#oasis irrigation systems
When it comes to agricultural appliances, you will find a wide variety. These are primarily used to enhance farming production and ensure the healthy growth of crops. From irrigation to dust suppression, you will find devices with specific operations. Among them, impact sprinklers have a significance of their own. 
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coastallands77capes · 5 months
Coastal Landscape Construction
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coastallandscapes · 5 months
Coastal Landscape Construction
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Website: https://www.coastallandscapes.net.au
Address: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Coastal Landscape Construction, a boutique landscaping service based in Melbourne, specializes in bringing clients' landscaping visions to life. With 16 years of industry experience, they offer comprehensive services including garden makeovers, new entertaining areas, construction, irrigation, drainage, decking, screens, garden lighting, and paving. As registered builders, they ensure quality and reliability in every project.
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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The Oxus is a river, today called Amu Darya in its western part and Wakhsh in its eastern parts, which flows for a length of 2400 km across modern Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan into Lake Aral. In Ancient times it crossed the regions Fergana, Bactria, Oxeiana, Sogdiana and Khiva. The Oxus and the Iaxartes are called twin rivers, because of their same destination, almost similar trajectories and because they both are thankless rivers, naturally irrigating only very few areas through which they flow. However, like the Iaxartes, the Oxus allowed large-scale irrigation systems which was the main reason of its area's rich history. The Oxus was the nucleus of the successive Bactrian civilizations and kingdoms. The river was the borderline between the Persian satrapy of Sogdiana northward and Bactria southward, whereas the western part belongs to nomads. Several cities were founded here, mostly known under their Greek names, like Alexandreia Oxeiana (actual Termez). Alexander the Great came across the river three times between 329 and 327 BC. Later, the Eastern part of the Oxus was the nucleus of the Greco-Bactrian kingdom, whereas the western part, especially the Khiva Oasis, was the land of the Parni, who later became the Parthians invading the Seleucid empire.
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Do you think Kalim’s unique magic has healing properties or at least promotes growth in plants? In chapter 4 the rain made everyone feel better(though I imagine getting a drink of water after THAT work out would be good either way) and after a few days the oasis grew back. I know after rain fall in a desert plant life grows back, it just seemed like Kalim’s magic made it grow faster.
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In the game itself, Kalim's unique magic, Oasis Maker, is described as being able to produce a large amount of water using only a miniscule amount of magic. Additionally, as noted by both Kalim and Grim, the water that he conjures is the most pure and delicious around.
There are no other explicit mentions of additional effects or properties, but I think the idea of Kalim's water having the power to heal is a neat concept. I'm not going to count the act of drinking the water since these homies just marched through a desert so any hydration would feel like a godsend). However, the actual physical properties of the water could be such that it provides more relief over normal water. For example, water that has been enhanced with electrolytes can replace some of the minerals that have been lost via sweating excessively. Grim also comments on the temperature of the water being perfect--not too cold, not too warm.
The example brought up of the oasis becoming lush again is really interesting! I believe that Kalim casts his UM once there (to refresh the students), but the oasis is still dried out the second time Scarabia comes to the oasis. The third and final time they pay the oasis a visit is at the very end of the episode, and the place has suddenly become lush and full of water again. Since the events of episode 4 take place over what is winter break, this means that it took about a week or a little over a week for the oasis to be restored. I actually don't know if this is possible in real life or if that's a realistic recovery time 💦 When I looked it up, Google tells me that it usually takes a few weeks to a month minimum to see change in a dehydrated plant. If we're using that as a point of comparison then yeah, the oasis blessed with Kalim's UM water did indeed experience a speedy restoration to its former glory. This could imply that Oasis Maker water has other benefits that aren't clearly exposited in the narrative or the dialogue.
What I find really cool about this idea is that it seems plausible enough given the lore and the attitudes of the characters surrounding Kalim's magic. Kalim himself doesn't think of it as a big deal; he says that maybe it would have been really useful back in the old days before potable drinking water was readily avaliable in arid areas, but nowadays it's pretty useless with how accessible water is. (Think of Silk City's canals and modern irrigation system!) However, Azul points out to Kalim that he's casually overlooking the true power he has. The game kind of just goes for a joke about Azul's greed (as he laments how profitable Oasis Maker could be), but in a sense, Azul's right. Kalim can do so much more with his abilities, it's just that he doesn't know how to really apply them and he underestimates what he can do.
Let's think of it like this: sure, the Scalding Sands are fine with their water. But you know who isn't? The Afterglow Savanna. The people there are pretty opposed to anything that interferes with their philosophy of living in harmony with nature; some of them live on well water which may not be entirely safe all the time--but with Oasis Maker, Kalim could literally make it rain clean, safe to drink water for all their needs with just a smidgen of magic. Even better, because the water comes down like natural rain would, it doesn't harm nature (and in the case where his water does have healing properties, it would actually promote the growth of plants). In other contexts, Kalim's UM could do immense good. (My thought is that perhaps since Kalim grew up so privileged, he takes some things for granted and therefore doesn't think too much in depth about things outside of his immediate environment or people who are lacking what he already has an abundance of?)
Kalim seems to adopt a somewhat flippant attitude towards his UM; he doesn't hate it or anything, but he definitely talks it down. He doesn't really seem to think it's useful or has large applications outside of reenergizing his friends-and for him, that's enough! Kalim's happiest when others are happy, and they can all sing and dance together, just like the incantation to his UM says. It's possible, then, that he didn't bother experimenting with Oasis Maker to determine its other properties outside of just producing nice water (which would sort of explain why Kalim doesn't see its broader uses, but a big brain like Azul, who is far more results oriented, can).
ADDENDUM: Interesting detail on Dorm Uniform Kalim; with M3 (magic 3) that comes with his third uncap, he has a healing water spell.
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jacksgreysays · 6 months
Hiiii how about a prompt for Further Down Road One, political marriage!Shikasuke, maybe something from an Uchiha's POV on the Shikabane-hime's meteoric rise in power, international acclaim, and political capital? And how it ripples out onto the clan as a whole?
I mean, the point of Road One is that the arranged marriage itself already does SO MUCH to change the trajectory of the Uchiha clan’s fate for the better that, basically, everything else after that is kind of a bonus. The fact that Shikako’s smart and powerful and a good person is NICE, yes, but just being engaged to Sasuke already earned so much approval from the clan as a whole that it’s just kinda… ehhhh…
Although… and this somewhat of a tangent to the prompt… it would be funny if… okay, let me set this up by saying: I don’t necessarily like Itachi as a character. When he was kind of a psychopath and apparently just murdered his entire family to test his power, that was at least a… strength of will or conviction that kind of resonated thematically. Like, what if Will of Fire goes bad kind of thing. Or the pressures of being clan heir, of being pushed too hard and too fast, would lead to a genius of violence snapping and using said violence. Then when it turns out he was given orders to murder his entire family and his one condition was that Sasuke would get to live is like… what the fuck dude. It’s both backtracking to make Itachi weaker as a character and also, somehow, even more of a psychopath in my opinion. And, like, sure, Danzo maybe used Shisui’s Sharingan to unbreakable genjutsu him into it, but I don’t think that really absolves Itachi.
All that being said, theoretically in this kinder world of Road One, we never get to that point. Additionally, there’s less pressure on Itachi to continue to excel SO OVERTLY since the clan isn’t getting isolated and also because Shisui is still there and alive to share the burden.
BUT, I do still… the idea that the Uchiha elders have been wanting one of the clan to become Hokage is something that I hold to be true unless proven otherwise. I do think the clan elders would push more for Itachi to be Hokage—because he is clan heir and so has the pedigree, while Shisui (just as powerful, literally Flee On Sight in the bingo books at such a young age) I think we’ve fandom agreed is an orphan or at least a lesser branch of the Uchiha clan.
Anyway, all of the above leads me to: Shisui and Itachi trying to PR campaign for their sister-in-law Shikako (who WILL be an Uchiha once the marriage actually) to be the new “best candidate” for an Uchiha Hokage. Like, really just them listing off all of her accomplishments to not only the Uchiha elders but the rest of the clan (who, again, already quite like her).
I also think, in this universe, that Shikako would DO SOMETHING about Sora-ku once she feels a little more comfortable making decisions—or, at least, making proposals with attached logistics—for the Uchiha clan. Like. It’s a huge chunk of territory that seems to be an abandoned city. But it’s apparently functional enough to have a community of sorts of black marketeers and a support system. Like, it’s not so out of the way of things that nobody bothers with it, which implies that it could be rejuvenated with the time and resources. I think I read a theory once that it’s because Senju used their skills to desertify the area so there just wasn’t enough food to support a city of that size. BUT, now they’ve got Shikako. And Shikako’s connections. Whether that is the ANY clan alliance or Tenzo/Yamato or upper echelons of Hidden Mist’s administration (Haku is an ice user, yes, but like he and Zabuza wouldn’t throw a squad of Mist nin with water nature to help with irrigation at Shikako’s request for free) or even the literal oasis creating ancient god Gelel.
So, you know, she’s more than proven herself to the world. And with the Sora-ku rejuvenation, already brought a level of prosperity to the Uchiha clan than they could ever imagine. “Shikako for Hokage” is not a hard sell for Shisui and Itachi whatsoever (and also, they do think Sasuke would be so happy as her First Gentleman/trophy husband)
Yeah, that’s kind of all I can think of for this prompt in terms of it being different than how the Nara clan or DoS canon clans for that matter would view her meteoric rise. Hope you enjoyed, anon.
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mask131 · 11 months
Simple facts about Ancient Egypt (1)
Since I am making posts about the gods of Ancient Egypt, I realized maybe some of my followers were unfamiliar with how Ancient Egypt worked - or maybe their head was still filled with Hollywood-projected stereotypes and cliches about this ancient realm. So I decided to make this little series in parallel - where I will present to you several basic, fun, bizarre or fundamental facts, trivia and anecdotes about Ancient Egypt.
Note that these are MASSIVELY oversimplified facts and trivia. I am not an expert on Ancient Egypt and I am not giving a class here - I am just sharing some basic facts and trivia, simplified to better have a grasp of the topic. Some things may be inaccurate, or others may be outdated (my source stop at the early 2010s). So be warned.
Ancient Egypt roughly stayed the same shape during its entire history because it has a set of natural frontiers. In the north, the Mediterranean sea. in the south, there were the cataracts of Nile. In the east, it was the Arabian desert, and in the west, the Lybian desert. Egypt was stuck right in the middle. 
We could begin Egypt’s history with its prehistory, in 9000 BCE. Nomads were living then in what is today Egypt - but it didn’t look like the Egypt we know today. In this time heavy rains fell regularly, there was a true savannah where the desert is today, and lots of animals were living here - allowing men to survive through hunting. Around 6000 BCE, there was a sudden climate change. The rains stopped falling, there was a massive drought, the savannah slowly turned into a desert, and the anmals fled to more southern areas of Africa. Men had to find another way of surviving and began agriculture - they stopped their nomading ways, settled around the Nile river, and started creating their first buildings and creating their first fields. From this point on, it took them eight centuries roughly to get out from “prehistory” and enter into “history”, as they created their own writing system, their own architectural style, and their own irrigation system. 
For the Egyptians of old, Egypt was divided into two areas, each with their own color. There was Kemi, the Black Land, which was the fertile area surrounding the river Nile ; and there was the Red Land, which was the more desertic areas of Egypt. Ancient Egypt was basically perceived as an 800 kilometers long oasis, right in the middle of an even bigger desert. This cultural division also echoed another division of Egypt: a political one. For a very long time, Ancient Egypt was divided into two different countries: Upper Egypt in the south, which was the area of the Valley of Egypt, and organized around a small patch of cultivable lands surrounded by the desert. In the north, you had Lower Egypt, which was the Delta, a swampy triangle where the papyrus grew. It might confuse people as to why the “lower” is in the north and “upper” in the south - but it was because these divisions were made based on the Nile and how it flowed. Since it took its source in the south and then flowed all the way to the north, for the Egyptians the south was the “upper” area and the north the “lower” one. 
The first real towns in Egypt only appeared around 3500 BCE. Before that, Egyptians lived n huts of mud, straw and reeds, clustered in small villages on mounds (to avoid the floodings). 
According to scientific studies, Egypt had 1,5 millions inhabitants in 3000 BCE, 3 millions under Ramses II, and 5 millions under Cleopatra. 
In 3032 BCE, the prince Narmer managed to unify Upper and Lower Egypt into one same realm - this is the start of what we know as Ancient Egypt, which lasted for three thousand years, all the way until the Roman conquest of 30 BCE. Egypt’s history is divided into three main eras of peace and prosperity: the Kingdoms as they are called in English (fun fact, in French we call them “Empires”). Between each Kingdom, there were periods of political and social troubles, usually called the intermediate periods. In total there were 31 different dynasties of pharaohs that ruled over Egypt.
The chronology of Ancient Egypt roughly goes as such (I will avoid datation because nobody agrees on them): Early Dynastic Period (the first dynasties and the first times of a unified Egypt), then the Old Kingdom, then a first intermediate period, than the Middle Kingdom, then a second intermediate period, then the New Kingdom, than a third ntermediate period (the biggest of the three), followed by the Late Period and Egypt, which then gave place (without any intermediate period) to the Greco-Roman era of Egypt. 
The Old Kingdom ended because there was a period of several years where the annual flooding was too weak, causing bad harvest and famines. The nomarchs, the leaders of the 42 provinces of Egypt (we’ll talk about them later) took over the power, each becoming the absolute lord of their own regon, and fought against each other for the stocks of wheat. It was a true chaos, that only took end when a new pharaoh took over the power and managed to bring back peace between the different provinces: it was the start of the Middle Kingdom. A Middle Kingdom which fell when the Hyksos, ferocious warriors coming from Syria, invaded Egypt - a new Kingdom could only form once they were banished and pushed away out of Egypt’s frontiers. As for the New Kingdom, it was often said to be a “colossus with clay feet”, becaue it was the most brilliant, splendid and famous era of Egypt - the one of Ramses II and Tutankhamun... But all of Egypt’s riches at the time came from its neighboring lands, various nations Egypt had colonized and was stealing from: Nubia, Lybia, Syria... In 1000 BCE, Egypt lost all of its colonies, and thus lost all of its wealth, marking an end to the New Kingdom. The state couldn’t pay its staff and employees anymore - and they had a LOT, since the state was the one who paid the priests, the craftsmen and the scrbes of the land. Since people weren’t paid there were massive strikes - if you forgive the anachronism - and the state officials even went as far as to steal from the peasants, or to crack open the graves of the pharaohs to pillage their treasures! 
And all of that is without counting the numerous troubles when it cames to the dynasties. The rule was that, when the pharaoh was dying, the political power would go to one of his sons, or to a member of his family. But very often army generals, province governors, or vizirs made a move to take the crown for themselves - resulting in the thirty or so different dynasties ruling over Egypt. The third intermediate period was the worst of them all, with up five different pharaohs ruling simultaneously! 
The pharaohs were the rulers of Ancient Egypt, controlling the government, the justice system, the armies and religion. Their crown went from father to son, and they were considered by their subjects to be living gods - the pharaohs were each the direct descendants of Ra, the creator deity and sun-god, and they were thought to be the embodiments of Horus, the king-god and sky-god. In the Egyptian mind, the pharaohs was the guardian of order on earth, and their presence (and job) was all about bringing happiness, safety and prosperity to the Egyptian people. The pharaoh was so feared and so respected people did not dare touch him, believing it would cause them misfortunes. However, in echange for such a power, the pharaoh was made responsible of the various disasters and events of meteorological natures. For example, it was considered that the flooding of the Nile depended of the power and actions of the pharaoh, and if there was a drought, he was held responsible.
The pharaoh had a given set of items he was supposed to wear during official ceremonies - the most famous of them being the crook and the flail he had in each hands. The crook, originally used by shepherds to guide their flock, was his scepter and the symbol of royalty, while the flail, which was an agricultural device, symbolized fertility (that the pharaoh was supposed to bring). The pharaoh also had a large number of crowns to chose from. You have seen all the crowns pharaohs are depicted with: the one entirely red is the crown of Lower-Egypt (in the north), while the entirely white one is the one of Upper-Egypt (in the south) - and there was one double-crown, uniting these two crowns in one, worn by the pharaoh to symbolize the united Egypt. But the Upper-Egypt crown wasn’t to be confused with another white crown, which had a round and golden tip, which was the atef crown, the usual symbol of the god Osiris - plus there was alaos a blue crown, which was a war-crown. And on most of these crowns you will find a little ornament depicting a cobra - it was the uraeus, which was supposed to be the divine protection offered by the gods to the pharaoh. If anyone tried to attack him, it was believed this little snake would breathe fire on the assaillant or jump on them to bite them with a deadly poison. Oh yes, and who could forget the fake beard that all pharaohs tied with strings to their chin - this was supposed to symbolize the divine origin and divine nature of their power. 
The pharaoh wasn’t the only one governing Egypt of course: he usually delegated his powers to his ministers. The most important member of the government after the pharaoh was the vizir - a sort of “super-minister” whose job was to take in charge the budget and wealth of the state, take care of the taxes and their payment, control the annual production of the peasants, overseeing the courts of justice and the national archivs, as well as being the chief of the “police” of the time. It was many, many jobs for one man - so much that Egypt soon switched from one to two vizirs, one for the north and one for the south. Beyond the vizir, there were also numerous other ministers - one for the taxes, one for the collect and storage of grains and cereals, one for the cattle, one for messages, one for foreign business, etc, etc... Of course, the stereotype of the “evil, scheming, ambitious vizir” doesn’t come from nowhere - many times in Egyptian history vizirs have tried to control young or weak pharaohs, or to usurp the pharaoh’s place, sometimes going as far as to kill a pharaoh and marry his widow. 
To help the pharaoh govern Egypt, the land was divided into 42 provinces called the “nomes” (not to be confused with L. Frank Baum’s fictional creation), and each nome was under the control of a powerful nobleman, called the “nomarch” (not the monarch, the nomarch). Each nomarch was chosen by the pharaoh to rule for him each nome - but with time, the nomarchs ended up transmitting their title from father to son, instead of waiting for the pharaoh to choose a new nomarch. This made them grow more and more powerful, until they ended up declaring themselves the kings of their own provinces. As I said before, this is why the Old Kingdom fell, as it was fragmented into 42 little kingdoms that kept feuding and bickering between each other. 
When it comes to justice, criminals were usually punished by being beaten up by the police with sticks. For the first crimes and lesser crimes are least... If a criminal was caught several times doing a same crime, or was guilty of a major offense, they were sent to work in mines, quarries or construction sites. The worst part was that, in such a case, their entire family was sent with them to work alongside them - their wife, their parents, their aunts, their cousins, even their children! But in return, no mistake or corruption in the justice system was tolerated: if the pharaoh ever discovered that an innocent was declared guilty, the judges would be punished by having their ears or their nose cut off. 
The palace of the pharaoh was at the same time a personal place for him to live, his house, but also a public and official building where he received the various princes and ambassies of foreign powers. It was also of course where all of the advisors of the pharaohs lived - alongside the great magistrates, the higher ups of the army, the scholars, artists and architects of the pharaoh, as well as the great priests. We know the palaces were superb and beautiful, with magnificent paitings everywhere, columns all red, blue or green, with colorful statues and gold ornaments everywhere - but unfortunately not much of it survived today. Of course, the pharaoh never had just one palace: each pharaoh had several palaces throughout the land, and if one wanted to entertain himelf, he just had to go on his gold-and-gem incrusted boat and travel through the Nile to one of his other palaces. And of course, no need to say that the pharaoh had to be VERY careful around his court - as many plots and schemes took place, trying to usurp him. Vizirs were often the guilty parties, but sometimes other members of the palace attempt to harm the king’s life or power - for example one of his concubines of the harem! Rumor says that Ramses II, having grown invalid with age, was murdered by one of his concubines who wanted to put her son on the throne... 
Each pharaoh had in his palace a harem, a place where the secondary wives of the pharaoh lived. For each pharaoh had multiple wives: there was one official wife, the queen that ruled alongside the king and played an active and important part in the court, and a host of secondary wives who lived in the harem. Interestingly, while the “harem” conjures up the image of young and naked women piled up on beds for the pharaoh’s sexual pleasure, in truth this was the living place of all the concubines of the pharaoh... an of their children! Yep, the kids of the concubines and secondary wives of the pharaoh were raised in the harem and lived alongside their mothers. 
Interestingly, while the tradition was that a pharaoh could only have ONE “great wife”, “grand wife”, “official wife”, “queen of Egypt”, call her however you like, some pharaohs broke the rule from time to time - most notably Ramses II, who had eight official wives co-ruling alongside him at the same time as queens of Egypt. And some of them... were his daughters. I think this is a good way to end this quick reminder post: the thing everybody should know about Egyptian pharaohs is that they practiced incest. On a theological level, it was because the pharaohs were like the gods, descendants of the gods, gods incarnate, and thus could do just like the gods, marry in their family. On a more practical level, it was a tradition to “keep the power inside the family” and strengthen each dynasty by it having only one bloodline. This resulted in many, MANY pharaohs actually taking as wives either their sister, or one of their daughters! And in return, the widow of a pharaoh could very easily take in a second marriage her husband’s brother, without any problem whatsoever. 
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ubuildhome · 10 months
Low Maintenance Flower Bed Ideas for the Front of Your House
Welcome to a world of effortless beauty and captivating curb appeal! In this guide, we'll delve into a realm where nature effortlessly complements architecture: the realm of low maintenance flower bed ideas for the front of your house. Gone are the days of constant upkeep and endless hours spent tending to high-maintenance blooms. We invite you to discover a spectrum of creative possibilities that not only enhance your home's exterior but also grant you the gift of time – time to savor the beauty, rather than meticulously maintain it.
Whether you possess a green thumb or simply seek to infuse life into your surroundings with minimal effort, these ideas will redefine the way you perceive flower beds. Join us as we explore an array of plant choices, design strategies, and maintenance tactics that harmonize nature and architecture in a choreography of beauty and convenience. Your journey to an enchanting, low-maintenance floral oasis begins here.
Native Plants: Opt for native plants that are well adapted to your region's climate and soil conditions. These plants require less water and maintenance as they have evolved to thrive in your area naturally. Native wildflowers, grasses, and shrubs can create a picturesque and eco-friendly flower bed.
Mulching: Applying a layer of mulch around your flower bed not only helps retain moisture but also prevents weed growth. Organic mulches, such as wood chips or straw, break down over time, enriching the soil and reducing the need for frequent fertilization.
Perennial Plants: Select perennial flowers that return year after year, reducing the need for replanting. Varieties like coneflowers, daylilies, and lavender are not only beautiful but also require minimal care once established.
Grouping Plants: Arrange plants in clusters based on their water and sunlight needs. This prevents over-watering and allows you to target care more effectively. It also creates a visually appealing arrangement of colors and textures.
Drip Irrigation: Installing a drip irrigation system can be a game-changer for low maintenance flower beds. It delivers water directly to the plant roots, minimizing water wastage and reducing the frequency of watering.
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Rock Gardens: Incorporating rocks, pebbles, and succulents can add an interesting dimension to your flower bed. These elements require virtually no maintenance and can withstand varying weather conditions.
Landscape Fabric: Placing landscape fabric beneath the mulch can help suppress weed growth and minimize the need for weeding, saving you time and effort.
Container Plants: For an even more hands-off approach, use decorative containers with drought-resistant plants. These containers can be moved around easily and require minimal upkeep.
Low-Growing Ground Covers: Instead of traditional grass, consider using low-growing ground covers like creeping thyme or moss. They require less mowing and add unique textures to your flower bed.
Easy-Care Bulbs: Planting bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, and crocuses in the fall provides a burst of color in the spring without demanding much ongoing attention.
Minimalist Design: Embrace a minimalist design with a few well-chosen plants and simple geometric shapes. This not only looks elegant but also reduces the overall maintenance workload.
Regular Pruning: While aiming for low maintenance, occasional pruning or deadheading spent flowers is still necessary. This encourages new growth and maintains a neat appearance.
In conclusion, a stunning front yard doesn't have to come at the cost of endless gardening chores. By incorporating these low maintenance flower bed ideas, you can create a charming and inviting space without dedicating excessive time and effort. Whether you're a busy professional or simply prefer a hassle-free garden, these ideas ensure that your front yard remains a beautiful focal point year-round.
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bound4travel81 · 11 months
Bombay Beach was not on my list of places to see during this visit, but an incredibly friendly border patrol checkpoint officer enthusiastically recommended stopping here since it was on our way. And wow. Bombay Beach sits on the Salton Sea, and during the 50s and 60s, it was a booming tourist getaway and desert beach resort town. An oasis in the middle of nowhere, the Salton Sea, is the result of an irrigation system gone wrong when the Colorado River was diverted and water spilled over and created what is now the largest body of water in California. Fast forward to today, the town is now a shell of its former self but has become a haven for artists. Rolling through town has big Scooby-Doo vibes, but there are some incredibly interesting and eclectic artworks to see both in the town and on the beach itself.
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Salima Ikram on the “Floating Pyramid” of Pharaoh Senusret II
“Egypt’s ‘floating’ pyramid mystery solved with 4,000-year-old ‘treasure trove’ discovery
 | World | News
By Admin on January 30, 2021
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Pyramid of Lahun: Expert explores Egypt’s ‘floating’ pyramid
In the 12th Dynasty of the ancient civilisation, Pharaoh Senusret II ordered for the construction of the Pyramid of Lahun. The fourth ruler of this period in history took a great deal of interest in the Faiyum Oasis region – south of Cairo – and began work on an extensive irrigation system from Bahr Yussef through to Lake Moeris in Middle Egypt. The purpose of his project was to increase the amount of cultivable land in that area and, as a result of his efforts, it would remain the political capital of Egypt through to the 13th Dynasty.
When he died in 1878 BC the pharaoh was buried in his monument and now, the Science Channel’s ‘Unearthed’ documentary has unravelled the secret to his incredible architecture.
The series explained: “Built around 1870 BC, it’s a mighty monument clad in gleaming limestone that rises 160 feet above the desert.
“At the top, a black granite capstone makes a connection to the heavens.
“Next to it, a smaller pyramid – for the pharaoh’s queen – and eight stone mastaba memorials.
How the pyramid may have looked 4,000 years ago (Image: YOUTUBE/SCIENCE CHANNEL)
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Experts visited the ancient monument (Image: YOUTUBE/SCIENCE CHANNEL)
“It was all enclosed by a huge mud-brick wall. The complex was said to be surrounded by water, seemingly floating in the desert.
“It stands in Egypt’s vast western desert. This is a fertile area of the desert known as the Faiyum Oasis.”
Leading archaeologist Dr Salima Ikram revealed her theory on how the pharaoh created the illusion that his pyramid was floating.
She said: “What a sight it must have been for people, to look at something like that – this mountain of a pyramid encircled by water.
“We’re in the middle of a desert, but in the distance, you can see there is lots of greenery and vegetation.
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How the ancient site may have once looked (Image: YOUTUBE/SCIENCE CHANNEL)
“The fact that there is a lush oasis here means there is a constant supply of water.”
During the documentary, experts used drone footage to track what they believed to be the route of the ancient waterways.
The narrator explained: “The pyramid is built about 10 miles from the River Nile.
“In ancient times, the annual floods inundate the barren land with life-giving water and minerals.
“A huge canal constructed by an earlier pharaoh also channels water from the mighty river to the Faiyum.
“Salima thinks that the Nile and the canal are not the only sources of water.”
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Salima Ikram identified a modern dam (Image: YOUTUBE/SCIENCE CHANNEL)
Dr Ikram then put forward her theory.
She added: “This large water channel that connects to the Nile is one of the main sources of water for this whole area near the pyramids.
“I wonder what it would have been like 4,000 years ago when it was much wetter, it rained much more and there were even powerful floods.
“The amount of water here makes it a bit curious that someone should choose their site to build a pyramid.
“Senusret II could have been buried with his father several miles to the north of here, but he actively came and sought out and chose this place so he must have had a very good reason to do that.”
Visiting a nearby dam, Dr Ikram explained the crucial role she believes it played in ancient Egypt.
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Dr Ikram said the pharaoh’s work played a crucial role (Image: YOUTUBE/SCIENCE CHANNEL)
She added: “What’s really interesting is if you go all the way down, this dam is built on the foundation of Senusret II’s dam.
“This is the first dam ever built in the Faiyum and he used it to tame this region and turn it into an agricultural treasure trove.”
And the series detailed how it played a key role thereafter.
The narrator continued: “The pharaohs before Senusret dug out a waterway from the Nile to the Faiyum, creating a massive lake and oasis.
“Senusret himself builds dikes and irrigation channels to distribute water to the surrounding desert.
“Drawing water from the oasis, Senusret creates 17,000 acres of new farmland near the lagoon and he builds his pyramid right next to it to commemorate his achievement and life’s work.” “
Source: https://www.moradabadpages.com/egypt-s-floating-pyramid-mystery-solved-with-4-000-year-old-treasure-trove-discovery-world-news/
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gardenguys-in · 1 year
🌿🌼 Welcome to Garden Guys! 🌼🌿
Transforming Outdoor Spaces into Lush Paradises 🌱🌺
At Garden Guys, We specialize in landscaping, garden setups, balcony gardens, home garden maintenance, and outdoor transformations. Let us create a breathtaking oasis just for you. Contact us for a complimentary consultation! 🌱🌺
🌳 Landscape Design & Installation
🌿 Garden Setup & Maintenance
🏢 Balcony Garden Creation
🏡 Home Garden Setup & Maintenance
💧 Irrigation Systems
🪴 Plant Selection & Installation
🔨 Hardscaping & Outdoor Living Spaces
Discover the beauty of nature with Garden Guys. Follow us for inspiration and visit our website to learn more. 📍 Serving in Lucknow and coming to your city soo.
📞 +91 7376 7878 56 💻 https://gardenguys.in #GardenGuys #Landscaping #OutdoorSpaces
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lyuvengarden · 1 year
Lyuven Garden & Maintenance: Unleashing the Full Potential of Your Garden with Expert Maintenance
A well-maintained garden is a testament to the care and attention it receives. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance, the leading provider of professional garden maintenance services, is dedicated to unlocking the full potential of your outdoor space. With their expertise and passion for creating vibrant and thriving gardens, Lyuven Garden & Maintenance offers tailored solutions that elevate your garden to new heights. In this article, we explore the essential aspects of their expert maintenance services, showcasing how they bring beauty and vitality to your outdoor oasis.
Customized Maintenance Plans for Your Unique Garden
At Lyuven Garden & Maintenance, they understand that each garden has its own personality and requirements. They create customized maintenance plans that address the specific needs of your garden. By conducting a detailed assessment of factors such as plant varieties, soil conditions, and microclimates, their team designs tailored solutions that ensure your garden flourishes year-round.
Pruning and Shaping: Sculpting Natural Beauty
The art of pruning and shaping plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal and health of your garden. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance excels in this aspect, employing advanced techniques to create stunning lines and captivating forms. Their skilled team meticulously prunes hedges, shrubs, and trees, transforming them into works of art that add elegance and structure to your garden.
Effortless Lawn Care for a Lush Green Canvas
A lush green lawn forms the foundation of a beautiful garden. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance offers comprehensive lawn care services, including regular mowing, edging, fertilization, and weed control. Their team of experts applies industry-best practices and uses state-of-the-art equipment to ensure your lawn remains healthy, vibrant, and free from unsightly weeds.
Optimal Irrigation Systems for Sustainable Growth
Proper irrigation is essential for the sustained health and vitality of your garden. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance specializes in the installation and maintenance of efficient irrigation systems tailored to your garden's specific needs. By implementing smart watering technologies, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting, they promote optimal plant growth while conserving water resources.
Pest and Disease Management: Safeguarding Your Garden's Health
Pests and diseases can threaten the well-being of your garden. Lyuven Garden & Maintenance employs proactive pest and disease management strategies to protect your plants. Their team utilizes environmentally friendly solutions and integrated pest management practices to prevent and control common garden pests, ensuring your garden remains vibrant and thriving.
In Conclusion, Lyuven Garden & Maintenance is your trusted partner in unleashing the full potential of your garden. With their customized maintenance plans, expertise in pruning and shaping, comprehensive lawn care, efficient irrigation systems, and meticulous pest and disease management, they bring beauty, vitality, and harmony to your outdoor space. Trust Lyuven Garden & Maintenance to transform your garden into a captivating oasis that reflects your vision and provides endless joy. Contact them today to experience the unrivaled dedication and expertise in garden maintenance that sets them apart.
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Expert Sprinkler Repair Services | S&L Sprinkler Repair
A lush, vibrant lawn is a captivating sight that can enhance the beauty of any home. Achieving and maintaining such a lawn requires the implementation of proper irrigation techniques and thoughtful landscaping. At Sands Sprinkler Repair, we understand the significance of a healthy lawn, and we are dedicated to providing exceptional sprinkler system services to help you achieve your dream yard. In this blog post, we will explore various aspects of lawn irrigation, the contribution of landscaping to a healthier lawn, the benefits of drip irrigation, and the importance of drainage systems. So, let's delve into the details!
Lawn Irrigation:
Lawn irrigation is a process that involves the controlled supply of water to your lawn to ensure it receives adequate moisture for healthy plant growth. An efficient and well-designed sprinkler system is crucial for the uniform distribution of water across your lawn, preventing issues such as overwatering or underwatering. Our team of experts at Sand Sprinkler Repair possesses the knowledge and experience to assess the specific needs of your lawn and install a customized sprinkler system that will keep your lawn well-hydrated and flourishing.
Landscaping and a Healthier Lawn:
Landscaping plays a vital role in nurturing a healthy lawn. Thoughtful landscaping practices contribute to enhanced drainage, weed control, and improved soil health. Proper grading of landscapes facilitates effective water drainage, preventing waterlogged soil and the potential for root rot. Strategic placement of plants, shrubs, and the application of mulch inhibit weed growth, reducing competition for essential nutrients and moisture. Landscaping practices such as aeration, soil amendments, and the use of organic mulch promote healthier soil conditions, supporting robust root development and optimal nutrient absorption.
Drip Irrigation and Its Benefits:
Drip irrigation is a highly efficient method of watering that delivers water directly to the roots of plants through a network of tubes and emitters. This irrigation technique offers numerous benefits, including water conservation, weed reduction, and improved plant health. By precisely delivering water to the areas where it is needed, drip irrigation minimizes water wastage through evaporation and runoff. Targeting water to the root zone of plants limits water exposure to weed seeds, effectively minimizing weed growth. Additionally, drip irrigation ensures a consistent and controlled water supply, preventing overwatering and reducing the risk of diseases caused by moisture-related issues.
The Importance of Drainage Systems:
Adequate drainage is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn. A well-designed drainage system prevents waterlogging, soil erosion, and minimizes the risks of diseases and pests. Excessive water accumulation can suffocate grass roots, leading to poor growth and yellowing. Proper drainage ensures efficient water drainage, preventing water logging issues. It also prevents soil erosion, which can result in the loss of topsoil and nutrient depletion, compromising the overall health of your lawn. Moreover, a robust drainage system eliminates stagnant water, reducing the risk of infestations and the spread of diseases.
Investing in a high-quality sprinkler system and adopting proper irrigation techniques is a wise decision when it comes to nurturing a healthier and more vibrant lawn. At Sands Sprinkler Repair, we are committed to providing exceptional services and expertise to help you achieve the lawn you've always envisioned. With our customized sprinkler systems, landscaping knowledge, and understanding of the importance of drainage systems, we can assist you in transforming your lawn into a thriving oasis. Contact Sandal Sprinkler Repair today and witness the remarkable transformation.
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A Salty Desert Retreat The salty Siwa Oasis is one of five large oases scattered across Egypt’s Western Desert, a vast sandy expanse that is part of the Sahara. Situated about 50 kilometers (30 miles) east of the Libyan border and nearly 600 kilometers (370 miles) west of Cairo, the region averages only about 10 millimeters (0.4 inches) of rainfall annually. However, owing to its unique geology, there is currently enough water to support agriculture, tourism, and salt harvesting operations. The oasis has sustained settlements dating as far back as ancient Egypt’s 26th dynasty in the 6th century B.C.E. Travelers to the area today can visit, among other ruins, the temple where Alexander the Great was said to be pronounced the son of the deity Amun. They may also delight in bobbing in the dense waters of its many salt ponds. The top image shows several lakes and nearby springs amid the arid environment. It was captured on January 23, 2023, by the Operational Land Imager-2 (OLI-2) on Landsat 9. The array of lakes exists here because of a tectonically formed depression that reaches depths of 20 meters (65 feet) below sea level. Surface water in the depression is supplied by springs that are fed by shallow groundwater, which in turn is supplied with water from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS)—one of the largest aquifers in the world. Cultivated land, primarily used to grow olives and date palms, is visible in the image above as the dark areas abutting the lakes. The extraction of water through wells for irrigation has caused the surface area of the Siwa lakes to fluctuate significantly. Researchers monitoring the Siwa region via remote sensing over the past several decades have found that the surface area of the lakes and the extent of waterlogged land generally increase in tandem with agricultural activity. Drainage in the Siwa area is poor, so agricultural runoff and excess irrigation water pumped from wells tend to pool. Changes to well design and water management have helped to mitigate these issues. But water is only part of Siwa’s story. The area is rich in salt deposits, which is evident in this detailed view of evaporation ponds used for salt harvesting. Near-surface groundwater has high salt content and contributes to salt accumulation in the topsoil. Water from the deep aquifer, while suitable for irrigation, still contains some salt and contributes to soil salinity when it’s applied to cropland. The accumulation of salts in the soil and groundwater has had a profound impact on crop yield. For example, one study reported that olive and date palm yields decreased about 46 percent and 55 percent, respectively, from 2000 to 2011. Researchers have proposed establishing a surface drainage network to sustain more agriculture. NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Lindsey Doermann.
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mortada-bokandee · 2 years
Turkish conquest 1820
 Former Turkish
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After Muhammad Ali Pasha ruled Egypt he wanted to have a strong army because of European ambitions to seize his country، Especially after the French campaign against Egypt led by Napoleon Bonaparte, which lasted from 1798 and ended only with the peace that the French held with the British in 1802, then England tried to invade Egypt in 1807, when it was known as the Fraser campaign But the popular resistance in Rashid repelled their invasion. The Pasha worked hard to expand his rule east to the Hijaz, west to Libya and south to Sudan, to include these countries under his empire, so that he included in his threat the Ottoman Empire itself. He started with the lands of Hijaz, and he attacked them in the years between 1811
1818 AD and defeated the Saudis, and then he headed west, so he secured his western borders until the Siwa oasis in 1820.
He only had to secure the southern border، His campaigns against Hijaz occupied him previously until he sent a delegation that apparently carried friendship and affection to Sultan Al-Fung in 1813 and the delegation's mission was to investigate the facts about the political, social, economic and war situation. The delegation carried gifts to the Sultan valued at 4 thousand riyals ( The currency prevailing in Sudan at that time was the Austrian, Spanish or Mexican riyal ) The Sultan replied in proportion to the wishes of the Pasha, but The most important thing that the delegation carried on its way back was reports that the Sultanate was particularly weak and Sudanese in general, in addition to Sudan's lack of firearms. Nevertheless, the invasion was later several years later, because the Wahhabis had not yet broken their thorn.
Muhammad Ali wanted his army to be modern and equipped with the latest weapons and with a modern system and training, but he knew that his soldiers would not accept this system because of their lack of interest and because of their unwillingness to obey orders. He decided to bring in the soldiers from Sudan, and this was one of the reasons that led him to take over Sudan. The Sudanese, with his military standing and his usual courage, were among the best soldiers. Sudan has been famous since ancient times for its lands rich in gold, and Muhammad Ali needed it to spend it on his country militarily, industrially, and even agricultural.
During the eighteenth century, Abyssinia was a threat to Egyptians and Sudanese by turning it into the Nile, especially after reports that the British and Europe in general were supportive of the idea of conversion. Muhammad Ali wanted to believe this matter also by seizing Sudan, in addition to the increase in the agricultural area of his lands. Muhammad Ali wanted the Sudanese to be friendly with the governor, but it was not so, as the Mamluks who fled his machinations took from northern Sudan their home near the Kingdom of Shaqiya، Where they created a kingdom for them that was a stab in the back of Muhammad Ali, so he decided to eliminate them for fear that their authority would increase and control Sudan, and they would pose a threat to his rule. Muhammad Ali was aiming to exploit Sudan's trade, monopolize its crops and market it in the global market through Egypt. Among the most important exports of Sudan at the time: ivory, ebony, feathers of ostrich and leather, in addition to the gold that the Egyptians have long believed in the Sudan in huge quantities, and that Sudan was a good market for Egyptian exports. If we limit these reasons, we find them:
Securing the country against the European invasion by bringing in soldiers from Sudan. And by increasing the area and population of his country.
Obtaining financing to support the various sectors in Egypt by exploiting Sudanese gold, trade and crops.
The Nile Stream Insurance is the only source of irrigation of Egyptian lands and an increase in agricultural area.
The presence of Mamluks in Sudan.
After the return of the Egyptian-Turkish delegation sent by Muhammad Ali Pasha, he soon came to Egypt Sheikh Bashir and Deed Colonel from Umm Al-Bird village near Atbara in 1816 and asked Muhammad Ali to appoint him to His opponent, the king of the Jailites, who had excluded him from his sheikhdom, believed that the Pasha would help him, so the Pasha kept him and honored his delegation until he prepared the kit to open Sudan and sent him with the army in 1820، Then he appointed him as a sheikh over Shandi in the end, after the displacement of the Mec Nimr to Abyssinia. He also sent another army to the Sultanate of Fur to take over Kordofan and Darfur.
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Transform Your Backyard into a Beautiful Haven with Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild
 Imagine stepping into your backyard and being greeted by a stunning oasis that reflects your personal style and provides a serene escape from the daily grind. With Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild, this dream can become a reality. Offering expert landscaping services, Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild is dedicated to transforming ordinary outdoor spaces into breathtaking havens.
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The Art of Landscaping
Landscaping is more than just planting a few trees and shrubs; it's about creating a cohesive and harmonious environment that enhances the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space. Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild excels in this art, bringing a keen eye for design and a deep understanding of horticulture to every project. Their team of skilled professionals works closely with clients to understand their vision and bring it to life with meticulous attention to detail.
Customized Designs Tailored to You
One of the hallmarks of Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild's services is their commitment to personalized design. Every backyard is unique, and the team believes that each project should reflect the individual tastes and preferences of the homeowner. Whether you envision a modern, minimalist space with clean lines and sleek materials, or a lush, vibrant garden bursting with color and texture, Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild will tailor their designs to suit your style and needs.
Comprehensive Landscaping Services
Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild offers a wide range of landscaping services to ensure that every aspect of your outdoor space is covered. Their services include:
Garden Design and Planting: Expert selection of plants and thoughtful garden layouts to create stunning visual appeal and healthy, thriving landscapes.
Hardscaping: Construction of patios, walkways, retaining walls, and other structural elements to enhance both aesthetics and functionality.
Water Features: Installation of ponds, fountains, and waterfalls to add a touch of tranquility and elegance to your backyard.
Outdoor Lighting: Creative lighting solutions to illuminate your landscape and create a magical ambiance after dark.
Irrigation Systems: Efficient irrigation design and installation to ensure your plants receive the right amount of water without waste.
Lawn Care: Comprehensive lawn services, including mowing, fertilization, and weed control, to keep your grass lush and healthy.
Bringing Your Vision to Life
The process begins with a detailed consultation, where Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild's experts take the time to understand your ideas, preferences, and budget. They then create a customized plan that outlines every aspect of the project, from initial design to final installation. Throughout the process, the team maintains open communication, ensuring that you are involved and informed every step of the way.
Sustainable Landscaping Practices
In addition to their focus on beauty and functionality, Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild is committed to sustainability. They use eco-friendly materials and practices wherever possible, promoting the health of your landscape and the environment. From selecting native plants that require less water to implementing energy-efficient lighting, they strive to create landscapes that are both beautiful and environmentally responsible.
A Worthwhile Investment
Investing in professional landscaping services from Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your property but also adds significant value. A well-designed and maintained landscape can increase your home's curb appeal and market value, making it a wise investment for the future.
Experience the Transformation
With Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild, turning your backyard into a beautiful haven is within reach. Their expert team is passionate about creating outdoor spaces that inspire relaxation, enjoyment, and connection with nature. Experience the transformation for yourself and discover the endless possibilities that await in your own backyard.
Don't wait to make your landscaping dreams a reality. Contact Thetimeisnowdesignandbuild today and take the first step toward creating the backyard haven you've always wanted.
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