Let's take a spin on the today's banner! Roll the wheel of fate!
[ Send ‘Roll!’ to roll the Hime Exclusive Gacha! 4 Muses Left! ]
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You rolled Io Euclase!  A rather immature girl who has a lot to learn, but looks forward to doing so with an almost unstoppable attitude! Her commitment to learning magic is second to none, and her drive to keep going even after the events concerning her previous Master are commendable!
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“Ah-!? Doesn’t this feel just a little too fitting, Captain? This person was the one to get you into Granblue after all…sending out a Granblue muse on their asks…won’t it appear staged?” 
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It’s fine, isn’t it? The magicians in our world are all staged, and everyone knows that…but it still amazes them. 
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“..you’re right! You’re totally right! Magic exists to make people happy…whether it’s real or fake, all that matters is that the smile at the end is genuine! Thank you, Captain!”  
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Don’t mention it. Now stop breaking the 4th wall. 
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kiidreamu-a · 4 years
I'm punting this coin in there for a ROLL!
Roll the Muse Gacha !
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You rolled … Leo !
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“ Are you the new holder of my key ?  If so, then it’ll be a pleasure to work with ya’. My name is Leo, leader of the 12 Zodiac Spirits, though you can just call me Loke. First things first, you know where I can find any lovely ladies around here ?  It’s been a while since my gate was opened. ”
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somniirex · 5 years
ey dedede you remember how this mun personally thrashed you in smash B)
“ Can’t say that ah do! ”
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“ Why dontcha step over here y’self, without that screen o’ yours in the way? I’ll show ya a personal thrashin’! ”
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coimeadaisiochana · 5 years
squadronofnerds replied to your post: “How else d’you think I got these sweet abs?” Your...
If it helps, soft tummies are just as good as hard ones-
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“Some people don’t understand that. I’ve got an amazing rack and a killer ass, anyways! Who needs hard, chiseled muscles on an already attractive woman...”
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“Dammit, now I’m thirsty as hell for a buff chick.” She done played herself.
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magicallewds · 5 years
squadronofnerds replied to your post ““I just want to say: All boobs are good boobs, and I love all of...”
"Wise words." Eric pls.
“Boooooob.” Stop.
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undyinglegends-blog · 5 years
(for the url thing) squadronofnerds [idk what muse to go for like. the what i think about their muse part so surprise me or something. btw you're fantastic sakra just wanted to let you know]
send ur urls fuckos | not accepting!
Excuse Me This Is Supposed To Be Me Screaming About You Guys
My Opinion on;
Character in general: i love them. all of them. i haven’t reached Peak Dante yet but i love him, i love eric so fucking much bc they’re such a well-developed character and always a joy to see on the dash, Hanekoma is always Good, Rodin is. Rodin, How they play them: i love that you’re not all about the silliness. While you certainly lean more heavily onto that side, you always have reasons for their silliness and their antics, it never feels like silliness for the sake of it. I feel like you have a really good grasp on your canons. all in all a+ shit The Mun: how long have we been friends now, proot? you and the others accepted me from the word go, and after all the shit we’ve been through together, i consider you part of my family. you’ve been nothing but supportive and kind and always willing to cheer me up, even after some really dark shit. i am so, so grateful that i met you and the others, and i owe you more than i can properly express. so thank you for everything, thank you for being my family, and i fucking love you. thank you so much.
Do I:
RP with them: not as often as we shouldWant to RP with them:  YES
What is my;
Overall Opinion: i give you that one dancing nero gif/10
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homukami · 7 years
And here's a Noriko to just. Flop next to Homura. "Want a hug? Or do you still want some space? I understand either way." (squadronofnerds)
Homura’s silent, for a moment, moving a strand of long black hair away from her face, before she gives a long, tired sigh.
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“I... I would have no problem with a hug, Noriko.”
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squadronofnerds · 4 years
Walls? Walls.
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theabyssalmuses · 3 years
[ @squadronofnerds​ ]
It’s been some time, hasn’t it?
But what was ‘time’ , anyway? Something that humans percieved? A higher dimension? Was it even real?
What was ‘real’ and what wasn’t? Maybe time would tell? (But we haven’t answered the questions about that yet, either.) Perhaps...it was best not thinking about it. No, going forward, it’s best not to ask too many questions.
When ‘reality’ and ‘the virutal’ collide in a ‘virtual’ space, hosted on servers that exist in ‘reality’ - personalities that were never ‘real’ written by people who are ‘real’ meet in a ‘time’ that isn’t real (or maybe it is?) Things get complicated fast. For your sanity, and mine- and indeed hers, lets not worry about it too hard.
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“--Just what did you expect to happen, when you challenged me to rappin’? Did ya think that i’d been slackin’ were ya hopin’ to catch me nappin’?” Standing in front of mirror, having abandoned her usual attire for a grey hoodie and denim shorts, Monika can be found. A set of speakers on the desk nearby belts out a really heavy beat, sending vibrations that can be felt through the nearby floor. It’s an odd sight, to be sure-- even as the one typing it, I can’t quite imagine it in my head.
But there is no doubt. This is indeed happening - and it’s the sight Eric will be greeted with on this day. No doubt just popping by to visit-- or something like that, who knows. 
“--To be  honest, I’m quite impressed, that you think you’re makin’ progress, In this one-sided rap battle, ‘guess I gotta leave you dazzled!”
It’s impressive, really. She’s perfectly on beat, and her wordman ship is quite spectacular. One would be forgiven for thinking she’s been practicing -- but this is in fact her first time. Monika had wanted to give it a go for a while, but...well, it’s a little embarrassing.
She turns on her heel dramatically, as if she was going to perform an iconic ‘Mic Drop’ -- when she halts. If she had blood, it was certainly running cold right about now. She wasn’t alone right now, huh...
Now is the time to play it cool. Act natural, Monika!
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“Oh, Eric! How nice to see you again~! Aha...How long have you been standing there?”
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chxldeas-a · 4 years
@squadronofnerds​ asked: What is your Granblue id anyways? I would like to Add(tm) you
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((I’m still nowhere near absolute power™ but this is a good start
((Hey dashboard, if any of you play GBF, add me!
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Io is cute. CUTE.
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pleased Io noises
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“W-wait, no! I’m not just some cute little kid, you know! Call me something more fitting, liiiiike… Elegant or Beautiful!” 
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muniificus · 4 years
THIS is when the shitshow starts (starring hime @theabyssalmuses​ as alastor and monika, proot @squadronofnerds​ as themselves and eric arteaga, and kii @kiidreamu​ as angel dust.)
below the cut because i didn’t wanna spam the dash.
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coimeadaisiochana · 5 years
squadronofnerds replied to your post: Never mind, figured out what the issue was, and it...
I think it’s due to keyboards having a limit to the amount of keys one can press at once? And said limit being very weird, because certain combinations allow for more key presses in total or something along those lines.
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Technology is stupid.
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“ hm. what do you want? make it quick before i lose my fucking mind. “
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prootloops · 5 years
kanadeamo replied to your post: kanadeamo replied to your post “i feel my yukine...
my multimuse is @starshineknight​ and i rp mostly hibiki and kanade and kirika [ok hand] theres other lesser gays i am willing 2 write too BUT those r My Brand naturally
noted! in that case i may have to properly kick the dust off my own blog (@squadronofnerds, which has now evolved from a sideblog to a full fledged blog) and get it 100% running again
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squadronofnerds replied to your post: discord may be dead but it’s not stoppin’ me and...
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