#spurgeon on depression
battleforgodstruth · 2 years
Spurgeon's Sorrows / Realistic Hope for those Struggling with Depression - Pastor Patrick Hines
Spurgeon’s Sorrows / Realistic Hope for those Struggling with Depression – Pastor Patrick Hines
▶️Reformed Presbyterian Pulpit Supplemental (Pastor Hines’ YouTube Channel):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClW5Qzh27Zx7HO2fKkCcR5g ▶️Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church http://www.bridwellheightschurch.org/ ▶️Pastor Patrick Hines (PLAYLIST): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzOwqed_gET2vqbY_shSW0MfXtYGSoCnT From church website: We subscribe to the Westminster Standards as our…
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jesuscup · 2 months
GOD's Strength for Our Weaknesses | Charles Spurgeon [Isaiah 37:22] Devotional - "Morning and Evening"
Are You Depressed? | Charles Spurgeon
Behold Your Savior and King! - Charles Spurgeon
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awideplace · 3 months
The Lord is Our Companion
Some of us, like Paul, die daily through a tendency to gloom of soul. Some of us have traversed the dark and dreadful defile of "the shadow of death" several times, and we can bear witness that the Lord alone enabled us to bear up amid its wild thought, its mysterious horrors, and its terrible depressions. We have been pressed and oppressed, but yet we have lived, for we have felt the presence of the Great Shepherd and have been confident that His crook would prevent the foe from giving us any deadly wound.
Should the present time be one darkened by the raven wings of a great sorrow, let us glorify God by a peaceful trust in Him.
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"Fits of depression come over the most of us. Usually cheerful as we may be, we must at intervals be cast down. The strong are not always vigorous, the wise not always ready, the brave not always courageous, and the joyous not always happy." – Charles Spurgeon
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unravelingwhy · 1 month
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And when we are weary, He sends His angels to replenish us.
notes from my bible readings: disclaimer: i am in no way a scholar. the Lord and those He assigned to be erudite of the Word have allowed me to gain deeper understanding and expand my relationship with the scriptures. please pray for discernment as you read through my notes. please, i prompt you to pray and directly ask the Lord for discernment and that He leads you to the right resources during your study and to answer your questions. always test the spirit of anyone you encounter, and i am no exception to that rule.
and to my Adonai, I praise you, the source of True knowledge, wisdom, and discernment. To You, and Your Son, Jesus, ever be the praise and glory, now and forever.
❤️‍🔥 1 Kings 19
while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord ,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” — 1 Kings 19:4
even His servants then experience negativity and struggle enough that the want to just be with the Lord.
We strive to guarded but even the afflictions and torment from this world will wear us down.
To be physically strong is a great feat but it there is supernatural power in genuine prayers for the Lord God who hears them is above all and beyond.
Pray that we have the energy to call out His Name amidst our weakness and exhaustion.
Brave servants of the Lord, who continuously expose the lies the god of this world and the fallen angels, and their agenda to lead those who strive to follow narrow path astray, are often threatened and experience the brutality of the spiritual warfare that has been happening even before the ascension of the Lord.
Nevertheless, the battle has already been won by the Lord long ago.
The enemy and his fallen companion’s destiny have already been decided.
Never lose hope to my fellow brethren currently in the dark. Remember the scriptures. Let it be your guiding light amidst the fog and the darkness.
The Lord’s fire will provide warmth and energy for all of us.
Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” — 1 Kings 19:5
This is doubt and imposter syndrome felt by someone in the Bible. Even then, such demonic spirits can be defeated by the King of Kings.
No being is more powerful than Jesus who is the King of Kings.
And yet even there, most of the time, all we need is quiet time and ample rest. My heart warms that the Lord took action and sent one of His angels to encourage His servant, exhausted from the world and its persecution, and reminded him to replenish his energy.
The Lord is with us, He has eyes and ears everywhere, we only need to call out His name in prayer and He’ll send His troops to save us from the affliction of this world.
‘The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” — 1 Kings 19:7
I want to cry with how much the Lord cares for us.
Even the Lord recognizes our fatigue. He provides rest and food. A great reminder that in the everyday war we participate—emotionally, mentally, and physically—we need sustenance.
This chapter also provides us that the Lord our God is a provider. We only need to ask for it with the guidance of His Spirit.
Food, water, rest, and a place to stay.
“The spirit needs to be fed, and the body needs feeding also. Do not forget these matters; it may seem to some people that I ought not to mention such small things as food and rest, but these may be the very first elements in really helping a poor depressed servant of God.” (Spurgeon) — from the Enduring Word
“It was very gracious for God to deal this with his servant. We might have expected rebuke or remonstrance, chiding or chastisement; but we would hardly have expected such loving, gentle treatment as this.” (Meyer) — Enduring Word
'He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” — 1 Kings 19:10
There is validation in the Bible that the feeling of desolation is present, as it tells us that even those who worked closely with the Lord, such as Elijah, felt desolated from the world.
We are not alone. The Lord knows our pain. He’s waiting on us to call out to Him.
After all, choosing to pray to Him rather than choosing the ephemeral healing this world offers is part of our free will. To continuously choose the Lord and His ways rather than this world and it’s god.
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hiswordsarekisses · 1 year
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Why have you dealt ill with your servant? (Numbers 11:11)
“. . .Simulated gold is afraid of fire, but gold is not: The imitation gem dreads being touched by the diamond, but the true jewel fears no test.
It is a poor faith that can only trust God when friends are true, the body is healthy, and the business profitable; but it is true faith that rests in the Lord’s faithfulness when friends are gone, the body is ailing, spirits are depressed, and the light of our Father’s face is hidden.
A faith that can say, in the deepest trouble, “Though he slay me, I will hope in him” is heaven-born faith.
The Lord afflicts His servants to glorify Himself, for He is greatly glorified in the graces of His people, who are His own handiwork.
When “suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope,” the Lord is honored by these growing virtues.
We would never know the music of the harp if the strings were left untouched, nor enjoy the juice of the grape if it were not trodden in the winepress, nor discover the sweet perfume of cinnamon if it were not pressed and beaten, nor feel the warmth of fire if the coals were not completely consumed.
The wisdom and power of God are discovered by the trials through which His children are permitted to pass.
. . .There must be shade in the picture to bring out the beauty of the light. Could we be so supremely blessed in heaven if we had not known the curse of sin and the sorrow of earth?. . .
~ Excerpts From Charles Spurgeon
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yhwhrulz · 27 days
Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for August 27
“The poor have the gospel preached unto them.”
Matthew 11:2-19
Matthew 11:2 , Matthew 11:3
Had his sufferings depressed his spirit? We think not. He probably sent his disciples, that their faith might be confirmed.
Matthew 11:4-6
These are the attesting proofs of the true Messiah’s mission, and among them all there is no greater wonder of grace than the preaching of the gospel to the poor. Other teachers had shut them out, but Jesus specially sought them out.
Matthew 11:7
Was he a man easily moved, pliant and yielding? By no means. John was very far from being fickle or cowardly.
Matthew 11:8-11
His was but a twilight dispensation, and we who live in the full blaze of day have greater privileges than he had. John had never heard the words, “It is finished,” as we have done, to our hearts joy.
Matthew 11:12
There is no such thing as winning this kingdom by halfhearted endeavours. Energy is needed for success in this life, and much more for the life to come. Grace in the heart leads men to strive to enter in at the strait gate. Oh that we could see more holy violence in the church of God. Sloth and lethargy are robbing Jesus of his honour, and the church of its success.
Matthew 11:13-17
They could not agree as to what they should play. Some of them proposed to imitate a wedding, and began to pipe, but the others would not dance. “Well, then,” said they, “let us perform a funeral,” and they commenced to mourn, but their wayward companions would not respond with lamentations. Even so it is hard to find ministers to please men: one is top rambling, and another too logical; and if one preacher be condemned for being vulgar, another is censured for his flowery style. There is no satisfying fastidious tastes. If we are in a right state of heart, we shall remember George Herbert’s words: “Judge not the preacher, he is thy judge.”
Matthew 11:18 , Matthew 11:19
God knows best whom to send, and we ought to be on the watch to profit by them all.
‘Tis not a cause of small import
The pastor’s care demands;
But what might fill an angel’s heart,
And fill’d a Saviour’s hands.
They watch for souls for which the Lord
Did heavenly bliss forego;
For souls which must for ever live
In raptures, or in woe.
May they that Jesus, whom they preach,
Their own Redeemer see:
And watch thou daily o’er their souls,
That they may watch for thee.
“The Son quickeneth whom He will.”
Luke 7:1-17
Luke 7:1 , Luke 7:2
He was a good master, and had a good servant, therefore there was much affection between them, which is a rare thing in these days.
Luke 7:4-6
The Jews called him worthy, but he did not think himself so. He who enjoys the good opinion of others, and is not thereby lifted up, possesses a sound mind.
Luke 7:7
Give the word, and the disease will fly without thy needing to come personally. This was grand faith.
Luke 7:8
Although only a petty officer, yet his word was law, and therefore he rightly concluded that the word of the Lord Jesus would be equally powerful over all the realms of nature. He had only to say to the disease “Go,” and it would be gone. This was such good reasoning as only grace could have taught him.
Luke 7:10
The Jews had praised the centurions works, but the Lord fixed his eye upon his faith. This is the jewel which Jesus prizes most. Do we each and all possess it?
Luke 7:11 , Luke 7:12
Death takes away the young full often. Had it been the Lord’s will, one of us might have been this day a corpse, and to-day would have been mournfully spent by the rest of the family at the tomb. The poor widowed mother who mourned her only son was at once observed by the tender Jesus, and addressed in tones of deepest sympathy.
Luke 7:13-15
Oh, that he would give spiritual life to those of this family who are dead in sin! Young and fair, excellent and amiable as young men and women may be, they must be quickened by the Holy Spirit, or else they will remain dead in trespasses and sins. Jesus can give the spiritual life, and a mothers tears will go far to touch his heart and win the blessing.
Luke 7:16 , Luke 7:17
So was his name renowned, even as it is among his own saints at this hour. Blessed, for ever blessed, be the Friend of Man!
Thou art the Life: the empty bier
Proclaims thy conquering arm;
And those who put their trust in thee,
Nor death nor hell shall harm.
Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life
Grant us that Way to know,
That Truth to keep, that Life to win,
Whose joys eternal flow.
Copyright Statement This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain".
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christophe76460 · 5 months
La lutte de Charles Spurgeon contre la dépression - Evangile 21
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walnutjuniors · 6 months
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Announcements Ask Anything: Fun or serious questions for Aaron and Tiff. Walnut Classroom: YouTube playlist featuring our podcast.
Features Sunday Tapes: All Creatures of Our God and King, In the Cross Alone I Glory, God is the Strength of My Heart and My Portion Forever, This is My Father’s World, Hym of Heaven Interview: Writing A Letter to the Asian American Church - Our Forthcoming Book by SOLA Network feat. Pastor Hanley
Giveaway Giveaway: Susannah Spurgeon Children's biography, 5 Things to Pray for a Suffering Friend
Recommendations How Viral Success Harms Your Humanity Here at the End of All Things: How to Deal with Change
Schedule 4/14 Aaron (Pride/Humility) 4/21 Tiff (Pride/Humility) 4/28 Aaron (Depression/Hope) 5/5 Tiff (Depression/Hope) 5/12 Aaron (Adoption/Family) 5/19 Tiff (Adoption/Family) 5/26 Aaron (Sorrow/Joy) 6/2 Tiff (Sorrow/Joy)
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battleforgodstruth · 2 years
Fighting the One Two Punch of Depression & Temptation - Pastor Patrick Hines Sermon
Fighting the One Two Punch of Depression & Temptation – Pastor Patrick Hines Sermon
“Amazing how our own sinful flesh, the world, and Satan wait until we are the most vulnerable to launch their all-out attacks to tempt us to discard caution, discard our love for Christ, discard our reliance upon gospel promises, and to discard our own consciences for the passing pleasures of sin, isn’t it? Depression and Temptation are often partners in this regard. A depressed person can so…
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Charles Spurgeon Words of Wisdom #selfconfidence #wisewisdom #motivatio...
Charles Spurgeon (1834–1892) was a prominent English preacher, pastor, and writer who is often referred to as the "Prince of Preachers." Born in Kelvedon, Essex, England, Spurgeon became a renowned figure in the Baptist tradition during the 19th century.
Spurgeon's preaching career began when he was still a teenager. He quickly gained fame for his powerful oratory skills and his ability to communicate profound theological truths in simple language. He preached to large congregations at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, which became one of the largest churches in the world during his time.
Spurgeon's sermons were marked by their emphasis on the authority of Scripture, the centrality of Jesus Christ, and the necessity of personal salvation through faith. He was a staunch defender of Reformed theology and Calvinist principles, yet he also had a heart for evangelism and social reform.
In addition to his preaching ministry, Spurgeon was a prolific author, writing numerous sermons, books, and articles. His most famous work is perhaps "The Treasury of David," a commentary on the Psalms.
Despite facing various challenges and controversies throughout his life, including struggles with depression and attacks from theological opponents, Spurgeon's influence endured long after his death. His sermons and writings continue to be widely read and studied by Christians around the world, and his legacy as one of the most influential preachers of the 19th century remains strong.
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timdcook4 · 11 months
Spurgeon's Sorrows / Depression and Discouragement - Pastor Patrick Hine...
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pastorhogg · 11 months
This Day in Church History
“Fits of depression come over most of us,” Charles Spurgeon once told his students. “The strong are not always vigorous, the joyous are not always happy.” Spurgeon himself was living proof, for he often suffered agonizing periods of depression. One of the worst occurred when he was only 22 years old. His congregation had outgrown its building, so Spurgeon arranged to rent Royal Surrey Garden’s…
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by Geoff Chang | By the summer of 1856, C. H. Spurgeon’s ministry was bearing so much fruit. Church membership was growing. People were being converted under his preaching. Young men were being trained for the ministry. Sermons were being sold by the thousands. And yet all would seemingly come to an end in the Surrey Gardens Music Hall Disaster. On the night of October 19, 1856, with the hall filled to capacity with 10,000 people, shouts of “Fire!” resulted in a stampede, and in the end, seven people died and many more were injured. As a result, Spurgeon fell into a deep depression and no one knew if he would ever preach again…
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e-devotion · 1 year
Spurgeon quotes
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Here are just a few quotes that come from Charles H. Spurgeon who is often called the “prince of preachers”.  His boldness and powerful messages have impacted many people through the years.
It is also well known that Spurgeon battled depression and other issues.  Yet God used him to speak life, to inspire others and to change the direction of many churches and preachers.  
Here are some of the most powerful quotes from Spurgeon:
“Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths.”  ― Spurgeon
“A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” ― Spurgeon
“Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.” ― Spurgeon
“Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened.”  ― Spurgeon
“A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.”  ― Spurgeon
“If Christ is not all to you He is nothing to you. He will never go into partnership as a part Saviour of men. If He be something He must be everything, and if He be not everything He is nothing to you.” ― Spurgeon
“The mind of God is greater than all the minds of men, so let all men leave the gospel just as God has delivered it unto us.” ― Spurgeon
“God's thoughts of you are many, let not yours be few in return.” ― Spurgeon
“Let me ask you, how many atheists are now in this house? Perhaps not a single one of you would accept the title, and yet, if you live from Monday morning to Saturday night in the same way as you would live if there were no God, you are practical atheists.” ― Spurgeon
Deep.  Those might be my own choices for great quotes, and you might find more.  But my desire is to be pulled and even pushed to walk ever closer to God.  Nothing can change us more than our proximity to the Father, our cleaning due to be close, and our desire increasing to be with Him more and more!
James 4:8,10  NLT  
Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world. … 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.
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yhwhrulz777 · 1 year
Worthy Brief - July 12, 2023
Press through the swamps!
Psalms 107:2-6 Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south. They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in. Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them. Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.
In his book, Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan has written one of the most beautiful allegories about the journey we all travel as believers. The book describes the hero, Christian, and his journey from the City of Destruction to his heavenly destination, the Celestial City. Now there's one part of Pilgrim's Progress that I want to focus on today -- walking through the Swamp of Despondency!
At one point during their travels, Christian and his companion suddenly find themselves there….in the Swamp of Despondency. Still bearing his burden, Christian, begins to sink in the mire. His traveling companion manages to get out, but he returns to the City of Destruction without giving aid to Christian. Christian is left all alone and sinking even deeper in the mire, until Help, the allegorical figure for the Holy Spirit, pulls him free from the swamp.
Christian then asks Help why this dangerous plot of land has not been mended so that poor travelers might go safely to the Celestial City. Help replies, "This miry slough is such a place that cannot be mended."
How true it is in real life! As hard as we try to avoid them, whether young in the Lord, or spiritually mature…swamps of despondency seem inevitable, and we must struggle through them!
Charles Spurgeon once wrote to his students in the book, "Lectures to my Students", "Fits of depression come over most of us. Usually cheerful as we may be, we must at intervals be cast down. The strong are not always vigorous, the wise not always ready, the brave not always courageous, and the joyous not always happy. There may be here and there men of iron…but surely the rust frets even these."
There are times in our lives when we will struggle through the swamps of despondency -- but praise God that He has provided us a helper for those times of need! We need to press through, seeking and trusting the power of the Holy Spirit to pull us out of those nasty swamps, and set our feet back upon the Rock of our salvation. Let's also look around to see our brethren who may be struggling in the swamps of despondency, so that, rather than abandoning them, we might give them a hand on their journey to the celestial city!
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Dallas, TX) (Baltimore, MD)
Editor's Note: We are planning our Summer and Fall Tour so if you would like us to minister at your congregation, home fellowship, or Israel focused event, be sure to let us know ASAP. You can send an email to george [ @ ] worthyministries.com for more information.
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