at the start of the growing season. It is more difficult to lay the hoses once plants are large and growing – but it’s not impossible.
With drip irrigation, water is targeted to the roots of the plant, helping to conserve water. You can put a timer on your spigot and never have to think about when to water your garden. Higher-end timers can even sense how much rain you’ve gotten and adjust accordingly.
3. Put a Timer on Your Sprinker
You don’t need a drip irrigation system to benefit from using a timer. The timer option works just as well with a regular garden sprinkler. You may need a couple of sprinklers and connector hoses if your garden is spread out.
If you tend to change the layout of your garden from year to year, sprinklers and soaker hoses can be a better option, because they are easier to move around than a drip irrigation system would be. Drip irrigation is designed to target each individual plant, but sprinklers and soaker hoses will water wide areas. However, sprinklers also waste water and may even encourage disease on plants, as the water splashes on the leaves, but they will work in a pinch.
4. Make Use of Your Rain Barrel
John Dakers / Getty Images
Rain barrels are great ways to catch and store “free” water. If you have a rain barrel, attach a soaker hose to it and run it through your garden. It will leech out slowly and saturate the ground. Water well, before you leave, and the ground will soak up that much more.
Read more: What Do Baby Lizards Drink And Eat?
If your rain barrel holds standing water for any length of time, be sure you use some sort of mosquito control, or you’ll be solving one problem by inviting another.
5. Make Self-Watering Jugs
© Marie Iannotti
Some gardeners have had luck making their own self-watering jugs. Just take some old, plastic beverage jugs and bottles and poke the tiniest pinholes in the lower side of the jug. Place the jug in the soil next to your plant, a couple of inches below the soil surface. Water the garden well, then fill the jug with water, just before you leave, and it will slowly drip additional water to the roots.
Obviously, you will need many jugs to water an entire garden, but you can put one jug in between four plants and concentrate on the plants that need constant moisture. You can also use this method for containers.
6. Bring Your Containers to the Water
© Marie Iannotti
A lot of gardens have several plants in containers, usually scattered about the yard. These containers require even more water than the plants in the garden beds. To make sure they get some water, move your containers into or near your garden, where they will get water from the sprinklers.
To cut down on the amount of water they will need, move the containers into a shady area and cluster them together. The will lose less moisture to evaporation in shade and grouping them together will allow them to create their own humidity. This will help prevent wilting during the day.
7. Water Bulbs and Moisture Retaining Materials
© Marie Iannotti
Sometimes you can’t move your containers or perhaps you have a container that needs a lot of supplemental water. Water bulbs or globes and other self-watering gadgets are a good supplement. Be sure to water the container thoroughly, shortly before you leave, and then fill and insert the bulb. The water will slowly drip into the pot and can usually buy you about a week’s time before the plant needs more water.
Another option for containers is to add some water holding material to the soil or even next to garden plants. Hydrogels or watering-retaining crystals absorb and retain ip to 200 times their weight in water, releasing it slowly into the soil. Add this to your container soil mix to aid in hydrating your plants when you’re away.
Of course, if you typically travel during summer months, invest in self-watering containers. There are many options to choose from, which will give you peace of mind–and keep your plants happy while you’re gone.
8. Time Share With Friends
Form a vacation watering co-op with one or more friends. Make arrangements to take care of each others’ garden while away on vacation. You’ll care for their plants while they’re away, and they’ll care for yours, while you take off. Try and make it easier on them by keeping the hose handy and ready to go and grouping as many plants together as you can.
Let your friends know it’s okay to come by and harvest vegetables, so they’ll keep producing and won’t attract animals. Unfortunately, you can’t stop the ripening process. Ripe tomatoes will simply fall off the plant and ferment. If others are enjoying the fruits of your garden, they’ll be more likely to help you take care of it.
9. Hire a Garden Sitter
If you are going to be away two weeks or longer and your garden will be unattended, your best option would be to hire someone to come in once or twice a week to check on your garden. They can either hand-water or ensure your timers are working properly. You may even want them to mow. Check with a garden designer or maintenance group. They may not do one-time care, but they will probably be able to refer you to someone who will.
10. Close the Blinds and Cluster
Erika Craddock / Getty Images
If you have indoor plants that will be fending for themselves while you are away, keep the blinds partially closed. This will keep the room cooler and the plants will lose less moisture.
You should also cluster your plants together, away from direct sunlight. The evaporation from their leaves will keep the air humid. Soak the soil in each pot completely before leaving, so they stay hydrated.
11. Make Your Own Self-Waterer
© Marie Iannotti
Use capillary motion. Make a wick with a cotton string, shoestring, or yarn. Thoroughly water your plant. Shove one end of the string into the soil, about one-inch deep. Firm the soil around the string. Put the other end in a bottle or jar of water, slightly higher than the plant container. The water will wick from the container of water, into the soil.
Read more: 30 cool-season vegetables to plant now
A soda bottle 16 or 32 oz. size should keep the soil moist for at least a week, maybe longer, depending on the size of the pot and the thickness of the string.
Keep in mind that the string can drip, on its way into the container. Don’t set this up on a good piece of furniture or near an appliance cord.
If this seems too complicated, you can always use the watering globes, mentioned above.
Prepare Your Plants for Vacation
Besides covering your bases for care while you’re away, there are also some things you can do to prepare your plants for your absence before your departure.
Make Your Garden Drought Tolerant
Hopefully, you have already chosen plants that can withstand a short period of drought. Drought tolerant, or xeric plants, can pretty much take care of themselves, once they are established. Of course, we all grow a prima donna or two, but it’s much easier to care for a handful of plants than a whole garden.
If you haven’t incorporated the concept of xeriscaping or water-wise gardening, it is well worth looking into. You’ll be surprised how many plants are considered somewhat self-sufficient, whether facing drought or a rainy season.
Check for Pests
Do a pest check the week before you leave to make sure you treat the problem(s), and it doesn’t balloon while you’re away. Don’t just spray indiscriminately, but if you do see an animal munching or an infestation of aphids, take action before leaving your garden unattended for a week or more. It doesn’t take long for a small problem to become a large problem.
If it’s an animal problem, you can spray deterrent, add temporary fencing, put up an action detector or just some shiny dangling CDs or noise-makers to help to confuse the animals like groundhogs and rabbits.
Shade Cloth or Lathe House
Protect large portions of your garden by hanging shade cloth to diffuse the light. Shade cloth is often used in greenhouses in the spring to prevent tender plants from burning. It can also be used to protect gardens in the heat of summer. You can stretch it across a fence or hang it from two poles, where needed. For temporary use during a vacation, you can always use sheer curtains or old screens. A permanent version would be a lathe house.
Be Realistic
Be prepared to lose a few annuals and unestablished perennials. If it’s very hot and dry and if you are going to be gone a week or longer, it’s inevitable, but it’s not the end of the world. When you get back and start watering and tending your garden regularly, things will perk back up. On the plus side, lack of water and high heat will also slow down the weeds.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-keep-your-plants-alive-while-youre-away/
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nagarjunapolymers · 4 years
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modern-day-tech · 4 years
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📽️ NEW VIDEO ALERT📽️ Automate & Schedule your lawn waterings the easy way, with the Eve Aqua Irrigation Controller. Check out the Review 👉 link in my bio #SmartHome #WaterController #EveAqua @meet_eve #sprinker #springtime https://www.instagram.com/p/B-mil2UhESn/?igshid=qr8cmhxcy06n
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eecglobaloperations · 5 years
Reliable Wastewater Management System
This wastewater is closely infected and empties into drainpipes walking underneath the floor of your private home, connecting to an underground Main Sewer Drain walking around the out of doors of the house. EEC Global operation LLC Wastewater Management System is the current, surroundings-friendly alternative to old fashioned septic tanks. EEC Global operation LLC wastewater remedy structures digest strong wastes and use controlled natural strategies to purify wastewater. This smooth, odourless, disinfected water is then recycled via lawn drippers or sprinkers or thru sub floor irrigation structures. Once the EEC Global operation LLC has dealt with the wastewater it could be re-used onto your lawn or onto a selected allocated irrigation vicinity. Saving you water. Saving the Environment and Saving you cash. Call us nowadays and let one of our pleasant body of workers speak your wastewater treatment or septic treatment answer – we are able to even deliver concrete rainwater tanks!
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leadcitypro-blog · 6 years
Expert Sprinkler Repair in Las Vegas NV | (702) 906-0464
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wethecherrygardens · 7 years
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Completed the automation for sprinkler systems. The whole system was designed, planned and executed by our irrigation expert Tamilvanan. He planned it since the start calculating each point before even the ground was properly set. We applaud him and his team for his sincere efforts #sprinker #automation #irrigation #water #plants #gardening #bangalore #gardenexperts #cherrygardens (at Gs Palya Milk Dairy Electronic City)
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expomahal-blog · 5 years
ENMACH - Engineering & Machine Tools Chennai 2019 at India(Chennai) 2019-June
agriculture fibers contact info, agriculture - import & export Exhibitors, agro chemicals business contacts, agro based products & commodities companies, horticulture contact info, plants Exhibitors Directory, vegetables business ideas, fruits Meetings, floriculture Fairs, pesticides Meetings, garden & landscaping Trade Shows, roofing - fencing - flooring network, tractors & parts contacts list, tractors toolbox events, tractors wheels tyres business contacts, led & hid lights contact list, quick hitch Expos, trolleys contacts list, wipers & washers Exhibitions, irrigation business ideas, water management business ideas, water pumps - sprinkers Fairs, hoses business ideas, watering cans Shows, rain barrel business ideas, water timers contact list, veterinary products companies, animal feeds Expos, animal husbandry network, clinics contact info, diagnostics events, pharmaceutical contacts list, vaccines Trade Fairs, vet hospitals & supplies contact list, pipes contact info, pipes & fittings B2B Opportunities, valves companies contacts, bolts Meetings, taps Fairs, pipe couplings and elbows. info, re-exporters contact links, agro products suppliers Exhibitors, agriculture consultants B2B ideas, senior government officials contact info, decision makers Trade Shows, manufacturers contact list, traders & retailers Expos, agents & distributors Exhibitors, investors & entrepreneurs info, storage & logistic experts network, veterinary doctors Exhibitors, agro & farmers companies, managers events, nurseymen & growers Trade Shows, landscaping experts contact list, students & educators Business events, real estate builders B2C ideas, developers Meetings, breeders events, animal health consultants business, food importers Exhibitors, supermarkets companies contacts, technologists contacts list, export promotions bodies Trade Shows, industry & trade media. Expos 2019, June, Thailand, Bangkok
Lab & Test Asia 2019 at Thailand(Bangkok) 2019-June
Lab & Test Asia 2019 trade show event mainly focuses on:
agriculture fibers Fairs, agriculture - import & export Exhibitions, agro chemicals business, agro based products & commodities contact list, horticulture Trade Shows, plants directory, vegetables Meetings, fruits events, floriculture business, pesticides directory, garden & landscaping companies contacts, roofing - fencing - flooring companies contacts, tractors & parts network, tractors toolbox Trade Shows, tractors wheels tyres Expos, led & hid lights B2C ideas, quick hitch directory, trolleys business ideas, wipers & washers Exhibitors Directory, irrigation info, water management Exhibitors Directory, water pumps - sprinkers Exhibitors, hoses Fairs, watering cans B2B Opportunities, rain barrel companies, water timers Exhibitions, veterinary products B2B Opportunities, animal feeds events, animal husbandry B2B ideas, clinics Exhibitors, diagnostics contact list, pharmaceutical Business events, vaccines Shows, vet hospitals & supplies companies list, pipes contacts list, pipes & fittings B2C ideas, valves contacts list, bolts Shows, taps companies contacts, pipe couplings and elbows. Events, re-exporters contact info, agro products suppliers Business events, agriculture consultants Exhibitors, senior government officials companies contacts, decision makers Business events, manufacturers companies, traders & retailers business, agents & distributors contacts list, investors & entrepreneurs Trade Fairs, storage & logistic experts business opportunities, veterinary doctors B2B Opportunities, agro & farmers network, managers business contacts, nurseymen & growers Trade Shows, landscaping experts Expos, students & educators Shows, real estate builders companies contacts, developers events, breeders Fairs, animal health consultants companies, food importers B2B Opportunities, supermarkets contact links, technologists Events, export promotions bodies contacts list, industry & trade media. events
related products/services/industry/business. This trade show opens top business opportunities to exhibit products and services from agriculture fibers companies, agriculture - import & export business contacts, agro chemicals Exhibitions, agro based products & commodities companies list, horticulture Exhibitors, plants Business events, vegetables Expos, fruits companies list, floriculture directory, pesticides Trade Fairs, garden & landscaping companies list, roofing - fencing - flooring directory, tractors & parts Expos, tractors toolbox business ideas, tractors wheels tyres B2B Opportunities, led & hid lights contact links, quick hitch companies contacts, trolleys Meetings, wipers & washers contact list, irrigation B2B Opportunities, water management companies contacts, water pumps - sprinkers Shows, hoses business, watering cans Trade Shows, rain barrel Trade Fairs, water timers Meetings, veterinary products Expos, animal feeds companies list, animal husbandry network, clinics business opportunities, diagnostics contacts list, pharmaceutical business opportunities, vaccines Trade Fairs, vet hospitals & supplies Meetings, pipes business opportunities, pipes & fittings business, valves business contacts, bolts network, taps business ideas, pipe couplings and elbows. business ideas, re-exporters companies contacts, agro products suppliers Exhibitors Directory, agriculture consultants contact list, senior government officials Trade Fairs, decision makers Business events, manufacturers directory, traders & retailers Business events, agents & distributors B2C opportunities, investors & entrepreneurs business, storage & logistic experts info, veterinary doctors Exhibitors Directory, agro & farmers events, managers Shows, nurseymen & growers Fairs, landscaping experts Expos, students & educators Exhibitions, real estate builders B2B Opportunities, developers Meetings, breeders directory, animal health consultants events, food importers Exhibitors Directory, supermarkets Exhibitors, technologists Meetings, export promotions bodies contacts list, industry & trade media. companies industry.
Find More Details about Lab & Test Asia 2019 event...
We help you to grow your business by providing the required contact details of all companies participating in this event and you can download the same data in excel format using the above links. Location of the Event:Thailand(Bangkok) Year-Month:2019-June Official Website:Event Website source https://www.expomahal.com/2019/08/enmach-engineering-machine-tools.html
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nagarjunapolymers · 4 years
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nagarjunapolymers · 4 years
HDPE Sprinkler System Manufacturers in Hyderabad | Nagarjuna Polymers
Looking for HDPE Sprinkler System Manufacturers in Hyderabad.  Nagarjuna Polymers are supplier and manufacturer of HDPE sprinkler systems, sprinker irrigation fittings, HDPE sprinkler pipes in India. Phone Number : +(91)-(40)-64528990.
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nagarjunapolymers · 4 years
HDPE Sprinkler System Manufacturers in Hyderabad | Nagarjuna Polymers
Looking for HDPE Sprinkler System Manufacturers in Hyderabad . Nagarjuna Polymers are supplier and manufacturer of HDPE sprinkler systems, sprinker irrigation fittings, HDPE sprinkler pipes in India. Phone Number : +(91)-(40)-64528990.
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