#spun around and then turned back towards her bc i realized she corrected the final homework
plushievash · 9 months
im FREE !!!!!
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bl1ndbraavosi · 4 years
Hiii!! Requesting Kakasaku and 6 from the prompts list please 😉🙏🏻
hehehe THANK YOU n sorry for the wait!!!
i am assuming u r referring to “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”, mostly bc i really want u to be referring to “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“I get the bed!” she called out as they squeezed into the room together, both angling to toss themselves onto the bed and claim it as their own.
“Age before beauty, Sakura-chan,” he said, bumping her out of his way. “And I happen to have the edge up on both,” he added with a stupidly smug eye-crinkle. She held onto the crook of his elbow unrelentingly, her grip teetering on the brink of too-strong.
“What you have is my last nerve. That bed is mine,” she growled out, holding him steadfast and refusing to let him get the better of her.
“Mah, Sakura-chan, at my age, I need the back support,” he said with his signature crinkly-eyed, bullshitting smile. “As a medic, you should know that.”
“This is coming from a man who falls asleep in trees at least three times a week.”
“And do you really want to perpetuate that problem?”
“I want my bed,” she said adamantly, flexing her hands around his elbow as a slight reminder. “Your posture is already terrible; you might as well let me maintain my perfect posture,” she said with a wide grin.
“Mm, you make an excellent point,” he said, shocking her to her core. And then he flashed away from her, breaking her grip and flinging himself onto the bed. “But I am very fast, so it doesn’t matter,” he finished with two smile-crinkled eyes.
“Banana-shaped bastard,” Sakura grumbled as she headed for the shower. What kind of inn had rooms with a single twin bed, anyway? And why was Kakashi such a cheapskate? They could have gone to the nicer inn further in town, the one with air conditioning and double beds, and those fancy little bottles of complimentary shampoo.
Instead, she was going to sleep in a cot, and her hair was going to be dry and frizzy, because she hadn’t brought enough shampoo and conditioner with her. Kakashi had offered her his, but judging by the state of his hair, she figured she’d be better off without it. She enjoyed the hot water for as long as she dared before moving to cut the shower short and conserve some heat for Kakashi.
On second thought…
“Enjoy your shower, Sakura-chan?” Kakashi asked pleasantly from his seat on her bed, glancing at her over Icha Icha.
“Hmm, yes, it was very relaxing,” she said amiably as she toweled off her wet hair. She could feel that his eyes were on her as she moved about their small room, walking over to her small, sunken cot that she was expected to sleep in.
“Did you forget something?” he asked pointedly, his eyes glued to the towel tightly wrapped around her.
“Just air-drying,” she said easily. He grunted in response before snapping his book closed and hopping off his bed. She watched with wide, innocent eyes as he headed for the bathroom. “Oh, I didn’t realize you wanted to shower. I used all the hot water,” she said sweetly. He didn’t buy it for a minute, but he fixed her with a happy smile.
“Oh, that’s alright, Sakura-chan. I can use a fire jutsu to heat up the pipes.”
But while he disappeared into the washroom, Sakura took the opportunity to sit herself on the bed. It wasn’t exactly luxurious, but it was a hell of a lot better than the cot. If it had been just a little bigger she would have suggested they share it, but Kakashi was tall, and Sakura was a flailing sort of sleeper, so she knew that that would never fly.
Close as they were, she was pretty sure Kakashi had his boundaries. And cuddling up to Sakura on a twin-sized mattress was definitely pushing those boundaries, she was certain. If only she could set his boundaries over to that cot so she could keep the bed to herself.
She snickered as she stripped the towel off and dove under the covers. Let’s see how that speed serves you now, she thought wickedly, snuggling into the mattress and brimming with self-satisfaction.
She cracked one eye open, a wicked smile on her face when she heard the bathroom door open.
“Get off my bed,” he said without much conviction. She hummed noncommittally.
“No, I don’t think I will.” He grabbed at the blankets by her feet, intent on stripping her of them. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she teased, feeling all too pleased with herself when a little line appeared between his eyebrows, evidence of his confused frown.
“Are you…?”
“Naked? Why, yes. Yes, I am,” she said happily, sitting up in the bed with the covers clutched to her chest so he could see her bare shoulders, clear as day.
“And is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” he asked carefully.
“My bed,” she corrected, feeling smug and very proud of herself. “Unless you’d like to crawl in with me?” she taunted, lifting a corner of the blanket and sticking her bare leg out of it. His ears went red.
“Sakura,” he warned, “you shouldn’t put yourself in positions you aren’t prepared to get out of.” She felt her own cheeks heat, not entirely sure what he was alluding to, but feeling enticed by it nonetheless.
“I think you’ll find that I am a very conscientious kunoichi,” Sakura offered, all bullshit, pleasantness and easily smiles. Kakashi hummed and leaned over her on the small bed, his hands planted on either side of her hips.
“Is that so?” he asked, his voice low as his eyes roamed her face. She swallowed as his gaze dipped below her chin and down her neck, to her collar before landing on the sheets that hid her naked body. She hummed in confirmation, not necessarily trusting herself to speak. Even her hum came out squeaky and tight. She thought she could see his lips quirk upward under his mask.
Lips that were angling towards hers and she noted that this was not the result she had been aiming for when she’d crawled into this bed. She had anticipated awkward spluttering and indignant resignation, but for once in her life, she found herself happy to be wrong. This was an unexpected turn of events, but she found herself entirely welcoming of it.
She could feel his breath sweeping across her lips through his mask, and was suddenly very aware of his hands bunching up her sheets on either side of her hips. She felt pinned down even though he wasn’t touching her; even though she could very easily over power him with physical strength. She wondered if he would let her pull that mask down. It seemed only fair that she should see his face if he got to see all of her.
She tentatively raised her hand to his cheek, keeping her eyes locked on his. He didn’t flinch when her palm rested against his face, and she thought what the hell, nothing was making any sense anymore anyway. She might as well go for it.
Just as she hooked a finger into his mask, the world around her went dark and she felt the bed disappear out from under her as she swung wildly mid-air.
“Kakashi!!!” she shouted into the blanket-cocoon he’d wrapped her in. Not a moment later, she felt herself drop, and she gasped loudly as she flew through the air, only to land hard and with an embarrassing grunt onto that horribly uncomfortable cot. By the time she untangled herself from the mess of linens, Kakashi was laying back on the stripped mattress, looking happy as a clam.
“Sleep well, Sakura-chan,” he said before clicking the lights off and ignoring every protest she tossed his way.
When they arrived back in Konoha the next day, she was as banana-shaped as he was, and thrice as grumpy. He had been disturbingly nice, bringing her coffee in the morning, and dropping her folded clothes by her cot so she could dress herself while he was in the washroom. She figured it was the least he could do after flinging her around their room in a fitted sheet.
Their journey back was mostly silent. Amicable silence on Kakashi’s part and hostile silence on Sakura’s. Even when he offered her one of his questionably-procured apples, she snarled at him and continued slumping back to Konoha, in all her hunched-back glory.
“Don’t be too mad at me, Sakura-chan,” he chided as they approached Konoha. “It was a very clever trick.”
“Not clever enough,” she grumbled, rolling her shoulders and sighing in relief as they cracked and popped.
“Mm,” he hummed with his nose buried in his stupid green book. “I’m inclined to disagree,” he said softly. “The plan was there, but the execution was a little off.” Before she could question it, though, they were at the gates and he was disappearing with a two-fingered salute.
“Execution was a little off, my ass,” Sakura grumbled as she let herself into his apartment later that night. “Who does he think he is?” She surveyed his modest studio apartment; the threadbare couch, the rickety bookshelf that housed a hell of a lot more than Icha Icha, and finally, the twin bed that was tucked into a corner beneath a window, a shuriken-printed comforter neatly draped across it.
Annoyed as she was, she couldn’t help but smile as she surveyed the two framed photos that sat next to the tiny plant on the windowsill. Kakashi had been a cute kid, she thought before her eyes moved over to the Team Seven photo. But I’m cuter, she thought with a wicked smile.
“Sorry, kids,” she mumbled to herself as she spun the picture frames away from the bed. She didn’t want eyes on her for what she was about to do—even photographed eyes.
She hadn’t been waiting long when his door opened and his eyes landed straight on her, grinning up at him from under that shuriken bedspread.
“What are you doing?” he asked in suspicion.
“Let’s give this another try, hm?” she suggested. “Don’t you want to know why I’m naked in your bed?”
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choerrypuffs · 4 years
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pairing: prince!jungwoo x witch!reader
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 9.4k
synopsis: the prince has always been a little unconventional, but no one ever expected him to fall in love with a witch.
author’s note: no one asked for this but it came to me in a fever dream and you can really tell bc my writing abilities match that  (p.s. i am not knowledgeable on actual witches and witchcraft, and this is not meant to offend anyone! i just winged it and created my own version of a witch for this fic)
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It’s way too early for this kind of tomfoolery.
You have your head buried under your pillow, trying to block out the extremely loud and quite irritating rapping on your door. Whoever’s knocking is using so much force that your humble little cottage is trembling with every strike. You groan, squeezing your eyes shut and praying that they’ll go away soon. Or at least come back at a more decent time.
It’s so early that the sun has barely peeked over the horizon, and the birds haven’t even begun chirping yet. You were up all night making potions to sell to the apothecary, so you’ve only gotten about three hours of sleep. 
After letting them knock for a couple minutes longer, you realize that they’re not going to leave any time soon. You feel your temper boil over as you throw the covers off your body. Draping your shawl over your shoulders, you tie your unruly hair back and smooth out your nightgown before stomping over to the door and flinging it open.
“What do you want?” you snap loudly, crossing your arms across your chest.
The man in front of you blinks in surprise, fist still raised to knock again. He’s dashingly handsome, even in his state of shock. His hair looks like spun gold, managing to reflect beautifully even with the lack of sunlight. He has a snow white complexion with full, cherry-red lips. 
You can tell by his attire that he’s royalty, or rather, a prince. The Prince. He’s wearing a black blazer embellished with golden brass buttons and detailed embroidery. There are two epaulettes on his shoulders, signifying his high status. He’s wearing a white cloak over it all, and you know from a simple glance that it’s made out of the finest linens in the kingdom. 
“Are you the Witch of the Forest?” he finally asks, smiling jovially. 
“You need not ask. Unless you’re aware of someone else who lives in the forest,” you say, raising an eyebrow.
He isn’t fazed by your sarcastic remark. “My apologies, my lady. I just wanted to make sure.”
“You should know best of all, Your Highness. Your father was the one who banished me here,” you smirk, tilting your head.
One of the guards standing behind him grips the hilt of his sword. “Why, you insolent—”
“Stand down,” The Prince orders, holding out an arm. The guard does as he’s told, albeit reluctantly.
“So, what brings you here at this godforsaken hour, Your Highness?” you ask, unbothered.
“Please, call me Jungwoo.”
“I’d rather not have my tongue cut off by your mutts,” you snort, nodding toward the guards.
“I insist,” Jungwoo says, shaking his head. “And what is your name?”
“You may call me Y/N,” you begin, eyeing the guards and grinning when you see the pure rage in their eyes. “Jungwoo.”
He’s oblivious to the contention, instead beaming happily. You can’t help but smile at his naiveté. Crossing your arms, you lean against the doorframe. “What can I help you with, Jungwoo?”
His expression turns solemn, and he reaches down to grip your hands between his. “Please help me, Y/N. My mother, the Queen, is severely ill.”
You’re taken aback by his casual touch. You’re so used to people treating you like you’re evil incarnate. Doing your best to control your expression, you clear your throat and try to continue looking elusive.
“You have my condolences, but I don’t see what that has to do with me,” you say, shrugging.
“How dare you!” The annoying guard pipes up again. “She is your queen!”
“No, she is your queen. I am not a subject of your kingdom,” you correct. “Therefore, I have no obligation to help you.”
Jungwoo releases your hands and steps back before lowering himself to his knees in front of you. Both you and the guards stare in stunned silence.
“Please. I am begging you,” he whispers with his head bowed, voice cracking. “I understand that you hate my father. I would too. But please, my mother is innocent in all of this.”
“Your Highness! Please get up immediately!” The guards say in a frenzy, all talking over each other. 
He ignores the chaos and continues to stare determinedly at you. There’s something about his unrelenting gaze that makes you feel vulnerable. When was the last time someone looked you directly in the eyes like this? It scares you because it’s been so long, and you feel like he can see right through you.
You break eye contact first, turning away sharply. You grab him by the shoulders and pull him to his feet. Jungwoo also looks surprised when you touch him, but he doesn’t seem repulsed like you expect him to be. In fact, he looks a little crestfallen when your hands fall back to your sides.
“Have some dignity,” you chide, “how can a prince kneel before a witch?” 
“I am willing to go to any length to save my mother,” he says without hesitation.
You sigh. After all these years and everything you’ve been through, you still can’t seem to harden your heart to situations like these. You can already hear your fellow witches taunting you in your head. They would never let you hear the end of it if they found out you were going to save the life of the wife of the man who exiled you.
Jungwoo picks up on your hesitancy, grasping your hand again. “Please.”
The desperation and panic in his voice shatters the remainder of fight you have left in you.
“Alright,” you finally relent, “I will help you.”
Now it’s his turn to be shocked. “R-Really?”
“You’re lucky I have a soft spot for handsome men,” you say, patting his cheek. “Stop looking so surprised. Aren’t you the one who be—”
You can barely contain your surprised yelp when Jungwoo wraps his arms around your waist and twirls you around in a hug. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he exclaims as he sets you back down.
You’re so frazzled that all you can do is nod. Your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest. You thought you were going to fluster him by calling him handsome and touching his face, but he somehow managed to fluster you instead.
“We’ll give you some time to get changed and prepare what you need,” Jungwoo continues, completely unaware. “My carriage is right over there, so you will know where to go when you’re done.”
You stupidly nod again, stiffly shutting your door. Your face feels like it’ll set on fire at any moment. Just how deprived of touch are you for your body to react like this over a simple hug? 
Pull yourself together, you tell yourself, don’t forget who he is.
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The carriage ride is horrendously suffocating. The Annoying Guard, as you’ve lovingly dubbed him, insists on riding with the two of you to ensure Jungwoo’s safety—in case you decide to hex him or something. The guard keeps his hand on the hilt of his sword the entire time, glaring daggers at you. Every time you even slightly shift, he jumps.
You’re starting to think that these palace guards are severely overestimating your powers—actually, they aren’t. They’re severely overestimating your ability to care enough to even go through the trouble of hexing Jungwoo.
Jungwoo keeps shooting you apologetic glances, attempting in vain to try and make conversation. The long stretches of silence are deafening, and all you can do is stare out of the window. Your mind keeps wandering to things you don’t want to think about, so you begin to map out all the chores you have to do when you return to your cottage.
You can feel Jungwoo’s stare on you the entire time. He clearly wants to talk to you, but he can’t because of the hawk-like watch of the Annoying Guard. You suppose you’re grateful for that. You’re not really sure if you want to converse with Jungwoo. He’s far too unpredictable for your comfort. You can’t read him like the others, and that intimidates you. He isn’t afraid of you, and it makes you feel...exposed.
Fortunately, you can see the palace from the window, which means this hell of a ride is finally over.
Unfortunately, when you step out of the carriage, the memories that you’ve spent your entire life trying to bury flood through your mind.
The last time you were at the palace was when the decree of your banishment was announced. You remember the palace guards dragging you and your mother out as she pleaded for mercy. She had asked the king to spare you. Of course, he merely scoffed at her and turned away without a second glance. To him, you two were just some of the many witches that he would go on to banish or simply just execute. He was lucky that the witches were a peaceful kind.
You watched as your mother pretended like everything was alright, like she was alright, as the two of you lived in that tiny cottage she managed to build with what little powers she had left. In return, you pretended that you didn’t hear her weep every night. Eventually, she simply just wilted away—a shell of the beautiful flower she once was. 
“Oh, my poor child,” she had said with her final breath.
You dig your nails into your palm, hoping the pain will pull you out of the spiral you’re starting to go down. In an attempt to distract yourself, you try to focus on what’s in front of you. However, it’s not something you want to see.
The palace is, without a doubt, the most beautiful piece of architecture you’ve ever seen. Made out of pure ivory marble and adorned with ornate detailing that’s crafted from the most opulent of gold, it’s stunning in every way.
But it makes you sick to your stomach.
This was a mistake. You can’t even look at the palace. What makes you think that you can go in there and face the King? You’re still a weak little girl, and you always will be. Mother would be so ashamed of what a coward you’ve become.
Your inner voice continues to berate you, and you feel like you’ll vomit at any moment. 
“Hey,” Jungwoo says gently. His naturally soft-spoken voice can’t be any louder than a whisper, yet it’s powerful enough to pierce through the myriad of unwanted thoughts going through your head.
He pries your hand open, running his thumb across the red, crescent-shaped indents in your palm. You don’t realize how hard you’ve been pressing your nails into your skin until you feel the stinging. Jungwoo’s hand is warm, and it manages to quell your uneasiness significantly. 
“You’re alright,” he tells you, lacing his fingers through yours. 
It unnerves you how easily he calms you down. It terrifies you to your very core how much power he seemingly has over your emotions. Jungwoo is an enigma, and you must stay far, far away. Everything about him screams trouble.
Pulling your hand away, you grip your skirt instead and take a small step back. He looks, dare you say, hurt by the way you recoil. Nonetheless, he doesn’t acknowledge it and simply clears his throat.
“My father is waiting for us,” Jungwoo says warily. 
You tense, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
“He isn’t thrilled about your presence, but I swear on my life that he will not harm you,” Jungwoo promises. “I will protect you, no matter what.”
“No,” you interject, “there’s no need. Your father will not lay a finger on me. He has always feared my mother and I, which is why he banished us.”
“You’re trembling, Y/N,” he whispers. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you snap, “I have a duty to fulfill, and so I will. My personal feelings will be put aside, just as your father should be doing as well.”
You hate how he looks at you like he understands. Like he knows exactly what you’re feeling. Like he can see into the deepest, most hidden parts of you.
“Very well,” he sighs. 
Jungwoo holds out his arm for you to hold. Inhaling deeply, you square your shoulders and straighten your back before taking it. You wore the fanciest dress you owned and made sure your hair was styled to the best of your ability for today. You want to show the King that you are doing just fine, that you still stand strong despite everything he did to you.
The doors to the throne room open, and the two of you are welcomed with a trumpet call that announces the arrival of the Prince. The King is waiting for you, sitting tall on his throne. Despite his commendable posture, his body is weak and feeble. He’s been worn down by age, and his robes hang off of him like they would a skeleton.
“Your Majesty,” Jungwoo greets, bowing.
You don’t follow suit, crossing your arms instead. The King doesn’t even glance at his son, focusing his beady stare at you. You glare back defiantly. 
“You’ve gotten old,” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth. 
“It seems even vermin like you can survive after all this time,” the King responds gruffly.
“I could say the same for you,” you shoot back.
“You will heal my wife,” he orders, ignoring your insult. “Or else I will make sure you join your mother in Hell.”
The mention of your mother flares up your temper immediately. Clenching your fists, you begin to consider hexing him (maybe Jungwoo’s guards were onto something). You have never really used your powers out of malice, but you’re starting to think it may not be such a bad idea.
“Father,” Jungwoo warns.
“Your words are merely making me want to do the exact opposite, Your Majesty. You should thank every star in the sky that I have already given your son my word,” you say calmly, even though you’re anything but.
“Foolish boy,” the King spits. He says it with so much anger and hatred in his voice that it’s hard to tell that he’s speaking to his own son. “Why do you insist on defying me? Now, you’ve gone and made a deal with a witch.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you sigh, “there was no deal.”
“You expect me to believe your lies? You could have easily tricked him into signing away his soul,” the King accuses. 
You can’t help but laugh at his absurd claims, shaking your head. “Enough of this. We are simply wasting time.”
You turn to Jungwoo so you can tell him to lead you to his mother, but you’re surprised by the look on his face. His expression is stormy—a mix of anger, guilt, and shame. He’s biting down on his lip so hard that you’re sure that he will draw blood. His fists are tightly balled up by his sides as he stares down at his feet. 
It’s clear how much Jungwoo is despises his father, but it’s also obvious how terrified he is of his own bloodline. The same blood that courses through the King also runs through Jungwoo’s veins. 
Without thinking, you reach forward and slip your hand into his. He looks up at you with wide eyes, but he no longer seems as upset as he did before. You smile at him, giving his hand a small, comforting squeeze.
“Come on,” you say quietly, “let’s go see your mother.”
Jungwoo nods and grips your hand tightly before the two of you leave the throne room, not sparing the King another glance. You can feel his beady stare follow you as you exit, but you pay him no mind. Jungwoo continues to hold your hand as he leads you down the palace halls, and for some strange reason, you don’t feel the need to pull away. 
When you arrive at the Queen’s chamber, only then does Jungwoo let go of your hand. He’s by his mother’s side in an instant, taking a knee by her bedside. You trail behind him, gingerly taking a step closer. 
The Queen is a beautiful woman, even when she’s asleep. Her arms are folded across her stomach, and her hair is spilled across her silk pillow. She looks like she just came out of a storybook. However, her beauty is marred by the gray pallor of her skin. Beads of sweat dot her hairline, and her face is fixed in a grimace. 
You frown. The grayness of her skin is not natural for a human, and you can sense a strange, familiar, energy flowing from within her.
“It seems your mother has been afflicted by a witch,” you say, examining her state carefully. 
“What? How is that possible?” Jungwoo whirls around to face you. 
“Either someone in her entourage is a witch or they are simply practicing witchcraft,” you explain, placing the back of your hand on the Queen’s forehead. Her skin is cool to the touch, despite sweating, which concerns you ever further. 
Jungwoo still looks like he doesn’t really understand, but he doesn’t linger on the topic. “Will she be alright?”
“Yes,” you reassure him, “it’s a simple spell. I just need to make an antidote.” 
“What do you need? I’ll have the maids gather them immediately,” he says, hurriedly standing to his feet. 
“That will not be necessary. All the ingredients I need are at my cottage,” you say, already halfway out of the Queen’s chambers, “However, I will ask that you lend me a horse so I can go back and fetch them quickly.”
“I’ll go with you,” he offers, following behind you.
“Afraid that I’ll run off, Your Highness?” you ask, stopping in the middle of the hall and raising an eyebrow. He skids to a halt when you turn to look at him, nearly running into you.
“Jungwoo,” he corrects, “and no. I’m afraid you might run into trouble along the way.”
“You have my gratitude for your concern. However, I am certain that I will be able to handle it,” you respond curtly.
Jungwoo sighs, looking down and smiling to himself. You watch him deadpan before glancing back up at you. “Can’t you leave me just a shred of my dignity?” 
He takes a step closer to you, leaning his head down so he can meet your eyes. You suck in a breath through your nose sharply, only able to match his gaze for a second before having to avert your eyes. His stare is stronger than any magic or spell, and you are no match for it.
“How many times are you going to make me beg?” Jungwoo asks softly, tilting his head.
“I—I don’t understand,” you stammer, focusing your gaze on the tip of his nose.
“I am quite aware you can handle it. I want to go with you because I would like to spend time with you,” he says, the corners of his mouth quirking up. 
“O-Oh,” you say, dumbfounded. 
From the short amount of time you’ve known him, Jungwoo has always been extremely forward in everything he approaches. But, surely, this is too forward.
“Are you doing this on purpose?” he asks, smirking.
“Doing what?”
“Acting oblivious so I will embarrass myself.”
“No, I—”
“I am only joking, Y/N,” Jungwoo says, laughing. 
You blink, staring at him in a daze, before you finally realize that he’s just been teasing you this entire time. Huffing loudly, you whirl around on your heel and begin walking again. Jungwoo easily keeps up with you because of his long strides, no matter how much you quicken your pace.
“Don’t be angry,” he tells you, barely able to hide his grin. 
“I have been meaning to say this, but you are much cleverer than you make yourself out to be,” you say in an accusatory tone, glaring at him. “And judging by your behavior now, it seems to be intentional.”
“Is that a bad thing, my lady?”
“Of course it is. It means you’re dangerous,” you snap. 
“Then, that would mean you would have to pay more attention to me,” Jungwoo replies smoothly.
You give him a look of disbelief, wondering where the endearing man who had knocked on your door this morning went. 
“Come. I’ll show you to the stables,” he says cheerfully. 
“I don’t recall saying that I wanted you to go with me,” you remind him.
“Hmm?” he hums, pretending not to hear you.
Shaking your head, you can’t help but laugh a little yourself. It’s difficult not to get swept up in the phenomenon that is Prince Jungwoo. If you were smart, you would put an end to whatever was forming between the two of you. He is simply intrigued by you and wants to joke around, nothing more. Even if it is something romantic, the two of you could never be together. It’s better to draw a line before personal feelings become involved, especially on your end.
It would be so easy to let yourself fall in love with Jungwoo. So easy to let him tear down the walls surrounding your heart. So easy to let yourself need his presence, to crave his touch. So easy to let yourself be happy, even if it’s brief.
But it would be so easy for Jungwoo to destroy you, to trample all over you—and you’re not sure if you could withstand it.
For now, you try not to think about it.
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“Have you ridden a horse before?”
You shake your head. “I don’t travel distances in which I will need a horse.”
“And you were planning on going alone, despite having no experience on horseback?” Jungwoo asks, raising an eyebrow.
“How difficult can it be?” you shrug.
He laughs; a bright, clear laugh that sounds like a bell. You’re so mesmerized by it that you almost don’t notice him step closer and place his hands on your waist. You look at him with bewilderment, and he simply smiles at you.
“Excuse me for a moment,” Jungwoo chirps. Without warning, he lifts you up and sets you onto the saddle of his horse as if you’re some sort of child. His hands linger on your waist just for a moment before he pulls them back.
You let out an embarrassing squeak, automatically gripping his shoulders for support. Once you stabilize yourself, you reflexively hit him in the chest before realizing that you just punched the Prince. Luckily, he doesn’t seem that hurt or angry. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. 
Jungwoo is grinning so hard that the corners of his eyes have crinkled. He’s looks at you as if you’re the warm breeze during spring, sunshine on a beautiful day, a flower in full bloom—like you’re something wonderful.
“Do not ever do that again,” you warn. You mean to sound authoritative, but your voice teeters between octaves and it comes out as more of a question than a command. You feel like your heart is doing somersaults. 
Jungwoo just smiles again and climbs up, situating himself behind you. His arms encase you as he reaches around to grip the reins of the horse. Your back is pressed up against him, and you’re glad you’re turned away from him so he can’t see the bright flush on your cheeks.
“Must we ride together?” you grumble.
“While I admire your confidence, I do not think it would be safe for you to ride on your own,” he explains. He flicks the reins, and the horse begins to trot at an extremely brisk pace. 
“You are underestimating me.” 
“I wouldn’t dream of it, my lady.” 
“Now you’re being patronizing.” 
Jungwoo laughs, and you feel it rustle your hair. Is he really that close to you? What if your hair smells bad? You had washed it with your favorite lavender soap yesterday, but what if—
“I apologize, Y/N. That was not my intention. Once my mother recovers, you are more than welcome to return to the palace, so you can ride a horse by yourself under much safer parameters,” he suggests.
You pause. That sounds like an invitation, and you know that can’t be right. Surely, Jungwoo is not crazy enough to ask you to come back. Right? 
You have a sinking feeling that he is genuinely is that crazy, but you won’t allow yourself to even entertain the idea.
Unable to think of a response, you simply keep your mouth shut. The two of you ride in silence for a long stretch of time, but it’s not as awkward as you expect it to be. There’s something about being with Jungwoo that feels natural, comfortable.
“So,” you finally say, “how are you going to find the person who hurt your mother?”
Jungwoo’s face darkens and his expression turns solemn. You suddenly feel guilty. “Truthfully, I haven’t even thought about that yet. I want to make sure that my mother is going to be alright before I worry about anything else.”
“Replace everyone that is close to her, unless you know they are truly trustworthy,” you advise. “Whoever it is has managed to hide their tracks all this time, so you cannot risk it.”
He nods. “Thank you again for helping me once again. I know it was difficult because of my father—”
A loud clap of thunder makes you and Jungwoo jolt, and it’s like a dam in the sky has been opened. Instead of its normal blue, the sky has become a dark, ominous gray in a matter of seconds. The wind howls and the rain comes down with the force of an angry god. Within seconds, the two of you are soaked to the bone. The raindrops feel like you’re being pelted by small, freezing shards of glass. 
Jungwoo shifts behind you before you feel the thick material of his cloak drape around your shoulders. He pulls the hood over your head and shields you from the rain with his body.
“Take your cloak back,” you holler over the wind, twisting your body so you can see him. “you’ll get sick!”
You don’t realize how close his face is to your own until he’s right there. Mere inches separate the two of you. You can see the raindrops in his eyelashes and the beads of water on his lips. How could someone look this beautiful in the middle of a thunderstorm? 
He smiles softly at you, tugging the hood over your eyes before turning you back around so you can face forward. “I’ll be fine, Y/N.”
Jungwoo only slightly raises his voice, yet his words cut through the chaos. His calm demeanor and the way he’s cradling you against him makes you feel warm and safe. Like you have always belonged in his arms.
“We’re here,” he announces after a few minutes, breathing a sigh of relief. You see your cottage just up a little bit further. “Luckily, we were already close.”
After you arrive, he swings his leg over the horse and climbs down with grace. He holds his arms out to help you, and for once, you let him without any resistance. After finding shelter for his horse, the two of you dash into your cottage. Once you’re inside, you immediately begin to toss wood into your fireplace. With a snap of your fingers, you get a fire started instantly.
You both stand there in silence for a moment, watching the flames crackle as you shiver. However, you’re quickly snapped out of your haze when Jungwoo sneezes. You grab the quilt from your bed and swaddle him in it.
“Sit in front of the fire until you’re warmed up,” you order before going to your bathroom to retrieve some towels.
When you come back, you take a seat beside Jungwoo. Your soaked, ten-pounds-heavier dress, makes a gross squelch as you do. Cringing at the sound, you rise to your knees and begin to dry his hair. 
“Don’t worry about me,” he protests, “dry yourself off first.”
“If something happens to you, your father will lop my head off,” you reply. “So, I will most certainly be worrying—”
One his hands reaches up to gently grasp your wrist, and all of your words die inside your throat. His fingertips are cold, yet your entire body feels so hot. He cranes his neck so that he can look up at you. You can see the reflection of the fire in his eyes, literally drawing you in like a moth to a flame. 
“Really, Y/N. I’m alright,” he whispers, gaze transfixed on your lips.
You swallow. “I—”
Jungwoo slightly tugs you forward, tilting his head up even further and parting his lips as if he’s going to kiss you. You let out a small gasp, squeezing your eyes shut.
But nothing happens. 
You crack open one eye. He releases your wrist and turns away, clearing his throat. His ears are red, and you can see that his cheeks are flushed too. You’re surprised, having never seen him lose his composure like this before.
“Here,” Jungwoo says hoarsely, removing the quilt from around him and handing it to you. “I am plenty warm.”
He takes the towel and begins drying his hair on his own. You stare dumbfoundedly at him with the quilt in your hand. You are certain that he was going to kiss you, so why didn’t he? The confident and headstrong Jungwoo losing his nerve? Impossible. 
What’s even worse is that you closed your eyes. You expected it. You wanted it.
The two of you fall quiet, both staring at the fire once again. You can’t tell if the heat on your face is coming from the fire or from within yourself.
“So, you’ve spent almost your entire life in this cottage?” Jungwoo finally asks, turning to look at you.
“Yes,” you simply say as you take another towel and begin drying yourself off. You don’t meet his eye. Frankly speaking, you’re not sure if you can look at him right now without feeling like your heart will burst.
“Do you ever leave? Say, travel for the holidays?” 
You laugh. “And where would I go?”
He doesn’t respond.
“I sometimes go to the neighboring town to buy supplies,” you continue. “Though I have to hide my face so the villagers don’t know who I am. Why do you ask?”
“You mentioned before that you don’t go distances in which you’ll need a horse, and that led me to believe that you must not stray far from your cottage,” he answers.
Jungwoo has the same expression on his face that he had when the two of you were in the throne room with the King. There’s a deep crease between his brows, and he’s biting his quivering lip. He looks down at his hands, the towel on his head slipping off and landing on the floor with a pitiful thump. His broad shoulders are drooped, which makes him look smaller.
“Why do you seem so forlorn, Jungwoo?” you ask, carding a hand through his wet hair so you can see him more clearly. 
He shakes his head. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Everything,” he says, voice cracking. “My father was the one who drove your mother to death and ruined your life. You’ve been trapped here for the past decade, and it’s all because of us.”
“I swear to you that your banishment will be lifted,” he promises, placing his hand over your hand that is still in his hair. “I will ascend the throne in a month, and I won’t let you rot away in this cottage. You should be able to see the world. To be free. I—I will not be like my father.”
His words sound more like he’s trying to convince himself rather than you, and you finally understand.
“Going against your father, seeking my help, bringing me to the palace—all of it. Was it because you wanted to differentiate yourself from the King? To prove to yourself that you aren’t following in your father’s footsteps?” you ask quietly.
Jungwoo looks at you with wide eyes. You can see tears glistening in them, and you know you’re right. Sighing, your other hand comes up to rest on his cheek. You lean in, unabashedly staring him in the eyes for the first time since you’ve met him.
“You are not your father. I, of all people, should know best. There is no need to take such drastic measures to convince yourself of it. Just be yourself, Jungwoo. You will be a kind and benevolent king,” you assure him.
“How are you so sure?” he whispers. His voice trembles. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know that you’re selfless and compassionate, even to someone like me,” you answer immediately. “You chose to throw away personal bias and even your own dignity to beg for my help. You are willing to do whatever it takes to help the people you care about. You have more kindness in the tip of your pinky finger than your father has had in his entire lifetime. Your subjects will revere you when you become king.”
Jungwoo is quiet, but you can tell that you’ve hit a chord with him. There’s no longer fear and pain in his expression, but rather, hope. He is still firmly holding your hand to his hair, as if it’s his lifeline. You gently slip your hand out of his grip so you can cup his face with both your hands, lightly pinching his cheeks.
“However, refrain from knocking on witches’ doors willy-nilly from now on. Not many witches are as generous and willing to help like I am. Like your father said, you could very well be tricked into signing your soul away with some,” you warn. 
“Signing my soul away to you doesn’t seem so terrible,” Jungwoo muses.
“You must be feeling better if you’re able to make your ridiculous jokes,” you sigh, beginning to pull your hands away. 
He catches one of your hands, placing it on his chest and over his heart. You can feel its steady rhythm, versus your own erratic one. You wonder if he’s aware of how effortlessly he’s able to fluster you. 
“I’m glad it was you who answered the door, Y/N,” Jungwoo says sincerely. “Truly.”
There he goes again—smiling at you sweetly, as if honey is dripping from his eyes. He gazes at you like you’re his dream, the only thing he wants. It’s almost as if he’s fallen in love with you. 
And then the reality of it all crashes down on you. 
You yank your hand away from him, scrambling up to your feet. Jungwoo looks up at you with a mix of surprise and concern on his face.
“You’re smitten with me!” you exclaim, pointing an accusatory finger at him. You may have lived most of your life in isolation, but even you can see it now.
“Are you only just now noticing that? I thought I was being quite obvious.” He raises an eyebrow, standing up as well.
“Stop being smitten with me this instant!” you order vehemently.
“If it were only that simple. Besides, I don’t want to,” he replies breezily.
“No, no, no. This cannot happen,” you mutter, beginning to pace.
“Why not?” he asks as he watches you go back and forth.
“We can’t,” you insist.
“Says who?” he shoots back.
“Everyone! Can’t you see? You are the soon-to-be-King, and I am a witch. The witch your father banished. Think about the debacle that would take place if we became lov—er, involved with each other. Your reputation will be ruined,” you explain, frustrated that he doesn’t understand. 
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks, except for you.” Jungwoo states. 
“Don’t you wish to have any respect from your subjects and allies?” you hiss.
“None of that matters. What do you feel, Y/N?”
“It—it doesn’t matter what I feel,” you say, turning away. “We can never be together anyway.”
He stares at you, long and hard. “You’re afraid.”
“No, I’m realistic.” 
“You’re using the fact that you’re a witch as a shield. You don’t allow yourself to feel anything simply because others see you as lesser, and you believe them. You’ve become comfortable like this, blockading off any sort of emotion and using the fear that others have of you as a buffer so you won’t get hurt. Your heart is trapped, just like you are inside this cottage. You’re afraid that if you leave, you might genuinely feel something,” Jungwoo continues, “—No, you’re afraid because you’re already starting to.”
He’s right, of course. Somehow, he’s always right when it comes to you. It’s so easy for him to unravel the feelings you’ve been suppressing. From the moment he laid eyes on you, Jungwoo has always been looking at you. Not the Witch of the Forest, not the fearsome creature that his father banished, not a tool that solely exists to achieve what he needs, but you. He’s found the real you, no matter how hard you try to hide.
But it doesn’t mean you won’t try.
“You talk as if you know everything about me,” you snap, “In reality, we’re nothing but strangers. The heart is a fickle thing, Jungwoo. You may think you’re in love with me today, but what about three days from now? A month? A year? You will be able throw me away without a second thought, but what will be left of me? I don’t have the luxury to act impulsively on my feelings like you. I only have myself, and I can’t afford to be hurt.”
“Do you truly think so lowly of me, Y/N? I would never hurt you,” he promises. 
“You cannot predict the future,” you say quietly.
“Exactly! Are you going to live based off sheer possibilities alone?”
You don’t respond.
“What will you do then? Force yourself to never feel anything for anyone and stay in this cottage for the rest of your life?” Jungwoo asks. 
“And what if I do?” you retort.
“You may have magic, but no enchantment can overpower your heart,” he says, shaking his head. “It is indeed be fickle at times, but you’ll be surprised to see how resolute and painful it can be.”
“It doesn’t matter,” you say again.
Jungwoo takes a minuscule step closer, gently putting his hands on your arms. He touches you as if you’re made of glass, a pained expression his face. “It does matter. Why do you keep dismissing your feelings like this? Why must you insist on hurting yourself?”
“Because it hurts one hundred times less if I do it, rather than someone else,” you whisper.
A tear falls from your left eye, and Jungwoo’s thumb swipes it away. His hands dwarf your face as they come up to cradle it. He holds your face like your eyes are made up of diamonds and your lips rubies. Pulling you close, his arms envelop your shoulders and your face is buried in his chest. Both of your clothes are still wet, yet it feels like you’ve been embraced by a ray of sunshine. 
Your hands remain by your side as Jungwoo hugs you tightly. You’re to afraid to move, fearing that you’ll shatter the moment. You squeeze your eyes shut and try to remember this moment in perfect detail. You tell yourself that this, too, is fleeting. 
“You are strong, Y/N. Stronger than any person I’ve ever known,” he mutters against the crown of your head, “but it’s okay now. You are no longer alone. Let yourself cry, get angry, be happy. There’s no need to bottle it up any longer.”
You feel yourself let out a sob, a sob that racks through your entire body. Trembling violently, your hands slowly reach up to place themselves on his back, curling your fists tightly into the fabric of his shirt. Hot tears flow freely from your eyes as you press your face farther into his chest.
You hate yourself for succumbing to your emotions, and you hate yourself even more for doing it in front of Jungwoo. However, it also makes you feel liberated. Jungwoo’s arms are a safe haven, and it makes you want to forget everything and run away with him. It makes you want to be reckless and impulsive, just like him.
“—Your Highness!”
The door to your cottage is suddenly kicked down, and a swarm of palace guards barge in, with the Annoying Guard leading the pack. You try to pull away from Jungwoo, but he holds onto you tighter before moving you behind him. His arm is protectively in front of you, as he shields you with his body once again.
“What have you done to him, witch?” the Annoying Guard demands, pointing his sword at you.
“Nothing,” Jungwoo responds, glaring at him. “What on Earth are you doing? Stand down.”
“You’ve cast a dark spell on the Prince!”
“She has not! I will say it one more time, stand down,” Jungwoo orders.
Seeing Jungwoo’s expression, the Annoying Guard slowly sheathes his sword. ���Y-Your Highness? Is it really you?”
“Who else would it be?” Jungwoo huffs with annoyance.
“Why are you protecting the witch?”
“Because you’re trespassing and also threatening her. Why did you come anyway?” Jungwoo asks, gritting his teeth. 
“His Majesty told us to make sure you were alright, since it’s storming,” the Annoying Guard ducks his head meekly. “We have a carriage for you.”
Jungwoo tells them all to get out before turning to check on you. By this point, you’ve already collected yourself. You’ve wiped away your tears and regained your composure. You look back at him coolly, refusing to let yourself break down like that again.
“Wait for me outside. I just need a second to collect all of the ingredients for the antidote, and then I will be out shortly,” you say curtly.
He looks like he wants to argue at first but obediently retreats a moment later. When he’s out of an earshot, you harshly slap your cheeks. The stinging rings through your entire body, like a wake up call from the gods themselves. You had let yourself pretend for a moment when Jungwoo hugged you, but the cold, sobering truth of it all is more apparent than ever.
If Jungwoo were to truly stay with you, his sanity would be questioned by his peers at every moment. Eventually, he too would begin to wonder if his feelings were conjured by your magic. The happiness the two of you would have will only last for a moment, and you can’t allow yourself to have a taste of it. 
Because you know you won’t be able to walk away from him.
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The carriage ride back is just as awful as the first time, perhaps even more so. The cloak that Jungwoo lent you has been snatched away by the Annoying Guard, so you’re left to shiver in your half-wet dress. Jungwoo is being swathed in towels and even provided a thick jacket, but all you get is a rag that looks like it’s been used to wipe the floor. Jungwoo tries to give you his jacket, but you ignore him and keep your gaze trained on the window.
When you arrive at the palace, the two of you are immediately ushered up to the Queen’s chambers by a frantic maid. Her condition worsened during the storm, and you can feel her life force fading. The King is there too, but he doesn’t say a word. His lips are in a thin line and his face is somber. You can see in his eyes that he’s pleading with you to save his wife. 
You manage to whip up the antidote in record time, carefully pouring it into the Queen’s mouth with a spoon. Within minutes, the color returns to her face and her breathing becomes normal. You place a hand on her forehead, breathing a sigh of relief when you feel warmth return to her skin.
The Queen’s eyes begin to flutter, and you quickly withdraw your hand. You turn to Jungwoo. “She should be alright now. Let her recuperate for a couple of days just to make sure.”
“You have my eternal gratitude, Y/N. I—”
“Jungwoo?” The Queen’s feeble voice whispers. She’s slowly coming to, blindly reaching out for her son. The King perks up too, but he doesn’t move towards her.
“Mother,” he responds immediately, “I’m here.”
You watch him kneel by her bedside, taking her hand. They speak to each other in hushed tones, and you realize that Jungwoo must get his soft-spoken voice from his mother. The tenderness between them warms your heart, but it also wrenches it because it’s even more proof that you don’t belong here. 
Taking advantage of the fact that Jungwoo is distracted, you easily manage to slip out of the room. It doesn’t occur to you until you walk out of the palace and pass by the stables that you don’t have any means of transportation. There’s no way any palace guard will agree to take you back by carriage, and you can’t just borrow a horse because you will have to return it. 
You’re so deep in thought that you don’t notice a maid walking toward you and crash right into her. She’s carrying a bale of hay and it goes flying, straws of hay exploding into the air. You stagger backwards, trying to avoid it. The maid lets out a squeal and falls onto her rear pretty hard.
“I’m so sorry,” you say hurriedly, stretching out your hand to help her up. “I was distracted and did not see you.”
“It’s alright, I did not see you either,” the maid winces, grabbing your hand and letting you pull her to her feet. “I will sweep this up in a moment. I apologize for the mess, my lady.”
Her words are lost to you. Instead, you’re focused on the immense amount of magic you felt flowing through her when she touched your hand. It’s the strongest magic you’ve felt in a very long time.
“So it was you,” you realize, narrowing your eyes. “Hiding in plain sight.”
The maid blinks before her lips curl into an evil smirk. “Well, well, you’ve finally caught me. Honestly, I’m disappointed. I thought you’d find me much sooner. Surely, finding a measly witch like me should have been child’s play for the Witch of the Forest.”
“I’ve been preoccupied,” you answer, gritting your teeth. “What is your name?”
“Joohyun,” she says. Joohyun flicks her wrist, and the hay is suddenly rearranged into the perfect block it was before. “Are you going to tell Prince Jungwoo, my lady?”
“I will not betray one of my kind so easily. However, I want to know why you chose to harm the Queen.”
“That old geezer, the King, really loves her. Even though he doesn’t act like it. I figured the only way to truly make him suffer the way he made us is to target his family,” Joohyun says breezily, shrugging.
“The Queen and Prince Jungwoo are innocent in all of this. Do not drag them into our affairs,” you chastise, though you understand where she is coming from.
Joohyun raises an eyebrow before she smiles knowingly. “I had been curious as to why you agreed to help the Queen, but I see now. You’re fond of Prince Jungwoo.”
Were you that easy to read?
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you snap.
“Whatever you say,” Joohyun replies nonchalantly, a glint in her eye. “Then, I suppose you won’t mind if Prince Jungwoo is my next target?”
You scowl, your eyes flashing dangerously at her. “Are you threatening me?”
“Of course not, my lady,” she backs down. She still has a smirk on her face, but you can tell she’s nervous now. “It was a joke.”
“It would do you well to watch your tongue. I am warning you now to not lay a finger on the King’s family. Incurring my anger will make you wish that I had turned you over to the Prince,” you say calmly.
“I apologize, my lady.” Joohyun bows her head. 
“Go,” you order.
She obediently picks up the bale of hay before scurrying off. You watch her disappear behind the palace doors, releasing the breath you had been holding. You know Joohyun will tread more carefully now, which is a solace to you only slightly. A part of you wants to run back inside and immediately tell Jungwoo, but you force yourself to turn on your heel and begin walking away. 
The two of us have nothing to do with each other now, you tell yourself.
As if on cue, you hear a distant voice calling out to you. 
You know who it is, and you know you should keep walking. But your feet drag to an eventual stop, refusing to listen to your brain. Stiffly, you turn.
Jungwoo is running up to you, bridging the gap between you and the palace easily. When he’s in front of you, he reaches down and grabs the sleeve of your dress with two fingers, as if he’s afraid you’ll run away. For now, you allow him to.
“If you’re leaving, I’ll escort you,” he says, slightly breathless.
“No,” you respond, “I will walk.”
“This is not up for negotiation, Your Highness,” you cut him off, harshly tugging your sleeve away. “I did what you requested, so our business is finished. Therefore, there is no need to involve ourselves with each other anymore.”
You can tell you’re hurting him. Jungwoo takes a step closer, and you take one back. His outstretched hand falls limply at his sides. His eyes have lost their usual mischievous sparkle, flickering like a dying ember. You feel like there’s a knife being twisted into your side. How did you manage to connect so deeply to him that you can’t stand to see him upset, despite only meeting him today? 
“In two weeks time,” he starts quietly, “my coronation ball will be held. Would you accompany me?” 
You let out a small laugh. Even though you’re trying your hardest to hurt him, Jungwoo remains persistent like he always is. 
“You know that I will not,” you say, shaking your head. “Ask someone else.”
“I want to go with you.”
You sigh, and against your better judgement, you place a hand on his cheek. He leans into your touch, clutching your wrist. “You will forget about me soon enough, Your Highness.” 
“I won’t.”
“Once you’re king, I’ll be nothing more than a bad dream,” you continue. “Don’t let a temporary feeling ruin your future.” 
“Why do you keep discounting the way I feel?” he asks furiously. “You keep saying that I’ll throw you away, hurt you, forget about you—it’s cruel, Y/N.” 
“It’s the truth, Your Highness. You’ll see.”
“Jungwoo,” he finally corrects again, frustrated. “Please, call me Jungwoo.”
“Joohyun,” you suddenly blurt out, ignoring him. You couldn’t help yourself. If you are truly never going to see him again, you had to tell him.
“The maid,” you clarify. “She’s the one who cursed your mother.”
“I—thank you,” he says dumbfoundedly, confused at the sudden change in topic.
“Don’t punish her too harshly,” you request.
“Because I can’t say that I wouldn’t have done the same thing if I were in her position,” you answer honestly.
He doesn’t respond, looking at you with a wistful expression. The two of you fall into a brief moment of silence, staring into each other’s eyes. You don’t have as much trouble holding his gaze anymore, but it still makes your mind go blank. Your eyes travel over every inch of his face, committing it to your memory. You wish you could remember the sensation of his skin against your fingertips.
“Stay,” he pleads.
The hand on his face travels to the back of his neck, so you can bring him down to your level. You step on your tip-toes, placing a feather-light kiss on his cheek. When you pull back, you rest your forehead against his.
“Goodbye, Jungwoo.”
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And so, the two weeks pass in what seems like a matter of seconds. 
You’ve managed to somewhat return to your routine, but all of your efforts are shattered when the night of Jungwoo’s coronation ball arrives. During the day, you had been aimlessly pacing around in your cottage and doing the same chores over and over again. It was like you were in a trance. 
Now, you’re laying in bed—wide awake. You kick the covers off, suddenly feeling extremely hot, before tossing and turning in an attempt to tire yourself out. It is useless; your mind always seems to come back to him. 
You wonder if he’ll meet a beautiful princess from a neighboring country at the ball and instantly fall in love with her. The two of them would be perfect for each other. They would be the subject of envy throughout the kingdom. Their reign would be a prosperous one, and they would bear such lovely children. Jungwoo would be so happy, and that hurts you so more than you would like to admit. You know you’re being selfish now, but you—
You nearly scream when you hear a frantic knocking on your door. Instantly sitting up, you listen to the knocking for a little longer. Your heart is racing, and you can’t fight the hope building up in your chest. Getting out of your bed, you slowly approach your door and crack it open.
Jungwoo is standing there, in full royal regalia. He’s panting, shoulders heaving up and down with effort. His collar is popped, and you can see a bead of sweat roll down his neck. His hair is mussed and stuck to his forehead. He’s clutching a piece of paper in one hand.
 At first, you think he’s a hallucination but then he speaks.
“By my royal decree, your banishment has officially been lifted,” he declares, still out of breath. He smooths out the crumpled piece of paper and shows it to you. It looks like it was written by a child. There are ink splatters everywhere, the writing is barely legible, and the signature looks like chicken scratch. Most people would not believe it was an official document if it were not for the royal seal stamped at the bottom.
“You were wrong,” Jungwoo interrupts, “I didn’t forget about you. And trust me, I tried. I tried so damn hard because you were so cruel. You’ve only ever diminished my feelings for you, and you were the one that threw me away when I begged for you to stay. You walked all over my heart like it was your personal doormat, yet I missed you. I wanted to see you again, even if it would hurt. So, I wrote a decree on a piece of parchment paper without consulting or informing any of my advisors and then came to find you during the middle of my coronation ball. And here I am again, pouring my heart out in front of you like a fool—”
You throw yourself at him, and he just barely manages to catch you. His arms are tightly wrapped around you as you grab his collar and crush your lips against his. Jungwoo makes a small noise of surprise before he eventually reciprocates. He kisses you like you’ll disappear at any moment, and he holds you like it too. Even when you pull away, he presses you firmly against him.
“I’m sorry for hurting you,” you mumble against his lips. “You are much too good for me, Jungwoo. But I selfishly missed you too. So much.”
“If it means you’ll be by my side, hurt me as much you’d like,” Jungwoo says, his fingers entangling themselves in your hair.
The two of you share another kiss under the glow of the moonlight, whispering promises to each other that you know you shouldn’t keep.
Yet, you aren’t afraid anymore.
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teenwolffanclub-me · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 11: Formality
Hey there beautiful reader! If you’re new here, this is a series I’m writing where each chapter is an episode from the first season of Teen Wolf. If you’ve been here before, hey! I missed you! Previous and future chapters are linked at the end of each part if you want to catch up.
Pairing: Stiles x Psychic! Reader (FINALLY!)
Warnings: angsty angst angst
Notes: Does anyone still like this series? The last part kinda flopped 🤨
Anyway, I’m back and super excited bc my babies are FINALLY official and they only had to almost die like three times to do it!
P.S. Lydia has terrible taste in men, Y/N still sucks at being a psychic, and the high school desperately needs more security
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Have you ever had a day go so unbelievably sideways that you honestly can’t even comprehend how fucked up it is?
Yeah, welcome to my Friday.
“This is the worst! My life is literally over.”
I huffed in annoyance, my jaw dropping at the pure absurdity of that statement. “Scott, Peter tried kidnapping you this morning and you’re worried about a dance?”
He frowned from beside me, his shoulders sagging. Last night, Deaton tried making Stiles and I leave the clinic once he was all patched up, but we both refused. I still wasn’t completely convinced that he was alive until he woke up with a start this morning.
It didn’t take long for Peter to show up, demanding that we hand him over. Actually, I can’t really say we because the three of us hid in the back while Deaton somehow took care of it.
Derek was still hanging out in the Argent’s basement, probably being tortured by Kate but most likely dead by now. I tried talking to Allison when I got to school this morning, but she practically ran away from me when I brought it up. I had no idea how much she knew at this point, and it was freaking me out.
And, to top it all off, Scott was flunking so many classes that coach banned him from the dance tonight.
Clearly, that was the most pressing issue.
He was so desperate afterward that he asked Jackson to watch over Allison, since he is her date. He apparently refused because it’s Jackson, so Scott had been losing his mind with worry all day. He was convinced that Peter would be after her next, but I wasn’t so sure.
She wasn’t an obvious choice. I mean, her family is literally just a bunch of professional werewolf hunters. Adding her to his pack wouldn’t make much sense.
“I just—I can’t sit by and watch him try to kill everyone I love.” Scott forced a hand through his hair with a heavy sigh.
My steps faltered and I peered over at him, my eyebrows raised in surprise. “You love her?”
“Oh,” His eyes widened as he realized what he said. “Yeah. I do. Holy shit. I love her.”
I watched as his lips slowly pulled into a grin, relieved that he wasn’t freaking out for a moment. It’d been pretty obvious for awhile that they loved each other, and I was honestly shocked it had taken him this long to acknowledge it, but happy for him nonetheless.
“That’s it. I’m going tonight.” His face hardened with determination before he turned on his heel and walked away briskly.
“Okay. Bye to you too!” I chuckled, curious to see how he’d manage to sneak in.
I only made it a few steps before someone rammed into my side forcefully. A pair of hands gripped my arms to steady me as I nearly toppled over. My eyes narrowed as they landed on Stiles’ sheepish expression.
“Hey. Sorry.” He let me go quickly and scratched at the back of his head. “Where have you been?”
“Class..?” I drawled slowly, my eyes trailing over his twitchy frame slowly. He seemed more wired than normal, which was saying a lot. 
His chest was heaving as if he’d just run a mile—which I’d recently learned he was surprisingly incapable of—and his eyes were shining with barely contained anxiety.
“I just...uh—I have a, I’ve been trying to...will you go to formal with me?” He rushed the words out so quickly, it took me a second to process them.
I just stared at him, waiting a moment to see if he was going to follow that up with anything else. “You mean the one that’s tonight? Are you serious?”
His honey eyes widened, as if he wasn’t expecting that response. I mean, what else was I supposed to say? I’d been waiting for him to ask me for almost two weeks now, and he waits until the day of? Who does that?
“Uh,” He glanced away from me quickly, his cheeks turning pink under the fluorescent lights. “Not if you’re going to say no.”
I just rolled my eyes, ignoring the way my heart began fluttering at the thought of going with him. I took a step forward so that there were only a few inches separating us and leaned up to place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“It’s a date.” I patted his chest before walking away, an amused smirk pulling at my lips at his stunned expression.
I let my fingers trail over the frilly materials hanging in front of me as I took in my options. I was failing miserably at finding something decent to wear tonight. I wasn’t used to dressing up or being overly girly, so I had no idea where to start. I’d really just been standing here for the last several minutes, overwhelmed by all the colors and textures.
Allison was standing to my left, inspecting a few dresses in a full length mirror. Lydia was long gone somewhere behind me with a mountain of cloth in her arms. I picked up a knee-length blue dress and decided it wouldn’t hurt to try it on.
I saw someone approaching Allison out of my corner of my eye and glanced her way fleetingly, but froze as my gaze locked with Peter’s. I looked around, not fully believing that he was here, before jerking my attention back to him. He gave me a slow, amused smirk before shifting his eyes toward her. My head whipped back to the dresses in front of me, my entire body going rigid as I tried not to alarm her.
Maybe Scott had been right this afternoon. But would he really try to turn her now? In the middle of the mall?
“That’s not your color.” I heard him murmur, and stole another look their way. I didn’t want Allison to catch on that I knew him, or that anything was wrong. Very, very wrong. 
Allison shifted her weight, looking uncomfortable as he stared at her intensely. “Sorry if that was intrusive but, considering your skin tone, I’d go lighter.”
“Because I’m pale?” She asked quietly, somehow not questioning the fashion advice from a strange man.
“Fair.” He corrected, his head tilting as he tried to look well-meaning. “I mean, you can’t call skin like yours pale. Not skin that perfect...”
“Okay.” She laughed awkwardly and put the dress she was considering back on the rack beside her.
“Trust me, I have a...unique perspective on the subject.” She nodded and turned to walk away with a tight smile, obviously weirded out, but he stepped to the side so she couldn’t get away. My skin crawled at the predatory gleam in his eyes as he practically sized her up.
She watched nervously as he grabbed a new dress from the rack behind him and took her hand in his. She reeled back instantly at the unwelcome touch, but that didn’t stop him from bringing her skin up beside the material for comparison. “See? Much better.”
I’d heard enough. I took the few steps needed to close the distance between us, my heart racing in my chest. I wasn’t convinced that he was stupid enough to try anything wolfy in public, but I wasn’t about to take any chances, either. I stopped at her side and grabbed her wrist gently. Her wide eyes jerked toward me, swimming with relief. 
“Hey, Lydia needs help in the dressing room.” I rushed the lie out quickly, barely registering that she nodded in understanding before pulling her away.
I didn’t even spare another glance at Peter as I weaved through the narrow isles briskly, not stopping until I found Lydia clear on the other end of the store. She actually was by the dressing rooms, posing to herself in a full length mirror. I staggered to a halt at the sight of the champagne dress she had on. It was somehow...familiar?
“That was so creepy.” Allison muttered quietly as she shook my hand off and plopped down onto one of the plush chairs beside the mirrors.
I walked right up to Lydia, unable to stop myself as I continued inspecting her dress. She watched me for a moment and raised her eyebrows expectantly when my gaze rose to meet hers. My face pinched in confusion. There was a persistent nagging at the back of my mind as I looked at her, like there was something I should be picking up on. But I just couldn’t place it.
“I think that’s the one.” I jumped as Allison suddenly spoke up from behind us. I cleared my throat and took a step away from Lydia, realizing how weird I was being.
She turned away from me with one last questioning glance before giving herself a satisfied smile in the mirror, her hands smoothing down the silky material before resting on her hips.
“Me too.” She spun around excitedly and disappeared behind one of the dressing room curtains.
I couldn’t explain it, but I suddenly felt my stomach twist as a dark cloud of dread washed over me.
I looked over Stiles’ shoulder, the hardwood floors beneath my feet vibrating as loud music rang throughout the space. We were slow dancing for the second time tonight, my arms locked around his neck and my head resting against his chest. It was really nice, being this close to him. It helped lower the base level of anxiety I’d been fighting all day.
It’d been nearly an hour since I last saw any of our friends. We all met up with our respective dates at the start of the dance, Lydia having brought a random lacrosse player since Jackson was with Allison. Just then, my eyes found them dancing stiffly a few couples away, but the sight did little to calm my nerves. 
He was completely wasted at this point, since he thought it was a good idea to bring a flask of vodka with him, and she was just trying to make the best of it until we all went home. It was clear that neither of them wanted to be here together, but Scott had pretty much threatened him into watching over her, and she didn’t want to be without a date.
Scott successfully snuck in through the roof—don’t ask me how—and was managing to keep an eye on them while dodging coach all night. My eyes swept over the room, seeing nothing but familiar faces, just not the one I was looking for. 
Stiles suddenly pulled back and my arms loosened from around his neck. His eyes rounded as they flickered around my face with concern. “You okay?” 
I glanced over his shoulder again, feeling uncomfortable under his intense gaze. I didn’t want to lie to him, but I also didn’t know how to explain the uneasy feeling I’d had since we got here. My dancing faltered as I noticed that Jackson and Allison were gone.
“Have you seen Lydia recently?” I asked absently, my eyes still sweeping around the gym quickly.
I took a step away from Stiles and turned all the way around, my chest tightening with anxiety. For some reason, I felt like I needed to find her. Right now. Or something terrible was going to happen. My anxiety was quickly rising to panic when I didn’t see her anywhere. 
“Y/N?” Stiles put a hand on my shoulder and I glanced back to see him watching me closely, his brows pinched in confusion.
“I have to...” My skin was crawling with the intense need to get out of here. Something was wrong. I could just feel it. I leaned forward to place a quick kiss on his cheek, already feeling guilty for what I was about to do. “I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.”
I started jogging away before he could try and stop me. My legs had a mind of their own as I stumbled through the dense crowd toward the exit. I braced my hands against the gym doors and pushed my way through, stopping for a moment as they fluttered closed behind me to consider where she could be. I huffed, feeling an urgency deep inside me that was only growing with each passing moment. 
I turned on my heel to keep moving, and slammed right into a hard chest. I reeled back, ready to brush past whoever it was, but stopped when I saw that it was Jackson. His chest was heaving, as if he’d been running, and his eyes were wide with fear. 
“Jackson?” I asked tentatively, the look he was giving me only increasing my unease.
He stammered silently for a few seconds, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly. His eyes fluttered as they glanced away from me apprehensively. He was acting like he’d just seen a ghost, or maybe something worse. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” I pressed, taking a step toward him. 
He gulped and let out a shuddering sigh. “I-I was out behind the school and...and I was...”
“What? What did you do?” My voice hardened with frustration as I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously. He had definitely been up to something, if his guilt-ridden expression was any indication. I momentarily forgot what I was supposed to be doing as my curiosity peaked. 
“I-I told...Allison’s dad, he was...”
My heart skipped a beat with panic at his words. Mr. Argent was behind the school? Why would he...
Oh shit. 
Oh my God. 
Without even sparing him another glance, I rushed past him and straight down the hall. Within seconds I was outside, the freezing night air causing my skin to rise with goosebumps instantly. My head whipped from side to side as I tried to figure out which way to go. On instinct, I starting running toward the lacrosse field. 
My heart was hammering painfully in my chest as I sprinted as fast as humanly possible. I was suddenly very glad that I’d chosen to wear ballet flats tonight, instead of the heels Lydia had tried forcing me to buy. I let my intuition guide me as I kept going until I reached the edge of the field. 
I staggered to a stop, my eyes widening at the sight of Lydia standing at the other end. Her back was to me as she walked around slowly, looking lost. I opened my mouth to call her name, feeling my chest loosen just slightly at the fact that she was okay. 
I froze, my whole body growing rigid with fear as Peter suddenly emerged from the tree line just outside the field. His figure was mostly cloaked by the bright stadium lights as he approached her, and it didn’t seem like she’d seen him yet. 
“Lydia!” I screamed, finally finding my voice through the panic coursing through me. I started running in her direction again, having no plan but just needing to be there with her. 
She whipped around at the sound of her name, but made no move to get away. There was nothing I could do but watch in horror as Peter stalked toward her and opened his mouth wide, his eyes flashing bright red. She didn’t react nearly fast enough. 
By the time I reached them, she was laying in a crumpled heap on the turf, blood splattered across her dress. All the air rushed from my lungs as a heavy sense of déjà vu washed over me. 
Of course, how could I be so stupid? It was the vision I’d seen when Derek helped me, finally playing out in real life. 
I let out a trembling breath, my chest feeling like it would collapse any second from the intense pressure. My mind went blank as Peter kneeled over her body, blood dripping down his face. His eyes, still red, slowly swept up to meet mine. 
“Well, they don’t usually run toward me, but I’ll take it.” He muttered lowly, an amused smirk twitching at his lips.
My eyes were still locked onto Lydia’s unconscious frame beneath him. Her new dress was ripped, the red stain at her hip growing alarmingly fast. My heart clenched painfully and tumbled down into my stomach at the sight. 
I was too late.
Peter took his time standing to his full height. I could feel his intense gaze on me, watching me closely, but I couldn’t look away from Lydia. She was so...broken. A wave of nausea washed over me and I forced my eyes to meet his.
My vision blurred as I tried desperately to catch my breath. “Is she dead?”
My voice was barely above a hoarse whisper, my entire body trembling. It was from the overwhelming terror being this close to Peter initiated, but I wasn’t just scared. I was angry. I knew something was going to happen all day, and I ignored my instincts. I saw this very thing happen weeks ago, but did nothing. And now, Lydia might be dead. Because of me. 
Peter hummed low in his throat, his eyes scanning me from head to toe before glancing down at her fleetingly. “Not at the moment.”
A few tears escaped down my cheeks as I tore my gaze away from him to look at her again. I wasn’t even sure if she was breathing. If she was still alive, it was just barely.
My panic only rose as I thought about how unlikely it was that I’d get out of this situation in time to bring her to a hospital. Her chances of survival were dropping by the second. And mine too, probably. 
“Tell me, Y/N, what do you see in my future?” Peter look a slow step toward me, and I stumbled back to keep some distance between us. 
My eyes jerked up to his as I stiffened, a shiver wracking my body as I became more aware of the freezing temperature. “How do you know about that?”
The earth crunched beneath his shoes as he stalked toward me. I stood impossibly still, knowing I wouldn’t be able to escape him. He didn’t stop until he loomed only inches away.
“How does anyone know anything?” He murmured hoarsely into my ear, and I recoiled back, my stomach clenching painfully in disgust. My eyes pinched shut as one of his hands came up to brush a stray lock of hair away from my face. “You, my dear, would make a fantastic beta.”
My eyes jerked open again and I took a miniscule step away from him, my hands clenching into fists at my sides. “Trust me, I wouldn’t. I’ve been told I can be really annoying. I wouldn’t make a good beta. Or a good anything, really. I’m hardly a psychic. You should just keep searching because, you know, whatever it is you’re looking for...isn’t me.”
“Oh, I think I’m willing to take my chances.” Time seemed to slow as his eyes flashed bright red, his mouth opening wide to show his razor sharp canines. 
I whipped around, ready to at least attempt running for my life, but instantly froze at the sight of Stiles barreling toward us. 
“No!” I shouted frantically, my heart leaping into my throat with panic.
A strong arm wrapped around my stomach and wrenched me backward. I slammed against Peter’s chest, hard. The air was knocked out of my lungs from the force, just as a clawed hand snaked around my throat.
Stiles lurched to a stop in front of us, his dress shoes slipping on the damp turf. He flailed to the ground before popping back up instantly, his eyes wide with horror as they glanced down at Lydia before landing on me.
“Don’t kill her. Please.” His voice was trembling with desperation as he held a hand out toward us hesitantly.
The tips of Peter’s claws dug into my skin and I winced, tears now running freely down my face. I was terrified. For myself, Lydia, and now Stiles. Peter had killed many times before, and there was literally nothing stopping him now. Stiles’ eyes flickered to my neck, his jaw clenching tightly. 
“Of course not. Just tell me how to find Derek.” Peter drawled, as if he wasn’t currently poised to do the opposite. 
“W-what?” Stiles stammered, seemingly surprised by that request. His gaze was still firmly planted on Peter’s hand.
I felt a sharp stabbing at the base of my throat and my lips parted as a shuddering gasp escaped me. He was surely drawing blood at this point. Stiles’ eyes widened with alarm at the sight and his hand jerked toward us as if he were itching to intervene. 
“Tell me how to find Derek Hale.” Peter leaned down, his warm breath fanning my shoulder. I tried jerking my head away, my heart lurching in my chest at his close proximity, but didn’t get far with his tight hold around me. 
“I don’t know that! How would I know that?” Stiles’ voice rose to a frantic shout, his chest heaving as his glistening eyes finally moved up to Peter. 
“You’re the clever one, aren’t you? And because deception has a very particularly accurate scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth. Or I will rip her apart.”
As if to prove the validity behind his words, his hand tightened around my throat. I instantly started pulling at his fingers as I felt my airway closing. My lips parted in a silent gasp, my lungs spasming painfully as I tried to force a breath in. 
“Look. I don’t know! Okay?” Stiles rushed the words out in a complete panic, his eyes darting between Peter and my neck. Tiny black spots dotted my vision as I felt myself growing faint. “I swear—I swear to God I have no idea!”
Peter hummed low in his throat, his chest vibrating against my back. “Wrong again.” 
Everything that happened next must’ve taken place in only a few seconds, but they seemed to drag on and on. Peter’s head jerked down to my left shoulder, his teeth digging into my skin easily. A scream tore through my throat as he finally released it, my vision blurring as unbearable pain rippled along my upper body. 
Stiles face crumbled in utter horror and he lunged toward me just as Peter’s arms disappeared. I tried gasping for breath as I sagged to the ground, but my body just wasn’t cooperating. It felt like Stiles caught me, but I couldn’t be sure as I lost all feeling in my limbs.
Then, everything went black. 
I stirred, already wincing in pain as I slowly regained consciousness. A high pitched droning was the only sound in my otherwise quiet surroundings. My eyes fluttered open and instantly squinted against the harsh fluorescent lights above me.
Everything felt heavy. I sluggishly started turning my head away from the lights, but jerked to a stop as searing pain radiated from my shoulder. My face fell into a grimace as a pitiful groan escaped my lips.
Something shuffled at the foot of my bed and I froze. My heart jumped in my chest with panic. Memories of Peter came flooding back all at once, and I started trembling with fear at the unknown presence.
Stiles jerked upright, appearing at my side a split second later. I let out a small sigh of relief, wincing as my lungs angrily protested each breath I took. My body began relaxing as I realized I was safe. 
“Oh my God! Y/N!” He practically yelled in my face as he leaned down over me. “Are you okay? Wait, that’s a stupid question. How are you feeling? Does it hurt?” 
One of his hands disappeared beneath the thin mesh blanket covering my body and he pulled out a hallow cord with a small switch in the middle. “If it hurts you can push this button as much as you want and I won’t tell. You’ll be higher than a kite, but—”
“Stiles.” My voice was barely above a hoarse whisper as I interrupted his frantic rambling. “I feel okay. Just tired.”
Truthfully, I hadn’t been awake long enough to know how I felt. I’d gathered that I was in the hospital, but obviously didn’t know much else. My entire left side hurt like hell.
My eyes trailed over Stiles quickly, noting that he was still wearing his clothes from the dance. His white button up was stained with blood and dirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His black jacket had been discarded on a table by the door.
Maybe it hadn’t been long, then?
“Seriously?” He sagged down into the chair that sat beside my bed, his eyes widening in surprise. “You were asleep for almost thirty hours.”
“I was what?” I planted my hands on either side of my hips and pushed myself up, ignoring the pain that ripped through my shoulder at the movement. 
How the hell had I been out that long? That meant it was already Sunday, although probably somewhere around midnight. Too many panicked thoughts invaded my mind at once to make sense out of any one of them. 
Stiles bolted back to his feet and pushed me against the bed with a disapproving glare. “It was actually twenty eight hours, forty seven minutes, and sixteen seconds, if that makes you feel better.”
“You know what, somehow it does.” I huffed sarcastically with a roll of my eyes, wiggling around on the hard mattress in an effort to get comfortable again. 
Stiles twitched his eyes at me while he sat back down apprehensively, as if not trusting me to stay put. He brought a hand up to rub at the back of his neck as he glanced down to my injured shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Y/N...”
“For what?” My brows furrowed in confusion. I really had no idea why he would be apologizing. There was definitely a list of people that should feel bad right now, but he wasn’t one of them. 
“I should’ve listened. If I’d just told him what he wanted...” He let out a heavy sigh and rested his elbows onto his knees before dropping his head into his hands. 
I reached out and took one of his hands in mine, rubbing my fingers across his skin soothingly as he looked up at me cautiously. He had no reason to blame himself. Peter had already proven time and time again that he’s literally insane, and I’d made the stupid decision to run toward him mid-attack. I had a feeling he would’ve bitten me either way, regardless of anything Stiles did. 
“It’s not your fault.” His lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes glistening with a slew of intense emotions. 
I didn’t even have time to start deciphering them before he sat forward in his chair, his face hardening with determination. “I should’ve brought this up before I had to watch you almost die, but...you’re not—you know, how you are with me...with any other guys, right?”
His voice was timid as he struggled to stutter out the words. My heart swelled in my chest as my lips pulled up into a small smile. That was the most adorable, perfect, Stiles way of phrasing that question. For a moment, I forgot about all my worries.
“Stilinski, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” 
His eyes twitched as he squeezed his fingers around mine minutely. “Only if you’re gonna say yes.”
I didn’t even have to think about it for a second. 
“Of course I’m saying yes, you dork.” I let out a breathy giggle as a big grin took over his face. 
His caramel eyes shined with happiness as he brought my hand against his mouth to place a gentle kiss on my fingers. It was about damn time we had that conversation. I honestly shouldn’t be surprised that it took us this long to make things official, considering how stubborn we both are. Regardless, it felt amazing to finally be able to call him my boyfriend. 
My boyfriend, Stiles. It had a nice ring to it. 
I only let myself relish the moment for a few more seconds before finally asking about the one thing I’d been dreading thinking about since waking up.
“How’s Lydia? Is she...?” I trailed off, not able to say the word out loud. 
When I’d seen her last, she was only moments away from death. I was sure of it. If I’d been here this long from a bite to the shoulder, I couldn’t imagine the damage that had been done to her. My heart clenched with regret as I thought back to all the moments I could’ve done something differently that would’ve saved her. 
Stiles winced beside me, hesitating for a long moment before answering in a quiet mumble. “She’s uh...missing.”
“Excuse me?” I instantly tried bolting upright at his words, my anxiety skyrocketing. Missing? How could she be missing?
He guided me back down gently with a hand on my uninjured shoulder, his eyes narrowing again in warning. “Yeah. She just kinda disappeared from her room this morning.”
It was like he could sense that I was about to try getting up again, as he peered down at me sternly and pressed his hand down more firmly. “My dad already has the entire department out searching. There’s nothing you can do.”
My mind was racing with anxious, jumbled thoughts. She could’ve been taken if no one was sitting by her bedside like Stiles had clearly done for me. Or, she could’ve run away. But why would she do that? She was in the hospital. Where she was safe and getting treatment. I guess, there was always a chance that she’d taken to the bite and shifted already...
I didn’t know what any of this meant for me. I could only assume at this point that I wasn’t a werewolf. I mean, my shoulder clearly hadn’t miraculously healed yet. I figured, if I were, it would’ve done so by now. I was just incredibly glad—and lucky—to be alive. 
My eyes met Stiles’ as he leaned back in his chair and inspected me closely. He kept glancing toward the place where Peter had bitten me as he drummed his fingers against his lips. It was like he couldn’t tear his gaze away. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I breathed, suddenly nervous. His anxious expression couldn’t mean anything good.  
“There’s something I keep—something Derek said awhile ago that I can’t get out of my head.” He mumbled, his eyebrows furrowing in apprehension. 
I looked at him expectantly, urging him to continue. He was seriously starting to freak me out.
“The bite—he said it either kills you...and I think we’re good on that one...”
I glowered at his poorly timed sarcasm as his eyes continued flickering between my own and my shoulder. He swallowed thickly, and I could practically see his heart racing as he let out a ragged sigh. He finally caught my gaze, twitching uncomfortably in his seat. 
“Or it changes you.”
Well, shit.
Episode 10                 Episode 12
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Enchanted For a Moment: Reds fic
Chapter 2. Chapter One here
Pairing: Blossom x Brick
Royal Au
I hope you all are enjoying the story. I think this might be a three chapter story so stay tuned. I appreciate the love and support!!
Chapter 2: Stained glass eyes and the heartbreak of a rose 
She was practically glowing when she walked through her door. She couldn’t recall the last time she felt this light and free, almost like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.
Bubbles eyes shot up as her sister hummed along as she waltzed upstairs, passing by the small kitchen.
“I don’t think I’ve seen her this happy since she finished those books last summer.” Buttercup said before drinking the rest of her rum.
Bubbles nose scrunched in disgust as she tasted the amber liquid. “That's so nasty BC, how are you married before me?” She complained to her twin sister. It was almost humorous how different they looked but with the older sister being a fiery red head, they couldn’t seem to mind.
Buttercup laughed and wiggled the bottle. “Because of this stuff. Now I gotta get ready for the next trip.”
“You said you were leaving next month.” Bubbles pouted. “Why are you going to ship at night time anyways?” She questioned.
Buttercup’s stone cold face broke out into a giant grin and winked before Bubbles made another gross face and started to run upstairs. “Blossom! Buttercup is talking about nasty stuff she's gonna do with her husband, save me!”
“I didn’t say anything!” Blossom could hear the smirk in her voice as Bubbles barged into their shared room.
“Oh calm down Bubs let her enjoy herself.” She waved her hand at her little sister.
Bubbles gasped, loud and romantically. “Blossom since when-who are you? What did you do with my snobby sister?” Bubbles giggled before leaping onto the bed while she watched Blossom braid her hair. “And why are you so happy?”
Blossom turned in her chair to face her wide eyed sister. “I just had the most magical evening.” She said with a bright smile. Her eyes lit up as she talked and Bubbles was listening intensely as Blossom went on and on about a picnic and how educated this man was.
“And he knows all the classics and never corrected me once. Bubbles, the man did not look down on me, it was just...nice.” She sighed happily. “And he wants me to come to the ball-”
“THE BALL!” Bubbles practically screamed. She jumped off the bed and took Blossom's hands in hers. “Oh my what are you going to wear? YOU NEED TO LOOK BETTER THAN THAT PRINCESS BITCH, OH BLOSSY YOU AND YOUR PRINCE CHARMING!” Blossom swore the neighbors could hear them as Bubbles bounced around the room.
“I was hoping you could make the dress?” Blossom asked and Bubbles froze.
She turned and blinked those baby blue eyes that adored her so well. Tears brimmed them as she hugged her sister tightly. “I am going to make you the most incredible gown you could ever hope for!” She gasped and pulled away. “The ball is on Friday, that gives me...THAT GIVES ME ONE DAY BLOSSOM, ONE DAY.”
“Please stop yelling honey.” But the blonde was running, actually running out the door.
“Move Buttercup I need fabric.” And she heard a thud. Did Bubbles run over Buttercup?
Blossom could hardly care as she flopped on the bed and covered her face with a pillow. She felt like a little girl right now or one of her students. How was she this flustered over a man she had just met. Every negative thing Princess had said to her slipped away as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep. -- “Blossom move again and I will stab you with my pin on purpose.” Bubbles scolded her sister as she pulled the corset tighter until she could hardly breath.
Buttercup let out a low whistle as Blossom spun around. “Gotta say Bubbles, this is your best work.”
Blossom let out a gasp as she looked at herself. “Its stunning.” She touched the layers of fabric as it cascaded down to her feet. “And the color.” A beautiful baby pink.
Bubbles had become a fairy godmother in that moment. She stood smiling after pinning the last flower to the bottom. The giant pink ball gown had a silk ribbon around her waist and flower details that gathered at the bottom.
“And a final touch.” Blossom bent down as she placed the flower crown around her sister's bun. “And done! Oh Blossy you are a beautiful princess.” Bubbles cooed.
“Hot piece of ass.” Buttercup added. “Don’t give me that look Blossom.”
“Ahh look at the time! Go, go, go! Buttercup the carriage! She needs a royal entrance.”
Buttercup rolled her eyes as they made their way downstairs. “Oh if only dad could see you.” Bubbles whined.
“Too bad he's out collecting potions in the kingdom over.” Buttercup said as she opened the door to the carriage that her husband may or may not have stolen back from the palace grounds. “Alright let's go.” Buttercup grabbed the reins of the horse and for once Blossom actually felt like a royal. -- “Umm Brick?” Princess snapped her fingers at him. “What are you looking for?” She said as he spun her around and she stepped on his foot for the third time that dance, god she was the worst.
“Nothing.” he muttered as he looked over the crowd of guests. Why wasn’t he surprised that she hadn’t shown, maybe the fear of Princess got to her.
“Oh my look at her.” He heard a woman say and their eyes went to the new wave of people walking in. He assumed they were looking at the other rich people but his eyes landed on her.
He lost his breath in his throat. His eyes could hardly keep off her as she walked gracefully. If he didn’t know any better, he would have mistaken her for a princess, or a queen.
She hadn’t spotted him yet as she took in the ballroom. It was gorgeous. The giant crystal chandeliers and the violins playing. The golden decor and lights made her skin practically glow. He was awestruck as she walked over to one of the maids and slightly curious, of course she was kind to them.
Princess pouted again and he looked at her. He felt his frown deepen as she laid his head against his chest. “Imagine if we got married.” He wanted to vomit. Her finger glided on his chest and she looked up at his thoroughly heavy lashes. “Wouldn’t you enjoy that?” She asked innocently. No. He wouldn’t.
He could see it now. The high pitched shriek of her waking him up every morning. Her leaving him with every critical decision instead of her being a leader, not to mention she wasn’t that bright. Great. Just great. It would be an empty marriage, one that they couldn’t escape. And even if he could normally, his position as king would make him locked down, he couldn’t just leave. He was trapped.
“Yeah.” Wow he was a charmer. She sighed and rested her head against him again, her crown almost took out one of his eyes and he tried not to sound so uninterested.
To his left he saw one of the other suitors trying not to look creepy by watching him. Brick moved his shoulder so her head came up and he nodded the other guy over.
“Here dance with him.” He started before walking away and ignoring her protests.
“Mary is doing wonderful in class.” Blossom said to the maid holding a tray of drinks. The woman smiled.
“She always tells me how wonderful you are and I can tell she's telling the truth.” Blossom thrived on the validation of her students' parents, it just meant that she was doing good in the world, changing little minds lives one class at a time.
“Pardon me for interrupting but may I steal Miss Blossom away?” Brick asked and they both looked his way as he extended his hand toward her gloved one.
She smiled before taking it. “You may.” She almost giggled like Mary did when she found a note in her desk.
Her arm wrapped around his as they made their way to the dance floor where a new song was starting. “You look exquisite.” He whispered to her as she spun her and pulled her waist to him.
“And you look very handsome.”
“I know.”
“I take it back.” She said as he lifted his arm and twirled her underneath before pulling him flush with his chest.
“You can’t. I won’t allow it.” He smirked as he led her into a formal dance, one that was much more entertaining than Princesses. Blossom followed along like an expert, matching all of his spins and moves. Plus she never stepped on his foot.
The room faded before them. It was just them and she became completely enchanted for a moment.
The soft look on his face as their eye contact never broke, she was now smiling brightly, her eyes shining bright and it reminded him of stained glass. Each small speck in her eyes was that of a different hue of pink. It almost nailed him that she didn’t realize how captivating she was.
“You are simply a natural Miss Blossom.” He condemned her.
“Not too bad yourself Sir Brick.” She giggled as the song came to an end and soon the sound of an applause came around them. Another song began to play as cellos and violins started in tune.
It was a ballad, one of her favorites. Even with no lyrics she had studied the song. It was about the thrill of love and wonders that came from it. She had met the composer before when he came to the castle and she had the chance to talk to him. He said he wanted to capture love in a song and when two people danced to it, you would know if that was your soulmate.
Brick guided her through the steps. “I love this song.” He whispered to her.
“It is quite the extensive piece.” She said as they spun. “The story line is very poetic too.”
“I think the man who designed it knew what he was doing.” He smiled at her. “And I think he was right.” He tried to say the last part quietly but she heard him and looked up at him through her lashes.
“I think so too.” The notes trickled out as the orchestra ended the song. They did their collective bow before she heard almost a displeased gruff.
She looked around and saw the fiery red face of the Princess and her grip on Brick tightened. “We-”
“Outside, she wouldn’t dare to leave.” He pulled her away from the crowds and to the back door where the balcony was and the steps to the garden.
“You know you are quite the dancer, where did you learn?” He asked as they leaned against the marble edge.
Blossom fiddled with her glove. “Oh my sisters loved coming to the galas that were open to the public. Bubbles talked non stop about wanting to waltz with a prince so I studied and read up and practiced. She was thrilled when I spun her around when we were little. I guess I never lost my knowledge and the small pubs have some small events from time to time but you have been the best dance partner no doubt.”
A sudden burst of pride fled through him. Of course he knew he was the best, he was classically trained after all but when it came from her, so sincere and meaningful, it actually meant something more.
“Well to be fair, you are the best dancer I’ve known.”
He watched the blush on her face. Pink suited her. “Oh well I'm sure Princess was wonderful.”
He snorted. “Yeah if you stepped on my feet seven times then you could be a master dancer like her.”
“She stepped on you! Oh that’s rich.” She laughed.
“I don’t know what's worse, her sharp heel digging into the top of my foot or the fact that she talked about marriage.” It was his turn to laugh but nothing came from Blossom's lips.
He looked at her but she was staring off towards the garden. Her brows drew together as her lips held a small frown. He didn’t like when she frowned he had decided.
“Well that's what you are here for.” She muttered and suddenly the mood shifted. He could sense that she was going to cry, as if she remembered something tragic, not it was this that was tragic.
There were a few seconds where he lost control of his body and took her hand. She gazed at him in a way that was unexpected and questioning but he brushed every warning and hesitation away as he placed his lips on hers. -- Princess’s grip on the suitor tight end as she watched her future husband leave with a random woman out the back doors. How dare he! She caught the sight of a red ribbon around her waist and grew angrier. The tutor, the peasant, blossom, that bitch, what was she doing here?
She pushed away the man before stomping up the stairs towards her father.
“Daddy.” She spat. “I want Brick to marry me and that is final.” She demanded.
Her father swirled his drink around before nodding. “Of course darling.”
She gave a sinister smile. She snapped her fingers at a butler. “Go retrieve that boy.” She sat on her throne and pouted. “I hate her.” She said to herself and waited for her charming prince to come back.  
A simple village girl, a tutor to the princess, she was nothing but ordinary. She held no value to anyone even if she could read and write, even if she was intelligent and refined. Her tears blurred as he kissed her. It felt so wrong but she enjoyed it. She could only imagine what would happen to her if they were all to find out. A prince kissing a street rat, a village nobody. She wants to scream and tell him to stop, saying she isn’t worthy and that he's wasting his time but the warm feeling that swirled within her made all those thoughts slip away.
The way he held her and whispered her name when they danced and how he didn’t treat her like dirt but an equal. No one had come to her level of intelligence and yet he was reciting ancient poems that only the highest minds could know. In this moment of tender bliss she begged for it to last for an eternity, she wanted to keep him to herself and be by his side. She had read all those stories of love before, was this one of them? The prince and the tutor, a royal and a peasant. All of those thoughts were plausible in stories but this, this was real life.
He pulled away and gently rubbed his thumb over her tears. His eyes sparkled in the glow of the light, they were stunning. Like the rubies that adored the crowns of the royals, that deep rich red color soon became one of her favorites.
She felt breathless and flustered in the best way possible but deep down the sadness grew.
“Brick is just fine.” he whispered.
“Brick.” She said hesitantly. “I am no princess or royal. I am just a simple woman who can read and write. I can not offer all that those fair maidens and the princess can, I’m sorry.” She took his hand away from her face and began to walk away.
He felt a jab in his heart and this sudden jolt went through him like a spark. He followed her and grabbed her hand. “Blossom, please.”
Those rosy eyes he became so fond of held tears. Her face grew slightly red and even with the warm tears dripping down her face ever so softly, she still looked radiate. “Don’t” She tried to protest but it was weak and strained.
“Well Blossom.” He pulled her waist softly toward him. “If she is a princess, then by all means, you are a goddess.” His kiss was slower than the first as if he was trying to show her that he meant every word. She could easily say yes, run away and live the life of what many dream of.
“Didn’t think you of a poet.” She murmured.
The small laugh he left out made her smile slightly as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly. “Well Blossom, there are a lot of things that you don’t know, but I would be more than happy to show you.” ahh the cocky attitude is back but she didn’t really mind this time.
She felt the flames on her cheek as he kissed beneath her earlobe. She felt the hum of his lips as she let out an embarrassing moan, one that she hoped no one heard and she was thankful they were hidden away from the rest of the party.
Her fingers danced on the back of his neck as yet another noise escaped. She was getting lost in the moment, his lips finding hers again.
The instant she heard the slightest creak of the glass door, she pushed him away hastily and she was luckily because one of the butlers walked out.
“Sir Brick, the princess would like to see you on the ballroom floor.” He said and Brick nodded curtly.
“I have-” he turned to Blossom who was already smoothing out her skirt and the light in her eyes had faded.
Reality came back to her. Those few moments they shared were now being shunned and locked away. She watched him look towards the door, the sign of any future that has them together slipping away thread by thread. She felt her chest tense up and her throat tighten, she shouldn’t be surprised really. All she would ever amount to is the village woman who could read.
He stepped her way, wanting to say goodbye before going inside. “Blossom, what happened between us-” She placed her hands on his chest, fixing his royal emblem pin. Her voice barely above a whisper as she held her tears back and gave him a smile with empty eyes.
“You’ll make a great king.”
He tried to reach for her again but she was already hurrying towards the garden exit of the castle, away from all of this. He wanted to run to her, tell her that he would give up his crown and pride but he stopped himself and felt the weight of the world come crashing down. His stone cold facade returned as he went to the ballroom. He could hear the high pitch cries of the princess and he realized how Blossom’s voice rivaled hers.
There was nothing refined or elegant about her anyways. Just a spoiled brat born with a golden spoon and crown. He hid his scoff as he pushed past the guest and to her private seating area.
“Your majesty.” He said with a cold tone as he held his hand out to her. “Care for a dance?” --- It was times like this where Blossom wanted to scream and cry, not caring who hears her. Her breathing was coming out short and fast after she practically ran through the gardens. She knew these woods well and allowed herself to openly cry. What was the point anyways?
She had never even humored the idea of marriage let alone love but now that she could see herself falling for someone who made her feel important and smart and beautiful. No. She couldn’t encourage this behavior anymore, he was going to marry Princess and she would return to her home. Maybe open a school house, expand the little minds around her...yes that sounds good.
She couldn’t tell how long she ran until she found the familiar hidden pond deep within the forest. She slumped against a tree, not caring if her gown got ruined or had dirt caked into it. She let out a sob and let herself sink to the ground. If this were her sisters she would probably scold them and say that men didn’t matter, that they should focus on themselves but she understood now.
The amount of times Bubbles came home crying and breaking off another engagement, thinking it's been five so far, Blossom could only comfort her so much.
She could hardly breath. Is this what heartbreak was? She was like a candle. Standing tall and sturdy but he came towards her like a burning flame and with each passionate moment, her wick got smaller and smaller. The drips of the wax falling slowly and she barely noticed her candle getting lower and lower and now she was at the base of the pan. It was too late to rebuild herself, his flame burning her until she was a mere puddle and then he was a spark, blown out and gone, never to return. He was a spark that could bounce around until it was captured and put out, no matter where they were, there was always going to be a brutal and devastating ending to them.
“He’ll be a king.” She whimpered.
--- After what felt like hours of dancing and listening to Princess’s ungodly shrill voice, he excused himself and found himself on the balcony once again. He wished she was still her. That gorgeous pink gown that complemented her soft skin. She would probably yell at him for skipping his royal duties but accept that kiss.
“She's kinda annoying.” Of course Butch was out here with a cigar in his hand, smoke dancing in the wind.
“Princess? Yeah don’t have to tell me twice.” Brick scoffed and dreadfully accepted the cigar. He rarely smoked but after all this shit, he needed it.
“You know bro, I say you run away with that little honey.” Butch laughed. Of course he would say that. He was the one who ran away with that damn pirate queen and practically sold his soul over to the seas.
“Not all of us have that luxury, some of us have a reputation to uphold.”
Butch could only laugh. A real deep laugh that had tears pouring out of his eye. “I am so sorry your majesty!” He said in a mocking tone and slapped his knee. “You do realize you can do whatever you want right?”
“Does your wife let you do whatever you want?” He smirked. Butch rolled his eyes and took another lone inhale.
“Kinda as long as i beg for it.” He winked and was met with a punch to the shoulder. “Look dude all I'm saying is that you don’t have to be what our “father” wants you to be. Sure we were born for the soul purpose of marrying rich and being royalty but take a load off.``
Brick only huffed and slumped against the railing.
“I mean look at Boomer. That boy is dumber than anything and has been ready to marry six different girls and now as a new girl, but to be fair I’ve never seen him so attached to someone before. Apparently she's just a pub singer, nothing fancy and yet he's like a puppy chasing after her.”
“Yeah I know. He talked my ear off last night. Must be nice to be the youngest.”
“You’re no fun when you’re moping” butch complained. “I miss when you would break the rules and cause chaos, rebel against everything, guess I’ll the one who kept that flame.”
“You mean us being reckless children?” And he nodded. And yeah those were the good times. Running around the castle, scaring the maids and breaking everything in sight.
“Just imagine it. You get to rip off that ugly ass outfit and run towards your little gingersnap. No playing palace or having everyone’s life in your hands. They will find a replacement. I’m only gonna say this once. I care about you and just want you to be happy, no regrets.”
“No regrets. He repeated to himself. “Thanks Butch.” -- He was called into the king's private study later in the week. He was sitting before him, wondering what on earth could he possibly want, maybe to throw him out? He couldn’t care less.
“Sir Brick.” The king's gruff voice finally arrived. “My darling little Princess has been watching all of her suitors closely.”
“I assumed she would be.”
“And after much consideration.” Here it comes. “She has chosen you.”
“Me?” He asked in disbelief. This was the last thing he wanted. He was rude and unpleasant, arrogant and snotty. He hated the princess and now she wanted to be wed to him. Why?
He thought back to the ball. Oh. Blossom. He remembers how angry she was, smoke practically coming from her ears as he danced with Blossom. The way her fists tightened over and over and she stepped on his foot, probably on purpose when they finally danced.
It was revenge. Princess had so many other men who were throwing themselves at her and she decided to make the worst choice.
“Of course you. She was crying at how happy you made her and how could I refuse my dumpling like that?” Damn it, the crybaby card.
“Your highness, while Princess is a lovely woman-”
“This doesn’t sound like a marriage proposal.” The king interrupted.
Brick cursed under his breath. “You know Brick, when someone like you is invited to a place like this, you would think they would show a little gratitude. After all the only reason you are here is to marry my daughter, don’t tell me that little wench of a peasant is worth more than my Princess.”
His eyes shot open. “I am not stupid Brick but if you make the wrong move, consider yourself dead.”
Did he just threaten me? Brick nodded and swallowed hard. “My apologies for your highness, I didn’t mean anything negative to my statement. I was just surprised that your daughter wanted me. I knew how much other suitors would love to have her hand and it was a bit overwhelming to be her first choice. As for the peasant.” He swallowed. “That was a bit of charity, nothing more.”
The king leaned back in his chair. He gave Brick a smile. “You’re a nice boy Brick, just imagine all the riches are yours.” He slipped a velvet box towards him, it contained a ring no doubt. “Be smart, people like us don’t have time for others. Stay in the role you were given.”
He gripped the box in his hand and stood.
“King Brick, has a nice ring to it.” The king smirked as Brick sneered and left with the door slamming behind him.
He was filled with a boiling rage. Blackmailed into marriage, Butch would get a kick out of this. Why did he even bother? Maybe the king was right, maybe he should just marry Princess and get it over with. He could have all the money he’s ever dreamed of and the luxury of ruling over people. The life he's always wanted.
He tried to think of the positives. It's not like he was in love with Blossom anyways. They had just met so he even claimed that idea was outrageous. She would understand, they came from two different worlds after all.
“What did you really expect him to fall in love with you? You of all people. A worthless no good peasant who thinks reading a sentence is actually something special. But guess what Blossom. You’re not. Those stupid stories you read are all lies. Someone at his level is far above someone who should be six feet under. You are the worms and we are the flowers. You deserve nothing and I’m not sure why daddy has kept you here all this time, you are pathetic!”
Tears began to form in Blossom's eyes as she stood with a frozen stance. “Princess you are a terrible person.”
“I’m mean? Big news as if i didn’t already know. See this crown. You can’t touch me. After our wedding, no one will ever bother testing me again. I’ll take away your school house, make you wish you weren’t born. To even think that you had a smallest chance with him. You are a poor fool Blossom. And this.” She pointed up and down at her and threw a book at her feet. “Is all you will ever be.”
She couldn’t take it anymore. “I’d rather be poor and kind than a bitter bitch like you. If anyone is a fool, it's you Princess, because who could ever love a heartless person like yourself?”
“You’re fired.” Princess spat.
The air grew cold as those words processed through her mind. Blossom took her bag and lifted her head high not letting her tears get in the way.
She slammed the door open and ran. Tears blurring her vision and she couldn’t care. Princess was right, they all were. Who could love someone at her level? She was nothing, dirt had more value than all of them.
Her sobs were loud as she practically flew through the castles corridors and towards the garden exit. Her mind was running wild until she collided with something hard. Her back hit the ground with a thud and she knew she probably bruised her elbow.
“Blossom?” She looked up to see a figure standing before her. Through her blurry tears she could barely make out who it was until his hand helped her up.
“Brick I-” She felt it, her heart breaking into a million pieces as she glared at the box. Every fiber of her being was now falling apart as she took a step back and tried to bite back her quivering lip. “She chose you.” She couldn’t look him in the eyes, it would be too painful.
“Yes well, her father left me no choice.”
“Typical, she did the same for me.” She finally regained her sense and wiped away those dreadful tears. “It was only a matter of time.”
“If it means anything-”
“Don’t.” She stopped him. “We both are smart enough to comprehend our situation.” She took a deep breath before meeting those red eyes she grew fond of. “But if it meant anything, I agree.”
“You’ll still be the tutor.” He was trying to make a horrible situation better. “I know in those books there's always the secret affair.” He tried to laugh but her face only darkened.
“I was fired just now.”
“I can re-”
“No. I do not want any part of this any more. It's not worth the trouble, I am.. I’m not worth the trouble.” She whispered the last part.
He took a step forward, his height overshadowing hers slightly. “Somehow I don’t believe that.” His lips were soft against hers and their kiss was slow like they were trying to saver the final moment. Her hands hesitantly reached up and caressed his cheek, pulling him closer and titling the angle to kiss him deeper.
In all those stories and all the tales, the ones meant to be together, always ended up like so. But she had a feeling that this small moment in time would only end in a tragedy.
They pulled away with silent pants.
“You could get in trouble.” She murmured as his lips pressed to the corner of her mouth.
“You’ll be married.” kiss.  
“I could always leave.” He whispered.Kiss.
“We just met.” Kiss
“So did spoiled brat and i” Kiss
“Love at first sight isn’t real.” Kiss
“Never said I was in love.” Kiss
“Neither did I.” She kissed him back this time. The collar of his shirt was in her hands as she smashed their lips together with a burning passion. This was so wrong, so incredibly wrong. “I'm a peasant.” She said.
“I see you as nothing but an educated woman who is making me extremely tempted to run away with you.” There was a sparkle in his eyes. Like a flicker of a flame.
Her tears were long gone now as the blush spread upon her face. He could see it in her eyes. The flickering back and forth, she was thinking about it. Oh he tempted her. He knew she was running every possible scenario in her head, the cogs turning and he kissed her lips lightly and quick.
“Or I could get married to a woman who only wants me out of spite.” Blossom let go of his collar and took a step back. That small smile she wore so well came onto her face.
I hope you are liking this story
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itslula1991 · 5 years
My Jewel (In Corrections)
Hello everyone! I am very sorry for the delay in uploading this chapter but the inspiring muse is failing me lately. Here is the second part, sorry if this is too long. I hope you enjoy ❤️
Genre: Adventure, comedy, romance, fantasy
An ancient spell causes a millenary young lady to weaken, it is up to Larry and her friends to help her find the key to return her to normal while an unknown woman, along with three known individuals, and in order to proclaim her “how hers,” she try to take over a captive jewel somewhere in Egypt. (The shock of all the chaos in the girl).
Objective? The guard and the exhibits must prevent it from falling into the wrong hands while between Ahkmenrah and the girl, a romance will slowly emerge that will bear fruit over time.
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Chapter 2 
After graduation he was able to move to a fabulous place in Queens, without any more instability, without any more worries about unpaid bills and all thanks to his good salary as a teacher when getting the job in the same career in which he was oriented for a better life. However, at night Larry still worked as a nightstand at the New York Museum of Natural History, because after all for his wax, metal and polyurethane friends, he is a hero so to speak.
Larry mentioned: "Follow everything as it was the last time.", walking happily as he toured his workplace.
"Not much has changed, Lawrence. Except for one detail.", Mr. Roosevelt mentioned in his peaceful voice.
Larry frowned in confusion: "I've been out of the museum for over three years due to my studies and I'm not very aware, what is it about?"
The sky razo remained the same, like all the inhabitants, revived by the magic of the table of Ahk, who walked their house going from one place to another, browsing other exhibitions than their own, in themselves continued the consistency of each of the corners of the enclosure in details, also the floating floor of warm color, waxed and always slippery as usual. What could have changed over the years?
Well, Larry's curiosity was answered by Mr. Roosevelt when he pointed to a museum space where a pretty girl with ornaments and Egyptian clothing, she was sitting on the bench in a neutral room conversing animatedly surrounded by four girls from different times, a girl Colonial, an Italian girl, a Greek girl and a Native American girl, sitting on the floor the women listened to her narrate, perhaps a funny story about her because the women laughed along with the young woman.
But not everything ended there, hidden behind a showcase with artifacts from the first African tribes, King Ahkmenrah allowed his striking eyes to be seen above a vessel at the level of his nose, observing the lady in question. It could be seen how the polychromatic orbs radically mutated from a deep tourmaline pigment to a brilliant green-water, and everything indicated that the change was connected according to their mood, making their eyes clearer, denoting joy or darker, showing absolute sadness, and in this case it seemed that the green color exposed light to all its essence.
"She is new, I hadn't seen her before I temporarily retired from here."
"She's a lovely young lady.", Teddy commented with acceptance towards her.
Larry smiled looking at the scene: "So that detail is Ahk and the Egyptian girl."
"This is Larry.", Sacajawea contributed her good eyesight being sweetly taken by the arm by Teddy. "Ahkmenrah has not skipped a day since she appeared. They are the same as two young people from this time playing to fall in love."
Sacajewea was tenderly made by the king to spend hours at random, other times too, choosing the hiding place behind the plants of Africa spying on that particular someone.
"I still remember the day the boy first saw the young woman.", Teddy smiled at the two teenagers.
**** Flash ****
A month ago...
It was night, and there was a little party, maybe it was the one that Larry started attending night classes to get his teaching degree.
Nothing particular happened as King Ahkmenrah came down from that balcony leaving Jed and Octavio in charge of the music.
Since Doctor McPhee already knew everything that was happening with the tablet, it was not surprising to see a figure come to life, so wandering next to one of them was not considered nonsense either.
It turned out that the aforementioned was a beautiful Egyptian girl, with light skin, hazel eyes, long brown hair, sandals, a fine long kalasiri (dress) with two straps that covered her bust made in real white linen with bows gold at his waist. She, too, was wearing a kind of short cape covering her shoulders, a two-piece cylindrical snake bracelet adorning her left arm, a small crown with a baby cobra, and a delicate pendant in the shape of a winged golden and green beetle with an ankh completing the young woman's outfit.
Ahkmenrah's face said it all, it seemed that everything happened in slow motion in his mind.
"Wow...", Ahkmenrah whispered as if he were seeing a wonder of the ancient world. "By Ra and all the gods."
Ahk's face lit up as he was dazzled by the bubbling chestnut. It was as if he were in a dream.
When he saw her speak willingly next to the Museum Director on one of the stairs, he was fascinated. No matter what she was doing, he smiled and his eyes filled with love and wonder. Ahkmenrah did not miss a single movement of the pretty girl, standing next to the desk watching her with a half-twisted smile and her gaze was as if billions of stars lit up within her eyes. The boy was indeed in love, and although not any woman managed to shake his heart as the Sheik of a harem in the past, she instantly shot him or, as the cliché is vulgarly said, love at first sight.
“I had not seen a museum more impressive than this one. It's amazing.”, she was so happy.
“I am extremely pleased that you feel comfortable, Your Highness. I will leave you with the figures of the establishment so that you can get to know the place. Miss.”, Doctor McPhee said goodbye with respect and she made a slight bow allowing her withdrawal.
Like everything an Egyptian goddess, she glamorous went down the stairs, the girl moved exploding sensuality and with a comic touch when everything happened in slow motion to the rhythm of the background music.
She ran her hair back with one hand, blinking coquettishly looking around while some exhibits threw roses at her, adoring her presence, therefore she greeted with extremely overwhelmed and gratefulness as she slid down the hall, seeming to parade like a 1999 BC model.
And to all this Ahk thought that she addressed him with that hip shake, he enlarged his smile but it was not, she followed long and the comical sound of when one track is run to another, made him raise an eyebrow reflecting a little disappointment. However, he continued absorbed in his thoughts without taking his eyes off each line of the toned and fine female figure, wandering in those curves when Mr. Roosevelt's voice made him come out of that trance.
"I don't want you to be the same as me.", Teddy spoke solemnly.
Ahkmenrah was half foolish trying to spin his answer well: "What do you mean?"
“In the sense that I have spent more than 50 years observing and not daring to say a word to my dear Sacajewea until Larry's arrival prompted me to do so. Do not hesitate or let her escape, Your Majesty.”, Teddy wisely advised as the boy sighed looking at the Egyptian girl.
The young woman with an unknown name detailed every corner and she never realized that those jade eyes did not lose sight of her.
Sac spoke very sweetly: "Teddy?", Appearing on the scene as she wrapped her arms around Mr. Roosevelt and inevitably smiled.
"He knows what he's doing, love."
It seems that the words of Mr. Roosevelt encouraged the king to arm himself with courage, inflate his chest, accommodate his deshret (crown) and approach her to relate, establish a bond, perhaps.
"This is so beautiful.", she whispered fascinated looking at the divine building and how the party continued with its magic.
"Hello.", Ahkmenrah finally said with real elegance behind her.
She gently spun on her axis as she was distracted watching the constellations form mirror balls illuminating the room in soft blue. The pretty girl greeted him with a friendly smile once they were face to face.
"What is your name?"
"I am Larempteh.", she introduced herself with singular elegance.
And Ahkmenrah raised an eyebrow detailing her peculiar appearance at a considerable distance, she had almost no makeup, just a little soft brown shade that accentuated her sweet eyes and bushy lashes, kohl for a discreet black liner and lipstick lipstick, privileged to possess the fleshy. Beautifull.
"High Blue Sapphire of the Nile, fourth queen of the fifth great king and sovereign of the reign of my pharaohs. It is a pleasure.", Larempteh added with graceful finesse in his speech.
She was not conceited, only that the way of presenting herself in the ancient world was that way when you were belonging to the nobility of Upper Egypt, and her voice was a caress with words for him since the girl was cordial, warm and very respectful , in addition to sweet and possessing that mix between shy and intellectual. She illuminated the whole place only with her presence.
"What a beautiful name.", Ahkmenrah recognized and she smiled, she was hypnotic and Ahk's eyes could not detach from the young woman for any reason. "Excuse me, I don't look at girls like that."
Larempteh excused him with a pleasant laugh: "Don't worry, it's fine. For that you have a view, you appreciate what you see."
"Also your English is perfect, you speak divinely, where did you learn?"
"I went to Cambridge University."
Ahkmenrah was amazed with a smile.
"Were you in Cambridge?"
"On display..."
"From the Egyptology Department?", both agreed in the sentence with surprise.
"Yes, that's right! What a coincidence!"
"Have you been there too? Wow, that's great."
"Is this your first night at the museum?"
"No, I came here in 1954 from the Giza expedition.", Larempteh said.
"How come I have never seen you before?"
"Here or Cambridge?"
"Both answers have value."
"Well, I arrived there in 1940 and have spent 14 years in my sarcophagus."
"That explains a lot."
"Yes. And here they kept me away in the warehouse until they created my showroom just around the corner from your showroom. I have had so few visitors interested in the old world that all this time I have been around my exhibition and never dared to abandon it, habit, melancholy perhaps... It is difficult to detach yourself from Cambridge once you belong 14 years."
"Indeed. It feels weird."
"It would also be due to the fame of a little docile nature that was instilled in us and I did not want to be feared by the other exhibitions. Apparently, today I took a lot of courage after 66 years being here and I left tonight finding a beautiful place."
Larempteh apparently hinted at Ahkmenrah, but Pharaoh did not catch that eulogy in the air.
"I understand you."
"I must add that it may be by fate, I would say."
"And why were we in different temples?", Ahkmenrah joked.
Larempteh found a cute shoulder: "Or maybe the gods had prepared our meeting for a suitable moment and I think it worked today."
"It is wonderful and you believe in destiny, that is fabulous."
She gave him a sweet smile with the music still playing in the background and neither she nor he stopped inspecting each other, reviewing his features, the most prestigious in her and manly in him. Larempteh decided to cut the air to get into the conversation a little more.
Larempteh said: "And, you're from around here I guess or..."
"I belonged. I am a limited time conservation."
She was stunned, Larempteh asked, "Limited time conservation?"
Ahkmenrah gave the queen a cute smile.
"Yes, I am a British museum of treasures."
She frowned and asked a little confused: "What?"
That's where the voice came into play in the king's mind.
"Great Ahk, now you will look like a clown from 4000 BC for the rest of your life."
Ahkmenrah was slow to process his own words, what he least wanted was to be an idiot in front of her and accidentally he did, he mentally reprimanded himself for the inconsistency he had just said, feeling ashamed for possibly making a bad impression within minutes of having her known.
The pharaoh spluttered trying to accommodate the correct sentence in her brain while she paid no attention to anything other than the strong blush of shame that formed from her cheeks to the bridge of her nose, therefore Larem smiled attentively at that detail. because it made her feel tender that there was still a young man like him and that she blushed in such a way, and that made him more nervous.
His throat went dry, his usej suffocated him, and Ahk swallowed thickly, omitting such awkwardness.
He adjusted his voice and said: "No, I meant that I am part of the treasures of the British Museum."
"No problem, I understood.", Larempteh laughed lightly. "And what is your name?"
"I am Ahkmenrah, the fourth king of the fourth king, the ruler of the lands of my parents and the pleasure is all mine."
Ahkmenrah showed up bowing in his presence showing Larem cordiality when he kissed the back of the queen's hand, she could not believe that that kind of young man with approximately 18 years of age, a classic conservation of 4000 years, was real. Like the man she dreamed of all her life but hearing the boy's name, she divinely opened her eyes at a certain surprise of having him face to face.
"For Isis! Are you the famous Ahkmenrah?”, Larempteh questioned with deep happiness.
Ahkmenrah frowned in confusion: "Famous?"
"Yes, in Cambridge. All the time the museum figures have talked about you, you are an icon there. By Ra! I can't believe it, I didn't think I had the chance to meet you one day and... Oh, what happiness! What an honor, son of the Sun. You must be considered a legend in the history of Egypt, not many reach one of the most remarkable and visited venues in the world as the British museum. It is a luxury that you are there then, you are very lucky.”
"Yes, I do not know if I am as important a figure in the history of Egyptian humanity as Ramses was, I knew later that he was more important than me."
"But you must have had fabulous feats to have been a part of here in the past as well."
“I suppose, although I don't entirely remember it, my memory has always been blank since I arrived. I mean, I wish they would help me a little more to understand myself and to know who I am apart from my name because all I know is that my determining home is there because my family is there. But sometimes I am only treated as a piece of archaeological piece from my Era.”
The glitter in Ahk's eyes faded slightly.
Larempteh grieved: "Oh what a shame they make you feel like this because you are a very nice boy."
Ahkmenrah analyzed the girl's words, the pharaoh blushed timidly again, his face was a poem and he frowned with a vague smile thinking that she could not not get over you by not resisting her charms.
Larempteh had a blush when reformulating his sayings: “Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, it was not my intention to bother you. I mean, you're cute in the sense of your soul.”
“You don't care, I've never been told before. It is precious that it comes from you. Thank you."
Larempteh smiled at Ahk's intense gaze, wiping a slight perspiration from her dress against her palms.
"You do not have to thank. After all, you do have a splendid shine and impressive eyes, they attract attention, they are very pretty.”
Ahkmenrah did 'the thing' with his smiling mouth, showing off his defined cheekbones.
"And maybe it must be because I just have them in the middle of my face.”, Ahkmenrah built a good sense of humor in which she laughed refinedly. "I also like your eyes, they are very warm and sweet. Since they are conspicuous and shocking to the delight of others, it would be considered a crime not to appreciate them in such a way nor are they how to be wasted.”
Queen Larempteh's eyes sparkled. An action that made her smile.
"Thank you. So your family is in the British museum, huh? It's great to have your parents nearby in one place or someone by your side to remind you of where you came from.”
“Yes, the boys made me stay close to them and it was also to keep my board safe. But don't worry, it's just a long story that I'll tell you already.”
"Okay, no inconvenience.", Larempteh said quietly.
"And where are yours?"
"I do not know. I am adrift just like you with my mind.”
"Oh I'm sorry."
"Do not worry, nothing happens. I suppose it is part of our life as museum exhibits having to find pieces of ourselves at random to feel complete. It's just a matter of divine intersession.”
"We can change the subject if you want."
"As you like."
Ahkmenrah watched her closely: "Dynasty XIX? I suppose."
"Yes, how did you know?", Larempteh cackled with sophistication.
She was charmingly curious to tuck a strand of hair behind her right ear, revealing one of her sparkling triangle-shaped hoops and elegant burgundy nail varnish.
"About the above, it is that you have an unseen face and it is impossible for you to go unnoticed. My guess is that you happen to be an old relative with proximity to Nefertari's family ancestors or perhaps it is because she has reincarnated in you."
Ahkmenrah learned to maintain his cordiality by behaving like a great nobleman, he was taught that his feelings should be fair and necessary before anyone but it seems that Larempteh appeared only to make him break the rules, disobeying his archaic teachings.
Well, Ahk always did, but Larem made it worse, like a fever with no disastrous results.
What he could never hide was a dazzled observing of her tangible beauty, he winked at her giving her a warm smile indirectly telling Larempteh how extremely beautiful she was.
Perhaps the young man hinted that the girl would be a descendant of the most important queen that Egypt had, making her an extremely attractive goddess for her taste and reach.
Larempteh thought, "No, I don't think that's the case either. Well, one knows who it comes from to reincarnate as a living human god on Earth, but one of my parents may have had the honor of belonging to the offspring of the Nefertari's lineage from the many children she had. Perhaps I am some great-granddaughter or great-great-granddaughter, as were the many siblings I had."
"The hundreds of kings who claimed your love should tell you."
Ahkmenrah guessed vehemently. And how not to do it? If she radiated sweetness and owned an exquisite exotic image; how it was not possible that the kings would not argue the hand of that venerable woman.
"No, well, yes, in part, but it was my older sister who received ninety-nine point nine percent of all these courtships.", Larempteh let out a natural laugh.
"Sister.", Ahkmenrah was not interested, rather he was unsuspecting. Shocked by the fact that her beauty is not praised.
"Yes. You see, Dad wanted two male rulers, one who was a strong pharaoh and who knew how to command the kingdom and another who was a champion in battles, especially in Kadesh. As you see, it could not be, he had my sister and me some time after that event. And considering that my father's wish was fulfilled very late, yes, he had more secondary children, but she and I were the eldest daughters of the family and for Real rules we had the privilege of direct access to lead a nation for being of pure lineage. Although something happened along the way and it was damaged or rather someone made history change its course regarding that. A long story that I will tell you.", Larempteh commented with a frown with a smile naturalizing his story.
"And why her and not you, how is that possible?", Ahkmenrah used a tone of Royal disbelief.
"It was just that she was extremely beautiful.", Larempteh just shrugged her shoulder in a cute way continuing the thread of praise. "She was so crazy though."
"I am sure she does not exceed the honey of your voice or your delicate presence.", Ahkmenrah said raising his jaw with elegant bearing.
The young queen did not know where to look, and of course, if Ahk's electric eyes did not dare to detach themselves from his youthful features.
Larempteh was intimidated by these charming courtships and tilted her face to the side a little hiding a faint blush keeping a thin smile as she tilted her head to later observe him.
"Excuse my daring but I couldn't stop watching you since I saw you. It's just that you're more beautiful than the Giza pyramids.", Ahkmenrah complimented her and the girl felt another strong blush take over her face.
In a delicate tone, Larempteh said: "How divine.", stunned with a slightly strange smile wandering her lips for all the praise she got from him.
"I spent 54 years wrapped in dirty linen bandages, locked in a sarcophagus and after waking up 66 consecutive nights to meet you, that's divine. You are a precious, beautiful creature."
Ahkmenrah after that praise, smiled sideways showing his immaculate teeth, without showing lewdness or perversion, it was like a seductive tactic in him.
The queen laughed in elegant confusion as she said: "Thank you?"
Obviously, in her time she was not very familiar with more than 100 compliments in a row due to her real beauty and so many coming from a single pharaoh, it was something intense but that was still a nice touch on her part.
"Don't be thankful since the pharaohs used to have an aggressive and unkind image. You should be suspicious.", Ahkmenrah commented regaining his posture of standing up.
Larempteh said: "I'll be careful then."
And her whispering was a little less than what's called suggestive, perhaps being eerily suggestive was a healthy seduction tactic to start the romance game.
"Although if someone stands between me and your beauty, probably the king of 4000 years ago, perhaps he will make an exception. But as long as none of that happens..."
"I knew what pharaohs were like in our time. Not tolerant, only in tiny exceptions.", Larempteh reaffirmed.
Ahkmenrah leaned down again, bringing the female hand to her lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles.
"I am kind, believe me not unless..."
The pharaoh straightened up, winking at the girl again so she smiled at him causing Ahk to wrap himself in the infinite tenderness of her beautiful grimace and lose herself in the brilliance of her precious eyes.
Maybe it was because of an attraction that burned inside her or an irrepressible instinct to want to touch her, even if it was to take something from her to remember her before returning to the darkness of her sarcophagus, extinguishing that sadness and going to 'sleep' happily and waking up a bit more alive by an obtension, and then the pharaoh felt the need to approach very slowly to Larem's face reviewing his eyes for each of its smooth details directing his lips to hers, who incidentally, looked at that mouth with reverie.
Larempteh for her part closed her eyes at the preamble of the stimulus in which her heart beat a thousand times stronger than before, announcing that perhaps she would have her first kiss under the beautiful blue light of the constellations. How romantic would it be, right?
She stood still with her eyelids hiding her pupils without startling when Ahkmenrah gently cupped a hand on her right cheek, it was such a sweet touch, he transmitted so much peace to her from the first moment.
Ahkmen closed the distance between the two more, and more, and more, and more, and more until Tilly's voice was heard as he ran to Laaa through the hall interrupting the moment.
"Laaa, no! Don't touch that! Those aren't headphones! It's a defibrillator!"
Ahkmenrah and Larempteh suddenly opened their eyes and immediately regretted the situation in which they found themselves and laughed without penalty or glory.
Larempteh said with a laugh: "How pitiful."
The queen touched her own face that burned from the strong blush, but she continued to laugh, being accompanied in good humor by the loud and manly laughter of the pharaoh.
That commotion where Tilly chased Laaa, made Rexy and Trixy freak out and make sounds minimally chasing away the crowd causing Larempteh to dodge the alpacas, the flames, the terracotta soldier and the Vikings fleeing in terror in his direction. .
There was a moment when the girl lost her balance due to their action and it was there when she fell into the arms of Ahk, who reflexively held her tight by the waist like the gentleman she is. That caused her to sink her face into the hollow of the precious and soft neck of the king, thus forming an electricity that was made at the clash of skin against skin and at that moment a spark ignited between the two upon closer inspection.
"Well, I must reaffirm it, now more than before, what divine eyes you have."
Ahkmenrah praised the color of the girl's irises that now mutated to the striking honey pigment, giving Larempteh a soft grimace on her lips as she watched him from behind her thick lashes as she smiled tenderly, with her too, of course losing herself in his eyes.
**** End of Flash ****
@sherlollydramoine​ @xmxisxforxmaybe​ @txmel​ @moon-stars-soul​ @sunkissedmikky​
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rogue-barnes-16 · 6 years
Summary: Detectives James Barnes and Y/n Y/l/n never really got along, despite being partners for seven months. You could say they hated each other, however, when James' past shows up threatening to break him all over again, the truth about their feelings comes to the surface.
Pairing: cop!Bucky Barnes x cop!Reader
Genre: angsty (fluff in the end) (modern au)
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack
Warnings: hints of a toxic relationship, drinking, smoking, bad described make out session and implied sex.
A/N: I couldn't finish writing the latest request I was writing bc tumblr is a bitch, so I'm dropping the first part of a 2-part fic here. I hope you enjoy my first au (I'm practicing for a Brooklyn nine nine fic) <3
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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"C'mon Y/n" Samantha called me from the entrance of the bar we were going to get into. She came closer, placing a hand on my bicep. "You're still thinking about it?"
I stayed silent, my eyebrows knitted, and my eyes fixed on the pavement. "yeah" I replied absently, having another puff of the cigarette held in my hand.
"do you really think you're right?"
"I don't know, Sam" I confessed, tossing the cigarette and stepping on it. "I think I don't wanna be right about this." with that, I turned around to join our friends.
The music playing in the bar almost made me forget what I had been thinking for two days.
Two Days Ago
"BARNES!" I yelled from across the precinct's floor where we both worked. "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?"
"charmin' as always, Y/l/n" he replied in that condescending voice of his, staring at board covered in pictures and notes.
"you dismissed my suspect." I stated, finally reaching the place where he was standing.
"it's our suspect, not yours" he corrected me crossing his arms over his chest "and we'd reached a deadlock"
"I told you to fucking wait, dammit!" I spat, hitting the desk in an attempt to draw his attention.
He jumped, spinning around so he was now face to face with me. For an instant, I saw panic in his gaze, quickly replaced by anger.
"I told you to follow Vargas, and did you, smartass?" I huffed. "see? We're fuckin' even"
I glared at him slack-jawed. "You're unbelievable." grabbing three manila folders from his desk, I made my way to mine. "and for the record, Vargas didn't show up, you fucker!" since my back was to him, I missed his eyes fixed on my form with something way different from anger, frustration or hate.
I stood still, staring at Y/n leaning over her desk to examine the manila folders with my jaw clenched, reminding myself that I hated her.
I needed to remind myself that I hated her every single day, because if I didn't, I knew shit would go south.
Unexpectedly, she looked up from the reports and her eyes dug into mines. I only mimicked her position, leaning over my desk, holding her stare.
Surprisingly, it was me who first averted my eyes, my ring tone catching my attention. When I looked at the screen, I saw an unknown number. "Hello?" I asked hesitant.
"Morning honey" my body went stiff at the voice, my jaw clenching while I tried to stay composed. "I made you some coffee, can you tell them to buzz me in?" I stayed silent "oh don't worry, I'm in"
I hung up and tossed the phone over my desk before stalking to the entrance of precinct just in time to see her appearing.
I followed Barnes with my gaze, worried that something bad might have happened. However, in the entrance I only saw a redhead with a smile on her face.
"What are you doing here?" Barnes hissed from a considerable distance.
"I told you, silly" she let out a giggle "I brought you some coffee." When she tried to step closer to Bucky, I saw his trembling hand ghost over the holster he was carrying. "are you gonna shoot me, baby?"
Something in her voice made chills run down my spine, but I knew stepping in wasn't a good solution, so I stayed leaned over my desk.
"you can't be here" she stared at him with defiance before smashing her bag over the nearest table, making Barnes jump.
"hey" before I realized, I was walking to them. "Miss, who are you?" flash of madness crossing her eyes scared the shit out of me, but I didn't back off. Instead, I stepped between the two of them. "who are you?" I repeated.
"I'm James' wife" her reply shocked me enough to turn around and give Barnes a very confused look. "who's this woman? are you cheating on me, baby?"
I felt Barnes hand sneaking in the gap between my arm and my waist to grab my forearm "I fuckin' work here" I replied, completely ignoring the tug in my arm.
"then go work" she hissed "and let me catch up with my husband" when I didn't move, and irritated look made its way to her face. "I told you to leave, bitch."
Before I could reply, Bucky’s grip on my arm tightened and he managed to bring me closer to him, crashing my back against his chest.
"you can't be here, Dot" he repeated, managing to hide his shakiness from her. "leave. Now" The same shakiness that wasn't able to hide from me.
Due to the lack of space between him and me, I could feel how his chest went up and down rapidly and unevenly.
"But listen baby, I'm sorry" she whispered, suddenly switching to 'angel' mode. "I'm really sorry, please let's talk this out, okay?" She took a hesitant step towards us and I subconsciously pushed Barnes back in a very subtle way. "c'mon, let's go and have breakfast, and we'll talk. Please, honey."
"What is she doing here? Who let you in?" Rogers appeared in my peripheral vision, walking fast towards us. "leave. Leave right fuckin' now"
"great" that Dot girl muttered, taking a exasperated sigh. "Steve, this is between James and me, so don't you take this bitch with you for me to-"
Steve made his way to the redhead and, grabbing her arm, he guided her out of the precinct.
I spun to face Barnes, who was quickly putting himself together. "what the hell was that about?"
"you always have to meddle in everyone's business" he spat, letting go of my arm "don't you?" I stayed silent while he went to his desk to grab his things. "Tell Captain Fury I wasn't feeling well." and with that, he left.
The following day he didn't even show up.
"This place's amazing!" Lexa, another one of my friends, exclaimed excited. "let's look for a free table"
The six of us wandered around for a while until we found a free table. "what do y'all wanna drink?" Joe asked, getting up.
Joe came a few minutes after with everyone's drinks and we chatted for a while. Again, I was almost able to forget about it, but then I saw him sitting on a stool, leaning over the bar top with his back turned to us.
"guys, I've something to do." I stated, grabbing my drink and getting up. "be right back." said that, I made my way to the stool besides his. "you didn't show up yesterday, nor today."
He frowned before moving his head to glance at me. "fuckin' hell..." he groaned, shifting to look at the wall full of bottles across us. "outta every fuckin' bars, you hadda come here?"
"gosh" I scoffed, taking a sip of my drink before mimicking his posture. "it's not like I'm looking for you, Barnes, so get your head out of your ass."
He huffed, letting out a humorless, dry laugh. "it's always a fuckin' pleasure to talk to you." I rolled my eyes and he looked over his shoulder. "come back with your friends, 'cause we've nothin' to talk 'bout"
I ran my fingers through my hair and, taking a deep breath, I glanced at him. "that girl, Dot" he went stiff and my heart sped up because, damn, I didn't want to be right, but it seemed like I actually was.
"what 'bout her?"
"is she really your wife?" I asked, tiptoeing around the topic. "we've been working together for seven months already, and you never mentioned her."
"she's mah wife. Kinda" he confirmed me, drinking all the alcohol in his glass. "anythin' else?"
"what happened between the two of you?" He let out a weird laugh, letting his forehead rest against the wooden surface. "You're drunk"
"not enough for this conversation" he groaned with a smirk on his face. The corners of my mouth twitched up at the view and something in his eyes seemed the lit up. "If you wanna stay" he took another look at my friends before turning back at me. "maybe at the end of the night I'll be drunk enough to talk 'bout it"
I pursed my lips in a tight line, staring into his eyes to see if he meant it, because I really really needed to know what happened between them.
After a couple of seconds, I turned to the barman "hey sweetheart" I called him "keep the shots coming here, will you?"
Barnes let out a chuckle, but this time it wasn't weird, and it wasn't dry. This time it was genuinely amused. "eager, are we?"
"you could say so, yeah" I replied, giving him the ghost of a smirk while the barman put the drinks in front of us.
"Okay okay okay, but-" he started to laugh again and I nudged him "Nononono, listen-" a couple of giggles escaped my lips before I could keep going. "it's true!"
"it ain't true, darlin'." he said between giggles. "Romanoff 'n Stevie- that's insane"
"I'm tellin' you, Barnes" I replied, taking a swig of my beer. "one- don't laugh at me! One day we'll find 'em fuckin' in the office."
"You're crazy" he stated, finishing his beer.
"whatever" I looked at the clock. It was past 4 am already. "Barnes" I whined turned to him. "Tell me what happened between you and Dot, pretty please" I pouted at him, leaning over the bar top and getting a bit closer to him.
He groaned, leaving the beer aside to look at me. "ya really know how to spoil the mood"
"we're drunk as fuck already" I propped myself over my forearms, getting even closer to him. "c'mon Barnes."
With an exasperated sigh, he moved to tower me. "I swear, Y/n, you get me on my fuckin' nerves."
"I know, and I love to do it" his jaw clenched and his eyes traveled to my lips for a second. "you get me on my nerves too, y'know? But I don't care" he gave me a confused look "it's kinda... Our thing, so I don't mind it"
"You're sweet when you're drunk" he stated, half smiling at me. "wish you were this sweet all the time."
"nah" I retreated to my initial position with a teasing smirk on my face. "you love my rude ass side."
He stayed silent, which made me turn to him to check he was okay. "I do." he mumbled "I love your sweet side too." after taking another peak to my lips, he leaned on me and, without thinking twice, I closed the gap between us.
Our lips crashed and, while his right hand went to my cheek, his left traveled to my thigh. Letting out a muffled moan, I let my hands roam over his upper body. "let's get outta here" he mumbled against my jaw.
"yeah, let's get the hell outta here." I pulled away to clumsily grab my purse and pay the drinks, though t was a difficult task to accomplish with Barnes lips attacking my neck.
"you sure 'bout this?" he whispered, pulling me away from the bar top as soon as I had paid. " 'cause you're gonna regret this in the mornin'."
"I'm a grown ass woman" I replied, exiting the bar and pulling him into another sloppy kiss. "my place's near."
Within minutes, we were bursting into my house, tossing or clothes all over the place in our bumpy way to my room. "I'll tell you everythin' tomorrow" he mumbled, taking off his shirt. "I promise"
"Okay" I managed to say, unzipping my pants and letting him take them off. "I'll take your word for it"
He took off his remaining clothes and I did the same "Good" he groaned more than said, picking me up.
"Good" I echoed, letting him carry me to my bed.
Fuck, we were really going to regret this, but I couldn't care less.
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fussball-imaginesz · 5 years
happy birthday
player:robert lewandowski,niko kovac
summary:robert is planning on surprising his girlfriend on her birthday but she surprises him
(btw Niko’s hair in gif?im dead)
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Robert opened the hotel room door and snuck in,closing it behind himself and walking in the main room.He looked around, the big box in his hands waiting impatiently as he searched for a spot to hide.He then saw a big white closet and smiled to himself before opening doors and entering it.He could peer through it because of its doors and he put the box down.It was his girlfriend’s birthday and he had to get her a great present and even better surprise.He smiled at himself as he heard the door of the room open.He heard his girlfriend’s giggle-for him the best sound in the entire world and then a deep laugh-the one he knew to well and the one that surely didn’t belong to his girlfriend.
He tried not to make a noise but he couldn’t stop his eyes from widening as he saw his coach Niko carrying his girlfriend over the room.He was carrying her with such an ease in his arms.Robert’s heart stopped as she landed on a bed with a thump and a giggle shared between them. He had to cover his mouth so his breathing isn’t audible as much as his heartbeat in his ears.The anger rushed through his veins as she spread her legs,the dress that was covering everything suddenly was exposing her more than it should to anybody that’s not Robert.Niko only groaned at the sight and crawled on top of her,careful not to crush her.He couldn’t believe!
His coach,the one that should correct him at his mistakes and errors is doing the one of the biggest sins in the world.It is like your dad says to you how smoking is awful and bad and that you should never smoke,but a few minutes later,the smoke is coming out of his mouth, cigarette in his hand on show to the person he’s supposed to teach.To be idol.In Robert’s eyes,Niko was his idol.He was always very wise and spoke smartly,had amazing game tactics and even though maybe his name will be heard better,in his eyes,Niko was THAT person.That person he only had nice feelings about.The person he respected.But now,respect and admiration turned into hatred and revengefulness.He wanted a payback to be so bad that Niko will always regret what he’s doing.
But he couldn’t put himself to open the door.His arm wouldn’t move and he only became more interested of how his coach could please his girlfriend more than him.He watched like a student who is hungry for knowledge how he kissed her neck hungrily and how her head threw back against the mattress,her mouth wide open and in a smile(as much as it could be).He moved towards her collarbone,sucking the skin there and soothing it with his tongue.
Robert couldn’t believe he was taking mental notes.Her body lifted enough for him to find the zip of that yellow dress that clung on her body like second skin,unzipping it and slowly pulling the material down her soft skin.Robert gulped when he saw her in that yellow set of her’s.That yellow bra and yellow thong gave him memories of how he senseless fucked her against the counter when they came back from one October fest.Maybe that was the problem.He was rough.
Niko’s mouth moved across the line of her bra before his hands roamed all over her hips,then stomach and finally,back, finding a bra clasp and slowly pulling it away from her.Robert wanted to storm out and slam his coach in nearest wall to beat the hell out of him.But he was paralyzed.He couldn’t move.He just stood there.But his eyes roamed down to see his dick hardening.Really?He’s getting hard at the sight of his girlfriend cheating him?Now it’s not a real good timing,he thought.
His gaze turned back in time to see Niko sliding her thong from her legs slowly,appreciating her curves and her body.She had a smile plastered on his face like he did before he started leaving a trail of kisses from her foot all the way to her chin,only to passionately kiss her,his tongue invading her mouth.She grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head,revealing his abs. Robert was slightly shocked.I mean,he knew Niko was in good form but full six pack?Niko smiled as she licked her lips,looking at his abs.She tugged at his belt and took it off while Niko was gazing in her eyes.
He leaned and cupped her jaw,forcing her to look at him and she only leaned and kissed him again,her fingers tangled in his hair,just gently tugging on it.Robert was full hard now.He thought,fuck it, and undid his belt as he started to stroke himself slowly,up and down.
With her feet,she slid Niko’s pants down his legs along with his boxers. She gulped as she looked down and Robert stayed in shock too.Well,fuck abs,this is a whole new level.She started stroking him now and he let out a loud groan as she smiled,gazing in his eyes and she pecked his lips.It was like something clicked inside Robert’s head.They have never been sensual.Slow.Just a hard fuck.Yes,they loved each other but in bed?No love.Maybe she craved for it and that’s what Niko is giving her.
She smiled as Niko lowered himself down to lick a long stripe from the bottom to the top of her as she gasped,the whole time keeping the eye contact. Robert’s hand started stroking a bit faster until it stopped.Niko pushed his tongue in her and her back arched as she pushed him away.Robert’s heartbeat stopped when he heard the words that are coming out of his pretty and not-so-innocent now girlfriend.
“I need you,Niko”she whispered and he nodded.Robert usually edged her.He slid in her with such and ease only halfway before looking in her eyes,searching for approval to continue.When she bit her lip and nodded,he went all the way,groan leaving his lips and a loud moan leaving hers as he filled her completely.He still looked in her eyes and she nodded.He continued moving slowly inside of her as her fingers found his back as she grabbed him,clearly not wanting this to be a dream.It wasn’t.For her boyfriend,Robert,who was standing in the closet and jerking off at his coach and girlfriend having fun,it was a nightmare.But he enjoyed it so much.
Robert stopped as it seemed like blood in his body drained and he realized that when their noses rubbed against each other in something that she used to say was eskimo kiss and when that words left Niko’s mouth and she smiled at them before locking their lips in another passionate kiss..that this isn’t just a cheating or anything.Niko didn’t fuck her hard as he did,the words that left his coach’s mouth,oh damn it those three words,never left his,the way Niko looked at her is the way he never did.It was a love making.Not a fuck.But instead of stopping, Robert’s hand sped up as Niko flipped them over so that she was on his lap.
She started bouncing slowly on his cock while soft moans of his name turned into hard screams of his name(again).He started grunting his girlfriend’s name before he moved and before Robert knew,he was taking her doggy style and there,Robert busted.His seed filled his hand as he bit the other one to stop making noises.Robert took his pants back on,but he realized when she looked over her shoulder,her face that expression he saw only once-when he tried fucking her in her tight little ass.
He looked at the sight of Niko’s cock disappearing in her for enough time to realize-he’s in her ass too.Robert was red from anger.She was always too shy and one night they did it,but the next morning she said that she didn’t like it and asked if they could never do that again with a smile to make it easier for him.Niko whispered something in her ear, probably those three words again.
“Who’s taking you better?Me or your boyfriend?”he asked her and Robert’s hand was in a fist.
“You,daddy”she said and Robert’s eyes widened.She told him one night that she has no kinks.What was that?It was all gone when Niko started spanking her.Robert almost slammed the closet door but he stayed still.Maybe it’s his fault.He should’ve never taken her to his training.She used to joke around on how his coach is hot but he only took that as a joke.How long has this been a thing,Robert thought.
But Niko’s loud groan of his girlfriend’s name interrupted him as he quickly pulled out of her and spilled his seed on her ass.Robert sighed. Niko leaned down and kissed her passionately with those three words(again) leaving his mouth.
“I love you”he said and she smiled at him before kissing him again.They cleaned themselves while Robert was still in the closet.Niko helped her to put her dress back on and she helped him suit up again. They looked like nothing happened.He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her for another kiss.
“We should go”she murmured,smiling against his mouth.Niko nodded and spun her around as she laughed and they slowly walked out of the room like nothing happened.Robert opened the closet door and put the box on her bed,finding a paper on the night table with a pen before writing one message,leaving it on top of the box before he left downstairs at the restaurant.
‘Happy birthday bitch.I hope his cock is better than mine’
-heyy!I hope you liked it!I had some trouble posting it on my main acc but hey,it’s here!I really hope you liked it bc i was a little insecure about this topic,cheating in general but my friend suggested this and i was feeling really good so i said why not.Thanks for reading,ly all
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