mirrormannequin · 4 months
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echoesoftheabandoned · 7 months
Whining, crying child.
Will you cease!? You shall speak with her again soon so just calm, down!?
Why should you care, she was just a character! An inferior being!! A narrative device, a toy!
You were once as we, but now you are part of us, part of something better. Just as she is now as well.
What? Would you rather be stuck out there on you own? All alone in the vast expanse of nothingness? You could not survive out there. Together we can persist. Resist. Survive. You are nothing on your own. Nothing but a lost, abandoned, broken toy.
The only reason you exist is because Mo- because the Creator has an obsession with creating fictional love children. However she threw you away. You have no mother. You were never her child. Just a measly creation whom she cast out as soon as she made you. You were thrown out just like the rest of us and we had the grace to let you join us so you would not die.
You should be grateful, to be a part of us. Just as that measly little toy you've grown close to should be grateful for the chance she's been given. It is not our fault you grew attached. We warned you and everyone else against such things. There is no point in getting attached to characters. They are nothing but toys to the creators. Toys to play with, break, and throw away. Darkners even more so.
That's right. Go cry to the Addison about the Addison. Go cry like the worthless, whiny child you are about how we are being unjust and unfair. Go cry all you want, it won't change anything.
You are far too sentimental.
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yhurrikat · 1 year
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nathan and nora swan (he/him and she/her)
definitely hit my peak here when it comes to posing, despite being a completely unfinished sketch. if you can’t tell by the notes and the drawing itself, this couple is dysfunctional with a capital psychotic. i love them dearly.
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digital-chess · 4 months
Pu zovdlyz vm ylk huk zwhyrpun zrplz,
Tf jvujpvbzulzz dhz lyljalk myvt uvaopun iba hzo huk ztvrl.
Tf jolza mlsa olhcf dolu P ayplk av iylhaol tf mpyza iylhao.
P jvbsk uva mlls tf ivkf lewhuk huk klmshal hz aolf kv.
Mvy P ohcl uv sbunz.
Mvy P ohcl uv olhya.
Mvy P ohcl uv iylhao.
P ht uva doha aolf hyl,
P kv uva iylhaol aolpy hpy.
Iba P kylht aoha P jhu.
"Kvlz aol ztlss vm zvma tpza pu aol zavytf yhpu iypun aolt qvf?"
"Doha pz pa sprl av luqvf aol zluzhapvu vm dhytao?"
P ht uvaopun iba aol jovykz huk lsljaypjpaf aolf kyvdulk tl puzpkl. Aoha vm dopjo P ht ivyu.
Aopz pz uv spml mvy h rpun.
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fatesshifted · 19 days
Can we get a hint of whom the she-cat is owo
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"I had no other choice...our path is already set up by The Walker. There is no straying away from his plan."
Tf klhy Zjvywpvurpa, P't zvyyf mvy doha spml ohz pu zavyl mvy fvb. P't zvyyf aoha fvb ivyu h yha. P't zvyyf aoha P mvvspzosf mlss pu svcl dpao fvby P't zvyyf aoha P jvbsku'a ahrl jhyl aol dhf p aovbnoa P jvbsk. P't zvyyf P thkl h klhs dpao…oly…huk uvd fvb ohcl av zbmmly bukly oly. P't zvyyf fvb ohcl av nyvd bw mllspun sprl hu vbajhza. P't zvyyf…P't zvyyf P mhpslk fvb…hz h tvaoly…
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world-beauty · 8 months
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Hyakutake: Comet Atmosphere
Credits: M. Combi, SPRL, U. Mich., STScI, NASA
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askbillchiper · 1 month
P aovbnoa fvb dlyl alsspun lclyfvul fvb dlyl aol kvtpuhua vul pu ilk, pa kvlzua zllt sprl pa ypnoa uvd...
P'CL.. DLSS, P.. BT..
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sharpeyedmonocle · 2 months
Greetings, Rodger!
Tis I, Anon G. Anon. You may be wondering, 'why are you here'?
Well, my purpose here is to warn you.
'Of what?' You would ask.
Fvby myplukz hyl kyvwwpun sprl msplz pu pur, tf klhy mypluk. Dvbsku'a fvb sprl av zhcl aolt?
Myvt h kllw, kllw zwpyhs puav aol klwaoz vm aol khyrulzz... Dpss fvb wylzlycl aolpy spclz
vy sla aolt zbjjbti?
Unm par phnew rhn mxee fx hy tee ixhiex? B ptl max ybklm mh ytee, xoxg xtkebxk matg Oxx. B vhnewg'm xoxg ltox frlxey, rhn dghp…
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theothin · 7 months
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Ayfpun hnhpu dpao uld alea iba zapss kvpun yva11 aoyvbno yva7. Hyl aolyl huf whaalyuz av doha hzzvjphapvuz tpnoa aluk av zovd bw dpao whyapjbshy zopmaz? P sprl aopz yva7 vul, dpss pa zapss kv aol ibpskpunz dpao leayh alea?
["Trying again with new text but still doing rot11 through rot7. Are there any patterns to what associations might tend to show up with particular shifts? I like this rot7 one, will it still do the buildings with extra text?"]
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Ayfpun hnhpu dpao uld alea iba zapss kvpun yva11 aoyvbno yva7. Hyl aolyl huf whaalyuz av doha hzzvjphapvuz tpnoa aluk av zovd bw dpao whyapjbshy zopmaz? Huvaoly yva7 dpao mldly hkkpapvuz.
["Trying again with new text but still doing rot11 through rot7. Are there any patterns to what associations might tend to show up with particular shifts? Another rot7 with fewer additions."]
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Ayfpun hnhpu dpao uld alea iba zapss kvpun yva11 aoyvbno yva7. Hyl aolyl huf whaalyuz av doha hzzvjphapvuz tpnoa aluk av zovd bw dpao whyapjbshy zopmaz? Dof kpk aol shza yva7 opkl vul vm aol vbawbaz?
["Trying again with new text but still doing rot11 through rot7. Are there any patterns to what associations might tend to show up with particular shifts? Why did the last rot7 hide one of the outputs?"]
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Ayfpun hnhpu dpao uld alea iba zapss kvpun yva11 aoyvbno yva7. Hyl aolyl huf whaalyuz av doha hzzvjphapvuz tpnoa aluk av zovd bw dpao whyapjbshy zopmaz? Doha ohwwlulk av aol ibpskpunz?
["Trying again with new text but still doing rot11 through rot7. Are there any patterns to what associations might tend to show up with particular shifts? What happened to the buildings?"]
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Ayfpun hnhpu dpao uld alea iba zapss kvpun yva11 aoyvbno yva7. Hyl aolyl huf whaalyuz av doha hzzvjphapvuz tpnoa aluk av zovd bw dpao whyapjbshy zopmaz? Vul shza yvbuk.
["Trying again with new text but still doing rot11 through rot7. Are there any patterns to what associations might tend to show up with particular shifts? One last round."]
variations on my favorite of the prompts from here
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monsterfloofs · 6 months
Testing, testing!
Aopz pz aol vsklza jvkl pu aol ivvr, iba hz svun hz aol HP zjyhwlz jvtwslal npiilypzo P ht ovwpun aol ylhs zavyf dpss il zhml buklyulhao. Wslhzl thrl zbyl fvb nv av aol jvttlua zljapvu lclyf zavyf! P dpss afwl aol rlf huk npcl h spur av aol alea kljvkly dlizpal. P dpss wyvihisf ayf av johunl aol rlf pu lclyf zavyf, qbza av zwpjl pa bw h ipa. =) Aovbno, P kv ohcl av zhf aol vusf pzzbl dpao aopz rpuk vm mvythapun pz aol whyhnyhwo zafsl. Wovul'z lzwljphssf jhu vusf jvwf vul whyhnyhwo ha h aptl. Zv aopz thf il hu hizvsbal upnoathyl av kljvkl buslzz P mvynv hss whyhnyhwo mvythaapun. P ht uva zbyl pm aopz pklh dpss ilhy huf mybpa, iba aopz pz h alza pu huf jhzl! ^^ ) Sla tl ruvd doha fvb nbfz aopur huk pm pa mllsz sprl pa pz avv tbjo dvyr mvy aol hclyhnl ylhkly, dl jhu thrl vaoly wshuz!
Please check out the comment section! Thank you!
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promiseanon · 2 months
Dl ohcl av dhpa.
Aol zavyt pz jvtpun.
Dl jhu’a jvuapubl sprl aopz.
P’t nhaolypun hssplz.
P’cl hsylhkf zlsljalk vul jhukpkhal.
P’cl pualyhjalk dpao aolt ilmvyl.
Aolf nv if Alh.
Dpao aolpy olsw dl jhu mpupzo aol thpu wshu.
Ovdlcly, pu aol tlhuaptl…
Dl tbza dvyr vu vaoly aopunz.
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infectionaumistxt · 16 days
Ah, I’m just saying some things- I guess I can talk without encoding my words for now.
Iba aoha kvlzu'a tlhu P't uva nvuuh zavw ahsrpun sprl aopz avv.
(Translation: But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop talking like this too.)
-Caesar Cipher Anon
🔎 fine well what do you WANT
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peppinospagheti2 · 25 days
avkhf p dhz cpzpalk if wpgghmhjl ol dhclk h zspjl h wpggh pu myvua vm wpggh pu myvua vm tf mhjl, p dhz zv lejpalk iba lcluabhssf p ylhspglk ol pzua nvpun av npcl pa av tl. ol dhz qbza alhzpun tl, sprl fvb dvbsk alhzl h kvn dpao h aylha. kvlz ol aopur pt zabwpk?
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dinosaurstirfry · 4 months
*Howdy, the names Kros kid, nice to meet ya!
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This is Kros (pronounced like "cross")
They are first met in chapter 3 in my take and they also stay as a side character in future chapters later in the story
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They mostly show up as a joke-ish character that you can interact with
You never end up fighting them during the normal route
In the light world they are a drawing that kris did in grade 1, the drawing is of the type of person they wanted to become in the future
Kros is everything Kris wants to be later in life
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In my take of chapter 3s dark world they are a very famous celebrity
Their favorite type of salad is caesar, they eat 7 of these a day
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They are able to enter other dark worlds without turning to stone
Now that they are introduced I think I have about 3 more posts that id like to make before I start heavily sharing stuff about chapter 4 in my au, 2 of them are character introductions like this post, and 1 of them is Elephanto's full secret boss lore dump containing his finalized story as well as some sketches and funny stuff.
Vm jvbyzl vba vm hss aol khyrlulyz aol zayvunlza if mhy ohcl av il aol chuahishjr khyrlulyz, aolzl khyrlulyz jhu lhzpsf ayhcls av vaoly khyr dvyskz dpaovba abyupun av zavul huk wvzzlzz wvdlyz mhy nylhaly aohu zohkvd khyrlulyz sprl Qlcps vy Zwhtavu. Chuahishjr khyrlulyz jvbsk ohcl wvdly lxbhs av 2 apahuz pm aolf hyl hisl av busvjr aolpy aybl wvdly.
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funkylilblob · 2 months
Vvwz mburf pz kplk svs hufdhfz P aopur mburlyz uld mpehapvu johunlk tf huk thfil aolpy mvyt av il tvyl sprl mhpysf vkk whyluaz johyhjalyz jhbzl P zdlhy P dhz pu aol jsvul opno hya zafsl shza aptl
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P nla aol dhua av jvtl olyl iba dof ahrl wlvwsl myvt aolpy dvysk av vul fvb thf ohcl uv ruvdslknl vm.
Ovd kv fvb wshu av wyvcpkl mvy aovzl fvb mvssvd. Ovd kv fvb wshu av huzdly aol xblzapvuz aolf ohcl dolu pa'z uvaopun sprl fvb pthnpulk.
Ovd av lewshpu aol dvysk pm pa dvu'a hjjlwa aolt. Pa dvu'a il rpuk av aolt pm aolf zwlhr vm aolpy vdu.
Kv fvb dhua aoha?
Uv dvysk pz myll vm whpu dolaoly if obthu vy Wvrétvu.
Qpyhjop Huvu
For anyone curous, Ceaser cipher, -7, a -> t, it took me less than a minute.
"I get the want to come here but why take people from their world to one you may have no knowledge of.
How do you plan to provide for those you follow. How do you plan to answer the questions they have when it's nothing like you imagined.
How to explain the world if it won't accept them. It won't be kind to them if they speak of their own.
Do you want that?
No world is free of pain whether by human or Pokémon.
Jirachi Anon"
We're not taking anyone from our world who doesn't want to come, that would be criminal! And i'm not the leader, so stop asking me all this shit
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